Geo-Identifying Shapes

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University of Utah, Department of Special Education

Describe and Identify Shapes

Content Area: Math

Core Standard:
CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.3.G.A.1: Understand that
shapes in different categories (rhombuses, rectangles,
and others) may share attributes (having four sides),
and that the shared attributes can define a larger
category (quadrilaterals). Recognize rhombuses,
rectangles, and squares as examples of quadrilaterals,
and draw examples of quadrilaterals that do not
belong to any of these subcategories.

Grade level: 3rd

Instructional Objective:
Students will be able to identify triangles,
quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons, and cubes by
recognizing the specified attributes and given
number of equal faces.

IEP Goal:
By the end of the school year, when given 4
assortments of three dimensional (solid) concrete
figures (rhombuses, rectangles, squares, and
quadrilaterals) Anthony will identify, describe, and
sort these figures with 100% accuracy on 4 out of 4

Content (concepts, information, skills, new vocab,

attributes, equal faces, triangles, quadrilaterals,
pentagons, hexagons, and cubes

Procedures/Activities: 30min
1. Pre-Assessment (3 min)
2. Review (3 min)
3. Objective Rationale (2 min)
4. Instruction (20 min)
Guided Practice
Guided Group Practice
Independent practice
Error Correction
5. Wrap up (2 min)
Review key concepts/
Check for
Review objectives

Instructor Name: Lena Yellowhair

Behavioral Objective:
When the teacher is talking, students will be
sitting quietly and raising hands.
I will be reinforcing behavior verbally and
visually for staying on task and completing their
work by giving them positive feedback and
giving stars on star charts.
Students will follow directions within 3 seconds
95% of the time in class
Instructional Materials Needed:
Geometry math worksheets (3)
Geometry flashcards
Geometric figures (shapes)
Teacher handout

Teachers Role/What Im doing:

1. Welcome students to math class. To pre-assess the students, each student will get a blank
white paper. I will ask the students to draw the shapes they know.
2. I will review the shapes that they drew on their paper by saying the name of the shape and
the number of sides each one has so students will hear and see the shape.
3. Today we will be focusing on identify triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons, and
cubes by recognizing the specified attributes and given number of equal faces.
4. To begin the lesson I will show the students geometric figures to examine the shape, sides,
and angles. We will go through each one so students will know what each shape is.
Model: I will display the geometric figures on the projector so all students can see
them. I will explain each shape and its sides, angles, and equal faces.
o Triangles: it has 3 sides, all sides are straight and all sides meet at a corner.
o Quadrilaterals: it has 4 sides, all sides are straight, and all sides meet at a corner.
o Pentagons: it has 5 sides, all sides are straight, and all sides meet at a corner.
o Hexagons: it has 6 sides, all of the sides are straight, and all of the sides meet at a
o Cubes: it has 6 faces, but instead of rectangles for faces, each face is a square.
Once I have gone over the concrete shapes with the students I will give the students
the flash cards to go over in small groups of 3 with the picture of the shape, name of
the shape, and the description.

Students Role:
1. Students will get to their seats
and start to draw any shapes they
2. Students will be sitting quietly
and listening while looking at
their shapes they drew.
3. Students will be listening to the
objective carefully to know what
we will be doing today.
4. Students will be listening as I
am teaching about the shapes.
Model: Students listen carefully
and ask questions about the

More modeling for the
students who struggle or
give more time
Students can take extra
time as needed.
Small break-out groups
can be formed with peer
tutors if needed.

Guided Practice: To continue to learn about identifying the shapes we will do a

worksheet together. On the worksheet it will have the description of the shape and the
students have to draw the shape to match the description. To begin I will model how
to do the worksheet #1. I will read aloud and think aloud #1, which is a triangle. The
geometry figures will be displaying over the projector for the students to take a look
at in case they need to count the sides, angles, etc. I will get a pentagon figure and see
if it fits the description of a triangle. It does not fit because it says a triangle has three
sides, a pentagon figure has 5 so it does not fit. I pick up the triangle and count the
sides, make sure all sides are straight, and the sides meet at a corner. It does so I draw
a triangle on my paper. The students see this and start to figure out how they will
continue to do that for the rest of their worksheet.
Guided Group Practice: For the rest of the worksheet the students and I will work
on it together. We will read through each problem out loud and look at our geometric
figures to see which one fits best with the description. Once we have completed
worksheet #1, we will move on to worksheet #2 and #3.
Independent practice: For worksheet #2 and #3 students will complete it on alone. I
will read the directions first. For worksheet #2 students write the name of the shape
shown and for worksheet #3 students will match the name of the shape to the shape
by drawing a line. Students get to practice identifying the triangles, quadrilaterals,
pentagons, hexagons, and cubes.
Error Correction Procedures: If an error is made, I will have the student stop
immediately and I will identify the correct answer and assist on how to find the
correct shape by going over the geometric figures again. The student will answer
again with the correct answer this time.

5. To close the lesson I will review what we went over which is identifying geometric
shapes. I will ask students to describe to me one or two shapes. I will say how many
sides does a pentagon have? or how many faces does a cube have?
Today we learned about identifying triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons, and
cubes by recognizing the specified attributes and given number of equal faces.
Reinforcement Procedures:
Pre: Give students a paper to draw the shapes
I will be commenting and giving
they know already
positive feedback to students who are
During: I will be checking the students work
following behavior expectations.
to see if they are able to recognize and draw
When students are not on task I will
shapes they learned when given the name of
comment on a correct behavior from a
the shape
classmate therefore they correct their
Post: I will give them a quiz the following day
own behavior.
I will be putting stars on their star charts to see what they have learned
for students who are following

Guided Practice: Students will

be listening and watching me
model how to complete problem

Guided Group Practice:

Students will read aloud the
descriptions and help try to figure
out what shape belongs there.
Independent practice:
Students will listen to the
directions and then begin to do
their own work.

5. Students will answer my

questions: a pentagon has 5 sides
or a cube has 6 faces

Follow-up Activities:
Next day I can teach students
additional geometry shapes such
as rhombuses and 3D shapes such
as prisms, cylinders, cones, etc.

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