Figures of Speech Unit Plan

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Teacher Candidate Raschelle Davis
Grade Level 6th
Content Area Figures of Speech

A. Contextual Factors
Contextual Factors:
Ernesto- 4, Jennifer- 5, Karen- 4, Denrick- 3, Eric- 5

Liam, Mason, Katie M., Shelby

Katelyn, Katie J., Braydon, Ellie

Daniel- talkative and has a hard time staying focused.
Adrian Has a hard time staying focused.
Jonathan- talkative.

Classroom Environment:
The classroom is very neat and organized. The desks are pushed together into six tables.
Five students at each table. The teachers desk is in the back left-hand corner of the
room. There is a kidney table in the back right-hand corner. The classroom has an Elmo,
a projector, and a screen available.
B. Utah State Core or Common Core Curriculum Standard
Language Standard 5
Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in
word meanings.
a. Interpret figures of speech (e.g., personification) in context.

Figures of speech, figurative language, simile, metaphor, onomatopoeia, pun,
C. Enduring Understanding/Big Idea

Students will interpret figures of speech within appropriate context.

D. Essential Questions/Guiding Questions

What are reasons for having figurative language?
How are similes used in the English language?
How can similes be interpreted within context?
How are metaphors used in the English language?
How can metaphors be interpreted within context?
How are onomatopoeias used in the English language?
How are onomatopoeias interpreted within context?
How is personification used in the English language?
How is personification interpreted within context?
How are puns used in the English language?
How are puns interpreted within context?
E. Concepts
The purpose of figurative language.
What similes are and how they are used.
What metaphors are and how they are used.
What onomatopoeias are and how they are used.
What personification is and how it is used.
What puns are and how they are used.
F. Skills

Discuss figurative language and the purpose of using it.

Read, interpret, and write similes in context.
Discuss and describe how similes are used in our language.
Read, interpret, and write metaphors in context.
Discuss and describe how metaphors are used in our language.
Read, interpret, and write onomatopoeias in context.
Discuss and describe how onomatopoeias are used in our language.
Read, interpret, and write personifications in context.
Discuss and describe how personification is used in our language.
Read, interpret, and write puns in context.
Discuss and describe how puns are used in our language.

1. Pre-Assessments
10 multiple-choice questions on the pre-assessment.
2. Formative Assessments/Evidence
Poster depicting a figurative saying or phrase.
Exit tickets for figures of speech lesson.
Similes graphic organizer.
Similes worksheet.
Metaphor poem.
Onomatopoeia comic strip.
Students will act out a scene using a pun.

Students will write a story using personification.

3. Summative Assessments/Evidence
Same 10 multiple-choice question post-assessment.

Step 3 Lesson Objectives with Instructional Strategies


I will explore figures of speech within context. (5a)

Take pre-test.
Introduction lesson to figures of speech.
Students create a poster depicting the meaning of a figurative saying or phrase.

2) I will interpret the meaning of similes within context. (5a)
Read As Muddy as a Duck Puddle.
Simile graphic organizer activity.
Simile Worksheet.


I will interpret the meaning of metaphors within context. (5a)

Watch Simile/Metaphor comparison video.
Read, My School is a Zoo.
Brainstorming metaphors activity.
Personal metaphor poem.


I will interpret the meaning of onomatopoeias within context. (5a)

Watch original batman fight scene.
Read comic strips that use onomatopoeias.
Brainstorm different onomatopoeias.
Write a comic strip using onomatopoeias.

5) I will interpret the meaning of puns within context. (5a)
Fill out brainstorming a pun graphic organizer.
Create a scene using a pun in an appropriate situation.

6) I will interpret the meaning of personification within context. (5a)
Read My Life With a Wave.
Fill out brainstorming personification graphic organizer.
Write a story using personification.

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