2.1.1 Order Management: Order Entry and Validation - The Order Entry Process Captures
2.1.1 Order Management: Order Entry and Validation - The Order Entry Process Captures
2.1.1 Order Management: Order Entry and Validation - The Order Entry Process Captures
One of the major problems service providers often grapple with is that, as
new services are added to the offerings, led by different business units, the
lack of flexible order management platform results in product/service specific
OSS/BSS applications. These in turn result in higher time-to-market as well
as increased costs of maintaining many different applications and systems.
Product catalog based Order Management solutions attempt to solve these
problems by storing and processing qualification rules for services based on
customer profiles, ordering channels, service locations, product
interdependencies, availability, customer eligibility and other business
2.1.2 Service Provisioning
The following figure illustrates how fault management works.
voice dial-out.
Fault Management systems usually provide graphical network displays which
are projected on large screens at the Network Operations Centres (NOC).
NOC operators can see role-based views on their consoles, shortcuts to
operations they perform the most as well as tools to quickly make
connections to EMS to perform any testing or diagnostic operation.
2.2.2 Network Performance Management
Performance Management components in NMS and other Alarm Handlers
monitor applications and systems and collect performance variables of
interest at specified intervals. Performance variables of interest may be
service provider network edge availability, customer premises availability,
response times, packet delivery rate, packet losses, latencies, jitters and out
of sequence packet reorder, etc., to name a few.
One way to capture performance metrics is collecting event logs, CDRs and
other performance data such as counters or timers that the network and
system elements maintain as part of their normal operation. This is referred
to as passive measurement. Performance data is captured by polling MIB
using SNMP or using syslog, (I & II), FTP, EMS feeds, etc. Most passive
measurements report on a single network element.
For example, an Ethernet Switch may have a MIB which provides in and out
data volumes of each port, histograms of frame sizes, number and types of
erroneous frames, central processing unit (CPU) busy status. Associated
Remote Monitoring (RMON) MIB-type data can then list ten most active
users, etc. Performance Management tools can access the data by using
SNMP to poll the MIBs at predefined intervals.
Statistics on performance variables can also be captured via dedicated
network appliances known such as probes and sniffers that monitor or
probe customers local loop connections, packet performance, etc. This form
of performance testing is usually referred to as active testing.
Packet sniffers typically monitor signaling protocols such as SIP and RTP by
inspecting packets on the wire/fiber, using pings, DNS, FTP, HTTP fetches,
etc. Examples include WireShark and Geoprobes.
Probes such as Brix Networks BrixWorks Verifiers and Tektronix/Minacom IVR
tools typically emulate customer traffic in order to test or probe specific
paths to measure the quality of the services supported. Probes could be
either placed into the network or could be built into network elements such
as in the case of Ciscos IP Service Level Agreements tools.
Note that active measurement measures a service, such as application
response time, instead of the internal operation of a network element.
An example of active network performance test is injecting ping (short,
network layer echo packet) into the network aimed at a remote IP address.
Round-trip time is measured if the ping packet returns, and an error counter
is incremented if it doesnt.
Performance statistics captured by active or passive performance tests
are normalized and routed to relational databases and/or data-warehouses.
An alternative is to pass the performance data directly to Performance
Management tools. For example, Concord eHealth could collect performance
statistics from Netcool agents via SNMP polls at a pre-defined interval.
Performance statistics are initially analyzed to determine the normal
(baseline) levels. Appropriate thresholds are determined for each of the
interesting performance variable so that exceeding the thresholds indicates a
Performance Management tools then measure the performance variables
Probes are placed into the network to automatically find devices and circuits.
Also, most network elements provide MIBs that can be polled via SNMP to
discover the network, although discovering the network topology in its
entirety may not be guaranteed. Backup paths, virtual private networks,
MPLS, etc., can make it very difficult to discover actual paths, through
multiplexed links, patch panels, and test equipment [3].
Also, most Topology Management Systems allow the network operator to
provide hints so that the system, for instance, in order that the system can
ignore certain portions of the network. This makes it easier to discover
relevant portions of the network more accurately.
Some service providers may run network discovery routines on a daily basis
to discover any unauthorized changes to the network topology as a result of
security intrusions or unplanned insertion of devices.
Moreover, network elements and computer systems have a variety of version
information associated with them. For example, a workstation may have:
Operation System, version 32, Ethernet Interface, version 5.4, TCP/IP
Software, version 2.0 and SNMP Software, version 3.1. Since multiple
engineers/network operators work on making changes to the network
equipment, tracking the changes manually would be very tedious and errorprone. Configuration Management tools help automates the tracking of the
changes. Configuration Management systems store the configurations in a
database or LDAP server for easy access.
They also enable network operators to change configurations of the network
elements as well as to roll back a change to a previous configuration, if
When a problem in the network occurs, network operators often search the
Configuration Management database for clues that can help solve the
2.2.4. Planning & Testing
Network Planning solutions help determine when a communication network
needs an upgrade or additional equipment as well as to predict the impact of
changes to a service providers networks topology, configuration, traffic and
technology. They provide simulation tools that help the network operators to
project how growth in network traffic will affect the network performance.
Based on the results and other planning activities, network operators can
take countermeasures such as increase capacity.
Testing is an important activity in setting up a network or customer circuits.
For simplicity in understanding the gamut of testing activities, let us divide
them into the following:
1. Testing of existing network or a change
2. Integration testing of services configured for the customer
3. End-to-end testing of services configured for the customer
Testing the entire network platform - including the equipment, services and
call quality is critical for assessing the system prior to deployment and for
service assurance in production environments [4].
Network testing tools usually simulate a production environment and
generate synthetic voice, video and data traffic, which helps measure
call/data quality, network performance, and the affects of any changes to the
network or increasing traffic or adding new applications. These tests typically
include tests like DNS, HTTP, RTP, Ping, etc. Also, during ongoing operations,
these testing tools enable active testing of facilities.
Another form of testing is integration testing of network setup for the
customer, i.e., routes, circuits, etc. configured for a customer. Network
2.3 Billing
IDC [6] defines Billing as: the processing and compiling of charges and
enabling of revenue collection for network usage, feature transactions, and
access charges of the services.Mediation systems collect network usage data
from the network elements and convert to billable statistics.
The following figure depicts a simple Billing flow:
Traditionally, for phone calls, Call Detail Records (CDR) have been used to
record the details of the circuit-switched phone call. CDR includes
information on start time of call, end time of call, duration of call, originating
and termination numbers. CDRs are stored until a billing cycle runs. For IP
Based Services, a new standard is gaining acceptance called Internet
Protocol Detail Record (IPDR). IPDR supports both voice and data.
Billing systems use mediation output to determine charges for the
customers. It is also used to feed other downstream applications such as
Fraud and Churn Management.
2.3.2 Rating
Rating systems calculate the charge for an individual call, IP usage event,
etc. using the CDRs/IPDRs. Rating systems apply charges based on preconfigured pricing rules, applicable discounts and rebates from promotions.
This rating process has grown increasingly complex in recent years. In older
times, it was solely a matter of taking the length of the call, assigning a
price based on the mileage band (calculated by cross-referencing the prefix
of the originating and terminating numbers in a table of values), and
assigning discounts based on the time of day (peak, evening, night), day of
the week, and holidays.
Modern rating systems can assign discounts based on calling circles, provide
flexible rating plans based on size of accounts and increase switching costs
[2]. These serve as strategic marketing tools but can be very complex to
administer and operate.
2.3.3 Billing Systems
Billing systems aggregate rated calls, IP/data usage events, etc. and
calculate customer invoices. In the United States, billing is usually performed
once a month.
Billing systems combine rated records with prior balance information,
payment records, recurring charges (such as line rentals), one-time fees
(such as installation and service charges), promotions and discounts
associated with the customer account, taxes and credits. Overnight billing
batch jobs are among the largest batch environment at a CSPs operating
environment. Each customer is assigned a specific billing cycle.
According to Insight [2], the holy grails of the billing industry are unified
billing and convergent billing. With unified billing, a customer gets a single
bill for all services provided (or billed) by the service provider, appropriately
rated, discounted, and taxed, and a single contact for inquiries and
2.3.4. Interconnection Billing
In the competitive world of communications, service providers often tie-up
with partners, in order to bundle their own products with their partners. This
helps the service providers to provide attractive bundles of products and
services. However, in order to successfully settle interconnect billing
settlements an effective Interconnection Billing is required.
Interconnection Billing products support inter-working of a service providers
billing systems with the corresponding systems of another service provider,
based on interconnect agreements and contracts.
2.3.5. Revenue Assurance
Revenue Assurance & Fraud Management systems verify billing, detect and
identify unauthorized usage of service provider network assets. Some of the
kinds of frauds are Usage and Subscription.
3. Conclusion
3.1 Summary