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Weather Walks

Kindergarten-1st Grade Activity

Grade Levels:

K-1st Grade
Learn about different types of
Compare changes in weather
of time

K-1 Standards:

Teach students the weather song that goes to the tune

of BINGO. The words are:
We have weather everyday

Today is sunny weather.

S-U-N-N-Y, S-U-N-N-Y, S-U-N-N-Y
Today its sunny weather.
Change the words of the song to match the weather
possibilities include: sunny and snowy
Sunny Walk

Discuss that it can be sunny

weather in the summer and in the winter.

When it is sunny weather we have
shadows. The suns rays cannot pass
through solid objects so shadows are the
places light could not get through.
Divide up into partners. Go
outside and trace each others shadows on
the sidewalk with chalk.
You may want to go outside
later and see if you can fit into the
shadow tracings made earlier in the day.
Explain how the sun appears to have
moved in the sky, causing a change in the



Sun Song by Jean Marzollo

describes the suns activities from sunrise

to sunset.
Snowy Walk
Ezra Keats.

Read The Snowy Day by

Have students measure how

deep the snow is in different places.

Discuss why it is different.
Take the temperature of the
snow and the ground beneath. Is it
different? Discuss why. How would that
affect animals?
Collect snow in one jar and
ice in another.
Place an elastic band
around the jars to show where the snow
and ice levels are. Ask the class for
predictions about how much water will
remain when the ice and snow melt. Will

the water level be above the elastic or

below the elastic? Record the answers.
Ask students which jar will
melt faster, the ice or the snow. Record
their predictions and later their answers.
Explain that there is more air
in snow so it makes less water. The air also
causes the snow to melt faster. Have
students observe how clean the melted
snow is. Discuss the reasons for not eating


Student artwork and participation in each weather

walk is a good assessment of whether they
understand the concepts covered. Each weather
walk is designed to help students become more
observant and experience the weather in different
ways than they might have before.


The Book: Snowy Day by Ezra Keats,

sidewalk chalk, ruler, thermometer, jar, elastic
band, notebook paper

Adapted from:

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