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USD Sports Survey

The Media & Journalism Departments Research Methods class is administering a survey to gain a better
understanding about student attendance at USD football, mens basketball and womens basketball games.
Our class hopes to apply the information gathered from this survey in ways that will help improve the USD
athletic experience for fans. The following survey should take approximately five to ten minutes of your time.
Thank you for taking the time to participate in this survey.
This survey is intended for students currently enrolled at USD. If you are not a current USD student,
please return it to the researcher and accept our thanks.

1. What is your favorite part about attending USD football or basketball games?

2. What prevents or discourages you from attending USD football or basketball games?

3. What would you suggest that USD Athletics do to increase the number of USD students attending football
and basketball games?

Please answer the following questions to help us understand student interest in USD athletics.
4. How many USD Football games have you attended this year (2014)?

______ games

5. How many USD Football games did you attend last year (2013)?

______ games

6. How many USD Mens Basketball games did you attend last year (2013-14)?

______ games

7. How many USD Mens Basketball games do you expect to attend this year (2014-15)?

______ games

8. How many USD Womens Basketball games did you attend last year (2013-14)?

______ games

9. How many USD Womens Basketball games do you expect to attend this year (2014-15)?

______ games

10. For the following statements, please circle the number on each line that indicates how much you agree or
disagree with each of the statements.
How likely are you to



purchase USD Coyote merchandise in the future.

buy USD Coyote clothing in the future.

buy USD Coyote apparel for other people.

USD Sports Survey, p. 2

11. For the following statements, please circle the number on each line that indicates how much you agree or
disagree with each of the statements about how likely you are to attend a USD football or basketball game.
I am LIKELY to attend a USD football or
basketball game for



the chance to socialize with others.

the gracefulness associated with the game.

the promotions/giveaways during the game.

the opportunity to interact with other people.

the pregame events.

the natural elegance of the game.

I am LIKELY to attend a USD football or

basketball game because



I enjoy the excitement associated with the games.

I feel like I have won when the team wins.

I consider myself to be a real Coyote fan.

I am a big fan of the USD coaches.

I can get away from the tension in my life.

I feel a part of the USD community.

I find the games very exciting.

I get a sense of accomplishment when the USD wins.

I am a big fan of specific Coyote players.

it provides me with a break from my daily routine.

12. How would you prefer to learn about USD athletic events or promotions? Circle the number that best
describes your preference (1 being do not prefer, 7 being strongly prefer).


Do Not
1 2 3 4 5 6 7


Do Not
1 2 3 4 5 6 7


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Television Ads

1 2 3 4 5 6 7


1 2 3 4 5 6 7


1 2 3 4 5 6 7


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

USD Website

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Newspaper Ads

1 2 3 4 5 6 7


1 2 3 4 5 6 7


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Other (write below)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Radio Ads

1 2 3 4 5 6 7


USD Sports Survey, p. 3

13. For the following statements, please circle the number on each line that indicates how much you agree
or disagree with each of the statements about how likely you are to NOT attend a USD football or
basketball game.
I am NOT LIKELY to attend a USD football or
basketball game because



I dont understand game strategy.

I lack friends to go to the game with me.

the USD team doesnt win many games.

my friends and family are not interested in going.

I am NOT LIKELY to attend a USD football or

basketball game because I am more likely to



work out or exercise.

make other commitments to friends.

have work commitments.

have school work/studying to do.

go to a bar.

play recreational sports

watch sports on television.

attend another college or professional game.

To help us better understand who is taking the survey, please answer the following questions.
14. What is your current age? _____ years
15. What is your sex? (Circle one) .......... Female ............. Male
16. How many hours do you work in an average week? ______ Hours
17. What state are you from? _________________________________
18. Where do you live? (Circle one) ..... On-campus ..........Off-campus-Vermillion............ Out of town
19. Are you a USD athlete? (Circle one) ............. Yes ............ No
20. Are you a transfer student? (Circle one) ........ Yes ............ No
21. Which of the following best describes your current student status? (Check one)
1st Year
2nd Year
3rd Year

4+ Year (Undergraduate) Graduate Student

Other: ___________________________
22. What is your major(s)? ______________________________ Minors(s)? _________________________
Thank you for participating in this survey. We appreciate you sharing your perspectives.
Please return the completed survey questionnaire to the researcher.

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