The Star News May 14 2015

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May 14, 2015

Volume 142 + Number 20

Medford, Wisconsin



Migratory bird day Page 14

Taking it to
the voters
School finance committee calls for
referendum for maintenance work

Medford soccer
team struggles


by Reporter Mark Berglund

Feet-N-Motion holds
dance performance

Ask Ed

Bus vs. minivan

photo by Brian Wilson

A collision between a school bus and a minivan caused traffic delays near the
Medford Area Senior High campus Wednesday morning. The vehicle sustained visible damage to the drivers side door area and front wheel. The collision occurred
on Hwy 64 near the west driveway at the school. According to the Medford School
District, there were no students on the bus when the accident occurred. No injuries
were reported.

Area veterans take

part in honor flight

Page 9

Area deaths
Obituaries start on
page 20 for:
Kenneth A. Ellenbecker
Julius Griesbach Jr.
Warren Kleiber
Claire F. Obenhoffer
Anthony J. Ostrowski,
Gladys Pawelko
Anola Mae Pernsteiner
Harold Rau
Lawrence Smith
Norman Thieme
Leo Vander Kamp Jr.
Claire Zenner

The Medford Area School Districts finance committee

advanced a $4.796 million referendum proposal to the full
school board after a discussion of the issue at its meeting on Friday afternoon in the district office. The money
would be spent on a variety of maintenance issues at all
four school buildings.
The full school board will get its first look at the proposed projects on May 21 at its regular meeting. Because
of the election cycle, the board will have several months
to study the issue before a final decision on going to election or setting the question is needed. The 2016 general
spring election is April 5.
Finance committee members Dave Fleegel, Jeff Peterson and Mark Reuter approved the referendum plan forward with a voice vote. The cost for items listed for the
possible referendum are described as a rough estimate.
The proposal includes no money for the outdoor athletic
field repairs and upgrades which the All Sports Booster
Club is working to finance.
The projects and costs are based on rough estimates.

See MEDFORD on page 15

County questions campground closure

Residents, officials meet with
forest service to try and get
Kathryn Lake sites reopened
by News Editor Brian Wilson
Area residents and elected officials came together last week to try and save the Kathryn
Lake campground.
The eight-unit campground in the town of
Grover was not opened this spring because of
budget cutbacks at the Chequamegon-Nicolet
National Forest.
According to Jeff Mell, lands and recreation
program manager for the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest, the closure is hopefully
a temporary one for this season only. He explained that for several years the forest service
has been robbing Peter to pay Paul with funds
in order to keep all the facilities in the region

impact someone. All of these

are somebodys favorite camphowever,
ground, Mell said.
campAccording to Mell, conversaing
tions, such as the ones being held
down in recent
about Kathryn Lake, are beyears and the cost of
ing held in communities
maintethroughout the national
nance going up, the forest
service was faced with the
Vetter said the cost
tough choice of not opening
of running the campsome areas across the sprawling
Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest. In
keeping the grass
Taylor County, Kathryn Lake campground
mowed, testing the
and North Twin Lake campground were
drinking water on a
closed in the budget cutting measures.
regular basis, cleaning
According to Tim Vetter of the USDA Forout fire pits and testing
est Service, the closures were determined by
the beach water to ensure
balancing use versus cost of operation.
Mell emphasized the pavilion and picJeff Mell, of the USDA it is safe. The sign for the
nic area, along with the boat landing and Forest Service, explains the beach area has been removed and a gate blocks
pier, are open at Kathryn Lake. He said
reasons campgrounds were
they recognized no matter where they deSee FOREST on page 4
cided to not open a campground, it would not reopened this year.

When you live healthy, you live happy.

Aspirus can help you live a more joyful life.
Medford ........ 715.748.2121
Gilman .......... 715.447.8293
Rib Lake ........ 715.427.5701
Prentice ........ 715.428.2521
Phillips ......... 715.339.4035


Page 2


The only newspaper published in

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Carol OLeary........................Publisher/Editor
Kris OLeary ....................... General Manager
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Safe driving awards

J. Bauer Trucking held its 38th annual
Driver Safety Awards Banquet on April 3.
Terry Kayhart (above) was recognized for
one million safe driving miles without an
accident. Jon Bauer (below right) congratulates Bill Smith for his one million safe
driving miles without an accident and his
longevity with J. Bauer Trucking.
submitted photos

*POSTMASTER This information is provided to our mail

subscriber as a convenience for reporting newspapers which are
being delivered late. The Star News is published weekly by Central
Wisconsin Publications at Medford, WI 54451. Subscription rates
Wisconsin; $50 per year out of Wisconsin. Send address changes to:
The Star News, P.O. Box 180, Medford, WI 54451.


Hi 59F
Lo 47F

Prom queen Morgan Birkenholz and king Jordan Lemke (center) presided over the
2015 Gilman High School prom court. Members of the court were (in alphabetical
order): Ethan Aldinger, Laura Bolstad, Zane Chaplinskl, Amanda Dahl, Jacob Dalsky,
Gabe Dietzler, Mackenzie Elwood, Isabella Franzen, Breanna Fryza, Anthony Guentner, Dustin Hartzell, Emily Johnson, Racheal Krug, Travis Lato, Katelynn Monson,
Bobbi Jo Nelson, Bryer Nichols, Mariah Person, Robert Quinnnell, Leanne Rafferty,
Jonathan Rucks, Tucker Schmuckal, Kyla Schoene, Emmit Shereld, Zachary Sonnentag, Donovan Tischer (not pictured), Jordan Vieras and Mackenzie Webster.

Founder of News Service 2000

to speak at Goodrich church
Dr. Pat, founder and director of News
Service 2000, will share stories of persecution of Christians in the Middle East
and North Africa on Saturday, May 16 at
6 p.m. at Goodrich Community Church.
The church is located east of Goodrich on
Hwy 64 and 500 feet north on Spring Dr.
Dr. Pat has traveled extensively for 33
years in countries where there is limited

religious freedom to bring Bibles, support and encouragement to Christians

who are persecuted for their faith. An offering will be received to help with her
There will be refreshments and fellowship following the presentation. The public is invited to attend.

Bird club plans eld trip to McMillan Marsh


Date Received _____________________________________
Signed ____________________________________________

Photo by Jennifer Chause

Gilman prom court


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Medford, WI 54451 for Taylor County
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Thursday, May 14, 2015

Community Calendar
Gamblers Anonymous Meetings
Call 715-297-5317 for dates, times and

Sunday, May 17
Alcoholics Anonymous Open 12
Step Study Meeting 7 p.m. Community United Church of Christ, 510 E.
Broadway, Medford.

Monday, May 18
Take Off Pounds Sensibly (TOPS)
1013 of Rib Lake Meeting Weigh-in
5:30 p.m. Meeting 6:30 p.m. Rib Lake Senior Citizens Center, Hwy 102 and Front
Street. Information: Mary 715-427-3593 or
Sandra 715-427-3408.
Taylor County Day Care Provider
Support Group Meeting 7 p.m. The
Sports Page, 1174 W. Broadway Ave.,
Medford. Information: Kelly Emmerich
Taylor County Autism Support
Group 6 p.m. Taylor County Education Center, 624 College Ave., Medford.

The Chequamegon Bird Club is planning a field trip to McMillan Marsh on

Monday, May 18. Carpooling is available

from Medford. For more information,

call 715-965-3498.

Tuesday, May 19

American Legion Auxiliary 274

Meeting 6:30 p.m. Legion Clubhouse,
727 McComb Ave., Rib Lake.

Medford Rotary Club Meeting

Breakfast 6:45 a.m. Filling Station Cafe
& Bar, 884 W. Broadway Ave., Medford.
Information: 715-748-0370.
Al-Anon Meeting 7 p.m. Community United Church of Christ, 510 E.
Broadway, Medford. Information: 715427-3613.
Alcoholics Anonymous Open Topic
Meeting 7 p.m. Community United
Church of Christ, 510 E. Broadway, Medford.
Overeaters Anonymous Meeting
7 p.m. Hwy 64 and Main Street, Medford.
Information: 715-512-0048.

Wednesday, May 20
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
7 p.m. Senior Citizens Center, Hwy 102
and Front Street, Rib Lake. Information:
Arlene 715-427-3613.
Brain Injury Support Group Meeting 6:30 p.m. Town of Hill Town Hall.
Information: 715-767-5467.
Womens Empowerment Group
Meeting 6-7 p.m. Information: Stepping Stones 715-748-3795.

Thursday, May 21
Medford Kiwanis Club Meeting
Noon lunch. Frances L. Simek Memorial
Library, 400 N. Main St., Medford. Information: 715-748-3237.
Medford Association of Rocket Science (MARS) Club Meeting 6-9 p.m.
First Floor Conference Room, Taylor
County Courthouse, 224 S. Second St.,
Medford. Everyone welcome. Information: 715-748-9669.
Meeting 7 p.m. Community United
Church of Christ, 510 E. Broadway, Medford.

Friday, May 22
Narcotics Anonymous Open Meeting 7 p.m. Community United Church
of Christ, 510 E. Broadway, Medford. Information: 715-965-1568.

7-Day Forecast for Medford, Wisconsin

Last weeks weather recorded at the Medford Wastewater Treatment Plant.

Weather forecast information from the National Weather Service in La Crosse

The weather is taken from 8 a.m. to 8 a.m. the following day. For example 8 a.m. Tuesday to 8 a.m. Wednesday.

Hi 70F
Lo 54F

Hi 73F
Lo 62F

Hi 74F
Lo 45F

Hi 57F
Lo 36F

Hi 63F
Lo 40F

Hi 64F
Lo 44F

Hi 69F
Lo 44F
Precip. 0

Hi 69F
Lo 46F
Precip. .08

Hi 73F
Lo 47F
Precip. .03

Hi 79F
Lo 57F
Precip. .15

Hi 61F
Lo 45F
Precip. .01

Hi 65F
Lo 40F
Precip. 0

Hi 63F
Lo 45F
Precip. .23



Thursday, May 14, 2015

Page 3

City wants input on naming new road

New industrial park road part of
expansion to serve mink food plant

Liquor licences

by News Editor Brian Wilson

Area residents will have a voice in the name of a new
road in the Medford industrial park.
The road, which leads south of CTH O between Gibson Ave. and Progressive Ave. will provide access to
the new industrial park and a planned mink food plant.
Currently, the city does not have a name for the road.
Options suggested by the citys planning commission
last week did not click with members of the city council
Monday night.
The list of suggested names included Simek Drive,
after business leader and Tombstone Pizza founder Joseph Pep Simek; Mink Drive, after the primary business to be located there; or naming it after any of the
former city mayors.
Alderman Peggy Kraschnewski noted she would
sooner see 9th St. near the location of the former Tombstone corporate headquarters renamed than name the
industrial park road after Simek. The former Tombstone office has been the corporate office for Weather
Shield Windows for many years.
Alderman Greg Knight suggested Expansion Drive,
similar to the nearby Progressive Ave. However, other
aldermen did not bite on the suggestion.
For alderman Clem Johnson, the case against Mink
Drive or naming it after former mayor Dee Meyer, are
with the possible confusion for emergency services
with other roads in the county with similar names.
With no motions made about the name, Mayor Mike
Wellner suggested an option would be for the Medford
Area Chamber of Commerce to run a contest and come
up with suggestions for the road name. City coordinator
John Fales said they will start building the road next
month and would like to have a name in place so they
can finalize the plat. He said at the very least a road
name needed to be in place before construction begins
on the planned building in the industrial park to allow
an address for material deliveries.
Emmerich agreed to the idea of running a contest
with the goal of bringing suggestions back to the first
committee of the whole meeting in June.

Hwy 13 update
While there are no plans on the table to bypass Hwy
13 around the city of Medford anytime soon, the message sent by representatives from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (DOT) is that limiting highway access would help prevent any such action in the
Marc Bowker, Dam Anderson and Dena Young from
the DOTs Spooner office talked to aldermen about the

Patio request

photo by Mark Berglund

The manager of Main Street Bar and Grill is seeking

permission to put a fenced patio area behind the business to allow people to smoke with their drinks.
need for access management in order to have a sustainable highway system. According to Bowker, the DOT
has three different classifications for roads based on
their use. The first group is arterial roads which includes freeways and roads such as Hwy 13 that are managed for traffic mobility. The second type are collector
roads, such as CTH O which are managed for both mobility and access. The third type are local streets with
management focused on access.
According to Anderson, who is the person in charge
of approving or denying driveway access onto state
roads in the region, the greater the number of access
points, the more dangerous a road is for drivers. Forty
driveways per mile will increase crashes by 60 percent
compared to 20 driveways per mile, he said.
Bowker explained the state rates roads on a scale of
A to F with A being clear mobility and F being
gridlock. He rated Hwy 13 through Medford as being in
the upper B range on the scale. He said the state usually looks at taking action when roads start to get in the
D range.
Bowker assured the city there was no desire to build
a bypass. We have no plans for a bypass, he said.
There isnt anything on the radar, Anderson said.
However, he emphasized the need to control access
points with such things as shared driveway entrances
or using side roads to access properties with state highway frontage.
Bowker noted traffic flows on state roads have declined in recent years. He said currently traffic statewide is still below 2005 levels. This has delayed projects
such as the possibility of expanding Hwy 13 to four lanes
all the way to Hwy 29.

Questioned were raised about a request to grant

Main Street Bar permission to have a fenced-in 10 foot
by 25 foot patio area behind the tavern to allow outdoor
liquor consumption. Similar patio areas are common at
other businesses with liquor licenses and the request
came up during the license renewal process. Main
Street resident Dave Zimmerman wrote a letter to the
city in opposition to the idea. Zimmerman stated while
the current manager has improved the control of patron
behavior, he questioned if he would be able to adequately control the area. If management cant control the
existing situation, whos to say that an approval for the
expanded area will not cause more issues, Zimmerman
stated in his letter.
As it stands now, Main Street Bar and Grill has been
a good neighbor, we would like to keep it that way,
Zimmerman wrote.
Dave Brandner raised concern about the intent of the
area. One of the reasons the tavern manager, James Peterson, asked for the extra space was to allow patrons
to go outside with their drinks and smoke. Brandner
questioned if this would be allowed under the state law
that prohibits smoking in taverns. He said if people
bring their drink outside, that could be an extension of
the tavern workplace. He suggested Peterson check into
that before going through with the expense of building
a fence.
In the end, aldermen tabled that request pending additional information and recommended approval of other routine liquor license renewals. City clerk Virginia
Brost reported the city had a maximum of 16 licenses
available for on-site consumption of beer and liquor,
but only 11 were being used.
In other business, alderman:

Recommended approval of a new lease for the

city-owned Medford Area Chamber of Commerce office.
The only change in the terms of the lease is an increase
of $10 per month to $290 for use of the space in the historic former library building.

Recommended approval of a lease for County

Wireless of Marshfield for the placement of antennas
and hardware on the citys water towers for $150 per
month. The city previously had a lease agreement with
db Wireless, but that lease has since expired. County
Wireless is an internet service provider. As part of the
deal, the Medford Area Fire Department will get free internet access.

Recommended approval to apply for a 3 percent

simplified water rate increase. The city did a full rate
increase in 2012 and the simplified rate increases allow
for inflationary adjustment to maintain the allowable
rate of return for the water utility. The increase must
be approved by the states public service commission.

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Page 4

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Forest service closure of Kathryn Lake campground draws concern

Continued from page 1
access to the campground area. The campground area is also closed to walkers and
other forms of access.
Vetter said that is off limits because
of liability concerns. Because it was not
going to be opened this spring, forest service crews have not done any work to remove dead or potentially dangerous trees.
While he noted a tree could fall anywhere
in the forest, there is a greater window of
liability in an improved area.
While not being able to meet maintenance standards was one of the reasons
given for the temporary closure, residents
at the meeting noted that often in recent
years, the fire pits would not be cleaned
out and the well often was shut down. Vetter explained there have been issues with
the well because of low water usage at the
campground and maintenance has been
cut back in recent years to try and save
money. Now, however, faced with not
enough money in their budget to keep the
campground open to federal standards,
Vetter said it was necessary to temporarily close it.
The community meeting had been
called by the Taylor County Tourism
Committee and was held at the Grover
Town Hall. Among the approximately 20
people in attendance were three county
supervisors, Dave Lemke, Sue Breneman
and Lester Lewis. Lemke is the chair of
the tourism committee and Lewis and
Breneman both serve areas impacted by
the federal cutbacks.
Part of the challenge, said Mell, is the
forest plan was developed with the assumption of fees being able to increase
to match inflation. However, any increases must come down from higher in
the bureaucracy and as a result have not
changed in many years.
Also impacting the forest services revenues have been the elimination of the
Wisconsin Conservation Corps program
which used to provide reduced-cost labor
to the forest service for projects. However,

the state discontinued that program.

County clerk Bruce Strama raised the
question of additional timber harvest in
the forest and if that would help generate more revenue. It is different color
money, Mell said, explaining the forest
logging program is run separate from the
recreational programs and funding for
the two areas comes from different sources and does not mix.
Lewis, who recently returned from a
lobbying trip to Washington, D.C. said
not to expect much in the way of help
from congress. However, he did encourage residents to contact the offices of Rep.
Sean Duffy and senators Ron Johnson and
Tammy Baldwin with concerns about not
enough funding to keep facilities open. He
said Sen. Tammy Baldwins office was the
most helpful when he was there, but said
Duffys office was the least helpful with
his staff not understanding the difference
between the types of federal lands.
Also in attendance at the meeting were
members of the Grover Town Board.
Grover chairman Craig Bolz said
they understood budgets and the need to
make cuts. However, he said the biggest
question for those at the meeting was if
there was a way to get the campground reopened this year and possibly in time for
the 4th of July weekend.
Vetters short answer was no. He said
in order to reopen Kathryn Lake campground, they would have to end up closing
a different facility somewhere else in order to free up the funds. However, he did
suggest there may be an option to reopen
the site in the future.
Vetter said a major cost-saving method
for the campgrounds is to utilize campground hosts. These are people who do
routine maintenance, such as cleaning and mowing campsites and making
sure bathrooms are stocked, along with
providing some rule enforcement, in exchange for being able to camp there over
the summer. While Vetter noted he did
not think any campground was too small
to have a host, he said the reality is that it

Memorial Day Program & Legacy Wall Dedication

At The Veterans Memorial Flag Field, Medford, WI

May 25, 2015 at 10:30 a.m.

The Landua Jensen American Legion Post #147, the Medford VFW Post #5729 and Disabled American Veterans, Rib
River chapter 31, invite you to attend our program to honor the memory of those that gave their lives for our Country.
We will also read the names of 55 of our local service men and women who have served and are being honored by the
placement of a granite stone in the Legacy Wall in 2015.
This year the band Sojourner will be providing live music for our program.
The public is invited to attend and encouraged to bring lawn chairs and help honor our families, friends and neighbors
who have served in the armed forces. We want to invite the family members of the 55 service members whose stones
are being dedicated this year.
- Sgt. Jace Klimeck, Army National Guard
- SP3 Peter Wanke, Army
- Marvin A. Schrader, National Guard
- S. Sgt. Richard Dums, USAF
- Lorenty Czarnezki, Army 1864-1865
- John Czarnezki Jr., Army 1918-1919
- Gerald Czarnezki, Navy 1942-1945
- James Czarnezki, Army 1971-1973
- John Czarnezki IV, Army 1983-1985
- Christopher Czarnezki, WIARNG 1986 to present
- Shane Czarnezki, ARNG 1993-2001
- Sgt. John J. Fuchs, Army-Korea & Japan
- SP4 Thomas J. Olson, Army-Germany
- Lt. Col. Norma Meier McMorrow, USAF
- Captain Lola Meier Church, Army
- PFC Richard A. Miller, USMC-Japan Okinawa
- SHC Jack A. Patterson, Navy
- SP5 Gaylin E. Edwards, Army-Korea
- SFC Robert Schattl, Army-Korean War
- Doc. J.N. Dougherty, Navy
- TSGT E6 Joseph Rizzi, Army Air Force
- CPL Vincent Sackmann, Army Air Force
- PFC Nicholas Henrichs, Army
- TSGT Ken Patterson, USAF
- SPC John Patterson, Army
- PFC Stanley J. Baldys, Army
- SP4 James F. Sahr, Army
- Sgt. Jared Werner, Army-Purple Heart

There will be a limited amount of parking at the ag eld site for the elderly and handicapped,
entrance is on the north side of the Melvin Companies property on North Rd.

photo by Brian Wilson

County tourism committee chairman Dave Lemke (left) listens as Jeff Mell of the
USDA Forest Service explains local closures are part of closures impacting 11 percent
of the total recreational areas in the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest.
is difficult to find a host for sites that do
not have amenities such as power or water hookups.
Vetter said one option to reopen the
site would be to use a challenge grant.
Under this program, a local group or community would pledge an amount of money
or equivalent labor to help maintain
the facility. One of the challenges with
Kathryn Lake is its location which is
more than 20 miles from the forest services Medford ranger station. He estimated
it costs about $900 per campsite per year
in order to keep the facility open. Camping fees, he said, only cover a portion of
that amount.
According to Vetter, the lowest match
for a challenge grant program is 20 percent of a project cost but they are developed on a case-by-case basis. He said there
is already a precedent for these types of
cooperative agreements in Taylor County, giving the example of the Perkinstown
Motorized Trail which is owned by the
forest service but operated by the county
using state grant money. County forest

administrator Russ Aszmann said that

agreement has worked well for both the
county and area users.
Bolz questioned the time involved in
getting an agreement in place. The town
already operates the pavilion and park
area, and the Chequamegon Wildlife and
Recreation Club has ongoing projects to
improve the boat landing area and fishing
Vetter said the process would take
time to complete, but was realistic in saying the campground would not reopen
this year.
Grover clerk Mary Quante said they
could have the item on the agenda for
their June board meeting. Lemke also expressed a desire to get the ball rolling on
a partnership agreement, noting the area
was needed to help promote and grow
tourism in the county.
For now, the Kathryn Lake campground is closed and will remain so unless additional funding or a partnership
agreement is reached.

P.O. Box 180, Medford, WI 54451

In Taylor County ..................... $39/year .............. $26/6 months

Elsewhere in Wisconsin .......... $41/year .............. $28/6 months
Out of Wisconsin ..................... $50/year .............. $32/6 months

City/State/Zip ___________________________________________________________

- Herbert Eppensteiner, USMC-Vietnam

- SPC4 Ronald L. Sperl, Army-Vietnam
- SPC Cole P. Hartl, Army-Iraq
- PFC Henry C. Behling, Army-Korea
- ISG Gary W. Krug, WIARNG-Iraq
- SSG Kelsey J. Krug, WIARNG
- CPT Kyle E. Krug, Army
- T5 Roy A. Kauss, Army-WW2
- SPC4 Steve R. Kauss, Army
- CPL Corlas E. Meier, Army-Korean War
- Nernberger Brothers, USANG-Lynn, Todd, Neil, Kent, Ryan
- 2LT John A. Werner Jr., Army Air Corps-WW2
- AIC Robert J. Larson, USAF-Korean War
- SFP2 Garon S. Roberts, USN
- CPL Wm Bill Hayden Sr., Army-WW2
- Sgt. Jack Hayden, USAF-Vietnam
- E9 Thomas Hayden, USAF-Vietnam
- Sgt. Jim Hayden, USAF-Vietnam
- Harry C. Allman, US Navy-WW2
- S. Sgt. Arthur Freiboth, Army-WW2-Purple Heart
- Norman Ekdahl, USMC-Nicaragua
- PFC Roy J. Lamberty, Army
- George E. Daniels, USAR
- Raymond Daniels, USAR
- Bruce A. Daniels, USA
- Harold W. Neumueller, Navy-WW2
- SFC John Klimeck Sr., Navy-WW2

Budget choices

Phone # ______________ Email Address ____________________________________

We accept Discover, MasterCard or VISA
Circle One


NEW: Online & Print Bundle (must be purchased online at
In Taylor County ..... $49/year

Elsewhere in Wisconsin..........$51/year Out of Wisconsin..............$60/year

Online Only...................... $39/year

Eloranta helped Medford students for 31 years
Thursday, May 14, 2015


Page 5

by Reporter Mark Berglund

Pat Eloranta has seen changes in the Medford Area
Senior High library, but the goal of helping students
and staff effectively find the information they need has
not changed after 31 years with the school district. She
retires at the end of the 2014-15 school year with almost
40 total years of helping students learn.
Eloranta taught in an Owen parochial school before
taking time off with a young family. When she returned
to the full-time job market, the librarian position was
open in Medford and she took on the job. The librarian
position requires not only a teaching degree, but a masters in library science within the first five years on the
Eloranta started with the district in 1984. In terms of
library chronology, it means she started in the era of
a physical card catalog. The information on a librarys
holdings was typed onto index cards and then filed manually into long alphabetical drawers by title, subject
and author. Eloranta said those card catalog trays and
cabinets found a new home when the process was computerized. She thinks the drawers still hold art supplies
somewhere in the district.
Todays Dewey decimal system may be digital, but
to Eloranta the job remains about reaching kids with
information where they are comfortable. Digital magazine subscriptions are coming next year, but in many
cases, it still comes down to a physical book in hand.
They might ask can you find me another title like
this one? Its rewarding to put the right book in their
hands, Eloranta said.
The high schools choice reading program drives usage in fiction as students no longer read as many classassignment novels, but now pick appropriate books
to their lives. They still read a lot, Eloranta said.
She said the library has added space for fiction titles,
and there is a balancing act to get all the titles on the
shelves. If it all came back at once, I wouldnt have the
room, she said.
Students still come to the library in the same ways
as previous generations. Its before school, after school,
during study halls or signing out of class. There is a
nice common area, but Eloranta thinks todays students are more academic and less social when seeking
out the library. She is there to help students research
the information they need, whether it is on a shelf or in
the library computer lab. When a paper is due, every
computer is in use, she said. She thinks the library will

Aiding the search

photo by Mark Berglund

Pat Eloranta, the library specialist at Medford Area Senior High, has spent the past 31 years helping students find
the right titles and information through district holdings and other resources.

continue to be a technology hub next year as Chromebooks debut at the high school level.
Eloranta has ben a district leader in developing technology usage and resources. Her final year with the
district ends with her being part of the committee to
develop the next three-year plan. She works with staff
to maintain and develop their technology skills and
resources. Im in a lot of places helping with digital
citizenship. I do a lot of professional development, she
Eloranta said the days she spends in her role are not

duplicated. Every day is different, she said. There

are days I work on computer issues, there are days in
classrooms, days in computer labs and days working
with teachers to help plan for the next unit they will
Eloranta has plenty to look forward to in the fall. The
garden awaits, there are fish to catch and places to visit.
A granddaughter in British Columbia is another draw.
She said the 300 commuting miles each school week will
not be missed.


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Medford prom court

Photo by Frese Frame Photography

Prom queen Esther Lusenge and king Jacob Geiger (center) presided over the 2015 Medford Area Senior High
School prom court on April 25. Members of the prom court were: Amanda Bauer and Brayan Rivas, Hannah Brandner and Ty Wrage, Lakyn Kummer and Colton Nelson, Elise Southworth and AJ Felix, Esther Lusenge and Jacob
Geiger, Ashley Tabbert and Klayton Kree, Cassandra Meyer and Mike Knight, Jenice Clausnitzer and Ben Meier,
Chelsea Rausch and Brent Winter, and Chantal Kloth and Wyatt Dohrwardt. They are pictured with last years prom
king and queen, Bailey Feddick and John Shear.

Rae Ann Wichlacz MS, LPC, CSAC - Director/Therapist

Gayle Pierce MS, LPC, CSAC, LCSW - Therapist/Counselor
Lanny L. Parker AODA, CSAC - Therapist/Counselor

A newspapers circulation figure

tells just half of the story.
On average, 2.5 people read
each copy of the newspaper.


Page 6A

14, 2011

Star News

High school citizenship test requirement makes sense

The idea of self-government is in the
first three words of the Constitution.
What are these words?
Life, Liberty, Happiness
Be it Resolved
We the People
Make no law
If you were born on United States soil
(including overseas military bases and
embassies) or have a parent who is a citizen, congratulations you are a natural
born citizen with all the privileges and
responsibilities that come with the title.
If you are among the millions of
Americans who have immigrated here
from other countries in search of freedom and opportunity, the process is a
little more complicated. In order to become a naturalized United States citizen,
people must go through a lengthy process
including an interview and passing a civ-

ics test.
The question printed above is one
of those a prospective citizen would be
asked in the test. Other questions include
such things as the number of amendments there have been to the constitution, how many justices sit on the U.S.
Supreme Court or the names of the two
major political parties.
Someone applying for citizenship
must pass the test. There is no such requirement for those born into citizenship.
Much as those who convert to a religion often have a deeper understanding
of the tenants of the faith they choose
than those who were born into it, many
natural born Americans have little understanding of how the countrys system
of government works. They do not know,
nor seemingly care, how bills become
laws or why it may be a bad thing to al-

low unlimited cash contributions from

corporations to campaign coffers.
Rep. Jimmy Boy Edming wants to
change that. He recently introduced legislation to require all high school students to take the 100-question citizenship
test immigrants must take and pass with
at least 60 correct answers in order to receive a diploma or its equivalent.
The idea quickly drew complaints
from those who object to any mandate
or testing requirements. While there are
arguments to be made that standardized
testing has gone too far and is consuming too many educational resources, the
bigger question should be what will students, and by extension society, get out of
the testing process?
Is teaching to the test a bad thing
when the subject is the basic foundation
of American democracy? This issue of
The Star News includes a listing of all

the men and women who have died in

the defense of American democracy. Ask
their families and their fellow veterans if
this is an important lesson students must
Many schools already have American
government as part of their curriculum.
Some teachers already use the citizenship test as part of their classes. Edmings bill would set that standard for all
students, which when you think about it,
isnt such a bad idea.
In order for American democracy to
remain strong, its foundations must be
reinforced in each generation. Engaged
citizenship is the rock upon which American democracy is built.
Far from being a piece of busybody
legislation, Edmings bill seeks to ensure
the future generations of Americans at
least have the tools and knowledge to take
up the responsibilities of being citizens.

Community partnerships needed to keep facilities open

There is good, bad and the potential
for the future when it comes to the status
of a national forest campsite in western
Taylor County.
The good is that the Kathryn Lake
park and pavilion area, boat landing and
fishing pier are all open for the season.
The park areas, which mark the location of the former
Conservation Corps camp, are
maintained by the
town of Grover under contract with the
USDA Forest Service
with the support of
Wildlife and Recreation Club.
The bad is that federal budget restrictions have forced the
forest service to not
open the eight-site
Kathryn Lake campground this summer. This will result
in a loss of tourism
dollars in the Perkinstown area. In
addition to the campground cuts at Kathryn Lake, the North
Twin Lake campground will also be
closed this summer.
While not large, the
provide lodging options for those staying
in the area. Many campers may switch
to other nearby campgrounds such as
Chippewa Campground at Miller Dam
(Chequamegon Waters Flowage) while

Star News
Thats what you call passing the buck.

others will leave the area and take their

tourism dollars with them.
The closure of these campsites is a
dollars and cents decision. Camping fees
have been unchanged for decades despite
increasing costs in fuel and staffing. The
forest service does not have the revenue
needed to maintain the areas to necessary
standards. Meanwhile, the political atmosphere in
Washington, D.C.
has made it very
unlikely to expect
help from that
The reality of
budgeting is that
you can only do
what you can with
the money you
have available. In
the case of Kathryn Lake, it costs
about $7,200 a
year to operate the
campground. As
forest service staff
note, it is a rough
estimate based on
the cost per campsite for doing such
tasks as cleaning out fire rings
and monthly water testing of the
well. Unlike other
where the forest service is able to attract
campground hosts who assist with basic maintenance tasks in return for free
camping, the relatively primitive amenities of Kathryn Lake make it a challenge

Quote of the Week:

Mayor Mike Wellner after the council asked Sue Emmerich of the
Medford Area Chamber of Commerce to run a contest looking
for a name for a road in the industrial park after aldermen couldnt come to a consensus

to attract hosts.
Despite the bad news, there is hope for
the future of the campground. The potential for the creation of a community
partnership could get the campground
reopened for next year and guarantee its
operation for years to come.
This idea was suggested at a community meeting between the forest service
and area residents called by the county
tourism committee last week. This idea
should be explored. The model already
exists in the county with the county participating in a challenge grant program
to allow the operation of the Perkinstown
Motorized Trail. Such an agreement and

investment in worker hours by either the

town or a private organization could protect the site from future budget cuts.
However, with every decision having
to get to Washington and back, developing the agreement will take time. If the
community wants to have the campground reopened in 2016, action needs to
begin now to get the process started.
Campgrounds, even small, rustic ones
such as at Kathryn Lake are important
tourism resources for Taylor County and
the region. Community partnerships are
a way to keep these facilities open.

Members of The Star News editorial board include Publisher Carol OLeary, General Manager Kris
OLeary and News Editor Brian Wilson.

Write a Vox Pop: Vox Pops, from the Latin Vox Populi or Voice of the People, are
the opinions of our readers and reflect subjects of current interest. All letters must be signed
and contain the address and telephone number of the writer for verification of authorship
and should be the work of the writer. Letters will be edited. No election-related letters will be
run the week before the election. E-mail: [email protected].


14, 201522, 2011

Page 3

Brian Wilson

Come on and dance

Mothers Day flowers

Buy this photo online at

photo by Brian Wilson

Milan Pesic (left), age 8, and his little brother, Novak, age 5, of Pepin, enjoy a frozen treat while picking out plants
for a Mothers Day flower basket at Wesland Greenhouse in Stetsonville Saturday morning. The basket was a surprise
gift for their mother, Medford native Lori Pesic. The family was in Medford visiting relatives.

Vox Pop

Calls for elimination of Wisconsin Conservation Congress

This week marks the 81st year delegates of the WI

Conservation Congress (WCC) will meet. The congress
should be one of the finest examples of grass-roots citizen involvement in government agency decision making. At least in theory. In practice, the structure and
current leadership of the WCC functions more like Putins Russia.
Dont get me wrong, there are many dedicated individuals who volunteer hundreds of hours each year to
the WCC. But many of them feel stymied by the leaders top-down methods. Several years ago, the members
identified a need to do the first-ever strategic plan for
the WCC. The focus of the new plan was to broaden decision making. The WCC would become more member
driven. Sadly, the plan implementation phase has been
largely ignored or even at times sabotaged by the chairman.
The WCC is led by a five-member executive committee that meets monthly, a 24-member council that only
meets three times a year, and multiple committees, that
mainly meet annually. Since the council and committees meet so infrequently, and their agendas are controlled from the top, the members have little say in positions or policy.
Once a year, the public is invited to vote on questions
or submit questions at the annual spring hearings. Participation this spring was quite low.

The chair attributed the low attendance to good

weather and general complacency. However, the probable cause is the erosion of the publics and the members sense that they have an impact on decisions by
voting at the hearings.
If the WCC were truly run as a grass-roots organization, I would be fully in favor of keeping it. If only a
few people at the top make most decisions, why have
an organization of 360 delegates, and stage the spring
Laurie Groskopf, Tomahawk,

Who says there is no such

thing as a Silver Lining?

Vox Pop

Response to letter saying

there is only one way

So, if no one can measure up to the Laws of Right

and Wrong regarding the institution of marriage,
why should guilt and shame be an issue that required
the brutal death of an innocent man to be dealt with?
What a cheap, benighted, disgustingly hurtful use of
Scripture! In every respect, this is identical to the ISIS
method of interpreting the Quran. Shameful.
Rev. Donald King, Medford.

Vox Pop

Praises choir concert

What a choir concert. Anyone who had the opportunity to attend the MASH choir concert Monday evening was in for a real treat. What a spectacular show,
what wonderful talent, how very entertaining. I am so
very proud of our young adults and the teachers that
made the concert the best ever.
Carol Ewan, Medford

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Being a dad who writes for a living can be a challenge.

My daughter, Beth, started showing up in my writing 15 years ago. As the first child, she was the one about
whom I shared many of the new parent experiences. For
example, encouraging her to be potty trained by bribing
her with coins she could use to buy M&Ms from a toy
vending machine.
By the time Alex came around six years later, Beth
had built up quite a stockpile of columns recording life
events and potentially embarrassing situations which I
will use against her sometime in the future. As the second child, Alex initially didnt get much in the way of
columns about his achievements. This column gap is
something his godfather, who happens to be an attorney,
mentioned pointedly on several occasions suggesting
there needed to be equal representation.
However, my daughters godmother a college friend
who was a key player in the story of how me and my wife
met and who is also an attorney noted it was not Beths
fault she was here first and should not be slighted in favor
of her little brother.
In recent years as Alex as gotten older and grown into
a pretty cool dude, the column gap has started to narrow. In general, both my children have reached points in
their lives when they outwardly express eye-rolling and
suggestions that I find other things to write about rather
than using my children as ways to share important life
I will admit that with Beth finishing her freshman year
at MASH, there has been a whole host of teen angst type
topics I could write about. Then I am reminded by my ever-loving wife that our children will eventually pick our
nursing homes some day. My wife says she doesnt want
to end up living in a cardboard box in the middle of the
forest because of something I wrote about decades earlier. She has a good point. Of course, at the rate the current
state administration is going with changes to long-term
care and a general race to the bottom for real wages, a
nice dry box in the woods may seem like a good deal for
a retirement option when the time comes. So, basically,
everything is fair game.
Monday night was the annual spring choir concert.
Beth is in the show choir. Performing with Momentum
is one of her favorite things about school. Which is why
on Monday when I got a call to pick up Beth at school because she was sick I knew she just wasnt faking it to get
out of a test.
Beth, along with the other members of the choir program, put many hours into preparing for the concert including extra rehearsals the past two weekends. My first
thought was to have her skip the concert and get rest, but
then as Beth begged me to allow her to perform, I relented
with a noncommittal promise to make the decision based
on how she felt later that day.
A several-hour nap helped considerably and while still
slightly greenish, she ended up performing. As someone
who often has to work through feeling like something
a farrier scrapes off a horses hoof, I thought it was an
important lesson in that the show must go on and sometimes you have to smile because you have to, not because
you want to. Other times, you just have to follow the song
and shut up and dance.
To all the performers, the concert was one of the best
I have been to and not just because my daughter was
dancing in it. There is a lot of talent in our local youth
and programs such as the spring concert serve to highlight that talent.

Brian Wilson is News Editor at The Star News.


Page 8A

14, 2011

School corner

Life of an Athlete implementation at MASH

Back in March, we were fortunate enough to have
John Underwood from Life of an Athlete, come and
speak to our students. John
is the founder of Life of an
Athlete, has trained Navy
Seals, Olympic athletes,
and has spoken to many
high profile collegiate programs and professional
sports teams. Life of an
Athlete program focuses
on adolescents and young
adults and the lifestyle
choices they make.
During his presentations, John spoke specifically about the negative effects that a poor diet, lack of sleep, and drug/alcohol use
can have on the young developing body. The brain scans
he showed in regards to this shows the science behind
it. Tough to argue with that! Following that, he offered
up suggestions to our students as far as what they need
to do in those areas to be the best they can be. He was
also happy to share many beneficial resources he cre-

ated to help improve performance in our students.

Not only did John speak to the student body, he
also put on a leadership conference in which we sent
70 students, grades 8-11 to. This leadership conference
was hosted by Camp Forest Springs and really helped
launch what we currently have going on at MASH.
Right now we have four students who are leading the
charge. These four students are going to represent our
school at the national Life of an Athlete leadership conference in July. They are very passionate about changing the culture at MASH. They know that working hard
and doing things the right way is the only way to get
better in the classroom and on the athletic field. There
is talk of a student leadership conference at MASH in
late July to get our student leaders (clubs and athletics)
on board. We are already starting to branch out and invite other future student leaders to join this movement.
At the beginning of the 2015-16 school year, we are looking at opening it up to all students who are interested in
maximizing their potential and move Life of an Athlete
forward here at MASH.
There are positive changes occurring at MASH due
to the implementation of the new co-curricular code of
conduct, which was influenced by Life of an Athlete.

Jean Flood, Lindsay Petersen (Taylor County Drug Opposition Partnership), and Susan Sawdey have been
very influential in this movement. Without them, we
may not be talking about this at MASH. They have been
very passionate. That passion has rubbed off on some
of our students who have been willing and ready to take
on the peer pressure that is and will come in resistance
to the changing of the culture. Now that the new code
is in place, they are ready to grow support and get others to believe in a drug and alcohol free culture for our
students at MASH.
As athletic director at MASH, I have been fortunate
enough to be a part of this process, and look forward
to what positive changes it brings in the future. Other
schools who have implemented the Life of an Athlete
program have seen positive results in their athletic
programs. It is something where you may not see drastic change in a year, but over time, you will start to see
positive change as a result of this program. If you have
questions about Life of an Athlete and what we are doing with it here at MASH, feel free to call me at 715-7485951.
Justin Hraby, MASH assistant principal/athletic director

Vox Pop

Writer draws from her seminary experience to question if there is truly only one right way

A long time ago and in another life,

I was a young seminary graduate. Like
all the other bright-eyed newbies being
cast out into various Lutheran parishes,
I was certain I had the tiger firmly by
the tail. We had learned our Greek, suffered through the torment of systematic
theology, and been patted on the head by
all the right people. We considered ourselves a force to be reckoned with. In reality, we were just a group of youngsters
who had spent four years congratulating
one another on how right we were about
Of course, when we dispersed we all
ran into another group of people that was
not likely to be terribly impressed by us.
This was the first congregation we were
sent to, whose job it was to afflict us with

the realization that the world was not

desperately waiting for us to come along
and show it the One Right Way. To our
dismay we discovered that the pews are
filled by people who actually make their
own decisions about what works in their
lives, and they are perfectly content to
leave all the rest behind.
I thought of that recently when I
looked over a Vox Pop from a local
preacher who is quite certain that there
is One Right Way. Specifically, he argues there is only one proper appearance
for marriage. He is displeased by this
nations move towards recognizing the
commitments of people who dont qualify for membership in the One Right
Way club.
The people who sit in the pews, though,

Artwork on auction
Lisa Carbaugh shows locally-produced artwork to the
audience during the live auction portion of the annual
Medford Morning Rotary Clubs annual fundraiser at the

have come to a different conclusion than

some of the folks in the pulpit. The lives
of people who arent professionally religious involve more than being a part of
the One Right Way club. Being part of
the club isnt how they make their money and feed their families. Being part of
the club isnt how they find meaning and
status. Being part of the club isnt how
they were born, or how they find a way in
life to be loving, caring, and committed.
In fact, the human community is
mostly made up of people who arent in
the club, and Americans have decided
that these people are too valuable for society to keep excluding them. We need
people who are divorced, who are gay, or
who are nonreligious to be strengthened
in the bonds of public commitment. The

Its four a good cause

people in the One Right Way club can

choose to have religious ceremonies that
exclude whomever they want to keep
out. Nobody is arguing differently. It just
looks like they wont get to insist that
civil society follow their example.
It will always be possible for members of the One Right Way club to keep
themselves convinced of their rightness.
Mostly other people are too polite to
contradict them, and they will just keep
quiet while club members go on at the
holiday dinner table, in the office breakroom, or wherever they find a platform.
If their pastor is a club member, most of
the people will probably stay in the pew,
taking what works and leaving the rest.
Sally Rasmussen, Medford

Buy these photos online at

photos by Mark Berglund

Auctioneer Randy Stockwell urges bidders to the $400 level on Thursday at the annual Medford Morning Rotary
fundraiser at the Veranda. Club Member Jenn Knippel waits to describe the next item going up for bid.

Rib Lake veteran couple share Honor Flight

Thursday, May 14, 2015


Page 9

by Reporter Mark Berglund

Robert and Violet Melaski of Rib Lake saw the monuments
and tributes of Washington D.C. together this week as they
traveled to the capital with the 20th Central Wisconsin Honor
Flight. The veterans are rare in Honor Flight history as a husband and wife duo who served during the Korean War era.
Robert has a varied service record in the four years he
served his country. He was a heavy equipment operator and
his service included cutting roads and an airfield through the
cold and mountainous country. Violet was a registered nurse
at an Army hospital in Japan from 1951 to 1953. She outranks
me, Robert said of his first lieutenant wife. But, it took staff
sergeants and NCOs to make it roll.
The couple attended separate Taylor County high schools before the war
and vaguely knew each other in 1958
when they attended a birthday party
for someone they both knew after the
war. This June marks 57 years of married life.
Robert joined when he was 18 years
old. He took basic training at Fort Riley, Kan., and then operated heavy
equipment at Fort Belvoir, Va. and in
Korea. His skills led to detached duty
with other service branches. I kept
in touch with one guy from the service.
We were both 18 when we went in. We
usually talk more when the Packers
Robert Melaski
and Cowboys play, he said. I didnt
know where Id go. It was kind of you, you and you go there.
Violet was working at Milwaukee County General Hospital after taking a three-year training program. She joined
the military and took basic training
at Fort Sam Houston before serving at
the Army hospital in Kyoto, Japan. She
would go on to become a nurse anesthesiologist at St. Lukes Hospital in Milwaukee. Her work in medicine is being
repeated by younger family members.
The wartime service included American personnel who were stationed in
Japan and those coming from the front
in Korea. I liked Japan. The people
were very friendly, she said.
While they were separate in war,
married life has led to a variety of experiences together, including retirement travel, beef cattle work, running
Violet Melaski the Sinclair gasoline station and Schlais
clothing store, selling Christmas trees
and pumpkins in Phoenix, Ariz., working for the United States
Forest Service and managing 18 campgrounds in the Big Horn
mountains, and doing global positioning system mapping for
the Bureau of Land Management in the mountains. Robert
says the couple has retired about three times and he defines
retirement as doing what you want, when you want to do it.
The couple has two daughters, eight grandchildren and six

Veterans honored

Photos by Mark Berglund

Robert and Violet Melaski of Rib Lake were among the veterans at the central Wisconsin Honor Flight banquet on Sunday evening. Both served during the Korean War.

Harry Blasel of Ogema was on the

20th Honor Flight. He served in the infantry during the Korean War.


Violet Melaski salutes as an honor

guard brings the colors into the banquet

Other veterans
The couple was part of a large contingent of area veterans
on the May 11 trip.
The other Taylor County veterans on the trip included
Eugene Cedzo, James Dougherty, Kenneth Nernberger and
Vernon Pernsteiner, all of the Medford area, William Krug of
Owen and George Krug of Stetsonville.
Harry Blasel of Ogema was the only Price County veteran
on this trip. The Clark County veterans included Vernon Gilbertson of Chili, Lloyd Clarkson of Dorchester, Marlin Schmitz
of Granton, and Wilmer Peterson of Owen. Lester Judnic of
Merrill is listed as a Lincoln County veteran.
Cedzos eight years of service began in 1952. He saw duty in
Korea and England with the Air Force as a jet mechanic.
Dougherty was a Navy radarman for four years on the USS
Nernberger began a 35-year career in 1954. His duty included serving during the Berlin Crisis with the 32nd Division
Pernsteiner was assigned to an anti-aircraft missile unit.
William Krug reached the rank of sergeant in three years of
service. George Krug was a corporal.
Most of the veterans on this flight were Korean War era
veterans with three World War II veterans among the group.
There were also Vietnam era veterans in the group.
The 19th Honor Flight went out a couple of weeks earlier. It
marked the fifth anniversary of the program in this area. Rae
Kohn, a Korean War veteran from Medford, was on that flight.
Kohns duty included spending a winter with other soldiers
assigned to hold Heartbreak Ridge.

Kenneth and Marian Nernberger enjoyed the pre-ight banquet at the Howard Johnson Conference Center in Wausau.

Vernon Pernsteiner of Medford was

one of the many Korean War era veterans
on the 20th Honor Flight.

Marilyn and Lester Judnic of Merrill were at the pre-ight

events before he ew out on the Honor Flight.

Thursday, May 14, 2015


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Page 10

State Certified Master Electrician

Lic. # 998489

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Lunch service



Buy these photos online at

Page 11

photo by Mark Berglund

Medford Area Middle School students helped serve a meal to area senior citizens during the lunch hour on Friday as part of the Medford Area Fire Departments annual
smelt feed. The annual fundraiser helps with the cost of equipment upgrades for the department.

Medford tradition

photo by Brian Wilson

The annual firefighter smelt fry dinner is a Medford tradition spanning generations.
The event has gone on for more than 45 years. Here, three generations of the Peterson
family of Medford enjoy the deep-fried fish.

Preparing the meal

photo by Mark Berglund

Firefighter Mickey Christianson cleans a tray of smelt off before they are battered
and deep fried on Friday at the fire hall.

County signs onto statewide mutual aid pact

by Reporter Donald Watson
Members of the Taylor County Law Enforcement
and Emergency Services Committee on May 8 approved
a resolution to sign an agreement joining the MABAS
MABAS stands for mutual aid box alarm system
and is a multi-state mutual aid network which allows
for quick responses of needed personnel and equipment during emergency situations. The committee had
looked at the issue at its last meeting, but members had
raised concerns about several issues, including liability, which were addressed in the revised agreement.
Under the MABAS system, committee chairman Lester Lewis said Taylor County could effectively be asked
to provide aid to Indiana, Ohio, Iowa and even as far
south as Missouri, although he said that was unlikely
to happen. He said the county already has mutual aid
agreements for ambulance service with several neighboring counties.
I dont see a problem with doing this, Lewis said.
The likelihood of us [Taylor County] being called to do
something more than what were committed to doing
right now is pretty slim, but just like we would want
aid if something drastic happened here, this is rendering aid in the event of something large [catastrophic]
Taylor County Sheriff Bruce Daniels added the biggest reason a county pushes to have this written agreement ahead of time is so when an event happens and a
call for mutual aid goes out, its a matter of applying the

policy to evaluate under what circumstances the county

would allow its emergency personnel to respond. We
already know. The groundwork has been laid and now
its a simple response. Weve already agreed to do that,
Daniels said.
The resolution now goes to the full county board for
final approval.

Sheriffs report
Daniels reported after the last push the sheriffs department did with the news media, there has been an
additional 29 residential, 12 text and nine email sign-ups
for the Code Red service. He said the total data base was

10,386, adding, In a county of 20,000, those are pretty

good numbers. Daniels said the department has used
the Code Red system several times within the past few
weeks and is getting better at getting the alerts out to
the public.
Daniels said Chad Liske, the county K-9 officer, had
resigned to accept a position with the Medford Police
Department. In the interim, he said Liske has taken the
dog back to Arkansas to be retrained and Daniels anticipated sometime in June the department would send
another officer there to begin training to work with the
dog. He said there are three officers in the department
who have expressed interest in the training.

Fire victim dies from injuries

by News Editor Brian Wilson
Warren Kleiber, 62, has died as the result of injuries
sustained in last weeks garage fire on his Gravel Rd.
residence in the town of Little Black.
Kleiber had been transported by helicopter to the
burn center at UW-Madison Hospital with burns over
half of his body.
The fire occurred the evening of May 4. According to
fire chief Mike Danen, the garage at W5899 Gravel Rd. in
the town of Little Black was totally engulfed in flames
when firefighters arrived. Firefighters kept the fire from

spreading to any of the nearby buildings. The structure

was a total loss with damage to nearby vehicles.
This is Taylor Countys first fire-related fatality of
the year.
Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. on Saturday, May 16 at Holy Rosary Catholic Church in Medford. Visitation will take place from 4 to 7 p.m. on Friday, May 15 at Hemer Funeral Home, Medford where
there will be a 6:45 p.m. prayer service, and also from 9
a.m. until 10: 45 a.m. on Saturday, May 16 at the funeral

Page 12


May 14,
2, 2015

Thursday, May 14, 2015


Page 13

Page 14



Silent flight

Thursday, April
May 23,
14, 2015

Buy these photos online at

Kat Sniegowski (left) touches the wing of an owl killed in a crash. Resource educator Pamela Resech explains that owls are silent in flight, helping them hunt their prey.

Who are you looking at?

photos by Brian Wilson

Taylor County celebrated International Migratory Bird Day on Saturday with an

event at the Perkinstown Winter Sports Area. The event included a visit from Pamela
Resech of the George W. Mead Wildlife Area near Milladore who brought a live eastern screech owl with her.

Large turnout
There was a large turnout at the annual International Migratory Bird Day event. The
event is put on by the Chequamegon Bird Club and helps the county qualify for the
Bird City USA program.

Medford schools plan engineering open house

by Reporter Mark Berglund
Medford Area Senior High instructors and students
will lead visitors through the development of the districts engineering program on Monday with the Project Lead The Way (PLTW) open house at the school.
Visitors can see how the coursework in the program is
helping student learn more about engineering through
real-world projects.
The event begins at 5:30 p.m. in the Red-White Theatre with an overview of Project Lead The Way.
Those attending the will be divided into three groups

for tours of the classrooms and a look at student projects. The first session is called Inventor. Students will
demonstrate how they have used Inventor software
to design train cars. The second session is called VEX
kits. Students will show how they designed their own
automatic guided machines to sort marbles by color.
The third session is environmental sustainability. Students will demonstrate how the study of strawberries
at the most basic levels teaches them about sustaining
the Earths resources and how food is genetically engineered.
All of the groups will then get formal presentations

on the year-long projects in the Engineering Design and

Development class. John Shear and Nathan Gradberg
will present on Cooler Seat and Mark and Jacob Jablonsky will present Land Party Table.
Contact Jennifer Kuenne at the school district office
to RSVP for the event.
Medfords Project Lead The Way classes include Introduction to Engineer Design, Principles of Engineering, Environmental Sustainability (biological and environmental engineering), and Engineering Design and
Development. The school will add a Civil Engineering
and Architecture class in the fall.

Aspirus Care & Rehab in Medford named outstanding organization

Aspirus Care & Rehab in Medford will receive the
2015 Outstanding Organization Award at the 29th annual Wisconsin Network Conference on Alzheimers
Disease and Related Dementias, May 17-19 in Wisconsin
Dells. The award recognizes an organization, business
or institution that has chosen as its mission the development of exceptional programs and services focused
on Alzheimers disease and related issues.
Aspirus Care & Rehab is a 99-bed skilled nursing facility in Medford. This facility exemplifies quality care

for persons living with dementia. Through new activity programming and a commitment to providing education for their staff, they have continually improved
the quality of care provided to their residents. Most recently, Wisconsin State Surveyors reported they were
impressed with the programming provided for those
with dementia and observed the staff have very positive
interactions with those they care for.
Some of the unique activities include a brainstorming program consisting of one-on-one activity program-

ming to stimulate communication with persons with

dementia, implementation of the music and memory
programming, a chair yoga program and a three-session
seminar titled Dementia 101. In addition, the facility
hosts a monthly dementia support group and is a leading participant in the annual Walk to End Alzheimers.
Award winners are selected based on their outstanding contributions as caregivers to those with Alzheimers disease in Wisconsin.



Thursday, May
April 14,
23, 2015


Uniformity clause

School policy committee floats dress code idea

by Reporter Mark Berglund
Medford Area School District Policy
Committee Chairman Paul Dixon would
like the school board to consider uniforms for the more than 2,000 students
enrolled in the district as part of a dress
code overhaul.
We need to do one of two things
either delete this policy and adopt uniforms or just delete it. It isnt anything
enforceable, Dixon said during the May
6 committee meeting.
The districts current policy has two
ideas merged together. Most of the policy
spells out typical rules about the lengths
of shorts and skirts. The last two lines of
the policy leave the final say on acceptable dress up to the building principals.
District administrator Pat Sullivan said
school staff are not standing in the school
entrances and enforcing the letter of the
law for current dress code rules.
Medford Area Middle School has returned to the past with a physical education uniform for grades seven and eight.
Middle school principal Al Leonard said
last week the physical education uni-

forms a red school t-shirt and black

shorts are so instructors would know
if students are changing into appropriate
workout clothing. It also prevents risque
looks to physical education clothing. The
uniforms are only used in the two grades
where students change clothes for class.
He said the $15 uniforms will likely be
used at Medford Area Senior High next
year. If freshmen have a uniform which
still fits, they may use it the next year.
Dixon cited studies which have shown
increased use of school uniforms in the
past two decades. Uniforms are more
popular in large districts with higher
poverty rates. Some of Wisconsins largest urban districts have adopted uniform
rules, although the Department of Public
Instruction and Wisconsin Association
of School Boards do not track uniform
rules in the state.
Committee members felt if there was
an issue of classroom disruptions caused
by the way students dressed, it was more
likely at the older grades. They were unsure if uniforms was an issue it wanted
to have a fight with parents or students

over. They said Holy Rosary Catholic

School did not adopt a strict uniform after polling parents on the issue.

Trip policies
The school board adopted a 17-page
code of conduct for athletics and other cocurricular clubs, organizations and other school groups last year after a student
and faculty staff developed it. So far, the
rules causing the most scrutiny involve
eligibility if a grade is low. The policy
committee looked at the rules again as
they relate to trips taken by groups like
FFA, choir or the history club. The history club will take an extensive trip to
Europe this summer and the question
has come up about denying students access to the trip if a grade is too low on the
last report.
The choir took a similar trip this
spring to New York. Some are questioning the fairness of denying a student a
trip since those are planned for years and
extensive fundraising is involved. During the choir trip, students could go on
the trip and take part in all the activities,
except the choir performances.

Policy committee member Cheryl

Wibben said it appeared the interpretation would punish some violators and
not others. I think you are picking and
choosing again, she said.
Sullivan defended the trip exemptions
by drawing a parallel between allowing
the trip but not the concert performance
to a basketball player who must travel
with the team and then sit on the bench
for road games.
The committee also discussed a policy
change for dispersing medications to
students on trips. Normally, if a student
requires medication during the school
day, a note from the parent or physician
is on file and trained school personnel
dispense it. During the long choir trip
and other events, it sometimes falls to
chaperones to carry and dispense medication, including birth control pills to
students. In some cases, parents are not
aware a student is using a birth control
prescription. A proposed change to the
policy would allow high school students
to maintain a supply of the prescription
with them on the trips.

Medford school finance makes case for maintenance referendum

Continued from page 1
Peterson said the first job is getting a clearer handle on
the cost. We have to define the numbers better, he said.
The work at the senior high school includes $1,243,000
to tackle maintenance issues connected to the swimming
pool. The school district has lost three different referendum attempts to replace the pool. The last vote in 2013
was for a $5.8 million new pool at the middle school.
Committee members wondered if the debate on the issue has created three groups - those who support a new
pool, those who support renovating the current pool, and
those who would like no pool in the district. They have
said they dont want a different pool and they dont want
to move it. If they turn it down now, they are saying they
dont want a pool, period, Peterson said.
Reuter said there are worries about losing the pool if
there is a catastrophic failure. He thinks if it happened,
district voters would not opt to close it. A catastrophic
failure gets you to the question earlier. I think they would
say yes if there was a prospect of no pool, Reuter said.
The committee discussed the possibility of making the
pool issue a separate question. District administrator Pat
Sullivan was afraid separate questions could lead voters
to support one project over another.
Reuter wondered about the value of repairs versus replacement. Are we putting $1.2 million into something
which will fail eventually? he asked. Ive always looked
at referendum spending as something to do for once in a
lifetime projects, not maintenance projects. Peterson
said Rib Lake voters just approved a $3.3 million maintenance referendum. Maybe that is the new economics
of schools, Reuter said. There is absolutely no way we
can squirrel away that much money [in fund balance savings], Peterson said.
One item on the list which received committee scrutiny is the addition of a security system for the entrances
to Stetsonville and Medford area elementary schools and
Medford Area Middle School. It would make daytime access to the buildings through one entrance and require a
buzzer and video camera system. The new system would
cost $160,000 for all three buildings.
The committee discussed additional projects which
could go into the project, such as an air conditioning system for the high school or the athletic field repair costs.

Taher gets food service nod

The committee reversed course from last month and
voted to award a five-year food service contract to Taher
Food Service. The committee recommended a bid from
Aviands at its last meeting, but the full school board rejected it and sent the issue back to the finance committee.
After presentations by both bidders at the April meeting, the school board tabled the issue and asked both
companies to offer a best and final bid. Taher submitted
a new fixed price bid while Aviands submitted its first

proposal, complete with the original date.

Taher, which currently holds the food service contract, edged Aviands fixed price bid by cutting its anticipated fixed fee to $10,882. Taher edged Aviands in total
expenses by $7,496 for total of $1,056,032.
The committee also spent some time considering returning to the district running the food service program.
How would you rate these offers if we were doing this
ourselves? Fleegel asked. He was the main proponent of
returning to a district-operated food service. Kick starting that engine could be difficult, Reuter said.
The district moved away from a district-run food service program five years ago when the board accepted a bid
from Taher Food Service. The move came and changes in
state and federal standards for food service programs became tighter in areas like nutritional content and calorie
control. Taher initially struggled, but has rebounded in
the past two years after hiring Nancy Smith as the food
service director. Smith was a member of the food service
staff before taking the position. Taking the position with
Taher meant a contract with a non-compete clause, she
said her leadership would have been lost. Nancy is all
about local experience, Fleegel said. You cant have
Nancy, you cant have her, Peterson said.
Fleegel said the same local experience might be available in a new candidate if the district took back the program. Reuter was concerned about losing the financial
security of a contractor. School districts must balance
the food service fund at the end of the fiscal year. Do
we want to raid fund balance to do it ourselves? Reuter
Participation in the food service program dropped
when it switched from a local program to Taher contract. Fleegel felt the new standards could be part of the
problem. I believe we may not be as stringent, he said.
Reuter reminded him of the large federal subsidy which
comes with belonging to the national hot lunch program.
If we dont adhere to the rules, we lose funding, Reuter
said. Fleegel said ignoring federal standards was not a
move he was proposing for the district. Im not proposing if we did it ourselves we would go away from federal
standards, Fleegel said. Its too risky. As an individual,
its a risk Id take.
The district can not lose money on food service with a
contractor. It was the deciding factor for the committee.
Were guaranteed there is no guarantee if we run it, but
there is in Taher, Peterson said. Reuter made the motion to accept Tahers bid and Fleegel added the second.
If the board approves it and the state Department of
Public Instruction certifies it, the new contract would be
for five years, with a renewal every year. Sullivan said
he and finance director Jeff Albers would do a better job
of getting the committee the information it needs from
Taher in the next contract cycle.

Medford School Districts

Maintenance Items for
Possible Referendum
3 Replacement Generator ............................................ $48,000
3 Possible main entrance buzz in/camera for security . $50,000
3 HVAC pneumatic to DDC/unit vent replacement ...... $195,000
3 Server/Center Ofce cooling ..................................... $17,500

3 Bus lot and Access Street to Allman Asphalt .......... $210,000
3 Possible main entrance buzz in/camera for security . $55,000
3 Replace DX unit ........................................................ $75,000
3 HVAC pneumatic to DDC ......................................... $175,000
3 VFDs to air handlers.................................................. $12,000

3 Replace Chiller DX/add storage tank for cooling ..... $100,000
3 Replace music/tech ed/art unit ventilators .............. $170,000
3 Possible main entrance buzz in/camera for security . $55,000
3 Broadway Ave properties parking lot/street to seventh ...........
.............................................................................. $525,000

3 Replace theater roof top HVAC.................................. $80,000
3 Asphalt west and north parking lot ......................... $430,000
3 Roof replacement Theater/Gym/Ofce area MASH.. $195,000
3 Tech Ed dust collection ............................................. $65,000
3 Unit Vent replacement .......................................$10,000 each
 tMFGUUPSFQMBDF ................................................. $410,000
3 HVAC pneumatic to DDC ......................................... $250,000
3 Electrical repair main feed and generator replacement ...........
.............................................................................. $176,000
3 Tech Ed enclosed breezeway ................................... $225,000
3 New kitchen exhaust hood with re suppression system........
................................................................................ $35,000
3 Pool
 t3FQMBDFEPPSTSPPGUPQFYIBVTUGBOT ..................... $18,000
 t)FBUSFDPWFSZVOJUT ............................................... $95,000
 t-PDLFSSPPNTUPIBOEJDBQ .................................. $130,000
 t3FQMBDFQJQFBSPVOEBOEVOEFSQPPM .................. $600,000
side ....................................................................... $400,000
Total of these numbers which are rough estimates.. $4,796,000
Star News graphic by Mandi Troiber


Page 16

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Taylor County Forest

Timber Stumpage For Sale
Sale Date: Friday, June 5, 2015
10:15 a.m.
Five timber sales are available. Aspen, Balsam Fir,
Spruce, Tamarack, Basswood, Pine, Oak and Mixed
Hardwood stumpage will be offered for sale. Bids will be
accepted until 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, June 4, 2015.
For pertinent timber sale information, contact either the
Taylor County Forestry Department, 224 South Second
Street, Medford, WI 54451 at (715) 748-1486, or the DNR,
660 Wheelock Street, Medford, WI 54451 at (715) 7484955.
Jake Walcisak, Assistant Forest Administrator
Scott Lindow, DNR Forester

Town of Rib Lake

Open Book
Board of Review

Search public notices published by the

The Wisconsin State Journal
as well as public notices from
all Wisconsin communities online at

(1st ins. May 14, 2nd ins. May 21)



Notice of Open Book and Board of

Review for the Town of Goodrich

State of Wisconsin
Town of Goodrich
Taylor County
Pursuant to s. 70.45, Wis. Stats., the Town of Goodrich
assessment roll for the year 2015 assessment will be
open for examination on the 29th day of May, 2015, at
Goodrich Town Hall from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Instructional material about the assessment, how to file an objection, and board of review procedures under Wisconsin law
will be available at that time.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Review
for the Town of Goodrich of Taylor County shall hold its
first meeting on the 29th day of May, 2015 from 6:00 p.m.
to 8:00 p.m. at the Goodrich Town Hall.
Please be advised of the following requirements to appear before the Board of Review and procedural requirements if appearing before the Board:
No person shall be allowed to appear before the Board
of Review, to testify to the Board by telephone or to contest the amount of any assessment of real or personal
property if the person has refused a reasonable written
request by certified mail of the Assessor to view such
After the first meeting of the Board of Review and
before the Boards final adjournment, no person who is
scheduled to appear before the Board of Review may
contact, or provide information to, a member of the Board
about the persons objection except at a session of the
No person may appear before the Board of Review,
testify to the Board by telephone or contest the amount
of assessment unless, at least 48 hours before the first
meeting of the Board or at least 48 hours before the objection is heard if the objection is allowed because the
person has been granted a waiver of the 48 hour notice
of an intent to file a written objection by appearing before
the Board during the first two hours of the meeting and
showing good cause for failure to meet the 48-hour notice
requirement and files a written objection, that the person
provides to the Clerk of the Board of Review notice as
to whether the person will ask for removal of any Board
members and, if so, which member will be removed and
the persons reasonable estimate of the length of time that
the hearing will take.
When appearing before the Board, the person shall
specify, in writing, the persons estimate of the value of
the land and of the improvements that are the subject of
the persons objection and specify the information that the
person used to arrive at that estimate.
No person may appear before the Board of Review,
testify to the Board by telephone or subject or object to a
valuation; if that valuation was made by the Assessor or
the Objector using the income method; unless the person
supplies the Assessor all of the information about income
and expenses, as specified in the Assessors manual under Sec. 73.03(2a), of Wis. Statutes, that the Assessor
requests. The Town of Goodrich has an ordinance for the
confidentiality of information about income and expenses that is provided to the Assessor under this paragraph
which provides exemption for persons using information
in the discharge of duties imposed by law or of the duties
of their office or by order of a court. The information that is
provided under this paragraph, unless a court determined
that it is inaccurate, is not subject to the right of inspection
and copying under Section 19.35(1) of Wis. Statutes.
The Board shall hear upon oath, by telephone, all ill or
disabled persons who present to the Board a letter from a
physician, surgeon or osteopath that confirms their illness
or disability.
Respectfully submitted.
Town of Goodrich
Catherine J. Lemke, Clerk
WNAXLP is a public service

made possible by the members of
the Wisconsin Newspaper Association.

Notice of the Board of Review

for the Town of Holway
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Review
for the Town of Holway of Taylor County shall hold its first
meeting on the 28th day of May, 2015 from 6:00 p.m. to
8:00 p.m. at the Holway Town Hall.
Pursuant to Sec 70.45 of Wis. Statutes the assessment roll for the 2015 assessment will be open for examination on the 20th day of May, 2015, at the Holway Town
Hall from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Instructional material about the
assessment and board of review procedures will be available at that time for information on how to file an objection
and the board of review procedures under Wisconsin law.
Please be advised of the following requirements to appear before the Board of Review and procedural requirements of appearing before the Board:
No person shall be allowed to appear before the Board
of Review, to testify to the Board by telephone or to contest the amount of any assessment of real or personal
property if the person has refused a reasonable written
request by certified mail of the Assessor to review such
After the first meeting of the Board of Review and
before the Boards final adjournment, no person who is
scheduled to appear before the Board of Review may
contact, or provide information to a member of the Board
about the persons objection except at a session of the
No person may appear before the Board of Review,
testify to the Board by telephone or contest the amount
of the assessment unless, at least 48 hours before the
first meeting of the Board or at least 48 hours before the
objection is heard if the objection is allowed because the
person has been granted a waiver of the 48-hour notice
of an intent to file a written objection by appearing before the Board during the first two hours of the meeting
and showing good cause for failure to meet the 48-hour
notice requirement and files a written objection, that person provides to the clerk of the Board of Review notice as
to whether the person will ask for removal of any Board
members and if so, which member will be removed and
the persons reasonable estimate of the length of time that
the hearing will take.
When appearing before the Board of Review, the person shall specify, in writing, the persons estimate of the
value of the land and of the improvements that are the
subject of the persons objection and specify the information that the person used to arrive at the estimate.
No person may appear before the Board of Review,
testify to the Board or by telephone of object to a valuation;
if that valuation was made by the Assessor or the Objector
using the income method of valuation; unless the person
supplies the Assessor all the information about income
and expenses, as specified in the Assessors manual
under Sec. 73.03(2a) of Wis. Statutes, that the Assessor
requests. The Town of Holway has an ordinance for the
confidentiality of information about income and expenses that is provided to the Assessor under this paragraph
which provides exceptions for persons using information
in the discharge of duties imposed by law or the duties of
their office or by order of a court. The information that is
provided under this paragraph, unless a court determined
that it is inaccurate, is not subject to the right of inspection
and copying under Sec. 19.35(1) of Wis. Statutes.
The Board shall hear upon oath, by telephone, all ill or
disabled persons who present to the Board a letter from a
physician, surgeon or osteopath that confirms their illness
or disability. No other persons may testify by telephone.
Respectfully Submitted,
Town of Holway
Jenny Nehls, Clerk

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an Open Book will

be held on Thursday, May 28, 2015 from 4:00 p.m. until
6:00 p.m. at the Town Hall, for public inspection of the
Assessment Roll for the Town of Rib Lake. The Town Assessor will be present. Objection Forms for Real Estate
and Personal Property will be available and must be filled
out before meeting with the Board of Review.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Review
for the Town of Rib Lake of Taylor County shall hold its first
meeting on the 28th day of May, 2015 from 6:00 p.m. to
8:00 p.m. at the Town Hall. Information to appear before
the Board of Review will be available at the Open Book.
Respectfully submitted,
Karen Schneider, Clerk
Town of Rib Lake
(1st ins. May 14, 2nd ins. May 21)


Notice of the Board of Review for the

Town of Deer Creek, Taylor County
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Review
for the Town of Deer Creek of Taylor County shall hold its
first meeting on the fifth day of June, 2015 from 1:00 p.m.
to 3:00 p.m. at the Deer Creek Town Hall, Stetsonville, WI.
Please be advised of the following requirements to
appear before the Board of Review and procedural requirements if appearing before the Board:
No person shall be allowed to appear before the Board
of Review, to testify to the Board by telephone or to contest the amount of any assessment of real or personal
property if the person has refused a reasonable written
request by certified mail of the Assessor to view such
After the first meeting of the Board of Review and
before the Boards final adjournment, no person who is
scheduled to appear before the Board of Review may
contact, or provide information to a member of the Board
about the persons objection except at a session of the
No person may appear before the Board of Review,
testify to the Board by telephone or contest the amount
of the assessment unless, at least 48 hours before the
first meeting of the Board or at least 48 hours before the
objection is heard if the objection is allowed because the
person has been granted a waiver of the 48-hour notice
of an intent to file a written objection by appearing before
the Board during the first two hours of the meeting and
showing good cause for failure to meet the 48-hour notice
requirement and files a written objection, that the person
provides to the Clerk of the Board of Review notice as
to whether the person will ask for removal of any Board
members and, if so, which member will be removed and
the persons reasonable estimate of the length of time that
the hearing will take.
When appearing before the Board of Review, the person shall specify, in writing, the persons estimate of the
value of the land and of the improvements that are the
subject of the persons objection and specify the information that the person used to arrive at that estimate.
No person may appear before the Board of Review,
testify to the Board by telephone or subject or object to a
valuation; if that valuation was made by the Assessor or
the Objector using the income method; unless the person
supplies the Assessor all of the information about income
and expenses, as specified in the Assessors manual under Sec. 73.03(2a) of Wis. Statutes, that the Assessor
requests. The Town of Deer Creek, Taylor County has
an ordinance for the confidentiality of information about
income and expenses that is provided to the Assessor under this paragraph which provides exemptions for persons
using information in the discharge of duties imposed by
law or the duties of their office or by order of a court. The
information that is provided under this paragraph, unless
a court determined that it is inaccurate, is not subject to
the right of inspection and copying under Sec. 19.35(1) of
Wis. Statutes.
The Board shall hear upon oath, by telephone, all ill or
disabled persons who present to the Board a letter from a
physician, surgeon or osteopath that confirms their illness
or disability. No other persons may testify by telephone.
Open Book will be held June 5, 2015 from 10:00
a.m. to 12:00 noon.
Respectfully submitted,
Town of Deer Creek
Jeneane Metz, Town Clerk



Thursday, May 14, 2015

City of Medford
Common Council
Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
6:00 PM
Council Chambers, City Hall
639 South Second Street
Medford, WI
{Subject to Council Approval}
Call to Order/Roll Call
Mayor Mike Wellner called the
meeting to order with the following members present: Dave J.
Brandner, Arlene Parent, Greg
Knight, Peggy Kraschnewski,
Jim Peterson, Mike Bub, Dave
Roiger, and Clem Johnson.
City Personnel Present
The following City personnel
were present: City Clerk Ginny
Brost, Electric Utility Manager
Spencer Titera, Street & Water
Superintendent Pat Chariton,
Wastewater Utility Superintendent Ben Brooks, Library Director Anne LaRoche, Treasurer
Kevin Doberstein, Police Chief
Ken Coyer, and City Coordinator/Public Works Director John
Fales. City Attorney Courtney
Graff was an excused absence.
Visitors Present
Visitor present was Brian Wilson-Star News.
Pledge of Allegiance
Alderperson Roiger began the
meeting by leading the group in
the reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance.
Open Meeting Law Compliance
Mayor Wellner announced
that this was an open meeting
of the Common Council. Notice of this meeting was given

to the public at least 24 hours in

advance of the meeting by forwarding the complete agenda
to the official City newspaper,
The Star News, and to all news
media that have requested the
same as well as posting. Copies of the complete agenda
were available for inspection at
the City Clerks Office. Anyone
desiring information as to forthcoming meetings should contact
the City Clerks Office.
Citizens and Delegations
There were no citizens or delegations present.
Kraschnewski moved, Johnson seconded a motion to approve the following minutes: (A)
April 17, 2015 Special Council;
(B) April 21, 2015 Council Public Hearing; (C) April 21, 2014
Council; (D) April 21, 2015
Council Closed Session #2; and
(E) April 27, 2015 Committee of
the Whole. All in favor: All Aye.
Motion Carried.
Joshua Terrones Request
to Use City-owned Parking
Lot at the Corner of Broadway
Avenue/Whelen Avenue
Parent moved, Knight seconded a motion to approve the
request submitted by Joshua
Terrones, minister of New Life
Apostolic Church, to use the
City-owned parking lot located
at the corner of Broadway Avenue/Whelen Avenue to distribute beverages and promote the
New Life Apostolic church outreach program from 12:00 PM
to 3:00 PM on the first Saturday
of each month beginning June

Crack Seal Quotes Wanted

Town of Hammel
The Town of Hammel is accepting quotes for crack
seal per pound, minimum $5,000 of work. Please contact
Chairman Steve Deml at 715-965-6439 for specifications.
Quotes will be reviewed at the June 1, 2015 meeting. A
Certification of Insurance is required. Mail to: Steve Deml,
Chairman, W7856 Perkinstown Avenue, Medford, WI
Renee Zenner, Town Clerk
(1st ins. May 14, 2nd ins. May 21)



Town of Hammel
Notice of Open Book
and Board of Review

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town of Hammel

of Taylor County will have the Assessment Roll available
for review at Open Book on Tuesday, May 26, 2015 from
4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. at the Hammel Town Hall, Center Avenue. The town assessor will be present during this
time. Objection forms will also be available at this time.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Review
for the Town of Hammel will convene on Tuesday, May
26, 2015 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Hammel Town
Please be advised that of the following requirements to
appear before the Board:
No person may appear before the Board of Review
or contest the amount of any property assessment 1) if
the person has refused a reasonable written request by
certified mail from the Assessor to view such property, 2)
unless at least 48 hours before the meeting of the Board
of Review a written objection is filed with the Clerk or filed
during the first two hours of the meeting if good cause can
be shown for failure to meet the 48 hour notice requirement.
After the first meeting of the Board of Review and
before the Boards final adjournment, no person who is
scheduled to appear before the Board of Review may
contact, or provide information to a member of the Board
about the persons objection except at a session of the
When appearing before the Board, the person shall
specify in writing, the persons estimate of the value of
the land and of the improvements that are the subject of
the persons objection and specify the information that the
person used to arrive at that estimate.
The Board shall hear upon oath, by telephone, all ill or
disabled persons who present to the Board a letter from a
physician that confirms their illness or disability.
Renee Zenner, Town Clerk

(1st ins. May 14, 2nd ins. May 21)


6, 2015 through December 5,

2015. All in favor: All Aye. Motion Carried.
2014 City Audit, Management Letter and 2014 Tax Increment Finance Districts #5,
#6, #7, #8, #10, #11, #12 & #13
Johnson moved, Peterson
seconded a motion to accept
the 2014 City Audit and management letter and the 2014 Tax
Increment Finance Districts #5,
#6, #7, #8, #10, #11, #12 & #13
Audits as presented. Roll Call
Vote: Brandner-Yes; ParentYes; Knight-Yes; KraschnewskiYes; Peterson-Yes; Roiger-Yes;
Bub-Yes; Johnson-Yes (8 Yes;
0 No) Motion Carried.
Class B Beer/Liquor License for Silver Fork LLC
d/b/a Filling Station Caf &
Brandner moved, Roiger

seconded a motion to approve

the issuance of a Class B beer/
liquor license to the Silver Fork
LLC d/b/a Filling Station Caf
& Bar, Jenna Leigh Strebig,
Agent for the premise located
at 884 West Broadway Avenue
for the period beginning May 6,
2015 and ending June 30, 2015
contingent upon receipt of Ms.
Strebigs Wisconsin sellers permit number. All in favor: All Aye.
Motion Carried.
Parade/Special Event Permit Stepping Stones, Inc.
Knight moved, Parent seconded a motion to approve the
request submitted by Stepping
Stones, Inc. for a Stepping for
Survivors run/walk fundraiser/
awareness event scheduled for
Saturday, May 16, 2015 beginning at approximately 9:30 AM.
All in favor: All Aye. Motion Carried.

Crack Fill Bids Wanted

Town of Westboro
The Town of Westboro is accepting sealed bids for
crack filling. Please contact Jeff Peterson at 715-4939818 weekdays between 6:30 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. to get
list of roads to be crack filled with proper specifications.
Bids will be opened on Friday, June 19, 2015 at 6
p.m. at the Community Center located at N8855 Second
Street. The Town of Westboro reserves the right to accept
or reject any or all bids in the best interest of the town. A
Certificate of Insurance must accompany all bids.
Mail or deliver sealed bids to Town Clerk, N8855 Second Street, PO Box 127, Westboro, WI 54490 until 5:00
p.m. on Thursday, June 18, 2015.
Joyce Peterson, Town Clerk
(1st ins. May 7, 2nd ins. May 14)

Purchase of a 2015 Ton

Regular Cab Pickup with an 8
The Public Works Department
solicited quotes for a 2015 ton
regular cab 4x4 pickup with an 8
foot snowplow. The 2008 ton
F250 with an 8 foot plow will be
traded in.
Company - Description Quote - Minus Trade-In - Cost
Medford Motors - 2015
F250 Ton 4x4 - $32,635.00 $12,950.00 - $19,685.00
Mertens - 2015 Dodge Ram
4x4 - $33,165.00 - $12,600.00 $20,565.00
Wheelers Chevrolet - No Bid
Kraschnewski moved, Johnson seconded a motion to approve Medford Motors quote

in the amount of $19,685.00

which includes the trade in of
the 2008 ton F250 with snowplow ($32,635.00 original cost
minus $12,950.00 trade in) for
the 2015 F250 regular cab 4x4
with the 8 foot snowplow with
the monies for this purchase allocated from the General Fund
Capital Outlay account (#4356320-39410). Roll Call Vote:
Knight-Yes; Kraschnewski-Yes;
Peterson-Yes; Roiger-Yes; BubYes; Johnson-Yes (8 Yes; 0 No)
Motion Carried.
Bid Acceptance City Hall
Continued on Page 18


Notice to City of Medford Residents

Noxious Weeds
Wisconsin Statute 66.0407 requires property owners
to destroy all noxious weeds. As defined by Wisconsin
Statute 66.0407, noxious weeds include Canada Thistle,
Leafy Spurge and Field Bindweed (Creeping Jenny).
In addition, Section 9.6.11 of the City of Medford Code
of Ordinances prohibits property owners from growing or
pollinating any weeds, grass or brush which causes hay
fever in human beings, emitting unpleasant or noxious
odors or may conceal filthy deposits or provide for the accumulation of trash or litter.
Property owners failing to comply will be subject, upon
conviction, to a forfeiture. A separate offense shall be
deemed committed each day that such violation continues to exist.
Virginia Brost
City Clerk, WCMC
(1st ins. May 7, 2nd ins. May 14)




Notice of the Board of Review

for the Town of Jump River
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Review
for the Town of Jump River of Taylor County shall hold its
meeting on Saturday, May 23, 2015 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
at the Jump River Community Center.
Please be advised of the following requirements to
appear before the Board of Review and procedural requirements if appearing before the Board:
No person shall be allowed to appear before the Board
of Review, to testify to the Board by telephone or to contest the amount of any assessment of the real or personal
property, if the person has refused a reasonable written
request by certified mail of the assessor to view such
After the meeting of the Board of Review and before
the Boards final adjournment, no person who is scheduled to appear before the Board of Review may contact or
provide information to a member of the Board about the
persons objection except at a session of the Board.
No person may appear before the Board of Review,
testify to the Board by telephone or contest the amount
of the assessment unless, at least 48 hours before the
first meeting of the Board or at least 48 hours before the
objection is heard if the objection is allowed because the
person has been granted a waiver of the 48 hour notice
of an intent to file a written objection by appearing before
the Board during the first two hours of the meeting and
showing good cause for failure to meet the 45 hour notice
requirement and files a written objection, that the person
provides to the clerk of the Board of Review notices as
to whether the person will ask for removal of any Board
members and, if so , which member will be removed and
the persons reasonable estimate of the length of time that
the hearing will take.
When appearing before the Board of Review, the person shall specify, in writing, the persons estimate of the
value of the land and of the improvement that are the subject of the persons objection and specify the information
that the person used to arrive at that estimate.
The Board shall hear upon oath, by telephone, all ill or
disabled persons who present to the Board a letter from a
physician, surgeon or osteopath that confirms their illness
or disability. No other person may testify by telephone.
Open Book will be held on May 23, 2015 from 10
a.m. to 12 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Town of Jump River
Denise Webster, Clerk
(1st ins. May 7, 2nd ins. May 14)

Page 17


Notice of the Open Book and Board

of Review for the Town of Browning
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an Open Book will be
held on Tuesday, June 9, 2015 from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. at
the Browning Town Hall, for public inspection of the 2015
Assessment Roll for the Town of Browning. The Town Assessor will be present. Objection Forms for Real Estate
and Personal Property will be available and must be filled
out before meeting with the Board of Review.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Review
for the Town of Browning of Taylor County shall hold its
meeting on Tuesday, June 9, 2015 from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m.
at the Browning Town Hall.
Please be advised of the following requirements to appear before the Board of Review and procedural requirements if appearing before the Board:
No person shall be allowed to appear before the Board
of Review, to testify to the Board by telephone or to contest the amount of any assessment of the real or personal
property, if the person has refused a reasonable written
request by certified mail of the Assessor to view such
After the meeting of the Board of Review and before
the Boards final adjournment, no person who is scheduled to appear before the Board of Review may contact or
provide information to a member of the Board about the
persons objection except at a session of the Board.
No person may appear before the Board of Review,
testify to the Board by telephone or contest the amount of
the assessment unless, at 48 hours before the first meeting of the Board or at least 48 hours before the objection is
heard if the objection is allowed because the person has
been granted a waiver of the 48-hour notice of an intent to
file a written objection by appearing before the Board during the first two hours of the meeting and showing good
cause for failure to meet the 48-hour notice requirement
and files a written objection, that the person provides to
the Clerk of the Board of Review notice as to whether the
person will ask for removal of any Board members and, if
so, which member will be removed and the persons reasonable estimate of the length of time that the hearing will
When appearing before the Board of Review, the person shall specify, in writing, the persons estimate of the
value of the land and of the improvements that are the
subject of the persons objection and specify the information that the person used to arrive at that estimate.
The Board shall hear upon oath, by telephone, all ill or
disabled persons who present to the Board a letter from a
physician, surgeon or osteopath that confirms their illness
or disability. No other person may testify by telephone.
Respectfully submitted,
Town of Browning
Patti Kraegenbrink, Clerk


Page 18

Continued from Page 17

Bids for the reroofing of City
Hall were opened on April 30,
2015. Six bids were received
ranging in price from $79,850.00
to $106,757.00.
All bidders
provided the required 10% bid
bond, but two bidders did not acknowledge the addendum (C&C
Services, LLC and Maurer Roofing, Inc.) One bid (Commercial
Roofing) was received by mail
on May 1, 2015. Bids received
were as follows:
Bidder ......................... Total Bid
C&C Services LLC
of Aniwa, WI.......... $79,850.00
Oshkosh Industrial Roofing &
Sheet Metal, LLC
of Oshkosh, WI ..... $84,485.00
Maurer Roofing, Inc.
of Marshfield WI.... $89,995.00
Kulps of Stratford
of Stratford, WI .... $100,758.00
Hernandez Roofing,
LLC ..................... $104,910.00
Quality Roofing,
Inc. ...................... $106,757.00
The lowest bidder was C&C
Services, but they failed to acknowledge the addendum thus
making theirs a non-complete
The lowest bidder that had a
completed bid form was Oshkosh Industrial Roofing & Sheet
Metal, LLC. Oshkosh Industrial Roofing & Sheet Metal LLC
shows a business history of
being a principal contractor of

three years, and of being a subcontractor of three years. They

show three projects ranging
from $163,600 to $1,300,000,
and three projects currently in
progress ranging from $50,600
to $240,000. They also show
three people, two of which have
15+ years of experience, and
one having 30+ years of experience.
Ayres Associates, Inc., the
Citys engineers, recommend
the City award the City Hall reroofing project to Oshkosh Industrial Roofing & Sheet Metal,
LLC as being the lowest responsible bidder having submitted a
complete bid.
Kraschnewski moved, Johnson seconded a motion to award
the City Hall reroofing project
to Oshkosh Industrial Roofing
& Sheet Metal, LLC as being
the lowest responsible bidder
having submitted a complete
bid in an amount not-to-exceed $84,485.00 with 70% or
$59,139.50 of the cost allocated
from the General Fund Undesignated Retained Earnings account and 30% or $25,345.50
from the Electric Utility Maintenance of Structure account
(#68-53830-57100). Roll Call
Vote: Brandner-Yes; ParentYes; Knight-Yes; KraschnewskiYes; Peterson-Yes; Roiger-Yes;
Bub-Yes; Johnson-Yes (8 Yes;
0 No) Motion Carried.

Town of Maplehurst
Notice of Open Book
Notice is hereby given that an Open Book will be held
on Tuesday, June 2, 2015 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
at the Maplehurst Town Hall for public inspection of the
2014 Assessment Roll for the Town of Maplehurst. The
assessor will be present to answer your questions. Objection forms for Real Estate and Personal Property will be
available and must be completed before meeting with the
Board of Review, now scheduled for June 2, 2015.
Donald Schindler, Clerk


Notice of Board of Review

Town of Maplehurst
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Review
for the Town of Maplehurst, Taylor County, Wisconsin shall
hold its first meeting on Tuesday June 2, 2015 from 7:00
p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the Maplehurst Town Hall.
Please be advised of the following requirements to appear before the Board of Review and procedural requirements if appearing before the Board:
1. No person shall be allowed to appear before the Board
of Review, to testify to the Board by telephone, or to contest
the amount of any assessment of real or personal property
if the person has refused a reasonable written request by
certified mail of the Assessor to view such property.
2. After the first meeting of the Board of Review and before the Boards final adjournment, no person who is scheduled to appear before the Board of Review may contact, or
provide information to a member of the Board about the
persons objection, except at a session of the Board.
3. The Board of Review may not hear an objection to the
amount or valuation of property unless, at least 48 hours
before the Boards first scheduled meeting, the objector provides to the Boards clerk written or oral notice of an intent
to file an objection, except that upon a showing of good
cause and the submission of a written objection, the Board
shall waive the requirement during the first 2 hours of the
Boards first scheduled meeting, and the Board may waive
that requirement up to the end of the 5th day of the session
or up to the end of the final day of the session if the session
is less that 5 days with proof of extraordinary circumstances
for the failure to meet the 48-hour notice requirement and
failure to appear before the Board of Review during the first
2 hours of the first scheduled meeting.
4. Objections to the amount or valuation of property shall
first be made in writing and filed with the Clerk of the Board
of Review within the first 2 hours of the Boards first scheduled meeting, except that, upon evidence of extraordinary
circumstances, the Board may waive that requirement up to
the end of the 5th day of the session or up to the end of the
final day of the session if the session is less than 5 days.
The Board may require objections to the amount of valuation of the property to be submitted on forms approved by
the Department of Revenue, and the Board shall require

Bid Acceptance Wastewater Utility Reroofing

Bids for the reroofing of the
Wastewater Utility were opened
on April 30, 2015. Five bids were
received ranging in price from
$42,120.00 to $49,360.00. All
bidders provided the required
10% bid bond, but one bidder
did not acknowledge the addendum (C& C Services LLC).
One bid (Commercial Roofing)
was received by mail on May
1, 2015. Bids received were as
Bidder ......................... Total Bid
Oshkosh Industrial Roofing &
Sheet Metal, LLC
of Oshkosh, WI ..... $42,120.00
Quality Roofing,
Inc. ........................ $44,983.00
C&C Services, LLC
of Aniwa, WI.......... $45,415.50
Maurer Roofing, Inc.
of Marshfield, WI... $47,995.00
Hernandez Roofing,
LLC ....................... $49,360.00
The lowest bidder that had a
complete bid form was Oshkosh
Industrial Roofing & Sheet Metal, LLC.
Oshkosh Industrial Roofing &
Sheet Metal LLC shows a business history of being a principal
contractor of three years, and of
being a subcontractor of three
years. They show three projects ranging from $163,600 to
$1,300,000, and three projects
currently in progress ranging
from $50,600 to $240,000. They
also show three people, two of
which have 15+ years of experience, and one having 30+ years
of experience.
Ayres Associates, Inc., the
Citys engineers, recommend
the City award the Wastewater
reroofing project to Oshkosh Industrial Roofing & Sheet Metal,
LLC as being the lowest responsible bidder having submitted a
complete bid.
Johnson moved, Peterson
seconded a motion to award
the Wastewater Utility reroofing
project to Oshkosh Industrial
Roofing & Sheet Metal, LLC as

being the lowest responsible

bidder having submitted a complete bid in an amount not-toexceed $42,120.00 with cost
allocated from the Wastewater
Utility Maintenance of General
Plant Structure & Equipment account (#66-56152-83400). Roll
Call Vote: Brandner-Yes; ParentYes; Knight-Yes; KraschnewskiYes; Peterson-Yes; Roiger-Yes;
Bub-Yes; Johnson-Yes (8 Yes;
0 No) Motion Carried.
Coordinators Report
The Coordinators report is as
follows: (1) An update on the
capital projects was given. (2)
The City pool is scheduled to
open Friday, June 5, 2015 at
1:00 PM, weather permitting.
Communications from the
Mayor/Upcoming Events
May/June Meeting Schedule
The May/June meeting schedule was distributed.
Presentation 2014 City
Goals & Accomplishments
A presentation on the goals
and accomplishments was given
by the various City departments.
No Action Taken.
Closed Session
The Closed Session meeting
was canceled.
Johnson moved, Brandner
seconded a motion to adjourn
the meeting at 6:50 PM. All in
favor: All Aye. Motion Carried.
Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted,
Virginia Brost
City Clerk, WCPC/MMC
(One ins. May 14)


City of Medford
Common Council
Meeting Minutes
Closed Session #2
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
6:50 PM
Council Chambers, City Hall
639 South Second Street
Medford, WI
Subject to Council Approval}
Call to Order/Roll Call
Mayor Mike Wellner called

that any forms include stated valuation of the property in

question. Persons who own land and improvements to that
land may object to the aggregate valuation of that land and
improvements to that land, but no person who owns land
and improvements to that land may object only to the valuation of that land or only to the valuation of improvements
to that land. No person may be allowed in any action or
proceedings to question the amount or valuation of property
unless the written objection has been filed and that person
in good faith presented evidence to the Board in support of
the objections and made full disclosure before the Board
under oath, of all of that persons property liable to assessment in the district and the value of that property. The requirement that objections be in writing may be waived by
express action of the Board.
5. When appearing before the Board of Review, the objecting person shall specify in writing, the persons estimate
of the value of the land and of the improvements that are
the subject of the persons objection and specify the information that the person used to arrive at that estimate.
6. No person may appear before the Board of Review,
testify to the Board by telephone, or object to the valuation
if that valuation was made by the assessor or the objector
using the income method of valuation, unless the person
supplies the assessor with all the information about income
and expenses, as specified in the assessors manual under
s.73.03(2a), Wis. Stats., that the assessor requests.
7. The Board shall hear upon oath, by telephone, all ill or
disabled persons who present to the Board a letter from a
physician, surgeon, or osteopath that confirms their illness
or disability. No other persons may testify by telephone.
8. No person may appear before the Board of Review,
testify to the Board by telephone, or contest the amount of
any assessment unless, at least 48 hours before the first
meeting of the Board, or at least 48 house before the objection is heard if the objection is allowed under s.70.47(3)(a),
Wis. Stats., that person provides to the Clerk of the Board
of Review notice as to whether the person will ask for the
removal of a member of the Board of Review and, if so,
which member, and provides a reasonable estimate of the
length of time and the hearing will take.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN this 11th day of May 2015.
Town of Maplehurst
Donald Schindler, Clerk


Thursday, May 14, 2015

the Closed Session #2 to order

in accordance with Wisconsin
State Statute 19.85(1)(c) to
consider the employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any
public employee over which the
governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility. The purpose of the Closed
Session is to discuss the new
police officers wage. The following Council members were
present: Dave J. Brandner, Arlene Parent, Greg Knight, Peggy
Kraschnewski, Dave Roiger,
Mike Bub, and Clem Johnson.
Alderperson Jim Peterson was
an excused absence. All votes
will be with the exception of Alderperson Petersons vote.
City Personnel Present
The following City personnel
were present: City Clerk Ginny
Brost, Police Chief Ken Coyer,
and City Coordinator/Public
Works Director John Fales. City
Attorney Courtney Graff was an
excused absence.
Visitors Present
There were no visitors present.
New Police Officers Wage
On April 13, 2015, the Police
& Fire Commission established
an eligibility list for the vacant
patrol officer position due to the
retirement of Rich Burghaus.
The first choice is Chad Liske.
The current Police Association
contract states that probationary employee receive 80% of
the senior patrol officers salary
for the one year probationary
period, and 90% for one year
at patrolman status with the department. The 2015 wage for a
patrol officer is $25.19 per hour.

Because of Mr. Liskes twelve

years of service with the Taylor County Sheriffs office, the
following employment offer is
recommended: (1) Mr. Liskes
wage be established at 95% of
the patrol officers wage for his
one year probation. After a successful one year probation, Mr.
Liske would receive 100% of the
patrol officers wage. (2) Mr.
Liske would receive five days of
paid vacation in calendar year
2015. (3) Mr. Liske would receive 15 days of paid vacation in
calendar year 2019. The Police
Association has been contacted, and has provided a signed
Side Letter Agreement agreeing to the above and with the
understanding that this will not
set precedent for future contract
negotiations. No Action Taken.
Reconvene into Open Session
Bub moved, Knight` seconded a motion to adjourn Closed
Session #2 and reconvene into
Open Session at 7:05 PM. Roll
Call Vote: Brandner-Yes; ParentYes; Knight-Yes; KraschnewskiYes; Peterson-Absent; RoigerYes; Bub-Yes; Johnson-Yes (7
Yes; 0 No; 1 Absent) Motion
The meeting adjourned from Closed Session
#2 and reconvened into Open
Respectfully Submitted,
Virginia Brost
City Clerk, WCPC/MMC
(One ins. May 14)


More Public Notices

on Page 19

Public Notice
Invitation for Bids for Timber Sales
Department of Natural Resources
Sealed bids will be received by the Forest Superintendent, Flambeau River State Forest, at the Forest Headquarters office, until 1:30 p.m. on May 28, 2015. Sealed
bids for tracts not sold on May 28, 2015 will be received
at the Forest Headquarters office until 1:30 p.m. on June
30, 2015.
There will be 13 tracts for sale on the Flambeau River
State Forest, 2 tracts on Sawyer County State Lands, and
1 tract on the Pershing Wildlife Area.
A timber sale prospectus and detailed information including maps of each tract, as well as a bid form and copies of sample contract forms, can be obtained by contacting the Headquarters office, viewing the FRSF website, or
by calling (715) 332-5271 ext. 101 or 106.
The 16 tracts total 2,390 acres and consist of the following volumes:
Mixed pulp .......28,900 cds White Pine ............300 cds
Aspen ................8,900 cds Hard Maple .........190 MBF
Basswood pulp ..1,600 cds Red Maple ..........250 MBF
White Birch ...........250 cds Basswood .............50 MBF
Spruce ...............1,800 cds Ash .....................175 MBF
Balsam Fir ............650 cds Red Oak ...............10 MBF
Tamarack ..............250 cds Mixed Saw ..........170 MBF
Red Pine ...............600 cds
Bids must be submitted on Department Timber Sale
Bid forms.
The Department of Natural Resources reserves the
right to reject any and all bids. Bids will be opened publicly
at the Flambeau River State Forest Headquarters office at
1:30 p.m. on May 28, 2015 and at 1:30 p.m. on June 30,
2015 for those tracts not sold.
State of Wisconsin-Department of Natural Resources
For the Secretary:
James Halvorson, Forest Superintendent
(1st ins. May 7, 2nd ins. May 14)



Thursday, May 14, 2015

Accident reports

Taylor County Law Enforcement

Two-vehicle accidents

Two-vehicle accident
Dorothy Oesterreich and Paul R. Resch were involved in an accident on May 4 at 1:49 p.m. on Hwy
13 in the city of Medford. According to the accident report, the Oesterreich vehicle was southbound on Hwy
13 approaching the Perkins St. intersection in the right
turn-only lane, but continued through the intersection
without turning onto Perkins St. The Resch tractor-trailer
semi was southbound on Hwy 13 in the left lane of traffic and continued through the intersection at Perkins St.
The Oesterreich vehicle merged left into the single lane
of traffic just south of the intersection and the rear driver
side of the vehicle struck the right front bumper of the
Resch vehicle.

Public notices
Application for
Liquor License
makes application to the Town
Board of the Town of Hammel
for a Class B License to sell intoxicating liquors and fermented
malt beverages for the period
ending June 30, 2016 at the
following location: Country Inn,
N2993 CTH E, Medford, WI.
Renee Zenner, Town Clerk

Application for
Liquor License
makes application to the Town
Board of the Town of Hammel
for a Class A License to sell fermented malt beverages for the
period ending June 30, 2016 at
the following location: Fuzzys
General Store & Bait Shop,
N4369 CTH E, Medford, WI.
Renee Zenner, Town Clerk

Application for
Liquor License
Phillips, Agent, makes application to the Town Board of the
Town of Hammel for a Class B
License to sell intoxicating liquors and fermented malt beverages for the period ending
June 30, 2016 at the following
location: HighView Inn, W7766
Perkinstown Ave., Medford, WI
Renee Zenner, Town Clerk

Application for
Liquor License
Patrice L. Koren, Agent, makes
application to the Town Board
of the Town of Hammel for a
Class B License to sell intoxicating liquors and fermented
malt beverages for the period
ending June 30, 2016 at the following location: The Turtle Club,
W7944 Perkinstown Ave., Medford, WI Renee Zenner, Town

Application for
Liquor License
CINDYS BAR & GRILL, Cindy Berndt, Agent, makes application to the Town Board of the
Town of Hammel for a Class B License to sell intoxicating liquors
and fermented malt beverages
for the period ending June 30,
2016 at the following location:
Cindys Bar & Grill, W7958 State
Hwy 64, Medford, WI. Renee
Zenner, Town Clerk

Application for
Liquor License
PURE COUNTRY, LLC, Edward Brecke Jr., Agent, makes
application to the Town Board
of the Town of Hammel for a
Class B License to sell intoxicating liquors and fermented malt
beverages for the period ending
June 30, 2016 at the following
location: North Central Rodeo
Grounds, W7939 State Hwy 64,
Medford, WI. Renee Zenner,
Town Clerk
(1st ins. May 14,
2nd ins. May 21)

Page 19


Shelly M. King and Urias J. Schrock were involved

in an accident on May 3 at 3:53 p.m. at the intersection
of Hwys 13 and 64 in the city of Medford. According to
the accident report, the King vehicle was northbound
on Hwy 13 and proceeding through the intersection
with Hwy 64. The Schrock vehicle was southbound on
Hwy 13 and, according to a witness, failed to yield the
right-of-way while making a left-hand turn onto Hwy 64,
colliding with the King vehicle. Both vehicles sustained
minor damage to the front end.
Karen M. Hoernke and Craig A. Krug were involved
in an accident on May 5 at 9:42 a.m. in the parking lot
at County Market in the city of Medford. According
to the accident report, the Hoernke vehicle was driving through the parking lot and the Krug vehicle was
parked in front of County Market. The Hoernke vehicle
attempted to turn down a parking isle, but was unable
to make the turn. The Hoernke vehicle backed up in an
attempt to get into position to make the turn, striking
the Krug vehicle. The Hoernke vehicle sustained minor
damage to the back end. The Krug vehicle sustained minor damage to the front end.
The Taylor County Sheriffs Department responded
to an accident on May 5 at 5:10 p.m. on Hwy 13 in the
town of Westboro. According to the accident report, a
vehicle was southbound and stopped in traffic waiting
to make a left turn into the wayside when it was struck
from behind by a second vehicle. The driver of the second vehicle braked but was unable to stop in time to prevent the accident. The driver of the second vehicle said

Traffic court
Charges dismissed
The following charges were dismissed on the courts
own motions: Kyle J. Anderson, 29, Stetsonville, operating with a prohibited alcohol concentration (PAC)
equal to or greater than 0.15 percent-first offense; James
R. Hacker, 59, Rib Lake, operating with a PAC equal to
or greater than 0.08 percent and less than 0.15 percentfirst offense; Jaime M. Johnson, 38, Stetsonville, operating with a PAC equal to or greater than 0.08 percent and
less than 0.15 percent-first offense.

Pleas entered

The following made initial appearances and entered

pleas of not guilty: Robert A. Beck, 61, Athens, operating while under the influence-first offense (PAC equal to
or greater than 0.15 percent) and operating with a PAC
equal to or greater than 0.15 percent-first offense; Jason
J. Ploeckelman, 20, Medford, operating while under the
influence-first offense; Louise M. Rought, 22, Phillips,
speeding 16-19 mph over the limit; Dawson D. Schroeder, 16, Chippewa Falls, operating an ATV or UTV
without required headgear; Matthew L. Schuster, 35,
Stetsonville, operating with a PAC-second offense and
operating while under the influence-second offense.


$1,041: Kyle J. Anderson, 29, Stetsonville, operating

while under the influence-first offense (PAC equal to or
greater than 0.15 percent) [drivers license revoked, ignition interlock device installed, alcohol assessment].
$853: James R. Hacker, 59, Rib Lake, operating while
under the influence-first offense (PAC equal to or greater than 0.15 percent) [drivers license revoked, ignition
interlock device installed, alcohol assessment, other

Court proceedings

Plea entered

Wesley S. Calhoun a.k.a. Wesley Steven Calhoun, 54,

Rib Lake, made an initial appearance and entered a plea
of not guilty to operating while under the influencethird offense and operating with a prohibited alcohol
concentration (PAC)-third offense.

he did not see the first vehicles activated turn signal.

The first vehicle sustained minor damage to the rear.
The second vehicle sustained very minor damage to the

One-vehicle accidents

Alice E. Novak was involved in an accident on May

4 at 10:29 a.m. in the parking lot at County Market in
the city of Medford. According to the accident report,
the Novak vehicle was backing out a parking space and
struck a concrete support pillar for a light post. The
vehicle sustained minor damage to the rear bumper.
There was no damage to the light post.
The Taylor County Sheriffs Department responded
to an accident on May 11 at 4:16 p.m. on Hwy 64 in the
town of Holway. According to the accident report, a vehicle was eastbound on Hwy 64 and traveling too fast
to properly negotiate the curve at the intersection with
CTH O. The vehicle traveled onto the left shoulder before the driver steered back onto the roadway and overcorrected to the right. The vehicle left the roadway and
entered the south ditch, striking a tree before coming to
a stop against some small trees/brush. The vehicle sustained severe damage to the front, entire passenger side
and front driver side, and was towed from the scene.

Deer-related accidents

The following deer-related accidents were reported:

May 9 at 12:44 a.m. on CTH T in the town of Maplehurst;
May 11 at 10:07 p.m. on Hwy 64 in the town of Medford.

Taylor County Circuit Court

$803: Jaime M. Johnson, 38, Stetsonville, operating
while under the influence-first offense [drivers license
revoked, alcohol assessment].
$613.50: Kirk C. Kenyon, 48, Ladysmith, criminal
damage to property.
$413.25: Mullins Trucking Inc., Mosinee, class A
highway weight limits violation.
$263.50: Jared M. Foley, 19, Kennan, underage drinking-possession (first offense); Daniel C. Hutman, 21,
Stetsonville, disorderly conduct and underage drinking-possession (first offense) [$263.50 each]; Joseph W.
Paine, 50, Oconomowoc, disorderly conduct; Ashley
L. Rinehart, 27, Medford, selling alcohol to underage
person-first offense; Maci A. Sherfield, 17, Westboro, underage drinking-possession (first offense); Colton J. Tibbetts, 18, Rib Lake, underage drinking-possession (first
offense) and selling alcohol to underage person-first offense ($263.50 each).
$228.66: Stanley D. Warminski III LLC, Stanley, class
A highway weight limits violation.
$225.70: Alexander J. Schmocker, 21, Eau Claire,
speeding 20-24 mph over the limit.
$200.50: Nicole M. Brost, 29, Medford, speeding 16-19
mph over the limit; Nicholas D. Haines, 23, Abbotsford,
speeding 16-19 mph over the limit; Jaime M. Johnson,
38, Stetsonville, operating a motor vehicle without insurance; Kenneth M. Kirkwood, 26, Mauston, operating
while suspended; Damien R. Pettit, 21, Conrath, operating a motor vehicle without insurance; Lance W. P.
Rinehart, 51, Medford, operating a motor vehicle without insurance; Dale V. Severson, 61, Curtiss, federal
regulation/safety violations-general; Alex H. Skabroud,
24, Sheldon, operating an all-terrain vehicle or utility

See TRAFFIC COURT on page 20




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Page 20


Dispatch log

Taylor County Law Enforcement

Gilman Police Department

Taylor County Sheriffs Department

May 5 Non-sufficient funds at 120 E. Main St. at

10:18 a.m.
May 7 Theft at 340 S. Seventh Ave. at 10:48 a.m.

April 28 Warrant arrest at Hwy 73 and Hwy 64 in

town of Ford at 1:22 p.m.; property damage at W14530
Franklin St. in town of Cleveland at 2:38 p.m.; drugs
in town of Medford at 5:49 p.m.; accident at CTH B and
Franks Ave. in town of Ford at 7:44 p.m.; harassment
at River Dr. and Center Ave. in town of Medford at 8:15
April 29 Traffic arrest at E. CTH A and N. Jefferson in village of Stetsonville at 12:26 a.m.; domestic
at 217 S. Park Ave. at 3:37 a.m.; commercial alarm at 160
Medford Plaza at 7:45 a.m.; hazmat at 316 E. South St. at

Medford Police Department

May 4 Suicidal subject; accident at Medford Plaza
at 10:29 a.m.; sexual assault; theft at 225 S. Wisconsin
Ave. at 1:16 p.m.; animal complaint at 1010 N. Eighth
St. at 1:28 p.m.; accident at 603 S. Eighth St. at 1:49 p.m.;
missing person at 805 N. Second St. at 2:04 p.m.; disorderly conduct at 217 S. Main St. at 3:46 p.m.; citizen assist at 703 Del Rea Ct. at 3:50 p.m.; probation violation at
courthouse at 4:18 p.m.; citizen assist at 107 S. Washington Ave. at 5:02 p.m.; juvenile problem.
May 5 Agency assist at 330 N. Central Ave. at 4:11
a.m.; accident at 160 Medford Plaza at 9:42 a.m.; threats
at 843 W. Broadway Ave. at 4:15 p.m.; suicidal subject.
May 6 Agency assist at E. Broadway Ave. and N.
Eighth St. at 8:49 a.m.; truancy; disorderly conduct at
1015 W. Broadway Ave. at 3:30 p.m.; disorderly conduct
at 190 Medford Plaza at 5:32 p.m.; traffic arrest at E. Allman St. and N. Eighth St. at 11:01 p.m.; request for officer at 546 S. Second St. at 11:02 p.m.
May 7 Information at Centennial Pky. at 1:15 a.m.;
citizen assist at 546 S. Second St. at 1:54 a.m.; found property at 228 E. Broadway Ave. at 9:45 a.m.; fraud at 355 S.
Second St. at 11:22 a.m.; parking problem at 132 S. Main
St. at 2:53 p.m.; information at 1174 W. Broadway Ave.
at 3:24 p.m.; suspicious activity at 144 S. Main St. at 8:52
p.m.; commercial alarm at 135 S. Gibson St. at 9:30 p.m.
May 8 Suspicious activity at N. Eighth St. and
Broadway Ave. at 5:49 a.m.; ambulance request at 120 N.
Third St. at 10:17 a.m.; lockout at 844 W. Broadway Ave.
at 12:04 p.m.; vehicle inspection at 1255 N. Eighth St. in
town of Medford at 2:20 p.m.; theft at 847 N. Second St.
at 3:28 p.m.
May 9 Information at 111 Conans Cv. at 12:12 a.m.;
citizen assist at 132 S. Seventh St. at 6:06 a.m.; traffic
control in town of Chelsea at 12:03 p.m.; noise complaint
at 765 S. Gibson at 2:11 p.m.; animal at large on E. Broadway Ave. and N. Seventh St. at 4:50 p.m.; ATV incident
at 120 N. Seventh St. at 6:22 p.m.
May 10 Lockout at 403 S. Eighth St. at 12:26 p.m.;
traffic complaint on S. Eighth St. and CTH O at 2:12 and
6:07 p.m.; traffic complaint at N. Eighth St. and E. Broadway Ave. at 7:47 p.m.

Rib Lake Police Department

May 8 Welfare check at 930 N. Front St. at 2:45

Thursday, May 14, 2015

9:27 a.m.; animal at large at N5100 Webster Ln. in town

of Cleveland at 10:25 a.m.; 9-1-1 hang up at 134 S. Hwy
13 in village of Stetsonville at 12:12 p.m.; theft at N7606
Peche Dr. in town of Rib Lake at 1:49 p.m.; traffic complaint at Hwy 13 and CTH M in town of Chelsea at 2:01
p.m.; grass fire at Hwy 73 and Buckhorn Rd. in town of
Jump River at 7:18 p.m.; missing person at N1127 Swallow Dr. in town of Little Black at 9:44 p.m.
April 30 Accident at W4123 CTH M in town of
Greenwood at 2:21 a.m.; animal at large on CTH A and
CTH E in town of Little Black at 4:14 a.m.; disorderly
conduct at courthouse at 6:28 a.m.; accident at Cemetery
Ave. and Hwy 13 in town of Chelsea at 8:22 a.m.; agency


Reports of Area Deaths

Warren Kleiber

62, of the town of Little
Black, died Sunday, May
10, at the UW Madison
Hospital where he had
been a patient for the last
seven days surrounded by
his loving family.
Funeral services will
be held at 11 a.m., Saturday, May 16, at Holy Rosary Catholic Church,
Medford with Father Gerard Willger and Deacon
Joseph Stefancin ofciating. Burial will take place at Holy Rosary Catholic
Cemetery, Medford.
Visitation will take place from 4 to 7 p.m. Friday,
May 15, at the Hemer Funeral Home, Medford where
there will be a 6:45 p.m. prayer service and also from 9
until 10:45 a.m. Saturday, May 16, at the funeral home.
Honorary pallbearer is Ronnie Kleiber. Active
pallbearers are Gary and Dave Kleiber, Jim Kaudy,
Todd Theil, Ken Kraus, Dick Wesle and Mark Wachsmuth.
Warren Kleiber was born on January 21, 1953 in
Medford to the late Jerome Bud and Lucille E.
(Heinz) Kleiber.

He attended Holy Rosary Catholic School and was

a graduate of Medford High School.
On December 28, 1973, at Sacred Heart Catholic
Church, Stetsonville he married Jeanette A. Kaudy
and they later divorced.
After high school, Warren began his career at
Weather Shield in Medford where he worked in a variety of positions for 42 years until his retirement in
2013. He was an avid hunter and sherman. He enjoyed gardening, woodworking and restoring snowmobiles. Warren was a dedicated Packers fan and enjoyed being surrounded by his family, grandchildren
and his dog Foster.
He was a member of Sacred Heart Catholic
Church, Stetsonville and the Taylor County Sportsmans Club.
He is survived by three daughters, Wendy (Robert) Mateega of Plymouth, Minn., Angela Kleiber
of Waunakee and Shelby (Fianc Jesse Biermann)
of Ogema; two grandchildren, Spencer and Ava Mateega of Plymouth, Minn.; and three brothers, Dave
(Susie) Kleiber of Medford, Gary (Stella) Kleiber of
Kronewetter and Ronnie (signicant other Sandy
Motte) Kleiber of Medford.
In lieu of owers, memorials can be made to Warrens family to be designated at a later date.
For online condolences, please visit
Paid Obituary 19-149376

Kenneth Ellenbecker
Traffic court
Continued from page 19
terrain vehicle without valid registration; Michael G.
Weiler, 24, Medford, operating a motorcycle without a
valid license; Emily A. Ziembo, 20, Rib Lake, speeding
16-19 mph over the limit.
$187.90: Marlene O. Weaver, 32, Willard, inattentive
$183.30: Ty R. Grabowsky, 49, Antigo, speeding 11-15
mph over the limit.
$175.30: Chad D. Abbiehl, 42, Wausau, failure to stop/
improper stop at stop sign; Rachael M. Burzynski, 17,
Thorp, speeding 11-15 mph over the limit; Jordan M.
Cardey, 18, Rib Lake, speeding 11-15 mph over the limit;
Patricia R. Ehlert, 51, Medford, burning without a permit-intensive area; Jaime M. Johnson, 38, Stetsonville,
speeding 11-15 mph over the limit; Kenneth M. Kirkwood, 26, Mauston, speeding 11-15 mph over the limit;
Carl J. Peterson, 34, Westboro, burning without a permit-intensive area; Dillon N. Rasmussen, 23, Westboro,
speeding 11-15 mph over the limit.
$144.50: Richard L. Price, 37, Medford, parking/standing near a fire hydrant.
$18: Charles F. Turba, 62, Rib Lake, vehicle operator
failure to wear a seatbelt.
$10 seatbelt violation: Heath J. Tappe, 44, Wausau.
$10 proof of insurance violation: Heath J. Tappe, 44,


Kenneth A. Ellenbecker, 79, joined his son in

heaven on Monday, May
for Ken will be at 11 a.m.
Saturday, May 16, at St.
Louis Catholic Church in
Dorchester with Father
Charles Hiebl ofciating.
Visitation will be from 9
a.m. until the time of services at St. Louis Catholic
Church in Dorchester.
A private cremainal
inurnment will take place at Dorchester Memorial
South Cemetery.
Ken was born in Dorchester, on Oct. 22, 1935, to
Catherine F. (Heindl) and Arthur P. Ellenbecker. He
attended Dorchester Elementary through 8th grade
and then quit school to work on the family dairy farm
with his parents.
In 1956, Ken married Sharon L. Pope and they had
two children: Cindy and Kurt Ellenbecker and he predeceased Ken in 1972.
Ken worked on the family farm for 24 years and
then he bought his own farm in 1973. He farmed until
1985 and then he sold the farm and moved to town
where he worked for Meyers Manufacturing for 10
years. Ken then retired to working for the Dorches-

ter Park for another 10 years. Ken was a member of

St. Louis Catholic Church in Dorchester, Dorchester
Lions Club and served on the Dorchester Park Board.
Ken was a great inventor, he always had a project that he was making: a camper, a boat, a pair of
skis, a rocking horse, or a piece of furniture for his
wife or daughter. He even constructed a rickshaw but
Sharon wouldnt ride in it. Ken was known as the local x it man in Dorchester. Many a widowed woman referred to him as St. Kenny because he spent a
lot of time helping others. Ken also enjoyed shing,
camping, woodworking, yard work, model railroading, decorating for Christmas, and antique cars, particularly his 1931 Ford Model A.
Ken is survived by his wife of 59 years, Sharon P.
Ellenbecker of Dorchester; his daughter Cindy Ellenbecker of New Holstein; a sister Bernette (Mel)
Gruber of Rotunda West, Fla.; two brothers Galen
(Patti) Ellenbecker of Dorchester and Gary (Carol)
Ellenbecker of Medford.
Ken will be remembered as a hardworking man
with a simple lifestyle by choice, a quiet man of great
conviction and fun-loving wit.
In lieu of owers, the family requests donations
be made to the Dorchester Park.
Hemer Funeral Homes of Medford and Rib Lake
assisted the family with arrangements.
For online condolences, please visit
Paid Obituary 19-149374


Thursday, May 14, 2015

assist at Hwy 13 and Johnson Ave. in town of Westboro

at 8:45 a.m.; non-sufficient funds (2) at 801 McComb Ave.
in village of Rib Lake at 10 a.m.; harassment at 145 S.
Eighth St. at 11:23 a.m.; vehicle theft at N6239 Hwy 13 in
town of Chelsea at 11:35 a.m.; littering on Shady Ln. in
town of Browning at 11:57 a.m.; missing person at W1862
Zuther Ave. in town of Rib Lake at 11:58 a.m.; drugs in
city of Medford at 10:29 p.m.; suspicious activity on CTH
F in town of Roosevelt at 11:22 p.m.
May 1 9-1-1 hang up at 135 S. Gibson St. at 12:04
a.m.; disorderly conduct at courthouse at 12:17 a.m.; suspicious activity at N3940 Hwy 13 in town of Medford at
12:30 a.m.; littering at Elm Ave. and Wren Dr. in town of
Holway at 8:14 a.m.; traffic control at Hwy 13 and Stetson Ave. in town of Little Black at 8:42 a.m.; information at W5338 CTH A in town of Little Black at 8:44 a.m.;
ambulance request at 115 S. Fourth Ave. in village of
Gilman at 3:43 p.m.; traffic complaint at 303 S. Eighth St.
at 4:11 p.m.; OWI at Hwy 64 and Bauer Dr. at 4:16 p.m.;
structure fire at W8283 Center Ave. in town of Hammel
at 5:05 p.m.
May 2 OWI at CTH A and Water Dr. in town of
Holway at 12:41 a.m.; accident at CTH H and Broken Arrow in town of McKinley at 4:37 a.m.; pursuit at Hwy
13 and Marsh Ave. in town of Chelsea at 9:16 a.m.; domestic at W14709 Diamond Dr. in town of Roosevelt at
9:56 a.m.; citizen dispute at 415 State Rd. in village of Rib
Lake at 12:30 p.m.; grass fire at W12992 CTH F in town
of Roosevelt at 3:33 p.m.; harassment at W12491 Lake
Dr. in town of Roosevelt at 4:35 p.m.; accident at CTH
M in town of Grover at 4:38 p.m.; suspicious activity at
N8643 CTH C in town of Rib Lake at 5:02 p.m.; animal
at large at CTH A and CTH DD in town of Maplehurst
at 5:27 p.m.; information at 7:49 p.m.; illegal burning at
N3872 CTH E in town of Medford at 8 p.m.; grass fire at
CTH H and CTH M in town of Pershing at 8:10 p.m.; ambulance request at N1754 CTH E in town of Little Black
at 8:23 p.m.; commercial alarm at 190 Medford Plaza at
11:31 p.m.; OWI at Hwy 64 and CTH E in town of Hammel
at 11:43 p.m.
May 3 Suicidal subject; injury accident at CTH
M and CTH Q in town of Medford at 1:51 a.m.; animal
at large on W. Allman St. and Centennial Pkwy. at 8:38
a.m.; vehicle theft at W5141 Hwy 64 in town of Medford
at 10:25 a.m.; transport from courthouse to Aspirus
Medford at 4:31 p.m.
May 4 Suspicious activity at W5866 Pheasant Run
Rd. in town of Medford at 8:02 a.m.; sexual assault; traffic complaint on Billings Ave. at 9:16 a.m.; bank fraud at
N6378 CTH H in town of Pershing at 9:30 a.m.; recovered
vehicle on N. Second St. at 12:16 p.m.; bond violation at
courthouse at 1:05 p.m.; theft at 225 S. Wisconsin Ave. at
1:16 p.m.; court violation at courthouse at 1:22 p.m.; welfare check at S. Gibson St. at 1:57 p.m.; missing person
at 805 N. Second St. at 2:04 p.m.; 9-1-1 hang up at W15926
Ellis Rd. in town of Pershing at 3:28 p.m.; information
at N1690 Oriole Dr. in town of Deer Creek at 8:15 p.m.;
citizen assist at W936 Wood Lake Ave. in town of Rib
Lake at 9:33 p.m.; suspicious activity at N3742 Oriole Dr.
in town of Browning at 9:51 p.m.; extra patrol at W5888
Pheasant Run Rd. in town of Medford at 9:56 p.m.; structure fire at W5899 Gravel Rd. in town of Little Black at
10:13 p.m.
May 5 Burglary at W7958 Hwy 64 in town of Hammel at 8:07 a.m.; extra patrol at W7841 Deml Ln. in town
of Molitor at 8:39 a.m.; traffic complaint at Hwy 13 in
town of Westboro at 11 a.m.; drugs in village of Lublin

In Loving Memory

who passed away
1 year ago
May 17, 2014

Your presence I miss,

Your memory I treasure,
Loving you always,
Forgetting you never.


Newspapers have
a strong reach
among all
education levels.

Rusty (Wayne)
May 15, 2000
Our hearts still ache with sadness


Lovingly missed by
Her Family

In Memory of

Love, your wife Helen

and daughter Brenda,
Tim, Josh, Justin, JoDee,
Timmy & Families

at 11:25 a.m.; fraud at W5495 CTH O in town of Little

Black at 1:12 p.m.; lockout at N4261 Castle Rd. in town of
Medford at 3:08 p.m.; accident at N7951 Hwy 13 in town
of Westboro at 5:11 p.m.; traffic complaint on Hwy 13 in
town of Medford at 9:34 p.m.
May 6 OWI on Hwy 13 in town of Westboro at 12:15
a.m.; animal complaint at W2504 Center Ave. in town of
Browning at 9:58 a.m.; ignition interlock device installation at W5672 Pleasant Ave. in town of Medford 11:05
a.m.; abandoned vehicle at W3300 Kapitz Rd. in town of
Rib Lake at 11:48 a.m.; welfare check at CTH C and Stetson Ave. in town of Deer Creek at 12:41 p.m.; property
damage at Burma Dr. and Clark Dr. in town of Maplehurst at 1:47 p.m.; sexual assault; harassment at W6986
Wester Ave. in town of Medford at 3:05 p.m.; suspicious
activity at CTH M and Richter Rd. in town of Grover
at 3:38 p.m.; information at 743 Ella St. in village of Rib
Lake at 5:09 p.m.; welfare check at N2296 Hwy 13 in town

Page 21

of Little Black at 7:21 p.m.; juvenile problem; welfare

check at N3837 Elder Dr. in town of Aurora at 8:41 p.m.;
suicidal subject.
May 7 Accident at Cemetery Ave. in town of Chelsea at 1:22 a.m.; garbage dumping at N5137 Sackett Dr.
in town of Molitor at 8:25 a.m.; suspicious activity at
W10263 Bitner Ave. in town of Maplehurst at 8:43 a.m.;
ATF notification at N3919 Evergreen St. in town of Medford at 10:03 a.m.; suicidal subject; noise complaint at
N4258 Hwy 13 in town of Medford at 1:48 p.m.; traffic
complaint on Hwy 13 in town of Deer Creek at 2:26 p.m.;
non-sufficient funds at 110 N. Hwy 13 in village of Stetsonville at 2:51 p.m.; harassment at 134 S. Hwy 13 in village of Stetsonville at 3:24 p.m.; transport from Aspirus
emergency room at 3:27 p.m.; harassment at N515 Gibson Dr. in town of Little Black at 9:39 p.m.


Reports of Area Deaths

Claire Obenhoffer

Claire F. Obenhoffer,
89, Medford, died Monday, May 11 at Our House
Assisted Living, Medford
where he had resided for
the past eight months. Funeral services will be held
at 11 a.m. Saturday, May
23, at Holy Rosary Catholic Church, Medford with
Father Gerard Willger and
Deacon Joe Stefancin ofciating. Visitation will
take place at Holy Rosary
Catholic Church from 9:30
a.m. until the time of services. Interment of his cremated remains will take place at St. Anns Cemetery,
town of Greenwood at a later date.
Hemer Funeral Services of Medford and Rib Lake
are assisting the family with arrangements.
Claire Obenhoffer was born on Aug. 4, 1925 in the
town of Chelsea to the late Joseph and Ludmila Ann
(Paitl) Obenhoffer. He attended Chelsea Grade School
and Westboro High School.
His marriage to Dorothy M. Thums took place
on June 19, 1948 at St. Anns Catholic Church in the
town of Greenwood.

He was a U.S. Army veteran of WWII having

served from 1943-1946. After the military he returned
to Medford and worked at Hurd Millwork from 1946
until his retirement in January of 1991. He enjoyed
dancing, square dancing, wood working, garage
sales, shing, hunting and he will be remembered for
his joke telling.
He was a member of Holy Rosary Catholic Church,
Rib Lake American Legion and a lifetime member of
the Carpenter & Joiners Union.
In addition to his wife of 66 years, he is survived
by his children Kathy (Walt) Burcaw of Elk Mound,
Don (Vicky) Obenhoffer of Medford and Joe (Judy)
Obenhoffer of Rib Lake; six grandchildren, Ryan
(Cassie) and Paul (Becky) Burcaw, Lance, Kim, Nathan (Tiffany) and Dustin (Amanda) Obenhoffer;
nine great-grandchildren, Ann, Payton, Brooks,
Bronson, Sierra, Emy, Gavin, Liam and August.
In addition to his parents he was preceded in
death by siblings Donald Obenhoffer and Marcella
In lieu of owers, the family requests that memorial contributions be given to the family for a future
For online condolences, please visit
Paid Obituary 19-149375

Gladys Pawelko

Gladys Pawelko died

May 8, 2015 at her daughters home in McHenry, Ill.
just weeks shy of her 93rd
birthday. Gladys Merle
Carlson was born June 24,
1922 in Medford to Dave
and Ruth (Larson) Carlson. Along with her many
siblings, she was raised
in a log cabin on the family farm during the depression. On January 11,
1941, she married William
Pawelko, son of the late
Michael and Mary (Mishturek) Pawelko of Lublin.
Together for 67 years, they raised two children and
enjoyed homes in Des Plaines and Norridge, Ill.;
Withee; Spring Hill, Fla.; Racine; and nally with
their daughter in McHenry.
Gladys is survived by her son, Robert (Sandy)
Pawelko of Dallas, Texas, her daughter, Beverly Aweve, of McHenry, Ill., granddaughters Onna (Nicolas)
Jones of Chicago and Natasha (Christopher) Cavallaro of Ft. Collins, Col.; plus seven great grandchildren: Sean, Maura and Will Pawelko of Oak Park, Ill.,
Bridey, Molly and Henry Jones; and Jacob Cavallaro.
She is also survived by one brother, Lester Carlson of
Medford, one sister, Ethel Miller of Racine, sisters-

in-law Alyce (Peter) Pawelko of Florissant, Mo. and

Sandy (Roy) Carlson of Reedsburg, along with almost
four dozen nieces and nephews and many lifelong
She is preceded in death by her parents; husband,
William, in 2008, and grandson, Troy Robert Pawelko,
in 2011; three brothers: Marlin, Roy, and Jerry; and
three sisters: Mabel Notogiacomo, Florence Tytor,
and infant Lois Carlson.
Gladys was both esty and Swedishly Stubborn.
As a teenager, she spent summers as a nanny for children in Highland Park, Ill. She worked as a telephone
operator and later for A.B. Dick, a duplicating company in Niles, Ill. Once retired, she and her husband
moved back to Wisconsin, reconnecting with both
family and friends in the Medford/Withee/Gilman/
Lublin areas. They enjoyed polka dancing, traveling, cross country skiing, and snowmobiling. Gladys especially thrived with her ower and vegetable
gardens, canning and many crafts. She was an avid
reader and worked at keeping in touch with their extended family and many friends.
A memorial service will be held in the chapel at
the Southern Wisconsin Veterans Memorial Cemetery in Union Grove, WI on Wednesday, May 27 at
11 a.m. Donations towards a memorial marker in
memory of Gladys can be made to the Southern Wisconsin Veterans Memorial, 21731 Spring St., Union
Grove, WI 53182.
Paid Obituary 19-149326


Page 22

Julius Bud Griesbach, Jr.


Julius W. Bud Griesbach, Jr., 89, of rural

Westboro, died Monday,
May 4, at his home under
Hope Hospice Care with
his family by his side. He
was born on February 20,
1926 in Medford to the late
Julius W. and Hazel (Mathias) Griesbach, Sr. Bud
grew up in the area and attended Hannibal High. He
then joined the military
and served his country
in the Navy during WWII
and the Army during the Korean Conict. Bud then
worked at a tire factory in La Crosse for a time. On
June 26, 1954 Bud was united in marriage to Doris
Smith at the Westboro Methodist Church.
Bud worked for Binker and Hug John Deere dealership in Medford and then was a long haul trucker for many companies, retiring from Schneider
Transport in 1988. He was an active volunteer in the

Jump River and Westboro communities including:

the Westboro Fire Dept. and Conservation Club, the
Jump River Lions, VFW, and Community Center. He
also helped with the Taylor County Commission on
Aging being a transporter and was a former member
of the Stetsonville American Legion. He was a life
member of the Steam Engine Club in Edgar. Bud was
an avid reader and would read each newspaper from
front to back. He enjoyed the Badgers, Packers, and
shing, but loved to go camping most of all.
He is survived by his wife of 60 years, Doris Griesbach of Westboro; three sons, Alvin (Jayne) Griesbach of Stanley and Rick (Renee) Griesbach and Tim
(Pam) Griesbach both of Westboro; six grandsons,
one granddaughter, 13 great-grandchildren and one
brother, Raymond (Connie) Griesbach of Rhinelander. Bud is preceded in death by his parents and two
sisters, Marcella Krueger and Louise Zirngibl.
A memorial service was held on Monday, May 11,
at the Jump River Community Center. Rev. Jeremy
Allard ofciated. Plombon Funeral Service-Gilman
assisted the family.
Paid Obituary 19-149324

Lawrence Smith

Quill A. Smith, 79,
passed away on Monday,
May 11 at his residence in
Dorchester with his family by his side after a long
struggle with lung cancer.
A memorial service will
be held at 7 p.m. on Friday, May 15 at MaurinaSchilling Funeral Home
in Dorchester. Father
Charles Hiebl will ofciate. Visitation will be on
Friday, May 15 from 4 to 7
p.m. Inurnment will be held in Dorchester Memorial
Cemetery at a later date.
Larry was born on May 13, 1935. He is the son of
George and Dora (Yates) Smith. He graduated from
Dorchester High School in 1953. He married Beverly
Greaser on November 10, 1956 at St. Louis Catholic
Church in Dorchester. Together they raised seven
Larry worked for Liberty Homes for 30 plus years.
He also worked for Michaels Pipeline, Greaser Car-

nival, and the Dorchester Cheese Factory. Later on

in life he enjoyed being self-employed as a pilot car
Larry dedicated 35 years to the Dorchester Fire
Department. During his free time he enjoyed bowling, golng, shing, playing cards and softball, eating his sisters chocolate chip cookies, and spending
time with his dog, Carl.
Larry is survived by his wife, Beverly Smith of
Dorchester; ve sons, George Smith of Dorchester,
Tom (Lori) of Dorchester, Dave (Toni) of Dorchester,
John (Julie) of Dorchester, and Steve (Jen) of Minocqua; a son-in-law, Michael Stock of Dorchester; 13
grandchildren, and eight great-grandchildren. He is
further survived by two brothers, Wally (Lois) Smith
of Milwaukee, and Bill (Debbie) Smith of New Jersey; and three sisters, Elaine Sebold of Colby, Mary
(Clem) Klimpke of Dorchester, and Kathy (her friend
Bruce) Thorne of Milwaukee.
Larry is preceded in death by his children, Jerry
Smith and Alisa Stock; grandson, Derek Smith, along
with parents and brother, Dick Smith.
Family and friends may express condolences online at
Paid Obituary 19-149343

Anthony J. Ostrowski

Anthony J. Ostrowski,
39, of rural Tony, passed
away May 3, 2015, due to
a motorcycle accident.
He was born on March
12, 1976 in Skokie, Illinois
to Philip and Louisa Ostrowski.
When Tony was 3
months old, the family returned to Taylor County.
About a year later, they
moved to Rusk County.
Tony was a student at the
Flambeau School District,
graduating in 1994. As a young adult, Tony worked
at several jobs in the Eau Claire and Medford area
before returning to Rusk County.
On June 13, 1998, Tony and Shawna Dvorak of Ladysmith were married at the Bruce Federal Church,
Bruce. Two children were born of this union. Matthew Scott was born on October 22, 1999 and Caitlyn
Louise on September 20, 2001. Tony and Shawna were
later divorced.
In May of 2006, Tony met his signicant other,
Abby Hanson, in Medford. They moved back to the

Tony area in 2012. Their son, Wyatt Anthony, was

born September 19, 2012 in Ladysmith. Tony was employed at Jeld-Wen, Hawkins, from September 2012
until his death.
Tony enjoyed riding motorcycle, watching Packers games, playing guitar, the History Channel, and
family get-togethers where he loved picking on people. He also had a great sense of humor.
He is survived by his parents, Philip and Louisa
Ostrowski, Tony; paternal grandmother, Kathleen
Ostrowski, Sheldon; his signicant other, Abby Hanson, Tony; a brother, John Paul (Tammy), Rice Lake;
three children, Matthew and Caitlyn, Marsheld,
Wyatt of Tony; one nephew, Paul, and one niece, Stacey, of Rice Lake; and godparents, Jennifer Majetich,
Fairbanks, Alaska and Marty Ostrowski. Tony had
numerous aunts, uncles, cousins and friends.
Tony was preceded in death by paternal grandfather, Anthony F. Ostrowski, maternal grandparents,
Leslie and Wanda Foster.
Tony will be missed by many.
Visitation was held on Friday, May 8 at Nash Jackan Funeral Home in Ladysmith.
Graveside services were held Saturday, May 9 at
the St. Anthony Cemetery, Tony.
Paid Obituary 19-149327

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Leo Vander Kamp Jr.


Leo Bernard Vander Kamp Jr., 61, of Elgin, Ill.,

passed away on April 30, 2015 at Loyola Medical
Center in Maywood, Ill.
He was born on March 28, 1954, in Menomonie,
the son of Leo and Carole Vander Kamp.
Leo was a 1972 graduate of Larkin High School
in Elgin, Ill..
He is survived by his wife, Dori Vander Kamp,
whom he married March 28, 2012; his mother, Carole Vander Kamp; his children, Sarah Ellen (Nathan) Knorr, Brian Vander Kamp, Timothy (Jaden
Enge) Vander Kamp, their mother, Maureen (Richard) Cull; his stepchildren, Kristina (Jeffrey Wallace) Sandoval, Katherine (Nick) Gingrass, Tiffany (Tom Trierweiler) Inboden; his grandchildren,
Alexander (Savanna Bolt) Sandoval, Justin Sandoval, Madison Gingrass, Eliot Gingrass, and Blake
Thomas Trierweiler.
His father, Leo B. Vander Kamp, and his daughter, Francesca Vander Kamp preceded him in
A private family ceremony will be held at Holcombe Lake.
A celebration of Leos life will be held on Saturday, May 30, 2015, at Hunters Ridge Apartment
Clubhouse, 1068 Byron Road, Elgin, Ill. from 7 p.m.
to 9 p.m.
Arrangements are being made by Wait Ross
Allanson Funeral and Cremation Services, Elgin
Paid Obituary 19-149290

Claire Zenner

Claire K. Zenner, 95,

Marsheld, died on Sunday, May 10 at Ministry St.
Josephs Hospital Palliative Care, Marsheld.
A Mass of Christian
Burial will be held at 11
a.m. Friday, May 15, at
Holy Rosary Catholic
Church, Medford, with
Rev. Gerard Wilger ofciating. Burial will take
place in Holy Rosary Cemetery, Medford. The visitation will be held from
9:30 a.m. on Friday until service time at Holy Rosary
Catholic Church. Rembs Funeral Home, Marsheld,
is assisting the family.
Claire was born on April 10, 1920 in Rozellville,
the daughter of Michael and Kunigunde (Metz) Derfus. She married Francis Zenner on March 5, 1946. He
died in August of 1969.
Claire loved playing sheepshead with her friends
and family. She enjoyed being with her family, knitting and crocheting and going for walks.
She is survived by her children, Patricia (Paul)
Kussman of Amherst and David (Charlene) Zenner
of Cadott. She is also survived by 11 grandchildren,
24 great-grandchildren and one expected in July and
one great-great-grandchild.
She was preceded in death by her parents, her husband, her son Dale Zenner, a great-granddaughter,
ve brothers, seven sisters and nieces and nephews.
Condolences may be sent online to www.rembsfh.

Paid Obituary 19-149323

Medford Monument Co.

N3459 Hwy 13 North


Designers of Fine Memorials




Thursday, May 14, 2015


Reports of Area Deaths

Norman Thieme

Norman A. Butch
Thieme passed away Monday evening May 4, 2015 after a very short but courageous battle with a brain
He was born on the
home farm in the town of
Hoard, rural Owen, Wisconsin on June 12, 1947.
Norman is the son of Arthur and Alvina (Theilig)
from eighth grade at Park
School in the town of Hoard and continued his education at Owen Withee High School.
On August 20, 1966 he married his high school
sweetheart Patricia Rinehart at St. Johns Lutheran
Church in Withee.
Norman and Pat were blessed with four wonderful children: Nicholas Thieme of Thorp, Crystal
Krueger of Merrill, Cindy Thieme of Merrill, and
Neal Thieme of Gleason.
Norman was a skilled jack of all trades. In his
lifetime he worked for many places including; on
the family farm, and many other farms including
his own farm, four cheese factories, drove a milk
truck picking up cans of milk at farms, three implement dealers, Wills Gas Company, two mobile home
plants, Marsheld Wilbert burial vaults, worked at
a black topping company, Weather Shield Windows,

and motor patrol.

After all his hard work he still had time for family
and friends, making rewood, large gardens, riding
horses, dartball, bowling, collecting antique Massey
Harris tractors and machinery, tractor pulls, and
coaching Pats softball teams. In his last years, he enjoyed shing and the Edgar Steam and Gas Engine
Norman is survived by his wife, four children, six
grandchildren, Matthew Stine, Stacey Stine, Rachelle Thieme, Paige (Laven) Thieme, Joshua Krueger,
and Jared Krueger; and one great-grandchild, Bradley Stine. He is also survived by three sisters, LaVerna Marcott of Curtiss, Annette Frahman of Shelton,
Wash., and Pearl Mengel of Augusta, Ga.; two sistersin-law, Delores (Glen) Turner and Arlene Thieme,
and three brothers-in-law; Warren (Wanda) Rinehart, Douglas (Diane) Rinehart, Dennis (Renee) Rinehart and mother-in-law, Joyce Rinehart. Norman is
also survived by many nieces, nephews, long-time
friends, and his faithful companion Teddy.
He was preceded in death by his parents, fatherin-law, Donald Rinehart, brothers, Arnold and Alvin;
brothers-in-law, Art Marcott, Richard Mengel and
Lester Frahman and his catch partner Buddy.
Memorial services will be Saturday, May 16 at
Maurina-Schilling Funeral Home in Abbotsford at 11
a.m. Visitation will be Friday May 15, from 4 - 8 p.m.
at Maurina-Schilling Funeral Home in Abbotsford
and also 9 a.m. until time of services on Saturday
May 16. Burial will be held at a later date.
Paid Obituary 19-149197

Anola Mae Pernsteiner


Anola loved humor, even through adversity. One

of her biggest gifts to the world was that she loved
to laugh. Her smile and wonderful sense of humor
was passed on to her children. She loved to make
up clever words, sayings and songs, and was always
whistling a tune.
Anola will be remembered for her love of peppermint candy, popcorn and ODouls beer. She adored
her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. She loved live theater, the Medford Caf, Olive
Garden, and Murder She Wrote.
Even though Anola was challenged by serious
health conditions, her long life can be attributed to
her strong will to live and positive outlook.
She is survived by her loving family: husband,
Gregory of Medford; children Barbara (Ed) Acker of
Rib Lake, Karen (Daniel) Arrenholz of Bloomington,
MN, Steven (Jennifer) Pernsteiner of Spring Valley,
Mark (Gail) Pernsteiner of Medford, Christine (Jon)
Olson of Medford, Kurt (Kathy) Pernsteiner of Oshkosh, Karla (Lonnie) Willaby of Hudson, Scott (Sharon) Pernsteiner of Eau Claire, Terry Pernsteiner
of Fond du Lac, Michael (Aimee) Pernsteiner of
Altoona, and Todd Pernsteiner of Minneapolis, MN.
She also is survived by four siblings: Mary (Vince)
Weber, Beverly (Bill) Welch, Judy Sersch, and Nancy
Mathewson, 34 grandchildren, and 16 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents,
in-laws, ve siblings and grandson (Caleb Arrenholz).
In lieu of owers, the family asks that nancial
donations be made in Anolas name to Medford Public Library, Abiding Care Pregnancy Resource Center, or the Holy Rosary School Student Tuition Assistance fund.
Funeral services were held at 11:00 AM, Tuesday,
May 12, 2015 at Holy Rosary Catholic Church in Medford. Visitation was held from 4:00 - 8:00 PM, Monday
May 11, 2015 At Hemer Funeral Home, Medford Chapel, and also from 9:30 AM until the time of services
at 11:00 AM at Holy Rosary Catholic Church.
A prayer service was held at 4:00 PM, Monday
A luncheon followed at the church. Cremation
rites have been accorded, interment will take place
at a later date at Holy Rosary Catholic Cemetery.
Paid Obituary 19-149325

Harold Rau

Harold J. Rau, age 70, of Abbotsford passed

away Tuesday, May 5, 2015, at Aspirus Wausau
Hospital following a short battle with melanoma.
Harold was born on Dec. 26, 1944, in Milwaukee.
He grew up in the Medford and Westboro area and
graduated from Medford High School in 1963. He
then studied accounting at Eau Claire. He married Carol Ann Schmaltz on Jan. 16, 1965.
Harold enjoyed hunting and shing, but mostly
just walking through the woods. He also liked bird
watching and feeding the different birds at his
home, as well as caring for his lawn and gardens.
He had a passion for woodworking and repairing
old tractors and cars. Harold was a handyman for
just about every project and always a perfectionist. He also enjoyed spending time with his cat,
Fluffy, making puzzles and playing cards.
Harold is survived by his wife of 50 years, Carol; one daughter, Donna (Terry) Kroening, Colby;
two sons, Brian (Tracy), Withee, and Michael, Abbotsford; grandchildren, Travis (Jenny) Beyer,
Spencer, Jennifer (Nathan) Pinter, League City,
Texas, Amanda Rau (Shane), Withee, Katlin Rau
(Aaron), Rudolph, and Lizzy Kroening, Colby;
great-grandchildren, Jadeyn, Jordi and Lacy, all
of League City, Texas; and brothers-in-law, Frank
Schmaltz, Eau Claire, and Jule (Mary) Schmaltz,
Melbourne, Fla. We will miss you.
Paid obituary 19-168778

Letting Go

In Loving

Memory of
The angels gathered near your bed,
So very close to you,
For they knew the pain and suffering
you were going through,
who left us 1 year ago,
I thought about so many things,
May 16, 2014
so I held tightly to your hand,
Oh, how I wished that you were
strong and happy once again.
But your eyes were looking homeward,
to that place beyond the sky,
where Jesus held his outstretched arms,
it was time to say good-bye.
for I wanted you to stay,
We never wanted
So we could walk and talk again,
memories, we only
like we did just yesterday.
wanted you.
But Jesus knew the answer and
Loved and deeply
I knew He loved you so,
missed by your wife Val,
So we gave to you lifes greatest gift, Mandi, Jason, Marijane,
The gift of letting go.
Riley and Madeline

Jay A.


Anola Mae (Sersch)

Pernsteiner, 82 of Medford, died peacefully at
Golden Living Center in
Abbotsford on Wednesday,
May 6 surrounded by her
loving family.
Anola was born September 25, 1932 to Arnold
and Dorothy (Georgas)
Sersch in Spencer, Wisconsin. She was the oldest of
11. Anola was a wonderful
woman, graduating valedictorian from Spencer
High School. After graduation, she moved to Milwaukee where she worked various jobs to help support
her family. Her marriage to Gregory Pernsteiner
took place at the Church of St. John in Marsheld,
Wisconsin on November 6, 1954. They took over the
family farm in Medford in 1956 raising their 11
children there. In November 2014, they celebrated 60
years of marriage.
Anola, also known as Weasie by many, adamantly loved reading, history, and watching Jeopardy. She
also volunteered her time assisting adult learners
with literacy. Personal joy came from reading she
was a mainstay at the Medford Public Library, oftentimes having new books reserved for her before they
hit the shelves. She also instilled the importance of
education in her children all of them attained degrees.
Raising 11 children was not an easy task, but Anola embraced it and excelled at the challenge. She encouraged and unconditionally accepted her children
for their individuality. Throughout her life, and up
until her nal months, she wanted to make sure her
family was safe, happy and connected to each other.
Anyone who met Anola even once could tell she
was a kind, giving woman who radiated love. She accepted everyone and always found the best in people.
If someone needed anything, she would give it, no
questions asked. And no one ever went hungry when
visiting; she was a wonderful baker and cook, and
there was always a pot of coffee on and the door was

Page 23

If Roses Grow in Heaven

If roses grow in Heaven Lord

Please pick a bunch for me.
Place them in my mothers arms
and tell her they are from me.
Tell her I love her and miss her
Place a kiss on her cheek, and
hold her for awhile.
Because remembering her is easy.
I do it every day
But there is an ache within my
heart that will never go away.

Love you Mom, Miss you tons



Follow us


Page 24

Choral awards

Thursday, April
May 23,
14, 2015

Buy these photos online at

photos by Brian Wilson

Sarah Lundy (inset) is the 2015 National Choral Award recipient. She was also recognized for getting an exemplary rating at
State Solo and Ensemble. Twenty-five of the choir program members were recognized for their achievement. They are (l. to r.): Top
row, Mark Jablonsky, Nate Erikson, Jacob Jablonsky, Cody Hobl, Richard Colwell, Colin Porten, Jared Wiese, Chandler Mueller,
Brad Acker and Brandon Rudolph. Middle row, Gus Mahner, Megan Clark, Samantha Hebert, Katy Branstetter, Esther Lusenge,
Lucy Marshall, Madelyn Brost, Sarah Lundy and Emily Shipman. Front row, Molly Carstensen, Lakyn Kummer, Julia Smith, Brecca
Miller and Carly Rhyner.

Ben Nelson had a challenging solo part in Baba

Yetu, a Swahili adaptation
of The Lords Prayer.

Mark Jablonsky (left) and Jacob Jablonsky (right) were

soloists in the Scottish folk song Loch Lomond about
two captured soldiers, one set to be executed and the
other set free.

Brad Acker of the Momentum show choir group had a solo during Shut Up and
Dance. Momentum participated at the State Solo and Ensemble level. In addition ot
Shut Up and Dance, the group peformed Man in the Mirror, I Want You Back,
and Viva La Vida at Monday nights concert held at Medford Area Senior High

Dr. Jessica Stromberg, O.D.

Dr. Brittany Lemke, O.D.

Hours: Monday 8-5; Tuesday 8-5; Wednesday 8-7; Thursday 8-5; Friday 8-12:30
104 A. N. Argyle Ave.
Phillips, WI 54555

318 N. 6th Street

Tomahawk, WI 54487

Nate Erikson performed

as part of the Mens Barbershop group. They sang In
the Still of the Night.

Carly Rhyner was a soloist with Momentum in I

Want You Back.

Megan Clark was a

soloist during the concert choir performance of
Bab Yetu.



Full recap of

May 14,

Inside this section:

Ask Ed 11, 14

Dance 12-13

Living 18-19

Classifieds 20-23

Page 4


Goal scoring woes continue

for Medford in 2-0 loss
by Sports Reporter Bryan Wegter
As it has been so often this season, the
Medford girls soccer defense was up to
the challenge against a strong opponent,
but once again, a lackluster offensive
performance doomed the Raiders.
Northland Pines entered Tuesdays
GNC game sitting in third in the conference and had a little more trouble than
it probably expected from Medford, but
still came out with the 2-0 win.
We played well for the first half, but
once they got an early goal in the second
half they got confidence and we kinda deflated. Our defense is strong right now,
but our offense isnt there and its frustrating, Raiders head coach Dan Felix
Medfords defense and, specifically,
keeper Abbie Bergman, played one of
their best halves of the season in the first
45 minutes. The defensive line stifled the
Eagles offensive forays, but when Pines
did manage to pop a shot Bergman was
there to clean it up. In the final five minutes before halftime the senior goalie
was forced into action and made a pair
of diving saves to keep the score 0-0 heading into the break.
After being held goalless in the first
half, Pines finally found space in the second half. In the 47the minute Eagle midfielder Lexi Smith shook her marker and
bombed a shot from 30 yards out. Bergman nearly stopped the shot, but it deflected off the crossbar and into the net.
Emboldened by the goal, Pines doubled their lead in the 56th minute when
Jenna Paez scored from eight yards out
off an assist from Tess Osiecki. Medfords defense clamped down again and
the Eagles couldnt add to their total over
the remaining 34 minutes. The Raiders

nearly got a goal back late in the game.

In the 77th minute, Sydney Emmerich
broke free from a pair of Pines defenders
and beat the keeper with her shot from 15
yards. Unfortunately, the left post cruelly denied her a goal that couldve sparked
a comeback in the final 15 minutes.
This was a much better performance against Pines than the first time
we played. Unlike the first time, we had
chances to score against them, we just
didnt put them away. We dont have the
luxury of depth like teams like Pines do,
Felix said.
Over their past few games, the offense
has been nearly invisible for the Raiders. Theyve scored just once in their
past four games and are averaging only
0.6 goals per game on the season. The defense however, has been excellent over
that same time frame. After giving up
an average of 3.3 goals per game over the
seasons first nine games, the Raiders
have only yielded 2.3 per game over the
last four.
Ciera Danen is our anchor on the
backline. Cassandra Poehler and Sam
Potocnik have stepped up too, Felix
said. The emergence of Poehler and Potocnik has been key for the Raiders as
their defense has improved by leaps and
bounds from earlier in the season.
Medford travels to Newman, tonight,
and will be in Mosinee on Tuesday for a
pair of GNC games. On Thursday, theyll
return home to host Antigo for their final
GNC home game of the regular season.
All three games have 5 p.m. start times.
The Raiders have had success against
this trio of opponents, which could provide much needed confidence heading
into the playoffs. The Raiders have al-

See SOCCER on page 15

Pai in control

Buy this photo online at

Photo by Bryan Wegter

Medford midfielder Jessica Pai takes possession of the ball and looks to keep the Raiders offensive attack going during the first half of Medfords 2-0 loss to Northland Pines on Tuesday.

Softball team gives itself a title shot with recent winning ways
by Sports Editor Matt Frey
Rebounding from an April 30 loss
at Mosinee with five straight Great
Northern Conference wins and eight
straight wins overall the Medford softball team has done exactly what it had to
do to make its final games of the regular
season count.
The Raiders took care of business
again on Tuesday, quickly burying the
visting Tomahawk Hatchets 10-0 in five
innings. The win puts Medford at 8-1 in
the Great Northern Conference and in
prime position to clinch second place or,
possibly, even better.

The 16-4 Raiders host Rhinelander (63, 13-4) today, Thursday, and league-leading Mosinee (8-0, 15-4) on Friday. With
two wins, the Raiders would jump into
first place in the GNC standings. A tough
trip to Antigo (6-3, 11-7) to close out the
GNC schedule still looms on Tuesday.
Tonights home game starts at 5 p.m. Fridays first pitch is set for 4:30 p.m.
I told the girls after the game, a lot of
teams would love to be in our position,
head coach Virgil Berndt said after Tuesdays win. Now we go out and take care
of business the best we can and let the
chips fall where they may.
Medfords pitching was again more

than solid on Tuesday. The bats continued their slow and steady progression of
the last couple of weeks, rapping out 11
hits in just over four innings of work.
Kaitlin Walsh continued her seasonlong tear, going three for four with three
runs scored and a pair of runs batted in.
Jenna Klemm drove in four runs while
going two for three. Kayla Hartl was two
for three with a two-run double and Jenice Clausnitzer was two for four.
The Raiders took charge immediately
with a four-run first inning. Sydney Elsner, another hot hitter, blasted a triple
to deep right and scored on Walshs
single. Walsh later scored when Klemm








blooped a single to shallow left. Klemm

scored on a Maggie Butkus single. Butkus scored on a wild pitch.
Klemm launched a two-run double to
deep center in the third to make it 6-0.
Hartl came up with the bases loaded in
the fourth and drilled a double to deep
right. Klemms fielders choice drove in
the third run of the inning, making it
9-0. In the fifth, Clausnitzer led off with
a single, Elsner bunted her to second and
Walsh singled her in to end it.
Hartl pitched three hitless innings to
pick up the win. She struck out seven.

See MEDFORD on page 5

Volunteer 4x4EFI







Page 22

May 14,
22, 2015

Raiders are making their move upward in GNC golf standings

by Sports Reporter Bryan Wegter
It seems Medfords golf team is fond of patterns. After
finishing fifth in the first GNC conference meet of the
season, the Raiders have improved their finish in each
subsequent meet, going from fourth at Mosinee, to third

at Rhinelander, to second at Tuesdays fourth conference leg at Bass Lake Country Club outside of Antigo.
The consistent improvement has put Medford into a tie
for third place in the overall conference standings with
Northland Pines at 18 points, nine back of conference
leader Antigo. Playing in chilly temperatures and occasional rain, the Raiders shot 376 as a team, five shots
behind the meet winning Red Robins.
Spenser Scholl had his best day of the conference season. His 15-over-par 87 (44-43) put him in third place on
Tuesday and launched him up the individual standings,
from a tie for 16th to a tie for sixth after four meets. If
it werent for a nine-spot on the par-5 seventh hole, his
score mightve been tops at the meet.
Chas Lehman carded a 91 (47-44), while number five
golfer Tyler Kadlecek came in third on the team with a
97 (49-48), equalling his best score of the season. Ryan
Perrin shot a 101 (52-49) and Klayton Kree posted a 102
(53-49) after also recording a nine on the seventh.
A pair of holes, the 496-yard seventh and 330-yard
16th, had their way with the Raiders on Tuesday. The
team combined to shoot 13-over on the seventh, which
requires golfers to carry a marsh on their tee shot and
a wildly undulating green. The Medford five was also
13-over on the 16th, a dogleg right that hugs a small lake.
Lakelands Curtis Geiger was the meet medalist with
an 85 (40-45). He has now won all four GNC meets and
is well on his way to defending his Player of the Year
award. Northland Pines Jack Sarama took second with
an 86, followed by Scholl in third. Antigos Sam Brettingen and Rhinelanders Zane Tischendorf tied for fourth
at 88. Lehman, Antigos Zach Falk and Mosinees Kyler
Oliva finished in a tie for sixth at 91.
Scholl and Lehman are now Medfords top representatives in the overall individual standings. They are
tied for sixth at nine points each.
Antigo continues to hold a solid lead over their opposition in the team standings. The Red Robins are at 27
points, followed by Lakeland (22), Medford (18), Northland Pines (18), Rhinelander (13), Tomahawk (7) and
Mosinee (7).
The Raiders are back on the links for the fifth leg of
the GNC schedule tonight, Thursday, at Eagle River
Golf Course, hosted by Northland Pines. On Monday,
theyll be back at home for the sixth leg at Black River
Golf Course in Medford. Both meets have 2 p.m. start
times. If the Raiders and head coach Dave Vaara are
looking to make a further move up the conference standings, those two meets, especially the home invite, will
be crucial. If their pattern holds, a meet win might be in
the offings for Medford as well.
The Raiders will be at the Stanley-Boyd Invitational
on Saturday, held at Cadotts Whispering Pines Golf
Course. That meet starts at 9:30 a.m.

Dual match at Tee-Hi

Onto the green

Photo by Bryan Wegter

Medfords Klayton Kree sends a chip towards the flag

on the par-3 ninth hole at Tee-Hi Golf Course on Monday. Kree shot a 39 at the nine-hole meet to finish fifth.

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Conference meet at Rhinelander

The Raiders continued their rise up the GNC rankings with a third place team finish, their best of the
season so far, at the par-72 Northwood Country Club in
Rhinelander last Friday. The Raiders shot 374 as a team,
24 shots behind meet winner Antigo (350). The Red Robins won for the second time in three GNC meets and preserved their spot atop the conference.
Lehman led the way with an 18-over-par 90 (44-46),
beating his previous season best 18-hole conference
score by one stroke. Scholl was a shot back at 91 (44-47),
while Kree was third on the team with a 96 (46-50). Perrin shot a 97 (49-48) and Knight recorded a 100 (51-49).
Lakelands Geiger was the meet medalist after shooting an 81. Antigos Shinners took second with an 83,
while Lakelands Donovan and Hammes tied in third
with 86s. Antigos Falk took fifth with an 87. Lehman
was the top Raider finisher in a tie for seventh.
Lakeland finished second with a team score of (360),
followed by Medford, Northland Pines (375), Rhinelander (400), Tomahawk (405) and Mosinee (420).

Hanson named to Crossface

academic second team

Medfords Kolten Hanson has been named to The

Crossface freshman and sophomore All-State Academic
second team for the 2014-15 wrestling season.
Hanson, a freshman, earned 445 points in The Crossfaces ranking formula and missed the first team by one
point. He is one of 18 second-team wrestlers in grades
9-10. There were 17 first-team wrestlers in grades 9-10
and 78 third-teamers.
The Crossface presented awards
to 18 first-team winners in grades
11-12, 18 second-team winners and
81 third-team winners.
The ranking formula multiplied
each wrestlers grade point average by 100, added the number of
wins the wrestlers earned during
the season and then added state
tournament points 60 points for
first place down to five points for
Kolten Hanson qualifying.
Hanson carries a 4.0 GPA, went
40-6 during his first varsity season
and qualified for the WIAA Division 2 state tournament
at 145 pounds, where he won one match and lost two. He
tied Two Rivers sophomore Brody Kust atop the secondteam rankings. Austin Lasanske of Menomonee Falls,
Abraham Sell of Chilton and Trent Leon of Kaukauna
earned 444 points to join the top five on the second team.
The second-teams rankings ranged from 445-431.
Stratfords Mason Kauffman had 508 points to lead
the first team in grades 9-10. The sophomore carries a
3.99 GPA, won 49 matches and won his Division 3 state
bracket. His teammates, AJ Schoenfuss (501) and Jeremy Schoenheer (497), also state champions, were the
next highest wrestlers on the first team.
Kauffman was named The Crossface Scholar-Athlete
of the Year for grades 9-10. Cole Martin of Lancaster
got the honor for grades 11-12. Martin, a senior, had 504
points in the ranking formula with a 3.99 GPA, 45 wins
and a state championship.

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Registration deadline is May 31 to ensure your child

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Medford got a break from its conference schedule on

Monday as they welcomed Tomahawk to Tee-Hi Golf
Course in Medford for a non-conference dual meet. The
par-32 Tee-Hi yielded some low scores, but it was the
Hatchets that came away with the meet win by a single
stroke, 160 to 161 for the Raiders at the nine hole meet.
Lehman led Medford with a six-over 38. Kree was

one shot back at 39. Scholl and Perrin both shot 42s and
Knight came in with a 47.
Tomahawk was led by Mike Lodholz and Michelle
Lodholz, who both shot 38s. Nick Osero had 41, Andy
Tessmer shot a 43 and Cullen Wagner recorded a 51.
The lowest score of the day didnt belong to any varsity competitors however. Medfords Adam Zuelsdorf,
playing at number three JV, shot a four-over-par 36 to
lead all players.


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Thursday, May 14, 2015

Page 3

Raiders start home stretch with numerous season-bests at Merrill

by Sports Editor Matt Frey
Competing against mainly Great
Northern Conference and Wisconsin
Valley Conference athletes, the Medford
Raiders got some good tests to start the
all-important month of May at Fridays
Otto Bacher Invitational at Merrill.
The Raiders scored 86 points to land in
a third-place tie with Wausau East in the
nine-team boys meet, led by five secondplace finishes. In a 10-team girls field,
the Raiders scored 85 points to take fifth,
highlighted by wins from the 800-meter
and 1,600-meter relay teams and secondplace finishes from Margaret Hamann,
Mandi Baker and Lakyn Kummer.
The Lakeland Thunderbirds swept
the team championships as they try to
build some momentum heading into the
Great Northern Conference meet, set for
Tuesday, May 19, in Tomahawk. Their
boys scored 156 points to edge Merrill
by 18 points. Wausau East and Medford
both scored 86, while Rhinelander was
fifth with 82 points.
Elliot Marshall took a big jump, literally, in the high jump competition for
Medford. The senior and relative newcomer to the sport, cleared the bar at a
personal-best 5 feet, 10 inches, which
equaled the height reached by Rhinelanders Bryce White. White won the
tiebreaker, so Marshall had to settle for
second after beating his previous best
jump by 4 inches. Grayson Dahlby added
an eighth-place point by clearing 5 feet.
This was one of three events the Raider
sophomore scored in.
Dalton Hildebrandts time of 53.29
seconds was his best of the spring in the
400-meter dash and put him in second

place, 0.3 seconds behind Antigos Aeric

Berner. Hildebrandt, Josh Kakes, Mark
Jablonsky and Tony Noland finished
second in the 3,200-meter relay at 8:35.05.
They trailed Lakeland by 10.66 seconds
and were just 0.11 seconds off Medfords
best time of the spring.
Hildebrandt added a fourth-place finish in the long jump. He went 19-1.
Also in the field, Lane Ruch remained
a steady force in the throws. The junior
took second in the discus with his best
throw carrying 124-9. That left him almost 5 feet behind Tomahawks Jake
Borchardt. Ruch added five more points
by finishing fourth in the shot put at 433, just off his season-best of 43-8.5. Marshall was 10th at 38-5.5. Lakelands Sam
Fuhrman won with a toss of 47 feet. Sophomore Osy Ekwueme went 38-8 in the
triple jump to finish second behind Merrills Jake Anderson (42-2.50). Ekwueme
was 2 inch off his previous best, set
Thursday at Mosinee. Preston Carlson
fell one spot short of placing for Medford,
taking ninth at 35-5.5. Anderson set a
meet record while winning the long jump
at 21-1.5. Ekwueme was ninth at 17-5.5.
The Raiders scored well in the rest of
the relay races. Hildebrandt, Jacob Way,
Mark Jablonsky and Kakes capped the
meet with a third-place time of 3:37.71
in the 1,600-meter race. Rhinelander
(3:35.04) and Merrill (3:37.4) were just a
touch faster. Ekwueme, Victor Rinaldi,
Brayden Fultz and Way took third in the
800-meter race at 1:37.25. Merrill (1:34.72)
and Edgar (1:35.51) took the top two spots.
Ekwueme, Jacob Jablonsky, Ben Meier
and Fultz were fifth in the 400-meter relay at 47.99 seconds. Rhinelander won in
45.48 seconds.

Rib Lake Sports


Friday, May 15
at Phillips, V, 4:45 p.m.
Phillips (H), JV, 4:45 p.m.
(two five-inning games).
Monday, May 18
Abbotsford (H), V, 4:45
Tuesday, May 19
at Stratford, V-4:45 p.m.,
JV-after varsity game.
Thursday, May 21
Flambeau (H), V-4:45


Friday, May 15
at Phillips, 4:45 p.m.
Monday, May 18
Abbotsford (H), 4:45 p.m.
Tuesday, May 19
at Stratford, 4:45 p.m.
Thursday, May 21
at Greenwood, 5 p.m.


Monday, May 18
Marawood North meet
at Chequamegon, 4:30

Gilman Sports

Friday, May 15
at Colby, 5 p.m.
Monday, May 18
at Spencer, 5 p.m.
Thursday, May 21
Owen-Withee (H), 5 p.m.

Friday, May 15
at Colby, 5 p.m.


Friday, May 15
at Cadott Invitational, 4
Tuesday, May 19
Eastern Cloverbelt Conference meet at Gilman,
4:15 p.m.

The distance crew scored 15 points in

individual races. Kakes placed fifth in
the 1,600-meter run at 4:51.75, while teammate Michael Cypher was 10th at 5:30.13.
That was easily a season-best time for
Kakes. Mark Jablonsky took fifth in the
800-meter run at 2:08.85, followed by Noland at 2:10.56. Joe Tomandl was fifth
in the 3,200-meter race in a season-best
10:39.21. Trey Ulrich was 10th at 11:20.6.
Dahlby was sixth in the 300-meter intermediate hurdles in a season-best 46.5
seconds. He was eighth in the 110-meter
high hurdle finals at 19.01 seconds, another season-best time. Way was seventh
in the 200-meter dash preliminaries in
24.42 seconds to make it to the finals,
where he finished ninth in 24.6 seconds.
Rinaldi was 10th in the prelims at 24.59
seconds. Fultz was 10th in the 100-meter
dash preliminaries at 12.12 seconds, falling 0.03 seconds shy of making the finals.
Jacob Mahner was 12th. Jacob Stamos
was 13th in the discus.
Antigo finished sixth in the team
standings with 55 points, followed by
Tomahawk (41), Edgar (40) and Three
Lakes (2).

Relays, hurdles shine

Medford scored 31 of its 85 points in
relays during Fridays girls meet.
Kummer, Maddy Higgins, Jen Stolp
and Cassandra Meyer were the class
of the 800-meter relay, winning by 2.55
seconds over Marshfield with a time of
1:51.5. Those same four sprinters took
fourth in an exciting 400-meter race at
53.81 seconds. They were just 0.87 seconds behind first-place Marshfield. Edgar was second in 53.72 seconds, beating
Tomahawk by 0.02 seconds.

Medford Sports

Friday, May 15
at Wisconsin Dells Heather
Johnson Invite, 3:30 p.m.
Tuesday, May 19
GNC meet at Tomahawk, 4
Thursday, May 21
GNC JV invitational at
Medford, 4:30 p.m.


Friday, May 15
Mosinee (H), V & JV-4:30
p.m., JV2-6 p.m.
Monday, May 18
at Wausau East, V & JV-4:30
Tuesday, May 19
at Antigo, V & JV, 5 p.m.


Friday, May 15
at Rhinelander, V, 5 p.m.
Tuesday, May 19
Rhinelander (H), V, JV &
JV2, 5 p.m.
Thursday, May 21
Chequamegon (H), V & JV,
5 p.m.


Friday, May 15
GNC JV meet at Northland
Pines, JV, 4:30 p.m.
Saturday, May 16
at Stanley-Boyd Invitational (Whispering Pines),
V, 9:30 a.m.
Monday, May 18
GNC meet #6 at Medford
(Black River Golf Course),
V, 2 p.m.
GNC JV meet at Medford
(Black River Golf Course),
JV, 4:30 p.m.
Thursday, May 21
GNC meet #7 at Lakeland
(Timber Ridge), V, 2 p.m.


See BACHER on page 10

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Saturday, May 16
GNC tournament at Antigo, 9 a.m.
Thursday, May 21
Baldwin-Woodville (H), V &
JV, 5 p.m.

Tuesday, May 19
at Mosinee, 5 p.m.
Thursday, May 21
Antigo (H), 5 p.m.

These Businesses are proud to support their local High School Sports

Both of Medfords times in the sprint

relays were team bests for the spring.
Kummer was added to the 1,600-meter
relay team and she, Lainey Brunner, Taylor Adleman and Baker turned in Medfords best time of the season at 4:16.35,
good for a win and a 2.51-second margin
over Wausau East. Hannah Brandner,
Samantha Bowe, Bailey Brandner and
Mackenzie Carey teamed up to take third
in the 3,200-meter race at 11:03.31, another best time for the spring.
Kummer added a second-place time
of 27.17 seconds in the 200-meter dash,
just off her season best. Martha Kupfer
of Marshfield beat her by a hundredth of
a second. Kummer had the top preliminary time at 27.64 seconds.
Another 26 points came in the hurdles
courtesy of Hamann and Baker. After a
fourth-place preliminary finish (17.38),
Hamann turned it up in the 100-meter
high hurdle finals, taking second in 16.88
seconds, 0.11 seconds ahead of Baker,
who had qualified second (17.25). Both
girls finals times were season bests. Baker later took second in the 300-meter lows
in a season-best 49.24 seconds, 1.1 seconds
behind Wausau Easts Enn Burton. Hamann was fifth in 55.36 seconds.
Baker wasnt done. She scored two
seventh-place points in the high jump by
clearing 4-4. Raider Ashley Hoffman just
missed scoring, taking ninth by clearing
Carey took third in the 3,200-meter
run at 12:45.74, easily a season-best time.
Stolp was fourth in the triple jump at
32-6.25 and 11th in the long jump. Emily
Shipman took 10th in the triple jump at

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120 E. Main Street, Gilman

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306 S. State Hwy. 13, Stetsonville

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Page 4

May 14,
22, 2015

Medford goes 3-0 at Slamfest; errors hurt Gilman in losses

by Sports Reporter Bryan Wegter
If any team could make the statement
it won the second annual Gilman-Thorp
Slamfest softball tournament, its possible the Medford Raiders have the best
claim of anyone.
The Raiders, along with three other
teams, survived the Saturday tournament with unblemished records, though
unlike Athens, Spencer and Stevens
Point Pacelli, who all won their two
scheduled games, Medford had to battle
through three games to keep its record
Both hosts, the Gilman Pirates and
Thorp Cardinals, were unable to collect
a win. The Slamfest welcomed a host of
powerful programs from around the region and state, making the day an excellent showcase of some of the best teams
in the area.
The tournament went very well,
Gilman head coach Brian Phelps said.
There was really good softball played
and weve already gotten some new
teams looking to come next year. We
may not have played well, but we got to
see some really good teams, so that was a
positive. We were down some players, so
it was also good to see some young kids
in different positions.

Medford vs. Arcadia

Medfords offense was in high gear
early on Saturday morning during a 12-3
win over Arcadia. The Raiders had no
trouble handling the defending WIAA Division 3 state champions and blasted Arcadia starter Kendra Bjorge for six runs
in the first inning in support of Medford
starter Sydney Elsner.
The Raiders piled up 14 hits in the
game, seven of which came in the first
inning onslaught and six of which were
two-baggers. Jenice Clausnitzer, Elsner
and Kaitlin Walsh all reached base before a double by Jenna Klemm brought
home the first few runs of the game. Chelsea Rausch, Maggie Butkus and Victoria
Lammar all singled to bring home runs
and Clausnitzer capped the inning with
an RBI double.
We scored six runs in the top of the
first and just kinda rolled from there,
Medford head coach Virgil Berndt said.
Chandler Halverson scored in the first
inning for Arcadia, but that was all they
would get over the first three innings as
Elsner held them to only one hit and one
The Raiders added two more runs
in the fourth to extend their lead to 8-0.
Lammar led off the inning with a walk
and scored on a Walsh groundout. Their

other run in the inning was recorded by

Elsner after she scored on a Kayla Hartl
Arcadia broke through for a run in the
bottom of the fourth, but the Raiders oneupped them for two runs in the fifth. Arcadia added their third run in the bottom
of the fifth and Medford tacked on three
more in the sixth. Paige Olson relieved
Elsner for the seventh and shut down any
hopes of a miracle Arcadia comeback.
Each of the nine Raiders starters
notched a hit in the win. Clausnitzer
filled up the stat sheet with three hits,
including a double, one run scored and
one RBI. Elsner doubled and singled and
scored three times. Hartl smacked a pair
of doubles, had three RBIs and one run
scored. Rausch swiped a pair of bases,
walked and singled while Lammar went
two for two, stole a base and scored once.
Elsner was credited with the win after
striking out four and giving up four hits
and two walks over six innings.
Sydney pitched a nice game against
Arcadia. Paige came in and dominated,
Berndt said.

Gilman vs. Athens

The Pirates started their day with a
tough matchup against Marawood North
power Athens. The Blue Jays sent their
ace, Kyncaide Diedrich, to the pitchers
circle while Gilman answered with
Kendall Skabroud. Despite solid pitching from the Pirates, Athens proved too
strong and claimed a 7-0 win.
We were only down 2-0 after five innings, but the wheels kinda fell off for us
in the sixth and seventh, Phelps said.
Making her first start of the season,
Skabroud was able to keep the Blue Jays
hitters in check for most of the day. She
gave up a run in the first and fourth innings and two more in the sixth. Over
those innings she struck out only one,
but held Athens to six hits and a walk.
Kendall really pitched well. Shed
only thrown four or five innings coming
into this game so this was a really solid
effort for her, Gilman head coach Brian
Phelps said.
The Blue Jays put the game away with
three runs in the top of the seventh. Skabroud gave up a triple to Diedrich and
then walked Hanna Ellenbecker before
being removed form the game. Emily
Johnson entered the game and wasnt
at her sharpest. She walked four of the
first five hitters she faced, which allowed
Athens to plate two runs before getting a
strikeout and fly out to end the game.
On the other side, the Pirates offense
wasnt able to get much off Diedrich. Gilman whiffed 16 times over the course of

Hartl dealing

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Medford pitcher Kayla Hartl waves to catcher Victoria Lammar as she winds up to
release a pitch during the Raiders 11-1 victory over Gilman at the Saturday Slamfest
tournament. Hartl scattered three hits by the Pirates over her six innings of work.
the game and only knocked five hits off
the Blue Jays ace. Diedrich was in control throughout. She struck out the side
in order in the second, third and fifth
innings and did not give up a walk over
seven innings. The closest chance to
score a run presented itself in the sixth
inning after Skabroud triple with two
outs. Diedrich was able to punch out
Morgan Birkenholz to end the threat.
While the rest of the lineup struggled,
Skabroud was locked in on Diedrich and
tallied a hit in each of her three at-bats.
Kayla Chause and Taylor Hendricks had
Gilmans other two hits, both singles, in
the game.
Diedrich hit two triples and scored
twice to lead Athens. Alexa Gajewski
cracked a double and had two RBIs in the

Medford vs. Gilman

Near web gem

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Photo by Bryan Wegter

Gilman center fielder Kendall Skabroud goes into a full stretch for a shallow pop
fly in the second inning of the Pirates 11-1 loss to Medford on Saturday during the
Gilman-Thorp Slamfest tournament. Skabroud couldnt quite make the catch, as the
hard impact with the ground dislodged it from her glove.

Photo by Bryan Wegter

Two local rivals collided Saturday

afternoon as Gilman took on Medford
in the second game of the day for both
squads. The Raiders took advantage of a
number of errors and shoddy fielding by
the Pirates in securing the 11-1, six -inning win. Gilman sent Johnson to oppose
Medford starter Hartl.
For much of this season, Johnson has
been so good at racking up strikeouts
that the defense behind her hasnt been
tested to the degree they were on Saturday.
Gilman was shaky and we took ad-

vantage, Berndt said.

The Raiders only struck out three
times over six innings and excelled at
putting the ball in play, putting plenty of
pressure on the Piratess inexperienced
defense, which piled up six errors in the
We just couldnt make a play. Mental
mistakes hurt us. Weve gotta grow up
and get it done, Phelps said.
Johnson kept Medford off the board
in the first, but allowed three runners to
cross the plate in the second. Klemm was
hit by a pitch leading off and Rausch singled to start the inning, while Butkus was
hit with a pitch to load the bases. Klemm
came around to score on an error off the
bat of Alyssa Loertscher before Lammar
picked up an RBI with a base hit.
Hartl breezed through the bottom of
the second and the Raiders helped her
with four more runs in the top of the
third. Klemm and Rausch set the table
again with a pair of singles followed by
Butkus advancing to first on an error.
Loertscher plated two runs with a double
in the next at-bat and Lammar drove in
another after reaching on an error.
Both offenses were quiet in the fourth
before Medford added another run in the
fifth when Lammar scored after reaching base on an error. Rausch and Butkus
both scored in the sixth to put the game
away by the 10-run rule.

See SLAMFEST on page 5


Thursday, May 14, 2015

Page 5

Gilman walks off with doubleheader sweep at Neillsville

by Sports Reporter Bryan Wegter
The Gilman Pirates softball team continued to roll through their Eastern Cloverbelt opposition in a doubleheader in
Neillsville on Tuesday. The Pirates used
a five-run second inning to propel themselves to the 7-4 win in game one.
Gilman jumped in front with a run
in the first before the five spot blew the
game open. They added another run in
the fifth.
It was a good game. The kids played

well and we put the bat on the ball. The

defense did their job making plays behind Emily Johnson, Phelps said.
Johnson went the complete game and
struck out nine for the Pirates and kept
the Warriors off the board for the first
four innings. Neillsville finally broke
through for a run in the fifth and three
more in the sixth, but couldnt complete
their comeback as Johnson dug in. She
gave up three walks and four hits over
seven innings.
Gilman banged out 12 hits in the
game. Johnson cracked two triples,
while Brooke Webster had three hits, including a double. Kayla Chause doubled
and singled and Mariah Person also had
a two-bagger.

Game two

Slides in safely

Photo by Bryan Wegter

Gilmans Brooke Webster just barely

beats the tag from Medford second baseman Jenice Clausnitzer during the sixth
inning of the Raiders 11-1 win on Saturday.

It took extra innings to decide a winner in the second game of Tuesdays doubleheader. At the conclusion of the bottom of the seventh, the score was knotted
at seven.
Playing as the home team, Gilman finally pushed across the game winning
run in the bottom of the eighth. Cooper
Sherfield singled to leadoff the frame and
was replaced by pinch runner Angie Rafferty. Citory Oberle sacrificed herself to
advance Rafferty into scoring position,
and Johnson did the rest by knocking a
double off the left field wall to score Rafferty for the walk off 8-7 win.
The Pirates scored two in the first,
one in the second, one in the fourth and
one more in the sixth during regulation.
After facing Johnson for 12 straight innings across two games and not finding
much success, the Warriors tagged her
for three runs in the sixth and seventh
innings to force extras.
They timed up Emily late in the
game. She changed speeds a bit and
pitched well in the eighth, Phelps said.
While her pitching wasnt at its usual
sterling form, Johnsons hitting more

than made up the difference. She finished

the game a perfect five for five, including
the game-winning RBI double. As a team,
Gilman had 17 hits in the game. Shaelen
Schmitt went three for four, Kendall Skabroud was two for two with a double
and Kasee Burton also was two for two.
Johnson went all eight innings and
struck out five, while walking five and

Continued from page 1

Rachel Dallmann was the only Hatchet
to reach base against her on a secondinning error. The Hatchets got two hits
off Elsner in the fourth and one off Hailee Clausnitzer in the fifth. Clausnitzer
struck out two.
Dallmann took the loss for Tomahawk
(2-7, 6-9). She struck out two and walked
three. Eight of Medfords runs were
In between the key GNC games, Medford is also scheduled to make up this
Mondays rainout at Wausau East on
Monday, May 18. Game time is 4:30 p.m.

Memorable 300th win

Medford got a big GNC win on Friday, holding off host Rhinelander 4-3 in a
battle between two teams vying for position in the conference and in post-season
It also was the 300th win in program
history, all 25 years of which has come
under Berndts direction.
Leading 2-1 going into the seventh,
Medford got two big insurance runs to go
up 4-1. Turns out, they needed those runs
as Rhinelander rallied to score two runs
and put the tying run in scoring position
before the Raiders got the final out.
It was the most disciplined hitting
from our team Ive seen all year, Berndt
said. Even our at-bats where we struck

Continued from page 4

Medford vs. Hurley

The Raiders capped their day with a
5-2 win over the Hurley Midgets behind

yet another strong pitching performance,

even as the offense wasnt quite as proficient as usual.
After two games against solid starting
pitchers, Berndt noted his squad had a
bit of trouble tracking the slower pitch
speeds of Hurleys Gabby Pecotte. Whether it was fatigue from a long day of games
or trouble reading Pecotte, Medford was
held to their lowest scoring output of the
tournament, though it was still enough
to claim the win as Hartl and Elsner combined to give up only three hits and one
walk to the Midgets.
Hartl got the start for the Raiders and
pitched the first five innings. After setting Hurley down 1-2-3 in the top of the
first, she continued to roll until giving up
two runs in the fourth inning on a Paige
Aho homer. Elsner took over in the sixth
and earned a save by preserving what
was a one-run Medford lead after five innings.
The Raiders scored one run in the
first, second and third innings to take
a 3-2 lead into the sixth. Elsner doubled
and scored on a Walsh single in the first,
Loertscher scored the teams run in the
second after reaching on an error and
Hartl scored the third run on a Klemm
Medford added two valuable insurance runs in the bottom of the sixth.
Rausch was hit with a pitch to lead off the
inning and would score on a Loertscher
groundout. Butkus continued her strong
tournament with a single and scored on a
fielders choice off the bat of Lammar to

See PIRATES on page 10

Medford beats Hodags 4-3

Slamfest features good area softball squads

Skabroud scored Gilmans run in the
sixth inning off Raider reliever Olson
after walking in her at-bat. Brooke Webster picked up the RBI on a single. Webster led the Pirates with two hits in three
at-bats, while Birkenholz had a single in
the first inning.
Johnson went the complete game
and surrendered 11 hits to Medford. She
walked only one and gave up 11 runs, but
only two were earned.
Defense was the key to the game. Hartl
only had three strikeouts in the game,
but solid fielding behind her kept the Pirates from putting runners on base. In
the fourth inning, Medford center fielder
Rausch robbed Chause of extra bases by
making a spectacular catch on the run
near the warning track. Hartl only gave
up one walk and three hits in the win as
her defense gobbled up everything else
Gilman could make contact with.
Chelsea took a big step forward in
center field. She made play after play,
Berndt said.
Rausch and Walsh led the Raiders
with three hits each. Rausch scored
three times and Walsh had two RBIs. Loertscher scored twice and had three RBIs
while Lammar scored three runs and
had two RBIs. Butkus used a double and
a single to score two runs in the win and
Clausnitzer drove in two runs, singled
and walked.

giving up five hits.

Neillsville is a big team in the conference. To go down there and sweep them,
on a cold and windy day, it feels really
good for the girls, Phelps said.
The sweep pushed Gilmans conference record to 10-2, good for second be-

push the lead to 5-3.

Elsner gave up a single in the seventh,
but slammed the door on a Hurley comeback by striking out Pecotte to end the
Hartl struck out nine over five innings
of work. She gave up a walk and two hits
to get credit for the win.
Elsner led the team with three hits, including a double. Elsner and Butkus had
two hits each and both scored one run.
Butkus, Loertscher and Lammar each
swiped a bag in the game.
Kayla is turning into a workhorse for
us and Maggie hit the cover off the ball
all day, Berndt said.
Other notable games in the tournament included Athens earning a 3-1 victory over Division 3 powerhouse Grantsburg, which had already beaten Thorp
and Hurley on Saturday. Spencer had
the best showing out of Cloverbelt teams
at the Slamfest. The Rockets started their
day with a 7-6 extra-inning win over Marathon and then knocked off Arcadia 4-1.

Full tournament scoreboard

Stratford 4, Hurley 1; Chequamegon
10, Glenwood City 2; Grantsburg 2, Thorp
0; Medford 12, Arcadia 3; Athens 7, Gilman 0; Stratford 10, Glenwood City 0;
Pacelli 11, Thorp 4; Spencer 7, Marathon
6; Medford 11, Gilman 1; Grantsburg 9,
Hurley 3; Marathon 4, Arcadia 1; Pacelli
8, Chequamegon 5; Athens 3, Grantsburg 1; Medford 5, Hurley 2; Arcadia 12,
Chequamegon 8; Spencer 5, Stratford 1.

out or made an out, we were hitting good

pitches. We were hitting it hard. They
were working counts to full counts,
fouled a couple off. Even if we struck out,
it was a good at-bat.
Walsh may have made the biggest
play of the game by turning a walk into
a hit in the seventh. Jenice Clausnitzer
led off the inning by reaching second on
a single and an error by the leftfielder.
Chelsea Rausch bunted her to third. The
Hodags then tried to intentionally walk
Walsh. But on the third pitch, Rhinelander pitcher Brianna Gilbert got one too
close to home plate and Walsh slapped it
to rightfield for an RBI single. With two
outs, Elsner walked to bring up Alyssa
Loertscher, who dumped one into shallow left that fell between three defenders
to score Walsh.
Gilbert then led off the bottom of the
seventh by homering off the top of the
fence in left-center. Katie Detert popped
out to catcher Tori Lammar, but Stephanie Kuester doubled. Makayla Kuester
flied to Elsner in right for the second
out, but Riley Aschenbrenner doubled to
deep center to make it 4-3. Hartl returned
number-nine hitter Lindsay Juedes on a
ground ball to Klemm, filling in at shortstop for the injured Hailee Clausnitzer,
to end it.
Rhinelander scored an unearned run
in the bottom of the first. With two on and
two outs in the third, Hartl won a long
battle with Gilbert, lining an RBI single
to left. Medford took the lead in the fourth
with more two-out hitting. Lammar belted an 0-2 pitch over the leftfielders head
for a double, scoring Marissa Laher, who
was pinch running for Clausnitzer, after
she was hurt during a collision while
stealing second base.
Walsh and Lammar each went two for
three to lead the 10-hit attack.
Hartl struck out seven and walked
only one. Gilbert struck out eight and
walked three while taking the loss.
It was a big win, Berndt said. It
kept us in the hunt and hopefully at least
gets us to that two seed if we can take
care of business.

No problem at Pines
As expected, Medford had little trouble with winless Northland Pines on
Thursday, routing the host Eagles 22-0 in
five innings.
Elsner got the win, allowing just two
hits while striking out four in three innings. Hailee Clausnitzer struck out two
in two innings.
Offensively, Medford pounded Pines
pitching for 18 hits, drew 11 walks and
put up crooked numbers in every inning
but the second.
Jenice Clausnitzer led the way from
the leadoff spot, going four for six and
scoring four runs. She stole three bases
and drove in a run. Klemm was two for
two and hit a late two-run single. Jori
Brandner got some varsity time and went
two for two with a double. Hailee Clausnitzer hit a two-run single in the fifth.
Mackenzie Fries, Walsh, Hartl, Laher, Loertscher, Elsner, Kara Rudolph,
Butkus and Rylee Anderson all had a hit
apiece. Rausch, Walsh, Klemm and Lammar drew two walks each.



Page 6

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Small Rib Lake meet produces big results for some athletes
by Sports Editor Matt Frey
Save for the inconvenience of gusty
winds in the faces of runners on the back
side of the track, the Rib Lake Redmen
and their three Marawood North rivals
from Price County were happy to avoid
the predicted rain and storms to get in a
good workout on Thursday during Rib
Lakes annual track and field meet.
Though small in nature, the meet
again produced some big results for
some of the athletes. Chequamegon continued to look like a contender to win
next weeks Marawood North championship by dominating the team standings.
Rib Lakes girls tied Phillips for second,
while the boys, running a bit short-handed due to injury, finished third.
Im glad we got the meet in, Rib
Lake head coach Mark Krommenacker
said. I love the atmosphere of this meet.
Its small, fun and competitive.
In girls competition, Chequamegon
scored 111 points, while the Lady Redmen and Loggers each scored 47.5. Prentice was fourth with 44 points.
Ciara Scheithauer scored in four
events for Rib Lake, while Mariah
Thums placed individually three times.
Emily Espinoza, Bryanne Brugger and
Michaela Blomberg scored individually
in two events each.
Scheithauer started her day with a
win in the 100-meter dash, finishing in
13.5 seconds, just 0.05 seconds ahead of
Chequamegons Michelle Homann. Early on, she added a point by taking fifth
in the high jump. She cleared 4 feet, 6
inches. Scheithauer was second in the
200-meter dash at 29.25 seconds, 0.81 seconds behind Chequamegons Hailey BeBeau, and third in the 400-meter dash at
Thums pulled away early and wasnt
threatened in the 3,200-meter run, winning in 13:29.18. She was 20.49 seconds
ahead of runner-up Madi Brunner of
Chequamegon. Thums held the lead for
parts of the 1,600-meter run, but Chequamegons Nicole Koski had the stronger
kick in the last lap and won in 6:12.85,
6.83 seconds ahead of Thums. Thums
placed fourth in the discus with a throw
of 58-10, while Brugger got the fifth-place

point at 53-7.
Brugger took third in the shot put
competition with a toss of 25-9.25, just
over a foot behind winner Hannah Eibergen of Phillips (26-9.75).
Blomberg took third in the 300-meter
low hurdles with her time of 1:04.13. Prentices Shawnie Sarkkinen blew away the
field in a winning time of 55.92 seconds.
Blomberg got the fifth-place point in the
100-meter high hurdles at 20.02 seconds.
The high point for Espinoza was her
third-place finish in the 800-meter run.
She finished in 2:50.8. Carolyn Neerdaels
of Phillips won in 2:47.48. Chequamegons
Regan Jacobson was 1.4 seconds ahead of
Espinoza. The Rib Lake freshman went
11-5.5 in the long jump to tie Kenzie Svoboda of Phillips for fourth place. Homann
won with a leap of 14-4.
Corissa Scheithauer was fourth in
the triple jump with a leap of 25-5. Rib
Lakes final points came in two relays.
The 1,600-meter team of Espinoza, Casey
Scheithauer, Corissa Scheithauer and
Caitlyn Fitzl finished second in 5:13.56
behind Chequamegon (4:41.83). Casey
Scheithauer, Fitzl, Corissa Scheithauer
and Thums were third in the 400-meter
race at 1:02.07, trailing Chequamegon
(58.01) and Phillips (1:00.83).

at 88-11. Cegielski won with a throw of

103-11. Swan just missed scoring in the
100-meter dash as well. He was sixth in
12.4 seconds, 0.04 seconds out of fifth.
Ricky Boomer was Rib Lakes other
winner. He had one of his strongest

races of the spring in the 110-meter high

hurdles, winning in 19.04 seconds, 1.07
seconds ahead of Chequamegons Seth
Weber. Boomer later took third in the

See RIB LAKE on page 24

Two wins for Swan

Rib Lakes boys came into the meet
a bit dinged up, according to Krommenacker, with Nick Eisner out due to injury and Jordan Blomberg just returning from one. Blomberg scored in both
the triple and long jump and was one of
five Redmen to score in at least two individual events. Blomberg was third in the
triple jump at 37-8 and fifth in the long
jump at 16-7.5.
Sophomore Hunter Swan had a big
day, netting two of Rib Lakes three wins
and placing in three events. First, he won
the 400-meter dash in 56.65 seconds, holding off Chequamegons Sam Belanger by
0.65 seconds. Then he won the shot put
with a throw of 39-2.75, winning by a comfortable 37-inch margin over Chequamegons Rory Cegielski. Cody Blomberg
got the fifth-place point at 29-0.75. Earlier
in the meet, Swan took third in the discus at 95-3.5, while Blomberg was fourth

Lowering the boom

Buy this photo online at

Photo by Matt Frey

Rib Lakes Ricky Boomer powers over this hurdle in Thursdays 300-meter intermediate hurdles race. Boomer took third in this race. Earlier in the meet, he won the
110-meter high hurdles.

that appeared in the May 12 Star News Shopper
were supposed to run a week later.

The sales in the flyer are



The Star News apologizes for this

inconvenience to the
Rib Lake True Value customers



Thursday, May 14, 2015



Page 7

Antigo hands Medford its fourth 4-3 loss of

GNC season; Raiders win one at Rapids Quad
by Sports Editor Matt Frey
There is no doubt Medfords boys tennis team has
closed the gap between themselves and the Great Northern Conferences big three of Rhinelander, Antigo and
Beating those teams in a dual meet, however, will
have to wait for another year.
Medford closed the dual-meet portion of its 2015 GNC
schedule on Tuesday with one of the closest meets a fan
will ever see, falling 4-3 to Antigo on the MASH courts.
Although it is another 3-4 team loss, we are not far
behind the conference leaders, Medford head coach
Jake Bucki said. This year has been a huge improvement over the last couple years results. In the beginning of the year, one of our team goals was to be competitive within our conference. At least one of our matches
against all the top three teams in the conference went
3-4. This is a tribute to our teams willingness to give
everything they have out on the court day in, day out.
The meet featured four matches that went the full
sets, including all three doubles matches which Medford won and three sets that went to tiebreakers, two
of which Antigo won. The lengthy matches meant some
extra shivering for those attending on a cold May evening, but they saw some outstanding back-and-forth
The Raiders held a 3-2 lead after the number-three
doubles team of Josh Brooks and Alec Veal finally put
away Tanner Stueck and Ben Lewandowski 6-1, 6-7, 6-3.
The second set tiebreaker was a marathon. Antigos
team had set point at 7-6, but an aggressive charge to the
net and shot by Brooks tied it. Medford then had match
point at 8-7. The Raiders fought off two set points, then
forged another match point at 12-11 before Antigo finally scored three straight points to win it 14-12.
The last two matches to be completed were in the top
two singles flights. At number-two, Ty Wrage had the
first chance to seal a team victory for Medford. His 2.5hour battle with a hobbling Drew Schwarz started with
a 7-6 set, won by Wrage in the tiebreaker 10-8. Wrage
had set point in the tiebreaker at 6-5, fell behind 7-8 and
then scored three straight points to win it. Schwarz tied
the match by winning the second set 6-4 and he took the
first two games of the third set. Wrage fought back to
tie the third set at 4-4, but a Schwarzs perfect deep lob
gave him the clinching point in the go-ahead game and
he went on from there to a 6-4 win.
Tys match went back and forth the entire way,
Bucki said. The first two sets were mostly won by
whichever player had the wind at his back. Ty played
a great match against Schwarz, who deserves a lot of
credit for playing through multiple injuries.
That left it up to the number-ones, who were nearing
the end of their second set. On Thursday, Antigos Alex
Thomae swept Raider Sammy Payne 6-0, 6-0. Thomae
started strong in the rematch, taking the first set 6-1,
but Payne built some momentum toward the end of the
set, keeping balls in play, leading to unforced errors
from Thomae. Payne had a 6-5 lead in the second set,
but Thomae tied it and then dominated the tiebreaker
7-1 to secure his individual win and Antigos team win.
Sammy made a huge improvement against Thomae, Bucki said. We talked about the different ways
he could take advantages of specific parts of Thomaes
game and Sammy followed through with a very impressive performance. Its very likely that these two will
meet for the third time in just over a week, in this weekends conference tournament.
Medfords number-one doubles team of Dillon Brost
and Alec Shear were ragged early, but they took charge
in the second set and defeated Brennon Brown and Collin Schedlbauer 2-6, 6-0, 6-3. The number-two team of
Joe Phillips and Douglas Schumacher rolled over Jack
McKenna and Cole Johnson 6-1 in the first set, stumbled
to a 4-6 loss in the second set and then rebounded with a
solid 6-2 win in the third set.
After winning the first sets very convincingly, number-two and number-three doubles had a bit of a let down
in second set losses, Bucki said. I was impressed with
the way our doubles teams closed out their third sets.
These were very important wins for our team.
Tyler Husnick beat Raider David Silva 6-3, 6-3 at
number-three singles, while Tommy Blink beat Medfords Alex Zick 6-2, 7-5 at number-four. Zick had a 5-3
lead in the second set.
Antigo finished 6-2 in the duals and has 70 team
points heading into Saturdays Great Northern Conference meet, which the Red Robins host. Medford finished
2-6 and has 58 points. Lakeland finished 5-3 and holds

the lead in points with 74, but Rhinelander (6-1) has 64

points and is likely to pass the T-Birds when they visit
winless Phillips today, Thursday. The Loggers have
zero team points.
Saturdays conference meet is set to start at 9 a.m.
Medford closes the regular season on May 21 by hosting
Baldwin-Woodville in non-conference play.
Im very excited to see all of our players compete for
all-conference honors this weekend, Bucki said. Were
capable of achieving this in all flights of competition. It
will be a fun day of tennis that we will come home with
some awards if we play up to our potential.

Third at Rapids
A 6-3 win over Holmen allowed Medford to claim
third place at the Wisconsin Rapids Quad on Saturday.
The host Red Raiders swept all three of their matches to
win the tournament. Stevens Point Pacelli went 2-1 to
take second, including a 6-3 win over Medford.
In the victory over the Vikings, Medford won four of
five singles matches, and nearly took the fifth. In that
one, at flight three, Silva outlasted Keng Yang 7-6 (7-2)
in the first set and had a chance to win the second set
in a tiebreaker as well. But Yang survived by winning
the set 7-6 (7-4). They went to a 10-point tiebreaker in the
third set, which Yang won 10-6.
Otherwise, Medfords singles crew swept to straightset wins. Payne beat Matt Vang in flight one 6-2, 6-1.
Wrage swept Isaac Burge at number-two 6-1, 6-1. Zick
took care of Bee Yang at number-four 6-3, 6-3 and Romain Grard was a 6-1, 6-0 winner over Tommy Yang at
Brooks and Veal were 6-3, 6-3 winners over Seth
Wittwer and Keaton Gullicksrud at number-three doubles and Evan Zick and Noah Sackmann took down
Bradley Boggs and Seung Zon Song 7-6 (7-4), 6-1 at number-four doubles.
Medfords doubles losses came in competitive matches. Holmens top team beat Brost and Shear 7-5, 6-2. The
number-two team beat Phillips and Schumacher 6-2, 6-4.
Medford was the only team in the tournament to get
two wins against Wisconsin Rapids. Grard was a 6-4, 6-2
winner at number-five singles. Brooks and Sackmann
were 6-4, 6-2 winners at number-four doubles over Nick
Kizewski and Brady Knuteson.
In singles, Dane Steidl beat Payne 6-0, 6-0. Zach Gilmaster was a 6-1, 6-3 winner over Wrage. Tyler Woloski
swept Silva 6-1, 6-1 and Ryan Graczkowski beat Alex
Zick 6-1, 6-0. In doubles, Josh Beyer and Lucas Kreuser swept Brost and Shear 6-2, 6-1 in the top flight. Sam
OShasky and Shane Glinski beat Phillips and Schumacher 6-1, 6-1. Marcus Bean and Luke Mertes swept Veal
and Carter Ray 6-0, 6-0 at number-three.
Medford won three of the four doubles matches with
Pacelli, but the Cardinals swept the singles matches.
Bucki teamed Payne and Wrage at number-one doubles, just to see if they could beat one of the likely top
seeds in the upcoming post-season. They played well,
but Luke Yenter and Pat Rath were too much, taking a
6-3, 6-4 decision. Brost and Shear moved down to flight
two, where they were 7-5, 7-5 winners over Austin Mansavage and Nick Jensen. Phillips and Schumacher won
the number-three match 6-3, 6-4 over Gunther White and
Zach Brocken. Brooks, who was the only Raider to enjoy
three wins on the day, teamed up with Ray to beat Phil
DiSalvo and Peter Clark 6-1, 6-1 at number-four.
Moving Payne and Wrage to doubles left Medford
short-handed at singles. Joe Fuller swept Silva 6-0, 6-1 in
flight one. Mickey Odden was a 6-1, 6-1 winner over Alex
Zick. Wes Simonis beat Grard 6-3, 6-2 in flight three.
Nick Hasler beat Veal 6-1, 6-1 and Tom Kroening beat
Evan Zick at number-five 6-0, 6-1.

A split at Antigo
On a windy Thursday at Antigo, Medford came away
with a win and a loss in a GNC triangular.
Medford gave the host Red Robins a run, but Antigo
escaped with a 4-3 win.
The teams split the four singles matches. Wrage took
a 6-1, 6-0 win over Blink at number-two. Alex Zick eased
past Lewandowski in the number-four match 6-1, 6-1.
Thomae had Paynes number, sweeping him 6-0, 6-0.
Husnick outplayed Shear 6-2, 6-1 at number-three.
Medford got a big win at number-two doubles. Phillips and Schumacher were nearly beaten, having
dropped the first set 6-3 to Brown and Stueck and trailing 4-1 in the second. But the Raider juniors ripped off
five straight wins to take the set 6-4 and kept it going in
set three with a 6-2 win.
That was the big match of the meet, Bucki said.

Ty in a tiebreaker

Photo by Matt Frey

Medfords Ty Wrage sends a hard serve over the

net during the first set of his match with Antigos Drew
Schwarz on Tuesday. This set went to a tiebreaker,
which Wrage won 10-8 to take the set 7-6. But Schwarz
rallied for 6-4, 6-4 wins in the next two sets to take the
We were down a set and we were down 1-4 in the second, came back and won five straight and won the third.
That was pretty cool to see.
Brost and Silva paired up to take number-one doubles day in this meet. Schwarz and Ben Bartletti beat
them 6-1, 6-3. Brooks and Veal were beaten 6-2, 6-3 by
McKenna and Johnson.
In their other dual meet, the Raiders swept Phillips
for the second time this season, 7-0.
Payne held off a late surge by Luke Heidenrich to
earn a 6-0, 6-3 win at number-one singles. Wrage buried
Sam Nowak 6-0, 6-1. At number-four, Alex Zick was a 6-0,
6-0 winner over Hariharan Jayaprahash. Two games
into his number-three match, Silva became a winner by
injury default over Michael Prochnow.
Brost and Shear cruised to a 6-1, 6-1 win over Vincent
Ringersma and Alex Briske at number-one doubles.
Phillips and Schumacher and Brooks and Veal won by
Antigo swept Phillips 7-0 in the other dual meet of the


Page 8

May 14,
22, 2015

Baseball team clips Hatchets, loses pitchers duel to Lumberjacks

by Sports Editor Matt Frey
Taylor Shaw scattered six hits while pitching all
seven innings and was a key figure in Medfords smallball offensive attack that produced a 4-3 Great Northern
Conference baseball win at Tomahawk on Tuesday.
Shaw struck out three, walked two and allowed one
earned run as the Raiders beat the Hatchets for the second time this spring and improved to 5-3 in the GNC.
They are 9-9 overall.
Taylor Shaw pitched another dandy, Medford head
coach Justin Hraby said. He has his command back
and is doing a great job of commanding all of his pitches
in the zone. When he is on, its fun to watch him pitch.
Taylor also had three great at-bats where he moved Nick
Drott over on the bases. All three times it led to Nick
scoring as Lloyd Bernatz and Brad Acker did a good job
of hitting with runners in scoring position.
Medford did just enough to beat the Hatchets and
their starting pitcher Brandon Vecchio. The Raiders
had just six hits, but five walks helped their cause. Vecchio struck out three. Acker was two for three and Bernatz was one for four as they each drove in two runs.
Drott, Mikel Delzer and Brett Paul added hits.
Drott drew a walk to start the game and was bunted
to second by Shaw. Drott went to third on a wild pitch
and scored on Bernatzs groundout.
The Hatchets took a 2-1 lead in the second, with a cou-

Youth night at Raider Field

Tuesday has been designated Kids Night as the
Medford Raiders host the Rhinelander Hodags at 5
p.m. at Raider Field in a Great Northern Conference
baseball clash.
Kids who arrive by 4:45 p.m. can run out on to the
field before the game and stand next to their favorite
player. After the game, youngsters can receive a team
poster and play catch with their favorite Raiders.


Friday, May 15th
5 pm - 7 pm

Hwy. 73, Gilman



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ple of throwing errors helping them out. But the Raiders

answered in the top of the third. Drott walked and stole
second. Shaw battled Vecchio until he finally got a pitch
he could pull and grounded out to second, moving Drott
to third. Bernatz doubled in Drott. Acker followed with
a run-scoring single.
Drott singled to start the fifth. With the hit and run
on, Shaw grounded out. Drott went to third on a wild
pitch and scored on Ackers two-out single. The Hatchets got a run in the sixth on Jacob Panzers RBI single,
but Shaw left the bases loaded by striking out Vecchio
on a 2-2 change up. The Hatchets left the tying run on
first base in the seventh.
Other than the second inning, our defense was stellar, Hraby said. Nick Drott covers so much ground
out in center. When the ball is in the air near him, you
know it is going to be caught.
It was nice to get another road conference win, he
added. We had struggled on the road a bit this year, but
of late have been able to get a couple of nice road wins
during our current road streak.
Medford will take a fun drive to Milwaukee today,
Thursday, to face Green Bay East at 5 p.m. at Miller
Park. Then its on to Rhinelander Friday for a key GNC
battle. The Hodags upset league-leading Mosinee on
Tuesday 3-2. The Hodags then come to Medford on Tuesday to make up an April 21 postponement. The Raiders
will host a good Chequamegon squad on May 21.
The boys are excited to play in Miller Park again
this year, Hraby said. We had a great opportunity presented to us as a team dropped out at the last minute.
We really couldnt turn it down. It should be a lot of fun
against a familiar foe, Green Bay East, a team we have
played in the past.

Lost chances at East

Shaw and Brady Loertscher combined to hold
Wausau East to just five hits on Saturday, but the Raiders couldnt come up with the big hit when they needed
it in a well-pitched 3-1 loss to the host Lumberjacks.
Medford went one for 10 with runners in scoring position. Golden opportunities that got away in the third
and sixth innings were the difference.
We took advantage of their defense and were able
to steal six bases in the first five innings, Hraby said.
We couldnt cash in and score runs off of that. Being
one for 10 with runners in scoring position is not acceptable. We played a great game, had runners on base,
pitched well and played good defense. If we get one or
two key hits and eliminate the freebies in the first inning, this would have been a different game.
Medford mustered just four hits with Kyle Daniel


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picking up the win for East. In 5.1 innings, he struck

out three, walked four and allowed all four of the hits.
Ben Schubring got the save by recording the last five
outs. He got the Lumberjacks out of a big jam in the top
of the sixth.
With East leading 3-1, Paul singled and Trenton Woebbeking reached on an error. They were on second and
third after Jed Millers sacrifice bunt. Schubring entered and got two straight punchouts to end the threat.
Schubring walked Shaw with one out in the seventh
and survived Bernatzs flyout to deep leftfield.
East scored twice in the first to grab the lead. Two
walks and an error loaded the bases with one out. Sam
Romanaskis blooper scored one. Levy Trienon added a
run-scoring fielders choice. Shaw avoided further damage by picking Trienon off first base to end the inning.
Drott reached on a one-out error and Bernatz and Nathan Gradberg walked with two down to load the bases
for Medford in the third. Daniel got an infield pop-up
to get out of that jam. Romanaskis second bloop single
drove in a run in the bottom half. Medford got its run in
the fifth. Drott singled and stole second and scored on
Bernatzs hit. Bernatz stole second but went no further.
Bernatz went two for four with two stolen bases.
Drott and Woebbeking stole two bases apiece.
Shaw went four innings, allowing four hits, three
walks and three runs, two of which were earned. He
struck out one. Loertscher allowed a hit in two innings.
The two youngsters, Taylor and Brady, pitched well
against a Valley Conference opponent. This is encouraging for the rest of the year and for the future. Both
were confident in all their pitches and did a great job of
holding their offense down. Lloyd continues to produce
offensively. We need to find a way to get runners on for
him in key situations.
This was a good high school baseball game, Hraby
added. Too bad we came out on the losing end of it.

Raiders beat Pines

Zach Smola turned in his second straight strong
start on the pitching mound, while the offense was good
enough in Medfords 7-1 win at last-place Northland
Pines on Thursday.
Smola went five innings, allowing just one hit, a triple to deep center by Zach Lorenz in the third inning
that Drott almost caught up to. Lorenz was the only
Eagle to reach base against Smola. He struck out three.
Lorenz wound up scoring the Eagles only run on a balk.
Zach pitched another great game for us, Hraby
said. Thats two starts in a row where he has pitched

See BASEBALL on page 9

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Thursday, May 14, 2015

Page 9

Down to its last out, Rib Lake

ties it, then falls in the eighth
by Sports Editor Matt Frey
The Rib Lake Redmen waited until the
last possible moment to come through
with a clutch hit on Monday, only to see
Chequamegon score the winning run
without the aid of a hit in a 3-2, eight-inning baseball thriller.
The Screaming Eagles were one out
away from shutting out the home team
2-0 when the Redmen loaded the bases in
the bottom of the seventh. Noah Weinke
led off the inning by drawing a walk from
Chequamegon left-hander Caleb Armstrong. Joe Frombach lined out to center,
but Dalton Strebig singled up the middle
after fouling off several pitches. After
Armstrong struck out Austin Ewan, he
hit Bryan Solis Arenivas with a pitch to
bring up clean-up hitter Jordan Cardey.
Cardey hit a sharp grounder down the
leftfield line that was ruled fair by the
home plate umpire, bringing in Weinke
and Strebig with the tying runs. Chequamegons coaches and players argued vehemently the hit was a foul ball, but the
call stood. Armstrong kept the game going by striking out Jerry Reinhardt.
In the eighth, Sam Lehman led off
by reaching on Rib Lakes only error
of the day. He got the benefit of a close
call when he stole second base. Arenivas
struck out Justin Herbst, but Armstrong
hit a fly ball to deep center that moved
Lehman to third. With a 2-2 count on Ben
Godleske, Lehman scored the go-ahead
run on a wild pitch. Arenivas struck out
Godleske one pitch later to end the inning.
Weinke was hit by a pitch with two
outs in the bottom of the eighth, but
Frombachs liner went right to second
baseman Eric Tank, ending the game
and dropping Rib Lake to 6-3 in the Marawood North. The Redmen trail Athens
(8-1) and Chequamegon (8-2) with three
league games left.
We played well enough to win,
Rib Lake head coach Dick Iverson said.
That was a good high school baseball
game, a good game to watch. I was happy
with how we played.
Arenivas pitched a gem against a
strong hitting club while taking a tough
loss. He scattered seven hits, struck out
seven and walked one. Two of Chequamegons three runs were earned.
The Screaming Eagles took the lead
with a two-out rally in the first. Lehman
doubled to left and scored on Herbsts
single. In the third, Hunter Bay hit a
lead-off double to left and scored on Wyatt Juneaus double to center. Juneau
wound up getting thrown out at the plate

by Weinke, the shortstop, on a ground

ball hit by Herbst, keeping it a 2-0 game.
Rib Lake got off to a slow start offensively, but the Redmen had a couple of
In the fourth, a single by Strebig and
walks to Arenivas and Reinhardt loaded
the bases with two outs. But starting
pitcher Ryan Prellwitz fooled Carter
Hopkins and got him on a check-swing
third strike. The Redmen stranded two
runners in the fifth and two more in the
sixth before finally coming through in
the seventh.
We had our opportunities, Iverson
said. Were still not putting the ball in
play and striking out too much with guys
on base.
Strebig was three for four. Cardey had
the only other hit for Rib Lake.
Armstrong got the win. In four innings, he struck out four, walked two,
allowed three hits and two earned runs
and hit three batters. Prellwitz struck
out two, walked three and allowed a hit
in his four innings.
Rib Lake, now 9-6 overall, travels to
Phillips on Friday before hosting Abbotsford on Monday in 4:45 Marawood North
games. The Redmen will travel to Stratford and host Flambeau next Tuesday
and Thursday in non-conference play,
also at 4:45 p.m.

Big sixth wins it

Rib Lake was better at putting the ball
in play on Thursday, and it paid off with
a four-run sixth inning that pushed the
Redmen to a 6-4 Marawood North win at
The late offense made a winner out of
Reinhardt, who went the distance, striking out eight and walking four. He allowed six hits and three earned runs.
Jerry pitched well, Iverson said.
He had a little trouble in the second inning, but was really good after that.
Edgar scored all of its runs in the bottom of the second to take a 4-2 lead. After an error and a one-out walk, Zach
Allmann tripled, Shawn Bunkelman
doubled and Aaron King singled for the
Wildcats. Edgar hit just three singles the
rest of the way.
Two walks and two errors fueled Rib
Lakes sixth-inning rally. Ewan came up
with a key single and Arenivas delivered
the clinching shot, a two-run double.
Ewan had singled and scored in the first.
Reinhardt walked and eventually scored
in the second.
Ewan and Arenivas had two hits
apiece. Ewan scored twice. Reinhardt
and Hopkins added hits.

Baseball team tops Pines

Continued from page 8
very well. He is doing a great job of getting ahead of hitters and keeping them
Delzer pitched the last two innings. He
allowed two hits and hit a batter while
striking out two.
Medford grabbed the lead with a threerun second. Gradberg singled and moved
to third on Delzers single. Delzer then
stole second and Woebbeking walked
to load the bases. Paul crushed an Isaac
Haiduk offering to deep left-center for a
ground-rule double. Millers groundout
scored Woebbeking to make it 3-0.
A three-run fifth made it 6-1. Bernatz
walked, stole second and went to third
on a wild pitch. Three straight walks to
Acker, Gradberg and Delzer drove in

Bernatz. Woebbekings hit scored Acker

and Pauls sacrifice fly scored Gradberg.
Hunter Anderson added an RBI single
in the seventh.
Bernatz was two for four, while Delzer
was two for three. Paul was one for two
and drove in three.
Brett Paul came up with some big
hits in key situations, Hraby said. That
is something we have been struggling
with lately. Mikel Delzer continues to
swing the bat well and has been a boost to
our defense up the middle at shortstop.
Haiduk struck out six and walked
six while pitching all seven innings for
Pines. He allowed eight hits and seven
earned runs.

Picked off

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Photo by Matt Frey

Chequamegons Erik Tank pays for straying too far off first base and is tagged out by
Rib Lake first baseman Joe Scheithauer during the seventh inning of Mondays Marawood North battle. Tank was picked off by Rib Lake catcher Dalton Strebig.

Pirates get walk-off win over

Granton, then drop three straight
by Sports Reporter Bryan Wegter
The Gilman baseball team has shown
signs of life over the past weeks of baseball. Unfortunately for the Pirates, on
Tuesday, Neillsville snuffed out those
good feelings with a 21-0 blowout.
The East-leading Warriors improved
their conference record to 12-0 with the
win and used 16 hits and a 13-run third
inning to plow through Gilman.
Elliot Winninger started the game for
the Pirates and gave up 10 hits over his
two plus innings of work. Chanse Rosemeyer entered after Wininger couldnt
generate an out in the third and pitched
the remainder of the inning and struck
out one. Cassidy Ogle pitched the fourth
and gave up three runs on two walks and
three hits.
Zach Person and Ogle had Gilmans
only hits in the game.
The Pirates return to the diamond
tonight, Thursday, against Greenwood.
Theyll travel to Colby tomorrow and
will be at Spencer on Monday as they begin the final stretch of their regular season. Next Thursday, theyll host OwenWithee. All four East Cloverbelt games
have 5 p.m. start times.

Loss to Loyal
Coming off a three-game stretch playing their best baseball of the season, the
Pirates slumped to a 13-1 loss in Loyal
last Friday. The Greyhounds used a pair
of six-run innings to sink the Pirates in
the Eastern Cloverbelt battle.
James Copenhaver started for Gilman
and didnt give up a run in the first inning, but was shelled for six in the second. He walked five and gave up three
hits in his two plus innings of work before being relieved by Rosemeyer. Loyal
found their hitting stroke against the
reliever, battering Rosemeyer for seven

Wininger had the Pirates only hit on

a double in the fifth inning.

Doubleheader vs. Granton

The Pirates got plenty of excitement
in a roller coaster of a doubleheader
against Granton last Thursday. Jesse
Ogle started for Gilman in the first game
and pitched a solid seven innings. Both
teams scored a run in the second inning,
but the Pirates made the first big move
with four runs in the bottom of the third
to go up 5-2. Jesse Ogle kept the Bulldogs
off the scoreboard for the next two innings before giving up a run in the sixth
and five more in the top of the seventh
that allowed Granton to tie the game after the Pirates scored one in the fifth and
two in the seventh.
With the game knotted at eight, Gilman pieced together a last gasp attempt
to end the game in regulation. Person led
off the inning with a single and proceeded to steal second. He advanced to third
on a throwing error and game home to
score the game winning run on a one out,
walk off single by Mike Drexler.
Jesse Ogle went the complete game
and generated nine strikeouts while giving up eight walks and six hits.
Jesse Ogle doubled and tripled while
Person doubled and singled in the win.
Rosemeyer doubled and had two RBIs.
The win extended the Pirates winning
streak to two games after a 22-15 win over
Columbus last Tuesday.
Gilman couldnt quite keep up themomentum from game one as it fell in the
second half of the doubleheader, 9-7, in
a game called after five innings due to
The Pirates scored two in the top half
of the first, but starter Rosemeyer gave
up four to Granton in the bottom. Gilman
rebounded to take the lead with three in

See PIRATES on page 16


Page 10

May 14,
22, 2015

Middle school Hawks to get new

uniforms with help from JJ Watt
by Sports Editor Matt Frey

Clean exchange

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Photo by Matt Frey

Rib Lakes Emily Espinoza jumps out of the way after cleanly getting the baton
to Casey Scheithauer during Thursdays 1,600-meter relay in the four-team Rib Lake

Redmen track teams sixth at Edgar

by Sports Reporter Bryan Wegter
As the track season drags on, the
Rib Lake Redmen track team has found
theyre battling their own bodies as
much as the competition. The Redmen
entered Mondays Dr. H.A. Schulz Invitational in Edgar nursing several injuries
and both the boys and girls sides of the
team managed sixth place team finishes.
Columbus Catholic took the top spot
in the boys meet with 153 points. Loyal
(143) came in second, followed by Auburndale (93), Assumption (89), Edgar
(84), Rib Lake (54), Northland Lutheran
(25) and Wisconsin Valley Lutheran (5).
Auburndale (177) earned the team win
on the girls side, followed by Edgar (118),
Columbus Catholic (75), Northland Lutheran (69), Assumption (67), Rib Lake
(58) and Loyal (35).
We are a little dinged up right now so
our focus is getting everyone healthy for
next weeks conference meet and regionals the week after, Redmen head coach
Mark Krommenacker said.
Rib Lakes lone event win came from
Jordan Blomberg in the boys triple jump.
The seniors distance of 37-2.25 was short
of his best jump of the season, but still
beat second place Derrick Howard of
Loyal by nearly two inches. Blomberg
took sixth in the long jump with a leap
of 16-6.5.
It was great to see Jordan get back
on track in the triple jump after missing
some time with a hip injury. This helps
build some momentum going into the
conference meet, Krommenacker said.
Hunter Swan had a solid day on the
boys side. He took third in the 100-meter dash with a time of 12.32 and came
in fourth in the 400-meter dash in 55.31.
Swan wrapped up his meet with a fourth
place in the discus throw with a toss of
116-06 and a fifth place finish in the shot
put with a throw of 36-5.
Sophomore Donald Dums put forth
some good performances in the distance
runs. He took fourth in the 1600-meter
run in a time of 5:21.68 and posted a time
of 11:26.59 to take second in the 3200-meter run. Fellow distance runner Josh
Probst was fifth in the 1,600 in a time of
5:32.56 and seventh in the 800-meter run
in 2:30.87. Probst also finished 20th (52-3)
in the discus throw.

Ricky Boomer competed in the hurdles events and took eighth in both the
110 and 300-meter hurdles. Zach Makovsky took 17th in the shot put with a
throw of 26-11.5.
The girls were led by good days from
Michaela Blomberg and Mariah Thums.
Blomberg took second in the 100-meter hurdles in a time of 20.49 and followed
that up by finishing fourth in the 300-meter hurdles in 1:02.94. She took fifth in the
high jump by clearing 4-2, eight inches
behind first place Kendra Baierl of Columbus. Casey Scheithauer also cleared
4-2, but took more attempts and finished
in seventh.
Thums garnered a third-place result
in the 1,600-meter run in a time of 6:00.96.
She improved upon that finish by coming
in second in the 3,200 in a time of 13:18.69.
Thums rounded out her meet with an
11th place finish in the discus throw after
a toss of 65-10.
The relay team of Casey Scheithauer,
Thums, Corissa Scheithauer and Caitlyn
Fitzl took fifth in the 4x100-meter in a
time of 1:03.20. Both Scheithauers, along
with Emily Espinoza and Jasmine Fitzl
came in third in the 4x400-meter relay.
Several of those relay competitors
participated in the 100-meter dash. Jasmine Fitzl took seventh in 14.7, Casey
Scheithauer took 11th with a time of
15.25, Espinoza was 13th with her time of
15.32 and Caitlyn Fitzl took 18th in 16.66.
Espinoza also took sixth in the 800-meter run in a time of 2:49.62 and 10th in
the long jump after jumping 12-6.75. Caitlyn Fitzl took 10th in the 200-meter dash
with a time of 34.65. Corissa Scheithauer
rounded out Rib Lakes participants on
the long jump and finished in 12th after
jumping 11-8.5 and also took fifth in the
triple jump with a distance of 25-8.75.
Freshman Bryanne Bruger took 14th
in the discus throw with a toss of 57-3 and
was 13th in the shot put by recording a
distance of 23-11. Jasmine Fitzls throw
of 52-8 was good enough for 17th in the
The Redmen are on the track again
tonight, Thursday, in a non-conference
meet at Flambeau. That meet begins at 4
p.m. On Monday theyll head to Chequamegon for the Marawood North conference meet, starting at 4:30 p.m.

One of the biggest names in football is

helping put the youngest members of the
Rib Lake-Prentice football program in
new uniforms this fall.
In late April, the Hawks were informed they have been awarded a grant
of $6,440 from the Justin J. Watt Foundation to provide home and away jerseys
and game pants for the middle school
Co-head coach Mark Krommenacker
of Rib Lake, said the grant money should
cover the cost of about 35 uniform sets.
The middle school program had about 30
players last year.
It will be a big upgrade, Krommenacker said. The kids are excited about
it. Theyve been wearing hand-me-downs
from the JV and varsity from years back.
Theyve excited to be going from handeddown uniforms to brand new.
Watt, of course better known as JJ,
was a number-one draft pick out of the
University of Wisconsin by the Houston
Texans in 2011 and has turned into one of
the most feared defensive players in the
National Football League. He was second
in this past years voting for the NFLs
Most Valuable Player behind Green Bay
quarterback Aaron Rodgers.
Watt is a Pewaukee native. According
to its website, the Justin J. Watt Foundations mission is to provide after-school
opportunities for middle-school aged
children in the community to become
involved in athletics, so that they may
learn the character traits of accountability, teamwork, leadership, work ethic
and perseverance, while in a safe and supervised environment with their peers.
Krommenacker said he worked with
Watts mother, Connie, JJs mother and
the foundations vice president, through
the application process. Currently, the
uniform design is being finalized. The
coaches hope to have something to show
the players and parents within the next
couple of weeks.
Krommenacker said Watt serves as
an excellent example for young athletes
to follow. Football coaches from around
the state got the chance to listen to

Watt speak during the Wisconsin Football Coaches Associations 39th annual
spring clinic in Madison in late March.
He just seems like an all-around,
good guy, Krommenacker said. He
talked a lot about what he did growing up
and how hard he worked to get to where
he is. Its about making the right choices,
doing the right thing.
Another of Watts messages the Hawks
coaching staff has tried to bring back to
the players is that he doesnt believe in
single-sport specialization.
He said kids learn a lot by playing a
lot of different sports, Krommenacker
said. At small schools like ours, kids
have very unique opportunities to play
key roles in different sports and they
should take advantage of them when
they can. There arent many opportunities like that left after high school. I think
thats one of the main reasons why weve
struggled the last couple of years at the
varsity level is just the numbers of kids
out. Were hoping that is something we
can turn around. If you just look at the
great basketball games between Rib Lake
and Prentice this year, we feel we can do
the same on the football field if we have
everybody out there together.
Krommenacker said another item that
stuck with him from Watts speech at the
clinic was how he still gets together annually with a bunch of his former high
school football teammates.
They do football stuff and share high
school stories, Krommenacker said.
We think its important to try to get kids
to realize now is the time to make memories that can last forever.
As the Hawks build toward the 2015
season, the high school squads have
three contact days with the coaching
staff during the summer. The inaugural
Hawks Football Golf Outing, a three-person scramble, is set for Saturday, Aug.
1 at Prentice Pines Golf Course to help
build up some excitement just before the
season starts. Alumni, families, friends
and community are all welcome.
The latest updates with Hawks football
can be found online at
or fans can follow the team on Twitter
under the handle of @RLP_Hawks.

Pirates edge Loyal 2-0

Continued from page 10
hind undefeated Spencer. The Pirates
are now entering the final stretch of
their regular season. Thursday, tonight,
theyll host Greenwood, a team they beat
8-6 on April 24. On Friday, theyll travel
to Colby for their final game of the conference season. Both games have 5 p.m.
start times.
As scheduled, these would be the last
games of the regular season until WIAA
regionals begin on May 26, though the
team might pick up one or more games to
fill the 11-day gap.

Win over Loyal

The Pirates got a strong test from the
Loyal Greyhounds in an Eastern Cloverbelt game on Friday. Gilman scored only
two runs in the game, but a seven inning
shutout from Johnson pushed the team
to the win. Johnson dominated the Greyhounds all game. She gave up only one
hit and struck out 12.
When we had to make plays we made
them. It was a good, clean game. We hit
the ball hard but Loyal was making great
plays on defense. Mariah and Angie have
also really stepped up for us in the field,
Phelps said.

The Pirates pushed across the games

first run in the top of the first. Johnson
led off the game with a walk and later
scored on an error to put Gilman up
1-0. They wouldnt score again until the
fourth inning when Webster scored on a
Chause double.
Webster doubled and singled to lead
the Pirates hitters.

Continued from page 3
27-2. Higgins was fifth in the long jump
at a season-best 14-10.5. Molly Carstensen
was sixth in the shot put at 29-6 and 14th
in the discus, one spot ahead of Adleman.
Adleman finished ninth in the 400-meter dash at 1:08.72, Bowe was ninth in
the 800-meter run at 2:43.91 and Hannah
Brandner was 10th in the 1,600-meter run
at 6:22.55.
Girls team scores were: 1. Lakeland,
119; 2. Marshfield, 103; 3. Merrill, 92; 4.
Wausau East, 89; 5. Medford, 85; 6. Tomahawk, 69; 7. Edgar, 62; 8. Antigo, 41; 9.
Rhinelander, 38; 10. Three Lakes, 3.



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pages 12-13

The Star News

May 14, 2015 Page 11

Maple Fest was a boost to area

Whats Happening
Thursday, May 14
Bridgers with Brushes art class with artist Bridget
Reil at Munson Bridge Winery at 6 p.m.

Friday, May 15
Brat and Burger Fry at the Medford VFW from 10
a.m. to 5 p.m.
Ice Cream Social at Golden Living Center from 1:30
to 3 p.m.
4th Annual Medford Gun Show from 3 to 8 p.m. at
Simek Recreation Center.
Live Comedian at Gad Bar starting at 8 p.m.
Lonie G DJ and karaoke at Hacienda from 9 p.m.
to 1 a.m.

Saturday, May 16
4th Annual Medford Gun Show from 8 a.m. to 4
p.m. at Simek Recreation Center.
Fundraiser event, first round registration at 9:30 a.m.
at Medford skatepark on Centennial Pkwy.
Heritage Days at Wisconsin Concrete Park, Phillips,
from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Bean Bag Tournament at Landmark Bar & Grill
starting at 1 p.m.
Augusta Freiboth 90th birthday celebration open
house at Marilyns Catering from 2 to 4 p.m.

Friday, May 22
24th Annual Walleye Night Friday Fish Fry from
4 to 8 p.m. at the Rib Lake Ice Age Pavilion.
Girls Night Out at Munson Bridge Winery from 6
to 9 p.m.

May 29-31
7th Annual Softball Tournament at Gad Bar.

Saturday, May 30
Bean Bag tournament at Korner Bar.

The maple syrup season starts early each spring.

The lengthening hours of sunlight in February and
daytime temperatures above freezing get maple syrup
producers out into the woods. They begin the annual
ritual of tapping trees and collecting the sap. Hundreds
of gallons of the clear slightly sweet sap are collected
each year. When there is enough supply to keep the
sugar shacks going, the workers light up the stoves,
tending them for weekson end to transform the sap into
the amber maple syrup prized for its rich taste.
Just as those who produce maple syrup know it takes
many long hours of work and a good bit of risk before
they can reap the rewards of the first bottles of syrup,
so to do the organizers of the Taylor County Lions and
Lioness Maple Fest who put in hours of work before the
community sees a return on their efforts.
Maple Fest 2015 was held on April 25. It drew thousands of people to the Taylor County Fairgrounds in
Medford to check out displays, shop the large craft show
and learn about the role the maple tree played in shaping the region.
Beyond those things, the annual event, which just
completed it its third year, serves as another reason to
make the Medford area a destination for people around
the entire region. Visitors from Wausau, Marshfield and
Eau Claire areas were among those who visited Maple
Fest, spending money at area businesses and contributing to the positive financial impact the event has on the
The organizers and all of the volunteers at the Maple
Fest celebration really went above and beyond this year
by including Maple Fest in a weeks worth of activities
throughout the community, said Sue Emmerich of the
Medford Area Chamber of Commerce. You could buy
maple drinks and maple food around the community.
They made it a great celebration. We all are looking
forward to next years event and to see what they have
in store for the community.
People from all over the state are talking about

Tuesday, July 9
The Medford Area Community Theatre presents A
Bad Year for Tomatoes at 7 p.m. in the MASH Red &
White Theatre.

Maple Fest and coming to this event, said Dave Lemke,

chairman of the Taylor County Tourism Committee.
The county is a supporter and partner in promoting the
event as a way to attract more tourism dollars to the
This event brings people from all over the state
into our community and introduces the world of maple
syrup to them. Congratulations on a great event,
Emmerich said, reporting on the economic importance
of events such as Maple Fest.
In addition to the businesses that benefitted from
Maple Fest visitors, there were also some people who
benefitted directly from their partcipation in Maple
Fest through raffle winnings. Raffle winners were:
first place, $500, Angelena Voland of Green Bay; second
place, $300, Gail Zirngibl of Medford; third place, $200,
Barb Haas of Boyd; third place, $100, Sandy Adams of
Medford and fourth place, $100, Bob Baker of Gilman.
In addition, there were award winners in the photo
and float contest.
In the photo contest, adult division, Joe Brill had best
of show and won a $50 prize; Melissa Schultz was first
place winning $30, Heather Orth was second place winning $20 and Nathan Long was third place winning $10.
On the youth competition, Hollyann Grube took best of
show and $50, Donald Dums had first place and $30; Ben
Grube had second place and $20 and Brian Webster had
third place and $10.
Planning has already begun for the 2016 Maple Fest
event with organizers hoping to build on their past success for an even bigger event. Brian Wilson

24th Annual


through the Ole Country

Cowboy Church
Medford, WI


Black River Riders




May 16th - Regis. 10am Show at 11am (Rain Date May 17th)
June 6th - Regis. 10am Show at 11am
June 20th - Regis. 10am Show at 11am
June 27th - Clinic 10 am Pleasure/Showmanship
July 11th - Regis. 5pm Show at 6pm - Night Show
August 8th - Clinic T.B.D. later
August 22nd - Regis. 5pm Show at 6pm - Night Show
September 19th - Regis. 10am
Show at 11am
October 17th - Regis. 10am
Show at 11am
October 31st - Halloween T.B.D. laterObstacle/Speed




Having Fun In The Country

Location: THE LUCKYSTAR RANCH Contact/Cancellation Info:

Kevin & Don Schnabel & Juanita Everson Marilyn Matyka 715-785-7679
Sarah Matyka 715-560-8183 (texting)
N1307 Wren Drive Curtiss, WI 54422

Distribution will be held at

ew V n
are woelu

Medford Armory
on Jensen Drive

Friday, May 22

4 p.m. - 8 p.m.
at the Rib Lake
Ice Age Pavilion

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Distribution from 10am-12pm
Abundance of groceries for

$20.00 cash donation

If your family could use some
groceries... Please come.
No income requirements

Please bring your own containers for groceries

Phone 715-678-2381 or 715-748-2944 or
e-mail [email protected] for more information.

Carry-Outs Available
Ice Age Days August 7, 8 & 9



Feet-N-Motion Dance Studio







For Entertainment & Dining Advice

For Entertainment & Dining Advice

May 14, 2015

& 13News

Thursday, May 7, 2015 Page 11








Photos by Matt Frey

Buy these photos online at www.c

Page design by Mandi Troiber



Local talent to dance at Disney



For Entertainment & Dining Advice

The Star News

Thursday, May 14, 2015 Page 14

11th Annual

[email protected]


715 564 3340


Silent Auction

Sunday, May 24th, 2015 7:00 p.m.

Free Will Donation

DJ Music by That 1 Productions


FREE pie, ice cream, coffee & lemonade

Located: Hwy 86 18 miles west of Tomahawk, 12 miles east of Ogema at

the Lind Family Farm, 3/4 mile north of County YY or 2-1/4 miles south of
Hwy 86 at: N1169 German Settlement Road in Town of Spirit
Sponsored by German Settlement History, Inc. for
continued restoration of Yesterday House, historic
artifacts, photos, papers from German Settlement.

Brat &
Bur ger Fry
By Rubys Pantry Volunteers
All funds raised are to help
families in need in our community

Friday, May 15th

at the Medford VFW
from 10am-5pm
For more information or to pre-order
meals phone Ron at 715-748-2944


Karlee Batchelder
performance. they will be performing Uptown Funk
at Hollywood Studios followed by a dinner with familiar
Disney characters.
Batchelder said she is looking forward to dancing in
front of the thousands of people who will be in the parks.
Brian Wilson

All invited for trail building effort




A local dancer will be taking her talents on the road.

Karlee Batchelder is going to Disney World June
18-21 as part of a group of dancers with Dorindas Dance
Studio in Merrill. Batchelder is joining more than 300
dancers from around the country who will be dancing in
two parades at the Disney Theme park as well as having
their own studio show.
According to Batchelder, Disney invited dance studios to participate in the Dance the World celebration.
Dance the World is a performance festival hosted by
Walt Disney World Resort in Florida. The international
event features professionally choreographed parades
at Magic Kingdom Park and Epcot and stage shows in
Disneys Hollywood Studios and a farewell gala dinner
for the participants and their families.
Dancing makes Batchelder happy, particularly when
she can dance to her favorite the rhythms of hip-hop
and street jazz. She has been dancing for about seven
years and is in her second year at Dorindas.
In order to prepare for the dancing required, Disney
sent the dance studio a recording of the choreography
involved in the parade. The group will be dancing to
the song Happy by Pharrell Williams. The dancers
have been putting in many hours of rehearsal preparing for the parade and learning the routines. As part of
the program, the dance studios had to provide Disney
with recordings showing their progress in learning the
dances. Based on that recorded progress, Dorindas was
given the honor of leading the parade.
Batchelder and her fellow dancers will be dancing in
the Disney Electrical Parade wearing costumers with fiber optic lights on them. They will also be be dancing in
a daytime parade at the Magic Kingdom. For the stage

The hills and forests around Rib Lake have a rich history. From the great Wisconsin glacier that shaped the
terrain 10,000 years ago to men atop ice sleds hauling
hardwoods to build Milwaukee and Chicago in the last
century, our stories abound.
In the 1970s, efforts to create the Ice Age National
Scenic Trail, a public footpath that explores the hills
and dales of Taylor and 30 other counties in Wisconsin,
took root in the area. This May 27-30, you are invited to
join forces with volunteers from all over Wisconsin and
students from Medford schools to help build a new section of the Ice Age Trail near Rib Lake.
Were continuing our investment in Taylor County
and look forward to working with friends and neighbors
to bridge a gap in the Ice Age Trail north of Rib Lake,
said Tim Malzhan, Ice Age Trail Alliance (IATA) director of trail operations. This is the start of what will be a
multi-year effort to open a 4.7-mile expansion of the Ice
Age Trail, and were excited to dig in.
Volunteers will gather mornings from Wednesday,
May 27, through Saturday, May 30 at 8 a.m. at the Rusch
Preserve parking lot, north of Rib Lake on CTH C. Trail

work ends by 5 p.m. each day.

The IATA provides food, tools, and campsites free
to all who volunteer. There is no obligation to stay for
the entire event a couple of hours can go a long way to
help the effort but many stay or come back for longer
because of the fun atmosphere and camaraderie that
Trail building is a lot of work, Malzhan added,
but its also a lot of fun and games. On Saturday, well
end trail work early and head up to the Hill of Beans
and Timms Hill County Park to celebrate the 25-year
anniversary of the Timms Hill Trail. The Ice Age Trail
and Timms Hill Trail both owe a lot to the efforts of
private landowners and public partners, and they will
be recognized by the National Park Service to mark this
special occasion.
Useful items to bring include leather work gloves,
sturdy hiking or work boots (no sneakers), daypack,
layered clothing for warmth, rain gear, water bottles,
long-sleeve shirt and pants, hat, and personal items. If
camping, bring your own tent and sleeping bag.
Mark Berglund

Help is on its way for those

overwhelmed with modern life
Do you often find yourself overwhelmed and overregulated in our high
tech, congested, hurry up world? Well,
two strategy professors have a new book
out which they say may help.
Donald Sull of MIT and Kathleen
Eisenhardt of Stanford have rolled out
Simple RulesHow to thrive in a complex world. They took a wide swath of
potential stressors, like paying income
tax. Or to to get a big laugh from comics
like Jerry Seinfeld. It isnt too much fun
to find out there are 3.8 million words
in regulations of the Internal Revenue
Service. The authors state a study of
personal income tax compliance in 45
countries found that the complexity of
the tax code was the single best predictor
of whether citizens would dodge or pay
their taxes. It was more important than
the highest marginal tax rate.
And with more modern generations of
comedians, such as Jerry Seinfeld, they
develop routines which reflect them as
individuals. Modern comedy is driven
by unique material rather than expert
There are many, many topics and
frustrations presented, including mountain climbing, dog sled mushing, and

setting boundaries, which can translate

broad policies into practical guidelines.
And there are medical matters.
Going back to the second world war, the
concept of triage was introduced. The
word comes from the French who used
it to sort out commodities. And then a
handful of simple rules to sort out medical resources in major events.
The authors were quick to explain
how triage applied after the Boston
Marathon bombing. For example, a
first-aid center set up at the finish line
was transformed from treating sprained
ankles and dehydration to performing rapid-fire triage, prioritizing the
wounded for care and directing the most
severely injured to nearby hospitals.
Simple rules are very powerful, the
book says, whether were aware of them
or not. And that may include never
to check your email before that first cup
of coffee. Or never to go on a second
date with someone who only talks about
So no matter what you might need to
keep on top of this complex world, check
this book out. It should be a help. But its
also great just for a good read.
Earl Finkler, Medford

Thursday, May 14, 2015


Page 15

Despite being short-handed, girls impress at Marathon meet

by Sports Editor Matt Frey
Tuesdays conditions were far from
ideal for a late-season track and field
meet, but the Medford Raiders made the
best of it at the Marathon Invitational.
The girls had a strong day, riding two
wins apiece from Jen Stolp and Mandi
Baker plus a couple of relay wins to a
third-place finish out of six teams. Facing some of the Marawood Conferences
strongest programs, the Raiders scored
109 points to trail Chequamegon (127)
and Marathon (125) and beat Athens
(104). Prentice (55) and Colby (19) rounded out the scoring. The Raiders did that
despite missing four key athletes due to
illness. They limited some girls and boys
athletes to two events due to the cold.
Baker, a freshman, continued to find
her stride in the hurdles races. First,
she won the 100-meter highs in 16.67 seconds, beating teammate Margaret Hamann by 0.03 seconds. Hamann beat
third-place finisher
Hannah Mader of
Chequamegon by
1.44 seconds. Baker then won the
300-meter lows in
50.85 seconds, 2.12
seconds ahead of
Prentices Shawnie
Hamann was third in
Mandi Baker
55.38 seconds.
Stolp got her
wins in the jumps. Her best leap of 15 feet,
4.75 inches in the long jump beat runnerup Michelle Homann of Chequamegon by
5.75 inches. Alexis Isola got a sixth-place

point for Medford at 12-8. Maddy Higgins

was eighth at 12-6. Stolp went 33-2 to win
the triple jump by 2 inches over Prentices Sydney Wilund. Emily Shipman
was eighth for Medford at 26-5.75.
The Raiders dominated the sprint
relays. Lainey Brunner, Higgins, Stolp
and Cassandra Meyer took the 800-meter
race in 1:53.29, beating Prentice by 4.33
seconds. The same four girls won the
400-meter race in 53.51 seconds, 2.42 seconds ahead of Marathon.
Medford had some distance success
too. Hannah Brandner, Samantha Bowe,
Bailey Brandner and Hallie Schumacher took third in the 3,200-meter relay
in 11:23.38. No one could catch Marathon, who won in 10:53.45. Bowe added
a third-place finish in the 800-meter run
at 2:43.57 and Bailey Brandner was fifth
in 2:48.06. Mackenzie Carey took fourth
in the 1,600-meter run in a season-best
6:10.48, while Hannah Brandner was 10th
in 6:21.76.
Molly Carstensen joined Stolp as one
of the nights standouts in the field. She
took third in the shot put with a 30-foot
throw. Carly Rhyner was 12th at 23-2.
Carstensen took fifth in the discus with
a throw of 84-2. Rhyner was seventh at
70-1, one spot short of scoring. Freshman Ashley Hoffman continued to make
a late-season impact, taking sixth in the
high jump by clearing 4-2 and taking
sixth in the 100-meter dash at 14.3 seconds, her best time of the spring. Lauren
Carstensen was seventh at 14.32 seconds
and Makenna Drost was eighth at 14.62
Meyer was fourth in the 200-meter
dash in a time of 28.47 seconds, while
Hoffman took fifth in 29.51 seconds. Cas-

Small crew of Raiders competes at Mosinee

by Sports Editor Matt Frey
With most of their athletes resting up
for the next nights Otto Bacher Invitational, a small crew of athletes represented the Medford Raiders at Thursdays
Mosinee track and field invite.
Competing against a couple of Division 1 monsters, the girls put 19.5 points
on the scoreboard to take fourth place
in their four-team meet, led by a secondplace finish from Cassandra Meyer in
the 200-meter dash.
Meyer posted a time of 28.15 seconds
in her lone race of the night to finish 0.51
seconds behind winner Hallie Gregorich
of Stevens Point. Cassandra Mravik was
16th for Medford at 31.4 seconds.
Taylor Adleman and Ashley Hoffman
were third-place finishers. Adleman got
hers in the 400-meter dash with a time
of 1:07.44. She was 0.41 seconds out of
second place. Gregorich won in 1:04.01.
Hoffman cleared 4 feet in the high jump
to earn her third-place finish, 2 inches
behind Mosinees Makenna Olund and 8
inches behind Mosinees Bailey Brokish.
Molly Carstensen placed in both
throws. She was fourth in the discus at
76-11, while Adleman was seventh at 72-6
and Medfords Tara and Tia Weber were
17th and 18th. Carstensen tied D.C. Everests Kai Trzebiatowski for fourth in the
shot put at 29 feet. Tara and Tia Weber
were 16th and 17th.
The team of Makenna Drost, Hoffman,
Mravik and Charlie Faude was credited
with fourth-place points in the 400-meter
relay with a time of 1:01.64. Mosinee won
in 54.32 seconds. There were five teams
from Stevens Point in that relay.
Also for the Medford girls, Emily Shipman was 13th in the triple jump; Alexis
Isola was 14th, Shipman was 23rd and
Maddie Moberg was 27th in the 100-meter
dash; Faude was 25th and Moberg was

26th in the 200-meter dash and Faude was

26th in the long jump.
Point won the meet with 163.5 points,
followed by Mosinee (113.5) and D.C.
Everest (60.5).
Osy Ekwueme and the 400-meter relay
team earned second-place finishes for
the boys, who scored 18 points in a threeteam meet. Mosinee dominated with 124
points. Thorp scored 31.
Ekwueme went a season-best 38-10 in
the triple jump. Only Mosinee standout
Jordan Budnik went farther at 43-3.25.
Mosinees Jared Novitzke was third,
3.25 inches behind Ekwueme. Connor
Boehm, Nikola Babic, Jordan Egle and
Jacob Kadlecek ran the 400-meter relay
in 54.18 seconds to finish 8.22 seconds behind Mosinee.
Elliot Marshall scored twice, taking
third in the shot put with a throw of
37-9 in the shot put and taking fourth by
clearing 5-4 in the high jump. Jacob Stamos got a point by finishing right behind
Marshall in the shot put at 37-5. Matt Reuter was ninth at 27 feet. Stamos scored
two points with a third-place throw of
108-10 in the discus, a season-best distance. Marshall was sixth at 82-11 and
Reuter was eighth at 69-2.
Preston Carlson cleared a season-best
8-6 to take third in the pole vault. Babic
got a point by taking fourth in the long
jump at 16-5.5, his best jump so far. Carlson was sixth at 16-1.25 and Kadlecek was
eighth at 12-5.75.
Jacob Mahner was third in the
200-meter dash at 24.5 seconds, while Jacob Jablonsky was fourth at 24.9 seconds.
Ekwueme was sixth in 25.01 seconds,
Ben Meier was seventh at 25.6 seconds,
Boehm was ninth in 27.4 seconds and
Kadlecek was 10th in 29 seconds. Meier
was sixth in the 100-meter dash at 12.65
seconds, Babic was eighth and Egle was

sandra Mravik was 12th in 32.14 seconds.

Boys finish fourth

Medford finished fourth in Tuesdays
boys meet by scoring 58 points. The Raiders outscored Prentice (40) and Colby
(30), but couldnt keep up with Marathon
(191), Chequamegon (112) and Athens
Lane Ruch was Medfords highest individual finisher, taking second in the
discus with a throw of 128 feet. He was
28 inches behind winner Jared Belisle of
Athens. Ruch added a sixth-place point
in the shot put at 39-11.5. Elliot Marshall
cleared 5-10 in the high jump for the second straight meet. That put Medfords
big man in third place, just 2 inches behind Marathons Xavier Lechleitner and
Prentices Jesse Isaacson. Ruch cleared
5-2 to take sixth. Grayson Dahlby was
eighth at 5 feet. Marshall added a ninthplace finish in the shot put at 38-4. Jacob
Stamos was 12th at 36-5.5.
Osy Ekwueme leaped to third place in
the triple jump with a distance of 37-6.25,
while Preston Carlson was fifth at 367.75, a season-best. Carlson also reached
a new height in the pole vault, clearing
9-6 to place fifth. Medford didnt score in
the long jump, but had three top-10 finishers. Dalton Hildebrandt (16-10.25) was
seventh, Ekwueme (16-8.5) was eighth
and Nikola Babic (15-8.75) was 10th.
On the track, Medfords highest finish
was second, and it was turned in by the
3,200-meter relay team of Hildebrandt,
Josh Kakes, Mark Jablonsky and Tony
Noland. Their time was 8:38.52, just 1.52
seconds behind Colby. Ekwueme, Jacob
Jablonsky, Jacob Mahner and Ben Meier
were third in the 400-meter relay at 47.75
seconds, 2.58 seconds behind the winning team from Marathon. Ekwueme,
Jacob Jablonsky, Mahner and Jacob
Way were fourth in the 800-meter relay
at 1:36.97, 2.4 seconds behind the top team
from Marathon.
Way earned a fourth-place finish in
the 200-meter dash at 24.42 seconds, while
Victor Rinaldi got the sixth-place point
at 24.88 seconds. Meier was 12th at 25.95
seconds. Joe Tomandl pushed his way to
fourth in the 3,200-meter run at 10:50.61,
while Trey Ulrich was ninth at 11:29.53.
Fifths went to Noland in the 800-meter
run at 2:16.05 and Dahlby in the 110-meter high hurdles at 21.68 seconds. Mahn-

Soccer loss
Continued from page 1
ready beaten Newman and Antigo this
year, while they drew with Mosinee back
on April 23.

Loss to Phillips
The Raiders dropped their non-conference rematch with the Phillips Loggers
by a 3-0 score last Friday. Medford played
well, but a five-minute defensive lapse by
the Raiders was all Phillips would need
to break the game open.
We were playing really well in the
first 30 minutes. Abbie was busy all
game, they had a lot of shots on net, Felix said.
Shelby Reukauf broke the deadlock
with a goal in the 30th minute. Ellie
Lochner, who tortured the Raiders for
two goals in the April 20 meeting, bagged
a goal in the 34th minute to put the Loggers up 2-0.
Reukauf doubled her tally with the
teams third goal in the 52nd minute.
To add insult to injury, the Raiders
lost two valuable players in the defeat.
Maggie Baker left the game with an ankle injury and Ashley Tabbert was lost to
a concussion.

er was sixth in the 100-meter dash at

12.13 seconds. Rinaldi was seventh in the
400-meter dash at 56.74 seconds. Michael
Cypher nabbed 10th place in the 1,600-meter run in a season-best time of 5:20.79.

Conference looms
The Raiders will make their annual
trip to Wisconsin Dells on Friday for
the Heather Johnson Invitational. Then
its on to Tomahawk on Tuesday for the
Great Northern Conference championships.
The Raider girls look like contenders
as they try to dethrone the host Hatchets,
who won last years meet by 16.5 points
over the Raiders. Lakeland is seeking a
sixth straight boys championship.
Tuesdays meet starts at 4 p.m. at
Hatchet Field. The GNCs JV meet will
follow on May 21 at Medfords Raider
Field. The start time is 4:30 p.m.

Whittlesey opens
with 10-inning
win at Merrill

A three-run rally in the top of the 10th

inning on Sunday finally put Whittlesey
on top for good in a back-and-forth battle
with host Merrill in the teams Dairyland
Baseball League opener.
But the Reds still had to survive a lastgasp rally by the Rangers before settling
for an 8-6 win.
Two errors and a two-run single by
Cody Loertscher in the top of the 10th
gave the Reds an 8-5 lead. The Rangers
came back with one run in the bottom
half and had the tying runs on base when
Whittlesey pitcher Jeff Kraschnewski
was able to finally slam the door on the
home team.
Kraschnewski was the winning pitcher. He pitched the last three innings,
striking out five and walking three while
allowing an earned run.
Starter Brandon Loertscher left after
four innings with a 2-1 lead. He struck
out five and walked four while allowing
an earned run.
Merrill scored that run in the first.
Whittlesey tied it in the second. Brandon
Loertscher and Cody Loertscher singled
to set up Darren Leonhards double.
Brandon Loertschers third-inning single drove in the second run of the day for
the Reds.
Merrill scored twice in the fifth to go
up 3-2. Brandon Loertscher hit another
run-scoring single to tie it in the seventh.
Merrill scored once in the bottom of the
seventh to go up 4-3. Whittlesey answered
with two in the top of the eighth. Dan Cypher singled and scored on a single by
Tom Mildbrand. Kraschnewskis double
drove in Mildbrand.
Merrill tied the game at 5-5 in the bottom of the eighth.
Cypher pitched the middle three innings for Whittlesey, striking out three
and walking four. He allowed four earned
Shawn Schultz and Colton Block
pitched for Merrill. Block took the loss.
Whittlesey hosts Westboro Sunday at
1:30 p.m. in its league home opener.
Merrill plays Interwald at Rib Lake at
the same time.
Interwald opened the season on Sunday with a 13-5 win at Spirit in the only
other league game played this past weekend.
Other games scheduled for this weekend include Spirit at Rib Lake at 7:30 p.m.
on Friday, and Wausau at Tomahawk
and Marshfield at Rock Falls on Sunday.



Page 16

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Packers draft picks are a mixed bag; Hundley pick questionable

Packers general manager Ted Thompson has stated time and time again the
team doesnt draft for need. That philosophy was on stark display during the
April 30-May 2 NFL draft.
Entering the draft, I pegged the Packs
needs as approximately inside linebacker, inside linebacker, inside linebacker
and well, you get the picture. Cornerback
was another glaring need, in addition to
more help on the defensive line. In short,
the Packers needed a lot of defense, seemingly for the fourth or fifth year in a row.
Its possible that means Thompson
and crew havent been as successful in
the draft as weve come to believe they
are. Overall, I was pretty satisfied with
the results of Green Bays seven picks,
though a few were mildly interesting selections.
The Packs first pick was Arizona
State safety Damarious Randall at 30th
overall. Conventional thinking is that
Randall will convert to a corner this offseason and bolster Green Bays weak
secondary. The former Sun Devil would
have a tough road to play as a safety, with
Morgan Burnett, Ha Ha Clinton-Dix and
Micah Hyde ahead of him, so the move
outside makes sense on paper.
The most probable scenario is that he
gets immediate minutes as a slot corner,
as hes unlikely to unseat Sam Shields or
Casey Hayward for the starting outside
jobs. Randall was a ball hawk in college
and has excellent cover skills and athleticism. Hell need to learn a new position,
but has the tools to convert successfully
and be a big part of the defenses plans
this season.
Quinten Rollins, a cornerback out of
Miami-Ohio, was Green Bays second
pick at 62nd overall. Rollins follows in
the footsteps of Charles Woodson and
Tramon Williams as an in-your-face,
press-cover corner and will add much
needed depth to the secondary. Hell
most likely step into the role left vacant
by Davon House, now in Jacksonville. Interestingly, Rollins didnt even play football until his senior year at Miami, having been a starter on the basketball team
the previous three years. It was a pretty
successful transition to say the least. He
was named the MAC Defensive Player of
the Year and intercepted seven passes.
Standford wide receiver Ty Montgomery was the Packs third pick at the
94th overall slot. Hes not overly huge,
only 6-0, and not overly fast, only a 4.55
40-yard dash time, but hes got deceptive
speed and strength. Early projections
have him taking over the kick and punt
returning duties right away. As a receiver, he would have a tall hill to climb to
carve out meaningful snaps. The Packers
are three-deep with established wideouts
and are still high on talented youngsters
Jeff Janis and Jared Abbrederis.
Picking what amounts to a kick returner in the third round is a baffling
pick and one Thompson probably didnt
need to make. Any pick on the offensive
side of the ball would be questioned on a
team as loaded as the Packers, and this
one definitely was a bit of a luxury, if not
arrogant, selection.
Green Bay finally hit one of its pressing needs by taking Jake Ryan, a middle
linebacker who played at Michigan, at
129th overall in the fourth round. With
the roster in its current shape, it seems
the Pack is committed to Clay Matthews
in an inside role, meaning Ryan will only
be competing with Sam Barrington for
starter snaps on the inside. Thats a battle he can realistically win and gives him
probably the best chance of any Packers
pick to make a big impact in his rookie
While there were better run-stopping
linebackers available, Ryan has above

the Numbers
Bryan Wegter

average cover skills and the Pack will be

hoping he can emerge as an all-around
player at the second level.
The fifth round produced Green Bays
most questionable pick of the draft. At
147th overall, Thompson grabbed UCLA
quarterback Brett Hundley, to provide
depth behind Aaron Rodgers. The player
himself is a fine pick. Hundley is much
more athletic than any signal caller the
Pack have drafted in a long time, and has
plenty of untapped potential.
The problem with this pick is, the
Packers realistically have no intention
of ever using him. With Rodgers set to
stay in Titletown for five or more years,
Hundley will be at best, a much more
competent backup than Scott Tolzien or
Matt Flynn.
Its been theorized the Pack drafted
Hundley so they could develop him, and
subsequently flip him for a higher pick
in future years. That is a horrible way to
draft. Drafting a player that will not help
your team in any way and that youre
banking on trading later is a poor way to
build a roster, and to me, an utter waste
of a pick that couldve been much better
spent on the defensive line or secondary
With their first pick in the sixth round,
the Packers took Aaron The Ripper
Ripkowski, a fullback out of Oklahoma,
at 206th overall. If not for cult hero John
Kuhn, Ripkowksi would be the starting
fullback by default. As it is, hell mostly
contribute on special teams and could
be used in wishbone or full house formations as a lead blocker or punishing short
yardage back, exactly as Kuhn currently
is. This pick likely means Kuhns time in

Green Bay is nearing its end.

The Pack took Christian Ringo, a defensive end out of Louisiana-Lafayette
with their second choice in the sixth
round. Ringo is a body clone of current
Packer Mike Daniels and logically will
take a place as his understudy. In his
rookie season, hell likely get some time
as a situational pass rusher if he makes
the team.
Kennard Backman, a tight end from
Alabama-Birmingham, was the teams

final choice at 213th overall in the sixth

round. With the shuttering of UABs
football program, hell likely be the final
player ever drafted from the school. He
has more speed than Andrew Quarless or
Richard Rodgers, but needs to refine his
receiving game and improve as a blocker.
Hell mostly contribute on special teams
if he makes the final roster.
Bryan Wegter is a sports reporter at The Star


Submitted photo

Team Edgar Lanes III repeated as Class

A champions in the 2015 Channel 7
Couples Pinbusters bowling tournament
held in April at Rickys Bar and Bowl in
Rudolph. They compiled a team score of
2,128 total pins. The team includes (l. to
r.) Michelle Henrichs and Aaron Doll of
Edgar and Tracy Schreiber and Sue Schreiber of Medford.

Continued from page 9

Run him down

Buy this photo online at

Photo by Bryan Wegter

Gilmans Elliot Winninger (3) readies the ball in case he needs to throw it back to
the first baseman as the Pirates catch a Granton runner in a rundown last Thursday.
Gilman won this first game of the doubleheader 9-8. The Pirates dropped the fiveinning second game 9-7.

the second before the Bulldogs tied the

game with a run in the bottom half.
We had the bases loaded with one out
in the first but couldnt push any more
runs across, Rosemeyer said. Granton
added two more runs off reliever Copenhaver in the fourth and two more in the
fifth. The Pirates nearly came back, but
could only muster two runs in the top of
the fifth.
Rosemeyer gave up two hits and six
walks over two innings. Copenhaver
pitched the last two innings and surrendered two walks. Granton only had two
hits in the game, but took advantage of
a wild night from the Pirates pitchers to
get the win.
Copenhaver had an RBI triple in the
second and also walked. Person doubled
and singled. Cassidy Ogle doubled home
two runs and Lucas Zach had a single
and run scored.

Thursday, May 14, 2015



Page 17

After a month in Jackson County, elk from Kentucky continue to adjust to surroundings
After over a month in Jackson County, elk from Kentucky continue to adjust to their new surroundings with
help from Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
staff and their partners.
Prior to arriving safely in Wisconsin March 26, the
elk were held for 45 days in Kentucky for initial disease testing as part of a 120-day quarantine period. The
elk currently reside in a quarantine pen in Jackson
County, where they will remain until at least mid-June.
When the quarantine period has ended and final disease
testing is completed, they will be released in Jackson
For the duration of their captivity in Kentucky and
Wisconsin, the elk have received expert care. Precautions taken include 24-hour monitoring, veterinary care
and oversight, routines to limit exposure to stress, and
daily monitoring and observations for any injuries or
additional concerns.
In mid-April, a mortality event involving four calves
and one adult cow was promptly identified due to diligent 24-hour surveillance protocol. Following a thorough investigation, the cause of death was attributed to
acute Babesiosis, a disease caused by a tick-borne parasite. While this parasite has previously been identified

in Wisconsin and other states, its impact on both wild

and captive elk is unknown.
Outside of this acute disease event, all five animals
were in good nutritional and physical health. DNR and
partner staff will continue to consult with specialists
and work together to determine the best courses of action available. The 21 elk currently housed within the
Jackson County quarantine pen will continue to receive
24-hour care, and the department will monitor these elk
with the animals health as top priority.
While captivity can be stressful for wild animals,
the department is taking measures to assure that these

elk continue to receive the best care possible for the duration of their stay. The ultimate outcome of the first
year of translocation efforts will play out in the months
ahead as the department and partners continue to provide caretaking during quarantine and monitor the
herd after their release.
The departments agreement with Kentucky provides for a multi-year effort, which will provide for
flexibility in working with key partners to achieve the
ultimate goal of bringing a total of 150 elk to Wisconsin.
For more information regarding elk in Wisconsin,
visit and search keyword elk.

Nearly time to hit the ATV-UTV

trails for summer riding fun

Its no secret Wisconsins fishes are cool, but which

fish is the coolest?
The Wisconsins Coolest Fish Contest is underway
and 64 fish are vying for the publics vote. The contest
runs from April 20 through June 8. Every five days
there will be a new bracket of contenders.
Casting votes is easy. Just head over to the DNR
Facebook page (\WIDNR), click the Coolest Fish Contest tab on the left hand side of the page
and fill out the entry form. Votes can be cast once per
day. One person will be randomly selected from all the
entries to win a custom-made, wall-mount fish sculpture of the winners choice. The winner and the winning fish species will be announced on June 9.
More information about the contest and how to enter
are available by searching the DNR website for Coolest Fish.

The Medford Raiders coaches and baseball players held a local Major League Baseball Pitch, Hit and Run competition at Raider Field on Saturday morning. The winners, pictured above, have advanced to sectional competition
on Sunday, May 17 at 1 p.m. at Owen-Withee High School. They are (l. to r.) Brigham Kelley and Caleb Guden
(ages 11-12), Nick Steliga and Braxton Weissmiller (ages 9-10) and Brody Paulson, Sam Hierlmeier, Evan Czarnezki
and William Byrd III (ages 7-8).


An Outdoormans


Mark Walters sponsored by

Turkey with a bow

Hello friends,
About 10 years ago I tried hunting turkey with a bow
and arrow for the first time. I was hunting in Missouri
with my good buddy Pete Hagedorn. On day one I had
a truly massive tom come into the pasture I had set my
blind right in the middle of.
The tom had a triple beard and was very heavy. I put
an arrow right through his arm/wing pit and he rolled
over. He rolled over, that is, until I started getting out of
my blind. Then he woke up and ran off into the woods.
That was one of my top five worst hunting memories.
I literally spent the next day looking for him. Though
I did not find him, I did find a massive shed antler. The
tom, which would later be spotted alive, was just an unfulfilled memory.
The following spring I was hunting on private land
near my Juneau County home and someone stole my
bow out of my blind.
The next spring, which was the last time I tried harvesting a turkey with a bow and arrow, I was with my
then 14-year-old stepson Kevin. It was snowing, Kevin
had just put the lights out on a tom and I was cooking
eggs in the blind.
I had a tom coming in just perfect and Kevin started
laughing really hard about something. The tom heard
him and was gone just like that. Kevin ate a snowball
sandwich after that experience.

Wednesday, May 6
High 72, Low 43
Almost two years ago, I planted my first food plot.
My daughter Selina was a big help and my friend Scott
Christensen, who is the plant manager at Allied Cooperative in Adams, gave me a lot of advice.
Selina does most of the bowhunting on the food plot
and we both turkey hunt it. Today I would be alone and,
for the first time in several years, I would be trying for
my first gobbler with a bow and arrow. I was prepared
to put seven full days in the blind and was determined
to succeed.

136 W. Broadway

N1690 State Hwy 13
Ogema, WI 54459

Medford, WI 54451




Coolest Fish Facebook Contest

Submitted photo

Pitch, Hit and Run


As the all-terrain vehicle and utility-terrain vehicle

trail riding season approaches in Wisconsin, Department of Natural Resources wardens encourage riders
to grab their helmets so they have safe, enjoyable rides.
Gary Eddy, DNR ATV safety administrator and warden, said many counties may make decisions to open
their ATV/UTV trails to the public now that the temperatures are rising and trails are drying. Eddy said
one of the most important tips is to always wear a helmet approved by the Department of Transportation.
The use of a helmet is the single most important
piece of protection an ATV rider can wear, Eddy said.
In 2014, 96 percent of victims in ATV/UTV fatalities
were not wearing a helmet. This is why we encouraged
you to always wear a helmet when you ride. You cant
anticipate when a crash will happen, so you have to be
prepared by wearing a helmet.
Other safety reminders from Eddy include:

Never drink and ride. ATV trails can be rough,
rocky, and unpredictable. They require peak concentration and reflexes. Alcohol only increases the chances
of a tragedy occurring.

Complete an ATV safety course. All ATV riders at least age 12 (and UTV operators at least age 16)
and born after Jan. 1, 1988 must complete a course prior
to operating an ATV or UTV. This course may be completed either in a classroom or over the internet. Visit
the Wisconsin DNR website and search keyword ATV
Safety to learn more.

Limit your operation on roads. ATVs and UTVs
are not designed for safe or stabile operation on paved
surfaces, due to the traditional tread and low pressure
tires designed for off road conditions.

Slow down. Public ATV trails are not race
courses. Expect to meet other people on the trail. Trails
typically dont have established lanes of travel. However, safe practice is to operate on the right side of the
trail. Bumps, puddles and rocks are part of the trail riding experience. Use caution, share the trail and avoid
riding outside your limits.

Keep headlights on at all times for increased

Fax: 715.767.5436
[email protected]


Long before daylight, I am sitting in my blind and

thoroughly loving life. I was on the job, the air temperature was very comfortable and I had gobblers gobbling
from their roosts in two different directions.
I heard the birds fly down from their roosts. After a
while, it was obvious they were working away from my
blind as their gobbling was becoming more distant.
A couple hours into the hunt, I could tell they had
turned my way and comfortably waited for the story to
At 8 a.m. three jakes emerged from the forest and
made a beeline for my hen and jake decoys. For 10 minutes I could have easily sent an arrow in their direction.
I took their picture and made the choice that it was day
one. I needed to hold out for a mature tom.
My patience was soon rewarded when I saw a big
tom come from the same direction as the jakes and head
for my decoys.
He was at 17 yards and wanting some loving. I actually used the hole in the screen that Selina made when
she drilled a tom during the youth turkey hunt. I aimed
just below where the head meets the neck and let my
arrow fly. Holy moly, I whacked him. Hes laying on his
back. Now hes running. Now hes flying away. Now he
crash landed in the woods.
Now the jakes are punishing him for all the times he
kicked their butts. Dont worry old buddy. I will punish the jakes some day.
I knew he had to be history and quickly made my
way over to him before the jakes removed all his feathers. My tom had a 10-inch beard and spurs that could
kill a mountain lion. He was a real heavy bird.
This hunt was so cool that Selina and I both bought
tags for the fifth hunting period and bows and arrows
will be in the blind.
Take a kid hunting or fishing!

The Star News

May 14, 2015 Page 18

Milestones, Memories, Births, Engagements, Weddings

Dandelion wine is magical

Well, here we are in May, and spring is busting out
all over. Robins are hollering their dominion from every treetop and all of a sudden the grass is so green it
makes you blink. For home brewers, May brings the
first of the seasons fermentables, the bright yellow
flowers that make people whisper the magical phrase,
dandelion wine.
Every spring I think I ought to give it a try. Then I
consider the labor involved in gathering a quart of petals, and conclude that I really have other things to do.
That, and I have strong suspicions that dandelion wine
is really in the same league as stone soup.
Most of you probably recall the moralistic tale of
the clever beggar who charmed a free meal out of some
gullible villagers by offering to make them all a batch of
soup using nothing but water and the magical stone he
had in his pocket. But of course, he told them, it would
be even better with a little cabbage When someone
produced some cabbage to add to the pot he went on to
tell them of the advantages of a little salt beef, an onion,
a few carrots until there was a large pot of soup that
everyone agreed was quite good.
Now heres the connection between stone soup and
dandelion wine: Dandelions have no taste and no sugar
if you were to put them in water and settle them in a
warm spot for a week you would wind up with, at best,
warm water. No flavor, no alcohol, just water. Thats
why every dandelion wine recipe out there calls for
raisins, several pounds of sugar, citrus fruit, and some
source of yeast. The yeast then feeds on the sugar to produce alcohol, while the raisins give a certain grape flavor to the brew, and the citrus gives an acidic balance
to the whole event.
Basically, its a low-rent grape wine, probably the result of a prank played by some 17th century joker who
persuaded his neighbors to donate their raisins, sugar,
and lemons to his brewing project. But now, centuries

The Table
Sally Rassmussen
of use have given an air of tradition to the stuff, while
legions of home brewers are out there gushing over the
earthy romanticism of summer in a bottle.
But, cranky cynicism aside, there are some things we
do just because it makes us feel connected to our forebears. And if the results arent too awful, thats something else in its favor. So go ahead and start plucking
petals if the spirit moves you.
Toms mother gave me her recipe box some years
back, when she had concluded that being in her eighties
meant she didnt need to be cooking any more. I commented aloud on the recipes as I leafed through them,
with their various notes on the time and person of authorship. The recipe for a five-gallon batch of dandelion
wine piqued Toms interest, and he identified the writing as his Grandma Hazels, who never drank, he said.
That reminded me of my own grandma, a teetotaler
with an unreasoning fondness for port wine jelly, a
spread whose alcoholic potency ensured that the rest of
us would leave it all for grandma. Of course, her mother
was the woman who shocked Taylor County by walking into taverns and ordering cold beer on hot summer
days. (A thing not done by women in that time.) I remember visiting great-grandma in the nursing home
as a little girl, carrying her a bouquet of dandelions in
my grubby little fist. Looking back on it, great-grandma
would probably have much preferred those flowers in
liquid form.
So heres to our grannies, those living and those
passed, teetotalers and bar flies alike. They carried the
heavy load through war, depression, and hardship and
at the end of the day they rewarded themselves with a
cold beer, a glass of wine, or toast with extra jelly.

Grandma Hazels Dandelion Wine

Happy Birthday
on your 95th
Estelle Bohte
May 17th

Chamber of Commerce
for awarding me the


Thank you to all the

organizations that
were there to support
me. Special thanks to
my wife and family for
their support.
Remember its a
We Thing
that things get done.



The Bohte

Medford Area

Clem Johnson

See and Buy
See a photo you like?
Browse or buy these
photos and all the
photos snapped by
our photographers at
your event.

Cover 5 quarts of dandelion petals with water and

bring to a boil. Drain out the petals. Add enough warm
water to make five gallons. Stir in 15 pounds of sugar,
making sure the sugar is dissolved. Add 2 pounds of raisins, 3 sliced lemons, and a packet of yeast.
Grandma Hazels instructions end there, indicating
either a disinterest in the process, or such a familiarity
that nothing further was needed. At any rate, I would
advise setting everything up in a sterile brewing bucket
with an airlock, then racking it all into a sterile carboy,
etc. If youre unfamiliar with brewing, stop by Fourmens Farm Home. They have the supplies there, and
someone should be able to run you through the basics.

Its easy! Visit



Travis Roytek and Stephanie Niedzwiecki


Bruce and Terri Roytek and Ryland Roytek of Mondovi are pleased to announce the engagement of their son
and father, Travis Roytek, to Stephanie Niedzwiecki,
daughter of Adam and Bonnie Niedzwiecki. Stephanie
received a degree in business management from Chippewa Valley Technical College. Travis and Stephanie
are both employed by Mondovi Dairy Systems.
Travis is the grandson of Rodney and Charlene
Roytek of Thorp and James and Peggy Trawicki of Gilman. He is also the great-grandson of Jump River Rose
Rose Wawrzyniak of Ladysmith and the late Christian
Mogensen, and the late Edwin and Theresa Trawicki of
Stephanie is the granddaughter of the late Mike
Niedzwiecki and Chris Niedzwiecki, and the late Ted
and Marcy Niedzwiecki, all from Thorp.
An October 2015 wedding is being held at St. BernardSt. Hedwig Catholic Church in Thorp.

Hanna Rose Blasel
Peter and Heather Blasel of Medford announce the
birth of a daughter, Hanna Rose, born on May 7 at Aspirus Wausau Hospital. She weighed eight pounds, 10
ounces and was 20.4 inches long. Her grandparents
are David and Betty Blasel of Stetsonville and Jim and
Irene Dray of Medford.

Adela Raye Aldrich

Chris and Angela Aldrich of Merrill announce the
birth of a daughter, Adela Raye, born on May 5 at Aspirus Wausau Hospital. She weighed six pounds, 7.7
ounces and was 18.5 inches long. Her grandparents are
Mike and Linda Aldrich of Irma and Ed and Barb Acker
of Rib Lake.

Mason Keith Cota

Tracy and Keith Cota of Wausau announce the birth
of a son, Mason Keith, born on May 10 at Saint Clares
Hospital. He weighed seven pounds, 12 ounces and was
19 inches long. His grandparents are James and Diana Marshall of Rib Lake, and Keith and Lucy Cota of
Wausau. His great-grandmother is Shirley Andreae of

Dextyn Daniel Raether

Wayne and Mackenzie Raether Jr. of Gilman announce the birth of a son, Dextyn Daniel, born on May
4 at Sacred Heart Hospital in Eau Claire. He weighed
seven pounds, one once and was 19-1/2 inches long. He
joins a sister, Quinleigh. His grandparents are Danny
and Kim Trawicki and Wayne and Sheryl Raether.

Lila Viola Carol Schmudlach

Heather and Dustin Schmudlach of Woodruff announce the birth of a daughter, Lila Viola Carol, born
on May 9 at Howard Young Medical Center in Woodruff.
She weighed seven pounds, 11 ounces and was 20 inches
long. She joins a sister, Breanna. Her grandparents are
Wanda and Tom Woehlert of Mosinee, Don and Misty
Tellock of Glouster, Va. and Dawn Krueger of Rib Lake.



Thursday, May 14, 2015

Page 19

NOAA weather emergency radios save lives

The recent tornadoes in Illinois serve
as a reminder it is time to prepare for
possible tornadoes here in Wisconsin.
This week marked NOAA Weather
Radio All Hazards Awareness Day.
The campaign encourages Wisconsin
residents to own a NOAA All Hazards
Weather Radio, a 24-hour source of
weather forecasts, watches, warnings,
and non-weather emergency information provided by the National Weather
Service and its parent agency, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
NOAA all hazards weather radios
save lives, Brian Satula, Wisconsin
Emergency Management administrator said. The early warning of possible
danger gives you and your family time
to act and stay safe. Satula adds this reminder, Listen, Act and Live! Listen to

the weather radio warnings and take action right away. Youll have a much better chance of surviving disaster.
NOAA all hazards weather radios are
smoke detectors for severe weather. A
NOAA weather radio with an alarm and
battery back-up is one of the best ways to
protect your family, especially at night
when the alarm feature can wake you
up during severe weather and give you
and your family time to seek appropriate
shelter. If there is no severe weather or
emergency your radio can be switched to
a silent, stand-by mode.
The NOAA Weather Radio All Hazards network started in 1972 and is the
sole government-operated radio system
to provide direct warnings for all hazardous conditions that pose a threat to lives
and property. There are 37 stations that
broadcast weather and hazards informa-

tion to the residents of Wisconsin, and

over 1,000 stations nationwide.
Weather radios come in many sizes,
with a variety of functions and costs.
They can be purchased at most electronic
stores. Most weather radio receivers are
either battery-operated portables or ACpowered desktop models with battery
backup. The portable weather radios are

an important item to take along when

you are enjoying the outdoors such as
camping and boating. Many receivers
have digital technology called Specific
Area Message Encoding (SAME) that
allows users to program their radios
to alarm only for hazardous conditions
that affect their county.

Phillips-Medisize earns honor

Phillips-Medisize Corp., with offices
in Medford and Phillips, announced Cologuard has been selected as a finalist in
the Diagnostic Products and Systems category in the 18th annual Medical Design
Excellence Awards competition presented by UBM Canon, the global advanced
manufacturing and medtech authority,
and by Medical Device and Diagnostic
Industry magazine (MD+DI), the industrys central source for news, information, and business intelligence.
Cologuard, developed by Exact Sciences, is the first and only FDA approved
non-invasive DNA screening test for


From past les of The Star News

May 12, 2005

Despite having no representation

from the county government, the process of amending one tax incremental
district (TID) and creating another in
the city of Medford is moving forward.
The Joint Review Board (JRB) for
the two districts met at City hall and
reviewed the project plans Wednesday
afternoon. The board has five members
and is comprised of a city representative, a school district representative, a
representative from the technical college district, a county representative
and an at-large public member. These
members represent the taxing districts
that give up the taxes on improvements
to the land within the proposed districts for the life of the district.
The board is the group that had final
say over the TID district changes and
creation and votes after the city has
gone through a public hearing and review process.


colorectal cancer designed to help increase rates of screening compliance.

Cologuard is prescribed by a physician
and sent to the patients home. The patient collects a stool sample at home at
their convenience and sends the kit back
to the Exact Sciences lab for testing. If
the test comes back positive, the patient
is referred for a diagnostic colonoscopy.
Phillips-Medisize worked with Exact Sciences on design for manufacture,
along with an evaluation of the user interface and closure of the collection kit.
Phillips-Medisize also manufacturers
and assembles the patient-ready kits.
set of architect drawings and sending
them back to be redrawn.
Board President Michael Bub said
that the committee rejected the first plan
because they felt the original classroom
sizes (30 x 25) were too small and the
wrong shape for instructional purposes.
They asked the architect to redraw the
plans with 30 x 30 classrooms. This increased the size and cost of the addition.
The committee then looked at alternatives to try and cut the cost back down to
their original budget of $870,000 for the
total project.

May 13, 1965

Fidelity employees graduate

Jenni Spor, (left) customer service representative at Fidelity Bank in Medford, is
graduating May 16 from Northcentral Technical College with an associates degree
in healthcare business services. She also has a technical diploma as a medical coding
specialist. She has been named the Most Outstanding Graduate in the Healthcare
Business Services Program. Tasha Hernandez, (right) personal banker at Fidelity Bank
in Medford, is graduating May 16 from Northcentral Technical College with an associates degree in accounting. Hernandez currently holds certicates in bookkeeping
and bookkeeping technology, and also holds an accounting assistant diploma.
skies during the afternoon and a light
rain Tuesday evening that threatened to
postpone the event, the festival was successfully carried out and well attended.
the festival opened
with a parade, in which the pupils and
their teachers took part. The parade
formed just east of the library, marched
along Main street to the postoffice corner, turned and went past Gelhus and
Brost, back to Main street and ended at
the courthouse grounds.
Following the lunch hour, the real
program of the day commenced.


May 11, 1915

Herman Steffen has laid the foundation for a new house that he will build
just north of his present home.
Two hundred boys have entered the
corn growing contest. Boys, make it
three hundred and go in to win.
A blind man amused quite a crowd
near the post office Saturday receiving
pennies and nickels for violin music
and singing.

Remember When May 2005

Taylor county took a big stride in future educational opportunities last week
when the state coordinating committee
on higher education approved a twoyear branch campus of the state university system for Medford. Taylor County
Teachers college will be phased out to become a branch campus of one of the state
universities, with Eau Claire State university mentioned as the possible parent
Medford was recommended Wednesday, May 5, for the first state university
branch by the subcommittee of the coordinating committee on higher education.
Assemblyman Joe Sweda announced
Thursday night that the coordinating
committee had met that day and gave its
final stamp of approval to picking Medford for the branch campus for offering
two years of state university training.

May 16, 1990


After some delays, the Medford Area

Middle School addition and remodeling is back on track. The biggest delay
was a result of the finance committee
(which is authorized by the board to
oversee the project) rejecting the first

An impressive and colorful spectacle,

in which more than 3,000 pupils of Taylor countys schools participated, was
the second annual music festival held
in Medford Wednesday. In spite of dull

May 9, 1940

Swinging Bridge Quilt Guild President Louise Gonia works on one of three patriotic-themed quilts the club plans to donate to injured soldiers returning from Iraq or
Afghanistan. The group formed in February and quickly responded to a worldwide
call for quilts from a Maryland quilting guild looking to show appreciation with a
handmade comforter.


Page 20

Thursday, May 14, 2015




Beautiful Long Lake Home w/ nearly 400 of frontage!

Home being sold regardless of price!
Mr. + Mrs. Ron Stamm are moving to Arizona!
Sun. June 07-(10:30 AM)
Phillips, WI (Price Co.)
2 miles on CTY Rd. F to Jobes Dam Rd.
1 mile to Snowshoe Dr. (#N8736)

Parcel 1
Beautiful 3 plus bedroom lake home bordering
golf course. This nearly 3500 sq. ft. home consists
of 3 full baths, oak cabinetry and flooring, granite
counter tops, fireplace + more! Too many amenities
to list all. There is a 2 car garage w/ work area. Call for
showings. Broker participation welcome. All being
sold regardless of price!
Parcel 2
30x60 Cleary building situated on 2+/- acres, includes heat, elect and easy access.
Located @ 9306 CTY Rd. F (Sale will take place @ N8736 Snowshoe Dr.) To be sold
regardless of price!
Terms: $5,000 down on Cleary bldg. and $7,500 on home. Both non-refundable
cashiers checks. Closing upon paper completion. (10% buyers fee). Bidders must
request bid form by calling St. Louis Auctions LLC. 715-367-1668. (6728 Whitefish Lk.
Rd., Three Lakes, WI 54562). R.W.A.s: Col. Rene Brass #424, Col. Robert St. Louis #450.



Application Directions:

More Information:
An Equal Opportunity Employer

GUN SHOW May 22-24 Eagle

River Ice Arena, 4149 Hwy
70 East. Fri 3-8pm, Sat. 9am5pm, Sun. 9am-3pm. FREE
GUN RAFFLES. Admission:
$6 14 & Under FREE. Buy/
Sell/Trade 608-752-6677 www.
Christian Academy Gym 225
S 28th Ave., Wausau, WI
54401 9am TO 3:30pm, A-$3,

W4266 CTH X, OWEN, WI 54460

REGISTERED NURSE - Full-time PM shift. Excellent attendance
& dependability. Excellent organizational skills required.
New RN graduates will be considered.
CERTIFIED NURSING ASSISTANTS - Full-time and part-time
PM shifts. Caring and dependable individuals to work in a nursing
home setting.
Excellent wages
Retirement benets
Health insurance available for eligible positions

For further information contact:

Karen Simington, RN, MSN, DON at 715-229-2172, Ext. #217
For application contact:
Chriss Plautz at 715-229-2172, Ext. #220
Clark County is an ADA/CRC/EEO employer.

Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)




Patient Care Teams Improving Lives Every Day

STARTING PAY $18.00 - $22.00 PER HOUR

+ Quarterly Gainsharing Bonus + Excellent Benefits
Health * Dental * Vision * Life * 401(k) Match * Vacation
* Personal Days * Disability * Prescription Safety Glasses
* Steel Toe Boot Allowance * Uniforms
* Company Paid Weld Gear & Tools

Caterpillar's Forest Products Division

Caterpillar's Forest Products Division continues to expand our forestry
equipment operation in Prentice, Wisconsin. We are currently hiring
experienced Welder II and Welder III candidates for career opportunities
in our fast paced production manufacturing facility. Qualified candidates
should have minimum of 3+ years of weld fabrication experience or
equivalent combination of training, education and experience.
To join our talented team, apply online at
Search for the job numbers 150004N5 & 150004N6 within the
Production / Manufacturing / Distribution application system.

Aspirus Medford Hospital & Clinics are

seeking a full-time EMT to join our family of
health care professionals. We have an opening
available that includes four, ten hour days
per week from 7:00 am 5:00 pm with the
to meet the demands of the position. EMT IT
required after 1 year of service.
If you are a licensed EMT B or EMT IT with
WI drivers license; have a working knowledge
effective communication skills, please
complete an on-line application at

EEO/AA Employer.
All qualified individuals including minorities, females, veterans
and individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply.

Aspirus Medford
Hospital & Clinics, Inc
135 S. Gibson Street
Medford, WI 54451

2015 Caterpillar. All Rights Reserved.

CAT, CATERPILLAR, BUILT FOR IT, their respective logos, "Caterpillar Yellow", the "Power Edge" trade dress
as well as corporate and product identity used herein, are trademarks of Caterpillar and
may not be used without permission.



HANGING BASKETS & planters. Potted owers & vegetable

plants. Trapper Creek Acres,
5 miles south of 64 on DD, 1/4
mile west on A. 715-229-4214.
GET YOUR online subscription to The Star News and
you wont have to wait for it
to come in the mail. Its available Thursday morning by
10 a.m. Go to today to subscribe.
OVER 45,000 homes will read
your classied ad when its
placed in 7 area publications for
only $22 (20 words or less). It
will also go online at no additional charge. Call 715-748-2626,
or stop in at 116 S. Wisconsin
Ave., Medford, to place your ad.

WANTED: GUNS - new and
used. Turn them into ca$h or
trade for a new one! Shay Creek

53 DRY van 1998 for storage

only $2,500. ProForm treadmill
can connect to computer, VCR,
CD player $500. 715-490-5527.
outdoor wood furnace. Safe,
clean, efcient, wood heat.
25 year warranty available.
Energy Systems. 715-532-1624
control for your outdoor event,
or to just enjoy your yard,
call The Bug Bomber 715965-7592 or 715-785-7362.

CHILD CARE needed for seven
month old, 1:30-11 p.m., 2-3
days per week. 715-748-0310.
DUMP TRUCK driver. Jack
Hartwig Trucking,
FULL-TIME Help on modern
dairy with truck driving, eldwork,
tractor driving and drag line experience. Call 715-650-7235.
MEDFORD VFW looking for
bartender every other weekend, other days available,
Medford. Call 715-748-3322.


Apply by:)ULGD\0D\


country home! Six beautifully
wooded acres. Log barn. Central Wisconsin. Fishing nearby.
Super hunting, $175,000. 72
adjoining acres. $199,800. 608564-2625 (Lets Visit) (CNOW)


Special Education Teacher(s) (1.0 FTE)

Beginning Date of Employment: August 2015

APPROX 15 ACRES with full

amenities in Buffalo, WI. Live
& Online Auction Sun, May
31st @ 12PM. Visit for full
listing and details. (CNOW)



Residential Homes & Commercial Land May 27-28th Property in Cumberland, Menasha,
Milwaukee, Oshkosh, Madison,
Johnson Creek, Bristol, Racine,
Franklin, Lannon, West Bend,
Belgium, Grand Chute. Check
website for details! 800.982.0425 A Buyers Fee may apply. WI Broker:
Dean C. Williams Re Lic:53610090 Auctioneer: Cody Lowderman Auc Lic: 2632-052 (CNOW)
Grandview WA is seeking a
qualied CEO/General Manager. This is a very successful retail ag supply, bulk and retail energy, and agronomy cooperative
with sales of $90 million with ve
retail locations. Financial and
personal management experience is required. Apply to: http:// Questions:
Email: [email protected]
or call (701-220-9775) (CNOW)
RECRUITERS: RECRUIT an applicant in over 179 Wisconsin
newspapers! Only $300/week.
Call this paper or 800-227-7636

Corporation is accepting applications for CNC programmer, CNC machinists, painters,
press brake operator, production welders and general labor.
Competitive wage, excellent
fringe benets. Normal work
week is four 10-hour days - Monday through Thursday. Apply in
person at Meyer Mfg. Corp.,
Hwy. A West, Dorchester, WI.
Store Manager for well established retail hardware store. We
are a full line hardware store
with multiple locations and a
strong emphasis in lawn &
garden supplies, power equipment, paint, pet supplies, farm
and many others. Qualied
candidate must have retail experience with excellent communication, merchandising, and
leadership skills. Send resume
to Fourmens, 550 N. 8th Street,
Medford, WI 54451 or email
[email protected].
be exible, reliable
cants need only apply.
at C&G Mini Mart, Rib


Medford, Wisconsin
$15.67 - $16.65
2nd and 3rd Shift
Marathon Cheese Corporation, located in
Medford, Wisconsin, has several openings
for lineworkers and material handlers. These
positions provide packaging, inspection, raw
materials, and sanitation to MCCs high speed
cheese packaging machines. Pre-employment
and drug screening is required.
Marathon Cheese offers stable, predictable
work hours and a competitive benefit package.
Apply in person at 1000 Progressive Avenue,
Medford, Wisconsin. Applications are available
at our website: If you have
submitted an application in the last 6 months it
is not necessary to apply again.
Equal Opportunity Employer


Medford, Wisconsin


Available Immediately

Full-time crew positions, home nightly.
Fast-paced outdoor environment.

Call 715-748-5006 for more info or to apply.


Page 21


Thursday, May 14, 2015

Looking for responsible people who can handle a fast paced

environment, and enjoy caring for the elderly. Cooking and
cleaning experience preferred. Medford and Marshfield
locations. Looking to hire night shift.


Deerview Meadows


Sounds like
Guess again.
Its newspaper talk
for a one column by
3 inch ad.
Too small to be
(This is the minimum ad size)

Youre reading this one!

Call 748-2626





Hiring Company Drivers

and Owner Operators
for Medford, WI
Looking for a brighter
future? Travel the road
to success, join the
Trucking Team.

Call Mike Closs or Mike Grotzinger at 800-268-3933


Wisco Stone is Hiring

Wisco Stone is a growing producer of natural stone veneer products with distributing
partners throughout the Midwest.
Positions Hiring:
Back hoe operator/CDL gravel truck driver
2nd shift production 2-10:30
Weekend positions during peak production
Qualities Desired:
High energy
Attention to detail and personal production
Reliable and punctual
Goal orientated

Duties may include:

Saw operator
Stone press operation
Stone separation
Fork lift and skid steer operation
$12.50 starting wage for
$16.50 operator

College and High School juniors and seniors encouraged to apply. Veterans and
Active Duty Military encouraged to apply. Please check out our stone veneer and
landscaping products at
How to apply: - Apply in person at:
0.D$PNC"WF 3JC-BLF 8*t
-References required

arshfield Care Center
Currently hiring


All shifts available

Please come in to apply

814 West 14th St.
Marsheld, WI
or apply online at



a Community Rehabilitation Program in Medford, WI. The facility has a 1.5
million dollar operating budget and provides a full spectrum of rehabilitation
services for people with disabilities. The candidate must have related experience
in organizational oversight, program services, budget and Human Resources
administration as well as boardsmanship and public relations.
The successful candidate must be an advocate for persons with disabilities and be
familiar with various governmental rules and regulatory compliance. This person
must also excel in maintaining long-term positive relationships with clients,
governmental, educational and private sector representatives. An advanced degree is
Please send resume and cover letter
by May 18, 2015 to the attention of:
Executive Search Committee

c/o Catholic Charities Bureau

1416 Cumming Avenue,
Superior, WI 54880
or to: [email protected] Catholic Charities Bureau


TP Printing Co. is looking for a sales consultant to sell print and
online advertising for our shopper and weekly newspapers.
We are looking for an individual who can manage an account
list including collecting on past-due accounts.
The candidate must be able to:
Prospect and cold call new businesses
Maintain and grow current account list
Make sales presentations
Other skills include accurate
proofreading and work within
deadlines, attend business events and
participate in department meetings.


Also hiring: Full-time Cook

Casual- Housekeeping,
Laundry & Dietary

Catholic Charities Bureau, of the Diocese of Superior, is searching for a

Send resume to: Kris OLeary

TP Printing Co.
P.O. Box 677, Abbotsford, WI 54405
or email: [email protected]


Page 22




Thursday, May 14, 2015




N3256 Sunset Rd.,


219 Wisconsin Ave.,


N8867 Business Hwy 13,


236 N. 3rd Street,


N3883 Crane Drive,


5 bedroom, 4 bath executive style

home is a full two stories with a
nished walk-out lower level.
Features a screened in porch, an
attached, insulated 2 car garage &
a second 32x26 detached garage
all on 6.8 acres.

Commercial 8 unit apartment

building. City View was originally
a hospital & later an ofce
building. It is a solid, well built
brick building. Six of the units are
separately metered.

Completely updated main oor

home with 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths,
nice yard & large deck. So much
potential in this 2,800 sq. ft.

Ranch style home with many

updates inside & out. Beautiful
hickory cabinetry in the kitchen,
new carpet, stamped concrete
patio & walkway, roof and lovely
private backyard.

This 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath ranch

home is just minutes from town &
features a 3 car attached garage.
Enjoy the sunsets on the covered
porch & back deck that overlooks
a quiet 2.75 acres that offers a
great mix of lawn & woods.

#1207153..................$299,000 #1306103..................$275,000 #1403684....................$57,500 #1404396..................$104,900 #1502387..................$174,900

Dan Olson

Jodi Drost

Sue Anderson

Kelly Rau

Susan J. Thums

Jamie Kleutsch

Terra Brost

Jon Roepke


Seeking a highly motivated, pleasant,
energetic individual with great people skills to
work as a dental receptionist in a busy locally
owned Dental Clinic.
Experience preferred but will train the right
person. Send resume to: 32%R[


Land OLakes, Inc., a cheese-processing plant in central
Wisconsin, has the following employment opportunities:

Maintenance Mechanics:
Class C or Above
Applications will be taken until June 30, 2015
Apply in person between the hours of 7:30
a.m. and 2:30 p.m. at 306 Park St., Spencer, WI.
Or e-mail rsum to: [email protected]


Ideal candidates will have knowledge and hands-on experience
in the following areas: Electrical, Mechanical, Hydraulics,
Pneumatics, Plumbing, Refrigeration, and General Repair.
The ideal candidate must be able to pursue job assignments
completely, thoroughly, with safe, efficient plant operations.
Must be able to pass forklift training test and safely operate. Must
have knowledge of OSHA safety procedures normally acquired
during on-the-job training. Must furnish own hand tools.
Mandatory that applicant be available for work assignment to any
of three (3) shifts within a 24-hour production operation. Final
shift assignment will be determined upon hire. Must be available
for voluntary and scheduled overtime as well as extended hours
and weekend work as assigned.
Land OLakes offers medical, dental and vision insurance,
short-term disability benefits, and shift differential. Successful
candidates will need to complete a mandated drug screen, preemployment physical assessment and background check.

Land OLakes, Inc.

306 Park St., Spencer, WI 54479
Land OLakes, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity and Afrmative
Action Employer. We enforce a policy of maintaining a drug-free
workplace, including pre-employment substance abuse testing.





Land OLakes, Inc., a cheese-processing plant in central
Wisconsin, has the following employment opportunities:

Production Positions
Starting pay: $17.75/hour with shift premium
Must be available for all work assignments as well as scheduled
overtime to include extended hours and weekend work.
Incumbents must comply with company established
attendance policy.
No guarantee of 40 hours per week and must be available for
stand-by scheduling.
Must be able to lift objects weighing an average of 60 pounds
on a regular basis and occasionally maneuver up to 100 pounds.
Must be able to perform repetitive hand assembly.
Must possess computer skills with the ability to learn company
computer-based programs.
Ability to read, write, comprehend and follow verbal and
written instructions, and must possess basic mathematics skills.
Must be 18 years or older.
Pre-employment physical assessments required.

UNTIL JUNE 30, 2015

Land OLakes, Inc.

306 Park St., Spencer, WI
Please apply during business hours of 7:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m.,
Monday through Friday.
Drug screen and background check required for all
successful candidates.



Thursday, May 14, 2015

power rod, all septic and
sewer lines. 715-427-5815.
K&C FIREWOOD Processing will come to you. I take
the sweat out of making firewood. Will cut loggers cords
into firewood. 715-748-4430.
your needs are available at
The Star News: raffle tickets,
business cards, envelopes, letterhead, invoices, statements,
promotional items, etc. Call or
stop by The Star News office to
place your order. 715-748-2626,
116 S. Wisconsin Ave., Medford.


Curtiss. Open units for rent per
month, $40 - $65. Various sizes,
can store boats. Security deposits required. 715-613-8808.
BUILDING FOR rent, 51x46,
located on Hwy 64 one
mile outside Medford, high
doors. Phone 715-465-0997.
for rent between Owen and
Greenwood, $345 month plus
utilities. No pets. 715-267-6800.
with garage in Westboro.
$500/month. Available May
month + electric. Heat included in rent! Perfect for seniors.
Maintenance man lives on site!
Call Kurt at 715-497-6161.

2011 BLACK Dodge Grand Caravan, very clean, only 17,000
miles. Blue Book, $18,000.
Asking $15,995. Must sell. Contact Richard, 715-654-5332.

LOOKING TO rent in Medford or
Rib Lake. Reliable income and
have spotless renters history.
Call or text Sam. 715-214-6934.



OLD BARNS and sheds wanted
to take down. J.E. Miller, N2324
Water Dr., Medford, WI 54451.

GARAGE SALE: Friday, May

22 8:00am-5:00pm, Saturday,
May 23 9:00am-3:00pm. Table
and chair set, ottoman, little
girls clothing, assorted sizes
up to 4T, compound bow, lawn
ornaments and more. Halverson residence, W5803 Apple
Ave., Medford. Watch for signs.


One bedroom apartments for
those 62+. Rod Becker Villa, 645
Maple Court, Rib Lake. Owner
paid heat, water, sewer and
trash removal, community room,
laundry facilities, additional storage, indoor mail delivery and
off-street parking. Tenant pays
30% of adjusted income. Pet
friendly property For an application, contact Impact Seven Inc.,
855-316-8967 or 715-357-0011.


new floors, steel roof, 2
acres, $137,000. Serious inquirers

homes available for rent at $625/
month or for sale at $22,900 in
Medford. Contact Pleasant Valley Properties at 715-879-5179.
Ask us about our rent special.

New Dog Training Classes

STAR Puppy at 6pm for pups up to one year, $145
Reactive Dog at 7:20pm, $190
on the corner of Castle Rd. &
W6821 Wester Ave., Medford

BE NOTICED. Make your classified ad stand out above

the rest with bold print for
only $5. Call The Star News
at 715-748-2626 or stop in
at 116 S. Wisconsin Ave.,
Medford, to place your ad.

BUY AREA newspapers at The
Star News office, 116 S. Wisconsin Ave., Medford. We have
The Star News, Tribune-Phonograph (Abbotsford, Colby, Curtiss, Dorchester, Milan, Unity),
The Record Review (Athens,
Edgar, Marathon, Stratford), Tribune Record Gleaner (Granton,
Greenwood, Loyal, Spencer),
and Courier Sentinel (Cornell,
Cadott, Lake Holcombe). Stop in
today to buy a copy or subscribe.


ive here.


w or

k here

FOR SALE: 40 acres of land located 8 miles west of Prentice

on Pennington Road. Well maintained forest w/small cabin. Ideal for deer & bear hunting. Contact 715-560-0591 after 6 p.m.

160 ACRES hunting land within

Chequamegon National Forest. 4 enclosed heated stands,
trails throughout, area cleared
for cabin, 2 food plots, MFL
closed. Forest Rd. 1529, Jump
River, WI. $384,000. 715820-1546
[email protected].

LAND FOR sale: 12 acre wooded country lot, 3 miles northwest

of Medford on blacktop road.
Contact Jason, 715-829-4180.

6.2 ACRE lot tested for holding tanks or mound to be sold

with home package, $19,000.
See Wausau Homes Medford
for home plans. Contact Jason at 715-829-4180 to view.

for sale by owner, 3 bedroom ranch on 4+ acres w/
barn, new roof, new siding,
2 driveway access. Call 715427-5823 or 920-407-1294.


Medford near hospital, 4 car
garage, large lot, earn extra
income, profitable opportunity.
More details 715-748-2043.


Small, positive classes

Medford Ofce Hwy. 13 South

Gentle Touch Dog Training on

Call: 715-748-4248, Jeanine Renzoni

Luke Dixon, Jon Knoll,

Jesse Lukewich, George Zondlo

Silver Creek Services, LLC

N9338 Cummings Road,


Exceptional +/-80 acre wooded parcel

bordering the Chequamegon National
Forest. Well kept 3 bed, 1.5 bath year road
country home or cabin. 80 acres of mostly
high ground and hardwoods with a creek

We have porta-potties
for any occasion

Call Mike at

We also pump septics & holding tanks

Business Space for Rent



141 S. Third Street,
Arts and crafts style 3 bed, 1.75 bath
season rooms. Upscale master suite with a
large master bath. Attached 2 car garage.


N5145 State Highway 13,
Updated 2 bed, 1 bath country home.
Updates within the past 5 years include a
new roof, seamless gutters, LP furnace,
200 amp electrical service, vinyl siding and






Self Help Evening Group for
Victims of Sexual Abuse. Tuesday & Wednesday evening
from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Also Saturday Mens Group. For information write: Evening Group, P.O.
Box 366, Stratford, WI 54484.
(Meeting place not disclosed).


Starts Monday, May 18, 2015





FOR SALE: 6060 Allis Chalmers, new clutch, good rubber,

hydraulic loader, $7,500. 675+
ft. guardrail and misc. gates,
$1,850. Head chute, $325. All
good condition. 715-797-0444.




Terrier mixed and one Sheltie mixed, $25. 715-654-5435.


Page 23

205 N. Seventh Street,



Classic 3 bed, 1 bath home on

a large city lot. Original maple
and blacktop driveway.



Garage Sale Guide

Thursday & Friday, May 21 & 22 Thursday Noon
8 a.m. - 5 p.m. No early sales
The Star News
12 Garages full of bargains, all at one Location!
Antiques, crafts, collectible dolls, electric stove, refrigerator,
Monday 5 pm
freezer, TV, entertainment center, baby stroller, walker, jumper,
bike/helmet, couch, rocker, Nascar jacket, Christmas decorations,
jewelry armoire, much misc.
1x3 - $24.75
132 South Seventh Street, Medford
West of Hwy. 13 and Hwy. 64 (Broadway) intersection
2x2 - $33.00
1 block, then south 1/2 block, follow signs.
An Equal Housing and Employment Opportunity


Costs shown are for

one paper, one week.

232 & 236 S. Main Street,

Over 1,000 square feet of commercial
in Downtown Medford. Upper level
features a large 3+ bedroom, 1 full
bathroom apartment.


1007 High Street,
Rib Lake
Nice 3 bed, 2 full bath home on
laundry, master suite, large deck
and storage shed.


172 S. Main Street,
Income producing commercial building with
3-one bedroom apartments and over 1,300
sq. ft. commercial/retail space.



Page 24

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Chequamegon is too much for Lady Redmen; team nearly beats Edgar
by Sports Editor Matt Frey
The Rib Lake softball team generated
some offensive fireworks in the first inning on Monday, but it wasnt nearly
enough to hang with Chequamegons
heavy hitting in a 15-1 Marawood North
The Screaming Eagles, who lead the
Marawood North at 8-1 in league play
and 12-5 overall, used three big innings
to keep Rib Lake winless in league play.
They scored four times in each of the
first two innings and put the 10-run rule
into effect with a six-run fifth.
Rib Lake is 0-10 in the conference and
1-11 overall.
Head coach Bruce Peterson said while
Rib Lake clearly isnt at Chequamegons
level, improvement in his team is evident in every game. This one was no exception.
On the plus side, he said the team is
swinging more aggressively at the plate
and making better contact. Defensively,
the Redmen had just three errors against
a hard-hitting club. Peterson said Shawna Annala made several nice plays in

The big inning, however, was something the Redmen were unable to avoid.
Rib Lake was one out away from getting out of the top of the first down only
1-0, but the Eagles got a walk, a double
from Remi Orr and a two-run single from
Kenzie Dane to go up 4-0.
With two down in the bottom of the
first, Ciara Scheithauer thought she
had drawn a walk from Screaming Eagle pitcher Megan Mader. The umpire
brought her back to the batters box, informing her there was only three balls in
the count. Scheithauer took advantage of
the chance to swing away, crushing a triple to deep centerfield. When the throw to
third went awry, Scheithauer scored. Regan Dobbs followed by ripping a double
to left-center, but she was stranded there.
Dobbs collected two of Rib Lakes four
hits. Annala added the other.
The Eagles went back to work in the
second, highlighted by booming back-toback doubles by Emily Ernest and Morgan Hilgart. Dane went three for four
for the Eagles and finished with six runs
batted in, including a three-run double in
the fifth.
Mader got the win, striking out 11

Redmen. She did not walk a batter. The

Eagles had 15 hits. Dobbs got the start
for Rib Lake and struck out six while
walking six. Chequamegon had 14 hits.
Twelve of its runs were earned.
Rib Lake will wrap up conference play
by visiting Phillips on Friday and hosting Abbotsford on Monday. Both games
start at 4:45 p.m. The Redmen will be at
Stratford for a non-conference game at
4:45 p.m. on Tuesday. The regular season
ends on May 21 with a non-conference
trip to Greenwood.

Almost at Edgar
For the first time in league play this
spring, Rib Lake held a late lead in Thursdays game at Edgar, but the Wildcats
spoiled the upset bid by scoring twice in
the bottom of the sixth to escape with a
4-3 win.
Edgar jumped ahead 2-0 in the bottom
of the first inning on Lindsey Schneebergers two-run homer. But Dobbs and
the defense held Edgar scoreless over the
next four innings, allowing the Redmen
to take a short-lived lead by scoring sin-

gle runs in the second, fourth and sixth

The Redmen collected five hits off Edgar starter Ally Krueger, two of which
came from Dobbs. Dobbs doubled and
eventually scored a run. Annala was
one for three and drove in the other two
runs. She knocked in Jasmine Fitzl, who
had doubled, and Hailey Duerr, who had
walked to reach base. Duerr drew two
walks in the game. Emily Richardson
drew one walk.
Montana Marzinske added a hit for
Rib Lake in the loss.
Edgar had nine hits against Dobbs,
stringing together enough in the sixth to
go ahead with RBI hits from Kelsi Krause
and Maria Freese. Dobbs struck out three
but did not walk anyone. All four of Edgars runs were earned.
Rib Lake had its best defensive game
of the season, committing no errors. Peterson said catcher Victoria Goodnoe
had a very good day behind the plate and
continues to build a good rapport with
Dobbs on the days Scheithauer is gone
while competing for the track team.

nd PlacAeward

The blink of an eye

Buy this photo online at

Photo by Matt Frey

Despite a blink at an inopportune time, Rib Lake rightfielder Rachel Filipiak catches
this first-inning fly ball off the bat of Chequamegons Morgan Hilgart during Mondays
Marawood North contest. The sacrifice fly produced the first run of Chequamegons
15-1 win.

Rib Lake track meet results

Continued from page 6
300-meter intermediate hurdles at 50.62
Donald Dums placed twice in distance
races. He was third in the 3,200-meter
run at 11:37.76 and fourth in the 1,600-meter race at 5:24.44. Josh Probst scored a
point by taking fifth in the 800-meter run
at 2:33.
The 400-meter relay team of Zach Makovsky, Armando Garcia, Probst and
Cody Blomberg was third in 52.6 sec-

onds, trailing Chequamegon (50.59) and

Phillips (52.51). Garcia, Boomer, Cody
Blomberg and Makovsky took third in
the 1,600-meter relay at 4:19.35. Chequamegon held off Phillips in a close finish
by 0.08 seconds. The Screaming Eagles
had a time of 3:52.56.
The Screaming Eagles scored 117
points to easily win the meet. Phillips
outscored Rib Lake 53-43 for second.
Prentice scored 35 points.



ode is
s; Student C
rawing board
Stop Voter S
eeds to go b
flawed and n
lse populism
Beware of fa

B Wilson

116 S. Wisconsin Ave., Medford, WI 54451

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