Unit Lesson 8

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Stage 1: Identify Desired Results

Established Goals Unit 13: Counting Money: Lesson 8- Unit Test

MathStandard: Work with time and money.
Benchmarks: Solve word problems involving dollar bills, quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies, using $ and
symbols appropriately.
Principles used: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8.
Enduring Understandings (Key
Students will understand that

Essential Questions (Focus on Higher Level

+What is the difference between the

-dollar coin?
-A dollar bill can be a coin or paper. Both worth

-dollar bill?
$1.00 or 100.

-A quarter looks a certain way and is worth $0.25

or 25.
-A dime looks a certain way and is worth $0.10 or

-A nickel looks a certain way and is worth $0.05
+Why do they look the way they look?
or 5.
+Why are they shaped the way they are shaped?
-A penny looks a certain way and is worth $0.01
+Why do we have them?
or 1.
+What is the difference between a dollar bill and
-Put coins in greatest to least order.
a dollar coin?
-Counting on.
+Why do we put coins from greatest to least?
-There are different ways to show amounts of
+Why are there different ways to make total amounts
of money? Like $1.00. How many ways can you
-Counting on is the same as adding.
make $1.00?
-Once we get to 100 it switches over to $1.00
+What is the difference between a dollar bill and a
-What an organized list is and how they
dollar coin?
work/why they are helpful.
+What is the difference in $ and ?
-There are many ways to show the same total
+What is an organized list?
+Why do we have them?
+Why do we use them?
+What do we use them for?

Students will be able to (In your own words)

Know the difference between all of the coins and know what they are worth.
They will know how to count coins.
Put coins in greatest to least order and count on/add them together.
They will also be able to make the same total amount of coins in several different ways.
Know when/why we use $ and .
Know/understand organized lists and why we have/use them.
Know that there is more than one way to show the same total amount.

Stage 2: Determine Evidence for Assessing Learning

Performance Tasks: Performance Indicators:
Projects, Unit Tests, Academic Prompts etc..
At the end of the unit they will be taking a test
that tells me how much they know and if they

Other Evidence: Formative Assessment

Asking what coins are what and how much each
is worth.

Elaborating on Principle #7 being used in this lesson:

This lesson sums up the entire unit we have been working on for the past 7 days. It hits the content and
curriculum of the Iowa Core. I had them working on several different skills throughout the unit. We worked on
visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning which they did well at throughout the 7 days. They were also able to
connect what we were learning to prior knowledge which is very important while working with money. As the
students teacher I was also able to gain knowledge of my students and learn what they needed in order to

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