l5 Fragile Ecosystems

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Are cold environments ecologically

Last lesson:
Characteristics of plants and animals located in cold
This lesson:
1. Evidence for and against ecosystems being fragile
2. Human and physical damage to ecoystems: case studies
Independent study (see last slide):
Exam question ready for next Wednesday

Key questions for Cold Environments

1. What processes and factors give cold
environments their distinctive
2. Why are cold environments considered to be
3. What are the issues associated with the
development of cold environments?
4. How can cold environments be managed to
ensure sustainability?

Activity 1
Read through pg115 of blue/yellow book
By creating a table like the one below, what
evidence is there for and against, the idea
that periglacial areas are fragile?
Fragile ecosystems?
Physical factors
Human factors

Evidence for

Evidence against

Exam questions (what you are working

towards answering)
More likely to be 9-marks as they want case
study details. For example;
Jan 2012 part c)

LEDC location: Nepal (pg151-155 orange book)

MEDC location: Parts of Europe (pg 116-117
yellow/blue book)

Activity 2
We are going to look at the mark
scheme for this question.
What sort of content are they looking

Read through the relevant pages for both
case studies.
Condense each case study onto a postcard by
picking out the most important information
(it still needs to have some detail in though!)
LEDC location: Nepal (pg151-155 orange book)
MEDC location: Parts of Europe (pg 116-117
yellow/blue book)

Activity 3
You are going to work in small groups 3
or 4.
You will start off writing your answer to
the question:
With reference to one or more located
cold environments, show how and why the
ecosystem has been damaged.

When you hear the timer, you must

swap answers with another person. You
should read through the answer you
have been given, and carry it on. You are
not allowed to change their answer, but
must continue the short essay so it
makes sense.

Independent study
Complete May 2009 part c) [9]
Use the markscheme to help you, your
notes, and info from pg111-113 of
blue/yellow book

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