Focus Questions: (Week 2)

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Focus Questions

(Week 2)

1. What is mans impact in your area?

In my area, I have large man-made paths as well as some litter. I have two large paths
eroded over time by hikers in the park as well as dog-walkers from the nearby dog park. As a
result of the paths, humans travel along the path and litter. I have found small fragments of
plastic and other types of litter that pollute my area.
2. What are the limiting factors in your area for plants? For animals?
The limiting factors in my area for plants are space and nutrients. With such a large
amount of grasses and small plants in my area, few new plants have space to grow. My nutrientpoor soil also limits the plants because my two main plants use up all the nutrients leaving few
for smaller plants. The limiting factors for animals are lack of food and shelter. My site has very
little to prey on leaving animals in the area to scour other sites for food. My site has a bush for
shelter, but the majority is just short grasses leaving animals exposed to both the elements and

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