Anwar Hussain Vs Bangladesh or 8th Amendment Case
Anwar Hussain Vs Bangladesh or 8th Amendment Case
Anwar Hussain Vs Bangladesh or 8th Amendment Case
Bangladesh or 8th
Amendment Case
The case of Anwar Hussain .Vs. Bangladesh popularly known as 8th
Amendment case is a historic judgment in the constitutional history of
independence Bangladesh. This is the first judgment whereby the
Supreme Court of Bangladesh as striking down an amendment to the
constitution made by the parliament.
By two Writ petition the amended Art 100 & the notification of the
Chief Justice were challenged as ultra vires. A division bench of the
HCD dismissed the petition summarily. Leave was granted by the
Appellate Division by a majority of 3 to 1 striking down the 8th
The principle argument of the judgment is that, the constitution stands
on certain fundamental principles which are its structural pillars which
the parliament cannot amend by its amending power for; if these
pillars are dismissed or damaged then the whole constitutional
structure will be down.
The amended Art 100 is ultra vires because it has destroyed the
essential limb of the judiciary by setting up rival courts to the HCD in
the name of permanent Benches conferring full jurisdiction, power and
function of the HCD.
This amended Art 100 is inconsistent with Art 44, 94. 101 & 102 also
reduced Art 108, 109, 110 & 111 of the constitution. It directly
violated Art 114 this amended is illegal because there is no provision of
transfer which is essential requisite for dispensation of justice.
If any provision can be called the ‘pole star’ of the constitution, then
it’s Preamble. The impugned amendment is to be examined on the
touch stone of the preamble with or without restoring to the doctrine of
basic structure. The preamble is not only a part of the constitution; it
now stands an entrenched provision that cannot be amended by the
parliament. Though this amendment it simply destroy the objectives of
rule of law which is enunciated is our preamble.
The above quotations from the judgment make it clear that the centre
point, on which the majority relied to declare the amendment illegal,
which was the basic structure of the Constitution.