Lesson Plan 7 Books Cover

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Lesson Plan

Reading Circle: Books Cover

Students: Reading Beginner Level Students

Goal: Students will communicate collaboratively which books cover to choose after each of the students
recreated their own books cover.
1. Students will learn how to negotiate with their group members which of their books cover can represent
the main ideas of the book better than the rest.
2. Students will be reviewing the main ideas of the book.
3. Students will learn different perspectives from other students.
4. Students will interact with their group members to finalize their decision.
1. Large Index Cards
TQ = Teacher

TL= Teacher Lecture

PS= Pair Share

GS= Group Share

WD= Whole Class


Total estimated time of lesson: 40 minutes

2 minutes: Anticipatory
Ask how does the student feel about finishing the entire book.
3 minutes: What does Illustrators do?

Ask what does the illustrators do?

What did the student do for the last part of their Reading Circle packet?
Quick flashback to the lesson about Chapters Cover.
o Mention the pictures that the students drew on the worksheet for that lesson
5 minutes: Group selection time and Discuss with you group

Randomly selected group:

o Ask either end of the student to shout out their numbers (depending on the student size)
o First student calls out 1, second calls out 2, , until the forth student. Then start over.
o The 1s can be in one group, 2s in one group, and so on.
o If there are left out students, separate them into other groups.
Discuss with your group:
o What are the main ideas of the book?
o Who are the important characters?
o What are the important objects (things)?
o How do the settings (places) looked like?

5 minutes: WC discussion about their group discussion

Ask the students what were the objects that kept appearing in the book from their discussion
Discuss about the main ideas in the book.

Yellow-spotted lizards
Golden tube
Big thumb mountain
Jars of Sploosh

Show the students all these books cover from Japan, Korea, and so on
5 minutes: Demonstration of the activity

Pass out the large index cards to the students

Show how to fold the index cards
Index cards represent the books cover.
o Include the Title, the Author, and their drawings.
o SAY: Because of the space provided by the printing company, that is why you have to choose to
draw one thing.
Explain the activity
o Each group should do a head count, so that each member have a responsible number
o Make it clear that each student had a number
o Each student is responsible to draw their own drawing:
1: Yellow-spotted lizard
2: Shovel and Holes
3: Stanley standing in a hole with a shovel
4: Stanley and Zero on the Big Thumb Mountain
5: Onions and Sploosh
(These combinations of objects were associated with something that happened in the book)

10 minutes: Drawing time

Try to focus on the content but not the sentences.
10 minutes: Whole class discussion
Each student had to convince the other group members that their books cover could represent the
whole books main idea.
After their discussion, the one that they chose to represent come up to the front of the class and share
their reasons why.
* Let the students know that all of the objects were really important in the story. Therefore, it is hard for an
illustrator to choose what to draw, specially within the little index card.

What went well? How do
you know?

I saw very good drawings that could really be

published. There was a student who used a totally
different drawing to represent the book, because that
was what he believed he learned from the book. It

turned out that it was a valuable lesson for that

student. Therefore, I asked the student to share his
ideas with the class.
The negotiation part of which cover to choose, turned
out to be choosing the best drawing. Even though I
emphasized on that their drawing does not have to be
perfect and they werent the focus of this lesson.
What didnt go as

I observed some great negotiations, however, since it

was a larger group than the Lesson about Survival
Kit, it was hard for the students to convince all of the
members in a short period of time.
Also, some of the students chose right away without
finishing drawing or discussing about the objects

What contingency plan

did you employ?


What would you do

differently next time?

I should emphasize more on convincing which one to

choose to draw, as a whole group, instead of having all
of them to draw and made them choose one of their
drawings. This could affect the focus of the lesson.

Did your students meet

the purpose and
objectives for this lesson?
What is your evidence?

I feel that this is a closure of the whole book. I wanted

the students to review and rethink about the main
ideas of the book before their Final exam. The
students were discussing about the main ideas and I
heard some great discussion.

What do your students

need next? What is your

What my student need next is learn how to write down

what they have discussed in written form. It is
because this is important for their Final.

What did you learn about

your glows and grows as a
teacher? What can you
do to work on your areas
needing growth?

My glows: I think that I had a better grouping

technique than my previous lessons. There were 30
students in total; however, the correct number of
students was unpredictable. Therefore, I needed to
observe the classrooms situation and improvise how
to divide the group.
I thought of sharing books covers that were
illustrated and printed in U. S, however, since there is
a diversity of countries in this class, the different book
covers from other country was interesting to present.
My grows: Same as the previous lessons, I tried too
hard to put a lot of things into one activity. My
directions were not as clear, although demonstrations
were provided.
The 5 combinations of the things to draw were really
teacher-centered; I might have to let the students
come up with their own combination. However, this
would take more time. Thus, I will plan to implement

more time for this type of activity, because having the

students to draw their own (as I mentioned in the first
column) was more meaningful!

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