Beckett, Samuel - How It Is (Grove, 1964) PDF
Beckett, Samuel - How It Is (Grove, 1964) PDF
Beckett, Samuel - How It Is (Grove, 1964) PDF
Collected Works
Samuel Beckett
Prous t
Stories & Texts for Nothing
Malone Dies
The Unnamable
Samuel Beckett
Translated from the French.
hy the author
how it was I quote before Pim with Pim after Pim how it is
three parts I say it as I hear it
voice once without quaqua on all sides then in me when the
panting stops tell me again finish telling me invocation
past moments old dreams back again or fresh like those that
pass or things things always and memories I say them as I
hear them murmur them in the mud
in me that were without when the panting stops scraps of
an ancient voice in me not mine
my life last state last version ill-said ill-heard ill-recaptured
ill-murmured in the mud brief movements of the lower face
losses everywhere
recorded none the less it's preferable somehow somewhere
as it stands as it comes my life my moments not the millionth
part all lost nearly all someone listening another noting or
the same
here then part one how it was before Pim we follow I quote
the natural order more or less my life last state last version
what remains bits and scraps I hear it my life natural order
more or less I learn it I quote a given moment long past vast
stretch of time on from there that moment and following
not all a selection natural order vast tracts of time
part one before Pim how I got here no question not known
not said and the sack whence the sack and me if it's me no
question impossible too weak no importance
life life the other above in the light said to have been mine
on and off no going back up there no question no one asking
that of me never there a few images on and off in the mud
earth sky a few creatures in the light some still standing
the sack sole good sole possession coal-sack to the feel small
or medium five stone six stone wet jute I clutch it it drips in
the present but long past long gone vast stretch of time the
beginning this life first sign very first of life
then on my elbow I quote I see me prop me up thrust in my
arm in the sack we're talking of the sack thrust it in count
the tins impossible with one hand keep trying one day it
will be possible
empty them out in the mud the tins put them back one
one in the sack impossible too weak fear of loss
abject abject ages each heroic seen from the next when will
the last come when was my golden every rat has its heyday
I say it as I hear it
knees drawn up back bent in a hoop I clasp the sack to my
belly I see me now on my side I clutch it the sack we're talk
ing of the sack with one hand behind my back I slip it under
my head without letting it go I never let it go
something wrong there
not fear I quote of losing it something else not known not
said when it's empty I'll put my head in it then my shoulders
my crown will touch the bottom
another image so soon again a woman looks up looks at me
the images come at the beginning part one they will cease
I say it as I hear it murmur it in the mud the images part
one how it was before Pim I see them in the mud a light
goes on they will cease a woman I see her in the mud
she sits aloof ten yards fifteen yards she looks up looks at me
says at last to herself all is well he is working
my head where is my head it rests on the table my hand
trembles on the table she sees I am not sleeping the wind
blows tempestuous the little clouds drive before it the table
glides from light to darkness darkness to light
that's not all she stoops to her work again the needle stops
in midstitch she straightens up and looks at me again she
has only to call me by my name get up come and feel me
but no
[ 10]
[ 11 ]
all sorts old men how they had dandled me on their knees
little bundle of swaddle and lace then followed in my
others knowing nothing of my beginnings save what they
could glean by hearsay or in public records nothing of my
beginnings in life
others who had always known me here in my last place they
talk to me of themselves of me perhaps too in the end of
fleeting joys and of sorrows of empires that are born and die
as though nothing had happened
[ 12]
others finally who do not know me yet they pass with heavy
tread murmuring to themselves they have sought refuge in
a desert place to be alone at last and vent their sorrows un
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[ 14 ]
it I call it
grow mar-
tal again
that's not all she closes her eyes and drones a snatch of the
so-called Apostles' Creed I steal a look at her lips
she stops her eyes burn down on me again I cast up mine in
haste and repeat awry
the air thrills with the hum of insects
that's all it goes out like a lamp blown out
the space of a moment the passing moment that's all my
past little rat at my heels the rest false
false that old time part one how it was before Pim vast
stretch of time when I drag myself and drag myself aston
ished to be able the cord sawing my neck the sack jolting
at my side one hand Hung forward towards the wall the
ditch that never come something wrong there
and Pim part two what I did to him what he said to me
false like that dead head the hand alive still the little table
tossing in the clouds the woman jumping to her feet and
rushing out into the wind
no matter I don't say any more I quote on is it me is it me
I'm not like that any more they have taken that away from
part one before Pim before the discovery of Pim have done
that leaving only part two with Pim how it was then
leaving only part three after Pim how it was then how it is
vast tracts of time
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[ 17]
say say part one no sound the syllables move my lips and
all around all the lower that helps me understand
that's the speech I've been given part one before Pim ques
tion do I use it freely it's not said or I don't hear it's one or
the other all I hear is that a witness I'd need a witness
he lives bent over me that's the life he has been given all my
visible surface bathing in the light of his lamps when I go
he follows me bent in two
[ 18 ]
the hand dips clawing for the take instead of the familiar
slime an arse on his belly he too before that what else that's
enough I'm going
not the shit not the vomit something else I'm going the sack
tied to my neck I'm ready first thing free play for the leg
which leg brief void and barely audible the right it's prefer
[ 19 ]
I have journeyed found Pim lost Pim it's over that life those
periods of that life first second now third pant pant the
panting stops and I hear barely audible how I journey with
my sack my tins in the dark the mud crawl in an amble to
wards Pim unwitting bits and scraps in the present things
so ancient hear them murmur them as they come barely
audible to the mud
part one before Pim the journey it can't last it lasts I'm calm
calmer you think you're calm and you're not in the lowest
depths and you're on the edge I say it as I hear it and that
death death if it ever comes that's all it dies
[ 2 1]
est but here this place where I begin this time present formu
lation part one my life clutch the sack it drips first sign this
place a few scraps
you are there somewhere alive somewhere vast stretch of
time then ifs over you are there no more alive no more then
again you are there again alive again it wasn't over an error
you begin again all over more or less in the same place or in
another as when another image above in the light you come
to in hospital in the dark
the same as which which place it's not said or I don't hear
it's one or the other the same more or less more humid fewer
gleams no gleam what does that mean that I was once some
where where there were gleams I say it as I hear it every
word always
more humid fewer gleams no gleam and hushed the dear
sounds pretext for speculation I must have slipped you are
in the depths it's the end you have ceased you slip you con
another age yet another familiar in spite of its strangenesses
this sack this slime the mild air the black dark the coloured
images the power to crawl all these strangenesses
but progress properly so called ruins in prospect as in the
dear tenth century the dear twentieth that you might say
to yourself to a dream greenhorn ah if you had seen it four
hundred years ago what upheavals
ah my young friend this sack if yo u had seen it I could
hardly drag it and now look my vertex touches the bot-
and I not a wrinkle not one
at the end of the myriads of hours an hour mine a quarter
of an hour there are moments ifs because I have suffered
must have suffered morally hoped more than once de
spaired to match your heart bleeds you lose your heart drop
by drop weep even an odd tear inward no sound no more
images no more journeys no more hunger or thirst the heart
is going you'll soon be there I hear it there are moments they
are good moments
paradise before the hoping from sleep I come to sleep re
turn between the two there is all all the doing suffering
failing bungling achieving until the mud yawns again thafs
how they're trying to tell me this time part one before Pim
from one sleep to the next
then Pim the lost tins the groping hand the arse the two
cries mine mute the birth of hope on with it get it over have
it behind me feel the heart going hear it said you're nearly
be with Pim have been with Pim have him behind me hear
it said he'll come back another will come better than Pim
he's coming right leg right arm push pull ten yards fifteen
yards you stay quiet where you are in the dark the mud and
on you suddenly a hand like yours on Pim two cries his
you will have a little voice it will be barely audible you will
whisper in his ear you will have a little life you will whisper
it in his ear it will be different quite different quite a differ
[ 2 3]
ent music you'll see a little like Pim a little life music but in
your mouth it will be new to you
then go for good and no goodbyes that age will be over all
the ages or merely you no more journeys no more couples
no more abandons ever again anywhere hear that
how it was before Pim first say that natural order the same
things the same things say them as I hear them murmur
them to the mud divide into three a single eternity for the
sake of clarity I wake and off I go all life part one before Pim
how it was leaving only with Pim how it was leaving only
after Pim how it was how it is when the panting stops bits
and scraps I wake off I go my day my life part one bits and
asleep I see me asleep on my side or on my face it's one or
the other on my side it's preferable which side the right it's
preferable the sack under my head or clasped to my belly
clasped to my belly the knees drawn up the back bent in a
hoop the tiny head near the knees curled round the sack
Belacqua fallen over on his side tired of waiting forgotten of
the hearts where grace abides asleep
I know not what insect wound round its treasure I come
back with empty hands to me to my place what to begin
with ask myself that last a moment with that
son I
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[ 27]
rosy in the mud the tongue lolls out again what are the
hands at all this time one must always try and see what the
hands are up to well the left as we have seen still clutches
the sack and the right
the right I close my eyes not the blue the others at the
back and finally make it out way off on the right at the end
of its arm full stretch in the axis of the clavicle I say it as I
hear it opening and closing in the mud opening and closing
it's another of my resources it helps me
it can't be far a bare yard it feels far it will go some day on
its four fingers having lost its thumb something wrong there
it will leave me I can see it close my eyes the others and see
it how it throws its four fingers forward like grapnels the
ends sink pull and so with little horizontal hoists it moves
away it's a help to go like that piecemeal it helps me
and the legs and the eyes the blue closed no doubt no since
suddenly another image the last there in the mud I say it as
I hear it I see me
seen full face the gir l is less hideous it's not with her I am con
[ 30 ]
[ 31]
way off on the right the tugging hand the mouth shut grim
the staring eyes glued to the mud perhaps we shall come
back it will be dusk the earth of childhood glimmering
again streaks of dying amber in a murk of ashes the earth
must have been on fire when I see us we are already at
it is dusk we are going tired home I see only the naked parts
the solidary faces raised to the east the pale swaying of the
mingled hands tired and slow we toil up towards me and
the arms in the middle go through me and part of the bodies
shades through a shade the scene is empty in the mud the
sky goes out the ashes darken no world left for me now but
mine very pretty only not like that it doesn't happen like
I wait for us perhaps to come back and we don't come back
for the evening perhaps to whisper to me what the morning
had sung and that day to that morning no evening
[ 32 ]
tion last a moment with that then go not because of the shit
and vomit something else it's not known not said end of the
right leg right arm push pull ten yards fifteen yards arrival
new place readaptation prayer to sleep pending which ques
tions if necessary who they were what beings what point
of the earth
they will be good moments then less good that too must be
expected it will be night present formulation I can sleep
and if ever I wake
and if ever mute laugh I wake forthwith catastrophe Pim
and end of part one leaving only part two leaving only part
three and last
the panting stops I am on my side which side the right it"s
preferable I part the mouth of the sack and questions what
my God can I desire what hunger to eat what, was my last
meal that family time passes I remain
it's the scene of the sack the two hands part its mouth what
can one still desire the left darts in the left hand in the sack
it's the scene of the sack and the arm after up to the armpit
and then
it strays among the tins without meddling with how many
announces a round dozen fastens who knows on the last
prawns these details for the sake of something
it brings out the little oval tin transfers it to the other hand
goes back to look for the opener finds it at last brings
it out the opener we're talking of the opener with its spin-
[ 33 ]
much be
[ 34 ]
but last day of the journey it's a good day no surprises good
or bad as I went to rest so back I came my hands as I left
them I shall lose nothing more see nothing more
the sack my life that I never let go here I let it go needing
both hands as when I journey that hangs together ah these
sudden blazes in the head as empty and dark as the heart
can desire then suddenly like a handful of shavings aflame
the spectacle then
need journey when shall I say weak enough later later some
day weak as me a voice of my own
with both hands therefore as when I journey or in them take
my head took my head above in the light I let go the sack
therefore but just a moment it's my life I lie across it there
fore that hangs together still
through the jute the edges of the last tins rowel my ribs
perished jute upper ribs right side just above where one
holds them holds one's sides held one's sides my life that
day will not escape me that life not yet
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[ 37 ]
well rats the ship is sunk a little less is all one begs
a little less of no matter what no matter how no matter when
a little less of to be present past future and conditional of
to be and not to be come come enough of that on and end
part one before Pim
fire in the rectum how surmounted reflections on the pas
sion of pain irresistible departure with preparatives apper
taining uneventful journey sudden arrival lights low lights
out bye-bye is it a dream
a dream what a hope death of sack arse of Pim end of part
one leaving only part two leaving only part three and last
Thalia for pity's sake a leaf of thine ivy
quick the head in the sack where saving your reverence
all the suHering of all the ages I don't give a curse for
[ 38 ]
the dejections no they are me but I love them the old half
emptied tins let limply fall no something else the mud en
gulfs all me alone it carries my four stone five stone it yields
a little under that then no more I don't flee I
stay for ever in the same place never had any other ambi
tion with my little dead weight in the warm mire scoop my
wallow and stir from it no more that old dream back again
I live it now at this creeping hour know what it's worth was
a great gulp of black air and have done at last with my
travelling days before Pim part one how it was before the
others the sedentary with Pim after Pim how it was how
it is vast tracts of time when I see nothing more hear his
voice then this other come from afar on the thirty-two winds
from the zenith and depths then in me when the panting
stops bits and scraps I murmur them
done with these fidgets that will not brook one second
longer here at my ease too weak to raise the little finger and
were it the signal for the mud to open under me and then
close again
question old question if yes or no this upheaval daily if daily
ah to have to hear that word to have to murmur it this up
heaval yes or no if daily it so heaves me up and out of my
and the day so near its end at last if it is not compact of a
thousand days good old question terrible always for the
head and universally apropos which is a great beauty
[ 39]
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[ 41 ]
I say it as I hear
not much more but in the tail the venom I've lost my latin
one must be vigilant so a good moment in a daze on my belly
then begin I can't believe it to listen
to listen as though having set out the previous evening from
Nova Zembla
[ 42 ]
I close my eyes the same old two and see me head up rick
in the neck hands tense in the mud something wrong there
breath caught it lasts I last like that a moment until the
quiver of the lower face signifying I am saying have suc
ceeded in saying something to myself
what can one say to oneself possibly say at such
above if I were above the stars already and from the bel
freys the brief hour there's not much more left to endure
I'd gladly stay as I am for ever but that won't do
uncord sack and neck I do it I must do it it's the way one
is regulated my fingers do it I feel them
in the mud the dark the face in the mud the hands anyhow
something wrong there the cord in my hand the whole body
anyhow and soon it is as if there at that place and no other
I had lived yes lived always
[ 43 ]
in spite of the life I've been given I've kept my plump lips
two big scarlet blubbers to the feel made for kisses I
imagine they pout out a little more part and fasten on a
ruck of the sack very horsy
yes or no it's not said I can't see other possibilities pray my
prayer to sleep again wait for it to descend open under me
calm water at last and in peril more than ever since all
parries spent that hangs together still
find more words and they all spent more brief movements
of the lower face he would need good eyes the witness if
there were a witness good eyes
[ 44 ]
in a
sweat and
[ 45 ]
I arrive and fall as the slug falls take the sack in my anns it
weighs nothing any more nothing any more to pillow my
head I press a rag I shall not say to my heart
no emotion all is lost the bottom burst the wet the dragging
the rubbing the hugging the ages old coal-sack five stone
six stone that hangs together all gone the tins the opener
an opener and no tins I'm spared that this time tins and no
opener I won't have had that in my life this time
so many other things too so often imagined never named
never could useful necessary beautiful to the feel all I was
given present formulation such ancient things all gone but
the cord a burst sack a cord I say it as I hear it murmur it to
the mud old sack old cord you remain
a little more to last a little more untwine the rope make two
ropes tie the bottom of the sack fill it with mud tie the top
it will make a good pillow it will be soft in my anns brief
movements of the lower face would they were the last
when the last meal the last journey what have I done where
been that kind mute screams abandon hope gleam of hope
frantic departure the cord round my neck the sack in my
mouth a dog
abandoned here effect of hope that hangs together still the
eternal straight line effect of the pious wish not to die before
my time in the dark the mud not to mention other causes
only one thing to do go back or at least only other thrash
round where I lie and I go on zigzag give me my due con-
[ 46 ]
[ 47 ]
where I have never been but others perhaps long before not
long before it's one or the other or it's both a procession
what comfort in adversity others what comfort
those dragging on in front those dragging on behind whose
lot has been whose lot will be what your lot is endless
cortege of sacks burst in the interests of all
or a celestial tin miraculous sardines sent down by God at
the news of my mishap wherewith to spew him out an
other week
semi-side right left leg left arm push pull Hat on the face
mute imprecations scrabble in the mud every half-yard
eight times per chevron or three yards of headway clear a
little less the hand dips clawing for the take instead of the
familiar slime an arse two cries one mute end of part one
before Pim that's how it was before Pim
[ 48 ]
here then at last part two where I have still to say how it was
as I hear it in me that was without quaqua on all sides bits
and scraps how it was with Pim vast stretch of time mur
mur it in the mud to the mud when the panting stops how
it was my life we're talking of my life in the dark the mud
with Pim part two leaving only part three and last that's
where I have my life where I had it where I'll have it vast
tracts of time part three and last in the dark the mud my
life murmur it bits and scraps
happy time in its way part two we're talking of part two
with Pim how it was good moments good for me we're talk
ing of me for him too we're talking of him too happy too in
his way I'll know it later his way of happiness I'll have it
later I have not yet had all
faint shrill cry then foretaste of this semi-castrate mutter
I must bear how long no more figures there's another little
difference compared to what precedes not the slightest
figure henceforth all measures vague yes vague impres
sions of length length of space length of time vague impres
sions of brevity between the two and hence no more reckon
ing save possibly algebraical yes I hear yes then no
smartly as from a block of ice or white-hot my hand recoils
hangs a moment it's vague in mid air then slowly sinks again
and settles firm and even with a touch of ownership already
on the miraculous flesh perpendicular to the crack the stump
of the thumb and thenar and hypo balls on the left cheek
the four fingers on the other the right hand therefore we
are not yet head to foot
flat assuredly but slightly arched none the less modesty per
haps the innate kind it can't have been acquired and so a lit-
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[ 53 ]
the cries tell me which end the head but I may be mistaken
with the result all hangs together that the hand slides right
and there to be sure there's the fork it's as I thought then
back left just the same just to clinch it and there to be sure
there's the arse again then oh without tarrying down in a
hollow then guided by stump of thumb on spine on up to
the floating ribs that clinches it the anatomy I had no point
in insisting further his cries continue that clinches it this
won't work in the past either I'll never have a past never
good a fellow-creature more or less but man woman girl or
boy cries have neither certain cries sex nor age I try to
tum him over on his back no the right side still less the left
less still my strength is ebbing good good rn never know
Pim but on his belly
all that I say it as I hear it every word always and that
having rummaged in the mud between his legs I bring up
finally what seems to me a testicle or two the anatomy I
as I hear it and murmur in the mud that I hoist myself if I
may say so a little forward to feel the skull it's bald no delete
the face ifs preferable mass of hairs all white to the feel that
clinches it he's a little old man we're two little old men
something wrong there
( 54 ]
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[ 58 ]
[ 59 ]
when this has sunk in I let him know that I too Pim my
name Pim there he has more difficulty a moment of con
fusion irritation it's understandable it's a noble name then
it calms down
me too great benefit too I have that impression great benefit
especially at first hard to say why less anonymous somehow
or other less obscure
me too I feel it forsaking me soon there will be no one
never been anyone of the noble name of Pim yes I hear yes
then no
the one I'm waiting for oh not that I believe in him I say it
as I hear it he can give me another it will be my first Born he
can call me Born for more commodity that would appeal
to me m at the end and one syllable the rest indifferent
BOM scored by finger-nail athwart the arse the vowel in
the hole I would say in a scene from my life he would oblige
me to have had a life the Borns sir you don't know the Borns
sir you can shit on a Born sir you can't humiliate him a Born
sir the Borns sir
but first have done "ith this part two with Pim life in com
mon how it was leaving only part three and last when I hear
among other extravagances that he is coming ten yards
fifteen yards who fo:r me for whom I what I for Pim Pim for
other extravagances including the use of speech it will
come back to me that much is true it has come back
to me hert> it is I listen I speak brief movements of the low[ 60 ]
er face with soun d in the mud a murmur all sorts one Pim a
life I'm said to have had before him with him after him a
life I'm said to have
training early days or heroic prior to the script the refine
ments diffi cult to describe just the broad lines on stop that
family beyond my strength he floundered I floundered but
little by little little by little
between sessions sometimes a sprat a prawn that could
happen it goes on in the past ah if only all past all in the past
Born come I gone and Born on our life in common we had
good moments they were good moments drivel drivel no
matter a sprat a prawn
not burst Pim's sack not burst there's no justice or else just
one of those things that pass understanding there are
older than mine and not burst perhaps better quality jute
and with that still half-full or else something that escapes
sacks that void and burst others never is it possible the old
business of grace in this sewer why want us all alike some
vanish others never
all I hear leave out more leave out all hear n'o more lie there
in my arms the ancient without end me we're talking of me
without end that buries all mankind to the last cunt they'd
be good moments in the dark the mud hearing nothing
saying nothing capable of nothing nothing
[ 61]
yond my strength
but this man is no fool he must say to himself I would
if I
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[ 64 ]
merely that he sing or speak and not even this rather than
that in the early stages merely speak what he will what he
can now and then a few words nothing more
first lesson then second series but first take away his sack he
resists I claw his left hand to the bone it's not far he cries
but won't let go the blood he must have lost by this time
vast stretch of time I am not a brute as I may have said
before access to the sack that I have my left hand enters
gropes for the opener here a parenthesis
no minutiae no problems but all this time we've been to
gether many is the couple would be content with it see
each other die without a murmur having had their fill
and Pim all this time vast stretch of time not a movement
apart from the lips and thereabouts the lower face to sing
cry and convulsive now and again the right hand for pale
green the hour to turn that he'll never see and those willy
nilly to be sure by me imparted Pim has not eaten
I yes without its being said all is not said almost nothing
and far too much I have eaten offered him to eat crushed
against his mouth lost in the hairs the mud my palm drip
ping with cod's liver or suchlike rubbed it in labour lost if
he's still nourished it's on mud if that's what it is I always
said so this mud by osmosis long run fulness of time by
by the tongue when it sticks out the mouth when the lips
part the nostrils the eyes when the lids part the anus no it's
high and dry the ears no
[ 65 ]
the urethra perhaps after piss the last drop the blad
der sucking in a second after all the pumping out
certain pores too the urethra perhaps a certain number
of pores
this mud I
r aa 1
[ 67 ]
[ 68 ]
[ 69 ]
with the nail then of the right index I carve and when it
breaks or falls until it grows again with another on Pim's
back intact at the outset from left to right and top to bottom
as in our civilisation I carve my Roman capitals
arduous beginnings then less he is no fool merely slow in
the end he understands all almost all I have nothing to say
almost nothing even God that old favourite my rain and
shine brief allusions not infrequent as in the tender years it's
vague he almost understands
a moment of the tender years the lamb black with the
world's sins the world cleansed the three persons yes I as
sure you and that belief the feeling since then ten eleven
that belief said to have been mine the feeling since then
vast stretch of time that fd find it again the blue cloak the
pigeon the miracles he understood
that childhood said to have been mine the diffi culty of be
lieving in it the feeling rather of having been born octoge
narian at the age when one dies in the dark the mud up
wards born upwards floating up like the drowned and tattle
tattle four full backs of close characters the childhood the
belief the blue the miracles all lost never was
the blue there was then the white dust impressions of more
recent date pleasant unpleasant and those finally unruffi ed
by emotion things not easy
unbroken no paragraphs no commas not a second for reflec
tion with the nail of the index until it falls and the worn
back bleeding passim it was near the end like yesterday
vast stretch of time
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[ 71 ]
[ 72 ]
[ 73 ]
ter confusion
God on God desperation utter confusion did he believe he
believed then not couldn't any more his reasons both cases
my God
I pricked him how I pricked him in the end long before
purely curiosity was he still alive thump thump in the mud
vile tears of unbutcherable brother
if he heard a voice if only that if he had ever heard a
voice voices if only I had asked him that I couldn't I
hadn't heard it yet the voice the voices no knowing surely
I won't either in the end I won't hear it any more never
heard it it said so I murmur so no voice only his only Pim's
not his either no more Pim never any Pim never any voice
hard to believe in the dark the mud no voice no image in the
end long before
samples whatever comes remembered imagined no know
ing life above life here God in heaven yes or no if he loved
me a little if Pim loved me a little yes or no if I loved him
a little in the dark the mud in spite of all a little aHection
find someone at last someone find you at last live together
glued together love each other a little love a little without
being loved be loved a little without loving answer that
leave it vague leave it dark
end of part two part one is ended leaving only part three
and last they were good moments there will be good
moments less good it must be expected but first a l it-
[ 74 ]
n ew
let go the sack let go Pim that's the worst letting go the
sack and away semi-side left right leg right arm push pull
right right don't lose him round his head hairpin tum right
right straighten up across his arm along his side close in and
halt my head to his feet his to mine long rest growing
suddenly back hugging the flesh west and north with my
right hand I seize his skin too big for him and pull myself
forward last little frisk back to my place I should never have
left it I'll never leave it again I grasp the sack it has not
stirre d Pim has not stirred our hands touch long silence long
rest vast stretch of time
[ 75 ]
ing only part three and last the day comes I come to
the day Born comes YOU BOM me Born ME BOM you
Born we Born
he's coming I'll have a voice no voice in the world but mine
a murmur had a life up above down here I'll see my things
again a little blue in the mud a little white our things little
scenes skies especially and paths
and me see me catch a glimpse ten seconds fifteen seconds
cowering quiet as a mouse in my hole or night come at last
less light a little less hastening towards the next much bet
ter much safer that will be good good moments the good
moments I'll have had up there down here nothing left but
go to heaven
samples my life above Pim's life we're talking of Pim my life
up there my wife stop opener arse slow to start then no
holding him thump on skull long silence
my wife above Pam Prim can't remember can't see her she
shaved her mound never saw that I talk like him I do we're
talking of me like him little blurts midget grammar past that
then plof down the hole
I talk like him Born will talk like me only one kind
of talk here one after another the voice said so it talks
like us the voice of us all quaqua on all sides then in
us when the panting stops bits and scraps that's where
we get it our old talk each his own way each his needs
[ 76 ]
the Saturday then just the odd time to get rid of it tried to
revive it through the arse too late she fell from the window
or jumped broken solumn
in the ward before she went every day all winter she forgave
me everybody all mankind she grew good God calling her
home the blue mound strange idea not bad she must have
been dark on the deathbed it grew again
the flowers on the night-table she couldn't turn her head
I see the flowers I held them at arm's length before her eyes
the things you see right hand left hand before her eyes that
was my visit and she forgiving marguerites from the latin
pearl they were all I could find
iron bed glossy white two foot wide all was white high off
the ground vision of love in it see others' furniture and not
the loved one how can one
sitting on the foot of the bed holding the vase bile-green
flute the feet dangling the flowers between the face through
them that I forget what it was like except intact white as
chalk not a scratch or my eyes roved there were a score of
[ 77 ]
the holly she had begged for the berries anything a little
colour a little green so much white the ivy anything tell her
I couldn't find find the words the places she must have done
it in summer July August find the words tell her the places
where I had looked left foot right foot one step forward two
my life above what I did in my life above a little of every
thing tried everything then gave up no worse always a hole
a ruin always a crust never any good at anything not made
for that farrago too complicated crawl about in corners and
sleep all I wanted I got it nothing left but go to heaven
papa no idea building trade perhaps some branch or other
fell off the scaffolding on his arse no the scaffolding that fell
and he with it landed on his arse dead burst it must have
been him or the uncle God knows
mamma none either column of j ade bible invisible in the
black hand only the edge red gilt the black finger inside
psalm one hundred and something oh God man his days as
grass flower of the field wind above in the clouds the face
ivory pallor muttering lips all the lower it's possible
never anyone never knew anyone always ran fled elsewhere
some other place my life above places paths nothing else
brief places long paths the quickest way or a thousand de
tours the safest way always at night less light a little less A
to B B to C home at last safe at last drop sleep
first sounds feet whispers clink of iron don't look head in my
arms face to the ground macfar lane on top of all tum the
head in the cover of the cloak make a chink open the eyes
close them quick close the chink wait for night
[ 78 ]
to hell always
above none there either Pim's life above never was never
spoke to anyone never solo mute words no sound it's pos
sible brief movements of the lower great confusion no know
if Born never came if only that but then how end the hand
dipping clawing for the tin the arse instead of the familiar
slime all imagination and all the rest this voice its promises
and solaces all imagination dear bud dear worm
all that always every word as I hear it in me that was with
out when the panting stops and murmur it in the mud bits
( 79 ]
there is
all alone and the witness bending over me name Kram bend
ing over us father to son to grandson yes or no and the
scribe name Krim generations of scribes keeping the record
a little aloof sitting standing it's not said yes or no. samples
brief movements of the lower face no sound or too faint
ten yards one hour forty minutes six yards per hour or better
it's clearer one palm per minute I remembered my days
an handbreadth my life
[ 80 ]
read the ancient's notes pass the time beginning of the mur
mur his last day lucky devil be in on that what's the use of
reread our notes pass the time more about me than him
hardly a word out of him now not a mum this past year and
more I lose the nine-tenths it starts so sudden comes so faint
goes so fast ends so soon I'm on it in a flash it's over
no more motion than a slab and forbidden to take our eyes
off him what's the use of that Krim says his number's up
so is mine we daren't leave him quick all numbers up it's the
only solution
yesterday in grandpa's notes the place where he wishes he
were dead weakness happily honour of the family short
lived he stuck it out till his time was up whereas happy me
tedium inaction don't make me laugh question of character
and the business in the blood
on the alert for the least never long idle if nothing I invent
must keep busy otherwise death
one notebook for the body inodorous arts stools idem pure
[ 81 ]
[ 82 ]
[ 83]
[ 84 ]
[ 85 ]
[ 86]
ing this these words can't go on and Pim that Pim never
I await to finish be finished
in the country in
E then good and deep sick of light quick now the end above
last thing last sky that fly perhaps gliding on the pane the
counterpane all summer before it or noonday glory of
colours behind the pane in the mouth of the cave and the
approaching veils
[ 87 ]
two veils from left and right they approach come together
or one down the other up or aslant diagonal from left or
right top corner right or left bottom corner one two three
and four they approach come together
a first pair then others on top as many times as necessary or
a first one two three or four a second two three four or one
a third three four one or two a fourth four one two or three
as many times as necessary
[ 88 ]
my eyes open still too light I see each hahn sounds of ham
mers three or four at least hammers chisels crosses perhaps
or some other ornament
I crawl to the door raise my head yes I assure you peer
through a chink and so I would go to the worlds end on my
knees to the worlds end right round it on my knees arms
forelegs eyes an inch from the ground rd smell the world
again my laughter in dry weather raises the dust on my
knees up the gangways between decks with the emi
homer mauve light of evening mauve wave among the
streets the serotines abroad already we not yet not such fools
I'm the brain of the two sounds distant still but less
its the evening air does that one must understand these
things and later drawing near that it's only a creaking
of wheels drawing near iron felly jolting on the stones
the harvest perhaps coming home but the hooves in that
no matter there I am again how I last on my knees hands
joined before my face thumb-tips before my nose finger-tips
before the door my crown or vertex against the door one can
see the attitude not knowing what to say whom to implore
what to implore no matter it's the attitude that counts it's
the intention
how I last some day it will be night and all asleep we shall
slip out the tail sweeps the straw it hasnt all its wits mine
now to think for us both here come the veils most dear from
left and right they wipe us away then the rest the whole
door away life above little scene I couldnt have imagined it
I couldnt
[ 89 ]
then what we'll try and see last words cut thrust a few words
of Pim end
of part two leaving only part three and last one can't go o n
one or the other and what then him me I'll ask him but
first me when Pim stops what becomes of me but first
the bodies glued together mine on the north good so
much for the trunks the legs but the hands when Pim
stops where are they the arms the hands what are they
his right way off on the right axis of the clavicle or cross
Saint Andrew of the Volga mine about his shoulders his
neck I can't see good so much for the right arms and their
hands I can't see it's not said in keeping and the others the
left the arms we're talking of our arms full stretch before us
the hands together
[ 90 ]
[ 91 ]
and question what can I ask him now what on earth ask him
further busy myself with that if only a few seconds they
would be good seconds answer no they would not either
question why answer because ah yes there's reason in me
yet because all the things I've asked him and don't as much
as know what but only know if as much that he's there still
half in my arms cleaving to me with all his little length
that's something to know and in that little ageless body
black with mud when the silence falls again enough feel
ing still for him to be there still
with me someone there with me still and me there still
strange wish when the silence there still enough for me to
wonder if only a few seconds if he is breathing still or in my
arms already a true corpse untorturable henceforward and
this warmth under my arm against my side merely the mud
that stays warm as we have seen words my truant guides
with you strange journeys
merrily then once again push pull if only a herring from
time to time a prawn they would be good moments alas
wrong road we are not on that road any more the tins in the
depths of the sack hermetically under vacuum on their dead
for ever sealed the voice stops for one or the other reason
and life along with it above in the light and we along with
it that is what becomes of us
me at least him I have still to ask what becomes of me at
least when the silence I stop then start again opener or
capitals and in the hairs against my ear the extorted voice
life above a murmur pestle on kidney louder clearer and
what will become of me when I have it no more I'll have an-
[ 92 ]
[ 93 ]
in a word once more once and for all Pim's voice then noth
ing nothing then Pim's voice I make it stop suffer it to stop
then set if off again that I at last may be no more then at
last be again something there that escapes me since how
can I opener capitals and not be it's impossible it stands
to reason there's reason in me yet
in a word more lively that's what I was getting at I've got
at it I say it as I hear it more how shall I say more lively
there's nothing better before Pim part one more independ
ent seeing my own little scenes crawling eating thinking
even if you insist an odd dim thought losing the one and
only opener hanging on to humankind a thousand and one
last shifts with emotions laughter even and tears to match
soon dried in a word hanging on
nothing too to be sure often nothing in spite of everything
dead as mutton warm and rosy always inclined that way
ever since the womb if I may judge by what I know less and
less that's true of myself since the womb the panting stops
I murmur it
even Pim with Pim in the beginning part two first half first
quarter more lively when I think that I could as I did train
him up as I did conceive that system then apply I can't get
over it make it work my undoing for ever since it's clear
eyelids part close again quick I've seen myself quite clear
ever since nothing left but voice
Pim's then quaqua of us all then mine alone that of us all
mine alone after my fashion a murmur in the mud the thin
black air nothing left but short waves three hundred four
hundred yards per second brief movements of the low-
94 ]
the mud
one yard
[ 95]
[ 96 ]
never did for anyone what I for him animate no sure yes
never felt another flesh against his no happy no unhappy no
if he feels me against him no only when I torment him
if he likes to sing no but sometimes he sings yes always the
same song pause SAME SONG yes if he sees things yes
often no little scenes yes in the light yes but not often no as
if a light went on yes as if yes
sky and earth yes people poking about yes all over the place
yes and him there somewhere yes skulking somewhere yes
as if the mud opened yes or turned transparent yes but not
often no not long no otherwise black yes and he calls that
life above yes as against life here pause HERE howls
they are not memories no he has no memories no nothing to
prove he was ever above no in the places he sees no but he
may have been yes skulking somewhere yes hugging the
walls yes by night yes he can't affirm anything no deny any
thing no so one can't speak of memories no but at the same
time one can speak of them yes
[ 97 ]
tle things yes the little there was yes such as having crawled
a little yes eaten a l ittle yes thought a little murmured a lit
tle for h imself alone yes heard a human voice no he
wouldn't have forgotten that no brushed against a b rother
before me no he wouldn't have forgotten that no
if he wants me to leave him yes in peace yes without me
there is peace yes was peace yes every day no if he thinks
I'll leave him no I'll stay where I am yes glued to him yes
tormenting him yes eternally yes
but he can't affirm anything no deny anything no things
may have been different yes his life here pause YO UR LIFE
HERE good and deep in the furrows howls thump face in
the mud nose mouth howls good he wins he can't
[ 98 ]
ing at last only part three and last how it was after Pim
before Born how it is saying as I hear it that one day all
that every word always as I hear it in me that was with
out quaqua the voice of us all when the panting stops and
murmur in the mud to the mud that one day come back to
myself to Pim why not known not said from the nothing
come back from the nothing the surprise to find myself
alone at last no more Pim me alone in the dark the mud end
at last of part two how it was with Pim leaving at last only
part three and last how it was after Pim before Born how it
is that's how it was with Pim
[ 99 ]
[ 103 ]
[ 104 ]
stop panting say what you hear see what you say say you
see it an arm colour of mud the hand in the sack quick say
an arm then another say another arm see it stretched taut
as though too short to reach now add a hand fingers parted
stretched taut monstrous nails all that say you see all
a body what matter say a body see a body all the rear white
' originally some light spots still say grey of hair growing
still that's enough a head say a head say you've seen a head
all that all the possible a sack with food a body entire alive
still yes living stop panting let it stop ten seconds fifteen
seconds hear this breath token of life hear it said say you
hear it good pant on
[ 105 ]
[ 106 ]
something wrong
quaqua the voice of us all who all all those here be[ 107 ]
[ 109 ]
[ 110 ]
[ 111 ]
at the instant Pim reaches the other to form again with him
the only couple he forms apart from the one with me Bern
reaches me to form with me the only couple he forms apart
from the one with the other
illumination here Bern is therefore Born or Born Bern and
the voice quaqua from which I get my life these scraps of
life in me when the panting stops of three things one
when according to me it said Bern speaking of how it was
before the journey part one and Born speaking of how it
will be after the abandon part three and last it said in
it said in reality in the one
[ 113 ]
[ 114 ]
it's Pim that should be heard Pim that should have been
said that I was with Pim before going towards Pim part one
and that at this moment part three Pim towards me as I
towards Pim part one right leg right arm push pull ten
yards fifteen yards
a million
[ 1 15 ]
ed half abandoning
and three if three when in me the panting stops this voice
which was without quaqua on all sides when I hear it speak
of millions and of three which if I had a voice I quote a
little heart a little head I might take for mine then I alone
hear it who alone am abandoned
alone murmur of millions and of three our journeys couples
and abandons and the name we give to one another and
give and give again
alone hear these scraps and murmur them in the mud to the
mud my two companions as we have seen being on their
way he who is coming towards me and he who is going from
me something wrong there that is to say each in his part
or in his part five or nine or thirteen so on
whereas the voice as we have seen peculiar to part three
or seven or eleven or fifteen so on just as the couple to part
two or four or six or eight so on
assuming one prefers the order here proposed namely one
the journey two the couple three the abandon to that to
those to be obtained by starting with the abandon and end
ing with the journey by way of the couple or by starting
with the couple and ending with the
[ 116 ]
does not re
1 to
[ 117 ]
frequent number 4
number 2 in my quality
[ 118 ]
of vic-
814326 to 8 14345
number 8 14327 may speak misnomer the tormentors being
mute as we have seen part two may speak of number 814326
to number 81 4328 who may speak of him to number 814329
who may speak of him to number 8 14330 and so on to num-
[ 119 ]
[ 120 ]
[ 121 ]
what we were then each for himself and for the other
glued together like a single body in the dark the mud
how at each instant each ceased and was there no more
either for himself or for the other vast tracts of time
and when we came back to be together for an instant again
when you think of that
cruelty suHering so paltry and brief
the paltry need of a life a voice of one who has neither
the voice extorted a few words life because of cry that's the
proof good and deep no more is needed a little cry all is
not dead one drinks one gives to drink goodbye
they were I quote good moments somehow or other good
moments when you think
Pim and me part two and Born and me part four what that
will be
to say after that that we knew each other personally even
glued together like a single body in the dark the mud
motionless but for one right arm brief flurry on and of all the
[ 122 ]
to say after that that I knew Pim that Pim knew me and Bom
and I that we shall know each other even fleetingly
you may say yes and you may say no it depends on what
you hear
it's no I'm sorry no one here knows anyone either personal
ly or otherwise it's the no that turns up I murmur it
and no again I'm sorry again no one here knows himseH it's
the place without knowledge whence no doubt its peer
whether four then revolving or a million four strangers a
millio n strangers to themselves to one another but here
quote on we do not revolve
[ 123 ]
[ 1 24 ]
[ 125 ]
[ 126 ]
[ 127 ]
[ 128 ]
no t one
or then that all begins and then the life you'll have the tor
mentor you'll have the journey you'll make the victim
you'll have the two lives the three lives the life you had the
life you have the life you'll have
hard to conceive this last when instead of beginning as
traveller I begin as victim and instead of continuing as tor
mentor I continue as traveller and instead of ending aban
instead of ending abandoned I end as tormentor
the essential would seem to be lacking
this solitude when the voice recounts it sole means of living
my life we're talking of my life
unless it recounts it the voice my life during that other soli
tude when I journey that is to say instead of a first past a
second past and a present a past a present and a future
something wrong there
refreshing alternations of history prophesy and latest news
whereby I learn in turn it's no doubt what keeps me young
how it was my life we're still talking of my life
how it was before Pim how it was with Pim how it is present
[ 129 ]
[ 130 ]
[ 131 ]
the fuck who suffers who makes to suffer who cries who to
be left in peace in the dark the mud gibbers ten seconds
fifteen seconds of sun clouds earth sea patches of blue clear
nights and of a creature if not still standing still capable
of standing always the same imagination spent looking
for a hole that he may be seen no more in the middle of this
faery who drinks that drop of piss of being and who with his
last gasp pisses it to drink the moment it's someone each in
his turn as our justice wills and never any end it wills that
too all dead or none
two possible formulations therefore the present and that
other beginning where the present ends and consequently
ending with the journey in the dark the mud the traveller
right leg right arm push pull coming so utterly from no
where and no one and so utterly on his way there that he
has never ceased from travelling will never cease from
travelling dragging his sack where provisions are dwin
dling but not so fast as appetite
that cognizance then of the present communication be
taken backward and once studied from left to right its
course be retraced from right to left no objection
on condition that by an effort of the imagination the still
central episode of the couple be duly adjusted
all that once without scraps in me when the panting stops
ten seconds fifteen seconds all that fainter weaker less clear
but the purport in me when it abates the breath we're talk
ing of a breath token of life when it abates like a last in the
light then resumes a hundred and ten fifteen to the min-
[ 132 ]
[ 133 ]
it my life I
[ 1 34 ]
we re
ing of an ear above in the light and in that case for us days
of great gaiety in that untiring listening to this unchanging
drone the faint sign for us of a change some day nay even of
an end in all honour and justice
or for which as for us each time the first and in that case no
or of the fragile kind made for the blackbirds when to the
day the long night yields at last and to the night a little later
the interminable day but us this life how it was how it is
how most certainly it will be not made for that a second
time next per shaving and in that case no surprise to be
expected either
all that among other things so many others ill-spoken ill
heard ill-remembered to the sole end that there may be
white on white trace of so many and so many words ill
given ill-received ill-rendered to the mud and whose ear in
these conditions the gift of understanding the care for us
the means of noting what does it matter
whose his in charge of the sacks the sacks possible and food
these words again the sack as we have seen
the sack as we have seen there being occasions when the
sack as we have seen is more than a mere larder for us yes
moments when if needs be it may appear more than a mere
larder to us
those words of old in their place of old end of part
three and last present formulation at the end before the si-
[ 135 ]
[ 136 ]
[ 137 ]
where a love who all along the track at the right places
according as we need them deposits our sacks
ten yards fifteen yards to the east of the couples the aban
doned according as deposited before the departures or
during the journeys those are the right places
and to whom given our number not unreasonable to at
tribute exceptional powers or else at his beck assistants in
numerable and to whom in pursuance of the principle of
parsimony not excessive at times ten seconds fifteen seconds
to assign the ear which Kram eliminated our murmur de
mands otherwise desert flower
and that minimum of intelligence without which it were an
ear like ours and that strange care for us not to be found
among us and the wish and ability to note which we have
cumulation of offices most understandable if it will be kind
ly considered that to hear and note one of our murmurs
is to hear and note them all
and sudden light on the sacks at what moment renewed at
some moment in the life of the couples since it is while the
victim journeys as we have seen and indeed see that the
abandoned tormentor murmurs or else ring the knell while
following the hearse it's possible too there's a poor light
and to whom at times not extravagant to impute that voice
quaqua the voice of us all of which now when the panting
stops ten seconds fifteen seconds definitely the last scraps
to have come down to us and in what a state
[ 138 ]
or rest
of him who God knows who could blame him must some
times wonder if to these perpetual revictuallings narrations
and auditions he might not put an end without ceasing to
maintain us in some kind of being without end and some
kind of justice without flaw who could blame him
[ 1 39 ]
[ 140 ]
that case
[ 141 ]
[ 142 ]
inexistent peace
[ 143 ]
to have done then at last with all that last scraps very last
when the panting stops and this voice to have done with this
voice namely this life
this not one of us harping harping mad too with weariness
to have done with him
has he not staring him in the face I quote on a solution more
simple by far and by far more radical
a formulation that would eliminate him completely and so
admit him to that peace at least while rendering me in the
same breath sole responsible for this unqualifiable murmur
of which consequently here the last scraps at last very
in the familiar form of questions I am said to ask myself
and answers I am said to give myself however unlikely that
may appear last scraps very last when the panting stops last
murmurs very last however unlikely that may appear
if all that all that yes if all that is not how shall I say no
answer if all that is not false yes
all these calculations yes explanations yes the whole story
from beginning to end yes completely false yes
that wasn't how it was no not at all no how then no answer
how was it then no answer HO\V \VAS IT screams good
there was something yes but nothing of all that no all balls
from start to finish yes this voice quaqua yes all balls yes on-
[ 144 ]
when the panting stops yes so that was true yes the panting
yes the murmur yes in the dark yes in the mud yes to the
mud yes
hard to believe too yes that I have a voice yes in me yes
when the panting stops yes not at other times no and that
I murmur yes I yes in the dark yes in the mud yes for
nothing yes I yes but it must be believed yes
and the mud yes the dark yes the mud and the dark are true
yes nothing to regret there no
but all this business of voices yes quaqua yes of other
worlds yes of someone in another world yes whose kind of
dream I am yes said to be yes that he dreams all the time
yes tells all the time yes his only dream yes his only story
all this business of sacks deposited yes at the end of a cord
no doubt yes of an ear listening to me yes a care for me yes
an ability to note yes all that all balls yes Krim and Kram
yes all balls yes
and all this business of above yes light yes skies yes a little
blue yes a little white yes the earth turning yes bright and
less bright yes little scenes yes all balls yes the women yes
the dog yes the prayers yes the homes yes all balls yes
this business of
[ 145 ]
[ 1 46 ]
[ 1 47 ]