API 570 Guide
API 570 Guide
API 570 Guide
External Visual Inspection of Above Ground Pipelines, Sections 5.3, 5.4.3, 5.11,
Every five years at a minimum, an external visual inspection shall be
performed to determine the condition of the pipeline, supports and hardware,
connections, deadlegs, expansion joints, insulation system integrity, and
painting and coating systems; and check for misalignment, vibration, leakage,
and significant differences between pipeline drawings and actual installations.
Inspection Data Evaluation, Analysis, and Recording, Sections 7.1, 7.2,7.4, 7.6
The following shall be calculated from thickness measurement data collected:
minimum required thickness, maximum allowable working pressure based
upon the measured thickness, corrosion rate, and remaining life. Locally
thinned areas may be further evaluated (e.g. ASME B31G Manual for
Determining the Remaining Strength of Corroded Pipelines or finite element
analysis) to justify continued service. The owner/operator shall maintain
appropriate permanent and progressive records of each piping system
covered by API 570. Records shall include: piping system service,
classification, identification, inspection dates and inspector name(s) and
affiliation(s), all test data, inspection documentation and findings, repairs,
alterations, rerating, and other information pertinent to pipeline integrity.