Akeith Online Syllabus
Akeith Online Syllabus
Akeith Online Syllabus
World Geography
Coach Keith
6th Grade Social Studies
Required Text; McDougal Littell World Geography
Office Hours: 9:00 am 4:30 pm Monday-Thursday, 9:00 am 3:00 pm Friday
6th grade students, parents, teachers, and administrators in the Calhoun, Georgia area.
Lokey-Vega (2014)
Welcome to World Geography! This course is designed to guide students as they acquire
the knowledge present in the Georgia Performance Standards for 6 th Grade Social
Studies. Through this course, students will become knowledgeable in the areas of
geographic knowledge, geographic skills, economic systems, government systems,
human/environment interaction, history, and cultural habits of European nations, Latin
America, Australia, and Canada.
Lokey-Vega (2014)
Lokey-Vega (2014)
1st 9 Weeks
Week 1 Preassessment diagnostic;
Geography; Key Terms
and Ideas
Week 2 Geography;
Political and physical
features of Europe
Week 3 Geography;
Political and physical
features of Latin America
Week 4 Geography;
Political and physical
features of Canada and
Week 5- Geography;
interactions and issues in
Week 6- Geography;
interactions and issues in
Latin America
Week 7 Geography;
interactions and issues in
Canada and Australia
Week 8 Geography;
Begin Geography project,
begin Benchmark study
Week 9 Geography
benchmark; Benchmark
Study Guide due; Project
due; begin Government
vocabulary assignment
Lokey-Vega (2014)
2nd 9 Weeks
Week 1 Government;
key terms and ideas;
begin Foundations of
Government project
Week 2 Government;
Types of government,
how citizens participate
Week 3 Government;
Government systems;
distribution of power
Week 4 Government:
Government- Brazil,
Mexico, Cuba
Week 5 Government:
Comparative Government
United Kingdom,
Germany, Russia
Week 6 Government:
Comparative Government
Canada and Australia
Week 7 Government:
Comparative Government
The European Union
Week 8 Synchronous
Session; Comparative
Government The
United States, United
Kingdom, elections; begin
benchmark study guide
Week 9 Foundations of
Government Project Due,
benchmark Study Guide
Due, benchmark
(diagnostic); begin
Finance assignment
3rd 9 Weeks
Week 1 Economics;
key terms and ideas;
begin entrepreneur
Week 2 Economics;
Economic systems and
economic questions
Week 3 Economics;
Trade agreements
(NAFTA), trade barriers,
and the European Union
as an economic entity
Week 4 Comparative
Economics Brazil,
United Kingdom, Cuba;
affect of GDP on
standard of living
Week 5 Economics;
Personal Finance; key
ideas and terms
Week 6 Economics;
Personal Finance;
Creating a budget, wants
and needs analysis
Week 7 Economics;
Personal Finance;
Purchasing and Credit
Week 8 Economics;
Personal Finance; Saving
and Investing; Stock
market mini-project;
Benchmark study guide
Week 9 Benchmark
Entrepreneur project due,
synchronous session,
begin history group
4th 9 Weeks
Week 1 History;
key terms and ideas
Week 2 History:
Ancient Civilizations
(Greeks, Romans,
Maya, Inca, Aztec,
Aborigine, Inuit,
Week 3 History;
Medieval Europe
Week 4
Renaissance Europe
Week 5 History:
Age of Discovery,
Triangular Trade and
its effects on native
Week 6 Age of
(American, Haitian,
French), Industrial
Revolution and its
effects on Europe,
Latin America,
Canada, and
Week 7
session, World War
I; causes, events,
Week 8 World War
II; causes, events,
Week 9 The
Modern World;
History Projects due;
Communication is a key element in online learning. Here are a few guidelines to keep in
mind as you proceed through the course:
1. All post should be of a good quality. Please proofread all post.
2. ANY inappropriate communication will be grounds for removal from the course.
3. Responses should encourage discussion and thought. Yes, ,No, or Great job style
posting will not be accepted.
4. Be prompt in communicating with your peers and instructor. Make every effort to
respond to any communication within 24 hours.
5. For a complete online policy, please click here.
Lokey-Vega (2014)
Students may only receive full credit for an assignment turned in late if there has been a)
communication with the instructor and b) permission from the instructor. It is completely
under teacher discretion as to whether a situation warrants an extension. For each day
an assignment is late, 15 points will be deducted from the overall score. Any assignment
turned in three days after its original due date will not be accepted. Any assignment that
is not completed will be recorded as a ZERO (0) in the grade book.
Grading Policy
Is a grading policy
defined with point
distribution or
weighting scheme? Is
the grading scale is
Yes. Grading
percentages and a
grading scale are
Lokey-Vega (2014)
Lokey-Vega (2014)
Area a variety of
assessment types
included? Is at least
one assessment
requiring applying,
analyzing, evaluating,
or creating?
Yes. Through this
course, students will
participate in several
projects requiring
synthesis or
information, application
of material, and
creation of products.
Academic honesty is key not only to this course, but to personal development as well.
For the purpose of this course:
Plagiarism will be defined as copying directly from another source without proper
citation or copying another students thoughts and claiming them as your own
Cheating will be defined as plagiarism, the use of unauthorized materials, having
unfair prior access to materials, and unauthorized collaboration with other
The following is a short outline of the academic honest policy:
1. All work should be that of the student and only of the student. Plagiarism and receiving
unauthorized help will not be tolerated.
2. Any attempt to alter or interfere with the course LMS will not be tolerated.
3. Knowingly providing deceitful or false information will not be tolerated.
A full academic honesty policy can be seen here.
Do conduct and
academic honesty
requirements clearly
explain the policy on
cheating and
plagiarism. Are
consequences for
inappropriate behavior
Yes. Some general
guidelines are included
along with a link to a
full academic policy.
Those found to be in violation of the Academic Honesty Policy will be subject to the
following disciplinary actions:
1. Phone/video communication with the student.
2. Phone/video communication with parents and a grade of ZERO for the assignment
3. Face to face intervention with student, parent, instructor, online administrator
4. Expulsion from program.
Lokey-Vega (2014)
Those found to be in violation of the Academic Honesty Policy will be subject to the
following disciplinary actions:
1. Phone/video communication with the student.
2. Phone/video communication with parents
3. Face to face intervention with student, parent, instructor, online administrator
4. Expulsion from program.
Student Right to
In this course, the regulations set forth in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
(FERPA) as well as The Childrens Internet Protection Act (CIPA) will be strictly adhered
Lokey-Vega (2014)
This course was designed by Coach Keith; however, all content from the text used in this
course is owned by McDougal Littell. Digital resources are used with permission of
Gordon County Schools or their original creator.
To learn more about Copyright and Fair Use, click here.
Lokey-Vega (2014)
Do the technology
requirements outline
technical specifications
for student computers?
Did you describe the
procedures to follow
when technical
problems occur?
Yes. Technology
requirements are
clearly stated and a
procedure for solving
technical issues is
Did you provide a
copyright statement
and disclaimer that
identifies the owner of
the course?
Yes. Proper credit is
given when necessary
and a link to a
summary of copyright
issues is included.
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and the Free and Appropriate
Public Educaiton Act (FAPE) call for fair access for students with disabilities to all public
forums, especially education. FAPE mandates that school districts provide access to
general education and specialized educational services. It also requires that children with
disabilities receive support free of charge as is provided to non-disabled students. It also
provides access to general education services for children with disabilities by
encouraging that support and related services be provided to children in their general
education settings as much as possible.
In this course, I will make every effort to accommodate all students. If a student is
currently served under an IEP, 504, or any other individualized education plan, please
contact Coach Keith so that proper accommodations can be made in advance.
*This document pairs with Designing a Syllabus for an Online Unit of Instruction (Peer Evaluation Checklist)
by Lokey-Vega (2014).
*Hyperlinks are direct links to resources used in the creation of this syllabus.
*Information used in this syllabus was also taken from a sample syllabus created by Dr. Lokey-Vega
(2014), for the ITEC 7480 course. This sample syllabus is linked here.
Lokey-Vega (2014)