CEP Lesson Plan Template: Activity 1

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CEP Lesson Plan Template

Teacher/s: ___Janie Turner and Jessica Wang___

Level: __I4_________
Date/Time: __4/16_______
Goal: Review narratives and verbs of advice, order, requests, and permission
Objectives (SWBAT):
Students Will Be Able To
1. give an oral presentation in English and answer questions about it
2. write narrative stories describing characters, places, and times
3. make sentences using verbs plus infinitives
4. use modals plus perfect tenses to give advice about past events
5. listen to a dialogue for details
Theme: __Review_______________________________________________
Extensions: ____________________________________________________

Activity 1:
Student presentations




Greetings, agenda for todays class


2 min

1.1 Pre-Stage: T will explain how the

presentations will work. Ss will decide
on an order. (T will choose if Ss take
too long)


3 min

1.2. During Stage: Ss will give their

presentations and answer questions
after they finish. While listening, Ss
will write two interesting things they




2 min

Transition to #2:_A report is

one way to tell a story.
1.3 Post-Stage: Ts will collect and
Jessica is going to help you distribute the feedback to the Ss.
with another. Do you
remember narrative stories? Tangible Outcome & T. feedback/peer
feedback: Fluency practice, listening
practice, peer feedback in two
interesting things

Activity 2:

Transition to #3 or Wrapup:___now I will pass it on

to Janie, and she is going to
help you to review the

2.1 Pre-Stage: ask students what makes T-SS

a good story. Then have them read the SS-SS
story and work in pairs to find the
details in practice 7.

40 min

2.2. During Stage: give instruction that

the first paragrah would set the scene
(when,where and who). Then have the
students write these on three different
papers. Collect them, and students pick
3 papers and create an opening. Then
ask students what are other detail then
can use to describe an event. Pass the
paper to the next student and write
describe an event ( additional reading
material for students who finish early).
Pass the paper to the next student to
write the ending.
2.3 Post-Stage: give the paper back to
the first student, and give them
sometime to read it.
Tangible Outcome & T. feedback/peer
feedback: students would know how to
write a story.

Activity 3:

3.1 Pre-Stage: Quick review of modals T-Ss/Ss-T

+ perfect, have Ss give example
Advice w/modals and perfect sentences (I was late to work today.) T
tense (finish from Wed.)
explains the game.

Transition to Activity #4:

_How do you feel about
modals? Are you ready to
move on? Do you remember
what else we learned in

3.2. During Stage: Ss will take out

their complaints from Weds. (Give time
to write if unfinished). Ss take turns
reading their papers while other Ss
offer advice. The student with the best
advice gets the paper. The student with
the most papers wins.

5 min

10 min

2 min
3.3 Post-Stage: Ss say what they could Ss-Ss/Ss-T
have or should have done to win the

Tangible Outcome & T. feedback/peer

feedback: Fluency practice, practice
giving advice in the past.
Activity 4:
Verbs + infinitives

Transition to #6:_That was

very good. Are you ready to
relax a little now? Lets do
some listening practice._

Activity 5:
Listening for details

Transition to Wrap-Up:
_Excellent work today
students! Go home. Relax.
Think about any questions
you still have and bring
them to class on Monday.
And on Monday we will
answer your questions and
then play some games.__

4.1 Pre-Stage: Quick review of verbs + T-Ss/Ss-T

inf. Have Ss give example sents. T will
explain the game. T will split Ss into
two teams.

5 min

4.2. During Stage: Ss will pick slips of Ss-Ss

paper with a verb of order, request,
permission, persuasion and another
verb. Ss will make a sentence with
those two verbs and write it in their
space on the board. Ss will write as
many sentences as they can in the time

3-5 min
ing on
fast Ss
are and

4.3 Post-Stage: T will check the

sentences and tally the right answers.
The team with the most points wins.

2-3 min

Tangible Outcome & T. feedback/peer

feedback: Writing practice, negotiation,
sentences w/ verbs + inf.
5.1 Pre-Stage: Explain activity to Ss.
Have Ss listen and answer basic
comprehension questions.


5 min

5.2. During Stage: Have Ss listen again Ss-Ss

and take notes. Then in groups, try to
re-create the dialogue.

10 min

5.3 Post-Stage: Have groups compare

their dialogues, then give them the
script to compare.

5 min

Tangible Outcome & T. feedback/peer

feedback: listening practice, completed
listening qs, dialogue



Lesson Evaluation Procedures:

What did you learn today?

Esl-lab listening, scripts, and questions. Self-made materials.
Anticipated Problems & Suggested Solutions:
Contingency Plans (what you will do if you finish early, etc.):
Post-Lesson Reflections:

2 min

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