Table Of Contents
A female Cockatiel
Animals Name and
Cockatiels fly as it is a type of
parrot. Well how does flying
help a Cockatiel survive in its
environment. Flying helps a
Cockatiel by getting it easier
to see food when a Cockatiel
is up in the air. Flying helps a
Cockatiel also to escape from
predators. Since Cockatiels fly
A Cockatiel eating
Cockatiels diet
Cockatiels eat seeds from
plants. Like sunflower seeds
and millet seeds. Cockatiels
could also eat some types of
fruit. Cockatiels gets there
food from plants and farmers
crops. Cockatiels dont eat in
an unusual way, and of course
there herbivores. Cockatiel
are not on top of the food
web they have predators like
Hawks, Raptors, Eagles, and
Feral Cats. Farmers are
sometimes forced to kill
Cockatiels, because Cockatiels
end up killing there crops.
A Cockatiel eating
The adaptations of a Cockatiel
is like there strong beak that
helps them break really hard
shells on seeds or other
things. Cockatiels fly
erratically rather than
smoothly to escape from
predators like hawks. This
helps a Cockatiel because a
predator will have to work
harder to catch the Cockatiel,
or they might just give up.
A baby Cockatiel
No a Cockatiel doesnt burrow
underground, hibernate, or
migrate, and a Cockatiel is not
nocturnal. There are no
interesting features of a
Cockatiels behavior. Since it
barely gets angry and bite a
piece of your flesh of. But
Cockatiels do mate and fly in
A Cockatiel uses its beak to
attack and defend its self.
Cockatiels do fly away if a
larger predator comes. But
Cockatiels mostly uses its
beak to defend and attack
other Cockatiels.
A bunch of Cockatiels
A Cockatiels enemies are its
predators like Raptors, Eagles,
Hawks, and Feral Cats. But a
Cockatiel is a herbivore so of
course there a prey not a
A Cockatiel in a cage
A Cockatiel
Fun Facts
Cockatiels were discovered
Cockatiels did not become
popular until the 1900s
Most male Cockatiels whistle
to attract female Cockatiels
Drafty areas can be bad for
your Cockatiel it could make
them sick or die
Never touch a baby Cockatiel
if its 8 weeks or younger.
Cockatiels are closely related
to black Cockatoos
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Psittaciformes
Genus: Nymphicus
Species: Hollandicus