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Frontenac Public School

38 Cowdy St., Kingston ON K7K 3V9
Phone! 613-54G1432 F^xt 613-546-4454
Prilcipal: P. Dendy vice Principal: C. Carson


Website: http://frontetracps,
lannary 24, 2012
Brock Palrner
Grade 6/7 Teacher
Frcntenac Public School
Limestone Distdct School Board

To Whom It May Concem:

It is my pleasure to write a letter recommending Isabella Bei for a teaching posiiion within your school
board. Isabella has been an effective Teacher Candidate in my clas$oom at my home school dudng the 2011/2012
school yea.. In that time, I have witnessed Isabella's strong dedication to the students afld io the teaching
Isabella is an exceptioflal leader in the classloom. She is very orgaaized and demonsttes excepiional
classroom management pmctices. Her hard work helps build a shong rapport with students quickly, which creates
successful laming opportudties. she deates an inclusive leaming environfient that is safe, supportive, and

and curiosity dudlg her Language and scierce uniis. she challenged each student in the class and catered to
individual studed needs to ensue educational gro$th.
Isabella is always looking for rcw leaming opportunities to improve her own taching practices. She was
very eager to participate in Professional Development activities such as Teaching Leaming Cdtical Pathways
(TLCP). Duing her placement, lsabella could often be lound in the staffioom interacting \i/ith staff about teaching
strategies, buildilg effective progams, and classroom management techniques. She openly accepts feedback and
ideas aod is vdlling to incorporate them into her lessons. Isabella is a very hard worker and lifeJong leamer, who
only wants to provide the best leaming e[viroffnent for all ofher students.
Isabella not

or y provides excellent hstmction in the classrcor4 but also during exfa-curricular activities

well. She assisted me with our school photogaphy club, and put her strotg arts background to wolk by Geatiflg
and leading a very successful arts club, which she corltillues to volmeer her time to at the weeHy meetings.
Isabella demonsfates the same passion for leaming outside ofthe classroom as she does instucting inside the
classrcolq lecognizing the importance of extra-curicular activities for kids.

Isabella is an exceptional teacher who is professional, deperdable, creative, and fun to be around. She
contdbutes fresh ideas, shong shategies and energetic instructioo. Isabella quickly colmects with students and
familiarizes he$elf with their individual needs to be successful academically and socialiy l shongly support
Isabella's applicatio[ aDd would be happy to discuss her c.andidacy with you at your convenimce


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