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School Bus Citations

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CITATION ‘You may view full color images at: SPEED MONITORING VIQLATION- Ihgp-/www public cite-web.com Mail Dare: 08/01/14 ‘To: MONTGOMERY COUNTY ‘sy. Please take notice tat the vehicle described and piotare erected and recorded by a speed monitoring system exceedin postee speed limit by atleast 12 MPH in viclation of Title 21, Subtitle § Df he Transportation Article. The pictured vehicie was traveling at the spec listed below st the place, cate, and time specified, Therefore, under Maryland State Law, Transportation Aricle §2/-809, as the registered ssee (Six months or more) you are liable for the violation, 20 10 court acivil penalty in the amount of $40.00, PAYMENT OF THE PENALTY AMOUNT FOR THE VIOLATION WILL NOT RESULT IN POINTS AND CANNOT BE USED TO INCREASE YOUR INSURANCE RATES. WARNING: FAILURE TO PAY THE PENALTY SHOWN, OR TO CONTEST LIABILITY DESCRIBED IN THE NEXT PARAGRAPH IS AN ADMISSION OF LISBILITY AND MAY RESULT IN THE REFUSAL OR SUSPENSION OF THE MOTOR VEBICLE REGISTRATION. laximum amount you can be charged is 2 evidence of a violation of the Maryland iaw the maximum posted speed limit. NOTE TOCATIONOF [ame] Of VIOLATION wonton [craig sarszam [S@PsRAIntn Reo: | wo Loatse POSTED SPEED VERCLESPEED DED TE 49 mph samen [WOLKHONNONIER ——[Siowroae | oastt4 |e inco2es70867 ‘$40.00 | Saneere 1am ad authoried law eforcemant offer employed by GR br under conser wits te Montgomery County Poi, Based haps Sh nspection of the reoréed images shown above. te motor SEhice wes operated in violation of Tie 27, Subti 8 ofthe ‘Tiansponation Articie as evidenced by tbe dbove Sonn #9 oF gta 8 San Cir YOU WANT TO PAY THIS CITATION: (Do aot send cash.) Citation Number MCO28970887 1 Place your saeck or money one for S400 (ade payable 0 feaiuee the Monigomer) County) along with this form Se) Baetaw [Free Amount Due] PA teehee Nemes” Lowstia | | $40.00 | Post Office Bor 10549 ‘geile, Maryland 20849 ‘You ean view full eolor images at: Hi ith 2. Pay online a: war montabmer oun gos/sfesnetdnay papier gubbe cie se beo 3. Pay by Phone: 1.866.579.5742 Cation No: MEOZEETORGT Pio No. 262775094 | orale Phone OLB) ‘ea Tuchar natretons on tne back of ie cation [eee Sakae sien wie Na\it & ADDRESS OF RAGISTERED OWNER | . | MONTGOMERY COUNTY = suis PUBLIC SCHOOLS Cy iF You WaNT TO REQUEST A COURT HEARING: Sas] CRALSS BRANCH WAY allow ue tnsratons the back of hs frm. Roemvis, uo T0088 UNUM O ANN an waives your ar before the CITATION ‘You mag view full color images at: SPEED MONITORING VIOLATION PS ay cea pede 56 Pia Num ogiogrta 7 aul Mall Das ‘To. MONTGOMERY COUNTY Please take nouice tha Transpenanon Arvele £2/-30 3 ‘aners) or lessee (sik months or more) you re Liable for the violation. 20 12 sour, a civil penalty in che ameunt of $40.00 te showa on this notice PAYMENT 08 THE PENALTY AMOUNT FOR T VIOLATION WILL NOT RESULT IN POINTS AND C: USED TO INCREASE YOUR INSURANCE RATE: WARNING: FAILURE TO PAY THE PENALTY SHOWN, OR TO CONTEST LIABILITY DESCRIBED IN THE NEXT PARAGRAPH IS AN ADMISSION OF LIABILITY AND MAY RESULT IN THE REFUSAL OR SUSPENSION OF THE MOTOR VEBICLE REGISTRATION. est tis citation by the due date noted below. acged is NOT BE of a violation ofthe Maryland Tas ing the maximum posted speed li [one TME ———] Loention oF — Et De vioLATION woLaion [> goassam |)2008KRandeon Adee, | wap Loaasr4 | osTep rae | ERCIESED DUET [WoLaTiON semen [NON DoS | osvoait Mc028427 188 $40.00 CERTIFICATE i {am adly ean on sree SE fr ander etre 4h be Metgor=ry See Si nspecion of recorded images a f A Public Sofey Program ofthe Wehice wan operated in veigion of Ts ‘ Montgomery County “Feinspotetion Arges evicenced bythe dove images, Soom arlgimed 8 ee pees Signatere: Fanmy Hardy beschbeeodeom. (ln YOU WANT TO PAY THIS CITATION: (Do not send cash. Citation Number MC028427188 1. Place your check or money onder for $10.00 (made payable (0 — 7 the Montgomery Couns) along with this form to BE) “Bae Date] | Fine Amount Due] ety cae ames L_osovia | |___$40.00__ | Post Office Box 10549 ieee alana Rockile, Maryland 20649 ton aur giieche-we.cam | 2. ey oie ac we smoneomestconnss govsiesoeedoa 292863204 | Cuation No: MC028427188 Pia har inaincions onthe back of he alain SAME & ADDRESS OF REGISTERER OWNER MONTGOMERY COUNTY = PUBLIC SCHOOLS a 16631 CRABES BRANCH WAY hoittewe wee AR VEST A COURT REARING: eH A a crration Yona napa ps nn fA, sree MONITORING VIOLATION SSNS RE nun srs E Tim | ray 710 aaa 3 So Hage 4 ray paver OPEN ren fede OF te lpn eats ht hve dese and ed sn cee ceed reesei pnel sen en a aon SERRE: SENS see tanta Aree pet SEH ov nng s geelelw a h pae ‘line eled fates? ne Manion Se Un Ma Rt se Eara aise et retro roti yet ae tale rw oon Fassel a eat seam Sass aed ic se nae PAYMENT OF THE PENALTY AMOUNT FORTHE, VIOLATION WILL NOT RESULT IN POINTS AND CANNOT BE, USED TO INCREASE YOUR INSURANCE RATES. WARNING: FAILURE TO PAY THE PENALTY SHOWN, OR ‘TO CONTEST LIABILITY DESCRIBED IN THE NEXT. PARAGRAPH IS AN ADMISSION OF LIABILITY AND MAY RESULT IN THE REFUSAL OR SUSPENSION OF THE MOTOR VEHICLE REGISTRATION. ‘You must pay or contest this citation by the due date noted below. If yo appear in cour, the maximum amount you can be charged is $40.00 fine plus court costs. Recorded images are evidence ofa violation of the Maryland law prohibiting exceeding the maximum posted speed limit. DATE AND TINE OF (OLATION ATION OF VIOEATION | vermey sry] 11 ep Ble of Largo Road S| VERTCLETAG Prince George's County MD | MP 1.79180" POSTIED SPEED 50 mph inna | _| ‘AMOUNT DUE $40.00 CERTIFICATE. 1 am a duly authorized law enforcement officer employed by fortnder contrat wth the Prince George’ County. Based ‘A Public Safety Program of Snspetion ofthe rccrded images shoum above, the mote ‘ehicle wes operated in Viola oF Tile 21, Subtitle of the fe): Prince Geonges Cnty $ansprtion clay evencel bythe sbove aes. eg ory asses Sworn dfvmed = Signature: 3 ID: ais. Patel are eta. PG41226983 Catan Nan er E22 IF YOU WANT TO PAY THIS CITATION: (Do not send eash.) mate | | Fine Amount Due 1, Place yout check or money order for $0.00 (made payable to vena | |___s4000__| the Prince George’s County) along with this form to: Prince Georges County PO Box 17416 Baltimore MD 21297-1416 Pay Online at: _wwonlneiationpaymentcom Pay by Phone: G01) 858-6212 ‘Soe Further instructions onthe back ofthis citation. POLICE DEPARTMENT PROCESSING CENTER PO BOX 806 LANHAM MD 20703, Payment is considered an ADMISSION OF LIABILITY and waives your right to a hearing. Payment must be received on ‘or before the due date, You ean view full color Images ats wwwwonlinecittionpayment.com Citation Number: PG41226983_ Pin Number: 5575 FORWARDING SERVICE REQUESTED reece ROARD OF EDUCATION OF PRINCE GEORGES CO 11300 OLD MARLBORO PIKE UPPER MARLBORO, MD 20772 IF YOU WANT TO REQUEST A COURT HEARING: Follow the instructions on the back ofthis form. Klysblayfatl “sry ene dye CITATION a SPEED MONITORING VIOLATION lati Number: TNE123935939.Pin Nuner 901 (0621-810 Work Zone For Cour Use Only To: BOARD OF EDUCATION OF Please take notice the vehicle described and pictured herein was detected and recorded by a speed monitoring system exceeding the ‘posted speed limit by at least 12 MPH in violation of Tide 21, Subtitle 8 ofthe Transportation Article. The pictured vehicle was traveling atthe speed listed below st the place, dae, and time specified. Therefore, under Maryland State Law, Transportation [Article § 21-809, as the registered owner(s) or lesse (six months ‘or more) you are liable for the violation. Unless you elect to go to court, a civil penalty in the amount of $40.00 must be paid by the due date shown on this notice, PAYMENT OF THE PENALTY AMOUNT FOR THE. VIOLATION WILL NOT RESULT TN POINTS AND CANNOT BE USED TO INCREASE INSURANCE RATES. WARNING: FAILURE TO PAY THE PENALTY SHOWN OR TO CONTEST LIABILITY AS DESCRIBED IN THE NEXT PARAGRAPH IS AN ADMISSION OF LIABILITY AND MAY RESULT IN THE REFUSAL OR SUSPENSION OF THE MOTOR VEHICLE REGISTRATION. ‘You must pay ar contest this citation by the due date noted below. If you appear in cous, the maxirnum amount you can be changed is $40.00 fine plus court costs Recorded images are evidence ofa violation ofthe Marylend law prohibiting exceeding the maximum posted speed limit. al DATE ANDTIN OF TIOLRHON LOCATION OF VIOLATION) VEHICLE'TAG oasaoussiisas | stnsuiinarasca | mDiosr9 |fostep srexo uni] veuicce seco comreare [00m sine bare Due ay ashore offer emo sade conte wih eTown, of Marapse Poles MOLATION NuwmeR] AMOUNT ue ae Depend o niet othe cide raison ales ann sal swe the aa cle was opened inva of Tle 2, Sibi ofthe tansporaton Arica evience by he above inages.Svorn to oF armed by ‘A Public Safety Program of the ‘Town of Momingside Police Department De 230 443-749-8836 Signature: Detach here ed rem SITATION NU i? See LIF YOU WANT TO PAY THIS CITATION: (Do not sea cash) Saba) (ANEAMOUNT DOF Place your check or money order fr $40.00 rade payable to the Town of Momingside) slong wi his fam o: haves Amount Due $8000 “Foor of Mange Autonted Speed Enforcement 0, Bon Sate Hagesiown, MD 21741-3046 2, Pay Online st: em atgwetyay co 3. Pay by Phone: 483-748-8836 BOARD OF EDUCATION OF ‘See further structions onthe back of thi tation Pe arated teed [Payment is considered an ADMISSION OF LIABILATY and waives lyour right to & hearing. Payment must be received on or before the due UPPER MARLBORO, MD 20772 CIF YOU WANT TO REQUEST A COURT HEARING Follow te inststions a he back ofthis for. NAME AND ADDRESS OF REGISTERED OWNER fz can view fll color images ats wv watszichpay.om Citation Nos ‘PMM129939939.FinNumer: 5901 qn-w23935939 SL o4o0N 30 CITY OF FAIRFAX, VIRGINIA mS Respect Red ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM NOTICE OF VIOLATION NOTICE NUMBER: RRFF13006910 ‘The Cty of Faltax has 2 rea ight photo enforcement program in efecto reduce tha number of red ght volatons. A yeu can eee fom the photos fe the Hight a vehicle rejsered in your nama and deseibal below haz Been pholographed {elit stop fora re aff ira. Soptomber 25, 2013, sat AM FAIRFAX COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD ROGRESS STREET APT 8115 GATEHOUSE RD FALLS CHURCH va 22042 sare. va 2004 Bus be CITY OF FAIRFAX CODE | BReRrTIOT SECTION 88-21 Fata to Compty with $ 50.00 ‘rate Sina Rae ht University Dr& North St (EB) Monday, Dacombser 2, 2013, 115 GATEHOUSE RO z002 VIOLATION OF CITY OF FAIRFAX CODE SECTION 08-24 [BASED UPON MY REVIEW AND INSPECTION OF THE RECORDED IMAGES, STATE THAT A VIOLATION OF CITY OF FAIRFAX CODE SECTION 98-21 DID ‘occur, | DECLARE UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE] (OF VIRGINIA THE FOREGOING IS TRUE AND CORRECT sep3,2009 CRS Tg BATEWSSUED —_FAIRFAXPOLIGE OFFICER ~~“ BADGENO. Note: A swom pfficer has reviewed the recorded images and this certifat serves as prim facie evidence ofthe facts ‘As the registored owner of the vehide described in this Notice, you are responsible for paying this civil peraty by December 2, 2013, FAIRFAX COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD PLEASE NOTE THAT RECORDED IVAGES DO CONSHTUTE EVIDENCE OF A Viowa video of the violation on the internet at: yaww.photonotice.com (Enter City Cocie: FRFXVA]. ara Bes 63] SOT 72 OY milan f° *8 2, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ——— NOTICE OF INFRACTION “SSEROLICE | METROPOLITAN POLICE DEPARTMENT = Aree } Mail Date: 10202014 Bus joJe REGISTERED OWNER INFORMATION sa 016879250 FAIRFAX COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD 8115 GATEHOUSE RD FALLS CHURCH, VA 220421203 ‘Your vehicle wes photographed violating District of Columbia tic ‘eguetions onthe date and Usted below. Under Distt athe registered vier oa vehicle i Hable foe payment ofthe fine for viosions ‘recorded using an automscd aie eforement st, POINTS WILL.NOT RE ASSESSED. Fer informatio on photo eaforcement techaolgles, pense Visi tipstnpdec-degoviautonttedenforcement, the tckt location includes (WZ) or (82), your fine hasbeen doubed| ork zone( WZ) oF school 7ore (SZ) TION ‘On he back ofthis noice you wall in direcdons for answering thicket. W you want Ticket Number: 016875250 to contest ticket, penaiy, or both dono pay the ticket until you receive your Issue Date: 10742014 Issue‘Time: 1023:34AM | éecision from DMY. Your answer this eke musi be received bythe payment ue Violation Code: 7113, dat sec nso, Failure to ay the fine contest the ination fn the mene an ine Description: SIGNAL PASS REDLIGHT ‘equced isan stnission of Habit. This will result adaitona penalties andthe ose Veil Tg: VAHL Veicteate: AMER 170 Fah aber Fore exif Dito Cui >eparmist of Motor Vehicles wil place a old oa the renewal ofthe owners vehicle coe eee ‘egIsratan a6 ong as the icket is unpaid. Your vehiole maybe Immobilized er impounded if wo or more wapad Shel are on your recor, Detach and neuen this portion with your payment in the envelope provided ‘or you may pay your ticket through the lteret st: ‘Ticket Number: DOT6E7928@ Vehicle Tag: VA 100879L ‘Amount Due: $150.00 Mail Date: 10202014 Due Date: 11/19/2014 ‘Amount Due After Due Dute: $300.00 AmosarPa's[_——] ‘You can view full color versions of the images and. video (Gf available) and deployment log (for speed violations) for this eet at: hip//www publc.cite-yet, Citation Number: — Pin Number: 01687925 214651936 0224253000107000140015000D01L879250 * k & DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA —— aaa NOTICE OF INFRACTION NSPOLICE Se areme METROPOLITAN POLICE DEPARTMENT = = Bus 3 Mail Date: osretrao1e E REGISTERED OWNER INFORMATION Dot664758, FAIRFAX COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD 8118 GATEHOUSE RD FALLS CHURCH, va 22042 ‘Your vehicle was photographed violating District of Columbia ai regulations on the date and ine ised belo. Under Distt aw, the registered owner ofa vehicles able for paynem ofthe fine fe vations ‘eeotded using an anomated rfc enforcement system POINTS WILL NOT BE ASSESSED. For Information on photo enforcement technologies, please vist Iiputmpde de gow/nwtomatedenfrcemet ete ticket Keaton Inciudes (WZ) or (52), your fn has been doubt because the location isa work zane (WZ) a School Zone (32). onic ya wil find dsaos fir awciags Wee Wyou nto eke poly or bt do wat py the Bet ul yours you doson| cm Dv. Yur ene: to is ket wut be este by the pment ett ed isto. Future eo pay te Ee or contest evasion mh aah ane te requted sn anion Fait. Ths wl esa dsl peas and he os af Ser Fit i iearing Foe vices eiered the Distt of Column the Departed of Mey eh wil pace shld on he ene the ser eile gion a fog kris unpat. Your yet may be ninbized or impr twee me unpaid se ae on your eco Tekst Number: 3 fsoue Date: ouc7/20te [seve Time:10:59:20 ak Violation Code: 1113 Deseripion: SIGNAL PASS REDLIGHT Location: 3 Capitol Ramp sb before St SW Vehicle Tag: YA T0207. VehicleMakeANTRA Detach and retum this portion with your payment inthe envelope provided, ‘or you may pay your ticket through the Intemet at ttpufwww.dinv.degou Ticket Number: 0016661758 Vehicle Tag: VA 70207. Mail Date: 08/21/2016 Payment Due Date: ooro2014 initial Fine Amount Due: $150.00 Total Amount Due After Payment Due Date: $300.00 Amount Paid: $ ‘You can view fall cole versions ofthe Image and vdeo Tavalble) forthis volion a: i bl ciesnch om Chuation Number: Pia Number, entre nove, 00342 3300026L200140025000D02b4b2758

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