Solar Lesson Plan
Solar Lesson Plan
Solar Lesson Plan
-Gram crackers
-Misc. Lego blocks
-Project summary exit ticket
Solar Panel - a panel designed to absorb the sun's rays as a source of energy for generating
electricity or heating.
Orientation - the determination of the relative position of something or someone.
Power draw - the amount of energy needed to run an object or system.
System Output total amount of energy produced by a system.
-As we learned during day one, fossil fuels are a nonrenewable resource which we are currently
dependent on as a society. As we have been learning, solar energy is a viable alternative,
especially in our location.
-I would like you to all consider how we as a community could incorporate solar power to offset
our need or fossil fuels. Think in either small scale, like individual streetlights, or lage scale
projects. Take a moment to discuss this with your group.
-The teacher will give the students a few minutes to discuss.
-Now write down in your science journals some of the ideas that you discussed.
-End of lesson
Go Solar with SolarCity! Discover Solar Power Energy Systems. (n.d.). Retrieved April 1, 2015,
This lesson plan includes system and futures thinking. It includes systems thinking because the
students have to think about all the steps necessary to install a solar energy production system on
a residential home. It also includes futures thinking because students are asked to think about
how solar energy can be utilized to offset fossil fuel usage in their community, and by drawing
information learned during day one students will reflect on why using renewable energy sources
are a better option to guarantee that future generations have the same opportunities that we have.
Date: __________________
Provide a brief but detailed description of your solar panel system, noting the specs and your
reasoning behind the layout of your system.