9hpe Physical Activity Consultant Task
9hpe Physical Activity Consultant Task
9hpe Physical Activity Consultant Task
A short blurb (1 paragraph) detailing the clients name, age, and your
relationship to them. It should also briefly outline how regularly they engage
in physical activity, the most common types of physical activity they perform
(i.e. cycling, yoga, walking, etc.), as well as their perceived barriers to
physical activity (i.e. time, motivation, cost, etc.).
Performance Standards for Year 9 Health and Physical Education
Purposefully accesses,
Capably accesses,
Accesses, synthesises
and applies health
information from credible
sources to propose and
justifies responses to health
situations with validity
Applies proficient decisionmaking and problem-solving
skills when taking action to
enhance their own and
others health, safety and
wellbeing (PSC2)
Consistently proposes
and evaluates
reliable interventions
to improve fitness and
physical activity levels
in their communities
Capably examines
the role physical
activity has played
historically in defining
cultures and cultural
identities (MP3)
Most often proposes
and evaluates
interventions to
improve fitness and
physical activity levels
in their communities
the role
physical activity has
played historically in
defining cultures and
cultural identities
Proposes and
interventions to
improve fitness and
physical activity levels
in their communities
Demonstrates highly
proficient leadership, fair play
and cooperation across a range
of movement and health
contexts (MP6)
Demonstrates proficient
leadership, fair play and
cooperation across a range of
movement and health contexts
Occasionally accesses,
Rarely accesses,
Somewhat examines
the role physical
activity has played
historically in defining
cultures and cultural
identities (MP3)
Occasionally proposes
and evaluates
interventions to
improve fitness and
physical activity levels
in their communities
Rarely examines
the role physical
activity has played
historically in defining
cultures and cultural
identities (MP3)
Rarely proposes and
interventions to
improve fitness and
physical activity levels
in their communities
Demonstrates developing
leadership, fair play and
cooperation across a range of
movement and health contexts