Bickert Spanish 1 Syllabus Semester 2
Bickert Spanish 1 Syllabus Semester 2
Bickert Spanish 1 Syllabus Semester 2
Spanish I
The goal of this class is to examine the Spanish language and culture
through rigorous reading, writing, listening, and speaking activities. At the
conclusion of the course, students will have developed the basic vocabulary
and grammar skills needed to interact and communicate with others while
gaining a greater understanding of and respect for the cultural perspectives,
and products of different cultures.
Classroom Grading:
Seorita Bickert
Spanish I
Projects: 25%
If you are absent from class, it is 100% your responsibility to obtain the work
you missed. Missed assignments can be found in the daily bins in the
Seorita Bickert
Spanish I
classroom. You have the exact number of days you were absent to make up
the work in order to receive full credit. If you miss a test/quiz/presentation
see me to arrange a make-up date. If you are absent the day that a
homework assignment or project is dueit is due the first day you are back
in class.
Every day an assignment is late will result in 10% off the earned grade. After
five school days late, the most a student will earn on the assignment is a
50%. Students must turn in all work for each unit prior to the unit test to
receive any credit.
The behavior in my classroom will be guided by the rules and restrictions set
forth in the Colonel Richardson High School Student Handbook. In addition
to the rules in the handbook, I have provided and discussed my set of
classroom rules and expectations with my students.
Cell phones may only be used (for Spanish dictionaries/cultural
investigations) when the cell phone sign is present on the main whiteboard.
When the sign is not present, students will not be permitted to use their
cellphones or any other type of electronic in class.
Students will not be permitted to bring hats nor book bags into the
classroom. Students may not wear their hoods up inside of the school.
1. Respect everyone and his/her belongings.
2. Come to class on time and with all materials on a daily basis. YOU
3. Follow directions the first time they are given.
4. Use classroom appropriate language.
5. Be Colonel TOUGH.
If you choose to break a rule you will face the following consequences:
1. Verbal warning/seat change
2. Teacher conference after class
3. Teacher conference, lunch detention, action plan, phone call home
4. Referral and phone call home
When you enter the classroom:
1. Pick up all materials for the day from the counter near the door.
Seorita Bickert
Spanish I
Seorita Bickert
Spanish I
1) Composition notebook (available at Wal-mart/dollar store)
2) 2 folders or 1 binder
3) Pens/pencils
After reading the previous pages, please sign and return this portion to
confirm that you understand the expectations for this Spanish I course and
are aware of the supplies needed. If you have any questions, please write
them on this paper or contact me via email or phone.
Jessica Bickert
Spanish Teacher
Date ____________________________________________
Students Name (Print)
Students Signature
Guardians Signature
Guardians Phone and Email
Additional comments/questions
Seorita Bickert
Spanish I