Third Grade's Weekly Newsletter: February 2, 2015

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Third Grades Weekly Newsletter

February 2, 2015

Lanier Elementary School

Dates to Remember!
February 6th Chick-fil-a Biscuit Sale
February 11th McDonalds Spirit Night
February 12th Love Connections
February 13th NO SCHOOL for students
February 17th Chick-fil-a Spirit Night (58)
February 24thMilestones Testing
Parent Night, 6:00 P.M.
February 26th Skate Country

This Week in School

Math- Measurement; Charting and interpreting

data on a chart
Reading- Inferring skills
Writing- Opinion Writing Practice
Science Reviewing standards - Magnets
Social Studies Franklin and Eleanor

Math- Practice math facts nightly; Math
Sheet Turn in Friday!
Spelling sometimes, pickup, dishwater,
notebook, upstairs, football, sunshine,
outdoors, hallway, timeout, doorway,
sunset, bookcase, everyone, everything
Reading-Read 20 minutes every night
and complete Book-It Sheet for free
pizza and Six Flags reading form!
Free is good, just read!!!
Read with fluency and expression. After
reading retell using lots of details. Please
return agenda to school EVERY DAY
signed by parent.


Please send in each day this

February Birthdays

2nd Gabby Castillo Goss

4th-Grace Eichinger - Wingo
6th Tiffany Slayton Beard
17th-Morgan Bennington - Wingo
23rd Emily Gaddis - Schmus
24th Cali Jolly - Beard
25th Janet Gomez - Beard
28th Giselle Garcia - Beard

Student of the Month Kindness

Kindness is a behavior marked by ethical

characteristics, a pleasant disposition, and
concern for others.
Miriam Risley - Beard
Kali Hartis Goss
Virginia Reynolds Schmus
Jade Banda - Wingo

IXL Skills to Practice

P.1, P.2, P.3, P.4, P.5, P.6, P.7,
P.8, P.9, P.10, P.11, P.12, P.13


Love Connections

Newspapers needed

We are collecting newspaper for

the Hall County Human Society

PTO will be hosting a special fundraiser on

Thursday, February 12th called Love
Connections. It will feature Bingo, raffles,
and other new exciting events. Proceeds
will benefit Music, PE, Art and Computer!!!


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