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1 Supporting the VSWR Test

1.1.1 Function Description
This function enables the measurement and query of the VSWR.
The VSWR test needs to be started manually. Since services are disrupted during the test, you
need to perform a forced handover for the services before starting the VSWR test.
Main scenario: After the site is activated, you can log in to the SMT or LMT and query the
VSWR to determine whether connection faults exist in the antenna system.
The SMT or LMT software should support the high-precision VSWR test.
The VSWR test can be performed in the following modes:
Frequency Domain Reflectometer (FDR) VSWR test
The FDR VSWR test features advancement and high precision. The optimized DRFU supports
this mode. Note that the optimized DRFU refers to the optimized hardware version of the
BTS3900 V300R008C02. In FDR mode, the position of the standing wave to the antenna
connector is displayed clearly.
Non-FDR VSWR test
The optimized DRFU, the DRRU, the GRRU, and the GRFU support this mode.
Before performing a VSWR test, you must determine the test mode according to the board type.
Select a proper test mode according to the board type before starting VSWR test.

1.1.2 Operation Procedure

The following description takes the DRFU of the BTS3900 GSM as an example to explain the
VSWR measurement procedure. This VSWR measurement procedure is also applicable to the
DBS3900 GSM and BTS3900A GSM.
The version of the SMT for the VSWR test should be BTS3000V100R008C11B141 or later.
Procedure for Testing the VSWR on the SMT
To test the VSWR on the SMT, perform the following steps:
Step 1 Start the SMT, and then click Site0 in the navigation tree. Press F5, and then
type cfXY in the box displayed on the toolbar, as shown in Figure 6-95. Note that cf must be in
lower case. The XY denotes the value of hour in the current system time, and the system time
uses the 24-hour clock. For example, if the current system time is 11:24, type cf11.
Figure 1-1 Logging in to the SMT

Step 2 On the SMT, double-click Site Management Right in the Function list, as
shown in Figure 6-96.
Figure 1-2 Obtaining the site management rights (1)

Step 3 In the displayed Site Management Right dialog box, click Get, as shown in
Figure 6-97.
Figure 1-3 Obtaining the site management rights (2)

Step 4 A message box is displayed. Click OK as shown in Figure 6-98.

Figure 1-4 Obtaining the site management rights (3)

Step 5 Click VSWR Test ,as shown in Figure 6-99.

Figure 1-5 Starting the precise VSWR test

Step 6 In the displayed VSWR Test window, set BoardNo, ACN, and Test Mode,
and then click Start Test, as shown in Figure 6-100.
Figure 1-6 Setting the parameters related to the precise VSWR test

Step 7 Wait until the test result is displayed in the window, check the result, and
then click Close, as shown in Figure 6-101.
When the tested VSWR is equal to or less than 1.5, the reported distance is invalid.

Figure 1-7 Test result

Step 8 On the SMT, double-click Site Management Right in the Function list ,as
shown in Figure 6-102.
Figure 1-8 Releasing the site management rights (1)

Step 9 In the displayed Site Management Right dialog box, click Release. After
you are prompted that the site management rights are successfully released, click Close ,as
shown in Figure 6-103.
Figure 1-9 Releasing the site management rights (2)

Procedure for Testing the VSWR on the LMT
In one BTS, tests are performed in series. In the case of multiple BTSs, tests can be performed in
To test the VSWR of a single BTS on the LMT, perform the following steps:
Step 1 Start the BSC6000 LMT, and then click the MML client button, as shown in
Figure 6-104.
Figure 1-10 Clicking the MML client button

Step 2 Type STR VSWRTEST in the Command Input box, and set the parameters
as follows:
Set Index Type to BYNAME(By Name).
Type the BTS name, (for example C11_VERSION) in the BTS Name box, as shown in
Figure 6-105.
Set Board No. according to the board to be tested. When the board number is not specified,
the test will be performed on all modules if the antenna tributary number is not set.
Set Antenna Tributary No..
Set Test Mode to FDR(FDR).
Click the execution button (the button highlighted in a red rectangle in Figure
6-105) to start the test.
Figure 1-11 Starting the test

Figure 1-12 Site name

Step 3 Check the test result, as shown in Figure 6-107.

Figure 1-13 Test information and result

To test the VSWR of multiple BTSs in batches on the LMT, perform the following steps: (In one
BTS, tests are performed in series. In the case of multiple BTSs, tests can be performed in
Step 4 Start the BSC6000 LMT, and then click the MML client button, as shown in
Figure 6-108.
Figure 1-14 Clicking the MML client button

Step 5 In the Local Maintenance Terminal BSC6000 window, choose System >
Batch Commands, as shown in Figure 6-109.
Figure 1-15 Batch processing

Step 6 On the displayed Immediate Batch Command tab, enter several VSWR test
commands in the format of STR VSWRTEST: IDXTYPE=BYIDX, BTSIDX=XX,
TMODE=FDR; to test the VSWR of multiple BTSs, as shown in Figure 6-110.
XX refers to the BTS index which can be queried on the LMT.
The setting of "TMODE=FDR" indicates that an FDR test is to be performed. If the FDR test
does not need to be performed, delete "TMODE=FDR".
Figure 1-16 Typing commands for batch processing

Step 7 Click Set. In the displayed Set dialog box, set the following parameters, as
shown in Figure 6-111.
Sending Commands Interval:
This parameter indicates the interval of sending commands.
Save Failed Commands
Since the batch processing script contains multiple commands, you can select this item to save
the commands that fail to be executed in a file so that they can be queried later.
Save Successful Results
You can select this item to save the results of the successful command execution in a file so that
they can be queried later.
Figure 1-17 Setting the parameters of the MML script

Step 8 Click OK after setting the parameters. In the Local Maintenance Terminal
BSC6000 window, click Go, as shown in Figure 6-112.
Step 9 Open the saved file that contains the test result to check the VSWR, as shown
in Figure 6-112.
Figure 1-18 VSWR test result


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