The document is an affidavit template for applying for a new passport after a lost or damaged passport. It contains 6 points to address: 1) How and when the previous passport was lost/damaged and any police reports. 2) Any travel on the lost passport. 3) Any tax concessions claimed. 4) Residence details if a non-resident Indian. 5) Any issues with the passport raised by airlines. 6) Any history of deportation at government expense. The affidavit states the applicant will be careful with any new passport issued.
The document is an affidavit template for applying for a new passport after a lost or damaged passport. It contains 6 points to address: 1) How and when the previous passport was lost/damaged and any police reports. 2) Any travel on the lost passport. 3) Any tax concessions claimed. 4) Residence details if a non-resident Indian. 5) Any issues with the passport raised by airlines. 6) Any history of deportation at government expense. The affidavit states the applicant will be careful with any new passport issued.
The document is an affidavit template for applying for a new passport after a lost or damaged passport. It contains 6 points to address: 1) How and when the previous passport was lost/damaged and any police reports. 2) Any travel on the lost passport. 3) Any tax concessions claimed. 4) Residence details if a non-resident Indian. 5) Any issues with the passport raised by airlines. 6) Any history of deportation at government expense. The affidavit states the applicant will be careful with any new passport issued.
The document is an affidavit template for applying for a new passport after a lost or damaged passport. It contains 6 points to address: 1) How and when the previous passport was lost/damaged and any police reports. 2) Any travel on the lost passport. 3) Any tax concessions claimed. 4) Residence details if a non-resident Indian. 5) Any issues with the passport raised by airlines. 6) Any history of deportation at government expense. The affidavit states the applicant will be careful with any new passport issued.
PASSPORT (This affidavit is to be executed on non-judicial stamp paper of minimum value in the presence of First Class Judicial Magistrate or Executive Magistrate/Notary Public on the following points) I. S/o, D/o, W/o Shri residing at ..solemnly affirm as follows: 1. State how and when the passport was lost/ damaged and when FIR was lodged at which Police Station and how many passports were lost/ damaged earlier? 2. State whether you travelled on the lost/ damaged passport, if so state flight number and date and port of entry into India? 3. State whether you availed of any TR concessions/FTs allowance and if so details thereof? 4. State whether non-resident Indian and if resident abroad, the details of the residence as follows: S.No. Name of the Country Length of Page Nos. of residence passport bearing From.To departure & arrival stamps 1. 2. 3. 5. State whether the Passport had any objection by the PIA and if so the details thereof. 6. State whether you were deported at any time at the expense of the Government and if so was the expenditure incurred reimbursed to Government of India. I further affirm that I will take utmost care of my passport if issued and the Government will be at liberty to take any legal action under the Passports Act, 1967, if the lapse is repeated. Date: .. Deponent Affirm before First Class Judicial Magistrate or Executive Magistrate/ Notary Public