Functional and Informational Model of Expert Specialization Using Idef Standard
Functional and Informational Model of Expert Specialization Using Idef Standard
Functional and Informational Model of Expert Specialization Using Idef Standard
Abstract: For process of modeling are developed suitable CASE tools. In the course of
building this process a standard is used for functional modeling of IDEF0 realized through
BPWin tool. Family of integrated IDEF methods presents basic tool of some modern
strategies and methodologies of business process improvement, like for example: BPR, CPI,
IPD, TQM etc. In paper is given functional and informational model of Process of expert
specialization of employees in education using graphical language IDEF0 that is, CASE
Bpwin tool.
Keywords: CASE (Computer Aided Software Engineering), IDEF (Integration Definition),
BPWin (Bussines Process Windows)
IDEF (Integration Definition) is represented as assembly of standardized methods for informational modeling of
business processes and objects, and improvement of business process. In frame of project ICAM (Integrated
Computer Aided Manufacturing), that is, USAF (United States Air Force), whose goal was to improve
manufacturing production productivity, developed by end of 1970, form of SADT (Structured Analysis and
Design Technique) technique called IDEF technique. Goal of newly developed IDEF technique was to enable
experts to comprehend problems from different views and levels of abstraction. Because of that, family of
integrated IDEF methods presents basic tool of some modern strategies and methodologies of business process
improvement, like for example: BPR (Business Process Reengineering), CPI (Continuous Process
Improvement), IPD (Integrated Product Development), TQM (Total Quality Management) etc. Applying of
family integrated IDEF methods, which can solve narrow class of problem and general methods, attempts to
eliminate deficiencies of narrow class of problem and general methods, exists strong software support which
integrates IDEF methods, and enables connection of IDEF methods with other tools, above all software for
simulation of business processes, software for management of costs based on activity etc. Some families of
integrated IDEF methods are: IDEF0 for modeling functions, IDEF1 for modeling informations, IDEF1X for
modeling data, IDEF2 for modeling simulations, IDEF3 for modeling processes, IDEF4 for object-oriented
projecting, IDEF14 for modeling networks etc. All of them are used in different purposes as technique for
informational, that is, semantic, modeling of data and formal graphical language, for needs of relation modeling
of data and forming relation database. And one of families of these methods (IDEF1X method, first published in
1993) with NIAM (Natural Language Information Analysis Method or previously Nijssens or An Information
Analysis Method) method presents precursor of EXPRESS software tools for development of STEP (Standard
for the Exchange of Product Model Data) applications [2, 3, 4, 5, 7-16, 18-26].
For procedure of modeling are developed suitable CASE (Computer Aided Software Engineering) tools. During
manufacturing of this process is used standard for functional modeling IDEF0 (Integrations Definition) realized
through BPWin (Business Process Windows) CASE tool. On Figure 1 is shown a general model of system
development [18].
IDEF standard is available at Web site: and!ftp/idef/.
In early 1990, IDEF Users Group, in cooperation with NITS (National Institutes for Standards and Technology),
has begun creation of making standards for IDEF0, published in 1992 (U.S. Government standards documents),
known as FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standards). These standards are under coverage of IEEE
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) and accepted by ISO (International Standards Organization
or International Organization of Standards). IDEF0 and IDEF1X are techniques of modeling based on
combination of text graphic which are presented on organized and systematic manner to increase reasonability
and to supply logic for potential exchange, specified requests, or in other manner, to support system analysis by
levels [1, 3, 5, 6, 11, 13, 17, 22-24, 26].
IDEF0 and IE (Information Engineering) standards enable [3, 11, 22-24, 26]:
1) Execution of system analysis and design on all levels, for system constructed of man, machines, materials,
computers and informations;
2) Making documentation as a base for integration of ISO 9000 standard;
3) Better communication between analysts, designers, users, better communication between analysts, designer,
users and managers;
4) Enables discussion in teamwork to accomplish mutual understanding,
5) Enables management of large and complex projects.
Set concept of modeling has been accepted by USA government, Pentagon and NATO and neither document can
not be defined until it is described using this methodology. Task which achieves this methodology is that it must
involve problems connected for client/server architecture, that is, to connect multiple different computers. This
approach enables connecting of future IS and demands system of quality defined by standard ISO 9000. This
concept is in usage in state office of Republic of Serbia and Serbian Military.
Reasons which have motivated creation of activity modeling are [11, 22-24, 26, 27]:
To serve as documentation and manual for description of complex activity and procedures and manuals
demanded by standard ISO 9000. One of the basic rule is if documentation is larger less the reading.
Document of one or two pages with diagram, is going to be cursory previewed and only when there is time
for that. Documentation consisting from many pages has a great chance not to be read for months.
To enable fast organizational changes, because model of activity documents important activities and enables
insight into critical activities which need to be performed with suitable resources.
Most important benefit in application of activity modeling is prototype access where in a fast and simple ways
are checked alternative ideas. It is much cheaper to draw model of process and data model then to develop new
information system. This is a very important attribute, because faster development of information technology
and application of internet service conditions a need for reengineering, which demands radical redesign of
activity, which is needed to describe before conducting prototype checking.
Semantic of graphical language IDEF0 implicates on meaning of syntax language component and lightens
interpretation correction. Interpretation describes parts like notations for activity and arrows and interlines of
functional relationships.
By functional analysis of IS, is defined dynamics and is needed to define:
Diagram of context, that is system boundaries,
Activity stem, that is, to establish vertical connection between activities,
Decomposition diagram, that is, to establish horizontal links between activities.
Relationship between activities and informations is determined by rectangle (activity) and arrows (information
carrier). Relationship is shown on figure 2:
Arrows from the left side of rectangle are defined as Input. Arrows which enter rectangle from above are defined
as Output. Exits are data or objects produced by activity.
Elements shown on figure 2 can be described with sentence: Under Control, ACTIVITY, from Input makes
Outputs, using Mechanisms. Arrows on bottom page of rectangle present mechanisms. Arrows pointed up
identify meaning which support executed activity.
Based on above defined sets firstly we approach functional modeling, where it will be identified by functional
decomposition. Process of expert specialization of employees in frame of functional process model. Process of
expert specialization of employees in education. For performing this activity it is necessary to use graphical
language IDEF0 that is, CASE Bpwin tool. IDEF0 technique is a unique graphical language which enables
description of processes by demands of ISO 9000:2000 standard [1, 3, 5, 6, 11, 13, 17, 22-24, 26, 27].
Functional decomposition is needed to perform through next suborder activities:
defining model boundaries,
defining activity stem,
defining user demands,
defining decomposition activity diagram
By gained decomposition activity on last level of primitive processes it is needed to describe.
3.1. Defining model boundaries
Defining model boundaries is connected to sets given for process development: Process of expert specialization
of employees in education.
In frame of model boundary determination it is needed to clearly define goals which must contain following
why is model being modeled,
what will activity show,
what will user of model make of it and
what is model used for.
Decomposition diagram of process model of expert specialization for employees in education is decomposed
into three global activities, figure 5:
Preparation and teacher choice,
Performing courses for expert specialization and
Reports generation about expert specialization.
Respecting IDEF0 standard, suitable arrows present sets of documents which we define as informations. Every
information is shared on next level, all to level of activity, where as arrows is defined a concrete document. In
the following text comes detailed discussion of suitable ancillary jobs/activities.
3.4.1.Jobs/activity and internal communications preparation and teacher choice
Internal communication presents line of activities, whose basic task is good information availability for
employees in educational sector, and in aim to follow the trend of modern education and new teaching methods
and teaching resources in educational process, to increase productivity of knowledge and increase efficiency in
comprehending and education of employees. This process is certainly great motivation, especially for teachers in
goal of more qualitative knowledge presenting and coordinating work in a classroom, and transferring
impressions of expert specialization to those who havent participated in that process (figure 6).
Activity 1.1.: making a list (election) of teachers, which is choice of subject (compulsory and mandatory) is a job
of school director, teacher council, expert actives and as support Ministry of education, Local self-government.
starts from choice itself of employee in frame of his Expert active for certain subject and whole way from literal
approval of school director and passing of those to secretary and cashier for issuing orders etc. Employees in
cooperation with Expert active make concrete Subject from Catalog and analyze conditions of participation with
front set benefits for organization. After that is established time of departure and time of length of expert
specialization, as well as costs.
Activity 1.4.: Permit for departure (final) is gained by organization director, and after report of Expert active or
subject group, where employees will be lastly sent for verification of permit for departure. Same will serve well
with Organization of expert specialization, which will after finishing in form of certificate confirm participation
by gaining conformation about successful finishing of specialization.
Activity 1.5.: Issuing orders for departure is a definitive conformation and verification of all listed activities,
which is permits for departure itself, which sign secretary and cashier, and also school director. Its known exact
time of departure and reservations are confirmed.
Job/Activity 2.3.: Teaching performance is a job of manager, leader or coordinator (depending which terms will
organization use), and schedule will be planed in detail and with teacher index or etc. Ofcourse, as a control of
all activities will serve Law on elementary and middle education, school statute, standards for education and
Work plan of organization, based on which they have approval from Ministry of education, with elaborated aim
in detail, justification and functionality of project and other (figure 8).
Activity 2.3.1.: Inclusion of participants in same teaching process during lecturing, and especially in group work
and individual activity, when teacher demands or self-initiated, active participation in lectures and debates.
Activity 2.3.2.: Expert specialization agenda is the key document in tracing all activities during expert
specialization, it is given in beginning and there is a possibility of its rewriting depending on course and activity
success. There is a possibility of change or consideration and adopting agenda or certain parts with organization
Activity 2.3.3.: Lectures are teacher preparations, and based on Plan which is approved by Expert team in front
of Ministry of education. Lectures must bring to achieving visible knowledge and support of al participants, and
especially inovativity in teaching process.
This decomposition diagram will help in forming all kinds of reports connected with expert specialization of
participants on planed assembly. Every side must be informed about all activities from process, especially about
alone assembly by organization for Ministry of education and for expert team, that is reports of all participants to
their organizations, school director, Teaching council, Expert active, cashier, local self-government and etc. and
especially when they transfer impressions and innovation on other participants and etc. (Figure 9).
Job/Activity 3.1.: Certificate about expert specialization which is accessed from organization for expert
specialization, was end goal of every participant and conformation that participant was active and finished
assignment form school director, Teaching council, Expert active, cashier, local self-government and etc. He can
serve as evidence for further progress and engagement in science, which is support for continuing of
specialization into higher level.
Job/Activity 3.2.: Report forming about costs of specialization comes to total material costs and that:
participation fee, hotel costs, meals, travel costs, per Diem, expert literature etc.
Job/Activity 3.3.: Report about staying in expert specialization comes to successfulness and evaluation of
science assembly, impressions are carried to all important entities of organization, parliament, media and etc.
Report will be a part of organization administration, that is, coverage of expenses and justifiable of expert
specialization and in the end support to other employees and society in general.
We need to apply all we know, recognize that which we dont know and to act with methodical observation in
aim of expanding our area of comprehension.
Being concurrent today is not a matter of success, but question of survival. Creating, application and knowledge
keeping are twisted together and supplemented. In longer periods, only knowledge preparation is not kept. In
order for old knowledge to have meaning, people must connect it to its current problems and activities, translate
it to a modern language and frame it with current problems. As the time goes by, so are changed social and
technological conditions, more is increased a need for translation and knowledge application is more like
creating knowledge. In order for new knowledge to have sense, people should fit in their current believes and
points of view, and extra closeness with existing knowledge creates expertise.
Company/Organization or similar is a long term successful if links its success in internal potentials and
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