True Ibiza Stories Final Kindle Cut March 18th 2013

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO www.trueibizastories.


TRue IBiZa SToRies...

Copyright 2012, all rights reserved.

A Novel By Q DeRHINO

Copyright 2012 by Q DeRHINO AEIV. all rights
Published by Ibiza Love Story/Publishing Isles
Baleares Spain 07080
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form
or by any electronic or mechanical means including
information storage and retrieval systems, or to be
sold or resold, without permission in writing from the
author. the only exception is by a reviewer, who may
quote short excerpts in a review.
This Book is an Artistic endeavor. In other words it
was not written to entertain you! It is a novel,
however there are research projects inside that I truly
believe you will enjoy discovering. The Names of the
Persons depicted in this fictitious work of art should
not be confused with other persons real or imagined
because its probably about them! Next I did not hire
A fancy Editor or ghost writer or proof reader or
manager, or agent, for that matter. Therefore I can
Give it to you straight, Typos and Everything! And
Since I'm Dyslexic you are in for a real ride! And oh
yeah watch out for 'Random Spontaneous
Capitalization' or RSC as I would like to refer to it.
This book is also a screenplay, you will see that as
you proceed. That Screenplay has been the basis on
which The Video podcast & Documentary Film True
ibiza stories was based. It also contains a sound
track of 70 plus songs that I will use as background
for the audio book. Versions of those original songs
are available for download for free from the
purchasers of this book. Thanx For your time. For
more info or bookings and the like you can catch me
at or That
all depends on you...

TRue IBiZa SToRies...

Copyright 2012, all rights reserved.

A Novel By Q DeRHINO

This book is dedicated to
my Family
So I wouldn't Forget anyone, I thought I would name
you all as a group. As for
individual recognition, First to My Dad & Mom. My
mother primarily for the birth ticket but also for
giving me the opportunity, and ability to touch other
peoples lives and to develop the character needed to
stick around long enough see the effect of that touch.
I would like to also thank a few people who due to
their Pirate status shall remain unnamed. I need to
thank Mrs. Davis My 8th Grade English Teacher, who
should Understand & not Pass out from my blatant
use of literary license. I know it sounds cliche, but so
much of what I understand about simple things in the
microcosm that relate to the macro cosmic, I learned
with small stories and life lessons and patience, I
learned that from Mrs Davis. {I forgot the English
lessons as you will soon discover.} I think she was the
most patient person I ever met, she let me make
mistakes and reminded me that it was totally ok to be
exactly who you are. Even if everybody else has their
own opinion about who you are, It's just their
opinion. So shine your light and let them know just
how great you really are, that way people wont have
to listen to other peoples opinions of you, they will be
able to see for themselves because your light will be
shining Smiles for miles and miles and miles I
would also like to Thank Dr. JA.Myers My Political
Science Guru At Marist College Thanx to her for all
her Years of Critical Political Examination. & to My
Debate coach who showed me the first look at how
Persuasive Global Communications Dynamics is
scripting the dawning of This New Age of Aquarius.
And for giving me my first lesson in Method
And Last Because she is Closest to me, and Is right
by my side as we Rise & Shine This book is for My

TRue IBiZa SToRies...

Copyright 2012, all rights reserved.

A Novel By Q DeRHINO

Partner Vida I could never have finished it without
you. Thanx for your Love and Support 25 hours a day
8 days a week. You are not just The One Your The
Best One 1
In Memory of My Father... And My Friends Raff
Ravenscroft & Xicu Bufi Thank you.
How to Use this Book
This Book Could Save your life, so... I suggest you
read it carefully. And research on your own
Everything in this style and font for example:
Q , 2/15/11 7:08 PM
The world according to monsanto
movie link.]
When You see that! That means at that date and time,
I made a note for you to go DO YOUR HOMEWORK
and learn more about whats really going on in your
world without some Best Selling Author Twisting
facts and Figures to entertain you. links can be
broken but the Stories are out there, if you are
interested in more info. In that case its to go watch a
movie or documentary film that illustrates the point
in a more in depth manner. I recommend you use the
search engine of your choice and find out for
yourself. So that you can decide for yourself because
the life you save... just may be your own!! And in the
Spirit of enjoying your experience I have also
digitally linked 100 plus songs that will be used for
the final soundtrack for TRue IBiza Stories The
Documentary film. You must just discover them on
your journey. Some of these will even Be in the
Feature Film Based in Ibiza Due to hit the Silver
screen in 2014
So Lets all stick around for that one... Hopefully we
will see you here in Ibiza for the World Premiere!

TRue IBiZa SToRies...

Copyright 2012, all rights reserved.

A Novel By Q DeRHINO


TRue IBiZa SToRies...

Copyright 2012, all rights reserved.

A Novel By Q DeRHINO




TRue IBiZa SToRies...

Copyright 2012, all rights reserved.

A Novel By Q DeRHINO

True Ibiza Stories

The Birth of the Bohemian Zygote
Entry shot of this message as it's being typed in.
During the humming
#1 Love is the Almighty
"We must continue to
listen to the stories of our Grandcestors as we tell the
stories to our childrens children. For through this, we
find the Thru-Story, in His-story."
Then entering the screen one word at a time silence
then the sounds of the three notes:
Look up in the sky! Its a Bird! Its A plane No its.
Government planes Seeding the atmosphere with
heavy metals to try and kill life on earth but dont
believe me!
Google it Baby!.
Go-Head Baby!
Music Starts Then the sounds of the sea from 4u
live at peps!
Gotham |gm|
A nickname for New York City, used originally by
Washington Irving and now associated with the
Batman stories.
Video Visuals of the ferry arriving to the port of
Eivissa juxtaposed with a woman as she is being
admitted into the hospital. Slow motion video and
flashes of stills you never see her until the line that

TRue IBiZa SToRies...

Copyright 2012, all rights reserved.

A Novel By Q DeRHINO

says, I learned about religion from my mother you
realize shes preagnant, about to give birth the
ferry slowly passes all the land marks of Eivissa as
the opening sequence credits appear and dissolve.
You're finally left in the port. Staring at Dalt-Villa
you hear off in the distance the voice of a small child
Music starts:
#2 Mighty Marijuana shot slowly pans the plaza,
montage with harvest picks and beach blurry as
people smoke at the beach and everywhere else as
you hear a Little girls voice in the Background one
little two little three little seeds they...Grow up to be
the mighty Marijuana.
Yeah I guess it all comes down to the little seeds,
doesn't it? [Q , 2/15/11 7:08 PM
The world according to monsanto
movie link.]
Its funny looking back on it now when Alex said that
to me and that small group of us tucked away on the
banks of the Hudson River. I never could have
imagined how far my story could take me. I used to
think life really was like a box of Chocolates.
Back then I had never even heard of Ibizas Magic
Island Eivissa but, its was finally time for
Zyons Rising & the birth of The Bohemian Zygote
This, Is His Story.
You hear voices whispering almost in the seat next to
you saying who? who?
Fade to beach shot of Q walking the empty beaches
Music Starts
#3 Left Over from the Sixties with super
imposition of a Macbook typing this line.
The Fukashima Nuclear Facility was one of the
coastal places rocked by the shock of the earthquake
measuring a Massive 9.1 on the Richter scale... The
aftershock of the quake caused a tidal wave that

TRue IBiZa SToRies...

Copyright 2012, all rights reserved.

A Novel By Q DeRHINO

became the Tsunami that became the greatest nuclear
disaster in our present history. At best it would take
50 to one hundred years to clean up, if they could just
get the reactors under control. If there were not
complications, but there were plenty. First of all one
of the reactors was a Mox reactor unbeknownst to the
general public the MOX reactor is a Plutonium
enriched process that is thousands of times more
deadly than the normal nuclear reactor... and that
didnt even tell the whole story. We had changed our
planet forever, once the leaks from the reactors
reached the sea water, they would begin to initiate
untold damage to the ecosystem that would last for
not just centuries, but for millions of years. This
combined with what was being spewed into the air
daily from the molten reactor cores, as they steamed
from the burning off of radioactive gasses. In fact
there was more than one reactor damaged, but the
Tsunami, actually more than 6 in total. However only
a few had actual meltdowns of the reactor cores.
One of them that was housing over a hundred
thousand plus spent fuel rods, it exploded like a 4th of
july fireworks show... the only difference was these
fireworks werent celebrating false freedom from a
long since enslaved Independence Day. These were
foreshadowing the new world orders grand plans of
population control... Which in plain english means
Genocide... by any means necessary. The world
Bank was informing us we were one crisis away from
global food crisis, It all sounded so Surreal, so much
government & media double speak. The whole plot
and story line was so contrived and scripted out of a
Hollywood movie they just couldnt be serious! The
stories Un Fuckin Believable The truth however, is as
the say: Stranger than fiction. Only Time would tell,
but It was 2012 and it looked like time was running
out. I had to search through the last ten to ten
thousand years, and figure out what the hell was

TRue IBiZa SToRies...

Copyright 2012, all rights reserved.

A Novel By Q DeRHINO

going on. Where was the secret key that was hidden
inside the mad, mad, mad meandering maze like
picture book that had become my life? Save the
World? How the fuck was I gonna Save myself?
Somewhere sewn into the tapestry was a string of
clues that would crack the code and tell the tale of
exactly how we got here. And once cracked could be
shared with the collective! Then we could save each
other! The shit was hitting the fan and you could
Smell it all around. Earthquakes Tsunamis
Corruption ecologic degradation, all the same... The
Signs of the Times. However in the same moment
you could also see humanity going through an
awakening like no other ever in history or Her-story
for that mater. Yoga meditation Vipassana, Tai chi,
ayawaska, astrology, chinese signs, Myan
Prophecies, Hopi prophecies, Reiki, Bowen, Crystal
healing, Shaman Rituals & Kundilinis rising in lives
and spines of the human collective like never before.
Enlightenment to untold numbers of the collective
being turned on to the frequency, the vibration the
stimulation of the oneness all connected... to
themselves. And maybe it was going to be that
relationship with ourselves that was going to save us
Q Ibiza Stories
Let stars shine! At the beginning, With a joint: Be
back in a flash{Coughing loudly}%*Whoa! this
starts back, way back, in a restaurant in New York
City The year c.2000
I was sitting down with the then VP of marketing for
the Universal Music group, who, at some short time
earlier, had just merged with Seagrams Vivendi, the
globally liquid...? Liquor Mogul? And as the families
come together, the ruling bloodlines all wear business
suits 2 Q battle via the Global Economiqu

TRue IBiZa SToRies...

Copyright 2012, all rights reserved.

A Novel By Q DeRHINO

Chessboard. Chessboard family Lines, disguised as
multinational cooperations. Using the power they
gave to the artists, to pawn the Message to the
Now! Even more than ever before The Art Of
The Art of Whos King & Queen today? For
tomorrow They will fry! Merely twisted, Java
scripted, Virtual-Virgins of multi-national big brother
propaganda, discussed as Tarts music and fashion:
Disguised as what they say, We! Want more of
disguise! You know how they set the stage! Make the
Tartist famous, taint the message, then force feed the
twisted message down their thirsty little throats until
theyve got it memoriam, Remember? Then move
on to the next starving Tart willing to sell their "Soul
4 a Sandwich" & trade their "Name 4 Fame" And
for what? All to become A Pop tart?" This
particular operation has Globally reigned triumphant,
or even Triumpfo! And all the while not only is big
brother watching you hes writing the script, selecting
the advertising, and writing the lyrics that flavor all
of your new favorite Pop Tart Ring-Tunes! Then
they use the Absolutely Pre- Fab-Ricated postMadonna Pop Tarts to feather pad the process. So
now even that liberal, system taunting,
New Age Spouting, eco sprouting, Vegan, non
chicken eatin left winger,
is being fed the partying line. All the time! Through
their favorite Tart! All night long! Singin that
same old song. Preaching that age old rage! The
politics of War!
With lines bleeding on every page.
But dont listen to me, if you need to be a beLieber
But look how quick they gave a gun
to Little Justin Bieber!
Google it Baby Go head Baby!

TRue IBiZa SToRies...

Copyright 2012, all rights reserved.

A Novel By Q DeRHINO

I Got a Feelin! Freedoms starting to look like a
mirage, and as you wipe your blinded eyes, you see
your babies wearing camouflage!
Submerged in their Oasis. As they gun down humans
in the name of god /AKA The Almighty
Devaluing Dollar
Singing Champaign Supernova, On their Tanks
Brand New myPod[Q , 2/15/11 7:12 PM
Link to the clip in Fahrenheit 911 when
they are talking about tank gunning to the
music in
Iraq.] Give a shout out to my peeps in da hood,
and dont forget ta Holla! This ones gonna be a box
office thrilla! Like sweet faced Tweetty Boy
aplusk Comedian turned Government Killer!
Im a Soldier? Protector of my generation? Or am I a
five year old addicted to Depleted Uranium Enriched
Slay Station?[Q , 2/15/11 7:13 PM
Digital nation Clip of drone pilots in
vegas.] Hey! These shoulders hold up so much, ill
never fall or fold up But thats just in the streets
Hustla, cus when Im at home wit the wife & kid Im
just Anotha mutha fuckin P.I.M.P yeah baby
CREAM! get the money! Dolla -dolla bill yall!! You
got to have a J.o.b.
If you wanna be wit me! Cuz,..
Cus Aint nothing goin oon but the rent!
Thats the truth, & hold the lies! Nigga !
Cuz we cant pay rent wit bean pies.
So we gotta hit em high!
Hit em high! Hit em high! Hit em high!
Hit em lo, hit em lo, Hit em lo, hit em lo!& fuck
the police!
Serve, and protect and REASSURE?
With every corner store and supermarket asking you
exploit till its gone!

TRue IBiZa SToRies...

Copyright 2012, all rights reserved.

A Novel By Q DeRHINO

Every news cast headline, b-leads the same way
No end but Global War! Or Folly-Wood Style global
manifestations. No love, just sex! & multiple
A war fought over resources already made obsolete
(My Sperm?) by technology previously patented,
(My DNA?) & quietly hidden from humanity,
(MY BIRTH RIGHT?) & as long as the blue light
is on,
And I can have MY SPACE?! It keeps going on,
And we dont mind honey, dont look just Fakebook
Thats for certain! Sell your soul? Hell no! Pass the
Who sold us coal? Until our lungs were hurtin
I wonder if we Check the lines, of blood & Mines
Maybe it was Grand-Pa Haliburton!
But evidence against, is always, Hard to find. Cuz
over time, by spending dimes, they changed the
To the blind And as long as the shop has my lucky
and they didnt run out of coke Funny how those 2
little seemingly insignificant thoughts can synapse
past you like that, Which Coke? As in Cola? &
Who is they? The Global Banking Elite Technocracy
The Builderburgers? The Council on Foreign
Relations? Monsanto? The International Monetary
fund & the World Bank? The United Nations? The
Carlyle Group? The Illuminati?? THE RAND
CORPORATION? All of the Above? Didnt
Tavistock dream up the Summer of Love?
In the beginning there was a sound, in the middle
that sound saidIll be back!
So we better Wake up & hope its just a sign of
the times, & not a Stop Sign, In Time.

TRue IBiZa SToRies...

Copyright 2012, all rights reserved.

A Novel By Q DeRHINO

Or maybe it is and we get to turn it back!
Ill be back? Yep & Ill be Black! I heard he came
back as governor of Cali! Yeah! Arnold Supa-nayba!
The second coming! Part3
This time bigga!
Starring Will Smith...
Thats RightSupa Nigga!
Somebody call 9-11!
Hello? Can I Speak to Mr Chaney Please?
Yes that right DICK. The Dick Responsible for
Responsible For... Receiving the most in direct
business from the global conglomerate after Giving
a new meaning to the term The Robber Barrons!
But lets not sweat the loose Change[Q ,
3/20/11 11:01 AM
Link directly to Jason Bermas Film
Loose change..], Anyway Whats several billion
in Kuwaiti Gold Bullion between friends? Ahhh so
maybe thats Why The price of Gold has been sky
Music fades as its mixed into the sound of a dial
Music Starts,
#4 Violin playing Yogi Bear mixed with the sound of
items passing the bar code at heart beat rate until it
speeds up during junky totally super fast then the
flatline tone of no heart beat when the coughs
juxtapose video game kills and smokers cough at
the same time to a Dead Stop.
Chocolate cheese scene!
Yogis got a cheesy knob!
Camon! Camon!
Yogis got a cheesy knob!
Camon! Camon! Bear!
Camon! Camon! Bear!

TRue IBiZa SToRies...

Copyright 2012, all rights reserved.

A Novel By Q DeRHINO

Camon! Camon! Bear!
Yogis got a cheesy knob!
Camon! Camon! Bear!
Yogis got a girlfriend,
Suzi Suzi.
Yogis got a girlfriend,
Suzi Suzi Bear!
Suzi Suzi Bear!
Suzi Suzi Bear!
Yogis got a girlfriend,
Suzi Suzi Bear!
Suzi likes it in the fridge
Kinki Kinki.
Suzi likes it in the fridge
Kinki Kinki Bear!
Kinki Kinki Bear!
Kinki Kinki Bear!
Suzi likes it in the fridge
Kinki Kinki Bear!
Follow me over the shoulder, as I sneak in to the
fridge and pull out chocolate of all types and gorge
myself on the mixture with Cammonbear cheese.
Then as I hide the gruesome evidence, I leave trail
of chocolaty cheesy clues every where. You follow
me out of the kitchen into the living room.
Even though it was her that was pregnant, it was me
that had the cravings & it was always some strange
concocted desire.
Some ridiculously twisted act of sub defining culinary
desperation. It was during one of these late night
cravings that I discovered
Chocolate Cheese!!!![Q , 2/15/11 7:36 PM
Shoot chocolate cheese scene then segue
into Junky tv scene]
& that I too
.was a Junky!

TRue IBiZa SToRies...

Copyright 2012, all rights reserved.

A Novel By Q DeRHINO

I could watch a TV show for what seemed like an
eternity of people watching TV, & playing slay
station, and on the internet & sucked into their
myPods, myPads, & myPhones smoking, and on the
Fakebook... 24 fuckin 7 All Junkies Just like
Music Starts
#5 Junkie! Funky Conditioning With violin and
Guitar accenting the highlights
Visual of me falling asleep on the couch at the TV,
but on the screen there are scenes of me looking
like I really need a fix and am going to see my boy,
the dealer, when really I am going to the computer
center to play violent videogames with minors
Around the world, at Juegos En Red
slow pupil reflection shots of children watching TV
& simultaneously you see me fixing up in my room
at home and by all the sound effects you think its
smack but im just roling a joint which you dont see
till the last shot. When the coughing starts it
juxtaposes kills in the videogame room, & the
sound of items passing the bar code at heart beat
rate. untill it speeds up during junky. Totally super
fast, then the flatline tone of no heart beat, when
the coughs juxtapose videogame kills and smokers
cough at the same time to a Dead Stop. Flatline
sound continues.
Then the words slow and soulfull Funky
Fade to black.
Ibiza Beach Radio Movie reviewer PSA voice over,
Fade From black, open to me lying on the beach
Am I dead? I begin opening my eyes waking up
while listning to the radio Beach Radio DiscJockey
So Q How does it end?

TRue IBiZa SToRies...

Copyright 2012, all rights reserved.

A Novel By Q DeRHINO

At the end of the Folly-Wood Version, I heard we
get saved by the new world of Nano-tech devices that
ultimately allow the subject to be monitored at
All, Times! Remember? Total Re-call! or Total
of the population! Na, Really? Yeah! Well, VirtuReally!
Yeah! By living computers! With Total Retinal
Recall, face recognition capabilities & No Virtues!
(administered painlessly through genetically
modified Music, Medicine, & Mammas Milk)
This public service announcement :
has been brought to you by,
GMG! Your Genocidally Modified Government!
Thats Right! The filthy rich inter-planetary polluters
Presently supply the world With quality arms
While quietly Imprisoning the Minds of our So-SoSociety! With a Zeitgeist of mind melting media
over-loaded Madness! Thats right Folks!
Sponsored by: That never-ending battle 4 the
Mental visual & emotional vacuum of Your!
Thats right! You guessed it! That commando filled
fabricator of multiple murder scenes & scenarios
Your! Your! Your!
Powered by your very own Psychedelic Trance,
driven Imitation Plague Station!
Engineered by By Mindbendo: For external use only
Welcome to Your world.
It appears that all of the bill of rights & every civil, &
human right and civil liberty on the planet have been
systematically dismantled or totally destroyed during
the reign of one American President. Little did you
know the next one was going to try to out do his
predecessor by leaps and bounds! The future says
Twenty plus TRILLION Will Disappear, {get
laundered or outright stolen!} On the surface, and

TRue IBiZa SToRies...

Copyright 2012, all rights reserved.

A Novel By Q DeRHINO

close to three hundred trillion behind the scenes of
Falling Towers Credit Default Swaps, Hurricanes and
defective air travel & Fraudulent Foreclosures! This
is Ibiza beach radio! Thank You! & Have a nice
Day! Thank your Stars that Our Ibi-hood Films
Documentary Version has A much nicer ending!
Phone starts ringing off some where in the
distance and gets increasingly louder as the
narrators speech builds into a frenzy of ear
deafening hysteria by the word ME!
Imitating the beach radio DJ:
If you cant reach me by Gps linked handy com
personal homing device, maybe you can find me
watching the weather in Tokyo listening to GMS!
Experiencing my very own Psychedelic Trance!
Thats right! In the club! With a bottle full of Bub!
Mama I got what you need if you need to feel a buzz.
Im into having sex, I aint into making love! So
come give me a hug, if your into getting
Mugged?Cuz Im A mutha fuckin P.I.M.P but the
question of the hour is: thats right you guessed it
once again!!!!.. First of all what kind of resume is
that? & second of all
Y Me?
Then every thing stops Dead! Total silence Until
slowly you realize its not really silent because the
segalas are now growing to a deafning volume
somewhere in the distance. And it gets increasingly
louder as the frenzy of ear deafning segala
hysteria is about to drive you mad and then!
On the one, and in a very curious voice you hear
What say the sages of this,
Great Work of Ages?
As the wind starts to blow on the beach on a windy
day you hear the sea wrestling with the wind as the
sound of a telephone, Cell Phone starts ringing off

TRue IBiZa SToRies...

Copyright 2012, all rights reserved.

A Novel By Q DeRHINO

somewhere in the distance and gets increasingly
louder until Q answers it and says:
Yeah? yeah!
The Film, Ok sure
The festival, yeah but first the long term
implications and logistics
The foundation. It Better realize dreams in real
The fashion show! Woa yeah! The Clothing lines are
Moving around the world
The Comic book? We got global Anime contests in
art schools & local barrios
The Video game? CockStar is on it! They gotta
reality based role play location based virtual social
media enhanced Q 5,000 series game called Ibiza
Cocks you get to choose some unscrupulous
promoter who uses the innocence and vulnerability of
summer workers with the availability of super cheap
up and coming crooners! The place is loaded with
young dumb chicks! And Playback!
The Radio Show? oh we are syndicated intergalactic
now! I heard that group 2 many intergalactic dance
dominators listen to us regularly on Seriously
Telepathic! The Internet Video Series? Dude We got
live like Gary V and did a thousand episodes before
we spun it off and the cooking side got signed for a
two hundred million dollar Sponsorship from
Heartburn The Energy Drink! Who woulda thunk
it? Poor choice of names I thought but who could say
no to Heartburn? Clay our chef can whip you up a
fat free, lo cal, anti lactic, vegan delight quicker than
you can say Aliwalu!
The Podcast? Oh shit I forgot to upload AGAIN!
Can you excuse me for just a sec, thanx this will just
take a min. What?... No dont wory Im Self sufficient
I got 8G! The myPhone Application? Check
The myPad Interactive book? Im on It! Some Old
school freaks from Psilocybin Valley Rocked up to

TRue IBiZa SToRies...

Copyright 2012, all rights reserved.

A Novel By Q DeRHINO

the international Mushroom Summit and gave us the
Mando from fernando! We lucked the fuck out!
The Japan-imated Television Series?
I got it! cross apply comic books Anime and the
Barrio graffiti Artists and wicked!
Now will you get off the phone your fryin your
Yeah you gotta point, Chow!
Click! The phone hangs up.
Jump cut to laptop over the shoulder shot as it
finishes this line.
Scroll up titles below on screen as narrator reads
Guia 101 The Eco-logicaly chill... Rockumentary,?
That sounds a little weak dont you think?
Who the Red Fox is gonna Wanna go see that?
Who the Red Fox is Gonna Wanna?
Yeah! Who the Red Fox is Gonna Wanna Go and
see that?
Well of course, every one of The Red Foxes are
Gonna Wanna go! Everybody knows Red Foxes Love
a good story! Especially one with a little Bravofox
thrown in for good measure! The title may need some
work but...
The plot is obvious, the place is Guia, Scorpio
Sector Eivissa, & The Balearic Islands. The time is
now. @ The beginning of the So called second
millennium, around the year of The Monkey, The
Earth Monkey! Or was it the Rabbit? Anyway you
can start see that its set in the past present and future
all at the same time!
The story is told in the present tense, However you
are aware that even that, was making a reference to
the past. The future is alluded to so succinctly, you
also realize that it is your present as well. In this
moment you begin to see your future very clearly.

TRue IBiZa SToRies...

Copyright 2012, all rights reserved.

A Novel By Q DeRHINO

We are confused by time This is how they use
our minds its how we loose our minds. It's The
Greatest Illusion. [Q , 3/20/11 11:52 AM
Link to the website where you can listen
and buy greatest illusion by the muses
Rapt from the Album Galactic Love.]
And Third If you Remember the past, Why dont
you remember the future?
Or Do You?
Remember the Future...
Now Marinate on that one for a hot minute...
or a Cool Millennia,
You Choose...
Wide sweeping shots of the scenery blue, blue and
Sky and Sea
A narrated plot.
You know Redford style with out all the sap!
We could call it Noahs Park!
The Name kind of reminds you of Central Park
before they ruined it with all that Metropolis.
But what about those occidentals who wouldnt
know Noah from a nose bleed? Or Buddha from
a Bindi for that matter!
We might need something a bit more applicable to
more of the general public, like all of humanity, for
Tie in the bits about Nostradamus, and the rumors of
the end of days, combined with some Myan
Calender 2012 type stuff Its rumored that old
Nozzy said that when the shit finally hits the fan
because of Ibizas prevailing winds, he would rather
be in Ibi-Hood than Folly-wood but why?
Does any body really know what time its?
Does anybody really care?
And the day out of time,
And out of time people?

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

And so we just made videos of the songs that were
already there. There were like 100 of them. Then we
would edit together the video clips.
Telling the story in tight scenic vignettes. Like
Rockers! A Small Island Rockumentary vibe that
seems to happen over a weekend. But you flash back
to Montage Scenes of still and motion Shots
IBI-HOOD Films Documentary style.
Using the characters like Anna & Vitto, Juan, &
Robert Blane & Jamie & Henry Test Yeshe & Menno
in the conversations. This is where the interviews
come in. But the interviews get shot in Studios and
Houses, but then we also shoot the person, On
sweeping mountaintops, like near Es Cubells &
Cala Salada and other scenic sonic vista spots like Ez
Vedra. The rest is dialogue of conversations Using a
Polanski style in depth character dialogue to music in
the background.
A thinking persons film.
See now, After that you think Hey maybe I wanna
See it! But your going to have to change that title.
Maybe you should call it Ibiza Dreams... Nah! To
Neo Romantic & Contrived!
We use to hang out in the plaza des parc and
just convene between adventures, it was kind of like
main campus at Life University. You could pull up
and have a coffee and catch-up with what went on
last night, or what had been going on for the last ten
days or the last ten years. It all depended on who you
were talking to and what state of mind you all were
in. Anything was possible. An off hand comment
over a coffee after a three day party ride, could end
you up on a bus Boat or plane to a foreign land in a
heart beat. Or land you on an impromptu up close
and personal wild weekend with the Rolling Stones.
Or playin the role of a film star Starring in a film, all

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

the while actually Staring opposite Oscar winning
actors from multiple countries under the tutelage of
an Oscar winning director! With true stories like that
rolling around Who needed fiction! @ Life
University Ibiza campus, in the days before the
towers came down. In the days when Spain was still
cheap, in the days of the peseta, cheap coffee and
cheap everything! You know those days! Remember
the Days before the Euro? If you can remember the
euro was supposed to be the way out for ailing
countries of europe to be able to stand on solid
ground and become respectable members of the
european union. Sounds good doesn't it? However
thats not exactly what happened. What really
happened? It was a proud day for Spain, Finally
members of the new union of Genocidally Modified
Governments! You can almost hear them now...
...Yes we welcome all of our novice filthy rich
environmental destroyers with open arms, here in the
European Union. We will fight to uphold each and
every unfair, unjust and unscrupulous mechanism of
total Global Domination and Destruction that we
have learned from our killing cousins down through
the ages! And not only European! Were all gonna be
a peein, all over everybody under us on the Global
Economic Food Chain! So Welcome! Ahh Yesss,
SPAIN! Beautiful countryside, natural resources and
coastline... and positive vibrations! Yes we need to
take care of that, for sure! Lets get the boys down to
Galicia and see what they can dig up, turn over, and
accidentally get you all on both sides of the oil
wagon... And Lets Get That National Heritage Site In
Ibiza Up and Running...
Those days were different, because the people were
different, they were people who came to Be not
people who came to see...
It was like Fantasy Fuckin Island & Any thing
Was possible

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

But I often sat and wondered Y?
What was different about the energy of that white
Island. And It wasnt even White! It was green
actually. But the energy was white hot! You could
round the corner in the neighborhood of Calla Carbo,
and get smacked full in the Face with Ez Vedra, the
second most magnetic place on the planet after the
north pole! Or was it the south pole? Maybe a
direct link with so much magnetism made a sort of
protective covering that protected us more or less
from the Electro Magnetic Grid that blankets our
I mean dont get me wrong, we have electricity on
the island as well! Well Kind of. The electricity of
manifestation is some times much more Striking than
the electricity sent from the Power Station. It works
especially well when you dont exercise the use of
mobile phones... Funny that.
The more specific you are in the contemplation of the
desire, the more specific is the delivery function of
the manifestation.
This being A general Consequence of Specific
Method Manifesting & Visualization. The strange
thing was that If you kept a track of your lucid
dreams, you would find that they were providing you
with a road map. A road map by night, that if you
studied carefully could guide you by day And
some times well in advance, the same way you would
prepare for a holiday or a journey. The dreams give
you advance warning of how you may have handled
the situation that you are yet to experience in your
System Dominated Dimension. But if youve ever
been lost & tried to use a road map by night to try to
find your way, you remember that: The lack of light
Alters your perspective
So maybe we do remember the future And we just
dont rememberBecause you dream almost every

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

night, dont you? But How much of that do you
remember? Remember?
I remember waking up one morning in a cactus
garden, after an all night holy incarnation at the
Underground,.. with an extremely clear and vivid
dream. It was so vivid that I had to tell any, & every
body I could about it. I even put the message out over
the airwaves. Now under normal circumstances that
would be ok, but you needed to know what the
Underground was. I mean I aint talking about the
London subway, but dont take my word for It. Tell
you what DJ Mag had to say about it at the timeI
remember the interview I was wearing a marijuana
leaf Tshirt, and they printed the photo!With me
looking like I had just spent 4 days seriously On
One! yeah, Welcome to Ibiza Cocaine Discos,
Y Auto-Pistas! It was a mate of mine from London
that gave this particular establishment its dark and
seedy name. My mates name was Raff. Raff
Ravenscroft if you can believe that. But I tell you the
truth is far stranger than fiction. Raff was a privileged
soul, Not to say that he came from a rich family, oh
no, Raff was privileged because he was walking with
the Angels but in reality. The Angels were just
carrying him from bar to bar, and occasionally paying
the tab. Raff was one of those people that is so
fuckin lucky that you just cannot believe the truth of
his great fucking luck! It does help that he was also
ridiculously talented as well. And if you ever went to
school you quickly learn that those who are
extremely talented tend to sometimes be a little bit,
shall we say LAZY? You mix those two ingredients
with a couple pints of beer and throw in a dick in a
box, and you have one of the worlds greatest
saxophone players ever! Living or dead. The Dick in
the box reference is linked to the way professional
Sax Players can Use the Sax Like a worm on a hook
And Catch almost anything in the room so watch

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

your girl!! Or your Guy!! Not all great Professional
Sax players are Men or straight!!
I first met Raff In Paradise. Or Should I say I was
tending bar at his favorite haunt and hunting ground,
The Paradise.
The Paradise Bar Its on the edge of Kensal Rise.
Just over the stiff-upper lip of Knotting Hill in
Ladbrooke Grove, on Kilburn Lane. A stones throw
from the Harrow Road. Sitting pretty as she can in all
that lovely London weather. All sun and no shine
makes even the happiest of chaps lose their patience
with the day of hunting record execs, and head for
serene shelter, from the impending storm thats
crackling above your head that is. So, you start to
Run! And just up the fanny crack of the Harrow
Road in North West 10 you will find The Paradise,
and in that moment you too will shut the door behind
you leaning on it clinging to it exhausted from your
life saving, rain soaked, sweat shaking, 100 yard dash
into the arms of ahhh yes Paradise! When you find
it, you fall in love. And if you know Knotting Hill,
then you know Carnival, The sound Systems,
Norman Jay Sancho Panza, Dj Mass The William
the Fourth pub And The Paradise Bar. The William
was one of the first of those Old mens drinking pubs
in The North West of London that had been converted
over to an up market Hoity Toid Guppy Media bar.
And by guppies I mean big fish wannabees.
The Paradise was slightly off the Harrow Road,
across from the cemetery through the back ally and
directly in front of Number One Regents Street
There She Stood... And as you Lay your feet on the
front steps, she truly was Paradise. and she was
full of big fish, the key as always, was to learn how
to swim with the sharks without getting eaten alive.
This bar just so happened to be Exactly 400 yards as
the crow flies from the front steps of Virgin Records.
Home of the self made billionaire Richard Branson.

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

Before they were taken over by EMI. Branson is on
Television as Im writing this is. It seems hes
entering a 2 billion dollar deal with Boeing It looks
like hes trying to create the worlds first bio fueled
air fleet Branson, The Branding King
Back On The Hunt! Now lets see back to our story...
The Paradise, Moments before I encountered her
for the first time...The Paradise that is,
I Too, {in Good Will of course} was doing a little
Hunting of my own Thats right Doc!Record
Execs! That is!
Now back to our story... the reason Im waking up in
a cactus garden at a bar on an island in the middle of
the Mediterranean, is because Raff told me it would
be a good Idea. The reason why he told it to me that,
was well, due to the fact that on that particular day
in May I had just returned from a well deserved
holiday from the Paradise. Not to mention the fact
that British customs in Heathrow had just informed
me, (after a brief 7 hour up close & purrrsonal
interview of course) that I had exactly 24 hours to
return to Heathrow with all of my worldly
possessions or they were going to Keep my passport,
[ which at that particular stage of the conversation
was already in their possession, so I had reason to
believe, that little threat could be easily carried
out] and process my papers as an illegal immigrant
as well as hand my passport over to the British
immigration office. Since that meant leaving my
family friends, my job, Girl friend, and Flat.
A Flat that was exactly 4, thats right, not six! or
eight! But a Flat exactly 4 minutes walking distance
from alarm clock to clocking in at work! I didnt just
need advice,
I needed a new life!

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

I had just come from touring a couple of dates in
Italy with Dj Mass from Shoreline Records. I had
recorded my first House single with him, and it
seemed it was taking off in Italy. So we went to
Napoli to play some live dates at an amazing club
called Velvet. Velvet was run by one of masss best
friends that he grew up with, they had been boys back
in the days. So when Mass dropped swingers delight
and it started moving up the rail, Masss boy at Velvet
hooked us up with a little tour of not only his club,
but also one massive four hundred table beach club
on the other side of the mountains. Getting there was
majestic but The Velvet?? Wuuooooaaa I loved how
the Italians lived the summer night life in the street,
talking and drinking, and just all around hanging out
all night long. It was Sooo fucking hot in Napoli in
may. All the girls were out in short ass, cut off jeans,
and every-nothing that they could get a way with.
They were stopping me in the street to take me on car
rides to their parents house, who were not home.
They were pulling me over on the side of the road to
take me for a drive around the city and then we
would park Park and make out and laugh and feel
each other up till we were all wet with summer,
dripping like ice cream after the ice has been broken
and everybodys all creamy & Sweet! You know
Napoli! The first thing they tell you when you arrive
in Napoli is: Hey whatever you do dont stop at the
red lights. Now forgive me for sounding ignorant as
hell! But what the fuck do you do at the red lights if
you cant stop?? YOU GO! Came a crescendo of
symphonic voices in unison, as if this mantra had
been instilled in every Neapolitan since birth. There
was first the fact that if you were born in Napoli that
made you Officially Neapolitan and NOT Necessarily
ITALIAN. And All I could think of was that is
exactly the same thing you learned when you were
born in the Bronx wasn't it? We were from the Bronx

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

and if any one asked me if I was American The first
thing I would Think of Was Hell Fuckin no! Im from
the Bronx! So With the Neapolitans I could totally
relate. We came to Napoli to push the edge a little
higher with this single, it was called 'Swingers
Delight' and it definitely had a future. Dj Mag had
listed it in their hype 70 as a white label and it ranked
higher than the orbital! The word was getting out in
the street. When people asked me what I was doing
working in the bar in the North West of London, I
would say; oh dont You worry Im not here trying
to work my way up the London restaurant ladder, I
get discovered In Paradise Well if that was the
case, then it was DJ Mass that discovered me. Ok i
say he discovered me but it wasn't because I was
Hidin out! I was already seriously on the grind
hunting record executives as they came in for drinks
and food. I figured since I couldn't get past the
secretary at Virgin, I was gonna Let the virgin come
to Papa! Hey I figured even Virgins get thirsty,
sometimes... It was one afternoon while waiting all
day for a five oclock appointment with the manager
of a band called the Juiceboys. The Manager used to
hang out smoke cigars & drink Guinness in a long
dark coat at the Paradise between appointments,
seems he was good friends with some guy named
Oakee . He keeps going on about Oakee! I was just
on the phone ta Oakee the other day I kept
thinking, Who the fuck is Oakee? Little did I know
Oakee was going to get Michael Jackson to pose for
him on his billboard in Ibiza, advertising his new
album. It was called A Lively Mind...
so who does it
look like to you?[Q , 2/14/11 10:39 AM
look up Photo of Oakie from the cover of
a lively mind and then compare to a
photo of MJ from 2001-2008 ]

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

...or the direct translation, My stylist is blind! I cant
tell the two of them apart anymore! Anyway, Later I
would have the great Fortune to Interview Oakee In
Ibiza On the 20th anniversary of Amnesia. We did it
live in Amnesia Radio Studios, even then, David
Levy was close, with a few degrees of separation, I
would stumble upon that soon enough. The Studio
was situated at he highest point of the club, right
under that Amazingly huge Amnesia sign he gave a
pretty good interview talking about the old days of
Amnesia and how it has been a club for more than 20
years and this was just her 20th anniversary as a
super club. Then he proceeded to play a pretty good
set considering how long hes been in it and on tour
all this time. Ok maybe a little out of touch, but not
any more than Nacho Gonzalez Who I must say Fell
the fuck off the fucking map! His technical aspect of
his playing was amazing but the tune selection?
Totally patronizing his lame ass mates with songs
from years ago and old Commercial, played out
commercial ones at that! Just wack as hell! I dont
Know how to explain it! Hell Its not like Im saying
he just did not need to be playing anymore! It was
like he was just a radio Show brought to the disco
with great skills but just there to sell you super
commercial music that to me was with out feeling.
How was that possible this guy was so nice! However
I felt he was just some crazy dinosaur relic that was
not really with what the fuck was going on,
technically yes but Soul-School? Nope he didnt get
the fact that the people he was playing the music to
were 12 years old when the tracks he was dropping
came out so if you missed the hit, theres a good
chance that the remix will be totally lost to you, IF
IT AINT GOT NO SOUL THAT IS... if it does they
will feel it! At the end of his Party in the best club in
the world on the ten year anniversary of his party
Escape from New York it finished with about 12

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

drunk kids on the dance floor when Nacho grabbed
the mike and said You have been Released! And It
was Like.. Thank Fucking God! Lets get the fuck
outta here that was horrendous get your belt and
shoelaces, were outta here! Flash back from ibiza
moments in paradise to the past, in my present
moment in The Paradise... I stared out the front
window for what seemed like three years! Watching
busses blur past me on the Kilburn high road,
advertising in full length red and utter bullshit, more
frivolous shit I didnt need or want. Force feeding
bartenders, and every other fucker in eye distance
with this months Popular Poison Product for the
People! All served with a great big fake as fuck, see
these lips so red?.. their built to suck & smile
smile smile So there I stood, once again drifting
into that VH1 behind the music fantasy of a big ass
mansion in the hills of a Mediterranean Island,
recording studio attached. We had Jacuzzis,
swimming pools saunas and hoop courts & horses all
on the premises. I was seeing the private jet we
needed to go on tour because the family was just
getting too big to fly sleazy jet! I was pulling into
truck stops around the world to refuel cause Im
running the Mutha-ship on re-gentrified Bio-diesel
and only the local truck stops had enough reprocessed fryer fat to keep my little butterfly wings a
flapping. Flap flap. Flap flap. Flap flap. Flap flap...
Then slowly but surely five oclock came and went
and no sign of the guard dog for the Juice boys. So
my demo CD sat there next to the register
contemplating stereo-sushi-cide wondering weather
or not it was going to spend the rest of its days
attached to the rack, at the back of the room that kept
all the cds that got played to death in any hip up
market Uber trendy, spendy London Restaurant
The clocked ticked on but nothing happened.

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

And then... Then as I peered out the window
something was different. Something was changing,
You could almost feel it in the air... It was like the
night before christmas and all through the house not a
drunkard was slurring not even a spouse! And then
almost as if by sheer miraculous touch of the hand of
god... It started to rain. I knew this was an Omen,
but I just couldnt figure out weather it was a really
good one or a really bad one. Then all of a sudden a
familiar face appeared through the front door.
It was that DJ Who threw the occasional party at the
Paradise upstairs and Always hosted his party during
the Notting Hill Carnival.[Q , 2/14/11 1:32 PM
search photos and footage of the carnival
and a sound system experience.] DJ Mass.
I hadnt seen him in a while, word on the street was
that he was on a tour in Italy. He walked up to the
counter and said;
Hey Q I had this strange dream when I was in Italy,
I had this dream dat I heard your voice singing on
one of my tracks do you Sing?
And As I reached back to grab that Cd, I just barely
saved It from increasing its shelf life-sentence. I
handed it over to him, and a few weeks later after a
short recording stop off in the house of Paul Cari a
bright young Italian producer & longtime friend of
Mass, Swingers Delight was in the can, and ready
for White Label release. So when it hit the streets in
Italy some months later, the buzz ballooned enough
to warrant a little trip. A few weeks later when we
returned from that little trip into waiting arms of
Heathrow airport police, Mass and the entourage
went through, the entourage being our respective
girlfriends, and I waited around while the welcoming
committee tried to piece together my so called
average life, from the contents of my personal
belongings. With the direct intent on ending that said
life inside the UK. The funny thing was, just one hour

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

earlier, as I watched the clouds hang over London
town like sheep huddled up for the last supper before
every body turns into a brand new winter coat for
Christmas I was trying to figure out how to do the
exact same thing. How do I get a New Life?
You see in that present life Raff and I had entered
into an artistic venture together in Paradise since
his hanging out and drinking, and my hanging out
and getting him drunk had grown a bit tiresome We
needed action! So Charras Blue Acid Was Born! I
came up with a name for a once a month party that
could bring our friends together and give us a yet
another more interesting way to get drunk & stoned
while otherwise thoroughly enjoying ourselves.
Charras Blue Acid was a Bit like, Well a bit like a
cozy jam with your music friends while your
Grandma was away and you were watching the
house. Just friends or friends of friends Candles
cozy room, acid jazz between sets. Charras blue
Acid! And with the right mixed drink going around or
odd Chocolate sweetie, you could set the room off
like a fire cracker out on her first date, with Johnny
Storm Blazin! This, was London Town And we
were having the time of our lives,.
. Back to back!
Jacked and strapped!
Work to pay the rent this week!
Top up me mobile!
& score some geek!...
Livin Large in the London Trap!
In my Spendy Flat! to quote an interview I heard
about london that really sums it up:
We were havin such a great time we didnt realize
what an Absolutely Shit time we were havin.
If you could imagine what the corner of Kensal Rise
and the Harrow[Q , 2/14/11 1:36 PM
Take a walk about on The Kensal High
road] road were like at the turn of the millennium.

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

In the world of communications, business was
booming! Young university post grads, three or four
years out of school pulling down tidy salaries, and
paying heavy bills. Fuck the long since gone days of
the simple over-draft, nowadays you had your bank
managers number on speed dial! But all work with
no say, leaves you with your spare time looking for
another way up the ladder. So Social Networking
pulled up along side getting absolutely fucked up,
winked batted her eyelashes, & battened down the
hatches. Then she turned her head and smiled. This
little hot bed of media bald heads and Wonder-boobs
was the feeding pond, for the bigger fish to find next
months Monica Lewinsky. Mobys Recording studio
was down the street in a block of studios, made
famous by the likes of The Sex Pistols, Malcolm
McLaren & The Clash! So when Mobys Multi
faceted album Play went Platinum, they came down
to celebrate, in The Paradise. Im Gonna Walk out
Baby Woo! When the band James were having a
bit of a gathering of the band, they did it in the front
room At The Paradise. You could find one of the
Crash test dummies testing out the fine cuisine or
sitting in on a Charras Blue Acid Set!
The band Placebos, Original mad house was only
around the corner on the Harrow Road another 200
meters and you could always catch the drummer
coming in for drinks or dinner. There were more
professional band members floating in and getting
fucked up in that bar, than there were Homeies
holding it down in da hood! And if you were lucky
enough to miss dinner and arrive late? Thats when
the action really got hot! This place was the spot!
Rocko The Super fuckin out-there rock guitarist for,
who knows what fucking great rock band... Would
roll up three minutes after closing, dressed like a rock
star in his home town pullin mad respect! Rocko
would walk in wearing a coat that could cut all your

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

illusions into full, free form, thinly sliced chunks of
Rock & Roll Reality! They would sit around and
have wine and tell tales of rocks rowdy days of
Whisky on the Rocks & Chicks on the Cocks!
Rock, Coke! & Roll! Baby!
And every last one of them knew Raff on a first name
And not just because in the stairway of the paradise
as you walk upstairs to the toilets there was a Life
size painting of him, sax in hand underneath a street
sign that says Baker Street
No that painting was just a symbol of the legend
that became the myth that became the consumer of all
things holy, and hangover sanctioned. So no, not for
that reason eitherYou see Raff wasnt your
everyday run of the mill band member, or mad
musician. Or your everyday hang out at the bar and
snake free beers, from friendly bartender types, oh
no. Raff was so much more...
Raff, was The One!
Yeah yeah! Thats right the one He had at the time
of our first meeting already recorded over 700
But not just any singles! Raff had a way of the great
ones finding him!
When his music career started he was quite young but
found out that playing the cello was not the most
exciting instrument choice in the world, nor was it
redefining his role as an international sex symbol.
However as a musician learning your Craft at the
conservatory, beggars cant be choosers. And at that
particular time in history Raff was doing just that
Begging! Or Busking As its called in the upper
echelons of Raggle Daggle Gypsy Society
However when youre attending the music
conservatory the cash thats grand... is the cash in
hand! The only problem for Raff was that when he
found a good spot to busk in the London

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

Underground, he realized that people were giving all
the money to the guy playing the damn saxophone
two places down! They just didnt dig the Cello. So
quick to pick up on the schtik, Raff went and got a
Sax from the local pawn shop and started blowing
away in the same underground station. Pretty soon
not only was he makin a couple of coins, but a guy
approached him and asked him if he would like to
make a couple of bucks playing at a local recording
studio, seems that they were looking for an energetic
sax player and he fit the bill. So a young and very
enthusiastic Raff Ravenscroft goes into the studio and
records the sax for a song called Get it right back
where you started from with Maxine Nightingale.
It goes number one in England then number one
around in the world..,.
And as the Spark that lit the waking world,
somewhere deep in the outer rings of space, a trillion
megaton blast was charted on the vibrational scans of
all those with in its Sonic cypher...
And like a Supernova a Superstar was Born.
Raff Ravenscroft was about to go on the first of his
world tours as a Sax player, & he never looked back.
He later went on to meet up with a young Jerry
Rafferty and recorded the amazing Baker Street. That
Sax solo is probably one of the most memorable Sax
hooks in rock history if you just listen you can hear it
off in the distance. He also was fortunate enough to
play on Lauras theme on the Blade Runner Sound
track for yes, Vangellis. But even all of that Great as
it was, was not the reason why I thought Raff was
The Greatest living Sax player alive or dead. For me,
it was that little stint he did with that seldom heard of
& rarely listened to little band by the name of Pink
Floyd. Raff played with them live on tour from the

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

Wall to the Final Cut. He said it took 4 years to tour
the wall the set up for the stage alone took three days
and on the fourth day all hell would break loose for
the show and they would knock it down for the Mind
Splitting spectacular performance in a matter of
minutes! Yes That Raff Fucking Ravenscroft!
Aaaaaagh How many times I sat up in my college
dorm room Zooted to the b-Jesus listening to that
sax!!! When I look Back on It I wonder if that baker
street song was about Raff. He was always that
rolling stone. Talking about leaving london for good,
and buyin that piece of land and settlin down. Giving
up the booze & the one night stands
Maybe ill Never Know... What I do know, is that on
May 31st 2001 when Raff introduced me to Juanito
and Jesus, [whos name was Pronounced Hey-Soos,
two very important men who had lived on and off the
island for over twenty years.] I expected fancy cars
and Ibiza Bling. We were waiting for them in the cafe
at the Hostal Parque in the Plaza des park in Ibiza,
were going to have a business meeting. Funny thing
is, when they arrived they were wearing wife beaters
and shorts & were on bicycles! And the banter that
was constantly going on between them sounded like
two gay hair dressers trying to cut medusas hair on
her wedding day! However they Also didn't Appear
to be gay! They just couldnt agree on anything!
However, it seemed that they were always on the
same side of the argument! Were they arguing or
agreeing? What was going on? I couldnt make out
what sort of electromagnetic interference had them
up in a stir. Or exactly what the relationship between
the two men was. Then Jesus reached out his hand to
shake mine, and instantly I got an instant Rush of
premonition and said directly to him, What ever it is
that you are waiting for? Dont worry you got it
He was waiting for the phone call from the owners of
the former Indiana Caf,.. on that day May 30, 2001

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

The Ibiza Underground was born and as of May 30
2012 it was still running at capacity. Its the ten year
Anniversary today and the Space Opening Jose Maria
Ramon Is Dj ing and Anna Ibiza Global Radio Is
hosting the show streamed live over the internet to
millions around the globe, but it wasnt always like
that. However at that Exact moment back in 2001
even the underground was still nameless. The fourth
gentleman at the caf that day was a guy called Dick
Fly. I could remember that Dick Fly was the sole
contact name that was given to me in London, that
last night at the Paradise before I left to follow Raffs
lead to Ibiza. I was told that if I got into a fix of any
kind, the man that could sort you out on the Island
was this Fly Guy. I got that hot contact from my
favorite London Dj & friend Hugh. He said that
Dick had a handle on most things going on down
there and if I needed to, I should contact The Fly.
Little did I know that The Fly wasn't very interested
in new friends of my particular persuasion at that
moment. And if your wondering my Persuasion was
Ibiza Virgin & Culturally Clueless, He was busy
with his Chirringito in Sestanyol with Dan Duran,
Jade Jaggars boyfriend His last name wasn't really
Duran but It Fit. So I used it. Its like that some times
isnt it? You get together with your friends and you
have alternative names for everybody catchy little
nicknames that sometimes just fit. Like The
Hempster! It helped me remember the people
moving coming and going. everybody didnt get one
but some people did. Dan was one of those that did.
Dan was one of the nicest people I had met. He was
sweet in that sensitive real sort of way. Just an artist
struggling to make his way in the land of the
superstars. But He had a way of staying in good
company so there was no feeling sorry for him, just
the watching of the story unfold. Like a good book or
a soft film, the every day struggles of the rich and

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

shameless was becoming my daily fascination. What
would the sons and daughters of the glutton
generation do next? So I would go to Sestanyol and
watch what they were up to. I had never seen a
Chiringito before and was glad just to get to the
beach and tan a bit, I had spent the previous winter in
London and it was so cold & wet, I never went to the
beach even if there was one. So I wanted to taste this
new experience from the inside out. I remember
landing in the middle of the afternoon getting off the
plane and catching a cab to downtown Ibiza on my
way to the Hostal Parque, the taxi ride was one of the
strangest experiences Id had in my life.
First there were miles of billboards with people I had
never heard of, on them. I mean NEVER! Who were
these people? Who was this Ibizzare 40 foot Jesus
[Q , 2/12/11 8:07 AM
Find a photo of that giant Ibbizarre
bilboard.]Impersonator with the Giant Joint? And
that Jesus as in [Gee-ZuS! H Christ!]
And and a guy named Sven Vath[Q , 2/12/11
8:11 AM
Link to all of Svens stuff plus our DJ
Sounds interviews with him on the ten
years of Cocoon] with giant billboards like they
were selling perfume or Jesus Jeans or something,
but what were they selling? This Ibizzare cat aka 40
foot Smokin Jesus he seemed to be sellin a cd of
some kind but by the looks of it, you got a free
Jssoint in the box for sure! And those other ones
were pretty out of control too! Like What the Fuck
Was a La Troya Assesina? And the chick in the
photo was out of the Rocky Horror Picture Show For
certain. The thing that was the most disturbing
however, was the fact that I didnt see any people. In
the streets, that is or anywhere else for that matter,
and it was the middle of the day! The Shops seemed

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

to be shut down, and it was like a GHOST TOWN.
loads of advertising but no people to see it! I mean
really! A ghost town, no stores open not a soul to be
seen, not even traffic
I got out of the Taxi at the plaza des parque. When
he gave me my change, I realized I had a Hundred
and thirty five pesetas left to my name. which is a
bout one US Dollar thats 2011 dollars This
stunning realization left me feeling absolutely
weightless, relived that I had not arrived as a tourist.
I knew I couldnt loose my money here, I didnt have
Only one way to go from here, Straight Up! Later
when they would change from the peseta to the euro,
that would be less that one euro, it would be about
85 cents. But I felt like I had come Home
Since Juanito and Jesus really needed help getting
things off the ground, and The Fly was preoccupied with Dan Duran & Sestanyol, It looked like
I could be employed again after all! But they still
needed a name
So the Underground was born after a very painful
extended laborious selection process. When it was
done we were sitting out side on the property and
Raff just said Why dont we call it The Underground
like the London underground you know Ibiza
Now if you can imagine first of all Juanito and Jesus
who never under any circumstances seemed to agree
on anything, however having said that they are also
known far and wide for taking an undivided approach
to that stance. In other words they always do most
things together. So at some point a decision is made,
and side by side they will be. You see Juanito and
Jesus were International Party Jet Set Icons... They
had been in the entertainment business for over
twenty years and they had seen them come and seen
them go. They were born the sons of French and

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

Spanish parents so had the privilege of being multilingual and throw in the fact that they spoke English
as well as the fact that these brothers were actually
quite good with people. Don Juanito would spin the
tunes and his brother would handle the bar and the
cash, and keep the party going, from the booze and
beverage side of things.These two brothers had used
this formula around the world and were good at it
They had personality, were good looking, and Juanito
knew how to work a packed room till all hands were
in the air and you were screaming your lungs out
OTRA! OTRA! Just one more track pleeeease! Were
all here TOGETHER! And we just see friendly faces
enjoying, together, full smiles and powerful energy!
Meanwhile the human relations you need with the
staff during an event like the ones they created, was
like the owner of the casino in Fear and Loathing in
Las Vegas when the action is on everything is
psychedelic but your still closing new deals with new
clientele, glad handing the general population of your
existing clients, and throwing amazing Historic Life
changing Baby makin parties! This goes hand in
hand when dealing with the intergalactic movers and
groovers of the glutton generation. They even met
Jade Jaggar on one of those far eastern travels, and
brought her to Ibiza for the first time. They had a
formulaThey knew how to create an ambiance that
attracted sweet-bees and not just wanna-bees.
But how do you create a Cult hang out in place where
every body wants to be a V.I.Fuckin P-?...
Now that!... My good friend,
Is the 6 billion dollar Question! or the 4 thousand
pound question or the 2 million euro question
depending on the FOREX movements of the
The next thing needed was renovation and
reconstruction, and since I was the low man on all the
poles guess who got the juicy jobs. I.e. digging,

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

sewing, painting & cleaning? Yeah you guessed it! I
remember digging the trench from the fucking
highway to the building, so we could lay the main
power cable, I was out there sweating my balls off in
the hot ass sun, when one of my old boys from the
Paradise, Ladbroke Grove, 'Gordon' drove by with
his girl Leeann in the car. She saw me digging and
was like, was that Q from the Paradise digging a
ditch on the side of the Motor-way? In IBIZA?
Naaaah Im-pos-sible! They kept driving.
Gordon was a Paradise regular[Q , 2/12/11 8:24
Check out pics of the paradise bar in
Kensel Rise and the website] and Ladbrooke
Grove[Q , 2/12/11 8:25 AM could do a
location based discount deal at the
paradise to begin The Journey] cult
phenomenon. He was a photographer by trade, but
grew up in The Grove and was something of an
information mogul. He knew everybody in London
that had a great reputation for something. He had just
been in the scene for so much of his life that it was
something that seemed just to come natural. Getting
to know, "People in the know. And in the Grove that
meant every race color and creed you could imagine.
Gordon reminded me of Danny Bonnadano from The
partridge family, [Q , 2/12/11 8:28 AM
Look up The Partridge Family fan Sites
on the web. ]if he grew up and kept all his
Hollywood connections & stayed cool if you could
imagine what that happy go lucky kid Danny was like
before he got jaded Gordon threw the best Private
parties in London, with the most interesting, &
multifaceted individuals you could imagine turning
up. Gordons studio was in Harlesden, it was a
massive warehouse divided in two parts. Two
separate doors appeared as you entered from the

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

street. One on the left one the right the Red pill or
the Blue pill, [Q , 2/12/11 8:29 AM
Link to matrix websites and red pill blue
pill & Memorabilia] you
have the power to choose He would have a Dj line
up on one side with some of the greatest party DJs
you wanted to listen to, and dance like crazy with a
smile on your face. And on the other side he would
have live Bands one after the other all night long.
Different genres of music, smashing and crashing
with the melting pot that is London. The molten
human culture stirrer.[Q , 2/12/11 8:30 AM
Click to purchase Molten Human Culture
stirrer T Shirts!!] [A decade Later I would give
that Name to Amnesia on her twentieth anniversary
as a super club The Mini Molten human Culture
Stirrer.] Gordon & I knew each other because I
worked in The hot spot, and Gordons parties were
only Promoted person to person. Back in the days
before the SMS or Facebook it was all Face 2
Face! You needed a special ticket to get in and
they werent for sale! So clued in bartenders who
worked at the up-market bars were vitally important.
The bartenders would distribute the tickets to the Key
individuals they knew, who then in turn would do the
same, it kept out the Riff Raff, and the undesirables
and because you couldnt buy your way in It Just
wasnt for everybody
I remember going inside the underground for the first
time[Q , 2/12/11 8:32 AM
search video of the underground and
party vids +Links to the resident djs
there], and seeing that there was a 30 foot tree in
side the building. They had built the place around a

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

massive tree, and left it in the ground! I painted the
bar top black, as I looked out past the tree onto the
dance floor exhausted from a days work in the hot
Mediterranean sun, but satisfied from a job well
done. And then when the work was all done I got to
bed down for the night in my tent inside the cactus
garden out side the now infamous super big, plate
glass Window that over looks the dance floor.[Q ,
3/1/11 3:06 PM Use an original photo
from inside get one with the boys]
Now I dont know if you have ever lived in a Spanish
cactus garden,[Q , 2/14/11 11:08 AM
Find a Pic of the infamous Undergrounds
actual cactus garden] but let me tell you, there
is a fine art to coming home at night a little wasted.
Theoretically you could kill yourself while stopping
for that absolutely unavoidable late night,
jeans to tight, six beers to the wind, leaning on the
back alley wall, desperation piss. Without that alley
and with no wall, Just 8 foot cactus sofas? Falling
over is a fate far far worse than death. Well one
morning I remember waking up one after an all night
holy incarnation at the Underground, with an
extremely clear and vivid dream I dreamt I saw the
edge of my home town The horizon of New York
city with a Massive Mushroom cloud And then I saw
armies marching thousands of armies marching and
then a scene like Levitt-town getting hit with an Hbomb [Q , 2/14/11 11:09 AM
Check out the a vids of the Levittown
houses being flatened ] disappearing in a cloud
of smoke a lot of grey smoke It was July 2001.
There was one major event that took place at the
Underground that I can say truly was a catalytic event
one that turned the tides, on the movement of the
masses that summer we had a very strict code of
invitation so we were going to grow organically.

TRue IBiZa SToRies...

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

However the best laid plans of mice and men got laid
to waste the moment Bushwaka had his birthday
party. Bushwacka was the second half of the
underground Dynamic dance duo that were Layo &
Bushwacka. I had spent the afternoon stocking the
bar as per usual but I noticed we were stocking like
workers on the great wall of china who were about to
break for lunch. I was curious then later that night we
went from five to fifty to 800 people heaving,
sweating, drinking, Smoking, dancing, laughing,
hysterically, pumping, humping, grinding, sexing,
flexing, fucking, sucking, licking, touching, and
screaming... in sweet harmonic dissonance glowing
in their differences. Colors sizes, faces, shapes,
Ecstatic, electric, peaceful, safe. It cemented my
growing belief that I had stumbled onto something
very extraordinary and I had better do my best to
investigate that something to the fullest extent... as
many times as humanly possible.
Love Rev Tantric Intro while walking down the
Music Starts #6 Happiness is True 7:48
Walking on the beach alone then montage walking
around in town glad handing and kissing the peeps
in slow mo and quick frames slowing down for all
the mafamilia moments. Shoot from several angles
so when you return to slomo you see un-seen
transactions of all kinds Although you never get
to see enough to make out the nature of the item.
Discretion for us Was just a away of life , Wasnt
I remember the turn of the Millennium quite
clearly, some fat dude in an ugly ass, shiny sequined
dress was singing this horrible tune on the TV called

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

Millennium. Yeah, If you can believe that. They said
his name was Robbie Williams [Q , 2/12/11
8:34 AM
Get a Copy of that millennium video. With
Robby singing in the dress, nuff said.] and
all could think of, was the fact that he was probably
at the Elvis Stage of his career, and I would be
seeing his VH1 Behind the music Where are they
now? Special Edition, very very, shortly. Who knew
he could hang on for so long and crank out a couple
of down right classics in the meantime? And then
have lived long enough for a boy band REUNION?
In those days I was spending my time auditing a
global Marketing MBA at Penn State University at
The Smeal College of Business.
However as simple as that sounds, to my friends from
Europe, their Trans-Atlantic translation was, Im in
The State Penn, doing time cus my Global
Marketing business got audited by Smeal, a
Colleague and Master Administrator.
[Which isnt exactly the same Thing.]
But Were talkin about the land of the Free White Men
and the Home of the Slaves... So Anythings possible.
At that time there was an ass shakin hit and a half,
on the decks, spinnin on da delli. [Which directly
translated from hood rap would mean Spinning
Every day Delli short for daily.]
A ready made legendary classic. The track was by
the Notorious B.I.G Biggie Smalls.[Q , 2/12/11
8:35 AM
Look up Notorious The Movie And The
Web site.]
The Don of the Ea$t Coa$t Rap game, and big dog in
the Bad boy Bullpen. At the time there was a line in
the track that hit Fuck the State Penn, fuck Hos at
Penn State! [Q , 2/12/11 8:36 AM
Get some direct links to penn State

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

Smeal biz stuff and Football games the
pre game and post win celebrations] Listen
close its Francis, the preying Mantis After
spending a few years building an independent record
label there, I was starting to understand exactly, what
Biggy was on about Fuck the state Penn
Auditing is what you do when you take a
course but forgo receiving credit for the class.
Most people find this a curious path to higher
education and ask why? Well Now, Why do you
Audit a Class? Cuz then its free! And who gives a
fuck about the credit? Id rather get the knowledge
for free, than pay for some shit you probably aint
never gonna use any damn way. Like just sit and
think about how many times somebody actually
asked to See that Diploma of yours you got, and it all
comes a bit clearer doesnt it, now, marinate on That
One for a minute. If push comes to shove At least
you sat through the class and retrieved the Precious
knowledge, without parting with any hard earned,
cash. Or in many student cases, Easily Acquired
CASH. Surprisingly you will find that in an extreme
emergency, you actually do remember the stupid Shit
you learned at University. You will ALSO find that
the easiest way to Get a free education is to show up
for the classes you like and after the first class talk to
the teacher and tell them you so enjoy the class
greatly & wish to forgo the credit and audit. What do
they care? At least they feel sure one person will be
interested. Before you know it they will be pulling
you into class discussion asking your views and
opinions in front of the class, & you havent even
paid a dime! & they dont expect you to! They call
your name, you get to sit next to the hot man or
woman of your choice and share notes!
And the professor thinks its great!
At the time, I had a small independent record
label at Penn State and we were gearing up to release

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

a CD that would hit the streets in order to raise
money for a fundraising benefit for kids with cancer.
It was like a giant dance marathon over the length of
a long weekend. All the fraternity boy and girl types
were into it big time; The fraternities were always up
for fundraising. If it were gonna happen in Ibiza they
would get sponsors to donate for every hour danced
imagine? Any way The frat kids loved it, almost as
much as they loved internet gambling, visa/ vie
number running, racketeering, and the very lucrative
drug trade that always floats around rich kids with
their parents fountains of cash. I.e.: High-Err..
Education! Yeah thats it High-err education, and
boy was I in for an education
Like Learning about the University Greek System.
[Q , 2/12/11 8:38 AM
Go deep with not just with films like skull
& bones and others starring John Belushi]
The fraternity system was one of those things you
really needed to live to truly understand. It was like a
breeder pond for the children of the rich and
powerful. Most of those who were inducted were
children of those who had been inducted a generation
or so before. They called it Rush when those who
seek entrance perform acts of idiocy to to prove
allegiance to the Fraternity/tribe. Those inductees
would have family names that Scored the pages of
the fortune 500 and Blue Books everywhere, this is
how the fraternities maintained such wealth and
opulence. The actual Houses they lived in were
Super Mansions[Q , 2/12/11 8:39 AM
Search for frathouse party & tour vids] all
equipped with Chefs cooks and Cleaners. All ready to
wait hand and foot on the children of the ranks of the
illustrious. Meanwhile they Spent there time breaking
every law, value and moral code under the sun. Under
the strict guidance and tutelage of their 'Big

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

Brothers.' Funny coincidence that name huh... The
Greek fraternity system also allowed family lines to
donate massive amounts of money to their Frat of
choice allowing a Luxurious spill-over to future
generations. This was also done with a financial
instrument called the Living trust. While the poor
fools of the world placed the money set aside for
future generations into a Will, the super rich would
never think of such a thing. They instead created the
living trust in England before the colonization of
America. This would allow enormous sums to be
invested into stocks and bonds that would eventually
pass from parent to trust. The trustee of the trust
would then be the financial guardian of the child.
Upon the childs 18th or 21st birthday, the child
would receive a large box full, or several boxes full
of portfolios of companies. Then a computer printout
would tell them exactly how many shares of stock
from each of the companies they had access to. How
much in Assets and how much in hard cold Cash.
Thus, passing billions of tax-free investment dollars
from one generation to the next, in the form of
corporate wealth. Now depending on the names of
those companies, an average fortune family could
have profited heavily on most of the global civil
unrest famine, wars, and reports of wars, and silently
pass these profits off to their offspring. Meanwhile
back at the Will, all wealth contained in a Will would
be subject to probate court. A process said to discover
any covered over debt of the deceased. In fact it was
just a system designed by the courts to suck the
remaining wealth from the common populace and
into the hands of judges, lawyers and the ever
expanding Judicial Court System. The Living Trust
totally bypasses Probate Court, as of course you
assume it would. You know how it goes when your
not Preferred Stock, all common stock gets fleeced.
Like those Sheep Remember The Sheep?

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

But first:
Back to that restaurant in New York city
The year c.2000 So why should I take this deal?
Woa! Look at the size of that contract!
The Penn State Business school just wrote a
full page article on me & my record label in the
premier issue of The Entrepreneur Magazine. My
latest single just spent the last ten weeks climbing to
number seven in the Global on line MP3 music
charts! (So thats how universal got a hold of my
name, the internet!) Things were starting to pop, you
could feel it, it was like every smile, every new face
was glowing with this sort of hazy glassy eyed,
Suuuuure Mann whatever, its cool, bru no worries,
L8! As if to say later, but to be entirely to stoned to
even get the one fucking syllable to trip, over to the
next until later just became L8! Late? Na bru L8!
AIGHT? AAAiggght!!! Things went from To good
to be true to too true to just damn good.
Fade in and montage with multiple camera angles a
little bit of every thing very strong and sexy female
mullatto brazilian Narrator:
You should have seen who they sent from the The
Entrepreneur to do this interview!!! Man they must
have really wanted this story! She was crme colored
coffees semi light wit 2 shugaaaaaaazz!!!!
DID I MENTION She was Sweet?.
Slomo dance sequence from our brazillian
And sophisticated like she was brought up the
daughter of an ambassador,
Diplomatic--yet very powerful, with.. Yes... an

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

She stood about six feet, fine as hell!! Whoa those
Music starts to mix in#7 Beauty in the sky
LSD SEGUE BEGINS montage Dancer and big
sweeping nature as Q walks the empty beaches
Sometimes it amazes me how some reporters can just
go deep! To get that tru-grit story I mean she
lived with us for long enough to really feel and get a,
Smell of it! You can never tell what it is that you
need to have in a woman dat you gonna roll wit till
you ride with her... She was it though, we would
step out on the street before a show, and the streets
are packed because we have won yet again another
football game, and then all the while, keepin her cool
letting all the ladies come up and get whiff of the
action, and not even bat an eye or throw an ounce of
shade. Cool calm, collected. But after the show when
we got into, post production should I say, she would
have my shoulders pinned down laughing at those
who just didnt have a ghosts chance in heaven, of
pinning me to my studio floor, & More. She was out
to get the story alright the True Story. The story you
cant get when your on vacation because on vacation
isnt enough to give you the behind the scenes of
what is really going on in the life of an artist. Do they
really eat sleep and shit their Art? Or is it all just
hype and prefab bullshit marketing plans, a lot a
smoke And a few mirrors and some rolled up bills?
She was gonna find out the hard way. And as it goes I
highly recommended that route for maybe not so
obvious reasons
Walking on the beach alone then montage, walking
around in town glad handing, and kissing the peeps
in slow mo and quick frames, slowing down for all
the mafia moments.mixed with Brazilian dancer
and big sweeping nature until it ends

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

Music starts#8 Love Revolution instrumental
childrens poetry 5:06
Scenes of Q walking around the super market
looking at all the food clothes and music on the
shelves picking up things mentally fighting with
myself over every purchase as I start to daydream
about the good old days & that dancer and When I
get to the register I only have two items:
Get rich or die tryin by 50 CENT and Get Free or
Die Tryin By the Dead Prez in the end of the song
you hear a baby crying Narrator on dream
She had a sense of it. A sense of what it was to run
with the Young Black and Gifted CEO of the Number
one independent record label in a college town of
over 50 thousand students. The lead singer of a rock
band as well as A&R for one of the hottest bilingual
Gangsta hip-hop groups on the verge of pin pricking
the population explosion that is the up and coming
Hispanic youth movement in America. May the force
be with them She saw it all from secret hand
shakes, to the ghetto glad hands. With Penn State
touting the largest collegiate Fraternity system In
America, there were always those who rode shotgun
with the hottest record labels. But those most noted,
were the Athletes, they...
"Were The Entourage!"
We had the leading line backers rocking our shit in
the locker rooms at halftime, and slapper sorority
sisters chirping our shit az cheerleaders. The fix was
in, thats right, we were running the straight fuckin
hustle. We had to
If we wanted to compete with the big boys, I was
going to make sure that we had at least the
Sentimental Saturation, ie: We were the number one
independent & the best of the rest. We Identified with
the Common-Clan,
The Peoples Champ!

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

Right down to the local student run radio
Pimpin my shit every day a da week.
& you damn sho know! Twice on Sunday.
Since it was a lock that we were the common clan,
you can understand why we were the ones hosting
when the Wu tang Clan stopped in as we played host
to the planet from our own little Happy Valley.
As the stage was set, for the worlds largest online
streaming event ever, and not to mention the global
delivery of the brainchild that would grow to be
The Bohemian Zygote.
I learned about the rap game from the likes of Russell
Simmons, Jay Z, & Puff Daddy, before he graduated
to P. Diddy I followed his rise from uptown records
to up mutha fuckin town! Last time I saw him, he
was making his moves round my way, and just
cashing in on the, Manumission movement ten years
late. Using the platform of the Biggest Club in the
world to make his house debut. He didnt know it
yet, but he was about to make a name for self in more
ways than one.
You would think that with all that biz on the go and
all those personnel in all those departments, that
make up the Bad-Boy empire Someone would
have clued him in to the slight colloquial differences
between American English, and the queens English.
Seeing how his Ibiza Club Single Debut that was
built for the European and English Ibiza HouseMusic market, being performed in the worlds biggest
club, during the worlds biggest party and all he could
say was: lets get up and lets get ill?
Which translates quite effectively to lets be
sick lets get sick or, more precisely, excuse us; we
would all like to be sick!
All Twelve thousand?

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

Unfortunately superstardom, super yachts, and super
singles, tend be a little out of touch with the general
Ahh like two ships passing in the disco Who
However, unlike P, -- Q was if anything,
totally accessible, body guards? hard to get a hold
Hell no, I was on roller blades! & and I made house
calls! & delivered! With a hands free headset & speed
dial, I was your upwardly-mobile & horizontallyliquid, artist executive of the new Millennium
Or so I thought
Cell Phone starts ringing off some where in the
distance and gets increasingly louder until Music
ends with the echoes and the sound of waves lapping
on the beach.
Q answers it & you hear through the phone:
Wake UP!
It echoes visually through canyons of silence, until
the end of the song you hear a baby crying.
When I get to the register I only have two items,
Get rich or die tryin, and get free or die tryin. in the
end of the song you hear a baby crying and I
choose , GET FREE!
Fade to black, and begin the walk on the beach the
hand writing the poem.
What is your Quest! 3:12
I lay down on on the beach and have a LUCID
SOUL DREAM, that begins with the ticking of a
clock that mixes into a metronome you see the
metronome in the waves as the spinning clock
continues to spin out of control
Book covers slowly montage with waves Jose
Argueles, the starseed transmissions, The Tenth
Planet by Zacharia Sitchen Stupid white men &
Farenhigt 911 by Michael Moore &

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

Chariots of the gods? Was god an Astronaut? By
Erich Von Daniken, The biggest Secret David Icke,
A Brief History of Time Stephen W. Hawking
Drum solo that follows the rap
Time: 6:30 Segue into
Wicked brew 2:00 Segue into green light
At ready to give the Green light!!
Dialogue continues with Y?
Music Starts Green Light 7:27
Footage of the gatherings to play music in the
houses and juxtapose video on the super record
shops and beautiful scenery at Hidden Darkness
you refuse to see back and forth to nature & the
gatherings and those two titles get rich and die
tryin then turn over dead prez get free or die tryin.
The turn of the millennium was a strange time
in the music business, all the real independent labels
that had come up through the ranks, and really broke
out with some fresh independent bands, and some
pretty good new music. Cats like Dave Mathews and
Ben Harper, were really standing out on the college
scene, or should I say kicking the ass of the college
scene! Telling soul wrenching stories & standing
close to Their African Roots. The hotter independent
music scene was getting eaten by larger, more
corporate facsimiles of themselves. On that list,
Polygram was one of the most recent; they had just
been eaten by Universal. --- & a bright, young, grass
roots label leader traded control for a Vice presidency
In the new and improved UNIVERSAL MUSIC
GROUP which would later be consumed by
Seagrams Vivendi. And it was this VP that saw a
bit of himself in me by the time we got to dessert

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

I was well into the conversation, all the while
visualizing the fat fuckin video Im gonna make as
soon as I get my hands on all that Universal Loochi!
Well if I listened up I would have noticed that he
hadnt offered me a record deal at all
But he showed me the contract! He came here to Get
me to sign that contract! & I came all the way from
Penn Fuckin State Pensylfucking-vaynia!
For sure He came to get me to sign! But read him,
he's not going to give it to me but why?
Instead he offered one word of advice
& that word, was
Run![Q , 2/12/11 7:39 AM
Song Montage Green Light By John
langan: Pass it on through the wide wind.
Scenery fast and flowing at Tierra me
cuerpo slow down to super slow mow of the
corresponding nature each woof represents
massive pollution to each of the symbols
Go to the symbols from The Fifth Element
clips. ]
But he didnt just say run as he lifted up the pages to
that massive contract he said You see here, what
this little line means essentially, is that the tiny
percentage points that you will receive from this deal
will be used to pay your bills with the label. In other
words your percentage pays for the Producer, the
studio time, the engineers, the mastering, the video,
the Marketing & promotion teams, then we pay your
manger! And after all that, if you were lucky enough
to sell 5 yes thats right Five Million Albums you will
owe Universal, some where in the neighborhood of
$350,000 dollars. Not to mention the fact that you
will be the last one in and that means the first to go!
The catch is, we will still own your name your
likeness the master recordings of any and all work
you did from the moment you sign. Plus we would
have the option to keep you on for another three or

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

four albums to recoup the cost of the first one! So I
suggest you Run! Find a smaller label and be number
one two or three instead of number three thousand.
& this tiny piece of advice at that moment
proved to be the cataclysmic conversion that
exploded into my very own personal;
True Ibiza Story;
The real question is WHY?
Why was the music biz such another utter
bullshit slavery market for people with
talent? Who gave them the right to exploit
the fuck out of you like that in the name of
fame? Because your not gonna get rich with
the odds stacked against you like that. No
wonder Artists go bankrupt even though
they had major label deals! They are really
out to fuck you!
But WHY on earth any should anyone give a
flying fuck about my story, especially if its
another Ibiza story & what on earth makes it
Its in the WHY where we will find
Stories may just cross paths
I never took that record deal that day
back in that New York City restaurant.
Maybe if I had, I would be sitting here
writing this
with a bank balance of at least 50 Cents.
Come to think of it I dont even have a bank
However I believe that by the time You
finish reading this book you may believe me
to be one of the richest people you know.
Some where around the first week in
July of 2004 My X girlfriend & I Were
scheduled to give birth to my first child

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

Zyon Her first child came six years earlier
& is eagerly awaiting Zyons Arrival. By the
Time You read this It will Be at almost ten
years later. A lot will have happened.
This is a story of the road less traveled.
A kind of cookbook, with little life recipes,
and as it starts to wind and spin, you may
just see yourself with in! Its strange! Today
in this erie age...
A murder plot on every page! Our children
dismayed with rage! & frustration &
refuge in warm
milky bosoms Designed by Slay-Station.
Music starts Hope Road
346 500
And hope road 445
643 755
You let it run into dream porpaz and three
You see Q walking across The Island hitch
hiking from one end to the other,
Flashing back and forth with news paper
head lines of the last ten years.
Camera focuses on the typing over the
shoulder of the Laptop computer
My connection at universal, (I had
discovered after two hours of seriously
shooting the shit & two bottles of very nice
wine ) was also an alum of my very own
undergraduate alma matter Marist College in
Poughkeepsie New York. Some coincidence;

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

You said you knew my buddy
Yeah I knew The Fish Man from way
back in the days, he was behind me a couple
a years what ever happened to the Fish
Well I tell you, once he graduated he
started working for the white house I think
he was in at the time of Stephenopolous but
I m not 100 percent certain. Anyway, after
the Atlanta Olympics he hooked up with
some Cameroonians and started putting
together big time slot machine deals.
Seems the Cameroonians Were a little ill
with their addiction to gambling . Almost as
sick as their friends, the gamble spree
Americans. And if given the opportunity,
the Fish was going to help out, to the very
best of his ability, With out a doubt
And in DC there was more diplomatic immunity
getting away with half the constitution, than you
could imagine. And all In the name of love... The
Love of money that is The fish-mans Cameroonian
connection had him hooked up with some Diplomat
type guy who was trying to furnish his little sector of
Cameroon with quality slot machines that he was
purchasing with the money he got from selling Jeep
parts. I would imagine, however it could have been
Jeep Suzukis with Cute little Polka dotted bikini
tops. highly possible, though I tend to doubt it.. Who
Knew? Not me and I didnt need to know... The
thing about the buying and selling of slot machines
is If it hadnt come to your attention off hand, is...
how does the buyer know that the seller isnt just off
loading a bunch of empty boxes with pretty flashy
lights? Its not the usual case of stick your pinky in
and taste it, is it? No! And if youre buying a large
quantity? Its not the same as open the suitcase and

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

count the paper is it? No, not exactly that simple
either when you actually stop to think about it, and
that my friends is exactly where I came in Slot
machine sales in the United States of America is
regulated by the united states gaming commission.
Now the gaming commission must certify all sales of
said items So the standard procedure in a large slot
machine purchase goes like this... First we start with
the middle men us. We find, then create, a
standardized Price listing for all of the Items that we
are sure we can get In stock from our suppliers. Next
you take that price list and make as many copies of it
as there are embassies in Washington DC. Then get
Sweet Little envelopes of that number and dont
bother with the stamps. Then you hand deliver each
Sweet little envelope to each embassy, and go home
and get some lunch. In six days the phone connected
to the number you placed inside the price list,
enclosed in those sweet little envelopes, will begin to
Next. When the phone starts to ring I suggest
Answer the phone!
Now Its after you answer that phone that
things start to get a little interesting. First of all
because when they call they have in their possession
the codes to bank accounts that will spill into the
Hopper if we can get them to trust that we are in fact
who we say we are... and who is that?
Well we are the people that can deliver, and there
again, is where I come in. Plane tickets, contact
name, hotel room, Cash. I Arrive at the hotel room at
the designated time, check in and once again, Wait
for the phone to ring. Next,... When the Phone
rings Answer the Phone! A voice on the line tells
you a car will pick you up out side the hotel in X
minutes What ever you do Dont be late! When
the car arrives You get in. The Driver begins to

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

drive 5 hours to another state where you both
Cross the Border. Next, After crossing the border You
are accompanied by an armed man said to be in
service for the purpose of your security. He enters
the vehicle. You drive on. Next, You come to a place
in the middle of back ass nowhere, and the three of
you proceed to leave terra firma, and board a River
boat thats when Things really get interesting
you see the trick in brokering slot machines is to
make sure all the product works B4 you buy it! The
only problem with that is... How do you test one
thousand slot machines to see if they are actually real
and not just empty boxes with flashy lights? The
same way you reach enlightenment or give birth, &
Sometimes both! Poc a poc, One pull at a time baby
one pull at a time...
Flounder was no bullshit. And all bullshit at the same
time! This fish could bull the shit with the best of
em! When he wanted to get something done, he
could go to the most unimaginable lengths to get it
done. All from the confines of his Headquarters or
HQ in other words he didnt have to move much.
He was like Professor Xavier from the X-men. He
knew how to reach out and touch ya! And all from
that seemingly harmless little chair, and when it came
to all out, hands down schmoozin, The Fish,
Was your Man! Could he talk? He could talk, shoot
the shit, spit the cheese, grease the wheel, & swim
with the sharks, without getting eaten alive, and do it
with style. And in Washington DC after the Atlanta
Olympic bombing & during the war on drugs? There
were plenty O' sharks in the water!! And most them
were out there trying to make a killing! Which is why
Flounder was a truly amazing individual, someone
that you took a liking to instantly. And although you

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

could get the feeling that sometimes, maybe, you
shouldnt trust him; you did anyway You knew he
was shady, you just hadnt figured out what was so
bad about being a little shady? It was almost like the
island taxi driver who is so genuinely humble, that he
is very friendly, and in turn as you can imagine, very
rich. You notice he has no meter, so its really going to
come down to; How much does he really like the
time the two of you spend together? If not at all, this
could be a very expensive ride. And there isnt
anyone, anywhere you can reach, that will save you
from the fleecing you could incur. However, if he
thoroughly enjoys the affair however long or short,
The fare may turn out to be a matter, just left
between friends. Either way you were willing to
take your chances, he had that kind of a way about
him. He could talk his way into almost everything.
He had the standing confidence of a Spanish
Matador on any given working day in other words
Balls to the wall & brazen! He was an Arab Italian
From BROOKLYN, & when he would tell you where
he was from he would pronounce it with that classic
Brooklyn-ese as if Brooklyn were an emirate state!
And if it were, Flounder would have been, The
Ambassador. Flounder & I met my first semester my
freshman year at Marist. Still to this day I cant figure
out how it happened. Because the likely hood is rare,
we were in the same class together; or better yet I
was in his class. You see through some Seemingly
impossible scheduling error, I a second year
political science major but in my first year at a four
year college , Was placed in a fourth year class with
all seniors: who were all the crme de la crme of
their 4 year reign. There were no other
underclassmen in the room just me! The professor
was a very small, very old & very powerful Israeli
woman; The class title: The Politics of WAR.! This
was an odd class to have as your introduction to

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

political science at a small private Jesuit institution,
nestled on the banks of the Hudson River in upstate
New York. Especially when your instructor really
serves a striking resemblance to a female Yoda! Only
a bit bigger, but you sense The Force is definitely
with her. In the beginning I didnt know what she
was selling, as her descriptions of the accounts of
global mayhem got more and more empathetic, the
slower she would fold her hands. One over the other,
One over the other. Over & over again. Always
looking directly at you with a dead level gaze. She
wasnt tall enough to really look over your head, even
though you were sitting down, so she would just peer,
deep into your eyes; and then Stop! I swear she was
there to witness most of the worlds most horrible
atrocities first hand. It was in the slow deliberate
intonation of her voice. She wanted these new future
rulers to understand that it would be the bane of all
history past, present and future if we did not truly
grasp the grand implication of the task at hand. She
knew that some of the people in that room were
going to help shape the new world. & She knew that
this, was her last chance. She was selling sight,
to the blindAnd She was right it was her last
They Will Always give you a reason for war, there
will be some dire need, some urgent plea, some
incident that cannot be overlooked, but as you probe
deeper and go further than news reels and headlines,
you will find time after time its always the same lies
being told while guns are being sold. There is so
much pain brought to the world in the name of
freedom, so that we can spend our time shopping in
grocery lines. In those days we couldn't fathom the
true intentions of the International Monetary Fund
IMF and Council on Foreign Relations CFR Or
the Real Story behind the CIA[Q , 2/12/11 7:42

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

search the web for Operation Paper Clip
To find out what really happened to the
criminal after WWII.] and the FBI. We were too
close to the heart of the flame & too busy being card
carrying Americans not to notice that the Gulf of
Tonkin incident that got us in to Vietnam was a total
and utter government fabrication. I remember
watching Reagan Get elected in Junior high school!
[Q , 2/14/11 8:41 AM
Search for Reagan hand on the bible
Election Clips]The Actor? They Elected the Actor?
Then we were protesting the gas crisis, and the
economic shit-storm[Q , 2/14/11 8:41 AM
Find old news reels of old school Gas crisis
Vids ]. Hip Hop Hurray Hip Hops Gonna Save the
Day! Oh Shit! We Looked away quick, & by the time
we turned back, hip hop got played! Cuz if you Look
now, Yeah Look back now, they Got her Sellin Crack!
But Wait a minute now yall.. Who stands to profit
from that? How many Boys in the hood did you
know that owned planes or were friends with
international Drug Cartels. Friends In countries these
boyz in the hood without passports could never have
known. Had we seen back then that CIA Ghost
Planes Would Later fall out of the sky filled with
tons of uncut cocaine,[Q , 2/14/11 8:44 AM
get the clip Then cross Apply Heraldo
Rivera news footage with us troops in the
2011 Afghan Heroine grow-op] Then Cross
apply the privatization of the prison systems[Q ,
2/24/11 10:29 PM
Link to Police state vids from Alex Jones
and the the clinton stats ] coincidentally as
three strikes and your out legislation kicked in to
apply the enforcement arm of the master plan. In
other words busted for an ounce of weed three times

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

in the wrong state means LIFE IN PRISON
So Here is the scenario: You are a inner city kid from
the Bronx growing up in the time of The Ford
administration. You see the gas crisis the cold war
and the lack of social services in front of you. You
join the Army to be all that you can be or you can
be a basketball player, a rock star, a pimp, a
prostitute, or a pusher. The question is do you wanna
move on up like George Jefferson? Or stay in the
ghetto like J.r on Good times? The honest kid whit
the good heart. Broke as hell. So now the new drug
is on the street as the savior to the kids who hear
THE MESSAGE everyday five times a day on my
GOING UNDER. Funny how to this day I remember
EVERY Word A Child is born with no state of mind
blind to the ways of mankind god is smiling on you
but hes frowning to because only god knows what
you been through . You grow in the ghetto living
second rate and your eyes they sing a song of deep
hate ! The places you play and where you stay looks
like one great big alley-way! You admire all the
number book takers, thugs, pimps and pushers and
the big money makers. Driving big cars spending
twenties and tens and you want to grow to be just like
them... Smugglers scramblers burglars gamblers
pick pockets peddlers even panhandlers! You say Im
cool huh Im no fool but then you wind up dropping
out of high school! Now your Unemployed! All
Non-Void walking round like your Pretty Boy Floyd
turned stick up kid! But look what Ya done did! Got
sent up for a eight year bid! Now your man hood is
took and your a May-tag spend the next three years
as a undercover fag being used and abused and
served like hell till one day you were found hung
dead in your cell. It was plain to see that your life

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

was lost, you were cold and your body swung back
and forth but now your eyes sing the sad sad song of
how you lived so fast and died so young. So Dont
Push me cause Im close to the edge Im trying not to
loose my head ...ha ha ha ha ha! its like a jungle
sometimes it makes me wonder how I keep from
going under. Now with This sweet little MANTRA
running through your head every day And with all the
Reinforced stereotypes in your outward outside
environment, and flashed on your TV screen nightly,
as well as the silver screen every time you go to the
movies. Backed up by the lack of a proper education,
gerry-mandered housing districts to affect only the
people dumb enough to move into predominantly
black neighborhoods which would also force them
into that pre-designated school district. Funny how
when you went to go buy a house they would only
show you houses in the Black areas, You know, the
shitty one, with the low employment and high crime
rates due to ... low education standards and low
employment! So they dont teach you to fish, they
give you just enough fish to know what fish tastes
like, but not enough to really feed anyone well. Then
the rest of you got to fight over the fish thats left,
and the last one standing at the end...? Thats right!
Last one standing... GETS A RECORD DEAL!!!!!
ANY QUESTIONS???[Q , 2/12/11 7:55 AM
Dead Prez Wolves] Oh Yeah! And by the by, the
by product of that ensuing FIGHT FOR FISHES is
what all the Liquor stores and gun shops are for!
Located conveniently next door to your local check
cashing Hyper Shot shopping spot. The local
government and police force will be on hand to
remove bodies regularly. And administer more plane
loads of all that great Leveler of all playing fields,
Un-organized crime! We give you guns made by our
boys at Colt, Seagrams Vivendi and family will
supply the booze and Hip hop stars to promote the

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

get rich and die trying lifestyle that will provide a
steady stream of clients to our friends in the military
industrial complex which is expanding its Homeland
Security Arm of the biz to include Everybody it did
not include under the other arms. And now with
PRISON PRIVATIZED We can just pour coke into
the country as fast as we can and our little prison
propulsion system will work your country from
CRADLE to GRAVE! What did we think would
happen when we let the Nazis take over our Central
Intelligence Agency? Pardon the pun but it doesn't
take a rocket scientist to figure out where that one
was going. Then look at the Activities of that very
same agency over the years. All very Divinchi spy
novel Clancy-esq We Need OIL to Run this Great
machine! Oil that makes money for our Piso Bush &
Rockafeller sides as pop culture is slowly
militarized, they got Solja Boy coming and speaking
to your kids in nursery school singing em to sleep
during nap time! What kinda nightmare on elm street
have we cooked up for our little ones, as we let Walt
dealing with the Devil Disney Rock our kids to sleep.
Have you Ever Seen Disneys FANTASIA TILL
THE END[Q , 2/24/11 10:37 PM
search and watch fantasias last scene.] Or
END? You need to Google it Baby! Go head Baby!
Well it seems while we were a sleep Bill Clinton our
first black president? He built more prisons than he
did anything good thats for sure. And all the while...
smile smile smile! We saw it all from the birth of the
new Supa Nigga Will Smith Saved By Quincy
Jones, and Teamed up with Jazzy Jeff But what the
hells that got to do with the IMF? Well back inthose days I would think, nothing! But Now? The
Entertainment Media Arm of the Great work of Ages
Is equally as important as the Banking arm. As the
International monetary fund Gives you bogus loans

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

that will definitely, and for sure without a doubt
bankrupt your country and make you a debt slave.
They do this by forcing the country to improve
infrastructure as a contingency of the loan. The only
thing is the money flows from the IMF through the
countries to the Corporate entities that pose as
builders of the infrastructure, when in fact the things
they create are of little value, and of great cost. In the
end the country is left holding the debt, plus interest
for these loans and must give up its natural resources
and sell its people into servitude to the banks. All just
to pay back the giant interest that they now owe to
the global pawn brokers. Who will now deconstruct
Your country and sell it off piece by piece after it has
robbed every exploitable Natural resource and all of
the countries human resources. {Sound Familiar?}
Ah yes Those Were the days! Yep Keeping it All in
the Family. We were Moving on up Like the
Jefferson's! They had TV shows called Good Times,
showing how great it was to be poor and starvin! And
we could really relate so we felt good! Then there
was George and Weezy of the Jefferson's, the song
Said we were moving on up to that deluxe apartment
in the sky! George was a black man with a black
maid! florence upstairs had a white husband and he
used to try to be cool as hell! So you get the Will
smiths rising up and making movies that advance the
agenda so the summer before the great swine flu
vaccine scam they put out a movie called Legend
where will is the Last man on Earth who can once
again save the world. The interesting thing is what he
is saving them from! The thing he is saving the world
from, is a government created vaccine turned virus
that wipes out the worlds human population and
mutates the rest. Now let me just say that the
method of the preempting crisis situations with
propaganda style media manipulation is the name of
the political game isn't it? In other words, All the shit

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

they were doing to us in the bronx Was just biznuzz
as usual the thing that I was learning was they were
about to cross apply that strategy to the rest of the
planet, and get everybody lined up beggin for it like
it was the new coke until you find out its just the old
coke with aspartame in it instead of sugar so it wont
rot your teeth no way boys and girls it will kill ya
deader than an Ed Hardy T Shirt!! {Anyway Im
gettin side tracked here so back to our story} At the
time however I could remember the feeling of
uncertainty when flounder came up to me an
introduced himself. This was because the sentence
ended with & it has come to my attention that
you are sleeping with my girlfriend, is that
correct? I can tell you at that point I felt even more
uncertain; until he put his arm around my shoulder
and said, Relax... dont worry about it! I like you!
Ya got Balls! I like dat! Were having a study group
at the townhouses tonight, & I want you to come on
over. to C9 yeah, Ill see ya later! I was a bit
blown away cuz A whole lotta shit just went down
all at once and I still dont know If I answered! What
just happened? Did he just tell me he knew I was
sleeping with his girl friend? Really? How the fuck
did he find that out? I bet she told him. Girls were
like that sometimes they Wanted their boyfriends to
know. So they could get revenge or some crazy
concocted reason set behind some power games they
always play, when they are really trying to control the
situation. But He didnt seem too pissed off about the
situation so I guess that was a good thing. However I
felt I had something to learn from this, so I was going
to let my first reaction be to go with it and see what
happened. Little did I know how my life would
change drastically due to the impetus of that class &
input or otherwise impulse of the fish. Popping up to
clue me in on the great responsibility ahead. For
example The Infamous I got laid at leo 1st

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

Amendment Speech was not his Idea but that day
when I stood up in the cafeteria at Marist and read
the student hand book Dress Code in front of the
school to applause and standing ovation by the
student body. Yes The fish was In my ear that day He
was Also Sitting Next to me he had come down for a
visit to checkup on my progress as he would on so
many other days, Whispering just the right words of
wisdom and wildness! And with out a doubt on those
odd times when I would Get the Call
There is no beauty in the finest cloth if it causes
hunger and unhappiness
Your just a parasite your disgusting
You just want to live on the back of the other one
youre a beggar I hate you!!
Get out and dont come back! She screamed
before striking me & clawing at my skin
Out I want you out !! Now!!
We were fighting again , yeah the same old
story heard it a million times:
Artist refuses to sell out, but that usually equates to
not much selling in and for some strange reason you
could almost call it other worldly, my lovely cannot
figure out why I am not bringin in he dough! Nuff
said pure and simple .
No holds barred no cutting da mustad ,
wheres the cash ?
Wheres the cheddar wheres the cheese !
Fuck the beef! Who needs it Ive already got one
mad cow on my hands & I can not Deal with
another one!... At this, Particular, moment.

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Copyright 2012, all rights reserved.

A Novel By Q DeRHINO

What I could use is a few hundred grand. To
just bury in some mattress account in some currency
that I have a bit a faith in.
Fuck that Ill take it in gold but getting it out
of the mattress after every inappropriate international
insertion can get to be a bit annoying. Anyway as an
artist I wouldnt really be able to sleep nights
knowing that the way I made my money was only
just after the base population had been blanketed
with a good dose of False Evidence Appearing Real .
Rocky Mountain Gold Afganis-Scam Operation
Iraqi Freeloader The Great World Trade Robbery &
The Obama Deception! & Climate-Gate! British
Petroleum in the Gulf of Mexico, The Fukashima
Nuclear disaster, Throw in a few predator drones, a
no fly zone over Libya & The Great Work of Ages
Goes Global Interactive!
Thats how it is when you do what ya gotta do, be
who you gotta be though right? Cus cash moves
everything around you , & you damn sure cant live
without the money, but WHY?
What are they going to say about it when its
past and gone and every one you meet is a Nanoteck
home,? Is it where the heart is or should we say ,
where the art is?
But then;
What is the artist in their home, community. ?
A beggar? A parasite? A healer? A giver?
A lover of life?
A thief?
or a Nigger?
Its the same cycle the yin and yang of the
spin cycle that is our present day state of
Relationship affairs.
Or should I say, the state of affairs of the
modern day relationship.

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

Or how affairs, relate to the relationship of the
modern state in the present day.
And around and around until your yang could
give a flying yin!
So you get fed up and relax into the wush that is
our repetitive old school programs as we slide
through the coin slot into the premeditated cycle of
|Cognitive Interaction or CI Not to be confused
with C.S.I, but in the end the motive is the same.
Which in todays Modern Age is really just
Genetically Modified CI if you havent noticed. But
today, 23 de enero de 2004 16:03 Even GMCI is
ruled by the almighty EURO But they say money
cant buy you love, but only love can break your
heart so, Break a leg, just not one of your own
do it for the love... but not for the love of money...
Norman was nervous or maybe he was more than
nervous, Actually you could say Norman was scared
shitless . But for a man who was scared shitless he
was handling it reasonably well. We sat at the Sa
Trinxa Chiringito beach bar under a palm leaf roof on
the beach over looking some of the most beautifully
hand crafted bodies ever assembled in such a remote
and breathtaking place. They were bronze and
Blonde, and jet black and blue, and deep red and
shiny and sparkles and fluorescence and Wow! I
could begin to understand while I tried to keep the
sun from blinding my view of all these lovely bodies.
This totally surreal reality was enhanced by the
soothing sounds of pulsating sun pumping through
the speakers surrounding this heavenly hologram,
Jon Sa-Trinxa The Local Shimmy Shack Dj, was
ripping Soul Slipper Cuts as we sipped cocktails
And told tour tales, Norman was Lamenting over the

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

fact that unbeknownst to the rest of the world, he had
been living a lie, telling a Tall-Paul tale, pulling an
actual fast one with a slow hand. However tonight,
fate had dealt him the dirty dozen and it was time to
pay the piper.
Its unavoidable, he cannot circumvent, cannot call in
sick even a pardon from the president wont be able to
save him now. He has got to go through with it. No
more marketing magic no more slight of slow-mo,
hand. Tonight's the night for Norman And Norman
knew it What he didnt know was that some one
else knew it too! Some one so close to him and so on
the inside that only the deepest depth of the Smoke
was revealed in their mirror of more smoke. I sat and
tried to relax and take in all the visual sights. Because
if I didnt I was sure to release the fact that I Too was
in fact not only scared shitless but shitting my pants,
& the only thing that keep that nasty little ice breaker
from melting all the ice from here to the north pole,
not that theres any left but the only thing saving me
from the Chocolate Chernobyl, was the tremendous
velocity of joints that were being smoked at the time
But not by Norman by David. |He was sitting next
to Norman looking as if he were on a beach on an
island in the middle of the Mediterranean without a
care in the world This was by all accounts also
was an amazing poker face, because David had more
on the line than any of us. David waslike a duck,
on the surface calm cool and just breezing across the
But under the surface he was paddling like hell!
David was the King of the Body Brokers He could
get more for your head than anybody else in the
business. So when David had Normans friend
Frankie tell Norman how much terry was getting for
Frankies knuckles, and asked him if he wanted to
Join the team?... Norman was sold; it didnt take
much, for three times the Normal going market

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

value? Norman realized that this little relation ship
sounded spicy enough to; even make a Fat boy
Slim! That was the beginning of a beautiful relation
ship! It was David that coined the phrase Superstar
DJ and he then promptly let you know who the new
superstars were that you could pay a Superstar
Premium OVER-Leaded price for, These were
surprisingly the very same DJs under his astute
management! Ahh the days of the unleaded DJ
But Who needs Sin Plomo? When you got
SUPERSTARS?! David was good. Real good, Good
enough to manage another bunch of young Irish
superstars who would also tour the world on a
Wave& if he was good enough for them he was
good enough for U2. But none of this helped Norman
in his present predicament, you see tonight was a
very special night. This is the night where the world
gets to see the tell tale truth Live On TV! That truth
has been so amazingly covered up & amazingly,
Marketed for years, in books magazines videos, & all
have reported on this particular Global phenomenon.
And all these have managed to over look the truth,
the bold bare truth, that every time Norman was
supposed to be working in the biggest party the world
had ever seen, in the biggest Club on gods green
earth bless her, he was in truth, not on stage, but
in actual fact in the toilet for the entire time
Every Time Yes I said it, the Toilet the pisser the
bog the shitter the loo the mens room the ladies room
And tonight,
He could avoid it no more. Like it or not Norman was
going to have to take the stage, but why? What fate
so evil could posses a man to fear with his life,
something so seemingly simple and harmless as
coming out of the toilet?... And please it has
absolutely nothing to do with the fact that the average

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

Ibiza disco tourist spends enormous
Of time In the toilets. But tonight was his night
he was going to be the man with the plan! Vinyl
Discs In hand, he was feeling a bit daring maybe
because it was also his birthday and he was thinking
about experimenting a little with with the electricity
of the moment. David was totally up for it. The night
would prove to be full of surprises at some point in
the evening norman was brought on stage to be
presented with a giant Birthday cake seemingly
innocent enough until his wife jumps out of the cake
to surprise him even more as fire works fly of into the
psychedelic spectacular that was Manumission Its
very difficult to describe the biggest party in the
world in the biggest club in the world, the reason Is it
was far bigger than it is actually reported. So this is
the lowdown from the inside.
First the Journey did not start in the disco at midnight
on monday like most people believe. It started at
noon monday after noon Waiting on the docks for
Mike and Claire To Arrive. Years Later Chucky C
and the Crazy Circus crew along with Tanya V would
make Monday mornings absolutely legendary. But as
for this Monday, we as in the Dancers of the Good
Ship Manumission & their trusted Male consort thats
where I came in With the Help Of a trusted Friend
Tory another male model type far better looking than
his Dancer Girlfriend Who although was a mixmag
cover model, was no comparison to Tory. So Any
way Mike and Claire Were ALWAYS Late But the
Type of late that makes you think they got a ticket or
were in some accident but no, they would arrive
healthy and Smiling.. Raff had introduced me to
Mike and Claire personally in an empty privilege one
hot sunny day soon after I had Arrived to the Island.
And they were truly two of the sweetest people I had
met. They had Real Charm & grace along with this

TRue IBiZa SToRies...

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

massive circus family as an entourage, and they were
the Main attraction! As well as the Fun family side of
the Theatre type madness that goes on in any Large
theatre production. But this one was different. This
one got psychedelic the more it went on. Rehearsals
were Long and Hot as fuck But you could smoke
joints so who really cared? Every thing was always
Late, but when that shit finally arrived, ooh baby,
they brought the fuckin sauce bru! And there was no
denying it, who cares if there late when they arrive
and they got all the love. And that was really it with
them you felt like they really cared about you as a
person and were just trying to throw the best fuckin
party you ever did see in your whole life. Like you
would tell your grand kids about what it was like
when you got your Manumission your Freedom from
Wikipedia says: Manumission is the act of a slave
owner freeing his or her slaves. In the United States
before the passage of the Thirteenth Amendment to
the United States Constitution, which abolished
slavery, this often happened on the death of the
owner, as a condition of his will. But Manumission
also is recorded in Ancient greece, Ancient Rome, in
the Islamic world, as well as there being a Jewish
Manumission. So this was pretty much the party to
celebrate Everybody's Freedom from slavery. So
there we were waiting on the docks for Mike and
Claire to arrive They arrive its 2 pm now And we set
sail From the Port of ibiza Around Figurettas up the
coast towards Salinas beach the problem is that the
wind is blowing quite strong although its very, sunny
as hell. So, take sailboat, add wind & sun, & get sea
sick, and I mean lot of sea sick, serious sea sick. The
only thing that saved me was my days rowing on the
Hudson on the crew team. Anyway beautiful half
naked girls throwing up is not necessarily a bad
thing. Girls really like it when you see them at their

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

best. All of this would have been maybe even partly
bearable or even unbearable if not for the ridiculous
banter of the hairdresser of the Manumission Girls.
These lovely young sensuous group of tasty delights
were escorted by none other than Ali-Star!
Hairdresser to the Stars! Bless him... he never shut up
for one second of the entire trip he was hysterical!
You know Like a mosquito on a Ruberband Leash...
Buzz buzz buzz Every fuckin where! Ali Was Star
Struck, had cut the curls of the greatest, and now he
was here on the good ship Manumission to cut the
locks and suck the cocks of the future stars! Ali-Star
was like that, Flamboyantly gay and proud to tell ya
all about it! Ibiza was like that, everybody had their
story, their preference but who cared? You had to be
into something to each his own, Cada Cristo con Su
Cruz. Or the Direct translation every Christ has his
Cross. And thats what really made Ibiza special,
every one had their own special story, but it was a
good one. If not how the fuck did you end up here?
Its not exactly on the way to anywhere, but you could
have been conceived or born here then. You
probably are veerrrryyy special. So anyway an hour
later about 3 oclock now its really starting to get hot,
but the fun is just getting started. Unbeknownst to the
folks on the beach the Dj is trained to Que up special
music as soon as the Good Ship Manumission pulls
up to the docks with all those scrumptious ladies on
board Topless, and Serving fresh fruit and
Champagne, [Cava For Sure] The music turns wild
and the girls begin to dance on the beach getting
everybody up and into it Im grabbing lovely ladies to
dance with the girls are grabbing even lovelier ladies
to dance with and with in minutes we have turned the
beach into a scene out of whams Club tropicana
Drinks are free all thats missing is the sea but theres
enough for every one. Then we dance for awhile
more getting the crowd into a frenzy acrobats arrive

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

flipping turning spinning Mike Manumission begins
a series of backflips and end over end to the pure
delight of the crowd after a full spectacular show its
5 and we begin to settle to eat one long massive
circus family meal at one long table. Mike and Claire
at the head but lying on the beach semi and totally
nude you could find photographers movie stars Djs
fire girls, Writers, groupies, Directors, Actors, Race
Car drivers, Basketball Players, Waiters, Chauffeurs,
Dealers, Cops and Prostitutes. But who can tell whos
who, when everybodys NAKED?
After the four oclock lunch it was back to work and
what work exactly were we doing? We were
promoting up and down the beach in the hot ass sun
to make sure every body new the best party in the
world was gonna be on tonight! After a round of all
the hip and trendy beach bar chiringitos on that side
of the island we would head back to the boat to enter
the port of ibiza in time to prepare for the parade in
the port where we literally stop into every bar in the
port with the entire entourage and promote smile kiss
and have a chupito which for some strange reason
was the name of Ali-Stars Dog. Now a chupito was
just a shot of some type of alcohol but back in those
days too many chupitos and you needed a little
something to keep your head right. The doors of the
club would open but you and the crew would still be
in the street till 3 am! Then you would go the club
Mike and Claire wouldn't hit the stage till 6 am thats
when things would really get going. Meanwhile
Norman would have been in the toilets coco loco
would have had some crazy mad heads on, like Justin
Tiempo Andy Carrol or Smokin Jo, shredding the
Decks. All waiting for the last bit, when Mr
Chocolate Love himself, would get on the decks and
unleash as the sun would come up, and so would you!
Sunglasses everywhere, and you had made it
together! Now the party was getting really started. In

TRue IBiZa SToRies...

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

those days, you could always find some friend who
had a pill to share or some one would just pop one in
your mouth and you would dance like your first day
on earth, you truly felt the system that you know was
somewhere outside those doors some where off the
coast of this island somewhere out there, but too far
tonight, tonight this night that had quickly turned into
day... This night was your celebration of freedom...
From Slavery. And as the sun rose and the party
rocked on, you would feel a hand slide some flexible
piece of whats this? A wrist band that says Free
entrance to Space before 1pm and you realize that
just by being a part of the last ones to leave at this
riveting party, you will be vipd into the next one! &
the happy bus leaves in 45 minutes! Its ll.30 tuesday
afternoon, you file out the private back stage exit of
privilege, with the merry band of loonies all getting
into the bus Why? Cuz were too fucked to drive thats
why. And drunk is the least of our problems The
trip In that bus at 11.45 tuesday afternoon the blazing
sun smell of the party, the look of the sun-glassed
glazed litany of the partied. There is every shape and
color of the rainbow there. We pull up to the
restaurant across the street from space and its like a
fucking circus! But one like it was from The
BlingBling brothers and crackheads on Baileys
Circus! Truly Circo Loco! Then if you could eat, it
was highly recommended a big greasy double
cheeseburger with an egg on it, and WATER! Lots
and lots of water! Now its 12.45 still tuesday
afternoon, and we are done eating. Mike and Claire
pick up the tab and we proceed to stroll across the
street in to Space arriving at precisely five minutes
to one, circus and paparazzi In tow We enter at
what feels like slow psychedelic flash-motion tv
super slow, slow mo as those who woke up that
morning showered and got dressed, and spiffed up
just to attend, and here we come, cutting the entire

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

two hundred person line outside the entrance. As
jaws dropped with outrage camera flash bulbs pop,
pop, popped! Like microwave popcorn 30 seconds
into the home alone, gonna watch my favorite flick
tonight All eyes were locked, & watched, as the
chosen ones arrived [You could almost hear those
regal horns blowing in the distance as if Robin
hood and his band of merry men, had arrived with oh
yes he did bring that Maid Marian and their fair
maidens! Oh Yes! Yes Yes! The festivities were once
again, about to commence!]
Here's to the Chosen Ones...
The Fashion Buyers,,
The Fashion Victims
and most importantly
The Fashion Rebels.
The Revolutionaries.
The Square pegs
In the Round holes
To the ones who,
Party, A little differently
They follow no rules...
& They have No Respect for Restrictive Etiquette ..
You can copy them
Dislike them... Even Praise ..
or Criticize them.
The only thing you can't do is
Overlook Us...
Because We change things.
We push the Fusion Faith Forward!
And while some may see you as The Chosen Ones
we see you as Brilliant!!
We Believe The Chosen Ones are crazy enough to
change the Fucking world...
and Do!...
Party Different
La LoCura Cura!

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

We were handed disguises as we got settled in, to
offset the fact that we were already dressed
absolutely ridiculously. Holding on desperately to my
lighter, and my sunglasses, I proceeded to party on,
under the thumping beats and sun rays bursting
through palm leaves, decorating the cage. As we
cheered like football fans every time another jet
passed directly over head. They would fly so close
and so loud, the music of the party was temporarily
drowned out by the rumble of what could only be an
earthquake unless that is you built a disco at the end
of an airport runway. This seemingly calamitous
earthquake was only to be drowned out by even
louder screams of exaltation, We were in Ibiza
dammit! And we were gonna carry on having the
time of our fuckin lives in broad day light dressed
like psychiatric ward patients, & psych ward doctors
and even better, psychiatric ward nurses! We knew
there were wars going on in other countries, but here
everyone could dance in peace! You could bump into
some one and instead of getting an angry face, and
death threat, you would get a smiling face with an
apology a beer a kiss from their girlfriend or
whatever! It was all about the feeling of love and
mutual respect. Simple idea when you just sit and
think about it.
Alfredo would have the terrace in a total uproar
weaving throughout the music library like super g
downhill ski racer, smooth wide turns at breakneck
speeds only to suddenly take flight! And only to land
in the arms of a few thousand of your most intimate
strangers so heavily disguised by now, your mom
could be dancing next to you and you wouldn't notice
her. And dont think that only the spring chickens
were out there on the dance floor, hell no! From the
teens through the fifties and some beyond! It was a
free for all super costumed love-fest brought to you

TRue IBiZa SToRies...

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

by the friendly family, traveling circus, that was
Manumission but wait it aint over yet!
By 6 pm You had had enough of out of this Space
planet you were on. Out of this world bar prices, and
over active security guards, so we would cross the
street once again en force as the Bora Bora party
was just beginning to kick off on the beach with
Justin Tiempo dropin bombs & Mr Chocolate Love
would turn the beach out, and thats when I would
jump on a table grab the mike and start rocking the
house and stirring the crowd up to a total riot!
Dancing on tables with the hottest bikini clad
lovelies, as the sun starts to set, you pop the odd party
favor and boogie the night away on the beach, as you
leave with some friends and jump into a jeep heading
off to a private villa up in the hills, somewhere
You wake up on Wednesday morning In a place
youve never been, with some people you may or
may not remember, with absolutely no idea how you
got there, but the people are really nice, sweet,
beautiful people! And they are making you breakfast,
so you really cant complain. You begin to relax and
sit back as the sun heats up on another gorgeous day
in paradise, and as you slowly sink back into your
comfy position on the couch as you smell the sweet
scent of breakfast being loved up in the kitchen,
tickling your little nose hairs, with fresh onions and a
hint of strawberries, honey citrus lavender and sticky
sweet you realize you left for Manumission Monday
at noon. Its Wednesday at one thirty in the
afternoon Woa! Now thats a Fucking Party! you
take a look down to inspect your attire. Holy shit!
Who the fuck dressed me? I look like I have-not been
this happy in a long long time come to think of
itmaybe never...
I met Xicu Bufi In Dc 10 one monday morning he
was standing on the other side of the dj booth like me
standing elevated from the crowd like me, we met

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

and immediately began to party together and this guy
could party we would play music and dance and sing
and smoke joints and just laugh ourselves silly, till we
cried. Xicu to my my knowledge was the epitome of
what Ibiza was a true multifaceted diamond that
never shines the same way twice.
First his way with the security. He could get into
anywhere through any door no matter how well
secured. but even better his way with the police. Now
this is one of those things that you might want to sit
down for because to this day It blows me away how
he pulled this one off. Anyway here goes The Pacha
Donut Story. Now don't get me wrong to my
knowledge Pacha does not sell Donuts
Yet, but I bet after this book comes out they will
seriously consider it, any-who it goes like this, Xicu
and I were on our way to Pacha one night in his car
now mind you Xicu Bufi was one of Spains Greatest
racers Motorcycle as well as car racing so he had a
need for speed. so his car was a supped up super
BMW that was bullet proof and not just the windows
the car, the whole car was Bulletproof, it didn't hurt
that when you drove it into the garage the garage was
a music studio with 180 degree sea views of Sa
Calleta with the planes taking off and landing in the
distance. We arrive to the front of Pacha and Xicu
starts doing donuts in front of Pacha Until 8 Police
cars arrive with about 16 police officers he stops and
pulls over and the cops insist we get out of the car, I
being from the Bronx, think that getting out of the car
might actually be an ok option at this point Xicu
however tells me to stay in the car so I stay his
girlfriend is assuring me everything is ok and I
should relax and not worry. The cops proceed to take
him away and his girlfriend tells me to go in to pacha
and get a drink... so i do. I enter sit down and order a
Vodka tonic, they serve me, & as I turn to relax and
take in the sites of the club I see Xicu is sitting next

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

to me drink already in hand. With a big smile on his
face. Truly a Magic man.
Barefoot was a Zen Master at the time of our first
meeting he had written 13 books on the subject and
other subjects. It amazed me that he had written 13
books I was like Holy Shit when the fuck did you
have time for a family? 13 fuckin books is a lot! And
not to mention in a time when the book publishers
were charging 19.95 and you got something like a
buck fifty if that. It was kind of like the music biz,
and I just kept thinking, he wrote best selling books
but got to take home none of the profits! Let me
write a semi seller and cop 85 percent, and we can
stop living in cardboard boxes down at the sea front.
It was a revelation and I had read Barefoots books
they were actually Pretty interesting, I loved the
story telling and the frank honesty of his writing
style. The thing was though, Barefoot was becoming
something of a Guru. Now the way I see it is, some
people have traveled down certain paths, and people
always wanna pay somebody money to walk a mile
in there shoes the problem was Barefoot didnt wear
no shoes. It really didnt mater a Shoeless guru was a
figure of speech nowadays. Imagine How many
People were actually going into the guru biz right at
the turn of the millennium It was becoming good to
go guru. If you had it, Pimp it! Cuz the economy has
already been devastated, so the solutions will not be
packaged on the nightly news thats for sure. In other
words Gill Scott Heron was right when he said that
the revolution would not be televised But you
can catch that shit on Wikki Leaks! They even had
schools for it! Like learning how to become a
carpenter or a mason. There were a few guys truly
leading the way, in the move to teach you how to

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

become your own specialized Guru. One was A guy
Born in Belarus In the Former Soviet union. He and
his family moved to America where he began his
Entrepreneurial skills as most do with Lemonade
Stands And later baseball cards to the tune of
thousands per month as a high school kid he would
later go on to leave school and work in his fathers
Liquor store bagging ice eventually moving up to the
floor where he helped engineer a 60 million dollar a
year biz out of sweat equity and hard work and long
hours. After realizing that he was at least one percent
unhappy with his present situation, he begins to video
blog every week for a thousand episodes, until his
brand equity grows to ridiculous heights, and he
starts The Daily Grape [Q , 3/21/11 5:11 PM
Link it up! and check it out!] He writes a book
called: CRUSH IT! About how Now is the best time
ever to cash in on your passion, and it goes to
number one on the New York Times Best seller list.
Then he writes another book called: The Thank You
Economy Teaching about the Humanization of
business that was occurring in the marketplace like
never before, due to the emergence of social media.
His desire to buy the New York Jets Would drive him
to build brand equity as leverage for millions of
eyeballs which eventually increased his personal
market share and ultimately his net worth. Realizing
that a billion dollar purchase like the Jets required
greater leverage than he could get just by selling
wine, Gary started a media consulting agency with
his brother AJ and Vaynermedia was born now Gary
and AJ are Social Media Gurus. Next a young man
named Brendan Bouchard who gets into a car
accident survives it has an epiphany, he realizes that
at the end of your life you think about only three
things Did I live Did I Love And did I matter? After
this he writes a book called Lifes Golden

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

Ticket[Q , 3/21/11 4:51 PM go to the Lifes
golden ticket web site
] which he uses as his springboard to begin his
Experts Academy[Q , 3/21/11 4:52 PMe A
web site link
] where he teaches people how to package their
messages and sell them so they too can become
millionaires who are making a difference in peoples
lives. He then Went on to write an Amazon number
one best seller called The Millionaire Messenger
The same thing the southwestern company used to
teach on the beginners level so many year ago.
Building people so people could build their
Then there is the story of Tony Hsieh who started link
exchange after landing a great boring job at Oracle
straight out of Harvard. He would then get together
with his partner to grow link exchange to an exit sale
to Microsoft for 365 million dollars. This allowed
him to be able to start an incubator for other start ups.
Of all the start ups incubated Zappos was the one he
eventually bet the farm on and won. From 1999
having zero dollars in sales to over a billion dollars in
gross sales per year by 2008 by 2010 they would
Marry Amazon for a stock swap to the tune of 1.2
billion keeping control of the company and
continuing to grow the unique culture that had begun
to infect many companies and organizations around
the globe, simply by Delivering Happiness [Q ,
3/21/11 5:22 PM
Check out the Delivering Happiness web
Pedro was in the kitchen coming into the living room
to get away from it all a bit. He had just finished a

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

good one, possibly a great one but he was not at
liberty to speak on it. It was to be an experience. A
year later he would take the stage with Penelope
winning the oscar for the second time but tonight, he
was here to relax. And tonight he was going to relax.
He loved it here, and in a way still longed to find that
perfect villa on the island. He had friends here, and
would always find himself here after a long shoot.
Yes had friends here, and stories, yes tonight he
would relax. He grabbed a drink and went into the
living room we ran into each other the way you do in
a small intimate setting... casually. I had just finished
shooting as well. And oddly enough with Antonia.
She was the light of Pedro's last great one as far as I
was concerned. She could steal the camera like
Penelope, and she was equally as brilliant on the set.
A true professional and she can crack you up with the
silence. We agreed not to discuss each others films
although the fact that they both had different oscar
winning european directors, was a cool coincidence, I
was in good company. We talked and drank and I
smoked He Spoke of his attraction to Ibiza his Affair
with her. He would retreat to her breasts, after long
months on location on a film shoot, needing to get
away from it all and just unwind. I was left
wondering when I would get to see this new film and
could it possibly be better than the last? I never went
to see it... I left it between friends the title was
Volver The Name of mine was AMNESIA
He won another oscar with it, Who Knew? Yeah
Ibiza, she has a way of really putting you in Good
Company, Damn Good Company... Julio Medem
would make a movie based in the balearic islands the
Title Lucia Y Sexo it was really a lot of Formentera.
Julio Medem would also go on to make a film called
Chaotica Anna I had the pleasure of working with
Julio on that Film and also watching him work. I love
to watch Directors when they are making Films.

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

Especially if the are good Directors. And You can
really tell the difference, however what is good is up
for a bit of debate. Having said that I must say my
favorite Director and Film to have worked on was
AMNESIA By Colorado Films With Oscar winning
director Gabrielle Salvatores. Gabrielle is first, such a
humble unassuming sweet man, you could almost
never imagine that he could be the director of a
Major Motion Picture. What are the qualities of a
great director? I wanted to get at the heart of it And
working with him was a Blessing and a great life
lesson for many reasons. One is the timing of the
whole thing, being able to orchestrate the execution
of a film is like making a great meal. First you must
shop for the finest ingredients {The cast and crew.}
Because no matter how good the recipe looks {The
Script} If the Ingredients rotten {Spoiled or just not
ripe enough Unprofessional and unseasoned} It
becomes difficult to create a true masterpiece. On the
surface you can get it to look good, but anyone with
half a palate will know the moment they taste it. Then
The Preparation of the meal in the mind of the Chef
{Director} This in terms of a film Are the painstaking
work that must be done in Wardrobe and sets
lighting sound and Choosing the locations for the
shots. Then if proper prep is done, the Chef Still
must KNOW HOW TO COOK! In other words A
great Director allows things to occur almost
effortlessly, because every one is on the same page.
Information flows freely from Inception of the idea,
to manifestation of the completed shot. New ideas
can flow freely without a stifled feeling that
permeates the cast. Relaxed intensity, with a sense
urgency is the Mood in order to get that Film in on
time and Deliver the goods, as well as the bottom
line. So... The story, how I got be in his film. Well,
rumor has it that at that time in those days I used to
spend a lot of time on the beach in Sa Trincha naked

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

as a J bird on sand. And I would fall asleep, so there
are numerous photos floating around... Any-who back
to the point My girl friend at the time Linda Sullivan
was working with some friends that were involved in
a casting and they were looking for someone to play...
Yes a Porn Star... The only problem was that it was
for a Real film for a big budget major motion picture
with an Oscar winning director, it wasn't a porno it
was a comedy. However that meant that just in case
the Guy Really Had to have the Dick Size ok ... So
yep you guessed it thats exactly where I came in!
Pardon the well placed pun. No... But It gets better!
We were going shoot in Es Cubells at a Super
Luxurious Villa And I would get PAID WELL Fed
well & My name in the CREDITS!! Bru Im from the
bronx Im in! Say no more, sign me up! By the Way
way, the Leading man and the dude playing the
leading lady are oscar winners plus in the spanish
cast were Artists who were all at the top of their
game. Macaco would drop a video for the sound
track and I am hiding from italys new Lolita who is
really dating a race car driver as well... oh, ok
enough where do I sign? Oh wait what do I have to
do? What I did was take notes, my scenes were with
Diego, he was making films, playing the film
director, wait So let me back this up for you Diego,
the lead actor is an Oscar winning actor playing a
director of porno films who lives in Ibiza but doesn't
want his daughter to know what he does for a living.
She is visiting for summer holiday from her mothers
house. So imagine, Im the lead guy in the movie that
Diego is shooting My name is John Anaconda yep
Shall I repeat it? Ok no need, anyway I was
accompanied by two very shiny young ladies shall
we say who are for all practical purposes naked, or
practically naked. now here comes the interesting
part I have to simulate simulated stimulation for a
camera crew that is simulating film making for the

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

purpose of making a film which in reality is a
simulation and in the end mere stimulation, but thats
not the point. The point is that all of these stories
revolve around Ibiza and the crazy Madness that
occurs here. The other side of the plot is that the
madness also revolves around a particular disco
named AMNESIA which in italian means Loosing
your mind. In the Real Life AMNESIA these stories
dont stray far from the truth. In the film Diegos Best
Friend Finds a Suitcase full of Cocaine and confides
in Diego so that he can get some help in rectifying his
perilous situation. Island in the Middle of the med...
porn Director friend.... Fantastic villa with sea views
and suitcase full of Cocaine. The other Characters in
the Film all have interesting challenges and methods
of dealing which make the plot thick and rich, and
funny as hell. [Q , 6/30/11 9:11 AM
Link up AMNESIA Film By Colorado Films
Directed by Gabriele Salvatores! an
absolute Must see for all lovers of ibiza
modern mythology] It was almost a bit of
providence that After that relationship to this
particular disco that I would find my way as the
Voice of AMNESIA Radio And the Resident DJ
There for three years running, ever since that first
year in 2009 when they first agreed there would be a
radio. I remember Carlitos talking about how we
would be Streaming live from the club and I thought
wow it only took ten years to go from the Worlds
Largest streaming event online ever with the Wu
Tang Clan in Happy Valley Pennsylvania, to Live
streaming from Outrageous dance parties on pirate
islands in the Middle of the Med! The only problem
was they said was Carlitos going to be alone. Now
under normal circumstances that would not be a big
deal except for the fact that Carlitos doesn't speak
English. Now who really cares were in Spain!

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

However the majority of our future audience would
not be in spain, and I knew that. I also knew that if I
could just get on the air in that time slot in english we
could speak to the world in a way that had never
been done before. The Internet was exploding and in
the words of Gary V Not your big brothers internet,
the internet was still so young it hadnt even had sex
yet, and it was dominating the playing field I just
remembered all those Brokers who laughed at me
when I was trying to get them to buy stock in yahoo.
On the morning it went public an upstart young
Bootstrapper named Jerry Lang showed the world
that the new biz was online, not many people noticed
it was only 13 dollars a share. {About eight
months after going public, Yahoo!, for example, had equity worth about a billion
dollars, but it made only $2 in profit the last
year. The game had changed forever....}I was
living in Silicon Valley at the time, working in the
Childrens discovery museum That house that Woz
Built on One Woz Way in San Jose California. One
of my Broker friends was the big man at Evergreen
Investments in San Jose. I had met him through the
owner of the San Jose Mercury News. He liked to
play a lot of golf. I had learned how to play golf for
business deals, from My Manager D.C. In Nashville
Tennessee Where the Southwestern company is.
Thats the oldest sales training company in America.
And when you get to the top levels of the most
intensive sales training there is... golf slides in on the
list of things to know. This however only comes
after four years of selling books door to door for 80
to 120 hours per week on straight commission. Then
managing a team of 10 salespersons who you will
recruit, train, then manage during the selling season
which lasts about 13 weeks of the summer. The third
year the sales Training Begins as a class structure that

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

is 13 and a half hours per day for 6 days this method
of training is a direct simulation of what your In the
Field sales week will be like every week as a rookie
or first year student. You will wake up at 6am
shower, have breakfast and begin at 8 AM sharp.
Then lectures in a giant auditorium with three
thousand seats. Inside would be your entire team
from the school you were recruited from, then in the
rest of the room would be the other teams from every
other college and university that Southwestern
recruited from. And there were many...Morgantown
West Virginia Vassar College Marist Collage Ann
Harbor University of Michigan. There were dozens
and dozens. The Southwestern company at that time
was the Largest employer of college students in the
world. They would recruit not just from America, by
my third and forth year I had Grown in the ranks to
international sales trainer, Flying around getting
dropped in to Pump up the Managers, review the stats
with them, {Which I already knew because I have a
close eye on all my org through out the summer,..}
throw a pep rally style Sunday Meeting with the rest
of the organization, & get everybody fired up for a
big monday then Boom! Hit the Tracks with the sales
people that are on the cusp of breaking big, but just
need a little touch of magic. So you arrive at their HQ
at 6.30 in the morning get up with them observe their
rituals and have breakfast, then you get the map out
and go to their turf in their town. Take a look at there
recent sales list of names and then ask them to tell
you the stories.
and they go what? And I Say Yeah Im Gonna Sell
three times more books in your own turf than you
ever sold since you been here. And after you watch
me do it with your names in your turf with stories
you told me? Your gonna be so mad you hadnt
figured out how easy it was, your gonna break that
record some time on thursday evening of next week

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

if your quick. but thats gonna depend on you. And
we would begin first with my magic song. Your
what? My Magic Song Look Dont Laugh but
when you sell as many books as I do, then... You can
Make your own Damn song! But until then, your
gonna have to learn mine. Ok Here it goes I
learned it when I was a rookie so you can learn it
too! I am Somebody.. and I can do Any-thing I
am Somebody And I can Do Any-thing! I was
walking down the street with a book in my hand!
And Im the best damn salesman, in the whole wide
land! I am! Somebody, And I can do, Anything! I
am! Somebody, Somebody! And I can Do Anything!
Anything! and When Im Gone I want it written in
green Im Not just a salesman Im a selling machine!
Im not just a salesman Im a money machine! Im
Not just a salesman Im a Lovin Machine!
William Burroughs sat quietly in his office upstairs at
the City Lights Book Store, he was just siting at his
desk reading. As the Sun Sank slowly into the San
Francisco sombrero that was the mission district, it
glided over the Golden Gate bridge tucking in all the
sweet songs of liberation. And as the sweat from the
brow of the city lights books store dripped like an
Exodus of life force, bursting from the philosophical
forehead, of life's great marathon runner. I just
walked upstairs to his desk and asked if i could sit
down. He said sure, I had no idea what I was going to
say, I just remembered that I FELT I had to meet him,
at least talk to him a little about Jack, and On The
Road and how much of an impact it had on me. We
ended up just talking about Timothy Leary, I told
him how I'd met him at a dead show in Oregon some
time before. I was struck by the fact that Tim was
wearing Fish shoes and a Fish Neck tie. William told

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

me stories of the old days and the travels, and my
mind began to drift in and out of the surrealistic
fantasy of the books I had read and the stories and
films of the merry pranksters and the bus. It reminded
me of those days before college graduation at Marist.
Tim Lydon My Senior year room mate and avid
Grateful Dead fan, convinced me that we should
travel cross country like Karouac and the boys,
watching the people disappear in the rearview mirror
behind us, as we drove on from one city to the next.
Tim had a great big chevy four door Impala It was
like a small studio apartment with living room an
engine attached. I remembered that the Grateful Dead
concert was going to coincide with the National
Debate Championships. And It would provide me
with a chance to kill two birds with one Impala. That
being the case, I would have to pack for several days
of heavy cross country road travel with my house
mates. Several days of psychedelic dead or alive
fiesta, with the Global dead trotting traveling
Hypsies. And finish up with several days of
Intercollegiate Debate at the highest level, with my
Hall of Fame debate coach, assistant coaches, The
Buxster, the team, and my mom. Yep I said it, My
mom. None of this would have been the least bit
taxing had I not been conducting my own personal
psychological experiment, Code Named Lunatic
Lunatic Spring. Was the code name for our senior
project. Our House Senior Project that is. All the
Room mates chipped in And we ordered A quarter
pound of Psilocybin, or... Magic Mushrooms as they
are called on the streets, they were Mexican
Cubenzies they got mailed to us in a big ass box from
Arizona. And For Our Final Semester Since we lived
off campus in a private house We Decided to
Throw free parties where we would get our friends
off their faces, and we would come together as a

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

senior class... well thats how it was supposed to work
in theory anyway, in practice however, it was another
story. The first order of business was preparing the
house for the parties... So since Timmy and I had a
walk in closet in our room, I decided to make a walk
in Art Gallery. And since Salvador Dali was my
favorite painter. I felt it would be perfect to choose
him as my Artist of the Spring! But First we needed a
back drop.
So we proceeded to Acquire The Largest American
Flag The School had to fly, and let me tell you it was
HUGE! We used it as an unbroken canvass of
wallpaper. It even covered the ceiling! Then I Took
The Complete Works Of Salvador Dali in Hard cover
and proceed to carefully remove the works of art one
by one with a razor blade. Then I strategically placed
them in every part of the mini gallery possible. I even
placed some on the ceiling from Mae Wests living
Room to The Persistence of Memory. I had them all.
I used left over Christmas Lights to illuminate the
Gallery And thats right once again, The Star Was
Now, only to test it! The thought of eating all those
mushrooms cap by cap stem by stem was daunting,
so we devised a solution for the digestion problem by
making mushroom tea! It was just as powerful & you
could ad lemon and sugar, and then, eating the bits
after the fact wasnt so bad. But best of all the Trip
hit you in EXACTLY 15 Minutes.
Instead of 45 minutes to an hour, And It Would last
from 6 to sometimes 12 hours or more depending on
how strong the tea was. We were conducting
scientific experiments in the field of Human
Development, and like the pivotal scene in the film
The Doors by Oliver Stone,[Q , 3/21/11 6:31
Look up The doors a film by oliver stone.]
the guitarist looks at at Jim Morrison and says

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

Jim... ...We did drugs to expand our minds Not
to Escape!
I plugged in the christmas Lights, and put on the
kettle, Lunatic Spring Was About to begin...
Bertha sat outside the house waiting for us as we
packed up mini versions of our worldly pop-sessions
or poor-sessions but possessions would due for short.
We tried to figure what was absolutely needed, on
this first trek across the great divide. We were only
going to Washington D.C so we didn't need to pack
flight suits or oxygen masks, but one never knows
when an oxygen mask might come in handy, on a
trip such as this one. Bertha was Tim Lydons Best
girl, although other girls were interested in him, he
wouldnt let any one get in between him and Bertha. I
heard she was born in the summer of love like me,
but I never really knew. I didn't want to ask to many
questions about what seemed to be a sensitive matter.
She was ok with me, and that was all I needed to
know. Bertha had personality, and was willing to
drive you anywhere as long as you kept a certain
sensibility about yourselves. If it got too out of hand,
sometimes she would just stop! Right in the middle
of wherever we were, and Timmy would have to
sweet talk her to get her to start up again. So he
would start blowin that harp sweet and special,
workin himself up to a somber blues love song,
before she would kick over and get back goin down
the road again, and that was all that we needed to
know... Was she on it again? Yeah were back on the
road again! Bottled beer chiming in time, to silly
rhymes Timmy would spout as he waxed eloquently,
and facetiously as he told long tales of absolute
nonsense! But comically doing it so well, it was a
true joy to listen to absolute nonsense, passed off as
fine english discourse. With the occasional harp solo
blown in for effect. Like the Political world of our

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

own college campus pomp and circumstance, smoke
and mirrored rumors, only telling us what they
thought we needed to know, with a smile that is.
And so in turn, we did many things on a "Need to
Know" Basis. We got it From the Spy Films, and
most things in our daily operation were like that. Tim
Was the son of an irish family from Connecticut. He
was An English Lit Major, which I never quite
understood. You just had to read books all day, but in
college thats what you did anyway, so what was the
big deal? Anyway the big deal was that during that
time tim had gotten around to reading A lot of
Books He was a general expert on many kinds of
trivial bits of information, even though he was not the
know it all type, just waiting to throw it in your
face. Timmy was more like the guy who you thought
knew absolutely nothing, about anything, until YOU
needed to know. Then almost accidentally he would
inform you of some historically adept piece of
information, that could make or brake a particular
encounter. Tim Lydon Was a blues Aficionado. I met
Tim through one of his closest friends from
connecticut Chris, who was also a musician and and
general merry man. Chris was the closest thing thing
to a real Hippie At our school. The type that you find
lurking around private institutions of higher
education He had a striking resemblance to the
character from The Movie Hair[Q , 3/21/11
6:43 PM YOu must check out the movie
hair get a coupla joints and some vittles
and kick back with your best group of
friends... It can change your life!! The
Movie Hair]. He Was BURGER in every way shape
and form. From the curly hair to his willingness to
strike out in song at any moment, With Chris around
You were sure to be living a true to life broadway
musical every day in every way. And with Tim

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

playing Blues Harmonica, And Chris playing the
Guitar! All I needed to do was Sing! And we had all
of the fine feathered fowl flocking to our every frolic!
With Tim Giving Me Daily history of the blues
lessons, whiled he played along to the greats as
bertha took us every where we wanted to go with a
beat and a song.
The beat of her throbbing along to the songs as
Muddy Waters flowed out of the cassette deck, like
the Ganges River, dark and mysterious, but the life
blood and soul of a community. The Blues were
becoming the lifeblood and Soul of our community.
Sweet guitar and blues harp mixed with hypnotic
spoken word, and Folk Flavored songs.
And if Chris reminded you of Burger then I was the
HUD of the group. And when Marist College
Council on the Theater Arts put on the play Hair. It
was Chris Who Was Cast For Burger And It Was I
who was cast for Hud. We thought there was a bit of
type casting going on and felt they definitely had the
right men for the job. The beauty of the whole event
was that They had to cast our GIRL FRIENDS AS
WELL now that proved to be an eye opener. I
mean think about it, you get cast in a play at college
and then all of a sudden they cast your entire
entourage as well! Your Party Budz for the next 6-18
weeks! The kicker is in the play, you hang out all
day smoking pot and sleeping with various women in
your Peace crew, and generally live the wild and free
life of acid tripping, mushroom taking, anti war
activists! What did we have to do to prepare for this
drastic change in personality? We decided on the
Method Acting Technique. I for one was always a fan
of Method, because it caused you to meld with your
character, not melt into your character. For me you
could find your character deep deep inside your self
if you just spent enough time with them their traits
their wants their needs and desires, who they were at

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

there deepest level, and who you were at yours down
at those levels. The similarities of soul resonance can
be examined and distilled, then you analyze the
distillation then choose to resonate only with those
traits that you and the character have in common on
the deepest level. when you arise from your trance
like state "which can take several weeks to get into}
You are that character for all intents and purposes.
And you can be filmed interviewed you can perform
concerts give tours teach a seminar and many other
things that before you may have never attempted in
your normal life. Unlike Dr. Hoffman, Dustin
Hoffman is famous for this. From films like Tootsie
to Rain Man To Dog day Afternoon[Q , 3/21/11
6:18 PM
I recommend Doing a detailed Search on
Dustin Hoffman and Watching every movie
he ever made as a pure character study.
Combine that with watching every film
Robert Deniro or Sidney Potier and Denzell
Washinton ever made, and you would be
on trail the quintessential ghetto guide to
method acting] They become the character,
sometimes multiple characters, In Order to Bring the
Written word to life. So how do we do it? The spin
Surgeons of historical reverence brining the written
word to life. All we were trying to do was LIVE THE
WRITTEN WORD... It was Jack Karouac and
William Burroughs that had given us this Spark, this
desire to rip the country from end to end, discovering
its majesty for ourselves. Not relying on the Media
Tales from the Darkside to influence what we knew
we didnt know about America. And we were in
college for fuck sake! Private college, one of the best
in the world, or so we thought, but we were sure we
didnt know Anything about our America! And oh

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

were we right, we had no clue. We were her chosen
sons... Blinded by the light & feelin Bliss!
And in America Ignorance is Bliss! And we were full
of Bliss! All Blissed up and ready to go! Come On
Bertha! Lets Get on it! We Got Places To go People
to see Music to play, Women to Carouse! And miles
to go before we sleep! Bertha would take all of us
off the campus and into the wild blue, that is Upstate
New York. In October when the leaves start falling
from the trees, you can see more colors than the
rainbow ever thought she could carry with both
hands. There are colors yet undiscovered falling like
despotic regimes when the people unite. Spinning out
of control, shooting off a spectacular display of
brilliance and delight, raising the hairs on the back of
your neck with every light breeze, that reveals
another fourth of July celebration! All pageantry and
pomp without boring circumstance leading the
precession down familiar streets.
It Was More like a trip Through the pinata testing
factory 45 minutes before Lunch brake. Or the
Carnival in Rio 4 to five hours into the festivities.
The Color Palate on the falling leaves must have been
written by the elves the summer before, constantly
trying to out-do themselves. How do we think we
can keep up with the fairies if we dont get more
depth! More Viscosity! I need Higher Resolutions!
Look At the Fairies! They Are Presently leading In
the Realm Of Psychedelic Multidimensional lucid
Soul Dreaming!
We cant let them get away with that can we? The
Chief of the Elves Would Sound Like Mr Scot From
The Star Ship enterprise But Capn Were givin it all
that weeve got! Ive got the chlorophyl resonators up
ta full bore at the moment! Second Elf in command
knowing that the color palate for this october was full
on! In fact, due to increased collateral consumption
from one unnamed GE Petrochemicals Plant, This Elf

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

knew this seasons color, surely would take a turn for
more diversity of coloration but for reasons not so
favorable with the Guia. However Second Elf in
command felt:
The Bleedin fairies got a wee bit of advantage
goin with that Natural DMT Silly cybin workin for
em, An I dont think we should be properly
comparing ourselves wit dem, its like apples and
pineapples Anyway its not a bleedin Competition!
We all gotta wax the same muffin around here so cant
we all just get along? I agreed with the Elves, it was
like Apples And Pineapples, there was just no
comparing the two! As bertha drove us up Route 9
towards kingston we smoked joints and talked music,
philosophy, The JAMs Hips, & other priceless works
of art. South Africa, Apartheid And the rise & fall of
the Greatest Empires. {Who knew I would some day
end up there standing on the main stage in front of
15,000 people at the Capetown Festival As the Main
Stage headliner some years later after Apartheid had
come down and Mandela had been freed? I would be
protesting the War on Iraq live on stage with
Bloodlines S.A.s most famous reggae band the day
George W. decided that the games were about to
begin on that day I told my friends to watch out cus
the hand writing was on the wall and they sold start
buying south African gold it was about three hundred
dollars an ounce.} We would debate campus politics
and who was the hottest chic wed met recently, and
how the fuck were we going to change the world if
we couldnt figure out haw to change our own
schools socio economic political problems. We would
spend the rest of our year wrestling with that very
same proposition. And as the Tea ingested continued
its own special Funk Blend in our nervous systems,
we wrote the pages of our own history books. There
on the cellophane skies outside the Plasticine fish
eyed windows, right into the wild wide, kaleidoscope

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

blue red yellow, and greenish, Hudson Valley brown.
Timmy could play the harmonica, and direct Bertha
at the same time. Blasting out blues tunes, and
screaming till our throats were sore, we would drink
bottled beer, and cruise up Route 9 with the Elves and
the Fairies all singing in time, as the buzz would take
hold and transport us directly into the cypher, a place
where time forgot your name, and how old you were,
and just let you be. Remember the days when you
could just be? You could go back there anytime, and
take your friends! And you would be always that age
you were when you did it for the first time...
Timeless. You were Timeless in The Cypher, forever
young, a screen play before the story gets its first
reading. You were the Wing Suit Diver at the edge of
Angles Falls, as the first gust of wind hits your ass...
then your face. That potential kinetic energy ready to
pounce, ready to spring but still silent, eternal. It was
the place that held all the words to all the songs that
had ever been written...
All the melodies ever produced were in there as well,
but they were symphonies, Grand masterpieces of the
highest order. It was as if every orchestra in the world
were playing their most intense, beautiful and
complex piece at the same time. Yet every one
stays in tune and in time with everyone else. Sounds
sliding across one another like the first light of sweet
passionate love, wet agile synchronized, in
HARMONY... So you actually begin to taste the
harmonies colliding, like vanilla ice cream sol, and
hot blueberry, do ray me pie! Distinct, precise,
voluptuous, orgastic!... Bertha could take us there at a
moments notice, and we were ready ready to go.
Blazin up Route 9 with Chris, Tim, Bertha and
Howlin Wolf And Led Belly And Albert King. As
The psychedelic sound of transformation reached our
souls, we mutated deeper into our higher existence.
Dancing in the syrup sweet, light of youth...

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

embracing the everlasting moment of eternity, woven
into a tapestry of rhythm. Washing over us like a
Mystic Shaman in the yard sale of the souls...
Floating investigating, Probing testing & laughing till
we cried... We were
Harmonizing... With the Universe.
Music for B-Love LSD Sequence Dance with me
Lucid Soul Dreams
9:42 AM
Hazy gray day with plenty of light out side a red
brick project apartment building with a glass
windowed pizza place on the first floor. As the soft
sun shines on the window, light reflects off a large
shiny stainless steel pizza oven inside. Roll up on the
dark old school bat mobile looking ride with project
peeps in the front, one skinny driver with brimmed
hat and no fingered gloves, his little brother in the
back looks at me then smiles and goes to the trunk
and comes back with some weed wrapped in plastic. I
smile back at him as I look across the green grass of
the park. We see the front of a project pizza place
window middle left faded red brick all the way
across right. Brick spiral staircase far left,
I See B crossing the brick from right to left, starting
to peer in the window looking for... yep; hes looking
for me Yo bro, I gotta go, peace dog, good
lookin, Im outty, like Goudi
10:36 AM
The pizza place was just another stop in the mad rush
to get shit done that night. I needed to get there
because B-Love was meeting me there with some
money. Or so I fuckin hoped, you know how that
shit goes with the management. They never seem to

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

have the money when you need it. Then they come
outta nowhere promisin the moon while waving
plane tickets in your face. The grin that B would
get when he knew We were off on another one! He
was beautiful! With that smile
I met B-Love Before the Towers Came down In The
MAO Rooms
By CHINAWHITE. in the Port of Ibiza. I was
resident DJ and Vocalist there.
Its where I first met Miss Luna And a weed smokin
busboy named Tomas Head grew to the size of an Ice,
because of fame burg. B-Love was looking after the
place,... so to speak
But can somebody please tell me how you look after
a place that was designed to to be a playhouse for the
rich and shameless?
Very, Very Carefully. & Please No Paparazzi.
But dont let the name fool ya What went on inside
those wooden doors, should have stayed behind
closed doors, And if the Name Chinawhite can give
you any clue, well then I may as well leave the rest
up to your imagination. I mean even the Dcor was
out of some Dubai Sheiks wet dream, The Flyer Read
Come and see what Ibiza Is Talking About And man
were they Talking Beds? In the Bar? And a giant
picture of chairman Mao to the right of the DJ Booth
This was a hot one. You could almost hear him
Ladies and gentlemen this is your captain speaking!
Today you will be flying Here on B-love air lines &
and yes thats right Im... B-Love .
Thats right! Ladies and gentlemen,
B-Leave it! Your journey will be powered today by
Synergistic energy! Yesss 100 PERCENT PURE!
Poly-Unsaturated Synergistic energy!
Yesss. Thats right 4 you non

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

B-lievers... If you notice looking out your windows,
as you wait for your luggage to be loaded that
There was no fuel truck refilling this plane. Thats
right ladies and Whoever else of global EcoTolerable importance that may have been lucky
enough to hand over their banking details, for the
luxury of this inter-galactic post-continental pent(house)European pre-natal flight! Yes, B-Love Air
Lines is the first fully non polluting air-craft fleet in
the world! Aghgghemm.
If you dont count a little teenie tiny bit of reprocessed bullshit thats merely a by-product of
dealing with soo many,
Globally Eco-tolerable Movers & grovers
Like, Yourselves, all you brave Sons and Diamond
studded Daughters, of the Glutton Generation.
Hey, nobodys perfect Thats Right B-Lieve it BLove Didit B-4 Braaaaaaaaanson! Sayyyy it
saaaaaaaayit with meeeeee yess with meeeeee!
Aghem! .. Ah Yes Where WERE we! Meeee!
Ah. Polluting,? A little bullshit? Ah!
Synergistic Energy, Yes! Thats Right...
The Worlds first luxury Airline Service run totally
on Synergistic Energy!
Its brilliant!
Yes Contrary to un-popular opinion, during the
entirety of this voyage, we will be powered by.
Yes yes come on come on and saaaaaaaay it just
saaaaaaay it!!
With meeee with meeeee!! Corrrect!!!
My Smile & Smarm
...Will be opening the doors, of perception
Not to mention,
offices, Stadiums, escrow accounts portfolios trust
& knee-high knickers from here 2 Heathrow!

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

& from Heathrow, to Bombay!
& from Bombay to Bodrum and beyond!
Once you got him inside those orifices, I mean
Offices,! Dare I say Anything could happen! And
it usually did.
I believe the primary key in opening doors, is
choosing the right lubrication for that moment of
insertion. Allowing the combination of the cosmos to
find itself harmoniously pre-aligned to pre-cisioned
purrr-fection of positioning, prior to your pulsating
penetration of intention. After which, it is merely
understood with out a word, (usually) that passage to
the parlor is presently, if not purrrrr-manently
"Got to find got to find hello! got to find..
there! There, he is! Alright mate ha you?" and
before I could even ask if he brought the money he
was supposed to be bringing me, he immediately
brought me over to the front of this giant stainless
steel pizza oven, an peered inside with our backs to
the sunlight streaming through the subtle silhouette of
summer. We stared into the oven as he opened a gray
brick like box, and inside it where two forks lying on
red velvet; & on either side of them there were
two more forks. He looked up smiled so fuckin big! ,
It was like we had just won the Lotto 269 million
And we were gonna split it between, just us!
He picked up the top fork and handed it to me &
grinned like, a lunatic in the asylum after
realizing that it was in fact, his box of loony bin
chocolate that in fact,
did have a secret toy surprise inside,..; and we,
were in fact! The proud recipients of the grand prize
of one inter-Nationally recognized & official signed!
Sealed! & delivered!
--Master key to every loony bin,,,.
on Gods, Green! Earth!

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

He looked at me with those big, bulging ,eyes
and in the loudest, high-pitched squeak he could
spastically muster, he quietly
B-Love then presented me with dare I say
one of the nicest silver forks served on red velvet that
I have ever come across,
Asleep or awake.
But a Silver Fork? So of course waking from this
perplexing map of metaphors, You can understand
why I felt a bit twisted I felt a bit Twa-twa-twatwissted!
Little did I know I was about to travel To the
Birthplace of Entertainment The Turkish Tower
Halikarnas! And meet the man be hind the myths
and the turkish legends more than 25 years before he
had moved to Bodrom and set up shop now business
was booming and He was a bout to do some
remodeling of The Most Beautiful club in the world.
B Love had managed to talk him into letting us
remodel it. Then we would open on the 25th and it
would be a rebirth of sorts. but as you can figure B
Love would disappear In the end with Any cash he
was supposed to pay me, of course and not turn up
again for three more years...
I woke up in a cold sweat and all I could
muster was
Time to get up and find out what time it is! Are
you on strike today?
What Day, is today? (I thought, not wanting to let
my total disorientation give itself away.)
Better yet What fuckin year is it?
I was on strike for damn sure! but first
things first..

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

I needed a joint
Ok know if that crazy dream about the girls
getting a shower was any advance warning of uz
havin our hot water turned on after countless, ok
maybe not countless but at least 6 months of cave
man style livin what the fuck do I do with a Silver
On red velvet?
Well as fate and clairvoyance would have it BLove gave me a call three days after that particular
vision to tell me that he had just returned from
Cannes in France and he had excellent news. Which
in not so many words was a way of saying he didnt
have any money, Cuz if he had money, who cares
about news? Only when there is no money, is there
news. He told me that: blah blah blah fucking blah
& didnt even have any plane tickets! Fucking blah
blah blah!
I was convinced that what he wasnt telling
me was he ate very extravagant meals in Cannes
With some fly by night chick! and thats where any
money, we Might have had has gone. Oh but
management would never say that! Oh no, they
would just give you a silver fork on a velvet tray in a
vision, and hope you didnt pick up on it. But any
way all for a good cause I guess
It was a shame B-Love still had faith in the
music business. Unfortunately, what was wrong with
the music business, was
of course not with the music...
The Problem was every time somebody figured out
how amazing you were at the music, they instantly
started trying to: Give you The Business, & BLove still, just didnt get that. Bernard would say it
got to the point where he just couldnt even shake
hands any more cause every time some one touched
you they would be smillin but you could feel em
just suckin the life out of ya

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

You know that feelin when you can feel them suckin
the fuckin life out of ya & All the while, they just
Smile smile smile! I remembered reading about how
Hendrix never had more than 20 pounds in his pocket
and How the Manager of The Clash in the early days
had them all living off their wits, coming off the
Anarchy tour with no money, and no real place live.
Joe Strummer Squatting Houses and Paul Simonon,
so hungry he would eat the flour and paste glue for
the posters for their ICA gig on October 23 1976 &
They were headlining! Welcome to the music biz!
And dont forget the clash were heroes to a
Generation emphasizing Passion As a Fashion!
However CBS only gave them 4 percent on album
sales... PURE SLAVERY.
And as the bottom fell out, the Cd market
collapsed. Copying anything digital became so easy
you were just selling your intellectual property rights
for advances, to pay living and recording expenses. It
just didnt seem like it made sense to even get A
Deal, If you did, remember you would end up
selling your soul for the right of some Major label
to Own You lock stock & two smoked out barrels
later. Now your sorry played out ass, is left owin the
label 350 grand just to pay back your tour &
management expenses!
It was like trying to explain to your grandfather that
No Pop! You really shouldnt invest your life
savings in a pyramid scheme involving 8 track tapes
of MILLI VANNILI & junk bonds. That shit went out
with the Will, & Afros
Put it in a living trust! ,
thats what all the rich white folks do,
aint it? Well maybe, not all of them...

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

The producers of Milli Vanilli, got rich on the whole
Slim Fast, Fake Fame Fad, didnt they? Well thats
what I thought too but, it looks like Slim was still a
little shady, & when I received the call on my
answering machine from Jens Gad Ex Producer of
Milli Vanilli and 12 year Co-producer with Enigma, I
had the feeling I was about to find out exactly how
shady slim could get. Jens was a bright blue eyed,
curly blond haired German music producer, who
managed to keep his boyish good looks intact after
years on the green $ide of the music. He had been
living in Ibiza for over 10 years, apparently running
from all the fun and excitement of post-war postmillennium Germany after the eco crisis, that left
them all still pretty fuckin rich. Jens was going
through a Crisis of his own. It was yes, you know that
one, the midlife music crisis, not to be confused with
the Winter Music Conference but the out come was
similar You ended up trying to desperately get
your hands on the next new thing you were not clever
enough to create yourself, while you pass it of as an
original cry of sheer genius. Its not that Jens was
Phony, Not at all, He was Genuinely Fake as Fuck!
Like a 100 Percent Genuine Imitation Producer,
G.I.M.P Im sure his belts & shirts had the same
Tag embossed on the under side. Seems Jens and his
G.I.M.P brother, who was living in New York at the
time, were trying to make it as a producers after the
Fall, of innocence that is The only problem was
they were only on to another gimmick music group,
instead of working with real raw talent. Jens brother
had a connection with the Black-Eyed Peas
management and label people. So the brothers
G.I.M.P, decide to take a group of Blonde big
breasted Polish violin playing triplets and turn them
into well, Polish Pop-Tarts of course! But the
only problem with their brilliant plan was that In
New York, Nobody gave a flying fuck about Polish

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

Pop Tarts unless they were making a chocolate
frosted, dirty movie! Too fuckin squeaky clean!
Ooooh So thats why youre calling me! You need to
get them dirty! Don,t you boys? Real dirty &
thats were I came in, To play Red man to the
brothers G.I.M.P and their 3 fiddle playing
Christina Aguileras Jens was on the rebound
when the Enigma bubble burst & it left him strapped
to a concept that had lost any and all signs of
creativity. They had played the same album so many
times that after a while it started to sound like
something else... However when they decided to take
that something and call it the next few new albums
oops! & they wondered what happened. Why did the
people stop buying? After umpteen million Records
Sold, it was truly the end of innocence, because
somebody was defiantly getting fucked! What is it
about regurgitating something until it looses all flavor
of the original or anything else for that matter. But
hey, bourgeois German producers gotta build
mountain top Castles too! Hendrix said castles made
of sand melt into the sea eventually. So the lack of
creativity and the lack of income, usually lead them
to acts of sheer desperation, considering the fact that
even German producers get addicted to living up to
the Ibiza Jet Set lifestyles that they were accustomed
to. So ripping off the general public in any way
possible was tops on the list of how to scrape up a
couple of fresh mortgage millions. When Jens tried to
produce his first album after his break up with
Enigma he called me. Why? Because it had come to
his attention that on the Island of Ibiza I was the most
versatile, & studio friendly male vocalist in earshot.
And now he was calling me again. Funny how you
never hear a word from them about the last project
they tried to underpay you on. Until they want to try
to underpay you on a new one! The album went
nowhere, because he was too naive about the impact

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

of the Classical singer he chose. He was yet again
trying to make her a Classic Pop TartDidnt work.
Why are some of the people with the most wealth and
success and gold plaques on their walls so Fuckin
cheap when scrapping together for their next possible
meal ticket?
Then he tried with the wife of Michael Criteu, and
that went flop As well. Now! He was back with the
next fake "Silly Vanilli" gimmick to try and refinance
a new studio time would tell...
...Oh yeah I happen to know the guy who just
finished remodeling Jens old Studio.
Seems he bought it full! With everything in it! I think
everything, minus the Gold & Platnum Milli Vinilli
discs on the wall...
..."Silly Vanilli" Tricks are for Kids!
Bernard was on a roll, he had officially finished the
tour but they tacked on a couple of dates at the end,
as usual. Benidorm, Portugal, another Spanish date
and then Switzerland. So that left us in some Golf
resort called the Hesperia Somewhere in mainland
Spain. It was the night of the Benidorm gig and
Mick was looking exceptionally tired, but up for the
task. Muriel and I watched the highlights on TV in
the suite & as we watched, Bernard sat gently
tugging on his chin, as he tried to figure out how he
could do the rest of the tour leg with out having to
take all this damn luggage. We were in a suite as you
would expect but what you would not expect was one
of the suite rooms to be completely filled with... Now
now watch that mind of yours, It was filled... with
If I have to open these suitcases one more
time! Ill just take my jeans and this shirt. I got

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

another clean shirt and ill be set. Damn! But ill need
a coat in Switzerland! Damn!
You could see it in his face even though he
looked good, you could see, he was tired, On tour
with the biggest band in the world and when the tour
comes to an end, & it just wont fuckin end.
As we sat and talked in the hotel room, we
smoked and laughed and told stories and nearly fell
over, cleaned out the mini bar and generally had as
much a family reunion as you could have when your
on the road like a Rolling Stone! The envelope slid
under the door said today was a travel day & phew!
Thank god for that. Travel today, Play tomorrow
Travel the next day. We talked so long, he had to
pack and go, before it was over the bus was outside
and he was already Singin his Travelin road song,
as he was leavin checkin to make sure he didnt
leave anything behind, B4 Checkin out. Hes been
Flyin private jet so long he forgets what its like
sometimes to have to check in. When you travel as
much as Bernard, you Get to a place where you need
a Travlin Road Song Just to keep your head straight.
Some thread of continuity between destinations,
Something that was always going to remind you of
WHY you were on the road, and what lay at the end
of the journey.
That night he told us the story of what It was
like to be in the ZION last party scene in the Matrix
Reloaded.[Q , 3/21/11 7:55 PM
matrix Reloded party sceen] He said the set
was on an old army base near the Golden gate bridge
in San Francisco, transformed into a stalactite cave
aircraft hangar style. He said it was he closest thing
he had seen to the old Paradise Garage back in New
York City back in the dayz. Not visually, but the vibe
of the shoot, he said that there were thousands of
kidz on the set. All of mothers children were there

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

and they were havin it! Grindin and pumpin &
lovin it hav-in-it!, and when the music stopped! An
the director said cut! It didnt matter, they started
makin music, outside out their on their own. Dancing
to the vibe of the silent energy running through all of
them, they were celebrating life! He said it was a
sight to behold, bodies heaving sweat drenched,
grinding, pumping, jumping, leaping for life! And
when he hits that giant gong, to start what could be
humanities last fiesta, you could feel the history of
our fragile species reverberate through eternity. I
couldnt wait to rent the DVD and see for myself
what he was talking about... At that time, I hadnt
even seen the flick! I felt a little jealous though cuz at
least Bernard got to deal with Mick. Back on the
island just in pleasant passing, Jade was always such
a bitch.! Guess you cant always get what you want
Oh well Time was on my side, & maybe with time I
could learn to have Sympathy for her but time
eventually smoothed her out too! So I guess you find
You get what you need!
Shit! I got so caught up in daydreaming, I
Damn near forgot it was a travel day for us too!
Muriel hits tonight around 2 am, with a sound check
at about six. We were opening some new super disco
in Valencia, I think its called...
I decided to take flounder up on his offer. I
went to the town houses that night for that study
group thinking I must really have made an
impression on this guy, either that or the Arab Italian
campus connection were going to sit down and have
me for dinner! Somehow I felt pretty confident that
there was no such organization, and I started jogging

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

across campus. I would do this for reasons which I
would come to realize only years later. I was learning
about the dynamic of the social & political organism.
It seemed strange that I would take to it so much,
considering how much I hated it. I learned to use it
early on as my mechanism of flight as a youngster
growing up in the Bronx. The Bronx is the kind of
place that reminds me of The Hobbsian definition of
the state of nature. The War of ALL Against ALL.
It was like the posters you see in the offices
of lawyers and sales managers who dont have the
time to buy real office decoration cause there too
busy spending their valuable time taking peoples hard
earned money. There would be a lion Laying in the
grass with her majesty by his side and the caption
underneath would read.,
Everyday in the jungle the lion wakes up knowing
that if he doesnt run faster than the slowest gazelle
he will starve to death. Likewise every morning in
that same jungle the gazelle awakes knowing that if
he doesnt run faster than the slowest lion he will
surely be eaten for breakfast... So it really doesnt
matter weather you are the lion or the Gazelle, Cause
when the sun comes up. You better be running!
Yeah man its like that in the Bronx, fuck around and
sleep! And you will end up on a breakfast plate!
They say two types of people live in the city The
Quick, & the hungry, Because if you aint quick you
is definitely goin hungry! These were the days of
Nicky Barnes Mr Untouchable. With The War in
Vietnam raging abroad and the civil war in the States
over drug infested streets being waged at home, you
had to kill or be killed, chill or be chilled spill or be
spilled. Machiavelli had influenced the world leaders
as well as the underworld leaders. And no matter
which world you came from The Prince was not
subject to the laws. The problem was that in the war
of all against all, everybody wanted to be The

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

Prince. The Gangbangers in the Bronx during these
years used to call the Bronx Little Vietnam, hip hop
grew out of this civil war zone. The cross bronx
expressway cut through the Bronx like an infantry
devision, leaving poverty and devastation in its wake,
and the civilians to fend for themselves. It would be
the music of this neighborhood Fort Apache The
Bronx home of the Zulu Nation, & Dj Kool Herc
That would carve a culture out for the next two
generations. Spanning the globe touching every race,
breed, color, size, shape, and hair style. Dj Kool Herc
Would be seen in his massive convertible with the
sound system in tow, pulling the community together
for individual forms of self expression. It was in the
community centers that you found the gangs laying
down the violence and picking up the microphone,
and getting down on the dance floor. Hip hop at its
purest. Afrika Bambaata and the Soulsonic force
King Timmy the Third. As well as other names like
the leaper & Rahim. My earliest memories of it were
on Anderson Ave in The Bronx 164th Street &
Anderson Avenue, right up the hill from The World
Famous Yankee Stadium in the days of Thurman
Munson, Bucky Dent, and Reggie Jackson. Now dat
Bruthah could smack one outta da park and smash a
window on the 4 train as you was passin by, late for
work, tryin to catch a few more innings before
arriving, wit a radio stuck in your ear.
Anderson Ave. was on a hill, a great big fat ass hill
and we lived at the top. Down below if you dropped
a tennis ball out the 6thth floor window, it would
bounce high enough to take it on its way down ,
down, down, right to the front steps of the Vatican,
Well not really the Vatican But if Da Bronx had a
Vatican, it would be;
Yankee Stadium.

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

Maybe its like the Vatican because in those Bronx
neighborhoods right around Yankee stadium some of
New Yorks Greatest Treasures have been buried
But thats another story
And They didnt even leave the vatican sacred! They
tore it down and wacked up a replica! A Clone! Right
next door!
When youre born in the south Bronx your
not really called an American, youre a Yankee! And
if you dont think so go over to England and ask
someone where the toilet is in a restaurant and the
first thing you hear iz Oye Yank! So for us we new
we were from, Da Bronx. Which by all geographical
predilection I could come by, was in fact The Center
of The Modern Universe And Yankee Stadium was
its epicenter.
Dont get me wrong though, just because the South
Bronx is The Birth Place of Hip Hop, one of The
Worlds Most popular styles of music & In the
epicenter of the universe that doesnt necessarily
make it Fantasy Island. In Da Bronx You could get
your Ass kicked, tires stolen, house robbed, door
kicked in, bitch slapped, & pistol whipped by the
police & denied a phone call, all quicker than you
could say Not Guilty!
What? Yall dont know? Ya betta Call Somebody!
cus if ya dont know, Ya Need Ta know! People are
always talking about the south bronx like we dont
know it was dangerous but that dont mean the
people there Aint friendly. They will help you if your
lost give you great directions maybe even drive you
where ya need to go! But not everybody sees it quite
that way! So that you can get a better scope of the
place as spoken straight from the Horses ass, or
mouth depending on the mouth of the horses ass you
happen to be talking to. Real estate mogul &
Machiavellian Billionaire Donald Trump put it
simply when he referred to the South Bronx while

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

describing the art of The Deal, in chapter eleven of
his auto-biography he titles it Long Shot! And
although it could be made In reference to the odds
that anyone born there might actually make it out of
the south Bronx alive, before thirty three, or the
year before you would be eligible as a black man to
run for the presidency of the United States
Donald Trump says a mouth full:
All my life Ive believed In paying for the best. But
when it came to the United States football league, I
decided to go a different route entirely.
By the time I bought the New Jersey Generals in the
fall of 1983, the League was already failing badly. It
had nearly lost $30 million. The generals alone under
the ownership of J. Walter Duncan had lost more than
$2 Million, not to mention nearly every game theyd
played. In real estate terms I was buying the south
Bronx instead of 5th Avenue & 57th Street.
Nuff Said. Obviously not the place you want to send
your kid to public school, but sure as shit thats
exactly where I went. And you can be damn sho it
wasnt 5th Avenue & 57th Street.
and it was on my way home from that very same
public school every day in the south Bronx, where I
The crowds approached the lawn as the day began to
take shape being the biggest event in the last hundred
years and every body wanted to get in a newspaper
story about it. They had every major printed digital
and cyber blogspot & Pod Cast all shinning like the
rising Sun. Yes the rising sun would be the guest of
honor with the rising sun as his logo and the world

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

financial institutions hailing him as the new crown
prince of the people. The probability was improbable,
but it seemed to have happened right in front of our
eager eyes. But much to our surprise the man of real
was brought to life his shining grin for all to swoon.
The ladies fair would stop and stare at his stern
Anti-hero style. The dutiful dad the handsome
husband. Yes Mr Senator! A Harvard Man! The Look
The Feel, The Effervescent Man of Real! The One
Who bought us hand in hand with Just three words...
Yes We Can! And Now the crowds have settled in, to
see the man who came to sing! With The Audacity of
hope, tied into Dreams of his father, he came to
Brain-wash-ing-town And Today the Prince would
get his crown. And From blood line to blood line, this
crown has been handed down. But hark who goes
there on that lawn?
Oh My god the prince is...
Brown? Well now... lets see...
Twas the night before inauguration and all through
the house, not a good Bush was a stirring, in that Old
White House! No worries of wholl trim next years
money tree, steal from taxpayers, tell Lies on Tv.
This next guys All In the family! Every time I
think about it it, brings tears to my eyes, but not for
the same reasons they were crying. I was crying
because those suckers bought the bait, hook line and
sinker, and lo and behold we were strapped, with
another Piso-Bush stinker!
What I wanted to figure out was why they needed to
take over all the independent music labels,
consolidate & conglomerate them, and then start
getting rid of good new up and coming talent. This
was until I Noticed the American Idol movement
starting up. As well as the operation triumphos and

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

Britons got talent. And big brother and Mtv shifting
from playing videos to reality stupid-vision dumbing
down the population like Fluoride in your water, and
your brain on the Simpsons And Beavis &
Butthead on Riddlin. Meanwhile selling them more
things during the shows than during the commercials!
That was either going to make them sterile, stupid,
stoned, or Simply stunned in the head lights long
enough to steal whatever rights they had left, on that
tattered and torn dish rag that used to be called The
Constitution. The United States Constitution was
starting to look like an almost finished grocery list,
And with the The Man of Real armed with
executive signing orders it seems every thing got all
crossed of with ball point, premeditated style and
flair. From toppling towers to Stock market Crashes
floods hurricanes, earthquakes tsunami's and flu
epidemics with Killer Vaccines, and Banker Bailouts.
From predator drones & Gulf Oil Spills to not so
Depleted Uranium! You know! Catastrophe
Capitalism!! All the stuff great American movies are
made of!!! Fleeting Fortunes, Floods, flus and that
Fukashima fau pax, [Q , 3/21/11 8:38 PM
Fukashima meltdowns
research the present day total estimated global
damage to date.] & California Homes falling into the
ocean! Great! Blood Al Gore & Guts! ...And One
Hell of a Soundtrack! Then They Make the
blockbuster movie where the government kills
everybody with a funky vaccine and they Get: Thats
right You guessed it WILL SMITH! He plays the
Anti-Super Hero the same guy they are going to get
to play our present Philanderer in Chief! As soon as
his approval rating comes out of the toilet But didn't
he just get inaugurated? So Thats what buying all the
independents was about, it was for the Sound track!
Yeah if they could cure craft and design the message
of the music you could push the meem's where ever

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

you wanted couldnt you? Yes We Can I mean if I
Play I got feeling that tonight's gonna be a good night
that tonight s gonna be a good good night. then thats
my FEELING. The designer of reality manipulates
the feeling. The motor of your emotional power
source is your song your vibration, it is the remote
control to your channel frequency. So slowly over
time If I controlled the Tv & Radio waves I could
orchestrate a Coup of a totally different kind. One of
magnanimous proportions. One that could subtly
transform public opinion in a way that they would
believe they did it themselves... all they have to do is
make you a LEGEND... So thats What the music
take over was about! The cult of personality! By
Being able to get rid of those independent bands with
messages that might have been disruptive to the
status quo of the upcoming world Dis--order. They
would need to change the song in the heads of the
masses as they have done for the last fifty plus years.
So... Fifty Cent gets his big break and Shady records
signs him. Now under the tutelage of Dr Dre and
Marshal Mathers, Gangsta hip hop gets a new face
and The Music Industry gets a corporate facelift. Def
Jam Changes owners and the label changes direction.
And so does the rise in youth violence and black on
black crime. Shootings in schools and assaults
against women of color. and on the street corners and
suburbs play grounds back-streets all singing the
same song. Out in the streets they call it... Murder!
Thats right Get Rich or die Tryin is the ultimate
Slogan for Disaster capitalism military industrial
complex style. Murder Incorperated
Welcome to Jamrock... Welcome to Jamdown...
where people are dead at random political violence
pure ghosts an phantoms the youth dem get blind
by stardom now the king a kings a call! ol man to
pickney so wave everyone if your wit me you see this
operation sick me! Dem suit no fit me To win

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

election dem trick we den dem dont do no-ting at all.
Come on lets face it a ghetto educations basic an
most a dem yout dem waste it and when dem waste it
dats when dem take da gun replace it den dem dont
Stand a chance a tall. Yeah Wasn't it Will I am of
the Black Eyed Peas Mr Tonight's gonna be a good
night didnt he also pen that Yes we can track for the
Marketing campaign of the Man of real then His band
tops the billboard charts tying the all time Billboard
record for singles in the number one spot,
But Jada Kiss of the Jr Mafia is just trying to feed his
baby girl, like Biggy was. The Industry forced the
young black man back into the box Wasted to the
world and ready to die. All willing to get rich or die
trying ,But Why? Why is it always the last nigga
standing gets a record deal? In 50 Cents G-Unit,
Between 50 and The Game they had been shot a
bout 14 times! and Lived! So obviously They
Deserve a record deal dont they? Wont they Now Be
walking billboards for bullet proof vests and every
other imaginable thing you could sell from the
suffering of the black male, & and the Sale of Black
death? More Bullets, more guns more vests. Who
Made the Most Money when Tupac and Biggie died
Maybe thats a better way to look for who did it! and
Michael? Woa He made BILLIONS for Sony all
from Cult of Personality. Then When Michael
Jackson Announces This is it! All of a sudden he
doesn't wake up the next day. Did You See The Promo
Video? Google it Baby! Go head Baby! It was
Bigger than Life, and Showed you exactly who the
most powerful Cult of Personality was on the earth.
The only problem was he was not going to tote the
party line he was going to say ALL I WANT TO
ABOUT US! Who was he talking about? Who is
they? In Michaels official Video for this song he

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

stands next to an All Seeing Eye when he sings
They could never kill me!
Which They? He Sings But if Martin Luther were
living he would not let this be! This is it! was going
to end a meal ticket for A lot of executives somebody
had a motive to maximize the profit structure of this
end of a career. And Clear the way for the new Cult
of personality, one who will bow to the will of wall
street, send thousands of troops into battle, and also
receive the Nobel Peace Prize? Someone who would
Smile to the people with one face and behind closed
doors sell them into TOTAL ECONOMIC
SlAVERY? The ultimate Judas, selling humanity into
Police State Super-slavery, one country at a time.
Taking his marching orders from the military
industrial complex he gears up to colonize the planet.
Open your Sleepy little eyes and take a look outside
your window. All the while preaching in the name of
true peace and security! Ahhh Yes...the look the Feel
The Effervescent Man Of Real
And Believe it they Did! With The Help Of Tristian
Whats His Name? Maudiber And His Dead Tardy
Clothing Brand Selling kids the fact that Love
Smells Phony, well if thats true then the Fashion
Police need boot to stun orders as well! What a
movement of super tacky Message Management!
What About the T-Shirts that tell you the Truth, Like
the one that has The Smiling dentist putting those
Mercury fillings in your teeth with the words
stylishly written your dentist kills... slowly as the
back of the shirt shows you brushing your teeth with
fluoride toothpaste!
Its The Great Work of Ages, hidden in plain view &
operating fully operational; on the planet surface. We
however can rise Hide the lies, hand in hand we have
the power... to love. Dont let Dead Tardy tell you
different. There are many Roads which we must
travel the thing is they all seem to be leading to the

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

same place. Its time we took another road. Maybe
we just need to skip the road all together and learn to
The Buxster had a way about him, we sat next to
each other in the seats slated for senior class
graduates... all dressed in Regal robes, sitting in the
hot sun on the banks of the hudson river in upstate
New York. The cap and gown day had arrived,
Finally. It was hot in these robes and as I sat there
sweating, I felt extremely proud of the fact that I was
actually in my designated seat. A month earlier, the
probability that I would not be sitting in this chair
was more than probable. If The Powers that be had
there way with me, it looked certain, that I would not
under any circumstances be sitting in this chair. I had
considered the months events prior to this date. We
had successfully staged a class wide protest that
threatened to boycott graduation entirely, if the
powers that be did not heed our demands. We were
not terrorists we were students, but we were not
going to be taken lightly. We had also managed to
secure a great deal of press for our little uprising. I
had spent four years with Bux and today was our
crowning day of victory. The day they would give us
our piece of paper and let us get on with taking the
world back for the common people, in the name of
peace justice and the American Way. The only
problem was that after four years of Political science
Pre Law & Philosophy At one of the nations premiere
political institutions, we were sure that America
Had Totally Lost its way. The Buxster was the
Joker, the Prankster, and the Captain. He was the
leader by example, and he was very good at it. He
had a way of subtly convincing you. He also had a

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

way of letting you know that it was ok that you were
exactly who you were. Regardless of who you were
you could use what you had, to get what you
wanted. If you just watched him long enough you
could see how he was so effective, he knew allot. he
had done the research & he could smell fear. And
most important he had... No doubt.
In the First few years of any scientific Degree in
College or University, there is a weeding out process
that takes the faint of heart and chews them up and
spits them out. Kind of like the Armed Forces and
their version of Boot Camp! Once chewed up and
spit out, certain individuals would actually stick to
the wall! Those that slid down the wall ended up on
the classroom floor only to be swept out with the rest
of the trash when the cleaning lady comes back. This
as you can see is also very similar to Armed Forces
boot camp. The difference is, in the Armed forces the
cleaning lady becomes The Cleaner and someone
sends the parents a letter that says the student was
Lost in Friendly Fire. Leading one to wonder
exactly what type of fire is friendly, and if its so
friendly why does it always KILL YOU? Double
Speak! Ahhhh! Well at least back at Marist Those
who could not handle it, those who partied too hard
or just simply did not have what it took to be a
Scientist, didnt loose their lives, just their chance at
becoming a Scientist. A political scientist that is. Ahh
Yes,... Political Science, a crazy sort of major because
when you graduate you are extremely qualified to do
a great many interesting and useful things, for
example: Run governments, critique governments,
consult governments and most importantly, overthrow & Rebuild governments. Because in truth what
good is the knowledge of how to run something if
you dont know how to trash it completely and then
rebuild it again from scratch, if it still doesn't work?

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

Or if its inner infrastructure has been so corrupted
that all of its new fruits are rotten to the core? That is
the history of the nature of the sciences isn't it?
A Constant Evolution!
A Work in Progress!
Now that doesn't mean I would go as far as to push
that concept to the the Darwinian level of evolution.
Origin of species by Charles darwin has a fatal flaw.
It doesn't allow for the possibility of the evolution of
the species Beyond the Sphere of natural selection. It
purports that natural selection will guide us and has
always guided us however if we take a turn in the
evolutionary superhighway and we no longer have to
rely on the nature being the selector, making life cold
brutish and short. Will we then actually use the tools
of technology to do the selecting of The cure & the
Cause instead of divine destruction? Instead of using
eugenics based euthanasia dogma as the solution to
the woes of the world, collaborative global
technologies with life based value systems could also
solve the woes of humanity and bring it to a state of
advancing homeostasis like the rest of our existing
biosphere. We are mutating instead of following the
normal survival of the fittest growth model. Its not
the fittest that are mutating its those who are the
anomalies those with the will and desire to live at all
costs regardless of lack of education even though
they dont have a rich uncle to give them a loan Even
when the bank said no because they didn't have the
right credentials or credit rating or color whatever
reason! And they may not be fit at all! They may be
ill, or in poor health, But Their will to survive is
Greater than anything that has yet come across them.
They kill viruses because they have a stronger will to
live than the virus. So in order to survive some level
of mutation is necessary or death is certain. However
they do not die. They are not dead nor are they dying,
they are living with every fiber of their being every

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

cell and molecule and quantum particle is vibrant in
their veins with that electromagnetic rage of passion
that is dormant in all of us. {Is this mutation merely a
Kundalini Rising? Driving us to Higher levels of
consciousness?} They still mutate to the next, and
sometimes even higher levels in the socioeconomic
stratum. Which due to Darwin's Dodo Doodoo
Voodoo Dogma or his Dodo Dogma Doodoo Voodoo,
our planet is rapidly growing extinct, so whos the
Oxymoron here?
I was also doing a Pre-Law Degree as well as
concentrating in philosophy. I figured if you could
group those three, Political Science Pre-Law &
philosophy, you could maybe get a grip on the grand
plan of the powers that be. Maybe by cross
referencing all that global information from all the
Wars fought, Bills Passed, Laws Repealed, Puppet
Presidents placed poetically into Geo-Political Power,
signing orders sanctioned, Rights Violated, &
Readers Railroaded by Reuters. Then add Dim
whitty Gangsata hits topping Billboard charts,
Environments Polluted, Viruses Weapon-ized, Food
Genetically modified, Uranium Depleted, Humans
Mechanized, Machines humanized, Nutrients
marginalized, Genes Schools and Prisons Spliced
divided Privatized & patented. Not to mention
children abducted and religiously sacrificed by the
ruling wall street parliamentary religious ruling elite.
You could piece together the grand psychotic galactic
puzzle that is our present geo-political Post-biblical
Pre -Apocalyptic situation-comedy. Pardon the Big
Pun, cus this shit aint even funny! Now if we could
just get Monsanto & Rand to LEAVE US in Peace!
The Debate topic for the Lunatic Spring Semester
was Resolved: The Increasing trend in foreign
investment is detrimental to this nation, and after
getting the heavy research in, my partner Frank and I
got down to business with this topic... it was really

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

quite interesting. We were winning cases, a lot of
them, and as we were gearing up for debate
nationals, Lunatic spring had kicked in to high gear!
So I was having a Magic tea pretty much every day
for 35 straight days. The results were astounding! I
could gather the material and begin to argue the sides
in a very in depth clear and concrete manner. I could
create analogies that would succinctly describe why
beyond a shadow of a doubt we were always on the
right side. The only problem was something was
wrong, something kept turning up and it was clear
plain as day and in your face. It was the fact that
After Foreign investment propped stock prices
increased employment and increased revenues after
the inflated business cycle bursts, the fallout is casi
Nuclear. and you get .. well look at America in 2011
thats Exactly what you get... Who knew?... Wait a
minute If We were given that topic as the National
debate topic, then it happened to us totally devastated
our entire nation from top to bottom and know body
saw it coming??
Ok now...
Where have we heard that one before?
Thank god for those who remember and can share
theirs stories with us...
Stand up comedian style...
The Comics name is Q Shock!
His Famous Gag Line is Fact or Fiction, Honey?
Google-it Baby Go head Baby!
Remember the story about the pharmaceutical
company that filed for a patent on a vaccine one year
before a deadly breakout of that very same virus?
Or the one about the Patents for the synthesized
version of the swine flu held by two scientists that

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

work for the World Health Organization? Which in
double speak means THE PEOPLE WHO ARE
TRYING To KIlL YOU! If you take that little
Orwellian reference at ALL seriously... or even
Then I cross applied this interesting question.
If Bill Gates is a known Eugenicist, and the son of
the head of planned parenthood as well as the maker
of computer software programs... Well riddle me this,
if we know modern day eugenicists use the vaccine
virus money wash scenarios, ie problem reaction
solution. Could Bill also be behind the virus Anti
Virus Money machine that plagues Only windows
based platforms?
Engineering software ready to burn so to speak,
possibly with viruses already built into the system?
Then secretly, or overtly owning interest in AntiVirus software Ready to ship like The pharmaceutical
companies do? The Virus is in the Vaccine! Surefire
way to stay in the green!
Fact or fiction?
Googleit baby
Go head Baby.
Yeah man Its Just Modern Comedy
The Problem is Nowadays...
The shit Just aint that funny no more.
Ok May-be It used TO Be Funny...
What Has My Government done for me
And My Bold Response to that Question is
Google it baby!!!
Go head Baby.!!
And If Ya Dont Know...
Ya Better Find Out!
Cause the Life You save
Might be,
...Your Own Damn Life!

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

And Wouldnt that be nice...
Its mighty white a me ta save my own damn life...
Now isn't it??
But Hell Im Worth it!
I just read that the scientists now say that they have
discovered a planet that travels in an ellipse around
the sun counter to the revolution of the other
planets... Just now they Found that out? They say Its
its a thousand light years away the question really is
How Fast is it Travelin? Now that would be a handy
computation to have at your fingertips, should we set
an extra place at the table? And I heard Old Man
Zacharia Sitchen talking about that 10th planet stuff
years ago, and they are just letting people know
now? And a thousand light years? Dont you think
all this 2012 stuff and the sudden return of a sister
planet on an opposite orbit sounds a little bit to
familiar when you cross apply the theory of the earth
experiencing multiple pole shifts in the past. May-be
just Maybe the gravitational pull of a planet several
times larger than The Earth in our solar system
passing us in the opposite direction... well you ever
get passed by a tractor trailer passing you in the
opposite direction when your on a bicycle? Its
enough to flip your Lid & your Poles thats for
So a not so funny thing happened on the way to the
gulf. Of Mexico that is, well the thing that was funny
is wrapped in a whole heap of things that Aint
exactly funny at all. First of all there was an
explosion on an oil rig the Bp Horizon and 9 or 11
workers died, Then oil began pumping into the gulf at
an exponential rate. BP then began using Corexit a
dispersant that mixed with the oil turns the mixture

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

into toxic death soup which is now circulating in the
ecosphere raining down on the local gulf states. The
strange thing is this. A year before there was a movie
called Knowing Staring One of my personal
favorites Nicolas Cage he plays a father whos son
discovers a piece of paper with a bunch of numbers
on it that predict the future as he is sitting in his
chair watching Tv the news comes on and there is an
explosion on an oil rig in the gulf of mexico, hmm
interesting but when you see the footage of them
putting out the fire, it looks exactly like the footage
of the the real gulf of Mexico oil rig explosion,[Q ,
2/25/11Great movie to dig up and watch
with your friends then check the dates of
the Gulf oil explosion on you tube and
compare the footage yourself!!! then look
11:59 PM on the clock that turns to Japan
under the 12.00 then they show Japans
country code 81 then the news reporter
says the oil rig blows because a power
failure shut down the cooling system
11:52 AM] but thats not the funny part. the funny
part is at the end of the movie they get you to believe
the world is totally fucked due to massive solar flares
that are going take place and that aliens are going to
come and only take a few of you so you better go
with them. Ok so normal right! All the alien flicks of
the last few years have the same motif till
unidentified flying saucers start appearing over new
york city... The last thing she said was to watch out
because they had the capabilities to manipulate flying
saucers and they would try to get you get suckered
into it and it would be the meat grinder but they are
going to sell it to you and get the tv to make you
think the whole world is going too! Very interesting.
Google it Baby Go head Baby!

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

Oh Wait one last little detail. Halliburton was the
company responsible for What in that little shall we
say accident? Google it Baby Go head Baby...
Solar John was right on time, when he called me I
had probably ridden the tour de france three or four
times that summer. My Bike Not having the Same
sponsorship as the usual tour de france rider however,
blew up around the middle of july. It had run its last
race. I got it in Mallorca at decathlon but in Mallorca
thats pronounced De-cal-Don Why? Beats the hell
out a me still cant figure it out. Anyway the bike was
The Bottom of the top of the line. With a two year
warranty that expired a year ago. It Was a Dual
suspension Mountain bike, that was heavy enough to
tow your car with, but when it blew up, I was Back
To Hitch-hiking. And not that I wasn't good at it, or
didnt enjoy it. Its just that when he called I knew
there would be a chance for me to Get on the road
again in a whole new way. Solar John was a Berkley
grad and an all around rocket scientist type, but since
he was from Berkley you see how he would fit in
with Ibiza Fully. Actually now that I think of it he
was one of the only a few other people that I knew
that was actually educated in America and living in
Ibiza. Solar John was a god send Hes the Guy on the
Desert island that Was the Professor on Guilligans
island he could build you a motor bike out of
coconuts and palm leaves. And I was In the Need of
some motor transport so the Ibi Scooby was born
why Ibi Scooby? Because you know the first question
they ask is What does the ibi Scooby Do?
And at that point you slowly repeat the question:
What does the ibi Scooby Do? at which point they
reply yeah! What does the ibi Scooby Do?

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

then you can just laugh at that point cuz you both
sound so ridiculous! Followed by well since you
asked so sincerely Ill tell you what it does! It tries
to attack a strange problem we have in the balearic
islands and since my family tree has branches in the
Caribbean we may share these problems. The
prevailing problem that we have in the balearics is
the pollution. The problem is expanded by the fact
that a lot of the pollution is seasonal in the form of
the two stroke gasoline combustion engine. To the
outsider or even the passive bystander one would
assume that a small moped would surely pollute the
environment less than a large SUV suburban type
vehicle. The truth however is yes once again stranger
than fiction. It seems that since the two stroke
process burns oil as part of the combustion process,
this increases the impact on the environment
dramatically. Who would have thunk it? So we
figured out a way to help. I found this guy who had
built the worlds first human powered helicopter, he
was a nasa aerospace guy that had a love of bicycles
he ended up designing mountain bikes. But with all
that aerospace and design, he also had a look at
planned obsolescence in terms of things being
designed to fail so that you would have to buy
another one in a short period of time. Combine all
that with Santa Cruz sun and Eco Consciousness and
you get the ZERO Emissions Dual Sport Motor
cycle. Maybe it wouldn't single handedly save the
world but on an island in the middle of the Med? It
could definitely save my ass. Right Now as we speak,
California has laws on the books that outlaw the use
of the two stroke engine for all of the above obvious
reasons. So we figured if we could get a little
conversion movement rolling gas for electric, then
we could dramatically effect the longer term
environmental condition of the islands.

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

It wouldn't be over night, but over a five year period,
if we played our cards right we could phase them out
all together. If we didnt succeed, at least we would
have raised awareness and personally took a little
responsibility for the quality of our own lives and the
lives of our children. We had seen first hand what
happens when the solutions to the problems created
by the worlds corporate governmental military
industrial greed, is left unchecked to run wild. Only
solutions that kill more bystanders and make the rich
richer, & ready for one more round of genocide
delight! They let you order from the genocide menu
so that you really feel you had a choice.
So What will it be for you lovelies tonight?
Will you have carbon taxes served with a bit of
biofuel production in place of food production, mixed
with a side dish of Codex Alimentarius? Just incase
the other things on the menu dont kill you dead, by
economic strangulation, we will systematically
remove every trace mineral from any food you could
consume from any of our global markets, so that you
will be able to fill your face with food three times a
day and still die from malnutrition! And if that
doesn't do it!... We will make it mandatory to inject
european cattle with Bovine growth hormone Made
by thats right you guessed it our friends at
MONSANTO. And If that isn't enough we will
Irradiate all the meat and milk that crosses a
european border or leaves its local province! Isnt
that great! Because we all know that the only real
nutrient mankind needs in large doses is...? Correct! GMO Sodium Fluoride?
Woa! Who sold us that load of crap? Whats worse
is yall believed it! But not before they killed millions
with the increase in food prices that came from that,
and the economic assassinations of millions of third
world families. Killed with green peace signs... now
thats some high tech hyper technologic eugenics shit!

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

Its Woven into the tapestry of everything. Soft kill or
hard kill, in the end killed sloppy, or killed with skill.
Didnt Bob Marley tell you to look out because they
could hype you into thinking its ok to kill your brutha
man. From the east coast rivalry in hip hop, to AlCIA-da Terrorists scares to Lybian Rebel
Repressions. Biggie singin who shot ya, and the song
spins in his autobiography cause they still dont
Know, Who the fuck shot him? They just got to get
you to believe thats its ok to kill your brutha man.
Once you accept & believe that premise, they can
start killing you! Tomorrow, at noon, and since you
agreed to the terms i.e. living by the sword... Guess
what! Your the next contestant on NWO tonight! so
they give the people their heroes the Gandhi's the
Martin Luther Kings the Malcom Xs Michael
Jacksons the Tupac Shakurs and the Biggie Smalls
Pimped out by the Puff Daddys and Suge Knights of
the world As Jessie Jackson steps into Martins
footsteps and Lyndon Baines Johnson steps in to
Kennedys shoes. And Puffy Becomes a Rapper. Then
they give the Clintons, Reagans, and Obamas of the
world to get you to aqueous to whatever they decide
to unleash on you, because The President seems like
such a nice man! And hes Gotta be better than that
last Mutha so and so! And look at that sweet lovely
Arnie whats his name, look how well he did with
the great state of California! Ran it into the ground
right before pulling the Imperial ejection seat. And
hell, if Obama still cant find his birth certificate then
hey by that precedent Arnie could be.... NEXT Right?
Ill Be Baaaaaack! or was that really, I be BARAK?
So somebody forgot to tell them that we were waking
up but they had a plan B,C & D Im sure, but the
awakening was beginning to take on fever pitch and

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

we were moving towards Critical Mass. We weren't
waiting for them to make the next move, we were
making moves of our own, we were coming together
and chasing those dreams like our lives depended on
it and we were sure they did because we could feel it
in every fibre of our bones when we were on track on
target and in the zone. It was those dreams that were
coming to life right in front of us, and you could see
it, feel it, smell it, taste it, and touch it! We the Sons
of the sons on the road the march, the time has come
to rise as our consciousness divides. Together we are
one day old there is no time just eyes to see through
lies. Third eye blinded now see the days that had
been prophesied. Theres nothing to wait for its all
inside and that is how we rise sons and daughters of
the Sun those that recognize their light as a beacon
let all those who have ears hear and all those who
have eyes see that manifestations of her children in
all their glory living like Angels that never die.
Telling their very own unique Ibiza Love Story for all
the Universe to hear.
Singing their Song the one first heard in those dreams
so many light years ago when the dance began... ...So
what was needed now was a big Push... we had
gotten the lists done, and got the cameras, the set
location we were in the process of recycling two cdjs
and a mixing desk. The sub was there with two Mid
boxes each with tweeters. ancient as hell but it was
what the universe delivered now we just had to
salvage some parts and get the shit to work & get the
boys to see the local. We should throw a party to
organize the interviews we need a Dj set up and
mics and we can record every body that comes to
sign up for their interview. And people can get
relaxed and we can talk to them about the history of
the game. Etc. or the History of the Universe in terms
of the context of the big game. But we had to see. In
reality the boys didn't have a Title yet or a working

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

title for that matter they had not even thought about
it! I knew when we got mid-way through the teaser
they would realize that they Needed to think about
that for a minute but they were so far in already, it
would be much easier than having to try and come up
with a title before they actually got started. Test had
me listening to some really amazing positive hip hop,
in most of the cases I hadnt heard of the Artist or I
knew who they rolled with but not who they, were.
The positive hip hop made it to these nooks and
crannys of civilization and there were kids like Test,
schooling the whole crew on the good shit That
meant there were many more like him around the
world. Ready and waiting... people were waking up
alright on many levels but in the big picture...We
still had a lot of work to do!! NOW!!
Copenhagen didn't quite go as planned Al Gore had
been scheduled to speak in front of the world, and tell
the world that the polar bears were extinct, and by his
previous calculations we should all be in record
breaking, searing seething heat waves of a tropical
global warming, catastrophic heat wave captivity...
the problem with that was two fold. First, The week
before someone the hacked head research school at
the university of East Anglia or some place. Well
anyway, the place where Mr Gore was getting his
research. Seems some insiders in the whole thing
leaked Thousands of E-mails from the place
Spanning over seven years, and the conclusion? Well
the Bulk of the e=mails simply came out to spell the
gigantic fraud that had become global warming...
Imagine they were hiding the decline the hockey
stick was a lie. All made up just to allow Gore to
devise the carbon debt scheme, another laundry list,
winner- screw-all New World Robber-Baron Plan.

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

Where YOU the Tax payer pay taxes to yes thats
right, AL Gore, and the rest of the robber barons for
breathing your dog farting, your children, your live
stock and yes that number one carbon consuming
monster living not only right under your very own
roof in your very own house, no no the worst carbon
consuming fuck wit in the whole damn family was
living under your very own nose! And that fatha
fucka needed to pay!
By the way third world countries are exempt so have
a nice day!!!
Baby Sheza superststar who likes to dream I was
Looking for that sort of Superstar when I landed on
the island but It took ten years to place the order. Its
like that sometimes when your Living on the Island
of your dreams, Welcome to Ibizaland Here you will
find out its not real. What that means is that its all
imagined. Just imagine it and you can have it, And
Lone and behold there it is Staring you in the face!
Imagine That! Modern Manifestation! So The Key
Was Ordering Specifically from the Menu. You
needed to be really specific. If you ordered a girl
you got a girl but if you ordered a superstar Well
then, I needed a Superstar a jet setter with no fear of
flying. High that is. What happens when a get a gig in
another part of the world and you want your girl to go
but she cant because she has to work? On What? She
better be ready to grab a plane ticket at a moments
notice, and then be by your side when the curtain
rises. Or better yet her own Jet! Because if not... Then
what? She needs to be upwardly mobile, and savvy,
sexy, and pure talent. Smarts and Financial good
fortune like She was J.D. Rockefellers great
granddaughter, she needs to have the brazen, raw,
Artistic talent of Serinella Marcelli & the

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

organizational management skills of Regina Rielly.
She Needs to have a thick Ass! A luscious Morenita
latina lover but not a drama queen like Jennifer
Lopez, and the self confidence of Grandma! She has
to have the self esteem to allow Madonna to walk by
and Sniff her man but all the while staying calm cool
and collected & confident in every situation. Now
thats a Woman! We need to be in love with each
other! Not with other people! Shes not jealous and
neither am I! She Loves My Music! She Loves it!
She doesn't Smoke cigarettes, She Grows and
Smokes Weed! When I get up after we make love and
start typing, writing, or composing something... She
thinks that is the most inspiring thing in the world. &
She does the same. The Fact that making love to her
inspires me to ART!!! What Better Compliment is
that? And Thank God For the Electric Blanket, with
out it Im Sure it would be worse every time I skipped
out to Hit the Laptop For Some late Night Sessions.
Its like going out with the boys and never leaving the
house! But Your not really out with the boys are you?
No your only a few feet away across from the bed. So
close you can touch her! But You Dont Not Now!
Now is for flight! New dreams melting into sulphuric
reality as they twist themselves around your mind
until they grow out of your life like a Plump Purple
Mushroom after a that first spring rain. So now that
you got that mushroom... I recommend you eat it. So
what happens when you meet that woman and She is
just like you? What do you Do? What if its her with
the computer all the day just like you? and what if its
her that always has some place to go just like you do?
and its her who has the followers and the fans and
then how do you feel? You want the truth! But, Can
you handle the truth? First a few preliminary
background checks to make sure that she is healthy
in mind body and spirit. that means not a poor me
designed in rich woman's clothing which can be

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

enough. The problem with rich people is they have
problems money cant solve At least with some of
the poor ones you think all you have to get done is
the financial side of the happiness, only to find out
they are just not happy people. that means they will
continually look to you to make them happy and
solve their emotional bullshit! Who wants somebody
elses emotional bullshit!! Its why women wear
makeup isn't it? Its all that big fat fucking lie about
their real insecurities. How weak they really feel all
the time instead of what they put on their face to
trick you Into the fact that they are not someone
you would be spending a lot of time with if they let
you see that they are really fake as fuck, and the
whole carnival that is, what they show you every
day, when they leave the house is a lie, put there
intentionally to catch you like a fly in a fly trap, the
key is... Fly! Be Free! Men will use fancy items of
wealth and prosperity... Women use make up...
But why do they want to catch you and put you in a
cage? The Caged you is not the one they found
attractive, but they want to do that to you for sure for
sure. The Same old, Same old, the relentless desire
to conquer to possess to control... ultimately its about
that isnt it? Control. FUCK! The powers that be
want to control us and call us, the useless eaters. Your
woman is trying to control you your man is trying to
control you, your boss, & your kids! And there you
are spending all day trying to control yourself! The
state is trying to control you, through the same
mechanisms as every one else, your emotions! let
them say what they want but the reality is that if you
dont let them into that chamber they can never shit
on it. So you let them try, let them enjoy the shitting
on you and in the end they think they can twist you,
they think they can. That however is an illusion. So
dont let them. Dont let them try to touch you and
your dream, let them laugh let them mock you and

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

sneer because where are their dreams? Do they even
Have any? Or do they just drink the dreams of
others? Like the Djs that dont make their own
music! Or the singers who dont write there own
songs! Or they write them but never have the courage
to perform them in public. The Dream drinkers the
ones who only suck the Power from those who have
no fear of their life. And are now LIVING FROM IT!
The Bob Marley cover singers and Michel Jackson
impersonators! What have they done for your energy
but drink it? Constantly on the poor me!! Im so
fragile because... Im so weak Because... I
NEEED! Then when they snap the fuck back &
wake the fuck up? Your the bad guy for not letting
them suck your energy like a bit of a vampire, and
then they turn against you because you arent up their
ass 24 seven. Then in the next moment gossiping to
their friends Right in front of you! Even at your
table! Whoa big balls!! But big ones! How quickly
they jump Sides but all they got is what? They will
always come back. They long for the sweetness of the
sea... They crave the passion of her crashing waves,
so sensual & seductive is she...
they are hypnotized likes captured slaves,
Psychic Cowgirl Moths, Riding Open Flames
Fan-spastic fueled fanatics, chanting shamanic
All Aboard! This Ship is Sailing, & it aint the time
for games...
Sirenella Marcelli was an Icon... She Stood at the
face of a new generation of women. Women, who had
enough with men who wanted to control or possess
them. Women who were very controlling and very
possessive, for the woman who didnt need a mans
money.' They were just extremely proficient at

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

getting a mans money. And that is why they didnt
need it. First because they had tier own damn money
& second because they could just as easily procure it
from the next man, as procure it from You!. So dont
get relaxed enough to think that you were so special.
She was the hottest designer of the day. She did a
Bill Gates in Fashion School and skipped out early
to start her own business. She was hailed designer
to the stars. And not because she had any endearing
acquaintance to the stars,... its just that they were All
Dying to get into her latest Cold Steel Edition,
some stars were even have said to have auctioned
their own... well you know on Q-bay just to get up
the front money to get credit clearance for the stock
options on the futures for the Cold Steel Edition,
probably the only people who could afford her
Designs were the Rich & Shameless and those who
spent a lifetime stealing from the poor in order to
play with the Rich & Shameless. And the designs?
They were avant-garde to say the least, they were
more like... A Cosmopolitan hell-cat unleashed in
the urban metropolis for the summer holidays. The
designs like the designer were bold statements of
what you could expect from the modern woman
living the ibiza chic, jet set, 4 story crystal palace
fairy-tale lifestyle. Equipped with assistants, cleaners
cooks associates friends Lovers Boyfriends and the
occasional nightly visit from the homeopathic Healer
house husband. This time around She was raised as
the only daughter of a communist spy raised with
albanian and greek roots but reared in germany
during the war. Her brother like her, was pure artistic
genius. Her mother believed only Artists had a future
for leaving that country alive and well off. Her
Mother wanted her to be a ballerina and made her
attend training every day after school. For four hours
a day she was pulled bent and stretched. All in the
hopes that she might be the one of ten girls chosen

TRue IBiZa SToRies...

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

from ten thousand, to be Albania's next shining star.
Serinella however, had other plans. She was a buxom
force of nature taking only 2 months to pick up the
german language, and spending a lifetime working it
to her advantage. She was a networking systems
specialist, who had a natural way with Spiral
Dynamics. She had honed that particular skill over
the last few Centuries. It was in the same way that
some women can handle very large animals with
delicate care love attention, and when needed... Brute
Force. She still bore the scar on her palm where she
broke that bottle in a fight... with a woman. She could
work the spiral at all levels because she had lived it at
all the levels. Having polished off a bit of street scruff
Via Miami, She was more clever than the rest, and
more seductive than most. Not choosing to pick
sides, she would just as easily seduce the women as
the men. She Was a Ball Breaker and A Ball Caresser.
She was a bit like the chick in the first Indiana Jones
film, the one drinking the Russians under the table...
with their own vodka. At her height she could put
away bottle of vodka a day, but that was then, when
three 8 balls of Cocaine a night, with family and
friends was the custom, Miami Style Back when
Will was gettin Jiggy with it Serinella was Gettin
Biggy wit it. A-list Parties and All the right places,
faces, and players she was Robert Deniros girl in
Casino, but she was also Robert Deniro. She Loved
Deniro films, She had seen everything he had put out
and even a few things he hadnt. She Liked the notion
of the Mafia Familia and that once your in your in
for life code of existence. You could find CASINO
in her movie library. But now she was bored, bored
with the fashion world, too many fashion weeks all
looking the same. To many diva models stealing the
To many drugged up gay friends not returning your
money, TO MANY UNRELIABLE Friends!!! Like

TRue IBiZa SToRies...

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

her New line of Evening and Beach wear Serinella
could be cold like Tempered Steel, but it was only so
she could get close enough to cut you. Not because
she liked to cut you, just because she liked to see
what happened once you started to bleed. She had
that sweet sadistic side, the watching you squirm,
bleed, shift, or just plain feel uncomfortable side.
Somehow once she got you there, she was satisfied
she had once again won the battle of the wills, who
was going to be the Queen of the hill? Today? It was
beginning to sound all to familiar. It was time for a
sweet change, something exciting with out so many
barriers. Look at that Cathy Im Famous chick
with the husband DJ, Throwing parties around the
world, and getting paid well to do so! Selling
Merchandise and selling a brand & selling
themselves, networking like hell, and schmoozing the
crowd! Who could tell? Serinella was not so happy
some times, but then again, who was? Whats there to
be happy about when everybody you meet may just
want you for something more than you were willing
to give? Been hurt to many times fucked over too
many times but then again, who wants to get jaded??
There was a side of her that seemed Icy and cold, but
it was just a cover story, the protection from too
many nights out on the town too many days in the
right places with the right people. Too many
hangovers followed by that morning migraine. You
know how it is... Lifestyles of the Rich & Shameless
and everybody wants to be So Fuckin Famous...
until they are that is... She was honest. That was her
genuine shining Jem, pure honesty the type that made
you hate to see it really. She was like your friends
jewish grand mother who always told her truth
straight as an arrow as she saw it. This was the truth
of the ages, say the sages. She was a horse in the
chinese sign and a pure Sagittarius. She put the
Agittar Back! Into Sagittarius. She was getting back

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

at the world in her own special way, from Refugee to
Fugee all in one lifetime! And all before forty. Fuck
off Who Cares About Famous would be her T
shirt,... if she had one. It was as if she had lived the
life, the dream, and the nightmare. Then died and
rose again like the Phoenix from the Ashes, bursting
with a smile unmistakeable, dancing in the flames
under the moon light... and waiting for the next
medley of the Muses... maybe its true... maybe the
dead can dance...
You can drive me home Im Ready to go Oh you
need someone to drive you home? No I can Do it
myself Ok As she left the room, something told
me to stay put. Stay put and wait. She would be
back... and sure enough 15 minutes later I was
summonsed from the door. Sirenella wants to speak
with you... And she did she said
You going to drive me home? Are you asking me?
I am now. Well my bike is here and I would have to
go take it home. Well come on then, Yeah but Im
not ready to leave yet. Well I have appointments
starting from 11 in the morning so I must go. Vale
She just didnt get it. The night before I left hers in
the middle of the night After having to deal with the
cats and the attitude. Forced to watch Pop Idol
Bullshit in German and then told to turn over and
face the wall because she was going to sleep... Who
in the world would sign up for more of that? I dont
do Television much less Pop tart TV! but she just
didnt get it. She was the type of woman that if you
were sleeping with her she begins to take for granted
the fact that you have the power to choose how you
want to spend your time. And In the end they have
this, if you dont like it leave sort of attitudes, the

TRue IBiZa SToRies...

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

only problem with that was that was precisely the
way my mother was, & not just to me, but to her x
husband. Terrorizing A good man, When there was
really no need for it. I do what I want & you cant
tell me what to do, you dont pay my bills or my
cleaning lady Blah blah blah blah Fucking Blah.
Anything asked you would get the opposite, just so
she was the one with the last word. Now I had the
Last word... Silence... Lets see how shitty you can be
with someone else, but the Queen does not rule over
me. I am not one of her subjects and therefore refuse
to be subject to the laws. In the palace that the Siren
built, the Queen was not subject to the laws, but had
she read Machiavelli she would have known that
neither was the Prince. Your always right and Im
Always wrong, and I must spend all my time and
energy TRYING to PLEASE THE QUEEN knowing
full well... there is no pleasing the Queen. She
cuts you just to see you bleed, so how do you survive
the encounter? Easy... Indifference. Sirens need
attention, yes. The more you are willing to give the
more She can twist that energy into the Eternal
Pursuit, until you crack! And all the kings horses and
all the kings men aint gonna be able to get your sad
ass back together again. They Wanna break your Will,
and your heart... The Siren reverse engineered The
Pursuit of happiness, in order to create is the Biggest
Gambit there is. Because in the end you sacrifice
everything and gain nothing but frustration and
anxiety and heartache. All for what? To be used as a
tool, and then to be discreetly discarded when Homer
returns from his business trip? Sorry love not this
one. Not on your ass, your tits, or on your life! So
now its strictly business, as if I have never known
you in anyway other than a pure friendship basis. I
love you Unconditionally, which directly translates
into I love you and no conditions will break that love.
However if & when you start to abuse that love, I

TRue IBiZa SToRies...

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

will resort to tough love which protects me from any
harm you may try to incur by removing any and all
emotional ties to that love. In other words I got
NOTHIN but Love for ya baby. But you mistook my
kindness for weakness, So that you could hold me in
a position of weakness with the pressure of your
whims. Like the slick cat with the mouse by the tail.
Only to be smacked around at will, until you grow
bored with the game. But I refuse to negotiate from a
position of weakness. So where does that Leave you?
To your possessive controlling self in your palace
with all your assistants, cleaners cooks cats
associates friends Lovers Boyfriends and the
Supercharged homeopathic Healer house husband,
with or without shoes. But you dont know what ya
got till its gone. But baby let me tell ya you is a bout
ta find out... The Soft Way... Im Gonna be your
tantric Time bomb baby...
Im gonna Love you to death...
Its interesting the way they did it, they let you
construct the map then let you fill in the dots in
realtime. they took your kids and got them to believe
the way things should be , it wasnt that difficult was
it, just go through and systematically change the
content of what they are watching eating and
drinking , and I can control the way the world
worries, eats sleeps, shits, and breathes. To what end?
A return to feudalism? But why? Who would stand to
gain from that? Well take a good look outside your
window, who looks like they are gaining from it With
The world in Economic Crisis, meanwhile back at
the banks Banks & Oil companies record, record
profits. hmmm? I smell a fish! And a rat! Or I smell a
fish in rats clothing now thats a bit of high biotech

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

imagery for you. A fishy rat. A rat with a distinct
smelly smell, that smell that permeates everything
that it touches... Like your Wifi... Can you smell that?
can you smell those low frequency waves carrying
information right through you? Scaring the shit out of
your cells and keeping you under a perpetual state of
attack! Because at the cellular level, what self
respecting cell has ever had to take a call from a
friend on Skype? Who was it that convinced you
that a radiation spewing radio frequency identity
device that Listened and revealed your every
conversation, kept a track of your every
correspondence, stored your every movement in
realtime, and Scanned all of your photos as well as
tagging them with a GPS marker to identify the exact
location on the map within ten meters. Who the fuck
sold you on the fact not only would you agree to that
ultra invasive surveillance but you would also PAY
WENT TO BED. And then to top it all off at night
PLAGUE YOUR DREAMS your spouse and your
FREQUENCY WAVES! Who would sign up for that?
Surely not YOU? Your Precious would never do that
to you... by the way how do I know you phone is
probably less than one meter away from you right

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

When Harry S. Truman Closed out his term in office
with a Speech warning us of the world we would
inherit if we were not careful. He predicted the
movies we were watching would be influenced, and
so would every walk of life so that we could be
coerced into killing our fellow man for some gain. To
some end, with no great consequence to be felt by
mankind, but what do we see? The Same devaluation
of life that led to all the slavery that has ever come at
the hands of men. They want to teach you about the
bad guy and the good guy. Then After you see that
the good guy is good you see sometimes the good
guy has to be very bad to be good, but thats ok, as
long as he thinks its right! They Indoctrinate you with
the law-less-ness. They are inflicting this massive
barrage of messages upon you so that you will play
the role of the spectator. The spectator cheers to the
good and to the bad but does nothing to stop the
game. The spectator lives for the time when they can
see more of the spectacle. Who lives and who dies in
the spectacle is not deemed important only the
spectacle itself... The Show Must Go On... Who Said
That? And Why do you think they said that? Cause
When the Show Stops Somebody realizes what is
really going, on and cancels the cast and the crew!
The movies were all post apocalyptic, if these
mothers dont get a catastrophe, they will invent one!
But first they must make all your movies say the
same thing, while you think they arent saying
anything at all... So what? Its not just a co-inky-dink
that Tami flu. Rumsfeld & Aspartame have the same
connection to swine flu as Chaney has to Halliburtion
& 9-11 ? The list of books movies cover up stories,
unclassified government documents... Patents by the
World health Orgs scientists, & orders to pull

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

building seven. Even the Architects aint buyin the
official story... The best laid plans of mice men and
Grand Rand think tanks, is about to meet the rubber
in the road of mice.
A funny thing happened on the way to the moon, it
seems, that in order for a human to get to the moon in
a rocket ship they would have to pass through the Van
Allen Radiation Belt that surrounds the planet. Now
dont take my word for it Google it Baby Go head
baby! The problem with that is, in order to properly
protect the astronauts from that severe an amount of
radiation the space capsule would have to be lined
with lead. But if the capsule was lined with lead it
would have been so heavy it never would have left
the ground. So if the Apollo mission capsule was not
lead lined, how did the astronauts survive? Well now
this is how we opened our heros story isn't it? at the
dawn of the age in 1968 early morning April 4th shot
rings out in a memphis sky free at last they took your
life but they they could not take your pride. In the
name of love, one more in the name of love. U2
penned these prophetic words years after the actual
date, however Nine months later I Landed in
Lebanon, bronx lebanon that is. Oblivious to the fact
that the generations defining moment was scripted
like a Folly-wood movie and in that moment, we
would define the way all other defining moments of
our time would be played out Through the eye of
the Tv screen. Leaving us with a feeling that things
were being whitewashed for us to swallow whole.
And we were swallowing every bit of it, hook line
and stinker. In one of Dr Kings final speeches, you
hear him talk about having gone to the mountain top
an seen the promise land , He Said I may not get

TRue IBiZa SToRies...

Copyright 2012, all rights reserved.

A Novel By Q DeRHINO

there with ya but tonight I want you to know that we
as a people will get to the promised land.
The real question is What the hell we gonna do
once we get there? I mean Im all for the movement
of the people, but here people are still addicted to
their mobile phones, and in love with avitars in
virtual worlds. Its quite a heavy scene. What would
the internet dependent do when they realize the
electricity doesn't work? And what will they do when
they realize the TV doesn't work, and may never
work again? Not the loss of the family soap and god
forbid the family guy! We would have to go back to
medieval times, where the man with the gold makes
the rules, and everything is spun on a wheel! Or
would we be home sick for satellite Tv and
microwave dinners? With 500 million people on
Facebook and climbing what will they do with out a
Virtual Survivor Social network? People will have to
really become social beings again, and would have to
go back to just plain old Face 2 Face! Oh well,... we
could learn. This week the stock market dropped a
thousand points in a day, and the forecasters are
saying the euro could collapse next week. but it could
also survive another six months, if its lucky... Greece
has already defaulted on its IMF Loan and is sliding
down the slippery slope right back to the drachma
they came from. Who knew the Euro party would be
so short and sweet leaving that nasty artificial
sweetener taste in your mouth after the fact. And
your housing markets in the shitter unemployment on
a life-time high, [Sounds like our washington Politisnows} and governments on the bail out bandwagon.
There be high times in Bangkok tonight! The one
thing that really bangs your cock is, why didn't
anybody ask me weather or not joining the european
union and taking money from the International
Monetary Fund, [whos slogan is We put the Fun
back into Fuck-U!]was a good idea? I mean what

TRue IBiZa SToRies...

Copyright 2012, all rights reserved.

A Novel By Q DeRHINO

were those countries thinking? Didnt They meet the
last contestants on The Price is Wrong?
Thats Right ladies and gents tonight on The Price
is Wrong we have bolivia Ecuador and our special
guests Argentina! So nice of you to join us tonight
comfy? Great great now lets see here is the way we
see it we lend you a couple hundred million dollars
we tell you which of our families companies you can
spend it with buying things that later will be
absolutely useless to your country or their people.
And when the shit hits the fan, I will call in the loans
and take your entire countries net worth times ten!
[As collateral compounded daily that is.] Causing
you to then raise taxes and decrease services till your
people revolt and we then must come in with the UN
PEACE KEEPERS to keep the peace that we
destroyed the moment you were stupid enough to sign
the rigged loan agreement in the first place! And the
economic hit men have struck again! The Big fat one
is, that Everyone who read Ayn Rand Atlas Shrugged
not only knew it was coming, but they also had the
blueprint for total enslavement as an unabridged
addendum. All the players were there pushing the big
fat world to grind to a halt in order to rebuild it again
from the ashes. Only to rise as the victors and
saviors, re-turned slave traders and Auctioneers. You
would know that the greatest minds of that time
would slowly disappear, but they were still alive and
well using their minds for one community instead of
letting the system take them apart for being truly
gifted. Then There was Midas Now Midas ran the
bank in the Valley that all the gifted were residing
after the world came to a grinding halt. The only
currency accepted... was pure Gold funny how as you
read this Gold is Breaking all of its previous record
highs Am I some kind of wall street investment
Guru? How could I know that? Well I read the book
that was written in the thirties, so that says this was in

TRue IBiZa SToRies...

Copyright 2012, all rights reserved.

A Novel By Q DeRHINO

the works for quite some time long before I was born
at least. But now they got the hot one if you dont
yield to the economic movement they will earth
quake you into submission then arrive as the saviors
again ready to occupy your homeland in the name of
freedom all the while adding your family and the
survivors to the systems Bio-Metric data banks while
lining the da pockets of da banks.old Daddy WARBUCKS yep all in a days work.
Sirenella Marcelli was up to her usual tricks with the
usual unusual suspects. High end parties with A list
characters, and fashion shows for the rich and
shameless. She would find promising young makeup
artists still in school and get them to lend a hand. Add
a few up and coming aspiring artists and hair
designers, young models looking to fill the portfolio,
& call in some local artistic & Photographic talent on
the come up. Throw in the local press the local media
outlets and the party begins! Now all we need is the
place. Well what self respecting Palacio Delbourgeois decadence wouldnt want to host that
Easily funded High profile fem-fest? Do you know
how many absolutely steaming hot chicks attend
fashion shows? And do you know why? Because
theyre GAY thats why... Yeahh thats it! They see
what we see! A room full of hot chicks! what better
reason to put on your best birthday suit?? 'Everybody
hungry to make it while refusing to stay hungry for
ever.' Sirenella had that way of catching the Rising
stars as they were 'On the Rise & Rising' trading rare
talent for good promotion which is so hard to get
these days.' However, if you work on it slowly
slowly, you can pull market share and thats all there
really trying to do 'isn't it sweety?' She meets you,
offers you a chance to come to ibiza and stay for free

TRue IBiZa SToRies...

Copyright 2012, all rights reserved.

A Novel By Q DeRHINO

in her villa with the 180 degree front Line sea View
and all you have to do is, do what you do!! Easy
enough! And in return she will pimp you to her
personal social network of superstar hunters!! easy
peasy... So...
Whos next??
And thats right, they almost all wanted to be next.
The question is what did she want? Excitement
maybe? She was bored shitless, in reality and was
eternally trying to amuse herself with her most recent
boy toy of the month, after thirty days she would get
another, even if not finished with the last one. Some
people are chain smokers & so was she, but Sirenella
Marcelli was also a 'Chain Fucker.' You know the
type. The type that wants to 'get the next flame lit
before the last one goes out.' She had a thirst for it,
and she would keep them all around like a Silent film
'glass menagerie of men' all caught in the Sirens
world, circling, circling, hoping a runway gets free
before they run out of gas, and crash land [or
Breakdown as they call it] into the arms of some ex
stalker from last months mobile movie, but still
unable to leave because the sweet call of the Siren.
Oh yes! La Sirena is soooo soothing sweet, and so
subtle. That is until she becomes the howl of the Sea
Banshee as boy crashes shores & more, capsizing all
and sinking all ships that rose with her rising tide, but
lay beholden to the mercy of her fickle whims. She
can barely think of all the ships she has crashed
weaving them into stories of storms blown past with
the passengers records only left as an afterthought to
the stories punch line, which inevitably is forgotten to
the wind. So sweet is the sweet song of La Sirenella
Marcelli Managing Director & Designer of Cullo
The fastest rising line of Designer Assholes the
world has ever seen.

TRue IBiZa SToRies...

Copyright 2012, all rights reserved.

A Novel By Q DeRHINO

Sirenella had refined her formula, having had
distilled the original formula from 17th century holy
writings, said to have come from old Babylonian
scrolls that had been lost in an ancient battle in the
caspian sea. Some say Homers odyssey was a
pilgrimage to Sirenella. Some centuries earlier, the
formula had been transported in the asses of devout
holy men for ten decades. Hence the name Cullo
Cullo. original translation meaning 'from cullo to
cullo.' Tribesmen of the original Cullo Clan Wore
their hair long with a small shaven patch in the Back
to alert other devout tribesmen of their dedication and
fidelity to the High Order of Assholes. [I hear there
was a secret handshake but for the sake of some
children who may be reading we will forgo
graphically describing that dirty little detail.] Since
those times, Ancient Secrets have filtered down
through the ages [& Asses] as the sect was infiltrated
by interlopers of a third kind, seems they had other
plans for the sacred knowledge. Who knew that Ibiza
would be the resting place for their Flagship site.
Sirenella was an information mogul. And Being a
Siren on the Mediterraneans oldest party island, not
only allows you great access to the worlds great
sailors, it also gives you even better access to the
greatest Pirates! Not to mention The list of Assholes
that accompany them! [where do you think the term
A-list originated?] The problem was she couldn't
keep a secret to save your Life! Or your ass for that
matter! Even if she wanted to! How much thought
does it take to figure out who was responsible for the
most infamous sailing Expression known to man?
Loose lips... Sink Ships?
Yep that was her, the infamous Sirenella de la Isla, It
was originally the Sacred credo embossed on the
deep seated doctrine of the Cullo Cullo Cult. The
question still remains however... And Maybe the

TRue IBiZa SToRies...

Copyright 2012, all rights reserved.

A Novel By Q DeRHINO

thought has still yet to cross your mind, but did you
ever wonder which lips they were referring to
Sirenella's villa was located at the mouth of the port
right next to the old town & Dalt Villa Those castle
walls had withstood every form of attack imaginable
but had remained intact. From her bed she could
watch the ships coming and going, the tides ebbing
and flowing, the sailors Heavin and Ho-in and she
would never even have to lift her gaze. They would
come in night after night, sailors from every port in
the world. All coming to see the jewels of Ibiza
waiting to taste her fruit. And she would see them
shining like diamonds in the distance, as the storms
danced electricity over Formentera like gypsies
dancing flamenco, on their wedding night. And on
certain nights when the moon was right you could
hear her howl!
ohhh yes on certain nights she could howl like the
gods themselves had sent you to her, to retrieve your
very own soul.
The only other noise to be heard for miles of sea and
sand were her screams &...
Flop FLop Flop FLop!!!
Flop FLop Flop FLop!!!
'She Called it the Sound of Science!'
This was the sound that had saved her charm whit
and beauty for all those eons. She had seen them
come and go, The Dynasties the invaders and the
conquerers but She had managed to remain the same.
As voluptuous as she was when homer fell in love
with her the very first time he heard her song. The
thing about the Siren, is that people always think they
sing the same old song then all of a sudden you get
hypnotized. Nothing could be further from the truth.

TRue IBiZa SToRies...

Copyright 2012, all rights reserved.

A Novel By Q DeRHINO

You see One Song fits All is not quite the way the
sirens seduction works. The reason why La Sirena
has such an amazing closing percentage, is because
she is singing YOUR SONG yeah you know the
one! Your song! The one you dreamt about when you
were falling a sleep in school in some boring class
when you were about eleven or thirteen. If I could
only get outta this place! It was like she was the ghost
writer for Michael Jackson or Elton John. She Was
Singing your song as you sweetly drifted off, with
cool pools of wet drool running down your sleepy
little lips. You saw the island in the distance, coming
up as if you arrived by carrier pigeon. You could feel
the wind blowing through your hair as whispers
turned to harmony. The harmony tuned into the
melody, just ever so faintly until you were humming
it in your mind, sweetly trying to remember where
you had heard this song? And why do you know it so
well? That was Sirenella singing sweetly that song of
the sages, passed down through the ages She was
The Siren! And this was your song and you can tell
everybody, this is your song it may be quite simple
but now that it's done I hope ya dont mind I hope ya
dont mind that I put down in words, how wonderful
life is... birds singing, the smell of beach and
coconuts, or coconut tanning lotion. The gentle sound
of waves lapping the beach beneath your feet as you
walk the beaches rising from the shores to the walls
of the Castle. You are drawn magnetically to that
sound. The melodies have now turned into a
symphony, a Sweet Symphony of love! And she is in
love with you, and you with her! Where is this
majestic Goddess of the sea who has called to me my
whole lifetime leading me to her shores with my
divining rod of truth pressing into the vast unknown
seeking her deep rivers and crashing torrents? She
had been the maiden of my dreams for centuries, and
I would return time and again to smell her, taste her,

TRue IBiZa SToRies...

Copyright 2012, all rights reserved.

A Novel By Q DeRHINO

feel her truth & experience her song like no other,
because it was my song. And had always been my
song. Sirenella Marcelli was a Siren. La Sirena De
La Isla with your child hood song on speed dial she
could summon your 'dreams in realtime,' All while
you slept. In class, on the bus, on a train at a red light,
while your partner or spouse or mother or brother, or
father or boss was saying BLAH BLAH BLAH
would be singing to you and for just a split second
you would be back on the island Smelling her and
hearing the waves and bathing in your very own
Symphony of Love, again... And just a split second
later you would be back! Straight back to the BLAH
BLAH!!! Thats how it began until the first time, you
only had day dream drool sessions. Then night
dreams then party dreams flying with friends then
premonitions, then bold coincidences then the
crossings began. The crossings are necessary because
you normally would never be directed to the island
without a direct personal testimonial from some other
of Sirenellas victims. Not only had all those strange
things happened to them, THEYVE BEEN THERE!
& Lived to tell about it! And somehow you and them
crossed paths. & then it happens as it does in most
every crossing. Some phrase or sentence is spoken
by the crosser to the cross-e like "yeah youll love it
its got all these artists and musicians living wild up in
the hills." & that might Be enough, but Some thing
gets passed from one to the other, that clues you into
the fact that this place youve been dreaming about,
just may in fact not be a dream at all But some
Other place inside of this place, and thats when you
set sail.

TRue IBiZa SToRies...

Copyright 2012, all rights reserved.

A Novel By Q DeRHINO

Meanwhile back on the Island, La Sirena was
cooking up her latest coup to swoon the the world
from her Ibicencan roost. Peering out onto the sea in
the night, into this brewing storm in the distance, still
sweating from our rhythmic journey to the center of
her girth I could see her in all her voluptuous glory,
but more than that, I could smell her the
unmistakeable smell of passion mixed with love
mixed with the fury of a woman in the throes of the
creative process. It was Mixed with salt and sand and
sea mixed with her, mixed with me. It was in that
very instant that her creme de la creme coupdeta
was born...
Freshly Fucked' The Fragrance... By Cullo Cullo
...Because She's worth it...
...Isn't She?
It Was a marketing masterpiece! It was triumphant
being the biggest event in the last Millennium &
every body wanted to get in an earful a wax about it!
As is par for the course when you've got The Worlds
Greatest Assholes by the Balls! Who could resist it?
She distilled that night of passion into the elixir that
could bring the conquering Lyon out in any man, or
woman for that matter.
"What will they go through... for this love???"
Freshly Fucked' The Fragrance... By Cullo Cullo
...Because She's worth it...
...Isn't She?
after a while it just became a part of the social Fabric.
If you were a couple it had literally become the social
meme gone Madoff mad for the Millennium, and
nobody had even realized how it happened! They
would say Its all In your Mind! This obsession
with this obscene essence, what is it? It was said,
that while beta testing the original recipe the
participants would just turn into wild howling
ravenous animals and would begin to commence in
the love making of the Century! Just From one

TRue IBiZa SToRies...

Copyright 2012, all rights reserved.

A Novel By Q DeRHINO

whiff of that Secret Scent! And this is why La
Sirena De La Isla had that Succulent recipe guarded
like the crown jewels themselves So to speak... Yes
that scent, that more flavor than whisper, more
commanding call to action than passive elixir of love.
More 'hurricane in motion' than simple love potion!
More 'eye of the storm' than sweet sent placed to
secure warm sentiments from your beloved dove. No,
this was more. Down through the ages it was held in
deep regard from the bowels of one 'renowned
regime' of Decadent Assholes, to annals of the next
'renounced regime' of Decadent Assholes. Often
slipping from their tight butt greasy grip, into the hot
hands of the commoners, who for centuries on end
had tried to copy this 'mystical magic molasses' to no
avail. It was then, and as of this writing still is the
most powerfully magnetic force on the face of the
planet. {after the north pole & south pole that is...
or was it Ez Vedra?}
Anyway, it just became food for social discourse, as
if an an external object could actually be the pivotal
point in the true test of someone's undying love.
These were the questions of the times, they had
always been asked, but now Now there was an
answer. An answer that could be silently heard
throughout the girls schools and University dorm
rooms of the world. Spoken of socially In shopping
malls, marketplaces and bathroom stalls. In
supermarkets where the people came together all
murmuring something below the supreme molten
humanity mirror. Murmuring... loudly...
...What will they ask of you?... And from your Love?
Freshly Fucked' The Fragrance... By Cullo Cullo
...Because She's worth it...
...Isn't She?
...What will you go through?... For this Love?
Freshly Fucked' The Fragrance... By Cullo Cullo
...Because She's worth it...

TRue IBiZa SToRies...

Copyright 2012, all rights reserved.

A Novel By Q DeRHINO

...Isn't She?
How can we tie this Knot ? How can we live
Freshly Fucked' The Fragrance... By Cullo Cullo
...Because She's worth it...
...Isn't She?
There were theatre groups, and alliances...
How can Love light this flame? How can we Share
one name?
Freshly Fucked' The Fragrance... By Cullo Cullo
...Because She's worth it...
...Isn't She?
There were self help groups, and support groups with
13 step programs and on the thirteenth step you were
bathed in it, given a high barium enema and power
sprayed with the remains to finish off the full de-retoxification process! Which I must say, although it is
breathtakingly expensive, it was ultimately
gratifying and exhilarating, and I am convinced it
has allowed me to 'truly know' my inner self.
And yes I know what your thinking, that this is just
some really hippy shit! But people love it! It
became the mantra for a culture and it happened
almost overnight! It only took about 22 centuries!
Yes it astounds me how it became 'The Mantra for a
Culture' I thought that took at least
How can we stay entwined?? How can We Love
Freshly Fucked' The Fragrance... By Cullo Cullo
...Because She's worth it...
...Isn't She?
Its like it became the the Patriot Act of perfumes, if
you for any reason didn't give her exactly That One
Ridiculously specific and outrageously EXPENSIVE
item at some point in the relationship,....
oh well then, the family knew FOR SURE you were
DEF&8LY! Not worth marrying ..And on What

TRue IBiZa SToRies...

Copyright 2012, all rights reserved.

A Novel By Q DeRHINO

grounds? Was I not worth it when we had been dating
tirelessly, I loved and cherished her, but some how
my parents had not educated me in the Upper
echelons of learning graces and Cullo Couture
Culture. The 3'C faux-pa Had done it again! Me, and
them! Had my parents been learn-ed folks I would
have known it involved more than just spirits
ascending trying to get it together & would have
known it was really about...
Freshly Fucked' The Fragrance... By Cullo Cullo
...Because She's worth it...
...Isn't She?
And I guess when you look at it that way. I guess she
It had become what the Jesus movement would have
been had they just had some good PR! I mean
Imagine Back in those days word of mouth traveled
fast as hell! But imagine Jesus on Twitter! He would
have had followers hanging on his every miracle he
would have been like.....
Know thy tweet & they Tweet Shall set you free!
Turning loaves to fishes today check in if you got
kids for a deep sea discount. 4:30pm
Cant believe they are gambling in the temple again!!
Gotta blog about that later tonight after Dinner!!
@IamJudas will be there!
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you
'Water 2 Wine After Party' after Supper!
Catch my reviews on the next daily temple grape I
interview Romes Top dog P. Pilot!
da possies trying to change that to do unto others B4
they do unto you.

TRue IBiZa SToRies...

Copyright 2012, all rights reserved.

A Novel By Q DeRHINO

Gathering 2 discuss on thundercloud.god later this
Excited!! Mary & I are goin Out to Diner tonight
with All the boys it's gonna be a big one!
Had some vintage table shots done up, will post oil
paintings on @daily temple booth tomorrow...
So The Question became simply What in the World
are they spraying? You would see it as the skys that
were once blue went milky white. first one jet the
two then ten then before the day was over you
couldnt even see the sun any more. What was really
going on? We were the science experiment we knew
it but for what this time?
It was Said to be Aluminum and Barium, But Why?
Well when Monsanto came out with the Aluminum
resistant seeds it all became too clear. Eva kept
saying But
What can you do about it but worry and get
depressed what can you do about it?
And there it was in all its glory the true function of
Shock and Awe tactics of the Great Work Of Ages. To
leave the common people feeling there was nothing
that they or even them together with their friends
could do... That was the plan... Helplessness. To
make you believe that you were incapable of
stopping what ever the powers that be were up to. I
had a feeling that even this was a smoke screen.
When the armies of men wage war these are the
tactics that are commonly used. Psychological
Operations or Psy-Ops goes in first long before you
read about the first REBEL Uprising. In reality there

TRue IBiZa SToRies...

Copyright 2012, all rights reserved.

A Novel By Q DeRHINO

may be rebels but they are in no condition to rise up.
Then they get sold on the proposition. Cash and Arms
now, later you guys will be in control. Long enough
for us to turn you into the new bad guys then we take
you over then move in and never leave EVER. Get it?
Got it? good!! Now when you figure out that
operation Iraqi Freedom was just double speak for
forced enslavement. Then you take a look at all the
other operations that so sweetly brought us in to war
and more shock and awe leading to higher food and
fuel prices, Softly gently and incrementally squeezing
humanity into a prison cell of her own acquiescence.
only to be assured that even if she wanted to, there
was nothing She could do... But was that really the
case? Or just the song they sing to the frog, as the
heat slowly rises, and he just begins to get a little
comfortable. We can do something about it, to the
extent that people are still part of the process... And
until our last dying breath we have the power to
change. It may be the only power we have, but it may
just be enough to save us all. If we could just focus it,
channel it and put it into action with love and
intention. Gone are the days were we passively
accept the lies and control mechanisms that have
been used to enslave Humanity. Since the Great work
of Ages began to shape so long ago, as Time was
changed from lunar cycles to Gregorian calendar, we
have been disconnected from our own sequential
rhythm with the Earth. We have been given watches
and clocks to keep us separate from the natural flow
of universal time that exists for all of earths
inhabitants. What would happen to the Cats and dogs
if we strapped watches to them? could you imagine?
All the day trying to catch up with something that
doesn't exist. In the end you feel like you spent all
your energy but got nowhere because its true. You are
Here Now... And you always have been. What
massive trauma could make you forget that? Ok,

TRue IBiZa SToRies...

Copyright 2012, all rights reserved.

A Novel By Q DeRHINO

maybe a little birth, a little death, a little rollercoaster ride on the DNA slide... Throw in some
seeming random coincidence AKA Synchronicity
and Viola! Were Back in the Saddle Again! Welcome
Depleted Uranium was the buzzword of the Gulf war,
it seems that somehow, someone,
somewhere ,decided that it was ok to use it on the
battle field because it was so damn effective against
armored vehicles. And Armored vehicle personnel.
Uranium is a very dense material almost as dense as
gold. The difference is the way you get it. The
Uranium enrichment process used to derive power for
nuclear reactors requires uranium ore to be enriched
retrieving specific isotopes for the production of
power, the process is less than 1 percent efficient. In
other words for every ten pounds of Uranium 234
needed in the reactor process and derived from ore,
9.93 pounds of that become radioactive waste.
Although only 75% as radioactive as uranium 234
Uranium 238 or Depleted Uranium has a half life of
four and a half Billion Years so for all practical
purposes Almost Forever. Now the odd thing about
that is, that would mean that the use of DU would
definitely constitute a Weapon of Mass Destruction .
It seems however that its that way for all involved
since the round leaves the barrel literally On Fire, it
begins to shed Du in Every direction. On impact and
explosion the smoke cloud is a mini nuclear
mushroom cloud that is now loose on the world to
blow until its heart is content or spent. Now Im
beginning to understand why Nostradamus said that
the prevailing winds of Ibiza is what would save her
population. Cross apply a little Fukashima and the

TRue IBiZa SToRies...

Copyright 2012, all rights reserved.

A Novel By Q DeRHINO

fact that the Du Map of the world is a much more
colorful vacation hotspot travelers advisory than that
sold by the No one home on a lonely planet
vacation guide.
Woke Up December 1st 2010 on the ferry Back to
Palma returning again to Drop off a friend in need.
running to her smooth city blocks to stave the
possible boredom ibiza can bring to those who have
had busier lives in the past. Ibiza in the winter is a
lullaby that will sweetly put you into a tranquil state
of level three hibernation. That lullaby is more than
the usual. It is unusual because the dream state you
can slip into is one of refined seduction culling
together in one gooey resin all of your hopes and
desires of the previous year all the passions and
intention all the relations related to, just everything
that was about to become now have a minute to meld
with one another and bathe in the soup of the self.
The question is Which Self? Will you fall into the
poor me of the self conscious who look to tell all the
reasons why the winter will be so hard for them
before it has even begun? Will will you lulled into
the self satisfied? Fat with the winnings of the
summer and ready to bathe in the great gloat of
gluttony? Rolling in the slop of winter weathering
wealth? headed off to mine some developing country
of their natural resources so we can sell them next
years crop of rich and shameless Harlem Globe
Squatters? The type that will roll up in their recently
purchased Jaguar Bragging how they Paid cash just
moments before they proceed to start Panhandling
For Spare Change! What Change is spare if I knew
you were gonna buy a fucking jag with it? I would
have givin it to a wino! The Nerve A these Hippies!

TRue IBiZa SToRies...

Copyright 2012, all rights reserved.

A Novel By Q DeRHINO

They really put the TemTation back into ExploiTation I mean they Make Way More Money Actin
Poor than Actually Being Poor! So they Travel
around the World Begging For Coins Squatting
houses ,
Setting shit on fire, begging for coins, travel the
world, buy houses set MORE shit on fire, beg for
coins rent houses travel the world set shit on fire beg
for coins Buying jaguars? Woa Slow down whats
next? Helicopters? but if they want to Im sure they
could afford it!! So Beware Of Hippies Driving
Recently purchased Jaguars who are Begging for
Coins at the bar its a sure sign of High Times.
The Question Still Remains ... High on What? Times
were changin for sure these chicks were too much!
But they were doing exactly what they wanted to be
doing! They were living their lives to the edge and
making a pretty good living doing it.. They had no
boss they lived from there whits and made it happen
as they went along. And kept it movin to keep the
energy fresh! And the other side of the Begging for
coins is the shows they would create after years of
practice on every beach you could imagine? The
Shows Were out of this world sexy and super
spectacular. Some of the best Ive ever seen in my
life the type a shit that would leave you with tears in
your eyes, and a deep memory of something left with
you that brought you together with strangers, so that
you could leave as friends. Oh yeah and did I
mention that they had an iron clad business model
that went with it, allowing all of these escapades to
turn from Dreams to Reality. Right in front of your
eyes... i.e Modern Manifestation.
Being a 40 something Billionaire has its Moments,
Not that all those Moments are bad, It just has its

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

moments, First of all the Moment Your Haters
Realize that You, Yes You! The One That Didnt
Quite do it the way every one else was doing it. The
one who didnt quite see it the way every one else
was seeing it. You in Fact had Slowly but surely built
an External enterprise valued at somewhere in the 85
Billion in gold bullion category In A surprisingly
short period of time. I mean You Had your Mark Zs
From Fakebook Fame Hit A Billion in his twenties,
grow Fakebook to enormous heights and then hold
out on the wall street press preferring to stay private
and keeping all the cookies to himself. Then finally
going public with the worlds most grossly over
speculated IPO in History letting the plug out on the
social bath tub, & def&8ly throwing out a few babies
in the process. After a springboard IPO Fakebook
Began to show her famous Swan... Dive that is... and
as the stock began to bottom everyone ran for cover
unloading it at what ever price they could get, just to
save their asses. When the movie The Socials GetJerked came out, Mark knew that telling his story of
how he grew The Fakebook to A 500 million friend
network would definitely send a few people to the
box office to check out Folly-woods latest big
budget banana. Then at the golden knobs and best
picture nominations, with The Director thanking him
for being such an asshole, because he surely would
not have made as much money if Mark wasn't such
an asshole. He didnt quite use those Particular words
but the meat and potatoes were the same. I wonder if
he invested any of his movie millions into the stock?
Anyway, So I started thinking How my empire could
be built into a Billion dollar Megalopolis without
becoming a total and utter jerk-off in the process. The
kick line in the movie is when The Young College
girlfriend of Marks tells him that When he Grows up
he will think girls dont like him because he was a
geek & She said he shouldnt get confused, because

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

that was not true.. Girls dont like you... ...Because
your an ASSHOLE! Now that Is a mouth full right
there. So there I was Sitting in the office of Our
Latest Casa. I had spent the night reviewing the
numbers for the Global distribution of our latest Line
of Merchandise. We Get the Numbers in every night,
& I like to know how many Cookies we Sold Down
to the last chocolate chip. I mean Its not that Im
Preoccupied with money, thats not it at all... its
because If I Know The Stats Before I go to bed, I will
Wake Up With the Solutions for the Next days Lists
of things to do. It's funny how our Asian Distributers
have a keen competition running with the West coast,
and the Folks in Madagascar. Funny the way the
Inter-spiral Social Sphere can fine tune your
productivity. Its like when someone Knows that All
they have to do Is beat the Numbers Of a particular
region of choice, then they get a trip to that region to
be given a taste of what its like to Pull gigs in that
given area. Pullin gigs in your home town hood is
How you Flour your Tortilla, but pullin gigs In Your
Dream Town? The Buzz, The Fever, The Pitch!
Fly in Like a Superstar, On one of our own privately
maintained Company Jets
Then the Pre approach... Every News and media
outlet worth their salt has not only been contacted,
but is about to meet you for an afternoon Brunch!
Together We discuss Affairs of the hour concerns
about the future, and Our Action Plan For Right
Now! It was like winning the lottery! You cold Sail in
like a king, not splash in like a fish out of water!
They Would give you the keys To the City And Lone
and Behold You would Come to town like Santa
Clause! {Reindeer not included...} But Dont worry
the Reindeer always had a way of Rockin up, once
the party got started. You know how it is wit the
Reindeer... Anyway, Beating the Numbers... When I
started it was just me up late again pouring over data

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

to try to find the Fifth Discipline, that Hinge pin the
One place where you could apply 20 percent of our
energy to get Eighty Percent result! And One day Just
out of the Blue like that It happened I had been
Looking At all the Empty Hotels. Coastlines full of
them. On the Beach front in the winter And I thought
Im Sure you could rent that TO SOMEBODY! How
a bout Norwegians or the Danish People? Where its
Fuckin Freezin! Why not? And then Lo and Behold,
it hit me Like A Lightning Bolt From nowhere!!! I
could just see all those Freezing northern Clubbers
Coming down on Cheap charter flights just to dance
all weekend long then Go back to work on monday
after getting a full detox and dance in a smoke free
club, drinking Vitamin Enriched Drinks and attending
yoga classes! From Friday to sunday three day
weekend Friday night party sat night party sunday
Detox & yoga at the beach. Fly home sunday night
wake up in time for work Monday Morning Help!
John Beach And Mitch Clark had Summed it up on
there Hilarious talk radio show winging it and they
were! The talked about getting pissed healed &
detoxed They called it getting your PHD... I think
they were on to something... All that kept flashing in
my mind was The Headline: Come to Ibiza to get
your Phd!Prices start at ...
It needed to be about thinking... a book about
thinking, like what were we really thinking about.
The thinking that we would do when we needed to be
thinking about what the fuck we were thinking about!
The question is how much time do you really spend
thinking about that? There are so many things to do
in a day! And then what if you have kids? What if
you have more than one kid? Then this is for you!

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

Absolutely for you. You know this was what the
powers that be were thinking when they figured out
that the average person could be distracted enough,
not to realize that they really were not thinking about
who was giving them their thoughts, and ideas, they
just accepted the fact that maybe even they
themselves had done it. They themselves had given
birth to the thought that some one other than
themselves was coming up with pretty much 100
percent of the time. Funny thing if you think a bout it.
Someone else really controlled what occupied your
mind every day... if you were the average person that
is... so the question remained were you? Average?
Tavistock [Q , 2/16/11 10:17 AM
Tavistock and the Beetles links you tube
vids dig up as much as you can
find...about what the british Invasion was
really about.] The institute that is accredited with
the second british invasion or the beetles. They knew
the power of the message wrapped in Tailored
Messengers. With Music even tailored to the note, to
impact you with out you knowing. Hey Every Body
Loves The Beatles don't fuck with my yellow
submarine dude! Yellow Submarine was like world
peace mcnuggets! bru!}
Thinking About thinking!! Its Horrible But Combine
that With Discos drugs girls and the music movie &
club biz ,well then Now that you mentioned those
little details, you got a fuckin theatrical blockbuster
on your hands! Oh yeah throw in a paradise island!
Yeah! Fuck yeah! Im gonna be rich! thats what you
think I would be thinking but the reality is Look At
He managed to get to be a Billionaire before thirty
but no hit songs... Now they say Justin Biebers Voice
is changing? Holy Shit!! Who knew? Meanwhile

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

back at the base camp, troops return home to the
same old story since Vietnam. Persona Non Grata.
Thinking about thinking. what possessed them to
join the Military in the first place? Legislation?
Poverty and unemployment? Probably economic
devastation mixed with wicked be all that you can be
commercials, Just like Top Fuckin Gun!! How many
of our sons and daughters joined the armed services
and lost their lives because they saw that great war
movie? Which one was it again?
Thinking about thinking. How many of us started
smoking because we saw the same? A movie
billboard or tv show? Idea viruses planted in the mind
of the unknowing all seeing all hearing all believing
Alpha state hypnotized general public, like seeds
waiting to germinate with the right fertilization. And
so there we have the schools, teaching patriotism at
every turn. Molding the young minds, & planting
seeds of our limitations. Recording them and sending
it home to your parents to let them know what the
system thinks of you. In reality being a Billionaire is
about thinking out side the box, and not just outside
the box as in your cat shitting on the carpet, I mean
really outside the box!
Your Boy Is HYPER-Active! He has a Strange
desire to be free! We dont have the slightest idea
where he gets it from! He for sure has a problem
obeying authority! He needs to be rehabilitated! As
the Gavel slammed down on the desk I wondered
exactly what that meant until,
I heard the judge finish the Sentence Therefore since
he is a minor and a Person In Need of Supervision He
will be held in custody of the state as a ward of the
court of the state of new york until such time as he

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

has rehabilitated himself...but at minimum until his
sixteenth birthday... Court Dismissed!
Yeah I shouldnt have let him finish... cause as soon
as he finished his sentence, mine began. Being a
minor and a Person In Need of Supervision a
P.I.N.S as they used to call it, in the annals of Juvy
hall Or the Juvenile court system of the great state of
New York. Being incarcerated is the answer for many
a young black youth growing up in New York City or
the surrounding suburbs. If you look at the
incarceration rates back in those days you would
think they was givin away free tvs and steak dinners
they had so many young blacks up in the system.
Getting them processed, and in the system, at an early
age to ensure they stay with them and become lifers
in the system, or give birth to more kids that can
come and feed the system. Recitative a REPEAT
OFFENDER thats the stuff that keeps the system
running smooth, but from the inside its a different
game. Its not that you need nerves of steel but the
first time when you arrive and there are already six
guys living in your area and the first thing they do is
come and give you their sneakers to wash and they
tell you you gotta use your own tooth brush... hmm.
Now there are a couple of things that can happen
here oh wait one last little detail to mention, your
about five foot 5 inches tall so lets not get any
thoughts about intimidating the six guys with your
fierce physical prowess. So what do you do? Dude!
Its the first fucking day?! Whats going to happen
when you guys get to know me a little bit. Well its
more like the first twenty minutes, and already its
starting to look like its going to be very interesting,
now ladies and gentlemen, what I am about to tell
you may shock or surprise you, but I must tell you, I
only tell you this story because you may need to
know. For most they believe that darwin once again
can kick in and you can let the strongest survive so

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

who the fuck cares who is the savior of the little guy.
Who is the vanguard of the proletariat? It obviously
aint da government dats for sure. The Government
is trying to put the human population into the
permanent Sleeper hold all stuffed up on microwave
meals, Aspartame, fluoride football and the final four.
If I remember correctly it was the government that
recommended you stay with them! And from the
inside you feel betrayed to the depth of your soul,
betrayed by your societal vision of family and what is
right and what is wrong, and who really is looking
out for you in your existence. Is your mom or your
dad? The Television? At a very young age the
children of the world learn the rights of passage
through branches of the system that have used abused
killed and maimed those very children with whom
they were given powers of guardianship over. Many
times it is those very same survivors of these
institutions, that can not only give you a chilling
account of what its like to be owned by the state,
they can also look deeply into the present state of the
world and see the hold the state presently has, on
many places. But the inside is more about how the
system works on you as an individual. By limiting
your resources and pitting you in the all out life and
death gladiator battle for the last piece of pocket lint.
However Sometimes its not the Strongest that
survive... Sometimes its the SMARTEST who have
deprived education so they sought out their own.
Denied nutrition so they nurtured each other, hand to
mouth sister to brother, mother to son father to
The Hegelian Dialectic of problem, reaction,
solution, is filled with flavor when you unleash it
with a bit of Machiavelli's The Prince. In a world
where the prince is not subjects to the laws. Throw in
a bit of Rand Corp Philosophy and shake! What
comes out is very interesting, if I do say so myself.

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

First you get hardened criminals who have done
multiple bids, are good at doing time, and weather
they enjoy it or not, think of life up in da bing. Da
same as out. Sep in da bing you get three squares,
Three square meals that is. However, excuse me for
sounding nieve, but the government is feeding it to
you, they already dont like you, do you really think
they are not fuckin with your food? Testin all types
of military shit on ya, and then wait to see who falls
over half dead then crawls in sick? Thats what they
do to the general population, why wouldnt they do it
to you in The Prison System? Now just imagine you
grow up a child in that very same system and you get
out through that loop hole they had in the system
back in the day, EDUCATION. Why? Cuz dey knew
deeez niggaz in hea waz not gonna start readin no
books and applying dat head to no studyin! But when
one did and did it well? Well then they gave you the
keys to the city!! And when your locked up in the
state Juvenile CorrectionsPrison System The Keys
to the City, Could Just be enough KEY to get yo
black as FREE! Get free and tell the world that they
better watch out! Cause santa clause is coming to
town but he aint bringing no treats, just tricks! And a
Big ass Bag a coal, that could give black lung to the
entire third world quicker than you could say Ho Ho
there tryin to turn your daughters into Hos! For all
of you that thought your government was there to
help you, it seems that they have been plotting and
conspiring to conceal our birth rights. Then lock us
out at the last minute when the shit hits the fan. From
Operation North Woods [Q , 5/18/11 12:56 AM
Google it baby go head baby search for
links to you tube vids dig up as much as
you can find about Deep Underground
Military Bases...] to the full Scope of Austerity,
the Great Work of Ages has been scripted, plotted,

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

planed pre produced and casting found some guys
down at regenerative sciences to dig up a couple a
sphinxes and crank us out a Manchurian Candidate
that will bring home an Oscar for sure! Folly-Wood
lays the trail. However the Alex Joness & Tony
Legends type information warriors of the world will
be there, with one eye open to the fact that in reality
the war is not on drugs or against terrorism As your
governments would like you to believe, but the Real
War going on is for your Mind. It is an information
war the powers that be are waging on you! With a
steady stream Global Dis-info-mation to the Global
Dis-info-nations in order to control you! The general
public, at all times. The governments of the world
would like to see humanity wrapped in body scanners
face recognition cameras and retinal scanners with
RFID tracking devices attached to YOU!... The
general population. So they can keep control of the
people with the stiff arm of technology wrapped
around brute force. This was the sign of the times.
The more research done the more you see who has to
profit from the extinction of the human species for
profit. Over 90% of the varieties of vegetables fruits
were gone! The fish the wildlife, all of it. They are
killing it off an alarming rate while most of modern
mass media soaked humanity, is sitting at home
watching watch IDOL. Or wile you stand Idle sit
idle sleep idle or just live your life on idle. Which is
the real goal of all the NON-Reality based Cheap tv
they pumping into your already overcrowded mental
information stream, while radioactive isotopes from
Fukashima spew in to the Oceans and atmosphere.
Along with 24 hour a day online video gaming so
that you spend your entire life in a virtual killing
reality, coming out only to eat shit and sleep. Will we
continue to drink from the stream thats killing the rest
of the planet or will we smell the Fishy rats and
throw them to the cats and put the dogs of war to

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

sleep for one last time, before we wake up to find the
dogs got hungry in the night and started having us for
breakfast? Its up to us collectively as humanity with
Facebook and Twitter Revolutions Sweeping
countries with Eyes Wide Open. The people Are
Taking to the streets unarmed and Capturing the
Tyrannical Elite One by one At their homes and
offices. Bob Marley said whoever shall dig the pit
shall fall in it. And these Rats have done some
serious digging haven't they? From Hitlers Germany,
to Obamaville. The world is waking up. As the Beast
rears her ugly head, you can plainly see is wearing
the mark of the beast, however what about when you
find out that the Very Same IBM that help count all
the jews going into the ovens with their first
punchcard computer systems, is also the maker of the
VERI CHIP RFID Radio Frequency Identity Device!
Surprisingly word on the street is they are inscribed
with some interesting numbers. But dont Believe the
hype! Google it baby Go head Baby. yes It was Time,
Time To...
Ibiza was changing again, and it was interesting,
there was now a hotel going up that was just for
Clubbers! interesting Concept but I see it really hasn't
reached its full potential yet. However The question
is whats it changing to? And whats it changing
from? Its amazing how some parts havent changed
in 50 to 100 years, some pockets of people doing the
same thing in the same way they were 50 years ago.
Making things slowly, and taking their time with the
land and spending time with the family. School is out
at 2. O clock in the afternoon. And every one must
stop work and go home to the family. Interesting
idea, super simple but so far removed my my New

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

York State of mind. When I arrived for the first time
all those years ago, The fact that there was not a soul
moving in the streets in the middle of the day! When
you could be making a killing? {Interesting
coincidence how in America even the terminology
used for making a lot of money is MAKING A
KILLING...} But the people were at home, they
closed the shops and went home got the kids and
went to the beach! Then some showered and went
back to work & some stayed at the beach! Why not?
It was Paradise All year Round! Its Feb 6th Miss
Lunas birthday, Shes A super Aquarius, & one of
my rising Star Students I love her to bits and thanx
to her, I have been able to flower a little bit more. Im
learning something massive day by day hour by hour
moment by moment. Im Not sure what the full
scope of it is though but I know Its not over yet. My
boy came out fine he arrived looking like he was
gonna have a casting later that day. He went on to
become a child model at the age Six... Months that
is And after doing his first Ibiza magazine cover at
the ripe old age of one, He has gone on to do photo
shoots for international child clothing magazines the
world over. Hes quite popular in france it seems but
it has to do with the fact that he is absolutely
Gorgeous. But of course you knew that, and you
knew I had to say that, but its true. Anyway, hes not
ready to play the Karate kid yet, but I no longer have
panic about his birth, nor do I get night cravings for
chocolate cheese. My boy had grown up to play
Soccer and basketball and skateboard, rollerblade,
finger board & decide not to be a vegetarian. Go to
Bali, swim with dolphins speak four languages
fluently, and basically manage to to have an overall
good time doing what ever he felt like doing. Would
he fully be able to grasp the complexities of the
world he lives in, in enough time to stop it from
detonating itself from the living room of an average

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

arkansas family between dinner and bed time
because: Their nine year old happened to be playing
command and control Kill Em All online video
game, when some freak of nature glitch in the system
{he was Hacking in to it} caused him to fail safe
strike the real pentagon? And although Sources from
the pentagon say the fail safe strike was friendly
fire the automatic ballistic response system
engaged... Almost triggering well you know...
mutually assured madness, the by product of Disaster
Capitalism, brought to you by the makers of The New
World Dis-Order? Who knew? Somebody Knew,
When the bill was passed for the original budget
proposal it was called the Assured Secured Satellite
for Hollowed out lethal extractions More
affectionately called by those in the know Ass for
holes it was multi layered, and the people were
existing in the middle of all the layers. And they were
beginning to ask questions. Why? Because
Something was beginning to stink like shit! And there
was a Solution To this shitty situation. The Powers
that be knew it, However they were attempting to
hide it... So what. We were catching on at an
exponential rate waking up, Rising & Shining Like
the Stars we truly were. The physical and the
Spiritual, were now wrapped around the
metaphysical, and the existential. No matter how you
sliced it the shit stunk! and was hitting the fan like a
fire hose.
It was more than just multidimensional, It was not
just about finding the promised land, and resting your
spirit with sea sun and sand. It was about getting your
shit together and building, your brand. It was also
about getting some land. And a garden, with a green
house that protected the plants from airborne
pollutants then the plants should be hydroponic, if
you want to really make sure the soil is clean and
contaminant free. There was a whole way of living

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

that was evolving out of the attempted annihilation of
of the human species As we are being made extinct
we are trying to discover the formula... our own
Symphony of Survival... There were no other
choices no rivals... On many levels we dont want to
just be cogs in the wheel, or road kill either, for that
matter. This is the perplexing series of events that
have brought us here to the island of Ibiza, Every one
searching for their own recipe for life their own way
on their own terms. When
George From Nightmares, Waxed up to the hood I
was like Oh shit Somebody else got it? here ears and
eyes open Its not just me is it? Somebody heard
about old Nozzy And the Prophecies and Now
Americans were starting to turn up to the picnic like
turnips at a picnic yuck! but Wait you gotta try these
turn ups they are pretty cool! and they got cool
friends that get it too! Got it? Golden!!
So If you had to end your book and move on to the
next stage of your life, but you only had one hundred
words to do it In, how would you do it? Would you
try to write something really fancy or spectacular or
would you hope that people looked up in the sky and
noticed that planes are flying above spraying Giant
GO LOOK OUT THE WINDOW! and if not this
week maybe next week google it baby go head baby!
Keep looking out that window cause they are
inundating you with Alien survivor rescue films,
Look at All the Latest Videos in the summer of 2012
Aliens are your friends! Go with them and make
love! Woa! Google it baby go head baby! And their
putting fluoride in your water, and aspartame in your
food, and your politicians have already sold you

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

down the river to the globalists, they just havent told
you yet.
Your paper money is worthless, they have already
disintegrated it and haven't told you yet that is why
gold will go to 3,000 dollars an ounce and more and
silver will soon follow. they already have these things
called SDRs or special drawing rights What ever the
fuck that means! Who Gets These Special Drawing
rights? Who decides? Is it a country? A Bank? A
Consortium? All questions you need to be asking
yourself as you watch the price of fuel & food
skyrocket by design, all the Bio food you buy in the
supermarkets is really just companies bought up but
big agriculture and left their names unchanged
Rockafeller Standard Oil style, So you think your
eating healthy bio food, but in reality its made by the
same people who are poisoning you on the other
shelves your avoiding at the supermarket. Google it
Baby Go head Baby! Like getting a constant electric
shock in your right hand from your laptop while
typing, is that going to cause something we dont
know a bout or will we be able to get them to fix it be
before it fixes us?
And the plan to put you in pens like the Nazis did but
with wifi and internet like the matrix so you just
think its all biz-nezz az uz-ual. Google it baby Go
head baby! And not that you can trust Google look
how they got caught with their hand in your info
drivin a round the world grabin data... a huh data. Ok
then I am going to recommend that If we get a chance
to meet it will because we are going to share
marvelous gifts that we have to share because the
world as a whole needs it. That means we have to
start really caring and really loving, because we are
the hope and the light in the world that we are
actually looking and searching so hard to find. If we
we could just put down our I phones and turn off that
damn TV we could figure that out. but they got us

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

Hypnotized So we know what to do, they got us
Hypnotized, yeah You too! Edward Bernaise nephew
of Sigmund Freud and the father of modern day
advertising and Public relations, spoke about the the
Television as being the Happiness machine. He
educated modern governments on how to use
psychology to totally control a population by the use
of an eternal pursuit of happiness. You could then by
the proper stimuli effectively seduce the human into
purchasing almost anything you were selling as long
as it was portrayed as the thing that the happy people
do. be it smoking cigarettes taking drugs voting for a
particular candidate Bernaise showed how by using
advertising you could alter the perceptions of a
persons reality by playing on subconscious desires
hidden below the surface but present in all humans.
So they used this power sell us things we didn't need
while distracting us from the bigger plan... the Great
Work of Ages. The Hegalian Dialectic now on
steroids was now our new and improved web 2.0
with an unlimited number of problems to throw at
you to keep you occupied you could really get lost in
the Zeitgiest but who wrote the script? All this show
and tell smoke and mirrors funny smell, all of it was
heading in a general direction we were being herded
like cattle to the slaughter and it was going to be
those with a clue who would survive. we were all
living on the titanic! The thing is that somebody
forgot to tell us that we ALREADY hit the iceberg!
Ages ago when the first kings and queens
pronounced their rule over the commoners, and it is
that Tyrannical rule that persists down to this day.
What we are witnessing in front of our eyes is only
the bubbles that are escaping from a ship that has
already been torpedoed way beyond repair and we
are the survivors. The Last survivors of a dying race,
but were the most alive they had ever seen come

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

around this place. We were Awakening The
Bohemian Zygote was beginning to rise
So the question remains...
Will you buy the book Or the audio book, will you go
see the:
The Film? Will You Attend
The festival? Will you donate to
The foundation? Will you gawk and buy clothes
The Online Shop? Will you walk the Catwalk at...
The fashion show!! Will you read
The Comic book? Will you play
The Play Station game? Will you tune in to interact
The Radio Show? Will you stream or download
The Internet Video Series? Will you download
The Podcast? Will you download
The myPhone Application? Will you Activate
The myPad Interactive book? Will you watch
The Japan-imated Television Series? Will you Get a
Ticket to
The Live performance starring yours truly in life size
3d Hologram?
I dont know exactly how its going to shake out, but
let me tell you Im gonna take a little advice from
Gary V via his interview with Jason C And Im
gonna Get off the Bitch Train and Crush it! So
Have A Great Day! And See you in Paradise!
As usual however something was changing in
paradise, more and more people were coming out for
spiritual reasons, heeding the Sirens call and making
Ibiza their home. Some stories are filled with intrigue
and suspense, & some get their calling while off in
far away lands like Toby and Belinda of Ibiza Reiki.
They were called back to Ibiza to help with the

TRue IBiZa SToRies...

Copyright 2012, all rights reserved.

A Novel By Q DeRHINO

healing process. In turn they became an integral part
of the coming together of others of like spirit. These
like spirited people were all actively participating in a
gathering of souls with a true desire to strengthen the
meaning of community as the times grew more
challenging more souls were awakening to their true
roles as healers teachers channelers prophets wizards
and Messengers.
We had interesting times ahead of us, but we surely
didn't get seats this good by accident. Now you know
with all the things going on in the world we really
needed to have proof that it could really work you
know? Proof that the speech that martin luther king
gave so long ago was really possible some place
REAL, not just a Story book Place You read about in
Best Selling Novels. He had a dream, but I think he
had the same dream we all have had but did you ever
stop to think weather that dream was The Same Ibiza
Dream We have all had?? Those of us the daughters
and sons of the Guia The Bohemian Zygotes that
populate this island. Didnt they have that same
dream? And are they not living it in 2011?
They called him a great dedicated man and the
moral leader of a nation a philosopher of a non
violent system of behavior, in seeking to bring about
social change, for the advancement of justice,
freedom, & human dignity. Martin Luther King felt
that his march on washington in 1963 would go down
in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom
in the history of the nation. Dr King spoke of Five
score years ago the great Abraham Lincoln signed
the Emancipation Proclamation. Dr King said it
came as a red beacon light of hope to millions of
Negro Slaves for those who had been seared by the
flames withering injustice. He said came as a
joyous daybreak to end the long night of their
captivity. He said However But one hundred years
later the Negro is still not free!... ...The negro Lives

TRue IBiZa SToRies...

Copyright 2012, all rights reserved.

A Novel By Q DeRHINO

on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast
ocean of material prosperity... ...and finds himself
exile in his own land... ...and so we come here today
to dramatize a shameful condition. He said in a
sense that they had come to the nations capitol to
Cash a Check, when the architects of our Republic
wrote the magnificent words of the constitution and
the declaration of independence, they were signing a
promissory note, to which ever American was to fall
heir. a promise that all men yes Black men as well
as white men would be guaranteed the inalienable
right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness...
He went on to say that it is obvious today that
America has defaulted on this promissory note as far
as her citizens of color are concerned instead of
honoring this sacred obligation they had come back
with a check marked insufficient funds we had been
written a bad check!
Dr King said Said We refuse to believe that the bank
of Justice is bankrupt, we refuse to believe that their
are insufficient funds in the great vaults of
opportunity. so they came to cash a check that would
give them on demand the riches of freedom and the
security of justice. We have come to remind America
of the fierce urgency of now! This no time time to
engage in the luxury of cooling off or to take the
tranquilizing drug of gradualism.
Now is the Time! To make real the promises of
democracy, Now is the Time! To Rise from the dark
an desolate valley of segregation, to the sunlit path of
racial justice! He said Now is the Time! To Lift
our Nation from the quicksands of racial injustice to
the solid rock of brotherhood, Now is the Time! To
make justice a reality for all of gods of children. It
would be fatal for the nation to overlook the urgency
of the moment. This sweltering summer the negroes
legitimate discontent, will not pass until there is an
invigorating autumn of freedom and equality 1963 is

TRue IBiZa SToRies...

Copyright 2012, all rights reserved.

A Novel By Q DeRHINO

not an end but a beginning... Dr King Speaking
about a place where sons of former slaves and the
sons of former slave owners would be able to sit
down together at the table of brotherhood. Even
states sweltering with the heat on injustice and
oppression would be transformed into an oasis of
freedom and justice A nation where his four little
children would one day live in a nation where they
would not be judged by the color of their skin but by
the content of their character. Little black boys and
black girls would be able to join hands with little
white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers.
After experiencing the second healing Ibiza day I
realized that Dr kings Dream had come true right in
front of our eyes. And at the same time Alvin
Tofflers Future shock had also come true.
Paradoxically juxtaposed onto this vision of serene
blissful paradise was a world of Genetic plant &
Animal modification underreported Nuclear War and
So much more. So I too had come to dramatize a
shameful condition, I learned that we can change
whats going on its not just happening around us.
Even though there are things we have done to the
planet that will last for millions of years we have still
so much more power than we think, and so much left
to save. Now can give intention to new solutions that
were once not even a part of our consciousness. We
are moving things, we are moving people, moving
and changing perceptions as well as the parameters &
Paradigms of what was and is possible, in our
consciousness. So we have made ourselves moving
spirit in an exponential constant feedback loop, that is
living and breathing, the same way we are the
members of the organism that is mother Earth The
Guia... In the game plan of the Great Work of Ages...
They want to make everybody the Negro Only
time would tell. Or maybe it already has, Zyons
Rising weather you notice it or not. Ten years ago

TRue IBiZa SToRies...

Copyright 2012, all rights reserved.

A Novel By Q DeRHINO

when I first set foot on ibiza the world was a different
place, but I knew it was changing and others knew
too! Thats why I was still there I kept meeting people
who had gotten a similar calling for different reasons
at different times but the result was the same. A very
interesting detailed distinctive True IBiZa SToRy If
You have ever set foot on Ibiza you have your very
own. Even if you have never been here in your life!
You for sure could still have one, because you may
have a friend or friends that have told you wild tales
of the Rich and shameless or of their very own lives.
It was just like Bernard had described that scene in
the Matrix where all of mothers children were there
just havin it! A few years ago A friend of mine
Started a party in Ibiza called The Zoo Project, and
its out doors and all the people come dressed like
animals and they dance outside in the open air, then
as night falls they dance under the stars. Some are
body painted from head to toe. The interesting thing
about this party is My friend swears he never told any
body to dress up, They just started turning up like
that then everyone was doing it! it was like a
spontaneous combustion Of the Spirit. Ibiza is like
that some times for thousands of years we have come
again and again to cleanse our spirits and rejuvenate
our souls a place where our souls could return to their
timelessness in the cipher regardless of what was
taking place out side of those Castle walls what was
inside stayed sacred Wild untamed, brazen, indulgent,
hedonistic, loving, caring, sharing, & giving birth
until our True Ibiza Story turned into our very own
Ibiza Love Story. I found mine, Whats Yours?
I Am,
Calling out your name
You are the one and only.
You and I are the same...
We are history as she shapes herself...

TRue IBiZa SToRies...

Copyright 2012, all rights reserved.

A Novel By Q DeRHINO

She is shining bright
No man no woman on the shelf.
We are fascinated by this
We have approached her
If it is our turn to
Step to the plate,
To open up the door,
To Rise Once More,
To burst and crack the nut of the seed
Before we bleed...
To death.
As humanity takes a deep breath,
She wonders weather or not her eyes are opened wide
Only to be drowned By the
Un-conditioning sound Of
Lies if they rain down...
Crimes as they pain the sound
Dance naked under palm trees
Was her only reply...
One tear drying
In one dying eye.
Nature and Humanity are forever twisted,
We have listed all the crimes...
But we have never shed these lines
Without fears
Next to tears of joy.
For in little girls,
And in
Little boys
There is still the presence of
This shining sun
Only one!
We must dance...
Under African Skies,
Never Fearing to open those Eyes.
Dance naked under palm trees

TRue IBiZa SToRies...

Copyright 2012, all rights reserved.

A Novel By Q DeRHINO

She shouts!
As her cloud bursts,
The rain drops doubt.
As it touches ground zero
Blasting off to the sun
We can see her again as one
The Guia is on fire.
Dance Naked Under Palm Trees.
I hear her twisting in the wind
Rumble with me
Blow with me again...
Save my soul
For she and I are entwined
There is no time left to know...
Only Now...
How will you go?
What seeds have we sown?
And if not us...
Who will bring it on?
Dance Naked Under Palm Trees.
Well Maybe not yet, its wed. July 6 9.59 in the
morning as Of to day Amnesia Is the The Best club in
the world four out of five years. And by the radio
stations estimate of what I should be paid per month
{If they Actually Paid For the Years I already
Worked} Multiplied by 4 months multiplied by two
years one month and one week they Should owe me
in the ball park of 10 thousand Euros which is a lot
more than dollars let me tell ya. Any who If you Did
the Royalties on the fact that My voice is
programmed for every five minutes and has been
between that and every seven minutes for three
years... now lets do the math seven goes into 60
minutes 8.5 times. Multiplied by 168 hours in the
week you get 1,428 multiply that by 52 weeks per

TRue IBiZa SToRies...

Copyright 2012, all rights reserved.

A Novel By Q DeRHINO

year74,256 x 3 =222,768 so imagine if you could
charge just one euro each they would owe me about a
quarter of a million dollars in royalties as well!
Wouldn't that be great? Will they Ever Pay? No... &
Yes! Why? Well first because in the eyes of the radio
they are doing you a favor when they sell your voice
to their millionaire club owner clients without paying
you, very much. And in a Way they are but only if you
follow up on the back end. However when they
called you in a total panic ten years earlier when they
were all working for commercial radio at channel
100. They called because as usual they had a problem
they couldn't solve, usually thats how it is when I get
the call. This time it was Because The star Dj the
Head of a show called dance Ibiza, went
Awol {Absent Without Leave.} His name was
Dave Brown. Now I had just come from Penn State.
The Bohemian Zygote was incubated when I
Hosted The Wu Tang Clan @ the Crowbar for Happy
Valley & the largest streaming event ever. The live
stream event on air was for a Record 2 plus million
that night at Penn State, so I knew where the future
of radio was going, even If these guys didn't even
have reliable Internet! With Dave Brown Gone they
were fucked! He left some hours before his show and
wasn't coming back. Chuck was there Mike And
Isreal Weed. Isreal was third on the list of DJs and
had never been asked to do an International DJ gig
outside of ibiza or anywhere else for that matter. So I
laid down the Plan . Get a new show call it Club Ibiza
Radio Get Fans And Members involved if possible
and start thinking about the fact that at some point
this radio station os going to be serving a global
audience not just the hometown crowd. Soon live
streaming would arrive and change the game forever.
We had to act quick, My Single Swingers delight was
on a funky ibiza compilation that had an Intro from
the Airport, It sounded cool! So I told them to Sample

TRue IBiZa SToRies...

Copyright 2012, all rights reserved.

A Novel By Q DeRHINO

the intro, and use it for the Club Ibiza Introduction
Jingle they still use it five days a week to this day..
Passajeros Con Destino IBIZA... ...LAST CALL
IBIZA... On that night... Club Ibiza radio was born,
and Isreal Weed Began his rise to Dj Superstardom...
Hosted By Carlitos, and you have seen and heard the
rise of Ibiza worldwide radio. Then came Sonic
Ibiza All run by Isreal Weed and Mike His Main
Man, who Manned the phone and had his back. With
the Help of Isreals Girlfriend and the Team they built
around them, those two boys would change the face
of Radio Forever. Ten years later In june 2011 the
International Radio festival invited me to fly to
Switzerland to represent Sonic Ibiza on the
international level. The year Before Isreal Weed had
been Invited to attend The Very First International
Radio Festival Ever. The Festival booked me to play
a five hour set, with one of my Ibiza Mentors Andy
Dub. We played that five hour set live & streamed
our shows Audio And Video to the world, Live Just
like I had dreamt about ten years earlier. On the
Festival website I was described as a Radio Pioneer
of the Highest order... {And to me that meant
Somebody was actually listening somewhere!}
However Back home in Ibiza At that very same radio
station, sometimes you got the feeling they felt the
same way the record labels feel. Like they are doing
YOU a favor when they SELL YOUR MUSIC AND
you shit but the bill for the Video and recording
Expenses! They will tell you you need to go look for
work in addition having a record deal & working for
the Radio! To them what you do for them doesn't
constitute work. no... thats Almost Charity. Your an
ARTIST! you don't need MONEY! They However
get paid well for it. But have no Art! So After ten

TRue IBiZa SToRies...

Copyright 2012, all rights reserved.

A Novel By Q DeRHINO

years of donating My services This year I will Pay
Myself! So by the time you read this book it will be
on its viral way, with direct distribution to 850 radio
stations with 100 new songs for download and a new
Novel from a top radio DJ on the inside of the Ibiza
Music Industry. One who for the last ten years has
been quietly & consistently producing quality
productions and Live performances. And now is
coming out dominating his market with a Massive
body of High Quality Inspirational Uplifting Positive
Vibrations! YEAH! Now maybe the radio jocks are
not interested in a book written by yet another radio
disc jockey. However when the people ask about
whats going on behind the scenes, In and around the
Industry, the People want that True Ibiza Story...
They will want to know that the billion dollar club
industry was built on the backs of Slaves, Yes Slaves
just like America was Built, and in almost the same
way. Underpaid or never paid workers who work one
hundred and twenty days, almost non stop on little
sleep, food or water, the way it is almost every where
in the New World Dis-order... The difference here is,
regardless of weather or not things have gotten better
and worse over the years... If you really caught a
good year and you actually got paid, and you
hustled and grinded and didnt flip the fuck out in
GUARANTEED! {You know what, come to think of
it? One day Im Gonna Buy that fucking radio
station! Hey and Not so I can Go Macrosoft on them
and trash the place, fire everybody, and sell it off in
Tini little pieces... No no Every body gets to keep
their jobs, all the Artists get to keep their A-life, But
One up for the underdogs of the world working their
asses of year in and year out just to be told that They
were still earning their stripes when in reality they

TRue IBiZa SToRies...

Copyright 2012, all rights reserved.

A Novel By Q DeRHINO

had earned them centuries before...} If you can
Survive all that! Then You could make it out with
enough BRAND EQUITY to build yourself that little
empire in the sun somewhere Anywhere! Maybe even
Here! They used to say about New York that if you
could make it There you could Make it Anywhere.
But if you could make it in IBIZA? Woa! Now that
would be something every fucker in New York would
trade for in a minute! Rich or poor, Black or White,
young or old, Free or WAGE Slave. It would be A
DREAM Come true to them. You see when you
arrive with a dream in your eyes its easy for the
powers that be in any situation to take full advantage
of your light, your energy, and the attraction the
people have to you. They will sell it Make Billions on
it And wont even think twice to ask if your living in
the street! What do they care they are the gate
keepers and you are just some unknown person they
never heard of before with no voice and obviously
NO CHOICE. The only fatal flaw is when our Global
Spiritual Technology catches up with the gatekeepers,
and the Artist breaks free, and strikes their Own
Claim on their Own Dreams. I knew they were
going to ride me for as many years as I would let
them. And this is not really Ibiza but those who use
Ibiza as a mechanism to extract capitol from the
people, and not as mechanism to share the fruits of
the bounty Ibiza has given to them. It is a microcosm
of the macrocosm. The same everywhere. Every
Radio Station Is really struggling to monazite on the
medium and its elusive resources in the seasonal
short term. And the Clubs? They get Rich Doing it to
who they can when they can. Ask the Residents How
much they are paid, and you will be in for a rude
awakening. But What if your in it for the long haul,
and see all that going on around you? Billions in
CASH! Private Jets Superstars Vip Villas Cocaine
Ecstasy Ketamine, and Sex & Thugs & Rock & Roll.

TRue IBiZa SToRies...

Copyright 2012, all rights reserved.

A Novel By Q DeRHINO

But Will they Pay? Yes... But How? How? They
already have. By the time you read this book I will
have closed a multiple movie deal with some Film
Producer friends I met in Ibiza, who were only
looking to get funding for one film, but it looks like
were going to secure it for a three film Deal for
somewhere in the ball park of 30 Million... Pesetas?
No Euros so In the End even if the deal falls through,
that fact that one is on the table now is proof that we
can find a another one. Sundance Film Festival, is in
the works and Cannes is already wetting her knickers.
They asked me to play a character role, you know the
one of the island radio Disc jockey who tells the
stories of The island through the songs. And Since I
just spent the last ten years deeper than deep in the
local and international music scene, it only made
sense that I would be the Musical Director of the
film. It also didn't hurt that I had already done two
other Ibiza Feature Films. Both have gone on to
become cult classics. This one would be in english
with an international cast. It would contain stars from
multiple countries, many who already dying to be
asked are submitting requests Why? Is it because
everybody and their mother is trying to jump the
Ibiza Band wagon? Or because the Producer has
lived in ibiza on and off since 1965 he Invited Jimi
Hendrix to come Ibiza so many years ago. It was the
trip to Ibiza from San Francisco as a young fashion
photographer in the 60s, that led the Beatles to hire
those same Crazy Ibiza artists to create fashions for
the Beatles. In Turn The Flower power movement
that had begun and Ibiza was forever Stamped as that
place where the world would now look to to find
inspiration in its time of confusion uncertainty and
despair. They would come in search of that Magic
Elixir Of Ibiza with The Muses Rapt around All
those things that opulence can offer, never changing

TRue IBiZa SToRies...

Copyright 2012, all rights reserved.

A Novel By Q DeRHINO

the fact that the MONEY DOESN'T MAKE YOU
Will Happiness be True, ONLY when it comes into
you? Just like lovers do, when they know its true?
Will we have to make A film about it and call it Ibiza
Dreams for you to realize that this is the microcosm
of the macrocosm and we can all live our dreams if
we forsake all other things that don't ring absolutely
true to our souls. And what is being true to our souls?
The Eternal Search... Pursuing our Passions with
Love and Respect for ourselves and others as we
rebuild our human community from the ground up. It
was as if The Universe were singing our own sweet
Symphony of Survival, there were no other choices...
no rivals, only sweet songs & with a flash hypnotic
thought, that trigers a memory, that sparks an
inspiration, that recalls an epiphany, that soaks us in a
wet warm resonance. The vibration that was a hymn
of a new light, beginning with a vibe, that was
Moving through a tribe. Like a wave, washing over
us... crashing deep, opening, releasing all their
names. All the Daughters and Sons the Of the Guia
All called hypnotically by the Sirens song to fulfill
the prophecies of the next Evolutionary Cycle of
Humanity. Our sweet Symphony of Survival, as the
earth opened up her arms to us we knew we were the
answer. The Ones Those sharing in the Dances,
those taking life's Sacred Chances... See you on the
inside,... Cuz...even though the world is changing...
So are we!
Last week I got an E-mail From Our Man In
Fundraising. Just for the film package its a
25.500.000 Euro deal give or take fifty grand. If the
deal goes through... Will I Be the Music director of
the film and will I also Play a Small island Radio Dj
Who spins underground soul slipper cuts as the

TRue IBiZa SToRies...

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

waves lap the shores and the souls return again... for
just one more?... And weather this round of funding
hits or the next one does or not, who really cares? Im
Living my dream! And since Im doin it for Love!
And Not for the Love of Money... The Rest...
Is Golden.
The End? Or... Just Getting Started...

One Day Baby well be old, oh baby

well be old and think of all the stories
that we could have told

TRue IBiZa SToRies...

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A Novel By Q DeRHINO

If there is a thread running through any of this there
are many, but one central one has to do with what the
earth is trying to tell us at a basic level, and that is:
First, anyone who said that humanity cant live
together in peace and harmony because of racial,
geographic, religious, or ethnic, and socioeconomic
differences is herby proven totally wrong! The
Humans get on fine if you just leave them alone and
let them explore themselves.The humans have been
doing it for centuries perhaps eons. However we
manage to do it in ibiza and have done, for quite
some time now. Second thing is that over the last
decade I have been able to research, Analyze & study
deeply to see what happens to the spirit of the people
of all nations when you allow them to dance freely in
the open air to the music of the tribes, the real ethnic
music of the roots of these ethnic trees, from all the
root cultures. When you combine these rhythms with
the drum of Africa the rhythmic pounding pulsating
mesmerizing hypnotizing heat beat drum, the people
remember their affinity with the mother once more
and release the inhibitions placed upon them by
society. & the Lies told to them by their governments
and the oppression placed on them, maybe even by
their own family's all their lives... they had found a
new family an International Nation Of Dance,
Freedom, Sex And Drugs And Rock And Roll They
had come to loose themselves &
They found Paradise
When They Found themselves
Wed July 13-11 11-13
Book Officially Completed.

TRue IBiZa SToRies...

Copyright 2012, all rights reserved.

A Novel By Q DeRHINO

'DeRHINO Guru'
By A Edward Fludd IV
A practical Guide to A Practically Free Brand Building
Chapter one
The Call of the Wild...
Well for many of you you may not understand when
the wild calls you but for those of you WHo do? This
book is for you...
I say this because When it calls you either Answer or
get eaten For breakfast! Or Lunch, Or even dinner for
that Matter. But as the rise and fall of the inflatable
Superstar becomes as commonplace as the rise and
fall of global Economies... Well then I hear a Rumble in
the Jungle Fo' Sho' or for sure for those of you less hip
wit da lingo' Or just for those of you who need it
spelled out. Because thats exactly what needs to
happen here, and I am Going to spell it out for you
from A-Z In My Next Book release due in 2012
De RHINO Guru Guide
A Blueprint for Escaping Total Enslavement!

TRue IBiZa SToRies...

Copyright 2012, all rights reserved.

A Novel By Q DeRHINO


I'm Going to give you a step by step guide to Designing

your own website and to launching your Product or
business on the internet For Little or no Money thats
Right Little Or No Money! Thats why I wrote The
Second Book which is really a Step by step how to
manual On how to create passive income so that you
can get back to your life! Guru Methods that got me
to the White island Living my dream. I decided to put
some in the Novel for you Free! Tactics that will Help
you begin living your passion by producing passive
income so you no longer have to be a slave to the

De RHINO Guru Guide

A Blueprint for Escaping Total Enslavement!

Allowing readers to check and test out theories and
practices to boot- strap their own product or
business! The Information Sage!
So Look for It in 2012 on
Or to Get your own DeRHINO Guru Guide E-Mail me @
[email protected]
and Ask for it by name!

TRue IBiZa SToRies...

Copyright 2012, all rights reserved.

A Novel By Q DeRHINO


Free Cycle ... developers

Weebly web page/Host?
From Face Book or Add goes to Squeeze Weebly
page where You have a Screen Shot of the you
tube vid. They need to opt inThey Hit SubmitYou
Capture info .
They get a message that their Email needs to be
confirmed so the Video link is in their mail box
they can retrieve it there.The Back end is
Linked to a Gmail Account that receives the info
in the inbox but the Vacation Message Auto
replies and they get the link to the Actual Video
Which is on another Weebly page . then on the
third Vid it is on a weebly E-commerce site with
Add To Cart Shopping cart function linked to a
paypal account...
Excerpt taken from:
De RHINO Guru Guide
A Blueprint for Escaping Total Enslavement!
Edited By A Edward Fludd IV
TRue IBiZa SToRies...

Copyright 2012, all rights reserved.

A Novel By Q DeRHINO


Free Cycle... Landing page opt in...

Sign Up for our Newsletter &...
Instantly receive... Free 60 Minute Music
Mix From A Live Session.
when they submit the form The Back end is
Linked to a Gmail Account that receives the
info in the inbox but the Vacation Message
Auto replies and they get the link to the
File that is ready for down load for free
fromSendspace. or another free drop box
style provider...
Excerpt taken from:
De RHINO Guru Guide
A Blueprint for Escaping Total Enslavement!

Edited By A Edward Fludd IV

TRue IBiZa SToRies...

Copyright 2012, all rights reserved.

A Novel By Q DeRHINO

Free Cycle ... Email marketers
Weebly web page/Host?
From List Use mail Chimp to send out Email
Campaigns. Email link goes to Squeeze Weebly page
where You have a Screen Shot of the you tube vid.
They need to opt inThey Hit SubmitYouCapture info.
They get a message that their Email needs to be
confirmed so the Video link is in their mail box they
ca retrieve it there. The Back end is Linked to a Gmail
Account that receives the info in the inbox but the
Vacation Message Auto replies and they get the link
to the Actual Video Which is on another Weebly page.
then on the third Vid it is on a weebly E-commerce
site with Add To Cart Shopping cart function linked
to a paypal account...

Excerpt taken from

De RHINO Guru Guide
A Blueprint for Escaping Total Enslavement!
Edited ByA Edward Fludd IV

TRue IBiZa SToRies...

Copyright 2012, all rights reserved.

A Novel By Q DeRHINO


This Will Def&8ly shorten your learning

cur ve!! Start with the Very first steps and
here it is for for you to use these methods to
peruse your own Personal passion whatever
it is! I promise that I took the very same
journey and did it with out a trust fund a
rich uncle or a lottery pick. If you would like
to sit down with me personally I can work
out a plan for You! Drop me an E-Mail and
we can walk through it! Step By Step.
Since we cannot get down that road by
sitting still, every journey begins with the
very first step. Thank you for taking this
one with me.
I hope to hear from you soon!

[email protected]

TRue IBiZa SToRies...

Copyright 2012, all rights reserved.

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