9hpe Physical Activity Consultant Task

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Year 9 Health and Physical Activity

Physical Activity Consultant Task

Using the knowledge and skills you have gained through analysing your own
physical activity involvement, you are to create an informative website (using
weebly.com) for a client of your choosing. The client should be someone from
the community who you can access, and who feels comfortable sharing
information about their individual physical activity habits.
Your website should include the following:

A short blurb (1 paragraph) detailing the clients name, age, and your
relationship to them. It should also briefly outline how regularly they engage
in physical activity, the most common types of physical activity they perform
(i.e. cycling, yoga, walking, etc.), as well as their perceived barriers to
physical activity (i.e. time, motivation, cost, etc.).


A weekly timetable, created using Outlook, which shows your clients

CURRENT physical activity involvement. Each timetabled activity session
should be accompanied with an outline of what it entails.


An analysis of your clients current physical activity involvement. This should

address the frequency and duration of their activity sessions, the intensity at
which each activity is performed, the types of physical activity your client
engages in, opportunities for rest and recovery, and periods of inactivity. It
should also include a paragraph which summarises the main strengths and
weaknesses of your clients current timetable.


A modified weekly timetable, on which you highlight and make

recommendations as to additional sessions that your client could engage in
(based on the weaknesses identified in the analysis section). Each additional
session should be accompanied with an explanation.


Information about 3 different community based sport and recreation

centres/activities that your client could access. This should include; name,
location, contact details, services provided, and associated cost. Your choices
should link with your recommendations for additional activity sessions and
should be specific to your client and their needs (e.g. Susie does not enjoy
high impact exercise, therefore I would recommend activities such as water
aerobics at the Aquatic Centre or yoga at Yoga Spirits on Henley Beach Road,
as this is close to where she lives and she could walk from home).


PowerPoint presentation outlining five benefits of physical activity. Provide a

sentence or two summarising the importance of physical activity on overall
health and wellbeing (consider physical, social and psychological well-being).


Performance Standards for Year 9 Health and Physical Education

Personal, Social and

Community Health
Contributing to healthy and
active communities

Purposefully accesses,

synthesises and applies

health information from
credible sources to propose
and justify responses to
health situations with validity
and reliability (PSC1)
Applies highly effective
decision-making and
problem-solving skills when
taking action to enhance
their own and others health,
safety and wellbeing (PSC2)

Capably accesses,

synthesises and applies

health information from
credible sources to propose
and justify responses to
health situations with validity
and reliability (PSC1)
Applies effective decisionmaking and problem-solving
skills when taking action to
enhance their own and
others health, safety and
wellbeing (PSC2

Accesses, synthesises
and applies health
information from credible
sources to propose and
justifies responses to health
situations with validity
Applies proficient decisionmaking and problem-solving
skills when taking action to
enhance their own and
others health, safety and
wellbeing (PSC2)

Movement and Physical Activity

Moving our body
Consistently applies criteria
to make judgments about
and refine their own and
others specialised
movement skills and
movement performances
Consistently applies and
transfers movement
concepts and strategies to
new and challenging
movement situations (MP2)

Regularly applies criteria to

make judgments about and
refine their own and others
specialised movement
skills and movement
performances (MP1)
Regularly applies and
transfers movement
concepts and strategies to
new and challenging
movement situations (MP2)

Applies criteria to make

judgments about and refine
their own and others
specialised movement
skills and movement
performances (MP1)
Applies and transfers
movement concepts and
strategies to new and
challenging movement
situations (MP2)


examines the role

physical activity has
played historically in
defining cultures and
cultural identities

Learning through movement

Always works collaboratively to
design and apply solutions to
movement (MP5)
Consistently demonstrates
highly proficient leadership, fair
play and cooperation across a
range of movement and health
contexts (MP6)

Consistently proposes

and evaluates
reliable interventions
to improve fitness and
physical activity levels
in their communities
Capably examines
the role physical
activity has played
historically in defining
cultures and cultural
identities (MP3)
Most often proposes
and evaluates
interventions to
improve fitness and
physical activity levels
in their communities


the role
physical activity has
played historically in
defining cultures and
cultural identities
Proposes and

interventions to
improve fitness and
physical activity levels
in their communities

Most often works collaboratively

to design and apply solutions to
movement (MP5)

Demonstrates highly
proficient leadership, fair play
and cooperation across a range
of movement and health
contexts (MP6)

Works collaboratively to design

and apply solutions to movement

Demonstrates proficient
leadership, fair play and
cooperation across a range of
movement and health contexts

Occasionally accesses,

synthesises and applies

health information from
credible sources to propose
and justifies responses to
health situations with validity
Occasionally aapplies
effective decision-making
and problem-solving skills
when taking action to
enhance their own and
others health, safety and
wellbeing (PSC2)

Rarely accesses,

synthesises and applies

health information from
credible sources to propose
and justifies responses to
health situations with validity
Rarely aapplies effective
decision-making and
problem-solving skills when
taking action to enhance
their own and others health,
safety and wellbeing (PSC2)

Sometimes applies criteria

to make judgments about
and refine their own and
others specialised
movement skills and
movement performances
Sometimes applies and
transfers movement
concepts and strategies to
new and challenging
movement situations (MP2)

Rarely applies criteria to

make judgments about and
refine their own and others
specialised movement
skills and movement
performances (MP1)
Rarely applies and
transfers movement
concepts and strategies to
new and challenging
movement situations (MP2)

Somewhat examines
the role physical
activity has played
historically in defining
cultures and cultural
identities (MP3)
Occasionally proposes

and evaluates
interventions to
improve fitness and
physical activity levels
in their communities

Rarely examines
the role physical
activity has played
historically in defining
cultures and cultural
identities (MP3)
Rarely proposes and


interventions to
improve fitness and
physical activity levels
in their communities

Occasional works collaboratively

to design and apply solutions to
movement (MP5)

Demonstrates developing
leadership, fair play and
cooperation across a range of
movement and health contexts

Rarely works collaboratively to

design and apply solutions to
movement (MP5)
Rarely demonstrates leadership,
fair play and cooperation across
a range of movement and health
contexts (MP6)

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