Western Canada

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Early Western

The Red River Colony

Football and Wi-f

You are apart of the Vincent Massey Football team. For
years, when you come in to Vincent Massey Wi-f is free
for all to use. You have enjoyed the peaceful interactions
with the local teachers and other teams.
Football rivals the Oak Park Raiders come in, claim your
football feld as their own and start charging you for your
Wi-f access, and limit who you can interact with.
How would you feel? How would you react to the claims of
the Oak Park Raiders?

Example Situation:
Your people have been living on the land for generations,
have a new budding unique culture. You trade peacefully
with a group of fur traders to whom you provide a source
of nourishment for their long canoe voyages.
A new group of settlers come into the area backed by a
rival fur trading company, claim your land as theirs and
ban you from trading to the other company and even
hunting for your own food.
How would you feel? What actions would you take to
protect your way of life?

Fur Trade in Review:

Much of Canadian History revolves around the
trading of furs with the aboriginal peoples.
Companies were created that rivaled each other
for dominance in the trade.
One of the most bitter rivalries was between the
Hudsons Bay Company (HBC) and the North
West Company (NWC).
Why is the fur trade considered responsible
for the exploration of Canadas west?

Hudsons Bay Company

Run by British merchants in London, who knew nothing of

the fur trade.

Held a monopoly on the fur trade in Ruperts Land.
Long history in North America gave them an upper hand
against other companies
The headquarters of the HBC in Ruperts Land was in York
The HBC did not need to transport their furs across the
entire continent to get them to port. York Factory served
as the port for their shipping

Hudsons Bay Company

Workers were from the Orkney Islands
The menwere used to seafaring and whaling
To assist the Orkneymen in their voyages down
rivers HBC
designed a boat based off of the Orkney sea fshing
boats: the York Boats
14 ft long, with a flat bottom. Made of solid wood.
The York Boats replaced canoes as the main river
transportation by the 1790s


The North West Company

Founded in 1779 by Scottish Merchants in Montreal.
Focused on moving further west to expand trading areas
with new furs.
Partnered with the Voyageurs who knew the rivers and
land well. The Voyageurs kept good relations with the
aboriginal peoples

The Rivalry: What Happened?

1790: Simon McTavish, requested the British government to
request an end of Hudson Bay Companys monopoly in the
fur trade in Ruperts Land
The request was denied
NWC had to push westward with the help of the voyageurs
into new areas
Actions taken due to rivalry:
Each companies fur traders would destroy each others
boats and trading posts
Competition for sales resulted in both companies to
reduce trading prices for goods.
Who would benefit form the rival companies competing
for trade?

Thomas Douglas, Lord Selkirk

Wealthy lawyer who wanted to help the poor Scottish
Irish farmers who had no land.
Had previously helped settle Scottish farmers in PEI
Asked the British government to grant him the area
of Ruperts Land containing the Red River Valley.
He was denied due to HBCs control over the land
Why would the British Government deny both the
Scottish Merchants of the NWC, and Douglas about
changing policy on Ruperts Land?

Thomas Douglas, Lord

Used his wealth and power to buy shares in the
company to allow himself to buy the land.
Hired Miles Macdonnell to be the Governor of
the colony, in charge of arranging settlers from
Scotland and Ireland to work the land.
He did not account for the people already living there
Why would his lack of concern for who was already living
there be an issue?

The People of Assiniboia

A culture of mixed ancestry from Aboriginal and
French fur trader decent
Unique culture and language:
the Michif language, a mixture of French and
Cree predominantly
Cree and Salteaux peoples
Hunted buffalo and created pemmican, a meat and fat
product mixed with local berries. Perfect for long canoe
voyages when fresh food was not available
"Pemmican ball" by Jen Arrr - Pemmican BallUploaded by oaktree_b. Licensed under
CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Pemmican_ball.jpg#/media/File:Pemmican_ball

Canadien settlers from Qubec settled in St. Boniface as


The Selkirk Settlers

First group of settlers: 36 Scottish and Irish
workers, arrived in 1812 at Fort Pembina.
Relied on the local people during the early
years of the colony, especially the Cree and
Salteaux peoples
Out of all the people eventually living in the
Red River area, they were the only group of
people not to intermarry with the Aboriginal
peoples in the area
The colony was not welcomed by the NWC,
who had a trading post at Fort Gibraltar at
the forks of the Red and Assiniboine Rivers.

The Pemmican
By 1810, Metis were the sole provider of
pemmican and bison products for the NWC.
Needed the food for the voyageurs.
The Selkirk settlers began hunting bison for
food when their crops were not successful.
The Metis saw this as a threat to their
livelihood .
January 1814, Govenor of the Selkirk Colony
Miles Macdonell, issued the Pemmican
Banned the export of food products, mainly
pemmican from the Red River area.
How would this ban effect the Metis? How

Pemmican Proclamation:
Refugee: a person who has had to leave their home country
due to circumstances, (war, famine, persecution)
How could the Selkirk Settlers be viewed as refugees?
The Selkirk settlers could not return home to Scotland or
Landlords replaced their farms with sheep farms
Colony Setbacks:
Settlers were arriving too late each year to grow their crops
Metis would burn the crops that did grow
The Pemmican Proclamation was the colonys only hope for
Why could the Pemmican Proclamation be seen as
justifiable solution?

Perspectives of the Settlers: Aboriginal

and Metis
Land back home gone, Red
River Colony was their only
Aboriginal, Chief
Metis: Cuthbert Grant:
Made situation worse by
Viewed the land
burning the crops.
Idea was to starve and
as shared land,
neither NWC or
chase away the settlers
HBCs land
supported the
Saw them as a
people with no
other home to

Escalation of the Rivalry

Frequent skirmishes
HBC men would search and seize Pemmican and food
from NWC forts.
The NorWesters retaliation:
arrested HBC men for burglary
destroyed crops and buildings of the Selkirk
immigrants near Fort Douglas
The NorWesters and the Metis drove many of the
settlers away; taking farm equipment, horses and
threatened the colonists.
The settlers had arrived with almost nothing and
could not return home. How would the attacks
influence the settlers?

Leading to Conflict:
Metis had been quite successful in reducing
the colony.
By the summer of 1815, the colony was down
to three settlers, though more soon arrived.
Govenor Macdonell resigned in 1815 and was
replaced by American businessman Robert
In the summer of 1816 Cuthbert Grant begun
to rally the Metis to his cause against HBCs
hold on the land

Battle of Seven Oaks

1816: Semple gave command for the HBC to capture
and burn Fort Gibraltar, NWC and the Metis saw this as
an act of war
June 19, 1816 Cuthbert Grant led a group of 60 Metis
men around a HBC blockade to an area known as
Seven Oaks, near the HBC Fort Douglas. Semple and
twenty-seven HBC men and colonists were waiting.
After exchange of words, gunfre broke out, and in 15
minutes Sempel and 20 of his men were dead.
Fort Douglas gave up immediately upon arrival of the
NorWester men and a survivor.

Aftermath of the Battle

Lord Selkirk was en route to the colony with a private
army, heard of the battle, took NWC Fort Williams.
The feud between the companies continued: NWC and
HBC continued to capture each others forts and trading
posts for fve years, continued to lower prices for trading
In order to stop the feud, the British Government
pressured the two companies to merge in 1821
Despite the feud between the companies, the Red River
colony continued to successfully grow into a diverse,
multi cultural community.

Selkirk Settlers: http://

Seven Oaks: http://

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