Encyclopedia of Astrology (Nicholas Devore)
Encyclopedia of Astrology (Nicholas Devore)
Encyclopedia of Astrology (Nicholas Devore)
Nicholas deVore
The Philosophical Library, June 1947. Retyped with additional 'Apolo notes' and reconstructed tables by Philip Graves. By kind
permission of current publisher David Roell of Astrology Classic
Accidental Ascendant. A device employed by Evangeline Adams whereby to draw Horary
interpretations from a natal Figure. In applying this method one determines the Ascendant for
the moment the question is propounded, and rotates the Figure until this degree occupies the
East point.
Acronycal. Said of the rising after sunset, or setting before sunrise, of a planet that is in
opposition to the Sun, hence in a favorable position for astronomical observation.
Acronycal place. The degree the planet will occupy when it is in opposition to the Sun.
Active Influence. That which results from an aspect between two or more astrological factors or
sensitive points, thereby producing the action that can materialize in an event.
Adept. One who has attained to proficiency in any art or science. It may be said of a skilled
astrologer who, through spiritual development, has attained to superior powers and
transcendental knowledge concerning the origins and destiny of mankind. Formerly said of an
alchemist who had attained the 'great secret' - presumably that concerning the 'transmutation of
metals'. Its modern application is to the transmutation of unfavorable cosmic stimuli and the
baser emotions into nobler impulses - thereby achieving the triumph of mind over matter, and of
the spiritual over the carnal.
Advantage, Line of. A term sometimes used with reference to the position of the Moon's
Ascending Node in a Geocentric Figure. The line of advantage runs between the cusps of the
third decanates of the Third and Ninth Houses. A position of the Node East of this line is judged
to be favorable.
Related to it are the Arcs of Increased and Dwarfed Stature. From the middle of the First House,
clockwise to the middle of the Eighth House, is the arc of Increased Stature, with its peak at cusp
of the Twelfth House; and from the middle of the Seventh House, clockwise to the middle of the
Second House, is the Arc of Dwarfed Stature, with its peak at the cusp of the Sixth House. See
Nodes, Moon's.
Affinity. A binding by mutual attraction. The Sun is said to have an affinity with all the planets;
Mars with Venus, in a magnetic or physical sense; Venus with Jupiter, in a philanthropic sense
as one who loves his fellowman; Venus with Mercury, in an artistic sense.
Afflicted: (Afflicted by / in affliction with): Unfavorably aspected. Loosely applied to: (a) any
inharmonious aspect to a planet, or (b) to any aspect, particularly the conjunction, parallel,
square or opposition, to a malefic planet. Also by some authorities applied to a mundane or
zodiacal parallel with, or when, besieged by both Infortunes (q.v.). Some authorities consider
that the sensitive degree on any House cusp can be afflicted, though any such consideration must
be confined to instances where the birth-moment is known to a certainty.
Ages, Astrological. As anciently considered, a period of roughly 2150 years during which the
point of the Spring Equinox recedes through one sign of the Zodiac of Constellations. Since the
constellations have no precise boundaries, the points of beginning and ending are mere
However, it is an absurdity to date the beginning of the precessional cycle, of presumably 25,800
years, from the particular time in history when it was decided no longer to treat the Equinox as a
moving point, but instead to freeze it at 0º Aries. It is probably that midway between the
Equinoctial points are the Earth's Nodes, where the plane of its orbit intersects that of the Sun, at
an inclination of approx. 50º; but since the Equinoctial Point is now considered as a fixed point
and the motion takes place only within its frame of reference, it appears that a study of the circle
which the celestial pole describes around the pole of the Ecliptic will be required in order to
determine when it passes an East point, to mark the time of beginning of the first of twelve
astrological ages of 2150 years each, into which the precessional cycle is subdivided. On this
manner of reckoning the Earth might now be in the Capricorn Age, as well as any other. At least
there is no justification for us to consider mankind as now in the Aquarian age, even though a
recent astronomical treatise speaks of the Signs of the Zodiac as 'now precessed some 25º west
of the constellations of the same name'. Historical records show the Equinox as having once
began in Taurus, at which time Taurus was considered to be the first Sign of the Zodiac. See
Air Signs. The mental or intellectual signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius. Considered collectively,
sometimes termed the Air asterism.
Albedo. Literally, whiteness. A measure of the reflecting power of a planet, in ration to its
absorptive capacity; expressed in a figure which represents the amount of light reflected from an
unpolished surface in proportion to the total amount of light falling upon it.
The albedo of the Moon and Mercury is 7; Venus 59; Earth 44; and Mars 15. Thus, the
changeable character manifested by Moon and Mercury is seen to be connected in some way
with their low reflective capacity.
An entirely different set of Lunar characteristics comes of the fact that as the Moon approaches
an opposition to the Sun its surface temperature rises some 70-odd degrees above boiling point,
and in consequence it emits a wide band of infra-red frequencies that are several times more
powerful than any of the rays it reflects from the Sun. During the first few minutes of a Lunar
eclipse, the surface temperature falls to a sub-zero level and the infra-red emanation ceases.
The dimly-lit surface of the Moon at the Lunation is due to light reflected back from the Earth,
which with its high albedo would appear to the Moon-dweller as four times larger and many
times brighter than the Moon as seen from Earth.
There are some indications that Jupiter emits a ray of its own in addition to its reflected ray, but
astrophysicists are not as yet in accord on that point.
Almanac. A book or table containing a calendar of days, weeks and months, to which are added
astronomical or other data. Its use dates back at least to the Alexandrian Greeks. The Roman
almanac was the fasti - days on which business could be transacted.
The earliest of which we have concise record is that of Solomon Jarchus, 1150 A.D.. Purbach
published one from 1450-6. His pupil Regiomontanus issues the first printed almanac in 1475.
The most outstanding almanac maker of the Middle Ages was Nostradamus.
All English almanacs were prophetic until the year 1828; and until 1834 the stamp duty was
1s.3d. per copy. The first almanac in the U.S. was issued in 1639 by William Pierce. It was
exceeded in popularity by Poor Richard's Almanac (1732-57) issued by Benjamin Franklin.
Watkins Almanac, issued since 1868, has an annual circulation of upward of two million copies.
The chief Astrological Almanacs of the present epoch are 'Raphael's', first published in 1820,
and 'Zadkiel's', first published in 1830. All governments now issue an Ephemeris and a Nautical
almanac. See 'Ephemeris'.
Almuten. The planet of chief influence in a Nativity by virtue of essential and accidental
dignities. Its strength is estimated from: its intrinsic character; its Sign position where posited, its
own Sign, or the Sign in which it is in exaltation; its harmonious aspects from favoring planets;
and its elevated position in a geoarc Figure. A term of Arabian origin, seldom employed by
present day astrologers.
Altitude. Elevation above the horizon, measured by the arc of a vertical circle. A planet is at
meridian altitude when it is at the Midheaven, the cusp of the Tenth House.
Ambient. That which moves. A term loosely applied to the heavens. Milton speaks of the
ambient air; Pope of ambient clouds.
Ptolemy used it to describe the tenth sphere that by its compelling force moved all other spheres
with it from the East across the heavens. Since Copernicus exploded this concept, the modern
astrologer is free to apply this excellent term to the Earth's surrounding magnetic field as
varyingly charged by virtue of the cycles of the planets, the Sunspot cycle, and other cosmic
Anareta, n., anaretic, a. (Gr., destroyer). The planet which destroys form; that which kills, if
such a term may be applied to a planet that unfavorably aspects the hyleg (q.v.).
Anaretic Point. Anaretic Place. The degree occupied by the Anareta.
Androgyne, n., androgynous, a.: Hermaphroditic; having characteristics of both sexes. Said of
the planet Mercury, which is both dry and moist.
Angels. The angels which were associated with the different planets. v. Planetary angels.
Angle. (L., a corner). Any one of the four cardinal points in a Figure, or map, of the heavens;
variously referring to the Zenith, or South Vertical; the Nadir, or North Vertical; and the East
and West horizons: the cusps of the Tenth, Fourth, First and Seventh Houses, or the Medium
Coeli, Immum Coeli, Oriens (Ascendant) and Occidens (Descendant) of a Solar or, indeed, of
any Celestial Figure. Usually identified as the Southern, Northern, Eatern and Western angles.
They are the most powerful and important arcs in Astrology. Planets therein become immensely
potent for good or ill, according to the nature of the planets and their aspects. The term may refer
to the shape and position of the House as placed on the square maps employed by the ancient
astrologers. v. Map of the Heavens.
Many depose that the Ascendant is the most powerful angle in any Figure, though Ptolemy gives
preference to the Midheaven, or Zenith, since the celestial bodies are uniformly more potent in
their effects at their meridian altitude than when rising.
Angstrom. A ten-billionth of a metre. Employed as a unit for measuring the wave lengths of
light. Ten angstrom equal one millimicron. v. Wave Length.
Angular: said of a planet in an angle (q.v.) or in an angular House. The angular Houses bear a
correspondence to the Cardinal Signs, and planets therein posited are materially strengthened,
though whether beneficially or adversely depends upon the nature of the planet itself as also
upon the nature of the aspects it receives from other planets in the Scheme.
Angular Velocity. The angle through which a planet sweeps in a unit of time. Technically, the
daily motion of a planet, expressed in degrees and minutes of arc, is its Angular Velocity.
Anipathies. The unaccountable aversions and antagonisms people feel toward each other when
positions in their Nativities are in conflict. Among the causes of such conflict are the luminaries
in dissociate Signs, or in inharmonious aspect to one another; the Ascendants in opposition
Signs; the Infortunes conjunct or in inharmonious aspect to the luminaries, or to each other, or in
opposition from angular Houses.
Sometimes loosely applied to planets seen in an inharmonious relationship through an adverse
aspect, whereat they are considered to bear an anipathy to one another.
Antipathy. Disharmony of two bodies, usually planets, which rule or are exalted in opposite
Signs. For example, Saturn ruling Capricorn has an antipathy for the Moon, ruling Cancer.
Antiscion. As modernly used in the so-called Uranian Astrology, it is the reflex position of a
planet's birth position, in that degree on the opposite side of the Cancer-Capricorn axis, of which
either 0º Cancer or 0º Capricorn is the midpoint. For example, the antiscion of a planet at 14º
Capricorn is at 16º Sagittarius, which point becomes effective when occupied by another planet,
or one in transit or by direction. As first used by Ptolemy the term is applied to two planets
which have the same declination on the same side of the equator. One in the same declination on
the opposite side was termed a contra antiscion. v. Parallel.
Apheta. Prorogator. The planet or place that exercises an influence over the life and death of the
native. v. Hyleg.
Aphorism. A short, pithy statement of a truth, presumably based on experience; the dictum of a
wise man. Applied in Astrology to consciderations involved in the summing-up or synthesis of
the various testimonies contained in the Figure. In interpreting a figure, or chart, consider the
Signs as static forces; the planets as driving forces. The planets in the Signs show capacities that
make for character, but the aspects, like verbs, denote action.
Neptune gives the answer to 'Who is he?'; Uranus to 'Why is he and what is his purpose?'; and
the rest of the planets answer the question 'How will he fare?'
Apogee. v. Orbit.
Apparent Motion. In describing motions it is traditional to speak of them in terms of what they
appear to be rather than what they are. The west wind personifies the wind that comes out of the
west but which actually blows in an easterly direction. Because of the axial rotation of the Earth,
the planets appear to rise over the Ascendant and travel across the meridian to the west, while
they actually travel in the opposite direction. The Signs likewise appear to travel in a westerly
direction while actually they do not travel at all. When we say the Sun is in Taurus, we are not
actually speaking of the Sun's travel or of its position, but of the Earth's position and travel as
measured by the Sun.
Application. n. Applying to; to apply. Said of a body in motion toward a point whence it will
aspect another body. (v. Aspect.).
Applying, Retrograde. When the applying body is in retrograde motion. (v. Motion.)
Some authorities have used the term 'approach' as synonymous with 'apply'. The faster-moving
body is said to be applying to an aspect of the slower-moving one. Precision in this regard might
indcate, for example, that Saturn in direct motion could be applying to an aspect of Uranus,
Neptune or Pluto only. Aspects are more powerful when forming than when separating. If either
planet be retrograde, the influence is said to be injurious, or the promised result so subject to
delay that it is of little value when it materializes.
Appulse. The near approach of one orbital body to another - a conjunction; the culmination at or
crossing of the meridian. Applied particularly to the appulse of the Moon near to the Earth's
shadow. v. Penumbral Eclipse.
Apsis, n. (pl., apsides). The points of greatest and least distance of a heavenly body from its
centre of attraction. v. Orbit.
Arabian Points, or Parts. Of the so-called Arabian Points, Fortuna, or the Part of Fortune, is
the best known to modern astrologers, although its full significance is not generally realized.
These Points tend to show that the Arabians understood the value of the Solar Houses -- those
based upon the Sun's degree as the Ascendant, thence erecting twelve Houses consisting of
successive thirty degree arcs. If any Figure be revolved to the point where the Sun's degree is
on the Ascendant the Moon's position will coincide with the geocentric House position of
Fortune; Mercury to the Point of Commerce; Venus to the Point of Love; and so on. Instead
of revolving the Figure the Arabians gave rules whereby these planetary House-positions
could be inserted in a Figure based on a birth-moment. Thus the Scheme showed each planet
in two House-positions: one based on its relation to a rising degree, the other on its relation to
the Sun itself. Naturally the rules for computing these locations infer a knowledge of the
correct birth-moment. However, it is incorrect to assume that these points cannot be utilized
when the birth-moment is unknown. On the contrary, a Figure erected with Aries 0° as an
Ascendant can be more comprehensively interpreted by the use of most of the Arabian Points
than in perhaps any other way. The so-called Solar Equilibrium system is entirely based upon
the Arabian concepts. To utilize these Points without a known ascendant degree cast a Figure
with Aries 0° as an Ascendant and proceed as follows:
Revolve the Figure until the Sun's degree is on the Ascendant, then divide it into Houses
consisting of successive 30° arcs from that degree.
The Moon's position is the Part of Fortune and shows the lunar influence in shaping adult
individuality and destiny, just as the Moon's relation to the rising degree shows the lunar
influence upon the personality and the physical development of the early years.
Saturn's position is the Hour Glass, or Point of Fatality. This Point is also known as the Point
of Love of Brethren, indicating those for whom one feels a sense of responsibility.
Pluto's position is the Gavel, or Point of Organization. (The last three are modern applications
to utilize the three planets of modern discovery.)
Now revolve the Figure until the Moon's degree is on the Ascendant and continue.
It is worthy of note that Mars and Saturn bore no relation to matters which come under the
influence of the Moon.
With the Sun on the Ascendant, locate a point as far distant in a converse direction, as the
Moon is distant in the order of the Signs. This is the Point of Spirit. Advance the Point of
Spirit to the Ascendant and the Moon position becomes the Point of Merchandise.
Placing the Moon's dispositor -- the Ruler of the Sign in which the Moon is posited -- at the
Ascendant, the Moon becomes the Point of Bondage.
Insert the position of the Lunation or Full Moon next preceding the day of birth, and place
that on the Ascendant, and the Moon position locates the Point of Life.
Taking the Mercury position as an Ascendant, the Moon position is the Point of Servants.
Taking the Mars position as the Ascendant, the Venus position is the Point of Plays.
Taking the Saturn position as an Ascendant, the Sun position is the Point of the Father.
Moon position is the Point of Magistery and Possessions or the Point of Inheritance.
(Instead of rotating the chart, it is equally practicable to locate the Point of the Father, for
example, by computing the arc from Saturn to the Sun, and if this is a 40° separation, say
"The Sun is in a Second House position to Saturn, hence the Point of the Father is in the
Second House.")
If you have an hour of birth from which to compute a Rising degree, mark the cusps on the
circumference of the Figure and consider these additional Points:
With the Lord of the Second House as an Ascendant, consider the altered House-position of
the cusps of the Second House. This is the Point of Goods.
With the Lord of the Ninth House as an Ascendant, consider the altered House-position of the
cusp of the Ninth House. This is the Point of Travel by Land.
With the Lord of the Twelfth House as an Ascendant, consider the altered House-position of
the cusp of the Twelfth House. This is the Point of Private Enemies.
With the Moon as an Ascendant, the cusp of the Eighth House becomes the Point of Death:
the point where experience must crystallize into either regeneration or disintegration.
If the birth was at night, with the Sun below the Horizon, in Houses I to VII, put Jupiter on
the Ascendant, and consider the House-position of Saturn as the Point of Brethren.
With the Venus-degree on the Ascendant, the cusp of the Seventh House is the Point of
Marriage. Marc Jones suggests that with the cusp of the Seventh as an Ascendant, the Venus-
position might be taken as the Point of Divorce.
With Saturn on the Horizon, the position of the Lord of the Eighth House is the Point of the
"Most Perilous Year."
Finally, for the Point of Honorable and Illustrious Acquaintances, apply the Sun-Fortuna arc
of the Geocentric Figure to a Solar Figure as follows:
If a night birth, usc the Sun as an Ascendant and consider the House-position of Fortuna. If a
day birth, use Fortuna as Ascendant, and consider the House-position of the Sun.
The Point of the Father appears to be the Point of Sudden Advancement, except that if Saturn
be combust Jupiter is to be taken as the Ascendant in considering the House-position of the
Sun. The passing of the progressed Moon over the sensitive point in the radical Figure
indicated by the Part of Fortune is supposed to stimulate all matters having to do with worldly
possessions. It is generally supposed that it is also affected by aspects to this point --
according to the nature of the aspect, and of the aspecting body. This point is not commonly
progressed, but Sepharial suggests that research might possibly show that the continuous
adjustment of the point in its relationship to the Ascendant to accord with the changing
relationship of the progressed Lights, would be productive of tangible results.
All these points are susceptible to stimulation or accent by Lunations, Full Moons, and
Eclipses on these degrees, and by transit or progression of the planets over the arcs in which
they are located. In short they represent just that many added points of sensitivity and
For consideration in that connection, the traditional formulae for the locating of these points
in the Geocentric, or birth-hour, Figure are as follows:
Merchandise: Asc plus Fortuna minus Spirit. (Also Sorrow and Imprisonment)
Life: Asc plus Moon minus Lunation or Full Moon next before birth.
Inheritance: Asc plus Moon minus Saturn. (Also Magistery and Possessions.)
Travel by Land: Asc plus cusp of Ninth House minus Lord of Ninth.
Private Enemies: Asc plus cusp of Twelfth House minus Lord of Twelfth.
Brethren: In a day-birth: Asc plus Jupiter minus Saturn. In a night-birth: Asc plus Saturn
minus Jupiter.
Marriage: Asc plus cusp of Seventh House minus Venus.
Honorable and Illustrious Acquaintances: In a day-birth: Asc plus Sun minus Fortuna. In a
night-birth: Asc plus Fortuna minus Sun.
Sudden Advancement: Asc plus Sun minus Saturn. Or if Saturn be combust, use Jupiter.
There are other points or parts, both of ancient and modern origin, many of them seemingly
based on the idea that should you have a good horse there need be no fear of riding him to
death. For example, there is the Point of Honor: In a day-birth: Asc plus Aries 19° minus Sun.
In a night-birth: Asc minus Taurus 3° minus Moon. To make clear the calculations incidental
to the application of these formulae the following illustration is given:
13s 38º
12s 10°
To verify, note that the Moon is 25° distant from the Sun, and that Fortuna at 10° Aries is also
distant from the Ascendant at 15° Pisces, by 25°. Similarly, by substituting any planet's
position for that of the Moon.
Without any of this calculation it is possible at a glance to note that this Moon-position would
fall in the First Solar House; therefore Fortuna will tenant the First House of the Geocentric
or Birth Figure. The directing of the Ascendant to Fortuna will coincide with the directing of
the Sun to the Moon's radical position. Major transits to the Moon will be operative in one
sense through the Sign and House of the Moon, and in another sense through the House-
position of Fortuna - which is only another way of saying the Moon's Solar-House position.
These points are employed as longitudinal degrees along the Ecliptic; not as bodies having
latitude and declination. Their chief value is as indicative of the Solar-House positions
through which planetary influences will operate psychologically in a mature and developed
individuality -- one which has arrived at a realization and acceptance of the destiny imposed
by virtue of the radical Sun-position, rather than that of a Rising Sign which largely
determines the physical development in early life.
To arrive at a thorough interpretation of directions to and transits over the degree held by an
Arabian Point these should be synthesized with those over the planet from which the Point is
derived. According to Sepharial "Ptolemy borrowed the symbol of Fortuna from the Arabs
but applied to it his own reasoning, while Placidus, in an attempt to deal with it
mathematically, improved it out of existence."
Arc. A portion or segment of a curved line, such as a circle, or ellipse. Hence the orbital distance
separating two bodies, or between two points.
Arc of Vision. The least distance from the Sun at which a planet is visible when the Sun is
below the horizon. Diurnal Arc. The arc through which the Sun passes from sunrise to sunset.
At the Equinox this arc is 180°, or 12 hours of right ascension. With increased latitude (distance
away from the Equator) and nearness to the Solstices it becomes larger or smaller. Nocturnal
Arc. That portion of 360°, or 24 hours, which remains after subtracting the Diurnal Arc. Semi
Arc. Diurnal and Nocturnal, Half of either the Nocturnal or Diurnal Arc, measured from the
Midheaven or Imum Coeli to the horizon. Arc of Direction. The distance between a significator
and the point where it forms an aspect with a promittor, measured in degrees and minutes of the
Equator; distance from the place of a planet to the body of same, or to a point where an aspect
will be formed thereto. It may be measured either in Sidereal Time according to Tables of
Ascension, or in Right Ascension as computed by spherical trigonometry. In primary directions
this Arc is translated into time in the proportion of one degree of arc to a year of time, or five
minutes of arc to one month of time. (v. Directions.)
Ares. The Greek god of War and Pestilence: Son of Zeus and Hera, consort of Aphrodite. The
Romans associated him with Mars, the enemy of tyrants and defender of the just.
Aries. The first sign of the zodiac. v. Signs.
Armillary Sphere. A skeleton sphere suggested by concentric rings which represent the relative
positions of the celestial circles of the equator and the ecliptic revolving within a horizon and
meridian divided into degrees of longitude and latitude. It was invented by Eratosthenes (q.v.),
who by this means computed the size of the Earth, and inclination of the ecliptic to the equator;
also the latitude of the city of Alexandria. The armillary sphere is frequently used as a
decoration, such as the beautiful specimen cast in bronze and supported on the shoulders of
Atlas, which adorns the entrance to Rockerfeller Plaza in New York.
Ascendant. The degree of the Zodiac which appeared on the eastern horizon at the moment for
which a Figure is to be cast. It is often loosely applied to the whole of the Rising Sign and to the
entire First House as well as specifically to the exact degree on the horizon. With reference to a
Birth Figure it signifies properly the east point of the same, placed at the left thereof (v. Map of
the Heavens); hence the Sign and the degree thereof are distinguished as the Rising Sign (q.v.)
and the Rising Degree. A planet between the lower meridian and the eastern horizon is
ascending by virtue of the Earth's rotation, but it does not arrive at the Ascendant until it reaches
the last degree of the nocturnal semi-arc.
Old authority speaks of the Ascendant as the Horoscope, and of all planets in the eastern
segment of the Figure as Ascendant planets since all are actually rising, but in course of time this
term has become obsolete. Only those planets that are within orbs of a conjunction with the
Rising Degree, or that are in the First House, are said to be in the Ascendant. Some authorities
deem that a planet in the last 12 degrees of the Twelfth House should be interpreted as a First
House planet.
Ascending. A term loosely applied to any planet on the eastward side of the line between the
cusps of the Fourth and Tenth Houses, which by the diurnal motion of the Earth is rising in the
heavens. More precisely it applies to a planet on, or near, the eastern horizon, or in the First
House. A planet oriental and matutine to the Sun is said to ascend to the Sun. One that is
occidental and vespertine to the Moon is said to ascend to the Moon. Ptolemy describes the
luminaries, when so placed, as guarded.
A. Latitude. The increasing latitude of a planet moving toward the north pole of the Ecliptic.
A. Signs. v. Signs.
Ascension. The vertical rising of a planet above the Ecliptic, equator or horizon. Right
Ascension, the circle of declination reckoned toward the east from 0° Aries, measured in the
plane of the Equator. Oblique Ascension, measured on the Prime Vertical. The Midheaven is
directed by Right Ascension; the Ascendant by Oblique Ascension.
Ascension, Signs of Long. Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius. (v. Signs.)
Ascension, Signs of Short. Capricorn to Gemini inclusive.
Ascensional Difference. The difference between the Right Ascension of any body and its
Oblique Ascension: used chiefly as expressing the difference in time between the rising or
setting of a celestial body, and six o'clock; or, six hours from the meridianal passage. To find
this, add the log. tangent of the declination of the planet, to the log. tangent of the latitude of
the place. The sum will be the log. sine of the Ascensional Difference. This added to the
planet's Right Ascension, when in South declination (or subtracted, when in North
declination), gives the Oblique Ascension of the planet. The reverse process yields the
Oblique Descension.
Many factors enter into the delineation of the effect of an aspect: such as -- the nature of the
aspect; the character of the planets involved, their latitude, character and rate of motion; their
strength by virtue of their sign position; the measure of harmony that exists between the signs
in which are posited, and between the signs they rule; and sundry other considerations.
Various terms are employed to describe these factors.
Generally speaking, the term Aspect is applicable to any blending of rays that results in their
interactivity. The body which has the faster mean motion is said to aspect the slower. As
speed in orbit is relative to the size of the orbit, the inner planet aspects the one farthest
removed from the Sun. Thus Venus aspects Saturn, not vice versa. There are exceptions, but
only when other factors are involved. Transiting Saturn cannot pass over Venus, but Saturn
can pass over the degree which Venus occupied on some former occasion, at which time its
influence was sufficiently augmented to create a sensitive degree -- a Venus sensitivity. Thus
when Saturn transits this degree, you receive a Saturn impulse through a Venus expectancy.
This illustrates the two principal types of aspects: (a) mutual aspects -- those which occurred
between two moving bodies on some specified date; and (b) directional, progressed or
transitory aspects -- between a moving body, and a fixed point, usually the degree a planet
occupied on a specified day of birth, when it became a sensitive point in a life pattern of daily
expectancy and receptivity. The planet which "burned" its mark into your pattern, has moved
away -- but the expectancy and receptivity lingers on.
Forming, is said of the conditions of motion which are bringing two bodies within each
other's sphere of influence, whereby an exact aspect will result. After the aspect has become
exact, the receding motion is termed Separating. Also, the faster planet may be spoken of as
Applying to or Separating from an aspect or a contact with the other. When sufficiently
within each other's Orbs of influence to be deemed operative - within half the sum of their
two orbs - it is a wide or platic aspect, which culminates in an exact or partile aspect. An
aspect computed forward in the order of signs, or counter-clockwise on the map, is a sinister
or left-hand aspect; in the reverse direction, a dexter or right-hand aspect. There is lack of
agreement as to which are the stronger, but ancient texts favor the dexter aspects.
ZODIACAL ASPECTS, those most widely considered, are measured in degrees along the
Ecliptic. They are based upon fractional divisions of the 360-degree circle of the ecliptic - as
measured in arc from the point of an observer on the Earth.
Conjunction. Said of two planets occupying the same degree of Longitude along the Ecliptic.
It is often classed as a position rather than an aspect.
Dividing the circle by one-half, results in the Opposition, a 180° separation, the reverse of a
Subdividing the one-half aspect, there results the square, quadrate or quartile (90°), Semi-
square, semi-quadrate or semi-quartile (45°), and the sesquiquadrate (135°) - square plus
semi-square - the inversion of the semisquare.
Subdividing the one-third aspect, yields the Sextile or Hexagon (60°), Semi-sextile (30°), and
the Quincunx (150°) - the inversion of the Semi-sextile.
The matter of Orbs is one that has never been settled. The figures given are merely an average
of opinion:
Degrees Operative
Conjunction 0 0 - 10° + 6°
Names have been given to these Aspects, as follows: 0°, Prominence; 30°, Growth; 45°,
Friction; 60°, Opportunity; 90°, Obstacle; 120°, Luck; 135°, Agitation; 150°, Expansion;
180°, Separation.
Bi-Quintile........................ 144°
Tridecile.......................... 108°
Quindecile......................... 24°
Combust. Said of a planet closer than 5° to the Sun. It introduces factors that considerably
alter the interpretation of the conjunction.
Cazimi. A planet within 0°17' of the Sun's longitude is said to be "in the heart of the Sun" - or
Cazimi. Ancient authorities deemed that it fortified the planet as much as a Combust position
debilitated it; but modern authorities generally ignore the distinction and classify it as
combust, imparting to the nature a one-track viewpoint on all matters appertaining to the
planet so placed.
Benefic. The aspects based on 3 are said to be benefic in their influence, though much
depends upon the character of the planets involved. The Trine joins harmonious signs; the
Sextile, those reasonably congenial.
Malefic. Those based on 2, combine signs that are less congenial, and operate generally at
cross-purposes, hence are termed malefic. Modern astrologers tend to prefer malefic aspects
between harmonious planets, to benefic aspects between malefic planets - but this enters into
the realm of interpretation where mathematics yields to psychology. A planet thus aspected,
particularly if by a malefic planet, is said to be afflicted.
Declination, Parallel of. This is the same phenomenon as a Parallel of Latitude, except that
longitudinal position is measured along the Equator in terms of Right Ascension, while
latitudinal position is computed in terms of declination, measured in degrees N. or S. of the
Equator instead of along the Ecliptic.
MUNDANE ASPECTS are those reckoned along the Equator, and measured in subdivisions
of the nocturnal or diurnal semi-arc. For example: Any two planets that have a separation of
two houses are in mundane Sextile; of four houses, in mundane Trine. Thus it is possible for
two planets to be simultaneously in the mutual relationship of a mundane Trine and a
zodiacal Square. Mundane aspects can be computed only on a map erected for a birth
moment. They represent a computation of coincidental influences on a basis of time, in
subdivisions of the Earth's period of rotation; instead of on a basis of degrees of arc, in
subdivisions of the orbits of the bodies involved. Zodiacal Aspects, based on the degree of
longitudinal separation along the ecliptic, are computed without reference to an hour of birth,
and are the ones commonly employed in delineation.
Because of the alternation of signs of long and short ascension throughout the daily rotation
of the Earth, equal units of arc rise over the horizon of an individual on the Earth's periphery,
in disproportionate units of time; and vice versa. This affords one explanation of the
phenomenon of the Orbs in reference to Aspects, and suggests that consideration should be
given to the seasons at which a wide zodiacal aspect may become an exact mundane aspect.
Strength of Aspects. The relative strength of aspects is a debatable factor, for so much
depends on the intrinsic character of the rays. If you consider the rays as energy, each altered
in character by virtue of the sign position of the planet from which it is emitted, the aspect
determines the direction of the influence upon you as an individual. It is in the synthesis of
qualitative, quantitative and directional factors that the practice of Astrology becomes both an
art and a science.
Forming Aspects are considered more powerful than Separating Aspects; or at least the orb
of influence is wider when forming. Some authorities make an exception in the case of the
Sun and Moon, to the extent of placing the point of maximum influence from 2 to 5 degrees
beyond the Degree in which the aspect becomes exact. There is the theory that separating
aspects in the birth map represent influences which have already been made manifest; while
forming aspects, particularly in the progressed map, represent influences which are yet to be
experienced. Sepharial, in his Dictionary, has this to say regarding Separating Aspects:
"When two bodies have been in exact aspect, the one which by its swifter motion moves
away from the aspect, is said to separate from the other. When one of two bodies in aspect
turns retrograde, it separates. When both bodies turn retrograde, doubtless a mutual
separation is effected. In Horary Astrology these relations have distinct significations: the
party representing the separating planet will decline the proposition, back out of the
agreement, or annul the contract; the party represented by the retrograde planet will default in
his agreement or contract; and when both turn retrograde there will be an annulment by
mutual consent. Similar effects have been noted in regard to marriage."
Parallel. The same nature as a conjunction. Since it is usually coincident with a conjunction it
serves to give it an added accent. This accent is helpful if it involves other aspects from
favorable planets. The effect of a parallel is generally considered to be of longer duration than
that of a conjunction.
Semi-Sextile (30°). An aspect of mixed quality, rhythmically favorable but involving planets
in inharmonious signs.
Sextile, Hexagon (60°). A favoring aspect, involving planets in congenial signs of the same
polarity (q.v.). Alan Leo says of the Sextile aspect: that it partakes of the nature of Moon and
Neptune; that it is more combining than any other aspect, and is often more potent and
favorable than the trine; that its color largely depends on the nature of the planets involved,
and of the Signs they occupy; and that while the trine may be said to denote negative
goodness such as a reward for past deeds, the sextile denotes positive good in that it generates
the activity that produces change and thus possesses greater potentiality for the future.
Square. Quartile (90°). Generally deemed unfavorable, since it represents the struggle of two
forces at cross-purposes. It imposes severe tasks to be accomplished only through much
concentration and self-denial -- often interpreted by the individual in terms of ambition.
Trine (120°). Supposedly the most favoring of aspects, joining planets in congenial signs of
the same element. Trines are like having "a silver spoon in your mouth" - luck becoming
"happy-go-lucky" for lack of the ambition that is born of challenge.
Sesquiquadrate (135°) Inversion of a Semi-square, and deemed equally unfortunate but less
Quintile (72°). A mildly benefic aspect, but ineffectual when directed to malefic.
Inconjunct, Dissociate. These are terms sometimes applied to the Semisextile and the
Quincunx aspects, as indicative that no relationship can exist between adjacent signs and
houses, or between those which are one sign or house less than an opposition.
The benefic aspects were the Trine and Sextile. The conjunction is generally classed as a
benefic aspect. In them the relationship is harmonious, between congenial signs, even though
the influences related are often inharmonious -- because of the intrinsic nature of the rays so
combined. They are deemed conducive of harmony, in that cosmic energy is released without
The malefic aspects were the square and semisquare. The opposition is generally classed as
malefic, even though it combines signs that are moderately congenial. These are generally
deemed conducive of friction, in that two opposing forces challenge the individual's capacity
for adjustment. There follows a condensed interpretation of the aspects:
According to the ancient philosophers two systems of force arc in operation, whereby Nature
is maintained in a state of balance, and life enabled to manifest itself in physical form: These
are the positive and the negative, the inflow and the outflow, the centrifugal and the
centripetal, construction as opposed to destruction, expansion versus contraction. The result is
a continual cycle of birth, maturity, decay and dissolution. Since these forces are equal, each
complements the other.
All organic structures are builded of cells which in their simplest form are hexagonic
spheroids, similar to those of the honeycomb. Therefore, the hexagon is the primary structural
pattern of beneficence. When light enters at the external angle of 60°, and the internal angle
of 120°, it necessarily illuminates all parts of the structure in equal lines of influence. The
light that pours in at either of these angles, imparts exhilarating and harmonious vibrations
which stimulate its continuous growth. Opposed to this is the process of crystallization,
recognized in magnetism and electricity, wherein the two forces operate at right angles to
each other - a geometrical relationship that is destructive to organic form. As a result, side by
side through Nature two mutually antagonistic forces exist, which, despite their antipathy to
each other, work together toward the ordered disposition of the whole: one based upon the
quadrature, the other upon the hexagon - the square and the trine.
Astrology postulates: that the quadrate relationship between energy sources is destructive to
form, through releasing the energy that is locked up in the various structures Nature has built;
and that the trine aspects constitute the constructive side of Nature, whereby organic forms
are created, nourished and perpetuated, to be released when subsequent destructive
configurations are encountered.
Ancient astrologers who looked upon the Zodiac as representing the soul of Nature, divided it
into four parts, making the beginning point of each part the apex of an equilateral triangle.
Thus it obtained the twelve signs of the Zodiac and their corresponding Houses.
To establish a relationship between the physical body and these two systems of partitioning a
sphere, one considers first that portion of the heavens which, like the physical body born into
this world, is at that moment emerging from darkness into light; the eastern horizon -
otherwise known as the Ascendant, the cusp of the First House; or as anciently termed, the
Aspectarian. A chronological list of all aspects formed during a specified period. Most
astrology magazines acrry an Aspectarian for the concurrent month; and one for the year is now
usually appended to the Ephemeris.
Astral Body. In occult terminology a replica of the physical body, but more subtle and tenuous.
It penetrates every nerve, fibre and cell of the physical organism and is constantly in a
supersensitive state of oscillation and pulsation. The psychic faculty within the astral body is
impressionable to extra-sensory vibrations. The astrological concept is that of a magnetic field
wherein the individual does most of his thinking, and from which he draws impressions by way
of interpreting changes in the field due to cosmic radiation.
Astral Light. In occult terminology, the invisible region that surrounds the Earth, perceived by
those who are psychically developed. Within its realm is recorded every condition, event or
circumstance - past, present and future. It is called the "great terrestrial crucible," in which
everything is resolved and perpetuated. The psychically gifted behold there, in panoramic detail,
the histories of nations and individuals, and are able to reveal coming events by what they see
mirrored on the astral screen. It has been spoken of as the Mercury of Nature.
Astral projection. In occult terminology, the partial or complete separation of the astral body
from the physical body, and visiting another locality, near or far. This occurs in sleep - though,
as a general rule, one does not recall the experience on waking. The adept can command his
astral body to go any place he desires in order to make observations and investigations, and
acquire essential information. Some dreams are the result of such travel episodes.
Astrolabe. A mechanical device, predecessor to the sextant, whereby mariners determined the
time of day by the Sun, of the night by the stars, and the height and depth of mountains and
valleys. The astrolabe of Christopher Columbus was on display at the Philadelphia
Sesquicentennial. The oldest known example, called "The Mathematical Jewel," is of Persian
origin. It was made by Ahmad and Mahud, sons of Ibraham (q.v.) the Astrologer of Isfahan, and
is in the Lewis Evans collection in the Old Ashmolean Museum at Oxford, England. The
invention is attributed by some to Hipparchus (q.v.) but others credit it to the Arabs, some 400
years prior.
Astrology. The science which treats of the influence upon human character of cosmic forces
emanating from celestial bodies. It has been spoken of as the soul of astronomy. Its antiquity
places it among the earliest records of human learning. To these ancient astrologers we owe the
modern Science of Astronomy. According to Hindu lore Astrology reached its zenith some two
hundred thousand years ago, and is presumed to have been first taught by the Manu who had
charge of the fourth rootrace. In ancient times it enjoyed general acceptance, and was practiced
by the Chaldeans, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, and Arabs. It flourished in Europe during the
14th and 15th centuries. It is charged that the Spanish Inquisition was a cloak to disguise a secret
purpose to stamp out Astrology. It was once termed Astromancy - divination by the stars.
Geocentric vs. Heliocentric Astrology. As practised by various authorities in various countries
there are two fundamentally different methods, or approaches, to Astrology: the Geocentric and
the Heliocentric. Geocentric Astrology is based upon calculations of the planetary positions as
seen by the observer on the Earth, i.e, using the Earth as a center. Heliocentric Astrology bases
its interpretations upon positions within the solar system with reference to the Sun as the center.
While it is true that the Sun is the center, the effect of the motion as manifest on the Earth is the
basis of most astrological interpretation. Therefore the vast majority of astrologers employ the
geocentric calculations of the planets' positions.
However, these terms are used by many astrologers in a different sense, i.e., heliocentric when
considering changes of position by virtue of the body's motion in orbit, and geocentric when
considering changes of position with reference to the observer, by reason of the observer's
personal orbit around the Earth -- the revolution of the periphery of the Earth around the Earth's
center. Thus considered the Signs are heliocentric divisions, or Heliarcs, while the Houses are
geocentric divisions, or Geoarcs.
There are several distinct branches of Astrology:
Natal, or Genethliacal - having to do with the birth figure and the subsequent transits of the
bodies and their Progressed, or average net progress. v. Directions, Progressions.
Horary: fundamentally a Figure cast for the birth-moment of an idea, a question, or an event.
Practitioners of this branch of Astrology usually take the moment when the question is
Electional: an application of Horary art whereby to choose the most propitious moment for
initiating a new enterprise, or commencing a journey, etc.
Mundane, also termed Judicial Astrology: a consideration of the current positions of the planets
with respect to their influence upon entire populations, or portions thereof, by countries, cities or
localities, at Ingresses, eclipses, ordinary Lunations and Full Moons, and major transits or
Medical: the application of the science to questions of health, chiefly as a diagnostic aid when
confronted with baffling symptoms of disease and obscure ailments.
Meteorological, also known as Astro-Meteorology: the application of the science to the
forecasting of weather conditions, earthquakes and severe storms.
Agricultural: an application of Astrology to the planting and the harvesting of crops.
Astromancy. A system of divination by means of the stars, the practice of which had much to
do with the popular connotation of Astrology with fortune-telling, which modern scientific
Astrology has had to live down.
Astrometeorology. Investigation of the relation between the Solar system bodies and the
Astronomical unit. Mean distance of Earth to Sun, or 92,900,000 miles; employed as a unit for
indicating intra-solar system distances.
Astronomos. The title given by the priests to the Initiate in the seventh degree of the reception
of the mysteries in the Initiation at Thebes in Egypt.
Astronomy. The science that deals with the heavenly bodies: their positions, motions,
magnitudes and conditions.
Astrotheology. A system of theology founded on what is known of the heavenly bodies, and of
the laws which regulate their movements.
Aten. The solar disk, or more specifically the light that proceeds from the sun, as defined by
Akhenaten, or Amenhotep IV (obit. circa 1397 B.C.), father-in-law of King Tutankamen, who
promulgated a religion largely based on astrological teachings.
Athazer. An ancient term applied to the Moon when in conjunction with the Sun, or separated
from it by an arc of 12°, 45°, 90° 150°, 160°, or 180°.
Aura. In occult terminology, a pyschic effluvium that emanates from human and animal bodies
and inanimate objects. It is composed of electro-vital and electro-mental magnetism; an
envelope surrounding that of which it partakes - visible only to the psychic. The aura is multi-
colored and brilliant, or dull, according to the character or quality of the person or thing. To the
seer, the aura of a person is an index to his hidden propensities.
Aurora Borealis, Northern Lights. Scientists associate the phenomena with unusual sun-spot
activity, and astronomers are working on the theory that the sun-spot cycles, generally
recognized as having some connection with economic trends, are the result of planetary
movements. The most brilliant display of the Aurora Borealis in fifty years occurred on January
25, 1938. Transatlantic radio was interrupted and crowds in Holland, awaiting the birth of
Princess Juliana's baby, cheered the display as a lucky omen for the little Princess Beatrix, who
was born January 31, 1938, with 15° Aries on the Asc., and 6° Capricorn on the M.C. At this
time Venus and the Sun were forming conjunctions with Jupiter, and Mars was forming a
conjunction with Saturn.
Axis, Inclination of. The equators of rotating bodies appear never to parallel their orbits. Hence
there is an inclination of the axis when considered in reference to the plane of the orbit. Within
the solar system these inclinations arc, at this epoch, as follows: Mercury 72°, Venus 60°, the
Earth 23½°, Mars 25°, Jupiter 3°, Saturn 26°, Uranus 102°, Neptune 155°, Pluto unknown. The
inclination of the Sun's axis to the plane of the Earth's orbit is about 7°. Its inclination to the
plane of its own orbit is unknown, because the Sun's orbit is itself unknown. It is claimed by
some that there is an additional motion of the Earth's axis amounting to 50" a century, making an
orbit of about 2½ million years, in the course of which the North Pole and the South Pole
successively point to the Sun instead of as at present to the Pole Star. This theory is advanced by
way of explanation for successive Ice Ages.
Axial rotation. The diurnal motion of the Earth around its axis; also similar motion on the part
of any other celestial body. v. Solar System.
Azimene. Said of a planet posited in certain weak or lame degrees or arcs which, if ascending at
birth, were supposed to make the native blind, or lame, or otherwise physically afflicted.
Azimuth. A point of the horizon and a circle extending to it from the zenith; or an arc of the
horizon measured clockwise between the south-point of the horizon and a vertical circle passing
through the center of any object.
Baal. (Lord). Among the Phoenicians the chief male divinity who appears to have symbolized
the Sun, more particularly the Sun in Taurus. Baal was worshipped in agricultural festivals as the
god of fertility of soil and increase of flocks. In successive periods of the history of the ancient
Semitic races, the name was assigned to innumerable local deities. The Baal of Tyre was
introduced among the Israelite settlers by Ahab. Hannibal was so named because he was
supposed to be in favor with Baal.
Babel, Tower of. A temple dedicated to the study of the planets, which were supposed to
divulge the secrets of life and guide human destiny.
Babylon. An ancient Semitic city in the Euphrates valley, which after 2250 B.C., as the capital
of Babylonia, became a center of world commerce and of the arts and sciences, its life marked
by luxury and magnificence. The city in which they built the Tower of Babel, its location
coincides approximately with that of the modern city of Baghdad - now the center of a vast
agricultural community. The Babylonians attached great importance to the motions of the
planets, accurately fixed their orbits and worked out tables of the phases of the Moon, whereby
eclipses could be correctly predicted. Their great astrological work, "The Illumination of Bel,"
was compiled within the period of 2100-1900 B.C.. From fragments of the tablets of another
astrological work which has been preserved, it is found that their calendar began with March 21;
and its twelve divisions, and their names, give evidence of astrological significance. Their story
of the deluge closely parallels that of the Bible, and the location of their Mount Nisir (Mount of
Refuge) is seemingly that of Mt. Ararat, where the ark stranded. Their Hanging Gardens were
one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. From what remains of their literature, it
appears that with the rise of astrology there arose a wave of fatalism which, however, later gave
way to a doctrine of self-determination - the belief that the stars impel but do not compel.
Babylon is generally conceded to have been the cradle of astrology. It was overthrown in 539 A.
D., by Xerxes, the Persian.
Babylonian. An astrologer: so-called because the Babylonians were famed for their knowledge
of Astrology.
Barren Signs. Gemini, Leo and Virgo. The Moon in Sagittarius, and Aquarius is also said to
signify a tendency toward barrenness. v. Signs: Barren and Fertile.
Beholding Signs. Those which have the same declination; i.e., at equal distances from the
Tropics; as Aries and Virgo, Taurus and Leo, Gemini and Cancer, Libra and Pisces, Scorpio and
Aquarius, Sagittarius and Capricorn. Because such pairs of Signs were either both Northern, or
both Southern, they were by Ptolemy deemed to be "of equal power." This consideration,
however, applied only when two such Signs were joined by a body in each, mutually
Bel. (Lord). The Babylonian form of Baal. He was a member of the supreme triad of deities:
Anu, god of the heavens; Bel, god of the Earth; and Ea, god of the waters.
Belts of Jupiter. A varying number of dusky belt-like bands or zones encircling the planet
Jupiter, parallel to its equator. It suggests the existence of an atmosphere, the clouds forced into
a series of parallels through the rapidity of rotation, the dark body of the planet showing through
relatively clear spaces between.
Benefic Aspects. Planetary relations, or familiarities, which permit the unobstructed release of
cosmic energy, hence conducive to harmony. (v. Aspects: Benefic, Malefic.) B. Influences.
Those produced by benefic planets and aspects, either in the Nativity or by transits. B. Planets.
The so-called benefics: Venus and Jupiter, by some the Sun. (v. Planets.)
Besieged. A benefic planet situated between two malefics, within orbs of each, is said to be
besieged and therefore unfortunately placed. Some authorities restrict its application to a
Significator when between and within orbs of two benefics. Older authorities, who applied the
term to a planet situated between any two planets, considered a planet between Venus and
Jupiter to be favorably besieged, but if between Mars and Saturn it was in an extremely
unfavorable position.
Bestial signs. Those which have been symbolized by beasts, or animals: Aries, Taurus, Leo,
Scorpio, the last half of Sagittarius, Capricorn and Pisces. v. Signs.
Bi-Quintile v. Aspect
Birth Moment What is generally accepted as the true moment of birth is the moment of the first
inspiration of breath after ligation of the umbilical cord. At that moment the infant ceases to
receive blood conditioned through the mother's receptivities, and in response to the law of
adaptability must grow channels of receptivity to cosmic frequencies that accord with those
present in the Earth's magnetic field, and through these receptivities it begins to condition its
own blood. This moment must be reduced to Standard Time, adjusted to Greenwich world-time
for calculating the planets' places, thence readjusted to Local Mean Time at the birth place to
determine the Ascendant and the Midheaven degrees and the House-cusps.
Bitter Signs. A term applied by older authorities to the Fire Signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius,
which were said to be hot, fiery and bitter. v. Signs.
Blend A term employed by Maurice Weymss to indicate a relationship between zodiacal degrees
(1) when the ruler of one degree is in or in close aspect to the other degree; (2) when one degree
is closely aspecting or in the same degree as the ruler of the other degrees; or (3) when the rulers
of each degree are in close aspect to each other.
Brahmanaspati. Hindu name for the planet Jupiter. A deity in the Rig-Veda. Known in Vedic
mythology as Brihaspati, signifying the power of prayer. His wife Tara was carried away by
Soma (the Moon).
Buddha. (1) Gautama Siddhartha, founder of Buddhism in the 6th century B.C., was classed by
his followers as the perfect example of a divine godly man. His religion taught tolerance,
universal compassion, charity, love, self-sacrifice, poverty, and contentment with one's lot. His
faith was never enforced by fire and sword. (2) Esoterically connected with the planet Mercury,
as the enlightened and wise one who has attained perfect wisdom.
Cabala, Cabalism; also Kabalism, kabalistic. (1) The Cabalists assume that every word of the inspired writings embodies
a secret meaning, the key to which only they possess; (2) a summation of the ancient lore accredited to the ancient rabbis of
Cacodemon. An evil spirit; the elemental. A term once employed in connection with the twelfth house, but no longer in
Cadent. Those houses which fall away from the angles; the 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th houses. Cadent Planets are those which
occupy Cadent Houses, and whose influence is thereby weakened. v. Houses.
Caduceus. n. The wand of Hermes, or Mercury, the messenger of the gods. A cosmic, sidereal, or astronomical symbol;
its significance changing with its application. Originally a triple-headed serpent, it is now a rod with two serpents twined
around it, and two wings at the top. As a medical insignia it may appear as a rod surmounted by a ball, representing the
Solar orb, and a pine cone, representing the pineal gland. The entwined white and black serpents represent the struggle
between good and evil - disease and cure. Another form is the Thyrus, often pictured in the hands of Bacchus.
Astronomically, the head and tail represent the Nodes - the points on the ecliptic where Sun and Moon meet in an
eclipse. v. Aaron's Rod.
Calendar. A system of reckoning and recording the time when events occur; the coordination of the days, weeks, and
months of the year with the cycles upon which they are based.
The frequency with which astrologers have been known to accept without question a birthdate that a little inquiry would
reveal as a Julian date, rather suggests that sometimes we strain at a gnat and swallow a camel: calculating with great
care to the hour and minute, cusps and planets' places for a date that is 10 or 11 days in error according to the calendar
on which our computations are based.
Throughout the centuries the recording of time has been a problem, to the study of which lifetimes have been devoted.
To the historian the correct day is important, but to the astrologer the correct hour of the correct day is not only
important - it is essential. An aftermath of World War II will probably be an increasing number of contacts with people
who have Julian birthdates, and who know so little about astrology that the importance of reimpressing their birthdate
upon their memory in Gregorian terms never occurs to them.
To render more vivid the problem of the world's calendar makers, there is presented a survey of the manner in which it
has been met in different epochs and in remote countries.
Fundamentally time is reckoned by the Earth's rotation on its axis with reference to the Sun, a day; by the Moon's
revolution around the Earth, a month; and by the Earth's revolution around the Sun, a year. Of mechanical gadgets for
recording the passing of time, their number is legion; but their correction always comes from the astronomical
The recurrence of the Vernal Equinox on the same day each year is the one supreme and inflexible necessity - and that
we have not even yet fully attained. In astrology, the complexities arising out of a variety of calendars constitute a major
problem. The day is universal as a unit of time, but to group days into months, and months into a year, and keep in step
with the universe and the seasons introduces serious difficulties. Days do not add up to lunar months, and months do not
add up to years, other than through recourse to numerous devices and ingenious compromises.
The planets pursue their inexorable courses, wholly unmindful of man's need for a method whereby to determine the
places they occupied at a given moment of time. The moment is easy enough to identify when it occurs, but how to
record the moment in terminology that will suffice to identify it a century later is a vastly more difficult problem. A
study of the various calendars is perhaps the shortest way to an appreciation of the importance of a matter which
involves the basic facts with which the astrologer must deal.
The Mohammedan calendar is one of the most primitive. It is strictly a Lunar calendar, the year consisting of twelve
lunar months, which retrograde through the seasons in about 32½ years. To reconcile the lunar cycle to a given number
of complete days, a leap year is introduced on the 2nd, 5th, 7th, 10th, 13th, 16th, 18th, 21st, 24th, 26th and 29th years of
a thirty year cycle, making these years consist of 355 days instead of 354. The names of the months and the number of
days are:
1, Muharram (30); 2, Saphar (29); 3, Rabia I (30); 4, Rabia II (29); 5, Jomada I (30); 6, Jomada II (29); 7, Rajah (30); 8,
Shaaban (29); 9, Ramadan (30); 10, Shawaal (29); 11, Dulkasda (30); and 12, Dulheggia (29 or 30). The years are
calculated from July 16, 622 A.D., the day following the Hegira, the flight of Mohammed from Mecca to Medina after
an attempted assassination. The beginning of the 46th cycle, with the first day of Muharram, in the year 1351, compares
to May 7, 1932 of the Gregorian calendar; continuing:
To find the Gregorian equivalent to any Mohammedan date multiply 970,224 by the Mohammedan year, point off six
decimal places and add 621.5774. The whole number will be the year A.D., and the decimal multiplied by 365 will be
the day of the year.
The Egyptian calendar divided the year into twelve months of 30 days each, with five supplemental days following
each twelfth month. Because it ignored the quarter day annual loss, it likewise retrograded through the seasons in 1460
years, hence 1461 Egyptian years are equal to 1460 Julian years. The Egyptian year has been called vague, because at
different epochs it has commenced at different seasons of the year.
The inadequacy of these calendars, because totally unrelated to the cycle of the seasons, is obvious. The Hindu
calendar of India is one of the early lunisolar calendars, wherein the year is divided into twelve months, with an
intercalated month bearing the same name, inserted after every month in which there are two lunations, which is about
every three years. The year commences about April 11, and is divided into the following months: Baisakh, Jeth, Asarh,
Sarawan, Bhadon, Asin or Kuar, Kartik, Aghan, Pus, Magh, Phalgun, and Chait.
Another lunisolar compromise is the Chinese calendar, wherein the year begins with the first new Moon after the Sun
enters Aquarius. It consists of 12 months, with an intercalary month every 30 months, each month divided into thirds. It
dates from 2697 B.C., whereby the Gregorian equivalent of the Chinese year 4647 is 1950 A.D..
The Jewish calendar is likewise a lunisolar calendar, which reckons from 3761 B.C., the traditional year of the
Creation. The ecclesiastical year begins with the first New Moon after the Vernal Equinox, but the civil year begins with
the new Moon following the Autumnal Equinox. The years are either defective' of 353 d., regular, of 354 d. or perfect,
of 355 d., with an intercalated month on the 3rd, 6th, 8th, 11th, 14th, 17th and 19th years of the 19-year Metonic cycle.
Each month begins on the new moon -- not the moment of the Lunation but of the new moon's visibility -- allowing
some elasticity for bringing certain Festivals on suitable days of the week. The Jewish civil calendar, and its important
days, runs thus:
1. The so-called October new Moon. Tishri (30 d.). New Year's day, or Rosh Hashanah; containing the Feast of Gedelis;
Yom- kippur; Succoth, Hashana Rabba; Shemini-Atzereth; and Simchath- Torah. 2. Heshvan (29 or 30 d.). 3. Kislev (29
or 30 d.) containing Hanaca. 4. Teveth (29 d.); containing the Fast of Teveth. 5. Shevat (30 d.). 6. Adar (29 d. or 30 d.).
Ve-Adar (29 d.). An intercalary month on leap years, containing the Fast of Esther, and Purim. 7. Nissan (30 d.);
containing Pessach, the first day of the Passover. 8. Iyar (29 d.); containing Lag B'omer. 9. Sivan (30 d.); containing
Shevuoth. 10. Tamuz (29 d.); containing the Fast of Tamuz, for the taking of Jerusalem. 11. Av (30 d.) ; containing the
Fast of Av, for the Destruction of the Temple. 12. Ellul (29 d.).
The current Lunar cycle, the 301st, consists of these comparative years:
The Roman calendar is presumed originally to have consisted of ten months, of a total of 304 days, beginning with
Martius and ending with December. Numa added January and February, bringing it up to 355 d., and ordered an
intercalary month every second year. The Romans counted backwards from three fixed points in the month: the calends,
the 1st; the ides, the 15th of March, May, July and October, and the 13th of other months; and the nones, the 8th day
before the ides. Thus the ides of March was March 15th; March 13th was the third day before the ides; March 7th was
the nones of March; while March 30th was the third day before the calends of April.
Abuse of power by the pontiffs and the many wars of conquest prior to the Christian era finally so disrupted the Roman
calendar that after his conquest of Egypt Julius Caesar brought to Rome a Greek astronomer, Sosigines, who with the
aid of Marcus Fabius accomplished the first great calendar reform, the Julian calendar, named after himself, which went
into effect through the civilized world in 45 B.C., and continued in use until 1582 A.D. These reforms consisted of the
(1) The equinox was returned to March, by inserting two months between November and December of 46 B.C., creating
what was thereafter known as "the last year of confusion." (2) The lunar year and the intercalary month were abolished.
(3) The length of the mean solar year was fixed at 365.25 days, the length at which the ancients had figured it. (4) To
compensate for the accumulation of these fractions into a day every four years, the extra day was inserted at the end of
February, then the last month of the year, making it a "leap year" of 366 days. (5) Renamed Quintilis, the fifth month,
after himself, calling it Juli. (6) Evenly distributed the days among the months, 30 days to the even months, and 31 days
to the odd months, except February which had 30 days only in leap year. (7) Ordered it to take effect January 1, 45 B.C.
However, despite the fact that the Julian calendar went into effect on January 1st, the civil year continued to date from
March 25th.
The system was slightly disarranged by Augustus, who renamed Sextilis as August, but refusing to be honored by a
shorter month than Julius, ordered it increased to 31 days, reducing February to 28 days except on leap years. Hence, to
him we owe the irregular arrangement of the 30 and 3i day months, and the poem we moderns must recite in order to tell
which are which. He did, however, render one important service, not without its droll aspects, by suspending leap years
for some eleven years to correct a 3-day error which had progressively accumulated because the pontiffs had been
intercalating every third instead of every fourth year for some 36 years, and this error of from 1 to 3 days in the
chronology of the period has never been corrected.
Meanwhile the Equinox continued to retrograde. When Julius introduced his reform it fell on March 25th; by 325, the
Council at Nicea, it was the 21st; by 1570 it was the 11th. The Venerable Bede had called attention to it in the 8th
Century and John Holywood in the 13th. Roger Bacon finally wrote a thesis on calendar reform and sent it to the Pope;
and in 1474 Pope Sixtus IV summoned Regiomontanus to Rome to superintend a reconstruction of the calendar, but he
died with the task unfinished.
A century later Aloysius Lilius, a Verona physician and astronomer and doubtless an astrologer, worked out what he
believed to be the exact requirements for a calendar that would keep step with the seasons. After his death his brother
presented the plan to Pope Gregory XII, who gathered a group of learned men to discuss it, including Clavius, who later
wrote an 800-page Treatise explaining it. Thus it was that after five years of study the Gregorian calendar was put into
effect in 1582, instituting the following reforms:
(1) Ten days were dropped by ordering October 5th to be counted as October 15th. (2) The length of the solar year was
corrected to 365 d. 5 h. 49 m. 12 s. (3) The year was made to begin January 1. (4) The centesimal years were made leap
years only if divisible by 400 - thereby gaining the fraction of a day per hundred years that in fifteen centuries had
amounted to ten days.
The new calendar was immediately adopted in all Roman Catholic countries, but the rest of the world was slow to
accept it. Germany, Denmark and Sweden did not adopt it until 1700.
In Anglo-Saxon England the year began December 25th, until William of Normandy, following his conquest of
England, ordered it to begin on January 1st, chiefly because this was the day of his coronation. Later England adopted
March 25th, to coincide with the date on which most of the Christian peoples of the medieval epoch reckoned the
beginning of the year. By edict Constantine later made Easter the beginning of the year, and it continued to be observed
as New Year's Day until 1565, when Charles IV changed it back to January 1st.
Not until 1752 did Britain finally adopt the Gregorian calendar, suppressing 11 days and ordering that the day following
September 2, 1752 be accounted as September 14th. Those who objected to the disruption of the week of festivities with
which they were wont to celebrate the New Year, March 25th to April 1st, were sent mock gifts, or paid pretendedly
ceremonious calls on April 1st, a custom that survives today in April Fool's Day.
The countries under the sway of the Greek orthodox church continued to follow the Julian calendar, and not until 1918
did Russia finally adopt it.
Those to whom the calendar is an economic necessity, and who are proposing various calendar reforms designed to
facilitate interest computations and achieve uniformity of holidays, find themselves impeded by the requirements of the
Ecclesiastical Calendar as set forth by the Council of Nicea, 325 A.D., as follows:
(1) Easter must fall on a Sunday; (2) This Sunday must follow the 14th day after the Paschal Moon; (3) The Paschal
Moon is that Full Moon of which the Lunation 14 days thereafter falls on or next after the day of the Vernal Equinox;
(4) The Vernal Equinox is fixed in the calendar as the 21st of March.
It was then provided that if the 14th day after the Paschal Moon falls on a Sunday, the following Sunday is to be
celebrated as Easter - to make certain that it did not coincide with the Jewish Passover. Thereby did history again repeat
itself, for according to Dio Cassius the Egyptians began the week on Saturday, but the Jews, from hatred of their ancient
oppressors, made it the last day of the week.
To make Easter a fixed date in the calendar, such as April 8th, the suggestion of which has been advanced, would not
only disturb the ecclesiastical calendar, but most of the proposed plans would destroy the continuity of the days of the
week and upset the system of planetary hour rulerships which is almost as ancient as the recording of time. The seven
days of the week represented the quadrants of the Moon's period in an age when time was reckoned almost entirely by
the Moon. Methuselah's great age of 969 years was doubtless that many lunar months, then called years, which if
reduced to Gregorian years as we know them would make him around 79 years of age.
The all but universal division of the year into twelve months, and of the Earth's annual orbit into twelve arcs, appears to
be a recognition of the changes in equilibrium that take place during the traversal of the circuit: a moving body (the
Earth) bent into an orbit, by the attraction of a gravitational center (the Sun) which also pursues an orbit around a more
remote gravitational center (the center of our Milky Way galaxy). Present astronomical opinion places this center at a
remote point in the direction of 0° Capricorn, which is also the direction of the Earth's polar inclination. This suggests
that it may not be merely the Earth that oscillates, causing the pole to describe the circle from which results the 25,000-
year precessional cycle, but the entire plane of the Earth's motion. This would be analogous to the Moon's intersection of
the plane of the Earth's orbit at the Nodes, at an inclination of 5°, thereby producing a three-dimensional motion. The
Earth's orbit may even be inclined to the Sun by the amount of the polar inclination making the equinoctial points the
Earth's nodes of intersection with the plane of the Sun's orbit.
In any event in order that the calendar shall coincide with the seasons it must bear a fixed relationship to the Vernal
Equinox, for in the last analysis the unit by which the year is determined is the Earth's orbit as measured from one
Vernal Equinox to the next. The few moments of time represented by the discrepancy between a complete circle and the
precession of the point of reference is the only figment of time actually thrown away and unaccounted for in any
If we must have calendar reform, it would be far more practical to make the year begin at the Vernal Equinox, and so
allocate the days among the months that the first day of each successive month shall coincide approximately with the
ingress of the Sun into each sign. This could be accomplished by 12 months of 30 days each, with a 31st day after the
2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th and 10th months, and on leap years after the 12th month; and by making all the 31st days holidays or
moratorium days, hence not to be included in any calculations of interest, rent or other legal considerations. The legal
year would consist 360 days, and computations be thereby greatly simplified.
If some one February were ordered prolonged by 20 days, February 48th to be followed by March 1st on the day of the
Vernal Equinox, it would reinstate September to December as respectively the 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th months, and end
the year with February 30th, or on leap years, the 3st. The holidays could readily be celebrated on these moratorium
days, and even the Fourth of July could preserve its name and character and still be observed on the moratorium day that
preceded the first day of July.
There would be no advantage in making Easter a fixed date, and its determination under present rules could still be done
as readily as is the date for the Jewish Passover. Such a reform would, however, result in great psychological gain to the
peoples of the world. Some claim, on Biblical authority, that the year should begin on the Summer Solstice, and that by
dedicating to the Creator the middle of the 3 days when the Sun hangs motionless, the year will divide into 2 halves of
equal size, each consisting of 182 days - the first half feminine and the second half masculine.
The importance of a New Year point of beginning is to be seen in the manner in which in all ages the advent of the New
Year has been celebrated with festivities.
Babylon, in 2250 B.C., celebrated New Year at the Vernal Equinox, with an 11-day festival, Zagmuk, in honor of their
patron deity, Marduk. The Egyptians, Phoenicians and Persians celebrated it at the time of the Autumnal Equinox. Until
the fifth century B.C., the Greeks celebrated it at the Winter Solstice, as did the Romans with a festival dedicated to
Saturn - the Saturnalia. To counteract this revelry the early Christians celebrated it in commemoration of the birth of
Jesus with prayer and acts of charity. When the year was made to begin on January 1st, Christmas was shifted to
December 25th, the octave of New Year's day, the while Pagan Rome made sacrifices to Janus, after whom January was
named. Janus, guardian deity of gates, was represented with two faces, watching both entering and departing wayfarers:
the going out of the old year and the coming in of the new.
Emperors began extorting tribute, strena, by way of New Year's gifts. Henry III of England followed this precedent, a
custom which did not become entirely obsolete until the Commonwealth.
The Scottish name for New Year's Eve is Hogmany, when the children ran around singing and begging gifts in the form
of oaten cakes. The Parsees, Persians who emigrated to India, celebrate Yazdegera with worship of their divinities and
visits to their friends to join hands in the ceremony of hamijar. The Druids distributed sprigs of sacred misletoe. On the
continent the New Year giving of strenae "for luck" still survives, but in English-speaking countries it has been
superseded by the Christmas gift, while the wassail-bowl has now become a bowl of eggnog.
Cappella. A yellow star, in 20° Gemini, the spectrum of which more nearly than that of any other bright Northern star,
resembles the spectrum of our Sun.
Cardinal Signs. Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn -- whose cusps coincide with the cardinal points of the compass:
Aries, East; Cancer, North; Libra, West; and Capricorn, South. v. Signs.
Casting the Horoscope. The term used by astrologers to imply the calculations necessary to be made, prior to the
delineation of the nativity. v. Figure.
Cataclysmic Planet. Uranus, which combines both teh magnetic and the electric elements, producing sudden effects.
Cazimi. An Arabian astronomical term applied to the center of the Solar disc. It is employed to describe a planet located
within an arc of seventeen minutes (17') of the Sun's longitude: or by some authorities within half a degree of the Sun's
center. It is then said to be "in the heart of the Sun." Older authorities considered that this position fortified the planet as
much as combustion debilitates it. In his dictionary, James Wilson scoffed at this "silly distinction," saying that a planet so
placed "is undoubtedly in the worst state of combustion." Most modern authorities are inclined to agree with him, although
the favorable and unfavorable qualities it imparts vary according to the planet involved. v. Combust.
Celestial Sphere. If one pictures the sphere we call the Earth, enlarged to embrace the visible heavens, the resulting
concept can be called the celestial sphere. If it is a true sphere, any circle drawn around it can be termed a
circumference. To locate any particular circle as a circumference, implies the selection of some point of reference.
The Horizontal System. If your particular location on the Earth is selected as your point of reference, the point directly
overhead is the zenith. The opposite point, below the Earth, is the Nadir. At right angles to these is a plane which is
called the Horizon: the extension to the Celestial circle of the line which, from the point you occupy, intersects earth and
sky. These established, you have a Vertical circle running from the Zenith, through a middle point between East and
West, to the Nadir; and similar circles running through each degree all around the horizon. The distance of each of these
circles from your circle is measured by the arc at which the circles intersect at the Zenith - termed Azimuth. Parallel to
the Horizon are Parallels of altitude. These are measured by the arc separating the radius of your horizon from a line
drawn from the same center to a given parallel of altitude.
The trouble with this system is that a location based upon your position fails to describe the same location as viewed
from any other point on the Earth's surface.
The Equator System. This takes as a point of reference the diurnal rotation of the Earth around its axis. Extending the
North and South poles, you have the North and South Celestial poles. Extending the Equator, you have the Celestial
Equator. The Equator is intercepted by Hour Circles, whereby location is indicated in hours and minutes of Right
Ascension, measured Eastward from the Zero Circle which passes through Greenwich. Parallel to the Equator are
Parallels of Declination, indicated by their angular distance plus, if North of the Equator; and minus if South.
With your celestial sphere marked off on this system, it can be seen that the Sun does not travel around this Celestial
equator; but instead, its orbit is inclined to that of the Equator some 23.5 degrees. The points at which the Sun's apparent
orbit intersects the Equator are the Equinoxes, and the points of greatest separation are the Solstices. (These names have
to do with an entirely different but coincidental factor. v. Precession.)
The Ecliptic System. The path of the Sun, called the Ecliptic, is based on the annual revolution of the Earth around the
Sun. Taking this apparent path of the Sun as a circumference, you have at right angles thereto the North and South poles
of the Ecliptic: connected by vertical circles of Longitude measured in degrees Eastward from the Vernal Equinox.
Circles parallel to the Ecliptic are measured in degrees of Latitude North or South.
Stretching for some 8 degrees on either side of the Ecliptic is a belt in which lie the orbits of all the solar system bodies,
each inclined in various degrees to the Earth's orbit. Since Hipparchus (q.v.), the greatest of the ancient astronomers, this
belt has been divided into twelve 30° arcs, or signs, measured from the Vernal Equinox; the signs named from the
constellations which once coin- cided with these arcs, but which because of the Precession of the Equinoxial point now
no longer coincide. The statement that this disproves astrology is sheer ignorance, for no modern astrologer ascribes the
sign influences to their background of stars, but to conditions of momentum and gravitation within the earth by virtue of
its annual revolution around the Sun. (v. Zodiac; Precession; Galactic Center.) Many of these terms are loosely used by
some astrologers, largely because they lack complete astronomical understanding of the factors on which their map of
the heavens for a given moment is erected. (v. Map of the Heavens.)
Vertical Sphere. The circle of observation in which one stands when facing South (probably so termed because it is the
observer's horizon raised vertically and projected upon the heavens), is the circle that is presumably subdivided into
twelve equal 2-hour segments as it passes over the horizon, which divisions are termed the Houses of a Nativity. On the
Equator these Houses are equal in both time and arc, but they become increasingly unequal in arc as one passes N. or S.
from the Equator. This results from the declination of the Poles, and the consequent inclination of the Ecliptic to the
Equator. The planets which are posited in these signs pass obliquely through the semi-arc of the Ecliptic to the Mid-
heaven - not the zenith. Therefore the position which a planet will occupy at some future moment, to which it is desired
to direct it, must be calculated by Oblique Ascension.
In an effort to reconcile the rising or ascendant moment at which a planet passes above the horizon, with its oblique
ascension along the Ecliptic to a mid-heaven point that is on the same longitudinal circle as the Zenith, but a
considerable distance removed from it, various attempted compromises have resulted in several different systems of
House Division (q.v.). The horizon system appears to yield the correct House positions of the planets in a birth map, but
the directing (q.v.) of planets to the positions they will occupy at some future moment, requires the application of
Oblique Ascension, both to the planets' places and to the progressed cusps.
Ceres. (1) Daughter of Ops and Saturn; a Roman goddess of growing vegetation, particularly corn. Her day of celebration
occurred on April 19th. (2) The first of the Asteroids (q.v.) to be discovered.
Chaldaeans. First a Semitic tribe, but later the magi of Babylonia, astrologers and diviners. From among them came "the
wise men from the East." We know little of Chaldaean astrology, but some idea of their teachings are to be gleaned from
the Chaldaean Oracles. With them Astrology was a religion, but of a far different type from any which has survived to
modern times. The Chaldaean priests were famous Astrologers. They held that the world is eternal, without beginning or
end; that all things are ordered by Divine providence; and that the Sun, Mars, Venus, Mercury and Jupiter are
"interpreters," concerned with making known to man the will of God. From the regularity of motions in the heavenly
bodies, they inferred that they were either intelligent beings, or were under some presiding intelligence. From this arose
Sabianism, the worship of the host of heaven: Sun, Moon and Stars. It originated with the Arabian kingdom of Saba
(Sheba), whence came the Queen of Sheba. The chief object of their worship was the Sun, Belus. To him was erected the
tower of Belus, and the image of Belus. They did not worship the stars as God, who they thought of as too great to be
concerned with mundane affairs; but they worshipped those whom they believed He had appointed as mediators between
God and man. Their religion was based upon a belief in one impersonal, universal Principle, but to which they gave no
name. To their lesser gods they erected huge temples, of a peculiar construction, specially adapted for star worship. Here
they healed the sick, and performed certain magical ceremonies. An inscription on the pedestal of a statue erected to Nebo,
reads: "To the god Nebo, guardian of the mysteries, director of the stars: he who presides at the rising and setting of the
sun; whose power is immutable, and for whom the heaven was created." In the time of Alexander the Great, 356 B.C., the
Chaldaeans alleged that their Astrology had existed 473,000 years.
Chaldaean Oracle. An Oracle venerated as highly by the Chaldaeans as was the one at Delphi, by the Greeks. It taught
that "Though Destiny may be written in the stars, it is the mission of the divine soul to raise the human soul above the
circle of necessity." The Oracle promised victory to any one who developed that masterly will. The Chaldaean teachings
with regard to karma and reincarnation, are today found in Theosophy.
Character. The sublime strength of Astrology is in its delineation of character. As destiny is subservient to character, no
prediction should be ventured until the patterns of emotional stimulation and environment are understood. Character is the
cumulative result of the aggregate of experience. Daily cosmic stimulation through birth receptivities constitutes a portion
of the aggregate of experience. But cosmic stimulation is a conditioning process that determines only the nature of one's
reactions, while the reaction takes place only when called into play by some accidental encounter within an environment.
Thus environment plus reaction produces an event, and the sum total of events becomes the aggregate of experience - out
of which one learns or fails to learn to control reaction, and thereby character evolves.
Chart. v. Figure.
Chronocrators. Markers of Time. (1) To the ancients the longest orbits within the solar system were those of Jupiter, 12
years, and Saturn, 30 years. Thus the points at which Jupiter caught up with and passed Saturn marked the greatest super-
cycle with which they were able to deal. This phenomenon occurred every 20 years at an advance of about 243°. Therefore,
for some 200 years or more (exactly 198 years, 265 days) these conjunctions would recur successively in a Sign of the
same element. Thereby every 800 to 960 years it would return in Sagittarius, making the Grand Climactic conjunction
which marked supreme epochs in the history of mankind. This conjunction made its reappearance in Sagittarius around the
commencement of the Christian era, and again in the eighth and sixteenth centuries, bringing periods of great world-
upheaval. For this reason Jupiter and Saturn are called the great chronocrators - a word which does not appear in Webster's
Dictionary nor the Encyclopedia Britannica, but about which volumes have been written by astrological authorities.
The 20-year conjunctions are termed minims, or specialis; the 200-year cycle, media, or trigonalis - change of trigons; and
the 800-year cycle, maxima, or climacteria. In the series there are ten conjunctions in Signs of the Fire-element, ten in
Earth, and so on.
Tycho Brahe (in his Progymnasin, Bk. 1) said that all the odd-numbered climacteria: 1, 3, 5, etc., were auspicious,
"ushering in signal favors of the Almighty to mankind." Both Kepler and Alsted said that the climacteria would "burn up
and destroy the dregs and dirty-doings of Rome." The Star of Bethlehem is frequently presumed to have been a Jupiter-
Saturn conjunction, possibly reinforced by Mars. The associating of this conjunction with the record of Joshua having
commanded the Sun and Moon to stand still, and of Ahab's report that the Sun had retrograded 10°, is probably erroneous,
for these more than likely had to do with readjustments of the calendar to correct the effect of precession, as was done in
1582 when Pope Gregory XIII ordered the suppression of ten days in order to restore the equinox to its rightful date.
It appears that Daniel utilized the climacteria as the basis of his "Seventy Weeks of Prophecy," wherein he connected the
coming of the Messiah with the tribulations to be visited on the Jews (Daniel ix:25). As Daniel was a Chaldean student
(Daniel ix:2), it is reasonable to assume that this period of frequent mention was derived by him from the famous Chaldean
tables of the Sun, Moon and Planets. These tables are lost to us, but from many historical references we know the
Chaldeans employed a Soli-lunar calendar, and so tabulated their dates that 490 lunar years were almost exactly contained
in 475 solar years.
If 12 lunations made a lunar year, there would be 5,880 lunations in 490 lunar years. On the Biblical unit of a day for a
year, 490 days are 70 weeks - Daniel's Seventy weeks. One-seventieth of the 5,880 lunations, is 84 lunations: about 7 lunar
years, or 6 solar years and 9 months-the actual duration of each of Daniel's seventy weeks.
In the ancient Hebrew calendar 12 lunar months totalled 354.37 days - 11¼ days short of a solar year. In 8 years this
discrepancy totalled about 3 solar months, which were added every 8 years. In 475 years there would be 59 such additions,
of which the intercalated time aggregated 15 years. This, added to 475 solar years, equals 490 lunar years of the Hebrew
calendar - to within an error of only 2 days. Thus it is seen that in this period the lunar and solar calendars coincided,
making the cycle to which Daniel referred in his Seventy Weeks of Prophecy. (In 475 Julian years are 173495.0 days; in
475 true years, 173490.0 days; in 5875 lunations, 173492.2 days. Thus this ancient Chaldean cycle has a mean value
almost exactly midway between that of a Julian year and a true year.)
Comparing this period to the progressive conjunctions of the great chronocrators, it is found that 24 conjunctions occur in
476.635 years, almost the period of 5,880 lunations in which the Sun, Moon, Jupiter and Saturn conjoin at a point advanced
about 35 degrees in the Zodiac.
Daniel also mentions a cycle of 2,300 years, which offers confirmation of this inference, in that 116 conjunctions of Jupiter
and Saturn occur in a period of 2,303.8 years. Furthermore Daniel, at the beginning of his 70 weeks, recounts how in the
fourth year of the eighty-third Olympiad (about 444 B.C.) Artaxerxes sent Nehemiah to restore Jerusalem. (It can be
inferred that the book of Daniel was not written until some 280 years after this event, for in it Daniel calls to the Jews to
hold out against the policies of Antiochus Epiphanes - who flourished about 170 B.C.) We also find that a Jupiter-Saturn
conjunction took place in 442 B.C.
(2) In another sense, the word chronocraters has been applied to the Rulers of the Seven Ages of Man (q.v.).
Chronos. (1) The original supreme deity, superseded by Zeus. (2) In ancient texts, the planet Saturn (q.v.).
Circle. The complete circle of the zodiac, or 360 degrees of 60 minutes each.
Circles of Position. Circles intersecting the horizon and meridian, and passing through a star: in terms of which to express
the position of the star. Their use is not obsolete. However, Circles of Position were not so used by Ptolemy or Placidus,
who measured the distance of every star by its semi-arc.
Clairaudience. In occult terminology, the psychic ability to hear sounds or voices regardless of distance. The hearing sense
is deemed to be ruled by Saturn; the psychic sense, by Neptune.
Clairsentience. An occult term indicating psychic sensitivity; a "hunch" or "that peculiar feeling that something is going to
happen." Almost everyone possesses instinctive and intuitive clairsentience to some degree, largely dependent upon the
nature of the configurations in which Neptune is involved.
Climacterical Periods. Every 7th and 9th year in a Nativity, supposedly brought about through the influence of the Moon
in its position in the Radix. The Moon squares her own place by transit every 7th day, and by direction every 7th year; and
trines it every 9th day and year. Thus the climacterical periods occur at the ages of 7, 9, 14, 18, 21, 27, 28, 35, 36, 42, 45,
49, 54, 56, and 63 years. The most portentous are those of the 49th and 63rd years, which are doubly climacterical, 7x7 and
9x7. When evil directions coincide these are generally deemed to be fatal. The 63rd year is called the Grand Climacteric,
and the general presumption is that more persons die in their 63rd year than in any other from 50 to 80.
Climate. The precursors of the modern Tables of Houses. They were calculated for every 30' shortening of the diurnal and
nocturnal semi-arc as one proceeds north or south from the Equator.
Collection of light. When a planet is in aspect to two other bodies which are not within orbs of each other, a collection of
light results through the action of the intermediary planet. It denotes that the affairs represented by the two bodies whose
light has been thus collected, will be forwarded by a third person, described by the intermediary planet, providing both
bodies receive the intermediary in one of their dignities. Used in Horary Astrology. Other authors confine it to a larger
planet aspected by two smaller, with the interpretation that if the smaller do not receive the larger in one of their dignities,
the intermediary will feel no interest in the affair, nor will it prosper.
Colors. In the age when an astrologer presumed to find in a chart the answer to every manner of question that could be
propounded he frequently undertook to tell, for example, which cock would win in a cockfight merely by indicating the
color associated with the strongest planet in an Horary Figure. It also was considered an index to the coloring of an
individual's eyes, hair, and complexion, as well as the clothes he should wear. Thus the following color chart adduced from
Wilson, who professed not to take it too seriously:
Sun: Yellow, inclined to purple.
Moon: White, or a light mixture, perhaps spotted.
Mercury: Azure to light blue.
Venus: White and purple.
Mars: Fiery red.
Jupiter: Red and green mixture.
Saturn: Black.
The color of the fixed stars were taken as an index to their nature: as, a star of the color of Mars is of the nature of Mars;
and so on. Placidus said the yellow color of the Sun indicates radical heat; the white of the Moon, of passive power and
radical moisture; the blue and yellow of Venus and Jupiter, of combined heat and moisture, the moisture predominating in
Venus and the heat in Jupiter; the red of Mars, of intemperate heat and dryness; and the lead color of Saturn, of intemperate
cold and dryness. Wilson dissents by saying that "whatever blue is the color of, Venus has more of it than Jupiter." v. Signs.
Combust. Said of a planet when in extreme closeness to the Sun, the limits variously placed at from 3° to 8°30'. The
characteristic effect to which the term applies is probably confined within an arc of 3° and is more pronounced when the
planet rises after the Sun. Older authorities, including Milton, have described it as weakening, except in the case of Mars
which was said to be intensified. The probabilities are that the effect of the combust condition is to combine the planet's
influence more closely with that of the Sun, until it is no longer a physical emotion capable of independent control, but an
integral part of that consciousness of Destiny that the Sun imparts. Thus Mercury combust imparts to the mind a capacity
for concentration upon what it deems its own destiny, but robs it of its receptivity to distracting or diverting influences.
Hence it is no bar to the achievement of its own objectives insofar as the ability to achieve them is within its own powers,
but it robs the native of the cooperation of those whom he alienates by his particular species of obtuse deafness to any or all
argument that runs counter to his own concepts. Edison and Kant both illustrate this interpretation. Venus combust may
take away the strength to achieve, but when in a particularly close conjunction with the Sun it produces the condition
sometimes termed nymphomania - described by Bolitho concerning Lola Montez. Mars combust is always the man who
fights for what he wants; and so with each planet according to its intrinsic nature.
The distinction is an important one, in that a person with an entirely unaspected Mercury is one who usually develops a
complex by way of an escape mechanism, while one whose Mercury is within 5° to 10° of the Sun is seldom afflicted with
any manner of mental derangement.
Wilson says "there seems manifest a difference in genius and propensities of natives, according to the distance of their
Mercury from the Sun; and that those whose Mercury is combust have little wit or solid judgment, though they will
persevere in business and frequently with good success." Also that a good aspect to the Moon, if angular and increasing in
light, will in great measure remedy this defect, making one "judicious and penetrating."
It should not be confused with the phrase "under the Sun's beams" which applies to, let us say, the degree of non-
combustion, and is perhaps embodied in the doctrine that a planet within the Sun's aura - which extends to 17° on either
side - is within orbs of a conjunction therewith. In other words, while the orbs of the planets, with regard to aspects, are
variously from 3° to 10° according to the nature of the aspect, the solar orb, by conjunction or opposition, can be as much
as 17°.
Comets. Erratic members of the Solar system, usually of small mass. Luminous bodies, wandering through space, or
circulating around the Sun, and visible only when they approach the Sun. They usually consist of three elements:
nucleus, envelope, and tail. The superstitious once considered them to be evil omens. Those pursuing an elongated orbit
are periodic and return at fixed intervals. Those with a parabolic or hyperbolic orbit are expected never to return.
The astrological significance of comets has been the subject of much study, but so far no definite conclusions have been
reached. Suggestion has been advanced that Donate's comet, which made its first appearance of record in June 1858 and
attained its maximum brilliancy on October 9th, was a factor in the nativity of Theodore Roosevelt, born October 27,
1858. It is presumed that comets presage history-making events; but operating through individuals whose birth coincides
with their appearance, their effects are so delayed as often to be overlooked. Donati's comet was one of the most
beautiful of comets. Its tall was curved. The nucleus had a diameter of 5,600 miles.
"When beggars die there are no comets seen; The heavens themselves blaze forth the death of princes." - Shakespeare.
The year of F. D. Roosevelt's birth was also marked by the appearance of one of the brightest comets of record, which
was visible in broad daylight - even at noon.
The following lists of comets afford a basis for their further study:
In terms of Earth's Mean Distance. Cunningham's Comet, first observed in 1940, had a tail of an estimated length of
60 million miles, pointing directly upward. It was of a magnitude of 1.7.
Halley's Comet, 1835 and 1910, is the most historic comet. Every appearance has been traced back to 240 B.C.
The head of Holmes's Comet had a diameter in excess of a million miles. It is one of the largest of record.
The great comet of 1843, which seems not to have been given a name, was apparently a Periodic Comet, with an orbit
of 400 years. A tail 200 million miles in length, the longest tail of any comet of record, made it a sight of grandeur. Its
perihelion distance, 300,000 miles, was extremely short, and carried it through the Sun's corona.
Non-Periodic Comets. Among the records of non-periodic comets are: Great comet of 1729. - The greatest of record,
yet details are lacking. Its perihelion distance, approximately 384 million miles, over four times distance of sun to earth,
brought it no closer to Sun than Jupiter's orbit, although it did go around the Sun. Had it come as close as the average
comet, its splendor would have transcended that of any other comet.
De Cheseaux's Comet, 1744 - an unusual comet, six tails - Great Comet of 1811. The largest comet in actual size ever
observed, except the 1729 comet of which little is known. The head was 1,125,000 miles in diameter - larger than the
Sun. The tail was 100,000,000 miles in length. It was a magnificent sight. Its aphelion-distance was 14 times the
distance of Neptune from the Sun. The wine in France was particularly good that season, and for years was famed as
"Comet Wine."
Great Comet of 1861. Earth passed through the tail which subtended over 100° of arc. At one time the comet was
brighter than any star or planet except Venus at its brightest, and a peculiar glow suffused the entire sky. One of the
finest, probably the brightest comet. Could be seen in broad daylight, even at noon.
Morehouse's Comet, 1908, showed the most rapid variations in appearance - the tail changing so much from day to day
that sometimes it could not be recognized as the same comet.
Comet 1925a. In perihelion distance it was one of the largest - nearly as far away as Jupiter.
Collision with Earth. On June 30, 1908, occurred in Siberia the greatest meteorite fall in historic times. It was probably
the head of a small comet. It had no connection with Morehouse's Comet. Another and larger collision caused Meteor
Crater in Arizona, but it was pre-historic-probably 40,000 years ago.
Commanding Signs. Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, and Virgo, because they were deemed more powerful by virtue
of their nearness to the zenith. The assumption that these command while the other six obey is hardly warranted, even for
this reason - since the Earth is actually at the opposite end of each polarity. Actually they might with more reason be
termed the "demanding" signs, with Libra to Pisces termed "commanding" signs, with much the same meaning as that
contained in the aphorism that "One does not demand respect: he commands it." v. Northern Signs.
Common Signs. Those of the Mutable Quadruplicity: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces; said to be flexible but
Conception. According to Ptolemy the sex as well as the incidents relating to a child, prior to its birth, may be deduced
from the positions of the planets at the time of conception. The entire subject of prenatal cosmic stimulation is a welter of
confused theorizing, which as yet lacks confirmation in practice sufficient to bring about any unanimity of opinion.
Configuration. (a) Three or more planets in a birth map, that are joined together by aspects, whereby. any stimulation will
result in the combined action of all the planets which enter into the configuration. (b) A similar combination of mutual
aspects between transitory planets.
Conjunction: Conjoined to. Phraseology to indicate the mutual relation of two planets occupying longitudinal positions
separated by less than 7°. The exact limits, and the relative strength at different degrees of separation, constitutes a
controversial point. Strictly speaking, the conjunction takes place when both occupy exactly the same degree position;
although it begins to be operative when they arrive within orbs. v. Aspect.
Conjunction, Superior and Inferior. The conjunction of an inferior planet, Mercury or Venus, with the Sun is an inferior
conjunction when the planet is between the Earth and the Sun; a Superior Conjunction, when the Sun is between the Earth
and the planet.
Constellations. Some 90 subdivisions of the heavens, mostly named according to some outline traced among the
principal stars within the area. There is no sharp line of demarcation between the various contiguous constellations.
Twelve of these groups lie along the ecliptic, and are thus known as the Zodiac of Constellations. At about the
commencement of the Christian era, these constellations coincided with the divisions of the ecliptic based on the point
of the Vernal Equinox, where the ecliptic intersects the celestial equator. Since at no time did astrologers attribute the
influences which repose in the twelve 30-degree arcs of the Earth's annual revolution around the Sun, to the background
of stars against which celestial positions are measured, the name of the constellations were appropriated and attached to
the zodiac of signs based upon the points of the Equinoxes and the Solstices.
The symbology of the constellations along the ecliptic is of interest in that it is probable the astrological significances
preceded the naming of the constellations, which were named to symbolize the influences ascribed to the different arcs.
The constellations of the Zodiac are:
Aries. The ram. It is mentioned by Aratus, in the third century B.C. According to Grecian mythology Nephele, mother
of Phrixus and Helle, gave her son a ram with a golden fleece. To escape the evil designs of their stepmother, Hera,
Phrixus and Helle mounted the ram and fled. As they reached the sea and attempted to cross, Helle fell into the water
and perished - hence, the Hellespont. Arriving in Colchis, Phrixus was received by the King, Aeetes, who sacrificed the
ram to Zeus, to whom he dedicated the fleece - later carried away by Jason. Zeus translated the ram into the heavens as a
Taurus. The Bull. A constellation of great antiquity containing two star-clusters: the Pleiades and the Hyades, which are
referred to in the Old Testament. The principal star of the Hyades, Aldebaran, is mentioned by Hesiod and Homer.
According to the Greeks it was the bull which carried Europa across the seas to Crete, and which Jupiter raised to the
heavens. The Hyades, named Ambrosia, Coronis, Eudora, Pasithoë, Plexaris, Pytho and Tycho - after the seven
daughters of Atlas - and Aethra, were also transformed into stars by Jupiter, for bewailing the death of their brother
Hyas. The central star of the Pleiades, Alcyone, also Ple‹one and Atlas - are stars of the 3rd magnitude. They were the
seven daughters of Atlas and Ple‹one, hence half-sisters of the Hyades. They too were said to have been turned into stars
for grieving over the loss of their sisters, and the suffering of their father: but another account tells how the sisters met
the great hunter Orion in Boeotia, whose passions were so inflamed at the sight of them that he pursued them through
the woods for five years, until Zeus translated the lot of them - the sisters, Orion, and his dogs Sirius and Betelguese -
into the sky. As the Pleiades rise in mid-May, they are, as daughters of Atlas, the bringer of the fertilizing spring rains
which come out of the west; as they set at the end of October, they are, as the pursued of Orion, the forerunners of the
autumn storms. To them, Homer, in his Odyssey (XII. 62) probably alluded as the doves that brought Ambrosia from
the west to Zeus. That one of the doves was lost while pursuing the wandering rocks, the Planetae, is a reference to the
fact that one of the Pleiades, Merope, is always invisible - from hiding her light for shame at having had intercourse
with Sisyphus - a mortal. However, all the Pleïades became ancestresses of heroic or divine families, called by the
Romans: Vergiliae (probably from ver - Spring).
Gemini. The twins. The constellation Gemini contains Castor and Pollux, the Dioscuri, twin sons of Jupiter and Leda,
associated with Romulus and Remus, the founders of Rome. The constellation Lupus represents the wolf by whom the
twins were suckled in infancy. In other references the twins are identified as Hercules and Apollo, and as Triptolemus
and Iasion. With the Arabians -- the twins were a pair of peacocks.
Cancer. The crab. It contains a loose cluster of stars, Praesepe, the beehive, visible to the naked eye as a nebulous patch.
Aratus mentions it in the third century B.C., and Ptolemy catalogued 13 stars within the area, none brighter than the 3d
magnitude. Encyclopaedia Britannica explains the name as possibly due to the fact that at this point the Sun, passing the
point of its greatest elongation, apparently retraces its path in a sidelong manner resembling a crab.
Leo. The Lion. The Nemean lion, slain by Hercules, and raised to the heavens in his honor, by Zeus. Regulus, the Lion's
Heart, also known as Basilicus, is its brightest star, of a magnitude of 1-23. The Leonids are a meteoric swarm which
radiate from the area, appearing in November.
Virgo. The Virgin. According to different fables she was Justitia, daughter of Astraeus and Ancora, who lived before
man sinned, and taught him his duty; and at the end of the golden age she returned to her place in the heavens. Hesiod
identified her as the daughter of Jupiter and Themis. Others variously identify her as Erigone, daughter of Icarius; and
Parthene, daughter of Apollo. The principal star of the constellation is Spica, a star of the first magnitude, with a very
faint companion.
Libra. The Balance. It was mentioned by Manetho in the 3d century, B.C. and by Germinus in the 1st Century B.C. It
was not mentioned by Aratus, but Ptolemy catalogued 17 stars in the area. It contains the important star Algol, a
variable, of a magnitude of from 5 to 6.2, with a period of 2d 7h 51m. Encyclopaedia Britannica finds no explanation for
the name beyond the fact that there the days and nights are of equal duration, which would also apply to Aries.
Scorpio. The Scorpion. According to a Greek myth Orion boasted to Diana and Latona that he would kill every animal
on the Earth. Whereupon the goddesses sent a scorpion which stung him to death. Jupiter then raised the scorpion to the
heavens, but later, at the request of Diana, he also raised Orion. The chief star of the constellation is Antares, a reddish
star of the first magnitude which has a green companion of the seventh magnitude.
Sagittarius. The Archer. The Greeks represented this constellation as a centaur in the act of releasing an arrow; they
identified him as Crotus, son of Eupheme, the nurse of the Muses. The constellation contains no notably large stars.
Capricorn. The Goat. Literally translated it means a goat with horns. Ptolemy and Tycho Brahe catalogued 28 stars in
this area, none of notable size. The ancients sometimes represented it as a goat, at other times only as the forepart of that
animal with the tail of a fish. No record is available as to the origin of the term, but Eudoxus mentions it in the fourth
century B.C..
Aquarius. The Waterbearer. A constellation mentioned by Aratus in the third century B.C. Ptolemy catalogued 47 stars
in the area; Tycho Brahe 41. There appear to be no records that appear to connect the name with any of the stars or
configurations within the area. The Encyclopaedia Britannica merely says that perhaps it was because the period when it
was tenanted by the Sun was the rainy season.
Pisces. The Fishes. Sometimes represented by the two fishes tied together by their tails. It is mentioned by Eudoxus in
the fourth century B.C., and Ptolemy catalogued 38 stars in the area. In Greek mythology Aphrodite and Eros, surprised
by Typhon on the banks of the Euphrates, sought safety in the water and were changed into two fishes; but this is said to
be an adaptation of an earlier Egyptian tale. The constellation contains no notably large stars.
Listed are all the constellations within 45° on each side of the equator. The month indicated is that in which the
constellation is on the meridian at approx. 9 P.M..
Andromeda............. Nov.
Antlia................ Apr.
Aquarius.............. Oct.
Aquila et Antinous.... Aug.
Aries................. Dec.
Auriga................ Feb.
Bootes................ Jun.
Caelum................ Jan.
Cancer................ Mar.
Canes Venatici........ May
Canis Major........... Feb.
Capricornus........... Sep.
Centaurus............. May
Cetus................. Dec.
Columba............... Feb.
Gemini................ Feb.
Hercules.............. Jul.
Hydra................. Apr.
Leo................... Apr.
Leo Minor............. Apr.
Lepus................. Jan.
Libra................. Jun.
Lupus................. Jun.
Lyra.................. Aug.
Microscopium.......... Sep.
Monoceros............. Mar.
Ophiuchus............. Jul.
Orion................. Jan.
Pegasus............... Oct.
Pisces................ Nov.
Pyxis................. Mar.
Sagitta............... Aug.
Sagittarius........... Aug.
Scorpio............... Jul.
Sculptor.............. Nov.
Scutum Sobieskii...... Aug.
Serpens............... Aug.
Serpens (Caput)....... Jul.
Sextans............... Apr.
Taurus................ Jan.
Triangulum............ Dec.
Vela.................. Mar.
Virgo................. Jun.
Vulpeculacum Ansere... Sep.
Contact. (a) Usually applied to an aspect from a transiting or directed planet to a sensitive degree created by a planet at
birth. (b) In a general sense it infers the energy discharge which takes place when an aspect becomes operative.
Contra antiscions. Apolo-Edited Definition (Devore's having been inadequately clear in this case): These are the same
degees of declination held by stars and planets tenanting Signs on opposite sides of the Aries 0º - Libra 0º axis. They are
exactly opposite the antiscion points. For example, the antiscion of 5º Aries is at 25º Virgo, while the contra-antiscion of 5º
Aries is at 25º Pisces. To find them recourse may be had to Tables of Declination. v. Parallels.
Converse Directions. Those computed opposite to the order of the Signs. Some authorities appear to question the validity
of Converse Directions. It is true that in a birth Figure aspects are deemed to be formed only by a faster moving planet to a
slower moving; but this does not apply to Directions in which the directed planet aspects all natal planets. If there is any
validity in either Directions or Progressions the probability is that they are based upon a moving Ascendant which carries
with it the entire Figure. In that event it would make no difference which one of two planets is directed to the other; for
whether the one moves forward or the other moves backward, a contact between these two planets will result in either case,
and which one is deemed to be the birth planet and which the directed planet is of relatively minor consequence. Since
transits are the actual rather than theoretical or symbolic motions of the body of the planets in the order of the Signs,
forming aspects to the birth places of planets - their own as well as those of other planets - there can be no such thing as
Converse Transits.
Coordinate. n. Any of two or more magnitudes that determine position. Latitude and Longitude are coordinates of a point
on the Earth's surface. v. Celestial Sphere.
Copernican System. From Copernicus, an astronomer of Prussian birth (1493-1543), who was the first to show that all the
observed motions of the planets could be explained by a diurnal rotation of the Earth on its axis, and a concept of the Sun
as the centre around which the Earth and the other planets revolve. He was partially anticipated by Pythagoras, who taught
a heliocentric system of astronomy.
Corona. A fringe of light, or halo, surrounding the Sun; visible only during a total Eclipse.
Correction. The adjustment of mean to sidereal time, whereby to ascertain the correct right ascension of the midheaven. v.
Co-signficator. These are planets and Signs having a kind of rotary signification: thus Aries is a co-significator of all
Ascendants, because though it is not the Sign ascending it is the first Sign of the Zodiac, as the Ascendant is the First
House in the world.
Cosmecology: the ecology of the cosmic. This title was suggested by Harlan T. Stetson, of the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, for a synthesis of the contemporary sciences of astronomy, electro-physics, geology and biology. In his book
"Earth, Radio and the Stars" he ventures the remark that some curse apparently inures in the word "astro-" that keeps
"astrology, mother of all these sciences, in the scientific dog-house," even though it may be the "lost key." He cautiously
suggests that we trace the correlation between changes of a cosmic origin that affect our terrestrial environment, and
periods of optimism and depression in the psychology of the human race; also that the ductless glands, controlling our
moods and temperaments, respond to penetrating radiations which sooner or later must be discovered.
Cosmic. Something vast and systematic, imbued with a sense of magnitude and order. Webster defines cosmical physics as
Cosmic Conditioning. Ancient man was convinced that his destiny upon earth was ruled by the divine power that placed
the stars in the heavens; that every created thing was a result of this influence; and that the Sun was the active principle of
good, and the darkness of evil. The ancient concept was aptly expressed by Cowper, when he wrote:
God moves in a mysterious way,
His wonders to perform.
More recently, however, scientific research is beginning to reveal some of the ways in which Creation's miracles evolve.
We know that only a small portion of the Sun's energy radiations are transformed into light and heat, and that other
invisible hands supply to all living things the essence that imparts to the cells the ability to multiply by division, and that
stimulates the endocrine glands to secrete into the blood stream the hormones to which our emotions react, and whereby
each develops an individuality, in response to his own cosmic conditioning.
Thus one might say that God placed the Sun, the Moon, and the planets in the firmament, whereby every living thing
would be made "after his own pattern," and thus be distinct and different: thereby introducing into life the difficulties of
mutual understanding and self-control which if mastered will produce character, and if not mastered will destroy.
We must recognize that every planetary influence which results from radiation is a reflection from the Sun. It is not a
reflection of the Sun, because each reflector has a different chemical constitution which absorbs certain frequencies, and
thus imparts to each reflected ray a differently altered spectrum. The Moon and the planets in the signs must be recognized
as variants of the Sun influence, all aspects as blending of these variants, and all House positions as our personal relation
Furthermore, we must eliminate any consideration of the Sun's energy radiations from our appraisal of the sign positions of
the Sun, for the Sun is only the sign post whereby to determine the Earth's position in orbit, and conditions of gravitation
and momentum inherent in each arc of the orbit.
Sir Isaac Newton insisted on the solidarity of the Solar System, a concept which contemporary physicists have finally
confirmed, by likening it to an enlargement of the atom. The Sun is now generally recognized as a central controlling
source of positive energy comparable to the proton of positive electricity in the atom, surrounded by planets moving in
orbit, comparable to electrons of negative electricity, the number of which determine the nature of the clement of which the
atom was formerly believed to be the smallest component. In this concept the Earth-dweller occupies a position in one
electron, some ten miles below the surface of a gaseous ocean.
Because of their differing chemical constituents, each reflecting planet absorbs varying frequencies of the Sun's spectrum,
and thus the Earth's magnetic field is charged with a constantly changing set of frequency characteristics. The supposition
that reflected rays are so weak as to be ineffectual in comparison to the direct rays of the Sun fails in the presence of such
evidence as the relative minuteness of the vitamines and hormones to which extreme potency is currently ascribed. One
medical textwork on hormones goes so far as to state that if one drop of the hormone contained in a certain gland in the
human body were placed in the waters of Lake Eric, the drinking of a glassful of that water would produce death.
It is not unreasonable to suppose that the first day's growth of a newly born infant, in accord with the law of adaptability to
cosmic conditioning creates channels of receptivity that will circumscribe for life the individual's capacity for absorption of
the several frequencies which comprise the spectrum of cosmic stimulations. This would rule out the prenatal, since prior to
birth the blood is conditioned through the maternal receptivities; and an independent existence begins only when the
individual is compelled to condition his own blood.
In the light of recent discoveries in Endocrinology it is a reasonable hypothesis that cosmic energy radiation governs the
growth and functioning of the Endocrine glands, and the hormones these secrete into the blood stream are the stimulators of
the emotions, or are translated by the mind in terms of emotions.
The energy radiations direct from the Sun are probably responsible for the growth and functioning of one portion of the
pituitary gland. Whatever gland is stimulated by a planet which aspects the Sun, will be simultaneously incited at every
Sunrise and with every transit, thus accounting for the strong influence upon the native's destiny of any planet or planets
that are in close aspect to his Sun.
The food that enters the body through the stomach, and the oxygen that is extracted by the lungs, yields the material for
making cells; but only the electricity absorbed by direct and reflected radiation from the Sun is able to impart to the cell the
state of "livingness" that enables it to grow.
Cosmic Cross. Two planets in opposition, each squared by a third planet, resulting in what is termed a T-square or T-cross.
A fourth planet, opposing the third and squaring the first two, forms a Grand Cross. The T-square is a dynamic influence;
the Grand Cross tends to diffusion.
Cosmic Philosophy, or Cosmism. A theory of cosmic evolution originated by John Fiske and advanced by him as an
interpretation of Spenser.
Cosmic Psychology. The science of diagnosis whereby the maladjustment of the individual to life can be treated by
correctional thinking. It does not concern itself with prediction, fortune-telling, life readings, or any other form of appeal to
curiosity, mystery or superstition. It deals with reactions developed in the individual by virtue of growth and development
during his first day of life, through the law of adaptability to cosmic ray frequencies then present in the Earth's magnetic
field; and with experiences resulting from environmental stimulation of a preconditioned pattern of emotional reactions.
The new school of Cosmic Psychologists eliminates from its practice everything that cannot be scientifically justified,
applying what remains to an analysis of the psychological conditioning to which the native during his first day of life
adjusted himself by the Law of Adaptability to Environment; and the repetition of this cycle on successive days with minor
variations, which variations ultimately create new cycles. It discards the entire system of symbolic Rulerships and
Dignities, as well as the Progressions; leaving only the Sun, Moon, planets, and the Ascendant and Midheaven, and their
inter-relationships and modifications by virtue of Sign and House position and aspects; and the Transits. These embody the
three recognized forces, Momentum, Gravitation and Radiation, that condition and stimulate bodily growth and
functioning, and mental and spiritual perception. The individual psychological reaction pattern thus represents Effects
diagnosed from an identifiable pattern of Causation. While the therapy administered by the medical practitioner or the
endocrinologist is based on a diagnosis of Effects and seldom attempts to reason backward to Causes, the Cosmic
psychologist diagnoses from Causes, and reasons forward to probable effects in an effort to administer preventative
therapy. Thus the Cosmic Psychologist does not treat the disease the patient has, but treats the patient that has the disease.
He is not content to palliate, but seeks either to prevent or cure, on the premise that health is a product of right thinking, or
as Emerson puts it "A sick man is a rascal being found out."
The Cosmic Psychologists adhere to a code of ethics modeled somewhat after that of Hippocrates, the most revered of
physicians and the first Cosmic Psychologist: "I will not give 'readings', 'tell fortunes', or make predictions to satisfy the
morbid cravings of the curious, nor will I seek to astound or mystify; but will give consultations only to those who have a
problem regarding which they know they need help and seek it; and instead of prophesying a prognosis, I will endeavor to
instill the right thinking that will contribute to avoiding or mitigating an unfavorable condition which I see in operation,
interpreting such in terms of influences rather than of events, and at all times teaching a philosophy of Free Will and
emotional self-control that is the antithesis of Fatalism and Predestination.
"I will not give counsel contrived to assist any person in working injury to or taking unfair advantage of another.
"I will never make an utterance or inference that will reflect in any degree upon any other practitioner; nor will I treat a
client of another practitioner, except as called in consultation by such practitioner.
"I will never relax in my efforts to add to my knowledge of the science, to impart it to such as I deem worthy to follow in
my footsteps, and to devote my efforts without stint toward the improving of human understandings and personal
relationships, and in rendering service to humanity and society.
"And may the Creator who placed the planets in their orbits as His means of guiding the Destinies of men, preserve and
sustain me in proportion to the fidelity with which I exemplify the laws I am ordained to teach."
Cosmical. Said of the rising or setting of a planet (or a star) when it is near the Sun - hence rises and sets along with it. The
opposite of acronycal (qv.).
Councillor Gods. A term applied, by the Chaldeans, to the three bright stars in a constellation, which served to mark the
position of the ruling planet of that sign, when in the sign. Doubtless employed in an age in which there were no telescopes,
to enable the observer to locate the planet when it occupied its own sign, whereby to establish the fact of its current added
strength by virtue of attaining to its essential dignity (q.v.). Now ineffective, because of the Precession (qv.), and the
availability of the modern Ephemerides.
Crescent. Said of the inferior planets as well as of the Moon, when less than half of the disc is illuminated by the Sun.
Critical Days. Those which coincide with the formation, by the Moon, directional or transitory, of each successive semi-
square or 45° aspect, to its position at birth; or at the commencement of any illness, operation, or event under Horary
consideration. By noting the positions of the Moon at successive crises, aspects thereto will indicate the prognosis.
Favorable crises occur at the sextiles of the Moon to its radical place; but the ephemeral aspects it forms while in these
positions determine the manner in which the crises will pass, and the eventual outcome.
Crooked Signs. Taurus, Capricorn and Pisces; and should the Ascendant or Moon be in one of these, and afflicted by the
malefics, the native, it is said, will be crooked and imperfect.
Culminating. v. Ascendant.
Culmination. n. to culminate. v. (a) The arrival of a planet at the Midheaven (M.C.) or the cusp of the Tenth
house, by progression, direction, or transit. (b) Sometimes used to indicate the completion of an aspect - the
arrival of a planet at the exact degree where a partile aspect becomes platic.
Culminator. A swift-moving planet which in transit reaches a critical position, by conjunction or aspect, and thereby
precipitates the externalization of a simultaneous state of displaced equilibrium caused by a lingering aspect from a slow-
moving planet.
Cusp. (a) The imaginary line which separates a Sign from adjoining Signs, a House from its adjoining Houses; (b) an
indeterminate but small arc contiguous to the boundary-line between adjacent Signs and Houses, wherein there is
uncertainty as to the planet's location at a particular moment, and ambiguity as to the planet's influence in a borderline
relationship. A birth planet is stronger when it is on the cusp than when it is in the last degrees of a House. The angular
cusps are doubtless the sharpest.
Cycle, Of the Sun, 28 years; of the Moon, 19 years. An imaginary orb, or circle, in the heaven; marks the return of the
planets to their own places; each of the planets having a cycle, or revolution, of its own.
Cycles. When a faster moving planet overtakes and passes a slower moving planet, it forms a conjunction. When this
recurs a second time between the same two planets there is evident a first step in a cyclic effect, wherein the second
conjunction has occurred after a certain interval of time and space: recurrence cycles of position and relation. After a
certain number of recurrences the point of conjunction must eventually return to the approximate beginning point, where
it completes a first order recurrence cycle. If there is a small discrepancy between the points of beginning and ending, it
is found that after a certain number of first order recurrence cycles, this discrepancy will in effect be carried all the way
around the circle, and constitute a second order recurrence cycle. A recurrence cycle of position may be taken in the
Sidereal period of the planet in an hypothetical Fixed Zodiac, or in the tropical period of the planet in the moving Zodiac
of Precession. Oddly enough, the values of the tropical periods of the major planets, based on the mean rate of
Precession, are not usually given, even though we of the West use the Moving Zodiac of Precession in preference to a
Fixed Zodiac, and despite the fact that with the outer planets the difference between the tropical and the sidereal periods
becomes considerable. These values, in tropical years, are:
Jupiter.... 11.858
Saturn..... 29.42
Uranus..... 83.75
Neptune... 163.74
Pluto..... 245.33
The hypothetical Fixed Zodiac is measured along the Invariable Plane, to which the Ecliptic has a minimum inclination
of 0° and a maximum of 3°6'. Its zero point coincides with the point of beginning of the precessional movement of the
Poles of the Ecliptic, but the location of this point has not been determined. Probably it should be the Nodes of
intersection of the Invariable Plane with some as yet undiscovered superior orbit. However, one can assume an arbitrary
point, and from that point compute both the total precession and its changing rate during a given period. There is some
justification for assuming a coincidence of the moving and fixed zodiacs at 28 A.D., less a correction of 281y for lag
and lead. Applying to this the true rate of precession during the intervening period yields the year 1906 as possibly the
commencement of the Aquarian Age in terms of the Equinox, and 2169 in terms of the Pole.
Jupiter Cycle. The ancients noted these first and second order recurrence cycles in connection with the orbits of Jupiter
and Saturn, which they termed the great chronocrators, because of the way the cycles subdivided time into large units of
hundreds of years, and the economic and political evolution which followed in step with these advancing cycles.
Jupiter conjoins Saturn in 19.859 years at an advance of about 123 degrees. After three conjunctions, 59.577 years, it
recurs at a mean advance of 8.93° - the first order recurrence cycle of Jupiter-Saturn. With this 9-degree advance every
60 years, in 40 conjunctions the advance moves around the circle and in 794.37 years returns to within 0.93° of the
starting point - the second order recurrence cycle. This 1° discrepancy would thus locate a third order recurrence cycle
in 360 times 800 years, roughly speaking, a period too far in excess of recorded history to be useful as a frame of
The first order recurrence cycle of Jupiter-Saturn, 59.577 years - all values are mean values, based on mean motions - is
probably the 60-year cycle of which the ancients spoke so much: the period of "social lag," or the time between the
introduction of a new invention or social innovation (Uranus), and its adoption and spread on the institutional level of
organized society (Jupiter-Saturn). The second order recurrence cycle of these two planets is the Great Mutation cycle
which meant so much in the Mundane Astrology. of the ancients. More recent is the discovery of a cycle of this length
by a modern non-astrological historical investigator, Dr. J. S. Lee, who with the aid of Lin Yutang and Dr. Hu Shih, one
of China's great scholars, studied the incidence of civil conflict in China from 1100 B.C to 1930 A.D. His graph of the
amount of civil conflict in five-year intervals from 230 B.C. to 1930 A.D. reveals an 809-year cyclic interval from the
Chin Dynasty of 221 B.C. to the Sui Dynasty of 589 A.D.; followed by a 779-year cyclic interval from this Dynasty to
the Ming Dynasty of 1368 A.D. Averaging Bogy and 779y gives a mean value of 794y, which would end the third cycle
about 2.159 A.D. In the first half of each cycle, other than for two short-lived peaks of violence the country was
completely peaceful and prosperous, with unity prevailing. In the second halves there are 5 peaks of violence and no
interval of sustained peace. The start of each of the three cycles was marked by great building and engineering activities:
in the Chin, by the Great Wall and huge palaces; in the Sui, by the Grand Canal and huge palaces; in the Ming, by the
rebuilding of the Great Wall and several systems of canals. Notable, astrologically, is the fact that the first Jupiter-
Saturn conjunction in a Water Sign, Scorpio, occurred 3 years before the Chin Dynasty, 18 years before the Sui Dynasty
and 3 years before the Ming Dynasty. The change of clement, in this case from Air to Water, was anciently termed the
Trigonalis, and deemed to be of prime political and economic import. According to Ralph Kraum, the conjunction of
1365 occurred on November 1, at 7° Scorpio. Dr. Lee has thus confirmed, regarding the Jupiter-Saturn rhythm, that
when the conjunctions are in Water and Fire, all is well; while in Earth and Air' all is not so well. Thus it can be inferred
that in the first half, Jupiter predominates; and in the second half, Saturn. This indicates that the astrological study of the
broader influences which affect the rise and fall of civilization is best approached through recurrence cycles of position
and relation of the major planets.
Pluto Cycles. The application of Bode's Law roughly coincides with the distances of the planets from the Sun; except in
the case of Neptune, where it breaks down entirely. However, D. E. Richardson, of the Armour Research Institute, as
noted in Popular Astronomy for January 1945, has discovered a formula which accurately yields the planetary distances.
The only discrepancy of over 0.1 per cent between distance values computed from this formula, and the observed
values, occurs in the case of Pluto. Furthermore, his formula confirms what Wilson found from a study of medieval
records as to the knowledge of the ancients, viz., that there are 13 orbits in the Solar System: one within the orbit of
Mercury (Vulcan), and two beyond the orbit of, Pluto. According to this formula the planet next beyond Pluto should
have a mean distance of 74.2 astronomical units, and a sidereal period of 640y; the outermost planet, 137.4 A.U., and
1608y. The mean values in tropical years would then be 625y and 1515y.
Recent discoveries by certain outstanding non-astrological investigators are interesting, even if as yet speculative, in the
fact that they check with the periods of the two planets which there is some reason to believe lie beyond the orbit of
Pluto. Studies of the Culture Cycle, by Jean Bradford, and by Petry, the great Egyptologist, indicate a period of about
1500 years as the duration of a Culture: subdivided into 6 culture -- phases of about 250 years each, in each of which
certain psychologically different basic components receive special emphasis. She has correlated recognizable
physiological differences with endocrine imbalance, based on the work of Dr. Berman, recognized endocrinologist,
revealing wherein both the psychological and the physiological characteristics of a culture-phase display a different
sense of Space, dimensional in nature.
The work of Dr. Ellsworth Huntingdon of Yale, outstanding geographer, climatologist and cyclologist, indicates a cycle
of about 640 years in the migrations of peoples.
Clearly these suggest a Pluto cycle, of a sidereal period of 247.7 years, or 245 1/3 tropical years, the interpretations of
which agree with certain conclusions reached by Dane Rudhyar, astrological student of cultures and civilizations,
concerning the Pluto period and its correlation with the style of a period. The sidereal period of the planet next beyond
Pluto correlates to the Migration cycle of Dr. Huntingdon. The 1500-Year Culture period of Bradford and Petry
correlates to the tropical period of the hypothetical outermost planet. Since in all Culture-cycles, Mrs. Bradford finds
that changes of phase occur in years divisible by 250, it is notable that close to these dates Pluto is at its perihelion (13°
+) - its nearest point to the Sun. Its next perihelion passage will be in 198g, 11 years before her date. The first perihelion
passage of this epoch was 8 A.D., 8 years after her date. This is highly significant, since Pluto is nearer to the Sun than
Neptune during nearly 5 years before and after its perihelion pas- sages. Thus, as Rudhyar has suggested, Pluto
"fertilizes" Neptune once in each cycle by crossing within its orbit. It is also of interest to note that Neptune's aphelion
nearly coincides with Pluto's perihelion. Thus of all planetary orbits theirs are the most singularly related.
Neptune Cycle. We have found no study which has discovered Neptune's recurrence period of 164 years. In any case
this would be rendered difficult by the fact that 3 cycles of Neptune are nearly equal to 2 cycles of Pluto. Their
recurrence of relation, a cycle of aspect that is known as the synodic cycle, has a mean value of 492 1/3 years, although
now and for a long time to come it is nearer 493½ years. It also develops that the Culture-phases alternate - one
centripetal, and next centrifugal - yielding a double cycle of about 500 years: probably the Neptune-Pluto cycle, wherein
every 247 years they are alternately in conjunction or opposition. From this we deduce that the outer planets exert a
powerful influence on Civilization. According to the analyses of Mrs. Bradford, the first 1500 years of each Culture-
Cycle is predominantly extrovert; the next 1500 years, predominantly introvert: a double cycle of a value of roughly
3,000 years. This can be related to the 3,100-year period of 3 conjunctions of the two outermost planets, in which time
they return not only to the same relation, but also to nearly the same position in the Zodiac. Even the single Neptune-
Pluto cycle of nearly 500 years finds Neptune and Pluto in nearly the same position.
Since five revolutions of Pluto nearly equal two revolutions of the planet next beyond Pluto, the difference (5 - 2 = 3)
gives the number of conjunctions they will make in their cycle of 1,230 years. Mrs. Bradford finds that the first 4 of the
6 phases of a single Culture cycle, or 1,000 years, develop the four basic psychological elements of human nature
(Jung): the emotional; imaginative (also called the intuitive); rational (intellectual); and sensate (sensory)-in that order.
During the fifth phase the preceding four are integrated, the quintessence (quintus, the fifth) of the experience of the
Culture is distilled, developing what we term a complete Civilization. Politically this may be an Imperium or Empire;
such as the Roman Empire; which was the fifth, and later the sixth phase, of the Grecian Culture. As Mrs. Bradford's
five phases equal 1,250 years, approximately the period of Pluto's position and relation recurrence with the planet just
beyond it, it appears to indicate that her study is actually an observation of the effects of the cycles of the four outermost
planets - even though she herself is not an astrologer. According to her deductions the Atlantic Culture of Northern
Europe and North America is now about to leave its fourth phase to pass into the fifth; the second or introvertive half of
the double Culture-Period of the Mediterranean Culture (the Greco-Roman in the extrovert cycle, and the Catholic and
Latin Europe in the introvertive) should end its final phase this Century; and the North Asian or Slavic Culture, which
includes most of Russia, is ending the final phase of its extrovert cycle and about to pass into its introvert cycle. This
final phase is a barbaric period of great physical vitality, and its "conversion" into the first phase of the introvert Culture
period is always concurrent with a vital and major religious development. This suggests that the next religious
renascence, in the latter part of this century, will be an especially vital one for the Slavic peoples.
The intimacy of the relationship of the orbits of Neptune and Pluto can be seen in this comparison:
Uranus Cycle. The researches of modern astrologers indicate the renewing and revolutionary character of the Uranus
period of 83¾ tropical years, and the Neptune period of 163¾ tropical years; and confirm the long-established
significance of the Saturn period of 29½ years, and the Jupiter period of 11 6/7 years. But it is from a consideration of
the synodic periods and the cycle of recurrent aspects between two of them, that, interesting conclusions can be deduced
as to their sociological significance. Thus the Uranus-Neptune first order recurrence period is that of I conjunction -
171.403 years. In the past 2,500 years the effect of the Uranus eccentricity has reduced this to an average value of some
171.0 years. This is especially significant when compared to a cycle in the history of Civilization, found by Dr.
Raymond F. Wheeler, of the University of Kansas, who also is not an astrologer and is therefore free of any bias in
favor of a cycle of a particular astronomical length. He gives its length as 170 years, only 0.6 per cent less than that of
the Uranus-Neptune cycle. He finds that it marks broad changes in the pattern of society, and is accompanied by social
upheavals - typical of all Uranian influences. He attributes the cycle to climatic changes, but at least one investigator of
climatic cycles finds no confirming evidence in a climatic cycle of that duration.
Further, regarding the second order recurrence cycles of Uranus-Neptune in the Fixed and Moving Zodiacs, after 21
conjunctions they return to a point about 6° short of their initial place in the Zodiac of Precession. The fascinating thing
is that this takes place in 3,599.46 years - the 3,600-year period which the ancient Chaldees referred to as the real and
original Saros cycle. Thus it can be estab- lished that in 7,209y, only ten years after the next Uranus-Neptune recurrence
in 7,199y, there will be a Jupiter-Saturn recurrence. Therefore the double Saros is a compound recurrence cycle of the
four innermost major planets. If we divide this into 12 subperiods we find a significant change of aspect pattern every
600 years: Jupiter and Neptune advancing 8, Saturn 5, and Uranus 2 Signs - which 600-year period is the equally
famous Naros cycle of the Chaldees. In addition, the Sun, Moon and Mars recur in the same position and relationship at
the end of 6 Centuries. Therefore since Jupiter-Neptune remain in the same aspect, both advanced 240° in the Naros
period, one may consider this a Jupiter-Neptune dominated cycle, that has to do not with political economy (Saturn-
Uranus) but with religion and philosophy. Neptune indicates the mystical aspect: the revelation of a higher universal and
mystical reality through the medium of some great spiritual teacher. Jupiter represents this development on the level of
social institutions as an organized religion and ritual, which becomes widespread-the expansiveness of Jupiter. These
Naros milestones are marked by the following historical dates:
Observe that in each case there is the factor of revelation through a specific Teacher, and the expansion of the resultant
religion to a considerable number of followers. In tile case of Confucius, the element of revelation thus appears to have
been absent.
The recurrent Uranus-Neptune conjunctions in the Fixed Zodiac are also of vital significance: a cycle of 25 in 4,285.1
years. This is almost exactly one-sixth of a Precessional cycle, just as the 600-year Naros is one-sixth of the 3,600-year
"Saros" cycle; and both are of vital spiritual import. This means that the start of each Precessional Age, one-twelfth of
the complete cycle of Precession, is alternately marked by a conjunction or opposition between these two planets, all
occurring at almost the same place in the Fixed Zodiac!
Actually the Mean Precession is 25,694.8 years. Six recurrence cycles of Uranus-Neptune in the Fixed Zodiac, or seven
in the Moving Zodiac, equal 25,710.48 years, at an advance of 7½°; and 32 recurrence cycles of Jupiter-Saturn in the
Moving Zodiac equal 25,717.8 years, at an advance of 15°. Therefore the period of Precession is a compound recurrence
cycle of the four innermost major planets, in both the Fixed and the Moving Zodiacs: hence its great importance. If we
divide the Precession by 12, as previously we divided the 7,200-year original Saros cycle by 12, we obtain the basic
2,143-year rhythm which marks off the Ages; the Pisces or the Aquarian. At the end of one such Age, Neptune is in the
same place in the Fixed Zodiac; at the end of two, Neptune and Uranus are at the same place; at the end of three,
Neptune and Jupiter are at the same place; at the end of four, Neptune, Uranus and Saturn are at the same place; but the
end of 12 brings them all back at the same time and place. Clearly then, one must consider, in the order of their relative
importance: first Neptune, then Uranus, Jupiter, and finally Saturn. Once again the universalism and mysticism of
Neptune turn up in the association of religions with each Precessional Age; but also Uranus as the renewer and changer.
Saturn Cycles. The remaining synodic cycle of major planets in adjacent orbits is that of Saturn-Uranus. Two
conjunctions, 90.72 years, complete a first order recurrence cycle, in which time they have advanced 30 degrees and 1½
minutes of arc in the Zodiac of Precession. The period from a conjunction to an opposition, or the reverse, of Jupiter and
Saturn is 9.93 years; of Saturn and Uranus, 22.68 years. The 9.93 year period has been identified as a component in the
Sunspot cycle, and by Edgar Lawrence Smith in the Business cycle. The 22.68 year period has been identified by Dr.
Abbott as the basic period of variation in the Solar constant -- radiation: given by him as 22.3 years. It has also been
found to be a Weather cycle, as has one-third of it; twice, and four times -- which coincides with the first order
recurrence cycle of Saturn-Uranus. Thus the correlations of the three inner major planets appear to deal with Weather,
Economics and Politics; i.e., the more concrete phases of human life and environment.
The significance of the Saturn-Uranus cycle for the political economy appears clear, especially at and near their cyclic
oppositions. The opposition of 1692 Was immediately preceded by the first demo- cratic revolution: Britain's Glorious
Revolution of 1688 and 1689. The next opposition, of about 1736, was marked by the War of the Polish Succession. The
opposition of 1783 followed the American Revolution. (Uranus was discovered when opposition to Saturn, in 1781.)
The opposition of 1829 was followed by revolutionary upheavals which started in France and spread throughout Europe
in 1830. The opposition of 1874 followed the first Communist revolu- tion, the Paris Commune of 1871. The opposition
of 1919 followed the Russian Revolution of 1917. The next opposition will come in 1965.
Dr. Lee found that 540 Years after the start of each Chinese Cycle the country became split between North and South,
and the capital was shifted from North to South. Two of his cycle dates are 3 years later than the Jupiter-Saturn
Mutation conjunctions, hence the split occurs 543 years after the Mutations. The second order recurrence cycle for
Saturn-Uranus is 1,088.72 years, or 24 conjunctions. Half of this 's 544.36 years. At the end of 544 1/3 years there has
been a conjunction in each of the 12 Signs and Saturn-Uranus are exactly 180¼º from their initial position: thus the shift
of 180° suggests the "split" of China. Adding 544 1/3 to the conjunction of 1365 gives us 1919; but actually, because of
the eccentricities of the Saturn-Uranus orbits, they did not reach the oppositions to the places they occupied at the
beginning of the cycle, until late 1911 or early 1912, which marked the Revolution of October 10, 1911 that brought
into being the Republic and caused the capital to be shifted from Peking south to Nanking, and later led to the split
between the Communist North and the Kuomintang South. In this, Dr. Lee appears to have identified the significance of
the second order cycles of Jupiter-Saturn-Uranus; Mrs. Bradford, to have identified the meaning of the first order cycles
of Neptune-Pluto and the two trans-Pluto planets postulated by the Richardson formula; and Professor Wheeler to have
identified the importance of the first order Uranus-Neptune cycle. It should be mentioned as the best work on the
Uranus-Neptune cycle by an astrologer, Margaret Morrell under "Research" in American Astrology Magazine, in April,
May and June of 1939.
A study of the vast and vital subject of planetary cycles thus illuminates other cycles, such as the Naros and the
Precessional Ages, the existence of which have been long traditional but whose full meanings have not always been
clear. The prime importance of these two cycles is in the fact that they involve the two planets of the "creative
minority": the bearers of Culture (Uranus-Neptune), of "institutional society," and of the "established and
conventional" (Jupiter-Saturn). As a result, in both cases we have the combination and interaction of the two different
psycho-social levels which represent the process of "civilization": the creative vs. the practical. The most perfect
illustration of this was the start of the Mission of Jesus at the age of 30, in 25 A.D.)., at the Full Moon of April 1 of that
year, in Libra opposing the Sun in Aries, Saturn with the Sun and Jupiter with the Moon, close to the Equinox, the
intersection of the Equator and Ecliptic, hence on the same level. Squaring this was Neptune in Capricorn opposing
Uranus in Cancer, near the line of intersection of the Invariable Plane and the Ecliptic, the other and universal level of
Christ. Thus one can consider the Crucifixion to be the archetypal pattern of the conflict of the universal, intangible and
creative against the local, institutional and concrete. Organized society always denies and persecutes its creative
redeemers, whether they be artists, true statesmen, inventors or teachers.
At the 25 A.D. grand cross, Mars conjoined the Sun and opposed the Moon, indicating the Naros cycle, a recurrence
cycle of the Sun, Moon and Mars. Only once in 180,000 years, a sub-race in Theosophy, does a Naros date coincide
with the start of a cycle of Precession of the Pole, as it did in 25 A.D. Count back one Naros cycle to Buddah, and you
find a different and equally rare configuration: for in the 570s (577 to 574 B.C.) the three "creative" planets - Uranus,
Neptune and Pluto - were in a close conjunction, which occurs once in about 120,000 years. The fact that this fell in
Taurus is striking, since tradition states that Gautama Buddha was born, was illumined under the Bo tree, and died, in
each case at a Full Moon in May - with the Sun in Taurus. Thus the advent of Buddha correlated to the other great
celestial event in the recent millennial history of Man, and as a result was followed by the most intellectually and
spiritually creative Century in the recorded history of Civilization - 575 B.C. to 475 B.C. Truly a study of planetary
cycles casts much light on the evolution of Society. v. Invariable Plane. -- CHARLES A. JAYNE, JR.
These Solar recurrence periods with respect to the Equinox assume a mean rate of precession of 25,694.8y, as given by
Stockwell: all the planets moving at mean motion. Variations will result in consequience of: (a) eccentricities and
obliquities of planetary orbits; (b) the distorting effect, in a geocentric frame of reference, of the Earth's motion and
position; (c) variation in the motion of the Equinox -- 0° Aries; and (d) slight variations due to periodic perturbations.
The greatest variations will occur in the Uranus-Pluto first and second order recurrence cycles in the moving zodiac.
The synodic period of a recurrence cycle is the time between two successive conjunctions of the same two planets. The
Remainder indicates the number of degrees in advance at which the second conjunction takes place. A first order
recurrence cycle is, in effect, a series of a given number of conjunctions, at the end of which a conjunction recurs on
approximately the same degree as at the beginning of the cycle. The remainder of a first order cycle then becomes the
unit of a second order cycle, which after a given number of recurrences is repeated still more exactly upon the degree at
which it commenced its second order cycle.
.............................................Remainder, in Degrees
81 ......39,878.6 + 0.46
In the last 2,500 years the Uranus-Neptune first order synodic period has
averaged approx. 171.Oy; that of Neptune-Pluto, 493.5y, and it will become
slightly longer.
The two hypothetical outermost planets indicated by the application of the Richardson formula, which are identified as
X and Y, appear to answer to the following calculations:
....Pluto............39.4574 AU...........245.33.........247.7
Day. The interval of time between two successive passages of a star over the meridian is a
Sidereal day 23h, 56m of mean solar time). The interval between two successive passages of the
Sun's center over the same meridian is a solar day (24 hours); of the Moon's center a lunar day
(24h, 50m). In old astrological texts the Lunar Day refers to the day of the Full Moon. Because
of the Earth's motion in orbit the mean solar day is 4 minutes longer than the sidereal day and
because of the Moon's daily motion in orbit the lunar day is 50 minutes longer than the solar
day. The term natural day is a misnomer, loosely applied to the 24-hour period of the Earth's
rotation. The mean solar day becomes the civil day when reckoned from the hour affixed by law.
In most countries this is from midnight to midnight. With the Hindus and Babylonians it was
from sunrise to sunrise; with the Athenians and Jews from sunset to sunset; with the ancient
Egyptians and Romans at midnight. This is divided into 24 hourly divisions from 1 to 12 noon,
and 1 to 12 midnight.
Army and Navy time during recent years has been largely superceded by numbering the hours
straight through from 0h at midnight to 24h of the next midnight; which also is 0h of the next
Astronomical Day. Until January 1, 1925, this day was reckoned as beginning 12 hours later
than the civil day. Now all calendars and almanacs begin the day at midnight.
Julian Day. On January 1, 1925, the astronomical day was superseded by the Julian day,
numbered consecutively beginning from 4713 B.C. To avoid confusion in the comparison of
ancient and modern dates the Julian day was made to begin at noon, twelve hours later than the
civil day. January 1, 1934, was J.D. 2,427,439.
Civil Day. The civil day begins at midnight at 180 east or west from Greenwich. It then
continues one hour later with every 15° of the Sun's westward travel. Thus when one passes this
International Date Line he begins a day that will not end until 24 hours later, with the result that
when it becomes Tuesday to the west of the Line it has just become Monday to the east thereof,
and circumnavigating travelers gain or lose a day according to their direction of travel; losing a
day if westbound, gaining it when eastbound.
Loosely speaking, a day is the period of light between sunrise and sunset, the period of daylight
or sunshine. In the Far East it is the distance that can be traveled in 24 hours.
In astrological parlance a Day Horoscope is one cast for a birth moment in which the Sun was
above the horizon, hence in one of the Houses numbered from 7 to 12; a Night Horoscope one in
which the Sun is below the horizon, in a House numbered between 1 and 6.
Day House. v. Ruler.
Day Triplicity. Older authorities deemed that in the daytime some planets are stronger when
posited in Signs of a certain element; i.e. Saturn in an Air-Sign, the Sun in a Fire Sign, Mars in a
Water Sign, and Venus in an Earth Sign.
Decanate, Decan. A term applied to a subdivision of Sign into 10° arcs, referred to as the
first, second and third decanates or decans. The interpretation of Decans is based upon a
system of rulerships, of which there are two in common use. One method ascribed Mars to
the first Decan of Aries and thence carried a fixed series throughout the 36 Decans, ending
again with Mars ruling the third Decan of Pisces. The series is Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury,
Moon, Saturn, Jupiter; as follows:
The other method employs the Ruler of the Sign as specifically the Ruler of the First Decan,
with the Second and Third Decans associated with the Rulers of the other two Signs of the
same triplicity. Thus the First or Aries Decan of Aries is ruled by Mars; the Second or Leo
Decan, by the Sun; and the Third or Sagittarian Decan, by Jupiter. This gives this series:-
and so on.
Decile: v. Quintile.
Declination. The manner of indicating distance N. or S. of the Celestial Equator. The maximum
possible declination of the Sun is 23° 28' which occurs at the Solstices, when the Sun passes the
Tropics (0°) of Cancer and Capricorn, the limit of the pole's greatest inclination from the plane
of the Earth's orbit. The first degrees of Aries and Libra have no declination, since at these points
the ecliptic intersects the equator. However, planets at this longitude may have declination. (v.
Celestial Sphere.)
The declination of a body whose longitude and latitude are known is found by this formula:
1. Radius (10,000): Tangent of Ecliptic (23° 27'):: sine of longitudinal distance from equinox:
tangent of Angle A.
2. Cosine of Angle A: cosine (latitude plus/minus 90°- minus Angle A):: cosine of Ecliptic
Obliquity (23° 27'): sine of the Declination. (In this equation the latitude is taken from go, if the
latitude and longitude are of different denomination; but when of the same denomination they
are added, and from this sum Angle A is subtracted.)
The Moon, Mercury, Mars reach a declination of 27° north, and on rare occasions Venus reaches
28°. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune have practically the same declination as the Sun.
Decreasing or Increasing in Light. From the New to the Full Moon the Moon is increasing in
light, and from the Full to the next lunation it is decreasing in light. In a Figure measured from
the Sun position, if the Moon is less than 180° counterclockwise from the Sun it was waxing, or
increasing in light; if less than 180° clockwise from the Sun it was waning or decreasing in light.
Although generally applied to the Moon, it is also applicable to any planet when passing from an
opposition to a conjunction with the Sun. It usually occurs when approaching the Sun in the
order of the signs; but Mercury and Venus, after they have reached their greatest elongation East
or West and are retrograding toward the Sun, decrease in light against the order of the signs. It is
generally accepted as weakening the planet's influence.
Decumbiture. Literally, a "lying down." A horary figure erected for the moment when a person
is taken ill, wherefrom to judge as to the possible nature, prognosis and duration of the illness.
Deductive Type. Referring to a certain quality or habit of mind that characterizes those born
when the Sun was in a Mutable sign: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius or Pisces. v. Signs.
Deferent. In Ptolemaic astronomy, an imaginary orbit pursued by a celestial body, around which
another body moved in an epicycle (q.v.). A deferent was employed in conditions wherein the
natural motion of the body was not involved. The term reflects the fact that Ptolemy was
ignorant of the Earth's motion.
Degree. One 360th part of the circumference of a circle. The rough measure of an angle of
one degree is the apparent diameter of a dime held at arm's length from the eye. The apparent
diameter of the Sun and Moon is about 0.5°. The longest dimension of the bowl of the Big
Dipper is about 10°. A degree is divided into 60 equal parts called minutes of arc. The length
of a degree of latitude on the Earth's surface increases from 68.71 miles at the equator to
69.41 miles at 90°. The length of a degree of longitude on the Earth's surface varies from
69.65 miles at the Equator to 53.43 at 40°. Degrees are equally applicable to the Zodiac or the
Ecliptic. As a time unit it is applicable to the Equator thus:
.......30° (1 Sign).......2 h.
.......15°................1 h.
........1° (60')..........4 m.
........1' (60")..........4 s.
Degree Rising. The degree of the zodiacal Sign posited on the Ascendant (q.v.), or cusp of
the First House at birth, and generally considered the most important in the Nativity. The
rising degree is based upon the exact moment of birth, or of the event for which the Figure is
cast, and the correct geographical latitude and longitude. Should either factor be unknown the
Figure is usually cast for sunrise, which places the Sun's degree upon the horizon, resulting in
what is termed a Solar Figure. As it is based only on the Earth's apparent motion around the
Sun some authorities term it a Heliard Figure.
The stars listed in these tables of Individual Degrees are located as of 1925. To adjust them to
other dates add 5O 1/3" of longitude for each year later, or subtract for each year earlier.
(Apolo's Note: for 2003, 78 years later, this gives an addition to make of 65.4333', ie 1º5',
or approx. 1.1º.)
The ancients ascribed names to the various stars, and many of these names are still in use. In
16O3 Bayer devised a more scientific system whereby the stars in a constellation are known
by the name of the constellation to which they belong, the individual stars within the
constellation known by Greek letter prefixes, according to size, beginning with the largest as
Alpha, and continuing downward to Omega. The system is still in use, except for the
telescopic stars, of which a million have been classified, and these are identified by a
catalogue number.
The sequence of the data on the Fixed Stars, supplied in the following lists, is as follows:
Longitude, Latitude (magnitude) (where specified - for the fixed stars etc.), popular name,
astronomical designation, description (Nature according to Ptolemy - with additions by
Alvidas - and others) and its astrological significance.
The interpretations given are mostly from ancient authorities, who apparently were inclined
to place undue stress upon the direful.
To see these tables, v. Degrees, Individual, Aries; Degrees, Individual, Taurus, etc. etc.....
Degrees, Individual, Aries (accurate 1925; add 1º 5' for 2002 positions of fixed stars etc.)
0°.....A positive nature that creates its own destiny. Cusp of
First Lunar Mansion, a so-called Critical Degree.
1°.....Degree of the Surgeon; an organizer.
1°14', 20° 48'S (2) Diphda, Beta Ceti. A yellow star in the
Whale's Tail. (Saturn - Mercury Mars) Sickness, misfortune,
compulsory changes, self-destruction by brute force.
5°.....Unsatisfied ambitions.
7°51', 12° 36'N (3) Algenib. Gamma Pegasi. A white star at the
top of the wing of Pegasus. (Mars Mercury)Notoriety, violence,
the pro- fessional beggar.
11°....Spiritual intuitions.
20°50' 20° 20'S (3 1/2) Baten Kaitos, Zeta Ceti, the Whale's
Belly. A topaz-yellow star. (Saturn) Enforced migration,
accidents; shipwreck, with rescue.
21°....Hope; artistic.
24°....Literature; travel.
Degrees, Individual, Taurus (accurate 1925; add 1º 5' for 2002 positions of fixed stars etc.)
0°.....Powerful in combining old principles in new
11°....Experimental scientist.
15°....Growth; music.
18°....Leader of a party.
19°....Self-made man.
19°8'..Mars North Node.
21°....Water travel.
23°....Patient in toil.
25°3' 22° 25'N (v) Algol, Beta Persei. A white binary and
variable star, marking the Medusa's head held in the hand of
Perseus. (Saturn) Said to be of a violent nature, the M.C.
directed to this position arousing mob violence and murderous
tendencies, which dispose toward a tragic end. It is reputed
to be the most malefic of the stars. Conjunct the Sun, Moon or
Jupiter it gives victory in war.
26°....Fortune by marriage.
Degrees, Individual, Gemini (accurate 1925; add 1º 5' for 2002 positions of fixed stars etc.)
15°....Inheritor of a home.
15°43' 31° 8'S (1) Rigel, Beta Orionis. Orion's left foot.
(Jupiter Mars) Preferment, riches, great and lasting honors.
If culminating: great military or ecclesiastical preferment.
20°44' 22° 55'N (1) Capella, Alpha Aurigae; Hircus, the Goat.
(Mars Mercury) When culminating: said to confer martial or
ecclesiastical honors and riches, attended by waste and
dissipation. It is too far north to conjunct Sun or Moon, or
to rise or set.
22°....Degree of Literature.
25°....Degree of neurasthenia.
Degrees, Individual, Cancer (accurate 1925; add 1º 5' for 2002 positions of fixed stars etc.)
(1°-3°)Fortunate degrees;
(1°-2°)Degrees of sight.
10°....Historical degree.
16°....Degree of duty.
19°8' 10° 5'N (2) Castor, Alpha Geminorum. The mortal one of
the heavenly twins; associated with Apollo. (Mercury - Mars
Venus Saturn - Moon Mars Uranus) Violence; sudden fame;
honors, followed by disgrace or imprisonment. Rising:
weakness, sometimes blindness; injuries to face.
23°....Degree of forethought.
24°....Degree of music.
24°41' 16° 0'S (1) Procyon, Alpha Canis Minoris. (Mercury Mars
-- Moon Jupiter Uranus) Sudden preferment, the result of
individual exertion; yet eventually the activity it promotes
brings sudden misfortune. Afflictions threaten trouble with
and danger through liquids, water, gas, poisons, or dog bites.
When rising, said to inspire admiration for the canine species.
27°....Degree of farming.
7°36' 0°4'N (4) South Asellus, Delta Cancri. (Mars Sun - Sun >
Mars) Fevers, quarrels, slander.
13°....Degree of literature.
19°....The back.
20º-24ºDegrees of homicide.
23°....The stage.
Degrees, Individual, Virgo (accurate 1925; add 1º 5' for 2002 positions of fixed stars etc.)
(Abbreviations: neb, nebulae; cl, cluster; v, variable.)
3°.....Cusp of the Thirteenth Lunar Mansion: a critical
degree; appendicitis.
9°.....Homicidal tendencies.
13°....Stage; feet.
15°....Exaltation of Mercury.
20°30' 12° 16'N (2) Denebola, Beta Leonis, the Lion's Tail.
(Saturn Venus - Mercury Uranus Mars) Said to bring honors and
wealth, but leading eventually to disgrace; swift judgments;
despair, regrets, misfortunes, through natural forces. If
rising: good fortune, attended by dangers and anxieties,
because of folly.
Degrees, Individual, Libra (accurate 1925; add 1º 5' for 2002 positions of fixed stars etc.)
0°.....Cusp of Fifteenth Lunar Mansion; a sensitive degree.
9°.....Courage, triumph.
15°....Suicide, apoplexy.
17°....Electrical (16°-18°).
23°....Degree of homosexuality.
28°....Hospitality; hair.
Degrees, Individual, Scorpio (accurate 1925; add 1º 5' for 2002 positions of fixed stars etc.)
0°.....Sensuous and passionate degree.
12°....Business (12°-16°)
13°....Air pressure.
21°....Bronchial tubes.
25°....Dumbness; alcoholic.
27°....Literature; memory.
Degrees, Individual, Sagittarius (accurate 1925; add 1º 5' for 2002 positions of fixed stars
0°.....Degrees of draughtsmanship (0°-3°).
13°....Degree of acting.
20°....Faith (20°-23°).
29°....Imitation; acting.
Degrees, Individual, Capricorn (accurate 1925; add 1º 5' for 2002 positions of fixed stars
0°.....The Galactic Center. The most important point in
astrology. Cusp of the Twenty-Second Lunar Mansion. An
ambitious degree.
7°.....Unusual ability.
9°.....Degree of history.
28°....Exaltation of Mars.
29°....Degree of collecting.
Degrees, Individual, Aquarius (accurate 1925; add 1º 5' for 2002 positions of fixed stars
0°.....Homicide (0° - 5°).
9°.....Executive; presidential.
19°....The back.
Degrees, Individual, Pisces (accurate 1925; add 1º 5' for 2002 positions of fixed stars etc.)
2°14' 10°39'N (3) Sadalmelik, Alpha Aquarii. (Saturn Mercury)
Persecution, sudden destruction; the death penalty, if
15°....Fall of Mercury.
27°....Exaltation of Venus.
For more complete data on the stars, refer to Vivian E. Robson's volume, "Fixed Stars in
Delineation. (1) Applied to the generally accepted composite interpretation of specific
influences, such as a planet's position in a Sign or House, an aspect between two planets, or a
configuration of planets; (2) Sometimes applied to the interpretation of the Figure as a whole,
but such a summing up is more properly termed a synthesis. (q.v.)
Depression. Distance of a celestial body below the horizon: its horizontal distance North.
Descendant The opposite point to the Ascendant (q.v.). The cusp of the 7th house. The western
angle. Loosely applied to the whole of the seventh house.
Descending. Said of a planet in any house from the Fourth to the Ninth. While one may speak of
a body as "setting" when it passes below the Western horizon, it is "descending" from the time it
passes the Midheaven until it reaches the opposite point, or Imum Coeli.
Destiny. The end to which all unrestrained forces lead. The aim of most religions, including
Astrology, is to help one to become the master of his Destiny. Lacking this mastery, Destiny
largely determines the part we play in the scheme of things. Destiny vs. Will adds up to
experience, as a result of which we can be said to evolve, and become a developed or remain an
undeveloped child of Destiny. The shrinking statue of the character Destiny from scene to scene
in Maeterlinck's "Betrothal" was symbolic of the diminishing power of Destiny as man evolves
in character through the experience of the will and as the fruit of experience. The Consciousness
of Purpose, which is a fundamental of MacDougan's system of Psychology, compares to the
Astrological sense of Destiny that is imparted through the sign position of the Sun. The
individual feels but fails to identify that Destiny until after a long search he "finds himself" - his
place in life. But the demand for self-expression through that Destiny is the driving and
sustaining conviction that spurs his search until he does find it. It is well described in Browning's
"Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came." The search for self-expression is hampered or helped:
by the desire nature, determined by the Moon position; and by emotional urges conditioned by
the positions and aspects of the planets which deliver by reflection an altered solar spectum,
consisting of combinations of energy frequencies. These stimulate the unequal development of
the endocrine glands which results in the state of glandular imbalance that is now recognized as
the cause of so many mental and emotional complexes and physical ills.
Detriment. Properly employed it applies to the placement of a planet in the opposite Sign from
that of which it is said to be the Ruler; although it is frequently applied to Debility by Sign
position, which includes the opposite Sign to that in which it is in its Exaltation, as well as to
those of which it is Ruler.
Dexter. Applied to an aspect which is computed backward, against the order of the Signs; in
which the aspected body is elevated above the aspecting body. If this appears opposite to what
you sense it should be, remember that Ptolemy, who originated the term, knew only apparent
motion - that of the daily motion of the heavens because of the Earth's rotation; therefore the one
ahead, was on the right hand - dexter; and the one behind, was on the left hand - sinister. There
is some controversy as to which are the stronger, although the ancients gave preference to the
dexter. Today, some differentiation can be had by application of the Doppler effect noted in
spectroscopy, wherein the ray from a body whose position is becoming increasingly distant is
displaced toward the red end of the spectrum, while with lessening distance the displacement is
toward the violet end. Since the dexter aspect is forming as the result of increasing distance it
would show a displacement toward the red end, which would tend to introduce into the aspect a
measure of Mars energy; while the sinister aspect, forming as the result of decreasing distance,
would show a displacement toward the violet end, which would tend to introduce into the aspect
a measure of Venus or Jupiter geniality. From this one might infer that the relative desirability of
a dexter and sinister aspect is somewhat dependent upon the nature of the planets that are
Dhanus. The ninth. The Hindu name for the sign Sagittarius.
Dichotome, or Dicotome. (Gr. cut in half.) Applied to that phase of the lunar orb, or of an
inferior planet, in which only half of its disk appears illuminated, i.e. the First and Third
Quarters, in which the body is assuming the shape of a half-moon, and in which the Moon is said
to be oriental.
The Essential Dignities are: (1) when a planet is in a Sign of which it is the Ruler, when it is
said to be in its own Sign, or in its Domal Dignity. It is ambiguous and confusing to call this
its House-position. If the Sign which a planet rules is on the cusp of the House in which the
planet is posited, the planet may be described as the Lord of the House: but the strength as
such depends upon its Essential Dignity by virtue of its Sign placement. Some authorities
deem that placement in any other Sign of the same element as that of which it is the Ruler
confers a degree of Dignity; (2) When it is posited in the Sign in which it is said to be
Exalted, wherein its strength is augmented and its virtues magnified. A planet in its Exaltation
is only slightly less favorably placed than when it is in its own Sign; (3) By ancient precepts,
the placement of a planet in the same Triplicity as that of which it is the Ruler, in the same
Term, or in the same Face, were deemed to be Essential Dignities of varying degree.
Relative values were computed by points as follows: Sign 5; Mutual reception by house, 5;
Exaltation 4; mutual reception by Exaltation 4; Triplicity 3; Term 2; Face 1.
In the opposite Sign to that which it rules, a planet is said to be in its Detriment; which is to
say, in opposition to its most congenial environment, hence materially weakened.
In the opposite Sign to that in which it would be in its Exaltation, it is said to be in its Fall.
Of the Accidental Dignities the strongest is placement in Angular Houses: firstly, the Tenth;
then, in order, the First, Seventh and Fourth Houses. The Succedent Houses come next, with
the Cadent Houses weakest.
Other Accidental Dignities, according to older authorities, are: favorable aspects to Fortune;
freedom from combustion; favorable aspects from benefics; swift in motion and increasing in
light; and in a House which corresponds to the Sign of its Essential Dignity - as the Sun in the
Fifth House, corresponding to Leo; Moon in the Fourth House, corresponding to Cancer;
Mercury in the Third or Sixth House, corresponding to Gemini and Virgo; and so on.
Modern authorities, however, usually confine the use of the term to House placement or
Elevation. Accidental Dignities are not necessarily benevolent. The increased strength may
result harmfully if expressed through unfavorable aspects. The number of planets which are
accidentally dignified is a character - index of importance. A planet so placed as to gain
strength by way of Essential or Accidental dignity, does not necessarily confer a benevolent
disposition. For example, a significator that is exalted, angular, and not afflicted indicates a
person of haughty arrogant nature, assuming more than is his due. Charles E. 0. Carter
considers that a planet in its own sign benefits quantitatively, but not qualitatively; i.e., its
strength is increased, but not necessarily rendered benefic. Point values by which to judge the
relative strength of the Accidental Dignities, as listed by Wilson, are:
Ascendant or Midheaven..............................5
Conj. Spica........................................ 5
Direct motion...................................... 4
9th House.......................................... 2
Swift of motion.................................... 2
Increasing in light................................ 2
Saturn, oriental................................... 2
Jupiter, oriental.................................. 2
Mars, oriental..................................... 2
Moon, occidental................................... 2
Mercury, occidental................................ 2
Venus, occidental.................................. 2
3rd House.......................................... 1
Hayze.............................................. 1
Combust............................................. 5
Retrograde.......................................... 5
12th House.......................................... 5
Decreasing in light................................. 2
Saturn occidental................................... 2
Jupiter occidental.................................. 2
Moon oriental....................................... 2
Mercury oriental.................................... 2
Venus oriental...................................... 2
Asc. or Midheaven................................... 5
Conj., Spica........................................ 5
Not Combust......................................... 5
In Taurus or Pisces................................. 5
In Gemini........................................... 3
In Virgo............................................ 2
9th House........................................... 2
3rd House........................................... 1
12th House.......................................... 5
Combust............................................. 5
In Aries............................................ 3
The totals of the Dignities in comparison to the totals of the Debilities affords a determination
of the potential strength of the planet.
According to the strength each assumes in a nativity, will its power to activate become
A fixed star is in conjunction with a planet when not more distant than 5° of longitude and 2°
of latitude.
Of Dignities Calvin in "Scientific Astrology" says:- "A planet in its own Sign, unless
retrograde or seriously afflicted by the malefics, is as one who is master of his own house and
goods. In its Exaltation it is strong, but less so than were he his own master. In its Detriment
it is weak, as one in his neighbor's house and not master thereof. In its Fall it is as one who is
poverty-stricken and without power."
Of Mutual Reception he says: "When two planets are in each other's Signs, even though in
evil aspect to one another, the effect is beneficial, as of people exchanging courteous social
As to Accidental Dignities, he says: "A planet is strong if it is in an angle of the Figure, swift
in motion, direct, and overwhelmingly in good aspect with other planets."
As to retrograde motion he says: "It tends to bring out the introspective rather than the
objective qualities of the native, and is generally synonymous with belated or denied
Another generalization based upon the Accidental Dignities of the Geocentric Figure
stipulates that "When the Moon is higher than the Sun, the personality and sensibilities
usually rule. With their positions reversed the character will dominate the career. If both are
below the horizon, the life will be correspondingly unfortunate."
James Wilson expressed doubt concerning the efficacy of some of the dignities, and cited the
Ptolemy dictum that "Planets are strong in the world when they are oriental, swift in motion,
direct, and increasing in light; and strong in the Nativity when angular or succedant,
particularly in the south or cast angles."
# Some authorities give Virgo as the Exaltation of Mercury - as well as the Sign of its
rulership; hence also Pisces as the Sign of its Fall. Others give Virgo as the Exaltation of
Mars, and Capricorn as the Exaltation of Jupiter.
Aries........d. Mars...............Venus..............
Gemini.......d. Mercury............Jupiter............North
Node.........South Node
Cancer.......Moon..................Saturn.............Jupiter -
Leo..........Sun...................Saturn -
Libra........d. Venus..............Mars...............
Sagittarius..d. Jupiter............Mercury............South
Node.........North Node
Capricorn....n. Saturn.............Moon...............
Mars...............Jupiter -Neptune*
Wemyss attributes the rulership of Pisces to the asteroids; probably fragments of what once
was or was intended to be a planet between the Earth and Mars. Thereby he explains the lack
of a consciousness of Destiny which is an outstanding feature of the Pisces nature.
Most authorities attribute to an Essential Dignity the force of a harmonious aspect, and to a
Debility that of an inharmonious aspect.
The basis on which these Exaltations were assigned is lost in antiquity. Certain
correspondences are worthy of notice, as bearing on their selection. The Sun as giver of life,
finds an important function in Aries, which rules the head@he scat of the mind. The
changeable nature of the Moon is stabilized by the fixity of Taurus - the provider of the home.
Venus finds its most ready servitor in the philanthropic Pisces. Mars is stabilized and
harnessed in Saturn-ruled Capricorn. Saturn finds a noble outlet in Libra - the purveyor of
justice. Jupiter in Cancer, representing the home, is there sublimated into devotion. This
supposed dignity seems to have had its origin with the Arabians. Almansor, in his aphorisms,
says "Saturn and the Sun have their exaltations opposite, because one loves darkness and the
other light; Jupiter and Mars are opposite, because one is a lover of justice and the other of
misrule; and Mercury and Venus have opposite places, because one loves learning and
science, and the other sensual pleasures - which are mutual enemies to each other."
It can be noted that harmonious aspects join the signs of Rulership and Exaltation, as follows:
As explained by Ptolemy in the Tetrabiblos, the Moon and the Sun were assigned to the
Rulership of Cancer and Leo because "these are the most Northerly of all the Signs, and
approach nearer than any others to the Zenith of this part of the Earth: the Moon to Cancer
because both are feminine, and the Sun to Leo, because both are masculine." This resulted in
the division of the zodiac into a Solar semi-circle from Leo forward to Capricorn, and a Lunar
Semi-circle from Cancer backward to Aquarius. In order that each planet might rule a Sign in
each semi-circle, whereby it could be configurated with both Sun and Moon, Mercury, which
is never more than one Sign distant from the Sun, was assigned to the rulership of Gemini and
Virgo; Venus, which is never more than two Signs distant, to Taurus and Libra; Mars,
because it is dry in nature, was assigned to two Signs of a similar nature, Aries and Scorpio,
whose square relation to the respective Signs of the luminaries was appropriately discordant;
Jupiter, whose fruitful nature deserved a harmonious relationship in which to operate for
good, was assigned to the two trine Signs Pisces and Sagittarius; leaving Saturn, a cold planet
in an orbit remote from the harmonious, to be assigned to Cancer and Aquarius, and for the
added reason that their "configuration by opposition does not cooperate towards the
production of good." As the basis on which the Exaltations were assigned is equally arbitrary
it is no wonder that Wilson scoffs at and refuses to accept the entire doctrine of Essential
To render matters worse confounded some of the moderns have endeavored to upset the
scheme by assigning to Uranus the rulership of Aquarius, and to Neptune the rulership of
Pisces, and are now in a battle royal as to whether Pluto shall be assigned to Aries or Scorpio.
Looked at from a scientist's viewpoint the entire Doctrine of Dignities appears to be a fortune-
teller's device whereby to find at least some answer to a question concerning a House which
contains no planets, and is thus unable to give positive testimony regarding a question asked.
Wilson seemed to think that Placidus side-stepped the doctrine as one with which he could
not agree, but regarding which he dared not disagree. Marc Edmund Jones says that few
modern practitioners pay much attention to the Essential Dignities and Debilities. v.
Ptolemaic Astrology.
To distinguish between these dual rulerships, the positive signs were called Day Houses, and
the negative signs, the Night Houses -- although since they are signs not houses, the terms
Day Home and Night Home would be preferable.
A person born by night, with the Sun below the horizon, looks to the Night Homes of the
planets to be the stronger; if born with the Sun above the horizon, the Day Homes.
The moderns have thrown this into confusion in an effort to ascribe rulerships to the newly-
discovered planets - Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Many authorities prefer however to consider
these as second-octave planets: Uranus of Mercury, Neptune of Venus, and Pluto of Mars.
Triplicity, Rulers of. Another variety of Dignity, used in Mundane and Horary practice, is
that of a planet posited in its own Triplicity. The rulerships of the Triplicities are, however,
not always the rulers of the three signs which make up the Triplicity. For example, of the Fire
Trigon, Mars as an enemy of the Sun is dethroned, and the Sun is made the ruler by day, and
Jupiter by night. This was the Northern Triplicity, since because Jupiter brought to the
Egyptians fruitful showers from out of the North he was said to rule the North; also the
Northwest, because the outlawed Mars now and then brought in the West wind; and
Southwest, because Mars is feminine, and the South is feminine. Of the Earth Trigon Venus
was its ruler by day and the Moon by night. This was the Southern Trigon, because "under the
petticoat government of Venus and the Moon," as Wilson puts it, "they contrived to exclude
Saturn - for what reason we are not informed." It rules the South because Venus brings South
winds, and Southeast because Saturn brings East winds. Of the Air Trigon Saturn rules by
day and Mercury by night. It was the Eastern Trigon because Saturn brings East winds and
persuaded Mercury to cooperate; and Northeast because Jupiter claimed a share since both
are diurnal planets, hence related. The Water Trigon was ruled by Mars with the co-rulership
of Venus by day and the Moon by night. It was the Western Trigon because Mars liked the
West winds for the reason that they scorched the Egyptians; and the Southwest because of the
share of Venus in the trigon. Concerning all this Wilson adds: "Its absurdity requires no
comment; and since the doctrine that countries and cities are governed by certain signs and
planets is solely founded on this folly, it is undeserving of the smallest attention."
In Horary practice a planet in its Triplicity denotes a respectable person who has a sufficiency
of everything, hence is quite comfortable.
Dionysian Period. The 28-year cycle of the Sun, on which is based the Dominical Letter, brings
the Sun back to the same day of the week. The 19-year Metonic Cycle restores the new moon to
the same day of the month. Therefore 28 X 19 = 532 years - the period on which Lunations recur
on the same day of the month and the same day of the week. This is the Dionysian Period, so
called after Dionysius Exiguus; also called the Victorian period, after Victorius of Aquitain. Its
use in determining Easter Sunday was discontinued with the Gregorian reformation of the Julian
Dispositor. (to dispose of) The Ruler of the Sign on the cusp of a House disposes of, or is the
dispositor of, a planet posited in that House. When the dispositor of any planet taken as a
significator, is itself disposed of by the Ruler of the Ascendant, it is deemed a strongly favorable
indication. In a Solar Figure, the Ruler of the Sign is the Dispositor of a planet posited therein.
The assumption is that when a planet is in a Sign that is ruled by another planet, it is supposed to
be so influenced by the planet that rules the Sign in which it is placed, as in effect to alter its
nature. Thus, if Saturn is in a Sign ruled by Jupiter, the Jupiterian influence is presumed so to
permeate the Saturn influence as to render it more Jupiterian and less Saturnian. This idea is
expressed by saying either that "Saturn is disposed of by Jupiter," or that "Jupiter is the
dispositor of Saturn." Definitions of various authorities are somewhat vague and apparently
contradictory, but a study of older texts appears to justify the simple explanation here given. of
course the term must not be interpreted too literally, for most authorities argue that a planet
actually in-a-House is more potent in its influence over the affairs of that House than is the Ruler
of the Sign on its cusp, or of a Sign intercepted within the House. The extent to which the
Dispositor nullifies the influence of the planet of which it disposes, is a matter of judgment
based upon the strength of aspects and the character of the aspecting planets as affecting both the
Dispositor and the planet of which it disposes.
In his dictionary Alan Leo gives a reverse definition to that offered by Sepharial, but evades the
issue by remarking that "it is probably of more importance in Horary Astrology, though it must
have some value in Nativities." However, too many ancient texts base judgments on the
"dispositor of Mercury" to admit of Mercury not having a Dispositor - which under Leo's
definition that "a planet in the House of another disposes of that planet," would occur if no
planets were in Gemini or Virgo. However, since Mercury must always be in some Sign, the
designation of the Ruler of that Sign as Mercury's Dispositor becomes a logical application of
the term. The Ruler of the Sign Mercury posits is thus a determining factor in the qualities of
disposition that the fluctuating Mercury will develop.
Dissociate Signs. Adjacent Signs and those that are five Signs apart: those which bear to each
other a 12th, 2nd, 6th or 8th House relationship. v. Inconjunct.
Distance in the heavens is measured in Right Ascension or Oblique Ascension, or along the
Ecliptic, the Equator, or the Prime Vertical, in (1) Sidereal hours and minutes of Right
Ascension along the Equator; (2) degrees and minutes of arc of Oblique Ascension along the
Ecliptic, and in degrees and minutes of arc of declination above or below the Equator, or of
latitude above or below the Ecliptic.
Polar Distance. The angular distance of a celestial object from the pole: 90° minus the
Actual Intra-solar system distances are expressed in astronomical Units (q. v.): Ultra-solar
system distances in Light Years (q. v.).
Diurnal. Of or belonging to the day: as the apparent diurnal motion of the planets resulting from
the axial rotation of the Earth (v. Motion).
D. Arc: Measurement, in degrees, of the arc a celestial body traverses from its rising to its
D. Houses. v. Houses, Rulers of.
D. Planets. v. Planets.
D. Ruler, that which rules by day.
D. Triplicities: the Fire Trigon for the Sun; and so on.
v. Dignities: Rulers of the Triplicities.
Dog Days. A forty-day period extending from July 4 to August 11; given by some authorities as
from July 20th to August 27. It was considered by the ancients to be the hottest period of the
year. They reckoned the commencement from the heliacal rising of Sirius (the Dog Star). Hesiod
placed the ending of the period at 50 days after the Summer solstice. Mars, the planet associated
with heat, conjoined Sirius during the serious drought and hot spell of mid-July 1937.
Domal Dignity. Said of a planet when it tenants its own Sign (v. Rulers.) A planet so placed
was described by the ancients as 'domiciliated'.
Dominical Letter. Literally, the "Sunday" letter. To connect a week day with a day of the year,
January 1 is A; 2, B; 3, C; 4, D; 5, E; 6, F; 7, G. Thus 8 becomes A, and so on. However, if one
says that the Dominical letter is C then January 1 of that year will fall upon Friday. Its chief use
is in connection with an involved system for determining the date upon which will fall the
"movable feast" known as Easter, around which the Ecclesiastical calendar is arranged. The
letters of successive years rotate in the reverse order: on Leap year the preceding letter applies
only to January and February dates, the next preceding letter applying to the remainder of the
year. For example, 1929, F; 1930, E; 1931, D; 1932, January-February, C; March-December, B;
1933, A; 1934, G; and so on.
Double-bodied or Bicorporeal Signs. Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces; and by some authorities,
Virgo (v. Signs). So called because their symbols represent two Figures: Gemini, the Twins;
Sagittarius, half-man, half-animal; and Pisces, the two fishes. They are presumed to signify a
dual nature. On the cusp of the Seventh House it suggests the possibility of more than one
marriage; on the cusp of the Fifth, the possibility of twin offspring.
Dumb Signs. Mute Signs: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, v. Signs. One of them on the Ascendant
and Mercury afflicted, or Mercury aspected by a malefic posited in one of them, is cited as the
possible cause of a speech impediment.
Earth Shine. The dimly lit surface of the Crescent Moon caused by sunlight reflected from
the Earth, to the Moon, back to the Earth. It is one of several factors which enter into the
astrological significance of the Lunation.
Earth Signs. Those of the Earth Triplicity: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn. The ancients
symbolized these types by the Earth element, because of their predominant "Earthiness" or
practicality. v. Signs.
East. (1) One of the four cardinal points. (2) The general direction in which the Sun rises,
particularly at the equinoxes. (3) The rising degree at the cusp of first house, placed at the
midpoint on the left side of the map. (4) Loosely applied to the entire six houses which
occupy the left half of the map - the Eastern houses: 10, 11, 12, 1, 2, 3.
Easter. From Eastre, the Anglo-Saxon goddess of light or Spring, in whose honor a festival
was celebrated, usually in April - since at that time the Spring Equinox occurred in April. A
Festival marking the commencement of Spring has been celebrated among many peoples
under a variety of names. By the Christians it was celebrated in commemoration of the
resurrection of Jesus. It coincides in general with the Jewish Passover, or Pasch, which the
Jews celebrate on that 14th day of a lunar month that falls upon or next follows after the
vernal equinox. After some schism over the point, the council of Nicea in 325 A.D., ordained
that Easter should take place on the Sunday that immediately follows the full moon that
happens upon, or the first full moon after, the day of the vernal equinox; except that if this
falls on Sunday, or if Easter and the Passover coincide, then Easter is deferred one week. The
reconciling of three such unrelated factors as the week, the lunar month and the solar year is
sometimes a complicated matter. The full moon as calculated by the ecclesiastical rule does
not always coincide with the astronomical full moon. These rules are based upon the golden
number, epact, and Dominical letter (q.v.).
Eccentric. An eccentric orbit is one formed about a centre, which itself is revolving about
another centre. Ptolemy first employed the term as descriptive of the orbits of the planets
about the Sun, viewed from the Earth as the central point of observation. His supposition was
that the orbit was a circle, but that the Sun was not in the center of the orbit. In fact he
considered it to be an imaginary circle representing an imaginary orbit, since it had not been
discovered that the planets revolved round the Sun. The term is now applied to an elliptical
orbit. The eccentricity of an elliptical orbit is defined astronomically as its degree of
departure from a circle. It is expressed by the ratio of the major to the minor axis. The orbit of
Venus has the least, and that of Mercury the greatest eccentricity of the planets in the solar
Eclipse. This phenomenon is one that involves Sun, Moon and Earth. There are two distinct
types: (1) that in which the Moon stands between the Sun and Earth, cutting off from our vision
not only the light of the Sun, but the Sun itself. This is a Solar Eclipse, and occurs only at the
time of a new Moon, when the Sun and Moon form a conjunction near one of the Nodes at
which the orbits of the Earth and Moon intersect; and (2) that in which the Earth cuts off from
the Moon the light of the Sun, depriving it of its illumination but still leaving it in our line of
vision as a dark and shadowy object. This is a Lunar Eclipse, and occurs only at the time of a
Full Moon, when the Sun and Moon are in opposition, close to the Moon's nodes.
An Eclipse of the Sun comes from the West; of the Moon, from the East. An Eclipse can occur
between the Sun, the Earth and a planet, but that is of infrequent occurrence; also between the
Moon, the Earth and a planet, the Moon coming between the Earth and the planet. The Eclipse
of a planet by the Moon is called an occultation (q.v.).
The position of a Solar Eclipse coincides with that of the Sun on that day. The position of a
Lunar Eclipse coincides with the opposition point to the Sun's position on that day. Both Solar
and Lunar Eclipses can occur at either Node. (q.v.). The magnitude of an eclipse depends upon
(1) the relative distances of the luminaries from the Earth; and (2) their distance from the Nodes.
The duration of an eclipse depends on the relative rapidity of motion of the bodies.
The ancient rule was that the effects of a Solar eclipse last as long in years as the eclipse lasts in
hours; of a Lunar eclipse, a month for every hour. From a Figure cast for the moment of
commencement of the eclipse, events were deduced as affecting countries ruled by the ascending
Sign, based upon the strength of the planets in the Signs and Houses
Some modern authorities consider that the countries which lie within the eclipse shadow are
probably those in which the events signified by the eclipse will be felt. In the Nativity, the
eclipse is most powerful when it falls upon the birth position of a planet, luminary, or ascending
Contrary to ancient superstitions, eclipses are not uniformly evil. One man's loss is often
another's gain, and an eclipse in good aspect to a benefic under good directions can result
favorably. Those on the places of the Sun, Moon, Ascendant, or M.C. and on the malefics are,
however, unfavorable influences. Frequently their effects are not felt until some time thereafter,
when another planet, principally Mars, transits over the degree on which the eclipse occurred.
Thus an eclipse-degree becomes a sensitive point for several years after the eclipse has passed;
in fact, until its consummation is attained with a subsequent transit of Saturn over the eclipse
degree. Frequent reference to the following tables in connection with current or past events, will
contribute vastly to an understanding of the major trends that are set into motion by the third
dimension of the Moon's orbit - that which is vertical to the plane, marked midway by the
passing of the Nodes.
The temperature on the Sunlit Full Moon exceeds the boiling point of water, at which time it
emits infra-red rays that are several times more intense than the rays it reflects from the Sun.
During the first five minutes of a Lunar Eclipse the surface temperature falls far below the
freezing point, and the emission of the infra-red rays ceases.
Saros Cycle of Eclipses. The Plane of the Moon's Orbit has an inclination of 5-15 degrees to that
of the Earth's orbit. Two opposite points of intersection of these orbits are the North or ascending
Node, and the South or descending Node. These Nodes regree from month to month, and in
approximately 19 years make a complete circle of the zodiac. In the following tables showing
the nineteen Saros series, since each year one or more eclipses occur at each Node, separated
roughly by half a year, the entire number of from 2 to 6 are listed as belonging to one Saros
Series. Taking as the first of the series the group that follows the passing of the Node over 0°
Aries, there result 19 series - after which each group repeats itself slightly altered.
It should be noted that a Solar Eclipse, caused by the passage of the apex of the Moon's shadow
in a narrow path across the Earth some 70 miles in width, is visible only to a person located in
the path. A Lunar Eclipse, partial or total, caused by the passage of the Moon into the Earth's
shadow, is, however, visible all over the hemisphere that is turned toward the Moon.
If the Moon is at such distance from the Earth that the apex of its shadow falls short of the
Earth's surface, the Moon's body will not entirely obliterate the Sun and a narrow rim of light
will surround the dark body of the Moon. This is termed an Annular Eclipse. Sometimes an
eclipse begins as an Annular Eclipse and then becomes total as the apex of the shadow
approaches the equatorial* regions. This is called an Annular-Total Eclipse. Both are termed
Umbral Eclipses. Where there is an appreciable separation in latitude there results a Partial
*: Because of its convexity, the circumference of the Earth's surface is some 4,000 miles father
from the Moon than its central position.
Because of the eight-hour fraction of a day, the umbral track of the eclipse shifts some 120°
West at each return; hence on every fourth Saros return (54y 1m) it recurs in the same longitude,
but somewhat farther North or South.
A complete Lunar cycle consists of 48 or 49 eclipses over a period of about 865 years; a solar
cycle of 68 to 75 returns, over a period of about 1260 years. A Saros cycle consists usually of 14
partial, 17 annular and 10 total solar eclipses, and 29 Lunar eclipses - or a total of 70 eclipses.
Eclipse Limits.
When a conjunction of Sun and Moon occurs within 18° 31' from either node, the major solar
eclipse limit, a solar eclipse may occur; within 15° 21', the minor solar eclipse unit, a solar
eclipse will occur; within 11° 15', the major central solar ecliptic limit, a total or annular eclipse
may occur; within 9° 55', the minor central solar ecliptic limit, a total or annular eclipse will
occur. When an opposition of Sun and Moon occurs near either node the major lunar ecliptic
limit is 12° 15' and the minor 9° 30'; the major total lunar ecliptic limit is 3° 45' and the minor 6°
The series of Metonic returns bear no relationship to the Saros series. Meton's cycle of 19-year
intervals consists of an eclipse in approximately the same degree of the zodiac on the same date
19 years later. Approximately 23% of Solar eclipses have no Metonic returns; 38% have 1
return; 19%, 2 returns; 13%, 3 returns; and 7%, 4 returns. A Metonic return may be of a different
phase and nature, and belong to a different Saros series. A Solar Eclipse begins as partial at one
or the other poles, and increases in strength as it moves toward the Equator - finally fading away
into outer space beyond the opposite pole. Thus an eclipse may be said to have a "birth" and a
"death," with a life span of from 865 to 1252 years, or from 48 to 70 appearances.
Looking back to the "birth," or beginning partial (BP) of any series, you can, in delineating its
recurring effects, take into consideration the Sign in which it first appeared, and the Ruler of the
The Solar Eclipse of June 8, 1937 in Gemini 18°, Saros series 11, which lasted for 7m 13s, was
of longer duration than any in the last 1,200 years; although those of 1955 and 1973 were to be
almost as long. That on July 20, 1963 at 0° 28°, Saros series 1, was to be one of the shortest,
lasting 65s.
The Saros Cycle of 223 Lunar months was discovered by the Chaldeans. This is 18y 11d 8h,
where 4 leap years are contained; otherwise, if 5 intervene, it is one day shorter; or if 3, one day
longer. The series consists of 70 eclipses: 41 Solar, and 29 Lunar.
The Penumbral Eclipses. The Saros cycle is generally stated by astronomers to consist of 29
Solar eclipses in 1260y and 41 Lunar eclipses in 865y, making a total of 70 eclipses, on an
average, for one complete series. However, each series of Lunar eclipses is both preceded and
followed by about 10 periods of Penumbral eclipses, of some 180y duration. Since the Solar
eclipse limit is much wider than that of the Lunar, a Lunar eclipse in the penumbra has an
importance, astrologically, about equal to that of the Partial Solar eclipse, in that it embodies
both the gravitational effect of a parallel, and the interference with normal radiation, that
characterize all eclipses. An eclipse in the penumbra is generally termed an Appulse, in that the
rim of the Moon just touches the Earth's shadow, while the body of the Moon receives the light
of the Sun from only one side of the Earth, which during a portion of the time shuts off the light
of part of the Sun's disc. By way of illustration, note Saros cycle 4, Lunar eclipse at the North
Node: the last Lunar partial eclipse of the series (EP), October 7, 1930, 14° Aries, was to be
followed by Penumbral eclipses in 1948, 1966 and 1984. In Saros series 11 is a continuing series
at the South Node that follows an eclipse cycle which ended prior to 1800: also in this series the
Total Solar eclipse of June 20, 1955 is so close to the node that there is a penumbral eclipse both
before and after it. Therefore when making note of the position of a Solar eclipse in any map it is
advisable also to note as temporarily sensitized degrees, the Moon's opposition points to the Sun
14 days earlier and later, and check on their strength by reference to the tables of eclipses and
the chronological list of Appulses for the years 1871 to 1959. Even if it is on neither list, it
represents what is sometimes called "approximate eclipse conditions," and can become an
important factor if it falls exactly upon the degree which posits a planet.
The ancients did not have the benefit of the modern Ephemerides. They actually studied the
motion of the bodies in the heavens, and thereby discovered the various cycles that would enable
them to calculate the intervals between successive recurrences of similar phenomena; therewith
to make calculations of the psychological fluctuations that produce events. Among these were
the Mercury cycle of 92 years, the Venus cycle of 486 years, the heliacal rising of Sirius in
September every 162 years, the Metonic 19-year luni-solar cycle of eclipses, the mutation
periods based on the conjunctions of the great chronocrators Jupiter and Saturn, and most
important of all the solilunar Saros cycle and its multiples and derivatives. As this cycle brought
the recurrence of the same eclipse 18 years and 10 days later, at a point about 10 degrees farther
along the ecliptic, it was found that each third return, an interval of 54 years and 1 month,
brought a similar return of a visible eclipse at about the same time of day; also that in 12 times
that period, or 649 years, the cycle was completed with a Solar eclipse prior to the seventh
month after the Autumnal equinox, then the beginning of the ecclesiastical year; and that the
lunar eclipse two weeks later began a new 649-year cycle. It was by such means that most of the
prophecies and the dates of their fulfillment as recorded in the Bible were arrived at.
The 15-year Solar cycle of the Chaldeans was a slightly different cycle: largely a chronological
point of reference, arrived at by dividing the 360 degrees of the circle into 24 hourly segments of
15 degrees. On the basis of 1 degree to a year, it became a method of reckoning occurrences,
terrestrial as well as celestial, in fifteen-year intervals. This cycle was adopted by the Romans as
the period of reappraisals for taxation, and became known as the Indiction cycle. The Solar cycle
of 28 years was the period in which the days of the week reoccurred on the same days of the
J. J. Scaliger devised the Julian period from the product of these three cycles: the 28-year Solar
cycle, the 19-year Soli-Lunar cycle, and the 15-year Indiction cycle (28 x 19 x 15 = 7980), and
made it begin January 1, 4713 B.C., when the three cycles coincided.
About 1896, J. B. Dimbleby began the reconciling of Biblical dates, and arrived at the
conclusion that the historical records of the Anti-diluvian Epoch were based upon a 7-year Solar
cycle - one fourth of the Solar cycle as it was employed in a later epoch; and that after the
deluge, chronology was recorded by the 15-year Solar cycle of the Chaldeans.
His chronology is thus given in successive years, beginning with the Creation year as 0 A.M. -
Anno Mundi, "the year of the world" - thus avoiding much of the confusion incident to B.C. and
A.D. dates. It begins with the eclipse that fell on the Autumnal Equinox, September 20, 3996 B.
C., a year in which its two Solar eclipses fell in April and October, in which the Solar and Lunar
years began simultaneously, and which coincides with the command recorded in Leviticus
Few astrologers of today take the trouble to study the major cycles through means of which the
ancient Biblical porphets were able to foresee the workings of Destiny - that man could stay if he
would, but seldom does. It is certain that a study of the Eclipse cycles, and the application of
modern adaptations to the study of the various cycles that were successfully used by the early
astrologer-astronomers, will be productive of gratifying results.
Eclipse of Thales. May 28, 585 B.C., predicted by Thales of Miletus, and which stopped a
battle in the war between the Medes and the Lydians. Other historic eclipses were that which
occurred at noon in the first year of the Peloponnesian War, when several stars became
visible, presumed to have occurred August 3, 432 B.C.; and that which occurred when
Agathocles, King of Syracuse, was sailing with his fleet toward Africa, on Aug. 15, 310 B.C.
Saying "The die is cast" Caesar crossed the Rubicon on the day of a Solar Eclipse, March 7,
51 B.C..
Ecliptic; Via Solis, the Sun's path. The Sun's apparent orbit or path around the Earth; or the
orbit of the Earth as viewed from the Sun. So named because it is along this path, at the
points where it intersects the Equator, that Eclipses occur. Its inclination (23°27') to the plane
of the Equator is now decreasing at the rate of 50" per century. A comparison of the
calculations of this obliquity by Hipparchus, Ptolemy and Placidus, with those of modern
astronomers, shows that the decrease has been continuous for over two thousand years.
Discoveries of explorers in the Arctic and Antarctic regions indicate the one-time presence of
tropical flora and fauna, suggesting that the poles of the earth were once in the plane of its
orbit, and the present equatorial region was a great ice-belt. However, some astronomers
figure that the inclination will decrease to a minimum of 22°30' in about the year 11,500. A
similar condition is observed in Mars and Uranus. Sometimes termed the Celestial Ecliptic to
distinguish it from the path of the Moon's orbit around the Earth - termed the Terrestrial
Ego. The conscious feeling that "I am Me." In psychology the ego, as a system of mental
states, is approximately synonymous with the mind. Occult philosophy claims there are two
egos: one identified with mortal personality; the other divine and indestructible.
Elections. Electional Astrology is a method by which to choose a suitable time for commencing
any honestly conceived and reasonable project or endeavor, such as a marriage, journey, law-
suit, building operation, engaging in a new business or profession, the reconciling of opponents,
drawing up a will, buying land or house, planting a garden, launching a ship, or moving into a
new home.
The theory of Elections is a reverse application of Horary procedure in that the latter begins with
a Time and works toward a prognosis, while the former begins with a desired prognosis and
works toward the selection of a suitable time. The selection of the day, hour and minute must
take into account a number of practical, scientific and theoretical considerations, in order to
determine the most propitious birth-moment for the project in prospect, after which the actual
initiating of action is deferred so that it may be begun on the selected moment. The Figure thus
cast, termed the Electional or Inceptional Figure, thereafter becomes a horary figure for the
conception of the project, from which to estimate the probable success or failure of the plan,
most of the important particulars connected therewith, the high and low tides that will beset its
progress, and in general forecast the eventual outcome of the project under contemplation. It is
presumed to be effective for whatever length of time is required for the carrying out of the
To make a reliable Election the following considerations must be observed:
1. The Nativity of the person for whom the Figure is to be cast should, if the data is obtainable,
be diligently studied. All authorities agree that this feature is of paramount importance.
2. The radical Ascendant, when used for this purpose, should not be moved against the Earth's
motion; which is to say, it must be moved clockwise rather than in the order of the Houses.
Ptolemy, in the sixth aphorism of his Centiloquy, says: "It is advantageous to make choice of
days and of hours at a time well constituted by the Nativity. Should the time be adverse, the
choice will in no respect avail, however favorable an issue it may chance to promise."
3. The Directions concurrently at work in the Nativity should be taken into account, to make
sure that the proposed project is not beyond the native's capabilities. No useful purpose can be
served by making an Election for a project that is foredoomed to failure.
4. Attention must be paid to the Sign positions and aspects of the transiting planets before
considering the House positions they will occupy in the Election Scheme, since favorable House
positions cannot be expected to offset unfavorable sign positions and adverse aspects. Frequently
it is found impossible to cast an Election that is even remotely favorable, in that the planets
refuse to arrange themselves harmoniously within the time limits at one's disposal. However,
should the project be imperative and impossible to defer but otherwise valid, an Election
arranged with the available forces at one's command will usually be found better than none at all.
Even so, if the Nativity, or the Directions concurrently in force, promise failure, no Ellection,
however astutely conceived, can possibly impart success. Therefore, one should not assume that
the electional technique is a master-key to success; wealth and happiness. However, in such
cases it will often be found impossible to initiate action at the elected time, one obstacle after
another entailing delay, until finally the project can be initiated at a more favorable season, with
eventual success.
5. The planet disposing of the project should be free from the adverse rays of the Infortunes -
Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto; and, when possible, should tenant its chief Dignity.
6. No Infortune, nor any planet that is retrograde, combust or otherwise notably debilitated by
Sign, degree or aspect, should hold any Angle of the Figure, unless said Infortune happens to
dispose of the affair in question, is well dignified, strong by Sign, well disposed toward the other
two signs of its Triplicity, largely unafflicted, and as distant as possible from the Luminaries. If
it is less than 8º from the Sun, or 12º from the Moon, the project will suffer many hindrances and
delays. The parallel of declination has an influence similar to that of a conjunction, and both of
these along with the trine aspects constitute the most powerful adjuncts to success. The sextile is
notably weaker, while the square and opposition are notably adverse.
7. By reason of its proximity to the Earth, its reflections of solar light and retransmission of
planetary vibrations, and its swiftness as compared to the motions of the planets, the Moon is
deemed the most important element in any Electional Figure. Therefore a time must be chosen
when the Moon is free from any serious affliction and - in case the matter is desired to be
accomplished quickly - swift in motion. The nearer its rate of travel is to 15º17' per day, as at
perigee when nearest to the Earth, the quicker will its influence be manifest. Also it should be
increasing in light; i.e., from three days after the lunation to three days before the Full Moon.
Care should be exercised that the Moon does not tenant a Cadent House, and all things
considered it is desirable that it is not in an Angle. When the lunar motion is less than 13°11' -
hence near its apogee and thus farthest from Earth - its ray is deemed in many respects similar to
that of a retrograde planet. When possible, place the luminaries, or at least one of them, in trine
to the radical Sun, Moon, Ascendant or its Ruler, of the person for whom the Election is cast. It
should be free from affliction, and in a close favorable aspect to transiting Venus, Jupiter, Sun,
or still better to the planet disposing of the project under contemplation. Under no circumstances
begin a new business when the Moon is radiating adverse aspects or when it is past the Full,
however propitious the other testimonies may appear to be. When past the Full, hence
decreasing in light, the strength of the Moon is diminishing, and as a result the project will be
greatly retarded; as also when the Moon conjoins Saturn on its own South Node, or Saturn is
rising, or in the Fourth House. Since the Moon rules Cancer, that regulates the inflow and
outflow of the life-tides, and is exalted in Taurus, that controls the basic materials of which the
Earth is compounded, and since both luminaries govern the tides of Earth and of the waters
surrounding, it should be apparent how potent are the configurations of this nearest of the Earth's
gravitational and radiating forces in the destiny of all living things. If the Ascendant is in a Sign
of short ascension - Capricorn to Gemini inclusive - and Mars afflicts, the elector places himself
in no little jeopardy of some untoward accident, or outbreak of temper on the part of himself or
another, which could seriously upset the matter in hand.
8. When beginning a project presumed to be reasonably permanent, render it durable by placing
the four Fixed Signs, and preferably the 5th degree thereof, on the Angles of the Figure; or at
least see that the Moon tenants one of them.
9. See that your Election does not notably stimulate any serious affliction in the Nativity; that the
Moon is strong and well placed and that neither the Moon nor the Angles in the Nativity are
afflicted by the more important electional positions. The natal House that disposes of the project
for which the Election is cast should be well fortified, and care should be exercised to see that its
Ruler is strong, well placed and unafflicted.
10. If the project is a financial one, the cusp of the radical Second House and its Ruler should be
fortified by good aspects, as also the corresponding position and planet in the Election.
11. It is desirable to place the Lord of the radical Ascendant in an Angle, or at least in a
Succedent House, in the Election, and oriental to the Sun, whether the planet be benefic or
malefic, thereby avoiding its placement in a cadent House or an occidental position, which
would be particularly undesirable if it conjoins the Moon.
12. A malefic that rules the radical Ascendant may be made use of in the Election, since it is not
harmful to the person whose Ruler it is.
When the Nativity is unobtainable, the cautions relating thereto must of necessity be
disregarded. In the literature of Horary Astrology and Elections are to be found many aphorisms
relating to the subject, for which reference may be had to the works of Ptolemy, Guido Bonatus,
Cardan, William Lilly, A. J. Pearse and Dr. Broughton, including Ramesey's "Rules for Electing
Times for all Manner of Works," contained in his Astrology Restored (edition of 1653), to be
consulted in a few of the libraries.
To cast thoroughly sound Electional Figures one should first master the rules of Horary Art; then
develop it by recurrent practice in casting Electional Schemes for one imaginary project after
another. To perform this successfully necessitates the memorization of lists of the various
ventures and commodities falling within the province of each planet; such as that: the Sun
disposes of business, professional and social preferment, and rules games, hobbies and certain
classes of investments; the Moon disposes of those matters in which permanency is not desired,
and favors dealings with women and servants, and concerning domestic affairs; Mercury
disposes of travel, messages, writing, mail, and the ephemeral type of publications; and so on for
the remaining planets, as listed in any good text-book on Electional Astrology.
When an elector lacks a sufficient knowledge of astro-dynamics to enable him accurately to cast
the Figure whereby to select a suitable moment, the next best substitute is to consult the
aspectarian in any good ephemeris, and begin operations just prior to the formation of a good
lunar aspect. Another resort is to refer to a Planetary Hour Table calculated to latitude, and select
the middle of a Jupiter hour.
Elements. The four fundamental natures, symbolized as Fire, Earth, Air and Water. v. Signs.
Elevation. Astronomically, the distance of a planet above the horizon; its altitude.
Elevation of the Pole. As this increases as one advances N. or S. from the Equator, it is the
equivalent of Latitude, hence is seldom now employed in this sense, to avoid confusion with the
use of the term in reference to the relative House positions of the planets.
Elevation by Latitude. Of any two planets, the one that has the more latitude, either N. or S., is
said to be "in elevation by latitude." If the latitudes be the same, that which has the least
declination is the more elevated.
Eleveation by House Position. That one of the Ascending planets which is nearest to the
cusp of the Tenth House, the Midheaven or highest point in the map, is said to be elevated
above the others. Loosely applied to any planet that occupies a position above the horizon in
a geocentric chart. Elevation is one of the Accidental Dignities. (v. Dignities.) A malefic in
elevation above the luminaries, especially if in the Midheaven, indicates much adversity -
unless mitigated by strong and favoring aspects. If the malefic is anareta, it presages a violent
death; if it be elevated above a benefic, the benefic will be powerless to prevent; but if the
reverse, the benefic will moderate the anaretic tendency. If either of the luminaries is elevated
above the malefics, their power to harm will be greatly lessened.
Elongation. (a) The angular distance of an inferior, or interior, planet from the Sun, as
viewed from the Earth. The maximum elongation which Mercury attains is 28 degrees;
Venus, 46 degrees. Consequently in a birth map the only aspects Mercury can form to the Sun
are a conjunction and semi-sextile; Venus, these and a semi-square. (b) The farthest distance
of any planet from the Sun; aphelion.
Emerge. Emersion. To come out from a coalescence with the Sun's rays; employed chiefly in
reference to eclipses and occultations. Antonym: immersion.
Emotional Natures. Referring to the quality of sensory receptivity and reaction through the
sympathetic nervous system that characterizes those born with the Sun in Cancer, Scorpio and
Pisces - respectively, the initiative, executive and deductive types of the Emotional group. To
classify this group as Emotional, does not imply that other groups are not capable of Emotion;
but where those of the Intellectual group experience emotion chiefly through mental
processes, of the Inspirational group through a super-consciousness of the Ego, and of the
practical group through a capacity for sentiment, the Emotional group appear to be motivated
almost entirely through Emotional stimulation apparently generated in their nerve ganglia as
reflexes, and which penetrate to the very fibres of their physical being.
Enneatical. The ninth in any series. Said of a climax which occurs on the ninth day of an
illness - or every ninth day of its progress; also of the ninth day after birth; the ninth year of
life; or every ninth year throughout life. (v. Climacterical Periods.)
Epact. A word of Greek origin, applied to a number that indicates the Moon's age on the first
day of the year. As the common solar year is 365 d., and the lunar year 354 d., the difference
of 11 indicates that if a new moon falls on January 1st in any year, it will be 11 days old on
the first day of the next year, and 22 days old on the first of the third year. Hence the epacts
of those years are numbers 11 and 22. In a leap year, however, the remainder is 10, which
introduces such complexities that the chief and almost sole use of the epact is in determining
the date of Easter. A number which represents the number of days of excess of the Solar year
over 12 lunar months is the annual epact. The number which represents the number of days
of excess of a calendar month over a lunar month is the monthly epact. The epacts differ from
the Golden Numbers, from which they are derived, in that they provide for the adjustment of
(1) the solar equation, a correction of the Julian Calendar, and (2) the lunar equation, a
correction of the error in the lunar cycle. In its use in determining the date of Easter,
apparently more concern was paid to the consideration that it must not coincide with the
Passover than to astronomical exactness, for the Tables of Epacts are frequently in error by as
much as two days earlier or later.
Ephemeral Map. One erected for the time of an event, to be judged by Horary Astrology.
Ephemeral Motion. The day-to-day motion of the celestial bodies of the solar system in their
orbits. Said in contradistinction to directional or progressed motion.
Ephemeris. pl. Ephemerides. An almanac listing the ephemeral or rapidly changing position
which each of the solar system bodies will occupy on each day of the year: their Longitude,
Latitude, Declination, and similar astronomical phenomena. The astronomer's Ephemeris lists
these positions in heliocentric terms; that of the astrologer, in geocentric terms. A set of
Ephemerides which includes the year of the native's birth, is essential in the erection of a
horoscope. Ephemerides were first devised by astrologers to facilitate the erection of a
horoscope. Finally, when they became of common use to navigators and astronomers, they were
given official recognition by the Government, and issued as the Nautical Almanac. The oldest
almanac in the British Museum bears the date 1431. It is said that Columbus navigated by the
aid of an Astrologer's Ephemeris.
Some of the notable ephemerides have been: Vincent Wing, 1658-81; John Gadbury, 1682-
1702; Edmund Weaver, 1740-46; Thomas White, 1762-1850 (also reappeared in 1883); George
Parker, in Celestial Atlas, 1780-90; John Partridge, in Merlinus Liberatus, 1851-59; E. W.
Williams, in the Celestial Messenger, 1858; W. J. Simmonite, 1801-61; Raphael, 1820 to date.
The old astronomical day which began at noon was abolished on Jan. 1, 1925, and since then
the astronomical day has begun at midnight. Gradually this is reflected in the making of
Ephemerides. Therefore it is important to verify whether the ephemeris one is using for any
given year since around 1930 shows the planets' places at noon or midnight. This can be
determined at a glance by noting the sidereal time on Jan. 1: if it is around 18h the ephemeris
is for noon; if around 6h, it is for midnight; if neither of these, it is probably calculated for
some longitude other than that of Greenwich.
Epicycle. A term employed by Ptolemy, in whose astronomical system the Earth was regarded
as the centre, to indicate a small orbit around a central deferent (q.v.). He assumed that the orbits
of all the other planets formed epicycles around the Earth's orbit. It was involved in an attempted
solution of the phenomenon of retrograde motion. Assuming that the Sun pursues an orbit, the
Earth's orbit is an epicycle, which while pursuing its own orbit is carried forward in the larger
orbit of the Sun. The Moon's orbit is an epicycle upon the orbit of the Earth around the Sun. The
Sun, which is never retrograde, was the only solar system body which, according to Ptolemy, did
not have an epicycle.
Epoch. A point of time with reference to which other dates are calculated. Prenatal Epoch
applies to a system of rectification in which the Moon's place ten lunar months previous to
the birth moment becames the ascending or descending degree at the moment of birth. v.
Equation of Time. (1) Astron. The difference between mean solar time and apparent solar time.
The moment the Sun is exactly on the Midheaven of any place is apparent noon at that place;
hence an apparent solar day is the interval between two consecutive passages of the Sun across
the Midheaven, or the elapsed time from one apparent noon to the next. However, since the Sun
- or more correctly speaking, the Earth - does not move at a uniform speed throughout its orbit,
the length of the apparent day varies at different times of the year. To make possible the use of
time-keeping mechanisms, there was adopted a standard fixed day of 24 hours, known as a mean
day - the length of which is the average of all the apparent days of the year. The result is that
mean noon is sometimes earlier and sometimes later than apparent noon. The difference between
mean and apparent noon on any particular day, the Equation of Time, may amount to as much as
sixteen minutes. (2) Astrol. It is generally considered that in a Figure erected for noon the Sun
will be at the cusp of the Tenth House. This is approximately true, although at certain times of
the year it will be two or three degrees removed, on one side or the other from the Midheaven.
One sometimes hears the suggestion that the Figure should be erected by the Sun and not by the
clock, which would involve the application of the Equation of Time as a correction of clock
time. This is done when calculating the time of the rising of the Sun or other bodies. Its
application to the erecting of the Figure, however, would be utterly unsound, for the time in
which the birth is stated and the ephemerides which give the planets' places are both based on
mean time. If the Figure were to be erected for apparent time, the birth moment would have to
be corrected to apparent time, and the result would be the same. (3) It is unfortunate that this
term is incorrectly applied by some authorities to the difference between mean and sidereal time,
more properly termed the correction employed in reducing to sidereal time the elapsed mean
time of a given birth moment before or after noon or midnight. (4) The term has frequently been
incorrectly applied to the time equivalent of an Arc of Direction, in years, months and days - of
which few points in Astrology have been more debated. The coordination of the 360° of the
Equational circle and the 365¼-day year yields a mean value of 3m 56.33s per day, and a mean
increment of either Right Ascension or Longitude of 59'8". Some authorities advocate an
equation of 1° per year or 5' per month. Others advocate a method wherein the Arc of Direction
is added to the R.A. of the Sun at birth - the number of days after birth at which the Sun attains
this directional position, reduced to years at the rate of one day for a year or 2 hrs. for a month.
Others divide the Arc of Direction by the Sun's mean motion per year (59'8"), the result
converted into time at the rate of one degree for a year. (v. Directions.)
Equator. The circle that lies midway between the poles of the earth, dividing it into two
hemispheres - North and South. Also the projection of the Earth's equator upon the celestial
sphere - sometimes called the equinoctial circle.
The celestial equator has also been defined as "the continuation of the plane of the terrestrial
equator without limit into celestial spaces."
Equinox. A point in the Earth's annual orbit around the Sun, at which the polar inclination is at
right angles to a line drawn between the Earth and the Sun; in consequence of which the length
of the day and the night are equal all over the earth. This occurs at two points, called
respectively the Vernal Equinox, which the Earth passes on March 21 when it enters Aries, and
the Autumnal Equinox, on September 22nd when it enters Libra. Astronomers have not yet
charted the Sun's orbit or determined its plane, or the inclination of the orbit of the Earth to that
of the Sun, but it is possible that when these have been determined, it will be found that the
Equinoctial points are the Earth's Nodes, where the plane of the Earth's orbit intersects that of
the Sun. Thus the Zodiac, measured from the Spring Equinox, will be shown to represent a fixed
relationship of the Earth and Sun in an orbit around some remote galactic center. (v. Galaxy.)
This will make the Equinoctial points in reference to the Sun's orbit, analogous to the Moon's
Nodes in reference to the Earth's orbit.
The equinoxes are commonly defined as the moment wherein the Sun reaches the point at
which the plane of the ecliptic intersects the plane of the equator.
Era. Applied to numerous historical epochs, presumably starting on some specific date of
constant reference, among them the following:
Eros. (1) Greek God of Love, Son of Aphrodite. Equivalent of the Latin God Cupid. A
divinity of fertility. In Orphism Eros was born of the cosmic egg produced by Night. (2) The
433d asteroid, discovered by DeWitt in 1898. Eros at times comes closer to the Earth than
any heavenly body except the Moon. v. Hermes (3).
Erratics. Erratic Stars. A term applied by the ancients to the planets, in distinction to the
Fixed Stars.
Esoteric. Secret knowledge not accessible to the uninitiated. When such information is
published it ceases to be esoteric and becomes exoteric, which means that the facts have
become the property of the rest of humanity. As employed by Leo, exoteric interpretations are
those wherein a predicted event is considered to be inescapable, while esoteric interpretations
are based upon the assumption that the developed individual is able to exercise self-
determination and volition, and to render himself immune to the harmful effects of
astrological influences by transmuting them into a source of power.
Eudemon. The good demon. A term anciently applied to the Eleventh House, indicating that it
is productive of good, as the Twelfth House is of evil.
Exaltation. v. Dignity.
Externalize. Said of the event which transpires when an astrological influence is incited to
action by contact with a circumstance of environment. The thought is based upon the theory
that astrological influences have to do with the mental and emotional conditioning that
determines the nature of the individual's reaction to circumstances, but that they do not of
themselves produce events.
(1) As employed by Ptolemy, a planet in a House that is distant counter-clockwise from the
Moon, or clockwise from the Sun by the same number of Houses as the Sign, is in its Face.
This means that Mercury is in its Face when in a House preceding that of the Moon, or
following that of the Sun; Venus, when two Houses preceding or following; Mars, three
Houses; Jupiter, four Houses; or Saturn, five Houses - duplicating in Houses from the actual
Sun and Moon positions, the scheme of Sign-Rulership from Cancer and Leo, around to
Capricorn and Aquarius.
(2) James Wilson gives a series of 10° Faces which are merely the scheme of Decanates with
their Rulers according to one of the ancient Systems. Since this is only a distinction of terms
without a difference in meaning, the employment of the term Face in this sense is confusing
and unnecessary.
(3) Alan Leo defines a Face as one of a series of 5° subdivisions of a Sign. His fondness for
symbolism is reflected in the interpretations which he applies to those who have a rising
Degree in each of the 72 arcs in this series of what might better be called demi-Decans. v.
Signs, Subdivisions of.
Fall. A planet in the Sign opposite that in which it is said to be Exalted. v. Dignity.
Familiarity. A term used by Ptolemy to indicate an aspect or parallel between two bodies; or
their mutual disposition, as when each is in the other's Sign or House.
Fate. The belief that astrological influences determine Man's fate, that the issues of all events
is predetermined, and that no effort can avail him to alter it, is an extreme view to which few
modern astrologers subscribe, since it would deprive his active will and effort of mind of any
effective part in determining the events of his life. The doctrine of Fate should therefore be
regarded as somewhat misleading on the ground that it is in conflict with the modern concept
of Man as a free moral agent. v. Free Will.
Feminine Signs. The even-numbered signs: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and
Pisces. (v. Signs.)
Feral. A wild or undomesticated animal. A term anciently employed whereby inference was
made to the bestial nature of those with an Ascendant in Leo or the latter half of Sagittarius;
also those with either Luminary so placed and with the malefics in Angles. The Moon was
said to be feral when void of course (q.v.).
Figure. An astrological or Celestial Figure, variously called Geniture, Map, Scheme, Chart,
Theme, Mirror of Heaven, Nativity or Horoscope, as cast, erected or drawn by modern
astrologers, consists of a circle of the heavens, representing the 360° of the Earth's orbit,
divided into twelve arcs - resembling a wheel of twelve spokes. These arcs may represent
Signs of 30° each beginning at the Spring equinoctial point, or Houses of an indeterminate
number of degrees beginning at an ascending degree. A Solar Figure, used where a specific
moment of birth is not known, employs the Sun's degree as the point of beginning, or
Ascendant. The Houses or geo-arcs, based upon the degree rising in the east at the specific
moment for which the Figure is cast, supposedly represent the number of degrees which pass
over the horizon in two hours from that particular longitude and latitude and on that day. The
Sign-divisions, or heliarcs, are thus subdivisions of the Earth's annual orbit round the Sun,
while the House-divisions, or geo-arcs, are subdivisions of the daily orbit of a particular point
on the Earth's surface around the Earth's axis.
Most of the difficulties concerning astrological terminology result from the fact that this circle
represents the celestial sphere, subdivided according to three different systems at one and the
same time. This paradox ceases to baffle only when the one who employs the map learns to read
and interpret it in each of the three ways, consecutively rather than simultaneously.
With the Earth as a center of reference, its annual orbit extends impersonally from the point of
the Vernal Equinox, in successive 30° arcs, each corresponding to one sign of the zodiac.
Therefore, if for a given day, month and year, the planets are placed in certain degrees of certain
signs, this placement remains valid no matter at what point on the earth the observer is located.
If now we confine ourself to a given individual located at a given point on the Earth, and erect a
map showing the Sun at the sunrise point, choosing the Sun as the point of commencement of a
circle or experience, because it is a permanently powerful center of energy radiation, our twelve
30° arcs will be measured from the degree the Sun occupied on that day. Such a set of arcs
would be applicable to any one born with the Sun in the same degree; but when the places of the
remaining planets are inserted it will apply only to one born also on the same day of the same
year. If the different planetary reflectors of solar energy, as they appear over the horizon at
irregular intervals throughout that first day of life, stimulate a certain growth, there must result a
cycle of sensitive degrees or points of receptivity. On successive days the actual places of these
planets will advance, but the point of receptivity or expectancy remains - resulting in the "human
time clock" to which physiologists frequently refer.
If now these twelve divisions of the circle are to be based on the diurnal rotation of the Earth on
its axis, the twelve arcs must represent subdivisions of the Equator instead of the Ecliptic.
Furthermore, this involves the question of time of day, and Latitude as well as Longitude of
place. Such arcs are measured from the degree of the Horizon that is rising at that moment of
time from that particular Longitude and Latitude of place; and are measured in two-hour units
along the Horizon instead of 30° units along the Ecliptic.
Since the Inclination of the Earth's axis introduces another factor, the degrees of arc that cross
the horizon in two hours, vary with the Latitude and with the time of year. This expanding and
contracting of the degrees encompassed in two hours throughout the year, is also doubtless
involved in the factor of orbs. (q.v.)
Therefore, the map of a nativity is a combination of three maps: (1) Of Signs, 30º subdivisions
of a horizon, at right angles to a line between a Zenith and a Nadir (v. Celestial Sphere); (2) of
Solar House, 30° subdivisions of the Ecliptic, at right angles to a line between the North and
South poles of the Ecliptic; and (3) Of Houses, two-hour subdivisions of the Equator, at right
angles to a line between the North and South Celestial Poles.
For this reason some modern scientific astrologers utilize the map in a method somewhat altered
from the traditional method. The divisions of the printed design are the Signs, with 0° Aries at
the left. A colored line is drawn through the Sun position to the opposite point in the orbit, and
another at right angles thereto, indicating the solar houses. On the outside of the circle are placed
the degrees of the cusps of the Geocentric Houses as measured from the Rising Degree, thus
showing at a glance the unequal arcs that pass over the horizon in equal periods of time. In
reading such a map, the design is read upright, or successively rotated to place at the left the Sun
degree or the Rising Degree.
This explains the use of the terms Midheaven and Ascendant, as indicating the points at the top
or at the left of the map, which terms are not synonymous with Zenith or Nadir. (v. Celestial
First point. 0º Aries; from which point Longitude is reckoned along the Ecliptic, and right
ascension along the Celestial Equator.
Fixed Signs. Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius, constituing the Fixed Quadruplicity. v.
Signs, Qualities.
Flexed. An alternate term for the mutable signs, preferred by some modern authorities.
Fortitude. An ancient term indicating a quality or strength possessed by a planet when posited
in its own sign or that of its exaltation.
Fortuna. Pars Fortuna. The Part of Fortune. One of the Arabian Points (q.v.). A point that
bears the same relation to the Rising Degree that the Moon bears to the Sun. It occupies the
same House-position in a Figure based on a birth-moment, that the Moon tenants in a Solar
Figure. Its symbol, a cross within a circle ED, is that utilized by astronomers to represent the
Earth. It is the ancient Chinese symbol Tien, a field; used by the Egyptians to signify
territory. It is generally considered that the House position of Fortuna is an indication of the
department of life that will most readily contribute to the financial welfare of the native. If so
it tends to lend emphasis to the theory that one succeeds best at that which one likes best; that
congeniality of occupation is a contributing factor to success therein. v. Arabian Points.
Fortunes. The benefic planets: Jupiter, the 'Greater Fortune"; and Venus, the "Lesser
Fortune". The Sun and Mercury, or by some authorities the Moon and Mercury, when well
placed and aspected, particularly if by Jupiter or Venus, are sometimes so classed. Simmonite
in his "Arcana of Astrology" says: "If Jupiter be with the Part of Fortune in good aspect with
the Moon and angular, especially in the First House, the native will become rich".
Four-footed Signs. Aries, Taurus, Leo, Sagittarius and Capricorn, sometimes termed "animal
Signs." One whose Ascendant is posited in one of these Signs was anciently presumed to possess
some of the qualities of that particular animal; as bold as the Lion, lustful as a goat, and so on.
Free-Will. A doctrine that applies to the exercise of the will in overcoming the obstacles of
terrestrial environment and cosmic influences, whereby so to control and direct cosmic forces
operating at a given time, as to transmute them into power under control. It is opposed to any
such yielding to an influence as that which is called Fate. According to this concept the hour
and place of birth, and the planets thereby located in the Figure, represent the tools with
which the individual is enabled to work out his destiny. How he uses them, how he applies
his individual gifts, is in his own hands by virtue of the divine gift of Free Will. This
philosophy thus removes from astrological teachings the fatalistic doctrine which is
repugnant to all who believe that Man's control of his ultimate destiny is in his own hands.
Friendly planets. Ptolemy appeared to believe that those planets which have rulership,
exaltation or triplicity in each other's Signs should be classed as friendly planets. Other
authorities class them as follows:
Sun - unfriendly only to Saturn.
Moon - unfriendly only to Mars and Saturn.
Venus - unfriendly only to Saturn.
Mars - friendly with Venus only.
Jupiter - unfriendly only to Mars.
Saturn - friendly only to the Sun, Mercury and Jupiter.
Just how Saturn can be friendly to the Sun when the latter is unfriendly to him is nowhere
explained, and James Wilson says the entire concept is nonsense. However, a little thought
will discern its basic truth when the qualities of the various vibrations are considered, and as
regards the Sun-Saturn objection what Ptolemy probably meant was Saturn's application in
beneficent aspect to the solar orb, for no one can deny that a sextile or trine from Saturn to the
Sun mightily strengthens the latter and agrees with its purpose.
Fruitful Signs. Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. The Water Signs. In Horary Questions the
Ascendant, Moon, or Lord of the Ascendant, if strongly placed in any one of these Signs,
become symbols of children. Some deem this equally applicable to the Natal Figure, and that
the 5th or its Lord in a fruitful Sign is a symbol of children. v. Signs.
Frustration. A term used in Horary Astrology when one planet is applying to an aspect of
another, which aspect would tend to signify some event; but before such aspect culminates, a
third planet, by its swifter motion, interposes to anticipate the culmination of the forming
aspect by completing one of its own. It is said to produce an Abscission of Light that will
frustrate the promised effect of the slower-moving aspect, constituting a prohibition (q.v.)
against its operation. The indication is that the matter thus subjected to the prohibition will be
retarded or utterly prevented, through influences connected with the House of which the
frustrating planet is Ruler, or in which it was posited at birth. In his "Arcana of Astrology"
Simmonite gives this illustration of its application to an Horary Figure: "If Venus, Lady of
the Ascendant, were hastening to the trine of Mars, Lord of the Seventh, in a question of
marriage, it might denote that the match would take place; but if Mercury were to form an
opposition to Mars before Venus reached her trine of that planet, it would be a frustration and
would show that the hopes of the querent would be cut off, and if he were Lord of the
Twelfth, it might denote that it would be done by a private enemy; if Lord of the 3rd, by
means of relations, and so on."
Gabriel. The angel (q.v.) of the Moon.
Galactic Center. The gravitational center around which the Sun revolves. Astrology has
hypothetically placed this at 0° Capricorn, which is exactly confirmed by recently published
results of thousands of calculations of spectroscopic radial velocity measurements, and other
thousands by the parallax method of determining proper motion, by Charlier, Stromberg,
Wilson, Campbell and More, and Smart and Green. In consequence the astronomers have
arrived at a position of the center of the Milky Way Galaxy at R.A. 270°, declin. +29.7°.
Therefore at the time of the Winter Solstice, the Galactic Center is a few degrees South of the
The Sun's actual travel is estimated at 200 miles per second in orbit. As it is placed about 30,000
light-years from the center of the Milky Way Galaxy, one complete orbit is estimated to require
200 million years. Its apparent motion toward a point near Wega in the constellation Hercules, as
measured by nearby stars, is 12 miles per second - which should not be confused with its
computed actual rate of travel.
The plane of the Sun's orbit is presumed to be approximately that of the Galactic Center, which
is inclined to the Earth's orbit by about 50 degrees.
Galactic Latitude. The angular distance of a celestial body from the median plane of the Milky
Galaxy. A star-cluster or group of stars. The Sun and its system are a unit in the Milky Way
Galaxy, which moves around a gravitational center that must be in the vicinity of 0° Capricorn,
as viewed from the Earth, geocentrically considered. In that event, the Sun's path, at right angles
to this point, must be along the line between 0° Aries and 0° Libra, which the Earth intersects at
the Equinoxes. The inclination of the Earth's axis, that causes this phenomenon, may thus be due
to the inclination of the plane of the Earth's orbit, or in response to the attraction from the
gravitational center that bends the Sun's travel into an orbit, or a combination of these and other
Gamut, Notes of the. Having to do with what Pythagoras termed "the music of the spheres."
C The Sun
D Saturn
E Mercury
F The Moon
G Mars
A Venus
B Jupiter
Peculiarly, the next two planets discovered have, according to Sepharial, an axial rotation from
east to west, contrary to the order of the other bodies. It is in reference to the Gamut that Uranus,
Neptune and Pluto are spoken of as belonging to the second octave: Uranus, the octave of
Mercury; Neptune, of Venus; and Pluto, of Mars. (Mark Knights, d. March 20, 1897 fr.
asphyxiation, traced references to five of these "notes" in Shakespeare's "Taming of the Shrew"
1623 folio ed.)
Genethliacal Astrology. Natal astrology - that which deals with the geniture in a nativity.
Genethlialogy. That department of Astrology which deals with the birth of individuals, whereby
one forms a judgment of the characteristics of a person from a map of the heavens cast for his
given birth moment.
Geoarc. A term applied by some modern authorities to one of the house divisions of a map
erected for a given moment, when there is under consideration the effect upon an individual, at a
given point on the Earth's periphery, of his motion around the Earth's center - in the Earth's daily
rotation. The same subdivision of the same map is called a heliarc, when there is under
consideration effects based on the actual motions in orbit around the Sun, of all the planets -
including the Earth. In other words, Geoarc is synonymous with House, and Heliarc with Solar
House, emphasizing the character of the motion to which the subdivisions apply. A geoarc
considers the Earth as a rotating body, imparting an appar- ent motion to celestial points and
objects. A heliarc views the Earth as a fixed point from which one considers the effects of the
actual motions of celestial objects. The heliarcs are 30° arcs measured from the Sun's position on
the day for which the Figure is erected.
Geoarc Figure. One in which the cusp of the first Geoarc is the degree rising at a given
moment. If the Sun's position becomes the first cusp, it is a Heliarc Figure. However, the
subdivisions of either map may be considered either as Geoarcs or Heliarcs, or both.
Geocentric. (1) Having the Earth for a center. The geocentric positions of the planets indicating
their position. These are now generally calculated from the heliocentric places as given in the
Nautical Almanac. The difference between the two is incorrectly termed the parallax. All
astrological considerations are based on the geocentric positions of the planets, on the theory that
Astrology is concerned with planetary motions only as they affect the Earth. (2) The distance
along the Ecliptic from 0° Aries, as viewed from the Earth.
Heliocentric Longitude is expressed in degrees of Right Ascension, from 0° to 360°, while
Geocentric Longitude is expressed in terms of the Signs of the Zodiac.
Gibbous. v. Phase.
Giver of Life. The Hyleg, or Significator that holds the vital prerogative. (v. Hyleg.)
Gnomes. An esoteric name for the invisible Nature-spirits that belong to the Earth Triplicity.
Golden Number. The number of any year in the Metonic Cycle of 235 Lunations (q.v.),
which equals 6939d. 16h. 31m., or approximately 19 years. It is used in fixing the date of
Easter. The cycle begins with the year in which the lunation falls on January 1st in the tenth
degree of Capricorn, which it did in the year beginning the Christian era (1 B.C.). To find the
Golden Number of any year: Add 1, divide by 19; the remainder indicates the number of the
cycle. If there is no remainder the Golden Number is 19. Because the sum of solar and lunar
inequalities vary in different years the matter of determining the date and longitude of the
lunations may be in error as much as 2 days - either earlier or later. At the Gregorian
Reformation of 1582 it was superseded by the Epacts. (q.v.)
Gradial Transit, Arc of. A term employed by Sepharial to indicate the arc a planet traverses
from its birth position to its progressed position, when in any given year it is activated by a
major transit through the arc. As this arc increases in size from year to year, it affords a
possible explanation of the observation that with advancing years transitory aspects become
operative for longer periods and in cumulatively increased potencies.
Grand Trine. Two planets trine to each other, both of which are trined by a third planet.
Guarded. Applied to one or more elevated planets guarded on the East by the Sun and on the
West by the Moon.
Hayz. In Horary Questions a masculine diurnal planet above the Earth in a Day Figure, and a
feminine nocturnal planet under the Earth in a Night Figure is a Dignity of 1°, and is
reckoned fortunate. The Arabians did not conceive it a perfect Hayz except when the
masculine planet was in a male Sign, or the feminine planet in a female Sign. A masculine
planet in a male Sign under the Earth by day was considered to be only in his light, and the
person denoted by it to be in a state of contentment.
Heliacal Rising. Lit., rising with the Sun. When a planet or a star, after it has been hidden by
the Sun's rays, becomes again visible.
Heliacal Setting. When a star is overtaken by the Sun and is lost in its rays. The Heliacal
rising or setting of the Moon occurs when it is within 17° of the Sun; other stars and planets,
when within 30° distance.
Heliarc. v. Geoarc.
Heliarc Figure. A Solar Figure based on the Earth's annual revolution around the Sun,
employing the Sun's position as an ascendant degree. In a Heliarc Figure each heliarc consists
of 30°. v. Geoarc Figure.
Heliocentric. The Sun as a center. The science of Astrology is largely based on geocentric
observations, since it treats of cosmic forces as perceived or received by an inhabitant of the
Earth. Some authorities believe that heliocentric considerations may contribute added
testimony of importance, for which reason the heliocentric longitudes 2nd latitudes of the
planets are to be found in some ephemerides. In reducing heliocentric positions to geocentric
terms, a mean orbit is employed wherein the planets are presumed to move in a circle at a
uniform rate. This is corrected by an equation to centre, based upon the eccentricity of the
orbit - its departure from a true circle. Having determined the true position in the orbit, a
further equation, improperly called parallax, is employed to reduce the position to its
geocentric longitude.
Heliocentric Astrology. One wherein the astrological interpretations are based upon a Figure
in which the solar system bodies are located according to their heliocentric longitudes. It is
more or less experimental and used by but few astrologers.
Heliocentric Longitude and Latitude. That based on the Sun as a center. The Nautical
Almanac gives the Heliocentric positions of all celestial bodies. The Astrologer's Ephemeris
is now made from the Nautical Almanac by reducing these positions to their Geocentric
Helios. The Greek Sun God, who went home every evening at sunset in a winged boat made
of gold.
Hemisphere. The half-circle: either that East or West of the meridian, or that North or South
of the Equator.
Hermaphrodite. Compounded of both sexes. Derived from the names of the god Hermes or
Mercury, and the goddess Aphrodite, or Venus. The combination of the two influences, Art
and Science, in the mind of man constitutes the true human, in whom the emotional and
rational powers are presumed to be in perfect balance. Astrology under this appellation
speaks of a higher order of intellect, combining masculine and feminine qualities or
propensities, yet with no inference of bisexual functioning. The term is sometimes applied to
Mercury, because of its dual and changeable nature.
Hermes. (1) An olympian god, son of Zeus and Maia, identified by the Romans with
Mercury: messenger of the gods; giver of increase to herds; guardian of roads and commerce;
the god of science, inven- tion, eloquence, cunning, trickery, theft, and luck in discovering
treasure. of course, in creating the god they endowed him with the astrological attributes of
the planet, of whose influences he became the personification. (2) Hermes Trismegistus,
identified with the Egyptian god Thoth, was the fabled author of Neo-Platonic, judaic,
cabalistic, alchemical and astrological works, studied as sacred by the Egyptian priests. Many
spurious works have been put forward as Hermetic writings. Theories and philosophics
peculiar to the Hermetic writings are characterized as hermetical. (3) A minor planet, or
asteroid discovered photographically at Heidelberg on Oct. 28, 1940 by the German
astronomer Reinmuth. As it was moving rapidly in its apparent course in the sky only a few
observations were secured, hence the orbit determinations are only approximate. Since then
the asteroid has passed beyond telescopic reach. The noteworthy feature of Hermes is the
nearness of part of its orbit to that of the Earth-about 362,000 Miles, only 110,000 miles
farther from the Earth than the Moon's greatest distance. This breaks the record of Eros for
the close approach of a heavenly body to the Earth. First known as the Reinmuth Object, the
asteroid was given the designation 1937 UB. Later the discoverer gave it the name Hermes.
Calculations give it a diameter of about ½ mile. When nearest the Earth it was in the
constellation Delphinus, corresponding to an astrological position of approx. 12º Aquarius.
Esoteric writers have long applied the name to Mercury - with a mystical significance
implying wisdom.
Hermetic. An alchemist.
Herschel. The British name for the planet discovered by Sir Wm. Herschel; otherwise,
Uranus, or Georgium Sidus.
Hindu Astrology. This is apparently based upon a fixed zodiac, determined by taking a birth
year, subtracting 498, multiplying by 50 1/3" per year, reducing the product to Arc and
subtracting it from all positions computed according to a Geocentric Ephemeris. The
equivalent names of the elements in Sanskrit are:
Aries - Mesham
Taurus - Vrishabham
Germimi - Mithuna
Cancer - Katakam
Leo - Simha
Virgo - Kanya
Libra - Tulam
Scorpio - Vrischika
Sagittarius - Dhanus
Capricorn - Makaram
Aquarius - Kumbra
Pisces - Mînam
Sun - Surya
Moon - Chandra
Mercury - Budham
Venus - Shukra
Mars - Kuja
Jupiter - Cura
Saturn - Shani
Angular: Kendra
Succedent: Panapara
Cadent: Apokalima
Ascendant: Lagnam
Trine: Trikonam
Square: Kandra
The Houses are numbered as counted from any significator. Houses 3, 5, 9, 11 are uniformly
favorable as regards that significator; 6, 8, 12 uniformly unfavorable; while 1. 2, 4, 7 and 10
are judged according to the planets occupied. It can be seen that this is largely their method of
considering aspects. All planets in 10, 11, 12, 2, 3, 4 houses from a significator are benefic,
including harmonious planets in the 1st. All others are evil.
Progressed positions are computed by a complex series of periods, which follow the basic
series of South Node 7, Venus 20, Sun 6, Moon 10, Mars 7, North Node 18, Jupiter 16,
Saturn 19, Mercury 17. The figures give the duration of the period in years. These are divided
into 9 subperiods ruled in the same order, but beginning in each case with the planet's own
subperiod. The sub-periods are again divided into inter-periods, ruled according to the same
method and by the same series. These are applied to the Mansions of the Moon (qv.).
Honors. These refer to the Sun and Midheaven and their radical aspects, as indicating the
degrees of fame and of honor to which a person is predestined. The Luminaries in an Angle
and well-aspected is a sign of high honors. Jupiter rising, or in the Mid-heaven, shows a high
degree of prestige. Saturn similarly placed denies credit and renown, however much
deserved. Rising planets show aspirations to honors and high ambition, but the outcome of
such aspirations depends on which planet first culminates. If the majority of the planets are
oriental to the Sun and occidental to the Moon the native will arrive at authority and
accumulate wealth. The term is seldom employed by modern authorities.
Horary Astrology. The art of interpreting the relationship between cosmic phenomena
resulting from the ordered motions of the celestial bodies, and a thought, situation or event. It
deals successfully only with concrete, well-defined queries, and its validity is subject to
question when the particular problem to be analyzed is hazy in the mind of the querent, or ill-
defined in its presentation to the astrologer.
Since the Horary Figure centers around the person of the querent and his consciousness at the
time of the query, a clear concept of the problem for which a solution is sought is essential if
the heavens are faithfully to reflect the question and portray the outcome. If the query is
correctly conceived the resultant Figure is presumed to provide the correct answer, showing
the manner in which the subsequent motions of the planets will mold events to their eventual
culmination. This does not infer that cosmic influences will suspend the operation of the law
of cause and effect, or deny the exercise of free-will; but the heavenly bodies through their
House and Sign positions and the qualities they assume in the Figure will indicate the precise
factors that are involved.
Horary Astrology has its own canons, apart from those governing other branches of
Astrology, but the rules peculiar to it are reasonably simple and easily comprehended.
However, the more worldly knowledge the practitioner possesses the more deftly will he
interpret the Scheme, and the greater number of details he will be able to extract from it.
Approaching it from a modern viewpoint it would appear that since the solidity of the solar
system is reasonably established in the Western mind, there can hardly remain any valid
objections to the ancient Doctrine of Signatures, which Albertus Magnus, Trithemius,
Agrippa, Paracelsus, Boehme and their followers proclaimed and extensively developed.
The twelfth part of the whole circle of 360° which the Ascendant precedes, is deemed to
portray the querent, his physique, disposition and circumstances. If the analogy is extended to
embrace the birth of a thought, a project or an event, the precise time thereof establishes the
angle of incidence in Nature, and makes it possible to chart its activity, the anticipated results,
and its ultimate disposition and object with relation to the person or thing that occasioned it.
Pursuing the analogy further, just as any heavenly body which has ascended to the horizon
will keep on rising until it attains to the meridian, so, too, will any person, thought or event
that has attained to maturity be similar in nature to the portion of the celestial sphere then
Therefore Horary Astrology assumes that the Ascendant symbolizes the forces that are
emerging into being at a given time, and which will operate through the various divisions of
the entire sphere to impart form to whatever is taking place at that point on the Earth. Since
the disposition of events are the outward manifestation of thoughts generated in the mind,
thoughts are an entity, and are conceived, gestated and delivered, no matter how difficult it
may be to trace events from their inception through their subsequent evolution.
Since a man's thoughts are fashioned after himself, they must of necessity reflect that
universe of which he is a part; and the concepts he creates, working with whatever materials
are available within his environment, will be faithfully reflected in his being and disposition -
a perfect mirror of celestial and human correspondence.
The Signature Rerum, or celestial pattern of the factors involved in any situation under
scrutiny, its form, essence and totality, must be viewed in the abstract, free from obfuscating
prejudices, emotional involvements and the confusion of surface events that would tend to
prejudice the interpretation. One must be willing to read the answer without wishful thinking.
These factors will be portrayed in the Scheme, yet they must be observed as things apart,
except where they interfere with or complicate the issue.
The time for which the Figure is cast is a subjective factor pertaining to the consciousness and
character of the practitioner, in that it represents his own particular connection with the matter
at issue. The element of time, his consciousness and the circumstances of his life are thus
Whether the watch from which is taken the time for casting the Figure be slow or fast, if the
practitioner is unaware of it the Figure will be as correct for him as it would have been had
the actual time been known and used. In other words the correct perception of time reposes in
his own consciousness.
A Figure cast for a trivial or confused issue or query will be unrevealing, since the
significance one is able to extract from an Horary Figure is limited to the precise quality of
consciousness brought to bear upon it.
The more vital the issue the greater the extent to which the Figure will conform to it; and this
conformity is frequently evidenced by the correspondence of one or more of its salient
configurations with equally important features visible in the querent's Nativity. These
conformities are often so striking as conclusively to portray the marvellous mosaic of the
It frequently happens that a Figure is cast too soon, for an event that is dependent upon one or
more indeterminate factors that have not sufficiently matured; or too late, for an issue which
the querent can no longer swerve the course of events to avert. In either case the fact will be
shown in the Figure, and the rules applicable to either situation constrain the practitioner to
defer or withhold judgment.
A valid Horary Figure indicates the querent's birthmarks, and bodily deformities. This phase
of Astrology is useful to prove whether the propounded question is radical, whether or not it
con- forms with the querent's Nativity in one or more important features, and perhaps to
prove to skeptics the validity. of astrological analysis and prognosis.
Even though divination by Horary Astrology is largely practised with surprising results by
many who are too ignorant or too superficially-inclined to probe the arcana of the science of
Nativities, incessant recourse to Horary Art is not recommended, for undue reliance upon it
weakens one's true judgment and impairs his power of will and independence of character.
On the other hand, occasions will arise when it can be of great assistance, when formulating
judgment with regard to a policy to be pursued when the Nativity is not available. It is used in
ascertaining the whereabouts of a missing person; the probability of recovering stolen goods;
by what manner of thief they were stolen, the direction in which he went, and his disposal
thereof; whether a certain rumor be true or false; whether a case will be prosecuted in court,
and its ultimate disposition; whether one ought to accept a proposition made to him and the
outcome thereof; whether a contemplated marriage is advisable, and how it may be expected
to result; whether one should accept proffered employment, sell or mortgage a piece of
property, and so on. Apart from these considerations the study of Horary Astrology, when
pursued for the mental training it affords, will prove of value to the student by way of
maturing his judgment and sharpening his intuition, and may at some time stand him in
excellent service.
Horary Circles. The arcs, or circles, in which the planets appear to move around the Earth by
virtue of the Earth's diurnal revolution. They are either diurnal or nocturnal.
Horary Time. The time from the rising of a planet to its setting, divided by 12, gives its
horary time, which is 1/12th of the time between the rising and setting of a planet - or the
reverse, according as the planet is placed in the diurnal or nocturnal circle. The factors
employed in this calculation are the declination of the planet and the latitude of the place. (v.
Ascensional Difference.)
Horimea. The rays of the Hyleg after it has passed the Mid-heaven.
Horizon. The circle round the Earth that separates the visible and the invisible hemispheres.
The terms sensible, visible or physical horizon are often employed, indicating the line which
terminates our vision, where the celestial bodies appear and disappear. The astronomical
horizon, termed the rational horizon, is obtained by supposing a line drawn from the Earth's
center parallel with the horizon. Astrologically, the eastern horizon is the degree rising in the
east, and the Sign then appearing is the Rising Sign.
Horizontal Parallel. A parallel in mundo, or a mundane parallel, formed about the horizon
instead of the meridian. It is considered by some authorities to be equally powerful.
Horoscope. Strictly speaking the Ascendant, since it is based upon the "hour." As generally
employed it refers to the Figure, or Map of the Heavens, for a given date and hour, utilized by
astrologers for the judgment of a Nativity and for predictions in Mundane and Horary
Astrology; also delineations based thereon.
Hour Angle. The angle between the great circle that passes through the poles, and that which
bisects a specific point in the heavens; expressed in hours, as indicating the interval of time
before or after its transit of the meridian, at the rate of 15° p.h.
Houses. An astrological Figure is divided into 12 arcs, equal either in terms of space or time.
If in terms of space the arcs are of 30° each, one twelfth of the circle of 360°.
If these begin at 0° Aries they are known as the Signs of the Zodiac, from Aries to Pisces, and
represent subdivisions of the orbit of the Earth round the Sun. As such they are Signs, not
Houses. They bear no relation to the constellations after which they were anciently named,
but are measured from the Spring equinoctial point.
If the subdivision begins at a given moment, and each represents the celestial arc that passes
over the horizon in 2 hours - one twelfth of the time required for one complete rotation - the
divisions are known as Houses.
In considering the divisions of the Figure as consisting of Signs, the Figure is deemed to
stand still while one contemplates the actual motions of the planets in their orbits round the
Sun, in a counter-clockwise direction. In considering the divisions as Houses, the observer
deems the planets to stand still while the Figure (representing the Earth) rotates in a counter-
clockwise direction, thus causing the planets to appear to move in a clockwise direction at a
uniform rate, one after another passing from below the horizon to above it, and on through the
Midheaven to the Descendant, just as the Sun rises and sets.
There are also Solar Houses - subdivisions of a Figure which, because the moment of
inception, otherwise "birth-moment," is unknown - cast with the Sun's degree at Greenwich
noon as the Rising Degree, or Ascendant. In the House-divisions so determined are placed the
planets in the positions they tenanted at Greenwich noon on that particular date. Such a
Figure is termed by some: a Heliarc Figure (q.v.).
In any event one should at all times bear in mind that the Signs are divisions of an annual
cycle, beginning with the Spring Equinox; while the Houses arc divisions of a daily cycle of
apparent motions resulting from the Earth's own daily rotation on its axis. Some modern
authorities employ the term Heliarc in lieu of Sign as a subdivision of the Earth's annual orbit,
and Geoarc in lieu of House as the subdivision of the orbit of a given point on the Earth's
periphery round the axis - hence a subdivision of the Earth's daily rotation. Thus the influence
of the Sign-positions, and the pattern of con- figurations resulting from the places the planets
occupy therein, are a common experience of everyone born anywhere on the Earth's surface
upon that day; but the point at which a personality enters into this cycle is an individual factor
which determines the "angle of incidence" at which these cosmic impulses impinge upon his
own consciousness.
Due to the inclination of the polar axis in its relationship to the Sun, the number of degrees
which pass over the horizon in 2 hours varies with the time of year and the latitude of the
place where the birth occurs. While the Midheaven-point moves reasonably steady from day
to day throughout the year, the rising and setting-points vary, lengthening into the "long
winter evenings" and shortening into the so-called "Daylight Saving" period of long days and
short summer nights.
Before considering all the factors entering into the problem of House definition and
terminology, remember that a House is a two- hour segment of a twenty-four-hour cycle,
repeated each day with minor variants. The beginning of the First House is the degree that
from a given point on the Earth's surface was rising above the eastern horizon at a given
moment of time. This point is the Ascendant, just as the opposite point is the Descendant.
Between them is the Mid- heaven, and the opposite point below the Earth, the so-called
Immum Coeli, viz.: the Lowest Heaven. These are the Angles of the Figure. The Houses
which fall away from these Angles are termed the Angular Houses. Note that as your horizon
falls down, the planets - which are thus uncovered - rise up. The next Houses are termed the
Succedent Houses, and these are midway between the Angles. The remaining four Houses,
which precede the Angles, are termed the Cadent Houses. Numerically these are summed up
as follows:
Succedent: 2, 5, 8, 11 - possibly of no less strength than the Angles, though they attract less
public notice.
Cadent: 3, 6, 9, 12 - the weakest positions.
In a Birth Figure many planets in Cadent Houses may confer versatility. In Horary Astrology
planets in these Houses are considered to produce delays. James Wilson says that a cadent
planet seldom brings to pass any event of which it is the Significator, or if at all then it will be
when all hope has vanished; also that when obtained it is either useless or detrimental to the
querent's interests.
Individual or Life Houses: 1, 5, 9 - representing respectively the body, soul, and spirit or
mind: the Trinity of Life.
These esoteric realms have been compared to three degrees of death: 4th, of the mind; 8th, of
the body; 12th, of the soul. Or, as taken from the Kabala, according to this table:
Another grouping, of modern origin and based largely on statistical research, is:
Eastern Houses: Those in the Eastern half of the Figure, containing planets rising toward the
Midheaven; viz.: the 3rd, 2nd, 1st, 12th, 11th, 10th. Of these, the three above the horizon -
containing planets which, moving clockwise against the order of the Signs, are passing away
from the horizon toward their culmination at the Midheaven - are considered to confer upon
these planets added strength "by position."
Western Houses: Those in the Western half of the Figure - 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th.
Posited in these Houses, malefic planets are said to be strengthened and benefic planets
weakened - particularly as regards their influence upon the native's health. An advisable
distinction would be to classify the Twelve Houses as Eastern and Western and confine the
Oriental Houses to the 12th, 11th and 10th, and the Occidental to the 4th, 5th, and 6th - those
which culminate at either the oriental or occidental side of the meridian for which the Figure
is cast.
Oriental Houses: Those which extend clockwise from the horizon to the meridian: The 12th,
11th, 10th, 6th, 5th and 4th.
Occidental Houses: Those which extend clockwise from the meridian to the horizon: The
9th, 8th, 7th, 3rd, 2nd and 1st.
Zodiacal House is a misnomer, for that would mean a Sign, a subdivision of an orbital
revolution rather than of an axial rotation. The term Mundane House, once used to distinguish
between two types of so-called Houses, is thus unnecessary, since properly termed all Houses
arc mundane Houses.
Houses, Meaning of. The significance of each House, basically and as related to the other
Houses, without considering the modifications that result from the positions and aspects of
radical, progressed or transiting planets, is as follows: v. House, First; House, Second, etc. -
or click 'next' to navigate from here.
House, First.
In a Nativity: The cusp of the Ascendant, the first and most important of the four Angles of
any Figure, marks the Eastern end of the Line of Particular Being; the Irrational Axis, or
culminating point of the eastern hemisphere - a Line of Awareness of Self and of Others.
Hence, it becomes the Point of Dualism of Consciousness, and the Angle of Fulfillment.
Representing Selfhood, its primary significance is Action: Destiny in the making. It defines
and particularizes the native, his personal appearance, disposition and manner, moral and
subjective viewpoint and motivating impulses- Personality as distinguished from
Individuality; and is an index to his birth, environment in early childhood, outlook upon life,
and will to manifest; personal power over himself and others; carriage, mein, walk, and
manner of approach; complexion, skin, head, face, brain, and the shape and size of his body;
opinion of himself and of others, their opinion of him, and the impression he makes upon
them; habits, desires and personal interests; capacity for self-development; vitality, health in
consequence of personal habits, the inherent strength of his physical constitution; mental and
emotional qualities and attitudes; worldly outlook, and the quality, bent and direction of his
cravings and their gratification; attitude toward his possessions, and other things that affect
the ego; circumstances and situations that result from his acts; consciousness of the future.
The First House has to do with a man's grandmother, or a woman's grandfather. (v. Fourth
House.) The Ruler of the Rising Sign indicates the influences that were at work previous to
When the Lord of the First also rules the sign on the cusp of the Twelfth, it becomes an index
to his Destiny or Fate.
As the Ascendant provides a key to the native's mentality and the quality of his will power,
the Sixth House, its Ruler and occupants, portrays what use he makes of them.
In a Mundane Figure: The body politic. The country and its inhabitants as a whole: the
people, the masses; their prosperity and health, or the reverse; their national traits and habits;
the country's interior affairs; the public consciousness and collective expression; the
psychology of the masses, their reactions and conditions.
In a Contest: the public favorite; the holder of the title; the one who is challenged; the
decision or decisions of the referee.
In an Organization: its personnel - including the stockholders and all who work for the
company in any capacity; the company's morale and its attitude toward its competitors.
House, Second.
In a Nativity: Repository of the native's strongest desires, it determines the quality of the life-
substance used by the Ego - that which the Life is dedicated to redeem; the heredity and
social background with which the native is equipped for the pursuit of his destiny, and the
bodily chemistry of metabolism; secret thoughts and desires; financial standing, money,
moveable property and possessions, the gain or loss and the income derived therefrom;
earning and spending capacities, personal debts; the manner in which he meets his obligations.
In a Mundane Figure: The nation's wealth; taxation revenue, stocks, bonds, shares, and all
places and activities connected in any way with money, such as banks, stock exchanges, trade
and commerce; the national exports; taxing power, as distinct from the manner in which the
taxes affect the people; the purchasing power of the nation, its national expenditures and
receipts, currency and its circulation and liquid assets; hence the wealth and prosperity of the
people as measured by their collective earning and buying power; investors and their
investments, and those who buy stocks and bonds for investment rather than for speculation.
House, Third.
In a Nativity: The synthetizing powers of the mind and its ability to form sense impressions
and mold destiny within one's social environment; dexterity, cleverness, duality, restlessness;
the rational mind and its adaptability to education; short journeys; brothers, sisters and near
blood relationships, and their attitude toward the native; acquaintances and neighbors, their
character and reputation; writings and communications, news and rumors; changes and
removals; daily comings and goings; accidents; memory, perception, speech; personal
advertising and publicity.
In a Mundane Figure: Inland transit, traffic and communications by land, air or water; the
nature of the public demands upon and the degree of public patronage accorded to the nation's
transportation and communication facilities; the postal, telegraph and telephone systems,
radio, cinema, newspapers, magazines and ephemeral publications; the people's inclination to
travel, move about, make changes and communicate with one another within the nation; the
nation's intellectual activities and its relations with neighboring nations; the reading public,
and its tendency to patronize the newspapers and other periodicals; indications relative to
rumors, public opinion, the mental and psychological attitude of the masses; emigration as
distinct from immigration; and the effects of storms, temperature changes and atmospheric
conditions within the country.
In an Organization: first-hand contacts of the Organization with the general public, the traffic,
transit, transportation and communication departments; interoffice communications; specific
information disseminated within the organization, and departments having to do with the
dissemination of such information; public statements of a relatively private nature.
House, Fourth.
In a Nativity: Its cusp, the Northern end of the meridian that passes through the birthplace, is
the degree of Integration. Although it is the weakest of the four Angles, it nevertheless
exercises a decisive influence throughout the entire Figure. It is the drain through which
everything that is to be sloughed off, merges and passes away. Through it the Ego becomes
concrete, as the operational base of the physical entity, the seat of the desire-nature - the
emotions and the passions. It is an index to the home and all domestic affairs; the imaginative
faculty; receptivity of mood; treasured recollections. It counsels him whether to remain in or
to leave his birthplace, and the advantages consequent thereon. Thus it defines the nature of
one's residence, while the Ascendant indicates in what direction it should lie. It has been
called the "grave" because it is so often concerned with hidden things: private affairs, old age,
the ultimate end and aim of terrestrial existence.
Considered in connection with the Ascendant, it affords an insight into the nature of the
native's early life, his childhood upbringing, the character of his home environment; his
domestic concerns throughout life, and their conspicuousness or obscurity; the nature of the
termination of every earthly concern: the last illness and demise, the ultimate disposition of
the body, the nature of the burial, and the general location of the grave.
It summarizes matters relating to lands, houses, estates, cities, mines, concealed treasures,
intimate concerns, curious personal secrets, things accumulated and stored up, leases, rentals,
real estate transactions, and similar matters.
In the Figure of a woman it generally characterizes the first child, and a heavily tenanted
Fourth House is often an indication that he will pursue a scientific career.
The Fourth House produces changes of environment within the disposition of the native,
wherein he can alter or upset his home conditions and those of such as are intimately related
to him. Only through this House can he build his reputation and lay the foundation of a
successful career, to find expression later through the Tenth House. While one cannot directly
control his fortunes insofar as they depend upon the good will of others, by laying a proper
Fourth House foundation in obscure beginnings, he can build toward a secure end.
To it is commonly assigned the native's father, his life, disposition and fortunes; and from it
are derived inferences relative to cousins on the mother's side. Which parent to assign to the
Tenth, its Ruler, and the planets therein, is, however, a moot question: and divergent opinions
variously assign (1) the mother to the Tenth in a day-birth, the Fourth in a night-birth - the
father represented by the opposite ends of the meridian; (2) to the Tenth the parent of the
same sex as the native, and to the Fourth the parent of the opposite sex; (3) to the Tenth the
father in a female, and the mother in a male Nativity; (4) on the basis that Cancer represents
the womb the Hindus assign to the Fourth the mother, and to the Tenth the father since
Capricorn indicates conservatism, repression and firmness; while yet other authorities
contend (5) that the determination of the House selected as the parent's significator is
dependent upon which parent has most authority over the native. Thus there is need for
extended documentation on the subject.
In a Mundane Figure: Circumstances and events affecting real estate values, mines and their
products, buildings, crops, produce and all agricultural interests, including those of the
owners of and workers on the land; miners, builders, the housing and living conditions of the
people, and their patriotic inclinations; the land as a locality wherein people are subject to
natural forces - terrestrial as distinguished from atmospheric - hence property damages
resulting from floods, earthquakes, and mining disasters; the interests of the people as
distinguished from those of the government and of the governing class; and democratic as
against autocratic tendencies in government, and between governments.
In a National Figure: the Opposition Party, and those individuals who cooperate with or
oppose the Chief Executive; the characteristics of any governmental opposition, and the time
such opposition may be expected to culminate.
In Ingress, Lunation and Full Moon Figures a planet close to the cusp of this House will
affect the weather according to its nature and aspects; and if it be a malefic and powerfully
aspected, it will profoundly affect the government.
In a Contest: the arena of action; the judges as distinguished from the referee; the end of the
In an Organization: its real estate investments and holdings; its base of operations or field of
activity; the location and condition of factory or office buildings it owns or occupies.
House, Fifth.
In a Nativity. The conception of offspring; hence the exteriorization of Self through all
manner of creative and procreative urges and activities; recreational, and other pleasurable
impulses of mind and heart; mental offspring, such as creative, artistic or literary output;
gambling and financial speculations; the operations of the laws of chance - in so far as its
effects are under the native's control. As the abode of the heart, it has to do with all impulses
arising therefrom, hence all emotional and romantic tendencies. Those who have a strong
Fifth House, containing one or more planets giving or receiving strong vibrations, have
overpowering impulses with which to contend throughout life, which find emotional
expression through dramatic attitudes, pride, the affections, and which contribute to
popularity, notoriety or fame, according as the aspects thereto are favorable or adverse. It has
been postulated that in a male Nativity this House prefigures the first child. Planets in the
Fifth and Eleventh Houses are an index to emotional desires, not infrequently expressed in
the more sublimated form of platonic friendships and affiliations.
Since it is the realm of the country's creative and procreative activities, it indicates probable
changes in the birth rate during the period immediately following that for which the Figure is
In a National Figure: the upper legislative house - in contrast to the Eleventh House which
rules the lower house; although the Eleventh represents the legislative branches as a unit, as
distinct from the administrative branch of the government.
House, Sixth
In a Nativity: Food, clothing, comforts and domestic pets; mental or physical conflicts
resulting from the externalization of the Ego. As such it depicts any enmity between the Ego
and the physical body, out of which mental, nervous or organic disease may develop. It is an
obscure arc, since the nature of service rendered or received is more or less personal,
unobtrusive and routine. It has been termed the House of Service in that it portrays one's
capacity to serve, as also the character and qualities of those who serve him - his employees
and dependents, and his relations with them. As the Sixth House is the Third from the Fourth,
it pertains to uncles and aunts on the father's side (Fourth House).
Sixth House action is generally under the Native's control; while Twelfth House derivatives
by way of inhibitions, repressions and frustrations, spring from causes over which the Native
has no control.
In a Mundane Figure: The public health; the armed forces, civil service workers and police,
as the servants of the country; and in general, the laboring class and the workers in all trades;
and all involuntary services rendered by the people.
In a Court of Law: the deliberations of the jury, and the Court records as the field of activity
of the Court reporter.
In an Organization: the workers or employees; their attitude, efficiency and general condition;
the health condition of the personnel as affecting the organization. Strikes and labor troubles
which have their inception here, will take form in the Twelfth House.
House, Seventh.
In a Nativity: The Seventh cusp, the Angle of Relationship, at the western end of the line of
Particular Being, depicts the subjective side of the Nature, the Individuality, as opposed to the
Personality that is revealed objectively in the. First House; the correlation of exterior agencies
and forces. of the four Angles, it ranks third in importance. Here human relations are on a
give-and-take basis, by the interchange of ideas. It has to do with the outcome of all
contentions, oppositions, strife, enmities, pleas, and fines. Since it defines the native's
reaction to law, it becomes the House of the Public, showing the relation of the native to
others; particularly his open adversaries; lawsuits and contracts; one's personal agents and
representatives; men's grandfathers or women's grandmothers; nephews and nieces; and every
manner of cooperative arrangement or partnership, legal or otherwise - including marriage
and the effects thereof upon the native. In an astrological sense marriage is any state of
cohabitation prompted by love and attended by a condition of sympathetic understanding,
whether or not recognized by civil or ecclesiastical law. Furthermore, when any state of
cohabitation, however legalized it may be, ceases to produce a blending of two horoscopes
through a condition of mutual regard and understanding harmoniousness, marriage ceases to
exist and becomes merely a legalized form of prostitution; as evidenced by laws governing
"common law" marriage, divorce, and the support of offspring after divorce. The more
profoundly the constructive influence of cohabita- tion affects the lives of the participants, the
more it can properly be termed a marriage.
In a Mundane Figure. The public as an organized social unit, the social consciousness of the
people, the relative status of the nation among the nations of the world, and conditions,
circumstances and events affecting its social evolution; those who cooperate with or oppose
the people in a national sense, such as anti-social organizations or activities, crime, organized
crime and criminals, particularly those who assume the status of a public enemy; anything
that contributes to or interferes with public harmony, or tends to build or disintegrate social
identities; public support of the nation's foreign policy, friendly or hostile, political or
commercial, and the reactions of foreign nations thereto. It is therefore the domain of
international disputes, of war and peace; public relations, public gatherings, and meetings
between and dealings with strangers. It also indicates the status of women in the nation,
particularly the public attitude toward marriage and divorce, and the fluctuations of the
marriage and divorce rate as determined by the planet posited there, and its relation to the
Fifth House.
In a Court of Law: the plaintiff and the lawyers; the point of arbitration where evidence and
the rights of opposing factions are weighed; also the verdict of the jury.
House, Eighth.
In a Nativity. Release from personal limitations through human interchange; the Realm of
Birth and Rebirth; of evolution through the suffering incident to all human experience;
regeneration through enlargement of viewpoint, both spiritual and mental; and the
subjugation of the personal Self -- a difficult process since so few realize the horror of its
impact upon the mind and consciousness. It has to do with effects of an involuntary nature,
such as the healing crisis preceding either recovery or dissolution in death; the manner of
death; fateful losses which lead to regeneration through certain enforced changes; the
transmutation of emotional stress into spiritual power; wills, legacies, trust funds, insurance;
the estate of the marital or business partner; money belonging to other people, especially the
deceased, in so far as it applies to the native; hence in general the financial relationship of the
world to him, and his responsibilities in connection therewith. However, its consideration of
these things is largely as liabilities rather than as assets.
It has been called the Occult House, the house of hidden things, because in most Eighth
House operations the Law of Cause and Effect is difficult to identify, and there is the
common human temptation to blame everything upon an inscrutable Providence. It is also
known as the House of Death, because it represents the refiner's fire wherein through
suffering the selfish desires of the Ego are burned away, setting free the pure gold of
spiritually-enlightened Selflessness. That death so often comes instead, is a vivid indication
of the tenacity with which we mortals cling to our foibles, utterly deaf to the accumulated
exhortations of the philosophers throughout the centuries. In the wake of an Eighth House
storm there is always a rainbow - if we but lift our eyes to perceive it. The Creative Ruler so
devised this planetary system as to administer an automatic and recurrent spur to spiritual
growth and emotional self-control. Successive jabs become increasingly severe, and finally to
those who refuse to listen and heed, a premature death is inevitable; while to the others, the
spiritually adult, every Eighth House operation is a celestial messenger in disguise, and a
challenge to penetrate this disguise and become the recipient of the blessing he bears.
As the Second from the Seventh, it represents accumulated non-material riches - that which
neither moth nor rust doth corrupt - not the result of the labor of your hand and brain, but of
the manner in which you play the game with those to whom you are closely allied.
In a Mundane Figure: The public income; the income from exports; earning power of the
nation, chiefly from the standpoint of the man who pays; frozen assets in properties, stocks
and bonds as distinct from currency; the monetary standard, the National debt, and interest
rates; public sales; financial organizations, such as trust and insurance companies. The birth
and mortality rate in different class groups, as determined by the planet involved, and its
relation to the Fifth House; medical discovery, insofar as it tends to promote longevity.
In a National Figure: The national treasurer as a government official, distinct from the
treasury itself; financial relations with and the financial condition and obligations of other
countries with respect to the nation for the capital of which the Figure is cast.
In an Organization: Losses and gains through or on account of death, or in connection with
the estates of deceased persons; financial conditions involved in partnerships, mergers or
lawsuits; financial relations with competitors, and their financial condition; revenue from
investments, or through liquidation of frozen assets; loans and income from sources not under
immediate control of the Organization; the company treasurer, as distinguished from the
House, Ninth.
In a Nativity. The realm of the abstract mind, of intuition and inspiration, of dreams and
visions, hence an index to one's reactions to philosophy, success and religion; and to his sense
of responsibility toward relatives, by blood or in law. From this arc inferences arc drawn
concerning grandchildren, especially those of his brother and his sister-in-law; the probability
of distant travel, timing, nature and results; the fate and nature of imports and exports; the
ultimate result of long-range advertising; world wide contacts and mental adjustment to racial
ideas, ideals and collective needs. With an author, his works from the standpoint of
In a Nativity. From this arc one traces the native's business or professional life and aff airs,
his honor, preferment, fame, credit, reputation, career, and position in society; hence his
standing before the world. As the operational base for social intercourse, it offers a
summation of the native's human relationships. From this arc inferences may be drawn
concerning his relations with those who are more or less in authority over him - his employers
and clients; his cousins on his father's side, and ordinarily his mother (v. Fourth House) in
that here racial consciousness, and what may be termed the "national soul," becomes an
entity. Of the four angles it is second in importance, the southern end of the meridian running
through the birthplace: the Midheaven, the Rational Axis, the Line of Universal Being, the
Point of Solar Sustainment, the Line of Concrete Experience and its sublimation. As the apex
of the Nativity, it assembles, vitalizes, universalizes and largely summarizes the individual's
relationship to society as expressed through his occupational activities.
In a Mundane Figure: The Chief Executive, as occupying the control-tower of the nation;
the political party in power; eminent and famous persons, and those upon whom rest the
nation's honor, reputation and standing among the nations of the world; the national power,
trade, culture, ideals and achievements. The most favoring planets in this House in a
Mundane Figure, are the Sun and Jupiter.
House, Eleventh.
In a Nativity: One finds here the externalization of the native's social position; the nature and
characteristics of his circle of acquaintances and friends; his ideals with respect to human and
therefore social relationships; his hopes, wishes, projects and ambitions; the reformer's
dreams and his efforts to realize them; flatterers and their machinations; to a certain extent the
imagination; his sons and his daughters-in-law. Its Lord and the planets tenanting it are an
index to his idea of happiness and the probabilities of his ultimate attain- ment thereof. When
considered in relation to the First, Fifth and Eighth Houses, it becomes an important arc, for
with an afflicted Eleventh House little real satisfaction can be extracted from life - riches, a
beautiful home, a fond and dutiful wife and children, and all the tangible things for which a
heart could wish, yet never the serene contentment wherewith to enjoy them.
The Fifth and Eleventh Houses are an index to the personal-emotional desires and their
sublimated form as found in platonic friendship.
The Ninth and Eleventh Houses indicate higher levels of con- sciousness as to both mind and
If the Lord of the Eleventh is stronger than the Lord of the Seventh the native's friends and
assistants are more numerous and powerful than his adversaries.
In a Mundane Figure: The legislative branches of the government, particularly the lower
house, with the Fifth more directly concerned with the upper house; town and county
councils, and state legislatures; the friends of the nation; the Stock Exchange, as an
organization apart from its activities; ceremonies and celebrations; the exchange of amenities
with foreign governments; hence the nation's aims, desires, purposes, projects, and alliances.
In a National Figure: The treasury, as distinguished from the Secretary of the Treasury.
House, Twelfth.
In a Nativity. This is the arena wherein transpires the combat against the inertia inherent in
all forms of society - the limiting power of the level of race consciousness. Here are
expressed the innermost and secret emotions; the source and nature of hidden and
underhanded opposition; imprisonment, hospitalization; the uncles and aunts on the mother's
side (v. Fourth House); the secret effects ot sins of omission and commission - defects of
character that make necessary a spiritual rebirth. Since we can rid ourselves of the presence of
these ghosts of the past only by liquidating our indebtedness to them, the Twelfth may be
termed the House of the Hangover; of crime, punishment and grief; the pawnshop of the Ego;
the Gethsemane of the soul; the Hell wherein one atones for his errors through compassionate
self-sacrifice, whereby ultimately to achieve freedom from conditions that limit and restrict.
Thus it is also the House of Charity given and received.
Termed the House of Bondage, and of Self-Undoing, it is also the House of Initiation and
ultimate understanding. While it is frequently tenanted by the significators of scandal, self-
approbation and hardness of heart, its qualities can be advantageously employed for work
done in seclusion, for confidential behind-the-scene activities, and for meditation and inner
The Terminal Houses, the Fourth, Eighth and Twelfth, corresponding to the Emotional
Triplicity of Signs, are concerned with the three most mysterious phases of life; the Fourth,
the end of physical man; the Eighth, the liberation of his soul; the Twelfth, his secret
aspirations and his disposition in the after-world.
From this, proponents of the doctrine of Reincarnation deduce that the Nativity we have on
this plane of expression we earned in a past incarnation, while the one we will acquire in our
next incarnation will depend upon the life we lived in this - and are living now. Thus again is
involved the Law of Cause and Effect from which is no escape.
In a Mundane Figure: Labor disturbances, plagues and epidemics, conditions that militate
against the public welfare; correctional institutions, jails, prisons, workhouses, houses of
detention, hospitals and charitable institutions; organizations devoted to forcible control or
condemnation of people; involuntary services ordered by law; the nation's secret enemies in
war and peace; spies and confidential agents of foreign countries; crimes and criminals; the
personal journeyings and writings of those in power in the government; the nation's secret
societies, both political and religious.
It should be observed that the six Houses below the horizon are departments of demand or of
inclination to act; while the six above the horizon afford the facilities for action; the lower
six, personal, the upper six, social; the lower six, unorganized, the upper six, organized. Yet
each separate House acts in a reciprocal or complimentary manner to its opposing House, as
is shown in the following comparisons or polarizations:
First and Seventh. Whereas the First House is productive of effects caused by the native's
ego, the Seventh is productive of effects and situations produced by the ego of the marriage
partner or any cooperating personality or event. The commonly observed psycho- logical
phenomenon wherein one desires or attempts to reproduce his ego in another, is the direct
result of this reciprocal action.
Second and Eighth. Whereas the Second House is productive of effects upon the native's
individual earning capacity as a direct result of his own acts or inertia, Eighth House effects,
as concerning his material position, take cognizance of the fact that his ultimate return
depends in large measure upon the extent to which others trade or cooperate with him, or are
friendly disposed toward him. Thus, although his earning capacity may be exercised through
the Second House by means of work and related activities under his own control which leave
him free to choose whether he will work or not and to what extent, the ultimate net amount of
his income and the extent of his fortunes do not rest wholly within his own control but arc
distinctly due to outside forces. In the sense in which the Second House registers assets, the
Eighth House is more directly concerned with liabilities.
Third and Ninth. The Third House is productive of effects which rest on changes under the
direct control of the native and which result from his own acts. These may be various, such as
changes of location (travel), or changes of domicile (removal). In contrast, Ninth House
operations are not under his control, but involve the wider changes wrought by an evolution
that is largely the result of outside forces. Similar facilities are indicated by both Houses, but
in the Third their application is confined to the dissemination of information, while in the
Ninth they are utilized to educate and mold public opinion.
Fourth and Tenth. The Fourth House produces effects involving the environment, which are
subject to the control of the native, in that he can alter his environment or upset his home
conditions and that of all those who are intimately related to him, to his heart's content. Only
through this House can he build his reputation and the foundations cf his professional career.
In contrast, forces operative through his Tenth House to affect his fortunes in his profession
or career, he cannot directly control; since his ultimate fate is largely dependent upon the
attitude of others toward him.
Fifth and Eleventh. The Fifth House involves the ability of the native to take advantage of
the Laws of Chance at such times as they become operative in his favor. Its effects are under
his control in that he alone decides the nature of the investments, whether or not he will make
them, and when. Romance and emotional matters in general partake of the essence of Chance,
for the native's acts produce emotional disturbances or yield emotional satisfactions according
as the Laws of Chance favor him. This strongly contrasts with the effects resulting from the
Eleventh House influences, for these deter- mine whether his hopes, wishes and desires are to
be gratified or denied. That for which he wishes and the treasure or resources upon which he
can draw wherewith to obtain them, is shown by the Fifth House; but whether his wish will or
will not be granted through the influence or intervention of other persons, is in the domain of
the Eleventh House.
Sixth and Twelfth. Sixth House affairs, comprising the native's occuptional activities, his
service and devotion to others, are under the native's control. His bodily health is largely
dependent upon his own acts. But Twelfth House matters are beyond his control, in that they
comprise inhibitive influences, repressions, frustrations, even the complete loss of personal
liberty dependent upon the way others react toward him - and are the class of things which
since they cannot be cured must be endured.
In a National Figure, while the Sixth House pertains to the servants of the people, apart from
organizations which represent them, the Twelfth represents them in organized form - in
unions, brotherhoods, lodges and unions that have to do with strikes and the use of strike-
Houses, solar. These are Houses, in that they are subdivisions of the twenty-four hour axial
rotation of the Earth; but based upon the Sun-position as the Ascendant they divide the
terrestrial circle into equal arcs of 30° each. v. Solar Astrology.
House Ruler. Properly speaking, only a Sign has a Ruler. A planet in a House is generally its
Ruler; or lacking a planet, the House is said to be ruled by the Ruler of the Sign appearing on
its cusp. Some earlier authority attempted to clarify this by introducing the term Lord,
whereby one could make the distinction: Lord of a House, and Ruler of a Sign. The intention
was excellent, but the result has been an indiscriminate use of Lord and Ruler as inter-
changeable terms. For a concise terminology it would appear desirable to determine the
planet of strongest influence in a House, either because posited there or because it is the Ruler
of the Sign on its cusp, and then refer to the selected planet as the Lord of that House. Any
term would serve - except Ruler, which term has to do with a planet's strength in a Sign. In
fact, the degrees of lordship are largely dependent upon the strength of the planet in, or by
virtue, of its Sign-position: whether in its own Sign, exalted or debilitated.
House, intercepted. One in which a Sign is contained wholly within the House, which sign
does not appear upon either cusp of the House. It is more logical to consider the House as
intercepted by the Sign - than the reverse although it is frequently referred to as an intercepted
sign, instead of an intercepting sign. An intercepted House is generally either preceded or
followed by one that has the same sign on both the cusps. The affairs of an intercepted House
are generally complicated, and the planets therein are of more than average importance.
House: Diurnal, or day; Nocturnal, or Night. This is another misnomer which should be
supplanted by "Day Home," or by any term other than House. It applies to the rulership of
Signs, viz.: when a planet rules two Signs, one is considered its Day Home, the other its
Night Home. The use of the term House in such a connection is misleading, since it has
nothing to do with a House as astrologically defined. Each planet's Day Home is located in a
Positive or Masculine Sign; its Night Home, in a Negative or Feminine Sign.
Houses, Tables of. By means of tables of houses for different latitudes, one is able to
ascertain what degrees of the zodiac appeared upon the Ascendant and the various House
cusps on any hour of any day, as calculated from the sidereal time at noon of that day as
indicated in the ephemeris. Actually the tables may be said to divide distance by time,
showing how many degrees of the ecliptic will pass a given point in two hours, which varies
in different latitudes on account of the inclination of the earth's axis.
Uses of, in Directing. By means of the Tables of Houses for the latitude of birth, planets may
be directed to the horizon, as follows: In the Asc. column find the longitude of the planet,
then take the related location of the cusp of the X' house, and subtract from it the MC. at
birth; the result will be the age at which this direction will be effective. To direct to the
opposition of the Asc. add 180º to the longitude of the planet. To direct to the MC locate the
planet's longitude in the Tenth House column and count the years backwards to the MC at
birth. To direct to the opposition of the MC, count backwards to the degree appearing on the
IC or cusp of Fourth House at birth. To direct the Asc. or MC to aspects with planets, note the
degree in which it will fall, and bring the degree to the Asc. or MC, as if the planet were there.
Human Signs. Gemini, Virgo, Aquarius, and the first half of Sagittarius. v. Signs.
Hyleg. The Giver of Life. Said of a planet so located as to have influence upon the longevity
of the native. It is one of the most complex and controversial subjects in the field of
astrology, but which has fallen more or less in disfavor as the result of the concept that any
attempt to predict the time of death is now generally considered unethical. The strongest
planet that occupied one of the Aphetic places became Hyleg, and was deemed to be the
Apheta, the giver of life. When it had progressed to an aspect to the place of the Anareta, the
taker-away of life, the native was presumed to have run his span and death ensued.
The Aphetic places were from the 25th degree of the Eighth House to the 25th degree of the
Eleventh House; from the 25th degree of the Twelfth House to the 25th degree of the First
House; and from the 25th degree of the Sixth House to the 25th degree of the Seventh House.
If the Sun occupied any of these arcs, it became Hyleg. If not, the Moon was the next choice.
Lacking either, the planet which had the most dignities at the moment of the Lunation next
preceding birth. Otherwise in a Day birth the Ascendant, or in a Night birth Fortuna, became
Hyleg. The Anaretic places were those occupied by Mars or Saturn, or by Sun, Moon, or
Mercury if aspected by Mars or Saturn. Otherwise the Descending degree. Wilson's
Dictionary gives several pages of rules and exceptions, and then characterizes the whole
subject as so much rubbish. It merely amounts to a consideration of aspects formed by
progressed or transitory planets to birth positions and aspects, with special attention to a
prognosis of death - an application of astrological analysis that is generally frowned upon by
modern astrologers.
A planet conjoined to Caput Algol, if joined to the Hyleg, was in earlier days deemed to
threaten beheading; the modern equivalent is perhaps defeat at the polls.
Hypogeon. Under the Earth. An all-embracing Greek term generalizing the lower heaven:
including the Nadir, the Immum Coeli, and the Fourth House.
Ides. A day in the Roman calendar and seven days before it. It appears that the term applied
to the day on which the Sun passed the points of the Equinoxes and the Tropics, and that the
seven days constituted the orbs preceding the Sun's crossing of the cusps of the four cardinal
signs or angular houses. Shakespeare refers to the baleful influence of "The Ides of March" -
evidently the last seven degrees of Pisces, or of the Twelfth House.
Illumination, Period of. That portion of the Moon's orbit, of the duration of approximately
26d 18h, during which it is visible, supplying light after sunset and before sunrise. Obviously
it supplies light only to the hemisphere which is turned in its direction; but since the Earth's
rotation constantly shifts this hemisphere, the whole of the Earth's surface is illuminated for
some portion of every night during this period.
Immersion. Applied to the Sun or Moon as it enters into an eclipse, or to the beginning of an
occultation (q.v.).
Impeded; Impedited. Said of a Luminary or planet when badly aspected, especially by the
malefics. Also said of the Moon when passing to a conjunction, square or opposition to the
Sun, Mars, or Saturn. The Moon when impedited by the Sun at birth was anciently said to
produce a blemish in or near the eye.
Imum Coeli. The lowest heaven, the North Angle or cusp of the fourth house. v. Midheaven;
Celestial Sphere.
Inclination. (1) Astrologically, the motion of a body toward a position in the horoscope other
than the one it held at birth. (2) Astronomically, the angle at which the orbit of a planet
crosses another orbit, particularly the ecliptic. A point in an orbit is reduced to the ecliptic by
subtracting from the vector, the cosine of the declination.
The inclination of the Moon's orbit to the ecliptic varies from 4°59' to 5°18'.
The Earth's orbit is, of course, the Ecliptic, hence the Sun can have no latitude. That it has
declination is due to the fact that the ecliptic makes an angle with the celestial equator of
approx. 23°5' - which is described, not as inclination but as the obliquity of the ecliptic. For
the inclination of the planets v. Nodes of the Planets.
Inconjunct. Dissociate. A planet is inconjunct when it forms no aspect and is not in parallel
of declination or mutual disposition to another planet. Dissociate was formerly applied by
some authorities to the 150° or Quincunx aspect, which they deemed inconsequential; but is
now applied to any two Signs or Houses which have no familiarity with each other - meaning
those which bear a twelfth, second, sixth and eighth House relationship, as Taurus, with
Aries, Gemini, Libra and Sagittarius.
Increasing in Light. Usually said of the Moon, but equally applicable to any planet which,
on leaving a conjunction with the Sun, increases in light, as viewed from the Earth; and as it
recedes from the opposition, decreases in light.
Increasing in Motion. A planet increases its motion by acceleration from day to day as it
approaches perihelion. When it is approaching its apogee, the Moon may advance 12° one
day and as much as 13° the next. As its mean motion is 13°10' per day, any excess above this
indicates that the Moon is "swift in motion." The condition is regarded as fortunate. Older
authorities term it increasing in number.
Inferior Planets. The minor planets, those whose orbits are within that of the Earth: viz.:
Mercury and Venus. v. Planets.
Ingress. Said of the entry of any orbital body into a Sign, or a quadrant. The Sun makes an
ingress into the Cardinal Signs at the equinoxes and solstices. The planets also have their
ingresses into the various Signs, which result in certain alterations of their influence.
Initiating Signs. The first Sign of each season of the year; the Cardinal Signs - Aries, Cancer,
Libra, and Capricorn, characterized by a constant state of mobilization for action.
Initiative Type. Referring to a quality liberally possessed by those born when the Sun was in
a leading Sign: Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn. v. Sign.
Inspirational Natures. Referring to the quality of sensory receptivity and reaction that
characterizes those born with the Sun in Aries, Leo and Sagittarius - respectively, the
initiative, executive and deductive types of the Inspirational group. It would appear that their
chief motivation derives from a super-consciousness of the Ego.
Intellectual Natures. Referring to a quality of sensory receptivity through the mind that
characterizes those born with the Sun in Libra, Aquarius and Gemini - respectively, the
initiative, executive and deductive types of the Intellectual group. To classify this group as
Intellectuals, does not imply that other groups are possessed of inferior intellects.
Interlunar. Of or pertaining to the brief period of time that separates the old and the new
Moon. The period of the Moon's invisibility during a lunation, the solar period less 26 d., 18
h., or approximately two days.
Intercepted. Said of a Sign wholly contained within a House; or more precisely, of a House
which is intercepted by a Sign which does not appear upon either of its cusps. v. House.
Invariable Plane. The Solar System possesses two fixed planes: that of the Solar Equator;
and the Invariable plane - a central plane of the Solar System discovered by Laplace, which,
passing through its center of gravity at a mean inclination of about 1°35' to the Ecliptic, is
independent of the mutual perturbations of the planets. The inclination of the orbits of Venus
and Mercury to the Solar Equator, slightly more than 3 degrees, is less than that of the other
planets. Since these are the two closest planets to the Sun, the Solar Equator can be
considered as their reference plane. The Earth's inclination to this plane, of slightly more than
7", is exceeded only by that of Pluto. The Ecliptic, the Earth's plane of revolution around the
Sun, intersects the Solar Equator in the middle of Gemini and Sagittarius, at which points the
Earth has no heliographic Latitude North or South. However, the values of these inclinations
and the longitudes of the planetary Nodes along this plane are all variable due to motions of
the orbits themselves with respect to the other great reference plane of the Solar System: the
Invariable Plane - so-called because its position remains unaltered by any forces within the
system. In this plane the combined angular momenta of all the planets is a maximum. There
are two classes of disturbances in the normal undisturbed elliptical motion of the planets in
their orbits in space: periodic perturbations and secular perturbations. Periodic perturbations
are deviations due to the gravitational pulls of the planets on each other. However, after the
planets have revolved a considerable number of times, and thus have been in all possible
relations to each other, these periodic perturbations cancel each other. A famous example is
the long period inequality in the motions of Jupiter and Saturn, which shifts their positions by
a degree or so - one forward and the other backward - in a period of about 918 years. Actually
their recurrence cycle in the fixed Zodiac - 46 conjunctions distributed nearly evenly in all 12
Signs of that Zodiac - is about 913½ years, but the inequality lengthens this to 918 years.
Therefore the periodic perturbations are determined by the second order recurrence cycles of
the planets in the fixed Zodiac. However, at the end of such a cycle of fluctuation the
distorting effects have not been completely cancelled out, and small remaining residues show
up in what are termed the elements of the planets' orbits. As a result of this residue, the
nodical line at which the orbit plane of each planet intersects the invariable plane, is displaced
backward, in a precessional motion of the whole orbit plane. In addition, the inclination of the
orbit plane to the invariable plane is slightly decreased or increased. A third effect is a shift in
the position of the major axis - longest axis of the orbital ellipse. This shift may be either
forward or backward, but it is more likely to be forward for all of the planets except Venus.
Finally the shortest axis of the orbital ellipse - the minor axis which crosses the major axis at
the center of the ellipse - increases or decreases its length; i.e, the eccentricity of the ellipse
becomes greater or less.
Two great masters of celestial mechanics, Lagrange and Laplace, demonstrated that while
there are periodic fluctuations in the lengths of the major axes there are no secular
perturbations - long-term oscillations. Since the duration of a planet's revolution around the
Sun depends on the major axis alone, this means that except for minor short-term fluctuations
the periods of the planets are constant. They further demonstrated that the inclinations and
eccentricities oscillate within narrow limits which are never exceeded, thus preserving the
stability of the Solar System. Finally they showed that the orbit planes precess backward
along the invariable plane, while most of the major axes revolve forward - spending briefer
periods in actual retrograde motion. Only the major axis of Venus spends more time
revolving backward than forward. Thus the Solar System, through an intricate process of
mutual adjustment, maintains its basic configurations of orbits, and its stability. As one planet
decreases its eccentricity and inclination, one or more orbits must at the same time be
increasing their eccentricities and inclinations: whereby the total amount of eccentricity and
of inclination to the invariable plane remains constant! This has been termed the Magna
Charta of the Solar System. The late Ernest W. Brown showed that the effects of resonance
could not have been great enough within the past hundred million years to have destroyed this
stability; nor would it be in the next hundred million years.
Jupiter, the most massive of all the planets, has an orbital inclination to the Invariable Plane
which never exceeds 0°28', nor ever less than 0°14'. Its current value is about 0°21'.
Furthermore, the Nodes of the Jupiter and Saturn orbits on this plane are never separated from
each other by much less than 180°; hence these two planets largely determine the position of
the Invariable plane - especially Jupiter. According to Stockwell, the mean period of their
common precession is 49,972 years. Similarly the perihelion ends of the major axes of the
orbits of Jupiter and Uranus never get much less than 180º from each other. The common
mean period for a revolution of their major axes (line of apsides) is 348,700 years. Thus
Jupiter is the "flywheel" which balance the Solar System, a perfect symbol of justice and law.
The Earth's orbit - the ecliptic - can never have an inclination to the Invariable plane in excess
of 3°6'. The value on January 1, 1850 was 1°35'19.376" - the figures are taken from
Stockwell's "Secular Variations of the Eight Principal Planets," in the "Smithsonian Annual
Contributions to Knowledge," Volume 18, 1872. According to him the maximum eccentricity
of the Earth's orbit is .0693888; the current value .0159. The period of the orbital precession
of the Ecliptic on the Invariable Plane is indeterminate, since the minimum inclination of the
Ecliptic to that plane is 0°0'0". Similarly, the minimum Eccentricity is also 0, hence the mean
period of motion of the line of Apsides is also indeterminate.
LeVerrier, the discoverer of Neptune, and Stockwell, calculated the position of Earth's
perihelion, one end of the line of apsides, over a period in excess of 4,000,000 Years. By
counting the number of times the line of Apsides revolved within that period, one gains a
good estimate of its period in the present Mahayuga. This Mahayuga of the Hindus is a period
of approximately 4,320,000 years, in which they say all of the planets recur at nearly the
same position. The astronomer Stuart showed that this is correct and that the period is
4,319,936.8663 years: at the end of which Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn
return to a position in the Fixed Zodiac about 20° behind where they started. He found this
also applied to the "new" planets, Uranus and Neptune; and that an increase in the period of
Pluto of only one part in 100,000, or 0.001 per cent, will also bring it into recurrence. It
would appear that in the present Mahayuga the mean period of revolution of the Earth's
apsides is about 115,000 years from LeVerrier's figures, and about 110,000 from Stockwell's
somewhat more accurate figures: and the average period of revolution of the major axis of the
Earth's orbit must have a mean value of approximately the same order of magnitude: i.e.,
110,000 to 115,000 years.
In the present cycle both of these periods are near minimums, since the eccentricity and
inclination of the Earth's orbit are decreasing to minimum values. In the current cosmic Era
the length of the Planetary Precession and rotation of the Line of Apsides will be from 72,000
to 75,000 years. The minimum inclination will be reached in about 20,000 years and the
minimum eccentricity about 26,000 A.D., one cycle of general Precession after Christ. The
last Stationary position of the Perihelion-Stationary-Direct after several thousands of years of
retrogressive motion - was about 26,000 years before Christ: again one cycle of the general
The relationships of these cosmic cycles to the time of the Christ is indeed remarkable, and
tends to confirm the belief that a new cycle of general Precession then commenced.
Furthermore at that epoch the Nodical line of Ecliptic and Invariable Plane was at right angles
to the Nodical line of Ecliptic and Equator - the Equinox - thus making a Cross! The position
of the Nodical line of the Planetary precession in the Moving Zodiac was 16°14'6.00" Cancer-
Capricorn on January 1, 1850. The present position of the Perihelion end of the Line of
Apsides - where the Earth is nearest the Sun - is about 11° Capricorn, i.e., the position of the
Sun on or shortly after January 1 of every year (deviation due to Calendar variation or Leap
Year effect). Thus it appears that we commence our year at what after all is astronomically
the most logical time.
The minimum eccentricity of the Earth's orbit, at about 29,900 A.D., will be the smallest
minimum since the greatest maximum, about 850,000 B.C., showing a great cycle, governing
all planetary eccentricities in the Solar System, of a duration of approximately 1,750,000
years. According to Madame Blavatsky's "Secret Doctrine" it was around 850,000 B.C. that
the first and most serious cataclysm destroyed most of the continent of Atlantis, at the start of
what she terms the Fifth Root Race. As a cataclysm by Water, this suggests that the next
cataclysm may be by Fire, and will occur about 25,900 A.D., at the start of the Sixth Root
Race. Since she maintains that each Root Race has 7 Sub-races and each of these in turn 7
Family Races, there should be 49 Family Races in a Root Race or Lifewave. She also states
that the period of a Family Race was that of the general Precession, a little under 26,000 years
- although the Root Races overlap, in that a new one commences before an older one has run
its course. It is easy to show that the Precession which ended with Christ was the end of the
Fifth Family Race of the Fifth Subrace of the Fifth Root Race: making 33 Family Races or
Precessions since 850,000 B.C. Therefore the present Sixth Family Race, of the present cycle
of Precession, may be considered as a bridging cycle out of which both the Sixth Sub-Race
and the Sixth Root Race will in the next cataclysm approach their start around 25,900 A.D.
The foregoing is not put forward dogmatically, but as an interesting explanation of the
significance of these long cosmic cycles. The implication is that the present cycle of
Precession is a bridging cycle between two great Lifewaves (Root Races), and thus has
extraordinary importance; that it commenced with Christ and the cosmic Cross formed by the
Equinoxes and the Line of the Planetary Nodes; and that the significance of the Crucifixion is
essentially cosmic, and the Mission of the Christ one of initiating the great Precessional cycle
of Transition from the Fifth to the Sixth Lifewave. It is a notable fact that on April 1, 25 A.D.
(Julian Calendar), when Jesus was 30 years of age and at the start of his mission, according to
a consensus of historical researches, there was a Great Cardinal Cross, wherein Uranus in
Cancer at its Node on the Invariable Plane opposing Neptune in Capricorn at its Node on the
Ecliptic, was in cross relationship to Saturn in Aries at its Node on the Equator opposing
Jupiter in Libra - all the Nodes on the three basic planes which at that time were forming the
cosmic cross. In addition there was a Full Moon in Libra with the Sun in Aries, Mars in Aries
also in the Cross, and at its Node on the Ecliptic. Pluto was in early Sagittarius; and Mercury
and Venus were retrograde in the last decan of Pisces - the Sign of Christianity and of the
traditionally first of the 12 Ages into which the Precessional cycle is customarily divided.
Thus through the crossing of orbit planes, the Nodes, this Planetary Cross shows a remarkable
relationship to the Cosmic Cross made at that time by the Equator, Ecliptic and Invariable
This full discussion is warranted on the basis that this date marks the blending of all the chief
cycles which affect the Earth, and the significance of the cosmically-indicated Crucifixion of
Christ, which could never before have occurred in the two-billion-year history of the Earth. A
third Cross is found to be involved, if one considers the four consecutive Solar eclipse paths
which passed over Jerusalem and Bethlehem, both before and after the life of Jesus. The total
Eclipse of July 4, 336 B.C. at 6.3° Cancer; the total Eclipse of April 2, 303 B.C. at 7.5° Aries;
the annular Eclipse of January 5, 29 B.C. at 12.6° Capricorn; and the annular Eclipse of
October 4, 590 A.D. at 13.2° Libra - all Julian dates. These form a Cross in their positions on
the Ecliptic (Zodiac), the positions in near-agreement with the Zodiacal places of the four
chief major planets on April 1, 25 A.D.: Uranus, at 10.1° Cancer; Neptune, at 13.8°
Capricorn; Saturn, at 4.8° Aries; and Jupiter, at 15.4° Libra - all calculated from Schoch's
Tables by Ralph Kraum. Thus the Planetary Cross activated the Eclipse Cross (zodiacal), and
the drama of the ensuing Crucifixion was enacted in Jerusalem where the four eclipse-paths
had crossed and were to cross (Geographical), while both in turn were the projection of the
basic evolutionary Cosmic Cross of the three fundamental planes which signified the
commencement of the most vital cycle of Precession (both planetary Precession and general
Precession), within the period of two Lifeways (transition from one to the other) - which is
about 100 general Precessions or 2,570,000 years: the period of a double Polar Inversion. -
Inversion. When any Angle which represents an aspect is subtracted from 180°, that which
remains is also an aspect, and either is an inversion of the other. Thus: the inversion of a
sextile is a trine; of a semi-square, a sesquiquadrate; and so on.
Ishtar. v. Venus.
Isis and Osiris. Two hypothetical trans-Plutonic planets which have been the subject of much
Issat. (Izzah, glory; from Arabic.) Applied ironically to one who has delusions of grandeur,
or who suffers from an exaggerated appraisal of his prestige.
Joined to. Applied to any body that is embraced within the orbs of any aspect to any other
body; more specifically applicable to a conjunction.
Joy. A term employed by some of the older authorities to indicate an affinity between certain
planets and certain Signs, not necessarily of the character of Dignities. The original
application of the term as anciently employed has been lost in the course of the centuries, and
other meanings have been attached to the term. According to one theory a planet is in joy
when, itself in debility, another planet with which it enjoys some similarity is posited in one
of its Dignities. Thus Saturn was presumed to experience a sympathetic joy when Mars is in
Capricorn, the Sign ruled by Saturn, and in which Mars is exalted; also that it there opposes
and afflicts Cancer, ruled by the Moon. It feels a "joy" when Mercury is posited in either of
its triplicities, since the Signs they rule belong to the same Triplicities: Capricorn-Virgo and
Aquarius-Gemini. Also when Venus is in either of its Signs, because both trine Saturn's
Signs: Taurus-Capricorn, Libra-Aquarius. A malefic experiences "joy" when another malefic
afflicts either Sun, Moon, or any benefic which is in one of its Dignities. Thus Jupiter is in its
joy when the Sun inhabits a Jupiter-ruled Sign - either Sagittarius or Pisces, or Cancer where
Jupiter is in its Exaltation; or any Sign of its Triplicity - which includes all the Fire and Water
Signs. Also when the Moon or Mars are in their respective Signs or Triplicities. Mars "joys"
when the Sun is exalted; when the Moon is in her Sign, or when Saturn is in Capricorn. While
not exalted in Leo, Mars was said to "joy" in the Sign, because both are of a fiery nature. The
term belongs to an epoch when astrological writers were more poetic than scientific.
In short, any planet "joys" when another planet is placed in one of its Essential Dignities.
Some authorities have confused this with what is termed the Thrones of the planets, viz.: the
Signs they rule.
Latterly planets have been said to "joy" in certain Houses: Saturn, in the Twelfth; Jupiter, in
the Eleventh; Mars, in the Sixth; Venus, in the Fifth; Mercury, in the First; the Sun, in the
Tenth; the Moon, in the Third.
It is also said that the Sun and Jupiter "joy" in each other's Houses, as do Saturn and Mercury,
and Venus and the Moon. All of which added together leaves the term in ill-repute, and
generally in disuse among modern astrologers. The term has a certain merit and might well be
restored, if confined to the congeniality of a planet in a House. In that way it can be said that
Dignity and Debility result from Sign placement, and Joy from House placement.
Julian Day. For calculating long intervals of time it was found desirable to eliminate the
months and years, and number the days consecutively. Hence one such numbered day is
identified by the prefix J.D., meaning Julian Day. (v. Day.)
This table of Julian Days is a convenience in computing the num- ber of elapsed days
between any two dates. Merely set down the J.D. for the two days and subtract: the difference
will be the number of elapsed days. For dates that are separated by only 2 or 3 years, it will be
necessary to use only the last three or four digits. These tables can be applied to any years, if
care is exercised to see that a table for a bissextile year is used for a bissextile year, and one
for a common year is used for a common year.
Kabala. v. Cabala.
Kakatyche. Ill-fortune. A greek term for the Sixth House.
Karma. Applied to the end-result of the operation of the Law of Cause and Effect. Perhaps
its closest English equivalent is Destiny. Many Western astrologers are inclined to reject the
concept of Karma, and its associated doctrines of Predestination and Reincarnation, as
escapist theories of help only to those who have been unable to master Destiny through the
exercise of Free Will and Self Determination. They feel that if Astrology is to serve any
worthy end, by way of aiding in the formulation and pursuit of a Design for Living built to
individual specifications, it must avoid any such blind and fatalistic acceptance of limitations
as is implied in the doctrine of Karma.
Kether. The first Sephira of the Tree of Life; the Crown, situated in the world of Atziluth;
known also as the Primum Mobile, the highest point in a Figure of the Heavens. The term
pertains chiefly to Hindu astrology.
Latitude. There are three kinds of Terrestrial latitude: astronomical, geographic and
geocentric. (1) Astronomical: the angle between the direction of the plumb-line and the
plane of the Earth's equator. If the Earth were a homogeneous sphere without rotation, the
plumb-line would point toward its center -- but the Earth is not an exact sphere. Deviation
due to inequalities of the Earth's surface is termed Station Error. (2) Geographic: the latitude
used in drawing terrestrial maps. It is astronomical latitude corrected for station error. (3)
Geocentric: from a given point on the Earth's surface subtend a line to the Earth's center, and
there compute the angle between this line and the plane of the equator.
There are also Galactic Latitude, angular distance on the celestial sphere measured from the
medium plane of the Milky Way; and Heliographic Latitude, angular distance on the Sun's
sphere, N. or S. of its Equator.
There are also three varieties of its Celestial equivalent: (a) that which parallels the Horizon,
which is called altitude; (b) that which parallels the Equator, which is called declination; and
(c) that which parallels the Ecliptic, which is called Latitude. (v. Celestial Sphere.) Since the
apparent motion of the Sun, resulting from the Earth's motion in orbit, is itself the Ecliptic,
the Sun can have no Latitude. Since the orbits of the planets are inclined to the Ecliptic at an
angle of more or less obliquity, each planet, without Latitude when it intersects the Ecliptic,
increases in latitude as it approaches the square to its Nodes: for one half its orbit in North
Latitude, the other half in South Latitude. The maximum possible Latitude of each planet, and
the location of its Node, are as follows:
To Change Geographical to Geocentric Latitude, or the Reverse. These are equal at the
equator and the poles. At 45° the Geocentric Latitude is the greater by about 4½ minutes. The
following table shows the corrections for each degree of separation from either the horizon or
the pole, whichever is the nearer, the correction to be added to Geographic or subtracted from
Geocentric Latitude, to change one to the other.
.. 1º ....... 24".2
.. 2º ....... 24".36
.. 3º ......1'12".47
.. 4º ......1'24".16
Laya Centers. Neutral states between solid, liquid and gaseous; said to be governed by
Leap Year. To preserve the coincidence of the vernal equinox in approximately correct
relation to the Civil year, Caesar, with the assistance of Sosigines, introduced the Julian
calendar about 46 B.C. It called for the intercalation of a day on certain years. The "last year
of confusion," which preceded the introduction of this calendar, was prolonged to 445 days.
The arrangement was somewhat upset by Augustus Caesar, who insisted that his month of
August have as many days in it as that of Julius. Pope Gregory XIII finally corrected the
Julian calendar by what is known as the Gregorian rule of intercalation, which was adopted
by all Christian countries, except Russia which did not adopt it until 1918. It is: every year
divisible by 4 without a remainder is a leap year; excepting Centurial years, which are leap
years only when divisible by 4 after the omission of the two ciphers. This still leaves a gain of
a day in 3,323 years, which suggests this further addition to the rule: Excepting that a year
that is divisible by four after the omission of three ciphers is not a leap year. More exact, and
almost as simple would be the rule of a leap year every fourth year for 31 leap years -
suppressing the 32nd, which means merely the addition of 31 days every 128 years. This
approximates the system which Omar Khayyam, astronomer to Sultan Jelal Ud-Din of Persia,
devised about 1079 A.D.
Light. (1) The imponderable agent by which objects are rendered visible to the eye; (2) an
illumination that confers mental or spiritual enlightenment.
Light, Collector of. A ponderous planet which receives the aspects of any two significators
in some of their Essential Dignities. Both must be lighter planets than the Collector itself. It
denotes a mediator who will interest himself in the affairs of both parties to bring to a
favorable issue a desired result which could not otherwise be achieved. It is a favorable
position for the reconciling of differences, quarrels, lawsuits; the bringing about of marriages
and of various agreements.
Light Planets. The Moon, Venus and Mercury, referring to their gravities and to their
consequent swiftness of motion. The nearer a body is to its gravitational centre, the more its
motion is accelerated and its gravity proportionately diminished.
Light, Velocity of. 186,270 miles per second.
Lights. A term frequently applied to the Luminaries (q.v.), the Sun and Moon as
distinguished from the planets.
Lilith. A name sometimes given to asteroid No. 1181, a minor planet, of magnitude 14.1. It is
too faint to be seen other than with the aid of a telescope. It is not a "dark moon," but a planet
that shines by reflected light from the Sun - as does the Earth. Lilith is mentioned in the
apocryphal writings, as the "other woman" in the original triangle that rendered the Garden of
Eden no longer a paradise.
Local Mean Time. Based upon the moment when the mean Sun crosses the Midheaven of
the place. Local Mean Time was almost universally used prior to the adoption of Standard
Time on Nov. 18, 1883, and in some communities it continued to be used for a long time
thereafter. v. Time.
Subtract the positions of the desired planet on two successive days to determine its daily
motion. Also compute the elapsed time between your birth moment adjusted to local mean
time, and the previous noon or midnight - dependent on whether your ephemeris for that year
gives noon or midnight positions.
Suppose you are seeking the Moon's position for an elapsed time of 7h 35m on a day in
which its daily motion is 14° 27': In the tables, select the column with 14 at the top; run down
the column to 27; and set it down; also for 35 in the 7 column; thus:
D.M............ 14º27' prop. log. .22034
Elap.T. ....... 7h35m prop. log. .50035
Add .72069
Looking for this in the tables you would (Apolo Note: there is a huge logarithm table in the
original book which would take impossibly long to reproduce - sorry!) find .72061 at 34 in
the 4 column: 4°34'. Add this to the Moon's longitude on the previous noon or midnight, and
you have the position for the desired moment. In the case of a planet, note whether it is
retrograde, in which event the distance of travel during the elapsed time is subtracted from the
previous noon or midnight position.
Verify all Data. When adjusting the planets' places for a given birth moment, cultivate the
habit of forming a mental approximation of the intermediate position for a given interval of
elapsed time, before you verify it by a calculation. Comprehension of what you are doing is
superior to the mere following of a formula. Also bear in mind that exact calculations to an
approximate birth moment, or one that is not authentic and precise, is like holding a stop
watch on a race when you do not know where the starting line is located. Whoever said "time
is of the essence" should have been an astrologer. Is this date before standard time was used
in that community? If so, what zone? Is that a Julian or a Gregorian date? Did they observe
Daylight Saving Time at that season of the year? These are only a few of many questions that
involve discrepancies amounting to hours - so what matter items which at most involve
minutes, perhaps only seconds? Exact work is to be admired, but not in trying to make a silk
purse out of a sow's car. Verify the authenticity of your data first. If you cannot do that, insert
only even degrees, and interpret on the basis of Solar Houses.
Longitude. (1) Terrestrial or Geographical. The distance of any point on the Earth's
surface, E. or W. of Greenwich; measured by geographers in degrees; by astronomers, in
hours. (2) Celestial. Longitude in the heavens; the distance between the first point in the
zodiac (Aries 0°) and any celestial body, measured along the ecliptic, in degrees. For
example, Antares, to an astrologer is in Sagittarius 8°; to an astronomer, L. 248°. Celestial
longitude is of two kinds: (a) Geocentric, figured from the earth as the center; now chiefly
used by astrologers to indicate the zodiacal positions of the planets, but rarely used by
astronomers, and in the Nautical Almanac is given only for the Sun and Moon. (b)
Heliocentric, figured from the Sun as the center. Longitude as used in astronomical
terminology is given in degrees from 1 to 360. Thus Long. 125° becomes 5° Leo; 4 signs of
3° degrees each = 120° - hence 5° in the next or 5th Sign. v. Celestial Circle.
Lord. Often used synonymously with Ruler. More precise terminology would indicate the
Ruler of a Sign and the Lord of a House. Thus a certain planet may be deemed Lord of a
House, either because it is posited in the House, or, lacking any planet in the House, because
it is the Ruler of the Sign appearing on the cusp thereof. The Lord of the Geniture would be
more precisely termed the Ruler of the Figure, meaning that planet having the most Dignities,
either Essential or Accidental. The Lord of the Hour is that planet which is presumed to
govern the hour during which the Figure was cast. The Lord of the Year is that planet which
has the most Dignities in a Solar Revolution Figure, or in an Ingress figure to be interpreted
according to the rules of Mundane Astrology.
In an Ingress Figure judgment is formed on the basis of its position and aspects, especially
such aspects as it forms with the Moon. Well placed, it is interpreted as follows; but afflicted,
the reverse is prognosticated.
Sun: Propitious for governments and high governmental officers; food plentiful; money in
rapid circulation.
Moon: Favors the advancement of women; contributes to the contentment of the common
people; good health to the honest and upright.
Venus: Increased leisure for self-advancement and recreation of the laboring classes; arts and
artists will flourish; increased birth rate. Afflicted: epidemics.
Jupiter: Prosperity to the upper classes; constructive legislation; abundance and a contented
populace with respect for law.
Lucifer. The 'light-bearer'. Applied to Venus when a 'morning star', rising before the Sun;
poetically called, 'Son of the Morning'.
Luminaries. The Lights. Said of the Sun and Moon as distinguished from the planets. It is an
ancient classification hardly in keeping with the fact that the Sun is the only direct source of
energy, and that the light from the Moon, like that from the planets, is reflected from the Sun.
Their function with reference to solar energy is that of a filtering reflector whereby certain
frequencies are absorbed by chemical properties inherent in the mass, resulting in the
transmission to the Earth of an altered ray. However, the astrological significance warrants
the classification of the Sun and Moon separately from the planets, in that the Sun and Moon
have to do with Man's spiritual consciousness, while the planetary influences operate through
the physical mechanism. The Moon is a luminary in the biblical sense that it affords to Man
"light by night."
Lunar Month, or more correctly a Synodic Month. The total of the Moon's annual travel in
excess of that of the Sun, when reduced to time, gives the duration of the mean synodic
revolution of the moon, or the lunar month, as 29.531 days, or 29d. 12h. 44m. 2.8s., in which
period the Moon returns to its former position in relation to the Sun. The Sidereal Month is
27.322 days.
Lunar Year. Twelve lunar months, a total of 354 days - 11¼ d. shorter than the Solar year.
Its point of beginning passes through the circle of seasons in about 34 lunar years. It is used
by modern Jews and Mohammedans. In the early days of Greece the year was regulated
entirely by the Moon, and Solon was among the first who attempted to reconcile the Solar
and Lunar years by a system of intercalations.
Lunation, Embolismic. A period of 29d., 12h., 44m., 28s., during which the Moon's phases
pass from conjunction to square and to opposition to the Sun. Also applied to the period
between one New Moon and the next. (v. Lunar Month.) The New Moon falling upon
sensitive points in the Figure has much signification as to events of the ensuing month. It is
deemed to actuate, within 14 days, any Secondary Directions that arc of the same nature, and
to nullify those of an opposite nature. Falling upon the places of the Benefics, it produces
good; upon the Malefics, evil. Aspects to the position of the lunation are interpreted
according to the positions of the aspecting planets. The term is synonymous with New Moon,
as indicating the moment when the conjunction with the Sun takes place. Sometimes
incorrectly called a Synodical Lunation (qv.).
Lunation, Periodical. The period of 27d, 7h, 41m. from the passage of the Moon over a
given degree to its return to that degree; a sidereal month.
Lunation, Synodical. The return of the progressed Moon, after birth, to the same distance
from the progressed Sun, as that which the radical Moon was from the radical Sun at birth.
This takes place once every 29½ days approximately. Each such lunation or month is
considered to represent one year of life. A map of the heavens for the moment of the exact
return of the Moon to this position is compared with the horoscope of birth, and treated as
symbolical of the influences then prevailing. (v. Syzygy.)
Magic. In occult terminology, a mastery of occult forces and the hidden mysteries of nature. White Magic is that
exercised for a beneficent, helpful purpose; Black Magic, the abuse of super-normal powers when applied to a selfish
end. Cornell associates magical powers with Uranus and Scorpio and the 8th and 12th Houses.
Magnetism. In occult terminology, a form of elemental electricity which confers the power of attraction and creates
polarity. Almost every person and object has magnetic attraction. Physical magnetism is deemed to be allied to
electricity, hence associated with Uranus and Scorpio.
Magnitude. An adopted arbitrary geometric scale whereby to indicate the brightness of a celestial object; according to
which an increase of 5 magnitudes corresponds to 100-fold decrease in brightness. Apparent Magnitude As it actually
appears - ranging from -26.7 for our Sun to + 20 for the faintest stars which can be photographed by the largest
telescope. Absolute Magnitude. As it would be perceived if removed to a point from which its parallax would be 0.1"
of arc - ranging from -5 for the brightest of stars to +15 for the faintest, with our Sun about +5. The faintest star visible
to the unaided eye is of the sixth magnitude. Since greenish yellow registers best on the eye and blue-violet registers
best on the photo-plate, magnitudes vary somewhat according to the method of observation employed.
Malefic. (n.) Applied to certain planets deemed to exert a harmful influence; chiefly Mars and Saturn. v. Planets. 2. (a)
As usually employed, it is loosely applied to an inharmonious aspect with any planet, and to a conjunction with any
malefic planet. (v. Planets.)
Mansions of the Moon. A series of 28 divisions of the Moon's travel through one complete circuit of 360 degrees,
each Mansion representing one day's average travel of the Moon (12° 51' 25.2", or roughly 13 degrees), beginning
apparently at the point of the Spring Equinox, or 0° Aries. In the Hindu system they are called Asterisms, and are
measured from the beginning of the Hindu Zodiac. The result is this series of cusps:
...............12 51 25 ........... 13
...............25 42 50 ........... 26
...............21 25 40 ........... 21
Mutable Signs:. 4 17 5 .............4
...............17 8 30 ............17
Fragmentary interpretations of the Lunar Mansions have come down to us from Arabia, India and China. The precise
manner in which they were employed has been lost, but it is known that great importance was attached to them.
Sepharial considers that the entrance of the progressed Moon into a Mansion presaged important changes involving
affairs pertaining to that Mansion; but it is probable that they had more to do with the transits of the planets, and with
the Mansion in which fell the current Lunation and Full Moon. Particular attention was paid to the Mansion in which
fell the Lunar Day - the day of the Full Moon
In a later period the cusps were known as Crucial or Critical Degrees, with particular reference to the prognosis of a
crisis in the progress of an acute disease; also the days on which the Moon forms inharmonious aspects - the 7th, 14th,
21st and 28th days - are said to be Critical Days. These coincide with the cusps of the First, Eighth, Fifteenth and
Twenty-second Mansions.
Except in Horary questions the Hindu system uses only 27 of these asterisms - omitting the 22nd. Each of these groups
of 9 representing the following period in years, are ruled in this sequence:
The periods total 120y, the Hindu idea of normal life span. 120/9 gives 13 1/3 years, or the same number of degrees,
showing the 1° per year unit of progression, and the probability that the Mansions were largely a device for use in
computing progressed influences. Nevertheless the Hindu would state your birth date in terms of the asterism much as
we give it in terms of your Sun Sign.
Another Series of Mansions from an Ancient Chinese source indicates that it was chiefly to determine the requests
which one propitiates the gods to grant.
Map. v. Figure.
Marduk, or Asaru. The Chaldean equivalent to Jupiter: said to "restore man to happiness." In the Babylonian
religion, the god of magicians.
Mark, Noon or Midnight. A term used by Llewellyn George for the equivalent of noon or midnight at Greenwich in
the local mean time of the place for which a Figure is cast. By this means the ephemeral places of the planets are
corrected by the amount of time the birth moment precedes or follows the noon or midnight Mark - depending on
whether the Ephemeris is for noon or midnight.
Martian. One under the influence of, or ruled by, a strongly placed Mars.
Masculine Degrees. According to H. L. Cornell, M.D., these are:
Aries: 8-15-30
Leo: 5-15-30
Sagittarius: 2-12-30
Taurus: 11-21-30
Virgo: 12-30
Capricorn: 11-30
Gemini: 16-26
Libra: 5-20-30
Aquarius: 5-21-27
Cancer: 2-10-23-30
Scorpio: 4-17-30
Pisces: 10-23-30
Should the Ascendant be in one of these degrees the native, even if a woman, will be of masculine appearance in some
Matutine, Matutinal. Said of Moon, Mercury and Venus when they appear in the morning. When a star or planet rises
before the Sun in the morning, it is called matutine until it reaches its first station (q.v.), where it becomes Retrograde
(q.v.). The Moon is matutine until it passes its first Dichotome. v. Orientality.
Maya. Illusion. An oriental concept that nothing is what it appears to be: that a man, for example, who exhibits an
unruly disposition is only suffering the penalty for deeds committed in a previous incarnation, because of which his
spirit is destined in this incarnation to life in a body which fights against itself: hence is entitled to sympathy rather
than censure. It is the oriental approach to what to the Occidental is philosophy. The astrological concept is not so
much a matter of Karma as of the Omar picture of the vase marred because the potter's hand slipped: the accident of an
unfavorable birth moment that subjects the native to a conflict of forces, and entitles him to forbearance in case he is
unable to summon to his aid spiritual strength sufficient to resolve the conflict.
Mean Motion. The average motion of any body within a given period. The mean motion of a planet is based on the
presumption that it moves in a circle at a uniform rate about the Sun. Actually the planets move in elliptical orbits, in
portions of which this motion is accelerated and retarded in ratio to their distance from the gravitational center. The
mean daily motions of the planets are:
The Heliocentric mean motions of the planets differ from their geocentric motions.
Mean Time. A consequence of the ellipticity of the Earth's track is that its orbital motion is faster near perihelion than
near aphelion. This has the effect of making the day longer in Winter than in Summer: not the day from sunrise to
sunset, but from one noon to the next. We keep our clocks from going haywire by the employment of the device
known as mean time, thereby measuring time not by the true Sun, as does the sundial, but by a fictitious mean Sun
which moves uniformly along the celestial equator, not along the ecliptic.
Measure of Time. Said of the method of calculating the time of an event from an Arc of Direction. The Ptolemy unit
is 1° of R.A. for each year of life. Later authorities divided the arc by the diurnal increment of R.A. made by the Sun
on the day of birth. Others employ a mean arc of 1° of RA., as the equivalent of the mean motion of the Sun, thus
adjusting the circle of 360 degrees to a year of 365¼ days. A method employed by Worsdale, Simmonite, Morrison
and others, consists of adding the Arc of Direction to the Sun's R.A. at birth, taking as years the number of days after
birth at which the Sun reaches this Advanced R.A. The method employed by Naibod (q.v.) is to determine the arc in R.
A., and consider each degree equal to 1 year, 5 days, 8 hours - a minute equal to 6 days, 4 hours. v. Directions.
Medical Astrology. That branch of Astrology which has to do with the planetary causes of disease.
Mediumship. The psychic, intuitive or telepathic faculty. Presumably attributed to the positions and aspects of
Neptune at birth.
Medusa's Head. Medusa, the mental and beautiful one of the three Gorgon sisters, who in one of Minerva's temples
became the mother by Neptune of Chrysador and Pegasus; therefore Minerva changed her hair into hissing serpents,
whereby everyone who looked at her was changed into stone. She was later decapitated by Perseus. It is represented by
Algol, in the constellation Persus. Its diameter is 1,060,000 miles, of the density of cork. To the Hebrews it was Lilith,
a nocturnal vampire - the serpent or "other woman" in the Garden of Eden.
Meridian. A circle of longitude passing from the South point of the horizon, through the zenith to the North point of
the horizon. It coincides with geographical longitude - a great circle crossing the equator and passing through the
poles. Every point on the Earth's surface has its own meridian or circle of longitude, which passes through its zenith.
The point on the heavens where the projection of this circle intersects the ecliptic, marks the midheaven (MC) or the
cusp of the Tenth House. The Sun's place at noon is on this meridian, and the distance from this point to the horizon in
either direction constitutes the Sun's semi-diurnal arc. The same is true of any celestial body. (v. Semi-arc.) The term is
loosely and incorrectly applied to the midheaven, to the degree of the zodiac thereon, and even to the whole of the X'
house. On an astrological map, it is approximated in the vertical line passing from the cusp of the Tenth House, at the
top of the map, to the cusp of the Fourth House, at the bottom.
Meridian Distance. The distance between a given point along the celestial equator and the Midheaven or Imum Coeli;
usually expressed in hours and minutes.
Meridional. Southerly.
Mesmerism. A word derived from Mesmer, the eighteenth-century physician who applied animal magnetism or
psychic influences in the treatment of disease. It has largely been superseded by Hypnotism, with which it is
approximately identical.
Metonic Cycle. The discovery about 432 B.C. by Meton, an Athenian astronomer, of the Moon's period of 19 years, at
the end of which the New Moon occurs on the same day of the year. Upon this he based certain corrections of the lunar
calendar. He figured the 19-year cyclic of 235 lunations to consist of 6,939d, 16.5h. This he divided into 125 full
months of 30 days each, and 110 deficient months of 29 days each. (v. Lunar Month.) the 235 full months, of 30 days
each, totalled 7,050 days; hence it became necessary to suppress 110 days or 1 in 64. Therefore the month which
contained the 64th day became a deficient month. As the true Lunation period is 6,939d, 14.5h, his calculations
showed a deviation of only two hours. The average date on which a Lunation will occur can be determined from the
following table correlating Sun positions with the calendar:
Golden Capric Aqua Pisc Aries Taur Gemin Canc Leo .Virgo Libra Scor Sagit Capric
Number 11º-30º............................................................1º-11º
To ascertain the Golden number (q.v.) of any year, add 1 and divide by 19: the remainder is the Golden number. If
there is no remainder, the number is 19.
Metonic Return. Said of the recurrence of an eclipse on a given degree on the same date some 19 years later. This
should not be confused with the Saros Cycle (q.v.).
Micron. A millionth part of a metre. Employed in measuring the wave length of light. Millimicron. A thousandth part
of a micron.
Midheaven. Variously called Medium Coeli (M.C.), Southern angle, South point, and cusp of the Tenth House. Also
improperly called the Zenith. (v. Celestial Sphere.) More precisely, it is applicable to the South point of the Map, and
what it indicates is dependent on the manner of interpretation employed. Sometimes loosely applied to the whole of the
Tenth House.
Midpoint. An unoccupied aspected degree between and equidistant from two other planets, resulting in a symmetrical
grouping, sometimes called a planetary picture. Such configurations are deemed important by some authorities,
although there is some difference of opinion as to the width of orbs across which there can result a "transference of
light" through the planet which aspects the Midpoint.
Milky Way. The galaxy of stars of which the Sun is a member, and which pursue an orbit around a Galactic Center
located in the direction of 0° Capricorn. The stars of this Galaxy occupy a band that extends in width from 21°
Germini to 5° Leo, and that stretches across the sky to from 7° Sagittarius to 16° Capricorn. According to recent
astronomical opinion the Milky Way Galaxy resembles a huge wheel with a large hub, 99 per cent of its stars
contained within a diameter of 100,000 light-years and a thickness of 10,000 light-years - with the Earth about 30,000
light-years distant from the center.
Minute. The sixtieth part of an hour in time, marked 1m; or the sixtieth part of a degree in arc, marked 1'.
Moderators. A term applied by Placidus and Ptolemy to the Significators: Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Mid-heaven and
Fortuna. It implied that aspects from the Significators moderate or condition the influences of the planets, producing a
different "mode of motion" in the rays reflected. The term has largely passed into disuse.
Modus Rationalis. A term applied by Regiomontanus to his method of locating the cusps of the intermediate Houses -
those which lie between the angular Houses of a Figure - by dividing the Ecliptic by the Equator instead of the semi-
arc. Its division into twelve equal parts was accomplished by circles, the cusps located where the circles cut the plane
of the Ecliptic. The method has been superceded by one employing Oblique Ascension under the Poles of the Houses
for all but the 4th and 10th cusps. v. House Division.
Moisture. Said to increase when planets are matutine, when the Moon is in her First Quarter, during the winter, and by
Monad. In occult terminology, it signifies Nature's pattern for each species, with special reference to differences
between contrasting characteristics. In Greek philosophy, a unit; individual; atom. According to Giordano Bruno, a
miscroscopic embodiment of the Divine essence which pervades and constitutes the universe.
Month. One of the twelve major subdivisions of the year. The names of the months are of great antiquity, and
although they have in more than one sense lost their original significance, they continue to survive as a part of our
common language. Originally they were intended to represent the twelve arcs of the Earth's annual revolution in orbit
about the Sun, and thus were comparable to the arcs we now know as the Astrological or Astronomical Signs of the
Zodiac. The original significance of the months is as follows:
January. A month of 31 days, the first in the Julian and Gregorian calendars. It was named after Janus, the ancient
Roman deity who presided over gates and doors, hence all beginnings. He was represented with two faces, turned in
opposite directions, to indicate how every ending is also a beginning. He was propitiated at the beginning of every
important undertaking. Both A. B. Cook and J. G. Frazer identify Janus as Jupiter, and indicate that he looked both
ways to give better protection to the house over which he stood guard. January 1st was made the beginning of the year
in England with the statutory adoption of the Gregorian calendar in 1752, before which date the year began on March
25. Nevertheless, it was in the Temple of Janus that Saturn sought refuge in times of peace.
February. A month of 28 days, except when increased by one intercalary day on bissextile or leap years; the second
month of the Julian and Gregorian calendars. It was not contained in the Romulian calendar, and was said to have been
introduced in to the Roman calendar by Numa in 713 B.C., as the eleventh month. January and February were
transposed by the decemvirs in 452 B.C., making it the twelfth month. The name was derived from Februare, to purify,
from which came Februa, the festival of expiation, celebrated at the end of the month, during which the women were
"purified" by the priests. By the Anglo-Saxons it was caged Sprout - Kale, as the cabbage-sprouting season. The two
martyred Saints Valentine who died on the same day in the reign of Claudius, determined February 14th as St.
Valentine's day, but the modern celebration of it as a lover's festival appears to be purely accidental.
March. A month of 31 days, the third in the Julian and Gregorian calendars, the first in the Roman calendar. It was
named in honor of Mars, god of war, the reputed father of Romulus, who was traditionally believed to have compiled
the first calendar. However, Ovid says the month existed before the time of Romulus. It was the beginning of the legal
year in France until 1564, when by decree Charles IX made the year begin in January. Scotland followed this example
in 1599, but in England it continued to begin in March until the 18th century. At that time the first three days, the
"blind" or "borrowed" days, were deemed so unlucky that no English or Scottish farmer would sow seed on these days.
April. A month of 30 days, the fourth month of the Julian and Gregorian calendars; the second in the Roman calendar.
Its etymology is commonly traced to the Latin aperire, "to open," as the season when the blossoms open their petals.
The Roman months, however, were named after divinities, and as April was sacred to Venus and the Festum Veneris
et Fortunae Virilis was celebrated on the first day, it is possible the month was originally Aphrilis, from Aphrodite -
the Greek name for Venus. To the Anglo-Saxon it was the month of Easter, the pagan Saxon goddess of Spring, from
which name is derived the modern Easter. April Fools' day as we know it seems to have originated at the time of the
adoption of the Gregorian calendar. Prior thereto the celebration of the New Year began on March 25th, and ended
April 1st with the general distribution of gifts. With the change of the New Year to January 1st, those who objected
thereto made ostentatious presentations of mock gifts to those who under the influence of the church had advocated the
adoption of the Gregorian reform.
May. A month of 31 days, the fifth of the Julian and Gregorian calendars, the third of the Roman calendar. It is said to
have been named in honor of the goddess Maia, daughter of Atlas and mother of Mercury and Jupiter, to whom
sacrifices were offered on the first day of this month. Probably, however, it was named in honor of the majors of the
government - the senators; June honoring the juniors, or members of the lower house. The month was regarded a
unlucky for marriages, owing to the celebration of the Lemuria, the festival of the unhappy dead, held on the 9th, 11th,
and 13th. This is reflected in a proverb of unidentified origin - "Marry in May, you'll rue the day." May day, a people's
holiday on which to go "a-Maying" in the woods, goes back to medieval and Tudor England. A huge maypole of cedar
erected under the supervision of James II was taken down in 1717, and used by Sir Isaac Newton, as part of the
support of a large telescope presented to the Royal Society by a French astronomer.
June. A month of 30 days, the sixth in the Julian and Gregorian calendars, the fourth in the Roman calendar. Ovid
makes Juno state that the month was named in her honor, but elsewhere he contradicts this origin. Probably June was
named after the junior assemblage of the government, and May after the senior assemblage of the Senate. Prior to the
Julian reform of the calendar it had 29 days. To the Anglo-Saxons it was the "dry" month.
July. A month of 31 days, the seventh in the Julian and Gregorian calendars, the fifth in the Roman calendar.
Originally called Quintilius, it was renamed by Mark Antony in honor of Julius Caesar, who was born in that month.
Among the Anglo-Saxons it was known as "hay month," as the meadows were then in bloom. Dog days begin on July
30th, and St. Swithin's Day falls on July 15th.
August. A month of 31 days, the eighth in the Julian and Gregorian calendars, the sixth in the Roman calendar.
Originally known as Sextilis, it was renamed by direction of Augustus Caesar, who refusing to be honored by a month
of smaller size than that which in honor of Julius Caesar had been named July, ordered it increased to 31 days, taking
the extra day from February. In Gallia and remote parts of the Empire it was known as Aust, meaning harvest.
September. A month of 30 days, the ninth in the Julian and Gregorian calendars; the seventh in the Roman calendar.
The Ludi Magni, in honor of Jupiter, Juno and Minerva, was celebrated by the Romans on September 4th. In
Charlemagne's calendar it was called the "harvest month," corresponding partly to the Fructidor and partly to the
Vendemiaire of the First French Republic. The Anglo-Saxons called it the gerstmonath, or barley month, as the crop
was usually harvested in this month. In Switzerland it is still known as the Herbstmonat.
October. A month of 31 days, the tenth in the Julian and Gregorian calendars, the eighth in the Roman calendar. The
Equiria, when the Equus October was sacrificed to Mars in the Campus Martius, was celebrated on October 15th.
Successive attempts were made to rename it Germanicus, Antoninus, Tacitus and Herculeus, but all failed, as did the
effort of the Roman Senate to christen it Faustinus in honor of Faustina, wife of Antoninus. The Slavs called it "yellow
month" from the fading leaves. To the Anglo-Saxons it was known as the Winter-fylleth (moon), since Winter was
supposed to begin with the October Full Moon.
November. A month of 30 days, the eleventh in the Julian and Gregorian calendars, the ninth in the Roman calendar.
The Roman winter began on November 11th, and was celebrated on the 13th by a sacred banquet in honor of Jupiter,
the Epulum Jovis. The proposal of the Senate to name it Tiberius, was vetoed by the Emperor, with a question as to
what they would propose when it came to the thirteenth Caesar. All Saints Day is the 1st, AH Souls Day, the 2nd, and
St. Andrew's Day, the 30th.
December. (L. Decem, ten). A month of 31 days, the twelfth in the Julian and Gregorian calendars, the tenth in the
Roman calendar. The Saturnalia, or feast of Saturn, was celebrated in this month. During the reign of Commodus it
was temporarily styled Amazonius, in honor of his mistress whose portrait he had had painted as an Amazon. The
Saxons called it the Winter month; also the Holy month, from the fact that Christmas fell within it.
Motion. According to Newton's law of motion, all bodies traveling in elliptical orbits move faster at certain portions of
their orbits, and slower in others. It is therefore important to observe whether the travel between two successive days is
greater or less than their mean motion. In erecting a Figure for a specified hour it is necessary to reduce this to hourly
motion, to determine the exact position occupied by the faster-moving bodies.
To Reduce Daily Motion to Hourly Motion Since 1° or 60 m., divided by 24 h. equals 2½; therefore: degrees per day
X 2½ = minutes per hour; and minutes per day X 2½ = seconds per hour. Thus: Moon's travel of 14° p. d. X 2½ = 35'
p. h.; and 24' less p. d. = 1' less p. h., or 34' p. h.; Mercury's travel of 2° 7' p. d. (computed as 2° X 2.5 = 5'; and 7' X 2.5
= 17.5") gives a rate of 5' 17.5" p. h.
Mundane Aspects. Those formed by planets occupying cusps, whereby it can be said that from the 10th to the 12th
cusps is a Mundane sextile, though it may be as little as 50° or as much as 80°. v. Aspects.
Mundane Astrology. Mundane Interpretations. An interpretation of Astrology in terms of world trends, the destinies
of nations and of large groups of individuals, based on an analysis of the effects of Equinoxes, Solstices, New Moons,
Eclipses, planetary conjunctions, and similar celestial phenomena; as distinguished from Natal Astrology, specifically
applicable to an individual birth horoscope.
Mundane Directions, or Directions in Mundo. These are based solely upon the axial rotation of the Earth in relation
to the circle of observation whereby planets arc carried clockwise through the Houses of the Figure, from east to west,
forming aspects to the Ascendant, Midheaven, Sun and Moon. Aspects formed by the opposite or Converse Motion are
also employed. The use of spherical trigonometry and of logarithms is necessary to reliable use of this so-called
Primary System of Directing. Knowledge of the exact place, hour and minute is also essential.
Mundane Parallel, or Parallel in Mundo. A progressed position in which a Significator and a Promittor occupy
points on opposite sides and equidistant to any of the four Angles of the geocentric Figure: Ascendant, Midheaven,
Descendant, or Imum Coeli. v. Parallel.
Music of the Spheres. A phrase utilized by Pythagoras, an early Greek mathematician and astronomer who was the
first to discover a mathematical relationship in the frequencies of the various tones of the musical scale. In postulating
the planets' orbits as bearing a similar relationship based upon the distance from the center, he characterized their
interrelated orbits as "the harmony of the spheres."
Mutable Signs. The Common Signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces. v. Signs.
Mute Signs. Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces; so named by the Arabians because symbolized by dumb creatures that emit
no sounds. Arabian astrologers deemed that Mercury afflicted in these signs was liable to indicate dumbness,
especially when afflicted by Saturn. v. Signs.
Mutilated Degrees. Certain degrees are said by some authorities to indicate lameness if rising at birth, or if the Moon
or the Ruler of the Ascendant is posited therein. These are:
6°-10°........................... Taurus
9°-15°........................... Cancer
18°-25°.......................... Leo
18°-19°.......................... Scorpio
26°-29°.......................... Capricorn
18°-19°.......................... Aquarius
Other authorities deem that if their influences exist it must be due to the presence of fixed stars in these arcs, in which
event the position must be advanced by 1° every 70 years.
Mutual Application. This results when the applying body is in direct motion, and the body to which it applies is in
retrograde motion. In other words, each is in motion towards the other.
Mutual Reception. Said of two planets mutually posited in each other's essential dignities. For example, with Jupiter
in Aries, the Sun's place of exaltation; and the Sun in Cancer, Jupiter's place of exaltation: Sun and Jupiter are said to
be in mutual reception. This is accounted a configuration of singular amity and agreement. By some authorities, the
term is confined to the placement of the two planets, each in a house or sign ruled by the other.
Nadir. The lowest point below the Earth, or opposite point to the Zenith. It should not be
confused with the Imum Coeli. v. Celestial Sphere.
Naibod's Table of Times. (For calculating an arc of direction.) Determine the Right
Ascension of the bodies and subtract, to yield the length of the arc in degrees and minutes.
Then reduce to time, counting each degree equal to 1y 5d 8h, and each minute of arc equal to
6d 4h. v. Directions.
Natal Astrology. Genethliacal Astrology. The department of Astrology which deals with
nativities - the influence of planets and signs upon the life and character of the individual.
Nativity. The Birth moment. (1) The instant wherein the native first inhales, thereby
commencing a process of blood conditioning that up to that moment had been accomplished
through the receptivities of another. During the first days of life, in accordance with the law
of adaptability, there ensues a growth of channels of receptivity to cosmic energy which
results in a life-pattern of cosmic stimulation. (2) A Figure, or Horoscope, cast for a date,
moment and place of birth, as distinguished from an Electional or Horary Figure.
Nebo. "The Proclaimer," the Chaldean god which compares to Mercury. He was known as
the god of wisdom and learning. There is evidence that the priestly school of Nebo had
acquired a commanding position and widespread fame as astrologers, before Babylon rose to
political importance.
Nebuchadnezzar, Temple of. A famous temple at Barsippa, unearthed in modern times. A
veritable color chart of astrological symbols. Like many others it was built in seven stages,
each marked by a different hue. The lowest stage was black and symbolized Saturn; the
second, orange (the hue of sandalwood), symbolized Jupiter; the third, red, Mars; the fourth,
yellow, the Sun; the fifth, green, Venus; the sixth, blue, Mercury; and the seventh, white or
silver, symbolized the Moon.
Nebulae. Star clusters in which the light of the individual stars, because of their distance,
merge to give the impression of a cloud with a more or less well-defined center. Great
numbers of them are found in the heavens, and when one of them is rising at birth, or is in
conjunction with the Moon, it is said to produce blindness or other ocular defect.
The principal nebulae noted in Astrology are: Praesepe, The Hyades, The Pleiades in 29°
Taurus-Scorpio; the Aselli in 61, Leo-Aquarius; and Aldebaran-Antares in 8° Gemini-
Sagittarius. Ptolemy refers to the "cloudy spot of Cancer, the Pleiades of Taurus, the Arrow-
head of Sagittarius, the sting of Scorpio, the parts about the mane of Leo, and the urn of
Aquarius" in reference to blindness. The Ascendant or Moon in any of these positions and
afflicted by Mars indicates blindness from an accident or by violence; afflicted by Saturn, by
a natural defect, such as the inhibiting or decay of the optic nerve, cataract, glaucoma, or
obstructing growths.
Neomenium. The new Moon. Neomenia. The festival of the new Moon.
Neptune. v. Planets.
In 18 years and 10 or 11 days the Node regresses 349 degrees, hence in that period at a point
11 degrees in advance, an eclipse or a series of eclipses recurs under similar conditions.
Astronomers calculate eclipses by means of the Saros Cycle rather than by the use of the
Placement of the Ascending Node oriental of the Line of Advantage is deemed preferable, as
stimulating, among other things, increased stature. The Line of advantage joins the third
decans of the Third and Ninth Houses.
The position of the Sun on the North Node in the Nativity of H. P. Blavatsky is supposed to
have profoundly influenced her life. It might well be for it indicates a prenatal solar eclipse at
that point only a matter of days before her birth. The ancients held that the Moon's North
Node partook of the nature of Venus and Jupiter, while the South Node partook of the nature
of Mars and Saturn. Probably more helpful would be the observation that a planet in close
conjunction to the North Node at birth would bring honors or riches; at the South Node,
poverty and afflictions and a cruel or usurious nature - according to the character of the planet
so placed, as modified by the Houses thus tenanted. It is doubtless also of significance in
connection with transit and progressions, particularly those of the Moon, only this would
appear to involve the regressed position of the Node at the date for which the transit or
progression is computed.
Nodes of the Planets. The points at which the orbits of the planets intersect the ecliptic,
because of the inclination of their planes to the plane of the Earth's orbit.
One authority states that a lunation or eclipse on the South Node of a planet tends to release a
destructive force of the nature of the planet involved. For example, conditions centering
around Saturn's South Node may indicate a drought following an unusually hard winter.
Nomes. Each Nome, or province, of ancient Egypt had its own god or totem, its own capital,
frontiers and coat-of-arms. Hence the Nomes were either an ancient equivalent of our later
systems of geographical Rulerships, or an older and better term for what are now termed
Houses, as indicating two-hour arcs of ascension.
North Point. The Immum Coeli, or cusp of the Fourth House; placed at the bottom of the
Northern Signs. The Commanding Signs, Aries to Virgo, pursuing the order of the Sign. v.
Nova. Literally, a new star. Actually a nova is an old star which from an unknown cause
appears to have exploded with cataclysmic violence. The first nova of record appeared
suddenly on November 11, 1572, in the Constellation Cassiopeia, in the third decanate of
Pisces - known as the decanate of Vicissitudes. It was an ancient belief that from the
constellation in which any unusual phenomenon appeared could be judged the department of
life that would be most affected. This nova was discovered by Tycho Brahe. On the previous
August 24th, the massacre of Bartholomew in Paris with the King's sanction incited the
Huguenots to a resort to arms, in the belief that it was a messenger of hope sent from heaven.
They made a successful defense of La Rochelle, and in consequence were granted a measure
of tolerance. Two years later Henry of Navarre escaped from Paris to become their leader,
and thus began a new life for them.
Nova Hercules 1934 was the 79th nova since the one discovered by Tycho Brahe, few of
which have been spectacular. The three notable novae during the present century were:
February 1901, in Perseus, in the third or Propaganda decanate of Aries. It was the year of the
Pan-American Exposition, in Buffalo, in which Northern Pacific stock touched 1000.
June 1918, in Aquila, in the second or Exploration decanate of Sagittarius. It was the year in
which an American Expeditionary Force on foreign soil turned the tide of World War I.
December 1934, in Hercules, in Experience decanate of Virgo, the sign ruling labor, and
connotated with the Twelve Labors of Hercules. It increased in brilliance from fourteenth
magnitude on November 14th, to first magnitude on December 22nd.
Obeying Signs. v. Signs.
Oblique Ascendant. v. Ascensional Difference.
Oblique Ascension. (O.A.) As it rises, a star or planet, not on the equator, forms an angle
with that part of the equator which is rising at the same time. This is called its Ascensional
difference. (A.D.) This A.D. added to the R.A. if it have S. declination, and subtracted
therefrom if it have N. declination, gives its Oblique Ascension. In the Southern hemisphere,
reverse; add, if N.; subtract, if S.
The equator is always at right angles to a line between the North and South Poles. Any
meridian circle can be considered as the horizon of a place on the equator go degrees distant
from that meridian - hence, from that point such meridian can be called the horizon of the
At either pole a planet on any parallel of declination moves along an arc parallel to the
equator, to the horizon of the pole. It has neither ascension nor descension, but remains, day
and night, above or below the horizon, according as it is in North or South declination.
Viewed from a place on the equator, a star will by the axial rotation of the Earth, be carried
along an arc parallel to the equator: hence it rises and sets at right angles to the horizon of that
place. All places in latitudes north and south of the equator, have a prime vertical that cuts the
equator at an angle equal to the latitude of the place; and the horizon cuts the equator at an
angle equal to the complement of the latitude. Stars and planets rise and set obliquely, since
they follow arcs parallel to the equator - to which the horizon is oblique. The semi-arc of a
body on the equator is always go degrees, or 6 hours; the whole arc is always 180 degrees or
12 hours. On the equator days and nights are equal, and the semi-arcs of all bodies are equal;
but in latitudes north or south of the equator the arcs above and below the horizon are
unequal, although together these make 180 degrees or 12 hours. The difference between 90
degrees and the diurnal or nocturnal semi-arc of a body is thus its Ascensional Difference;
and its Right Ascension, plus or minus this Ascensional Difference, is its Oblique Ascension.
Oblique Descension. The complement of Oblique Ascension: 180 degrees, minus the
Oblique Ascension, equals the Oblique Descension.
Oblique Sphere. Any sphere that is not in the same vertical as the poles of the Earth. All
circles parallel to the equator arc oblique to the horizon - caused by the depression of the pole
of the place from the Pole of the Earth. All places located between the poles and the equator
are in an oblique sphere.
Occidental or Oriental. These terms have various meanings, when differently applied; as:
(1) The Moon is oriental of the Sun when it is increasing in light, from the lunation to the full;
occidental of the Sun, when decreasing in light. (2) A planet is said to be oriental of the Sun
when it rises and sets before the Sun; occidental of the Sun, when it rises and sets after the
Sun. Planets are said to be stronger when oriental of the Sun and occidental of the Moon. (3)
Applied to the Sun, a special significance is involved in that when the Sun is setting in one
hemisphere it is rising in the other. Therefore the Sun is said to be oriental in Houses 12, 11,
10, 6, 5, or 4; and occidental in the opposite Houses. Thus the oriental Houses arc those
which have passed the horizon and are culminating toward the meridian; the occidental
Houses, those which have passed the meridian and are moving toward the horizon. Some
authorities speak of the Eastern Houses, the entire eastern half of the Figure, as the oriental
Houses; the entire Western half, as the occidental Houses. This practice only introduces
confusion and should be discouraged. If one must use the term, it should always be qualified;
either as "in an oriental House" or "oriental of the Sun." The same applies to Occidental. v.
Occultation. When a planet or star is hidden or eclipsed by another body, particularly by the
Moon, there results what is termed an occultation.
Occursions. Celestial occurrences; such as, ingresses, formation of aspects, and conjunctions.
Occursor. A term applied by Ptolemy to the planet which moves to produce an occursion.
Now generally superseded by Promittor.
Omniverse. A technical article applied the word to all creation in all space, as distinguished
from "universe," designating all creation in our solar system. As the solar system is entirely
under the domination of the Milky Way galaxy of which it is a unit, the term universe should
embrace the whole of the galaxy, and omniverse the galaxy of galaxies that embraces all
known and unknown stars and star-clusters.
Orbit. The path described by a heavenly body in its revolution around a center of attraction.
Since the attracting mass is also in motion, the orbit must necessarily be an ellipse. The
position of the center of the attracting mass is the focus of the ellipse. The line from the focus
to any point of the orbit is the radius vector. If the plane of the orbit intersects any other
plane, the two points of intersection are the nodes. The nearest point to the center is the peri-
center, or lower apsis (the smallest-distance); the most distant point, the apocenter, or higher
apsis. As indicating the particular attracting center involved, the pericenter becomes
perihelion (helio, the Sun) to a body revolving around the Sun; and perigee (geo, the Earth),
around the Earth. Thus, according to Kepler's law that "the radius vector sweeps over equal
areas (arcs) in equal times," as the body approaches the pericenter, its motion is accelerated;
as it recedes, the motion is retarded. These points are collectively termed Apsides: the
diameter running through the Line of Apses. Aphelion. The point at which any planet,
including the Earth, is at its greatest distance from the Sun, the apo-center of its orbit.
Perihelion. At the closest point to the Sun. Apogee. Said of the Moon, when at its greatest
distance from the Earth. Perigee. At the closest point to the Earth.
The so-called six Elements of an orbit are: eccentricity; mean radius vector; inclination of its
orbit plane to that of the Ecliptic; longitude of its ascending node; period of revolution; and
time of passage across a given point, such as perihelion.
Orbital revolution. The annual motion of the Earth in an elliptical orbit round the Sun.
Applicable also to the motion of any celestial body which pursues an orbit around any other
Oriental. v. Occidental.
Orbs. The space within which an aspect is judged to be effective. The term is employed to
describe the arc between the point at which a platic, or wide aspect, is deemed strong enough
to be operative, and the point of culmination of a partile or exact aspect. Most authorities
agree that orbs should vary with each planet and aspect, and that a larger orb should be
allowed for an aspect that is forming than for one that is separating. As to exact orbs, there
are few points on which authorities differ so radically. For conjunction or opposition some
allow as much as 12° when the Sun aspects the Moon, about 10° when either luminary
aspects a planet, and 8° for aspects between planets. Observe whether either body is in
retrograde motion. The faster moving applies to the slower.
According to Ptolemy, the following orbs apply to the different bodies: Sun 17°, Moon 12°,
Mercury 7,, Venus 8°, Mars 7°, Jupiter 12°, Saturn 9°, Uranus 5°, Neptune 5°. When two
planets are approaching conjunction or opposition, add their respective orbs and divide by
two to ascertain the arc of separation within which the aspect is supposed to be effective. For
the trine and square aspects reduce the arc by one-fourth, and for the minor aspects by one-
half. In all cases the closer the aspect the more powerful it becomes; also the heavier and
slower moving planets are more powerful than the smaller and faster. v. Celestial sphere.
Ortive Difference. A term sometimes applied to the difference between the primary and
secondary distances, when directing the Sun at its rising or setting. It appears to indicate an
effort to accommodate the fact of horizontal parallax. The term is seldom employed by
modern authorities.
Pantheism. Deity in nature. A belief that the forces and laws that are manifest in the
universe, are God. The Greeks worshipped the faultlessly contoured human body. Modern
pantheism more or less deifies electricity as the universal agent that accelerates humanity's
progress. Astrology sees God as He who placed the Sun, Moon and planets in the firmament
"as signs, and seasons." Gen. 1:14
Pantheon. The five great gods of the Pantheon, and the planets with which they were
identified, were: Marduk, Jupiter; Ishtar, Venus; Ninib, Saturn; Nebo, Mercury; and Nergal,
Parallel. v. Aspect.
Passive. The Sun and Moon are termed passive, in that they take their coloring from the signs
in which they are posited, or the planets with which they are in strongest aspect. Passive
Qualities: Moisture and dryness.
Penumbral Eclipse. Said of eclipses of the Moon, when the Moon approaches closely
enough to the Earth's shadow to cause an appreciable diminution of light though it does not
directly touch it. These are often termed appulses. They are not generally classed as eclipses,
though from their close resemblance to eclipse conditions they often produce effects similar
to those attending an actual eclipse. In fact to an observer on the Moon, the Sun would be
partially eclipsed by the Earth.
Peregrine. Foreign, alien. Said of a planet posited in a sign where it possesses no essential
dignity: where it is neither dignified nor debilitated. It is employed in Horary Astrology,
where it is usually reckoned as a debility. In a question of a theft, a peregrine planet in an
angle or in the second house, is the thief. However, no planet is reckoned peregrine if it be in
mutual reception with another.
Perigee. v. Orbit.
Perihelion. v. Orbit.
Periodical Lunation. A Figure cast for the Moon's synodic period, when it returns to the
exact degree held at birth. It is often employed for monthly forecasts in a manner similar to
the Solar Revolution (q.v.) for annual forecasts. A true Figure for the Moon's periodical return
is difficult to construct, because of the Moon's acceleration from hour to hour.
Phase. (Obs.) A term formerly used by some authorities for Decanate (q.v.). Originally one-
fourth of a Decanate, or 2½ degrees.
Phases. Said of the Moon, but also applicable to Mercury and Venus. The phases are
crescent, shortly before and after lunation; half-moon, at the quarter when one side is a
straight line and the other is convex; gibbous, shortly after the quarters, when both sides are
convex; and Full Moon, when the Earth and the Moon are in opposition. The Lunation is
hardly a phase, since the Moon is invisible except for a slight glow: the Earth-shine resulting
from light reflected back from the Earth. According to Kepler, as the Moon waxes all things
swell with moisture, which is decreased at the Lunation, increased at the Full, and powerfully
stressed at the quadratures. Direct light is heating; reflected light, moistening.
Phenomenon. Any item of experience or reality. Kant divides this into: the noumenon, the
thing in itself, which is utterly unknowable; and the phenomenon, which is the object of
experience. In c,ccult terminology applied to a cosmical chemical, or psychical impulse,
experienced by one who is attuned to Nature's more sensitive forces. Phenomena, pl., is
applied to supplementary data in the ephemeris indicating the exact times of eclipses, of the
passing of the Nodes and other points in the orbit, of conjunctions, of the lunar ingresses, and
similar details.
Philosophy. Literally, the love for and the pursuit of knowledge, and its application to daily
affairs; in actual usage the knowledge of phenomena as explained by and resolved into
reasons and causes, sources and forces and the laws applicable thereto. The philosophical
attitude is generally associated with a Jupiter accent.
Philosopher's Stone. An imaginary substance through the means of which the ancient
alchemists sought to transmit baser metals into gold. Probably an early concept of a catalytic
agent. Used in occult terminology to indicate the power by which all life evolves and through
which all minds and souls realize a mutual kinship. It signified the highest aspirations and the
purest ideologies of altruism.
Barren and fruitful. Barren: Mars, Saturn, Uranus. Fruitful: Sun, Moon, Venus, Jupiter,
Neptune. Moderately fruitful: Mercury.
Benefic and Malefic. Benefic: Venus and Jupiter, particularly when not afflicted. Some
authorities include the Sun, Moon and Mercury, if favorably aspected. Malefic: The
infortunes, Mars and Saturn, and by some modern authorities, Uranus and Neptune, whether
afflicted or otherwise. Mercury unfavorably aspected is deemed a malefic with respect to
money, law and marriage. Modern authorities consider no planet can be truly termed a
malefic, except insofar as its vibrations are improperly applied, and is dependent largely upon
its aspects for the nature of its operation.
Cold and hot. Cold: The Moon and Saturn; also, according to Sepharial, Mercury and
Uranus. Hot: Sun, Mars. Warm: Venus, Jupiter, Neptune.
Diurnal and nocturnal. The nocturnal planets are the Moon and Venus, because of their
feminine qualities, their cool, moist temperaments, and their passive natures as compared to
the Sun and Mars. Also applied to those which at birth were below the horizon, and thereby
deemed to represent passive qualities. In this case the diurnal planets are those which at birth
were above the horizon, and are thereby considered to represent the more active influences.
Dry and Moist. Dry: Sun, Mars, Saturn. Moist: Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus; also,
according to Sepharial, Neptune. Mercury is both dry and moist.
Electric and Magnetic. Electric: Sun, Mars, Jupiter. Magnetic: Moon, Mercury, Saturn,
Neptune. According to Sepharial both Sun and Moon are magnetic.
Masculine and Feminine. Masculine: Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus. Feminine:
Moon, Venus and Neptune. Also, planets are said to take on masculine attributes in masculine
signs; when in advance of the Sun; or in the oriental quadrants; and feminine attributes in
feminine signs; when following the Sun; when on the opposite side of the horizon from the
Sun; or when in the occidental quadrants.
Morning and Evening. Matitutinal and Nocturnal. This refers particularly to Mercury and
Venus, as morning and evening "stars," although all the planets become morning and evening
stars at some part of the year, though not all of them are visible to the naked eye. (v.
Retrograde.) It must be observed that a planet which is "behind" the Sun in its orbital motion,
rises in diurnal motion "before" the Sun. The counter-clockwise motion of the Earth's surface
causes objects as uncovered on the Eastern horizon to appear to move in a clockwise
direction. Thus the planet which is behind the Sun in orbit, rises in diurnal motion before the
Superior and Inferior. The Major or Superior planets are those that have orbits larger than
that of the Earth, and which lie at a greater distance from the Sun. They are: Mars, Jupiter,
Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Also called the Ponderous or Ponderable planets. Their
motion appears to us to be slower, due to their greater distance from the Sun. Their effects are
more enduring than those of the Minor or Inferior planets. The Minor or Inferior planets are
those that have orbits smaller than that of the Earth, and which lie closer to the Sun. They are
Mercury and Venus.
The order of the planets outward from the Sun is used in a recent work in psychology, in
illustration of a memory aid in the form of the sentence: "men very easily make jugs serve
usual needy purposes" - the first initial of each word corresponding to that of a planet:
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Also the word
Vibgyor, for the colors of the Solar spectrum, from the top downwards: Violet, Indigo, Blue,
Green, Yellow, Orange, Red.
Planetary Ages of Man. By the ancients the planets were caned chronocrators, or markers of
time. It was presumed that different periods of life are ruled by different planets, as:
These appear to correspond to the Seven Ages of Man, as listed by Shakespeare in "As You
Like It," which he apparently took from the Chaldeans. Sepharial suggests a slightly altered
set of measures, to include the planets of recent discovery:
From the sign position and aspects to the chronocrators, judgment was formed as to the
fortunes of the native and his environment during the period ruled by each planet. Thus an
afflicted Moon indicates ill health and an adverse environment in infancy; an afflicted
Mercury, retarded education; an afflicted Mars, unfortunate in love; and so on.
Planetary Anatomy.
Sun: Operates chiefly through the anterior pituitary gland, to affect the circulation of the
blood through the heart and the arteries; the tear ducts; the spinal cord.
Moon: The substance of the body, as distinguished from the vitality flowing through it; the
alimentary canal; the child-bearing female organs and functions; the lymphs; the sympathetic
nervous system; the cerebellum, the lower ganglia.
Mercury: The thyroid gland; the brain and the cerebro-spinal nervous system; the sense of
sight; the tongue and the organs of speech; the hands as instruments of intelligence.
Venus: The thymus gland, the sense of touch; the throat, kidneys, and to some extent the
generative system. Its influence has been said to operate through the solar plexus, upon the
functions of digestion and nutrition. It has an indirect influence upon features, complexion,
hair - in so far as those express beauty.
Mars: The cortex, or cortical portion of the adrenal gland; the head, externally; the sense of
taste; the breasts and the maternal functions, and in part the generative organs; the motor
nerves; the excretory organs; the red corpuscles of the blood.
Jupiter: The posterior pituitary gland; feet, thighs, liver, intestines, blood plasma, muscles,
growth; also control of shoulders and arms, in motions that for effectiveness depend upon
good timing.
Saturn: The medullary portion of the adrenal gland; the skin and the secretive system; teeth;
bones, joints and tendons-particularly the knee and the calf of the leg; the spleen; the organs
and sense of hearing.
Uranus: The parathyroid gland; the brain and nervous system; the electric and magnetic
Neptune: The pineal gland, the organs of extra-sensory perception; intuitive and psychic
Pluto. The Pancreas, and the digestive glands; the enzymes which effect catalytic and
hydrolitic transformations essential to proper metabolism.
Planetary Angels. Sun, Michael; Moon, Gabriel; Mercury, Raphael; Venus, Arnad; Mars,
Samael; Jupiter, Zadkiel; Saturn, Cassiel; Uranus, Arvath.
Planetary Colors. All authorities, though variously, associate the colors of the spectrum with
specific planets. In fact there are almost as many versions as there are authorities.
Nevertheless the following planetary associations represent a consensus of opinion:
Moon: White, pearl, opal, light, pale blues; iridescent and silvery hues.
Mercury: Insofar as Mercury can be said to have any appropriate colors of its own, slate
color, spotted mixtures. Most authorities agree that Mercury generally assumes the color of
that planet with which it is in nearest aspect.
Venus: Sky-blue to pale green, lemon yellow; and tints in general as contrasted to colors.
Jupiter: Royal purple, violet, some blends of red and indigo, deep blue.
Uranus: Streaked mixtures, checks and plaids like Joseph's coat "of many colors."
Neptune: Lavender, sea-green, mauve, smoke-blue and possibly peculiar shades of gray.
Pluto. Luminous pigments, in unusual shades containing a large percentage of red.
Planetary Days. Certain planets are by some deemed to have added strength on, or to
exercise rulership over, certain days of the week, which was considered in the assignment of
names to the days. (v. P. Hours.)
Pluto. The so-called aromatic flavors, in which solubility releases both taste and aroma.
Planetary Hours. Hours. Egyptian astronomy had only seven planets, arranged in this order:
Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon - based seemingly on the apparent
velocities of the bodies. In rotation, each hour of the 24-hour day was consecrated to a planet.
If Saturn ruled the first hour, it also ruled the 8th, 15th and 22nd. As Jupiter would then rule
the 23rd, and Mars the 24th hour, the first hour of the following day would be ruled by the
Sun; and so on. The days thus came to be known by the ruler of the first hour, resulting in our
present order of the days of the week. Thus the order of the days of the week, which can be
hormonized with no observable cosmic plan, are explainable only by a student of astrology.
The hatred of the Jews for the Egyptians after their flight from Egypt is said to have caused
them to "demote" Saturn from the rulership of the first day, by beginning the week on
Sunday, making Saturn's day the last day of the week. Probably some symbolical association
of the Sun with the Hebrew idea of Jehovah, had something to do with it. The evolution of the
English names of the days, from the Latin, through the Saxon, resulted as follows:
........Luna.............Lundi........Moon's day.....Monday
Wotan...Mercurius........Mercredi.....Woden's day....Wednesday
........Saturni..........Samedi.......Seterne's day..Saturday
Under this system an hour was not uniformly 60 minutes, except at the equinoxes. It was one-
twelfth of the interval between sunrise and sunset, by day; and the reverse, by night. A planet
favorably aspected suggests that action be initiated during that planet's hour; or if unfavorably
aspected, that one should wait for others to act. Wilson goes to some length in expressing
doubt as to the efficacy and logic of this system.
The astonishing thing about this sequence is the placing of the Sun between Venus and Mars,
showing that the ancients realized that in speaking of the Sun they were actually making
reference to the position of the Earth as determined by the apparent position of the Sun.
Planetary Jewels, or Precious Stones. Here, again, there are almost as many opinions as
there are authorities, but the following list expresses a consensus:
It should be realized that all stones, precious and semi-precious, as stones, come more or less
directly under Saturn, the overall ruler of all hard minerals. As for many, authorities differ so
widely that to settle the question each stone would have to be examined with respect to its
mineral components before deciding the planet to which it should rightfully be assigned.
Planetary Metals.
Sun: Gold
Mercury: Quicksilver
Saturn: Lead.
Planetary Motions.
Direct The true motion of the planets in the order of the Signs, or counter-clockwise, within
the Zodiac: a narrow band that parallels the Earth's path around the Sun. As applied to
progressed or directed motion it is the opposite of converse motion. As to transits, it is the
opposite of retrograde. (q.v.)
Diurnal (by day) A diurnal planet is one that was above the horizon at the time for which the
Figure was cast. Such planets are said to be less passive. The Diurnal arc of a planet is the
time it remains above the Earth, measured either in degrees of Right Ascension, or in Sidereal
Time. The opposition arc is the Nocturnal arc. The declination of the body, or its distance
from the Equator, is the controlling factor: the greater the declination the higher the body will
ascend in the heavens and the longer it will remain above the horizon.
Hourly. Subtracting a planet's position on one day, as shown in the ephemeris, from its
position on the preceding or following day yields its daily motion.
Rapt. Raptus, carried away. The apparent diurnal motion of the heavens, in consequence of
the Earth's axial rotation; the manner in which the fixed stars and the planetary bodies are
caused to make one complete revolution in 24 hours, is termed their Rapt Motion, in
accordance with the ancient theory of the Primum Mobile (q.v.).
Re-direct. Said of the reversal to direct motion following the second station of the retrograde.
Retrograde. The apparent motion in the Zodiac of certain planets, as viewed from the Earth
during certain portions of the year. (q.v.)
Slow of Course: slow in motion. Said of any planet whose travel in 24 hours is less than its
mean motion. It is reckoned a debility, especially in horary astrology.
Stationary. When a planet appears to have no motion, as when changing from retrograde to
direct or the reverse, it is said to bc stationary.
Stations, in retrograde. Each planet has two stations, or stationary points: (1) the place in its
orbit where it becomes stationary before it turns retrograde, abbreviated S.R.; (2) when it
again becomes stationary preparatory to resuming its direct motion, abbreviated S.D.
Swift in Motion. Planets that at the moment are moving at a speed in excess of their mean
motion, are said to be "swift in motion."
Moon: Utensils in common use in the laundry; or in the silversmith's trade. Soft, smooth
Mercury: Papers connected with money; legal documents; books, pictures, writing materials,
anything connected with education and communications. Flowing and veined substances.
Venus: Jewelry and ornaments; women's wearing apparel; bed linens; polished reflecting
Mars: Steel; cutlery, and anything that is sharp; instruments of war; sparkling substances.
Jupiter: Men's wearing apparel, merchandisable sweets; horses, domestic pets; common and
useful substances, cloth, paper.
Saturn: Land, minerals, agriculture and garden implements; heavy materials; dull and heavy
substances; dross.
Uranus: Machinery, old coins and antiques, baths, public institutions; everything uncommon
and unusual; radioactive and magnetic substances.
Pluto. Synthetics, through splitting and recondensing processes; plastics; atomic fission.
Planetary Pathology, or physical ailments. Associated with planetary influences are the
ailments affecting the portion of the body represented by the Sign position of the planet - at
birth, in transit, or by direction; and by the Signs and Houses ruled by the planet.
Sun: Ailments of heart and upper spinal region; fevers and breaking down of tissues; organic
ailments; fainting spells; diseases of the spleen.
Moon: Endocrine imbalance resulting in inflamed glands and defective eyesight; functional
ailments and irregularities; allergies; mental instabilities; female disorders; emotional
depression that impairs normal functioning; dropsy and excess fluidity; catarrhal infection of
the mucous membranes.
In matters of health it is generally the significator of the bodily afflictions of its Sign position,
as follows:
Aries, head
Taurus, neck
Gemini, arms
Cancer, chest
Virgo, abdomen
Sagittarius, thighs
Capricorn, knees
Aquarius, legs
Pisces, feet
Venus: Blood impurities that poison the system, resulting in tonsilitis; pustural diseases, as
measles or smallpox; sloughing sores and susceptibility to contagion; kidney disease;
venereal diseases; poisoning; impaired functioning, resulting from uncontrolled eroticism.
Mars: Infectious, contagious and cruptive diseases; fevers, high blood pressure, internal
hemorrhages, inflammations producing sharp pains; burns, scalds; inflammatory conditions
requiring surgical treatment; hysterical outbursts producing violent reactions due to high
Jupiter: Maladies arising from surfeit; congestion; chronic acidity and hyperfluidity of
functional activity; subnormal blood pressure; apoplexy.
Saturn: Inhibited functioning due to fears and morbid conditions; debilities due to accidental
falls or subnormal temperatures; depressed vital activity or impaired circulation due to
inhibited emotions; rheumatism; melancholia; decayed and abscessed teeth; malnutrition,
often from sheer miserliness; skin diseases; atrophy; spinal ailments.
Uranus: Inflammations resulting from deposit of precipitated min- erals; fractures, ruptures,
lesions, spasmodic disorders.
Jones Patterns Another set of pattern classifications for flash appraisal, as advanced by Marc
Edmund Jones, consists of the following: (1) Splash type, in which actual bodies excluding
Fortuna and the Moon's Nodes, are scattered around the circle, with no noticeable gaps in the
daily rising sequence. (2) Bundle type, afl planets contained within a 120° arc. (3)
Locomotive type, all planets within a 240° arc leaving an unoccupied 120° arc. (4) Bowl type,
all planets within a 180° arc, leaving one half of the Figure untenanted. (5) Bucket type,
approximating the Bowl type, but with one planet in the opposite arc as a bail, thereby
transforming the bowl into a bucket. (6) See Saw type, in which the planets are generally
polarized around opposite ends of a diameter, leaving two vacant arcs of from 60° to 90° at
opposite sides of the continuity. (7) Splay type. Strong and sharp aggregations of planets
irregularly spaced.
Characteristic qualities of each group, are described as: (1) A well-balanced nature with a
capacity for universal interest, whose only genius is that of versatility and the seeming ability
to find order in apparent confusion. (2) Apparent self-gathering of interests and
unresponsiveness to universal stimuli. (3) A dynamic and practical capacity, which while in a
sense, eccentric, lacks extremes of universality or obsession. (4) An extreme degree of self-
containment. (5) An effective capacity for some special activity. (6) A consciousness of
opposing views in a world of conflict, with success dependent on correct alignment. (7) A
purposeful individuality, which chooses its outlet of self-expression and refuses to be pigeon-
The mean symbolical periods of the various bodies are the length of time between two
successive conjunctions of that body with the Sun at the same geocentric longitude, i.e,
falling on the same day of a year. In other words the Sun in its apparent annual revolution
forms conjunctions with each of the other bodies as viewed from the Earth, each successive
annual conjunction with the same body taking place at an advanced point in the Zodiac. After
a time these conjunctions themselves form a cycle of conjunctions, beginning on
approximately the same degree of the Zodiac, or days of the year. The length of this cycle
with reference to a particular planet constitutes the planetary periods. These are:
Pluto. 247.7 years, with a mean annual motion that, because of the extreme ellipticity of its
orbit, varies from 1° in Pisces through Gemini, to 2.5° in Virgo through Sagittarius.
Ptolemy cites these time-measures as follows: Moon 4y, Mercury 10y, Venus 8y, Sun 19y,
Mars 15y, Jupiter 12y, Saturn 30y. Those moderns who use his system add Uranus 90y,
Neptune 18oy, Pluto 360y. Lilley alters this, as regards the Moon to 25y, and Mercury to 20y;
others assign 27y to Mercury.
By means of these periods one is able to arrive at a rough approximation of a planet's position
at a given date in a year for which an ephemeris is unavailable; as follows:
Example: To determine the longitude of Uranus on October 15th, 1672 (new style), add
multiples of 84y and subtract the mean advance. To do this in one operation: assume any year
in this epoch, say 1902. From this subtract 1672. This gives an interval of 230 years. Divide
this by 84; the result, 2 periods and 62 years. Subtract 62 from 1902, which gives the year
1840: two Uranus periods subsequent to the desired date. To illustrate: the longitude of
Uranus, as perceived in the ephemeris for 1940, on October 15th, is 17°09' Pisces. The 40'
advance, times the two periods, is 1°20'. Subtract this from 17°09' and you have 15°19' Pisces
as the longitude of Uranus on October 15th, 1672 (N.S.).
These and additional periods, arranged in tabular form for reference use, are as follows:
Periods in Years
Moon.............254.......19....Cycle of Meton.......8-372-
The three outer planets are usually computed by other methods: either (a) the first return, in
even years, with a plus or minus correction showing excess over 360 degrees; or (b) the net
mean annual motion.
Planetary Physiology.
Consideration of the ruling planet, the Ruler of the ascending Decanate and its aspects, assists
at arriving at a judgment as to sub-active and hyper-active functioning, as follows:
Sun: Generation of vital force, circulation, physical growth, expansion of areas of sensitivity.
Mars: Rapid energy combustion under stress, bodily distribution of metallic elements.
Jupiter: Cell nutrition and development, flesh building, formation of hemoglobin and red
Planetary Physiques.
Sun: Powerful, well formed body, with large bones; large face and forehead, clear
complexion; hair, light but inclined to baldness; commanding eyes.
Moon: of middle stature, inclined to heaviness; round face, pale complexion; large, soft eyes;
short but thick hands and feet; and usually small boned.
Mercury: Slender body and face; full forehead, long nose, thin lips; slender, expressive
hands; dark hair, thin beard, poor com- plexion, penetrating eyes.
Venus: Short but graceful body; inclined to stoutness in advancing years; round face, dark
hair, large and wandering eyes; soft voice and vivacious manner.
Mars: Strong, stocky body, but not overly tall, military deportment; black or red hair; often
curly or wiry; sharp, quick eyes; often very ruddy complexion; when angry face is livid.
Jupiter: Large, well-formed body, inclined to become portly in advancing years; wide chest;
high forehead; kindly and widely spaced eyes; dark, wavy hair; paternal attitude.
Saturn: Slender, angular body, with large bones - back bends with increasing years; stern
features; small, beady eyes; dark, curly hair; indifferent complexion.
Uranus: Slender body, pleasing appearance; irregular but prepossessing features; usually
large light eyes, brilliant and keen; some types ascetic in appearance, often giving the
impression of being effeminate.
Neptune: Finely organized, slender body; long head, sharp features, often cruel expression;
always mysterious; hypnotic eyes; hair retreats from temples.
Pluto. Medium stature, of rugged and sturdy build, yet with a delicate skin; soft fine hair on
the scalp, but little hair elsewhere on the body.
Planetary Psychology.
Sun: Individual faculties; consciousness of Ego, the Individuality as distinguished from the
Personality. The vital energy that flows from the Sun through the solar system, enabling life
to exist and its activities to be pursued; inspiring men to the consciousness of a destiny to be
achieved: the sense of purpose that is recognized by MacDougal and the psychologists of the
Purposivistic School; ambitious, with good organizing and executive ability. The solar
influence is reflected in an impression of power in reserve; an outspoken and worldly-wise
counselor; a strong individuality with an urge toward acquisition of power. Emanates an
impression of dignity, grandeur, wisdom, authority, will and lofty spirituality. Restless under
restraint, it operates more through inspiration than intellect. A strong paternal instinct.
Generous, masterful, honest, truthful and creative; vital, forceful, sanguine, dignified. Power,
honor, fame, pride, influence. When frustrated may become ostentatious, despotic,
ceremonious, and fond of pomp and ritual.
Moon: Higher emotional faculties such as faith, hope and charity, veneration, peace-loving.
The instinctive mind, the desire-nature with respect to material things; the external reactions
to every-day affairs and to those pertaining to the home and domestic life; moods that
fluctuate between the extremes of optimism and pessimism; ideas that are not abstract;
ingenuity applicable to concrete purposes and practical ends; a mind that fluctuates and that
lacks the ability to concentrate, hence easily influenced; sympathy, not compassion; respect
for the old and regard for the young; suavity, kindness; love for animals; strong protective
sense, and an inclination to defend those incapable of self-defense; acute maternal instinct not
based on sex; modesty, timidity, economy, receptivity, imagination, impres- sionability,
changeableness; fond of travel; personal magnetism; psychic qualities; extra-sensory
receptivity; lymphatic, changeful, plastic, wandering, romantic, visionary, frivolous,
capricious, fanciful, unstable, procrastinating, lazy.
Mercury: Concrete mental faculties: perception of size, weight, form, color, order, position,
motion; memory, speech, intonation, phonetic inflection; thought, understanding, reason,
intelligence; vacillation, hesitancy to face issues; mental waywardness; brilliant and facile but
not profound; intellect in the abstract but not the concrete; industrious in acquiring knowledge
for its own sake, apart from any practical application or any question of right or wrong;
amasses evidence and eloquently cites statistics in support of his thesis; loves argument and
debate; cunning, crafty, subtle; a skilled technician enjoying a superficial proficiency;
literary, though not a ready writer. Mercury's highest application appears to be in the realm of
"pure reason," which, however, knows so much on both sides of a subject it experiences
difficulty in drawing a conclusion, or in holding to a conclusion once arrived at. From the
planet Mercury we have the word for the element Mercury, and its derivative effect,
mercurial. Its mental direction is largely determined by aspecting planets. v. Aspects,
Venus: Physical faculties: friendship, romantic amativeness; the affections, particularly love
and the emotions derived therefrom; aesthetic sense, but not analytical; responsive to beauty
whether of person, adornment, art or environment; enjoys elegance, comfort and pleasure;
good taste; sex sensitivity, but discriminating; parental instinct; a youthful, almost childlike
simplicity of approach and viewpoint; a gracious yet almost patronizing attitude; subject to
negative moods and extremes of feeling; given to self-pity in moments of depression; mind
highly receptive but largely concerned with social affairs; memory sense frequently
unreliable; gentle, amiable, pacific, graceful, cheerful, temperate, passive. When thwarted,
inclines to extravagance in self-indulgence; slothful, licentious, sensual, vain, dissolute, and
generally abandoned; fond of gaudy apparel. Evolved venusian sensibilities incline to art,
music, peace, justice, grace, faithfulness, fruitfulness.
Jupiter: The abstract and creative faculties: comparison applied in generalizations upon the
broader aspects; idealism; powerful sense of the dramatic, and obsessed with the desire to be
of service to society; symbolizes a person of sound judgment with an ample store of common
sense; optimism, order, harmony; the principle of expansion and growth as expressed in the
accumulation of material wealth, but without the miserliness of a marked Saturnian trait.
Idealism generosity; a balance of feeling and thought, of heart and mind, that yields
optimism, devotion, benevolence, good nature, generosity, temperateness, sociability,
hopefulness; peace-loving, law-abiding, philosophical; usually of marked religious
tendencies, especially of a ritu- alistic order; convinced of the integrity of his motives and that
his judgments are tempered with mercy; love of beauty as applied to grandeur and the
sublime, with a leaning toward art, especially sculpture; the ability to overcome opposition
with forceful but impersonal arguments; broad vision, open-mindedness; listens to reason.
Jupiter creates conditions through which these qualities can bc expressed: health, as physical
harmony; law, as social harmony; religion, as spiritual harmony - not as channels of intellect,
or the means of making money. It represents judgment, power in the benevolent sense, profit,
good fortune, honesty, dignity - or just plain respectability.
At its best Jupiter is generous, expansive, genial, temperate, vital, benevolent, respectful, self-
controlled; but when frustrated it inclines to pride, dissipation, boastfulness, gambling,
extravagance, procrastination, complacency, hypocrisy.
Saturn: The concrete creative faculties: asceticism; practical ability to achieve the external
expression of thought forms; well ordered mind for the technical and concrete with an
emphasis on detail; inclined toward scientific research involving mathematics; the
conservative realist who asserts the authority of experience; secretive, noncommittal,
noncommunicative; cautious, inhibited and reserved; laconic in expression; apostle of justice
meted out with a firm hand, yet fair and impartial, a strong sense of justice - particularly
injustice; a slave to customs and conventions, even when railing against them; patient,
prudent, constant but jealous, yet not easily offended. Its emphasis on the personal ego and
inability to give outward expression to affection, tends to separation and isolation; a serious
outlook on life; inclined to learn everything the hard way; avoids strenuous effort or exertion
- but generally finds more than his share of it to do. Its strong sense of self-preservation is
deliberately purposeful and holds the emotions in check through the exercise of thought and
will power, more completely than does any other planet.
Where Uranus makes a show of strength when freedom is threatened, and Mars when the
passions are aroused, Saturn is cold, slow and deliberate, but inexorable when fully aroused.
Plots his way to positions of authority, wherein he discharges his duties with tyrannical
conservatism; generally a reactionary, but faithful.
Normally fearful, secretive, cautious, defensive, binding, cold, hard, persevering, steadfast;
when frustrated Saturn develops avarice, materialism, ultra-conservatism, tradition-bound
narrow-mindedness, pessimism and fatalism.
Uranus: The iconoclastic tendency: characterized by an aloof, offhand manner and approach;
imagination, constructive or otherwise; reacts violently against anything that would deprive
him of his free and conscious choice of thought and action. Unbending will, insistent upon
independence at any price; not readily amenable to any sort of control, much less to arbitrary
authority; strong sense of power and authority; assertiveness, with crushing positiveness; self-
reliant; inventive; interest in scientific and religious principles; unconventional, altruistic;
perseverance to cope with and conquer material obstacles, yet subject to sudden changes of
attitude; organizer, promoter, scientific investigator along materialistic lines; originality, with
a tendency to break new ground, start new occupations, advance new ideas, utilize new
methods, depart from established customs, and hold in disdain the arbitrary restrictions of
conventional morality; strong mechanical sense and executive ability that leans toward
construction engineering; unerring ability to sense people's motives, hence often becomes a
refractory spirit, more or less alienated from his relatives; moves spontaneously from an inner
urge - hence impulsive and generally classed as eccentric.
Uranus is deemed a higher octave of Mercury. often fails to know his own mind, but is
moved by providential circumstances; often a fatalist who considers his destiny beyond his
Neptune: The Social Unrest; follow-the-trend illusive and intangible emotions, of which we
know so little; entertains false hopes and indulges in tricky schemes, yet is highest in human
sympathy; loves mystery; acts dictated by powerful but inexplicable motives, directed toward
invisible, intangible ends; reacts to harmony, sympathy, symmetry, rhythm, poetry, and the
dance, which is the poetry of motion, with a partiality for stringed instruments; also for the
morbid and erotic.
Neptune pertains to feeling, desire, emotion, imagination. aesthetics, intuition, the psychic
faculties or extra-sensory perceptions. When thwarted it becomes psycho-neurotic, theatric,
and susceptible to flattery, the power of suggestion, and appearances. On the merest whim it
will break a bargain or go back on its word. It exhibits a high regard for uniformity yet often
succeeds in enterprises that require more than the average measure of mental effort. Neptune
is deemed a higher octave of Venus.
Pluto. Sociological Urge. The organized group as the instrument with which to amputate
parasitic growths on the body politic, in order to reconstruct society along more altruistic
lines. Depending upon the spiritual development they have attained, these individuals become
leaders of eleemosynary organizations. Foundations for the advancement of human welfare
and relations, professional associations or trade unions through which to achieve better social
conditions, or mere racketeers and gang leaders. It affords incentive to great literary or
dramatic geniuses who inculcate in their works Plutonian doctrines calculated to bear fruit
through the succeeding generation; total disregard for constituted authority or vested rights,
except as administered for the good of all; and even at its worst, more likely to be activated
by a sense of righteous indignation on behalf of society than by personal vindictiveness.
Planetary Significators. In external affairs the solar system bodies exercise influence as
Sun: Leaders and persons of authority in government, religious and industrial organizations.
Moon: Public life and the fickleness of the public; fluctuations of popularity, changing
fortunes; the common people, and the transportation and distribution systems that serve them;
the home and home life; the place of residence; the mother, and women generally; in the
State, women of title; the ocean, and voyages by water; water and liquids in general, and
persons who follow occupations connected with them; places and houses near water;
removals, mystery, romance.
Mercury: Business matters, letter writing, short travels, the neigh- bors and their gossip;
schools, colleges, and all places where teaching and learning are pursued; scientific and
literary organizations; printing-works, publishing offices, and all who are occupied at these
places; buying, selling, bargaining, trading.
Venus: Social activities; women, especially those younger; art, music, literature; beautiful
objects, and anything that is prized for its beauty; ornaments; things of luxury and pleasure;
jewels, toys, fine clothes, articles of adornment; pictures, flowers, dancing, singing, acting in
so far as these express beauty or pleasure, apart from skill or intelligence; all places where
these things belong, and where such occupations are carried on; sweethearts, wives, the home
and household; conjugal love, as embodying affection rather than passion.
Mars: Steel, cutlery, weapons of war, sharp tools, and those who use them, fires, slaughter
houses, mortuaries; brick and lime kilns; athletics and sports, in so far as they express
courage, enterprise, strength and dexterity.
Jupiter: Expansion and growth, and their expression in terms of material wealth; occupations,
persons, and places associated with religion, law, and education; public functions and
assemblies of a state or official character; charitable and philanthropic movements and
institutions; social gatherings, theatres and clothing.
Saturn: Restrictions, delay, poverty, defects, darkness, decay; the father; stability in
friendship; secrets, misfortunes, sorrows, fatalities; the ultimate uncombined atomic condition
of matter; also the state of matter called "earth," and those whose occupations are concerned
with it; ascetics of every description, whether religious or not; hermits, misers, and those who
fast or starve; workers employed by municipalities or the State; older people; old plans,
matters already started; del)ts and their payment; karma; practicality; good advice; widows
and widowers; mountainous and hilly places, or open country, especially rocky and
uncultivated; caves, ruins; corpses, graves, and churchyards.
Uranus: Those who have power and authority over others, either on a large or small scale -
from King, Parliament and Prime Minister downwards; the chief, the ruler, the wielder of
authority; inventors, discoverers, pioneers and antiquarians.
Neptune: Democratic and popular movements, mobs, the common people; mystics, dreamers,
visionaries, psychics, mediums; perhaps hospitals and charities.
Pluto. Idealistic organizations that attack the social ills; social organizations designed to
combat groups of individuals who believe they belong to a privileged class. Ideas that are
ahead of their time, that will not bear fruit until readvocated by some disciple thereof in the
next generation.
In Horary Astrology the solar system bodies are subject to the following interpretations:
Sun: The querent - if a man. Rich and powerful relations; the person in authority, from whom
an honor or favor is desired; the one capable of saving the querent from embarrassment;
goldsmiths, jewelers, reformers, educators.
Moon: The querent - if a woman. The mother, or the woman in the case; servants, sailors,
navigators, and those in contact with fluids or liquids.
Mercury: The bringer of tidings; news of that which is lost; artificers, thieves, ingenious and
clever persons, who live by their wits; mathematicians, secretaries, merchants, travelers,
teachers, orators, ambassadors.
Venus: The person in whom the querent may be interested, particularly if a young woman;
embroiderers, perfumers, entertainers, artists, dealers in ornamentation, designers of clothing,
interior decorators, lovers of pleasure, managers of places of amusement.
Jupiter: The wise friend of the querent upon whom he depends for protection or assistance; a
person of advanced years noted for integrity; rich and generous friends or relations; clothiers
and dealers in essential commodities; mountebanks, dissipated relatives or friends; the black
sheep of the family; counsellors, ecclesiastical dignitaries, judges, lawyers.
Saturn: Persons who, through narrowness of outlook, endanger the success of querent; aged
and conservative or indigent friends or relatives; day laborers, religious recluses, those
engaged in agriculture and mining, paupers, beggars, clowns; sometimes prudent counsellors;
if unfavorably aspected, a person with ulterior motive.
Uranus: The querent's friend in an emergency; unexpected elements, persons from afar,
inventors, electricians, indicators of change; astrologers, humanitarians, psychologists, mental
specialists. If favorably aspected, a person bringing new and important propositions. If
unfavorably aspected, losses through impostors or unwise speculation.
In a consideration of world affairs, the planets supply the initiating factor, whether
personalities or environment; the aspects, its favorable or unfavorable action; the signs, the
geographical divisions of the earth's surface to be affected; and the houses, the economic or
political conditions of the people to be affected or activated.
Moon: The proletariat, particularly the women; crowds; subjects or objects of popular
interest; water transport conditions and occupations; land and crops.
Mercury: The intelligentsia, the literary world; the transportation and communications
industry; the press, educators, speakers, news commentators; change.
Venus: Ambassadors of good will and preservers of the peace; artists, musicians; theatres and
festivals; births, children; courtship and marriage. Unfavoring aspects bring plagues and
Mars: Military leaders; surgeons; persons liable to die; engineers; agitators, incendiaries,
criminals and crimes of violence; epidemics of infectious and contagious diseases; wars.
Commotions are stirred up by Mars aspects to the Sun.
Saturn: The minor state executives and law enforcement authorities; Civil Service
employees; land owners and mine operators; elderly persons; public buildings, national
calamities, scarcities.
Uranus: Air and rail transport; labor organizations, strikes and riots; civic organizations;
anarchy, explosions, inventions; the electrical and radio industry.
Neptune: The little people; social movements; socialized medicine and hospitalization;
charities; seditions; socialistic political movements; widespread unrest.
Pluto. Organized labor; chain store syndicates; group activities; mob psychology - whether
the mob be capitalists drunk with power or unemployed crazed by hunger.
Planetary Spirits. In Occultism, the seven highest hierarchies, corresponding to the Christian
archangels, which have passed through states of evolution in past cycles.
Planetary Vegetation and Herbs. According to Alan Leo, herbs are classified according to
planetary influences as follows:
Sun: Almond, angelica, ash tree, bay tree, celandine, centaury, chamomile, corn hornwort,
eyebright, frankincense and other aromatic herbs, heart trefoil, juniper, male peony, poppy,
marigold, mistletoe, olive, pimpernel, rice, rosemary, rue, saffron, St. John's wort, sun dew,
tormentil, turnsole, vine, wiper's bugloss; also bay, citrus, and walnut trees.
Moon: Adder's tongue, cabbage, chickweed, clary, coral-wort, cuckoo flowers, cucumber,
dog-tooth, duck's meat, gourd, hyssop, iris, lettuce, melon, mercury, moonwort, mouse-car,
mushrooms, pearlwort, privet, pumpkin, purslain, rattle grass, rosemary, seaweed, spunk,
turnips, wallflowers, water arrowhead, watercress, water lily, water violet, white lily, white
poppy, white rose, white saxifrage, whitlow grass, wild wallflower, willow, winter green, and
all night blooming plants; also maple, olive, palm, and other trees rich in sap.
Mercury: Azaleas, bitter sweet, calamint, caraway, carrots, cascara, coraline, dill,
elecampane, endive, fennel, hare's foot, hazel, horehound, hound's tongue, lavender, lily of
the valley, liquorice, male fern, mandrake, majoram, mulberry, myrtle, olive spurger parsley,
pellitory, southernwood, star-wort, trefoil, valerian, wild carrots, winter savory; also hazel,
and filbert trees.
Venus: Apples, archangel, artichoke, beans, bearberry, bishop's weed, black alder,
bubbleholly, burdock, cloves, cock's head, couch grass, cowslip, cranebill, cudweed,
daffodils, elder, featherfew, ferns, foxgloves, goldenrod, gooseberry, grapes and other vines,
groundsel, kidneywort, lily, little daisy, marshmallows, mint, pennyroyal, pennywort,
peppermint, red cherries, roses, sanicle, sea holly, sorrel, spearmint, tansy, throatwort,
vervain, violets, wheat; also almond, apple, apricot, ash, cypress, pecan and pomegranate
Mars: All-heal, aloes, anemone, arsmart, barberry, basil, box tree, broom, butcher's broom,
cactus, capers, catmint, coriander, crowfoot, flax-weed, furze-bush, garden cress, garlic,
gentian, ginger, hawthorn, honeysuckle, hops, horse radish, horsetongue, hyssop, leadwort,
leeks, madder, masterwort, mousetail, mustard, nettles, onions, peppers, plantain, radish,
savin, tobacco, wake-robin, wormwood, and all briars and thistles; also trees with thorns.
Jupiter: Agrimony, aniseed, apricots, asparagus, balm, balsam, betony, bloodwort, borage,
chestnut, cinquefoil, cloves, currants, daisy, dandelion, hart's tongue, house leek, jessamine,
liver wort, mint, myrrh, nailwort, nutmeg, polypody, rhubarb, sage, scurvy grass, small
samphire swallow wort, strawberry, sugar cane, thorn apple, wild pinks, wild succory; also
ash, almond, birch, fig, lime, linden, mulberry and oak trees.
Saturn: Aconite, barley, barren wort, beech, black hellebore, blue bottle, comfrey, crosswort,
flaxweed, fleawort, fumitory, gladwin, ground moss, hemlock, hemp, henbane, holly,
horsetail, ivy, jew's ear, knap-weed, knotgrass, mandrake, mangel, medlar, moss, navelwort,
nightshade, pansies, parsnips, quince, rue, rupture wort, rushes, rye, sciatica wort, senna,
shepherd's purse, sloes, Solomon's seal, spinach, tamarisk, vervain, wintergreen. Also
cypress, elm, pine, willow and yew trees.
Pluto. Modern astrology seldom concerns itself with adding to or even using these
classifications. Furthermore, the second-octave planets externalize more on the mental and
spiritual plane than the physical, hence no additions to these ancient lists have been made as
applicable to Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.
Planetary Vocations and Avocations. The ruling planet, and the signs in which posited,
considered with reference to occupational aptitude, gives the following testimony.
Sun: Positions of power, dignity, authority and responsibility, judges, magistrates, law
observance authorities; superintendents and directors of public utilities, banks and businesses
where huge sums of money are handled; goldsmiths, money lenders, writers, makers of
ornaments, as luxuries and for display.
Moon: All common employments; persons dealing with public commodities, or holding.
inferior positions chiefly in the transit industry; women officials and female occupations, as
maids, children's nurses, midwives; those having to do with water, as seamen, fishermen,
beavers, longshoremen; dealers in liquids; bath attendants; traveling salesmen, tradesmen,
purveyors of food.
Mercury: Authors, actors, orators, teachers, inventors, men of science, journalists and those
engaged in gathering and disseminating information and in basing of judgment thereon;
merchants, book sellers, postal workers, telegraph operators and messengers, or clerks
engaged in the communications industry; artisans who exercise skill and intelligence;
accountants, civil engineers, lawyers.
Venus: All professions connected with music and the fine arts; jewellers, embroiderers,
perfumers, botanists; all businesses connected with women and their adornment: domestic
servants, dancers and actors who impersonate beauty or grace, apart from skill or intelligence;
painters, clothing designers, makers and dealers in toilet accessories.
Jupiter: All professions connected with religion and the law; legislators, physicians, bankers,
philanthropists, clothiers and businesses connected with woollen clothing; restaurant workers.
Saturn: All conservative businesses and all who deal in land, or in commodities produced by
or taken out of the earth; those having to do with places of confinement, or of the dead;
common laborers, and those who undertake laborious tasks, or who work underground, or by
night. Employments where much labor is necessary to acquire gain. Builders, bridge makers,
potters, plumbers, bricklayers, dyers, cattlemen, policemen, scavengers.
Uranus: Public figures, not holding office; travelers, inventors, pioneers, discoverers,
original thinkers, lecturers; aviators, and those in the development of air transport;
electricians, radio technicians, astrologists, scientists, psychologists, psychoanalysts, physical
researchers and all new and uncommon occupations.
Neptune: Artistic and literary geniuses, philosophers, occultists, occupations connected with
water, or liquids.
Planetary Years. The ancients presumed the planets to have definite periods of rulership, at
the end of which changes of constitution or environment might be expected to occur to
persons or in the places ruled by them. What they called "the shortest years" can be traced to
the orbital motions in most cases; but it is difficult to trace a justification for the other groups.
They are:
By the use of the short years one deduces that, for example, if Saturn conjoins the Moon at
birth, its opposition will occur at 15 years of age; if Jupiter conjoins any planet it will form its
sextile in 2 years from birth. In other words, it was a method whereby, without the aid of an
ephemeris, to determine when the planets wig form aspects or directions to the radical places
of the Sun and Moon, and they to the radical places of the planets - called "periodical
directions." It is principally of value in mundane astrology, when considering world-trends
over long epochs.
Platic. v. Aspects.
Pluto v. Solar System.
Point of Life. A progressed point, obtained by advancing 0° Aries at the rate of 7y per Sign.
A planet at this point is presumed to affect the native according to its nature and strength. The
theory appears to recognize the importance of the equinoctial degree as an individual point,
and to associate it somehow with the Uranus motion, and the progressed motion of the Moon.
Point of Love. As this represents the position of Venus in a Solar figure, and as Venus never
has a greater elongation from the Sun than 48°, this Arabian Point can never be in other than
the 11th, 12th, 1st or 2nd Houses.
Polar Elevation. The Elevation of the Pole, or the Pole of the Descendant, is relative to the
north or south latitude of the place for which a map is erected. Proceeding northward from the
Equator the North Pole appears to rise up toward the zenith. The elevation of the Pole at
London is 51° 30' - the latitude of the city. The Poles of the Houses increase as they recede
from the Imum Coeli and the Mid-heaven, which have no polar elevation, toward the
Ascendant and Descendant. The cusps of the intermediate Houses, have polar elevation
proportional to the positions at which they cut the Prime Vertical or Circle of Observation -
the circle in which a person stands when facing South.
The formula whereby to ascertain the Pole of a planet, is one-third of the planet's semi-arc:
the difference of elevation of the two cusps:: the planet's cuspal distance: its proportional
polar distance. To ascertain the cuspal distance of a planet from the Oblique Ascension of the
cusp, subtract the planet's Oblique Ascension or Descension under the pole of that cusp.
To find the Oblique Ascension of a cusp - add 30° to the Right Ascension of the Mid-heaven
for each successive House eastward.
To find the Oblique Descension, subtract 30° for every House westward from the Mid-
Polarity. Literally, that quality or condition in virtue of which a body exhibits opposite, or
contrasted, properties or powers, in opposite or contrasted, parts or directions.
(1) The opposite point in the zodiac to the Sun position in any nativity may be spoken of as
its Sun's polarity; usually employed in the harmonization of two maps.
(2) Since opposing signs are said to complement each other, any diameter can be termed a
polarity. It is through this principle that Air and Fire signs are deemed more harmonious,
since belonging to the same polarity. Similarly with the Water and Earth signs. This
polarization of two groups through the polarization of one member of each group is illustrated
in Solomon's Seal (q.v.) a six pointed star produced by the juxtaposition of two triangles.
(3) In any one nativity, polarity as used by Leo refers to a relationship between the Sun and
Moon positions; viz., Sun in Leo, as polarized by the Moon in Libra. The basic thought is
probably that a life revolves around an axis which has as one pole its Sun destiny, and the
other pole its Moon desires, the character of the polarization dependent upon the degree of
harmony or disharmony that exists between the signs positing the two luminaries.
Polarity:....Signs...................Root Instinct....Simple
Electric:....Aries and Libra.........Food obtaining...
Pole - of the Ascendant; of the Horoscope. The geographical latitude of the place for which
the figure is cast. v. Polar Elevation.
Ponderous, or Ponderable planets. v. Planets.
Posited. The position actually occupied by a body, in the heavens or in the signs and houses
of a geocentric map.
Practical Natures. Referring to a balance between idealism and the ability to enjoy realities
and actualities, and to do whatever has to be done, that is shared in common by those born
with the Sun in Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo - respectively the Initiative, Executive and
Deductive types of the Practical group.
Precession of Equinox and Pole. The shape of the Earth is that of an ellipsoid: flattened at
the poles and bulging at the Equator. The gravitational pull of the Moon, and to a lesser
extent of the Sun, on this equatorial bulge is said to create a precessional "couple," which
causes the Earth's poles of rotation to gyrate or slightly nod in a conical manner. The periods
of these Nutations are diurnal, monthly and annual, in addition to the chief one, of the same
period as the precessional motion of the Moon's orbit, as noted by its receding Nodes. These
slight periodic perturbations of the Earth's polar axis leave residues which accumulate slowly
to cause the Soli-Lunar Precession - a more extensive motion and longer in period, hence a
Secular perturbation. Stockwell, taking into account all the changes in the orbits of the Earth
and Moon due to the action of the planets, has shown that the mean period of this Soli-Lunar
Precession is 25,694.8 years. This is the period of that steady precession of the Poles which
causes it to point at different stars. Thus in 2102 A.D. the North Pole will point nearly direct
at Polaris. As exactly as we can tell, the North Pole pointed as nearly to Vega as it ever does -
6° away - just one-half of the cycle of Precession before the Mission of Christ. Thus the bulk
of evidence of an astronomical character, mentioned under Invariable Plane (q.v.), indicates
that a new cycle of Polar Precession started around 25 to 28 A.D.
If we measure the backward motion of the line of intersection of the Equator and the Ecliptic
on a hypothetical Fixed Ecliptic plane, its motion would be a steady one of the same period as
the Pole. This line of intersection is the Equinox, 0° Aries-Libra, which forms the start and
midpoint of our Moving Zodiac. It moves backward because the Equator is shifting its
position in space, due to the slow gyration or nodding motion of the Precessing Polar Axis.
However, the Ecliptic plane is not fixed. The precessing of the Ecliptic with respect to the
Invariable Plane, is analogous to the motion of the Earth's Equator with respect to the
Ecliptic. In addition it librates, or tilts slowly back and forth, with respect to the Invariable
Plane. This has the effect of slightly changing the backward rate of motion of 0° Aries - the
Equinox: now speeding it, and again retarding it. The variation is such that the general
Precession - the actual as opposed to the Mean motion of the Equinox - can be plus or minus,
by 281.2y, that of the Soli-Lunar Precession of 25,694.8y. Thus it can occur at rates of from
25,413.6y to 25,976 1/2 years. Observe that this range of variation includes: the present rate,
25,868y; the period mentioned by Plato, 25,920 years; and that memorialized in the Great
Pyramid of the Egyptians, 25,827½y.
Another effect of this variation is the lag and lead, plus or minus 3°56', of the variable
Equinox with respect to the steady poles. As the line of intersection of Ecliptic and Invariable
Plane was at right angles to that of the Equinox at the time of Christ, this discrepancy had its
maximum value and the Equinox led the pole. If we count back about 281 years before the
three year Mission of Christ ended in the Crucifixion and Resurrection, 28 A.D., we reach
early 254 B.C. as the approximate time when the Moving and Fixed Zodiacs coincided. This
is in close agreement with the date 255 B.C., given by Gerald Massey, based on his extensive
knowledge of Hebraic and Egyptian Culture. This may be regarded as a period of transition,
whose midpoint came about 115 B.C., not greatly at variance with the date, 97 B.C.,
advanced by Rudhyar, and 125 B.C., by Thierens, for the start of the Piscean Age. It indicates
that on the basis of actual motion the Aquarian Age commenced about 1906, although the
Pole will not reach this point until about 2170 A.D. It is notable in this connection that a
Great Cardinal Cross of the major planets, similar to that at the time of Christ, 25 A.D., took
place on January 11, 1910, with Mars and Saturn again in Aries, and again opposing Jupiter
in Libra; but with the positions of Uranus and Neptune interchanged - ranus in Capricorn,
where Neptune had been, and vice versa. Instead of a Full Moon on the Jupiter-Saturn arm of
the Cross, there was a new Moon on the Uranus-Neptune arm, conjoining Uranus, the planet
of the Aquarian Age, and Mercury and Venus were both in Aquarius and both direct -
significant of the New Era now commencing. In 25 A.D. Neptune, the planet of the Piscean
Age, had the Capricorn position, with both Mercury and Venus in Pisces, and both
The overall pattern seems to piece together a number of factors, and the Precession emerges
as a cycle of great vitality (v. Cycles). The entrance of the Equinox into Aquarius and the
Great Cross of 1910 thus account for the tremendous changes and readjustments now taking
place in this predominantly Uranian cycle of transition in which we live - which gains added
importance perhaps, through the fact that only in the past two Centuries have the extra-
Saturnian planets been discovered. An additional significator of the crucial importance of the
present Era is the fact that the Meta-Galactic Plane, the Milky Way, is crossing the plane of
the Equator at 0° Cancer- Capricorn, thus making another Cross with the Equinox. The Cross
is the symbol not only of crisis and readjustment, but also of "crossing over" from one phase
of evolution into another. Therefore the start (Polar) of the Piscean Age and (Equinoctial) of
the Aquarian Age are heralded by rare cosmic crosses that mark the Epoch as of unique
significance in the evolution of humanity, wherein Man is stimulated by new energies.
Predictions in Mundane Astrology are certainly no more damaging than those based upon
Gallup polls, or the experience and judgment of practical politicians. Even the weatherman is
often wrong, yet he stacks up a pretty good average, but in doing so he uses an efficient
communications system to get advance warning of movements that must have had their
inception in some cosmic condition. Weather predicting is therefore no more and no less
legitimate than predictions in Mundane Astrology. Whether based upon an eclipse path, a
chart of an ingress or lunation, or a national chart erected for some presumed moment of
inception or initiation, and whether or not the predictions are substantiated by ensuing events,
the important factor is that, right or wrong, there is no harm done. Mass reactions generally
follow cosmic trends, for the same reason that only the minority is ever consistently right.
However, when it comes to the individual, astrology cannot be helpful other than by teaching
that man has the inherent ability, if he will use it, to negate unfavorable urges and work in
harmony with favorable ones. For that reason, the future value of astrology rests upon the
willingness of astrologers to discourage anything that smacks of fortune-telling and confine
its use to the diagnosis of conditions, and the giving of a formula of prescribed thinking
calculated to free the individual from subserviency to mere emotional stimulations.
Predictive Astrology. The branch of Astrology that deals with "Directions," the methods by
which future influences are ascertained. The consideration of this branch opens up the whole
question of Fate versus Free Will, and at once determines the difference between the
"exoteric" and the "esoteric" astrologer. The one is a confirmed fatalist who believes himself
forever under the bane of Destiny, with an entire life mapped out for him over which he has
no control: no re-embodiment of the soul, no continuity of existence and with no sense of
purpose - because a cruel or a kind Fate has brought him into existence against his will and
imposed upon him an environment he did not choose. The other is sustained by a belief that
as a man sows so must he reap. His motto is "Man know thyself," that he may choose to sow
in such manner as to reap a harvest of his own enlightened desires. It is from this standpoint
that all "Directions" should be made, and all rules based upon the dictum that while the stars
may impel they do not compel. This presents Astrology as cosmic conditioning, but over
which Man is capable of conscious control.
One supposedly historic prediction that is of interest in the epoch of world history in which
this is written, dates from about 166o and has been ascribed to Friar Jehan; in which he is
reputed, according to CORONET, to have said that in the Twentieth Century "the land of the
Black Eagle (Germany) would invade the country of the Cock (France), and that the Leopard
(England) would rush to the Cock's aid. The Black Eagle would claw its antagonists almost to
defeat but would turn, before finishing them off, to attack the White Eagle (Russia). There
would then take place a struggle more terrible than words can tell, where the dead would be
piled in mounds as high as cities. The nation of the Black Eagle (also referred to in the
prophecy as the country of Luther) would at last succumb and, deprived of all its weapons,
would be divided into twenty-two separate states. Then, at long last, would follow the true
golden age of mankind."
Prescience. Foreknowledge. An excellent word, used by Ptolemy in the affirmation ... "only
prescience by astronomy will afford premonition of such events as happen to men by the
influence of the Ambient." It suggests preparedness for the exercise of discretion, rather than
the fatalistic terror inspired by a prediction.
Primary Directions. Any method, for determining the changing influences of the altered
relationship between the cuspal and the planets' places on successive days or years after birth,
that is based upon the diurnal rotation of the Earth upon its axis, arc known as Primary
Directions. The measure employed is the elapsed time during which one complete degree of
Right Ascension (q.v.) passes across the meridian, or approximately 4 minutes of Sidereal
Time. The calculations are too complicated and too laborious for the average astrological
student. All Primary Arcs which can be formed between the sensitive points in a Nativity
during an entire lifetime are formed during some 6 hours after birth, and are produced solely
by the rotation of the Earth on its axis: the planets retaining their radical places and thus
carried round the heavens to form aspects to the places of the significators. For its reliability
the method is dependent upon the correctness of the birth time to within a fraction of a
minute, since an error of 4 minutes in the birth time results in an error of a year in the timing
of an event.
As actually described by the ancients, the planets, by motion of the Primum Mobile (q.v.) are
gradually carried round the Earth past the cusps of the Houses, and are brought into sundry
successive mundane aspects one with another. The calculation of these aspects and their times
of formation is termed "directing"; the result is described as "the directions in force" for the
calculated time. The number of degrees and minutes of Right Ascension passing over the
meridian between the moment of birth and that when the aspect is complete, constitutes the
Arc of Direction, each degree equivalent to one year of life.
There are various systems of Primary Directions, their one object to determine the times of
events. Ptolemy's system of measurement employed arcs of direction based upon the apparent
motion of the heavens about the Earth by virtue of the rotation of the Earth on its axis, in
which the body of one planet is brought to the place of another in a proportion of its
ascensional or descensional time as measured by its semi-arc. Thus a planet will progress to
the Midheaven by degrees of Right Ascension, while one below the horizon will progress to
the Ascendant by degrees of Oblique Ascension, which takes cognizance of the latitude of the
place of birth. Since a planet must be directed under the Pole (elevation), due to its
proportional distance from the meridian, one on the Midheaven has no Pole, while one on the
Ascendant has the same Pole as the Ascendant, which is the latitude of the birthplace. All
others between the Midheaven and Ascendant, whether above or below the horizon, have a
Pole proportionate to their distance therefrom. Ptolemy confined his directions to aspects
between the bodies and the places of the planets.
Placidus de Titus added mundane aspects. In his system one third of the semi-arc of a planet
was equal to the space of one House. In both systems the motions of the planets are due to the
motion of the Earth on its axis after birth. The radical positions of the planets, taken in
connection with the planet to which direction is made, are held to determine the nature of the
event. The Significators - Sun, Moon, Midheaven and Ascendant - were directed to the points
where conjunctions or aspects would form to mundane and zodiacal positions.
Most Primary Directions can be worked to within 15' of arc, or 3 months' time, by means of
Tables of Houses, provided one knows the Poles of the various planets: the degree of
elevation in the Nativity in proportion to the latitude of the birthplace.
To direct the Ascendant to an aspect with a promittor first bring the longitude of the point of
aspect to the horizon. This can bc done roughly from the Table of Houses for the latitude of
birth. Observe that the passage of the Midheaven is uniform while that of the Ascendant is
Take the Ascendant degree, find the related Midheaven, then find the degree of the point of
aspect and its related Midheaven; whence deduct the difference in time at the rate of 1° per
year. That these calculations involve the use of so uncertain a factor as the exact moment of
birth is a perpetual hindrance.
For that reason resort has been made to easier methods. The method most generally employed
is that on which is based a system of so-called Secondary Progressions (q.v.) (v. Directions).
Prime Vertical. The vertical circle that lies at right angles to the meridian, and passes
through the East point, Zenith, West point and Nadir of any place.
Primum Mobile. The first mover, the outermost, or tenth sphere of the ancients, which in its
daily motion carried all of the fixed stars. It is purely a Ptolemaic concept, exploded in theory
by the Copernican concept of a solar system revolving about the Sun instead of the Earth.
From the standpoint of Astrology, which deals with the effect of those apparent motions
around the Earth by virtue of the Earth's own motion, the concept is as valid today as it was in
Ptolemy's time.
Principal Places. The five places in which the luminaries are said to have the most beneficial
effects in a Nativity; the hylegiacal places: the 1st, 11th, 10th, 9th and 7th Houses. v. Hyleg.
Process. v. Progression.
Profections. A term used by Ptolemy to indicate the successional rising of the Signs, hence
of the Sun and other Significators, at the rate of one Sign per year, or 2°30' per month. First
study the rules for determining the Hyleg, or hylegiacal degree. With that located advance it
30° for each year. Bearing in mind that the year from your third to your fourth birthday is
your fourth year, proceed as follows: Assume a Protectional Figure for the year beginning on
your 27th birthday with the Hyleg at Pisces 15°. 28 Signs minus 24 - two circles - equals 4
Signs, hence the annual Profection extends from Cancer 15° to Leo 15°. The Moon and the
Sun thus become the chronocrators for the 28th year. v. Directions.
Progressed Horoscope. One erected for a date that is as many days after a given birth date as
the native's age in years. v. Directions.
Progressions. Alterations in the birth chart aiming to show the changing influences that result
from motions of the celestial bodies after birth. v. Directions.
Although Alan Leo wrote an imposing volume on the "Progressed Horoscope" he says in his
Dictionary that "the question of the progressed birthday at the rate of a day for a year needs
Progressive Solar Revolution. A map similar to the Solar Revolution (q.v.) erected for the
moment of the Sun's return to the exact location it occupied on the equivalent birth hour of a
date determined by adding one day to the birth date for each year of life up to the year for
which the p.s.r. figure is to be erected. From the computed longitude of the Sun, refer to the
ephemeris of the current year for the calculation of the planets' places, and aspects, Transits,
eclipses and lunations in important places of the p.s.r. map are deemed by some authorities to
have great significance.
Prohibition. v. Frustration.
Proper Motion. (1) Said of the motion of planet in space, as compared to any apparent
motion which results from any movement of the Earth: either axial rotation, annual
revolution, or the motion through space of our entire solar system. (2) Loosely applied to the
direct motion of a planet through the signs, in distinction to the diurnal rising and setting
caused by the Earth's rotation.
Prophecy. The ability to foretell the future. According to occult teachings anyone who is able
to prophecy accurately must be psychically equipped to read the Akashic, or astral, records.
When there is faulty interpretation it is not the astral light which falters but the adept who is
not in tune with the vibratory beam.
Proportional Arcs. Additional sensitive degrees proposed by Sepharial on the theory that
each planet has a point of influence at the same distance on the opposite side of the radical
Sun, Moon, Ascendant and M.C. Thus the p.a. of Venus in 19°, Aries to the Sun in 5° Aries
falls upon 21° Pisces where its influence would be felt when a New Moon falls thereon, or
the directional Moon or transit of any planet. Each planet has a p.a. to the Ascendant and M.
C., making 9 points; also 8 points each for the Sun and Moon, a total of 34. When the
influence of the planet is thus brought out it supposedly brings into activity the affairs of the
House in which the arc falls. It is an extension of the theory of Converse Directions.
Psychometry. (1) The art of measuring the duration of mental processes; of establishing the
time relations between mental phenomena. (2) As employed by occultists it applies to an
adept's supposed ability to weigh or determine psychically the qualities of inanimate objects -
such as metals, textiles, antiques or potentially active chemicals. It is explained as the reading
of the "memory" of innate powers of material things.
Ptolemaic Astrology. A correct appraisal of Ptolemy's work might well begin, not with what
he knew but with what he did not know. From a careful study of the Tetrabiblos, one must
classify his work under three headings: (1) A valid philosophy that treats in theoretical terms
of the plausible value of astrology and the benefits it would confer if properly assayed and
applied. (2) A compilation of knowledge from "ancient" sources, for which he erected a
consistent framework of practice: an excellent piece of editorial work in any day. (3) An
attempted scientific explanation of how and why it works in terms of what was then known of
astronomy and physics.
In the first classification his work is superb. He shows the importance of giving consideration
to education and environment as modifying factors in delineation; of continued study to
establish the actual factors upon which judgment should be based; and the damage done to all
sciences by unprincipled charlatans who use their little knowledge for personal gain. His
contributions under this heading are as vital today as when he wrote them.
In the second classification he shows that while astrology must have advanced a long way,
interpretation had suffered from a lack of knowledge of the mechanics through which it
operates, and this knowledge he attempted to supply.
Of all the theories which he advanced none has been restated more often in contradictory
terms than his Doctrine of Orientality. Even Placidus remarked that "everyone knows how
largely and to what little purpose authors have treated of the orientality of the planets." To
this James Wilson, in his most personal of dictionaries since the days of the ubiquitous
Samuel Johnson, adds that "this may well be the case, when the whole was unintelligible even
to these authors themselves." Ironically he says: "Orientality I do not comprehend any better
than Ptolemy himself, and therefore can say little on the subject." When Ptolemy speaks of
the nearness of Mercury's sphere to that of the Moon, Wilson's comment is to the effect that it
doesn't make sense. No wonder.
To make sense out of Ptolemy's doctrines one must first reconstruct the firmament as he saw
it. Around the Earth were ten spheres; one each for the Moon, Mercury, Venus, the Sun,
Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, in which the planets "struggle against the primum mobile"; in an
eighth sphere, two small circles wherein the beginning of Aries and Libra "trembles and
vibrates" - referring no doubt to the then unexplainable phenomenon of precession; in a ninth
sphere, "a crystalline or watery heaven in which no star has been discovered"; and around
them all, like a steel tire on a wagon wheel, a tenth sphere, the primum mobile, which by its
superior force carries all within it in a diurnal rotation from the east through the meridian to
the west.
Forgetting that which we have since learned, one must realize that all Ptolemy knew about the
proper or orbital motions of the bodies was that they struggled ineffectually against the
compelling force of the "ambient" - which incidentally is a good word. Every concept in his
system is based upon apparent motion - and he did not know that it was merely apparent.
Since the Sun's motion is faster than that of any of the major planets, they did indeed separate
from the Sun in a clockwise direction, rising and eventually culminating at the midheaven.
The minor planets, of course, never got far enough away from the Sun to culminate, so they
were differentiated by whether they rose in the morning before the Sun, or set in the evening
after the Sun.
It is apparent that astrologers, even in his day, realized the increased strength of planets by
virtue of elevation into the Twelfth, Eleventh and Tenth Houses; but it is also apparent that in
trying to explain it, he attributed this potency to their visible light rather than to gravitation;
hence he deemed it essential that the Sun be below the Horizon, so that the planets might
"rise and shine" ahead of the Sun. In ascribing extreme potency to the visibility of the planets'
rays, he could not know that light itself is only a symptom of energy radiation from the Sun,
and that the octave of visible light eventually would be extended to some 30 octaves of
invisible infra-red and ultra-violet frequencies, charging an ambient magnetic field that
envelops the Earth, and affects the lower Earth as well as the arc of visibility.
The Moon was the problem, for with its faster motion it did not separate from the Sun, but
eventually the Sun caught up with it. Planets mounted to the Sun in one direction, and to the
Moon in the other. Only he stated it more vaguely in saying that oriental and matitudinal
planets ascend to the Sun; occidental and vespertine, to the Moon. That is the reason he gave
the preferential position for a planet, as oriental of the Sun and occidental of the Moon. In
these positions it should find the maximum opportunity to shine before Sunrise, and after
This picture of a satellitium of planets above the horizon guarded on the East by the Sun and
on the West by the Moon, represented an array of power - even though his reasons were
somewhat awry. At that, one might be willing to concede something in order to have a
waxing Moon; but Ptolemy lacked knowledge of the Moon's proper motion, hence was
unable to differentiate between the good qualities of a waxing moon as compared to those
conferred upon a weak Fourth Quarter Moon by virtue of the accidental dignity of elevation.
When it came to the Sun itself, there must be a reason why it too was more powerful in the
quadrant between the Ascendant and the Midheaven, so to it was given another variety of
orientality - that to the Horizon, im mundo. It was more powerful in the three houses through
which it culminated to the Midheaven, but since it must do the same thing in the other half of
the Earth as it descended into the west and proceeded to rise on the other side, the Fourth,
Fifth and Sixth were also oriental Houses. Therefore as regards the Sun, it was oriental "of
the horizon," or im Mundo, in the north-west quadrants as it was in the south-east, and
occidental in the other two quadrants.
It is strange how truth persists in defiance of all efforts to explain it - or explain it away.
Sepharial says a planet is oriental when it rises after the Sun - that one needs only to look at
the Sun in the midheaven and he can see which is the oriental side. He neglects to note that
one has but to picture the Sun at the IC to see that it then becomes oriental on the other side.
What Sepharial particularly overlooked was the fact that Ptolemy knew nothing about proper
motion, and that before the Sun did not mean before it in orbital motion in the order of the
signs, but before it in rising as it comes above the horizon and mounts to the Midheaven. All
that Ptolemy meant by oriental he said again when he described a planet as matutine. Wilson
tried to remedy this by suggesting that it was matutine for three signs and oriental for the next
three signs, but obviously it cannot be farther removed from the Sun than 90º, or it would rise
before the Sun, not in the morning but before midnight of the night before; or it would not set
until after midnight, which would be the next day after today's sunset. Naturally this problem
does not arise in connection with Mercury and Venus, which never get that far away from the
Evidently oriental was intended to apply to the major planets and the Moon; while matutine
and vespertine, which meant the same thing, were intended to apply to the inferior planets;
but Ptolemy lost himself in his own words, and by using both terms in abandoned redundancy
managed to leave posterity in a hopeless muddle in its efforts to find some difficult
explanation for a very simple thing. Both Wm. Lilly and Alan Leo list all of the houses from
the IC to the MC as oriental, yet Leo goes on to add that the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Tenth,
Eleventh and Twelfth are the oriental Houses - which calls forth from Wilson the scornful
observation that a planet can thus be oriental and occidental at one and the same time.
The fact is that none of these terms are of value today, simply because we have better ways of
stating the same thing. Truth born of experience, despite anyone's efforts to explain it, and
aided by Copernicus, has led us to an inescapable correlation between the Geocentric and the
Solar Houses, until today we recognize that a planet in the Tenth, Eleventh and Twelfth
Geocentric Houses enjoys the same added strength by elevation that Ptolemy tried to describe
in his use of the terms Matutine, and oriental im Mundo; also that in the Tenth, Eleventh and
Twelfth Solar Houses they enjoy the strength that he expressed by his terms "oriental of the
Sun." Venus matutine is now Venus in the Eleventh or Twelfth Solar House; Vespertine, in
the First or Second Solar House. Sun or planets oriental of the horizon, or im Mundo, are now
expressed as in either the Tenth, Eleventh or Twelfth Geocentric House, as the case may be.
A planet "oriental of the Sun" is better located by its Solar House position, either the Tenth,
Eleventh or Twelfth.
Another peculiar symptom of the power Ptolemy attached to visi- bility is seen in his
classifications of Beholding Signs or signs of Equal Power, and those of Commanding and
Obeying. The Beholding Signs, those of equal power, were those whose cusps were
equidistant from the Meridian. Both are either visible or invisible, hence equally strong or
equally weak. On the other hand, the Commanding and Obeying Signs were equidistant from
the Equator, hence one was in the light and the other in darkness, because of which the one
above the horizon was Commanding and the other Obeying. Furthermore it has often been
overlooked that this distinction applied only when the respective Signs were occupied by
planets that were thereby configurated, and that the distinction was only a means of
determining which end of the aspect was the more powerful. of course, the elevated planet is
the stronger by virtue of House position - which has naught to do with Sign position. That the
presence of the Sun in a Commanding Sign made it longer, hence conferred upon the Sign a
right to be considered a Commanding Sign, seems particularly naive; and one wonders what
would happen if the Sun chanced to be in a Sign of rapid ascension below the horizon.
Naturally it would make it smaller, but what privileges would that confer or deny? Since the
Signs are of equal size, what he really meant was a House, for only a House could be "longer."
He classifies Sextiles and Trines as harmonious because they join Signs that are either both
male or both female. The square is inharmonious because it joins Signs "of different natures
and sexes." The oriental quadrants are masculine; the occidental, feminine. He overlooks the
fact that the explanation he gives for his pairs of Commanding and Obeying sextiles and
trines would with better logic describe the opposition polarities which in modern practice are
found to possess such validity. The 144 so-called polarities between Sun and Moon, the
importance of which was given emphasis by Alan Leo, found no place in his system. Truly
astrology has made great advances since he gave it the initial impetus that has projected it so
powerfully into our modern world.
It seems that Ptolemy, finding a lot of scattered truths and sundry devices for applying them,
devoted his ingenuity to an effort to hook them all together into a unified system. In this it
appears that in a sense he was a precursor of Freud, in that he seemed bent on reducing
everything to terms of sex. of course, this may not be literally true, for his eternal harping on
masculine and feminine had to do not so much with sex as with the polarity of positive and
negative and the reciprocal action that presumably takes places between adjacent Signs,
whereby each even-numbered Sign complements the preceding odd-numbered Sign. That he
called them masculine and feminine instead of positive and negative, or active and passive,
was a matter of terminology in keeping with the symbolism of his epoch. Even the positive-
negative terminology is not ideal, for it still supports his concept that the even-numbered Sign
is the underdog who helps the preceding odd-numbered Sign to make good on his
positiveness, hence is in an unfortunate position. Nevertheless, since Fortunate and
Unfortunate is a classification that exactly parallels what today we prefer to speak of as
positive and negative, these and many similarly unnecessary terms that only serve to create
confusion might well be discarded.
There is some doubt today as in his day, as to whether this basic distinction is a valid one, for
Ptolemy himself reports that many of the astrological savants of his time rejected the
distinction. Nevertheless, it was essential to his thesis, so he persisted, for only by this could
he justify and explain his system of essential dignities, whereby to arrive at a delineation of
untenanted Signs and Houses. These Signs are not wholly untenanted, for from time to time
they are actuated by transits, and these concern themselves not at all with the presumed ruler
of the territory they transit - but Ptolemy knew naught about Transits.
Since the Sun and Moon rose to the greatest third-dimensional elevation in North declination
in Cancer and Leo, he assigned to them the Sun and Moon as Rulers. The Moon, because she
was moist, was a female, so he gave her the feminine even-numbered Sign; and since the Sun
was dry, hence masculine, he got the odd-numbered masculine Sign. The planets then had to
have two Houses each, so they could configurate with both Sun and Moon; hence Mercury,
which never gets farther away from the Sun than one Sign, he allocated to Gemini and Virgo,
a feminine one for his night house, since the moist night must of course be feminine, and a
dry masculine one for his day House. Venus, which never gets farther away from the Sun
than two Signs, necessarily came next; followed by Mars and then Jupiter - all on the same
theory. To Saturn, which was far away and hence out in the cold, was assigned the remaining
two Signs - but again a moist female one for his night home and a dry masculine one for his
day throne. From this arrangement came the Solar semicircle, and the Lunar - planets in
Aquarius to Cancer "mounting" to the Moon in the order of the Signs, and those in Capricorn
clockwise to Leo, mounting to the Sun against the order of the Signs.
After that came masculine and feminine quadrants, Signs and Houses, and masculine and
feminine planets, whereby any House, whether or not tenanted, could be delineated by joining
them up in sundry ways through this consideration of sex.
The idea that a female is moist is repugnant, and has nothing to do with planets moving in
cycles. He started by classifying adjacent Signs into pairs according to sex "as the male is
coupled with the female" - yet throughout his entire application of the sex principle he
reversed his logic to emphasize the unfavorable influence to which a male planet is subjected
when tenanting a female area - and the reverse.
It is small wonder that Wilson, a man of strong opinions but penetrating vision, said of the
Ptolemy classification of planets as masculine and feminine that "it is an idle distinction, and
no more founded on reason than his essential dignities." Pointing out that Placidus also
differed with Ptolemy in the matter, he remarks that "this is not to be wondered at, when he
differed so much in opinion with himself." Then he adds, as a sage piece of advice: "I would
advise the student to give himself no trouble about the sex of the planets, but to study their
Ptolemy's emphasis on heat and cold, moisture and dryness, may be valid, but can only be
accepted when verified by scientific demonstration. Arrived at by a loose symbolic analogy
tied in with sex, they are unworthy of perpetuation in our modern terminology. Actually they
mean nothing to today's astrology, for through the accumulated testimony of research,
experiment, and observation, we have learned how each planet's influence externalizes; and
whether it does so because its moist nature makes it female, or the reverse, is of no
consequence. Certainly we must reject any such contradictory reasoning as that which makes
Jupiter beneficent because of its heat, and Mars malefic because of its excess of dryness, yet
on that reasoning Mars should become beneficent when below the horizon, for there it
becomes nocturnal, hence feminine.
He said also that in the parts of the Earth "where the Sun's heat is most strongly felt, the
inhabitants are more, disposed after his image." Perhaps that, rather than the hookworm,
explains the lazy South. A fair sample of the wangling by which rulership of the Trigons were
awarded, is that the west should be ruled by Mars, "who delights in West winds because they
scorch the Egyptians," and that the North should be ruled by Jupiter, "who brings the fruitful
showers from that quarter" - to which Wilson suggests that "it would be no bad policy were
the Europeans to assign him the government of the South, which would enable him to
accommodate them in a similar way." His further complaint against this jockeying for
position, as described by Ptolemy, is that "Instead of considering the heavenly bodies as
ponderous masses of matter operating by their sympathetic attraction on each other, they are
represented as school boys always quarreling and fighting about their playthings."
One need not go so far as to eliminate the entire matter of rulerships, but the Ptolemy
explanations cannot well be the explanation. If the rulership system of Essential Dignities is
valid, it is merely because of a discovered similarity of influence that renders one planet more
congenial in a certain Sign than in any other, whence in congenial surroundings one can
expect it to function more advantageously. To expand Wilson's advice: knowledge of the
Signs and planets, of the aspects between them, and of the dominions of the Houses, is of
supreme importance. Superior to Ptolemy's sex method of arriving at the strength of aspects
in different portions of the Figure, is our present method of considering first the Signs which
condition the planets, then the Houses which are joined by means of the aspect. In fact, this is
what Ptolemy attempted to do, with the limited knowledge at his command. His emphasis on
the importance of knowledge concerning the motions of the planetary orbs, of correct place-
time identification of the event for which a Figure is to be cast, and of the then concurrent
configurations, "improved by an acquaintance with the nature of the bodies and their effective
influences" as contributory to a proper prescience of Destiny and Disposition - is something
every practicing astrologer might well take to heart. To apply his advice in the light of today's
knowledge would leave us with a greatly simplified terminology, for into the discard would
go a host of words for things we are now able to describe in terms that at one and the same
time are simpler and more comprehensive.
It is not intended to make light of the contributions of Ptolemy, for his philosophy has been a
beacon through the ages, while his work as a compiler has saved to us much knowledge that
might otherwise have been lost. As to the third category, as initially set forth, it is not
reasonable to expect that correct explanations of and justifications for observed operations
should come from a man, however brilliant, who did not know that the planets had a proper
motion as they revolved about the Sun, as well as an apparent motion by virtue of the Earth's
rotation; who did not know that his Primum Mobile was a mirage; and who had never been
initiated into any of the mysteries that have been unveiled to us by the telescope, the
microscope, the spectroscope, the X-ray and the cyclotron. The contributions he made to
learning, in view of the meagre tools at his command, inspires only veneration for those
scientists who lived in an age when men still had time to think. The fact that a man of his
intellectual attainments found nothing fallacious in the premise that human life and destiny
may be influenced by the motions and cycles of the planets, and their reflected solar
radiations as transmitted to the Earth, indicates a measure of scientific open- mindedness that
is somewhat conspicuous by its absence among many of today's unimaginative and
materialistic-minded scientific pedants.
Astrology has persisted in spite of all attempts to explain it; but in accordance with Ptolemy's
sound philosophy it is every astrologer's duty to avail himself, with the utmost of
understanding, of all knowledge that is applicable to the science, whereby to arrive at the true
and correct explanations which alone can bring the improved technic that will enhance
Astrology's value to society.
Quadrants. The four quarters of the Celestial Figure, representative of the four quarters of
the heavens, measured from the cusps of the four angular Houses. The oriental quadrants
consist of Houses X to XII inclusive, and IV to VI inclusive. The occidental quad- rants, of
Houses I to Iii inclusive, and VII to IX inclusive. If applied to the Zodiac the oriental
quadrants arc from Aries to Gemini and from Libra to Sagittarius inclusive, the occidental
quadrants consisting of the opposite Signs. Confusion will be avoided if the term be applied
only to the Houses of the geocentric Figure. v. Oriental.
Quadrupedal. The four-footed Signs: Aries, Taurus, Leo, Sagittarius and Capricorn, all of
which represent quadrupeds. Those born when these ascend were said by the ancient
astrologers to have the qualities of such animals: as bold as the lion, or as lustful as the goat.
Quadruplicity. The four signs which have the same quality; either cardinal, fixed or mutable.
v. Signs.
Querent. Employed in Horary astrology to indicate the one who asks the question.
Quesited. Employed in horary astrology to indicate the person or thing that is the subject of
an inquiry.
Radical Position. Said of a planet's position in a birth horoscope; as distinguished from the
transitory or progressed position it occupies at a later date. v. Radix.
Radix. 1. The radical map: the horoscope of birth, the root from which everything is judged.
2. The radical or birth positions of the planets, as distinguished from their progressed or
directed positions. Progressed aspects can never entirely contradict or negate a radical aspect;
but must be interpreted only as modifying or mitigating the influences shown in the Radix.
Rahu. The Sanskrit name for the Dragon's Head - the Moon's North node. In Hindu
mythology Rahu is a Daitya (demon) who possessed an appendage like a dragon's tail, and
made himself immortal by stealing from the gods some Amrita - elixir of divine life - which
they obtained by churning an ocean of milk. Unable to deprive him of his immortality,
Vishnu exiled him from Earth and made of him the constellation Draco: his head called Rahu,
and tail Ketu - astronomically speaking, the Moon's ascending and descending nodes. Using
his appendage as a weapon, he has ever since waged a destructive war on the denouncers of
his robbery, the Sun and the Moon, which he swallows during the eclipse. The fable is
presumed to have a mystic or occult meaning. (v. Nodes, Moon's.)
Rapt Parallel. Two bodies, which by Rapt motion are carried to a point where they are
equidistant from and on opposite sides of the meridian or the horizon, are said to be in Rapt
Parallel. (v. Aspects.)
Rays, Under the. In astrology a planet is "under the rays" of another when it is within orbs of
an aspect. Rarely used by modern authorities.
Reception. (1) A planet posited in a sign not its own, is said to be received by the Ruler of
that sign, as if one were visitor and the other host. (2) The condition in which a planet is
receiving an aspect from some faster-moving planet.
Reception, Mutual. When two planets are in each other's sign or exaltation.
Argol and Morinus used a method of rectification by directions timed to an important event.
Hermes observed a certain relationship between the place of the Moon at birth and the
Ascendant at conception, and vice versa, out of which developed the Prenatal Epoch, as
advanced by E. H. Bailey in the 'Prenatal Epoch" and Sepharial in "The Solar Epoch."
Various other methods have been advanced but none has received universal acceptance.
Recurrence Cycles. Periods of time in which a conjunction of any two given planets will
recur in approximately the same degree of the zodiac. These are of value, not only in the
study of Cycles (q.v.) but as a means of erecting a chart for remote periods for which
Ephemerides are unavailable. A fairly accurate list of recurrence cycles, follows:
................................Number of...Tropical
# In the zodiac of precession. * In the fixed zodiac. $ More detailed data concerning these
cycles are appended to the discussion undcr Cycles.
Refranation. A term used in Horary Astrology when one of two planets applying to an aspect
turns retrograde before the aspect is complete. It is taken as an indication that the matter
under negotiation will not be brought to a successful conclusion.
Retrograde. The term applied to an apparent backward motion in the Zodiac of certain
planets when decreasing in longitude as viewed from the Earth. It can be compared to the
effect of a slow-moving train as viewed from another train traveling parallel to it but at a
more rapid rate, wherein the slower train appears to be moving backwards. However, in the
case of the celestial bodies it is not a matter of their actual speed or travel, but of the rate at
which they change their angular relationship.
Retrograde planets in a birth map were anciently said to be weak or debilitated, but a more
logical interpretation would seem to indicate that the influence is rendered stronger, which in
the case of a malefic planet is definitely unfortunate. That it continues to retrograde for a
period after birth might detract from its capacity to incite progress, but if so the extent of
retardation must be judged from its relative nearness to its second station.
It is averred by some astrologers that a planet in retrograde motion partakes of the nature of
the Mars end of the spectrum. This hardly appears a safe generalization, for according to the
laws of spectroscopy a planet moving away from us - the distance between it and the Earth
increasing - produces a slight shift of frequences toward the red end of the spectrum, and with
diminishing distance a relative shift towards the red end begins immediately after the
opposition of a major planet to the Sun, and continues until just before the conjunction; and
that it can hardly be said to apply at all to a minor planet.
It would appear that consideration of this factor involves the direction of the planet's motion,
whether toward or away from the Earth, rather than the character of the motion as either
direct or retrograde. In fact it appears to have bearing on the doctrine of orientality. This
Doppler displacement has been noted in observations of Venus, which indicated that a
differentiation of influence should be studied as between Venus when in motion away from
the Earth, and when moving toward it.
To be able to visualize and thus thoroughly understand the phenomenon of retrograde motion
it is advisable to study the cycles of two groups of planets: the minor planets, those between
the Earth and the Sun; and the major planets, those whose orbits lie outside that of the Earth.
Analyzing the cycle of Mercury, as typical of the orbits of the minor planets, shows this
succession of phenomena:
Superior conjunction, when it passes on the far side of the Sun in direct motion, at which
time it is invisible. Since thereafter it rises after the Sun and remains invisible during the
daylight hours, it becomes visible only after the Sun has set in the west: the Evening Star.
About fifteen days after the Superior conjunction it is at its smallest, a small circular orb.
Greatest Elongation East: Some six months later it reaches the point of the greatest distance
ahead of the Sun in its counterclockwise direct motion in orbit, hence East. At this time it
passes out of its gibbous phase, showing only half of its surface illuminated, yet seemingly
larger and brighter because it comes closer to the Earth.
Enters Retrograde Arc: Some two weeks later it enters the arc over which it will shortly
First Station: Another two weeks and it becomes stationary, in preparation for retrograde (S.
R.) motion. In another two weeks, about six days before the Inferior conjunction, it becomes
a slender crescent.
Inferior Conjunction, when it passes in retrograde between the Earth and the Sun and is lost
from sight in the Sun's rays. This conjunction is shorter in duration. They separate faster
because Mercury's motion is opposite to the apparent motion of the Sun. In another five days
it again becomes visible on the other side of the Sun, the West, when as the Morning Star it
appears before sunrise as a slender crescent, but turned in the opposite direction.
Second Station: Another six days and it again becomes stationary, in preparation to resume
its direct, or re-direct motion.
Maximum Brilliance as Morning Star: Some fifteen days later it is reduced to a broad
crescent and is again at its brightest, now as a morning star.
Emerges from Retrograde Arc: As it advances beyond the degree of its First Station it leaves
the retrograde arc and enters territory over which it will not retrograde during this cycle.
Greatest Elongation West: Although no longer in retrograde it has not yet accelerated to the
extent that it equals the Sun's motion, hence it continues to increase behind the Sun in
elongation and elevation for some ten or twelve days to the point of greatest elevation West
just before it commences its gibbous phase.
Smallest Phase: Some seven months later, about fifteen days before the superior conjunction,
it has decreased in visible size until it appears as a small but fully illuminated disc of less than
one-third the diameter it had at its brightest phase. Then comes the next superior conjunction
and invisibility, completing one cycle from one superior conjunction to the next.
Venus's motion is entirely similar, although the intervals are longer. Where the Mercury
sidereal period is approx. 88 d. and its synodic period is 116 d. the Venus orbit of 225 days
has a synodic period of 584 days.
The cycle of the major planets is not greatly different, except that at the opposition, the Sun
and the planet arc on opposite sides of the Earth. Figure 2, a comparative illustration of the
motion of Venus as an inside planet and Mars as an outside planet, in reference to the motion
of the Earth, facilitates a ready understanding of the relationship of the orbits which produces
the phenomenon known as retrograde motion.
While the Inferior Conjunctions with a minor planet, and the oppositions to a major planet
always occur during the retrograde; the similarity ceases when gravitation is considered,
since at the opposition of the major planet the Earth is in between, hence the planet and the
Sun are exercising a gravitational pull upon the Earth from opposite sides; while at both
conjunctions of a minor planet the gravitational pull from the Sun and the planet are always in
the same direction.
It is generally considered that a transiting planet is more likely to develop its negative
qualities when it is in retrograde. That it is turning back for a recheck of ground already
covered need not necessarily be bad, except for the fact that the future is held in abeyance.
Some people look upon any delay as a tragedy, but the real difference has to do with whose
neck is in the noose when the postponement of execution is decreed. In some cases it may
mean only a temporary delay that is compensated for when the planet resumes its direct
This proximity of Mars to the Earth may be one of the most important of considerations,
since it considerably augments the strength of its reception - what the radio engineer calls
signal strength. Wilson speaks of Mars Retrograde as Mars perigee, and attributes to it a wave
of robberies, vicious murders and calamities. At the Sun-Mars opposition of August 1924
Mars was closer to the Earth than it had been for 800 years.
It should be found, however, that the period of slower motion and of increasing intensity
when the transiting planet is approaching its First Station, and of slower but accelerating
motion after it passes its Second Station, are important arcs, because any birth planet which
falls within the arc over which the transiting planet will retrograde will receive three separate
and successive accents, of the combined nature of the radical and the transiting planet.
When Mars in transit retrogrades over a birth Saturn position, it means that this is already the
second transit of Mars over the birth Saturn position, and that when it resumes Redirect
motion there will occur a third contact. If a contact can be expected to crystalize into an
event, then three contacts can mean three events. Even if one resists the temptations, three are
certainly worse than one - particularly three slow ones that linger and thus burn more deeply.
There is the further and important consideration of declination to be taken into account, and a
parallel of Latitude reinforcing the first or third contact may render one of them more
effective even than the retrograde contact. Thus it would appear that the important
differentiation of a transiting planet's influence requires the dividing of its apparent orbit into
two arcs: that over which the planet will traverse but once, and that which it will traverse
three times in one cycle. These two arcs might be termed the Arc of Advance, and the Arc of
Retrograde. This distinction emphasizes the fact that it is not merely the slow motion of the
Retrograde which is involved, or the matter of replacing steps over territory previously
traversed, but that there will be three separate contacts with each degree within the Arc of
Retrograde, as compared to one brief contact with each degree within the Arc of Advance.
The Arc of Retrograde is thus marked by four points: (a) the Pre-First-Station point at which
the arc begins, when it first passes the degree which later marks the Second Station; (b) the
First Station, where the motion turns Retrograde; (c) the Second Station, where the motion
turns direct; and (d) the Post-Second-Station point, where the arc ends, marked by the passing
of the degree of the First Station.
A further consideration is in the fact that with the major planets the opposition to the Sun
occurs always in the middle of the Arc of Retrograde, while the conjunction occurs in the
middle of the Arc of Advance. Also, that at the opposition the Earth is nearer to the planet, by
the length of the diameter of its own orbit. This is for the reason that at any planet's
opposition to the Sun, the Earth is between that planet and the Sun: while at the conjunction
the Earth is on the far side of the Sun opposite the planet.
In the case of the minor planets, the Earth never passes between them and the Sun, hence they
never oppose the Sun. However, the Superior conjunction which occurs when the earth and
the planet are on opposite sides of the Sun, falls in the middle of the Arc of Advance, and the
Inferior Conjunction, when the planet passes between the Earth and the Sun, is midway in the
Arc of Retrograde.
Modern students take these various factors into consideration in analyzing the influence of a
transiting planet in different portions of its orbit, and in different relationships to the position
of the Earth in its orbit.
By way of illustrating the Retrograde Arc, the data on two cycles of Mars is given:
..Leaves Arc..................4-30...3°14'
Leo.....|...........6-5.......7º36' Virgo
Retrograde Application. Said of a planet which during and by virtue of its retrograde
motion is applying to an aspect with another planet; or of two planets, both in retrograde
motion, which nevertheless are applying to an aspect to each other.
Revolution. Orbital Revolution. (1) Loosely applied to any- thing that describes a circle, or
pursues an orbit, in contradistinction to one which rotates upon an axis. (2) In connection
with Directions (q.v.), the return of Sun, Moon, or any planet to its radical place. Revolution,
Solar. v. Solar Revolution.
Right Ascension. Distance measured along the celestial equator, Eastward from the point of
the Spring Equinox; or, as sometimes described, distance along the circle of declination. v.
Celestial Sphere.
Right Distance. That from one point to any other, in terms of Right Ascension.
Right Sphere. One in which all equatorial parallels are at right angles to the horizon: a
sphere that has the equator for prime vertical, and the poles for horizon. Days and nights
would always be of equal duration. Any point on the equator has a zenith in a right Sphere.
Rising Sign. The Sign or the subdivision of the Sign which was rising on the eastern horizon
at the moment of birth, is deemed to exercise a strong influence upon the personality and
physical appearance of the native. This is subject to modification by virtue of concurrent
aspects. The placement of the Lord of the Ascendant, of the Moon, or of the planet aspecting
the ascending degree, are also deemed to accent the particular subdivision of the Rising Sun
in which the ascending degree falls. Interpretations by numerous authorities are available by
Signs, by Decans and by demi-Decans - both incorrectly termed Faces by some authorities. In
applying any of the interpretations attached to a Rising Sign it should be remembered that the
presence of a planet in the Ascendant will always modify the influence of the Sign itself. v.
Sidereal Time.
Rising Time of a Planet, How to Approximate the. In the Ephemeris note the sidereal time
for the day. If it is for 0h or midnight instead of 12h or noon, add 12 hours. Also note the
degree position of the planet. In a Table of Houses for your latitude, find the sidereal time
that corresponds to the degree position. The time difference between the S.T. of the planet's
position and the S.T. noon position for the day, will be the elapsed time before or after noon
that the planet will rise. For example, on Jan. 1, 1940, the Sun was in 9° Capricorn. The S. T.
of 6h 38m at 24h Standard Time, becames S.T. at noon, 18h 38m. In Lat. 40°, a 9° Capricorn
Ascendant corresponds with S.T. 14h 6m. The difference is 4h 32m before noon, or 7h 28m
local civil or mean time - which varies by only a few minutes from the sunrise time given in
the almanac. This local mean time should be further corrected to Standard Time by 4m per
degree to the nearest Standard meridian. The rising time of any planet can be determined by
the same method. v. Table of Houses.
.......(4) 13h 2m..........(2) 17h 40m
To find the approximate time of rising and setting of Venus on that day:
.....................................................1h 44m
The same process will yield the rising and setting time of any planet.
Ruler. This rather over-worked and at times loosely-applied term is principally concerned
with a schematic arrangement of the Signs, whereby certain planets are deemed to have
special potency or congeniality in a certain sign or signs. The entire subject of rulership is
involved in much controversy, particularly since the modern discovery of additional planets
for which there is no place in the ancient scheme of rulerships.
This ancient scheme was based on the reasoning that since Leo is deemed the most regal of
the signs, the Sun must naturally be its ruler. Similarly Cancer, as the most maternal of signs,
should be ruled by the Moon. The planets, beginning with Mercury and moving outward from
the Sun, were then ascribed to the next adjacent pairs: Mercury, to Gemini and Virgo; Venus,
to Taurus and Libra; Mars, to Aries and Scorpio; Jupiter, to Sagittarius and Pisces; and
Saturn, to Capricorn and Aquarius. A planet in a sign of which it is the Ruler is said to be in
its own sign. In the case of the dual rulerships, the Positive sign is its "day home" and the
Negative sign its "night home." The use of "day house" is unfortunate in that "house" is a
subdivision of a 24-hour orbit, while the sign over which the planet is presumed to rule is a
subdivision of a 365-day orbit.
Many modern authorities have broken down this scheme by ascribing Uranus to the rulership
or co-rulership of Aquarius, Neptune to Pisces, and Pluto variously to Aries or Scorpio.
Others deem these distant planets to represent a second octave, indicating higher concepts,
and conferring greater possibilities upon those sufficiently developed to be able to handle a
high-tension current, but threatening catastrophe to elemental and undisciplined types. On
this theory, Uranus would be the super-ruler of Gemini and Virgo; Neptune of Taurus and
Libra; and Pluto of Aries and Scorpio - leaving the second octave planets of Jupiter and
Saturn yet to be discovered.
The use of "ruler" in connection with the Houses, is confusing, and the rule generally
recommended is: "Lord of a House; Ruler of a Sign." As indicating anatomical and
geographical areas it is more precise to say "has dominion over" than to say "ruled by."
The Lord of a House is deemed to be the Ruler of the Sign that occupies the cusp. The Lord
of the Nativity, or as often termed the Ruler of the Horoscope, is variously the most strongly
placed planet in the map, especially that planet which is in the First House and close to the
ascending degree. Lacking a planet so placed, the Ruler of the ascending sign is the Lord of
the Nativity.
It is presumed by some that the Arabians employed a system of House rulerships which
consists of the planets arranged in converse order: the Sun as Lord of the First House; Moon,
of the Twelfth; Mercury, the Eleventh; Venus, the Tenth; Mars, the Ninth; Jupiter, the Eighth;
Saturn, the Seventh; Uranus, the Sixth; Neptune, the Fifth; Pluto, the Fourth; with three as yet
undiscovered planets for the remaining Houses.
The commonly observed rules for determining the Lord of the Nativity are: (1) If the Lord of
the Ascendant is poorly aspected and in an uncongenial sign, a more elevated planet should
be considered, if there be such. (2) If the Lord of the Ascendant is strongly placed and well
aspected, but there is another planet which by position and aspects is deemed of equal power,
both planets may be considered as co-rulers in a dual Lordship. Some deem that with an
Aquarian Ascendant, Saturn and Uranus are co-rulers of the map; and that a Piscean
Ascendant makes Jupiter and Neptune co-rulers - because these are major planets and
exceedingly strong. (3) If the choice is between two planets of which one is more afflicted
than the other, the afflicted planet is to be selected - in that unfavorable aspects are positive
and favorable aspects negative. (4) If the Lord of the Ascendant is weak, the Ruler of the Sun
sign may be the Lord of the Nativity, if it is in powerful aspect to the Sun and Moon. (5)
Either Sun or Moon may be the Lord of the Nativity if strongly placed and in the sign of its
Rulership or Exaltation. (6) An Exalted planet is generally deemed to be a co-ruler. (7) The
Ruler of an intercepted sign in the First House is generally accepted as a co-ruler - after such
time as by progression the cusp will have advanced into the intercepted sign. (8) Accidental
Dignities are deemed to outweigh Essential Dignities, especially where a planet occupies the
Tenth House.
Conditions affecting the Ruler of the Sign on the cusp of a House, or of the Sign intercepting
a House, are of secondary importance to the influence of a planet actually posited in the
House. However, the considerations affecting the Ruler are consulted for testimony
concerning a House in which no planet is posited, on the principle that the planet's dignity
with reference to a house on the cusp of which its sign appears, persists even though its owner
may be absent. v. Dignities.
Rulership, Geographical. For the interpreting of Horary figures, certain countries and cities
are said to be under the rulership of different signs. The following list is from Alan Leo, a
British authority:
ARIES: Britain, Denmark, Galitia, Germany, Lithuania, Lower Poland, Palestine, Syria.
TAURUS: Azerbaijan, Asia Minor, Caucasus, Georgia, Holland, Ire- land, Mozendaran,
Persia, Poland, White Russia.
GEMINI: Armenia, Belgium, Brabant, Egypt (Lower), England (West), Flanders, Lombardy,
Sardinia, Tripoli, United States.
VIRGO: Assyria, Babylon, Candia, Corinth, Crete, Croatia, Mesopotamia, Morea, Silesia
(Lower), Switzerland, Thessaly, Turkey.
LIBRA: Argentina, Austria, China, Egypt, Japan, Livonia, Savoy, Thibet, Burma.
SCORPIO: Algeria, Barbary, Bavaria, Catatonia, Fez, Judea, Jutland, Morocco, Norway.
PISCES: Asia (Southern), Africa (North), Sahara Desert, Calabria, Egypt, Galicia (Spain),
Nubia, Normandy, Portugal.
VIRGO: Basle, Bagdad, Cheltenham, Heidelburg, Jerusalem, Lyons, Navarre, Padua, Paris,
Rulership of American Cities. Opinion concerning the rulership of cities in the United States
is not always unanimous. The following rulerships are taken from various sources. Those
marked by an asterisk are deemed slightly conjectural by one American writer, Charles Bates,
who has devoted considerable research to the subject.
...Baltimore, Md.......Scorpio*
...Los Angeles.........Libra........Virgo
...New Orleans.........Scorpio*
...New York............Cancer.......Taurus
...St. Louis...........Taurus.......Aquarius
...San Francisco.......Scorpio#
...Washington, D.C.....Scorpio......Virgo
Saros. (1) A Chaldean and Babylonian interpretation of a cycle of 60 days as 60 years. (2) 60 sixties, or 3,600.
(3) A lunar cycle of 6,585.32 days - 223 lunations; or 18 years, 11 1/3 days. In this period the centers of Sun
and Moon return so nearly to the same relative places that the eclipses of the next period recur in approximately
the same sequence - but with their zone of visibility shifted 120° to the Westward. (v. Eclipses.)
Because the Node recedes 19.5 a year, the Sun meets the same Node in 346.62 days - the eclipse year. As this
does not coincide with the Lunar periods, the Sun moves past the node a degree a day for as many days as it
takes for the Moon to reach a conjunction or opposition. Thus either a Solar or Lunar Eclipse may occur before
or after the Sun reaches the Node, or both before and after. If the Lunation occurs within 2 or 3 days before or
after the Sun reaches the Node there may be no accompanying Lunar Eclipse, as on Dec. 3, 1918 and May 29,
1919 (Saros Series 11).
If the Lunation or Full Moon occurs from 4 to 9 days before the Sun reaches the Node, there will be a Lunar
Eclipse followed by a Solar Eclipse, or the reverse. If the Lunation occurs from 10 to 12 days before the Sun
reaches the Node there may be a series of three Eclipses: a Solar before the Node, a Lunar at the Node, and
another Solar when the Sun has passed beyond the Node. Associated with this are certain values:
...242 returns of the Moon to a particular Node.......6585.36
....19 returns of the Sun to the same Node............6585.78
Saturn chasing the Moon. This is one of the most powerful of Saturnian conditions. Since the progressed
Moon takes twenty-eight and Saturn thirty years to complete the circle, the two may in rare cases,
approximately coincide. An affliction of the Moon by Saturn is of itself one of the most unfortunate of aspects;
for when the aspect is close and the progressing Moon moves at about the same rate as Saturn, a transit of
Saturn to the Moon can persist indefinitely - often for a lifetime: thus resulting in a double affliction. However,
the condition can occur only where the Moon at birth is in conjunction, square or opposition to Saturn.
Saturnine. One of a dour disposition - a meaning borrowed wholly from Astrology, which defines it as one
who has a strong Saturn accent.
Saturnalia. The Roman festival of Saturn which annually on Dec. 17 began a week of feasting.
Satellite. A planet or moon that revolves about another. The Moon is a satellite of the Earth; and according to
Newton, both are satellites of the Sun. In modern Astrology it is confined to a body which revolves around one
of the planets in our solar system.
Satellitium. Stellium. A group of five or more planets in one Sign or House. In an angle it portends great
changes of fortune, the good and the bad coming in patches. Heavy falls are succeeded in due course by a
spectacular comeback, and vice versa. Such persons usually have many acquaintances, but few real friends.
They can hardly fail of considerable recognition at some periods of their lives.
Secondary Progressions. Zodiacal aspects formed by the orbital motions of the planets on successive days
after birth, each day accounted the equivalent of one year of life. Aspects are calculated to the birth positions of
the luminaries, planets and angles, and mutual aspects are formed between the progressed planets. The
application of this system of forecasting future conditioning that may be expected to crystallize in events,
involves the directing of the Midheaven, Ascendant and the Sun by their natural progress in the heavens after
birth. The Sun and the Midheaven progress at an average rate of 59'08" per day (the so-called "Naibod Arc"),
to form aspects to the radical positions of the planets, while the planets move at varying rates to form aspects to
the radical positions of the Significators. The most dependable factor in Secondary Progressions is the
advancing of the progressed Moon, forming aspects to the radical and progressed places of the planets and to
the places of the Significators, which are interpreted according to the places in which the aspects fall by Sign
and House.
With specific reference to the progressions of the Moon it is generally considered: that such aspects produce
strong though gradual effects of about one month's duration; that the month when the progressed Moon is
approaching a square to her own radical place is generally marked by accidents and infirmities, the next
preceding semi-square usually giving an indication of the nature of the crisis or physical ailment that can be
expected to develop; that trine and sextile aspects of the transitory and of the progressed Moon to the radical
Moon generally outline favorable days and months; and that square and opposition aspects also strongly
influence and that adversely, forming critical periods around the 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th day and year.
In general it is held that directions act in terms of the Radix and that when the Nativity is unfortunate no
favorable direction can have the same efficacy as an adverse one; and vice versa when the Nativity is fortunate.
In other words, the accidental good cannot overcome the radical evil. (v. Radix System.)
The revised Sepharial Dictionary defines Secondary Progressions somewhat misleadingly as those based upon
the progress of the Moon in the zodiac. However, the aspects formed by the Moon in the Secondary system are
important, and some authorities hold that unless they are of the same nature as the Primary Directions, hence
tend to strengthen their operation, the primary directions will have little effect; but when they do coincide, a
decided influence will be traceable in the life of the person whose chart is under consideration. According to
this a Primary Direction would not function until such time as the progressed Moon forms an aspect of a
similar nature. v. Directions.
In calculating Progressions by the system of taking the positions of the planets as given in the Ephemeris for
the next day following birth, as the equivalent of their progressed positions at the end of the first year of life,
use may be made of this table. [Apolo's Note: 'd.' means 'day'; 'h.' means 'hour(s)'; 'm.' means 'minute(s)'; 's.'
means 'second(s)'.]
......1 d. = 1 year
......2 h. = 1 month
.....30 m. = 1 week
......4 m. = 1 day
......1 m. = 6 hours
.....10 s. = 1 hour
......1 s. = 6 minutes
Seer. One who sees; a crystal gazer; a person endowed with second sight; one who foresees future events - a
prophet; astrologically, one whose extra-sensory perceptions enable him to vizualize the ultimate effects that
will result from the cosmic causes portrayed in a birth Figure.
Semi-Arc. That portion of a celestial body's apparent daily travel, during which it remains above the horizon,
from its rising to its setting, is called its diurnal arc; hence half of the arc, from horizon to midheaven, is its
Diurnal Semi-Arc. The other half, most of which is under the earth, is its nocturnal arc, and half of it becomes
the Nocturnal Semi-Arc. The Sun's semi-arc, diurnal or nocturnal, when in 0° Aries or 0° Libra, is six hours or
90° all over the Earth. At other seasons the one is greater or less than the other, according to the time of the
year and the latitude of the place. The greatest discrepancy occurs where the N. or S. latitude is high, and when
the Sun is in 0° Cancer or 0° Capricorn. The semi-arc is usually measured in degrees of R. A. passing over the
Meridian; although it can be expressed in terms of time.
Seven. Anciently the number of the bodies presumed to make up our solar system, to which number was
ascribed a magical significance. Identified with them were the days of the week and the seven notes of the
Diatonic scale. In 1666 Newton ascribed to them the seven hues of the spectrum.
The seven deadly sins of the ancient theologians were said to have been of astrological origin: Pride, Jupiter;
covetousness, Saturn; lust, Venus; wrath, Mars; gluttony, Mercury; envy, Moon; indolence, Sun.
Also the seven virtues: Chastity, Moon; love, Venus; courage, Mars; faith, Jupiter; hope, Sun; wisdom,
Mercury; and prudence, Saturn.
There were also seven wise men of Greece; the seven-fold Amen; the Seven Wonders of the World; the Book
of the Seven Seals (Rev. 5,5), and the seven angels (Rev. 5,8).
The Seven against Thebes were the seven heroes who undertook an expedition to aid Polynices against his
brother Eteoclus. The oracle promised success to whichever brother Oedipus favored; but he cursed both, and
the brothers slew each other.
Seven has been explained as compounded of "The Ternary of God and the Quarternary of the world," as
representing "three-fold and four-fold happiness," making 3 + 4 = 7 a sacred number: a reference to the 4
quadruplicities and the 3 triplicities. Any multiple of seven became a "great number": a jubilee year of
Since every seventh year from time immemorial was believed to form some material alteration, it has been
observed in some professions as a sabbatical year of rest, comparable to the seventh day on which the Creator
rested from his labors - as recounted in the Book of Genesis. For the Seven Ages of Man, v. Planetary, Ages of
Sextiles. A body sextiles another toward which it is approaching from a distance of from 53º to 60º.
Sidereal Clock. A clock found in every astronomical observatory, which is set to register oh om os when 0°
Aries is on the Zenith. Formerly a noon point, but since 1925 a midnight point, it moves forward in the zodiac
by 1°, or 4 minutes, each day, hence the Sidereal Time at noon (or midnight if since 1925) on any day shows
what sign and degree is on the M.C. at that particular moment. For example, ST at 0h, or midnight, on May 1,
1945 is 14h 34m 14s: approx. 874m / 4 = 218 degrees = approx. 8° Scorpio on M.C. The Sidereal Clock
indicates 24h, while the solar chronometer registers 23h 56m 4.0906s of Mean Solar Time. It does not register
A.M. or P.M., but divides the dial into 24 hourly periods. The so-called Army and Navy time of World War 11
indicates the eventual universal use of the same system applied to solar time, whereby for example, 2 P.M. will
be known as 1400.
After the Sidereal clock has been set at 0h to coincide with the moment of the Earth's crossing the intersecting
point of the Ecliptic and Equator, the next noon it will read something like 12:04 - the distance the Earth has
travelled in orbit in one solar day, shown in units of time. Thus each successive day at noon it shows the
cumulative amount of the Earth's orbital travel since noon on the day of the equinox. Thereby sidereal time
becomes the hour angle of the Vernal Equinox, and the Earth's position at Greenwich Noon on any day can be
expressed in terms of hours, minutes and seconds. Its position along the ecliptic is expressed in degrees and
minutes of longitude, and along the equator in degrees and minutes of Right Ascension.
Sidereal Day. The interval between two successive transits of the first point of Aries over the upper meridian
of any place. The Sidereal Day is equal to 23h 56m 4.09s of mean solar time, and it has sidereal hours, each of
60 sidereal minutes, each minute of 60 sidereal seconds.
Sidereal Time. A method of time-reckoning based upon the period elapsing between two successive passages
of some particular star, taken as a fixed celestial point, over a given point on the circumference of the Earth.
During one such rotation the Sun's apparent orbital travel has amounted to approximately 1°, hence the return
of a given point on the Earth to the same relationship with the Sun requires added travel to the extent of 1° of
arc or 4 minutes of time. Thus each calendar anniversary shows an annual net gain of 1°, which is the basis of
all systems of progressed influences. The S.T. at any moment is the angular distance along the Ecliptic from 0°
Aries, the point of the Spring Equinox, to the meridian of a given place at noon on a given day, expressed in h.
m. s. The Right Ascension of the Meridian (RAMC) is a similar angular distance along the Equator expressed
in degrees and minutes of arc.
When the Spring equinoctial point is on the observer's meridian it is S.T. 0h. When that degree has moved 15°
it is 1h S.T. Thus the time required for the equinoctial degree to move to a certain advanced position becomes
the unit through which that position is expressed. To determine the sidereal time for a given moment at a
certain place, take from the ephemeris the ST for that date and apply certain corrections, viz.: If the ephemeris
is for any other meridian than Greenwich make sure to take that into account, adding or subtracting your
distance from this meridian, not from Greenwich; also add or subtract 12 hours if you are calculating your time-
interval from midnight.
Additions to this S.T. for stations west of the zone meridian are made in degrees expressed in solar mean time,
four minutes for each degree, which must be further converted by adding 0s.657 for each degree to reduce the
additions to sidereal time. The hours added for the elapsed time since oh must also be adjusted in the same
proportion. v. Time.
Sign. One of the Twelve Signs of the Zodiac. The annual revolution of the Earth round the Sun is divided into
the 360° of a circle, a division that mathematically and astronomically is universally accepted. The
subdivisions of the circle into 12 equal arcs, distinguished by names, are known as the Signs of the Zodiac.
They no longer bear any relationship to the constellations of the same name.
These arcs are measured from the point where the Sun crosses the celestial equator at the beginning of Spring
on or about March 21st each year. As this is coincidental with the position of the Earth's axis at right angles to
the radius of its orbit, the days and nights are of equal duration all over the Earth. The point is termed the
Vernal Equinox. That the Zodiacal year seems at one period of history to have begun with Taurus indicates that
these records date from between 2,000 and 4,000 B.C., during which period the equinoctial point fell in Taurus.
The further fact that the Equinox still continues to fall in 0° Aries indicates that at some time since the
beginning of the Christian era the fixed Zodiac of constellations was abandoned and the names reapplied to a
moving Zodiac based upon the equinoctial point, then recognized as the beginning of the astrological year. The
year's arc of precession was thus ignored - an annual loss of a moment of time that shows up in no calculation
at present in use, other than in a consideration of the Precession of the equinoctial point and the one degree
revision of star positions every seventy years.
Can it be that our only record of one of these early readjustments of the calendar is that of Joshua having
commanded the Sun to stand still?
Thus for at least 40 centuries astrologers have recognized the receding point of the Node of intersection of the
Ecliptic and the Celestial Equator as the commencement of a scheme of magnetic conditioning. (v. Solar
These are termed the Elements, or Triplicities - since three signs are embraced in each group, as follows:
As the English language abounds in words which had their origin in the symbology of the ancients, the use of
terms such as fire, earth, air and water, do not indicate any present-day adherence to the ancient concept that
matter is composed of these four primary elements. They are merely terms, but as such they appear aptly to
symbolize, now as then, an outstanding characteristic of each of the four basic groups into which mankind is
classified according to astrology. In fact, it becomes doubtful whether this grouping was ever intended to apply
to the elements of matter, since fire could hardly have been looked upon even in that day as a physical element.
More than likely it is a modern misconception of their symbolic interpretation of the psychological elements
discerned in zodiacal influences.
Of each of these elemental groups or triplicities there are three types, or qualities, as shown in the previous
arrangement: the Cardinal or Initiative signs, the Fixed or Executive signs, and the Mutable or Deductive signs.
As there are four of each, these are known as the Quadruplicities.
Another classification into four groups representing the four seasons, is known as the Trinities:
Cardinal Signs. So called because they are placed at the East, West, North and South points of the astrological
figure, hence compare to the four Cardinal points of the compass-the points usually marked by a red arrow.
They are variously termed, the Leading, Movable, Acute, Changeable or Initiating signs or types, and as they
represent the active temperament are said to partake of the nature of the Ascendant.
Fixed Signs, because they represent a balance of conflicting forces, are more uniformly referred to as the Fixed
or Grave signs or Executive types; although occasionally referred to as the "foundation" signs - those which
most distinctly typify each element, because of which they were said to have been dominant in the formulation
of the Mosaic laws. They have also been called the Seismic or "earthquake" signs, on the assumption that
earthquakes most frequently occur when the Sun or Moon is in a Fixed sign. They are the power-houses of the
zodiac - reservoirs of energy; the Formators of the Chaldeans, the Cherubim of the Hebrews - the builders of
the world. The fixed sign tenacity is depended upon to support or stabilize the leading signs.
Mutable Signs, representing the arcs in which there is a perpetual condition of slowing down in readiness to
turn a corner; a mobilization for action, and the indecision which results or accompanies it; were symbolized by
concepts which would express this duality - the twins, the two deep-water sea-horses, or the half-man, half-
horse of the Archer; hence also called the Dual or the Double-bodied Signs; and by some, the Common or
Flexed Signs. They are the minds of their Triplicity, with their quickness and versatility acting as mediators
between the Leading and Fixed Signs. They have been called the "reconcilers of the universe."
The Signs of the Zodiac should not be confounded with the Zodiac of Constellations with which they have only
an historic relationship. Somewhat before the Christian era the Constellations (q.v.) and the Signs coincided.
Since then the Precession (q.v.) of the Equinoctial point has produced a separation of approximately 1° in
seventy-two years, or a total of about thirty degrees in 2000 years. It is not possible to establish with exactness
the date upon which they coincided, for there is no sharp line or boundary between the general areas associated
with the group of stars that make up a constellation, as compared to the Signs which are measured in 30° arcs
along the Ecliptic beginning at the point of the Spring Equinox. Aries 0° is now in or about to enter the last
degrees of the constellation of Aquarius, hence current references to the Aquarian Age; also to the two
thousand years of the Piscean Age through which the Equinoctial Point has receded since the dawn of the
Christian era - an epoch symbolized in the parable of the Loaves and the Fishes.
The four elements go farther than the mere locating of the Sun position. The qualities contained in the signs
positing the Moon and the planets are gradually developed by every stimulation that reaches the native through
these points of receptivity. Every planet and every angle, as it passes over each birth sensitivity, results in an
accent. This means that each of a dozen points of receptivity are daily stimulated by an accent from each of a
dozen points of electro-magnetic radiation, resulting in something like 144 daily accents - not counting the
changes resulting from the orbital motion of each energy-radiating body. That is why planets well distributed
among signs of the different elements, produce the well-rounded individual. The Greek philosophers built on
this basis their thesis that the whole man consisted of the interweaving of the four categories, into one of which
can be placed every human activity. These are:
The terminology of the trigons, or triplicities of Elements, is universal: fire, water, air and earth; although some
moderns prefer to call them the Inspirational, Emotional, Mental and Practical Natures.
These four Elements, as represented by the fixed type of each group, are symbolized in the figures of the
Cherubim, and in the Assyrian "winged lion." Also in the Egyptian Sphynx, in which the Bull's body (Taurus),
the Lion's paws and tail (Leo), the Eagle's wings (Scorpio), and the Human head (Aquarius), repre- sent the
four types which combine to form the body politic.
They are also embodied in the deck of cards: clubs for fire, diamonds for earth, hearts for water, and spades for
air; the black suits representing the positive signs and the red suits the negative signs.
They are depicted symbolically in the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, and are builded into the Paris Notre
Dame Cathedral, which is as completely an astrological edifice as is the great Pyramid. In Revelation V:7 one
reads that "the first beast was ne a lion, and the second beast like a calf, and the third beast had a face as a man,
and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle." Later on are described horses with the faces of men, the teeth of
lions, wings, and a sting in the tall like unto a scorpion. In Chaucer, Shakespeare and all the writers of the
Elizabethan age, astrological allusions are frequent; in fact, the symbolism of the fixed signs as representing the
four elementary types of the genus homo, are the subject of innumerable allusions in art and literature.
The "earthiness" of the materialistic or practical Earth sign group is quite generally represented by the thick-
necked bull - the Taurus. In Hindu lore the chariot of Vishnu is symbolized by a Bull. The Legend of St.
George and the Dragon depicts the opposition of Taurus to Scorpio.
In Chinese astrology, Taurus was the White Tiger: Leo, the Red Bird; Scorpio, the Black Dragon; and
Aquarius, the Black Warrior - again a "human" sign.
The inspirational Fire sign group are almost universally symbolized by the Lion.
The sympathetic, sensitive and often vindictive, emotional Water sign group are frequently represented by the
Scorpion, not only because of its "sting" but also for the frequency with which it was anciently supposed to
sting itself to death rather than face a ring of fire. It is also symbolized by the serpent - perhaps connotating the
"wisdom of the serpent" of the Garden of Eden. In the Roman Sphynx it is represented by the asp on the man's
forehead. Its "lone wolf" proclivities, and the frequency with which strength in Scorpio is reflected in a Roman
nose - the eagle's beak - have been symbolized at some periods of antiquity by the Eagle, as evidenced by the
eagle's wings on the Egyptian Sphynx.
The intellectual or mental Air sign group is almost universally represented by a man, usually pouring out water
from a jug - symbolizing the giving of the water of knowledge to a thirsting world. The three air signs have
been spoken of as the "triangle of harmony, peace and equilibrium."
Signs, and the Disciples. It is commonly considered from the many New Testament pronouncements of
astrological doctrine, that the Twelve Disciples were chosen, each to represent a different one of the twelve
fundamental types and qualities with a ruling Trinity of the central Sun (the Father) whose spiritual and
intellectual light (the Holy Spirit) reflected by the Moon (the Son) flowed out through these twelve apostles
into all the world-representing humanity divided into its twelve basic types. The disciples considered this order
so important that after Judas's betrayal Mathias took his place as one of the twelve.
Aries: Peter, the fiery, impulsive, changeable, pioneering leader, who eventually became the rock upon which
was founded the New Church "of the Lamb." (Initiating: inspirational)
Taurus: Simon Zelotes, the dogmatic, determined zealot; who was concerned with property and finances,
rebelled against the payment of taxes, and received from Jesus the admonition - "Render unto Caesar the things
that are Caesar's." (Fixed: materialistic)
Gemini: James, "the lesser." Slow to accept the authenticity of the Messiah, but became the eloquent preacher
of the church in Jerusalem, and an active evangelist and exhorter. (Mutable: intellectual)
Cancer: Andrew, the sympathetic homebody, a follower of John the Baptist, whose first thought when he
discovered the Messiah was to run quickly and fetch his brother Simon. (Initiating: sympathetic)
Virgo: Philip, always precise, calculating, enquiring, and practical. (Mutable: materialistic)
Libra: Bartholomew-Nathaniel, the innocently pure one "in whom there is no guile." The tactful, persuasive
evangelist. (Initiating: intellectual)
Scorpio: Thomas, the doubting skeptic, yet bold and courageous. (Fixed: sympathetic)
Sagittarius: James, the great teacher, who with Peter and John became the spiritual leaders of the early church:
the three fire sign types cooperating. (Mutable: inspirational)
Capricorn: Matthew, the tax gatherer, the politician, the one in authority in the governing seat in Rome.
(Initiating: materialistic)
Aquarius: Thaddeus-Jude, who considered the lot of the peasant, and sought to better the living and working
conditions of the masses; and who interrogated Jesus at the Last Supper as to how he would manifest himself.
(Fixed: intellectual)
Pisces: Judas Iscariot, who when he succumbed to temptation suf- fered severe pangs of remorse. (Mutable:
Signs, The Symbology of Twelve. Dr. Curtiss characterized the evangelistic authors of the four gospels, in
terms of the fixed types of the four elemental groups, in this fashion:
.......Matthew-Aquarius........To Know.
.......Mark-Leo................To Dare.
.......Luke-Taurus.............To Do.
In the Book of Revelations we read that by the River of Life grew a Tree of Life and of its twelve manner of
fruits whereby it yielded a different fruit for each month of the year.
Elsewhere in the Bible, which is a great repository of astrological truths, we find God referred to as the Logos,
out of which went four rivers. In Abraham's effort to restore the Logos, we find the symbol of an earlier
Trinity: Abraham, the spiritual father; Isaac, the thought concept; and Jacob, the physical externalization.
Jacob's twelve sons were the chiefs of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. These are listed at birth in Genesis XXIX,
and again shortly before his death (Gen. XLIX). Ezekiel lists the tribes in the distribution of land, substituting
Manasseh and Ephraim, as perhaps the sons of deceased fathers, Joseph and Levi; yet in the last chapter in
listing the Temple dates he employs the names of the twelve sons, as recounted in Genesis. The symbolic
descriptions accompanying the names leave little doubt that they were representative of the twelve astrological
In the order of their birth the twelve sons were named Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Naphtali, Gad,
Asher, Issacher, Zebulon, Joseph and Benjamin. There is disagreement among authorities as to which Sign
represents each one, but none as to the fact that they were astrological. In fact Dan is definitely established as
representing Scorpio in Jacob's last blessing, when he said: "Dan is a snake, a serpent in the path, that biteth at
the horse's heels so that the rider falleth backward," referring to Scorpio at the heels of the Centaur or
It is generally considered that the modern prototype of the tribe of judah is the British nation; of Dan, Italy; of
Naphtali, the United States; and of Reuben, the Jews.
The twelve layers of the foundation walls of the New Jerusalem (Rev. xxi: 19-20) were builded of:
From another period we find the Twelve Labors of Hercules, as emblematic of the tasks which Destiny metes
out to each of the twelve basic types, whereby to attain to an heroic stature. Hercules, or Heracles, is a
mythological hero celebrated for his strength in the performance of super-human tasks, imposed by Eurysthcus
because of the hatred of Hera (Juno) for Alcmena, the mother of Hercules by Zeus (Jupiter). After the death of
Hercules he was deified as the husband of Hebe.
The Twelve tasks are not listed in the same order by all his- torians, and there are differences of opinion as to
the signs to which they pertain, but presumably the hero took the worst traits of each sign and transmuted them
into the nobility of which each sign is capable. The "labors" are:
1. Wrestling with and killing by strangulation the invulnerable Nemean lion.
2. Destruction of the Lernean hydra.
4. Capture of the boar of Erymanthus, when he fought the Centaurs, killing two friends, Chiron and Pholus. v.
Demeter's mysteries (not in this dictionary!)
5. Cleansing the stables of Augeas.
6. Killing of the man-eating Stymphalean birds.
11. Bringing the golden apples from the garden of the Hesperides.
12. Carrying Cerberus from Hades to the upper world.
Sign, Aries.
The Ram. The first sign of the zodiac. Its symbol represents the head and horns of the ram. It is a symbol of
offensive power - a weapon of the gods, hence an implement of the will. The Babylonians sacrificed rams
during the period when the Sun occupied this sign, which occurs annually from March 21 to April 20.
Astrologically and astronomically it is the first thirty-degree arc beginning at the point of the Spring Equinox.
It is the Leading quality of the Fire element: positive, diurnal, movable, dry, hot, fiery, choleric and violent.
Temperamental Aries
Symbolic interpretation: Sprouting seed; fire in eruption; a fountain of water; a ram's horns.
Aries is the embodiment of Self, the will to manifest, the adventurous spirit; desire, initiative and courage.
First Decan: activity, adventure, zeal, notoriety, dishonor, misfortune. Second Decan: noble affections as the
source of power to sway others - the head joined to the impulses of the heart. It is the decan of Exaltation, in
that the Sun is exalted in the nineteenth degree of the Sign.
Third Decan: Propaganda, the spiritual possibilities of the valiant heart at grips with sordid conditions.
Sign, Taurus. The Bull. The second sign of the zodiac. Its symbol represents the head and horns of a bull. The
sacred Apis was presumed to be the incarnation of the god Osiris - hence a symbol of a sepulchre or tomb. The
Sun's entry into Taurus was celebrated as a Feast of Maya (Maia) - our May Day - the Sun represented by a
white bull with a golden disc between his horns, followed by a procession of virgins, exemplifying the
fecundity of Nature in Spring. The Sun is in Taurus annually from April 21 to May 20. Astrologically and
astronomically it is in the second thirty-degree arc from the Spring Equinox, from 30° to 60° along the Ecliptic.
It is the Fixed quality of the Earth element, conferring external will power that, ordinarily passive, and
negative, becomes obstinate and unbending when aroused. Negative, nocturnal, cold, dry and melancholy.
Ruler: Venus. Exaltation: Moon. Detriment: Mars. Fall: Uranus.
........Headstrong Taurus
...Who smiles through life - except when crossed?
......Oh, Taurus.
Symbolic interpretation: The head and horns of a bull; the sacred Apis in whom the god Osiris was incarnate; a
sepulchre or tomb.
Taurus represents the manifestations of the Self, hence his basic possessions, and inherited tendencies.
First Decan: Determination, the soul's exaltation; materialistic and mediumistic tendencies.
Sign, Gemini. The Twins. The third sign of the zodiac. Its symbol represents two pieces of wood bound
together, symbolical of the unremitting conflict of contradictory mental processes. The Sun is in Gemini
annually from May 21 to June 20. Astrologically it is the thirty degree arc immediately preceding the Summer
Solstice, marked by the passing of the Sun over the Tropic of Cancer, and occupying a position along the
ecliptic from 60° to 90°. It is the Mutable quality of the element: positive, dual.
................Worrisome Gemini.
Symbolic interpretation: Castor and Pollux; Bohas and Jakin, of Solomon's Temple; the Pillars of Hercules.
Gemini establishes a relationship between the Self and substance, the linkage of rhythm and form.
First Decan: Mastership, activities on the mental plane, deduction after assimilation.
Sign: Cancer. The Crab. The fourth sign of the zodiac. Its symbol presumably the folded claws of a crab,
probably is intended to symbolize the joining together of a male and female spermatozoa -- as indicative of the
most maternal of all the signs. The Sun is in Cancer annually from June 21 to July 22. Astrologically and
astronomically it is the first thirty-degree arc following the Summer Solstice, marked by the Sun's passing of
the Tropic of Cancer, and occupying a position along the Ecliptic from 90° to 120°). It is the Leading quality of
the Water element: negative, cold, moist, phlegmatic, nocturnal, commanding, moveable, fruitful, weak,
unfortunate, crooked, mute. Ruler, Moon. Exaltation: Jupiter. Detriment: Saturn. Fall: Mars.
...............Hard-Shelled Sympathetic Cancer.
.......Who changes like a changeful season:
.......Holds fast and lets go without reason?
Symbolic interpretation: The claws of the celestial crab; two spermatozoa intertwined, signifying the male and
female seed, implying retirement and nurturing; the crab or scarab.
....................................- Addison.
Second Decan: Revelation, resourcefulness, energy; powerful emotions; the struggle with sex.
Third Decan: Research, curiosity, discontent, restlessness; love of Nature; a stormy life.
Sign: Leo. The Lion. The fifth sign of the zodiac. Its symbol is possibly an emblem representing the phallus, as
used in ancient Dionysian mysteries. It is also an emblem of the Sun's fire, heat or creative energy. The Sun is
in Leo annually from July 23 to August 22. Astrologically and astronomically it is the second thirty-degree arc
after the Summer Solstice, marked by the Sun's passing of the Tropic of Cancer and occupying a position along
the ecliptic from 120° to 150°. It is the Fixed quality of the Fire element, conferring an internal will motivated
by an impulse of the heart. It is positive, hot, dry, choleric, eastern, diurnal, commanding, brutish, sterile,
broken, changeable, fortunate, strong, hoarse, bitter, and violent. Ruler: Sun. Detriment: Saturn. Fall: Mercury.
...........................Loving Leo
...................................................- Aratus
First Decan: Rulership, fiery love, and the desire to rule others; extremes of pleasure whether in love or
Second Decan: Reformation, a convincing leader, given to ruthless onslaughts against his enemies; clear vision
as to weaknesses in politics and religion.
Third Decan: Ambition, a determination to rise in life, at the sacrifice of anything and anybody.
Sign: Virgo.
The Virgin. The sixth sign of the zodiac. Its symbol is probably a representation of the Girdle of Hymen, and
has reference to the Immaculate Conception of a Messiah. It is usually pictured by a virgin holding in her hand
a green branch, an car of corn, or a spike of grain. Spica is a star in the constellation of Virgo. Here was
commemorated the Festival of Ishtar, goddess of fertility. The Sun is in Virgo annually from August 23 to
September 22. Astrologically and astronomically it is the thirty-degree arc immediately preceding the Sun's
passing over the Fall Equinoctial point, occupying a position along the Ecliptic from 150° to 180°. It is the
Mutable quality of the Earth element: negative, cold, dry, sterile, human; also critical, practical, helpful. Ruler:
Mercury. Detriment: Jupiter. Fall: Venus.
...............Critical Virgo
........Who criticizes all she sees:
........Yes, e'en would analyze a sneeze?
Symbolic interpretation: A green branch; an car of wheat or corn; the Immaculate Virgin who gives birth to a
Form and the differentiation of sex. Discrimination through a critical analysis of the fruits of action.
..........But modest Virgo's rays give polished parts,
..........And fill men's breasts with honesty and arts;
..........No tricks for gain, nor love of wealth dispense,
.........................................................- Manilius
Second Decan: Experience, an assimilative mind, skilled in diplomacy; great temptations; powers of
discernment and compassion; love of worldly honor; susceptible to allurements of the flesh.
Third Decan: Renunciation, the Crown of Thorns: work on behalf of others or of science, without thought of
reward; forsakes everything for duty.
Sign: Libra. The Balances, or Scales. The seventh sign of the zodiac. Its symbol, representing the balancing
scales, is emblematic of equilibrium and justice. The Sun is in Libra annually from September 23 to October
23. Astrologically and astronomically it is the first thirty-degree arc following the passing of the Sun over the
Fall Equinoctial point, occupying a position along the ecliptic from 180° to 210°. It is the Leading quality of
the Air element: positive, hot, moist, sweet, obeying: also restless, judicial. Ruler: Venus. Exaltation: Saturn.
Detriment: Mars. Fall: Sun.
.................Introspective Libra
.......Who puts you off with promise gay,
..............Sweet Libra.
Symbolic interpretation: The setting Sun; the central part of a balance, signifying equilibrium and justice.
The sign of cosmic reciprocity, of cooperation rather than competition, of consciousness objectified through
associations and partnerships.
First Decan: Policy, the quality of wisdom; subtlety in public relations; adventurous in human relations.
Second Decan: Independence, strong individuality; exponent of liberty in thought and action; in rebellion
against restrictions and centralized conservatism; espouses progressive movements.
Third Decan: Expiation, a superiority in art and letters; mind often used to enslave others, ending in a fatality.
Sign: Scorpio.
The Scorpion. The eighth sign of the zodiac. Its symbol resembles that of Virgo, but with an arrow on the tail -
doubtless to represent the sting. It is symbolized by the asp or serpent, harking back to the serpent of the
Garden of Eden, and indicating that the will governs or is governed by the reproductive urge. It is sometimes
symbolized by the Dragon, and is frequently linked with the constellation Aquilla - the Eagle. The Sun is in
Scorpio annually from October 23 to November 22. Astrologically and astronomically it is the second thirty-
degree arc after the Sun's passing of the Fall Equinox, occupying a position along the Ecliptic from 210° to
240°. It is the Fixed quality of the Water element: negative, nocturnal, cold, moist, watery, mute, phlegmatic.
Ruler: Mars. Exaltation: Uranus. Detriment: Venus. Fall: Moon.
...................Ultimate Scorpio
.............Who keeps an arrow in his bow,
.............And if you prod, he lets it go?
Symbolic interpretation: The legs and tail of: a scorpion: the tail with the sting, the serpent.
The alembic of the Zodiac, the sign of cosmic purpose, Scorpio is a success Sign. Self-contained, self-centered,
and concentrated, it usually succeeds in what it sets out to accomplish; great personal magnetism and healing
.....................................................- Manilius.
First Decan: Resourcefulness, an excess of creative energy that ever goads to action; creatice imagination;
fertility of ideas; absence of repressions.
Second Decan: Responsibility, restrictions in expression; strong character, for good or bad; vivid passions.
Third Decan: Attainment, the Laurel Crown of Victory. Intense intuitions, vivid ideals, the potency of sex to
stimulate ideals and ambitions.
Sign: Sagittarius.
The Archer. The ninth sign of the zodiac. In Hindu astrology: Dhanus. Its symbol represents an arrow and a
section of a bow, typifying aspiration. It is usually pictured as the Centaur: half horse, half man - representing
the conflict between the philosophical mind and the carnal instinct of conquest; also aspiration supported by
effort that aims at the stars. Said to have been named for the Babylonian god of war. A typical Sagittarian
sentiment is:
The Sun is in Sagittarius annually from November 23 to December 21. Astrologically and astronomically it is
the thirty-degree arc immediately preceding the Sun's passing over the Tropic of Capricorn, occupying a
position along the Ecliptic from 240° to 270°. It is the Mutable quality of the Fire element: positive, hot, dry,
changeable, bicorporeal, obeying. Ruler: Jupiter. Detriment: Mercury.
.......................Pursuing Sagittarius
.................Who loves the dim religious light:
.................Who always keeps a star in sight?
.................An optimist, both gay and bright -
Symbolic interpretation: The centaur; an arrow with a short section of the bow, the symbol of enthusiasm and
effort, aiming at the stars.
Significator of cosmic progress and abundance, that perverted becomes prodigality.
...................................................- Ovid.
First Decan: Devotion, cosmic consciousness, operating from instinct rather than upon advice.
Second Decan: Expiation, a restless search for new fields to conquer; demands work of a definite importance.
Sign: Capricorn.
The mountain-climbing goat. The tenth sign of the zodiac. In Hindu astrology, Makarar - and considered by the
ancients to be the most important of all the signs. Is it possible the ancients recognized in the Winter Solstice
the point of gravitation that controls the Sun's orbit? Its symbol represents the figure by which the sign is often
pictured - that of the forepart of a goat, with the tail of a fish - vaguely suggesting the mermaid. Sometimes also
by the sea-goat, or dolphin.
It is said to have a reference to the legend of the goat and the Sun gods.
The Sun is in Capricorn annually from December 22 to January 20. Astrologically and astronomically It is the
first thirty degrees following the Winter Solstice, marked by the passing of the Sun over the Tropic of
Capricorn and occupying a position along the ecliptic from 270° to 300°. It is the Leading quality of the Earth
element: nega- tive, nocturnal, cold, dry, obeying. Ruler: Saturn. Exaltation: Mars. Detriment: Moon. Fall:
....................Relentless Capricorn
Symbolic interpretation: A goat with a fish's tail, signifying extremes of height and depth; changes wrought by
time; union of the Christian and Jewish religious dispensations.
The sign of Initiation, of Cosmic Order and justice, wherein the Individuality is developed, and humanity
fulfills its obligations to others.
................Siroccos lash the main, when Capricorn
Second Decan: Martyrdom; dauntless, again and again it comes back for more; by indefatigable effort, scaling
heights of success.
Third Decan: Idealism, natural ability to grasp high ideals, and to express them in concrete form; powerful
imagination joined to intensive labor; draws knowledge from the infinite.
Sign: Aquarius.
The Water Bearer. The eleventh sign of the zodiac. Its symbol represents a stream of water, symbolizing the
servant of humanity who pours out the water of knowledge to quench the thirst of the world. The Sun is in
Aquarius annually from January 21 to February 20. Astrologically and astronomically it is the second thirty-
degree arc following the Sun's passing of the Winter Solstice, occupying a position along the Ecliptic from
300° to 330°. It is the Fixed quality of the Air element, in which the will is largely motivated by reasoning
processes - whether sound or unsound. It is positive, hot, moist, sanguine, rational and obeying. Ruler: Saturn;
or by some moderns: Uranus. Exaltation: Mercury. Detriment: Sun.
.................Deliberate Aquarius
The humanitarian principle coordinating spirit and matter, that prompts all acts of unselfish love; that secs,
feels, and acts for others as though all were one Self.
First Decan: Originality, remarkable knowledge of human nature; progressive tendencies; ever in pursuit of
this own ideas; ability to handle people; to impart to others his enthusiasm for advanced ideas and methods.
Second Decan: Inspiration, ability to gain ideas from the invisible; imaginative power; dramatic, convincing.
Third Decan: Repression, reaches highest expression through association with opposite sex; must work with
and for others.
Sign: Pisces.
The Fishes. The twelfth sign of the zodiac. Its symbol represents a pair of great sea-horses or sea-lions, yoked
together, who dwell in the innermost regions of the sea; symbolical of life after death; of bondage - the
inhibiting of self-expression except through others; and of the struggle of the soul within the body. The Sun is
in Pisces annually from February 21 to March 20. Astrologically and astronomically it is the thirty degree arc
immediately preceding the passing of the Sun over the point of the Spring Equinox occupying a position along
the Ecliptic from 330° to 360°. It is the Mutable quality of the Water element; negative, cold, moist, obeying,
fruitful; also effeminate, idle, sickly and unfortunate.
Ruler: Jupiter; or by some moderns: Neptune. Exaltation: Venus. Detriment: Mercury. Fall: Mercury.
.................................Soulful Pisces
.............Who prays, and serves, and prays some more;
.............And feeds the beggar at the door -
.............And weeps o'er loves lost long before?
.................Poor Pisces.
Symbolic interpretation: Bondage, captivity; the inhibition of natural expression.
Silent, passionless, all-comprehending, granting to every creature the power to act according to its development
and capacity. Its imaginative faculties are a great contradiction. The ability to abstract one's self from his
immediate surroundings and throw himself into an imaginary life. often termed the Sign of Self-denial and of
withdrawal; of the Messiah or Outcast.
..........................................- Aratus
First Decan: Verity, mystic, psychic; seekers of truth through psychic faculties rather than through the exact
sciences; detectives of a high order, either materially or spiritually.
Second Decan: Self-sacrifice, lives hemmed around by restrictions, often voluntarily assumed, as the price
exacted by the world for the sake of assisting in its progress; gets most from life through alleviating the distress
of others.
Third Decan: Vicissitudes; sex decanate of the Sign of Imprisonment; eventful lives; wide variety of careers,
recapitulating in their lives the events and conditions expected from other decanates; reach highest expression
through psychic research, and in adopting and advocating a regime that best prepares Man for a life after death.
Signs, Classifications of: There are many groupings and classifications of Signs according to a variety of
characteristics and effects. It must be emphasized that these are not based solely on the presence of the Sun in
the Sign, but may be evidenced in greater or lesser degree by virtue of any accent in the Sign; such as the
presence therein of the Ascendant, Moon, several planets, or a strongly aspected planet. Some of the following
classifications are ignored by modern authorities:
ASCENDING :: DESCENDING. The Ascending signs are those from Capricorn to Gemini, inclusive,
proceeding counter-clockwise in the order of the signs. These are the signs through which the solar sys- tem
bodies approach the North celestial pole, and wherein the declination of the Sun is increasing.
The Descending signs are those from Cancer to Sagittarius.
ASCENSION - LONG :: SHORT. The Signs of Long Ascension are those which, due to the obliquity of the
Ecliptic, require more than two hours to rise over the Eastern horizon. The Signs of Short Ascension are those
which rise in Less than two hours. For example, in Latitude 40°N, approximately that of New York, Leo may
require as much as 2h 45m to rise, while Aries and Pisces may rise in 1h 10m. In the Northern hemisphere, the
Ascending signs are the signs of Short Ascension; the Descending signs, those of Long Ascension. In the
Southern hemisphere, these are reversed. Thus by the law of averages the majority of birth maps in the
Northern hemisphere have an Ascendant in an Ascending sign; while in the Southern hemisphere the majority
of Ascendants are in a Descending sign.
BARREN :: FRUITFUL. The so-called Barren or Sterile signs, are Gemini, Leo and Virgo; and by some
authorities, Aries - with a mild tendency attributed to Sagittarius and Aquarius. Generally classed as the
Fruitful signs are those the Water triplicity, Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, in that the Lord of the Ascendant or of
the Fifth house in a fruitful sign, or such sign on the Asc. or the cusp of the Fifth, are taken as an indication of
the probability of offspring. Taurus and Capricorn, and by some Libra and Aquarius, are classed as Moderately
BESTIAL :: HUMAN. The Bestial Signs are those named after animals: Aries, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio,
Capricorn and the last half of Sagittarius; also spoken of as feral, or four-footed. The Human Signs are Gemini,
Virgo and Aquarius, and the first half of Sagittarius, so-called to distinguish them from Signs named after
animals. Sepharial insists that the first half of Sagittarius is the animal portion and that the human portion is the
last half, and cites in proof Jacob's words concerning Dan. (Genesis 49:17) In a different sense Ptolemy rated
Libra a humane Sign, since he discovered that the Lord of the Ascendant posited in Libra conferred a humane
BICORPOREAL. The Double bodied, or dual Signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces.
BITTER :: SWEET. Older authorities classed Aries, Leo and Sagittarius as hot, fiery and bitter, and often
referred to them as the Bitter Signs. The Sweet Signs, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, were presumably sweet-
BOREAL. From Boreas, the north wind. The six northern Signs: Aries to Virgo inclusive.
BROKEN AND WHOLE. Perfect :: Imperfect. Signs deemed more likely to produce distortions of the body
or limbs, when in the Ascendant and unfavorably aspected, are variously known as Broken, Mutilated, or
Imperfect Signs. These are Leo, Scorpio and Pisces, to which many authorities add Capricorn and Cancer. Any
rising Sign may have its defects if severely afflicted planets are posited therein. The Whole or Perfect Signs are
Gemini, Libra and Aquarius because those born thereunder are said to be strong, robust and less liable to
BRUTISH. Leo and the last half of Sagittarius were so classified, because unfavorable as cots accenting these
arcs appear to produce savage, coarse mannered, intractable and inhuman traits.
CHANGEABLE. Certain Signs were so classed because they are said to change their natures according to
their positions. These are:
COLD::HOT. THE COLD SIGNS: The ancients classed all the even-numbered Signs as Cold Signs, but
most modern authorities list only Cancer and Capricorn in this classification. The odd-numbered Signs were
termed Hot Signs. The modern terms Positive and Negative have largely displaced the designations Hot and
COMMANDING. v. Northern.
COMMON. v. Mutable.
CONCEPTIVE. The four Fixed Signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius.
CROOKED. Taurus, Capricorn, Pisces are listed by Wilson as liable to produce crooked legs or arms when an
afflicted Moon is posited in one of them; yet he scoffs at the classification.
DESCENDING. v. Ascending.
DIURNAL. v. Positive.
DRY AND MOIST. The Dry Signs are Aries, Taurus, Leo, Virgo, Sagittarius and Capricorn; the Moist,
Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, and by some, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.
DUMB. v. Mute.
EQUINOCTIAL :: TROPICAL. The Equinoctial Signs are Aries and Libra: those marked by the Sun's
passing of the Equinox at the beginning of Spring and Autumn. The Tropical signs are Cancer and Capricorn:
so called because they limit the course of the Sun, which reverses its direction after entrance therein, and
thereafter diminishes in elevation. The Sun's passing over the Tropic of Cancer announces the beginning of
summer; and of Capricorn, winter.
ESTIVAL (aestival) :: HIEMAL (Hyemal). The Estival Signs are those belonging to the Summer; the
Hiemal, the Winter.
FEMININE. v. Negative.
FERAL. v. Bestial.
FORTUNATE. v. Positive.
FRUITFUL. v. Barren.
HOT. v. Cold.
HUMAN. v. Bestial.
MASCULINE. v. Positive.
MELANCHOLY. The Earth Signs Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are so classified by Wilson.
MOIST. v. Dry.
MUTE. The Signs of the Water element, Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. Also termed Dumb Signs, in that
afflictions to planets therein often produce speech defects.
NEGATIVE. v. Positive.
NOCTURNAL. v. Positive.
NORTHERN :: SOUTHERN. Northern, or Commanding Signs constitute the first six, Aries to Virgo
inclusive since planets posited therein are said to command, while those in the opposite Signs obey. They are
considered to be more powerful because nearer to our Earth, hence by some are presumed to confer the ability
to command. The scientist who first applied the term possibly and perhaps properly assumed that this portion
of the Earth's orbit lay above the plane of the Sun's orbit. The Southern, or Obeying Signs are those from Libra
to Pisces inclusive.
Strictly speaking, the Northern Signs are those in which the Sun has North declination from March 21 to
September 23; the Southern Signs, those in which the Sun has South declination, from September 23 to March
21. The commanding and obeying appears to apply more properly to Houses than Signs. v. Ptolemaic Astrology.
PERFECT. v. Broken.
POSITIVE :: NEGATIVE, or MASCULINE :: FEMININE. The odd-numbered Fire and Air Signs are
considered to be more fortunate when rising, and are spoken of as the Positive, Masculine, Diurnal or Fortunate
Signs; while the even-numbered Earth and Water Signs are termed the Negative, Feminine, Nocturnal or
Unfortunate Signs. For some untenable reason the ancients deemed the Negative Signs to be unfortunate in the
general tenor of their lives; Capricorn, particularly, possibly due to its Saturn rulership. The extent to which
good aspects from well-placed planets, and the reverse, can overbalance the intrinsic nature of the Sun Sign has
largely thrown these classifications into the discard. Nevertheless it can readily be seen that for objective
results, public acclaim and personal glamor the Fire and Air Signs hold a certain advantage over the more self-
contained and introspective Earth and Water Sign groups. An ancient aphorism held that the first half of each
Positive Sign and the last half of each Negative Sign is dominated by the Sun and thereby has a tendency to
lightness of complection; while the reverse half is dominated by the Moon and tends to the brunette types.
RUMINANT. Those named after animals that chew the cud: Aries, Taurus and Capricorn. Some authorities
advise against the administering of drugs during the Moon's transit through these Signs.
SOUTHERN. v. Northern.
SPEAKING. v. Voice.
STERILE: v. Barren.
Cancer, Capricorn and Pisces are termed Weak Signs; and Scorpio and Aquarius, said to give strong, athletic
bodies, are termed Strong Signs. One can see why Cancer and Pisces, which compare to the Fourth and
Twelfth Houses, might be reckoned weak and unfortunate, but why Capricorn should be so classed is less
apparent unless because of its rulership by Saturn. These terms are little used by modern authorities. Some
class all of the Fixed or Foundation signs, as Strong Signs, in that they confer strength of character, fixity of
purpose, and general ruggedness of constitution.
SWEET. Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. v. Bitter.
SYMPATHETIC. Those of the same polarity, consisting of each opposition Sign: Air and Fire, or Earth and
Water. Some confine the term to those Signs which together form either a trine or a sextile. Planets in trine are
always in the same element; those in sextile, are in elements that are sympathetic.
VIOLENT. Those ruled by the malefics, or wherein the malefics are exalted, viz: Aries, Libra, Scorpio,
Capricorn and Aquarius; also applied to parts of Signs in which are any remarkably violent stars, such as Caput
Algol in 25° Taurus. v. Stars.
VITAL. The Fire Signs, Aries, Leo and Sagittarius; so termed not because they have more vitality, but because
they spend it to excess - hence are often prone to anemia and nervous debility. Since the measure of lung
capacity in actual use is the index to vital energy, one must limit this classification to a certain psychological
quality of vitality or "punch."
VOICE. Gemini, Libra, the latter part of Virgo, and the first part of Sagittarius; so-called because when posited
upon the Ascendant, with Mercury or the Moon well placed and unafflicted, it is deemed to indicate one with
the capacity to become a good speaker or orator. Some authorities include Aquarius.
WATERY. The Signs of the Watery Triplicity: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.
WHOLE. Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Aquarius; also termed Strong Signs, by Alvidas, since
the Sun in these Signs, unafflicted or rising, gives a strong body and greater powers of endurance.
Significator. A planet may be taken as a significator of a person or of an event, or of affairs ruled by a House.
Its strength by virtue of its Sign and House position and its relationship by aspects are then consulted in
arriving at a judgment concerning a desired condition. In general the strongest planet in the Figure, usually the
ruler of the Ascendant, is taken as the Significator of the native. Similarly the Ruler of the Sign on the cusp of
the Second House is taken as the Significator of wealth, of the Seventh House of the partner, of the Eighth of
the partner's wealth, and so on. Sepharial speaks of the Sun, Moon, Ascendant and Midheaven as Significators,
but Alan Leo prefers to speak of them as Moderators, and includes Fortuna. The Sun and Midheaven are by
some authorities deemed to have affinity as Significators of the honor, credit, and standing of the subject of the
Figure, or of the surviving male head of the family; the Moon and Ascendant to have affinity as Significators of
the personal fortunes, changes and accidents befalling the native; Mercury, of his learning, intellectual
accomplishments or business acumen; Venus, of his love-affairs, social arts and accomplishments; Mars, of
strikes, contentions, enterprises and risks; Jupiter, of wealth and increase; and Saturn, of disease, loss, death
and decay. In this use there is danger of confusing the distinction between a Significator, as representing
persons in Horary Astrology, and Promittors as representative of things promised or desired; but every planet in
the Figure can be taken not only as the significator of something, but also as the Promittor of something.
Sinister. A left-handed aspect - not, however, with reference to the proper motion of the aspecting body, but to
its apparent motion. v. Dexter.
Solar Astrology. The presumption that the Solar Horoscope is of value only as a make-shift when an exact
hour of birth is unobtainable, is rapidly giving way to a realization of its genuine merits. Strictly speaking, it is
not an hour-scope but a day-scope; yet it is the same cycle of hour-to-hour dally experiences through a rising
series of sensitive points, whether it begins with an ascendant degree or with the omnipotent Sun degree.
When the Arabians devised their system of Parts, it evidenced a realization of the importance of the
relationship between a planet's position and the Sun's position. The Part of Fortune merely locates in a Rising
Sign Figure the position the Moon occupies in a Solar chart. Similarly the Part of Commerce or Understanding
is the Solar house position of Mercury: the Part of Love, that of Venus; of Passion, that of Mars; of Increase,
that of Jupiter; of Fatality, that of Saturn; to which the moderns have added the Part of Catastrophe, that of the
Uranus position; of Treachery, that of Neptune; and of Organization, that of Pluto.
The Sign positions of the planets are an important clement in any horoscopic analysis and these are the same in
a Solar chart as in a chart based upon an ascending degree. Likewise the birth aspects, and even the aspects of
transitory planets to birth sensitivities, remain the same. Thus the entire daily cycle of sensitive points is
identical, except for those of or based upon the ascendant and Midheaven.
To appraise the relative importance of Ascending degree and the Sun's degree as a point of beginning, consider
the first return of the Ascendant degree on the second day of life: With the Sun advanced to a new position, one
senses the incompleteness of the sidereal cycle, and the added four minutes necessary to complete a solar day.
One must either advance the Ascendant by one degree, or retard the Sun four minutes. The next day and each
succeeding day repeats the process. A year later the Ascendant has gained a day, but while one can revise the
memory of a Rising degree, one cannot order the Sun to stand still.
In a few years the unvarying regularity of the Sun's return begins to exercise a rapidly augmented potency.
Since life is lived by the Sun - the Giver of Life in a keenly actual sense - it is no make-shift that one gradually
finds he reacts less and less to the reiterations of the advancing Ascendant cycle, and more and more to the
eternally unchanging cycle of Solar returns.
This helps to explain why the Rising Sign influence is so largely physical, pertaining to bodily growth during
the first plastic weeks and months of life, and why individuality and character take on the quality of the Sun
Sign as we approach adulthood. It also explains why some young people undergo such radical changes of
individuality on their approach to the age at which they are said to have attained their majority, for when an
Aquarian Sun takes command over a Pisces-rising boy, it is a shock to his family, his friends and himself;
while the transition from a Gemini-rising boy to one with the Sun in Libra is so imperceptible as hardly to
occasion comment.
The Solar chart is in reality only an assumption that to the native of each Sun Sign the independent absorption
of life-giving energy begins with its first sunrise. The cycle of sensitivities which daily passes over the horizon
is a vital experience, but the cycle is the same cycle whether one begins with the Sun, or with an annually-
advanced ascendant. That you eventually count your laps on the daily and annual course by the Sun instead of
the Ascendant, makes less difference than at first appears - otherwise a removal to another time zone would
create a far greater condition of pandemonium, and entail a tar greater degree of readjustment than seems
proven by experience. The Solar House cusps have added significance in the fact that each cusp represents an
aspect to the Sun, in a series that is unalterable and unvarying
Secondary progressions can even be applied to the Solar chart, and despite the lack of enthusiasm with which
some astrologers contemplate the Solar chart, it is doubtful if a tenth-of-one-percent of them compute primary
directions. To what extent the Table of Houses is fallacious, which system of cusp division is the more nearly
correct, whether to employ the Latitude of birth or of domicile, and doubt concerning the authenticity of the
birth moment, are only a few of the embarrassing questions obviated by its use. The Arabian astrologers
discovered the importance of the solar houses, as demonstrated in their system of Arabian Points (q.v.).
As Astrology evolves out of the realm of prestidigitation, wherein it seeks only to impress by the predicting of
specific events, into that of a psychological diagnosis of predispositions, wherein it defineates reactions to
cosmic stimuli in terms of traits, trends and tendencies, the Solar chart wig become increasingly acceptable as a
true cycle of adult experience, and a reliable index to the character development of the matured individuality.
Solar Cycle, or Cycle of the Sun. A 28-year period applicable to the Julian calendar, in which the first day of
the year is restored to the same day of the week. Since the days of the week are 7, and the number of years in
an intercalary period are 4, their product (4 x 7 = 28) must include all possible combinations. At the end of
each cycle, the Dominical letters return again in the same order on the same days of the month. v. Calendar.
Solar Day The time clasping between two consecutive passages of the Sun over a fixed point on the Earth. It is
in excess of one complete revolution, by 1° of longitude or 4 minutes of time. v. Day.
Solar Equilibrium. A term used by recent astrologers with reference to the Solar Figure: one cast for sunrise
on a given day, but with houses of uniformly thirty degrees each.
Solar Revolution. A horoscopical figure erected for the moment in any year when the Sun has reached the
exact Longitude it occupies in the Radix. From this figure and from aspects of Radical planets to significators -
Sun, Moon, Ascendant and Midheaven degrees - in the Solar Revolution map predictions are made cov- ering
the ensuing year. For example, the Solar Revolution Moon conjunct radical Mars, indicates a year ominous of
accidents - especially on the days on which the Sun or Moon conjoins Mars. Also it can be judged within itself,
in which case, current Solar transits should be observed.
Revolutionary Additives. For computing the time of the return of the Sun to its radical longitude, the following
table gives the amounts to be added to the sidereal time of the meridian of the radical map to ascertain the
meridian for the solar return for any given year of life:
.....................REVOLUTIONARY ADDITIVES.....................
..1... 5..49..|.19...14..36..|.37...23..23..|.55....8..10..|.73...16..56..|
Continental astrologers use a table in which the Revolutionary Additives are given in degrees, to be added to
the degree of the Midheaven in the Radical Figure to yield the Midheaven degree of the Solar Revolution
Figure. The relative cusps are then taken from the Table of Houses.
By referring this meridian to the sidereal time at noon on the given anniversary of birth, one determines the
time before or after noon for which to erect the figure, and to calculate the planets' places.
An adaptation of this principle is to cast the Figure for the day when the Sun is nearest to the longtitude it had
at birth, and the hour and minute when R.A. of the M.C. is the same as at birth, whereby the cusps will be the
same as those in the Radix. The one method employs the Sun's position as the measure of time, and is
equivalent to placing the transitory positions of the planets in a Solar Nativity; the other, to placing the
transiting positions of the planets in a Geocentric Nativity. If Primary Directions are to be considered within
the year, from either Figure, the time of day on which the revolution will be complete (either the Sun's return or
the Ascendant's return), and the places of the planets, must be computed with great exactness for that precise
moment. Otherwise it suffices to insert in the Nativity, the current noon positions of the transiting planets.
Modern practice considers that a lingering aspect from a Transitor, a slow-moving major planet in transit, to a
radical sensitivity produces displacement of equilibrium; which is activated by an additional aspect from a
Culminator, a faster moving body such as the Sun or Moon, to the same or another planet, thereby precipitating
the externalization. The interpretation, however, is based not alone upon the aspected planet, but upon the
entire radical configuration in which it participates, and which is thereby altered by the addition of the
transiting planet's influence.
Solar System. The cosmic influences by which a dweller on the Earth is conditioned (v. Cosmic Conditioning),
and motivated, are almost exclusively confined to forces present and manifest within the Solar System, which
consists of the Sun, and the planets which revolve in orbits around the Sun chiefly in response to its
gravitational pull. The Sun is the sole source of radiating energy that makes possible every form of life found
on the Earth. This energy is received, both direct and by reflection from the planets and the Moon. Due,
however, to the varying chemical constituency of the Sun's reflectors, each absorbs certain frequencies of the
Solar emanations, and delivers to the Earth an altered spectrum. The Sun's energy raditaion is estimated in a
continuous flow of 80,000 horsepower from each square year of its surface.
Around it are so far discovered ten planetary cycles, the bodies of which emit no light except that reflected
from the sun. These, in order from the Sun outward, i.e: Mercury, Venus, the Earth, Mars, the Asteroids,
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. The astrological significance of the Asteroid has not received
sufficient study to warrant any judgments in reference thereto, but it is generally presumed that they consist of
the matter for what was intended to be another planet in the vacant orbit between Mars and Jupiter, but which
was dispersed by the influence of the ponderous nearby planet Jupiter.
Astronomers and astrologers have speculated on the possible existence of an intramercurial planet, so close to
the Sun as to be lost in its rays and indistinguishable by any known method - but this is mere hypothesis. As
three of the known planets have been discovered since i781, and Pluto as late as 1930, there is an everpresent
possibility that additional outside planets may yet be discovered. In this connection it should not be forgotten
that Pythagoras, on both astrological and mathematical evidence, contended some 2500 years ago that there
must be 10 planets in the Solar atom. From Pythagorcus came the concept that Copernicus developed into his
heliocentric theory, and that gave Einstein, no doubt, a Vision of the Creator as a mathematician rather than an
In occult teaching there are in our solar system ten schemes of evolution, each presided over by a planetary
Logos. As the ancients knew of only the Sun, Moon and five planets, each system consisted of a chain of seven
globes, and each chain had passed through seven incarnations. Their idea of ten schemes of evolution was a
further prophetic indication of the three additional plants since discovered.
However, with the inclusion of the Earth and the orbit of the asteroids, we now recognize in the solar system
twelve planetary cycles: the Sun, moving in an undetermined orbit around some remote galactic center; the 8
planets, the Earth and the asteroids, moving in 10 channels around the Sun; and the Moon moving in an orbit
around the Earth.
Astronomically the Moon is too tiny an object for inclusion in such an enumeration. Besides, there are other
moons revolving around other planets in our solar atom. Astrologically, however, our Moon, because of its
nearness to us, assumes an importance that is disproportionate to its size, while the moons of other planets have
no significance for us, other than as they enter into the composite ray reflected in our direction.
In this general picture of our solar system we find three distinct and known forces in evidence: energy
radiations, orbital motion, and gravitation.
Considering the Sun, particularly, one must take cognizance of the fact that its influence as a source of energy
radiation should bc entirely disassociated from the influence it exerts by way of gravitational pull and orbital
motion. Experiment with the little ball on the end of a rubber string, and you will find that a horizontal motion
of the hand will change the vertical motion of the ball into a circular motion that can become an orbit. While
the Sun is exerting a pull upon the Earth, it is moving at right angles to the direction of its pull. If in response to
the pull the Sun exerts upon the Earth at this particular moment we were to plunge precipitately in that
direction, by the time we arrived the Sun would be gone. From the continuance of such a pursuit an elliptical
orbit must necessarily result. However, both radiation and the gravitation from the Sun, considered alone, are
constants. To introduce differences in different portions of the Earth's orbit, other and changing factors must be
As to the Sun's energy radiations, we have long recognized the differentiating effect of variously combined
reflections from the planets, each of which by virtue of its chemical components absorbs certain bands of the
spectrum and thus emits an altered ray. Hence aspects are the differentiating factor that alters the constant of
the Sun's energy radiation.
To find the differentiating element in the constant of the Sun's gravitational influence, suppose we consider
relationship between two known orbits: those of the Moon and the Earth, and the Earth around the Sun.
The constant of the Earth-Moon gravitation is altered by the Sun-Earth gravitation whereby at the lunation, the
Sun and the Earth are pulling from opposite sides of the Moon, while at the Full Moon, both Sun and Earth are
pulling in the same direction. Furthermore from the dichotome at the end of the First Quarter to that at the end
of the Third the Moon's travel is faster than that of the Earth, its own motion added to that of the Earth, while in
the other half of its orbit it is traveling slower than the Earth. Thus the dichotomes are the points where the
Moon's orbit intersects that of the Earth.
Applying this to the Earth-Sun orbit, one sees that the direction of the Sun's travel, and at right angles thereto
the source of the gravitational pull that governs the Sun's motion, are the missing factors necessary to an
explanation of the changes of conditioning in the various arcs of the Earth's annual orbit, the so-called signs of
the zodiac, the heliarcs into which the Ecliptic path is divided.
If we assume 0° Capricorn to be the direction of the Galactic Center, then the Aries-Libra cusps must represent
the line of the Sun's travel. The fact is that the Galactic Center has to be 0º Capricorn, or astrology needs
revision. Assuming this factor, let us see what we discover: The inclination of the North polar axis in the
direction of the Galactic Center suddenly appears to have a plausible justification. Also it explains the
coincidence of the Equinox (when the inclination is at right angles to the radius) and the points where the Earth
crosses the Sun's path.
Tracing some of the conditions the Earth encounters in the course of one annual cycle, we see that when the
Sun is at 0° Capricorn the Earth is actually at the opposite point 0° Cancer, hence at its greatest distance from G.
C. From this point it moves toward and in the direction of G.C. accelerating to its maximum speed at the
midway point, and slowing down to a dead center when the Sun reaches 0° Cancer, where it reverses its motion
and for the next half year travels against the gravitational pull from G.C. This identifies four points at which a
motion in a given direction comes to a dead center and reverses itself. From Aries 0° to Libra 0° the Earth
would travel slower than the Sun-its orbital motion subtracted from that of the Sun; and faster than the Sun
during the other half of the orbit. Also that with the Sun at Capricorn 0° the Earth is farthest from the Galactic
center, hence the gravitational pull from the Sun and the G.C. operates in the same direction. After traveling
half its orbit in the direction of the Galactic Center the Earth comes to the closest point where the gravitational
pull from the two centers comes from opposite sides of the Earth.
In the motion from these points of reversal to the opposite points, there can be recognized a division into two
periods: one of acceleration, and one of retardation. The motion from Capricorn oº, in reference to gravitation,
reaches its maximum at the point where the motion against momentum reverses itself; also at a midway point
in that quadrant the second motion balances the first-after which the first slows down to a full stop, and
reverses its direction.
Thus there results a natural subdivision of the year in accordance with this formula:
...............PORTION OF ORBIT.........
|Sun in-............|....................|
|....Aries..........| M c 1 a :: G w 3 r |
|....Taurus.........| M c 2 a :: G w 2 r |
|....Gemini.........| M c 3 a :: G w 1 r |
|....Cancer.........| M c 3 r :: G c 1 a |
|....Leo............| M c 2 r :: G c 2 a |
|....Virgo..........| M c 1 r :: G c 3 a |
|....Libra..........| M w 1 a :: G c 3 r |
|....Scorpio........| M w 2 a :: G c 2 r |
|....Sagittarius....| M w 3 a :: G c 1 r |
|....Capricorn......| M w 3 r :: G w 1 a |
|....Aquarius.......| M w 2 r :: G w 2 a |
|....Pisces.........| M w 1 r :: G w 3 a |
G - Gravitation: w - with, or c - contra to attraction from Galactic Center
M - Momentum:... w - with, or c - contra to the Sun's orbital motion
From this it can be judged that the line of demarcation between any Mutable Sign and the Cardinal Sign which
follows it, is a sharp and thinly drawn line; while those between a Cardinal and Fixed Sign, and between a
Fixed and Mutable Sign, are a gradual merging or dissolving effect which culminates in a complete balancing
of two forces in the middle of each Fixed Sign. Therefore one finds occasion for consideration of cuspal
influences only in connection with the intermediate cusps, in which case the orb should be fairly large - as
much perhaps as five degrees on either side. This would mean that a person with the Sun in 25° Aries or in 5°
Taurus, or any of the degrees between, would be spoken of as an Aries-Taurus cusp; and so on for all but the
Cardinal cusps.
In addition, there is undoubtedly a third-dimensional motion above and below the plane of the Sun's travel.
Latest astronomical opinion is that the 14° band in which the planets revolve is inclined by approximately 60°
to a similar band in which the stars in the Milky Way galaxy revolve around the Galactic Center. This would
appear to indicate that the locating of the Earth's nodes of intersection of the Sun's orbital plane are a third
factor that is necessary to a true three-dimensional analysis of the conditioning one acquires by virtue of birth
when the Earth is in some one of these twelve heliarcs of its annual travel.
There are thus (a) four arcs in which there is a reversal of motion and a new start in the opposite direction; viz:
The four Initiating Cardinal or Leading signs: (b) four arcs wherein two motions strike a balance, the Executive
or Fixed signs; and (c) four arcs wherein a motion is retarding to a dead center, preparing for a reversal of
motion; the Deductive Common or Mutable signs. These three groups of four signs each are generally spoken
of as the Quadruplicities or Qualities.
Another and quite different relationship exists between the arc in which a motion starts, that wherein it is
balanced by another motion, and that wherein the overcoming motion slows to a dead stop. These four groups
of three signs each, are spoken of as the four basic types: the Elements or the Triplicities. These are:
Thus of each of the four types, there are three qualities - Initiating, Executive and Deductive, as follows:
Out of the cosmic conditioning inherent in these formulas, it is possible to deduce delineations of each of the
twelve arcs, that to an amazing extent are in accord with the analyses that are the cumulative result of some 50
centuries of observation.
Solar System bodies: Sun.
To the Egyptians it was Ra, Amen, Aten, or Osiris, each with a different religious significance. The winged
globe in Egyptian art is a familiar representation of the solar orb. Atenism, the first impersonal concept of the
Deity, worshipped only "the power which came from the Sun," and forbade any emblem or idol that would
tend to substitute a symbol for the thing itself. To The Persian it was Mithras; to the Hindu, Brahma; to the
Chaldean, Bel; and to the Greek, Adonis and Apollo. In Free-masonry Sol-om-on, the name of the Sun in three
languages, is an expression of light.
Actually the Sun has no visible motion, although we know it moves because nothing in the universe can hold
its place by standing still. However, ancient astrology dealt with things as they appear rather than as they are;
just as the wind which blows South was to the ancients the North wind because it came out of the North.
Therefore, when astrology speaks of the Sun's motion we must not overlook the fact that what we actually
mean is the Earth's motion which we measure by or describe in the terms of the apparent motion of the Sun.
That the ancient masters knew this, can be seen in the order of the planetary hours: Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun,
Venus - the placing of the Sun between Mars and Venus clearly showing that it represents the Earth in this
The Nodes at which the Earth intercepts the plane of the Sun's equator, lie at heliocentric longitudes 75° and
255°, which the Earth crosses in Junc and December. The Sun's North Pole is inclined toward the Earth by 7°
in July, and away from the Earth by 7° in January. The plane of the Sun's orbit is not known, but since the
Milky Way galaxy is a flat disc of stars it is probable that the Sun's orbit does not deviate to any great extent
from the average of the stars within the galaxy - similar to the orbits of the planets which lie within a narrow
band that extends some 7° on either side of the Ecliptic.
We do know that the plane of our ecliptic is inclined to the plane of the Milky Way galaxy at a steep angle of
approximately 50° hence the three-dimensional motion of the Earth with reference to the orbit of the Sun must
involve a considerable degree of elevation and depression above and below the plane of the Sun's orbit; also
that there must be a considerable declination of the Sun's pole with reference to its orbit, not unlike that of the
Earth's pole to which we ascribe our seasonal variations. Because of this, the Nodes where the Earth intersects
the Sun's equator are not the same as those at which the Earth intersects the plane of the Sun's orbit. It is not
improbable that the latter nodes may pursue a precessional cycle not unlike that of the Moon's Nodes.
The Sun is a variable star, unlike any other star yet discovered. It revolves from East to West; i.e., looking
down on its North pole, it moves counter-clockwise. Its period of rotation at the Equator is 24.65 d.; at the pole,
34 d. Its mean period as seen by the Earth is 25.38 d.; but its synodical period of rotation is 27.25 d.
The diameter of the Sun is 864,392 miles. Driving in an automobile at the rate of 500 miles a day, it would
require 14 y, 10 m, 2 d, to circle the Sun.
Its weight in tons is 2,200 plus 24 ciphers, or 2.2 octillion tons. In bulk it could contain 1,300,000 Earths.
The Sun-Earth distance - 92,897,416 miles - is taken as a unit of measurement of inter-solar system space, and
is known as one Astronomical Unit. Its light requires 498.59 seconds, or about 8 1/3 minutes, to reach the
Earth. To travel the distance by an airplane at 300 miles per hour, would consume 35 years; to walk at 4 m.p.h.,
6300 y.
Hugh Rice, astronomer of the Hayden Planetarium of New York, says, "The Sun is the source of almost all the
power, heat and life on the Earth." Heat reaching the Earth amounts to 1.94 calories per minute, per square mile
of the Earth's surface. One caloric is the amount of heat required to raise one gram of water by one degree of
In terms of power the Sun's radiation amounts to 1.51 h.p. per sq. yard of the Earth's surface, or 643,000 h.p.
per sq. mile. Were it not for loss by curvature and reflection it would amount to 4,690,000 h.p. per sq. mile, or
for the entire surface of the Earth, 127 plus twelve ciphers, or 127 trillions of horsepower - more than we could
possibly use. Actually our absorption amounts to from 0.34 to 0.38 h.p. per sq. yard, or the equivalent of a 60-
watt lamp in continuous operation. When it is recalled that the Earth as seen from the Sun is a point in the sky
apparently less than half as large as Venus when it is our brilliant evening star, and that this is the tiny object
which intercepts a total of 230 million-million horsepower of solar radiation, it becomes evident that the Sun
radiates an incomprehensible amount of energy. Indeed, we find that it radiates nearly 2,200,000,000 times as
much energy as that which lights and warms and gives life to our planet, and hundreds of millions of times as
much energy as is intercepted by all the planets, satellites, and planetoids combined.
Most of the Sun has a temperature of a million degrees. Its energy travels at the rate of 186,271 miles per
second. The Sun's heat would melt a block of ice the size of the Earth in 16.6 minutes; a block of iron of the
same size, in Less than 3 hours. Its heat for a year is equal to the burning of tons of coal amounting to 400 Plus
21 ciphers.
The Sun's Spectrum of visible light extends from 7700 Angstrom units on the red end, to 3600 Angstrom units
on the violet end. An Angstrom unit is one ten-millionth of a millimeter. A millimeter is 1/25th of an inch. A
wave of red light measures one 32-thousandths of an inch; of violet, one 64-thousandths. Hence the visible
Spectrum consists of one octave, although 40 octaves are known to Science. The ultra-violet band extends from
3600 to 1000 Angstrom units. However, the ozone in the Earth's atmosphere cuts out all rays shorter than 2900
A.U. Tanning is nature's way of protecting the body against an excess of ultra-violet radiation.
The light of the Sun is 465,000 times brighter than the Full Moon; 900,000,000 times brighter than Venus at its
brightest. In the Zenith this has been computed at 103,000 meter-candles. A meter-candle is the light received
from a candle at a distance of a meter.
According to the latest astronomical computations the Sun's proper motion in orbit is approx. 200 miles per
second; its apparent motion towards a point in the constellation Hercules is 12 miles per second.
The Moon, reflecting the light of the Sun, emits a degree of heat which can be registered by concentrating the
rays on the bulb of a thermometer. It may have some slight vegetation, but because of the apparent absence of
atmosphere or clouds it lacks sufficient water to support vegetation such as is on the Earth.
The period of the Moon's axial rotation is the same as its period of revolution, hence the same side of the Moon
is always turned toward the Earth. That its orbit was formerly smaller and its velocity correspondingly greater
is proved by comparing records of ancient eclipses to tables based on observation of its present motion. The
Moon's mean distance from the Earth is 238,840 miles, or 60 times the Earth's radius. It travels a trifle faster
than its diameter per hour. Nor is it entirely the nearest body to the Earth, for in part of its orbit the minor
planet Hermes (disc. in 1937) approaches to a distance of only 200,000 Miles. Traveling by airplane at 200 m.p.
h. one would traverse the Earth-Moon distance in 5o days; but it would take a rocket ship speed of 7 m.p.s. to
get beyond the Earth's gravitational field-at which rate we could arrive in 2 days.
Lifetimes have been devoted to the study of its incredibly complex motions. Among its various perturbations
are the Equation of the Center, the retrogression of the Nodes, Evection, the anomalistic period, Lunar
Variation, Annual Equation, and Secular Acceleration.
Galilee, in 1610, was the first selenographer to study the Moon through a telescope. In 1647 Hevelius
published a chart of the Moon's surface that was not improved upon for a century. Its phases are familiar: The
crescent of the new moon, and the reverse crescent of the fourth quarter of its circuit; the gibbous phase of the
second and third quarters, when more than half of the moon is light; and the Earth-shine, when the Earth
reflects a dim light upon the surface of the Moon during a few days before and after the Lunation.
Because of its faster motion near perigee we are able to see 7°45' around the Eastern and Western edges. This
is termed its Libration in Longitude. Because of the inclination of the plane of the Moon's orbit to that of the
Earth, we are able at times to see 6°41' beyond each of the poles. This is termed Libration in Latitude. There is
also a Diurnal Libration of 1° on the Eastern limb of the Moon when rising, and on the Western when setting.
The net combined result is that 41% of the Moon's surface is visible all the time, with another 18% that is
visible part of the time, leaving 41% that has never been seen from the Earth.
Meton discovered the recession of the Moon's node in 432 B.C. and reformed the calendar in accordance
therewith. He determined that there were 235 synodic periods in 19 years, varying by i day according to the
number of leap years contained in the period.
The node recesses 360° in 6793.5 days or 18 2/3 years, or roughly 1½ years to a sign.
The Draconitic period of the Moon's motion, that from node to node, is 27.2122 days.
The moon rises 50 minutes later each night.
Harvest Moon. At this season of the year the Moon's path more nearly parallels that of the Earth, hence it
remains near to the horizon for several days, at the same hour. Similarly with the Hunter's Moon, which is the
nearest Full Moon to September 23rd. This effect is further intensified when the descending node is at 0° Aries.
For example, with the Ascending node at 0° Aries : 23° 27', Plus 5° 9', equals 28° 36'. With the Descending
node at 0° Aries : 23° 27', minus 5° 9', equals 18° 18°'. The Full Moon rides low in Summer but high in Winter,
thus making Winter the season of least sunlight but of most moonlight.
Moonlight contains streaks of bright rays, apparently from some special mineral that fails to absorb light, or
which may have some such property as radio-activity - to conjecture on a point regarding which scientists fail
to agree. The rays consist largely of shades of yellow and gray, and from certain areas a shade of green. The
Earth's surface has a reflective power six times greater than that of the Moon.
The Lunar spectrum is much the same as that of the Sun, except that the light is yellower, and more diffused
because of the roughness of the Moon's surface. At the quarter, the Moon's light has a brilliance of one-
millionth that of the Sun; at the Full, 1/465 thousandths. However, the Moon absorbs 93% of the light it could
The Moon's aspects by Right Ascension differ some minutes from those by Geocentric Longitude.
Tropical period minus Precession from 0° Aries : 6.9 seconds per period.
The color white is often associated with the Moon to symbolize purity. That it is chemically white is due to the
absence of all color. Prismatically it is the presence of all colors of the spectrum, or the three primary colors in
the proportions of three parts of yellow, five of red, and eight of blue.
A small planet, with pale bluish light; the planet closest to the Sun. Never more than 28 degrees from the Sun,
it is rarely visible to the naked eye. The Roman god Mercury and the Greek god Hercules, the winged
messenger of the Gods, were endowed with the qualities that are associated with the influence of the planet
Mercury. To the Chaldeans it was Nebo, the planet of warning; also associated with Buddha, the wise.
Ancient astrologers considered the existence of a planet nearer to the Sun than Mercury, to which they gave the
name Vulcan. It has not as yet been discovered by astronomers.
From a stationary point about 28° in advance of the Sun, it retrogrades to an inferior conjunction with the Sun -
after which it becomes a "morning star," visible on the Eastern horizon shortly before Sunrise. From a
stationary point about 20° behind the Sun, it advances by direct motion to a superior conjunction with the Sun -
after which it becomes an "evening star," visible on the Western horizon shortly after Sunset.
As with the Moon, and all satellites with reference to the planet around which they revolve, Mercury always
turns the same face toward the Sun, except for a libration of 23° 7' in both directions: making a 47° zone of
temperate conditions, and 132° zones of perpetual heat and cold.
As seen from the Earth, Mercury presents phases, similar to those of the Moon, because of which its visible
size varies from 30' to 104' -- its crescent or new moon phase occurs at its inferior conjunction; its full moon
phase at its superior conjunction. Its minor elongation, about 18°, occurs 22 days before and after its inferior
conjunction; its major elongation, about 28°, 36 days before and after its superior conjunction. At its maximum
its visible size is 3¼ times its diameter. Two of Jupiter's moons are larger than the planet Mercury.
To locate Mercury in the evening sky, find in the ephemeris the dates of its major elongation before or after a
superior conjunction, and for 10 and 5 days before and after. Transfer into hours its R.A. and declination on
these five dates, and plot its course on a star map, making note its nearness to known bright stars. Tilt this map
toward the celestial North pole, and assume a horizon about 23° below the Mercury position. If weather
conditions permit it can be seen with the aid of a field glass - sometimes even with the naked eye.
Mercury made a transit across the face of the Sun on May 11, 1937.
A brilliant planet reflecting a silvery-white light, it is the most brilliant object that illuminates the evening sky.
The Greeks associated it with Aphrodite. To the Romans, it was known as Lucifer, when the Morning Star: and
Vesper, when the Evening Star. To the Chaldeans it was Ishtar, and compared to the Sumerian virgin mother,
the "Lady of Heaven," and the goddess of fertility.
Like Mercury, Venus exhibits phases, from a large twin crescent at the Inferior Conjunction, when it is closest
to the Earth, and some- times visible in daylight if you know where to look for it, to a small round orb at the
Superior Conjunction, when it is on the opposite side of the Sun from the Earth. After the Superior Conjunction
it is an Evening Star, and thus is visible in the evening, sky after sun-down, setting later each evening until it
reaches its maximum elongation of about 47° - at which time it sets about 3 hours after the Sun.
Shortly thereafter it attains to its greatest brilliancy, then grows rapidly smaller as it again comes closer behind
the Sun, until at its Inferior Conjunction it becomes invisible. Thereafter it reappears on the other side of the
Sun and becomes again visible as the Morning Star. Its motion as a Morning Star, as measured from the Earth,
is slower because of its greater distance from the Earth: 26 million miles at the Inferior Conjunction, as
compared to 160 million miles at the Superior Conjunction.
Its rotation period has never been established because of the layer of clouds in which it is perpetually
enveloped. Its period has been variously estimated at from 68 hours to 225 days. Its axis is inclined to its orbit
plane at an angle of 5 degrees. Its low albedo, or reflecting power (.59), is due to this constant cloud covering.
The periods when it is a Morning and Evening Star are of about 10 months' duration each.
Transits over the Sun are rare and occur only when the Sun is within 1°45' of the node, with the Earth also at
the node. Though infrequent, they come in pairs. The last such transits occurred in 1874 and 1882. It will not
recur until June 8, 2004 and June 6, 2012. The duration of such a transit is about 8 hours.
The planet we inhabit. Astrologically, the Earth is the center of its universe, since one is concerned not with the
position of the planets in reference to the Sun, but with the angle from which their reflected frequencies enter
into the experience of those who dwell upon the Earth. When one speaks of the Sun's position he is but
expressing the position of the Earth in its orbit in terms of the apparent position of the Sun. The Earth's orbit is
an ellipse, of an eccentricity of about 1:60 - but which is slowly diminishing. Its longest diameter is its major
axis. Its half length, or semi-axis, taken as the Mean distance from the Earth to Sun, amounts to about
92,900,000 miles. At perihelion the Earth is more than three million miles closer to the Sun than at aphelion; or
about 3% of the maximum distance. The velocity of the Earth in its orbit is approximately 18.5 miles per
The Precession of the Equinoctial Point amounts to 360 degrees in about 24,800 years. The Earth's rotation
appears to be slowing down at a rate which if continued will amount to 1 second in about 120,000 years.
The common center around which the Earth and the Moon revolve has been computed to be about 3000 miles
from the Earth's center - or 1000 miles below the crust of the Earth. That this point is a variable one has been
used by some as a basis for a computation based on the assumption that as this point approaches the surface of
the Earth there result phenomena known as Earthquakes. The Earth curves from a straight line at the rate of
about 1/9th of a degree per second. Its Diameter at the poles is 7900 m.; at the Equator, 7926 m.
Solar System Bodies: Mars. The nearest planet to the Earth, and frequently visible, it may be recognized
through the distinct reddish hue of its ray. Mars was known as Ares, the god of war; and as Nimrod, the god of
the chase, whose mission it was apparently to dispel terror and fear. To the Greeks, it was Pyrois, the fire. The
Romans celebrated the festival of Mars in March, before an altar in the Campus Martius. From it comes our
word martial, war like - as martial music. To the Chaldeans it was Nergal, called the "raging king" and the
"furious one"; to the Babylonians, the god of war and pestilence, said to preside over the nether-world. For the
Alchemists, it represented Iron. Mars has two satelites: Deimos, 6 miles in diameter, distant from Mars by 6.9
radii; and Phoetus, with a revolutionary period of 7h 39M. Deimos has a sidereal period of 30h 18m. Phoetus
makes 1330 eclipses a year.
Solar System Bodies: Asteroids. An orbit, approximately midway between those of Mars and Jupiter,
occupied by a large number of planetoids or minor planets: variously explained as fragments of a major planet
broken up in some prehistoric catastrophe; or particles drawn out of the Sun which failed to coalesce into a
single planet. In all there are estimated to be some 50,000 of these Asteroids, of which 1380 had been identified
in 1937. As many as 5000 are estimated to have been seen, and again lost. Many of them are more readily
visible than Pluto, and may have some astrological significance not as yet identified. Their average diameter is
less than 100 miles.
The Astronomischer Rechen-Institut at Dahlem, near Berlin, was world headquarters for Asteroid research, and
up to World War 11 published a yearly ephemeris of the larger Asteroids for the periods when they are best
...Name......(miles)...Magnitude...(rel. to Sun)...Discovered
The next five, in the order of their discovery, are Hebe (1847), Iris (1847), Flora (1847), Metis (1848), Hygeia
The orbit of 944 Hidalgo has an eccentricity of 0.65 - more elongated than some comets. At its aphelion
distance (9.6 units) it extends into Saturn's orbit.
That of 1177 Gounessia, has an eccentricity of 0.006399, more circular than that of Venus, the most circular
among the major planets.
That of 846 Lipperta, is almost parallel with that of the Earth, with an inclination of 0°.244 - more nearly
parallel than that of Uranus 0°.77.
Three Asteroids come closer to the Earth than do any of the major planets. They are Amor, Apollo, and Adonis.
1936 CA or Adonis was discovered in 1936 by Delporte in Belgium. Its orbit has an eccentricity of 0.78, an
inclination to the Ecliptic of 1°.48, and a major axis of 1.969 units. On February 7, 1936, it approached to
within 1,200,000 miles of the Earth, in the sign Leo. It had reached perihelion in December 1935, at a point
slightly outside Mercury's orbit, at a distance of less than half an astrom. unit. Its diameter is less than ½ mile.
At aphelion it will go almost to the Jupiter orbit. Its period is about 2 years.
Another asteroid was discovered in 1940 that had approached to within 110,000 miles beyond the Moon's orbit.
v. Hermes.
The largest planet in the solar family: larger in fact than all other planets combined. Yet it is exceeded in
brightness by Venus, because of her greater proximity to the Earth. To the Greeks, known as Zeus; also
associated with Marduk, one of the gods of the Pantheon; known to the Hindus as Brahmanaspati. Jupiter has
11 satellites. The first four were among the earliest discoveries of Galileo, and can be seen with the aid of a
field glass. Statistics concerning the first five are as follows:
....V.............11h.57m.........112,600..........100 est.
The dates of discovery are V, 1892; VI, 1904; VII, 1905; VIII, 1908; IX, 1914; X, 1938; XI, 1938. The orbits
of the outer four are so far distant from the planet that their motion is affected by perturbations due to the Sun's
attraction, to such an extent that they can hardly be said to have an orbit.
No. IX has an orbital inclination in excess of 90°, to that of Jupiter's orbit. No. VIII has an orbital eccentricity
of 0.38, whereby its distance varies from 9 to 20 million miles.
The planet next smaller in magnitude to Jupiter, and next more remote from the Sun, is remarkable for its
engirdling system of rings. It was the most remote planet known to the ancients. The surface of Saturn shows
markings somewhat similar to those of Jupiter, but fainter. Spectroscopic observations have confirmed the
theory that the rings are composed of a dense swarm of small solid bodies. of ten identified satellites of Saturn,
the brightest is Titan. The ninth, Phobe, is fainter and more distant than any of the others. The tenth, Themis,
lies between Titan and Hyperion. When the Alchemists and early Chemists used the name Saturn they referred
to its association with the metal lead. Lead poisoning was once called the Saturnine colic.
Saturn was the ancient god of the seed sowing. His temple in Rome, founded in 497 B.C., was used as a state
treasury. In 2I7 B.C. the worship of Saturn was conformed to that of its Greek counterpart, Cronus, son of
Uranus, and god of Boundless Time and the Cycles. There was a myth that Saturn in Italy, as Cronus in
Greece, had been king during an ancient golden age - hence was the founder of Italian civilization. Also
associated with the Greek god Phoenon, "the cruel one," and the Assyrian god Ninib, patron of Agriculture, and
one of the gods of the Pantheon. From it we have the English word Saturnian or Saturnine. The Saturnine colic
was lead poisoning. Its atmosphere contains a high percentage of methane and ammonium gases, with no
oxygen. For some unexplained reason it changes color from year to year.
The Saturn rings consist of: A, the outermost ring, about 11,000 miles in width; B, the middle ring, about
18,000 miles in width; and C, the inside ring, the gauze or crepe ring, about 11,000 miles in width. Between it
and the surface of the planet is a gap of about 5,000 miles. Separating A and B is the Cassini division, a dark
strip some 2,300 miles in width.
Because the planet's equator is inclined about 28° to the plane of the ecliptic, the Saturn ring as seen from the
Earth passes through phases: from Saturn's equinoctial point, where the rings are visible only as a thin line, to
Saturn's solstices, where they lie transverse to us in a wide expanse. The edgewise view occurs in longitudes
172° and 352°; the maximum elongation, in longitudes 82° and 262°. The edgewise view was had in 1921 and
1936; the full-faced view in 1929 and 1944. As this constitutes a 15-year cycle, it is possible that there are
related variations and fluctuations in the resultant astrological influences, which further research will be able to
reduce to usable distinctions.
....Moons..............Disc. ..Thousands.....Days......Eccent........Miles
Its discovery by Sir William Herschel on March 13, 1781, added a new factor to the problems of Astrology,
and incidentally widened the horizon of observation of planetary influence upon human life. Inserting the
planet into the existing horoscopes, revealed that Uranus had been the previously inexplicable cause of violent
dislocations, fractures, separations, mental disturbances and deaths. With its discovery there came a new
interpretation to the old phrase "by visitation of God." Herschel called it Georgium Sidus, but England
continues to use the name Herschel - from which derives the symbol although the rest of the world adopted the
name Uranus by which Bode referred to it in 1783. Astrologers had long speculated upon its existence,
referring to it as Ouranos. It is sometimes called "The cataclysmic planet."
The astronomers' symbol is one of the few cases in which astronomers and astrologers fall to employ the same
As its Equator is inclined by 82° to the plane of its orbit, the regions of perpetual day and night reach to within
8° of the Equator.
...Ariel.......1851.......2d 12.489h.........16......560
...Umbriel.....1851.......4d 3.460h.........16-17...430
...Titania.....1787.......8d 16.941h.........14.....1000
...Oberon......1787......13d 11.118h.........14......900
Until the discovery of Pluto in 1930, Neptune was supposed to be the outermost member of the solar system. It
was discovered September 23, 1846 by Galle in Berlin, in the region suggested by Leverrier of Paris; but later
was identified as the "star" observed in 1795 by Lalande of Paris. Agrippa dedicated a temple to Neptune in
honor of the naval victory of Actium. To the Greeks, known as Poseidon. It is a greenish disc of the magnitude
of 7.7, and is distant from Earth by 30 astrom. units. Its revolutionary period is 164y.
It has one known satellite, Triton, about the size of our Moon, and 220,000 miles distant from the planet. It has
a magnitude of 13. Its period is 5d, 21h, its orbit inclined to the Neptune orbit by an angle of 40°; its motion
retrograde, with a recession period of 580y, or 140° direct. Inclination of Triton's orbit to Neptune's equator is
Neptune was in Virgo from 1435 to 1449; from 1600 to 1614; from 1761 to 1778; and most recently from 1921
to 1942. It was in Libra from 1450 to 1465; from 1615 to 1635; from 1779 to 1793; and 1943 to 1957.
The outermost planet of the solar system so far identified, was discovered in 1930. It lies 800 million miles
beyond Neptune. The nearest conjunction of Neptune and Pluto occurred in 1892.. A previous exact
conjunction occurred in prehistoric times, and will not recur for several thousand years, when they will remain
close together for 100 years. As 3 Neptune revolutions take 494y. and 2 of Pluto 496y, an approximate
conjunction occurs every 492.328 years.
Pluto was discovered by Percival Lowell, who delayed publication of the news until his birthday, March 13,
1930 - the day on which Uranus had been discovered 140 years before.
The name Pluto, beginning with P.L., the initials of the discoverer was suggested by an eleven-year-old English
The size or volume of Pluto has not been ascertained, but its mass is less than that of the Earth. The extreme
eccentricity of its orbit brings it at times nearer to the Sun than Neptune. There is no certainty that the orbits do
not cross, in which event a collision is not impossible. Experience seems to increase the probability of the
eventual discovery of other Trans-Neptune planets.
SOL-om-on. The name of the Sun in three languages: an expression of light, knowledge, understanding.
Solomon's Seal. Two interlaced triangles, the angles of which form the six-pointed star. often one of the
triangles is dark and the other light, symbolizing the union of soul and body. According to occult symbology
the apex of the emblem represents the human head or intelligence; the two upper outstretched points, sympathy
with everything that lives; the two lower, human responsibility; the angle at the bottom, pointing earthward,
procreative power - the cryptograph, in its entirety, denoting complete individuality or human entity.
Solomon's Temple. Solomon, Son of David, by Bathsheba, King of Israel in the 10th century B.C., was noted
for his superior wisdom, and his great wealth. To the great temple he built at Jerusalem has been attributed
many symbolic interpretations. In occult literature the human body, as developed by divine principle, is
referred to as Solomon's Temple.
Solstices. The points in the Ecliptic at which the Sun is at its greatest distance north or south of the Equator, so-
called because the Sun then appears to stand still. The Summer Solstice occurs when the Sun is at 0° Cancer,
about June 21; the Winter Solstice, at 0° Capricorn, about December 21.
South Latitudes. Those south of the celestial equator. In utilizing the Table of Houses for South Latitudes,
change the signs to their opposites: Aries becomes Libra, and so on.
Spectroscope. A device whereby to disperse and separate a beam of radiation into its component wave lengths.
Spectroscopic observation of moving bodies shows that with an approaching body there is a shift to the violet
end, while with a receding body the shift is toward the red end: the angular amount of the shift proportional to
the velocity of motion of the light source and inversely to the wave length and velocity of the light. This is a
confirmation of the altered astrological influence resulting from motion toward or away from a gravitational
center, and with or contra to the orbital motion of the controlling body.
Speculum. A table appended to a horoscope, comprising its astronomical elements: the planets' latitude,
declination, Right Ascension, Ascensional Difference, Pole and Semi-arc. It is employed in the practice of
directing by Primary Directions (q.v.) as taught by Ptolemy.
Sphinx. The most famous sphinx in Greek mythology was that of Thebes in Boetia, mentioned by Hesiod. It
was symbolic of the fixed types of the four elements: the body of a bull - Taurus; the feet and tail of a lion -
Leo; the wings of the eagle - Scorpio; a human head - Aquarius. Variations are found in all parts of the ancient
world, showing its art influence upon those who knew naught of its symbolic significance. of interest is the
parallel found in Ezekiel's description of the Markaba. (Ez. 1:10.)
Square. n. A separation of 900 between any bodies or zodiacal points (v. aspect). Syn. quartile.
Square, vb. Moving to form an aspect, through an arc of approximately 7 degrees, according to the bodies
involved, on either side of the point where their Longitudinal separation becomes exactly 90 degrees.
Stars. Stars were classified by the ancients as "fixed stars" to distinguish them from the "wandering" stars -
which, when their orbits were discovered, became known as planets, in that they revolve in a plane. Stars have
a proper motion of their own, but owing to their remoteness this motion could be measured only by
observations taken over a protracted period - far in excess of a mere lifetime. There is no reason why the term
should not now bc abandoned in favor of the simple designation of "star."
By some astrological authorities the stars are credited with an influence of their own, when in conjunction and
parallel with a planet, either at birth or in transit. A star of the first magnitude on the Ascendant or Midheaven
at birth is said to indicate that the native will become illustrious within his sphere of life - a "star" in social,
political, or commercial life. The two large stars, Aldebaran and Antares, which are in the tenth degree of
Gemini and Sagittarius, respectively, when directed to the angles of the horoscope, are said to produce periods
of severe stress. They are deemed more powerful when in the angles.
Those who include the stars in their delineations appear to agree that the influence is entirely confined to a
close conjunction with a birth planet to within from 2° to 5° in Longitude, and 1° in Latitude, and that it has no
influence by aspect. Certain individual degrees-of the zodiac appear to possess specific influences, and these
may have some connection with stars which tenant these degrees, even when untenanted by planets. Further
confirmation of this theory is to be found in a work by Salmon, wherein he divided each sign into six Faces of
5 degrees each, "because in every sign there are various stars of differing natures." v. Degrees, Individual.
Stars visible to the unaided eye number less than five thousand. Those near Polaris can be seen only in the
Northern Hemisphere, while the Southern Cross and nearby stars can be seen only from the Southern
Stationary. A planet appears to be stationary in its orbit at that point, or station, from which it reverses its
motion from direct to retrograde, or the reverse. The Sun and Moon are never stationary. v. Stations.
Stations. Those points in the orbit of a planet where it becomes either retrograde or direct; so termed because it
remains stationary there for a few days before it changes its course. The first station is where it becomes
retrograde; the second station, where it abandons retrograde and resumes direct motion. From these Stations
orientality is reckoned. From apogee to the first station it is matutine, because it rises in the morning before the
Sun, hence is in the first degree of orientality. From the first station to perigee, the lowest apsis, it is vespertine,
because it rises in the evening before Sunset, hence is in the first degree of occidentality.
Stations of the Moon. The Moon is never retrograde, but in a different sense her first and second dichotomes
are often loosely termed her first and second stations.
Stellium. v. Satellitium.
Succedent Houses. Those which follow the angular houses: 2, 5, 8 and 11. v. Houses.
Sunspot Cycle. The phenomenon of Sunspot cycles is one which has increasingly engaged the atteention of
astrophysicists for more than two centuries. Useful records of the sunspot cycle are available from 1610 to the
present day. For a long time the cycle was said to be of a duration of 11.3 years, but more recently it has been
noted that successive eleven-year cycles produce similar but opposite phenomena, and that a complete cycle is
of a duration of 22.6 years. It has also been noted that while the Sun's surface is hotter at times of sunspot
maxima, the Earth's land surface is cooler, apparently due to the increased cloudiness that attends the
phenomena. It is also found that magnetic disturbances in the Sun - are reflected on the Earth with increased
display of the aurora borealis and magnetic disturbances that interrupt telegraphic service. Economic cycles
are also found to correspond with the Sunspot Cycle. Trees grow more during the years of Sunspot maxima,
when ultra-violet radiation increases by as much as 30 Per cent. Some plant life grows better with an excess of
ultra-violet light, while other species thrive better on an excess of infra-red rays. Ellsworth Huntingdon, of Yale
University, says solar radiation affects the health and behavior of man. Harlan E. Stetson, of Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, finds business activity, output of automobiles and new building construction follow
the Sunspot cycle. For lack of reliable data on weather conditions, Dr. William Herschel used the price of
wheat as an index on which to base his observations of this and similar cosmic cycles. Thus sciences establish
the fact that man is influenced by cosmic phenomena, and the step to recognition of the validity of astrological
influences has only the hurdle of prejudice to overcome before it is accorded scientific recognition.
Supercycle. A term applied by Richard and Jaggar to a cycle of 132 years, or approximately 6 sun-spot cycles.
Superior Planets. Those which lie outside of the Earth's orbit. v. Planets.
Synthesis. The art of blending together separate influences in a nativity, and deducing a summary thereof. The
ability to synthesize a nativity is the mark of an experienced astrologer.
Syzygy. Literally a yoking together. often loosely applied to any conjunction or opposition; particularly of a
planet with the Sun, and close to the ecliptic whereby the Earth and the two bodies are in a straight line. In its
use in connection with the calculation of Tide Tables it applies to the conjunctions and oppositions of Sun and
Moon near the Node.
Tables of Houses. Tables showing the degrees of the Signs which occupy the cusps of the
several Houses in different latitudes for every degree of Right Ascension, or for every 4 minutes
of Sidereal Time. Generally available are those by Dalton (1913), Raphael (1920) and Hugh
Rice (1935).
There is much argument anent the various systems of calculating the cusps of the intermediate
Houses, until one wonders sometimes why not use a stop watch to locate the degree on the
horizon every two hours. Of course it would have to be done over again in all latitudes, and
besides it would not be very scientific. Nevertheless the general opinion is that none of the
existing methods are correct for all latitudes, even though they may be near enough for practical
purposes. The four best known systems are as follows:
Campanus. The vertical circle from the zenith to the cast and west points of the horizon is
trisected. Through these points are drawn great circles, the House circles, from the north and
south points of the horizon. Thus the intersections will be at altitudes of 30° and 60° above the
horizon, on both cast and west branches of the prime vertical. This divides the sky into six great
sectors. Similarly divide the hemisphere below the horizon. The house cusps are the points at
which the ecliptic at that moment intersects the horizon.
Regiomontanus. The celestial circle is trisected, instead of the prime vertical, and great circles
extend from north and south points of the horizon to the points of trisection. The house cusps are
at the points at which the ecliptic intersects the horizon. At the Equator the two systems give the
same cusps, the disparity increasing as one approaches the Earth's poles.
Horizontal. Starting with great circles at the meridian and ante-meridian, the horizon and the
prime vertical, add other great circles from Zenith to Nadir which trisect each quadrant of the
horizon. The cusps will then be the points at which on a given moment the ecliptic intersects the
vertical circles.
Placidus Instead of using great circles, the diurnal motion of the Earth causes a celestial object
to intersect the cusp of the 12th House, after a sidereal-time interval equal to one-third of its
semi-diurnal arc; to intersect the cusp of the 11th House after a sidereal-time interval equal to
two-thirds of its semi-diurnal arc; and to culminate at the meridian after an interval of sidereal
time that corresponds to the semi-diurnal arc. The semi-arc from the meridian that intersects the
Eastern horizon gives the Ascendant; and the 2nd and 3rd house cusps are similarly extended
below the horizon. The Placidian cusps are in almost universal use at the present time. Maurice
Wemyss takes exception to the Placidus cusps on the grounds that the Ascendant is located
according to one system and the intermediate cusps by another. He prefers what he terms the
"Rational Method" of Regiomontanus.
A set of Tables of Houses for Lat. 40° N., which is approximately the latitude of New York, in
which can be seen a comparison of these four systems, is to be found in the American Astrology
Ephemeris for the year 1941. The Tenth House is common to an four systems, and this is
theoretically correct. The discrepancies show in the intermediate cusps between the IC and MC.
The Ascendant is also the same for three of the four systems, but the Horizontal system has its
own Ascendants. Different Latitudes require different sets of tables. Published volumes
containing Tables of Houses for all Latitudes are available, most of them, however, confined to
the Placidus system, which is the one most generally used. The one by Hugh Rice is the most
recent and the most elaborate, with the cusps computed to several decimals.
Unless you have a birth moment that is correct to the minute, and beyond doubt, detailed
methods are futile and misleading, and one might well confine himself to whole degrees and
ignore the decimals. By means of these tables of houses computed for different latitudes, one is
able to ascertain what degrees of the zodiac appeared upon the Ascendant and the various House
cusps on any hour of any day, as calculated from the siderial time at noon of that day as
indicated in the ephemeris. Actually the tables may be said to divide distance by time, showing
how many degrees of the equator will pass the ASC or MC, as if the planet were there. It is to be
understood, of course, that this is a rule-of-thumb short-cut for average use when one is not too
certain of the reliability of his birth data, and is not to be used when seeking exactness.
T-cross. v. Cosmic Cross.
Taurus. The second sign of the zodiac. v. Signs.
Telepathy. Transmission of thoughts from one to another of two minds that presumably are in
attunement or affinity, without the aid of any orthodox means of communication through
ordinary channels of sensation. It is generally supposed that an accent on Neptune confers
sensitive receptivity to telepathic communications. This may occur at close range or over a long
Telescope. An optical instrument assisting the eye or camera in viewing or photographing
distant objects, magnifying the celestial bodies, and concentrating a larger beam of light to
render the image more distinct. Some ancient references suggest that it was known to the Greeks
and Romans. In the Pyramid is found evidence that at some period the Egyptians had a form of
reflecting telescope. Refracting telescopes were first made in Holland in 1608. Hearing about
them, Galileo made one for himself and in 1620 began his experiments. The earliest known
reflecting telescope was that perfected by James Gregory of Edinborough in 1663.
Temporal Houses. 2, 6, 10. v. Houses.
Terminal Houses, The. 4th, 8th, 12th Houses (q.v.), corresponding to the Signs of the Watery
Triplicity. So called because they govern the terminations of three occult or mysterious phases of
life: the 4th, the end of the physical man; the 8th, the liberation of the soul; and the 12th, of the
hopes to which the native secretly aspires.
Terms of the planets. The planetary Terms comprises a system of subrulerships of portions of a
Sign by different planets, whereby the nature of a planet posited in a Sign is altered to that of the
planet in whose term it happens to be posited. These subdivisions - applicable only to the
interpretation of a Horary Figure - are largely disregarded by the moderns, most of whom deem
them the fanciful invention of the Egyptians to account for effects now ascribed to the influences
of formerly unknown planets. Other authorities who use them in the practice of Horary
Astrology claim that they yield excellent results. Ptolemy made light of the Egyptian Tables as
devoid of either rhyme or reason. He then laid down a set of rules and made his own Tables - to
which he himself failed to conform. Sepharial, Alan Leo and Wilson all give Tables of these
Terms - no two, however, exactly alike - while all more or less scoff at their value. Ptolemy gave
6° to each of the five planets. Any planet whether or not a malefic, which had two dignities came
first; otherwise the malefics came last. He next gave to each planet extra points of valuation, two
for Sign-position and one each for Exaltation and Triplicity, subtracting these points from the
value of the malefics. The Term occupied by a planet denotes that the person it signifies is of a
disposition indicated by the Lord of the Term, but with no reference to his wealth, poverty, or
station in life.
.SIGN........|......................TERMS AS REVISED BY
*Meaning the first six degrees, from 0º0' to 5º59' - and so on.
The planet sequence for Gemini is Lilly's variant. See "Christian Astrology" by W.
Lilly. But the Tetrabiblos says this sequence is (in meaning as above) "Mercury 0-6,
Jupiter 7-12, Venus 13-19, Mars 20-25, Saturn 26-29". See: Ptolemy. Tetrabiblos /
Edited and translated by F.E.Robbins. - Cambridge, Massacusetts; London: Harvard
University Press, 2001. [A.Z.]
Testimony. A partial judgment based upon the influence of a certain planet as conditioned by
Sign and House, strength of position and aspects, or of a certain configuration of planets in a
Figure. The synthesis of several testimonies constitutes a judgment. The term as used by
Ptolemy is approximately synonymous with Argument.
Tetrabiblios. Literally four books. The oldest record of the astrological system of the
ancients which has survived. It dates from about 132-160 A.D. In it the author, Claudius
Ptolemy, the great Egyptian mathematician, says that it was compiled from "ancient" sources.
v. Ptolemaic Astrology.
Tetractys - ten symbolic dots. A theory advanced by Pythagoras, who affirmed the existence
of ten bodies in our Solar System. The ancients knew only seven such bodies, but modern
astronomers have discovered the other three: Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.
. .
. . .
. . . .
This symbol as used by Pythagoras consisted of ten dots arranged in triangular form, as
illustrated. By connecting the dots in different ways many rectangles and triangles were
formed, all intimately associated with the Pythagorean mathematical system by means of
which he explains his conception of the truths of the universe. This may explain the missing
apex of the pyramid, as can be seen in the great seal of the United States, as printed on some
of the paper currency.
Throne. Some astrologers who lean to hyperbole rather than consistency and lucidity
describe a planet as on its throne when in a Sign of which it is the Ruler. In a more ancient
and more logical usage it was applied to a planet posited in that part of a Sign wherein it had
more than one Dignity.
Time. The measurement of time is inseparable from considerations of place, and of a point of
reference. The establishing of the actual moment of an occurrence, and its statement in terms
of Universal Time, is one of the most difficult problems with which the astrologer deals,
because of the prevalent neglect on the part of those who make the record of the moment of
an event, to qualify it by stating in what manner of time it is noted: whether apparent solar
time, as shown on a sundial; mean time, as shown by a clock adjusted to the meridian of the
place; local Standard Time, as shown by a clock adjusted to a Standard time meridian, and if
so, which one; or whether in Daylight Saving Time, War Time, Double Summer Time; and so
Sidereal Time. That in which the point of reference is a star - as the most nearly fixed point in
the universe as it appears from the Earth. Two successive crossings of a star is the
measurement of a sidereal day, which is divided into 24 hours, beginning with oh and
continuing to 23h 59m. It is used by astronomers, chiefly to express in hours and minutes of
sidereal time the Midheaven longitude of a given place. Prior to 1925 0h of the astronomical
day coincided with noon but in that year astronomical and civil time were made to coincide,
since when oh has coincided with midnight.
Solar Time. That in which the point of reference is the Sun. This may be apparent Solar time,
as shown by a sundial; or local Mean Time, as shown by a clock adjusted to an average rather
than an actual day. This is explained more fully under Equation of Time (q.v.). With Solar
Time, noon was approximately four minutes earlier or later with every increase of distance of
1° East or West of Greenwich Observatory, which at zero longitude is the point for which
Universal or World Time is computed. Apparent and Mean Solar Time coincide four times a
year: on April 15, June 14, Sept. 1 and Dec. 25. At all other times the Sun is fast or slow by
from one to sixteen minutes.
Standard Time. Since the meeting of train schedules is impossible on the basis of local time,
Standard time-zone meridians were spaced at intervals of 15° of longitude East and West of
Greenwich, and all clocks within each zone were adjusted to the mean Solar time of the
midpoint of the zone. Standard Time was generally adopted on Nov. 18, 1883, but it did not
come into common use in some localities until after many years had elapsed. Even yet there
are communities in which the time of day is given in Sun time; unless you wish to catch a
train, in which case you are given Railway Time. Not only that, but longitude is becoming an
increasingly unreliable guide, for some communities which are actually in the Central
Standard Time zone run by Eastern Standard Time, to make their business day coincide with
that of some nearby city across the meridian; and similarly at various points throughout the
world. Lacking such exceptions, all places in the United States east of 82°39' W. Long. are
theoretically in the Eastern Standard Time zone, and their time is 5h earlier than that of
Greenwich; Central Standard Time, 6h earlier than Greenwich, applies to points between 82°
30' and 97°30' W. Long.; Mountain Standard Time, 7h earlier than Greenwich, between 97°
30' and 112°30' W. Long.; and Pacific Standard Time, 8h earlier than Greenwich, to all points
in the United States west of Long. 112°30'. However, one need but observe on any time zone
map the irregular lines which indicate the Time Zone meridians across the country, to realize
how important it is that any statement of time of an event is incomplete and unreliable unless
it carries with it a statement of the kind of time in which the event was recorded, and the
standard meridian adopted by that community.
Daylight Saving Time. This was originated in England in 1916, where it was called Summer
Time. It consists of an arbitrary setting ahead of the clock by one hour, thereby shifting all the
day's activities an hour earlier, ending the work day that much sooner and leaving an hour
more of daylight in which to indulge in seasonal recreations. In general, it commences at 2 A.
M. of the Sunday following the third Saturday in April, and ends on the Sunday after the first
Saturday in October. This is not a reliable guide, for in its earlier years it sometimes began as
early as March 24. Furthermore, during World War II England set the clock ahead by two
hours, making Double Summer Time. During the same period, beginning Feb. 9, 1942 at 2 P.
M., the United States had War Time, a year-round setting ahead of the clock by one hour.
Prior to that, some parts of the United States observed Daylight Saving Time during certain
periods in certain years, but other localities refused to accept or ratify it; and even in those
where it was legally authorized, many refused to abide by it. Even though a record of the
vagaries of time observance is attempted in a volume called World Daylight Saving Time, by
Curran and Taylor, the only safe way to record an event is not only to state in what kind of
time it was recorded, but in addition to give its equivalent in Greenwich Standard or
Universal Time. In most other countries the problem is still more complicated. All of Mexico
is -6h, except part of Lower California, which is -8h. Some adopt a time meridian that
involves a half-hour adjustment, like Hawaii, which is GMT - 10h 30m. All of Russia adjusts
to a time unit which is the virtual equivalent of permanent daylight saving. Bolivia is -4:33
and Venezuela -4:30. In addition, there is for some Middle European countries an adjustment
of the date itself from the old-style to the new-style calendar, and the impossible
determination whether time was given in apparent Sun time or Solar Mean time, or whether
some arbitrarily selected meridian became the basis for the standard time of the country.
The important factors for the astrologer to establish are: (1) the exact equivalent of a given
moment as expressed in Universal Time, in order therefrom to compute from the Ephemeris
the exact position occupied by the planets at that precise moment; and (2) the exact
equivalent of the same moment in Local Mean Time for the place where the event occurred,
wherefrom with the aid of the sidereal time of noon or midnight on that date, and of Tables of
Houses for the Latitude of the place, to calculate the Midheaven position, the Ascendant
degree, and the intermediate cusps of the Figure. Universal Time is variously called World
Time, Greenwich Civil Time, Greenwich Standard Time, or zero zone time.
An ephemeris calculated for other than zero meridian is a simplification that is of doubtful
value, in that it introduces the possibility of confusion on the part of those who work by
formulas rather than by a comprehension of the elements involved. In using an ephemeris
calculated, let us say, for 75° W. Long., one bases his calculations on that time meridian,
instead of the zero meridian, correcting zone time to local time by subtracting 4m for each
degree of longitude W., or adding it for each degree of Long. E., of the 75th meridian.
Army and Navy Time. Just as the Navy has long since abandoned the traditional method of
"boxing the compass" and instead indicates direction in degrees from 1 to 360, so both Army
and Navy have abandoned the twelve-hour clock in favor of the 24-hour clock, which begins
at midnight as 0000h, is 1200 at noon, 1330h at half-past-one, and so on until 2359h, which is
one minute before oh of the next day. Thus A.M. and P.M. become no longer necessary in
connection with the time of day or night. The public will be slow to demand 24-hour clocks
and watches, but indications and efficiency point to the probability of their eventual general
Recording a Birth Moment. Never make record of or state a birth hour as midnight, for the
day both begins and ends with midnight, and in time you yourself will not know which it was
- resulting in a tiny difference of twenty-four hours. The day begins with 0h; noon is 12h. A
minute before midnight can be 11:59 P.M., or 23:59h - but midnight is oh of the next day.
Time. Correction of Mean to Sidereal Time. In calculating the Sidereal Time for a given
moment of birth, add the solar hours elapsed since the previous noon to the Sun's noon
position at Greenwich as given in the ephemeris in Sidereal Time. (Apolo's Note: this applies
only if you are using an ephemeris with readings for noon; if using one for midnight, which is
easier, then add the solar hours elapsed since midnight on the start of the day of birth.) This
requires the further addition of a little less than ten seconds (9.86 seconds) per hour to
compensate for the difference between solar and sidereal time.
[A further correction for longitude is made by way of adjusting the Greenwich position to that
of the place for which the correction is made.]
Transit. The ephemeral passage of a planet over the place of any Significator, moderator or
planet, or any point where it forms an aspect thereto, whether in a radix, progressed, Solar
Revolution or Horary Figure. Transits are taken from the ephemeris for the current year.
Generally speaking the passage of the benefic planets over, or in aspect to, the radical and
progressed places of the several Significators is favorable; of the malefics unfavorable.
Kuno Foelsch, Ph.D., in his work on Transits, which actually treats of the Solar Revolution,
concurs in the suggestion that during the Middle Ages it became necessary to devise some
system of approximating future conditions, for the reason that Ephemerides calculated for
years in advance were not then obtainable. Speaking of Transits, he expresses the confident
belief that "other methods will eventually disappear, especially those which are dependent
upon hypothetical elements which have no connection with the actual astronomical positions
of the planets as recorded by scientifically operated observations."
Transit of a planet across the Sun. A transit of Venus across the Sun can occur only when
the Sun is within 1° 45' of the Node, and the Earth is passing the Node. These occur in pairs -
the last two in 1874 and 1882. The next recurrence will be June 8, 2004, and June 6, 2012.
Mercury transits are more frequent.
Transitor. A slow-moving major planet whose lingering aspect to a birth planet produces a
displacement of equilibrium, which is then activated by an additional aspect from a
Culminator, a faster-moving body such as the Sun or Moon, to the same or another planet,
thereby precipitating the externalization.
Translation of Light. The conveyance of influence which occurs when a transiting planet,
while separating from an aspect to one planet is found to be applying to an aspect to another,
in which event some of the influence of the first aspected planet is imparted to the second
aspected planet by a translation of light. For example, assume an Horary Figure in which
Jupiter or Saturn, the Significators of the parties to the negotiation of an agreement, are in no
aspect to each other; but Venus while separating from Jupiter is applying to an aspect of
Saturn. There results a translation of light from Jupiter to Saturn, which is a powerful
testimony that Venus represents a person or an idea that will bring about a settlement. The
nature of the aspect, and of the aspecting and aspected planets through which the translation
is accomplished, determines whether the outcome will be fortuitous.
Some modern authorities confine the Moon and Mars to a Nocturnal Figure, substituting
Venus and Mars if a Day Figure.
Trimorion. An aspect in Mundo which embraces three Houses, hence a Mundane square, but
which in some instances may actually extend to as much as 120°; hence in Primary Directions
it was sometimes called the killing arc, since 120 years were deemed the natural limit of life.
Trine, vb. Used in describing the motion of a planet to a trine aspect with the body or place
of another planet.
Trinities. v. Signs.
Triplicities. v. Signs.
Tropical Year. The Solar Year; the period of 365d, 5h, 48m, 4.5s, during which the Sun's
centre passes from one Vernal Equinox to the next. Because of the precession, it is shorter
than the Sidereal Year by 20m, 23.5s.
Twilight. The illumination of the Earth's atmosphere after sunset, visible until the Sun is
about 18° below the horizon. Its duration depends upon the time required for the Sun to
traverse this distance. At the Equator this requires about an hour at any time of year, but
during Summer lasts for a much longer period. As one passes beyond 40° N. latitude, the
interval is lengthened in the Summer and shortened in the Winter.
Umbral Eclipse. Said of an eclipse of the Moon, when the Moon definitely enters the Earth's
shadow. If the Moon is completely immersed in the Earth's shadow a total eclipse results;
otherwise, a partial eclipse. Applied to an eclipse of the Sun it does not include a partial eclipse,
but only those in which the Moon's disc is fully contained within that of the Sun, either total,
annular, or annular-total. v. Eclipse.
Under the Sunbeams. Said of a planet that is less than 17° distant in longitude from the Sun. It
was once reckoned unfavorable though not as much so as combust. Modern authorities,
however, form more discriminating and less categorical judgments, by taking into consideration
the intrinsic character of the planets and other attending conditions. v. Cazimi.
Unfortunate Signs. The Negative Signs Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and
Aquarius. v. Signs.
Urania. One of the Nine Muses, representing Astronomy. Often applied to things astrologic.
Uranian. Said of a person of erratic and independent nature, with original and unorthodox ideas
and viewpoints, due to a strong Uranus birth receptivity. Usually tall blond types.
Uranian Astrology. A system based upon the teachings of Alfred Witte of the Hamburg (Ger.)
Astrology School. Its chief differences from the orthodox school consist in the use of Planetary
Patterns (q.v.) based upon Midpoints, the cardinal points, Antiscia, and certain hypothetical
planets; also the exclusion of all but the "hard" angles: conjunction, semi-square, quadrate,
sesquiquadrate and opposition - which are termed effective connections. The personal points are
0° of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, the Ascendant, Midheaven, Sun and Moon.
Uranus. The first of the trans-Saturnian planets of modern discovery. v. Solar System.
Vernal Equinox, The Spring Equinox. v. Equinox; Celestial Sphere.
Vertical. Virtually synonymous with perpendicular, save that vertical applies more to abstract
things and implies the general direction of the zenith, while perpendicular applies more to
concrete things and implies a general downward direction toward Earth's center. Astronomically
and astrologically it is employed with reference to the celestial circle, the circle in which one
stands when facing south. v. Celestial Sphere.
Vespertine. Said of a planet which sets in the West after the Sun. The reverse of Matutine (q.v.).
Via Combusta. The combust path. As employed by the ancients this doubtless referred to a
cluster of fixed stars in the early degrees of the constellation Scorpio. A birth Moon in that arc
was considered to be as afflicted as if it was in an eclipse condition - at or near one of the Nodes.
If so, the description would have to be revised by 1° every 70 years, to compensate for the
Precessional arc. This would probably place the Via Combusta in the region occupied by
Antares and opposed by Aldebaran, an arc now centering around 10° Sagittarius. A birth planet
or birth Moon in that arc would thus be described "in Via Combusta." Some of the older
authorities gave its location as the last half of Libra and the whole of Capricorn; others, from
Libra 15° to Scorpio 15°.
Moon. As the New Moon begins to separate from its conjunction with the Sun, it becomes
visible in the West just after Sunset. Each successive evening it is higher in the sky, hence sheds
its light for nearly an hour longer before it sets. A first quarter Moon is always seen directly
overhead immediately after sunset. At the Full Moon the Sun's setting reveals the Moon just
rising in the East, hence the Full Moon shines throughout the entire night. As each night it rises
an hour later, by the time it reaches its last quarter it does not rise until midnight, and is overhead
when the morning Sun, rising in the East, blots it from view. At the next Lunation the Moon
traverses the sky along with the Sun, and is invisible - except as it eclipses the Sun, when it
shows as a dark shadow crossing the Sun. A day later it reappears in the West, just after the
fading light of the Sun renders it visible. Mercury. Its periods of visibility follow a pattern
similar to that of the Moon, in a cycle of from 3½ and 4½ months. A few days after its inferior
conjunction it fades into view in the West about an hour after sunset. Each night for about three
nights it climbs higher in the western sky to its point of greatest elongation; then falls back until
it disappears. Five to six weeks later, in the middle of its retrograde period, occurs its superior
conjunction, when its rays are completely enveloped by those of the Sun. In another five or six
weeks it attains to a sufficient elongation to become visible in the East just before Sunrise. Each
of three mornings finds it a little higher in the sky, after which it as quickly recedes - and another
cycle begins. Venus. Its cycle is strikingly similar to that of the Moon - including its phases; but
while Mercury makes its superior conjunction approximately every four months at an advance of
four Signs, the Venus superior conjunction occurs every two years, approximately, at an advance
of nine signs. Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Similarly the major planets depend for visibility upon
their positions relative to the Sun, whereby the planet can be above the horizon at a time when
the Sun is below it. A study of the phenomena of visibility of a planet with regards to the relative
positions of the Sun and Moon, will contribute to a better understanding of the Doctrine of
Orientality, which decrees that a planet is more advantageously placed when oriental of the Sun,
and occidental of the Moon.
Mercury was an Evening Star in November of 1943-1944, and will be on every sixth year
thereafter; 1949-1950, and so on.
Venus was an Evening Star in November 1941, 1944, 1946 and 1947, and will be on every
eighth year after each of these dates.
Mars was a Morning Star in 1947, and was to be every second year thereafter for many years.
Jupiter was visible in the evening during 1947-1951.
Saturn will have been a Morning Star for several years from 1945.
The major planets are brightest when in opposition to the Sun, when they are visible throughout
the entire night.
Uranus is sometimes visible to the unaided eye on a Moonless night, when it is in a near
conjunction with Mars.
Neptune and Pluto are never visible except with the aid of a telescope.
Vital Signs. v. Signs.
Voice, Signs of. Said to be Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Aquarius and the first half of Sagittarius, so
called because when one of these Signs ascend and Mercury is strong, the person is deemed to
have the capacity to become an orator.
Void of Course. Said of a planet which forms no complete aspect before leaving the Sign in
which it is posited at birth. When the Moon is so placed it denies fruition to much of the good
otherwise promised in the Figure. In Horary Astrology a planet so placed is said to indicate a
person devoid of objective or purpose, hence one who abandons himself to aimless endeavor.
Vulcan. An hypothetical planet, much conjectured among ancient astrologers, the orbit of which
is supposed to lie inside that of Mercury. Astronomers have so far found no justification for any
assumption of its existence.
War Time. v. Time.
Watchers of the Heavens. Applied by the Persians (c. 3000 B.C.) to the four Royal Stars then at
the angles of the Zodiac: the Watcher of the East, then at the Vernal Equinox - Aldebaran; the
Watcher of the North, which then marked the Summer Solstice - Regulus; the Watcher of the
West, then at the Autumnal Equinox - Antares, the Watcher of the South, which then marked the
Winter Solstice - Fomalhaut.
Wave Length. Radio waves may be measured either in length or in frequency: the higher the
frequency, the shorter the length of the waves. For example, your WMCA, at the top of the dial,
has a frequency of 570 kilocycles, in a wave that has a length of approximately 527 metres.
Multiply one by the other and you have about 300,000. WQXR, near the bottom, has a
frequency of 1560 kc., and a wave length of approximately 192 metres. These multiplied yield
also approximately 300,000 - thereby showing a definite inverse ratio between frequency and
length of wave. The ultra-short wave lengths in the light band are measured in millimicrons, or
angstrom units. A micron is a millionth part of a metre; a millimicron, a thousandth part of a
micron; an angstrom, one-tenth of a millimicron. Red light has a wave length of about 780 M M
or 7800 A (angstrom units); yellow, 590 M M or 5900 A; and violet, 390 M M or 3900 A. The
range of visibility is thus one octave: from approximately 400 M M to 800 M M. Above that are
the ultra-violet rays, and below it, the infra-red. It is also discovered that refraction increases in
inverse ratio to the wave length - hence the dispersion of light as it passes through a glass prism.
It is a matter of wave length that Mars yields a red light, stimulates the adrenal glands, and thus
produces the sundry emotional reactions that astrologists have learned to associate with a Mars
accent: and similarly with all the other planetary rays, as distinguished from those of the
The Sidereal Year is a period of 365d.256 or 365d 6h 9m 9s.5, during which time the Sun's
center, departing eastward from the ecliptic meridian of a given star, returns to the same; an
astral year. It is about 20 minutes longer than the tropical year. The sidereal month is of a
duration of 27d.322. The Anomalistic Year, that between two successive perihelion passages
of the Earth, is 365d.26, or 4m 43s.5 longer than the sidereal year, although it is increasing in
length even faster than the sidereal year. v. Day.
Zenith. Mathematically, the Pole of the Horizon. The point directly overhead, through which
pass the Prime Vertical (q.v.) and Meridian circles. Every place has its own zenith, and the
nearer a planet is to that zenith, the more powerful is its influence.. The term is sometimes
loosely applied to the cusp of the Tenth House, which strictly speaking is only the point of the
zodiac or ecliptic through which the meridian circle passes. v. Celestial Sphere.
Zero Hour Circles. The Secondary Hour Circles drawn through the celestial poles and
perpendicular to the celestial equator are termed Hour Circles, while those drawn parallel to the
celestial equator are called parallels of declination. The angle at the pole which this circle makes
with the meridian through any other place is called longitude.
The Hour Circle passing through the point of the Spring Equinox is known as the Zero Hour
Circle. At the time the Great Pyramid was built, the Zero Hour Circle cut the Earth at that point,
just as some centuries later it cut the location fot eh Greenwich Observatory when that was
constructed. The world time should follow the precession of the Equinoxes, but this would entail
not only the relocation of the Observatory every 70 or 700 years but of all the time zone
meridians - obviously a difficulty not easily overcome. To obviate that, world time has been
made synonymous with Greenwich Standard Time. However, the measurement in degrees of
Right Ascension of points along the Ecliptic, beginning at the point of the Spring Equinox, must
of necessity be correct, and while the required adjustment is but a matter of seconds per year,
there is little we can do but disregard the interval, much as we arbitrarily correct the calender by
an intercalary day every four years. Thus it becomes the one passage of time of which no record
is kept other than in the changed relationship between the signs and the constellations. The
result, however, is that Sidereal Time as utilized in locating the daily noon-pint is in increasing
disagreement with Standard world-time as observed on the Earth. However, since an hour's
discrepancy as created by law during Daylight Saving Time has entailed no serious difficulties,
the failure to shift our world time zones in keeping with the precession will entail no greater
inconvenience for some 2,000 years, at which time we could relocate another observatory and
still maintain the same boundaries for our Standard Time Zones. v. Signs and Constellations
Zodiac. A circle or belt, which anciently was said to extend some 8 degrees on either side of the
ecliptic (q.v.). Modern astronomers have widened it to 9 degrees either side, because of the
extreme latitudes to which Venus and Mars attain. The position of any planet within, or of any
star within or outside of the zodiax, is measured by a perpendicular to the ecliptic. The point
where this perpendicular meets the ecliptic is the geocentric longitude of the star or planet. In a
sense, the zodiac is identical with the ecliptic, for both are measured from a point of beginning at
the Vernal Equinox. v. Celestial Sphere.
Zodiacal Aspects. Those measured in degrees along the Ecliptic. When used in connection with
Primary Directions the Promittor's place is taken without latitude in contrast to the usual method
used with mundane aspects wherein one takes cognizance of the longitudinal degree at which the
aspect is complete.
Zodiacal Directions. Those formed in the Zodiac, by the progressed motion of Ascendant,
Midheaven, Sun, and Moon, to aspects with the planets. These may be: Direct, in the order of
the signs; or Converse, against the order of the signs.
Zodiacal Parallels. Any two points within the Zodiac that are of equal declination are said to be
in zodiacal parallel with each other. If both are North or both South declination they were
anciently termed antiscions. Some older authorities deemed that both were equally effective, but
most modern authorities ignore the contra-antiscions and attribute astrological significance only
to those between two bodies in parallel on the same side of the Equator. The zodiacal parallel
may be formed by direction in the Primary System, or by progression in the Secondary System.
To direct the Sun to an approximate parallel: In the ephemeris find the number of days
subsequent to the birthdate, viz, the date on which the Sun attains the declination fo rhe planet
desired, this number of days equalling the interval in years at which the influence will become
operative. Or, to be exact, subtract the Right Ascension of the Sun when it forms the parallel
from the Sun's R.A. at birth, and reduce this arc of direction to time at the rate of 1º for a year
and 5' for a month.
"Zodiacus Vitae." The Zodiac of Life. An old school book by Marcellus Palingenius
Stellatus, which was extensively used in England in Shakespeare's time. The earliest edition
extant is that in the British Museum, dated 1574, issued by the Stationers' Company in 1620.
A modern edition with annotations by Foster Watson, M.A., Professor of Education in the
University College of Wales, was published by Philip Wellby in 1908. In an Appendix to his
work one reads this: "Palingenius understood at least as much as was current teaching among
astrologers of his day in regard to the twelve divisions of the Houses of the Horoscope, and
probably he knew something more.... The twelve signs of the zodiac were for him something
more than mere pegs on which to hang an argument or elaborate a discourse.... Mystically
considered, the purport of the twelve chapters of Palingenius will find their parallel in the
twelve labours of Hercules, and thus will typify the evolution of the human soul through
successive stages of mental and spiritual enlightenment."