Osseous Integratiom Definitions:: Rama Raafatghotmi 201102639

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Rama RaafatGhotmi


Osseous Integratiom Definitions:

-The process and resultant apparent direct connection of an
exogenous materials surface and the host bony tissues without
intervening fibrous connective tissue present
- Histologically:Direct anchorage of an implant by formation of bone
directly on the surface of an implant without any intervening layer
of fibrous tissue- Albrektson and Johnson (2001)

Can osseo integration take place without

intervening connective tissue?
Yes, new researches show that there is connective tissue in bone
that help in nourishment of the bone.

Definition Of:
Osseointegration:formation of a direct interface between an
implant and bone, without intervening soft tissue".

Osteogenesis:The formation and development of bony tissue

Osteopreservation: presevation of bone
Osteoinduction: stimulation of osteoprogenitor cells to
differentiate into osteoblasts that then begin new bone formation.

Osteoconduction occurs when the bone graft material serves

as a scaffold for new bone growth that is perpetuated by the native

Osteoincorporation:when bone get incorporated to the

threads of the implant

Design a tool for precise continuous uniform finish

For a continuous uniform finish line in my opinion there must be
atool that obligate the clinician hand and the headpiece to move in
same matter and amount of cut.
From this point I thought what if we put a hard matrix that is strong
enough to hold the cutting motion of the bur !!
The clinician starts with a small finish line (0.5mm)normally, then
while finishing and increase the length of finish line he try to put a
The matrix then perfectly seated around the tooth .The handpiece
must be always in contact to the matrix while cutting.(laser instead
of handpience may be used)
Benefits:- uniform continuous finish line
-no undercuts.. the clinician must use the handpiece
always parallel to the matrix ...==> much more easier cause of
better vision

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