Community Operating Plan: A. Project Info

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Complete parts A-D before the presentation/event, and then parts E

implementation. Use this outline as a guide for developing all programs and
presentations. The questions in each section are designed to help you in the
development process. You must answer all of the questions listed, but if you
feel there is other important information please include that as well.

Topic: Anti-Inflammatory Diet

Event Date: 2/18/15

Location: Keene Rec Center

Intern Name(s): Becca

Team Leader: Becca

Preceptor: Stephanie

Person responsible for writing the COP: Becca

1. Identify site contact: Karen Guyette
2. Identify population
a) Gender: Mixed- primarily female
b) Age: 40-80
c) Education level: Varied
d) Number of participants: 15-18
3. How was topic determined (Did you speak with anyone about the group? Did
you get to observe the setting and participants beforehand? If so, describe the
participants and any other pertinent information (i.e. if in a classroom, observe
classroom management techniques).
The topic was determined by contacting the site preceptor in order to
understand what the audience was interested in learning about. A list of topics
was sent back via email. From this list I chose which one was most feasible to
complete in a 30-minute time frame and also most beneficial/pertinent. After this
email exchange it was decided that I could come in to observe the meetings in
order to obtain more information about what the class expected on the selected
topic and also gain insight into what they already knew. The class of 15
individuals proved to be well educated on this topic already but were interested
to learn more and hear from a nutrition expert.
a) Other programs recently presented: Meetings are held each Wednesday
with different topics discussed.


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b) What the audience knows: The audience is familiar with the antiinflammatory diet. Personal research has been done on it by many of the
individuals and some have spoken about what they have learned. Certain
participants take supplements which they have found online based on
information they have gathered about the diet.
c) What the audience wants to know - what is relevant: The audience wants
to know if the supplements they are taking are the best ones and other dietary
habits they could focus on to prevent inflammation.
d) Evaluate health literacy - and other cultural issues: Health literacy is above
average. This groups is very informed on health- as stated by the site preceptor
they are fairly well educated since the speak about different health items at least
once a week.
4. Setting - tour of facility
a) Room size and set up (diagram): Windows


Main table with seats around for



b) Presentation resources
Availability of food prep area- Display table can act as preparation
AV resources - space available for visual teaching aids- White board
5. Day of week/ time of day for presentation: Wednesday at 9:30 am
6. Duration: 30 minutes
a) Attention span: Able to hold attention for duration of presentation
b) Conflict with other activities for population: N/A
7. Marketing potential - whose responsibility: N/A
8. Budget
a) Will there be a charge: N/A
b) Funds to cover supplies:
c) Cost of marketing: N/A
9. Best way/time to reach site contact for future plans: Email is best way to
contact Karen. Availability for best time is unclear- usually responds to emails
within a 24 hour period.
10. Write a community group focused PES statement based on your assessment.


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Food and nutrition related knowledge deficit related to no prior nutrition lesson
as evidenced by discussions with site preceptor and request for nutrition class to
be taught.
C. RESEARCH AND PLANNING (how, who, and when the process of your
1. Meeting Dates
Dates scheduled for planning and who will attend.
2/11- Meeting with site preceptor

7 day meeting 2/12 at 8:00 am

Evaluation meeting scheduled for:

(Usually held directly after presentation but may be scheduled for

2. Based on the results of the needs assessment, what did you do to prepare?
In order to prepare for this presentation research was done online about antiinflammatory diets. It seemed that most of the individuals in the group had
gathered their information from this resource so it was decided to use the
web as well in order to gain perspective into what they may have read.
Research into anti-inflammatory supplements was also done since some of
the individuals had voiced the fact that they take them.
3. How did you go about the development process? Who was involved?
The development process included the site preceptor and myself. I contacted
Karen to see what topics the group was interested in learning about. Upon
receiving this list I narrowed it down to two different topic options before
settling on the one I felt I could do the best job presenting and also which
would be the most informative for them.
4. What resources did you use? Why did you choose them and how did you find
them? Relate back to your assessment section.
Online resources were primarily used since this is where the group got most
of their information.

D. DEVELOPMENT (what the outcome of your planning and

1. Measurable Learning Objectives:
Participants will be able to identify certain foods and food groups which
are beneficial for an anti-inflammatory diet.
Participants will be able to identify certain foods that are considered

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2. Outline of presentation:
Describe all components of the program or material, and the team member
responsible for them. Include descriptions of the content, learning activities,
food activities, visuals, education materials and evaluation
methods/materials. (May attach as separate document.)
Attached as separate document.
3. Describe how your presentation addresses different learning styles:

Auditory: Verbal explanations of foods to include/exclude in an antiinflammatory diet and reasons why will be the primary portion of the
lesson content.

Visual: Flip chart illustrating main points of the presentation will be

developed for participants to view during presentation.

Kinesthetic: Audience will be encouraged to be engaged in the

presentation and take notes on handout. Audience will also be encouraged
to ask questions as needed during the presentation.

List ways that you included multiple intelligences in your planning.

a. Visual and auditory learning will be intertwined as main
points on the flip chart are elaborated in verbal speech.

4. Explain how your planned evaluation method will show whether your learning
objectives were met.
a. Planned evaluation method is to have participants construct an antiinflammatory meal. The meal will be evaluated based on foods
selected and whether they are anti-inflammatory or pro-inflammatory.
5. What problems did you encounter in the development process?
It was difficult to work on this presentation alone since there was no one to bounce
ideas off of.
Complete sections E after the presentation/event is complete.
1. For a program or presentation, describe objectively what happened the day of
the presentation, using examples. Include any last minute changes to the
planned setting, audience, number of participants.
The day of the presentation I arrive to the rec center around 9:15 am so get
organized and fix and last minute details. I sat in on the meeting with the
group from 9:30 am till roughly 9:50 am then started to set up for my
presentation. At around 10:00 am I began my presentation lecture part which
lasted around 10 minutes. This was significantly shorter than I had
anticipated since there was minimal interaction from the audience. After
concluding the lecture portion I passed out my food sample and evaluated


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the group on how well they had retained the information by asking them to
identify the anti-inflammatory ingredients in the recipe. Post this food activity
a handout and another evaluation tool was done. This second evaluation tool,
to construct a meal with anti-inflammatory foods, was not as successful as
the first since many discussions had started among the group and I did not
have their full attention.
2. Did the presentation go as planned? Reflect on what went well?
The presentation did not go as planned. I railroaded through the main content of
my presentation, which did not allow for interactions from the audience. I had
anticipated the audience being very interactive so was surprised when this did
not occur and a tad bit thrown off. I was able to ramble through all of the
information I had intended but I had hoped to be able to elaborate on the topics
through questions.
I believe my evaluation and food activity were the strongest parts of my
presentation. The group was able to meet my evaluation expectations and they
really enjoyed the food samples.
3. How did the audience react to the presentation? Summarize and comment on
preceptor feedback.
The audience enjoyed the topic but they were unable to follow certain parts
of the presentation well due to my fast pace speaking. Based on comments
from the preceptor though the presentation was still well received and I was
able to recover at the end.
4. How well did the audience grasp your objectives?
The audience was able to grasp the objectives fairly well. Had I gone slower
through the presentation I think the message would been conveyed much
better but overall in the evaluation portion they were able to correctly
identify anti-inflammatory foods. Many of the audience members already had
a solid foundation of knowledge on this topic though which could have helped
them in this evaluation tool.
5. What would you do differently/the same the next time - or what would you
change if you had more time? How effective do you feel your
program/material was for the target audience?
If I had the opportunity to go back and present to this group I would slow the
pace of my talking significantly. I would control my nerves and make sure that
my words were coming out slowly and clearly. I would do the same content
but just make sure I left adequate question room after each slide. This group
is highly educated on many different topics and a lot of them had a sound
understanding of the anti-inflammatory diet so I think it was reasonable to go
in-depth with them and discuss the root causes of inflammation so that they
fully understand the benefits of the diet.
6. Recommendations for future Interns:


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Make sure you include a lot of questions for the participants. They like to be
an active group but if you do not open the floor for them they may not be as
active as you like.
7. Financial Report:

Cost of Development: (Includes: labor for preparing the project, food cost
for testing the food activity; please note that labor costs include hours
worked by ALL team members)
Labor ($25/hour): 21 x 25= $525
Food: $10

Cost of Presenting: (Includes: labor, food, flip charts ($28), see following
link for cost of copies, and
other supplies)
Labor ($25/hour): $525
Copies: $4.00
Food: $10.88
Other supplies and costs: $30

Overall costs: $569.88

Within one week of the presentation, provide internship preceptor with a completed
COP, Presentation Evaluation form, Handout(s), a Team Leader Report, and PDE if
completed by an outside supervisor. (PDE required for sites with 2 presentations or
>32 hours). Attach a copy of the materials, PowerPoint, and any handouts/resources
used for the presentation.


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