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Summary of Internal Control-Integrated Framework by COSO:

COSO stands for Commission of Sponsoring Organizations a private commission

chartered to research and report on improving quality of financial reporting through
business ethics, effective internal controls and corporate governance. The sponsoring
organizations of COSO were American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the
Institute of Internal Auditors, Financial Executive International, Institute of Management
Accountants, and American Accounting Association. COSO has prepared a document in
1992 on the Internal Controls-Integrated Framework. Because, Internal control has
different meanings to different parties, COSO tries to establish a common definition and
standard that can serve such parties. Under COSOs report, (quoted from July 1994
Edition of COSO Internal Controls-Integrated Framework, COSO Report), Internal
Control is broadly defined as a process, effected by an entitys board of directors,
management and other personnel, designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the
achievement of objectives in the following categories:
Effectiveness and efficiency of operations.
Reliability of financial reporting.
Compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
The first categories address an entitys basic business objective, including performance
and profitability goals and safeguarding of resources. The second relates to the
preparation of reliable published financial statements, including interim and condensed
financial statements and selected financial data derived from such statements, such as
earnings, reported publicly. The third deals with complying with those laws and
regulations to which the entity is subject. These distinct but overlapping categories
address different needs and allow a directed focus to meet the separate needs. As
defined in COSO Report, Internal Control consists of five interrelated components,
Monitoring, Information & Communication, Control Activities, Risk Assessment,
Control Environment, as illustrated and defined below:

Source: COSO Internal Control-Integrated Framework

The definition of the above components as set forth in the COSO Report and quoted
herein are as follows:

Control Environment- The core of any business is its people- their individual
attributes, including integrity, ethical values and competence-and the environment
in which they operate. They are the engine that drives the entity and the
foundation on which everything rests.
Risk Assessment- The entity must be aware of and deal with the risks it faces.
It must set objectives, integrated with the sales, production, marketing, financial
and other activities so that the organization is operating in concert. It also must
establish mechanisms to identify, analyze and manage the related risks.
Control Activities- Control policies and procedures must be established and
executed to help ensure that the actions indemnified by management as necessary
to address risks to achievement of entities objectives are effectively carried out.
Information and communication- Surrounding these activities are
information and communication systems. These enable the entitys people to
capture and exchange the information needed to conduct, manage and control its
Monitoring- The entire process must be monitored, and modifications made
as necessary. In this way, the system can react dynamically, changing as
conditions warrant.

Summary of Internal Control-Integrated Framework-Control

The control Environment is influenced by the style of management, the competence of
the employees and positive ethical values of the corporation, which are determined by the
board of directors and get implemented all the way to the functional units. The integrity
and ethical values of a corporation are important factors in designing, administering and
monitoring of all other internal control components of an organization. The board of
directors and its audit committee significantly influence the control environment of a
corporation. The level of independence of the board members and it audit committee
from executive management team, the extent of board members oversight over the
operations of the company and questioning managements performance are important
factors in the designing an internal control system for a corporation.
The report of the National Commission on Fraudulent Financial Reporting (National
Commission on Fraudulent Financial reporting, 1987) suggested that certain
organizational factors could influence the likelihood of fraudulent and questionable
financial reporting. According to this report the level of Incentives and Temptations
created by the management style of a corporation can affect the ethical behavior of an
organization. These factors as cited in COSO Report are described blow:

o Pressure to meet unrealistic performance targets, particularly shortterm results.
o High performance-dependent rewards.
o Upper and lower cutoff on bonus plans.
o Nonexistence or ineffective controls, such as poor segregation of
duties in sensitive areas that offer temptations to steal or to conceal
poor performance.
o High decentralization that leaves top management unaware of
actions taken at lower organizational levels and thereby reduces the
chances of getting caught.
o A weak internal audit function that does not have the ability to
detect and report improper behavior.
o An ineffective board of directors that does not provide objective
oversight of top management.
o Penalties for improper behavior that are insignificant or
unpublicized and thus lose their value as deterrents.

The following chart illustrates the Role of Responsibilities of parties involved in the
establishing the Control Environment:

B oard of D irectors & Audit C ommittee

(Governance, Guidance & Oversight)

(U ltimate R esponsibility &
Ow nership)

Integrity &

Leadership &

Set Positive
C ontrol Environ.

Senior/Executive Management
(Assign Specific Internal C ontrol Policies & Procedures to
Functional U nits)

Summary of Internal Control-Integrated Framework-Risk Assessment

According to COSO Report, every entity faces a variety of risks from external and
internal sources that must be assessed at entity-wide and activity levels throughout its
operation. Examples of external factors affecting the entitys risks are technological
development, changing customer needs, changes in competition pressures, new
legislations, natural catastrophes, and economical changes. Examples of internal factors
affecting the entitys risk are disruptions in information processing systems, quality of
personnel hired, a change in management responsibilities, nature of entitys activities,
employees accessibility to assets, and unassertive on ineffective board or audit
committee. In summary, the following are the steps that need to taken by the management
to assess its risks:
Establishment of companys risk to achieve its objectives.
Identification, analysis and assessment of Risks to achieve objectives.
Assessment of Risks from internal and external sources at both the entity and
the activity levels.
Assessment of Risks related to change in conditions.
Assessment of financial impacts of Risk Analysis on financial statements.

Summary of Internal Control-Integrated Framework-Control Activities

According to COSO Report, control activities are policies and procedures to implement
management directives. Control activities can be divided into three types of activities;
operation, financial reporting and compliance. Control activities consist of preventive
controls, detective controls, manual controls, computer controls, and management
controls. Control activities are generally handled by entitys personnel in the following
ways; Top Level Reviews, Direct functional or Activity Management, Information
processing, Physical Controls, Performance Indicators and Segregation of Duties. In
summary, Control Activities consist of the following:
Policies/procedures that ensure management directives are carried out
Control activities occur throughout the company at all levels and functions.
Control activities include approvals, authorizations, verifications,
reconciliations, reviews of operating performance, security of assets and
segregation of duties
Control activities cover controls over IT infrastructure, and software security,
including legal/contract activities and off-balance sheet transactions
The following flow charts depict the activities of an entity at various levels:
(Source: from COSO Evaluation tools)

Summary of Internal Control-Integrated Framework- Information and

According to COSO Report, Information is needed in all levels of an organization to run
the business, and move towards achievement of the entitys objectives in all categories
(operations, financial reporting and compliance). The quality of system-generated
information affects managements decision. The quality of information includes
ascertaining whether the content is appropriate, and the information is timely, current,
accurate and accessible to the appropriate parties. Communication is inherent in the
information system and must take place in a broader sense dealing with expectations,
responsibilities of individuals and groups. In summary, Information and Communication
consist of the following:
All personnel must receive a clear message from top management to take
control activities seriously
Information needed by personnel to do their job must be timely identified,
captured and communicated to them.
Access to internal (operational, financial, and compliance) reports must be
provided to employees to perform their tasks
External communication with customers, suppliers, regulators, investors and
shareholders must be part of the Framework
Effective upstream communications by employees of their findings must be

Summary of Internal Control-Integrated Framework- Monitoring

According to COSO Report, Internal control systems change over time. Once-effective
procedures can become less effective or perhaps are no longer performed. Monitoring
ensures that the internal control continues to operate effectively. Monitoring can be done
in two ways: through ongoing activities or separate evaluations. Internal control systems
usually will be structured to monitor themselves on an ongoing basis. The greater the
degree of effectiveness of ongoing monitoring, the less need for separate evaluation
exists. In summary, Monitoring consists of the following:
Internal control systems need to be monitored over time to assess their quality
and performance
Combination of ongoing and separate evaluation of Internal Control Systems
must be conducted by management
Management and supervisory activities are required to be evaluated and
monitored on an ongoing basis
Audit of Internal Control Systems needs to done by management to ensure the
internal control are functioning as expected

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