History of Jazz Lesson Plan

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Teacher Candidate: Paige Halligan

Cooperating Teacher: Claire Kempes

Group Size: 21 Students Allotted Time: 45 minutes
Subject or Topic: Social Studies History of Jazz

Date: 02/27/15
Coop. Initials: ________________
Grade Level: 1st
Section: EEU 390-045

STANDARD: (PA Common Core):

8.3.1.A: Identify Americans who played a significant role in American history.

9.1.3.A: Know and use the elements and principles of each art form to create works in the arts and
9.1.3.D: Use knowledge of varied styles within each art form through a performance or exhibition of unique

I. Performance Objectives (Learning Outcomes)

Students will illustrate their knowledge of jazz instruments and type of jazz by creating a visual art piece
identifying one instrument they learned and colors that emphasis the mood of their creation.

II. Instructional Materials
MacBook Pro (with internet access)
YouTube videos
o La vie en rose Louis Armstrong
o I'll Be Seeing You - Billie Holiday
o One Oclock Jump - Count Basie
o "This Jazz Man" by Karen Ehrhardt
Overhead projector
o Mood colors transparency
Dry erase markers
Jazz instruments images poster
Black paper [8.5 x 11 in.] (one per student)
Construction paper
Tool kits (one per student)
o Scissors
o Color pencils
o Crayons
o Glue

III. Subject Matter/ Content (prerequisite skills, key vocabulary, big idea)

Prerequisite Skills
Ability to engage in active listening and give responses to auditory stimuli
Engage in small and large group discussion
Fine motor skills to engage in art related activities
Basic understand of different types of instruments

Key Vocabulary
Jazz A type of music of Black American origin characterized by improvisation, syncopation,
and usually a regular or forceful rhythm, emerging at the beginning of the 20th century.
Mood - A temporary state of mind or feeling.
Rhythm - A strong, regular, repeated pattern of movement or sound.
Tempo - The speed at which a passage of music is or should be played.

Big Idea
Jazz was a way for Black Americans to express their feelings through music and instruments.

IV. Implementation

A. Introduction
1. The teacher will guide students to the back of the room and ask students to listen when the
music is turned on. Asking students to think about how they feel when they hear the music
and what instruments are being used to produce the music?
2. The teacher will ask students to close their eyes and say a number with each short clip of a
song. The teacher will play three different songs for the students.
La vie en rose Louis Armstrong
Trumpet, Double Bass, Guitar, Flute, Piano, Singing
Happy, Love
I'll Be Seeing You - Billie Holiday
Piano, Trombone, Trumpet, Singing
Calm, Soothing, Sleepy, Relaxing
One Oclock Jump - Count Basie
Drums, Trombone, Saxophone, Piano, Double Bass
Excited, Fun, Bouncy
3. The teacher will have students open their eyes and bring their attention to the Whiteboard
where the numbers 1, 2, 3 with be drawn on the board with the title of the song. The teacher
will have students reflect on how they felt in the first song as the teacher re-plays a small
section of the song quietly as they think and reflect. The teacher will write down emotions,
feelings, and any instruments they heard in the song next to the number. This process will
repeat until all three songs are reviewed.
4. The teacher will inform students that each of the songs they just heard were different kinds
of jazz and they would be learning all about jazz in todays lesson.

B. Development
1. The teacher will inform students that jazz started in the early 1900s (after slavery) in New
Orleans by North American slaves who were cut off from their from their musical traditions.
So, they mixed their African traditional music with musical instruments and church music
that were in the United States.
2. The teacher will show students the Jazz Instruments poster on the side of the whiteboard.
3. The teacher will review each of the instruments used to create jazz music by pointing to the
specific instrument, giving its name, and what kinds of sounds they make.
4. The teacher will explain that Black Americans used jazz when it first started as a way to
express themselves and their feelings. If a person was happy or sad or calm or excited or
mad, they would create a tempo (speed), rhythm (beat), and a song that would sound the
way they felt. Times were difficult for African Americans during this time so expressing how
they felt was very important to show everyone how they felt.
5. The teacher will tell students that today they will be artists and will be creating a piece of art
that shows their favorite jazz instrument and color to show a mood (feeling) about how they
feel when they listen to jazz.
6. The teacher will instruct students to return to their desks.
7. The teacher will have paper passers and teacher helpers to pass out black paper to each
8. The teacher will give directions to the students that they can create their artwork by using
colors from the supplies in their tool kits and using pieces of construction paper to cut out
pieces to put together their art piece. They have to make sure their artwork contains two
major pieces: a music instruments used to play jazz and a color that shows an emotion or
mood they feel when they listen to jazz. They students should first start by writing their
name at the top of the page, sound out and write the name of their instrument theyll be
drawing, and sound out the mood they feel when listening to jazz. After they write, the
students will be instructed to begin and flip over their paper to begin creating their pieces of
9. The teacher will also draw students attention to the overhead projector.
10. On the screen, the overhead projector will have a list of colors with moods next to them to
assist students with identifying what mood they feel to color and possible patterns.
11. Teacher will inform students that only light colored pencils and crayons will show up on this
black paper and to also use the construction paper in the back if they what to make their

instruments stand out more in their art pieces.

12. The teacher will allow 15 minutes for students to be as creative as possible while creating
their jazz inspired artwork. As students work, the teacher will play a Jazz Playlist on the
computer and play it through the speakers for students to listen to as they draw and create
their artwork.
13. For students that finish early, the teacher will ask them to identify as many jazz instruments
as possible on a piece of paper.

C. Closure
1. To conclude the lesson on jazz, the teacher will play "This Jazz Man" by Karen Ehrhardt and
have students get up and move around the room to the rhythm of the beat.
2. The teacher will instruct students to go back to their seats and pose the question, Why do
you think it is important we continue to play jazz music from the early 1900s? How do you
think jazz helped African American during this time?
3. The teacher will have students share their responses in a large group discussion on the
importance of preserving jazz culture and remember who created jazz and why it is so
important to Black Americans.
4. The teacher will collect students work for evaluation.
D. Accommodations / Differentiation
v For students with visual impairments, an enlarged copy of the mood chart will be provided
for the student to see during the lesson. Also, preferential seating close to the white board
will ensure optimal visual ability for the student throughout the lesson.
v For students that have difficulty focusing during lessons, a guided sticky note with questions
on it will be provided to ensure focus of an end result after watching and listening to the
v For students with auditory processing difficulties and hardness of hearing, they will be
placed closer to the CD player and speakers throughout the lesson to feel the music pulses,
beat, tempo and rhythm to feel and possible her changes between songs.
E. Assessment/Evaluation plan

1. Formative
Jazz Artwork pieces From this lesson, students will be instructed to
produce a piece of artwork of a musical instrument used in jazz and to
identify the feeling they have when listening to this music. Students work
will be evaluated through a check-list. For students who do not meet the
objective, the teacher will re-teach a focused mini-lesson on the content of
todays lesson and re-evaluate.

V. Reflective Response

A. Report of Students Performance in Terms of States Objectives

Every student was able to identify the mood they feel when listening to jazz with its corresponding color while
accurately identifying the music instrument they selected for their art piece. For students who did demonstrate
difficulty completing this objective correctly, I would have them sort the instruments to their names first. I
would have them pick of the instruments. Then, I would have them come over to the CD player and play a jazz
song for the student and tell me how they feel. I would then ask if that feeling would have cool and calming
colors, exciting and bright colors, or warm and fuzzy colors. Then, I would re-evaluate the students responses
and work.

B. Personal Reflection

Is identifying a mood too abstract for the students at this age level? This was a little challenging
for the students. So, as a whole group, I reviewed the songs and told the students to tell me what
colors belong to what mood prior to playing the songs. Then, I played song #1. I asked students to
give me a mood and a corresponding color. Next, I played song #2 and #3 and repeated this process.
After re-teaching this introduction section, students fully grasped the concept and proceeded on to
complete the task effectively.

Will the students be able to understand the correlation between jazz and Black History? When
discussing the history of jazz (where and how it was created), I emphasized why is was important to
Black History and that African Americans were the individuals who created this genre of music. This
was the light bulb moment for students and made the connection why we are learning about jazz as
one our days in the Black History unit. One student even was able to name a Black American jazz
musician prior to me introducing some of them (one student named Louis Armstrong).

In the beginning of this lesson, as we were waiting for students to return to our classroom from other
interventions, I did a review of what weve learned about throughout this weeks Black History unit. Students
were able to recall the individuals we learned about each day and their impact on American History. After
students returned, I taught the History of Jazz lesson. This was a sign that my instruction of this unit was
effective and students were picking up on the content of my unit. This lesson was a great opportunity to
integrate Music into Social Studies. Learning about the history of jazz and the significance it has in Black
American culture was something I wanted to emphasis for students. Students really enjoyed the introduction
part of this lesson where I had them sitting in the back, in a circle, closing their eyes and listening to the music.
This even had the most distracted students focused and swaying in their spot, engaged and actively listening to
the music. Many students liked this lesson because of their prior background knowledge of instruments but
they liked learning that Black Americans in our history were the ones responsible for the genre of jazz. Many
students came up to me after they completed their art pieces saying that jazz was their new favorite genre
and they wanted to write thank you notes to Louis Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald. It was very rewarding to see
students enjoy and respond so well to this unit. It is such a great feeling to know that my instruction has made
an impact of students perspective of Black American History. Monday, I will be administrating my summative
assessment and gather data to evaluate if students truly are able to complete the end of unit assessment with

VI. Resources

Billie Holiday - "I'll Be Seeing You" (YouTube). Retrieved from

Children's Book/Song: Miss Nina sings "This Jazz Man" by Karen Ehrhardt. (2010, May 29). Retrieved from

Ehrhardt, K., & Roth, R. (2006). This Jazz Man (First edition.). Harcourt.

Music Instruments Coloring Pages. (Kids-N-Fun). Retrieved from http://www.kids-n-

La vie en rose - Louis Armstrong. (YouTube). Retrieved from

One O'Clock Jump - Count Basie. (YouTube). Retrieved from


Musical Instruments of Jazz

* Coloring sheet students may complete at home and write their favorite jazz song on the back.
This color sheet was created by Kids-N-Fun. APA citation of the website is listed above in the Resource
section of this lesson plan.

Mood Chart
Blue and Purple Calm, Quiet, Cool
Red and Orange Energetic, Fun
Yellow and Pink Happy


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