Common Core Standards:: Student Stories

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Student Stories

Summer Owens
Ninth Grade/English as a Second Language

Common Core Standards:

Standard 4.1 Write using appropriate conventions and grammar
Standard 4.2 Write for varied purposes and audiences, with appropriate tone and voice, using various media
Standard 4.3 Write using the writing process
Standard 4.4 Write using a range of vocabulary, sentence structures, and verb tenses
Lesson Summary:
This lesson is developed to have students draw upon their previous knowledge of grammar and vocabulary
by writing an original story and using Storybird. Students will need to use ten vocabulary words and
provide a sheet with the words and definitions they choose. They must use at least three different tenses of
verbs and correct grammar. Students will present their stories in front of the class.
Estimated Duration:
Four fifty minute class periods
Commentary: This lesson will start with reviewing basic writing concepts such as the writing process and
using correct grammar and vocab. The class will interact by discussing their favorite books and why they
enjoy the writing. We will then brainstorm on topics to write their stories on which will be written on the
board. Students will be encouraged to email the teacher with any questions they have throughout their
writing process.

Instructional Procedures:

Day 1:
The class will begin with reviewing the writing process and brainstorming ideas to write about which
should take around ten minutes. The students will be split into groups and given twenty minutes to read
short stories to evaluate. Together, they will identify the different parts of the stories like the introduction,
the main conflict, the resolution, and the overall tone. The groups will then choose one person to tell the
class what they have decided each part of the story is. After the group activity, students will take the
remaining time to start an outline of their stories while the teacher walks around observing how well they

are doing with their writing and helping when necessary.

Day 2:
Students will come to class and learn how to use Storybird. The teacher will walk them through the process
of making a Storybird presentation and then show some examples of what the final project will look like.
After introducing the students to Storybird, the teacher will go over verb tenses. The students will then play
a game as a class online to test their knowledge of verb tenses. For the last twenty minutes of class, the
students will be given time to work on their rough drafts. They will be encouraged to ask for help from their
peers and teacher during this time.
Day 3:
Students will do peer evaluations before turning their rough drafts in. While the teacher is reading and
making corrections to the rough drafts, students will take that time to start making their vocabulary sheets
that go along with their stories. Students will get their corrected rough drafts back when leaving so they can
start on their Storybird presentations.
Day 4: Students will come to class prepared to show their Storybird presentations. All students will be
encouraged to give constructive feedback at the end of each presentation.

The teacher will assess the students before their writing activity when walking around while they start their
outlines and based off of the responses during the group activity on day one.
Scoring Guidelines:
The scoring will be based on the teachers judgement of each students understanding of the basics
of writing.
The post assessment will be based off of the students final Storybird presentation.
Scoring Guidelines:
The scoring will be based off of a rubric. The rubric will include correct grammar, having ten
vocabulary words, three different verb tenses, and a good story.

Differentiated Instructional Support

Describe how instruction can be differentiated (changed or altered) to meet the needs of gifted or
accelerated students: Students who are accelerated will be given the opportunity to help peer-tutor
struggling students during the in-class work times.
Discuss additional activities you could do to meet the needs of students who might be struggling with the
material: Struggling students could take more time to play online games that help with grammar, vocab,

and verb tenses.

This is a great resource for writing. It has worksheets, exercises, and games for all levels of esl students to
help their writing.

Homework Options and Home Connections

Students will need to complete any work not finished in class at home. This includes their rough draft and
their vocab sheet. They will complete their entire Storybird presentation at home.

Interdisciplinary Connections
This lesson will help students improve their writing and reading skills as well as their interactive skills.
Materials and Resources:

For teachers

Smartboard, internet capable computer

For students

Internet capable computer

Key Vocabulary
introduction, main conflict, resolution, tone

Additional Notes

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