True Ibiza Stories Final Kindle Cut March 18th 2013
True Ibiza Stories Final Kindle Cut March 18th 2013
True Ibiza Stories Final Kindle Cut March 18th 2013
The Birth of the Bohemian Zygote
Entry shot of this message as it's being typed in.
During the humming
#1 Love is the Almighty
"We must continue to
listen to the stories of our Grandcestors as we tell the
stories to our childrens children. For through this, we
find the Thru-Story, in His-story."
Then entering the screen one word at a time silence
then the sounds of the three notes:
Look up in the sky! Its a Bird! Its A plane No its.
Government planes Seeding the atmosphere with
heavy metals to try and kill life on earth but dont
believe me!
Google it Baby!.
Go-Head Baby!
Music Starts Then the sounds of the sea from 4u
live at peps!
Gotham |gm|
A nickname for New York City, used originally by
Washington Irving and now associated with the
Batman stories.
Video Visuals of the ferry arriving to the port of
Eivissa juxtaposed with a woman as she is being
admitted into the hospital. Slow motion video and
flashes of stills you never see her until the line that
Edited By A Edward Fludd IV