Maptoncrfromscio 2014

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Directions to Neal Creek Resort, Scio, OR

North to
Salem &






There are 50 Covered

Bridges in Oregon, 33 of
those are in the
Willamette Valley. The
Scio area hosts 5 of these
historic Covered Bridges
with many more within a
short drive.


Creek Resort

I encourage those who

visit to check out the
Covered Bridges in the
area and to let the guests
coming to your event
know about these hidden
gems. You can see some
of them on this map.


Directions From Downtown Scio:

Take 226 East toward Lyons/Mill City (landmarks: flashing light at intersection;

Hwy 20 to Albany/I-5

Car Quest on the corner across from Veterans Memorial)

Landmark: Lazy D Road is the street just before Camp Morrison

Drive (Hannah
Bridge is the start of Camp Morrison Drive) you can turn onto Camp Morrison
here or take the next right which is Jordan Road

Hwy 34 to Corvallis/Newport
I-5 to
Eugene &


Just after mile marker 16 turn RIGHT at Camp Morrison Road, follow the road
around through some farmland you will see a large white church (Our Lady of
Lourdes) on your left as you come up to Jordan Road, from that intersection,
stay on Camp Morrison Drive 4.3 miles through a forest, farmland (including
Christmas Tree farms), and more forest to Neal Creek Resort
Camp Morrison (Boy Scout Camp) is
the only thing beyond Neal Creek
Resort on Camp Morrison Drive, so if
you are familiar with the location of
Camp Morrison, if you make it to the
entrance (an archway that says Camp
Morrison) you have gone about .25
mile too far.

Be careful the road is windy and rough in places plus there can be potholes because we share the road
with logging trucks. Drive carefully!

It is important that you do not turn off this road until you see the Neal Creek
Resort Banner on your right. The key is that when the double yellow line in
the middle of the road ends you are almost there, the next drive on the
RIGHT is ours.

When you get here follow the driveway on the left, down the hill, past the brick
shower house on your left and past the small parking lot on the right to the Aframe. Park in front of the deck/stairs and come on in!

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