Project 2-2

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Analysis Activities

Phase Two of Systems Development Life


Analysis Activities Objective:

Define the problems and needs of the users and
Discover and understand the details of the current
Learn the activities and processes of the current
Prioritize requirements for system that is being

Gather Detailed Information

Probably the most important process in this phase is to gather
detailed information from many sources inside and outside the
company that the system is being made for. Many methods may be
used to do this, such as thoroughly interviewing users and
stakeholders, discussing the requirements with everyone that might
potentially interact with the system, discovering every process and
attribute of the current system, watching users use the current
system, and finding out what other companies are doing with
similar systems. In short, the analyst must become an authority on
the current system and all of its aspects.

Gather Detailed Information

Gets the most detail, but
takes the longest. Asking
the right kinds of questions
is imperative during any
user interview.

Able to be widely distributed
and answers specific
questions, but they do not
help with explanations of

Inputs, Outputs, and

Can be collected from the
existing system or from
similar systems used by
other companies.

Observe and Document:

Watch the processes that
users of the current system
go through to determine
what should stay and what
could be improved.

Vendor Solutions:
Other companies have more
than likely already made a
system very similar to the
one currently being made,
so use the experience of
other companies and firms
to make the system better.

Comments and Suggestions:

Feedback from users during
all phases is crucial to
constructing a system that
meets the necessary
requirements and functions

Define Requirements
Using documentation and user input, the
analyst constructs models that express system
requirements and whether they are vital to the
function of a system or are secondary
Functional Requirements

Nonfunctional Requirements

System requirements

UI design

Primary functions

Stability & Reliability

Vital processes

Ease of Use

Prioritize Requirements
Place vital system requirements at the highest priority.

Evaluate a users needs vs. wants and required system

functions vs. not required functions.
Watch out for scope creep, where requests grow in
complexity and number as the project gets larger and
the longer it goes on.

Develop User-Interface Dialogs

Le ts a u se r
u nde rs tand how a
sy ste m w ill w or k by
u sing a mock -up
in ter face .
Valu ab le b e cau se it
allow s th e u se r to
h av e a v isu al aid .
M ock -up int er face s
can b e ex p an de d u pon
and e v e n in te g rate d
in to th e s y ste m .

Evaluate Requirements with


Usually done all along this phase but is sometimes difficult because users have other duties during the
construction of the new system.

Users and stakeholders should be informed during all phases of a systems development to ensure that all
requirements are being met and updated throughout the project.


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