Transition Plan Agreement

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MONTAGUE TOWNSHIP SCHOOL DISTRICT MONTAGUE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 475 Route 206 Montague, NJ 07827 V: 973 293 7131 / F: 973 293 3391 Janice L. Hodge John W. Wayclo Ghiet School Admiaistrator/Principal Bosiouss Administrater/Md. Seocetery Patricia Romyns Christopher Gregory Assistant to te Det Sebel Adtran ‘Assist Pricjl January 8, 2015 SENT VIA EMAIL ONL Barbara Holstein Re: OPRA Request Dear Ms. Holstein: On January 7, 2015, the Montague Board of Education's (“Board”) Record Custodian received your Open Public Records Act (“OPRA”) requests. As such, this response to your request is being provided to you within 2 business days after the Custodian’s rece of said request. Documents Requests: 1, Recording of December 17, 2014 Board Meeting. 2. A copy of the Montague Board of Education's approved transition plan amendment that was approved and submitted to Port Jervis School District following the December 17, 2014 schoo! board meeting. 3. A listing or list copy of all board items voted on at the December 17, 2014 and the voting record of each board member for each of the actions taken during the meeting. 4. A ist of the voting records for the following board members for every action/vote they have cast since January 2014 through December 2014: Deborah Osborne, Diane Cole, Sally Kurtzman. However, if said recordist exists with the records of the other board of education members that list would be acceptable as well verses creating a new document, ‘The following records ate being provided in their entirety and are responsive to your request: 1. A copy of the audio recording of the Board’s December 17, 2014. The audio recording is on a CD which you may pick up at the school’s central office. 2. A copy of the Montague Board of Education's approved transition plan that was approved and submitted to Port Jervis School District following the December 17, 2014 school board meeting, 3. A draft of the December 17, 2014 Board minutes, which still need final Board approval before being posted to the school’s website, 4, Thete are no records responsive to your specific request #4. It should be noted that all resolutions voted on by Board members in 2014 and their individual vote are recorded in the Board minutes which are posted on the school’s website. The December 17, 2014 will be posted when approved by the Board of Education, If your request for access to a government record has been denied or unfilled within the seven (7) business days required by law, you have a right to challenge the decision by the Montague Board of Education to deny access. At your option, you may either institute a proceeding in the Superior Court of New Jersey or file a complaint with the Government Records Council (GRC) by completing the Denial of Access Complaint Form. You may contact the GRC by toll-fiee telephone at 866-850-0511, by mail at P.O. Box 819, Trenton, NJ, 08625, by e-mail at [email protected], or at their web site at The GRC can also answer other questions about the law. All questions regarding complaints filed in Superior Court should be directed to the Court Clerk in your County. School Business Administrator/ Board Secretary _- Records Custodiait Montague School District 475 Route 206 Montague, New Jersey 07827 973-293-7131, ext, 223 973-293-7774 (fax) TRANSITION PLAN AGREEMENT BETWEEN ‘THE MONTAGUE TOWNSHIP BOARD OF EDUCATION AND THE PORT JERVIS BOARD OF EDUCATION ‘This Transition Plan Agreement (‘Agreement’) is between the Montague Township Board of Education (hereafter referred to as “Montague") and the Port Jervis Board of Education (hereafter referred to as “Port Jervis"), It is the intention of the parties that this agreement shall be appended as a Rider to the Original Agreement between the parties dated September 19, 2000, To the extent there is a confliet between the terms of this Rider end the Original Agreement, the terms of this rider shall govern, 1, GENERAL EDUCATION STUDENTS. (®) Montague Resident Students entering 7° Grade for the 2014-2015 School Year Except as set forth in this Agreement, all Montague resident general education students currently attending Port Jervis for 7 grade in 2014-15 will remain in the Port Jervis, Middle School for eighth grade in the 2015-16 school year. Montague represents that is has legal authority to send such eighth grade students to the Port Jervis Schoo! District, (b) Montague Resident Students entering the 8" Grade for the 2014-2015 school year. Except as set forth in this Agreement, all Montague resident general education students who are entering the eighth (8) grade as of the 2014-2015 school year will be enrolled in and attend school in Port Jervis for the eighth (8") grade, For the 2015-2016 school year, when these students will be entering into the ninth (9%) grade, they shall not be enrolled at the Port Jervis High School except as permitted in this Rider. It is the expectation of the parties that these students shall be assigned to high school at High Point except as set forth in this Rider. (© Montague Resident Students entering the 9" Grade for the 2014-2015 school year. Except as set forth in this Rider, no Montague resident general education students who are entering the ninth (9%) grade in the 2014-2015 schoo! year shall be enrolled in the Port Jervis School District. It is the expectation that such students shall attend High Point for the remainder of high school through graduation, subject to continued resideney in ‘Montague. (@ Montague Resident Students entering 10 Grade or Above for the 2014-2015 school year. Except as set forth in this Agreement, all Montague resident general education students who are entering the tenth (10) grade or above in the 2014-2015 school year and are currently attending Port Jervis High School shall be assigned to and continue to be enrolled in Port Jervis High School for their high school years. These students shall continue to be enrolted in Port Jervis for the remainder of high school through graduation from Port Jervis, subject to continued residency in Montague. (© Montague Resident Students entering into the 7 Grade after 2014-2015 school year. Except as set forth in this Agreement, all Montague resident students who are entering. the seventh (7") grade after the 2014-2015 school year shall be enrolled in and attend middle school in Montague, Said students shall not be eligible to attend Port Jervis middle or high schools pursuant to this Agreement at any point during their education, ( Students moving into Montague during the 2014-2015 school year and thereafter. Except as set forth in this Agreement, any middle school student who moves into Montague during the 2014-2015 school year and thereafter shall be treated similarly as other Montague resident students in their current grade leveV/class, Any high school student who moves into Montague during the 2014-15 school year or after who has not previously attended Port Jervis High Schoo! shall not be enrolled in the Port Jervis School District. It is the expectation of the parties that such students shall be assigned to and enrolled in High Point High School for high school and shall complete. high school at High Point, subject to continued residency in Montague. (@ Montague Resident Students first entering the 9 Grade in or after the 2014- 2015 school year. Except as set forth in this Agreement, no Montague student who is first entering 9th grade in or after the 2014-15 school year shal! be entotled in and attend Port Jervis High School. It is the expectation of the parties that these students shall remain in and 2 continue to attend High Point for the duration of high school through graduation, subject to continued residency in Montague, STUDENTS RECEIVING SPECIAL EDUCATION AND RELATED SERVICES Students with special needs currently attending Port Jervis or BOCES will continue said placements unless and until such time as their IEPs are revised to reflect a different placement or until the stucent obtains a high school diploma or is no longer eligible to attend school by virtue of his or her age. Tuition for special needs students attending Port Jervis or BOCES shall be paid in accordance with the Original Agreement between the parties and originally memorialized by a memorandum from Pat Hamill to Dr. James Durante dated February 2, 1996. For those students remaining at Port Jervis under their IEPs, Port Jervis shall continue case management, For those students who will be attending Montague and/or High Point, case management shall be transitioned from Port Jervis to Montague beginning with the 2014-15 school year. SCHOOL SELECTION - SIBLINGS Montague and Port Jervis agree that Montague families with a child currently enrolled in Montague, whose sibling currently attends Port Jervis for middle school or high school in 2014-15, or whose sibling is ot will be attending Port Jervis high school at Montague's expense under the terms set forth above, will be given the option to elect to have the other sibling student attend middle schoo! in Port Jervis and high school in Port Jervis or in High Point under the schedule set forth above. ‘To the extent that the Montague family determines that the sibling student will attend middle schoo! in Port Jervis rather than Montague, the family must notify Montague of that election in writing by December I of the sibling's sixth grade year. To the extent that the Montague family determines that the attend high school in Port Jervis rather than High Point, the family sibling student wi must notify Montague of that election in writing by December 1 of the sibfing’s eighth grade year. Montague shall then notify Port Jervis of the election and Port Jervis agrees to accept that tuition student for middle school and/or high school under the current contract between Montague and Port Jervis, and Montague agrees to pay said tuition. ‘The sibling student may continue enrollment at Port Jervis as a tuition student through high school graduation, subject to continued residency in Montague. This sibling election rule will continue until the high school transition has been completed in accordance with the terms set forth in this Agreement. Montague represents that is has legal authority to send eighth grade students to the Port Jervis School District, 5. COMPLETION OF HIGH SCHOOL TRANSITION Except as set forth in paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Agreement, effective with the 2018-19 school year, all Montague resident students entering grades nine (9) through twelve (12) shall be enrolled at High Point for high school. Upon completion of the transition, Montague shall cease to hold a seat on the Board of Education of the Port Jervis School Distriet and the Original Agreement and this Rider shall terminate. ENROLLMENT OF STUDENTS AND TUITION COSTS ‘This Agreement shall modify the existing agreement between Montague and Port Jervis with respect to its send-receive relationship to facilitate the transition process. Port Jervis, agrees (0 accept all general education students from Montague assigned to Port Jervis or ‘who elect to attend Port Jervis pursuant to the transition plan set forth in this Agreement. Special education students shall be placed in accordance with their IEPs, Port Jervis agrees to continue the existing tuition formula unless otherwise agreed between the parties and agrees thatthe tuition rate for any student attending Port Jervis, ‘under this Agreement shall not exceed the applicable amount set forth in the eurrent tuition agreement, including the negotiated adjustments set forth in that agreement. In witness whereof, the parties have caused this AGREEMENT to be duly exceuted as of this_]B day of Dec. , 2014. President, Montague Township Board of Educat Montagié Township Board of Education President, Secretary, Port Jervis Board of Education Port Jervis Board of Education

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