Salutations To Vishnu

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Kaayena Vaacaa Manase[a-I]ndriyairvaa

Buddhy[i]-Aatmanaa Vaa Prakrteh Svabhaavaat |

Karomi Yad-Yat-Sakalam Parasmai
Naaraayannayeti Samarpayaami ||
1: Whatever I do with the Body, Speech, Mind or the Sense Organs,
2: Either by discrimination of the Intellect, or by the deeper feelings of the Heart, or by the existing
Tendencies of the Mind,
3: I Do them All (i.e. Whatever work is to be done) without Ownership,
4: And I Surrender them at the feet of Sri Narayana.

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Shaanta-Aakaaram Bhujaga-Shayanam Padma-Naabham Sura-Iisham
Vishva-Aadhaaram Gagana-Sadrsham Megha-Varnna Shubha-Anggam|
Lakssmii-Kaantam Kamala-Nayanam Yogibhir-Dhyaana-Gamyam
Vande Vissnnum Bhava-Bhaya-Haram Sarva-Loka-Eka-Naatham ||

1: (Salutations to Sri Vishnu) Who has a Serene Appearance, Who Rests on a Serpent (Adisesha), Who
has a Lotus on His Navel and Who is the Lord of the Devas,
2: Who Sustains the Universe, Who is Boundless and Infinite like the Sky, Whose Colour is like the Cloud
(Bluish) and Who has a Beautiful and Auspicious Body,
3: Who is the Husband of Devi Lakshmi, Whose Eyes are like Lotus and Who is Attainable to the Yogis by
4: Salutations to That Vishnu Who Removes the Fear of Worldly Existence and Who is the Lord of All the

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Shukla-Ambara-Dharam Vissnnum Shashi-Varnnam Catur-Bhujam |

Prasanna-Vadanam Dhyaayet Sarva-Vighno[a-U]pashaantaye ||
1: (We Meditate on Sri Vishnu) Who is Wearing White Clothes, Who is All-Pervading, Who is Bright in
Appearance like the Moon and Who is Having Four Hands,
2: Who is Having a Compassionate and Gracious Face, Let us Meditate on Him To Ward of all Obstacles.

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