Module 6 Student Centered

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Nadine Chang-Dunkley

Prof. Szymanski

EDU 225

Module 6

Technology to Support Assessment of the Comprehensive Classroom

Technology Plan

Todays classroom is a whole lot different from classrooms of the

70s, 80s, or even the 90s Nowadays classrooms are filled with
technology and smart toys and gadgets. Students in todays classrooms
are learning not only history, but also they are learning about futuristic
things as well. Back in the day we would have never even thought that
the world would be as it is now. The closest we came to this futuristic
world was the cartoon called The Jetsons. We still havent gotten to
that stage as yet, but how far are we really from there?
Technology is apart of just about everything we do these days,
whether we are in school or just hanging out or spending time at home.
We are busy on smart phones, tablets, computers, video games and or
watching smart TVs. We are apart of a generation that is technology
consumed. Even the elderly has joined in on the tech generation; they
want to be with the in crowd too.
The days of teachers standing in front of the classroom and writing
on a chalkboard and drilling information into students brains in longer

the case anymore. We are now in the era of student centered learning.
This is a type of learning that really speaks to the individual child rather
than trying fit every child into one style of learning and it not necessarily
working out. Student centered learning allows the student to be more
hands on with their work and learn at a pace, which they can
understand, the lesson. Student Centered Learning shifts the weight of
instruction from the teacher to the student. This method of learning is
more helpful and useful to the student for long-term because it teaches a
student independence, and responsibility. Learning how to research
information it also promotes practicing proper study habits. When a
student can learn to focus on the task at hand and not be distracted they
learn discipline and the importance of learning and processing the
content of the subject. This is definitely a great preparation tool for
college. In this learning environment students have more control over
what they learn and how they learn it, rather than traditional classes in
which the teacher has all the control and many students struggle to
understand. Students can also assess themselves better in this setting,
because they know what they have learned and understand and what
they need more concentration in.
Teachers basic way of assessing students is normally by giving
them a test or quiz, to see how much of the material was understood,

however some students dont take test well, even when they know
material and this becomes an irrelevant measure for those types of
I like the idea of student centered learning, I believe it gives
students a better way of learning and it is a more individualized
curriculum rather than a one size fits all curriculum. This type of learning
style allows the students to assess themselves on a formative level; the
students participate in evaluating themselves. I also believe this type of
learning could cut down on the amount of students that are otherwise
labeled or put in Special Ed classes due to assessments that arent as
exact as they may believe them to be.
The assessments of the students learning I believe is very valuable,
however I feel that formative assessments are more beneficial to the
students and the teachers, because it gives more information in a smaller
time which allows for adjustment and correction on the students and the
teachers part. I find that they summative assessment is more valuable to
the teachers and it helps to prepare them for future classes rather than
current classes.


Jones, Leo. (2007). The Student-Centered Classroom. Cambridge

University Press.

Rogers, C. R. (1983). Freedom to Learn for the 80's. New York:

Charles E. Merrill Publishing Company, A Bell & Howell Company.

Hannafin, M. J., & Hannafin, K. M. (2010). Cognition and studentcentered, web-based learning: Issues and implications for research
and theory. In Learning and instruction in the digital age (pp. 11-23).
Springer US.

Jahnke, Isa (2012). "A Way Out of the Information Jungle". In

Coakes, Elayne. Technological Change and Societal Growth:
Analyzing the Future. p. 182. ISBN 1466602015.

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