Regional Imbalance refers to the co-existence of relatively developed and economically depressed states and regions within states. This is due to geographical isolation concentrating development in urban centers, as well as locational preferences that advantage some regions. The exploitative nature of British colonial rule created or exacerbated regional disparities in India. After independence, planning mechanisms accentuated disparities between states by favoring developed states over less developed ones. Major policies that can help address these disparities include recognizing backwardness in resource transfers, special development programs for backward areas, and promoting private investment in backward regions.
Regional Imbalance refers to the co-existence of relatively developed and economically depressed states and regions within states. This is due to geographical isolation concentrating development in urban centers, as well as locational preferences that advantage some regions. The exploitative nature of British colonial rule created or exacerbated regional disparities in India. After independence, planning mechanisms accentuated disparities between states by favoring developed states over less developed ones. Major policies that can help address these disparities include recognizing backwardness in resource transfers, special development programs for backward areas, and promoting private investment in backward regions.
Regional Imbalance refers to the co-existence of relatively developed and economically depressed states and regions within states. This is due to geographical isolation concentrating development in urban centers, as well as locational preferences that advantage some regions. The exploitative nature of British colonial rule created or exacerbated regional disparities in India. After independence, planning mechanisms accentuated disparities between states by favoring developed states over less developed ones. Major policies that can help address these disparities include recognizing backwardness in resource transfers, special development programs for backward areas, and promoting private investment in backward regions.
Regional Imbalance refers to the co-existence of relatively developed and economically depressed states and regions within states. This is due to geographical isolation concentrating development in urban centers, as well as locational preferences that advantage some regions. The exploitative nature of British colonial rule created or exacerbated regional disparities in India. After independence, planning mechanisms accentuated disparities between states by favoring developed states over less developed ones. Major policies that can help address these disparities include recognizing backwardness in resource transfers, special development programs for backward areas, and promoting private investment in backward regions.
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The co-existence of relatively developed and economically
depressed states and even regions within each state is known as
Regional Imbalance. Geographical Isolation: the developed regions are generally confined to urban centers and urban areas., Locational preferences: Some regions are preferred because of certain locational advantages. Pre-independence Period: The exploitative nature of British colonial rule either created or accentuated regional disparities. Pre-independence Period: The planning mechanism has itself accentuated the disparity between the states by having a strong bias in favor of developed states and neglecting lessdeveloped s t a t e s . The major policies that can short out the major disparities among the states in greater degree of deals are: The recognition of backwardness as a factor to be taken into account in the transfer of financial resources from the Centre to the states. Special area development programs directing at development of backwardareas Measures to promote private investment in backward areas.