(Senders Name) (Address Line 1) (Address Line 2) (State, ZIP Code)
(Senders Name) (Address Line 1) (Address Line 2) (State, ZIP Code)
(Senders Name) (Address Line 1) (Address Line 2) (State, ZIP Code)
[Address line 1]
[Address line 2]
[State, ZIP Code]
Sample Letter #3: Cancel a membership or subscription
[Letter Date]
[Recipients Name]
[Address line 1]
[Address line 2]
[State, ZIP Code]
[Subject: Normally bold, summarizes the intention of the letter] -OptionalDear [Recipients Name],
Kindly process the cancellation of my subscription to Woman Talk. I feel that your magazine has
lately been focusing on superficial issues and less on matters that truly affect women in the real
world. I understand from the warranty that you will reimburse the whole subscription amount.
You can send the confirmation and reimbursement to the same address that I have previously
[Senders Name]
[Senders Title] -Optional- See more at: http://www.samplelettersworld.com/sample-letters/cancellation-letters/2010cancel-a-membership-or-subscription-sample-letter-3#sthash.5vMOxR7R.dpuf