Philippines: Message From The United States Agency For International Development
Philippines: Message From The United States Agency For International Development
Philippines: Message From The United States Agency For International Development
Judicial efficiency strikes at the very core of the effective administration of justice, which is very
important because it affects development in multiple areas and sectors including economic
growth. In addition to their regular caseload, the Philippine judiciary is frequently asked to
interpret new laws and resolve legal disputes, some more complex than others.
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is pleased to support the
Supreme Court, through its training unit, the Philippine Judicial Academy, in the production of
this Benchbook for Philippine Trial Courts (Revised and Expanded). This comprehensive
reference materials seeks to aid judges perform not only their judicial tasks, but their vast
administrative duties as well. This valuable learning and research tool with help judges more
easily access vital legal information that will hopefully lead to a speedier and apt resolution of
USAID congratulates the editorial consultants led by PhilJA Chancellor Justice Adolf Azcuna, the
writers, the editor, and all the dedicated people, who made this publication possible.
Mission Director