Ict Lesson 4 Lesson Plan

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Appendix 1


Year Level:



Date: 4/3/15

Learning Area: Science

Students Prior Knowledge:

Students can differentiate between pure
substances and mixtures and identifying
examples of each.
Student must have an understanding of states
and properties of matter. As well as be able to
locate elements on a periodic table.
Students should know the different types of
molecular motion and how molecules interact.
Students are able to follow instructions and
work in groups/pairs.
Ability to use the Year 8 chemical science
weebly site.

Strand/Topic from the Australian Curriculum

Differences between elements, compounds and mixtures
can be described at a particle level (ACSSU152)
General Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)
Critical and

Cross-curriculum priorities

creative thinking


Personal and



Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander

histories and cultures
Proficiencies:(Mathematics only) N/A

Asia and Australias engagement with Asia


Lesson Objectives (i.e. anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action verb)
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:

Identify and differentiate between elements, compounds and mixtures

Represent elements and simple compounds with formulas and symbols

Work cooperatively and effectively in pairs to create a compound flyer to add to the classrooms compound
Teachers Prior Preparation/Organisation:

Upload lesson to class Weebly page.

Send students the link to units Webquest.
Ensure all links are functional
Pairing compound words that will be used to group
Check that YouTube video will play through media
system and speakers work.

Provision for students at educational risk:

For early finishers/gifted students there are additional
quizzes on the Bitesize interactive website.
For students with weaker science literacy they can restart
the quiz or go back to the video at any point.
For students who have hearing disabilities headphones can
be provided and they can sit at the front of the class to
observe the teachers hand movements.

Check Year 8 chemical science weebly site is set

up and functioning

LESSON EVALUATION (to be completed AFTER the lesson)

Assessment of Lesson Objective and Suggestions for Improvement:
Use the class discussion and collaborative mind map to see if students have understood the basic definitions
Did students struggle to complete the Bitesize revision exercise?
Record their score from the Bite size quiz.
Did students work effectively to complete a portion of their flyer?
Teacher self-reflection and self-evaluation:
Anecdotal notes will be kept on:
Did all students participate?
What aspects of the lesson did the students struggle to complete?
Have all the lesson objectives been met?
How far along in the flyer did most of the students reach and was there enough time?
Were the instruction given in class clear and concise?

[OFFICIAL USE ONLY] Comments by classroom teacher, HOPP, supervisor:

LESSON DELIVERY (attach worksheets, examples, marking key, etc, as relevant)


Motivation and Introduction:

1. As students enter the classroom each student will receive
part of a compound name which is used to sort them into
2. Recap on previous lesson about atoms, elements and the
periodic table.

Pairing cards
Youtube Video:
Elements, Mixtures or

Teacher will briefly describe the main points from previous


4. Teacher will introduce the topic of elements, mixtures or

compounds and how they relate to each other
5. Ask the students to pay close attention to the video and
write down the main points as there will be a popcorn
brainstorm at the end of the video

Lesson Steps (Lesson content, structure, strategies & Key

1. During the video the teacher will take the roll and ensure
that all devices for spiderscribe work and key terms are
already inputted.
2. Teacher initiates the popcorn brain storm by asking
students what theyve observed and to appropriately call
out their observations.

What is a mixture and an example?

What is an element and an example?
What is a compound and an example?

Keep Spider scribe up so the students and teacher can

refer back to it.

Explain the pros and cons for spider scribe and the
reasoning for using the site

3. Students will undertake an online activity using the

Bitesize link the teacher
- Give the students time to upload the web page, watch the
mini video and partake in the online quiz this will take
around 5 minutes.

Bitesize interactive video


4. Ask the students for some feedback.

Rate it based on the learning experience

Explain the pros and cons for using the interactive

website for students and explain why we chose this.

Canva: Classrooms
compounds catalogue

5. Explain what is required for the next task. Students will be

grouped into pairs to create and investigate a compound.

They will be making a flyer using the website Canva.

The assessment task will be called Classrooms

Compounds Catalogue were the students can access
or but one anothers flyer.

Explain the pros and cons for using the interactive

website for students and explain why we chose this.

Lesson Closure:(Review lesson objectives with students)

Our aim for this lesson was to give the students an overview of
the topic (Youtube) and to tap into their knowledge individually

(Bitesize). To follow through with their learning, a creative digital

exercise allowed the students to actively engage and consolidate
their understanding of compounds, mixtures and elements.

Transition: (What needs to happen prior to the next lesson?)


This is the last lesson for the topic.

Assessment: (Were the lesson objectives met? How will these

be judged?)
How well did the students engage with the collaborative
Observe the students using Bitesize interactive video and
completion of the quiz.
Were the students working effectively and engaging in the Canva
task together?

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