Ncsetresearchbrief 1 4
Ncsetresearchbrief 1 4
Ncsetresearchbrief 1 4
Improving Secondary Education and Transition Services through Research December 2002 Vol. 1 Issue 4
Students with learning disabilities often move into secondary education with elementary-level reading skills, including an inability to readily decode unfamiliar words. As
a result, they have difficulty with content-area classes, such as history and science, in
which grade-level reading is required. This brief focuses on the Word Identification
Strategy component of the Strategic Instruction Model (SIM) (Deshler &
Schumaker, 1988), and reviews recent research showing the effectiveness of this
strategy for secondary students with disabilities.
The Word Identification Strategy used in SIM was developed by Lenz and Hughes
(1990) and initially tested on 12 middle school students with learning disabilities.
This strategy is intended to help struggling readers decode and identify unfamiliar
words, and is based on the common underlying structure of most polysyllabic words
in English. Most of these words can be pronounced by identifying the components of
Instructional Methodology
The instructional methodology used in teaching
SIM strategies involves eight stages, with the following goals: (a) obtain a pre-training measure of
students skills and gain the students commitment
for learning; (b) make the students aware of the
strategy steps, where the strategy can be applied, and
how the strategy will benefit them; (c) demonstrate
for students how to use the strategy; (d) ensure that
students understand and can name the strategy
steps; (e) ensure that students master the use of the
strategy in simplified materials or situations; (f )
ensure that students master the use of the strategy in
materials and situations similar to those encountered
in general education classes; (g) obtain a posttraining measure of students skills; and (h) ensure
that the students generalize the use of the strategy to
general education classes (Ellis, Deshler, Lenz,
Schumaker, & Clark, 1991).
The materials and procedures to be used by the
learning specialist in these undertakings have been
empirically validated in a series of studies (e.g.,
Hughes & Schumaker, 1991; Lenz & Hughes,
1990; Schmidt, Deshler, Schumaker & Alley, 1989).
Improving Word Identification Skills Using Strategic Instruction Model (SIM) Strategies 3
Word Identification Strategy helps struggling secondary readers improve their reading skills. In
Michigan in 1998, teachers undertook a research
project in which approximately 600 ninth grade
students in one high school served as a treatment
group and a group of ninth-grade students at another high school served as a comparison group.
Both groups were pre-tested using the Slossen
Diagnostic Screening Test for Reading using the
Practitioner Perspectives
Cathy Spriggs is an Instructional Facilitator at Turlock Junior High in Turlock, California. She agreed to be interviewed
for this NCSET Brief.
On the relationship between word identification and comprehension . . .
We turned word identification into a routine that could be used in a large class setting, and then coupled it with a
comprehension strategy. What we found in our school was that the students were fairly good decoders, but their
comprehension was very, very poor. We discovered that they didnt know they were supposed to be doing something
in their minds when they were reading. They just read the words and didnt process them. So we started teaching
them about what good readers do as theyre reading, and how to pull out the main idea and the details.
On the impact of the Word Identification Strategy on
more proficient readers . . .
Right now, were working with a group of students who were put into a medium level language arts class. Most of
them were at least two years below grade level in their reading scores, and there was quite a range of decoding and
comprehension skills. But we decided to go ahead and teach the decoding strategy to everybody, because we had so
many students in the group who really needed it.
Whats really interesting is that some of the students who had fairly good reading skills have told us that they are
using the DISSECT strategy in their science and social studies classes. These students were the hardest sell, because
theyd say, Why am I doing this anyway? Im already a pretty good decoder. So weve been pleased that they
recognized situations where they needed to use the strategy and it helped them. So I dont feel like we wasted their
time. I think that was important, because they were wondering, Is this going to be useful or not?
On the challenges of using SIM . . .
If theres anything thats on the down side, its that it takes time to learn how to implement the pieces. The up
side is that you learn how to be a really great teacher, and that is what has come out of my involvement with SIM. I
have become a much better teacher, because I have a really good understanding of what I have to do from beginning
to end to help students learn. I need to describe. I need to model. I need to practice. I have to have varying levels of
practice. So you really learn how to do that. But its not going to happen in a year. Its going to take probably two or
three years, but its worth it.
On the unexpected benefits . . .
I have so many letters from students thanking me for teaching them strategies, especially DISSECT. It makes a huge
difference for students, because it gives them tools for their mental toolbox. Then they can go out there and tackle
the challenges of content area classes and be successful. Thats what were trying to do: keep kids in the core curriculum, not water it down.
I also have letters from teachers thanking me. Theyll say, You made a big difference in the way I think, the way I
teach, and the way I deliver instruction to students. SIM is an absolutely powerful program. It can really make a
difference in the lives of students and teachers.
Word Identification Subtest, Form A. Those students who scored at least two years below grade level
at the targeted high school then received intensive
reading instruction (50 minutes per day for three to
eight weeks) on the Word Identification Strategy.
The instruction was delivered in small groups of
four or five students with one teacher. Students were
pulled out of their regular English class, and then
returned to their regular classes after reaching
mastery. These students, and the students at the
comparison high school, were then post-tested using
Form B of the Slossen Diagnostic Screening Test for
Reading Word Identification Subtest. Results were
disaggregated for demographic subgroups. Figure 1
shows the students pre- and post-test scores for
three demographic subgroups: male African-Americans, male Hispanics, and students with disabilities.
These demographic subgroups were of interest
because of national data showing persistent gender
and racial/ethnic gaps in reading performance (U.S.
Department of Education, 2002). Comparison
group scores for male African Americans and male
Hispanics are also shown; students with disabilities
were not tested at the comparison high school.
Figure 1 shows that students who learned the Word
Identification Strategy showed greater gains than
6 6
Male African
Male Hispanics
Students with LD
Improving Word Identification Skills Using Strategic Instruction Model (SIM) Strategies 5
The Word Identification Strategy is effective in
helping secondary students with learning disabilities
to decode and identify difficult words encountered
in text. By developing expertise in identifying words,
students can improve their success in content-area
classes and be better prepared for postsecondary
education and the workplace. Teachers need additional training, however, in order to teach the
strategy in the most effective manner. Training and
materials for SIM are available through the Center
for Research on Learning at the University of Kansas. The Word Identification Strategy manual is
available only in conjunction with training by a
certified SIM instructor. Additional information is
available from the University of Kansas Center for
Research on Learning at
Bryant, D. P., Vaughn, S., Linan-Thompson, S.,
Ugel, N., Hamff, A., & Hougen, M. (2000).
Reading outcomes for students with and without
reading disabilities in general education middleschool content area classes. Learning Disability
Quarterly, 23(4), 238-252.
Deshler, D. D., & Schumaker, J. B. (1988). An
instructional model for teaching students how to
learn. In J. L. Graden, J. E. Zins, and M. J.
Curtis (Eds.), Alternative educational delivery
systems: Enhancing instructional options for all
students (pp. 391-411). Washington, DC: National Association of School Psychologists.
Ellis, E. S., Deshler, D. D., Lenz, B. K., Schumaker,
J. B., & Clark, F. L. (1991). An instructional
model for teaching learning strategies. Focus on
Exceptional Children, 23(6), 1-24.
Hughes, C. A., & Schumaker, J. B. (1991). Testtaking strategy instruction for adolescents with
learning disabilities. Exceptionality, 2, 205-221.
Lenz, B. K., & Hughes, C. A. (1990). A word
identification strategy for adolescents with
learning disabilities. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 23(3), 149-158, 163.
Lenz, B. K., Schumaker, J. B., Deshler, D. D., &
Beals, V. L. (1984). Learning strategies curriculum:
The word-identification strategy. Lawrence, KS:
University of Kansas.
Schmidt, J. L., Deshler, D. D., Schumaker, J. B.,
Alley, G. R. (1989). Effects of generalization
instruction on the written language performance
of adolescents with learning disabilities in the
mainstream classroom. Reading, Writing, and
Learning Disabilities, 4(4), 291-309.
Schumaker, J. B., Deshler, D. D., & Denton, P. H.
(1984). An integrated system for providing
content to learning disabled adolescents using an
audio-taped format. In W. M. Cruickshank & J.
M. Kliebhan (Eds.), Early adolescence to early
adulthood: Vol. 5 The Best of ACLD (pp. 79-107).
Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press.
U.S. Department of Education. (2002). Digest of
education statistics 2001 (OERI Publication No.
NCES 2002-130). Washington, DC: Author.
Retrieved July 23,2002 from
Van Reusen, A. K., Bos, C., Schumaker, J. B., &
Deshler, D. D. (1994). Self-advocacy strategy for
education and transition planning. Lawrence, KS:
Edge Enterprises.
Woodruff, S., Schumaker, J. B., & Deshler, D. D.
(2002). The effects of an intensive reading intervention on the decoding skills of high school students
with reading deficits. Lawrence: The University of
Kansas Institute for Academic Access.
Web Resources
Institue for Academic Access (IAA)
This Web site, a collaborative project of the University of Kansas and the University of Oregon, has
several articles about SIM in the IAA Online Library.
Southwest Educational Development Laboratory,
Reading Resources
This site includes resources on reading research and
assessment, and a link to the document, Building
Reading Proficiency at the Secondary Level: A
Guide to Resources, which includes a section on
word analysis strategies.
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