Certificate: Project Co-Ordinator H.O, D., Etc
Certificate: Project Co-Ordinator H.O, D., Etc
Certificate: Project Co-Ordinator H.O, D., Etc
This is to certify that work in the seminar entitled SPACE TIME FREQUENCY
FOR MIMO-OFDM SYSTEM submitted by Lal mohan Besra(0801227255),Sanjit
Sanju(08012272033),Bibekananda Patra(0801227292),Ratikanta Behera(0801227223) is a
record of work done in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of Bachelor Degree
in Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering under Biju Pattnaik University Of
Technology, Rourkela under my supervision and guidance.
Prof. S. Sarangi
Project Co-Ordinator