All Company Cases
All Company Cases
All Company Cases
These cases are intended to be read in conjunction with the notes on Introduction to Company
Law. They are intended to show the reader the flavour of the case and its importance in the
development of company law. There are a number of cases on the objects clause in the
memorandum of association. These are of value in showing the history of the legal approach to
the object clause and provide evidence as to why the object clause was so radically changed in
1985 - 1989.
Company Promotion
R v Kyslant 1931
Company issued shares and in the prospectus implied that it had paid a regular dividend out of
current earnings. In fact the dividend, had for some years been paid out of reserves.
HELD : Duty to disclose as the facts must be complete enough to avoid giving a misleading
Promotion / Directors
Derry v Peek 1889
Derry and others set up a company to operate trams in Plymouth. The prospectus setting out the
details if the company said that a licence was required to operate the trams but that the issuing of
the licence was a formality. As it turned out they were wrong and a licence application was
HELD : Not fraudulent misrepresentation as the directors believed what they said. Since the
Misrepresentation Act 1967 such a statement would be considered as negligent
Ramsgate Victoria Hotel v Montefiore 1866
M applied for shares in the hotel company. He heard nothing and then after 5 months he received
a letter of acceptance. By this time he had decided that he did not want the shares.
HELD : The lapse of time was so great that the offer to buy the shares had lapsed.
Boston Deep Sea Fishing Co v Ansell 1888
Ansell was a managing director who obtained commissions from clients to whom he had given
company contracts. His employer found out and dismissed him. They also sued to recover the
lost commissions.
HELD : The dismissal was justified and Ansell was required to pay the commissions he had
Objects Clause
Introductions Ltd v National Provincial Bank Ltd 1968
The main object of the company was to provide accommodation for overseas students. The
objects clause included an express right to borrow money and a declaration that each part of the
objects clause was a main object. The company changed its business to pig breeding and
received a bank loan. When the business became insolvent the liquidator claimed that the bank
loan was ultra vires and void.
HELD: The loan was ultra vires as the power to borrow money must be subordinate to the main
objects of the business. As a result the loan was irrecoverable.
Ashbury Railway & Iron Co v Riche 1875
The objects were to make and sell railway carriages. The directors made an ultra vires contract to
build a railway.
HELD: Contract could not be valid even if it were subsequently approved by the shareholders in
general meeting.
Ewing v Buttercup Margarine Co Ltd 1917
Ewing who traded under the name Buttercup Diary Company sued to restrain a newly registered
company called Buttercup Margarine Company Ltd from using the name on the grounds that the
general public might reasonably believe that there was a link between the two businesses.
HELD: Ewing was successful.
Aerators Ltd v Tollit 1902
In this case it was held that it would have been unreasonable to prevent the registration of the
word aerator as part of the name Automatic Aerators Patents Ltd, because the word aerator was a
word in common use in the English language.
John Wilkes (Footwear) Ltd v Lee International (Footwear) 1985
Lee International ordered several pairs of moccasins from Wilkes. The order was placed on an
old form that gave the company's former name. The order was signed by one director.
HELD :The other director was not liable, in person; for the debt as he had not authorised the
making of the order.
Anglo Overseas Agencies ltd v Green 1961
This case is important for the view of Salmon J on the main objects rule of construction. "Where
a memorandum of association expresses the objects of a company in a series of paragraphs and
one paragraph. or the first two or three paragraphs appear to embody the main objective of the
company, all the other paragraphs are treated as merely ancillary to this main objective.
Note : This main objective doctrine can be excluded by an appropriate provision in the
memorandum. See: Cotman v Brougham 1918
Cotman v Brougham 1918
The objects clause contained no fewer than 30 sub clauses that permitted the rubber company to
carry on almost any business. The memorandum stated that every sub clause should be regarded
as a substantive clause in its own right. The company underwrote and was allotted shares in an
oil company. When the oil company was wound up the rubber company was placed on the list of
HELD: The rubber company was held liable as the underwriting was held to be intra vires the
rubber company.
Re German Date Coffee Co 1882
The objects of the company were specific in that it was to make coffee from dates using a
German patent. The patent was never granted and coffee was made with a Swedish patent. the
company was solvent and the majority of shareholders wanted it to continue. However two
shareholders petitioned for a winding up on the grounds that its objects had failed.
HELD: The substratum had failed as it was impossible to carry out the objects for which the
company was formed.
Re Kitson & Co 1946
The company objects were to carry out the business of general engineering and inter alia to
acquire a specified existing business. The existing business was acquired and later sold.The
company intended remaining in the general engineering business and acquiring another business.
Some shareholders petitioned for a winding up order on the grounds that the substratum had
gone ie as in German Date.
HELD: The company was not wound up as the main object was to be an engineering business.
Note in German Date a main object was to acquire and to work a particular patent.
Re Jon Beauforte (London) Ltd 1953
The company was authorised by its memorandum to carry on the business of costumers and
gownmakers. The company then started the business of making veneered panels. This was ultra
vires. Builders built the factory, coke suppliers sold the company coke. The coke company knew
from the correspondence that the company was engaged in veneer production. They therefore
were under constructive notice of the contents of the memorandum.
HELD: They were unable to sue for the price of the coal as the transaction was ultra vires
HELD : Alteration valid as it was for the genuine protection of the company.
Veil of Incorporation
Gilford Motor Co Ltd v Horne 1933
Horne left the Gilford Motor Company in order to set up his own business. When he left he
agreed that he would not solicit any of his former employers customers. As a way around this
restriction he set up a company.
HELD: Horne was prevented by an Injunction from soliciting the clients of his former employer.
His company were also subject to the injunction as the Judge went behind the veil of
incorporation and ruled that the company and Horne were one and the same.
Protection of a minority
Foss v Harbottle 1843
Foss was a shareholder in a company formed to buy land for use as a pleasure park. Foss alleged
that the defendants had defrauded the company. Foss and others in the minority attempted to sue
the defendants
HELD : Since the members of the company had not been consulted and since it was possible that
the company in membership could resolve to allow the defendants to retain their alleged profit,
the court would not permit the minority to proceed with their action.
Duty of auditor to company
Saudi Banque v Clarke Pixey & Another 28 July 1989 Ch Div
Although it was foreseeable that banks, when considering whether to continue or grant loan
facilities to a company, might rely on the companies audited accounts, the auditors did not owe a
duty of care because the relationship between the banks and auditors was not sufficient to create
a duty of care.
Stephen John
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