The Essential Feng Shui Bedroom Guide

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The Soulmate


Feng Shui
1 0 Tip s to Im prove Bedroom
Energ y to Attra ct Love

from be st sel l ing

author Ar iel l e F or d

The Soulmate Secret

The Essential Feng Shui Bedroom Guide:
10 Tips to Improve Bedroom Energy to Attract Love

The ancient Chinese art and science of feng shui

was developed over 3,000 years ago and is a
complex body of knowledge that reveals how
to balance the energies of any given space. By
bringing these concepts to your bedroom, and
focusing on the two main purposes for the room-
rest and romanceyou ensure that the space is
filled with positive energy that will attract, welcome,
and support love.
Unless you had your home built with feng shui
principles in mind, chances are you have some feng
shui challenges in your bedroom. So, its time to
take a good hard look at the current flowcompare
it to the tips below and evaluate how your space
measures up to the ideal for creating a sacred
space for rest and romance. Dont worry if you are
currently violating some (or several!) of the feng
shui principles for attracting new lovethis is about
making simple improvements that can produce
dramatic results in your love life.
Lets get started!

Copyright Soulmate Secret 2013. All materials provided to you in this course are owned and copyrighted by Evolving Wisdom LLC.
You may make limited electronic and printed copies for your personal use only. All other uses require written permission from Evolving Wisdom LLC.

The Soulmate Secret

The Essential Feng Shui Bedroom Guide:
10 Tips to Improve Bedroom Energy to Attract Love

Tip 1: It All Begins With Your Bed

The bed, of course the bed! Here are the basics:
Its important not to place this key piece of furniture
in line with the door, and to make sure your bed is
approachable from both sides. Makes sense, right?
Ensuring there is access to this important space for
both you and your future partner creates welcoming
energy in sharp contrast to having one side jammed
against a wall.
Heres something else I bet you didnt know: The
best placement is often the furthest from the door
but where you can see the doorway from the bed.
Also, consider the material of the bed-headboards
should be sturdy and either wood or upholstered.
Its also important to balance the space by adding
a bedside table on both sides, and making sure the
bed is big enough for two to sleep comfortably. If
you are still sleeping in the bed you shared with
someone else, ideally, youll toss it and start anew,
but if you cant . . . at least treat yourself (and your
soulmate to come) with new sheets.

Copyright Soulmate Secret 2013. All materials provided to you in this course are owned and copyrighted by Evolving Wisdom LLC.
You may make limited electronic and printed copies for your personal use only. All other uses require written permission from Evolving Wisdom LLC.

The Soulmate Secret

The Essential Feng Shui Bedroom Guide:
10 Tips to Improve Bedroom Energy to Attract Love

Tip 2: TVs Arent Sexy

Lose the TV. Also get rid of computers, exercise
equipment, and work-related materials. Appliances
are considered metal elements which exhaust
earth elements and are not good for love &
relationships. Remember, the purpose of this room
is rest and romance and that treadmill in the corner
falls into neither of those categories!
If you just cant live without your TV in the bedroom,
at least be sure to cover it at night. Or, if you are
able to invest in a piece of furniture with doors that
can be closed to conceal it, even better. It may
seem like a bit of hassle and take some adjusting,
but just think of all the romantic things you could
be doing with your new love now that you arent
watching TV in bed!

Copyright Soulmate Secret 2013. All materials provided to you in this course are owned and copyrighted by Evolving Wisdom LLC.
You may make limited electronic and printed copies for your personal use only. All other uses require written permission from Evolving Wisdom LLC.

The Soulmate Secret

The Essential Feng Shui Bedroom Guide:
10 Tips to Improve Bedroom Energy to Attract Love

Tip 3: Mirror, Mirror OFF the wall!

That mirror facing your bed has got to go! This
depletes your personal energy when your body
is resting, and it is said to allow the energy from a
third party into your intimate relationship.
Think about what lovely artwork could replace that
mirror and offer soothing inspiration in this sacred
space (see Tip 7). And remember, you dont have to
ditch that mirror completely, mirrors are powerful in
feng shui when placed correctly.
Bottom line: If you have a mirror reflecting your
bed that you cannot move, do yourself a favor
and use a curtain to cover it during the evening.
Its an easy way to improve your energy and
ensure nothing is interfering with your rest or your
romantic relationship.

Copyright Soulmate Secret 2013. All materials provided to you in this course are owned and copyrighted by Evolving Wisdom LLC.
You may make limited electronic and printed copies for your personal use only. All other uses require written permission from Evolving Wisdom LLC.

The Soulmate Secret

The Essential Feng Shui Bedroom Guide:
10 Tips to Improve Bedroom Energy to Attract Love

Tip 4: Get in The Mood

Youve heard of mood lighting, right? Well this is the
place to create it!
Have several levels of lighting available; candles
without toxins are the best lighting for the bedroom
(keep them in pairs to reflect the partnership you
are drawing in), but a dimmer switch can also create
this softer effect.
Nothing welcomes romance like a candlelit room,
so stock up the next time you see your favorite
candles on sale and use them in excess.

Tip 5: Nature Abhors a Vacuum

The natural state of things is balancewhen you
make space, that space will be filled. Make space
for your beloved. Clear out a drawer, create space
in the closet, provide a nightstand on his side of
the bed.
In this way, you are welcoming him in and letting
him know there is room for him in your life. If your
space is full, even metaphorically, there is no room
for your love to snuggle in.

Copyright Soulmate Secret 2013. All materials provided to you in this course are owned and copyrighted by Evolving Wisdom LLC.
You may make limited electronic and printed copies for your personal use only. All other uses require written permission from Evolving Wisdom LLC.

The Soulmate Secret

The Essential Feng Shui Bedroom Guide:
10 Tips to Improve Bedroom Energy to Attract Love

Tip 6: What Color is Romance?

Each color is an expression of one of the five feng
shui elements: Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, and Wood.
Use soothing colors for the best energy flow to
promote rest and sexual intimacy. Skin colors
from pale white to rich brownare the best colors
for the bedroom. For example, rich browns add
a warm feeling of cocooning, nourishment and
earthy sensuality.
Dont worry, you can still add touches of Fire and
Earth feng shui decor colors (from red to magenta to
purple), but these should be accessories and not the
main color scheme.

Copyright Soulmate Secret 2013. All materials provided to you in this course are owned and copyrighted by Evolving Wisdom LLC.
You may make limited electronic and printed copies for your personal use only. All other uses require written permission from Evolving Wisdom LLC.

The Soulmate Secret

The Essential Feng Shui Bedroom Guide:
10 Tips to Improve Bedroom Energy to Attract Love

Tip 7: Art is in the Heart

of the Beholder
For the walls, choose images of what you want to
have in your life such as those that reflect love and
companionship, and are romantic and paired, rather
than sad or lonely (no paintings of single ladies
staring longingly out the window).
To create good feng shui in your bedroom, avoid
art with violent, aggressive images as these will
weaken or even completely negate the feng shui
energy needed for healing. It is also best to limit
the presence of the feng shui element of water,
which means avoiding big mirrors, images of a
strong body of water, or an actual water feature.

Copyright Soulmate Secret 2013. All materials provided to you in this course are owned and copyrighted by Evolving Wisdom LLC.
You may make limited electronic and printed copies for your personal use only. All other uses require written permission from Evolving Wisdom LLC.

The Soulmate Secret

The Essential Feng Shui Bedroom Guide:
10 Tips to Improve Bedroom Energy to Attract Love

Tip 8: Its an Open and Shut Case

Keep all your bedroom doors closed, including
the closet and bathroom doors, for the best and
most healing energy flow. Think of your bedroom
as a container in which you want to hold all the
positive feng shui energy for that spacewatch
for leaks! Bathrooms also tend to leak energy
and have lower vibration, so if you have an en
suite bathroom, its important to keep this energy
separate from the bedroom.

Tip 9: What a Breath of Fresh Air!

Fresh air counts! Indoor air quality is top priority in
feng shui. We know that plants purify air, but note
that plants are not good feng shui in the bedroom
unless they are far from the bed.
Whats the solution? Open the windows
frequently or invest in an air purifier to keep the
air clean and fresh.

Copyright Soulmate Secret 2013. All materials provided to you in this course are owned and copyrighted by Evolving Wisdom LLC.
You may make limited electronic and printed copies for your personal use only. All other uses require written permission from Evolving Wisdom LLC.

The Soulmate Secret

The Essential Feng Shui Bedroom Guide:
10 Tips to Improve Bedroom Energy to Attract Love

Tip 10: In Praise of Love

Create a love altar in the marriage and relationship
corner of your bedroom. Altars anchor your feelings
and thoughts so you become very clear and
specific about what you want. They also serve as a
focal point to help you clarify and magnetize what
you want in a relationship.
Where is the marriage and relationship corner?
Stand in the doorway of your bedroom, and the
far right corner of your bedroom is also your
relationship corner. You energize or raise the
chi in this area by hanging from the ceiling a
pink quartz crystal or a quartz crystal on a pink or
red ribbon.
And then you want to create a sacred love altar with
a collection of images and symbols that conjure
feelings of love within you. These may be images
of animal couples that mate for life such as swans
or cranes or doves or dolphins, or a photo that
represents a happy family, or fertility symbols or
pairs of candles. You can decorate it however you
want, as long as it focuses you toward love. Spend
time with your altar each day.

Copyright Soulmate Secret 2013. All materials provided to you in this course are owned and copyrighted by Evolving Wisdom LLC.
You may make limited electronic and printed copies for your personal use only. All other uses require written permission from Evolving Wisdom LLC.

The Soulmate Secret

The Essential Feng Shui Bedroom Guide:
10 Tips to Improve Bedroom Energy to Attract Love

There you have itten simple steps you can use

NOW to revamp your bedroom energy and create
the best possible space for rest and romance. Even
using a few of these tips will create a bedroom with
good feng shui that reflects the beauty of the love
relationship you want to be in . . . and it will help
attract and support a joyful love relationship.
Energetically preparing your home as a setting for
love is one of many keys Ive found to manifesting a
soulmate, and its one of the many specific practices
youll discover in Session Five of my Soulmate
Secret 7-week Online Course.
To find out more practices for bringing love into
your life, and to discover the step-by-step process
you can take to easily manifest your soulmate,

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Copyright Soulmate Secret 2013. All materials provided to you in this course are owned and copyrighted by Evolving Wisdom LLC.
You may make limited electronic and printed copies for your personal use only. All other uses require written permission from Evolving Wisdom LLC.

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