Warm-Ups 81-180

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Working With Individual

Grammar and Usage

n Have

I checked words with ie and ei? To make the

long-e sound, follow the rule i before e, except after c
(piece and receive). To make any other sound, write ei
(eight, weight, rein).

n Have

I checked words ending in y when a suffix is added?

(Enjoy becomes enjoys, but apply becomes applies.)

n Have

I checked words that require a doubled consonant

when a suffix is added? (drag becomes dragging but
enter becomes entering)

n H ave

I checked words ending in silent e when a suffix is

added? (love becomes loving but also lovely)


Daily Trait Warm-Ups

Photocopy for students to keep in their notebooks.

Rules to Remember FOR


When deciding whether to use ie or ei, follow these rules:

For words with the long-e sound, follow the rule i before e except after c.
Examples: piece and receive
Exceptions: either, neither, and seize

Use ei to spell other sounds, such as the long-a sound.

Examples: eight and weight

n When

adding a suffix to a word that ends in y, change the y to i if a

consonant precedes the y.
Example: penny becomes penniless; apply becomes applies and applied.
E xception: words ending in ing: apply becomes applying.
If a vowel precedes the y, keep the y and add the suffix.
Example: toy becomes toys.
Double the final consonant in a word when adding a suffix if
(a) the word is one syllable and
(b) the final consonant is preceded by a single vowel.
Example: run becomes running
(a) the last syllable of the word is stressed and
(b) the final consonant is preceded by a single vowel.
Example: infer becomes inferred.
Do not double the final consonant if the stress is on the first syllable and not
the last.
Example: enter becomes entering.
Drop the final, silent e before you add a suffix beginning with a vowel.
Examples: convince becomes convincing and love becomes loving.

n Keep

the final, silent e in place when you add a suffix beginning with a
Example: love becomes lovely.

Add other important spelling rules you want to remember here:

Editing Warm-Ups: Spelling


Check the spelling of words with ie and ei.

See answers, page 192.

Warm-Up 81 Mark the errors:

I beleive the pie Ray and I ate was cherry rhubarb, but niether
of us is sure.
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:

Warm-Up 82 Mark the errors:

My nieghbors concieted neice thought her cookies were better
than mine.
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:


Daily Trait Warm-Ups



Warm-Up 83 Mark the errors:
My best freind was so full, she took a breif run to get some releif.
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:

Warm-Up 84 Mark the errors:

The wieght of the cake I carried was so burdensome that I had to iether
sieze it with both hands or let it drop.
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:

Warm-Up 85 Mark the errors:

To my releif, the casheir put a reciept in the bag for the donuts I bought.
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:

Editing Warm-Ups: Spelling


Check the spelling of words ending in y when a suffix is added.

See answers, page 192.

Warm-Up 86 Mark the errors:

The map shows red lines, signifiing Canadas boundarys.
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:

Warm-Up 87 Mark the errors:

Ordinaryly, U.S. citizens must present a passport to temporaryly stay in
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:


Daily Trait Warm-Ups



Warm-Up 88 Mark the errors:
Will customs take long? Mom worryed. Not more than an hour,
I replyed.
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:

Warm-Up 89 Mark the errors:

A passport stamp signifys that you have successfully met the expectations of
the Canadian immigration authoritys and may enter the country.
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:

Warm-Up 90 Mark the errors:

I liked the orderlyness of the communitys I visited in Canada.
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:

Editing Warm-Ups: Spelling


Check the spelling of words that require a doubled consonant when a
suffix is added.

See answers, page 193.

Warm-Up 91 Mark the errors:

The athlete admited that he had stoped short of the finish line.
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:

Warm-Up 92 Mark the errors:

The weter the track became, the more danger it posed for the runer.
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:


Daily Trait Warm-Ups



Warm-Up 93 Mark the errors:
The runer felt robed of his chance to break the course record.
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:

Warm-Up 94 Mark the errors:

He returnned to the gym in a foul mood, admiting his disappointment.
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:

Warm-Up 95 Mark the errors:

The coach reminded him that rain occured often in the spring and he should
not worry about controling it.
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:

Editing Warm-Ups: Spelling


Check the spelling of words ending in silent e when a suffix is added.

See answers, page 193.

Warm-Up 96 Mark the errors:

I am hopful that my garden is becomeing lush and colorful.
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:

Warm-Up 97 Mark the errors:

Prepareing soil makes me grimey, but I enjoy scrapeing dirt
into buckets.
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:


Daily Trait Warm-Ups



Warm-Up 98 Mark the errors:
I find myself hopeing these slimey slugs will be eaten by birds.
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:

Warm-Up 99 Mark the errors:

The largeest rock over there is becomeing a problem in this lovly garden.
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:

Warm-Up 100 Mark the errors:

If my garden continus to grow this well, I would be wasteing my time doing
anything other than learning how to be a fameous gardener.
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:

Editing Warm-Ups: Spelling


Working With Individual

Grammar and Usage

Did I punctuate the end of every sentence?


Did I use commas to separate words in a series?


Did I use apostrophes to show possessives and



 id I use quotation marks to show dialogue and

direct quotations?



Daily Trait Warm-Ups

Photocopy for students to keep in their notebooks.

Rules to Remember FOR



Use punctuation to show the ending of every sentence.

Choose a period (.), an exclamation mark (!), or a question mark (?).

n Use

commas to separate words in a series and before the word and

at the end of that series.
Example: I banged my head, my knee, and my elbows while I was at the
playground with my little sister.

Use an apostrophe to show the possessive form of a noun.

Example: Mary Sues dishes
Exception: the word its: The tree lost its leaves.

n Put

the possessive apostrophe after the final s if a plural noun ends

in s already.
Example: Four of my classmates parents planned a big surprise party for us.

n Use

an apostrophe to show where letters have been dropped in contractions.

Example do not becomes dont; it is becomes its.

n Use

quotation marks around dialogue and directly quoted material.

Note: Commas and periods always go inside the quotation marks.
Oh no! I forgot my homework folder on the bus, said Jaycee.
Jaycee said, Oh no! I forgot my homework folder on the bus.
Oh no! said Jaycee. I forgot my homework folder on the bus.
One movie review said, This is simply the best childrens movie
of all time.

Add other important punctuation rules you want to remember here:

Editing Warm-Ups: Punctuation


Punctuate the end of every sentence.

See answers, page 194.

Warm-Up 101 Mark the errors:

The space shuttle is the most complex machine ever made
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:

Warm-Up 102 Mark the errors:

Who would have imagined that space shuttle astronauts would work on the
International Space Station as it orbits around the Earth
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:


Daily Trait Warm-Ups



Warm-Up 103 Mark the errors:

How thrilling to see the Earth gradually growing smaller on the horizon
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:

Warm-Up 104 Mark the errors:

I want to become an astronaut, Franklin announced to his parents
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:

Warm-Up 105 Mark the errors:

Wow Imagine how exciting it would be to float weightless in space
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:

Editing Warm-Ups: Punctuation


Use commas to separate words in a series.

See answers, page 194.

Warm-Up 106 Mark the errors:

When I go to the movies, I always get popcorn candy and a soda.
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:

Warm-Up 107 Mark the errors:

My favorite kind of pizza has olives artichokes sausage and extra cheese
on top.
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:


Daily Trait Warm-Ups



Warm-Up 108 Mark the errors:

After school I have to walk the dog take out the trash and do my homework.
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:

Warm-Up 109 Mark the errors:

Of all the things my little sister does to bug me, breaking my toys hanging
out in my room and tattling to Mom and Dad are the most annoying.
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:

Warm-Up 110 Mark the errors:

Ive lived in three countries: Mexico India and the United States.
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:

Editing Warm-Ups: Punctuation


Use apostrophes to show possessives and contractions.

See answers, page 195.

Warm-Up 111 Mark the errors:

The scorpions stinger is in its tail.
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:

Warm-Up 112 Mark the errors:

Theyre nocturnal, so youre pretty safe from scorpions during the day.
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:


Daily Trait Warm-Ups



Warm-Up 113 Mark the errors:

My schools Spider Club was formed last year by spider fans who wanted to
learn all about scorpions unusual habits.
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:

Warm-Up 114 Mark the errors:

Little has changed about the scorpions appearance in the last 300 million
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:

Warm-Up 115 Mark the errors:

Its fascinating to learn that scorpions heads have four to twelve sets of eyes.
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:

Editing Warm-Ups: Punctuation


Use quotation marks to show dialogue and direct quotations.

See answers, page 195.

Warm-Up 116 Mark the errors:

Brrrrr, Mary Sue shivered. Its the coldest day of the year.
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:

Warm-Up 117 Mark the errors:

Im turning up the heat this instant. Its freezing in here, she said.
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:


Daily Trait Warm-Ups



Warm-Up 118 Mark the errors:

The newspapers headline announced, Prepare for Below-Zero Temperatures!
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:

Warm-Up 119 Mark the errors:

Mary Sue shook her head, muttering, Im not stepping out of this house until
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:

Warm-Up 120 Mark the errors:

I can hardly wait for summer and warm weather, said Mary Sue to her
friend Denise on the phone. Were going to have so much fun at the beach.
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:

Editing Warm-Ups: Punctuation


Working With Individual

Grammar and Usage

Did I always capitalize the pronoun I and the
beginning of each sentence?


Did I capitalize abbreviations and peoples titles?


Did I capitalize the important words in a title?


 id I capitalize proper nouns for people, places,

and things?



Daily Trait Warm-Ups

Photocopy for students to keep in their notebooks.

Rules to Remember FOR


n Always

capitalize the pronoun I.!

Example: I wish I could go to Storyland every day.

n Always

put a capital at the beginning of each sentence, even in dialogue.

Example: The boys father demanded, Put that candy bar back in the dish!

n Capitalize

abbreviations and peoples titles.

Example: The current Miss America, who lives in Beaverton, OR, is a
supporter of animal rights and member of the ASPCA.

n Capitalize

the first and last words and all other words of a title except
articles (a, an, the), coordinating conjunctions (and, but, or), and
prepositions with three letters or fewer (at, to, for).
Example: A Dachshunds Daring Day at the Dog Park

n Capitalize

proper nouns for people, places, organizations, and acronyms

Example: Mrs. Gadfly won a trip to Canada to attend the National Hockey
League (NHL) playoffs.

Add other important capitalization rules you want to remember here:

Editing Warm-Ups: Capitalization


Capitalize the pronoun I and the beginning of each sentence.

See answers, page 196.

Warm-Up 121 Mark the errors:

in music class this week, i am going to learn how to play the guitar.
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:

Warm-Up 122 Mark the errors:

how am i ever going to learn all of these chords for the guitar?
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:


Daily Trait Warm-Ups



Warm-Up 123 Mark the errors:

ive been practicing a lot, so im really getting the hang of playing guitar.
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:

Warm-Up 124 Mark the errors:

one day i hope to become a famous guitar player; ill travel the world and
entertain people everywhere.
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:

Warm-Up 125 Mark the errors:

a famous guitarist whom i admire a lot is Stevie Ray Vaughan.
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:

Editing Warm-Ups: Capitalization


Capitalize abbreviations and peoples titles.

See answers, page 196.

Warm-Up 126 Mark the errors:

mr. and mrs. Sanchez sent an rsvp to attend our wildlife fund raiser.
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:

Warm-Up 127 Mark the errors:

I also heard from dr. Turner and governor Yee, who offered to help us.
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:


Daily Trait Warm-Ups



Warm-Up 128 Mark the errors:

The manatee is on the endangered species list of the epa in Tallahassee, fl.
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:

Warm-Up 129 Mark the errors:

Ill share research about the manatee habitat from professor Morrison of fsu.
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:

Warm-Up 130 Mark the errors:

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservancy (fwc) has appointed ms. Lucas
and Ed Thomas, jr., to be on the state fund-raising committee to save the
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:

Editing Warm-Ups: Capitalization


Capitalize the important words in a title. (Remember to underline
movie and book titles and put quotation marks around story titles.)

See answers, page 197.

Warm-Up 131 Mark the errors:

My favorite book of all time is hatchet by Gary Paulsen.
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:

Warm-Up 132 Mark the errors:

lord of the rings was a very popular book but an even more popular movie.
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:


Daily Trait Warm-Ups



Warm-Up 133 Mark the errors:

When I was little, my favorite story was goldilocks and the three bears.
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:

Warm-Up 134 Mark the errors:

On Saturdays, I cant wait to watch looney tunes cartoons.
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:

Warm-Up 135 Mark the errors:

The best piece of writing that I worked on this year was a story called the
amazing, marvelous, fantastic homework machine.
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:

Editing Warm-Ups: Capitalization


Capitalize proper nouns for people, places, and things.

See answers, page 197.

Warm-Up 136 Mark the errors:

This summer were taking a road trip to visit aunt lanelle in california.
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:

Warm-Up 137 Mark the errors:

Well go through kansas, colorado, nevada, and new mexico and even stop
in arizona to see the grand canyon.
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:


Daily Trait Warm-Ups



Warm-Up 138 Mark the errors:

uncle frank will be there, but my dads sister vonda will be out of town.
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:

Warm-Up 139 Mark the errors:

I hope we can go to disneyland and knotts berry farm while were in
southern california.
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:

Warm-Up 140 Mark the errors:

Lets ask mom to stop at the nevada museum of gold mines in
carson city.
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:

Editing Warm-Ups: Capitalization


Working With Individual

Grammar and Usage

Did I use words correctly? (For example,


Did I check verb tense and agreement?


Have I used apostrophes to show possessives

and contractions?


 o my pronouns correctly name the person, place,

or thing they stand for?



Daily Trait Warm-Ups

Photocopy for students to keep in their notebooks.

Rules to Remember FOR

grammar and usage

n Homophones,

or words that sound alike but are spelled differently, are tricky.
Check your work to make sure you have used common homophones correctly.
People have a responsibility to put their dirty clothes in the right place.
There is no way I would put my dirty socks on the table.
Theyre right here, in my own dirty-clothes hamper.

n Verb

tenses help show time in a piece of writing. For example, you would
use verbs in the past tense to describe events that took place during the
Civil War. The key to helping readers make sense of the time in your
writing is using the tenses consistently.
I walk to school in the morning and take the bus home. (present tense)
I drove to the airport and flew to California. (past tense)

n Every

subject and its verb must also be in agreement, so that singular and
plural nouns are matched to verbs with correct endings.
Dogs love chocolate but it makes them sick. (dogs love = plural; it makes
= singular)

n Apostrophes

can be used to show possesives and contractions.

E xamples:
Baileys favorite pastime is sleeping on my bed, curled up with my other cat.
Its a nice life if youre a cat.
n Pronouns

and their antecedents (the word they stand for) should always
agree. The pronouns who, what, and that can show relationships in a
sentence when theyre used correctly. Make sure that you
(a) match the pronoun with its antecedent;
(b) use who to refer to specific people and animals with names;
(c) use what to refer to inanimate objects;
(d) use that to refer to generic animals, things, and people, too.
The man was snoring so loudly, he woke up the entire bus depot.
Mr. Rimbaldi, who was snoring, made everyone laugh out loud.
What is that funny sound Mr. Rimbaldi is making?
Ive heard a lot of snores in my life, but that really takes the cake.

Editing Warm-Ups: Grammar and Usage


Grammar and Usage

Use words correctly (For example, homophones).

See answers, page 198.

Warm-Up 141 Mark the errors:

When you go to Washington, D.C., their are many things to
see theyre.
Rewrite the sentences correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:

Warm-Up 142 Mark the errors:

Visiting a monument? I advice you to stand stationery and take in
the cite.
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:


Daily Trait Warm-Ups



Warm-Up 143 Mark the errors:

Whose to know how many tourists visit? No one, accept the
park service.
Rewrite the sentences correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:

Warm-Up 144 Mark the errors:

I was to overcome with awe to notice too of the smaller side exhibits.
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:

Warm-Up 145 Mark the errors:

Youre favorite monument might be different than mine, but your entitled to
youre own choice.
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:

Editing Warm-Ups: Grammar and Usage


Grammar and Usage

Check verb tense and agreement.

See answers, page 198.

Warm-Up 146 Mark the errors:

Last summer I have a part-time job, but it is hard work and takes a lot of
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:

Warm-Up 147 Mark the errors:

Jobs like baby-sitting builded self-confidence and develops self-esteem.
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:


Daily Trait Warm-Ups



Warm-Up 148 Mark the errors:

When you wanted to buy CDs, clothes, or other items, you are needing your
own spending money.
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:

Warm-Up 149 Mark the errors:

To getting a good job, you need to has a good personality and been a
good worker.
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:

Warm-Up 150 Mark the errors:

Everything you did in life can leads to success if you tries 100 percent.
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:

Editing Warm-Ups: Grammar and Usage


Grammar and Usage

Use apostrophes to show possessives and contractions.

See answers, page 199.

Warm-Up 151 Mark the errors:

Stars are billions and billions of miles away.
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:

Warm-Up 152 Mark the errors:

I found a Web site where you can name a star after yourself: Josephs star.
Who wouldnt want to do that?
Rewrite the sentences correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:


Daily Trait Warm-Ups



Warm-Up 153 Mark the errors:

Its hard to imagine how we could travel fast enough to reach the stars.
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:

Warm-Up 154 Mark the errors:

At night, I watch for moving stars; those are actually satellites.
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:

Warm-Up 155 Mark the errors:

Of all the stars, I like the sun the most because its the brightest.
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:

Editing Warm-Ups: Grammar and Usage


Grammar and Usage

Make sure pronouns correctly name the person, place, or
thing they stand for.

See answers, page 199.

Warm-Up 156 Mark the errors:

My female cat Bailey, what is orange with white stripes, enjoys lying in the
sun on his back.
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:

Warm-Up 157 Mark the errors:

Laura, the girl what is going to feed my cat while I am gone, is going to
come over on its way to school each day.
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:


Daily Trait Warm-Ups



Warm-Up 158 Mark the errors:

Bailey steals my brothers toys and hides it where he cant be found.
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:

Warm-Up 159 Mark the errors:

If you pet it, Bailey rolls over like a dog what likes their belly scratched.
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:

Warm-Up 160 Mark the errors:

How that cat makes me laugh! Im glad I have them to keep my family and I
Rewrite the sentence correctly:

Apply the rule in a sentence of your own:

Editing Warm-Ups: Grammar and Usage





Working With Multiple Conventions

Use the editors marks to correct the sentences below. The number of
errors you should try to find is indicated after each sentence. Then use
your corrected sentences to create a well-edited, indented paragraph on a
separate sheet of paper.

The fall tv shows this year sounds terific.

T here are so many different kinds that Im sure Ill find a new show who I
really like. (3)
 aybe their will be a new Sportscaster who enjoys College football as
much as me. (4)
One thing Im not looking forward to about the fall seeson are all the

knew comercials.



it seems as if theyre more and more every year


(Continues with Warm-Up 162.)

Check It!

Is my spelling correct?

 oes punctuation guide the reader through the text?

 ave I capitalized correctly?

Have I checked my grammar and usage?

See answers, page 200, and editors marks, page 119.

Editing Warm-Ups: Multiple Conventions





Working With Multiple Conventions

Use the editors marks to correct the sentences below. The number of
errors you should try to find is indicated after each sentence. Then use
your corrected sentences to create a well-edited, indented paragraph on a
separate sheet of paper.
1 day i timed a half-hour tv show and it were only 19 minuts long after

subtracting all the comercials.


Its terible how much time is wastd on comercials.

 ost of the time I went to the kitchin to get some thing to eat rather than
watch more comerceals. (4)

Their are a few good wons that make you laff

tv should have more comercials that is entertaining, like those played
during the super bowl. (6)



Check It!

Is my spelling correct?

 oes punctuation guide the reader through the text?

 ave I capitalized correctly?

 ave I checked my grammar and usage?

See answers, page 200, and editors marks, page 119.


Daily Trait Warm-Ups




Working With Multiple Conventions

Use the editors marks to correct the sentences below. The number of
errors you should try to find is indicated after each sentence. Then use
your corrected sentences to create a well-edited, indented paragraph on a
separate sheet of paper.

when you travel its hard to find a decent restarant.


There is many places to choose from, but most of it serve fast food, and
Id realy rather have a good hot meel (6)
Its important to have a helthy meel at the end of a longday in the car
with my family. (4)

beleive me, it can be exhausting driveing with them.


One thing Ive noticd is that there arent as many family-stile restarants as
fast-food places along the hiway. (6)

(Continues with Warm-Up 164.)

Check It!

Is my spelling correct?

 oes punctuation guide the reader through the text?

 ave I capitalized correctly?

Have I checked my grammar and usage?

See answers, pages 200201, and editors marks, page 119.

Editing Warm-Ups: Multiple Conventions





Working With Multiple Conventions

Use the editors marks to correct the sentences below. The number of
errors you should try to find is indicated after each sentence. Then use
your corrected sentences to create a well-edited, indented paragraph on a
separate sheet of paper.

It culd be that runing and maintaning them is more expensive.

or it could be that there not as poppular with toursts.



Perhaps their hard to find cuz you cant get to them easyly from the hi
way. (5)
Regardless of the reseon, i still look carfully for a good 1 to eat in with
my family (5)
T he rite restarant will hav things we like, and their will be healthy menu
choiyces (6)

Check It!

Is my spelling correct?

 oes punctuation guide the reader through the text?

 ave I capitalized correctly?

 ave I checked my grammar and usage?

See answers, page 201, and editors marks, page 119.


Daily Trait Warm-Ups


Working With Multiple Conventions



Use the editors marks to correct the sentences below. The number of
errors you should try to find is indicated after each sentence. Then use
your corrected sentences to create a well-edited, indented paragraph on a
separate sheet of paper.
 ne of the hardst things about being the youngist in the family is that no
1 thinks me can do anything by myself. (5)
 o won beleives that Im old enough to make her own decisions or do
anything on her own (6)
when my older brother want to do things with friends, my Mom and dad
say, sure. (6)

But when I ask to do the same things they say, no, your to young.


 ometimes I think they were afraid that if they let me make decisions
or go out by yourself, they are admiting that their youngest child is
growwing up. (4)

(Continues with Warm-Up 166.)

Check It!

Is my spelling correct?

 oes punctuation guide the reader through the text?

 ave I checked my grammar and usage?

 ave I capitalized correctly?

See answers, page 201, and editors marks, page 119.

Editing Warm-Ups: Multiple Conventions



Working With Multiple Conventions



Use the editors marks to correct the sentences below. The number of
errors you should try to find is indicated after each sentence. Then use
your corrected sentences to create a well-edited, indented paragraph on a
separate sheet of paper.

My parents definitly dont want to admit that I was growing up.

but its not fare to me

I want to have sum fredome, to.



Id be responsible and show they that Im worthy, if theyd only give me
a chance (5)

younger kids deserve a chance to does things on his own, two.

Check It!

Is my spelling correct?

 oes punctuation guide the reader through the text?

 ave I capitalized correctly?

 ave I checked my grammar and usage?

See answers, page 202, and editors marks, page 119.


Daily Trait Warm-Ups





Working With Multiple Conventions

Use the editors marks to correct the sentences below. The number of
errors you should try to find is indicated after each sentence. Then use
your corrected sentences to create a well-edited, indented paragraph on a
separate sheet of paper.

A individual from History I realy admire is abraham lincoln

he is an intresting person and a Great president, to.



It musta been very hard back in the 1860S to fight aganst all the peopl
which wanted to kepe slavery. (6)
But if lincoln hadnt be strong and stood up for his beleifs, we wood not
have abolished slavery. (5)
he was the rite man to be President of the united states at the time.


(Continues with Warm-Up 168.)

Check It!

Is my spelling correct?

 oes punctuation guide the reader through the text?

 ave I capitalized correctly?

Have I checked my grammar and usage?

See answers, page 202, and editors marks, page 119.

Editing Warm-Ups: Multiple Conventions





Working With Multiple Conventions

Use the editors marks to correct the sentences below. The number of
errors you should try to find is indicated after each sentence. Then use
your corrected sentences to create a well-edited, indented paragraph on a
separate sheet of paper.
 s a person in todays world, I really admire abraham lincoln becaus he
had a hard life. (4)

But he didnt let its problums hold he back.


 omeing from a small town and being very poor when He was young
did not stop him from becomeing one of the most important people in
american History. (5)

he had a strong caracter and respected peopl as individuals.


his life storey is interesting and enspiring to youngpeople like I.

Check It!

Is my spelling correct?

 oes punctuation guide the reader through the text?

 ave I capitalized correctly?

 ave I checked my grammar and usage?

See answers, page 202, and editors marks, page 119.


Daily Trait Warm-Ups





Working With Multiple Conventions

Use the editors marks to correct the sentences below. The number of
errors you should try to find is indicated after each sentence. Then use
your corrected sentences to create a well-edited, indented paragraph on a
separate sheet of paper.

my parents think I should keeps mine room spotlessly cleen

I disagrae. i sae its my room and it should bee how I like it.


However, thay make me cleen it ever weak end, whether I like it or not

Its not fun atAll, let me tell u.



I had to pick up all my clothes, put away my games and toyz restack my
books on the shelfs and dust and vacume (7)

(Continues with Warm-Up 170.)

Check It!

Is my spelling correct?

 oes punctuation guide the reader through the text?

 ave I capitalized correctly?

Have I checked my grammar and usage?

See answers, page 203, and editors marks, page 119.

Editing Warm-Ups: Multiple Conventions





Working With Multiple Conventions

Use the editors marks to correct the sentences below. The number of
errors you should try to find is indicated after each sentence. Then use
your corrected sentences to create a well-edited, indented paragraph on a
separate sheet of paper.

then I hav ta wash my sheats and re make my bed


Their is a lot to do every weak end cuz I dont do much during the weak.


 hat really bugs me is that cents im the oldest, i hav to do the work all
by myselves. (7)
My Mom and Dad help my litle brothers and sistersthats not fare.


Dont tell them I told you this, But when my room is finaly cleen i realy like
it. (6)

Check It!

Is my spelling correct?

 oes punctuation guide the reader through the text?

 ave I capitalized correctly?

 ave I checked my grammar and usage?

See answers, page 203, and editors marks, page 119.


Daily Trait Warm-Ups




Working With Multiple Conventions

Use the editors marks to correct the sentences below. The number of
errors you should try to find is indicated after each sentence. Then use
your corrected sentences to create a well-edited, indented paragraph on a
separate sheet of paper.
Skatebording can be an Art a Hobby a Sport, or just a way to get
around conveniently. (6)

some peopl call it a extreem sport because it is so creativ.


In 2002, a report from the marketing research firm american sports data
revealed that their were 12.5 million skateboarders in the world. (5)
Eigty percent of those Skateboarders were under the age of 18, & 74
percent is mail. (6)
Skate Boarding are a sport that has really taken of in the last 20 yeers.


(Continues with Warm-Up 172.)

Check It!

Is my spelling correct?

 oes punctuation guide the reader through the text?

 ave I capitalized correctly?

Have I checked my grammar and usage?

See answers, page 203, and editors marks, page 119.

Editing Warm-Ups: Multiple Conventions





Working With Multiple Conventions

Use the editors marks to correct the sentences below. The number of
errors you should try to find is indicated after each sentence. Then use
your corrected sentences to create a well-edited, indented paragraph on a
separate sheet of paper.

The strete is the place of choyce for todays Skate boarders.


the boords and wheels are very lite comparet to the early verzions.

since the 1990s, tho, skatboards isnt changed that much



T heir are many skate board parks in citys across the countrie where
skate boarders can freestyle skate and try out exciting new moves on
Ramps and vertical drops. (6)
the Ollie is the basis for many triks, but the Flip was todays most popular
move. (5)

Check It!

Is my spelling correct?

 oes punctuation guide the reader through the text?

 ave I capitalized correctly?

 ave I checked my grammar and usage?

See answers, page 204, and editors marks, page 119.


Daily Trait Warm-Ups




Working With Multiple Conventions

Use the editors marks to correct the sentences below. The number of
errors you should try to find is indicated after each sentence. Then use
your corrected sentences to create a well-edited, indented paragraph on a
separate sheet of paper.
1 of the things Id change at my school is the rule about Not Eating
in clas (6)
i think it is realy hard to sit still all day and not had any thing to eat.

Kids nede snaks to give themEnergy 4 Learning.



If theyre was a time in the morning for snack, for instence, than
everyone could have a quik byte, feel better, and be Ready to Learn
more right away. (7)
their would have to be rules abowt witch snaks would work, though.


(Continues with Warm-Up 174.)

Check It!

Is my spelling correct?

 oes punctuation guide the reader through the text?

 ave I capitalized correctly?

Have I checked my grammar and usage?

See answers, page 204, and editors marks, page 119.

Editing Warm-Ups: Multiple Conventions



Working With Multiple Conventions



Use the editors marks to correct the sentences below. The number of
errors you should try to find is indicated after each sentence. Then use
your corrected sentences to create a well-edited, indented paragraph on a
separate sheet of paper.
For egsample, you couldnt have a Snack that needed refrigeration or
heeting. (4)
But you could has a snack like a piece of fruit some cheese and crackers
or a Granola Bar. (5)
these kinds of snacks wood be easy to prepare and simple to dispose of
when your finished. (4)
Kids would haf to clean up after Snack Time and not leaves extra food
lying around (6)
It could be fun healthy and an good way to break up the day if we were
allowwed to have snacks at school. (5)

Check It!

Is my spelling correct?

 oes punctuation guide the reader through the text?

 ave I capitalized correctly?

 ave I checked my grammar and usage?

See answers, pages 204205, and editors marks, page 119.


Daily Trait Warm-Ups




Working With Multiple Conventions

Use the editors marks to correct the sentences below. The number of
errors you should try to find is indicated after each sentence. Then use
your corrected sentences to create a well-edited, indented paragraph on a
separate sheet of paper.
Becomeing a Teacher is alot of hard work and takes meny years of
Study. (6)
They are a wonder ful job, however, cuz you get to help kids lern.

what culd possibly be moore rewarding then that



Although their are many difficult things to learn to be a good Teacher, its
a very worthwhile Profesion. (5)
helping a New Generation learn how to read & rite is an awesome
responsibility and alot of fun, to. (7)

(Continues with Warm-Up 176.)

Check It!

Is my spelling correct?

 oes punctuation guide the reader through the text?

 ave I capitalized correctly?

Have I checked my grammar and usage?

See answers, page 205, and editors marks, page 119.

Editing Warm-Ups: Multiple Conventions





Working With Multiple Conventions

Use the editors marks to correct the sentences below. The number of
errors you should try to find is indicated after each sentence. Then use
your corrected sentences to create a well-edited, indented paragraph on a
separate sheet of paper.

What would you wants to do if you where a teacher.

Id want to teach art, and paint from september to joon.


My students will probably like to work with clay collage and printmaking,
too (4)
Sculptur in 3 dimensions would be one of many exsiting activitys.


I bet he culd build the Brooklyn bridge from woodin sticks and gloo.

Check It!

Is my spelling correct?

 oes punctuation guide the reader through the text?

 ave I capitalized correctly?

 ave I checked my grammar and usage?

See answers, page 205, and editors marks, page 119.


Daily Trait Warm-Ups





Working With Multiple Conventions

Use the editors marks to correct the sentences below. The number of
errors you should try to find is indicated after each sentence. Then use
your corrected sentences to create a well-edited, indented paragraph on a
separate sheet of paper.
last year there was two earthquakes you could really feel in san
Francisco. (3)

I know because my friends cusin lives their.


She calls california the shaek-n-bake state because they are so many
earthquakes and it was so hot. (4)
buildings has to be bilt to a special code to make sure their stable.

Otherwise, theyl just crumbled into dust



(Continues with Warm-Up 178.)

Check It!

Is my spelling correct?

 oes punctuation guide the reader through the text?

 ave I capitalized correctly?

Have I checked my grammar and usage?

See answers, page 206, and editors marks, page 119.

Editing Warm-Ups: Multiple Conventions



Working With Multiple Conventions



Use the editors marks to correct the sentences below. The number of
errors you should try to find is indicated after each sentence. Then use
your corrected sentences to create a well-edited, indented paragraph on a
separate sheet of paper.
I am greatful that I live far away from theyre, but were still in a quake
zone. (3)
Me and my dad have practised earthquake drills by hideing in the
bathtub or standing in a sturdie dorrway. (6)
Its not save to go outside during an Earthquake even if you wants to get
away from the bilding (6)
if you are at schol durring an earthquake, you should take cover under
youre desk (5)
You should always have lots of fresh watter a radeo and caned food
ready incase of an emergency. (6)

Check It!

Is my spelling correct?

 oes punctuation guide the reader through the text?

 ave I capitalized correctly?

 ave I checked my grammar and usage?

See answers, page 206, and editors marks, page 119.


Daily Trait Warm-Ups




Working With Multiple Conventions

Use the editors marks to correct the sentences below. The number of
errors you should try to find is indicated after each sentence. Then use
your corrected sentences to create a well-edited, indented paragraph on a
separate sheet of paper.

Its so hard togo to bed wen my parents tell me too


i try hard to fall asleep, but its not easy when its still light out or when im
not tyred. (6)
Sometimes I hid a book under the covers and read latee in to the nyght (5)
I turns the light out really fast if I here my Mom or dad comming to chek
on me (6)
with the covers puled up, I try to breathe normaly until them have left the
room, and than I go back to reading untill I fall asleep. (6)

(Continues with Warm-Up 180.)

Check It!

Is my spelling correct?

 oes punctuation guide the reader through the text?

 ave I capitalized correctly?

Have I checked my grammar and usage?

See answers, page 206207, and editors marks, page 119.

Editing Warm-Ups: Multiple Conventions



Working With Multiple Conventions



Use the editors marks to correct the sentences below. The number of
errors you should try to find is indicated after each sentence. Then use
your corrected sentences to create a well-edited, indented paragraph on a
separate sheet of paper.
in addition to new bedtime rules, their should be a rulle againgst home
work. (5)
if you work realy hard at school all day, you shouldnt have to do moore
work at home. (4)
Two much homework could makke youre brane so tired they mite wear
out. (6)
if all you do are homework everie night, you dont had enuf time to play
outside with youre friends (7)
Kids shouldnt have to much work to do at home because then they wont
get to due all the fun things that are good for them todo. (5)

Check It!

Is my spelling correct?

 oes punctuation guide the reader through the text?

 ave I checked my grammar and usage?

 ave I capitalized correctly?

See answers, page 207, and editors marks, page 119.


Daily Trait Warm-Ups

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