Time Management

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Edited by Todor Stoilov

Time Management
Edited by Todor Stoilov

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Time Management, Edited by Todor Stoilov

p. cm.
ISBN 978-953-51-0335-6

Preface VII
Part 1
Chapter 1

Part 2
Chapter 2

Part 3

Survey: Time Management

What Do We Know About Time Management?

A Review of the Literature and a Psychometric
Critique of Instruments Assessing Time Management
Laurie-Ann M. Hellsten
Formal Models for Time Management 29
Hierarchical Optimization
for Fast Resource Allocation 31
Krasimira Stoilova and Todor Stoilov
Practical Cases for Time Management


Chapter 3

A Practical Application of Time Management 49

Darren George

Chapter 4

Personal Time-Management and

Quality of Life in the Network Society 59
Merc Boixads Angls, Eullia Hernndez-Encuentra
and Modesta Pousada Fernndez

Part 4

Time Management
in Academic and Sports Cases


Chapter 5

Distance Learners Time Management

and Learning Effectiveness 77
Adams O.U. Onuka

Chapter 6

Academic Advising, Time Management

and the African American Male Scholar-Athlete
C. Keith Harrison and Brandon Martin


The lack of time is worldwide dispersed phenomenon and it takes different forms in
all human being activities: industrial management, education, administration,
personal duties etc. The time management can be assumed as a process for achieving
personal goals and tasks.
It is easy to claim that the time allocation is a key factor for achieving every personal
goal. Thus, it is important task to identify common requirements, constraints and
relationships, which deal with the allocation if time per activities, concerning different
domains of the society.
This book does not claim that it contains keys for solving the problem of optimal time
management. However, this book is an attempt to summarize the current
achievements and technologies, which are used for planning and managing activities
nowadays, having in mind that all of them are functions of time.
The content of the book tries to summarize the understanding of the time
management, accommodated in the corresponding papers. It illustrates by success
stories the importance and viability of the time management. Illustrations with formal
models for optimal management of time are given. Several cases for time allocation
between sport and academic duties are provided.
The book is a collection of results from a wide range of specialists, competing with the
time requirements. The diversity of the cases concerned is a prerequisite to wide the
potential audience of readers, which face the problem of lack of time in their everyday
Finally, I would like to add my personal conclusions about the preparation of this
publication. The book is published under the framework of Open Access distribution.
This will give the opportunity for broad access of the scientific community worldwide.
I am grateful to the INTECH publishing department for their kind support and
assistance, which help me for the preparation and edition of this book.
Prof. Todor Stoilov, D.Sc., Ph.D.
Institute of Information and Communication Technologies,
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia,

Part 1
Survey: Time Management

What Do We Know About Time Management?
A Review of the Literature and a Psychometric
Critique of Instruments Assessing
Time Management
Laurie-Ann M. Hellsten

University of Saskatchewan,

1. Introduction
Lack of time is a common complaint in western society. In response, there has been a
proliferation of books, articles, and seminars on time management, along with their
assertions, prescriptions and anecdotes (Macan, 1994, p. 383). But what exactly is time
management? Despite the epidemic of time management training programs (Quirk, 1989),
there is currently a lack of agreement about the definition of time management and a dearth
of literature summarizing time management across disciplines. Furthermore, Hellsten (2005)
has argued that there is a lack of a theoretical model of time management. Although selfreport instruments purporting to examine time management exist in several disciplines, to
date, there has been no published psychometric review or comparison of these instruments
for assessing generic time management.

2. Purpose
The purpose of this chapter is to examine the existing time management literature. More
specifically, the purpose of this chapter is: (a) to describe the current state of time
management and the rationale for time management training including the populations for
whom recent time management literature is written; (b) to comprehensively review existing
published and peer-reviewed literature relating to the concept of time management in order
to delineate the skills and behaviors associated with time management identified in the
education, industrial, administrative, management, coaching, and sport and exercise
psychology domains; and (c) to identify and critically examine commercially available and
research-based instruments examining time management.

3. Methodology
Due to the threefold purpose of this chapter, three separate but related review stages were
utilized. First, in order to describe the current state of time management, a critical and
rigorous review of the current research literature was conducted. The review focused on

Time Management

the time management skills and behaviors identified in the education, industrial,
management, administrative, coaching, and sport and exercise psychology domains.
Articles were located using both database searches (e.g., ERIC, ProQuest Education,
PSYCHINFO, etc.) and manual reviews of references. Keywords used in the search
included time management, time management skills, time management behaviors, time
management training programs, planning, scheduling, and organizing. The search located
84 empirical peer reviewed papers as well as generic and popular books and articles on
time management. The initial search focused on literature published in the English
language prior to December 2005.
Second, in order to ensure the review was current, a second review following the process
specified above but restricted to published journal articles since the year 2000, was repeated
in September of 2011. Using the keywords Time Management, 993 journal articles were
identified. Of these articles, 35 abstracts were initially selected for closer review. Of the 35
abstracts identified, 12 articles were deemed relevant. Hand searches of the reference list of
these 12 relevant articles identified an additional 4 relevant articles. Thus, the second review
added 16 articles to the 84 previously identified in the first review for an overall total of 100
empirical peer reviewed papers and generic and popular books and articles on time
management. Of the 16 articles identified in the second review, 2 were classified as popular
literature with the remaining 14 articles classified as research articles.
The third review stage involved a literature review of existing instruments assessing time
management in the industrial, administrative, management, education, coaching, and sport
and exercise psychology domains. Sources of the review included database searches, crossreferencing of journal articles, and hand searches of relevant journals. Similar to the reviews
of time management skills and behaviors, the references for each article found during the
database search were reviewed for additional articles that by their title, use within the
article, or by referencing appeared to be related to time management for exercise. Key words
used in the review included time, time management skills and behaviors, time management
questionnaires, and time management instruments. Sixteen commercially available
instruments were identified that used time or time management as descriptors and ten
additional research studies involved the development of a time related assessment
instrument. Each of the identified instruments were then critically reviewed following the
work of Hellsten (2005) including assessment of the psychometric characteristics and utility
of the instruments to assess time management skills and behaviors.

4. Results
4.1 What is time management?
Time management has been described using many different terms including spontaneity,
balance, flexibility, and having control over time (Lakein, 1973). Time management has also
been characterized as a habit developed only through determination and practice (Simpson,
1978), as prioritizing and respecting those priorities (Soucie, 1986), and as setting priorities
and scheduling tasks (Jordan et al., 1989). Time management can also be considered as the
process by which an individual more effectively accomplishes tasks and goals (Schuler,
1979), a process by which an individual obtains control over the timing and the content of

What Do We Know About Time Management? A Review of the Literature

and a Psychometric Critique of Instruments Assessing Time Management

what he/she does (Oncken & Wass, 1985), and as what can be accomplished with time
(Mackenzie, 1972, 1975, 1990).
In order to utilize time effectively, individuals must first be able to predict how much time is
needed for the activity (Kelly, 2002). An individual will become effective in using their time
only when the individual clearly knows what they want to do, what they need to do, and for
which specific target date (Soucie, 1986). Individuals need to become more disciplined in
their use of time by respecting their established priorities while minimizing distractions
from others as well as from situations that have the ability to displace priorities in terms of
time and energy (Soucie, 1986).
According to Crutsinger (1994), time management involves determining what one should
do by setting goals, deciding which events are the most important and realizing that other
activities will have to be scheduled around them (prioritizing), making decisions about how
much time to allow for certain tasks (time estimation), adjusting to the unexpected (problem
solving), reconsidering goals and priorities on a regular basis (evaluation), and observing
patterns and trends in behavior.
There is debate over exactly what skills and behaviors constitute effective time management.
For example, Shipman (1983) identified six principles for effective time management. These
principles included being aware of self, structuring time appropriately, setting goals and
priorities, increasing personal efficiency and effectiveness, scheduling time for activity, and
scheduling relaxation time. Time management behaviors have more recently been
characterized as making lists, organizing, goal setting, keeping and routinely evaluating
ones schedule, and breaking down tasks into simpler parts (Kelly, 2002).
Empirical research investigating the effects of time management behavior has identified
three broad clusters of behaviors. These behaviors include setting goals and priorities,
engaging in the mechanics of time management, and having a preference for organization
(Adams & Jex, 1999; Macan, 1994, 1996; Macan et al., 1990). However, seven time
management skills or behaviors can be considered essential to effective time management
due to their repetitive prominence in the literature: (a) time analysis, (b) planning, (c) goal
setting, (d) prioritizing, (e) scheduling, (f) organizing, and (g) establishing new and
improved time habits (Barkas, 1984; Feeny Jonson, 2002; Hellsten & Rogers, 2009; Jorde,
1982; Lakein, 1973; Mackenzie, 1972, 1975, 1990; Morris, 2001; Woolfolk & Woolfolk, 1986).
Although, time management documentation activities such as making lists, writing down
goals, and utilizing calendars have been identified by many authors as necessary for
effective time management, they tend to cross all seven skill areas. Table 1 provides a
summary of the characteristics of time management behaviors and skills as identified by
empirical research and popular books, articles, and multimedia on time management.
4.2 Who uses time management?
Industry initiated the examination of time management and time management training.
However, there is much literature examining time in the education domain, specifically in
reference to time and schools (e.g., Knight, 1989), time and school learning (e.g., Anderson,
1984; Bloom, 1965; Carroll, 1963), time management and study skills for students or student
athletes (e.g., Carney, 1988; Crutsinger, 1994; Danyluk, 1985; Garcia-Ros et al., 2004; Gibbs,

Time Management

1993; Ho, 2003, Keim & Strickland, 2004; Mpofu, DAmico, & Cleghorn, 1996), and time
management for educators (e.g., Cemaloglu & Filiz, 2010, Collins, 1987; Feeney Jonson, 2002;
Jorde, 1982; Kearns & Gardiner, 2007; Kozoll, 1982; Morris, 2001; Wachter & Carhart, 2003).
Adams & Jex, 1999, 1997
Alay & Koak, 2002
Anand, 2007
Arnold & Pulich, 2004
Ashkenas & Schaeffer, 1985
Atkinson, 2001
Barkas, 1984
Blanchard & Johnson, 1981
Bliss, 1976
Bond & Feather, 1988
Britton & Tesser, 1991
Buck, 2003
Burka & Yuen, 1983
Burt & Kemp, 1994
Calabresi & Cohen, 1968
Carney, 1982
Cealoglu & Filiz, 2010
Collins, 1987
Claessens et al., 2004
Corwin et al., 2001
Crutsinger, 1994
Cuismano, 1999
Danyluk, 1985
Delahoussaye, 2002
DiPipi-Hoy et al., 2009
Drawbaugh, 1984
Feather & Bond, 1983
Feeny Jonson, 2002
Fitzgerald & Waldrip, 2004a
Fitzgerald & Waldrip, 2004b
Foust, 2000
Francis-Smythe & Robertson, 1999
Gafarian et al., 1999
Garcia-Ros et al., 2004
Geist, 2003
Gerdes, 2001
Gibbs, 1993
Hellsten & Rogers, 2009
Hessing, 1994
Ho, 2003
Hoch, 2000




What Do We Know About Time Management? A Review of the Literature

and a Psychometric Critique of Instruments Assessing Time Management

Jex & Elacqua, 1999
Jordan et al., 1989
Jorde, 1982
Kaehler, 2000
Kearns & Gardiner, 2007
Kelly, 2002
Knight, 1989
Kotter, 1982
Kozoll, 1982
Lahmers & Zulauf, 2000
Lakein, 1973
Landy et al., 1991
Lang et al., 1990
Lay & Schouwenburg, 1993
Lindgren, 2004
Macan, 1994; 1996
Macan et al., 1990
Mackenzie, 1972; 1975; 1990
McGrath & Rotchford, 1983
Misra & McKean, 2000
Mpofu et al, 1996
Morris, 2001
Mudrack, 1997
Orpen, 1993
Osbourne, 1995
Perry, 1997
Puffer, 1989
Quirk, 1989
Rice, 1984
Schriber & Gutek, 1987
Schuler, 1979
Shahani, Weiner, & Streit, 1993
Shipman, 1983
Simons & Galotti, 1992
Simpson, 1978
Smith, 2002
Smith, 1999
Soucie, 1986
Stevens & Pfost, 1984
Swart, Lombard, & de Jager, 2010
Taylor & Mackenzie, 1986
Topper, 2003
Trockel et al., 2000
Trueman & Hartley, 1995, 1996




van der Meer et al., 2010
Wachter & Carhart, 2003
Weber & Vogel, 1977
Wessman, 1973
White, 2001
Williams et al., 1995
Winter et al., 1993
Woolfolk & Woolfolk, 1986
Yoels & Claire, 1994
Zampetakis et al., 2010
Zinatelli et al., 2002
% of Articles Indicating Each
Time Management Characteristic

Time Management



32.0 63.0








Note. A refers to time analysis, time awareness, and time estimation. PL refers to planning. GS refers to
setting goals. P refers to setting priorities. S refers to scheduling. O refers to organization including use
of routines. D refers to use of time management documentation. GH refers to the establishment of good
time management habits such as avoiding procrastination, delegation, and creating balance. indicates
the time management characteristic was stated by the author. Bolded authors discussed all eight time
management characteristics.

Table 1. Time Management Characteristics Identified by Empirical Research and Popular

Some of the populations identified as requiring time management training programs
include adults performing job searches (Lindgren, 2004), first year university students (Ho,
2003; Swart et al., 2010; van der Meer et al., 2010), at risk university students (Zinatelli et al.,
2002), online students (Bocchi et al., 2004), adults and college students with diabetes
(Wdowik et al., 2001), adolescents with exceptionalities (DiPipi-Hoy et al., 2009), and
student athletes (Keim & Strickland, 2004). Recent time management training programs are
also taking advantage of technology for their delivery (e.g., Zinatelli et al., 2002). The focus
of time management research has also expanded to include individuals from North America
(e.g., Hellsten & Rogers, 2009), Europe (Garcia-Ros et al., 2004; van de Meer et al., 2010;
Zampetakis et al., 2010), Africa (Mpofu, et al., 1996), and Australia (Kearns & Gardnier,
2007) and is cross-cultural in nature (e.g., Cemaloglu & Filiz, 2010; Garcia-Ros et al., 2004).

4.3 Empirical studies of time management

Of the 100 located studies or articles involving time management, 38 were empirical studies
involving qualitative or quantitative time management research. Five studies examined the
time management behaviors and practices of specific populations using qualitative
methodologies including the use of time diaries (Hessing, 1994; Ho, 2003; Kotter, 1980;
Winter et al., 1993; Yoels & Clair, 1994). Twenty-seven studies examined time management
behaviors or practices in relation to other variables such as academic achievement, stress, or
creativity (Adams & Jex, 1997, 1999; Alay & Koak, 2002; Anand, 2007; Britton & Tesser,
1991; Burt & Kemp, 1994; Cemaloglu & Filiz, 2010; Claessens et al., 2004; Francis-Smythe &
Robertson, 1999; Garcia-Ros et al., 2004; Hellsten & Rogers, 2009; Jex & Elacqua, 1999;

What Do We Know About Time Management? A Review of the Literature

and a Psychometric Critique of Instruments Assessing Time Management

Kearns & Gardiner, 2007; Lahmers & Zulauf, 2000; Lang et al., 1990; Lay & Schouwenburg,
1993; Macan et al., 1990; Misra & McKean, 2000; Mpofu et al., 1996; Mudrack, 1997; Shahani
et al., 1993; Simons & Galotti, 1992; Swart et al., 2010; Trockel et al., 2000; van de Meer, et al.,
2010; Williams et al., 1995; Zampetakis et al., 2010). One study (Trueman & Hartley, 1996)
compared the effectiveness of time management skills between mature and traditional entry
university students. Five studies examined the effectiveness of time management training
programs (DiPipi-Hoy et al., 2009; Macan, 1994, 1996; Orpen, 1993; Woolfolk & Woolfolk,
1986). More than half of the studies examined a university or college student sample.
4.3.1 Qualitative time management studies
In reviewing the literature on time management skills and behaviors, five studies were
identified which examined the time management behaviors of specific populations using
qualitative methodologies. Two studies examined time management techniques in relation
to home-based work (Hessing, 1994; Winter et al., 1993). Of these two studies, one study
exclusively examined women (Hessing, 1994). Two studies examine university populations
including the time management strategies of medical residents (Yoels & Clair, 1994) and the
time management of undergraduate English project students (Ho, 2003). The fourth study
examined the work habits of successful general managers (Kotter, 1980). There were several
common time management techniques identified by these populations including time
manipulation, planning ahead, task delegation, prioritization, synchronization and
routinization of activities, reallocation of personal time, goal setting, agenda making, and
the utilization of a time diary. Many of the strategies that were identified by the more
unique samples of dual career women, medical residents, and home based workers parallel
each other and the strategies identified by university student samples.
4.3.2 Quantitative time management studies
The literature search identified 27 studies that examined the relationship between time
management behaviors and other variables such as academic achievement, stress, and
creativity. Most studies were conducted with university or college student populations and
most studies utilized some form of questionnaire or self-report measure to assess time
management. Alternatives to self-report measures included self-reported time usage
questions (e.g., how many hours during a typical weekday, do you; Anand, 2007) and
observational checklists (DiPipi-Hoy et al., 2009). Results from these studies showed that
self-reports of time management behaviors or skills were often related to academic
achievement; effective time management lower stress and strain; good time managers
preferred planning and organization; older subjects and women engaged more frequently in
planning and time management behaviors; individuals who indicated that they set goals
and priorities tended toward the Type A behavior pattern; and individuals who had
previous time management training engaged more frequently in time management
behaviors. In addition, inefficient time use, lack of control over time demands, and
inadequate amounts of time appeared to have a negative impact on individuals
psychological resources.
When measured, perceived control of time was consistently identified as the strongest
correlate of all the time management behaviors. This finding indicates the importance of


Time Management

distinguishing between the different time management constructs (Macan et al., 1990).
However, the awareness and documentation of time that are associated with time
management strategies may lead some people to experience less perceived control over their
time. Adams and Jex (1999) suggested that the actions of time management such as making
lists and scheduling may lead some people to experience less perceived control over their
time. When people are not meeting their time demands, uncompleted tasks and missed
appointments on a schedule may lead to lower perceptions of control over time. Claessens et
al. (2004) also demonstrated that planning behavior positively affected perceived control of
time but stressed the importance of examining planning behavior and job characteristics.
4.3.3 Studies examining the effectiveness of time management
The empirical literature review identified five studies that examined the effectiveness of
time management training programs. Three of the studies examined employed adults (i.e.,
Macan, 1994; 1996; Orpen, 1993) while Woolfolk and Woolfolk (1986) examined pre-service
teachers and DiPipi-Hoy and colleagues (2009) examined adolescents with exceptionalities.
The DiPippi-Hoy et al. (2009) study is unique in the population of study and the
observational checklist method used to assess time management behaviors. Results
suggested that participants increased their time management at work and generalized their
skills to the community site following intervention (Di-Pippi-Hoy et al., 2009). Results of the
two early studies (i.e., Orpen, 1993; Woolfolk & Woolfolk, 1986) which focused on the time
management work by Lakein (1973) indicated that time management training has significant
immediate and long-term effects on time management attitudes and behaviors and that
those who receive time management training rate their time management effectiveness more
highly than those who do not. In comparison, two later studies (i.e., Macan, 1994; 1996)
which utilized the Time Management Behavior scale developed by Macan et al. (1990) found
time management training to be only minimally related to subsequent use of time
management behaviors. However, individuals who participated in a time management
program did perceive more control over their time after the program. Perceived control over
time was related to positive outcomes: Individuals who perceived having more control over
their time reported fewer job induced tensions, fewer stresses, and greater job satisfaction
than individuals who did not perceive themselves as having control over their time.
Furthermore, the 1994 study by Macan was the first study to empirically examine the
relationship between time management behaviors and the Theory of Planned Behavior
(TPB) by investigating the relationships between the elements of the TPB and perceived
control over time. This model suggested that learning time management skills and
consequently engaging in time management behaviors would lead to a greater perception of
control over time. Support was found for the process model of time management.
4.4 Review of time management instruments
Sixteen commercially available instruments were identified that used time or time
management as descriptors (Blewitt-Dombrowski, 1990; Canfield, 1976; 1981; Cooper et al.,
1988; Crosby et al., 1985; Fimian, 1988; Kaplan et al., 1988; Kirkpatrick, 1995; Morreau &
Bruininks, 1991; Parry, 1985; People Builders International, Inc.; 1993; Pintrich et al., 1991;
Training House Inc., 1995; Weinstein, 1987; Weinstein & Palmer, 1995; Wonderlic Inc. &

What Do We Know About Time Management? A Review of the Literature

and a Psychometric Critique of Instruments Assessing Time Management


Fasiska, 1993). Ten additional research studies involved the development of a time related
assessment instrument (Bond & Feather, 1988; Britton & Tesser, 1991; Calabresi & Cohen,
1968; Gafarian et al., 1999; Hellsten & Rogers, 2009; Landy et al., 1991; Macan et al., 1990;
Schriber & Gutek, 1987; Weber & Vogel, 1977; Wessman, 1973).
4.4.1 Review of commercially available time management instruments
The literature review identified 16 commercially available instruments through the Buros
Mental Measurements Yearbook. The Buros Institute of Mental Measurements provides test
descriptions and critical test reviews of commercially available tests. Test reviews are
written by experts in the field who must hold a Ph.D. and have measurement expertise.
These instruments self-identified time management as a potential subscale or scale. The
instruments were all published between the years 1976 and 1995.
Seven of the instruments were developed for the employee/managers or organizational
domain (Cooper et al., 1988; Crosby et al., 1985; Kaplan et al., 1988; Kirkpatrick, 1995; Parry,
1985; Training House Inc., 1995; Wonderlic Inc. & Fasiska, 1993). Five instruments were
developed for students (Canfield, 1976; People Builders International, Inc.; 1993; Pintrich et
al., 1991; Weinstein, 1987; Weinstein & Palmer, 1995). One instrument each was developed
for teachers (Fimian, 1988), chronic psychiatric patients (Blewitt-Dombrowski, 1990),
individuals with developmental delays (Morreau & Bruininks, 1991), and general adults
(Canfield, 1981). Of the 16 instruments, four instruments were specifically written to assess
time management (Canfield, 1976; 1981; Kirkpatrick, 1995; Training House Inc., 1995) with
the remaining instruments having a time management subscale. However, none of the
instruments developed specifically to assess time management were recommended. Of the
12 remaining instruments, only two were unconditionally recommended by reviewers
(Checklist of Adaptive Living Skills: Morreau & Bruininks, 1991 and Teacher Stress Inventory:
Fimian, 1988) but assessment of time management was not the primary focus of either
4.4.2 Review of research based instruments assessing time and time management
The review of the empirical literature identified three studies that utilized a study specific
measure of time management (Kearns & Gardiner, 2007; Swart et al., 2010; van der Meer et
al., 2010). None of the study specific time management instruments were described in
sufficient detail to allow for use by others. The review also identified ten instruments from
the administrative, management, health, and education domains that involved the
assessment of time in some manner. Five of these instruments were designed to specifically
assess time management (Britton & Tesser, 1991; Gafarian et al., 1999; Hellsten & Rogers,
2009; Macan et al., 1990; Weber & Vogel, 1977).
The Time Attitudes Questionnaire (TAQ: Calabresi & Cohen, 1968) is a 46-item self-report
questionnaire concerned with time experience and time attitudes. Responses are measured
on a 6-point Likert-type scale ranging from strongly disagree to strongly agree. During
development, the TAQ was administered to 200 psychiatric patients and 308 college
students and the data submitted to a factor analysis. Results of the factor analysis showed a
four factor solution: (a) Time Anxiety (discomfort/anxiety about time, the need to control


Time Management

time), = 0.79; (b) Time Submissiveness (conforming attitude toward time, emphasizing
efficient use of time and the use of schedules), =0.56; (c) Time Possessiveness (possessive
and greedy attitude towards time) = 0.47; and (d) Time Flexibility (accepting and flexible
attitude towards time) = 0.52. Total TAQ scores were not calculated.
The Ricks-Epley-Wessman Temporal Experience Questionnaire (TEQ) (Wessman, 1973) was
developed with the view that, the characteristic ways of experiencing and utilizing time
vary greatly among individuals along dimensions that can be assessed and measured, and
that these differences are meaningfully related to personality characteristics (Wessman,
1973, p.103). The TEQ consists of 80 items with responses measured using a 7-point Likerttype scale ranging from -3 to +3. The scale was originally administered to 110
predominantly male undergraduate students. Factor analysis resulted in four factors: (a)
Immediate Time Pressure (lack of control vs. relaxed mastery and flexibility); (b) Long-term
Personal Direction (continuity and steady purpose vs. lack of direction); (c) Time Utilization
(efficient scheduling vs. procrastination and inefficiency); and (d) Personal Inconsistency
(inconsistency vs. consistency and dependability). Total TEQ scores across the four factors
ranged from -60 to +60 with a reported internal consistency (Cronbachs alpha) of 0.82.
The Time Structure Questionnaire (TSQ) is a self-report instrument developed to assess the
degree to which individuals perceive their time to be structured and purposive (Bond &
Feather, 1988). Originally, a set of 17 items based on Jahodas (1981, 1982) analysis of the
negative effects of unemployment on time structure was developed (Feather & Bond, 1983).
Four factors underlie these items: (a) Engagement, (b) Direction, (c) Structure, and (d)
Routine. The TSQ is the result of refining and improving this measure of time structure. The
TSQ consists of 26 items, of which the majority were measured using a 7-point response
scale ranging from Yes, Always, to No, Never. Three separate samples (ranging in size from
193 to 336 students) of introductory psychology students participated in the development of
the TSQ. The responses of the first sample were factor analyzed resulting in 5 identifiable
factors accounting for 41.3% of the total variance: (a) Sense of Purpose, (b) Structured
Routine, (c) Present Orientation, (d) Effective Organization, and (e) Persistence. Factor
analysis of both the second and third samples produced corresponding factor analytic
structure. Total TSQ scores were calculated across the five factors and termed use of time.
Mean scores on the total scale were: Sample 1, 122.6 (SD = 20.3); Sample 2, 117.6 (SD = 23.6);
Sample 3, 124.8 (SD = 21.7). The inter-item reliabilities for use of time across the three
samples were 0.88, 0.92, and 0.91 and a satisfactory level of stability was found for the total
scale after a 15 week interval (test-retest reliability = 0.76).
Schriber and Gutek (1987) developed the Time-At-Work questionnaire to measure the
temporal dimensions of organizational culture across different organizations. The
instrument consists of 56 5-point Likert-type items. Participants consisted of 399 individuals
from large organizations and 124 individuals from small organizations. Factor analysis
results identified 16 factors accounting for 59.0% of the variance. However, 13 separate
temporal dimensions were identifiable and substantively supported: (a) scheduling and
deadlines, (b) punctuality, (c) future orientation, (d) quality versus speed, (e) allocation of
time, (f) time boundaries between work and non-work, (g) synchronization/coordination of
work, (h) awareness of time, (i) work place, (j) sequencing of tasks, (k) intra-organizational
time boundaries, (l) autonomy of time use, and (m) variety versus routine. The number of

What Do We Know About Time Management? A Review of the Literature

and a Psychometric Critique of Instruments Assessing Time Management


items associated with each domain ranged from 2 to 9 items and according to the authors,
all domains had moderate reliabilities.
The Time Urgency Scale (TUS) was developed with the intention of assessing time urgency,
time awareness, and time use (Landy et al., 1991). Time urgency refers to accelerated pace
(Burnam et al., 1975) and is the tendency of an individual to consider time as a scarce
resource and plan its use carefully (Landy et al., 1991). The TUS is a Likert-type self-report
questionnaire consisting of 33 unique items based on the work of Edwards, Baglioni, and
Cooper (1990). Initially, the TUS was developed using a sample of 190 undergraduate
students. Factor analysis of this data resulted in an interpretable five factor solution: (a)
Competitiveness ( =0.81), (b) Eating Behavior ( =0.89), (c) General Hurry ( =0.81), (d)
Task-related Hurry ( =0.72), and (e) Speech Pattern ( = 0.69). This data was
supplemented by additional samples of 91, 178, and 213 professionals and samples of 64 and
642 students. Factor analysis of the additional samples resulted in the same five factor
solution with similar internal consistency estimates. Furthermore, test-retest reliabilities
conducted after four months on the subscale responses of 213 clerical workers were all high
ranging from 0.70 to 0.95. Total TUS scores were not calculated.
In a related study, Landy et al. (1991) developed behaviorally anchored rating scales of time
urgency. Factor analysis of this scale resulted in nine dimensions, five of which appear to
pertain to time management: (a) Awareness of Time (how aware an individual is of the
exact time of day), (b) List Making (if a person creates/maintains a to-do list during the day
or week), (c) Scheduling (if an individual schedules activities and keeps to that schedule as
well as whether an individual proportions time for particular activities), (d) Deadline
Control (the extent to which an individual creates or is controlled by external deadlines),
and (e) Time Savings (the extent to which a person engages in actions directed towards
saving time). The remaining four dimensions assessed urgency behaviors including eating
behavior, nervous energy, speech patterns, and tolerance of tardiness.
Of the five scales created purposively for assessing time management, the first instrument
was developed by Weber and Vogel (1977). As part of a paper in recreation administration,
Weber and Vogel (1971) developed a set of 20 self-report items intended to help
administrators self-identify time management problems. Each item was measured on a 4point Likert-type scale ranging from consistently, always a problem to rarely or never a problem.
However, the instrument was not named nor were the psychometric properties assessed.
The Time Management Behavior (TMB) scale (Macan et al., 1990) was designed to assess the
behaviors critical to the construct of time management as defined by the popular literature.
Initially, 123 undergraduate students completed the 76-item TMB using a 5-point response
scale ranging from 0 seldom true to 4 very often true. Following item analysis, all redundant and
noncontributing items with item-total correlations of less than 0.29 were removed resulting in
the 46-item TMB. An additional 165 students completed the 46-item TMB scale and factor
analyses were initially conducted on each of the two samples. However, since the results were
similar, the two samples were combined. Four factors accounting for 72% of the variance were
retained: (a) Goal Setting and Prioritizing (eigenvalue = 7.04; =0.83; 15 items), (b) Time
Management Mechanics (eigenvalue = 2.58; =0.62; 13 items), (c) Perceived Control of Time
(eigenvalue = 2.08; =0.69; 13 items), and (d) Preference for Disorganization (eigenvalue =


Time Management

1.26; = 0.60; 5 items). Total TMB scores were calculated and ranged from 0 to 185 with a
mean score of 106.4 (SD = 22.1) and an internal consistency of 0.83.
The TMB (Macan et al., 1990) scale was used in its entirety in a study examining the
relationship between academic stress to student anxiety, time management, and leisure
satisfaction in a sample of 249 full-time undergraduate students (Misra & McKean, 2000).
The alpha coefficients calculated in this study were higher than the original 1990 study for
Mechanics ( =.85) and Preference for Organization ( =.80), and similar to the original
study for Setting Goals and Priorities ( =.84) and Perceived Control of Time ( =.67).
A modified version of the TMB scale (Macan et al., 1990) was used to examine university
students and the relationship between time management, trait procrastination, and
academic behavior (Lay & Schouwenburg, 1993). Following factor analysis of the 25-item
modified TMB scale, 22 items were retained across three factors (Mechanics of Time
Management, n=8, =.79; Setting Goals and Priorities, n=7, =.83; and Perceived Control
of Time, n=8, =.74). The three factors identified in this study were very similar to three of
the four factors obtained in the original TMB scale study (Macan et al., 1990). The Preference
for Disrganization subscale (Macan et al., 1990) was also translated into Greek and
confirmatory factor analysis supported the 4-item structure (Zampetakis et al., 2010).
In 1994, Macan modified the TMB scale based on the results of an exploratory factor analysis
of 353 employees responses resulting in a 29-item, three subscale version: Goal
Setting/Prioritizing (n=10, Mechanics of Time Management (n=11), and Preference for
Organization (n=8) (Macan, 1994). The Perceived Control of Time Scale was also included as
a separate scale (n=5, =.68). Confirmatory factor analysis later conducted to test the
underlying structure of the 33-item TMB scale using 522 employed adults (64% women)
resulted in a three factor model (Adams & Jex, 1997). The three factor model was then
compared to a two factor model and results showed that the three factor model was
significantly better than the two factor model (2 =130.29; p < .01). These results provide
additional support for the underlying factor structure of the TMB (Adams & Jex, 1997).
Despite the belief that time management is multidimensional (Macan et al., 1990), no
comparisons between a three factor TMB solution and a model with a greater number of
factors have been made. This is regrettable because an exploratory examination of the factor
structure of the TMB scale with 453 American working adults identified five factors
(explaining 59.3% of the variance; Mudrack, 1997).
The Time Management Questionnaire (TMQ: Britton & Tesser, 1991) is a 35- item instrument
based on the time management model developed by Britton and Glynn (1989). This model
separates time management into the following seven components: (a) Choosing Goals and
Sub-goals, (b) Prioritizing Goals, (c) Generating Tasks and Subtasks, (d) Prioritizing Tasks,
(e) Listing Tasks on a To-Do List, (f) Scheduling Tasks, and (g) Carrying out Tasks (Britton &
Glynn, 1989). Ninety male and female undergraduate psychology students participated in
the development of the TMQ. Each of the 35 items was answered on a 5-point response scale
consisting of the responses always, frequently, sometimes, infrequently, and never with higher
values on the scale corresponding to better time management practices. Results of a factor
analysis identified 18 items with item-factor loadings of more than 0.40 across 3 factors: (a)

What Do We Know About Time Management? A Review of the Literature

and a Psychometric Critique of Instruments Assessing Time Management


Short Range Planning (accounting for 16% of the total variance), (b) Time Attitudes
(accounting for 11% of the total variance), and (c) Long Range Planning (accounting for 9%
of the total variance). Total scores on the TMQ were calculated and ranged from 52 to 123
with a mean of 91.0 (SD = 14.0).
A modified version of the TMQ scale (Britton & Tesser, 1991) was used to compare the time
management behaviors of British mature students to traditional-entry students (Trueman &
Hartley, 1995; 1996). Factor analysis did not replicate the original three-factor structure.
Instead, factor analysis of the shorter (14 item), modified scale resulted in a 5-item Daily
Planning subscale ( =.85), a 9-item Confidence in Long-term Planning subscale ( =.71)
and an overall scale ( =.79). Another modified TMQ scale was translated into Greek in
order to study the relationship between time management and creativity (Zampetakis et al.,
2010). Ten items from the original TMQ scale (Britton & Tesser, 1991) used by Trueman and
Hartley (1996) reflecting Daily Planning (5 items; =.82) and Long-term Planning (5 items;
=.72) were selected for translation. Confirmatory factor analysis results supported the
Daily Planning and Long-term Planning factors (Zampetakis et al., 2010).
The TMQ scale (Britton & Tesser, 1991) was also used in its entirety in order to examine the
Western process models of time management in an African culture (Mpofu et al., 1996).
Factor analysis of the TMQ with a sample of 472 Shona speaking (Zimbabwe) teacher
candidates replicated the original three factor model demonstrating some evidence of crosscultural replicability (Mpofu et al., 1996). The original 18-item TMQ was also translated into
Spanish and administrated to 137 high school students (Garcia-Ros et al., 2004). Factor
analysis of the Spanish TMQ scale reproduced the original TMQ scale structure of three
subscales: Short-range Planning (7 items; =.81), Time Attitudes (4 items; =.64), and
Long-range Planning (4 items; =.60). The Spanish TMQ was also submitted to a
confirmatory factor analysis which confirmed the three factor model (Garcia-Ros et al.,
The TMQ scale (Britton & Tesser, 1991) was also translated into Turkish (Allay & Koak,
2002). Following factor analysis, the Turkish TMQ appeared to consist of three subscales:
Time Planning (16 items, =.88), Time Attitude (7 items, =.66), and Time Consumers (4
items, =.47) (Allay & Koak, 2002). The Turkish TMQ was then retranslated and modified
(Cemaloglu & Filiz, 2010). Administration of the modified Turkish TMQ to 65 participants
resulted in slightly higher internal consistency values: Time Planning (16 items, =.89),
Time Attitude (7 items, =.67), and Time Consumers (4 items, =.56). The modified
Turkish TMQ was then used to examine the relationship between academic achievement of
university students and time management (Cemaloglu & Filiz, 2010).
The Diabetes Time Management Questionnaire (DTMQ: Gafarian et al., 1999) is a 49-item
questionnaire designed to assess general time management skills and time management skills
specifically relevant to compliance to a diabetes healthcare regimen. The 49 items were derived
based on a review of the time management and diabetes education and compliance literature.
Time management was believed to involve a set of complex skills including behavioral
outcomes such as accomplishing tasks, making and following a schedule, using a daily
planner, feeling in control of ones time, prioritizing tasks, problem solving, making lists,


Time Management

delegating, breaking down tasks into small components, assertiveness, being organized,
monitoring ones use of time, and engaging in self-reinforcement for task completion. Thus,
each facet of time management was assessed with only a few items. Each item was assessed by
the research team for content validity, redundancy, and clarity and only items with 100%
agreement were retained. Each item was assessed using a 5-point Likert-type scale ranging
from 1 Often to 5 Never. Sixty individuals with diabetes ranging in age from 19 to 82 years (SD
= 16.2) completed the scale. Mean scores on the DTMQ ranged from 49 to 245 with a mean
score of 120.6 (SD = 21.2). Internal consistency of the DTMQ yielded a coefficient alpha of 0.82
and two-week test-retest reliability computed on 49 responses was high (rxx = 0.81). Factor
analysis of the DTMQ was not conducted (Gafarian et al., 1999, p. 590).
The Time Management for Exercise Scale (TiMES: Hellsten, 2005; Hellsten & Rogers, 2009) is a
32-item scale designed to assess time management skills specifically for exercise. The TiMES
was developed using the TPB and based on the TMB scale (Macan, 1994). An iterative
methodology incorporating both content related evidence of validity (i.e., expert judgments
as to relevance and representativeness of items) and structural validity (i.e., factor analysis)
was used to construct the TiMES (Hellsten & Rogers, 2009). The TiMES consists of 4
subscales: Exercise Importance (8 items; =.91), Exercise Documentation (8 items; =.91),
Ability to Manage Time for Exercise (8 items; =.73), and Setting Exercise Goals (8 items;
=.85). Each item was rated on a 5-point Likert type scale ranging from 0 does not describe
me at all to 4 describes me very well. A total of 704 university students completed the TiMES
and mean scores on the subscales ranged from 6.2 (SD=7.40) to 21.30 (SD=5.60) (Hellsten &
Rogers, 2009). No stability reliability information was provided.
4.5 Critique of research based instruments assessing time and time management
The purpose of this critique is to critically examine and evaluate the ten time-related
instruments in terms of validity and reliability. Each of the instruments was evaluated
according to the minimum requirements of test development. These requirements include
the instruments theoretical framework, definition of the construct, and information on the
psychometric properties of the instrument including validity, reliability, and item statistics
(American Educational Research Association, American Psychological Association, &
National Council on Measurement in Education, 1999).
4.5.1 Validity
Validity is an overall evaluative judgment of the degree to which empirical evidence and
theoretical rationales support the adequacy and appropriateness of interpretations based on
all assessments including questionnaires (Messick, 1989, 1995). This comprehensive view of
validity integrates considerations of content, criteria, and consequences into a construct
framework (Messick, 1995). Validation of an instrument calls for the integration of different
sources and types of evidence (Cronbach, 1971). Therefore, for the purposes of this critique,
validity will be differentiated into distinct aspects in order to critically examine the existing
time management instruments. As validation is a continuing process (Messick 1995), none of
the instruments reviewed are expected to be fully valid, but each instrument should possess
some evidence of validity.

What Do We Know About Time Management? A Review of the Literature

and a Psychometric Critique of Instruments Assessing Time Management


Theoretical framework. The construction of an instrument should begin with a theory about
the behavior, which is derived from prior research (Cronbach, 1971). Thus, each of the
instruments reviewed should be grounded in a theory of time or time management. Of the
ten instruments identified, seven did not describe a theoretical framework for the
instrument (i.e., Bond & Feather, 1988; Calabresi & Cohen, 1968; Gafarian et al., 1999, Macan
et al., 1990; Schriber & Gutek, 1987; Weber & Vogel, 1979; Wessman, 1973). The remaining
three instruments were based on different theoretical frameworks (i.e, Britton & Tesser,
1991; Landy et al., 1991). For example, the TUS was based on personality theory, specifically,
the Type A behavior pattern (Landy et al., 1991), while the TMQ was based on research
involving computer operating systems (Britton & Tesser, 1991). Latter research involving the
TMB (Macan et al., 1990) did incorporate the TPB (Macan, 1994). The TiMES (Hellsten, 2005;
Hellsten & Rogers, 2009) was developed based on the TMB scale (Macan, 1994; Macan et al.,
1990) and thus also incorporated the TPB.
Content validity evidence. The content aspect of construct validity includes evidence of
content relevance, representativeness, and technical quality (Lennon, 1956; Messick, 1989)
including specifications of the domain boundaries and expert panel judgments (Messick,
1995). In order to construct the initial pool of items, the boundaries of the construct domain
to be assessed need to be formed, especially if the instrument is not grounded in a
theoretical framework. Thus, the knowledge, skills, and other attributes that are
representative of the domain need to be specified (Messick, 1989).
Although the majority of the instruments (i.e., Bond & Feather, 1988; Britton & Tesser, 1991;
Hellsten & Rogers, 2009; Landy et al., 1991; Macan et al., 1990, Schriber & Gutek, 1987;
Weber & Vogel, 1979; Wessman, 1973) specified domain boundaries, the boundaries
differed. For example, the TMB was designed to assess the behaviors critical to the
construct of time management as defined in the popular literature (Macan et al., 1990,
p.761). These behaviors included setting goals and priorities, learning to say no, making a
to-do list, organizing, planning, delegating, and procrastinating (Macan et al., 1990). In
contrast, the TAQ (Calabresi & Cohen, 1968) was designed to measure time attitudes and
orientation to time but provides few boundary details. Similarly, although the DTMQ
(Gafarian et al., 1999) is based on several elements of time management, the boundaries of
time management were not set for this instrument. Gafarian et al. (1999) freely state that,
the definition of time management has not been explicated. Lack of construct
boundaries may pose a threat to the validity of the instrument through construct underrepresentation and irrelevance (Messick, 1989).
Item and scale content relevance. Following the definition of the construct of interest, a set of
items is developed. The relevance, and thus the construct validity, of five of the scales for
time management (i.e., Bond & Feather, 1988; Calabresi & Cohen, 1968; Landy et al., 1991;
Schriber & Gutek, 1987; Wessman, 1973) may be threatened. Although these scales assess
time in some manner, they were created for different purposes (i.e., measure time structure
not time management), and therefore, not all of the content corresponds to the skills and
behaviors that define time management.
Despite being developed for different purposes, there are similarities among these scales.
For example, with the exception of the items comprising the time flexibility factor of the
TAQ, the structured routine, effective organization, sense of purpose, and the persistence


Time Management

items of the TSQ (Bond & Feather, 1988), the time utilization and long term personal
direction items of the TEQ (Wessman, 1973), and the time submissiveness and time
possessiveness items of the TAQ are similar. There are also similarities among subscales of
instruments developed to measure other aspects of time and instruments developed
explicitly for time management. The TMB has been shown to have concurrent validity
through significant correlations with the TSQ (r =.69, p < .001) and the TEQ (r = .54, p < .001)
(Shahani et al., 1993). Furthermore, the Setting Goals and Priorities subscale of the TMB
(Macan et al., 1990) is significantly related to the structured routine, effective organization,
sense of purpose, and the persistence factors of the TSQ, the time utilization and long term
personal direction factors of the TEQ, and the time submissiveness, time possessiveness, and
time flexibility factors of the TAQ (Shahani et al., 1993).
Expert judgment. Content relevance and representativenes of the items are traditionally
appraised by expert professional judgment (Messick, 1995). The scale items need to meet the
scrutiny and criticism of the experts (Cronbach, 1971) and consequently, the soundness of
the instrument is no better than the writers and reviewers of the items (Cronbach, 1971). In
five of the studies (Britton & Tesser, 1991; Calabresi & Cohen, 1968; Schriber & Gutek, 1987;
Weber & Vogel, 1979; Wessman, 1973) the identity of the item writers were not revealed; in
the remaining four studies (Bond & Feather, 1988; Gafarian et al., 1999; Landy et al., 1991;
Macan et al., 1990) the research team was responsible for writing and modifying the items.
Furthermore, for the majority of the instruments (Bond & Feather, 1988; Britton & Tesser,
1991; Calabresi & Cohen, 1968; Macan et al., 1990, Schriber & Gutek, 1987; Weber & Vogel,
1979; Wessman, 1973) there was no reference to any type of expert review of the items. For
both the behaviorally anchored TUS and the DTMQ, an expert review of items was
conducted, but the reviewers were either the research team or undergraduate students
(Gafarian et al., 1999; Landy et al., 1991). For example, in the adaptation of the TUS to a
behaviorally anchored rating scale, undergraduate students were used as expert judges of
relevant time urgency dimensions, response anchors, scaling, and content validity (Landy et
al., 1991). It is questionable whether undergraduate students are subject matter experts in
time urgency and thus the use of undergraduate students as expert judges may weaken the
validity of the scale. The TiMES (Hellsten, 2005; Hellsten & Rogers, 2009) was the only scale
to incorporate an extended expert review and analysis of judgments.
The DTMQ and the TiMES were the only instruments to explicitly address the technical
quality and clarity of the items, The research team reviewed each item for content validity,
comprehensiveness, redundancy, and clarity. Those items meeting 100% agreement were
retained (Gafarian et al., 1999, p. 588). However, the use of the research team to judge the
quality and clarity of the items developed may also be inappropriate as the judgments made
may be biased. The TiMES (Hellsten, 2005; Hellsten & Rogers, 2009) included a technical
review as part of the expert review of the items.
Structural validity. It is not enough that expert judgments are made to test whether the
content is relevant to the proposed instrument use. There is also a need to examine the
structural validity, or the underlying dimensional structure, of the instrument (Messick,
1995). Factor analysis is often used as a tool for gathering construct validity evidence
(Messick, 1995). Validity evidence is gathered through a match between hypothesized and
statistical factor loadings. Items that by hypothesis are indicators of a certain construct are

What Do We Know About Time Management? A Review of the Literature

and a Psychometric Critique of Instruments Assessing Time Management


expected to show substantial loadings on the same factor. When an item loads on another
factor, this shows that the indicator is impure (Cronbach, 1971). Of the ten instruments
reviewed, eight were factor analyzed (Bond & Feather, 1988; Britton & Tesser, 1991;
Calabresi & Cohen, 1968; Hellsten & Rogers, 2009; Landy et al., 1991; Macan et al., 1990;
Schriber & Gutek, 1987; Wessman, 1973). However, the original factor analysis results of the
TEQ and the TMQ instruments (Britton & Tesser, 1991; Wessman, 1973) may be unstable
due to the number of items analyzed and sample size. In each case, a large number of items
(k = 35 and k = 80) were analyzed using a small number of participants (n = 90 and n = 110)
(Britton & Tesser, 1991; Wessman, 1973).
Time management appears to be a multidimensional construct (Macan et al., 1990), and thus
any instrument assessing time management should include several subscales and subscale
scores should be calculated (Mudrack, 1997). When a total score is used to represent time
management, differential relationships among subscales and between subscales and other
variables will be impossible to detect due to the aggregation of the subscales (Cronbach,
1971). Of the eight instruments that were factor analyzed, five calculated subscale and total
time management scores (Bond & Feather, 1988; Britton & Tesser, 1991; Calabresi & Cohen,
1968; Macan et al., 1990; Wessman, 1973) while three instruments, the Time-At-Work
questionnaire (Schriber & Gutek, 1987), the TUS (Landy et al., 1991), and the TiMES
(Hellsten, 2005; Hellsten & Rogers, 2009) only provided subscale scores.
There have also been problems with the use of the subscale scores for some of the
instruments. Specifically, in terms of the TMB scale, the composition of the subscales has not
been consistent across researchers or studies raising concerns about the comparability of
research findings (Mudrack, 1997). For example, Macan (1994) modified the TMB scale
resulting in a 33-item, three subscale version. Similarly, in response to the fact that the
original TMB scale (Macan et al., 1990) had relatively weak factor structure coefficients of
less than or equal to 0.40, Lay and Schouwenburg (1993) used truncated 7-item versions of
three of the TMB scales in their research.
In order to support a construct validity argument, confirmatory factor analysis should also
be used to assess the model and the instrument. The TMB, TMQ, and the TiMES were the
only scales to be factor analyzed using a confirmatory perspective. Furthermore, the time
management literature has consistently suggested that time management is composed of at
least three factors. For the eight instruments that were factor analyzed (Bond & Feather,
1988; Britton & Tesser, 1991; Calabresi & Cohen, 1968; Hellsten & Rogers, 2009; Landy et al.,
1991; Macan et al., 1990; Schriber & Gutek; Wessman, 1973), all but one (Britton & Tesser,
1991) resulted in interpretable solutions of four or more factors. Although the concept of
parsimony is integral to factor analysis, parsimony can also be dangerous and threaten
construct validity.
Of the five scales that propose to assess time management explicitly (Britton & Tesser, 1991;
Gafarian et al., 1999; Hellsten & Rogers, 2009; Macan et al., 1990; Weber & Vogel, 1979), not
all of the scales include items that are representative of the whole domain of time
management. According to popular research, time management behaviors and skills include
awareness of time and self, planning, setting goals, prioritizing, scheduling, organizing,
documentation, and establishing good time management habits (Barkas, 1984; Feeny Jonson,
2002; Jorde, 1982; Lakein, 1973; Mackenzie, 1972, 1975, 1990; Morris, 2001). Four of the scales


Time Management

appear to assess the majority of these behaviors (DTMQ, Gafarian et al., 1999; TiMES,
Hellsten & Rogers, 2009; TMB, Macan et al., 1990; and TMQ, Britton & Tesser, 1991) but each
of the time management behaviors is only assessed using a few items. For example, the
TMQ (Britton & Tesser, 1991) consists of three factors (short-range planning, time attitudes,
and long-range planning) but assesses both setting goals and time management
documentation with only two items. The use of only a few items to assess each time
management skill and behavior may lead to an under-representation of the whole domain of
time management. This source of instrument invalidity has serious adverse consequences
and may negatively impact an individuals scores. Inaccurate scores, and inaccurate
interpretations, should not occur because something relevant to the focal construct is
missing (Messick, 1995).
4.5.2 Reliability
Evidence of reliability consistent with the constructs meaning is simultaneously evidence of
construct validity (Mesick, 2000). One measure of reliability is internal consistency, which is
an index of both item homogeneity and item quality (Crocker & Algina, 1986). When
examinees perform consistently across items within an instrument, the instrument is said to
have item homogeneity (Crocker & Algina, 1986). However, the amount, type, and quality
of reliability evidence presented with each of the ten instruments were variable. For
example, Weber and Vogel (1979), and Britton and Tesser (1991) did not did not present
reliability evidence. Conversely, Wessman (1973), Bond and Feather (1988), and Gafarian et
al. (1999) presented reliability evidence (in the form of Cronbachs alpha) for the total score
but no evidence of subscale reliability. Conversely, Calabresi and Cohen (1968) and Schriber
and Gutek (1987) presented only subscale reliability evidence in the form of Cronbachs
alpha. Landy et al. (1991) (using coefficient alpha) and Macan et al. (1990) (using inter-item
reliability) presented evidence of both subscale and total scale reliability. Hellsten and
Rogers (2009) presented evidence of subscale reliability only.
Internal consistency coefficients should also be at least 0.70 in magnitude (Nunnally, 1978).
The TAQ (Calabresi & Cohen, 1968), TMB (Macan et al., 1990), TUS (Landy et al., 1991), and
Time-At-Work questionnaire all presented subscales with internal consistency coefficients
less than 0.70. For both the TAQ and the TMB, three of the four subscales had moderate
internal consistency estimates ranging from 0.47 to 0.69, while one subscale of the TUS had
an internal consistency estimate of 0.69 (Calabresi & Cohen, 1968; Landy et al., 1991; Macan
et al., 1990). The Time-At Work questionnaire reported internal consistency estimates
ranging from the low 0.50s to 0.80. In addition, despite the higher internal consistency
estimate of 0.82 presented with the 49 item DTMQ (Gafarian et al., 1999), the stability of the
estimate is questionable due to a very small sample size (n = 47).
The stability of the test scores (test-retest reliability) may also be relevant to construct
validation depending upon the theory defining the construct (Cronbach & Meehl, 1955).
Test-retest reliabilities are important because the users of a time management scale will most
likely be interested in tracking changes over time. If respondents do not respond
consistently to the items or have different ideas about what independent performance is, it
may be difficult to interpret what score changes mean (Haneghan, 1995). Three studies
provided evidence of test-retest reliability (Bond & Feather, 1988; Gafarian et al., 1999;
Landy et al., 1991). The estimates ranged in value from 0.76 to 0.95 with test-retest lengths of

What Do We Know About Time Management? A Review of the Literature

and a Psychometric Critique of Instruments Assessing Time Management


4 months, 2 weeks, and 15 weeks, respectively. However, none of these studies provided a
rationale for the test-retest time period chosen. As different test-retest estimates of reliability
can occur with different use of time periods (Crocker & Algina, 1986), these results may be
4.5.3 Summary
Of the four instruments developed specifically to assess time management and which
presented information regarding the scale construction process - TMQ, DTMQ, TiMES, and
TMB - the TMB (Macan et al., 1990) and TMQ (Britton & Tesser, 1991) appear to possess the
strongest evidence of reliability and validity for a general measure of time management. In
comparison the TiMES (Hellsten & Rogers, 2009) appears to possess evidence of validity for
the self-report of exercise related time management and the DTMQ (Gafarian et al., 1999)
appears to possess content validity for time management for diabetes.
The TMB was created to assess the time management skills and behaviors referred to by the
popular literature (Macan et al., 1990) and as such it appears to represent the majority of the
domain of time management. The TMB also appears to possess adequate construct validity
evidence for academic time management with undergraduate students. Despite the low
subscale reliability estimates calculated from the original sample, latter studies employing
the TMB have consistently shown higher subscale reliability estimates ranging from 0.77 to
0.94 (e.g., Lahmers & Zulauf, 2000; Macan, 1994; Misra & McKean, 2000; Shahani et al.,
1993).While the TMQ (Britton & Tesser, 1991) possesses content validity for time
management, the construct validity of this scale is threatened by construct underrepresentation and a lack of reliability evidence. However, the TMQ does appear to
demonstrate evidence of cross-cultural replicability. Of the instruments identified by the
literature review, only the TMB (Macan et al., 1990) and the TMQ (Britton & Tesser, 1991)
appear suitable for direct import into a time management program or intervention study.

5. Conclusion
Despite the widespread use of the term time management, there is currently no universally
accepted definition of time management and no agreement regarding the skills and
behaviors that constitute time management. In order to address these limitations, this
chapter provides the first comprehensive, cross-disciplinary review, summary, and
psychometric critique of existing programs and instruments purporting to assess time
management behaviors. According to the review, time management is most commonly
defined by: (a) time analysis, (b) planning, (c) goal setting, (d) prioritizing, (e) scheduling, (f)
organizing, and (g) establishing new and improved time habits.
The results of the review of time management show that the effective use of time has long
been recognized as a crucial factor for success in many different fields and many practical
techniques have been devised for improving time management (Puffer, 1989). Given the
widespread use and acceptance of the value of time management behaviors (Jex & Elacqua,
1999), it is unfortunate that only a modest amount of empirical research has been conducted.
Furthermore, research prior to 1990 tended to focus on measuring the effectiveness of time
management training as a unidimensional construct. In general, results from empirical
studies have shown that the use of time management behaviors leads to more effective


Time Management

performance and that perceived control over time is a very important aspect to time
management. Self-reports of time management have been shown to be related to academic
achievement, age, and gender (Britton & Tesser, 1991; Lahmers & Zulauf, 2000; Simons &
Galotti, 1992). Good time managers appear to prefer planning and organization (Williams et
al., 1995). Individuals who have previous time management training also appear to engage
more frequently in time management behaviors (Britton & Tesser, 1991; Hellsten & Rogers,
2009; Macan, 1994; 1996; Macan et al., 1990; Orpen, 1993; Simons & Galotti, 1992; Williams et
al., 1995; Woolfolk & Woolfolk, 1986).
The critique of time management instruments suggests that although more research is
needed, the TMB (Macan et al., 1990) and the TMQ scales (Britton & Tesser, 1991) appear to
possess the strongest evidence of validity and reliability in measuring general time
management skills and behaviors. Future independent research is needed to confirm the
psychometric characteristics of the TMB and TMQ scales with a variety of populations and
in a cross-cultural manner. Additional research is also required to further develop the
theoretical model of time management as many time management programs and
instruments have developed atheoretically. Future research should also begin to examine
the literature of self-regulation and how this literature may apply to time management.

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Part 2
Formal Models for Time Management

Hierarchical Optimization
for Fast Resource Allocation
Krasimira Stoilova and Todor Stoilov

Institute of Information and Communication Technologies

Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
1. Introduction
Particular problem in the management of distributed systems is the optimal resource
allocation among the subsystems. When several subsystems of the distributed system use or
compete for the use of a common resource, the limited capacity of the resource can give rise
to constraint system behavior. Respectively, the fast solution of the resource problems
strongly influences the application area of their implementation in real live solutions. This
situation occurs in every day situations: queue at a counter in supermarket; congestion in
road traffic; products delays in machines during their production process; messages wait
for access to a common transmission channel and computer jobs for the use of set of
The implementation of the optimization methodology in distributed and hierarchical
systems resulted to development of multilevel optimization technique used to analyze
decision making. In (Sandell at al., 1978) is presented a good survey of approaches and
contributions in the area of large scale systems. The field of multilevel optimization has
become a well known and important research field (Pardalos, 1997; Jorgen Tind , 1998).
Due to the complexity of the multilevel optimization problems both to their definition and
solution, practical interest is driven to the bi-level programming, which constraints the
decision making system to two hierarchical levels (Bard, 1999). The bi-level programming
problem is a hierarchical optimization problem, where a subset of the variables is
constrained to solution of given optimization problem, parameterized by the remaining
variables. The hierarchical optimization structure appears naturally in many applications,
when lower level actions depend on upper level decisions. The applications of bi-level and
multilevel programming include transportation (taxation, network design, trip demand
estimation etc.), management (coordination of multidivisional firms, network facility
location, credit allocation etc), planning (agricultural policies, electric utility) and optimal
design (Vicente, 1994).
The paper considers problems, motivated by the optimal allocation of heterogeneous
(vector) resources in the optimization problems of subsystems in bi-level hierarchical
system. This chapter works out a model implementing predictive coordination strategy with


Time Management

non-iterative influences for fast resource allocation as important management policy in

hierarchical and decentralized systems.

2. Multilevel systems theory and noniterative coordination

The Multilevel theory develops decomposition approaches for solving both mathematical
programming and variation problems allowing the original complex optimization problem
to be reduced to set of low order optimization sub-problems. The solution of the complex
problem is found as vector of the sub-problems solutions. The local sub-problems are
influenced (coordinated) by the coordination problem to generate the components of the
global solution of the original problem. This approach is a natural extension of the
multilevel optimization modelling. Such methodology, consisting of decomposition to subproblems and coordination among them, leads to the model of hierarchical multilevel
systems operation (Mesarovich et al., 1970).
Two main coordination strategies have been worked out (Aliev&Liberson, 1987; Mesarovich
et al., 1970; Mladenov et al., 1989): goal coordination and predictive coordination. The
goal coordination influences the local performance indices of the sub-problems. The
predictive coordination assumes constant values for the global arguments or for parts of
the global constraints. The coordinator performs all these influences by iterative manner
insisting multiple data transmissions from the lower levels to the coordinator and vice
versa, spending time for calculations and data transmissions and preventing the reactions of
the hierarchical system in real time.
The coordination in bi-level hierarchical systems consists of iterative data transfer between
the levels, Figure 1. The coordinator defines a coordination parameter , which influences
the subsystem optimization sub-problems. With , the optimization sub-problems Zi(),
i=1,n, representing the subsystem management become well defined. For given , the
subsystems solutions are found. Next, the solutions xi(), i=1,n of Zi(), are sent back to the
coordinator. The last, having evidence of the subsystem reactions xi(), i=1,n, improves the
coordination from to * , *=*(xi()), i=1,n, by means the local subsystems to find the
global optimal solution. Next * is returned to the subsystems for implementation.




Fig. 1. Bi-level hierarchical system.




Hierarchical Optimization for Fast Resource Allocation


When the coordination parameters influence the performance indices of the subsystems,
this coordination is called goal coordination. If the coordination influences the constraints
of the subsystems, this coordination is predictive one. In that manner, an iterative
communication-computing sequence is performed till finding an optimal coordination opt,
which results in optimal local solutions xiopt(opt), i=1,n.
Thus, the multilevel system operates on optimal manner by solving a global optimization
problem. The iterative coordination results in management delays which do not allow the
hierarchical system to cope fast environmental changes. To overcome the iterative multilevel
management the non-iterative coordination has been worked out (Stoilova&Stoilov, 1995;
Stoilov&Stoilova, 1999). It reduces the information transfer between the systems levels,
applying proposition - correction protocol. The local subsystems solve and send to the
coordinator their propositions x(0) found with lack of coordination. The coordinator
modifies x(0) towards the global optimal solution x opt and transmits it to the subsystems for
implementation. The operation of the hierarchical system with non-iterative coordination
strategy consists of two steps:

the coordinator sends to the subsystem initial coordination 0;

using 0 the subsystems solve their problems and evaluate the propositions x(0);
the coordinator corrects x(0) to the global optimal xopt or evaluate the optimal
coordination opt without iterative computations;
the subsystems evaluate/implement x(opt).

This non-iterative concept can be applied both for goal coordination strategy and for
interaction prediction strategy. The non-iterative coordination has been developed for the
case of goal coordination principle where the coordinator influences by the coordination
variables the goal functions of the subsystems (Stoilov and Stoilova, 1999). This influence
changes the performance indices of the local sub-problems, by means to coordinate the local
optimizations and to find the solution of the global optimal problem, solved by the whole
hierarchical system. For the predictive coordination the coordinator uses constraints or part
of them as coordination influences in the local sub-problems. Assuming constant values for
the parts of the constraints, the coordinator predicts and coordinates the solutions of the
local optimization sub-problems (Stoilova&Stoilov, 2002; Stoilova, 2010). This chapter
applies predictive coordination strategy in multilevel systems for fast solution of resource
allocation as management policy by solving appropriate optimization problem.

3. Resource allocation by predictive coordination

The scenario of the resource allocation problem, which is under consideration, concerns the
case when the hierarchical system operates on steady state with available resources C and a
request arise to allocate additional resources d. The problem of the fast management and
optimal resource allocation is how to distribute these additional recourses, having
information from the current system behavior with amount of resources C. The trivial case is
to resolve the optimization problem of resource allocation with new amount of global
resources C+d. It is worth to find control policy, which deals only with the allocation of the
new extra amount d of the available resources.


Time Management

The optimization problem is stated in the form


min xT Qx + RT x


Ax=+d ,
where (the current available resources) and d (new amount of resources, which must be
allocated per subsystems) are given vectors.
For convenience it is supposed that the hierarchical system has two subsystems and the
initial problem (1) becomes

min xT1


Q1 0 x1
+ R1T
0 Q2 x2





A1 x1 + A2 x2 = C 1 + C 2 + d = D .

The optimization problem (2) for the bi-level hierarchical system is

Subproblem 1

Subproblem 2

min xT2 Q2 x2 + R2T x2


min xT1 Q1x1 + R1T x1 ;


A2 x2 = Y2 ,

A1x1 = Y1



Y1 + Y2 =C1+C2+ d =D,
Q1|n xn ; R1|n x 1 ; A1|mxn ; x1|n1 x 1 ; C 1|mx 1 ; Y1|mx 1


2 xn2

; R2|n

; A2|mxn ; x2|n2 x 1 ; C 2|mx 1 ; Y2|mx 1 .


The hierarchical system follows the algorithm, Figure 2:


the subsystems solve their sub-problems assuming resources 1 and 2 defined by the
steady operation ;

the decisions x1opt (C 1 ) and x2opt (C 2 ) are sent to the coordinator;

the coordinator determines the new resource allocation Y1 and Y2 , satisfying

Y1 + Y2 = D = C 1 + C 2 + d . Yi is the common resource of subsystem i , which is a sum of
available resource Ci plus a part of d of the additional resources.

By changing Yi, the solution xi of the subproblem i is an inexplicit function xi(yi).

If analytical relations can be derived for these functions, the decision making for the
resource allocation can be considerable accelerate. Even for the case of nonlinear
optimization problem, such an approximation can benefit the decision process.


Hierarchical Optimization for Fast Resource Allocation

Y1 + Y2 = C1 + C 2 + d = D


x (C1 ) x


(C 2 )

min x2T Q2 x2 + R2T x2


min x1T Q1 x1 + R1T x1


A2 x2 = Y2

A1 x1 = Y1
Fig. 2. Resource allocation in bi-level hierarchical system.

To find an explicit analytical description, the relation xi(yi) is approximated in Taylor series
in the point yi=Ci, which refers to the current system state dealing with the resources Ci
xi (Yi ) = xi 0 +

|x (Yi C i ) ,
dYi i 0


where xi0 are decisions of (3) when Yi=Ci

1 T
min 2 xi Qi xi + Ri xi

xi 0 arg
Ai xi = Yi

Yi = C i


Using the results of noniterative coordination (Stoilov&Stoilova, 1999) xi0 can be expressed
as an explicit analytical relation

xi 0 = Qi1[ Ri AiT ( AiQi1 AiT )1 ( AiQi1 Ri + Ci )] .


d2 g
following (Stoilova&Stoilov, 2002) and taking into account that
is a
dxT dx
zero matrix it follows
The matrix

d2 fi

dYiT dxiT dxi


dgiT dgi d 2 f i dgTi

dxi dxiT dxiT dxi dxi

i = 1, 2

For the linear quadratic case, using the substitutions

d2 fi

dxTi dxi
the matrix

= Qi ,



= Ai ,

df i


= Qi xi + Ri , i=1,2

, expressed in the terms of the resource allocation problem (1) is



Time Management

= Qi1 AiT ( AiQi1 AiT )1 ,i=1,2
Hence, the components xi0 and


of (4) are explicitly defined. If the optimal resource

distribution Yiopt can be found, the optimal subsystems solutions and respectively the
resource allocation problem xiopt = xi (Yiopt ) of (1) will be evaluated by substitution of Yiopt in
(4). The evaluation of Yiopt is found from the coordination problem.
Coordination problem
The coordination problem of the resource allocation problem (2) is

1 T
w( y ) = [ xi (Yi )Qi xi (Yi ) + Ri xi (Yi )]

i =1
Y =C +C + d


i =1


where xi (Yi ) is analytically determined according to (4), (5) and (8)

xi (Yi ) = xi 0 +


xTi (Yi ) = xTi 0 + (Yi C i )T

(Yi Ci )



Substituting (10) in (9) an explicit description of w(Y) is found

w(Y ) =

1 T
xi 0Qi xi 0 + RiT xi 0 + xTi 0Qi
(Yi C i ) + (Yi C i )T i Qi xi 0
(Yi C i ) + RiT
(Yi Ci ) .
+ (Yi Ci )T i Qi

The components of w(Y), which do not contain Yi, do not influence the coordination
problem and they can be omitted. Thus, using that Qi are symmetric matrices the analytical
description of the coordination problem becomes


min w(Y ) = YiT i Qi

Yi + YiT i Qi ( xi 0 Ti C i ) + RiT
T i


Y1 + Y2 = C 1 + C 2 + d .



Hierarchical Optimization for Fast Resource Allocation

Using (6) and (8) it follows

xi 0



C i = Qi1[ Ri AiT ( AiQi1 AiT )1 AiQi1 Ri ]


and it is valid
Qi ( xi 0
Ci ) = 0


Applying (13) the coordination problem is


min w(Y ) = YiT i Qi
Y + RiT
Yi / Y1 + Y2 = C 1 + C 2 + d
T i
i =1 2


Taking into account the equalities

= ( AiQi1 AiT )1


= RiT Qi1 AiT ( AiQi1 AiT )1

the coordination problem (14), expressed in terms of the initial problem (2), is


min w(Y ) = YiT ( AiQi1 AiT )1 Yi + RiT Qi1 AiT ( AiQi1 AiT )1 Yi

i 2

Y1 + Y2 = C 1 + C 2 + d


0 Y1
T q1
+ r1T
min w(Y ) = w1 (Y1 ) + w2 (Y2 ) Y1 Y2



Y1 + Y2 = C 1 + C 2 + d ,


qi = ( AiQi1 AiT )1 ]; riT = RiT Qi1 AiT ( AiQi1 AiT )1



The analytical solution of this problem is (Stoilov&Stoilova, 1999).

y opt = q 1r + q 1 ATI ( AI q 1 ATI )1 ( AI q 1r + C1 + C 2 + d )

or the explicit subsystems description of the solutions are:



Time Management



* Im



0 Im
q21 I m

0 r1
+ C1 + C 2 + d
1 r

q2 2

0 r1 q11
q 21 r2



0 Im

q 21 I m




Y1opt = q11r1 + q11 q11 + q21

Y2opt = q21r2 + q21


+ q21

) (q
) (q

+ d)

1 r1

+ q 21r2 + C 1 + C 2 + d

1 r1

+ q21r2 + C1 + C 2

In terms of the initial problem, applying (16) the relations above can be expressed as
Y1opt = A1Q11 R1 + ( A1Q11 A1T )( A1Q11 A1T +
+ A2Q21 A2T )1 ( A1Q11 R1 + A2Q21 R2 + C 1 + C 2 + d )

Y2opt = A2Q21 R2 + ( A2Q21 A2T )( A1Q11 A1T +

+ A2Q21 A2T )1 ( A1Q11 R1 + A2Q21 R2 + C 1 + C 2 + d )

The optimal solution x(Y) is expressed as Taylor series at the point xi=Ci and according to (4)
it follows

xi (Yi ) = xi 0

|x Yi
C +
T i
dYiT i 0


xi (Yi ) = Qi1 Ri + Qi1 AiT ( AiQi1 AiT )1 AiQi Ri + Qi1 AiT ( AiQi1 AiT )1 Yi


and after transformations it follows (Stoilova, 2010)

xi (Yi ) = Qi1 Ri + Qi1 AiT A1Q11 A1T + A1Q11 A2T

) (A Q

1 R1

+ A1Q11 R1 + C 1 + C 2 + d


These relations, derived for the case of allocation of additional resources for bi-level system
allow to be implemented bi-level control policy for fast resource allocation. The subsystems
send to the coordinator their steady state values xi0. The coordinator defines the appropriate
coordination problem (15) and evaluates the corresponding solutions Y for the resource
allocation. The final subsystems solutions are found by merely substitutions of Y in (4).
Thus, the global problem of the resource allocation (2) is solved faster, using the current
steady states control solutions of the subsystems.

4. Numerical example
Several problems of resource allocation, solved by bi-level hierarchical approach are
considered. It is assumed that initially the sub-systems have C1 and C2 allocated resources.


Hierarchical Optimization for Fast Resource Allocation

Then, additional resources d have to be allocated, dnew=j.dold, j=0,1,2,3,4 . The scale of the
resource problem (N) is increased from N=4 (which corresponds to subsystems dimensions
n1=n2=2) to N=6, n1=n2=3 ; N=8, n1=n2=4; N=10, n1=n2=5; N=12, n1=n2=6. For each of these
cases problem (2) is solved, applying three methods: evaluation without using the steady
state subsystem solutions; evaluation applying goal coordination; evaluation, using the
steady state subsystem solutions. Comparison of the computational performance is done.
Thus, the most computational effective approach is identified.
The initial resource allocation problem is in the form

n1 = 2

n2 = 2


min x11




4 1 0 0 x11
1 3 0 0 x12
+ 6 2 4 5
0 0 2 1 x21
0 0 1 1 x22

subject to
x11 + 2 x12 + x21 + x22 = 1 + 3 = 4
2 x11 + x12 4 x21 + x22 = 1 1 = 2

Q1 =

1 2
4 1
2 1
1 1
, Q2 =
, A1 =
, A2 =
2 1
4 1
1 3
1 1

R1T = 6 2 , RT2 = 4 5 , C 1 =

It is necessary to allocate additional resource d =


, C2 =

, d has 5 values: d=j.d, j=0,1,2,3,4

In this case the problem dimension is increased to:

n1 = 3

n2 = 3

N =6

The problems data is

1 2
Q1 = 1 3 2
2 1 4
1 2 2

A1 =

1 2 2
2 1

, A2 =

1 1 2
4 1 3


Time Management

R1T = 6 2 1 , RT2 = 4 5 1 ,
C1 =


, C2 =

It is necessary to allocate additional resource d =


, where d has 5 values: d=j.d, j=0,,4.

n2 = 4

N =8

n2 = 5

N = 10

n2 = 6

N = 12

The problems dimension is set to:

n1 = 5

The problems dimension is set to:

n1 = 4

The problems dimension is set to:

n1 = 6
The data of the problems is:

4 1 1 2
1 2
2 1
1 3 2 1 3 1
1 4
2 1
1 2 2
1 2 2
, Q2 =
Q1 =
2 1 1 2 1 1
1 2
1 0
3 2 1 6
2 1 2 1 1 18
1 2



1 1 1
2 0 2
4 2 2 1
2 3 1 2
2 1 2 2
1 2 2 12

A1 =

1 2 2 3 4 0
2 1 1 1 3 4

A2 =

1 1 2 1 3 2
4 1 3 3 1 0

C1 =


C2 =


R1T = 6 2 1 3 1 4 , R2T = 4 5 1 2 3 1 .

5. Problems solution
Each problem is solved by three methods:

Using the Optimization Toolbox of MATLAB, the function QP for solving linearquadratic problems is applied. The computational efficiency is assessed by the number


Hierarchical Optimization for Fast Resource Allocation


of the operations with floating point (flops), performed by the processor during the
solution of the resource allocation problem. This assessment is performed for several
increases of the additional resources: from j=0 (without additional resource), to j=1 (the
additional resources are d), j=2 (the additional resources are 2d), respectively for j=3
and j=4.
The resource allocation problem is solved, applying the non-iterative goal
coordination. The computational efficiency is assessed also by the number of flops,
performed by the processor. The problem is solved, according to the relation
(Stoilov&Stoilova, 1999)

x = Q1[ R AT ( AQ1 AT )1 ( AQ1R + C + j.d )]

x = Q 1 R + Q 1 AT ( AQ 1 AT )1 ( AQ 1 R + C ) + Q 1 AT ( AQ 1 AT )1 j.d

x = + . j.d

Evaluation algorithm:
For j=0, sequentially are calculated:


the value of
the value of

The global solution is x opt =


The number of flops is assessed.

For j=1 additional resources d have to be allocated


The values of and are used from the case j=0;

The optimal solution x = + . j.d (j=1) is calculated


The number of flops is assessed.

For j=2, j=3, j=4 the algorithm follows the case of j=1

The resource allocation problem is solved with non-iterative predictive co-ordination,

applying relation (17)

Y1opt = A1Q11 R1 + ( A1Q11 A1T )( A1Q11 A1T + A2Q21 AT2 )1 ( A1Q11 R1 + A2Q21 R2 +
+ C1 + C 2 + d )
which is presented like
Y1opt =

A1Q11 R1 + ( A1Q11 A1T )( A1Q11 A1T +

A2Q21 A2T )1 ( A1Q11 R1 + A2Q21 R2 + C 1 + C 2 )


Time Management

+ ( A1Q11 A1T )( A1Q11 A1T + A2Q21 A2T )1 d )

Y1opt = 1 + 1d


Respectively, it follows

Y2opt = 2 + 2 d .
According to (18), it holds

xi (Yi ) = Qi1 Ri + Qi1 AiT ( AiQi1 AiT )1 AiQi Ri + Qi1 AiT ( AiQi1 AiT )1 Yi

x1 (Y1 ) = 1 + 1Y1

x2 (Y2 ) = 2 + 2Y2

By substituting above the relations of Y1 and Y2 from (20) it follows

x1 (Y1 ) = 1 + 1 1 + 1 1 d = L1 + M 1.d



x2 (Y2 ) = 2 + 2 2 + 2 2 d = L 2 + M 2.d .



It is evident that having off-line evaluations of the parameters i , i , i , i , i=1,2 , the

solution of the resource allocation problem is easily found for each variation of the resources
d . This follows from the explicitly derived relation xi(Yi) , which does not insist to solve
appropriate optimization problem.
Evaluation algorithm:
For j=0, sequentialy are calculated:


the values of 1 , 1


the values of 2 , 2


the values of 1 , 1


the values of 2 , 2


the values of L1 , M1


the values of L2 , M2


The global solution is x1 = L1


The number of flops is assessed.

x2 = L2

x = [ x1 ; x 2 ]

For j=1 additional resources d have to be allocated


Hierarchical Optimization for Fast Resource Allocation


A) The values of 1 , 2 , 1 , 2 , 1 , 2 , 1 , 2 , L1 , L2 , M1 , M2

are used from the case j=0;


B) The optimal solutions

x = [ x1 ; x2 ],

x1 = L1 + M1 . j.d , x2 = L2 + M 2 . j.d (j=1),

are calculated.


The number of flops is assessed.

For j=2, j=3, j=4 the algorithm follows the case of j=1.

6. Conclusions
Using MATLAB algorithm, the resource allocation problem is solved, without using the
intermediate states of the subsystems, when they use resources Ci. In that manner, each
optimization problem, parameterized by the resource variation d is solved in independent
way as a fully new problem. Thus, the evaluation performance, assessed as number of flops
is poorly preserved.

Relations flops-systems dimension - addding resources







Goal I calc
Predictive I calc

Goal&Predictive calc>1

N- systems dimension


Fig. 3. Variation of calculation according to problems dimension.




Time Management

For the case of non-iterative goal coordination it is possible to use previously calculated
coefficients, defined for the case of the steady-state subsystem management with initially
allocated resources Ci. Thus, the influence of the additional resources d to the computational
workload of the processor is lower, compared with the case of MATLAB implementation.
The increase of flops from the problems dimension N is presented in Figure 3. The curve
QP refers to the implementation of MATLABs QP function. Goal I calc and Predict I
calc are the curves, resulting from the calculation of Goal and Predictive coordination
approaches, which lack with additional resources, d=0 (j=0). For the cases with additional
resources, j>0, the evaluation performance is very high because the intermediate results for
j=0 are used and the amount of the new calculations are very few. Thus, the relation flops
(N) is situated near by the N axis.
The comparison, between the algorithms in solving the resource allocation problem gives
preference to the method of the non-iterative goal coordination. For that case the amount of
calculations are nearly 50% less than MATLABs QP implementation for the initially
resource allocation, j=0.
For the case j0 when additional resources have to be allocated, the non-iterative
coordinations approach give quite better results because the optimization is not solved
again, but the previously defined solutions for j=0 are used and the new additional
calculations are quite few. Thus, the amount of flops decreases dramatically.
A comparison between the amount of flops, performed by the predictive non-iterative
coordination algorithm and the MATLAB QP function, according to the frequency of the
resource variation j=0,1,2,3,4 is illustrated in Figure 4. It is evident that for the case of QP
implementation, its curve preserves the flops number as a constant value, because of the
resource variation, the resource allocation problem has to be solved repetitively. Applying
Goal and Predictive coordination algorithm, only for the initially evaluation of the steady
state resource allocation, j=0, flops are performed, but they are nearly half of the QPs value.
Then for resource variations, j=1,2,3,4, the additions of flops is very few, which results to
close behaviour of the curves towards N axis. However, in both cases, according to the
problems dimensions and towards the frequency of the resource variations, the algorithms
of the predictive coordination strategy is better and preferable because of its efficiency and
Hierarchical bi-level model for initial separable linear-quadratic problem is developed. The
coordinators and sub-systems problems are defined. The coordinators problem is
determined like linear-quadratic one with definition area less than the definition area of
initial problem. It is supposed that there is known resources and additional ones have to be
allocated among the sub-systems. The inexplicit function xi(yi) is developed in Taylor series
in the point of known resources. Using the non-iterative predictive coordination for each
sub-system the coordinating influences are realized. An example, illustrating the advantage
of this model is presented.
The solution of the source problem using bi-level hierarchical system is preferable for online cases. Thus the time for management of a hierarchical or distributed systems decreases


Hierarchical Optimization for Fast Resource Allocation

Relations flops- addding resources for N=4






Predictive coordination


i - multiplier for T /resource additing/


Fig. 4. Variation of calculations according to added resources.

7. References
Bard J. (1999). Practical bilevel optimization. Kluwer Academic Publisher, Dordrecht, p.473.
Jamoom M. (1999). Constrained optimization for hierarchical control system design, p.117.
Migdalas, At., P.Pardalos, P.Varbrand (Eds). (1997) Multilevel optimization: Algorithms and
Applications Kluwer Academic Publisher, Dordrecht.
Sandell N.R., P.Varaiya, M.Athans, M.Safonov. (1978). Survey of decentralized control
methods for large scale systems. IEEE Trans. On Automatic Control, AC-32(2),
Simsek T., P.Varaiya, Borges da Sousa. (2001). Communication and control of distributed
hybrid systems. Proceeding of American Control conference, Washington, DC.
Stoilov T., K.Stoilova. (1999). Non iterative coordination in multilevel systems. Kluwer Academic
Publisher, ISBN 0-7923-5879-1 , Dordrecht /Boston/London.
Stoilova K., T.Stoilov. (2002). Predictive Coordination in Two-Level Hierarchical Systems.
Proceeding of IEEE Symposium Intelligent Systems, vol.I, 10-12 September 2002,
Varna, pp.332-337.
Stoilova, K. (2010). Noniterative predictive coordination. Professor M. Drinov Academic
Publisher, ISBN 978-954-322-268-1, Sofia (in Bulgarian)
Tind. J. (1998). Multilevel optimization, Kluwer Academic Publisher, Dordrecht.
Varaiya P. (2000). A question about hierarchical systems. In. System theory: modeling, analysis
and control. T.Djaferis. I.Schnick (eds), Kluwer Academic Publisher. Dordrecht.


Time Management

Vicente L.N., P.Calamai. (1994). Bilevel and multilevel programming: A bibliography

review. Journal of Global optimization 5(3), pp.291-306.
Vicente L.N. (2001). Bilevel programming: introduction, history and overview. In
Encyclopedia of optimization, Kluwer Academic Publiushers, Dordrecht, pp.178180.

Part 3
Practical Cases for Time Management

A Practical Application of Time Management
Darren George

Canadian University College

1. Introduction
A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds. Thomas Hobbs, British philosopher
and political theorist, made this oft-quoted observation in 1588. But thoughtful consistency
is one of the defining qualities of time management and goal achievement: That which we
do on a regular basis has potential to yield extraordinary rewards over time. Think, for a
moment, the results of spending one hour a day on just about any activity. How would your
life be different if you spent one hour a day exercising? Practicing an instrument? Writing
up projects that lie dormant in your computer files? Improving personal relationships?
Acquiring wealth?
But then Mr. Hobbs intrudes. There are millions who quite consistently watch TV programs,
obsess on YouTube videos, clean their houses, hang out with friends, drink, party, or play
video games. There is nothing particularly wrong with any of these activities, but those who
devote their lives to such pursuits rarely end up with much to boast about. Can scientific
research help us distinguish between a consistency that generates extraordinary results and
a consistency that condemns one to membership among the mediocre?
As this chapter progresses four specific components of a practical application of time
management are addressed: First is the description of a study that reveals how important
time management is to personal or academic success; next the story of Ivy Lee illustrates the
importance of integrating clear goals with time management; third, a real-world example
and how the consideration of both psychological factors and structural factors facilitates
goal achievement; and fourth, the importance of thorough preparation for time management
to yield the desired results. The chapter concludes with a summary of key points.

2. Research support for the importance of time management (and clear

In a recent project (George, Dixon, Stansal, Gelb, & Phiri, 2008) we explored factors
associated with student success among a sample of 231 undergraduates. Participants were
students from a small liberal-arts university in Alberta, Canada. The requirements for
participation were extensive: completion of a lengthy questionnaire and monitoring and
recording daily activities in 30-minute increments for a week. This detailed method of data
acquisition allowed researchers to move beyond the frequently-biased personal perceptions
to measured activities as predictors of success.


Time Management

First we needed to operationalize the definition of success. Among a student sample,

academic performance is clearly one criterion. So, consistent with many other studies (e.g.,
Trockel, et al. 2000; Lammers, et al., 2001; Lasane & Jones, 1999), we employed overall
cumulative GPA (Grade-Point Average on a 4-point scale) as one success measure. But we
know that GPA is only weakly correlated with accomplishment in other areas of life
(Stanley, 2000), so we created a second measure called Personal Success.
The creation of this second measure was a bit complicated. First we instructed each subject to
write down three important goals (in any area of interest) that you presently possess. After
acquiring all the forms, several of the authors rated the three goals based on the widely-used
S.M.A.R.T. principle (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time specific). Each of these
five areas was rated on a 7-point scale. The composite score (mean of the five sub areas)
produced a scale that ranged from clearly-defined goals (7) to vague or poorly defined goals
(1). Goal clarity, then, was used as a predictor variable in analyses that followed.
For the personal success measure, each subject answered 11 questions that indicated how
well they had achieved (or were successfully progressing toward) the stated goals. To
increase objectivity and reduce personal bias, each subject revealed the three goals to a
friend who answered the same 11 questions. A composite of those 22 responses (11 by the
subject, 11 by the friend) resulted in our second dependent variable, Personal Success.
Finally, since both types of goals are important to most students we created a third
dependent variable called Total Success that weighted GPA and Personal Success equally.
A combination of the time diary measures and the questionnaire items yielded a large
number of potential predictor variables. Below we present a chart that shows the primary
variables and their correlations (designated as r) with GPA, Personal Success and Total
Success. Remember that a positive correlation means that more of that quality results in
greater success, whereas a negative correlation means that more of that quality results in less
success. A larger the r-value (positive or negative) is associated with a greater influence. For
instance: the strongest correlation is between Clear Goals and Personal Success (r = .52) and
is strongly significant (p < .001). The factors that contribute to success are rank ordered from
most important to least important (but still significant). Then the factors that detract from
success follow, also rank ordered.
Factors that Contribute to
Predictor Variables (below)
Clear goals
Time management skills
Good diet
Good physical health
Emotional stability
Personal spirituality
Own their own computer
Devotional time
Time studying
An Internal locus of control

Dependent Variables
r = .28, p < .001
r = .38, p < .001
r = .30, p < .001
r = .20, p = .001
r = .12, p = .037
r = .14, p = .016
r = .28, p < .001
r = .02, NS
r = .15, p = .010
r = .21, p = .001
r = .13, p = .023

Personal Success

Total Success

r = .52, p < .001

r = .38, p < .001
r = .33, p < .001
r = .39, p < .001
r = .37, p < .001
r = .31, p < .001
r = .15, p = .013
r = .35, p < .001
r = .18, p = .003
r = .01, NS
r = .07, NS

r = .49, p < .001

r = .46, p < .001
r = .39, p < .001
r = .36, p < .001
r = .30, p < .001
r = .27, p < .001
r = .26, p < .001
r = .23, p < .001
r = .21, p = .001
r = .13, p = .023
r = .12, p = .033


A Practical Application of Time Management

Factors that Contribute to

Predictor Variables (below)
Factors that Detract from
Spend time in passive
Get up late
More time sleeping

Dependent Variables

Personal Success

Total Success

r = .20, p = .001

r = -.06, NS

r = .09, NS

r = -.22, p < .001

r = -.17, p = .005

r = -.24, p < .001

r = -.26, p < .001

r = -.12, p = .038

r = -.13, p = .027
r = -.06, NS

r = -.24, p < .001

r = -.11, p = .043

Code: rPearson bi-variate correlation, psignificance of the correlation, NSnot significant

Table 1.
Just a glance shows that the most influential predictors of student success are clearly-defined
goals and excellent time-management skills. Regression analysis is a procedure that reveals
which predictor variables influence the dependent variable after the influence of other
variables is considered. Regression analysis generates a much more stringent list of predictors
than do simple correlations. For those not fluent in the principles of regression, a simple
illustration clarifies: personal spirituality is significantly correlated with Personal Success (r =
.31, p < .001) but when other variables are included as predictors spirituality drops from .31 to
.16 ( = .16, p = .003) but still retains significance. A closely related concept is time spent in
devotions. This variable is also significantly associated with Personal Success (r = .18, p = .003)
but when other variables are included, devotional time drops to non-significance.
Undoubtedly some of its predictive power was consumed by the spirituality variable.
In the regression equations the number one predictor of GPA is time management skills ( =
.24, p < .001); the number one predictor of Personal Success is clearly-defined goals ( = .40,
p < .001); and the top two predictors for Total Success are clearly defined goals ( = .30, p <
.001) and time-management skills ( = .22, p < .001). These two far outrank more traditional
predictors of success such as study time, self-esteem, emotional stability, internal locus of
control, and intelligence.
The study clearly identifies the importance of clear goals and time-management skills but
the question arises, how do we teach such skills? How do we apply the concepts in a
productive way? That is the title and goal of this chapter: how do we make practical
application of information that the present study reveals is so important?

3. The Importance of clear goals: The story of Ivy Lee

The first basic concept to be learned is that time management skills and clearly defined goals
go hand in hand. Without clear goals, management of time and activities becomes Thomas
Hobbs hobgoblin of little minds. Dan Aslet, famous author on how to clean a house,
speaks of a client who spent 40 years acquiring possessions and the next 40 dusting and
rearranging them. Think back to the first few paragraphs of this chapter when we spoke
somewhat disparagingly of watching TV, obsessing on YouTube videos, cleaning houses,
partying, or playing video games. For most people these are time wasters, but there are
people who make excellent livings critiquing TV shows, posting popular YouTube videos,


Time Management

writing books about how to clean houses, marketing party favors and creating video games.
So it is not the activity that determines importance, rather it is whether there are clear goals
associated with that activity. The centrality of clear goals is illustrated in the following story.
In the early 1900s a gentlemen named Ivy Ledbetter Lee (1877 1934) met with the owner of
a small steel company. Ivy told him that he could teach him and his employees to manage
their time in such a way as to achieve far more than he thought possible. The owner told Mr.
Lee that he already knew the importance of time management but had difficulty applying it.
He told Mr. Lee, "If you can show me how to actually achieve effective time management, I
am willing to pay you well." Mr. Lee told him that in 30 minutes he could teach him a
method that would quadruple his current output, and stated his fee: "You apply what I
teach you, and after you try it for a while, send me a check for whatever you think it is
worth." The owner tried the principles taught by Mr. Lee and several months later sent him
a check for $25,000 stating that it was the most useful information he had ever acquired.

Fig. 1.
What was it that Mr. Lee explained at that time? He told the owner, I want you to take out a
sheet of paper and write down the six most important things that need to be done tomorrow.
The owner scratched his head and after about ten minutes had his list of six. Mr. Lee then told
him, now, rank order the six from most important to least important. This process took
another five minutes. Now, said Mr. Lee. When you get up tomorrow begin doing the #1 item
on your list. Continue to do that item until it is finished. If some barrier prevents you
completing #1, shift your attention to the #2 item and continue working on that until one of
two events occur: a) Whatever blocked completion of #1 is resolvedif so, you return to #1
and complete it. b) You have completed #2 or something prevents completion of #2. In either
case move on to #3 and work on that until finished, unless something blocks your completion

A Practical Application of Time Management


of #3, and so forth. If some emergency intrudes (that prevents you continuing on your
numbered projects), you have either completed or made progress on the most important items.
There is no other method by which you could achieve more.
What Mr. Lee described can be presented in a time-flow chart that looks something like this
(previous page).
The business man that Mr. Lee spoke with was Charles Schwab, who, over the next few
years would guide Bethlehem Steel to become one of the largest steel producers in the world
and enable Mr. Schwab to become one of the richest men in the world.
So what characterizes the Lee plan that makes it so effective, and in what way does it differ
from time-management mechanisms promoted today?
Essentially the plan provides the power of simplicity and clarity. First, goals are clearly
definedthat is, it possible to identify when a goal is completed. Second there is total clarity
on the sequence of goal achievement that will yield successwhich goal is more important
than another. The final quality that empowers success is that you always know what to do.
There are never moments of indecisiveness. If you have completed one task, go on to the
next. If something blocks completion, begin working on the next. If whatever blocked
resolution of a prior goal resolves, go back and continue work on that project until
completion. Even the vagaries of life are built into the model. If life pulls you away, depart,
do what you have to do, and return to your task sequence when your circumstances allow.
When you contrast Ivy Lee's plan with todays seminars on effective time management what
disappears is the simplicity. A common method promoted by many time-management firms
is to write down in a day timer or some electronic time-management device the list of items
you plan to accomplish on a certain day. There may be 20, 30, or 40 of them. There is a mix
of personal and professional goals. You then code goals according to importance: An A
represents urgently important, B represents important but less so. Items coded C are
the least important. Then you are instructed to rank order youre As your Bs and your Cs,
and complete them in that order. But I have watched scores of people attempt to create and
follow such a plan, but have rarely seen success. It fails under the weight of its own
complexity. At some level it looks simple: Complete items in the stated order. What could
be easier? The problem is that this process attempts to build the entire spectrum of lifes
activities into the system. In todays world there are so many events demanding your
attention that in this case, complete items in this order is quite impossible.
How does the Lee plan differ? First Ivy Lee did not mix specified accomplishment with
personal issues. For Charles Schwab the plan addressed business success. The pull of
personal life was fully acknowledged, but was represented simply as something that pulled
you away from the plan you had created. There was no attempt to integrate. When your
personal issues resolve, then get back to the plan.

4. Application of the Ivy Lee plan in a complex world

So, one application is to avoid mixing the goal-accomplishment phase of life with other
areas. I present a personal example to illustrate. As I write there are three major publication
projects awaiting completion: 1) This chapter, 2) A research project dealing with sexual
tension in cross-sex friendships, and 3) A research project that deals with the influence of


Time Management

discrepancy factors in marital satisfaction. The chapter is due October 12 and the two
research projects are scheduled for completion by November 30. Keep in mind that these
projects are in addition to a full life otherwise. Major time consumers include: Coaching
track and cross country at a local high school and junior college, daily practice on the
trombone and piano, rehearsing and performing in three musical groups, daily exercise, not
to mention being a full-time professorteaching four classes a semester and serving on
committees. At the personal level I am married with two children at home, and am a movie
buff who enjoys collecting and viewing classic movies.
So, amidst all that complexity, how is it possible to create the simplicity and clarity to
accomplish the three desired goals?
First off, over the years, I have become skilled at automatizing certain areas of my life: All
classes, committees, coaching and rehearsals are already scheduled. I simply show up and do
what I am supposed to do at those times. Other things are already tightly engineered into a
current pattern such as my trombone and piano practice and exercise. Other things are not so
tightly structured. I refer specifically to class prep and grading of papers. I have a TA for
grading and the demands of class prep ebb and flow from class to class and topic to topic. But
without scheduling, I always get prep in somehow and am quite capable of "winging it"
occasionally. The classic movie obsession requires no schedule as I can enjoy it when time
allows and ignore it otherwise. The big wild card (and where I think most time-management
schemes self-destruct) is the area of personal life: nurturing my marriage and the growth of my
children. Preparing for my wife's 50th birthday party did not fit into any schedule and became
what Ivy Lee described as "when personal matters intrude". I simply accomplished less on the
three projects in the week leading up to that event. What, then, can we do to maximize the
likelihood of success in (in this case) the three desired areas of accomplishment?

5. Integration of both psychological and structural issues

I am a psychologist and I look at both the psychological components and structural
components in creating a plan that can work. We begin with the psychological: Why do I
want to publish these three projects anyway? I am a professor at a small liberal arts
"teaching" university, am tenured and am not required to publish. The university
encourages "scholarly activity" leading to publication and pays an honorarium when you
do. But my earnings would be much greater if I spent the equivalent amount of time
working at McDonalds. So in this case, the why is built into my self-definition. I did my
grad work at a top research university (UCLA) and research that contributes to the
knowledge base in my areas of expertise is something I do. However, there are many
settings where the why must be explored more thoroughly.
The structural component includes that I don't teach Monday, Wednesday and Friday
allowing me to be in my office between 9:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. A locked door and a
disconnected phone allows uninterrupted time to work. Five hours per day are allotted to
the three projectsa total of 15 hours a week. Fifteen hours a week should allow completion
of the chapter before October 12 and allow both research projects to be submitted by the end
of November. Lets be frank. I rarely get in all 15 hours. Almost always something intrudes.
But if I manage only 8 or 10 hours, it is solid progress toward the desired goal.
Finally, the sequencing. The order is: 1) The chapterits due first; 2) Sexual tension in
cross-sex friendshipsthat project is a bit further along, and 3) Discrepancy factors in

A Practical Application of Time Management


Marital Satisfaction. The chapter is not only due first, but is simplest: I am the only author
and my wife and the editors of the book are the only ones to critique it before publication.
For the two other projects data collection and entry is complete, analysis and interpretation
is finished, and a rough drafts of both papers are largely in place. But there is much still to
be done: Coordinating with my co-authors as we revise the paper, review by colleagues
before submission, completion of tables, charts and references, and so forth.
I will work on the chapter until it is completed. Then my co-authors and I will continue
work on the sexual-tension project. In a practical sense there will be a good deal of backand-forth between the two research studies. When I send the first study off for a colleague to
review, then I will work on the second until the first is returned with comments and I can
continue toward completion on that one. I suspect that the two projects will be finished
about the same time and submitted within a week or two of each other.
But the point is that the plan is pure Ivy Lee. Clear goals, rank ordered, and work one of the
projects until completed or barriers prevent further progress. And I don't try to fit my wife's
50th birthday party into the mix. I simply accept that "personal matters intrude" and click
back into the program when the fun and demands of the party are over.
Heres what the time-flow chart (introduced earlier) looks like with my own projects
inserted. Notice the inclusion of the feed-back loops to indicate the back and forth that
invariably takes place in large projects of this nature:

Fig. 2.


Time Management

6. The importance of thorough preparation

We now take a breath and consider another aspect of effective time management. Prior to
completing my Ph.D., I taught high school mathematics for nine years. It was just before my
final year of teaching that Alhambra City Schools hired a motivational speaker for a
presentation to the teachers of the six high schools in our district. The master presenter
described teaching methods that would transform the lives of students and empower
extraordinary levels of accomplishment. Having already taught high school for eight years,
everything this man said made sense. I wondered why it was that all teachers did not
implement the techniques he was presenting, and was excited about applying his material to
my own teaching.
A few days later the school year started and I quickly found out why everyone didnt do it.
It took a huge amount of time and effort for his process to workengaging parents, lining
up volunteer teacher aids, creating the worksheets and lessons plans, improving teaching
skills. I soon decided it was too much effort to apply, particularly since I had already been
accepted at UCLA and knew that my future was not in high school teaching. In subsequent
years several key points presented that day have been integrated into my university
The point is this: If you have challenging projects and it is urgent that you finish them, it
may take a good deal of planning before you create a sequence of activities that allows
successful completion of these projects.
Yes, it seems in contradiction to the simplicity that Ivy Lee proposed. But lets be clear about
simplicity and complexity. Simplicity is allowed by thorough preparation. An athlete
preparing for a national championship five months hence will work with the coach many
hours creating the plan that will yield the best performance on the big day. That is the
thorough preparation part. Once the plan is in place then implementation is simple: Each
day do what the plan says.
The last item addressed here (prior to a final summary) is the issue of how much
preparation time do you need to set up a successful time-management sequence? In general
the more challenging the goal and the more difficult the circumstances, the more planning
time will be required. Goals are commonly divided into three types of difficulty: Goals that
require a choice only, goals that require choice plus effort, and goals that require choice plus
effort plus pain. We provide some examples below:


Goals that require a choice only: Goals in this category simply require choosing to do
one activity rather than other activities. If I decide to read Jane Austen's Pride and
Prejudice, I choose to spend time reading the book, perhaps 30 minutes per day, rather
than doing other things. A million different pursuits fall into this category: Tidy my
desk, prep my class, bake chocolate chip cookies, read through the Bible, get my car
serviced, grade my quizzes. Some of you will complain, "Yeah, but sometimes it is
really difficult to find the time." Those who say that are missing the point. This category
of goal achievement simply involves choosing to do one activity rather than another. It
is up to you, just like Charles Schwab, to determine which activities are priorities.
Goals that require choice plus effort: The effort part is of two kinds. One type of
effort is the focus and energy required to finish the task. The other kind of effort is

A Practical Application of Time Management



associated with the complexity of your world. You may have many things pulling on
your time and it requires effort to clear the space that allows you to pursue the
desired goal. Writing up a research project provides a good example of choice plus
effort. Such writing often taxes your creative and scientific abilities to the limit.
Other examples might include learning to play an instrument well, building a
successful marriage, refinishing a room in your house, weeding the garden, scrubbing
the floor.
Goals that require choice plus effort, plus pain: These are the most difficult. Examples
might include, losing weight, training to run a marathon, quitting smoking, restoring a
relationship that has gone toxic, breaking off a relationship that cant work, building
muscle mass through weight lifting. Notice that some of the examples deal with
physical pain (training for a marathon, losing weight, quitting smoking, lifting weights)
whereas others deal more with emotional or relational pain (restoring a relationship,
breaking off a relationship).

There is no specific code to determine how much time and effort should be applied to
planning based on these three types of goals. First, there are individual differences: what is
enormously difficult for one may be easy for another. Then there is the reality that the lines
between these three categories are often fuzzy. In general any movement from the low end
of the scale (choice only) to the high end of the scale mandates additional time to create a
plan that can work.
Planning to achieve the goals I mentioned earlier in this chapter (complete this chapter and
the two research projects) required careful thought. All three projects fall into category 2
(choice plus effort). This means that I need to pursue completion when my mind is strong
fatigue kills creative effort. Then, life provides many distractionswith the potential to
crowd out time to work on these projects. This requires cooperative effort between my wife
and me to determine that the goal is worth achieving and that these projects should be
pursued rather than other things. Thirdly it requires a specific identification of when it is
possible to work on these projects. And the most important, in the complexity of this wi-fi
age, is absolute clarity on the steps to achievement. I am so clear on the steps to complete
present projects that it does not disorient me when life intrudes. If my wife called right now
and said it is important that you come home and watch a movie with me and the kids, I
would finish the sentence and head on homeparticularly if it was one of my favorite
classics! Sometime the next morning I would continue from where I left offwith the added
benefit that my subconscious has been working to organize and create during the 12 hours I
was away. "But what if the chapter was due tomorrow?" I hear someone cry. The answer is
not trivial. I planned to be finished two weeks early. Are you acquainted with the word

7. Summary
In summary then, a number of critical points have been established:

The research study described in the first few pages of this chapter identifies that clear
goals and time-management skills rank as the most important factors in personal or
academic success and far outrank items such as study time, emotional stability, locus of
control, or IQ.


Time Management

Before time can be managed successfully your goals need to be clear, quantifiable (that
is, you know when you are finished), and are psychologically and logically sound
remember the S.M.A.R.T. principle.
Equally important is that you rank order the various projects you are attempting to
complete. This ensures that your efforts are always focused on the most important.
One formula for disaster is trying to plan and regulate all areas of your life at the same
time. Instead, create a plan associated with areas that are important (but will get
ignored or crowded out if you don't attend to them) and work to keep other areas of
your life well-ordered so that many things just happen automatically.
Retain the clarity of what Ivy Lee proposed: Have the plan clearly in order, and, if life
intrudes, fine. Do what you need to do, and when you return, you know exactly where
to take up again.
To plan quickly and superficially assures early breakdown
Take as much time as is required to create a good plan. The more challenging the goal,
the more difficult your circumstances, the more time will be required to make certain
that the plan yields the desired result. Most time should be spent when the goal is
difficult (such as a #3 goal) and your circumstances are complicated.
Consider both structural issues (already scheduled obligations and personal resources)
and emotional/psychological issues when creating the plan. If you are making a plan to
lose weight you better have thought through What do I do when I get home at 4:30
and am starved?
Finally keep it simple. The more complex it is, the more likely it is that your efforts will

8. References
George, D. M., Dixon, S., Lund, S., Stansal, E., & Phiri, T. (2008). Time diary and
questionnaire assessment of factors associated with student success. Journal of
American College Health, 56(6), 706-715
Lahmers, A.G., & Zulauf, C. R. (2000). Factors associated with academic time use and
academic performance of collegestudents: a recursive approach. Journal of College
Student Development. 41(5), 544-556.
Lasane, T.P., & Jones, J.M. (1999). Temporal orientation and academic goal-setting: the
mediating properties of a motivational self. Journal of Social Behavior and
Personality,14(1), 31-45.
Stanley T. J. (2000). The millionaire mind. New York: Pocket Books; 2000.
Trockel, M. T., Barnes, M.D., & Egget, E. L. (2000). Health-related variables and academic
performance among first year college. students: implications for sleep and other
behaviors. Journal of American College Health, 49(3), 125-132.

Personal Time-Management and
Quality of Life in the Network Society
Merc Boixads Angls, Eullia Hernndez-Encuentra
and Modesta Pousada Fernndez

Universitat Oberta de Calalunya - Internet Interdisciplinary Institute,

1. Introduction

In recent decades, health sciences have evolved towards an integrationist model in which
health and illness are not only the result of biological factors, but also those of a
psychological and social nature. In this biopsychosocial model, individuals living
conditions and habits play a vital role in explaining their health and quality of life. Lifestyle
is thus viewed as a substantial element to be taken into account when seeking to explain
illness and promote health (Kaplan, 2003).
An in-depth examination of the concept of lifestyle is not our objective. However, we do feel
it appropriate to emphasize the fact that this concept is related to behavioural patterns
common to a given social group, patterns which are acquired through the process of
socialization. According to this perspective, social changes also tend to entail alterations in
peoples lifestyles (Korp, 2010).
It seems clear, then, that the transformation advanced societies are undergoing towards
what is referred to as the Network society or the information and knowledge society not
only involves changes in technology, economy or education, but also in our behavioural
patterns; in a word, in our lifestyles.
What characteristic traits of the Network society do we think are of particular relevance in
this context? We would like to highlight the following:

The overabundance of information.

The speed with which such information becomes obsolete, and the consequent need for
new material.
The individuals simultaneous performance of multiple roles and undertaking of
various tasks.
The need for constant synchronization/coordination with decentralized organizations
and people.
The use of different devices to coordinate everyday life.

In brief, we have to cater for the day-to-day demands of a decentralized, multitasking,

flexible, changing society whose members are in permanent contact with each other
(Anderson & Tracey, 2001, Castells, 2001; Wellman & Haythornthwaite, 2002).


Time Management

One of the challenges that underlie the Network society lifestyle is using available time
efficiently and productively (Hassan, 2010; Parkins & Craig, 2006). Time is regarded as a
limited resource, and its use must be carefully planned and supervised in the context of a
day packed with tasks to be carried out, roles to be played and information to be assessed
and processed. This perspective is examined, for instance, by Levine and Norenzayan
(1999), who base their work on Hochs theory on the relationship between economic factors
and the pace of life; a theory that explores the economic value of peoples time.
Strategies and devices designed to help us save time are therefore commonplace and
actually make it possible to achieve more with the same time resources. However, they may
also accentuate our sensation of speed. In fact, together with the experience of
overburdening in terms of the roles played on a daily basis, the perception of an accelerated
pace of life has been identified as one of the factors responsible for deteriorations in
individuals health (physical and psychological) and their perceived quality of life
(Friedman et al., 1996; Gleick, 1999; Roxburgh, 2004). Additionally, the feeling of being
constantly rushed is especially evident in technologically-advanced countries (Szollos, 2009).
Its important to point out that the polychronic attitude made necessary by the constant
demand for simultaneous attention to multiple tasks is not, per se, a negative factor as
regards quality of life (Feldman & Hornik, 1981). However, it can become so as a result of
feeling increasing levels of stress caused by a sensation of a lack of time in day-to-day life.
In spite of the relation between time perception and health, Strazdins et al. (2011) point out
that the way in which time contours health has been neglected in the literature. Szollos
(2009) also makes the criticism that psychological inquiries have been largely missing in the
multidisciplinary contributions to the study of time shortage, and highlights the fact that
findings related with the psychological questions that could be explored in this field can be
meaningfully integrated into the area of well-being and quality of life.
Moreover, Roxburg (2006) points out that scant research is undertaken into how gender
differences affect the relation between time perception and quality of life. Despite the fact
that time perception is related to social roles and that men and women play different roles,
only a few studies take gender indicators into consideration when analyzing time
perception and quality of life or health (Roxburg, 2006; De la Fuente, 2007).
In order to contribute to this neglected area of research, we carried out an empirical study of
time use in the Network society and its relationship with perceived quality of life. Our aims
are: a) to describe the use of time in different daily activities of a group of technology users;
b) to analyze possible relations between these time habits and the way in which subjects
perceive their quality of life; and c) to explore some gender differences.

2. Methods
2.1 Participants
We enrolled a total of 264 subjects, all of whom were volunteers with access to the Online
Campus of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC). 70.3% of the volunteers were
females and 29.7% males. Their average age was 33 (DT=8.48). Table 1 contains a summary
of the sociodemographic data corresponding to the participating subjects.

Personal Time-Management and Quality of Life in the Network Society

Marital status
Married or with a partner
Divorced or separated
Number of children
No children
More than three
Relationship with UOC
External lecturers
Field of study
Business studies
Work studies
Other studies offered by UOC,
masters degrees and
Completed studies
General degree
Honours degree
Secondary education


54.5% Yes
41.3% No

Work in a health-related field

52.3% No
23.4% Yes


Annual family income

76.8% > 24,000
11.8% between 12,000 and 24,000
8.7% < 12,000
First use of internet
29.4% > 5 years ago
12.6% Between 2 and 4 years ago
11.3% < 2 years ago


Able to read English

34.1% Yes
28.8% No


Table 1. Sociodemographic description of the participating subjects.

It should be borne in mind that the typical profile was that of a student or professional at an
online university that uses distance-learning methods. The data shows that 76.8% of the
subjects are students and 23.2% are staff or external lecturers. Those data related to the use
of technologies can be summarized as follows: 95.5% used a computer; 95% used a mobile
telephone; 62.7 % had been using the internet for over 5 years; 85.2% had a permanent
internet connection; and 81% used the internet on a daily basis. It should also be noted that
the level of studies of the sample group was quite high. The vast majority (69.7%) had
general or honours degrees or doctorates, and 82.4% were able to read English.
2.2 Instruments
The instruments used were as follows:

Time usage perception scale (TUPS): from the analysis of several personal diaries
about daily routines, we created a 60-item questionnaire to explore lifestyles in the
network society. This questionnaire was used in a previous study (Boixads et al., 2007)
and from the data analysis we obtained several dimensions related to lifestyles. One of
these dimensions accounts for how individuals perceive their time usage in their daily


Time Management

life. This dimension had 11 items (see Table 2) and we grouped them according to the
time usage perception scale (TUPS). Thus, TUPS consists of 11 items (with a 5-point
Likert scale) on different aspects related to lifestyle, all of which aim at capturing the
perception of the use of time in different daily activities, so that the higher scores
indicate a slower pace of life and vice versa. The Cronbach alpha internal consistency
index is 0.70. Items 3 and 6 weigh in the opposite direction to the original scale.
Items of time usage perception scale (no. of items = 11; = 0.70)
Adhering to regular sleeping times.
Regular bowel movements.
(-)Delaying going to the toilet despite it being necessary to do so.
Having regular mealtimes
Having meals in peace and quiet, without rushing.
(-) Carrying out more than one task at a time, due to the number of jobs to be done
(work-related tasks, family responsibilities, domestic chores, etc.).
7. Foreseeing and adhering to the time required for different activities (e.g. travelling,
meetings, errands, etc.).
8. Having the necessary time and being sufficiently rested to engage in the desired level
of sexual activity.
9. Taking breaks to counteract the negative effects of physical and/or mental fatigue.
10. Sleeping a minimum of eight consecutive hours a day.
11. Taking an afternoon nap.

Table 2. Items corresponding to the time usage perception scale.

Quality of life questionnaire (QoLQ): this generic questionnaire consists of 39 items,

with a five-point Likert scale, designed and validated by Ruiz and Baca (1993) and used
with a healthy Spanish population. The factor structure of the version used in this work
was confirmed in a previous study (Boixads et al., 2009). As reflected in Table 3, the
items were grouped into four dimensions, namely Social support (13 items), General
satisfaction (12 items), Physical/psychological wellbeing (7 items) and Absence of
excessive workload/free time (7 items). The Cronbach alpha internal consistency index
obtained for each dimension varied between 0.82 and 0.89, and the internal consistency
of the total questionnaire score was 0.93.
Quality of life questionnaire (QoLQ) (No. of items = 39; = 0.93)
FACTOR 1- SOCIAL SUPPORT (S.S.)- no. of items = 13; = 0.89
36. Are you satisfied with your partner?
37. Are you physically attracted to your partner?
24. Do you feel that you have someone to turn to when you need company or support?
39. Are you satisfied with your family (partner and/or children)?
38. Does your partner satisfy your sexual desires and needs?
21. Do you feel loved by the people who are important to you?
27. Are you satisfied with your friends?
20. Do you have a satisfactory relationship with those with whom you live?

Personal Time-Management and Quality of Life in the Network Society


Quality of life questionnaire (QoLQ) (No. of items = 39; = 0.93)

23. Do you have friends on whom you can rely if necessary?
26. Do you have someone with whom you can share your free time and pastimes?
28. Do you find your social life satisfactory?
22. Do you have a good relationship with your family?
25. Would you like to have more satisfying sexual relations? If you do not have sexual
relations, would you like to?
FACTOR 2- GENERAL SATISFACTION (G.S.) no. of items =12 ; = 0.89
01. Do you enjoy your work?
17. Do you believe that you are fulfilling your ambitions?
19. Do you feel capable of obtaining most of the things you desire?
32. Do you regard your life as interesting?
18. Do you feel that life is meeting your expectations?
02. Are you happy with the way you work?
33. Are you satisfied with your life?
11. Do you consider yourself to be a failure?
31. Do you regard your life as pleasant?
04. Are you happy with your working environment?
34. Are you satisfied with the money at your disposal?
35. Are you satisfied with the way you are?
= 0.88
14. Do you suffer from insomnia or significant problems getting to sleep?
16. Are you satisfied with your current state of health?
09. Do you feel that you are in good health?
13. Do you have concerns that prevent you from relaxing or sleeping, or which make it
difficult for you to do so?
15. Do you spend most of the day feeling tired?
12. Do you feel worried or distressed?
10. Do you feel that you have enough energy for your day-to-day life?
no. of items = 7 ; = 0.82
29. Do you have enough time to relax and enjoy yourself every day?
06. At the end of a working day, do you feel so tired that all you want to do is rest?
08. Do you have too much work at present?
03. Does your work leave you enough free time for other things that you want to do?
30. Are you able to pursue your pastimes (time, money, etc.)?
07 Are you permanently tense as a result of your work?
05. Do work-related problems or concerns prevent you from enjoying your free time?
Table 3. Factorial structure of the questionnaire QoLQ.
2.3 Procedure
Data was collected by means of an online questionnaire posted on an internal web page of
UOC, which was only accessible to members of the community thereof. The questionnaire


Time Management

was available for 3 months on the online Campus. On the first screen, prior to seeking
consent, an explanation of how to answer the questions was provided and the various
options as regards replies were mentioned.

3. Results
The results presented below were organized into three sections. The first section presents
the response rate by gender to each item in the TUPS questionnaire. For each item we
calculated the Chi Square statistic to compare response rate patterns between males and
females. We carried out the necessary corrections to meet the assumptions of the Chi Square
Test (expected frequencies >5).
In the second section we analyzed gender differences in relation to the scores on the four
dimensions of the QoLQ. The Students t-test was applied and confidence intervals (95%)
calculated to ascertain gender differences in these scores. We checked the assumptions of
normality and homogeneity of variance of the t-test by applying the necessary corrections in
the absence of homogeneity.
Finally, in the third section we show the relationship between the extreme scores at either
end of the TUPS scale (i.e. <P25 and >P75) and the four dimensions of QoLQ, taking into
account the gender of the subjects. In order to do this, we applied the Students t-test and
calculated confidence intervals to find the differences between the <P25 and >P75 groups
according to the four dimensions of the QoLQ , segmenting the results by gender. We
checked the assumptions of normality (i.e. null hypothesis is not rejected in the ShapiroWilk test) and homogeneity of variance, applying the necessary corrections in the absence of
3.1 Gender patterns of TUPS scores
We first made a descriptive analysis of the items of TUPS. Table 4 summarizes these results,
which have been organized from highest to lowest score based on the frequency (percentage
%) with which the subjects undertook the activity described, and have been compared by
gender. To make reading of Table 4 easier, we have shaded the boxes that show the biggest
percentage of response for each item. All the items are presented in a positive sense,
indicating regularity or availability. We recoded those that were originally negative (they
now have NO written in front of the original).
Table 4 shows that most of the subjects answered Almost always or Always to items related to
maintaining a certain degree of regularity, as is the case of respecting meal times,
sleeping time and regular bowel movements. In this last item we found significant
differences in gender (2=11.71; df= 3; p= 0.009), with men being more regular in this habit
in relation to women.
Following the above, Table 4 shows the items to which the subjects mostly responded
Almost always or Sometimes, and features three items of a different nature, namely no
delaying going to the toilet when it is necessary to do so; foreseeing and adhering to the
time required for different activities, taking breaks to counteract the negative effects of
physical and/or mental fatigue. These items show similar statistical patterns in both men
and women.





Almost never


Items of time usage perception scale


Personal Time-Management and Quality of Life in the Network Society











Regular bowel movements *

(2=11.71; df= 3; p= 0.009) M>F







NO Delaying going to the toilet despite it being

necessary to do so.







Foreseeing and adhering to the time required for

different activities (e.g. travelling, meetings,
errands, etc.).











Taking breaks to counteract the negative effects

of physical and/or mental fatigue







Having meals in peace and quiet, without

(2=7.4; df= 2; p= 0.025); M>F











Having the necessary time and being sufficiently

rested to engage in the desired level of sexual











NO Carrying out more than one task at a time,

due to the number of jobs to be done (workrelated tasks, family responsibilities, domestic
chores, etc.).















Adhering to regular sleeping times.

Having regular mealtimes

Sleeping a minimum of eight consecutive hours a M

Taking an afternoon nap.*
(2=8.06; df= 3; p= 0.045); M>F


Table 4. Percentages of responses of TUPS by gender.

Following these appear the items having meals in peace and quiet and have enough time
to engage in sexual relations, for which frequency response decreases in women, compared
to the previous items. As reflected in Table 4, when comparing by gender significant
differences were found for the item Having meals in peace and quiet, without rushing
(2=7.4; df= 2; p= 0.025), with women responding with greater frequency with Almost Never
or Never (29.1%) in comparison to men who had a 13.7% response rate; on the other hand the
response Always or Almost always, was higher among men (M=48.8%; F=37.6%).


Time Management

The last section of Table 4 shows the three items that have Almost never, Sometimes or Never
as the most common answers. Those items were: not carrying out more than one task at a
time, due to the number of jobs to be done, sleeping a minimum of eight consecutive
hours a day and taking a nap in the afternoon. In the last item significant differences
were found between men and women (2=8.06; df= 3; p= 0.045) if we compare the response
patterns, the most frequent category for both was Never; however, men showed an increased
frequency compared to women in the responses Sometimes and Almost Always.
In summary we can say that the response pattern is similar between men and women in
most TUPS items, however, there are three items (regular bowel movements, having
meals in peace and quiet, without rushing and taking an afternoon nap) in which we
observed significant gender differences and in all cases we see that women perceive
themselves as having a faster pace of life or less time than men.
3.2 Relationships between quality of life dimensions and gender
Additive scales were generated in order to calculate scores for the QoLQ as a whole and for
each of its four component dimensions.
Table 5 and Figure 1 show the descriptive statistics and confidence intervals (95%) of the
mean difference between genders in those quality of life dimensions. Looking at Figure 1
and the confidence intervals in relation to the differences between men and women (see
Table 5), we see that gender significantly affects two of the quality of life dimensions, i.e.

CI (95%)dif
































0.08; 0.41











SS: Social support; GS: General satisfaction; PPW: Physical/psychological wellbeing;

AWOF: Absence of excessive workload/free time.
1The size of the sample in the Social support subscale is smaller due to the fact that some items of
this subscale can only be answered by people with a partner.
Table 5. Descriptive statistics and confidence intervals (95%) of the mean difference between
gender (Male/ Female) in quality of life dimensions.

Personal Time-Management and Quality of Life in the Network Society


Physical and Psychological wellbeing (PPW) (t=2.97; df=255; p=0.003) and Absence of
excessive workload (AWOF) (t=2.43; df=254; p=0.016). In both cases, men show better
quality of life than women, as they perceive they have better physical and psychological
wellbeing and that they are less overwhelmed. The effect size is higher in the subscale
P.P.W. CI 95% (0.08; 0.41). In relation to the scores for Social support (SS) y General
satisfaction (GS), we can conclude that gender is not a significant influence.
It can be interpreted, therefore, that gender influences individuals perception of quality of
life, so that men would score higher than women on the subscales that assess physical
health, psychological wellbeing and absence of excessive workload.

Fig. 1. Means and confidence intervals (95%) of total scores and quality of life dimensions
according to gender (Male/ Female).


Time Management

3.3 Relationships between time usage perception and quality of life by gender
The overall score for the TUPS was calculated in the same way as the QoLQ, i.e. each
subjects mean score was generated on the basis of the items direct scores. Higher scores
were obtained from subjects who perceived they managed time well in their everyday life,
so that they felt less pressured by time (Szollos, 2009).
The aim of this analysis is to explore the relationships between time perception and quality
of life. We decided to split the sample and to concentrate on the items below or above the
25th or 75th percentile of the TUPS scores. It was thus possible to compare the mean quality
of life scores of these two extreme groups.
Table 6 and Figure 2 summarize the descriptive statistics, means and confidence intervals
(95%) of quality of life dimensions according to higher/lower (below P25/ above P75) TUPS
scores, segmented by gender.

Fig. 2. Means and confidence intervals (95%) of quality of life dimensions according to
higher/lower (below P25/ above P75) in time usage perception scale by gender.


Personal Time-Management and Quality of Life in the Network Society

When interpreting the data plotted in Figure 2 and the confidence intervals of the
differences observed between the extreme groups, it can be seen that the variable of time use
perception significantly affects quality of life across three dimensions, for both men and
women. The relationship is in the expected direction, with higher perceived quality of life in
those with a slower pace of life.








-0.78; -0.17








-0.58; -0.05








-0.60; 0.17








-0.70; -0.25








-0.98; -0.11








-0.84; -0.42








-1.11; -0.30








-0.85; -0.37




CI (95%)dif

Above P75


Below P25

S.S. 1




SS: Social support; GS: General satisfaction; PPW: Physical/psychological wellbeing; AWOF:
Absence of excessive workload/free time.
The size of the sample in the Social support subscale is smaller due to the fact that some items of this subscale
can only be answered by people with a partner.

Table 6. Descriptive statistics, means and confidence intervals (95%) of quality of life
dimensions according to higher/lower (below P25/ above P75) in time usage perception scale
by gender.


Time Management

We can also see that the influence of the variable time usage perception tends to be more
severe in men than in women on the subscales Absence of excessive workload/free time
(AWOF) (CI 95%dif in M: -1.11; -0.30; CI 95%dif in F: -0.85; -0.37) ;
Physical/psychological wellbeing (PPW) (CI 95%dif in M: -0.98; -0.11; CI 95%dif in F:
0.84; -0.42) and Social support (SS) (CI 95%dif in M: -0.78; -0.17; CI 95%dif in F: -0.58; 0.05). On the other hand, it tends to have a greater influence on women than men for the
subscale General satisfaction (GS) (CI 95%dif in M:-0.60; 0.17; CI 95%dif in F: -0.70; 0.25). These data allow us to talk about trends, but the confidence intervals of the
differences between the extreme groups overlap when comparing gender, and therefore
the differences between men and women reflected in Figure 2 are not statistically
In summary, participants with a slower pace of life, regardless of gender, have statistically
higher scores in terms of both the overall quality of life score, and the questionnaires four
dimensions. What this means is that the differences in participants time usage perception
are relevant for the perception of their quality of life, irrespective of gender.

4. Discussion
Returning to the aims of our work, our analysis aims to meet three objectives. First, to
describe the use of time in the different daily activities of a group of technology users;
second, to analyze possible relations between these time habits and the way in which
subjects perceive their quality of life; and third, to explore (if any) some gender
Regarding time usage, men and women reported not allocating enough time to basic
behaviours such as meals, sleep or sex. Moreover, carrying out more than one task at the
same time appeared as being one of the characteristics of our participants lifestyles. All of
our participants were technology users as they worked/studied (or both) with technology
and they played various roles in their day-to-day life. This is coherent with what we
expected from individuals living in the Network society, where using available time
efficiently and productively is crucial (Hassan, 2010; Parkins & Craig, 2006). People are
constantly looking for better ways to manage their time. Application of economic utilitymaximizing behaviours to that purpose, such as using technology to enhance time
allocation, hasnt resulted in a solution because people still feel their pace of life is too fast.
On the topic of perceived quality of life, our results correspond with the national surveys
conducted in Catalonia, Spain (De la Fuente, 2007; Generalitat de Catalunya, 2006), showing
high levels of quality of life among our participants, together with a fast pace of life in line
with the existing literature (i.e. Warren, 2010; Mattingly & Sayer, 2006). This is an initially
paradoxical co-occurrence. Nevertheless, it can be understood by using cultural
explanations such as assuming that feeling pressured for time is the expected adaptive
personal answer to the Network societys pace of life. It can be also understood by
considering that doing more and at the same time feeling pressured for managing this
increased level of simultaneous activity- could be an index of personal empowerment and
high living standards and comfort. All of these explanations can be applied to the

Personal Time-Management and Quality of Life in the Network Society


characteristics of our group of participants: successful people with enough time for work
and personal interests and who have medium-high annual incomes.
Beyond cultural explanations, subjective dimensions can also be used to explain this
phenomenon. In particular, analyzing the satisfaction that people derive from everyday
activities is worthwhile. It has been shown to be a useful explanatory variable in
understanding gender differences both in quality of life and with respect to feeling rushed.
With regards to this, satisfaction seems to be a mediator variable for women (Szollos, 2009;
Mattingly & Sayer, 2006; Warren, 2010).
Furthermore, and as expected, there is a relation between quality of life and the perception
of being hurried, so that having a slower pace of life is related with higher rates of quality of
life. To explore further this relationship, and as suggested in the literature (Szollos, 2009), we
compared quality of life rates of those participants in our study with the fastest pace of life
with those with the slowest. This resulted in evidence for the crucial effect of pace of life on
individuals quality of life, even beyond gender differences, which we discuss below.
Our third aim focuses on trying to identify some gender differences concerning pace of life
and quality of life. According to our results, slight gender differences in regard to time habits
showed that women perceived a faster pace of life or of having less time than men. We can
also note that women even when perceiving a high quality of life- have an overall lower
quality of life than men, particularly regarding their perceptions of having less physical and
psychological wellbeing and feeling more overwhelmed. Nevertheless, these differences are,
beyond gender, tied to the perception of time usage. This highlights the strong effect that pace
of life has on peoples quality of life. These results are consistent with the literature, showing a
persistent inequality in gendered time-use patterns together with gendered experiences of
time pressure and gendered rates of quality of life (i.e. Mattingly & Sayer, 2006).
Among our results, we can point to the significance of those aspects related to feeling
overwhelmed as a result of doing several tasks at the same time. Thus, perception of
overload is crucial and has been identified as one of the basic factors responsible for stress
and deteriorations in individuals health (physical and psychological) in todays society
(Friedman et al., 1996; Gleick, 1999; Roxburgh, 2004). Nevertheless, as Warren points out
(Warren, 2010), feeling overwhelmed and having a fast pace of life due to multitasking is
not so simple, as it requires us to consider not only a time wealth dimension (having enough
time), but a chronologic (time at the right time), sovereignty (control), and a synchronization
(time that fits) dimensions. To this end, it is clearly vital to broaden research beyond
chronometric dimensions to better understand time management issues.
To conclude, our analysis can be deepened and broadened by examining subjective
assessments of time usages and by considering the extent to which cultural factors are also
contributing to heightened perceptions of time scarcity. Those ideas will be picked up in the
concluding remarks.

5. Conclusions
Despite reporting that they have an overall high quality of life, men and women feel they
have a fast pace of life, and are thus overloaded. Therefore, dealing with feelings of time
pressure could improve their quality of life.


Time Management

To reach this goal, first it is crucial to better define and choose the time-usage issues to be
studied in order to increase our understanding of the subjective aspects related to
management of personal time. Advancing towards more ecological momentary assessments
(Stone et al., 2007) and going beyond behavioural surveys of standard time -diaries and
self-retrospective reports- more meaningful data are required. Thus, gathering data about
mental states, feelings & cognitions (Szollos, 2009) gathered at random times and with a
life course perspective (Mattingly & Sayer, 2006), could help us better understand the
relationships between pace of life, feelings of being pressured and quality of life. By first
understanding how people live and feel about their routines, it then becomes possible to
intervene more efficiently to improve their management of personal time and quality of
Moreover, as women appear to have a faster pace of life than men, together with higher
workload and lower perceptions of wellbeing, the primary focus should be on them. Thus,
efforts need to be addressed to lower their pace of life by working on their feelings and
cognitions about time usage. It can also be useful to promote periods in which there are no
interferences or combination among different activities or responsibilities, even in free time.
This could improve the management of their personal time together with their quality of

6. Acknowledgment
This work was financially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (I+D
2003-03403) and (PSI2008-01124) projects of the Plan Nacional of I+D.

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Time Management

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Part 4
Time Management
in Academic and Sports Cases

Distance Learners Time Management
and Learning Effectiveness
Adams O.U. Onuka

Institute of Education,
University of Ibadan, Ibadan,
1. Introduction
Time management predates modern times as God Himself exhibited time management
prowess at creation (Genesis chapter one of the Holy Bible). The importance of time
management was equally emphasized by the Book of the Preacher i.e. Ecclesiastes in chapter
three verses 1-10, where we are told that each human activity including ones birth or death
has its own time. The implication of these emphases is that planning use of time, utilisation
and evaluation of time which tantamount to time management would culminate in
effectiveness whatever one is doing. It is this vein that Rawson in his undated ten lessons on
time management emphasis listing eight priorities of daily engagements that should be
carried out and follow it as religiously, evaluate how feasible it was to carry out in the day,
giving the time allotted to executing each of the listed priorities. He further stated that if it
failed try again and again until one gets it right. This, by implication, means that through
constant practice of time management one would become a master of it. Furthermore, it
should be noted that time as implied from the above observations required discipline which
comes from deliberate decision to foregone substantial amount of pleasure, in order to gain
knowledge or dexterity in ones field of human endeavour.
Distance learning mode of study can be seen as alternative mode of education that offers a
second opportunity of education for those who could have perpetually missed the chance of
being educated [Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA, 2004)].
Distance learning enables a learner to gain access to acquire education without the pain of
having to forfeit the opportunity of retaining their jobs. Thus, the learners at a distance who
is physically separated from his/her teacher would now have to share his/her available
time everyday among various contending daily engagements for the use of his/her twentyfour hours. This calls for systematic and deliberate planning and subsequent prudent use of
the time available to him/her. This process is amount to time management. According to
Rawson (undated), the essence of time management is to be effective in whatever one does.
The effectiveness of someone in any area of human endeavour is measured by the level of
accomplishment or achievement in that area or discipline. The effectiveness of the learner
cannot but be measured in any other way except in terms of his/her degree of achievement in
the field. It is a well known fact that achievement is not only a function of instruction/teaching


Time Management

but also a function of a number of several other factors including but not limited to time
management, home and school environments, school management among other factors
(Durowoju 2010; Durowoju, Onuka and Onabamiro, 2010). Therefore, this study determined
how time management affected the study/learning effectiveness of the distance learner and
how she/he can be assisted to effectively manage his/her twenty-four hours in order to
effectively study without being disadvantaged and earn degrees that they can truly claim to
have earned. In other words, in the study, the relationship between time management and the
distance learner study effectiveness [DLSE] was determined as well as the ways in which the
learners time management skills can be improved.
Arising from the foregoing, the paper addressed the following two questions:

What is the relationship between the distance learners time management and their
learning effectiveness?
How could their time management skills can be improved for learning effectiveness?

2. Methodology
2.1 Research procedure
This investigation, which is a pilot study on distance learners time management, was carried
out ex-post facto. This procedure was used because according to Kerlinger and Lee (2000), expost facto is the best approach to gathering data whose events had occurred as in this study.
2.2 Population
The population was made of distance learners in the learning programmes of three Federal
Universities in South-West, Nigeria namely: University of Lagos, Akoka, Lagos, University
of Ibadan, Ibadan and the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife.
2.3 Sampling procedure and sample
The sampling procedure for selecting the participants for this study was purposive
sampling technique. This is because randomization was not possible as the learners come to
the sites of the programmes only to collect text and other learning materials and for contact
sessions, hence, subjects were purposively chosen from among distance learners in the
Faculties of Education of these universities, as education has the largest participants in
distance learning programmes of universities in Nigeria. Therefore, 40, 30 and 30
participants were respectively selected from Ibadan, Lagos and Ile-Ife. The participants in
the study were those who have had at least three contact sessions and written examinations
three times at three different levels.
2.4 Instrumentation
A nine-item time management checklist (Pro-forma) developed and validated by the
researcher using the content validity index computation formula given by Content Validity
Index as espoused by Amin (2005) as Content Validity Index (CVI) = the total number
judges minus the number of judges declaring an item valid over total number of judges [nnj/n, where is total of judges, nj is number of judges declaring an item valid], which yielded


Distance Learners Time Management and Learning Effectiveness

an aggregate validity coefficient of 0.821 [the aggregate CVIs of the nine items]. This index
was obtained by giving ten colleagues to ascertain the content validity of the time
management model or checklist. The instrument was again to another set of 10 experts to
ascertain the content validity; the outcome was then subjected to computation of the more
complex Content Validity Ratio (CVR) formula (Lawshe, 1975) as related in Cohen and
Swerdik (1999). This yielded an aggregate content validity ratio of 0.782. The formula is given
as Content Validity Ratio [CVR] = number of experts indicating an item as essential minus
total number of judges divided by two over total number of judges divided by two, i.e.
where n is the total number of experts, ne is number of experts regarding the item as
essential]. This instrument was divided into nine broad daily and learning-related tasks, in
which the learners may have to engage on daily basis, and to which they are to allocate time
out of twenty-four hours of the day. The instrument was a product of the aggregation of the
typical daily activities as indicated by 90 pre-research sampled distance learners from a nonparticipating university distance learning programme, who were requested to write down
twelve things they normally do each day of the week. It was from the collation of the
information given by them that the model/instrument model shown below was designed by
this researcher. The items included in the instrument were those activities that were
indicated by at least 70% of the 90 learners [at least 63 distance learners]. The instrument
was further administer on a similar sample outside of the participants in the study twice at a
week interval and its reliability determined using Pearsons Product Moment correlation
through Statistical Package for the Social Sciences [SPSS]. This process yielded a reliability
coefficient of 0.92.
The specimen of the instrument is as shown in the table A below:
S/No of



General preparation
for the day
Interaction with ICT
in relation to learning
Social activities
Home activities
Learning activities
Work activities


Time Allotment
in hours for all
the participants

Average Time
Allotment in

Time used as
% of 24hrs

Source: Time Management Model/checklist was designed by this Researcher for purpose of this study
which could be adopted or adapted for future study

Table A. Specimen of Time- Management Model.


Time Management

There was also a Focus Group Discussion Schedule on improving the distance learners time
management for effective study/learning effectiveness based on the content of the
Study effectiveness was determined by collating the Cumulative General Point Averages of
the subjects used in the study and applied in the computation of correlation of effectiveness
in relation to time management.
The subjects were grouped into 5 groups of eight persons each in the University of Ibadan
and 5 groups of six persons each in University of Lagos and Obafemi Awolowo University
respectively as focus group discussion [FGDs]. Each group was asked to discuss how they
can manage their time with regard to their schedules vis-vis their study.
2.5 Procedure for data collection
The instrument was administered on the 100 hundred participants chosen for the study from
the three distance learning programmes in three universities in the South-West, Nigeria as
aforementioned. The one hundred distance learners/participants of three Nigerian university
distance learning programmes (University of Ibadan [40], University of Lagos [30] and the
Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife [30]) were asked to analyse how they plan, organize and
utilize their whole time taking cognizance of their whole day undertakings using the
instrument/model provided for the study by the researcher. This was after a series of three
lectures each on effective time management to each of the three groups at different times
during their contact sessions at the three universities, to enable them to understand and to
grasp the import of time-management in effective self-motivated/directed learning and to
help them carry out the analysis of how they were managing their time in relation to their
study habits with the benefit of hindsight, insight and with foresight, endeavour to improve
on their study habit vis--vis their time schedule for study and other necessary daily
engagements. The instrument was administered on the sample from each of the three
programmes to enable them assess how they have been planning, budgeting, organizing and
implementing their all day time vis--vis their daily task including sleep and all preparations
for the tasks. Daily time management schedule of each group was computed. The participants
were requested to rate their study effectiveness which were cross checked by scrutinizing and
using their past results to correlate their time-management assessment, the ratings in
percentage were aggregated and the mean in percentage for each group was again put against
the daily mean (i.e. typical day) as depicted by the results through the instrument. The
instrument was administered personally by the researcher during their (learners) contact
sessions. The instrument doubles as the distance time management model.
The learners were also grouped into five focus discussions (FGDs} for each of the three ODL
programmes by constituting for Ibadan and five panels of six each respectively for each of
Lagos and Ife, using the FGD schedule on improving the distance learners time
management for study effectiveness whose responses denominated in percentages to
collate/analyse how time can be effectively managed for study or learning effectiveness. In
the focus group discussions the members of the panel freely discuss each item of the FGD
schedule which recorded and later was transcribed and coded in percentages to come out
with a recommended time management model/checklist.


Distance Learners Time Management and Learning Effectiveness

2.6 Data analysis

The resulting data from the research exercise were analyzed using percentages while the
Pearsons Product Moment correlation statistic was also used to determine the relationship
between time management and study effectiveness of the distance learner using the SPSS.
The opinions of the participants in the Focus Group Discussions (FGDs), on how to improve
learners time management and the concomitant study effectiveness were analysed using

3. Results and discussion

3.1 Results
From the below table, the average time the participants from the University of Ibadan
Distance Learning Centre daily spent on different major activities such as Sleep is a quarter
of a day, work-related activities and learning related activities take a total of 1/6 of their
daily activities. The rest of the day is shared among all other activities.
S/No of Task

General preparation
for the day
Interaction with ICT
in relation to learning
Social activities
Home activities
Learning activities
Work activities

Time Allotment
in hours for all
the participants

Average Time
Allotment in








Time used as
% of 24hrs

Table 1a. Time management schedule of University of Ibadan Distance Learning Centre.
The correlation between University of Ibadan Distance Learning Centre Learners time
management and their learning effectiveness is shown in table 1b below:




Average time spent with ICT






Learning activities




Table 1b. Correlation between average time spent on learning-related activities among U.I.
Distance Learners study effectiveness.
This table shows that there is a very high positive relationship between University of Ibadan
Distance Learning Centre [UIDLC] participants time-management and their learning


Time Management

effectiveness. The implication of this finding is the effective time-management by distance

learner in UIDLC results in learning effectiveness of the learners.
S/No of


Time Allotment
in hours for all the

Average Time
Allotment in

Time used as
% of 24hrs





Preparation for the





Interaction with
ICT in relation to




Social activities




Home activities




Learning activities




Work activities












Table 2a. Time Management Schedule of University of Lagos Distance Learning Institute
From the above table, the average time the participants of University of Lagos Distance
Learning Institute daily spent on different major activities are [a quarter of a day] on sleep, a
half an hour more than Ibadan participants spent on work-related activities and an hour less
than the time those of Ibadan spent learning related activities.
The correlation between time spent on ICT and learning activities is shown in the table




Average time spent with ICT






Learning activities




Table 2b. Correlation between average time spent on learning related activities by Learners
at University of Lagos Distance Learning Institute and their learning effectiveness.
This table shows that though relationship between time management and study
effectiveness at the University of Lagos Distance Learning Institute is quite high at 0.76, yet
it falls below what obtained in Ibadan. This implies that time management by the learners at
Lagos still results in some high level learning effectiveness of participants.
From the below table, the average time by the participants at Obafemi Awolowo University
Centre for Distance Learning Centre daily spent on different major activities are as follows:
6hrs {25% of a day}], 8 hrs on work related activities, the same as in UI and the same amount
of time on learning-related activities [4hrs in all] as in Ibadan.


Distance Learners Time Management and Learning Effectiveness

S/No of



Preparation for the
Interaction with
ICT in relation to
Social activities
Home activities
Learning activities
Work activities


Time Allotment
in hours for all the

Average Time
Allotment in








Time used as
% of 24hrs

Table 3a. Time Management Schedule by Learners at the Obafemi Awolowo University
Centre for Distance Learning.
The correlation between time management and learning effectiveness of the learners is
shown in table 3b below:






Average time spent with ICT




Learning activities




Table 3b. Correlation between time management and learning effectiveness OAU Distance
Table 3b shows that relationship between time management by OAU learners and their
study effectiveness is also very high correlation at r-value = 0.85. This result shows very
high positive correlation between effective time management and study effectiveness at Ife.

4. Discussion
4.1 Time management and learning effectiveness
The results from this study show that the differences in time-management ability or level of
application of time-management are a function of location and the degree of business
attached to the location. Amount of time available seem to possess inverse relation with
level of industrial and commercial activities associated with a particular location. For
instance, in Lagos that is the busiest city in the West African sub-region, the participants
were only able to spare a total of three hours to learning and learning-related activities
giving only 3hrs of 24hrs [12.5%] of a whole day or typical day. Whereas in Ibadan, a less
busy city and less traffic congested city more time was available to distance learner for
undertaking learning daily: a total of four hours was devoted to the same quantum of


Time Management

learning activities giving 16.68% as opposed to the 12.5% of the day giving to learning by
Lagos participants. However, it proves almost true that the levels of business and industrial
activities as well as that of traffic congestion are less than those of Lagos, when it came to
the turn of Ile-Ife which is the least busy of the three cities, as its participants devoted almost
the same quantum of time to learning and learning-related activities as did Ibadan, though
not in the same degree between pure learning activities and learning-related activities on
Information and Communication Technologies. While Ibadan share its four hours on equal
basis between the two, Ife does its own in a disproportionate manner, due its ruralness
possibly because of the fact that the Ibadan participants who are not as busy as Lagos
participants had more access to the use of these technologies than Ife, but took advantage
that it was less busy than Lagos to access ICT facilities more and utilize them. Consequently,
the study/learning effectiveness shown by the study revealed that the Ibadan participants
had the highest level of study effectiveness of 96%, followed by Ife participants who though
allocated more time to real learning activities, but could as much keep abreast of global
development in their fields of study because of the quantum of time they gave ICT activities.
Thus, they nonetheless came second in study effectiveness with 85%, with Lagos
participants bringing up the rear both in terms time management effectiveness and
study/learning effectiveness with 76% study effectiveness as perceived by its participants.
The difference in the correlation between Ibadan participants and Ife participants could due
to the degree of programme organisation and perhaps the fact that Ibadan has more relevant
facilities than Ife, while the busy nature and high level of traffic congestion rip off any good
impact available relevant facilities as the combined effect of the busy nature and traffic
congestion neutralize the impact of possible access to good facilities One can easily notice
that chunk of the learners time is spent at work, a thing they do not have control over as the
case is with sleep, both of which together have between them something in neighbourhood
of 58.33-62.5% of the total daily time spent on them.
These findings confirm the findings of Ogunsanya and Agu (1990), Onuka, Onyene and
Junaid (2008) and Onuka (2010) respectively that effective time management, which
involves estimating the time each task requires to be effectively undertaken, planning it,
budgeting, organizing and implementing as well as evaluating in order to revise it for
possible on it, would normally result effectiveness in handling the activities or getting the
expected results; and that effective time management calls for sacrifice or what could be
termed opportunity cost with regard to some activities that must be forgone for time
management effectiveness and accomplishment of expected outcome. The findings are also
in consonance with the finding of Junaid (2010) that effective management of a distance
learning programme among other factors can result in appropriate programme outcome. By
implication, if Nigerian university distance learning outfits are to be kept afloat, they must
necessarily inculcate the spirit of time management in their learners (clientele). The
correlations between time management and their study effectiveness show that the more
effective the learners were able to manage their time, the more they were effective in their
study, which goes to support the fact that effective time management can engender effective
study habit (Onuka et al, 2008). The outcome also confirm the view and finding of Rawson
[undated] and Mokuolu [2007] that prioritizing ones daily activities assists the individual
manage his time manage very well in order to become effective in his activities or
undertaking. The findings therefore, imply that effective time management is a product of

Distance Learners Time Management and Learning Effectiveness


effective prioritization of ones daily undertakings, while effective management in turn

produces dexterity in the worker/learner, thereby leading to learning or work effectiveness.
4.2 Improving the distance learners time management effectiveness
On how to improve the learners time-management skills, the participants in the groups
proffer that as part of orientation programme for participants of Nigerian university
distance learning programmes, time management should be taught to the participants both
textually and electronically. This, they opined would enable them to understand the need to
manage their time vis--vis their daily tasks including the schedule for the study, as such
would motivate them to daily have some time out of their daily schedule. This
development, according to them will assist to become effective distance learners, as they
confess that quite often they have had no regular time table for daily engagement in
learning, unless when they receive notification on contact sessions and/or examination
schedule. They averred that lack of time-management skills had hindered hitherto from
effective learning as they were not able to manage task time effectively and as such were less
effective in their learning styles and the concomitant learning/study effectiveness. There
were no differences in opinion about these results by the participants from the three
programmes. This is perhaps so, because in Nigeria, educational programmes by similar
institutions are run in the same manner particularly the distance learning programmes
(Junaid, 2010). The participants also felt that if they have had personal advisors assigned to
guide each of them, they would have realized the enormity of the tasks ahead and thus
evolve a time-management spirit which (Rawson, undated; Ogunsanya and Agu, 1990)
stated was essential to effectiveness whatever area of human endeavours one is engaged.
These views by the respondents also conform to the observation of (Onuka, 2010; White,
1998; Mokuolu, 2007) that time-management skills are not in-born but are acquired through
either training or constant observation of the activities of a trained or practicing time
manager, because as he said time is about the only resource that has been equitably
distributed among humans of all races, creed or climes. This also confirms Rawsons
[undated] implied view that effective time management requires high level of self-discipline
which, of course results from sacrifice of certain not very essential things that the economist
would refer to as opportunity for time management effectiveness. Thus, individual must
decide to profitably use his or her time. This implies making sacrifice of activities that may
be essential but not expedient or necessary.
The study, therefore, evolved the following model for distance learners time management
schedule for strict observance during their course of study in order to improve time
management prowess of the distance learner to engender his/her learning effectiveness.
Synthesising the above, the study evolved a model time-management for the effectiveness of
the learner in South-West, Nigeria and other parts of the country because the much
similarities in work hours and endeavours especially in respects of social engagements, and
other habits. Nothing anyone can do about the working hours, hence the nine hours allotted
for work, medically, 6 hours would be sufficient for an adult and our population is an adult
one. It is expected that as education is investment and investment is the sacrifice made
today for tomorrows enjoyment or gain, hence the one hour so allotted to it. Thus, social
activities must be minimized. Thus, the effective distance time management model is given


Time Management

by S + Gp + Ct + Sa + Ha + La + Wa + Lt + Th or The linear equation for DLSE can be as a

function of effective time management given by [DLSE = f (24 S Gp Sa Ha Lt Wa Th)],
{Where S (sleep) [6]; Gp (General preparation) [1]; Ct (Interaction with ICT) [11/2]; Sa (Social
activities) [1/2]; Ha (Home activities) [2]; La (Learning activities) [3]; Wa (Work place
activities) [9]; Lt (Leisure time) [1/2]; Th (Others) [1/2]}. Alternatively the model can
represented as follows: DLSE (i.e. Distance Learner Study Effectiveness) = 24 S Gp Sa Ha
Lt Wa Th. The figures in parenthesis [] shows the recommended time for the activity after
which they appear. The recommended aggregate daily study time [including learning
related activities] apart from total daily time allocated to non-learning activities in our
suggested is 11/2+3 = 41/2 giving 27 hours a week while providing one any day of the week is
utilized for rest all through. However, the distance learner decides how s/he uses the rest of
Saturday when he might not be at workplace.

Time Allocated to Task

Percentage of 24 Hours


6 hours


General preparation for the


1 hour


1 hour 30 minutes


Social activities

30 minutes


Home activities

2 hours


Interaction with ICT in

relation to learning

Learning activities

3 hours


Work activities

9 hours


Leisure time

30 minutes



30 minutes


24 hours



Table 4. Recommended Daily Time- Management Model for Effective Distance Learning.

5. Conclusion and recommendations

5.1 Conclusion
It is obvious that Open/distance learning mode has become an acceptable means of
providing access to higher education in this twenty-first century. In Nigeria, where there
have been constant shortfall between demanded spaces in higher education institutions and
the supply therefrom, and where public and private university-based distance learning
programmes are self-sustaining, all such programmes must endeavour to ensure that its
outputs are quality products comparable to what the formal university system outputs. The
best way of so assuring this phenomenon is by inculcating the spirit of time management in
its learners at the beginning of their enrolment into their various programmes, because the
learners are expected to do at least 75% of their study/learning by themselves on their own
by means of self-regulation, to enable them to do effective time-tabling to guide them in
their individual study efforts. Since it is invariably very clear that time-management skills
need to be taught, as it can only be acquired through learning and by constant observation

Distance Learners Time Management and Learning Effectiveness


of the practical time manager exhibiting his skills in the way he organizes and executes his
tasks promptly and profitably. With this done the programmes can then be assured of everexpanding clientele and perpetual self-sustenance. A recommended time-management
model has been evolved for the distance learner for effective learning from this study, which
he/she can adjust to suit his/her own purpose-appropriate feasible time- schedule and
execution [management]. This obviously involves self-discipline resulting deliberate
sacrifice of certain not too essential activities and putting off those that can be put on hold
for future time and deliberately using the saved time from such sacrificed activities
profitably in ones field of human endeavour, which in this case is open/distance learning.
5.2 Recommendations
Therefore, the following recommendations are hereby made for the consideration:

That Nigerian university-based distance learning programmes should as a matter of

necessity, organize annual time-management orientation course for their new entrants
and also on study habit;
That consideration should be given to the nature of location in order to absorb any
externalities resulting therefrom in the time management process for study
That programme advisor/counsellor should be assigned to each distance learner for the
purpose of guidance particularly in terms of use of available time among seemingly
competing needs, so that he can learn to effectively manage his time both effectively
and efficiently, thereby engaging himself/herself in effective learning;
That distance learners must learn to forgo some essential activities that may not be
necessarily expedient, in which case, the learner must learn to prioritize their daily
activities and forgo those found not expedient, to enable them devote substantial time
to their self-regulated learning activities including those that can be mostly acquired
using ICT facilities;
Learners should be disciplined by deliberately sacrificing substantial amount of their
social activities are often not that essential as well as other not too essential activities
which could inhibit their learning activities by following their own time management
schedule religiously for study effectiveness; and
That learners should adopt the following time management model for learning
effectiveness: the effective distance time management model is given by effective
learning time management = La + Ct. Alternatively the model can represented as
follows: DLSE (i.e. Distance Learner Study Effectiveness) = 24 S Gp Sa Ha Lt Wa Th
=La + Ct {Where S (sleep); Gp (General preparation); Ct (Interaction with ICT); Sa
(Social activities); Ha (Home activities); La (Learning activities); (Wa (Work place
activities); Lt (Leisure time); Th (Others)]. This can be mathematically expressed as
DLSE can be as a function of effective time management given by [DLSE = f (24 S Gp Sa Ha
Lt Wa Th)].

6. Brief on the researcher

Dr. Onuka is primarily a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Education, University of
Ibadan, Nigeria and also Director, Centre for Social Orientation of the University. He is


Time Management

equally the Programme Officer, Evaluation, Distance Learning Centre of the University of
Ibadan as well as the current National President, Nigerian Association of Educational
Researchers and Evaluators among others.

7. References
Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA, 2004). Distance Education
and Open Learningin Sub-Saharan Africa: Criteria and Conditions for Quality and
Critical Success Factor Working Group on Distance Education and Open LearningA Survey of Policy and Practice. Final Report 2004.
Durowoju, Onuka and Onabamiro, (2010). Determining Psychometric Properties of
Achievement Test in ODL Business Management. In International Journal of
Distance Education (IJODE). 5.38-53.
Junaid, I.O. (2010). Quality of Instructional Materials in Nigerian University Distance
Learning Programmes. In International Journal of Distance Education (IJODE). 5.
Ladipo, Stella O. (2010). Leadership and Delegation of Duty: Strategy for an Effective
Distance Learning Programme. Onuka, Adams (Ed.) Some Fundamentals of
Management in Distance Learning. Ibadan: University of Ibadan Distance Learning
Mokuolu, Gbenga (2007). Time management in Adebayo, S. & Adebayo, F. (eds.) The World
Changers. A Newsletter of the Kingdom Project, Ilorin (January-March, 2007). 7-8.
Ogunsanya, M.O. and Agu, A.O. (1990): Time management by principals. In African Journal
of Educational Management 4 (1 & 2) pp. 135 139.
Onuka, A. and Durowoju (2010). Onuka, A.O.U. and Durowoju, E.O. (2010). Management
Trainees Perception of Prospects and Challenges of ICT in Management
Communication in Nigeria. A Paper presented at 5th Annual Conference of the
Higher Education Research and Policy Network (HERPNET) at Moi University,
Nairobi, Kenya June 12-17, 2010.
Onuka, A.O.U., Onyene, Virgy and Junaid, I.O. (2008). Effective Time Management for
Teaching Effectiveness. In European Journal of Social Science. Vol. 5 No.4. 122-132.
Onuka, Adams (2010). Time Management in Distance Learning. In Onuka, Adams (Ed.)
Some Fundamentals of Management in Distance Learning. Ibadan: University of
Ibadan Distance Learning Centre.
Rawson, Rob (undated). Online Time Management Course Lessons 1 to 6
http://www.lessenpleasemain.com Retrieved on 24, 35, 27, 28 & 31 October, 2011
Salim, Bello (2006) Universities can meet the Demand for Admissions. NTA 9 O Clock
Network News, July 11, 2006
The Holy Bible The King Version
White, P. (1998): The Effective Pastor: The key thing a minister must learn to do. Kaduna,
Nigeria: Evangel Publishers Ltd.

Academic Advising, Time Management and
the African American Male Scholar-Athlete
C. Keith Harrison1 and Brandon Martin2

of Central Florida,
of Oklahoma,


1. Introduction
Every human being faces the realities of 24 hours in one day, 7 days a week, and 365 days in
a given year. For the modern day student-athlete this day is filled with the endless juggling
act of academics, athletics and the social life of a college student. Since 1906, various
National Collegiate Athletic Association( NCAA) and higher education leaders have
debated the issues and problems that impact the experiences of student-athletes (Smith,
1988). Managing academic and athletic time commitments are challenging for any studentathlete.
However, African American male student-athletes in high-profile sports receive a great deal
of attention in terms of organizational analysis of higher education (Martin & Harris, 2006);
the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) (Watterson, 2000) and academic issues
related to athletic commitments (Miller & Kissinger, 2009). These issues pertain to recruiting,
improper benefits, commercialization and the pressure to matriculate to the professional
ranks. In the next section we examine the specific research analyses and how it relates to the
constructs of time management, academic advising dynamics, and the success of the African
American male scholar-athlete. One area that is often overlooked is the social and cultural
factors that impact the time management dynamics in the daily lives of African American
male scholar-athletes. In the next section we review the traditional literature on African
American males that participate in American college athletics and attempt to change the
direction of this literature by examining their success, their successful strategies and the
factors that might contribute to this success.

2. Literature review: Time management factors that Influence stress &

Deficit perspectives are a common mode of research focus with African American male
student-athletes, especially in the revenue-producing sports of football and mens basketball
(Oseguera, 2010). Nonetheless, there are serious challenges that threaten the positive
outcomes of academic success for this population and unique cultural identity on campus.
These challenges are factors that prevent the proper management of time constraints of the
modern day student-athletes. Factors include a full load of academic classes; practice on a


Time Management

daily basis; study hall; mentoring by academic advisors; athletic meetings/weights/athletic

training treatment of injuries/rehab; athletic contests; travel; social life; family; coaching
expectations, and media interviews. This begs the question, is it possible for these factors to
be managed in a positive and productive way?
By applying a theoretical framework such as the Positive Organizational Behavior (POB)
and positive psychology framework(s) (Luthans, 2002a), the success of the African
American male scholar-athlete can possibly be illuminated. Theoretically in past research
in this area, few scholars or practitioners have applied or highlighted the tenets of
positively oriented human resources strengths and psychological capacities that can be
measured, developed, and effectively managed for performance improvement in todays
workplace (Luthans, 2002a, p. 59). More research is evolving that focuses on the
principles of positive psychology that fuels success and performance at work and other
organizational contexts (Anchor, 2010). Quantitatively and/or qualitatively the
perceptions and voices of success of African American male student-athletes is limited but
does exist (Harrison & Lampman, 2001; Martin & Harris, 2006; Martin et al. 2010a; Martin
et al. 2010b). Why is this the case? We feel that the focus and assumptions by some
previous research has been that once African American male student-athletes receive a
college athletic scholarship that they are less motivated with how they manage their
academic time versus their athletic duties. This has implications on how we think about
the real time management challenges of student-athletes. Sellers & Chavous (1997) capture
this debate about structural inequities or individual motivation including successful
academic performance with time management:
Other studies have reported evidence which suggests that many of the African American
student-athletes who are excluded from full participation and scholarship opportunities by
the initial eligibility requirements would actually graduate if they are given the chance
(NCAA, 1984; Walter, Smith, Hoey, & Wilhelm, 1987). The NCAA reported findings
regarding the graduation class of 1984, two years before Proposition 48 went into effect, that
54%of African American male athletes who attended and subsequently graduated from the
surveyed institutions would have been disqualified from freshman eligibility by the
standardized test requirement of Proposition 48 (NCAA,1984). Similarly, Walter and his
colleagues (1987) reported that 60% of the African American football players at the
University of Michigan from 1974-83 would not have been eligible under Propositions 48
and 42. Yet, 87% of those African American football players who would have been excluded
under Propositions 48 and 42 actually graduated. The National Collegiate Athletic
Association (NCAA's) almost exclusive focus on increasing initial eligibility requirements
has been based on the assumption that the academic problems of student-athletes are
motivational in nature. Specifically, the argument has been that too many student-athletes
place too much emphasis on athletics and not enough emphasis on academics. Thus, the
higher admission criteria is believed to send the message to potential student-athletes in
junior high school and high school that they must place a greater emphasis on academics if
they plan to play sports in college. Further, potential student-athletes' improved academic
preparation at the secondary level will result in increases in the graduation rates once they
reach college. Some proponents of the current reform movement also believe that the initial
eligibility requirements also send a message to high schools that they must also do a better
job of preparing their athletes academically for the rigors of college work (p.4).

Academic Advising, Time Management and the African American Male Scholar-Athlete


Sellers (1992) also found that neither effort (as measured by hours spent studying) nor
aspirations (the importance of obtaining a degree) was a significant predictor of studentathletes' grade point average. In an American Institute of Research(AIR) report focusing
specifically on African American student-athletes, over one-third of the African American
football and basketball players who regarded earning a degree as being of the greatest
importance had earned Grade Point Averages( GPA's) of less than 2.0 (Center for the Study
of Athletics, 1989). Sellers also suggest that more research is needed before anything
definitive can be concluded regarding the role of academic motivation in the academic
performance of student-athletes. We feel that one key approach in investigating the
academic performance of student-athletes is to find out how they feel about managing the
academic and athletic roles.
In order to give voice and perspective to the real-life experiences of those student-athletes
managing the challenges of academic and athletic time management factors, a qualitative
approach was incorporated. In terms of perspective, both authors of this chapter are former
NCAA football and mens basketball participant observers respectively and have
experienced the benefits of habitual time management skills that can also be transferred to
other contexts besides athletic participation. In the next section we summarize the methods
and procedures used to buttress our analysis of academic advising, time management and
African American male student-athletes that build on the concept of voice with a sample
population of contemporary African American male scholar-athletes.

3. Methodology
A phenomenological approach is a form of qualitative inquiry, which focuses on human
experience and giving voice in this instance to the student-athlete. This approachs primary
goal is to inductively and holistically understand human experience in context-specific
settings (Patton, 2001); in this case we feel that approaching time management issues with
contemporary student-athletes enables us to understand the human effects with this issue.
Due to the sensitive nature of the study and the aim of the researchers, a phenomenological
interview was employed to collect data. One of the purposes of this study was to explore
participants confidence about their academic achievement, which is a sensitive topic for
college athletes, especially due to the many negative stereotypes associated with them.
Phenomenological interviews (Thomas & Pollio, 2002) were utilized to gain insight and a
deeper understanding into the academic experiences of African American male student
athletes. The aim of a phenomenological interview is to obtain a first-person account of
some specific domain of experience (Thomas & Pollio, 2002; Thompson, Locander & Pollio,
1989), and the interviewer attempts to capture the perceived experience of the person
interviewed in his or her own words. Researchers desire was to give participants an active
and dominant voice. A phenomenological interview gives the participant control without
predetermined structured questions (Patton, 2001). Typically the interview utilizes a
probing statement, which is not even a question. This process allows the participants to
share solely what is central to their experiences (Patton, 2001).
Pattons (2001) strategy of purposeful sampling was employed. The purpose of this strategy is
to select information-rich cases for in-depth study. The size of the sample and specific cases
depend on the studys purpose. According to Patton (2001), decision of sample size depends
on the following factors: a) what the researcher wants to know; b) the purpose of the study;


Time Management

c) what is at stake; d) what will be useful; e) what will have credibility, and f) what can be
done with available time and resources. In this study, the following criteria were utilized to
purposefully select participants: a) student athletes who attend Research I and Division I
universities in the Western region of United States; b) cumulative grade point average at or
above a 2.8; c) African American male student-athletes who participate in the intercollegiate
sports of football, mens basketball, track and field or soccer; and d) African American male
student athletes who are on schedule to graduate in five years or less.
3.1 Participants
Twenty-seven participants in 2004-05 were selected as eligible African American male
undergraduates who had competed in football, basketball, track and field, and soccer.
Participants were from four Research I institutions. The universities are located in the Western
region of United States and are as follows: Stanford University, University of California at
Berkeley, University of California at Los Angeles, and the University of Southern California.
These institutions are similar in terms of size, academic rigor, geographic proximity, and
athletic conference. Collectively, the universities enroll 72,239 undergraduates, with 3,502
(4.9%) African-Americans. The enrollment of African American students ranges from 3.7% to
8.8% at the selected institutions. In addition, nearly 31% of the African American students at
these institutions are men. Two universities are public and two are private.
3.2 Procedure
An initial consultation with the athletic administrators and counselors from the universities
took place to introduce the aims of the study and to identify all African American male
student athletes who were eligible for participation in the study. The required criteria for
particpant selection were conveyed to athletic administrators and athletic academic
counselors at the universities. Initially, approximately forty African American male student
athletes were recruited for this study. Due to limitations in regard to criteria and availability
the participant pool was condensed. The participants contributed to this investigation on a
voluntary basis. Prior to the interviews, participants read and signed the informed consent
form. Next, the primary researcher participated in a bracketing interview in order to identify
his biases, assumptions, and stereotypes. Bracketing means to suspend ones theoretical
presuppositions prior to engagement with the phenomenon under investigation (Van
Maanen, 1983). The aim is to utilize purposeful bracketing of ones preconception in order to
understand phenomena from the perspective of those who experience it (Van Maanen,
1983). The interview is performed to sensitize the interviewer to conceptual biases that
might serve to change his or her interpretive vision (Pollio, Henley, & Thompson, 1997;
Thomas & Pollio, 2002). After completion of the bracketing interview, the initial and followup interviews were conducted with each participant.
3.3 Interview protocol
The interview stage included two unstructured audio-taped interviews an initial
interview, followed by an analysis for theme development, and a follow-up interview.
Interviews were conducted in a private, quiet room located at the participants university.
The initial interview lasted one hour and the follow-up telephone interview approximately
15-20 minutes. The use of open-ended statements allows the interviewer to gather the data

Academic Advising, Time Management and the African American Male Scholar-Athlete


being sought without making the dialogue exchange inflexible and restrictive (Holstein &
Gubrium, 1995). During the initial interview, participants were prompted with the following
four open-ended statements:
a) Tell me about your academic experiences at your university.; b) Tell me how you are perceived on
campus as an African American male student-athlete; and c) Tell me about the challenges of balancing
academics and athletics; and d) Tell me about your sources of motivation to perform well academically.
The primary researcher made an effort to make the interviews as conversational and
exploratory as possible which allowed participants to be comfortable with expressing their
perceptions, expectations, and values regarding their academic experiences.
Following the initial interview, the audiotape was transcribed, and a copy of the transcript
was given to the participant. If the participant felt some aspect of the contents needed
revision, he so indicated and then returned the transcript. A follow up interview was
conducted with each participant via telephone. Themes were developed through the use of
an interpretive research group prior to the follow-up interview that was conducted with
each participant (Denzin & Lincoln, 2000). This process will be detailed in the data analysis
section. During the follow-up interview, a summary description of the themes for each
transcript was given to the participant. The purpose of this interview was to obtain
clarification and offer the participant an opportunity to add any other information (Denzin
& Lincoln, 2000; Lincoln & Guba, 1985; Marshall & Rossman, 1999). All participants
confirmed the accuracy of their individual transcripts and offered agreement concerning the
themes for each transcript.
3.4 Data analysis
Before coding and analyzing the data, the primary researcher critically examined himself as
the investigator of this study. This self-examination process known as epoche, allows the
researcher to remove, or at least become aware of prejudices, viewpoints or assumptions
regarding the phenomenon under investigation (Patton, 2001). Thus, it was important for
the researcher to enter the analysis phase with a fresh and open viewpoint excluding any
prior knowledge or experiences of the population under study.
According to Patton (2001), phenomenological analysis seeks to grasp and elucidate the
meaning, structure, and essence of the lived experience of a phenomenon for a person or
group of people. Similarly, Creswell (1998) posits, phenomenological data analysis occurs
through information reduction, analysis of relevant statements, identification of common
themes, and a search for all possible meanings emerging from the data.
An interpretive research group, which consisted of four individuals trained in qualitative
research methodology, one of which was the primary researcher, was utilized throughout
the data analysis process. To begin with, the interpretive research group read the transcripts
focusing on the time management strategies of each participant separately to get a sense of
the whole of each transcript. Moustakas (1994) recommendation of finding statements from
the interviews about how the participants experienced the phenomenon (in this case time
management) was utilized by interpretive group members. The interpretive team continued
the process of the African American male scholar-athletes data by listing their significant
expressions and thoughts about managing their academic and athletic time management
strategies in the margins and treated each statement as having equal worth. This process is


Time Management

called horizontalization. Next, the researchers organized and sorted key phrases using NVivo,
a qualitative data management software program. After the 23 invariant constituents were
identified, textural descriptions (what the academically driven student athletes experienced)
and structural descriptions (how the participants had experienced the phenomenon) were
written for each of the 27 participants in the larger study. These summaries were then used
to generate accurate descriptions of how the phenomenon was experienced. A combination
of 27 textural and structural descriptions, coupled with the 23 invariant constituents,
produced three major themes in the area of time management that captured the true essence
of the participants shared experiences for the purposes of this chapter.

4. Qualitative data: Voices of African American male scholar-athletes

(Note: All names of the student-athletes are pseudonyms)
4.1 1st Major theme What I Looked For: Academics and Athletics (see table 1)
More than half of the participants in this study were All American student-athletes in high
school. Hence, they were recruited by hundreds of Division I programs across the country.
Though big time intercollegiate programs touted them, they consistently noted that their
college choices were predicated on the academic reputations of the institutions, rather than
the publicity of their athletic successes. USC student-athlete Daniel Kaiser commented: I
wanted to major in Business. A lot of other schools like Florida State, Washington, and
Arizona recruited me, but I knew that USC had a reputable Business school. Majoring in
Business was more important, because I knew that football would take care of itself.
Representation of
What I
Looked For:
Academics and

I wanted to major in Business. A lot of other schools like Florida State,

Washington, and Arizona recruited me, but I knew that USC had a reputable
Business school. Majoring in Business was more important, because I knew
that football would take care of itself.1No one puts it together better than
It seemed like everyone around me wanted me to go to a football powerhouse like
Georgia, Alabama, and other schools in the Southeastern Athletic Conference
(SEC). I really liked coach Willinghams vision of being a champion in both
academics and athletics. I also liked the fact that I would be able to study with
some of the brightest people in the world. I knew that that would pay off for me
in the end.3 Everyone in Memphis had opinions about what school was best for
me. Some people said that I should stay closer to home and a lot of my coaches
wanted me to go to one of the Florida schools. People in my neighborhood would
say, With your talent, you should be playing at a school like USC or Texas. I
got tired of what people had to say. I dont think they understood that football
wasnt the most important factor in my decision.4 I realize that Im one of the
few Black males from the ghetto that has the opportunity to earn one of the more
respected degrees in the world. Earning this degree will allow me to leave
footprints for other brothas in the South Central Los Angeles to follow. I chose
USC for the chance to become a leader in my community.5

Academic Advising, Time Management and the African American Male Scholar-Athlete


Representation of
The Academic
Center Has
Inspired Me

I Want To Play
In the League

Table 1.

I had one writing tutor who told me I should consider exploring poetry. She
said I should not waste my talents by being like a lot of other students-athletes.
She told me that I dont have to be a slave to the programthat I could be
much more than a football player. That really inspired me to get more serious
about my writing.1
Calculus was tough for me last semester. To be honest, I really didnt think
that I could get higher than a C in the course. My tutor spent a lot of time
with me going over tips and different ways to prepare for exams. He also gave
me pre-test motivational speeches, kind of like a coach. I thought that was kind
of cool. I got a B in the class.My advisor is rare mix between advisor, tutor,
and friend. He played football here at Stanford and hes still young enough to
understand some of the challenges I go through. Hes been there for me when I
had no one else to turn to.2My advisor definitely keeps me in check.3
Sometimes being the best student and athlete is tough. Ive been guilty of
slacking off at times. Nothing major, but I just get a little lazy on the academic
side. Its times like that when I need someone to get me back on track to doing
the things that will help me in the long run. My advisor always finds a way to
keep me on a system for success.4
I want to be in a financial situation where I can help kids grow as students. I
want them to grow up thinking that being smart is cool and that going to
college is definitely attainable.1The white collar Donnie will earn a nice
salary and have a certain level of status in society; but Donnie the professional
football player will be able to show love and respect to the people who carried
me through the rough times. I will make enough money for my brothers and
sisters to go to private schools; to stop my mom from working two jobs just to
make it; and to give my close friends a solid financial foundation for them to
succeed.2If I make it to the league, it should be a celebration for the entire race.
Luke mentioned this celebration, because he aspires to help African Americans
in meaningful waysproviding life skills resources for the homeless; buying
textbooks for inner-city schools; being a life-long mentor for young African
American boys; and creating counseling centers for troubled teenagers. Luke
clearly communicated that a significant portion of his earnings would be
allocated to the overall advancement of African American youth. He believed,
By targeting the young kids, I will be contributing to society, because my
efforts will allow another Black kid to fulfill the dreams that he or she never
thought could be attained. As a Black male who has succeeded beyond the
odds, I feel that this is my obligation.3
Growing up in South Central Los Angeles wasnt the easiest thing in the
world to do. I lived in an environment where people were just mad at the
world and just trying to survive. I want to be in a position where I can create
a positive vision for people in my community. Having a solid financial base
will allow me to do this on a larger level.4


Time Management

No one puts it together better than Stanford, stated Manny Mason. All of the participants
from Stanford University agreed with this assertion. They spoke extensively about the ways
in which their family impacted their decision. Leslie Todd reflected on some of his pressures
as a highly recruited student-athlete from Atlanta, Georgia.
It seemed like everyone around me wanted me to go to a football powerhouse like Georgia,
Alabama, and other schools in the Southeastern Athletic Conference (SEC). I really liked
coach Willinghams vision of being a champion in both academics and athletics. I also liked
the fact that I would be able to study with some of the brightest people in the world. I knew
that that would pay off for me in the end.
Similarly, Stanford participant Paul Grass communicated his frustration with individuals
offering unsolicited advice during his recruiting process. He commented:
Everyone in Memphis had opinions about what school was best for me. Some people said
that I should stay closer to home and a lot of my coaches wanted me to go to one of the
Florida schools. People in my neighborhood would say, With your talent, you should be
playing at a school like USC or Texas. I got tired of what people had to say. I dont think
they understood that football wasnt the most important factor in my decision.
Participant Keith Taylor vehemently expressed that his college decision was not based on
the Track & Field tradition at USC. He spoke of how an International Relations degree from
USC would allow him to serve as a model for other African American male students to
follow. He spoke at length about his college decision being more about others than himself.
I realize that Im one of the few Black males from the ghetto that has the opportunity to
earn one of the more respected degrees in the world. Earning this degree will allow me to
leave footprints for other brothas in the South Central Los Angeles to follow. I chose USC
for the chance to become a leader in my community.

4.2 2

Major theme The Academic Support Center Has Inspired Me (see table 1)

The study participants also cited student-athlete academic support centers as significant
factors in their academic development. Academic support centers at all four institutions
provided resources for student-athletes to enhance their academic skills, receive direction in
course selection, participate in life skill development workshops, and in many cases, for
overall academic and personal empowerment. Although it was not mandatory for the
student-athletes to utilize the services and resources, all but two of the participants took full
advantage of the available tutors, advisors, and programs offered by the various academic
support centers.
Tutors were major facilitators in instilling confidence in the participants. Instead of lowering
their self-assurance, many tutors dissuaded the student-athletes against being dumb
jocksbeing locked into having only athletic identities. USC student-athlete Luke
Jackobson offered the following remarks:
I had one writing tutor who told me I should consider exploring poetry. She said I should
not waste my talents by being like a lot of other students-athletes. She told me that I dont
have to be a slave to the programthat I could be much more than a football player. That
really inspired me to get more serious about my writing.

Academic Advising, Time Management and the African American Male Scholar-Athlete


Adrienne West, another participant from USC, talked about how his Math tutor gave him
that extra push to succeed in a course. He concluded:
Calculus was tough for me last semester. To be honest, I really didnt think that I could get
higher than a C in the course. My tutor spent a lot of time with me going over tips and
different ways to prepare for exams. He also gave me pre-test motivational speeches, kind of
like a coach. I thought that was kind of cool. I got a B in the class.
Academic advisors also aided in providing the student-athletes with an additional
support outlet. The participants frequently referenced their academic advisors as being
good peopleindividuals who genuinely cared about the well being of all students. All of
the participants identified at least one academic advisor who had been there to comfort
them emotionally. Though the advisors primary jobs were to provide academic guidance
and support, many served in familial capacities for the participants in times of doubt, fear,
and other various crises. Manny Mason added: My advisor is rare mix between advisor,
tutor, and friend. He played football here at Stanford and hes still young enough to
understand some of the challenges I go through. Hes been there for me when I had no
one else to turn to.
My advisor definitely keeps me in check, asserted UCLA student-athlete James
Wooden. James talked about whenever he even thought about going down the wrong
road, his advisor always reminded him of his purpose for being at UCLA. He further
Sometimes being the best student and athlete is tough. Ive been guilty of slacking off at
times. Nothing major, but I just get a little lazy on the academic side. Its times like that
when I need someone to get me back on track to doing the things that will help me in the
long run. My advisor always finds a way to keep me on a system for success.
Without exception, the participants had academic advisors and tutors who supported,
encouraged, and uplifted them. From their perspective, the advisors extensions of genuine
care motivated them to achieve academically.
4.3 3rd Major theme I Want To Play In the League (see table 1)
Though the participants were commendable students, all of them expressed desires to
play professional sports after college. Indeed, almost all of the student-athletes had an
interest in attending graduate school shortly after their days in college; however, they also
wanted to live out their dreams of being professional athletes. Unlike some of their
teammates who aspired to play professionally for the fame and fortune, the participants
offered more humanitarian reasons for wanting to play professionally. For instance, USC
student-athlete Adam Holden expressed his desire to create reading and writing
programs for African American students back in his hometown of Boston, Massachusetts.
He talked about how earning money on the international Track & Field circuit would
enable him to implement major educational programs for African American youth in
Boston. I want to be in a financial situation where I can help kids grow as students. I
want them to grow up thinking that being smart is cool and that going to college is
definitely attainable, he noted.


Time Management

Berkeley student-athlete Devan McCoy spoke of how his financial earnings from the NFL
would allow him to take care of his family. He stated that he owed a great deal to his family
and close friends because they have supported him when nobody else seemed to care. His
willingness to financially provide for his them was conveyed in the following reflection:
The white collar Donnie will earn a nice salary and have a certain level of status in society;
but Donnie the professional football player will be able to show love and respect to the
people who carried me through the rough times. I will make enough money for my brothers
and sisters to go to private schools; to stop my mom from working two jobs just to make it;
and to give my close friends a solid financial foundation for them to succeed.
USC student-athlete Luke Jackobson viewed his opportunity to play in the NFL as a success
for all African Americans. If I make it to the league, it should be a celebration for the entire
race. Luke mentioned this celebration, because he aspires to help African Americans in
meaningful waysproviding life skills resources for the homeless; buying textbooks for
inner-city schools; being a life-long mentor for young African American boys; and creating
counseling centers for troubled teenagers. Luke clearly communicated that a significant
portion of his earnings would be allocated to the overall advancement of African American
youth. He believed, By targeting the young kids, I will be contributing to society, because
my efforts will allow another Black kid to fulfill the dreams that he or she never thought
could be attained. As a Black male who has succeeded beyond the odds, I feel that this is my
Although UCLA student-athlete James Wooden expressed long-term aspirations of being an
educator, he mentioned that professional Track & Field was in his near future. He talked
about wanting to take advantage of maximizing his skills and talents at a fairly young age in
order to live a comfortable life after his competition days are over. Similar to the ambitions
of the aforementioned participants, James also shared his desire to uplift the lives of African
Americans in South Central Los Angeles. Growing up in South Central Los Angeles wasnt
the easiest thing in the world to do. I lived in an environment where people were just mad
at the world and just trying to survive. I want to be in a position where I can create a
positive vision for people in my community. Having a solid financial base will allow me to
do this on a larger level.
It was vividly clear that the participants wanted to help other African Americans be
successful in all endeavors. Though the student-athletes admitted to living out their dreams
of being professional athletes, they consistently talked about being change agents for
The participants underscored some of the major pitfalls that many African American male
student-athletes fall victim to in the early stages of their college careers that relate to time
management. Additionally, the participants commented on how they learned to stay
focused on long-term goals; be a leader at all times; and take advantage of the many
resources available at their respective institutions. Though their unique learning experiences
and opportunities, the participants displayed commendable levels of wisdom that would be
useful for all African American male student-athletes preparing to embark on the multifaceted life and time consuming realities of being collegiate student-athletes at highly
selective universities.

Academic Advising, Time Management and the African American Male Scholar-Athlete


5. Discussion and conclusion: Policy recommendations to shape time

management success
A common theme found in the academic literature contends that African American male
student-athletes are channeled towards performing in the athletic setting rather than
focusing their time on the academic field (see Tables 2 & 3). As a result of this colleges tend
to provide the necessary athletic support while failing to ensure that there is also adequate
academic support. To demonstrate this time crunch Tables 2 & 3 capture and quantify a
day in the life a student-athlete. By filling Monday through Sunday with academic and
athletic commitments, we are able to interpret the results and data in the following way(s).
One, student-athletes in-season have zero days off. Second, the sports of USA football and
mens basketball require serious time commitments both in-season and off-season equaling
the workforce hours of 9 to 5 in terms of a full-time job; this may create extra stress on an
already stressful and challenging environment. Third, the data and results inside the time
management grid involve a picture and deeper glimpse through descriptive quantification

Table 2.


Time Management

Table 3.
of all the juggling and managing of classes, meals, athletic meetings, study hall, weight
lifting, practice travel for athletic contests, film watching for game preparation and little
time for social life and family that may be visiting or live close by. These factors were
aforementioned in the literature review section in this chapter. When all of these factors are
managed effectively they have the potential to prepare a student-athlete for life and career
(Shulman and Bowen, 2001).
Student athletes psychological, cultural and social problems increase along with the
expanding competitiveness of U.S. athletic programs. It has been found in part that studentathletes earn fewer bachelors degrees than general students, they take longer to do so, their
grades are lower and they take less demanding coursework (Dudley, Johnson, & Johnson,
1997). Conversely, some data also indicate that student-athletes graduate at a higher rate
than the general student body (Lapchick, 2010; NCAA, 2010). African American male scholarathletes in the current study exhibited mindsets that run counter to stereotypical trends despite

Academic Advising, Time Management and the African American Male Scholar-Athlete


inherent time management problems of higher education tied to big-time college athletics (Smith,
1988; Watterson, 2000). One, they looked for schools during their recruiting process that
would validate their desires for academic and athletic balance. Two, the academic support
centers inspired them at each respective institution versus having them major in eligibility
with a minor in beating the system (See Harrison quotes, 2009 USA Today). Third, the
African American males in the current study admitted to having aspirations of playing
professional sports which means athleticism must be balanced with a high value on
academicsin an environment with little extra time in either the academic or athletic
domains. (See Table 2 football, Table 3 basketball fall & spring respectively).
The current study investigated and pinpointed certain factors that compelled the
participants to commit their time to activities outside of the classroom while maintaining
focus on academic success (See Table 3). Expanding on the limited research in this area, the
findings provide insight to what the participants valued in their lives outside of their
academic and athletic obligations which is highly correlated with effective time
management. Applying Positive Organizational Behavior to the current study reveals that
despite the quantitative reality that student-athletes must manage between (low) 40 to 70
(high) hours of academic & athletic commitments especially including extra study time
during the week and weekends. A closer examination of the data gives ground for our
conclusions and recommendations that follow on the next pages. In the next sub-heading we
follow all the previous quantitative and qualitative assessments with this issue of time
management by examining some appropriate models for contemporary time management
challenges of todays student-athlete by threading from the actual study and quotes from
the student-athletes themselves which is a key feature and contribution of this chapter to
scholars and practitioners (Kissinger & Miller, 2009).
However, we want to be clear about the contributions of this chapter in terms of added
value, benefit and impact of the current research, and lastly the broader influence on the
theory and practice with time management issues related to contemporary student-athletes
in competitive situations in the United States and possibly globally if the structure of
intercollegiate athletics and higher education is comparable. Our first contribution is in the
area of Positive Organizational Behavior (POB). With the subordinates in an organizational
context being student-athletes, our investigation went beyond the surface of quantifying the
number of hours student-athletes spend academically and athletically. This was achieved by
listening to them express their specific thoughts about managing academic and athletic
pressures. This contribution of success by student-athletes was in concert with the
organizational leadership of academic advisors in a positive way. Specifically, our chapter
contributes to the structural (organizational) analysis of intercollegiate athletics and higher
education as the African American male scholar-athletes in the current study described their
relationships with many of the athletic administrators, advisors and tutors as positive,
empowering and assisting them with the challenge of managing their time commitments in a
positive and productive way. These findings can aid in how academic support services helps
student-athletes realistically succeed off of the playing field and in the classroom. With a better
understanding of the demanding schedules required of student athletes, coaches, recruiters,
and counselors can more adequately prepare and manage student-athletes to increase their
success throughout college. Often times incoming student-athletes are not sufficiently ready
for the transition from high school to college, and do not anticipate the additional time
commitments outside of class and practice, leaving them overwhelmed and often times setting


Time Management

them up for failure. With accurate depictions of the time the student-athlete role requires, they
can subsequently be more proactive with their time management skills.
Our second and third contribution of value is the methodological approach (and data
results) to investigate time management issues with African American male scholar-athletes
that are successful and higher achievers in the sports mostly of football and mens
basketball. Previous quantitative approaches with this ethnic and racial group has focused
on deficit or deductive reasoning approaches that negatively highlight aptitude attributes
and sub-par academic performances in the areas of Scholastic Aptitude Testing (SAT),
Grade Point Average (GPA), and other standardized testing predictors. We in part used
descriptive quantitative methods in terms of the snapshot of various time commitments
(Tables 2 & 3); however our qualitative data enables our analysis of time management with
this unique student-athlete population to be buttressed with information beyond
stigmatizing, labeling and stereotyping the lack of success by African American male
scholar-athletes. To summarize before the next section, our chapter contributes to a positive
organizational leadership analysis of academic advisors that are often stereotyped as being
apathetic about student-athlete success beyond mere eligibility and low expectations about
academic performance; the benefit is that theorists and practitioners can apply tenets from
this chapter to their desired outcomes; and finally the influence of this chapter on theory
and practice is that we have data from African American male scholar-athletes themselves in their
words, language, symbols, jargon, cultural perspective and real-time experiences.
5.1 Models for effective time management
First, Academic support services need to be more cognizant of the academic and social
needs of African American male student-athletes. Rather than relying on the coaches to be
the primary source responsible for the success of student-athletes, the entire academic
support network needs to play a role in this process. Key individuals must emphasize the
importance of high academic achievement and appropriate behavior on campus. Roper &
McKenzie (1988) presented a comprehensive model for advising Black college athletes. This
model relies on the growth and balance of symbolization, allocentrism, integration, stability,
and autonomy. Those African American male student-athletes who have demonstrated
excellence in the classroom must be recognized for their success and can act as role models
for the younger generations in the current study.
Second, another key initiative to improving the college experience of African American
student-athletes is to ensure recruitment and retention of African American administrators,
academic staff, and coaches. The feedback from coaches, teammates, and peers is almost
instantaneous when it comes to athletic performance. While this direct link is satisfying for
the athletes, there is the danger of diverting the athletes attention from their academics.
Clearly, the majority of literature on African American male student-athletes focuses on
academic achievement and social adjustment (Edwards, 2000; Gaston, 1986; Harrison, 2000).
Scholars contend that an oppositional relationship exists between sport and academic
achievement and African American males are often encouraged to take their chances with
athletics rather than reach their academic potential. The present study took more of a
holistic approach to understanding the academic environment that many African American
male student-athletes are subjected to and as such has determined the importance of
qualitative research in examining issues related their academic and athletic achievement.

Academic Advising, Time Management and the African American Male Scholar-Athlete


Dr. C. Keith Harrison as a participant observer has transferred his lessons from the scholarathlete experience to his values as a faculty member with research, teaching and service to
various communities. Part of these lessons that have continued since his playing days are to
surround himself with a peer group that values the academic and athletic experience such as
this photo with his colleagues that are former student-athletes (pictured left to right
Drs. Harrison, Sutton and Lapchick (photo courtesy of Joslyn Dalton).

Dr. Brandon Martin has utilized his time management skills a former Division I Basketball
Player who also played professionally in various global cities to ascend in leadership roles
as a researcher and educator. Dr. Martin has over a decade of athletic administration
experiences including senior level experience at the University of Southern California and
currently the number two at the University of Oklahoma where he is the senior associate
athletic director. Pictured is Brandon Martin next to a photo from his playing days at the
Galen Center facility at USC (photo courtesy the Paul Robeson Research Center for
Academic and Athletic Prowess).


Time Management

6. Future research & policy suggestions: Eyeing the current study and data
Other studies in the future in this area might include women, women of color, examining
various institutional levels of higher education culture such as Division I, II, III, community
colleges, high school sports and even youth in sport as their attitudes of socialization are
influenced early in life. Once again the current study is in line with researchers such as
Sellers & Chavous that state it is also important that researchers begin to examine the
experiences African American student-athlete4s have once they are on campus. Research on
such experiences may lead to the development of interventions for student-athletes once
they are on campus that may enhance academic performance without the adverse sideeffects on African American student-athletes that presently exist with the current reform
efforts (Sellers, 1993) (p.7).
In terms of policy suggestions, they should begin with reform efforts that target the National
Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA); the National Association of Academic Advisors for
Athletics(N4A); the National Association of Collegiate Directors of Athletics (NACDA); and
the American Educational Research Association (AERA). These are groups that not only
shape policy in ways that impact the student-athlete but groups such as AERA research this
issue and have many former African American male scholar-athletes that serve can serve as
mentors and role models that have successfully managed their time effectively during their
scholar-athlete days while on athletic scholarship on campus.
In the final analysis, the data from the African American male scholar-athletes serve us well
as we conclude this chapter when thinking about policy suggestions. Of the 13 quotes and
narratives from the student-athletes they illuminate successful strategies in terms of who
they effectively managed various time commitments. The African American male scholarathletes do this in their own language, words and symbolic meanings based on their
experiences managing themselves with serious pressures to perform academically and
athletically. There are five relevant points that may guide us in a more innovative discussion
with policy analysis of intercollegiate athletics and higher education when it comes to time
management based on the quotes from the study. A closer look at the data reveals these five
points. First, the African American male scholar-athletes took ownership of their time
management challenges and embraced the idea of having broader identities on campus that
were not athletically related such as poetry in one instance. Policies should continue to
create situations and programs where student-athletes can brand themselves beyond
media guides and other public relations materials in athletics departments that often
overlook academic and career success. Second, the value that coaches place on a studentathletes success in the classroom is beyond measure and sets the academic and time
management mindset of a student-athlete during recruiting as stated by several of the
African American males in the study. Policies should continue to encourage and require
coaches to balance their own priorities with academics and athletics. Third, the African
American male scholar-athletes in the current study were all preparing (even with struggles
at times) for something more important than the sport they participated in. One policy
implication is to match student-athletes with graduates and successful former players from
the university so that they have a mentor they can connect with and relate to during this
preparation for life after sport. Fourth, the African American male scholar-athletes

Academic Advising, Time Management and the African American Male Scholar-Athlete


articulated that leadership and community were the pillars of their privilege to be on
athletic scholarship and a personal obligation to share with others that might not have the
same opportunity. Policies must continue to require student-athletes to spend time in the
community with high quality programs of substance which currently many schools perform
at an adequate level in this area. Lastly, and probably most importantly in terms of popular
culture and the potential impact on society youth and young adultsis that the study
participants embraced that school is cool and they were intrinsically motivated
(Rasmussnen, 2009) to compete in life beyond athletics. Policies must continue to create
innovative ways to use media and new media to portray a new way of seeing studentathletes particularly in money making USA sports like football and mens basketball. One
ad campaign might focus specifically on time management as part of this new image and
discussion about student-athletes that successfully manage their time in the 21st Century.

7. Acknowledgment
We would like to acknowledge Lindsey Mauro, Graduate Assistant at the University of
Central Florida for her contributions to this article.

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