Political Science Definition
Political Science Definition
Political Science Definition
Political Science is referred to the subject which deals with man as in his relation to
the state or government. In its simplest form Political Science can be suggested as
the study of man in the process of governing himself.
Aristotle is popularly known as the "Father of Political Science",
significantly this is because of his sheer brilliance regarding polis and far reaching
contribution to the field of political science. As in by some famous quotes of
Aristotle, he stated "Man is by nature a political animal."; this gives us a vivid
description of definition of political science as in regard to a man. Political Science
was first discovered by the Greek in its pure and systematic form.
Famous greek scholars like Socrates, Plato and Aristotle himself lead to extension
and sheer contribution to Political Science. The term Political Science has been
derieved from the word 'Politikos', (as of to the polis) where 'polis' is denoted as in
Politics or city-state,state. Hence Political Science deals with the problems of the
city or the state in which men live. It is therefore dereived as the study of the
activities of the state.
Political Science is defined under two heads :1) Tradition Definitions - In ancient times (olden days), Pol. Science was meant to
be the study of the state and goverment. As in the view of Ancient Scholars like a) Gilchrist stated that Political Science deals with the general problems of the
state and government.
b) Garner said that Political Science begins and ends with state.
c) Leacock regarded that Political Science deals with government.
2) Modern Definitions - In modern times. Political Science is not considered to be
the study of state and government only, but various other factors too.
According to Laski the study of politics concerns itself with the life of man in
relation to organised states.
To Max Weber, Politics is the struggle for power or the influencing of those
who powered.
Thus, as per traditional definition the state is the central theme but modern
definitions studes about the state, its orgin, structure, powers, function and also the
political behaviour of man. Hence, Political Science can be described as the
historical study of the past, analytical study of the present and ethical study of the