Language: Gujarati
Author: Swami Chidaanand Saraswati
(Divine Life Society)
Originally published by Swargarohan Trust in Adhyatma magazine
The secret of functions of soul executed through sense organs and doership of the Jivatman powered by supreme witness consciousness.
Language: Gujarati
Author: Swami Chidaanand Saraswati
(Divine Life Society)
Originally published by Swargarohan Trust in Adhyatma magazine
The secret of functions of soul executed through sense organs and doership of the Jivatman powered by supreme witness consciousness.
Language: Gujarati
Author: Swami Chidaanand Saraswati
(Divine Life Society)
Originally published by Swargarohan Trust in Adhyatma magazine
The secret of functions of soul executed through sense organs and doership of the Jivatman powered by supreme witness consciousness.
Language: Gujarati
Author: Swami Chidaanand Saraswati
(Divine Life Society)
Originally published by Swargarohan Trust in Adhyatma magazine
The secret of functions of soul executed through sense organs and doership of the Jivatman powered by supreme witness consciousness.
we Be
Sea WR
vil Revie aad!
‘straroittrardty acta sft areay it (ue Ac)
“G sad all si8 drat doll aud,
Fed Weddin Reda a % 8.”
BAS war sl s2eil ell—eueu 45 wa sed ell—
Jaq Fel Werder Rod ae 52 8, a
drag dol HA d. mud tan Wel cleuil 45
aul cell. avi shaded ais ai #8 % dol d
me F draaed wad. all,
area yotem: watt, wer gerqavaft |
qRheag wt aft, wend asferresa u (ve—re)
“ote aia ot sal BL BOL A UE,
Wer qevll Prt aga aa A det.”
coud eet (oateu) ed Fa ab sel of
AS vel Dr WA Giger Grr Mawr yeivel
w-adell Ga-awe B, eur a ai aA WL
Bonaggu ad wd.
au ania evicell UM aa 2 but duet ae
B ugleell 3 att eile.
88 aidl As ait wre ad. Mlewri wal wai
gtd 3 cet geil sel aiwert aa 8 4 sei da,
ei cal EAE et oysited sel % Du ade B de sald,
arya : 2006 ee
soil weed 2a 3 ale at y of aimed ad
Sot weg. Ala aon svat dean sas
oar ae 444 33 alle ashe sel 3.
wae Add 2434 B oud ade da 2 ass
34 ws 8, Ad WA MAME sfead auaue al AA
aia? ou A RAR Rog Budd aided wae seat
2 adel eu wre AA. A are UL sqrt
2am, 1g aeetell ap asta.
Bis musta wl LB Ue MELB? sua NEL
(ls ova. Aza wert HL WA B eu dete sUeL
adr AMA eH WH B ad ad Ada aAaetaedl at
B. WL WL WA Ades DV oul 3 etl ESA
BLA. S1ReL aot ot SAA cA A AL AT BHA All gale
adi worl det ta Aad % AR wa ad
audey OL. 2uzeL M2 AS wer Da ya aARA va
Huy Anal Zar aaa B.
A cou ret 2 MA aueU we B, eA Aled
tre Wot afl aH edi MAB, WoL a BUA YX DS,
AUS wor SE G2 Ad atirt etd tell. ut cred B, ie
uA, wien sled 2A aiBeareal aiaisze. et
Wi ® a A HOLE ale Veatetl Budd 28. B..
Ae aA Gua youd aber ded adi, ga ada
ard ade MA ated we B. au ala atratt
ager “yet ade” Ad ari and.vo bu
Su et ade wor ald % sel dS 2a0Ud ws
BD. wig aye dle Sq ett 5 WOE el, AML BAL
Fg eae: Aare wot el, WL HHO B, 2ADAL WEL
aicis2et, eo WIRY Diet Sel AS, 2A YB AA
cell a aunt stat Ae a3 B. 204 Duet SIE
Hd, vias WA awl ol, sued a oe
SPeied aA yel, ston aya adhe wa Adtdid
et 8. mre wai yl QOL ade ya adler de
el ill oe aye dle ag BW UB B, mA UR GEL
adhe A UA ae] m4 B, UR A Hsg sea B.
sat alt lel erie Uore BHA BAD AL a
erated octet dh al ASA AA % da. otetett
ued As seed iH oe QB. Aefl viee As
aseat Hd DMB. eA eral raid ou odiowti 2a B
ak dell stat BU ase MAD. oul Aa, weal
ary retell all stand wa B, HA A ws
Gaeu seat awti Sai ote wer wa B, HA
ett an uaz aureus wD.
deel ordlai ag Awol waa el,
qe Ur Usted & B, Al % Aa vase
salted ste Al, WA usted orl, wer aA
SP eet, aya adr maardd oe B. ea AS
sreetare au U5§ USL A Ad, gel stat LEI
st uti Bou AR, BLE arterial sista
say : 200 uw
Mea amie all, Aly Aa yer ade ad aye
Reudd ell, sizer aye aden A suste lac aed
68 ail Sal BA AY wre ada, 43 aaaL
mucredl Wet ati oye £2 B. As Patt MUO BEA Ds
amet Yor od 3 SFA wer muctell ar audl wad, a
at BH tefl aust? BUEUAL el Ad alee WA Guo
% td SA MA. wale tier AA tio, Stet, tts
DR Fa, Ae eel, MAAR sAPeled sti
ae aa sieaat EMA MAL, dl WAL 2 Sail
el al?
aid x werd qa wa d. we Gur yet ale-
Mie MAGe sha B a dl Sada Vaateti aaeet
8. mie saya sid Gatel Sha all, werd di da
Waid Rad wud 8. ddl % Da sited saya
vical OA, tue sae aad Sea
Wari wut Herd. 2udl oy aid sail B. wee
cD staua ecified Parteae & A wed staua
wedFatr Warell wou Hr B. BUNA Waett aeAl
sade ZA. Shei dl yer aad B, wd aa
Wate Burd ws ali AS ws B aA adled ar
tt WALD.
68 Und AS wer ol Il Ud awed wa B awe satu
ane ada. a we wimadl As tts ounadl
aie a w@
a aa a
a a Waa dw
dasa ofa a
4 da Asw eat, Aaa ad
wt a Fl Ad ohn
a2 a dd aad a ed
wet wut a. asa.
ail aid og CUMUCPAL UAE, WEL ad WAL
aut ae D. alle otag flat, 2164EL Wi, Ads
mts A ta wemdad) Biel WU da Bei at B.
aided 4 32 UG, AA wid Ay. 6a Baa
wiz iM $6 5 a A, Ad A vara Aa Hz
ou. vaya $5 a Bad ab aR, Ad A Gada
FA AL. 6232 wuatg 64 46 crew wa a Dea
A set aed af. au we al ad oud A, Ag
46 QA ate siya a AR, Ad eae tyra
oA sail, A Ate RA argo wer wi, 2A
aL ot Bard eurie ais wed. 2 udls
SGA Werder ef sf, suou dL Jam eegd x
2s ONY eid aA. aU era HALA HA
aR, ull aya adel WA yori 2a d. ce
papED BE
sarpurdl : 2008 us
Ani Deed ad Dari 9B B, ti auaag so 2
B, sor aed argo AB, wit Dol AOA gf
dager’ B, A viczse aU OTA Baud aaueet seal
seal aiirte WA B. cA WA Aas eu aug aE
B, 3 Fri rictsseaedl Droued wee ell used. wg
Aedai wei, ai ys race Bas Bai a d. a
was ay ates aurea Were B, atidesi dai 2a
gal QB, 2A ou 2a OA tuguidl adi Bs alla
Gad fel A Sd. 2a yaa WAL, Naw oust ens
42, 1A 4H OUDL Cae aLRL LEER ell MAD. DS
obesetel Berl auzat ota aad Datei set
of, neu dau od Baad aloud dad &
mu2d yell muadi auYa ay 2 ricssz w CL
fd autet 2B. 2ucu ad dan Meda cua 20
Garda dr d. rics eeu sie Mel, Wa
aad 48 B, WA WA HARA Adtid Ba
Wat 2UMa BY, mA Aoveflen Ceiael oeUHKe eH.
68 rinse Bd Dd of duet Ba Ds
tein apa, H2a ad sda aad vA.
PUN Ds YRll atiasiadl B, AA Hz as
BARA heud. Yad uel Were Ali RW
DA Hele sil Ae Ae SDA ysl, A yale
auag wig 4 cud algal AA BW aA aE
$24 du cu detadl AA ws 42.8; aussi Azg da
UR sade Gut sO ar seal wsdl da curue AL
dA Guor’ AB, 9A wea Bear du ea wll
ane B. .. ate wale el GEL SOL ME Pr Ra
alae and 3, A yell due 8 3.
audl ¥ A miacsead Ag QU cad a aimed
Guia 62 8, mA atloeng Da cad see, ade
De ll AY AA aS og dU cud wad Gir
AG, WA Areas wl DU cad wad; ite] aut
nag, AM cud used GW #3, a Bet eure
MB evotedl, um AR sell 2 Ael WA WaR yee
UB Pet Ct awed B, aA eds tert aclu
Gwier seat d sada B. aut aise fd sal a,
BEL OED AA 5A seattle
aa alot alleiszeu at ened 8:
cade ates war or: 1
“snow Rall at; 2, SPAM At,
RB Gee seo ailed ve eeu.”
32d Ade 2034 Bat aueu wate Wel, Bs,
Sel, et Ao 9 fe Vie axere 42an 20
au 8; oe alu dust UBLEL, eR ate
eugene se aoe WB AA.
Met 2A of dl aiaeseaell A gf B Bea aU a
aia au? Fatiare ae dl mice seet atloUd Aa
Rand, Sal Aa a usr dea Ya, aye ae ateL
eet arate sea wo HB,
saeypudl : 2002 uw
al FH Abel wet SAA AA Ret tasted ed
sell, Aly JA ate Wer ASA aerated Asa 0.
ad Ht eh ape WS suse 2UeL Yad % B, Hal dd
Weta eau 3 54g woudl wa sR B. eat 53h
seal ell A UAL oe, Ban “ree Te
rise UR Bly sal cud ei Stal gm
wat Av edad dg BUA. ef ois 2 ata ag oa
oA OHA A A ALR, flee eel aL MAA,
Mee Hud, A auld wate O AG OA ALR.
wet oz, Bea aieeseeL HF RB AML Aa sit
wet Ad w olla AGA, HA ULB UEL aM
Sazell gRRni ata de lB.
aa aie teat URRAYGL ee ata. ate
aA eae, andl vies aR B ALA A oA
aarti, Bag ayaa MA B; UR AYR
aan, eset dt we QS, sel ay el
ig ait’ eal again oft wot Bout ll. 2are
mice seed sfeanel B, 2A Ae git olica Wet
aie d.
A oad am otal M2 dl as a AGA,
Fel nice se sat ot seUd GLA el acetal
naa 28, 3282 abu DRAM ome we
vietseetd a B.ue ener
BAL WRIA salad vias DA ouyA yeL
ede red. size YR ARAL WS sel dl rics,
68, AA AA WM Re Adel or YoU ale se Kal
aol aa 8. ts gus awa ed au BHA,
SFae 2agy B aA suet oufraien AS a watt asig4
B. alesse Uae WB a wail AAA coir Haste $&
aaiou dl Ped oud au og aad B. vig
Sarl wr QA, eucu Ward gu ell ta d,
ae del aiciseed sfea WA laid WA 2A ad,
BA UROUA A al sabeti genet oDsett Wer ctr Atel A
B. aur adi a waouad WA B, wr Betu es
adi, yet aed wvRAA Watti Aid weed,
eu B 8, dH we ye adel Gl el APeiai
OHA Wictlg oO Ag MULL, taeda oe 52el
ad m4 B.
As SRA earl cure aur aut B :
wat sitar ty dt where we
‘wre ont ara aft Serer forereret
oud AH B } salodsct dl ade B, ver acu
ood cu’ aelegu ull, WA setfod set tel ea B.
wat A agapguel, J salodsc al, Ag aie we
ad, sua HMAU AD x, Dai 45 Ravel A.
2a saledsarueun ove Fgh saaell acu
Watatt 2ag4A WA B.
saypud : 2008 ue
dal sind GuPugell aaused Ag Rgua
#23 weucuel alba ¥ of wa suet ad 3B,
st drt Rar OMe AS Adri aba well, 3 Bu
piel sf us 2B. cure wl ortega Gave
62 20nd Se 46 3 ol ue wD adhe A ae
add) aueu Dard evil sil wd. cal UNA BL
$3 ade dvs BABA AA sof 5A a? aw
matt waugd au Feito ava Roar ay 3
miceszet, 22008 ws dat wai, Yar w ya ade
ae sf 2B, MHA srl gr UL AF ODAB, AH
saGta Piri opie Wa ag wD. Za ae
+6 5G sal 8 A allel ad aad B.
68 wud URUSLA sal MMA cur § ALB A
ASA. RUC Adi 2agU B BHA anPUA B. afl
andl au ai Raa aud 260 8. wai we
umuen 15 yard WB % ried B AR
aude Det sel sac tell, afl AA sal sae AS
wallet t dail, ween dl ad sal eal sal YB,
Ate ad—osc toa eds %B.
aUeuL ARM ae YR aud «AB,
2A A arsine aug UAB. Alavi w orate 5
mensenitor ep, GA ATT |
jepista att, wafer w
“suf 2adl BAL sua ante ud,ue abut
aA eu SRA wel rims gul 8.”
2 ef! Hd aus ASA a, Heda aA
Gem 28, WA an sell eau Rae wae
mrt Meu eB.
mu MUR Fried ae Aed wy eued 3 shir
sient oe B age 3 Aru qelldl-i2a ¥ aedeal,
BAA AA BUCK ated fea De GU ot aA Ag,
ASA. wee wh APA AA Deg sel 42
a8 8, 2d 3 uous aba Qe avi of as a
8 Add savour aout tag BSA. au aA
ute adauoML Ug 22 B.
oust SR efile NALD OU BB :
6 8G SAK mM B,
aged our FA Aut aid;
ina B ad del w,
pl A AS wa.
sea audsrell YonRA gu Haus ag 22 B,
Ad d As w wed.
weak: Beat rat fey |
(ort susiealt ou—n nil ewour)